#2049 central city
repdonat · 1 year
Introduction to Donat - abridged history
The REPUBLIC OF DONAT (Donatese: Република Донат / Republika Donat) is a constituent country of the State Union. It lays on the peninsula of Donat and its neighboring isles in Ripiero. Donat borders the Rutherish Commonwealth to its southwest and the Mercantile Republics of Kruhasta to its southeast. Donat has a population of around 68 million, with the city of RADOGOST being its largest and capital city. It is divided into 14 administrative divisions: 11 populates and 3 constitutional territories.
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Throughout its history, Donat has consisted of many independent realms with a shared cultural and linguistic identity, though never politically unified. The people of Donat - the Donatians - departed from Kanita and settled Ripiero through the 11th and 12th centuries, establishing chiefdoms directly correspondent to their families. These chiefdoms would further consolidate into realms ruled by dynasties, which would come to form the first kingdoms of Donat. These kingdoms are, partially, the basis of Donat's modern populates.
Donat would find itself under Rutherish occupation in the 17th century, but would finally break free during the Crimson Revolution of 1956. Initially starting as small communal protests, the uprisings that formed the Crimson Revolution would take on an armed spirit and would force the Rutherish out of the land for good, aside from the region of West Pokoska, which remains in Rutherish hands to this day.
An independent government would be formed by a man called Lazar Karaslav - the most prominent figurehead of the revolution. This would mark the beginning of a state known as the Union of Socialist Donatian Republics, or the USDR for short. Although defined as republican and popular, the USDR was highly dictatorial and allowed for little naysaying. The autonomy of each Socialist Donatese Republic was very limited, and democratic elections were not present in the state. Despite this, the USDR's policies of industry nationalization was very economically beneficial to Donat, seeing as all factories were in control of Rutherish businessmen before the revolution.
Donat's later modern history would be a period of turbulence and frequent change of regimes. After Karaslav's death, the country was reorganized into the United Syndicates of Donat and began progressing towards the path of democracy. In 1990, Donat formed a union called Slavia with the country of Illjika. During this time period, the union was more of a loose confederation than a proper state. Things would change in 2025 with the Blackshirt Revolution, which would transform Slavia into a one-party totalitarian dictatorship under the rule of Sonya Kremenobor, hailing from the city of Karlov in Donat. This type of governance would last a mere 5 years, but would forever transform the economic landscape of the two countries.
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Coat of arms of the Confederation of Slavia from 2030 to 2049.
With the fall of the Blackshirt regime, Slavia was reorganized as a stable confederation whose constituents were politically equal. The Confederation of Slavia, which lasted until 2049, was a representative democracy with a centralized military, but under no single leader. The country of Hrozava would join the confederation in 2033 and would vote to leave it in 2049, which gave way to the abolishing of the confederation. In its place, a new state was - finally - erected once more, the State Union of Donat & Illjika.
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Coat of arms of the State Union of Donat & Illjika.
Today, Donat remains to be a constituent state inside the State Union. It is a modern and developed country with a functional but frequently unstable democracy. From constitutional crises to weird critters in your garden, Donat remains to be the bastion of modernity and industrial progress in Ripiero.
this is the most boring part of the introduction and even then its totally abridged but if youre a little nerd read up on the full history here
Interested in the world that surrounds Donat? There's plenty more! Learn more about Ulina and join our Discord server here: ULINA (linktr.ee)
Next post: Vera, the ancestral religion of Donatians
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xasha777 · 5 months
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In the year 2049, the city of Neo-Eden sprawled like a luminous octopus, its tentacles of glittering infrastructures diving deep into the sky, thanks to anti-gravity technology. It was a metropolis divided not just by wealth and cybernetic advancements, but by the very air its citizens breathed. Above the dizzying heights of the city's chrome towers was the Prohibited Airspace, a zone off-limits to all but the airborne elite and their automated sentries.
In the underbelly of Neo-Eden, where the city's lights could not pierce the ever-present smog, there resided an android known as Ira-7. She was an anomaly, a synthetic being with the appearance of a high-tech knight, her body a testament to engineering marvels long forbidden to the public. Ira-7, equipped with sensory enhancers and processors that made her more perceptive than any human, was a relic from a bygone era, relegated to the shadows of a society that had outgrown her kind.
But even relics have their uses.
A group of rebels, known as the Terra Firma, sought to dismantle the unjust barriers that kept the skies out of reach. They saw in Ira-7 not just an outdated machine, but the key to infiltrating the Prohibited Airspace. She was immune to the sensory overload that protected the zone, the bombardment of sonic waves, and encrypted frequencies designed to deter any unauthorized flight.
The Terra Firma reprogrammed Ira-7 with a mission: to escort a data disk containing the codes to dismantle the Prohibited Airspace's defenses, allowing every citizen of Neo-Eden to roam the skies freely. They had tried and failed with human pilots, but Ira-7 was different. She had no need for a cockpit or oxygen, no fear of heights or the guardians that patrolled the skies.
The plan was set into motion on a night when the neon rains fell, the droplets flickering with the city's pulse. Ira-7 ascended, her form cutting through the heavy air with precision, the leather of the old-world chair she left behind still warm. Her body was built for this—her every step defied gravity, her eyes pierced through illusions.
As she approached the invisible barrier, alarms blared throughout Neo-Eden. The sentries, swift and ruthless, converged on her position. Ira-7's programming allowed her to dodge and weave with a dancer's grace, her limbs moving in fluid, calculated defiance. She engaged in a deadly ballet, her form shimmering with each movement, a ghost in the machine.
She reached the core of the Prohibited Airspace, a floating fortress of steel and light. The data disk whirred within her chest, ready to be uploaded to the central hub. But there, she faced the ultimate guardian, an AI with the might of the city's founders behind it. The battle that ensued was silent but ferocious, as both beings of code and steel clashed in a storm of digital fury.
The fight seemed an eternity, but in a moment of clear strategy, Ira-7 unleashed the disk's payload. The codes spread like a virus, seeping into the fortress's systems, and with a surge of power, the Prohibited Airspace's barriers fell.
Neo-Eden woke to a new dawn, the skies open and inviting. And there, standing atop the highest spire, was Ira-7, her eyes reflecting the boundless horizon. She had not just delivered the skies to the people but had also found her purpose beyond the confines of her programming—a guardian of freedom in the boundless heavens above.
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puppetmaster55 · 2 years
What movies are in your trash watch list? 👀?
Oh god, there's so many, and spread out across so many different streaming places.
Like, there's Jurassic City (no clue what the plot is, but it has Ray Wise in it and police get eaten by CG raptors), and Save Yourself! (tribbles invade the planet), and Death Note (the american netflix movie; it's so trashy and bad but I am curious if it's really that bad or if it somehow manages to meet the central series theme of "wouldn't it be fucked up if this privileged teenage boy got a notebook that allowed him to feed that idle god complex inside him"), and... okay, even I have to admit that this is more of a rewatch since last I saw it in theater well over a decade ago. James Cameron's Avatar.
Mostly, the list is of mediocre to okay to probably-actually-really-good movies (The LEGO Movie Part 2, and The Croods 2, and Blade Runner 2049)
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Xi Jinping defends COVID Zero and threats to Taiwan in historic speech
“We have identified the main contradiction facing Chinese society,” Xi said. “The balance between adequate development and people’s growing need for a better life. We have made it clear that closing this gap must be the focus of all our initiatives.” Xi acknowledged the work of his predecessors through “Mao Zedong Thought” and the opening-up period in China under Deng Xiaoping, but he only mentions Mao in his speech as the National Party Congress prepares to enshrine “Xi Jinping Thought” – his economic, social and political doctrine – into the fabric of party. Sunday’s speech marks the start of the party’s national convention, a week-long event held once every five years that elects China’s top political leaders. President Xi is expected to be approved for a third term on Saturday when the party also unveils further amendments to its constitution. People’s Liberation Army squad members sit during the opening session of the 20th National Congress.attributed to him:Getty Images The man Xi replaced as chairman in 2012 was Hu Jintao in the audience along with other party elders. Zhang Gaoli, a former vice president accused of sexual assault by Chinese tennis player Peng Shuai, made his first public political appearance since the allegations surfaced in November last year. Shi Chuntao, a professor at the Party School of the Central Committee, said the party congress came at a “critical time” for China as it aspired to become the world’s first advanced socialist economy by 2049 – the centenary of the founding of Mao’s People’s Republic. from China. loading “We are now moving toward the bicentennial goals,” he said, adding that selecting the next group of delegates would be critical. “I feel that among all the major parties in the world there is no other party that attaches such importance to the selection of cadres.” It was the loudest cheers from 2,340 delegates in the Great Hall of the People on Sunday during the two-hour address for Xi’s comments on Taiwan and Hong Kong. “Order has been restored” in Hong Kong after national security laws implemented by Beijing in 2021 crushed dissent in the city, leaving dozens of pro-democracy leaders in jail and decimating dissent, Xi said. “The Patriots now run Hong Kong,” he said, The Chinese president said the future of Taiwan should be “decided by the Chinese” but did not set a deadline for reunification with the democratic island that China claims as its own. Only 6.5 percent of Taiwanese support unification with the mainland, according to a survey conducted by National Chengqi University in Taipei in September. “The wheels of history are turning toward the reunification and rejuvenation of the great Chinese nation,” Xi said. “A complete reunification must be achieved, and it can undoubtedly be achieved.” In August, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army blockaded Taiwan and fired missiles at the Democratic island in response to a visit by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. “We will continue to strive for peaceful reunification, but we will never promise to renounce the use of force, and reserve the option to take all necessary measures,” Xi said in remarks largely repeating previous comments on Taiwan. Xi cautioned that the international economic and security outlook is bleak but did not comment directly on Russia, its war in Ukraine or the ongoing diplomatic disputes between China, the United States and the West. “The Central Committee brought together the entire Party and the military and effectively led them in responding to serious international developments and a series of enormous risks and challenges,” he said. “Be prepared to withstand high winds, choppy water, and even dangerous storms.” Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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modelsdemo · 2 years
Blade runner 2049 joi
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He’s a terrible piece of work, and we come to view Luv as being just as repugnant as she essentially becomes the film’s proactive antagonist - doing his bidding for him. One of the film’s other major female characters is Luv, the assistant of Joi creator Niander Wallace. However, while perception in Blade Runner 2049 can imbue humanity, it can also remove it. The same could be said for K, Joi and Mariette. Deckard gives his dog a sense of reality by perceiving it to be real. Whether either of them is biologically ‘real’ or not doesn’t matter. And, as it obediently wanders around after him, we assume the dog cares about him. And why should it matter? Deckard sees the dog. When K asks him whether the canine is human or replicant, Deckard replies that he doesn’t care it doesn’t matter to him so it’s not a significant question. Deckard’s now haggard and alone, save for a dog. The closest the film gets to providing an answer to these issues is when it introduces Deckard, who’s hiding in a devastated Las Vegas (another area dominated by objectifying images of women). Just a sense of ambiguity and unease driven by the perceptions of the characters and the audience. In a world of despair and degradation like the one Blade Runner 2049 depicts, who wouldn’t want to feel loved (emotionally or physically), even if that love is coming from circuits and code? Again, questions. They’re lost, like so many of us are, and they feel like they’ve found a connection in each other. Even though I was creeped out, I couldn’t condemn the scene, or the characters. Villeneuve draws out the scene’s unease, but he also underlines its tenderness, intimacy and humanity. I’ve used a heck of a lot of question marks in that last paragraph because I simply don’t know the answers, and I don’t think I’m meant to. But just because these feelings are programmed are they any less real? K tells Joi that he doesn’t need to touch her to know his love for her is real, and isn’t that enough to show that he does love her, and in turn that her love for him is valid and real itself? After all, aren’t we as humans biologically programmed to some degree to love and desire love from others? What makes our desire to be loved different to K and Joi’s? And if we validate our sense of love, dictated it is by chemical impulses, why do we find it difficult to validate K and Joi’s, just because it’s dictated by code and circuits?
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He’s also programmed to do a job and accept the orders he’s given without question. They’re programmed to do what they’re doing: Mariette to elicit sex, Joi to show love towards K. Here, and throughout the film, the two women seem to lack agency.
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K is using these women to satisfy a need, and director Denis Villeneuve does everything he can to remind us of how unnatural the moment is by showing Joi and Mariette moving out of sync with each other as they caress K’s face and hands. The scene never gets explicit and cuts before it moves into the bedroom, but it made me deeply uncomfortable throughout because it feels exploitative and voyeuristic. It’s about the male gaze, the human gaze and the tragic effects they can have.Īrguably the film’s most controversial scene, and certainly the one that’s struck with me the most, is a sort-of threesome between our lead (replicant Blade Runner Agent K), his holographic girlfriend Joi and a replicant prostitute called Mariette, whom Joi projects herself into her in order to physically touch K for the first time. But while the original film pushed any critical thought about this to the sidelines, 2049 makes it its central thesis. The future of 2049is, like that of the original film, one in which women are prostitutes or sexualised advertising hovering over cities for men to leer at. My personal view is that I lament the fact the film reduces women to stock, often sexualised roles, but would argue that it does so to make a point about misogyny and the treatment of women in society.
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So instead, I’m going to focus on what the film has to say about perception and, in particular, the perception of women.īlade Runner 2049 has already received some fascinating write-ups about its treatment of women. I don’t have the time, and having seen it just once, I’m going to struggle to comprehensively discuss the fragment of the film I want to here, never mind everything else I could mention. I’m not going to attempt to cover all that here though. At nearly three hours, it’s a dense, jam -packed film that says a lot about technology, masculinity and cinema itself (I’d love to read an essay about how it deconstructs film noir and even the first Blade Runner). There’s a lot to unpack in Blade Runner 2049. Do not read it until you’ve seen Blade Runner 2049.
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fanficwritersworld · 3 years
Summary:Nora never thought she'd lose you, now she's back home and you hate her. Will she get you back?
Pairing: Post-Season 5 Nora West-Allen x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: unrequited love, sad nora, pre-season 7. Nora wasn't erased until Crisis in this fic
I changed some of the lyrics to fit the story so their not identical to the song and only some of the song. Also not my best cause I'm very tired.
Masterlist|Prompt List
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Maybe we could've been friends
If I met you in another life
Maybe then we could pretend
How did this happen? How could you not know her? Not love her?
Nora knew going back in time was risky, but she made sure never to mention you or even go near your family. Yeah, Eobard fuked her over but she made sure nothing would happen to you, her girlfriend, the love of her life.
It started the day after her family defeated Eobard, Nora walked into work as usual with a smile on her face and a bounce in her step. After the fight she rushed straight over to Iris, the mother daughter duo hugging it out over tears and lots of white wine. She looked over to see someone else at your desk, filling out papers for their latest case.
That’s strange? You never wanted to change desks? Always saying that you wanted to be the first thing she saw in the mornings at work.
Nora walked up to her lab, her heart letting a tug at her as she saw her best friend Lia working away. “Finally! How was it? Seeing your dad and stuff?” Lia asked very excitedly about her friend's time travelling adventures. Nora knew she had to tell her but it’s been bugging her about you.
“Um, before that. Where’s (Y/N)?”
There's no gravity in the words we write
Maybe you didn't mean it
Maybe dumb was the only rhyme
The only rhyme
Lia laughed at her friend. “(Y/N). As in (Y/N) (L/N), that girl you had the major hots for in senior year?” Lia asked the West-Allen, who nodded vigorously. Lia looked at with a sad face. “Nora, (Y/N) hates your guts” Lia told her.
Lia went on to explain that when Nora went to ask you out for the first time that it didn’t go as planned, causing you to hate her with every fibre of your being. Nora had to stop the tears before they fell from her eyes.
Almost a decade of the best parts of her life were gone. She wouldn’t be able to feel your warm hugs, your lips on hers not even the weird facts you’d spill from that head of yours. No more late nights on the roof looking at the stars.
No. Nora could fix this, all she had to do was make you fall in love with her again. Not too hard. Right?
Want my heart to be breaking, breaking, no
I'm happy and you hate it, hate it, oh
You never thought you’d see her again. Nora West-Allen, the cute CSI that called you a dumb bitch in front of everyone. Yet here she was, standing outside your workplace with your favourite flowers. “West-Allen? Here to ruin my life again?” You asked in a cold tone, glaring at her.
“Nope just to get you flowers” Nora beamed brightly with her stupidly pretty smile. You rolled your eyes, taking the flowers from her. You have to admit, not many people could find out your favourite flower easily. Was she stalking you?
You looked at her boredly, “What do you want, West-Allen?” You asked her, curious of her intentions. Nora looked at you as if she wanted to kiss you. “Uh, would you wanna get a coffee? With me. Or it doesn't even have to be a coffee. It could be any kind of beverage, like a wine or a beer, or... Not that I wanna get you drunk. We... we could get iced tea. Do you like iced tea? Do... would you wanna get an iced tea with me?” She started rambling, her nose scrunching up with every suggestion.
“No” You responded, giving Nora a cold glare to rival Killer Frost. Nora nodded before giving you a smile. “Don’t worry you will one day” She smiled.
And I'm not asking you to let it go
But you been telling your side
So I'll be telling mine, oh
And everyday, Nora West-Allen would be outside with a bunch of your favourite flowers. Everyday she would ask you to go on a date with her and everyday you would refuse. But she was persistent just like her mother.
You could be in Jitters and someone would have paid for your coffee. And you would notice the tuff of chestnut hair that would walk past every time you went in. Why couldn't she leave you alone? What had you done to deserve this?
“You might as well just go on a date with her” Your co-worker, Roni Snow said as you dumped the flowers in the trash. “And why would I do that?” You asked her, crossing her arms. “Because (Y/N), deep down you still have a crush on her and it’s painfully obvious” Roni smirked at you before leaving for lunch with her mother and aunt.
You rested your temples against the palm of your hands. Ever since Nora publicly humiliated you during senior year you felt as if the girl had it out for you. Then after nearly a decade she just shows up and acts like it never happened.
You can try
To get under my, under my, under my skin
While she's on mine
Yeah, all on my, all on my, all on my skin
You sat on the rooftop of your workplace, feeling the wind on your face. You loved it. The peace and quiet as the city moved about without your lingering presence. “What are you doing up here?” a voice called out.
You looked to see Central City’s newest hero, XS. She looked hella hot under the light of the moon. Her hair framed her face perfectly as she walked closer to you. “Just getting away from the craziness” You responded, trying to keep yourself together. XS sat next to you, looking on to the busy streets.
“Relationship problems?” XS asked you, smiling softly. “Not exactly. A girl I had a falling out with has popped up and I don’t understand why?” You sighed. “What happened?” XS asked you. You looked at her with an eyebrow raised. “You seemed very concerned about a civilian?” You questioned the heroine.
“Not all problems are crimes. Helping those in need is what is most important to me” XS smiled at you sweetly. For a moment, Nora came to your head. You remember her saying something similar back in high school.
“One day I went to my locker and found a note. And there she was, the cutest girl in the school asking me to read out the note out loud. She called me a dumb bitch. I was so humiliated, I kinda hoped she would ask me out. Not insult me like that” You told the hero. You didn’t know why but it was so much easier to talk with someone who didn’t know you personally.
“And now?” She asked. “I dunno, she seems to be oblivious about everything” You sighed, feeling a bit bad that you’d been rejecting her this entire time. “Maybe you should give her a chance to explain? It might do you both some good”XS offered before police sirens began to fill the silent void.
She gave you a comforting smile before running away followed by purple and yellow lightning.
I wish you knew that even you
Can't get under my skin
If I don't let you in
You tapped your fingers against the table, gauntlet in hand as you stared at the contact information. Maybe XS was right? Nora always seemed sweet and reserved when you two were kids, yet when in her element she became more confident and very hyper.
“Hey West-Allen, i’m going to be at Jitters tomorrow if you want to meet up?” you sent the voice note, not trusting yourself to send a text or call.
Not even a few moments a text popped up. ‘See you there gorgeous’ with a few emoticons added. She was so old school sometimes, like she was born during the 2010’s or something.
You're telling it how you see it
Like truth is whatever you decide
Some people will believe it
And some will read in between the lines
You held your coffee close, counting the seconds until Nora’s arrival. “(Y/N)?” Nora called, smiling at you. “West-Allen” You smiled back.
The next two hours was her explaining everything, how the prank was really an attempt to ask you out. She seemed to set on trying to help you connect the dots. You could help but notice the way she talked, like if she didn’t go so fast she’d explode. You noted how she used her hands to talk, making you gigiled a bit.
Maybe you were wrong about her, maybe it was time to give Nora West-Allen a chance.
I just hope that one day
We both can laugh about it
When it's not in our face
You smiled at Nora as she waltzed into your apartment with big belly burger. “This is why I gave you a chance. Good food” You smiled happily, taking the meal from her hands. Nora laughed at you, kissing your cheek. “Not the fact I’ve been heads over heels for you since junior year” Nora remarked.
It took so long for you to trust her again, to fall for her dorky smiles, crazy hand gestures and rambling at a misunderstanding speed. That girl got under your skin, making you feel real love.
You loved her kisses, the warm nights in her apartment with hot cocoa and lazy hugs. Morning spent just lying in bed, musing on the time and not wanting to go to work.
Won't have to dance around it
Don't drive yourself insane
It won't always be this way
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soschway-blog · 6 years
uhhh consider nora seeing snow for the first time in 2018 bc she’s from 2049 & with climate change it never gets cold enough to snow in central city.
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mxacegrey · 2 years
The One With The Legacies
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Series Masterlist
“Mum. Please stop, you’re burning up.”
“You’re my son and I love you. Remember that, Alexei. I am so proud of you.” A hoarse voice called in his head, the woman on the other side not looking a day older than 24.
“I love you Mum.”
With tears streaming down his face in his office, Alexei felt his mother’s mind fade out like a candle blowing out.
“Dr Y/L/N.” A knock sounded before a voice called out. “Dr Y/L/N, Anna’s mother is asking for you.”
“I’ll be right there.” Alexei cleared his throat and hastily wiped the tears from his face. He left his office and made his way down to paediatrics. “I’ll make you proud, Mum.”
“My whole life I felt like I was different form everybody else and I didn’t know why. You took a choice away from me that I didn’t even know I had. A choice to be a hero. Like my dad.”
Elsewhere in Central City, Nora began running through the streets in an attempt to time travel. Her movements sent her and an unwilling Alexei 32 years back in time to 2017 and Iris & Barry’s wedding.
Present Time
“Save her? Your mother was a villain?” Nora exclaimed, stepping away from Alexei.
“No. My mother was not.” Alexei corrected.
“Then why would you need to save her?!” Nora asked, raising her voice.
“Because no matter if you’re a hero or a villain. Civilian or Officer. People get hurt. And you, Allen, you hurt more than anyone! You hurt her!” Alexei exclaimed, waving his hands as he spoke.
“Look when you do the things they do, people get hurt. There’s going to be collateral damage.” Nora said, taking a deep breath to calm herself down.
“My mother is not collateral damage!” Alexei yelled, anger bubbling and he began to accidentally project.
“Don’t yell at her!” The group yelled at Alexei.
“Stay out of this! It has nothing... NOTHING! To do with you. Right now at least but I have things to say to you.” Alexei snapped, saying the last bit to Iris before turning back to Nora. “Why are we here, West-Allen? Huh?”
“....” Nora said nothing in response, jaw clenched.
“Oh... You want your father back.” Alexei snarked, eyes blazing. “Isn’t that right?”
“Don’t.” Nora whispered, tears in her eyes.
“You’re pathetic.” He snarled. “I can’t save my mother from pain but you can change the timeline!”
“Don’t talk to her like that!” Iris snapped back, causing Alexei to spin around to glare at her.
“And you! Iris West-Allen.” Alexei’s voice went cold, shivers running down everyone’s spine. “You must think so highly of yourself!”
“What?” Iris questioned, though she had a feeling that it was to do with Y/N.
“Burning the letters and the photographs. Deleting all the texts and emails. Not even inviting her to your wedding. Talk about petty.”
“What letters? From whom?” Barry asked Iris before looking at Alexei for answers. “Who didn’t you invite to our wedding?”
“Letters from Y/N.” Alexei replied, not even sparing Barry a glance. “My mother didn’t get a single invite to your wedding but you managed to go to another Earth to get guests.”
“... Y/N said that she sent letters and photographs to Alexei’s dad but never got a reply.” Cisco whispered, the group turning to him in shock.
“When?” Barry asked, hoping that it was still the future.
“They started in 2014.” Alexei spoke, Barry’s heart breaking in the process.
“I... I have a son? I’m your dad?” Barry whispered, walking up to Alexei.
“No. No...” Alexei stepped back, refuting. “You are not my father! My father is Abe Parker, my mother’s husband!”
“Y/N is married?” Caitlin asked, Cecile, Ralph, Wally and Joe having a conversation about who Y/N was.
“She was. Until you decided to erase Flashpoint! Erasing my dad and my little sister!”
“...How do you...?” Barry questioned, stuttering.
“How do I what? Remember?” Alexei explained. “My mother remembers. Remembers every time the timeline changes! She remembers every time she dies!”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Barry whispered, tears streaming down his face.
“Sorry?! She loved you! She cared more for your happiness than her own! She’s dying and she still cares about you!” Alexei ranted.
“Loved?” Barry whispered, Iris snarling at this.
“Did you know that your dad was at Mum’s that day he died? He met me... He said that your mum and him had already planned your wedding to mum because she loved you so much. But you didn’t even give her another look.” Alexei said, walking away. 
“Where are you going?” Alexei heard a voice call out before simply replying.
“To Mum’s.” 
With the door wide open, they watched Alexei walk down the driveway and enter a house two doors down. The house had been the Y/L/N’s house for years and never once had they realised Y/N had lived there all this time. They watched her front door open and reveal Y/N smiling brightly, young Alexei running towards Y/N and grinning up at future Alexei.
“Welcome back.” Y/N greeted, smiling and walking her and her 3-year old son back inside. All of a sudden, Y/N gripped her head in pain, collapsing to the ground. Both Alexei yelled before the older of the two turned to his 3-year old counterpart.
“Lex. When I say, run down to that house there and say ‘Snow, help mum.’ Got it?” Young Alexei nodded. The ground began to shake and figures began to form. “Now!”
Young Alexei ran to the house future Alexei had pointed out and knocked on the door. The door opened quickly and teary-eyed Barry looked down at Alexei in shock.
“Snow. Help. Mama.” Alexei whispered before collapsing into Barry’s arms. 
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eonash · 2 years
Heroes and Villains
Eobard Thawne x Female!Reader
Eowells x Female!Reader
Prompt: "You're kind! you always help, you were there for me when no one else cared!"
"Are we really doing this?"
"How? How are you of all the people a villain?"
"Villain, Hero, it's a title, one given by the government, it means nothing, I stood up for what was right and this was my payment,"
Warnings: Angst
Word Count: 604
A/N: i wrote this story a while ago, kinda forgot about it- but i’m posting it noww sooo
@yetanotherwells @fandomdancer
Y/N paced back and forth between the jail cell she was in front of. She was still trying to process what was going on. She ended up following Nora, time traveling to 2049 where she made it into the high facility section of the prison in Central City.
Surprisingly, the guards had no idea she had snuck into the place. Once Nora was finished with her conversation with the man behind the glass, she sped off. Y/N was confused. Who would she be talking to in a prison? Y/N made her way out of her hiding spot towards the cell. Once she got a look at the man, she froze. He was facing the other way, standing in front of a monitor of sorts, but Y/N could identify him from the back. Suddenly, he turned. His eyes grew wide at the sight of her. She took a step back immediately.
“Y/N?” He said her name like he hadn’t in years. She just stared, not saying a word. He raised an eyebrow at her. Somehow that got her talking.
“Dr. Wells?” She questioned.
He blew a breath of air. “I told you that you can just call me Harrison.” She looked around his cell and then back at him. She was confused. There was something off about him, something she didn’t know.
“What are you doing here?” Y/N finally asked.
“I feel I should be asking you that question.” He took a couple steps towards the glass. Even though he couldn’t reach her, she stepped back a step. “Oh, don't be that way. Are you afraid?”
Y/N gulped. It hit her suddenly on what was going on. This wasn’t Dr. Wells. At least, the one she knew. “No.” She said, trying to steady her voice.
“You are thinking of it, aren’t you?”
“Thinking what?”
“You tell me.” Y/N cursed at herself mentally. He always knew how to read her.
“You’re him?” She asked. “The.. Reverse Flash?”
He didn’t hesitate. He nodded. Her hand bawled into a fist at his action. He looked at her hand and back at her again.
“I can’t believe you.” She didn’t take her eyes off of him, even though he really could not go anywhere. He stared back. "You're kind! You always help, you were there for me when no one else cared!"
"Are we really doing this?"
"How? How are you, of all the people, a villain?"
"Villain, Hero, it's a title, one given by the government, it means nothing, I stood up for what was right and this was my payment.” He gestured around his cell. “I only have a certain amount of time anyway.” He looked over in the distance, she looked as well. A clock that displayed a timer was shown.
“You’re gonna…”
He shuffled over, sitting down on the side of his cell bed. “Mhm.”
“You can’t stop it?”
“Why do you care?” He spat. She felt her heart ache at his words.
“I- I actually..” Before she could say anything, she heard voices on the other side of the door. Y/N panicked. Eobard could tell she was.
“Calm down, Y/N. You need to focus and get out of here.” She looked over at him. His eyes looked saddened, but they also seemed to have something else in them. Those eyes calmed her somehow. They always had. “Now.” He said. She looked around one last time and nodded. She used her speed to get safely back to her timeline. Her plan was to not say a word to Team Flash of what had just happened.
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redfield5x5 · 3 years
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zari’s building in central city in 2049 along with the citizen :’)))
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zaritarazi · 3 years
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scienceninjaturtle · 3 years
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Photo variant cover
$5.99 US | 48 pages | 5 of 6 | Variant $6.99 US (card stock)
ON SALE 6/7/22
Impulse and XS burst onto the scene in 2049! When Barry Allen and Iris West go out of town for a much-needed vacation, Bart and Nora are left to stay out of trouble in Central City. With their parents gone, Bart begs Nora to let him go on patrol and really be a hero, but Nora refuses, saying it’s too dangerous without Barry there. But when one of Bart’s classmates at Central City University starts causing trouble, how can Impulse not leap into action?
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backtothestart02 · 3 years
Breaking Point - 1/1(?) | westallen fanfiction
A/N: Based off the twitter reaction to Barry time-traveling w/o telling Iris ahead of time in 7x16. This fic is Iris’ reaction once he tells her, and it’s maybe a bit extreme? You’ll have to decide for yourself. I was feelings angsty when I wrote it and when I initially thought it up, so there’s that. If there’s a demand for more of this fic, I’ll gladly write more, but if not, the ending is open to interpretation what could happen next. Oh! And Iris is not blipping in and out of timelines and Godspeed clones didn’t prevent Barry from making it to the future. Enjoy! =P
Synopsis:  7x16 - Canon Divergent - Time-Travel has its consequences.
When Barry returned from 2049, he was brimming with energy. Lightning was still crackling all around him when he came to a stop back in STAR Labs. Chester and Caitlin looked at him, intrigued. When he didn’t say anything, only grinned, Chester couldn’t hold himself back any longer.
“Well, how is everything? Did it all go okay?”
He rocked back and forth from his toes to his heels, Barry’s enthusiasm contagious.
“Yeah,” Caitlin added, also curious but more amused than anything by the two of them. “We thought for a second that something went wrong, because-”
“No, no, nothing went wrong. Everything is great!” Barry sighed contently.
Caitlin laughed and shared a look with Chester.
“So, you found Nora,” she concluded.
“Not just Nora.”
But just as he was about to spill the beans, it occurred to Barry that maybe future details should be kept where they belonged. In the future.
Except with Iris. He could tell her. In fact, right now there was nothing more that he wanted to do was tend to her and assure her Nora was all right – and she wasn’t alone.
“Yeah, I gotta go.”
He pushed past the two of them and headed towards the end of the tunnel.
“W-wait, Barry!”
Reluctantly, he stopped.
“What about Godspeed?”
“Yeah,” Chester chimed in. “If it’s bad here, it must be really bad in 2049 where he’s from.”
“Oh.” Barry forced himself to sober up. “Yeah, it is. What I mean to say is…Nora, she’s…she’s got thing’s handled, working hard.” He started smiling again. “And she has help!” Chester and Caitlin’s intrigued looks told him he had to sputter some nonsense fast. “From me! Future me, I mean. I’m still the Flash. In 23 years, I’m still…” He trailed off, daydreaming briefly about the things he’d just seen and experienced.
Sensing more questions from the two individuals in front of him however, he forced himself to snap out of it.
“Well, I gotta go! Text me when the Godspeeds return.”
“Wait, where are y-”
But it was no use. Barry had flashed away. There was no calling out to him with the expectation of him hearing and returning unless, as he’d said, the Godspeed clones returned and he was needed to attempt to defeat them.
“Let him be,” Chester said, brushing whatever questions they’d had aside. “He’s clearly happy. It’s been a while since we’ve seen him like that, what with everything going on. In fact, the last time I saw him that happy was-”
Caitlin studied him as he fell silent and avoided eye contact.
“What? When?” she asked.
“N-Nothing. Nevermind.” He powerwalked out into the hallway. “See you upstairs, Caitlin!”
She eyed his disappearing form with suspicion but decided not to push on that either. After a few more moments of contemplation, she followed the path Chester had taken back to the cortex upstairs.
When Barry reached the loft shortly thereafter, he was greeted by darkness and silence. It wasn’t alarming enough to dim his buzz though. He was too excited to talk to Iris. He had to remind himself that she wasn’t feeling well and to lower his voice when he talked to her, as well as maybe bring her something to eat and drink. She hadn’t vomited in a couple days, but she was still feeling under the weather. He had to contain his excitement enough to be a devoted, caring husband tending to her in her sickness.
He could do that, definitely.
As quietly as he could manage, he whipped together some chicken noodle soup and crackers and put them on a tray. Walking as stealthily as he could towards the staircase, he made it step by step without spilling the entrée.
Proud of himself for that, he gently kicked their bedroom door open with his foot.
“Iris, I brought you something.”
When he looked up, he was greeted to the sight of her reading in bed. She attempted a small smile when she saw what he was carrying and set her book to the side.
“Hey, Bear,” she said warmly, albeit with a croak to her voice. “What’s all this?”
His heart sank just a little at the sound of her, but it couldn’t quelch all the enthusiasm he had buried just beneath the surface.
He approached the bed, making sure to keep the tray even.
“The Godspeeds are currently not in Central City, at least in our time, so I thought I’d come home and dote on my wife a little.”
“Aww, you’re so sweet.”
She gripped the tray as he set it on her lap.
“And also to tell you that everything with Nora is alright.”
She froze, her hand halfway to the spoon, her other gripping the far side of the tray.
“What do you mean, alright?”
“Well…you know how I had that dream about Nora that made me think…” he trailed off, embarrassed now and not wanting to emotionally wound her like he’d done before.
“Barry,” she said softly.
“Well, I had another one, and it was…Nora was in danger, everything was wrong, I couldn’t breathe…” He shook his head, trying to shake himself of that dream. He had such a wonderful reality to replace it with now, but it was still hard to talk about.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked, gently reaching for his hand.
Slowly, he sat on the side of the bed.
“I didn’t want to worry you,” he admitted. “Plus, I didn’t know if you’d think I was ridiculous for getting upset by it given the last time I dreamed of Nora…well, it came to mean nothing, didn’t it?” He frowned.
Iris closed her eyes and shook her head.
“A nightmare is a nightmare, Barry. They’re upsetting to anyone whether they mean something or not. Remember when Psych infected the whole city with nightmares? Everyone was frightened, and with good reason.”
He nodded.
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m sorry. I should have told you.”
“It’s okay.” She offered a small smile. “You’re okay now it looks like.”
“Oh, yeah,” he assured her, his good mood quickly returning. “Better than okay.”
She managed a small, raspy laugh.
“And why is that?” She scooped up some broth on her spoon and blew on it.
“Well, because I went to the fu…ture.”
Belatedly, he realized that she might not like this bit of news. Especially given their two-seconds-ago talk that he should communicate things to her right away.
He gulped as he watched her lay down her spoon on the side of the bowl and set the tray on his side of the bed. He wondered if he’d still be sleeping there tonight.
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” Her voice was low and even, but her eyes were wild. She was not happy.
“Okay, look, I know I should’ve probably talked to you first.” He sprang up to his feet. “But Dig told me-”
“Dig was here?” she blanched.
His hand went behind his head where he awkwardly scratched.
“Yeah, he showed up with some new tech to use to help in the Godspeed war.”
She looked at him in disbelief.
“We caught one of the Godspeeds, but then he broke out and the tech broke, and I yelled at Chester, and all of this because, well…” He sat back down again. “I couldn’t stop thinking about Nora in those dreams. I was so worried about her, what all of this meant for her time. If there’s so much chaos and destruction right now in Central City, imagine in her time where they’re from. All I wanted to do was go check on her, make sure she was alright.”
“So, that’s what you did, I assume,” Iris said bitterly.
“After Dig talked me into it, yeah.”
“And who else did you tell about your grand adventure?”
Feeling uneasy now, he stood up again.
“I uh…told Cecile.”
He swallowed. “And Chester and Caitlin.”
“So, everybody.” Angrily, Iris flung back the covers and forced herself out of bed, heading for the exit as fast as she could get there. “Everybody but me.”
“Iris, wait, please-”
He followed her at normal speed, not wanting to upset her further by jumping ahead of her in under a second.
She stopped suddenly once they got to the first floor.
“Did it ever occur to you, Barry, that this might be a bad idea?”
His eyes widened.
“Of course! It’s why I needed to be talked into it. Dig convinced me that making family my number one priority was the most important thing, more important than being here for when the Godspeeds returned again.”
“I suppose he neglected to mention how it shouldn’t be a decision you make on your own in the end, that you should discuss it with your wife, who I don’t know, maybe would die of happiness seeing her daughter again?” Her voice broke.
Barry’s heart crumbled.
“Iris, you were sick. You’re still sick. Traveling at super speed would’ve made you even more sick. Even if…even if you’re not…”
“Spit it out, Barry. If I’m not what? If I’m not pregnant?”
His eyes dipped down to the floor.
“Maybe it’s a good thing I’m not.”
His eyes flashed to hers.
“What do you mean?”
She closed some of the distance between them, no-nonsense in her tone when she spoke.
“How many times, Barry? How many times are you going to make life-changing decisions without talking to me first? Decisions that involve our children? That could change life as we know it? As they know it? Given your very happy mood when you showed up, I assume all was well in 2049?”
He gulped and nodded.
“Well, suppose it won’t be after your little visit? And even if it is, Barry…you have to talk to me. It’s important that we’re a team. That’s what I signed up for when I married you, that we would communicate and be a unit in everything we did. I thought you had gotten past doing things rashly, based entirely on your emotions, but-”
“But I didn’t do it based on my emotions! I had to be talked into it, don’t you see? It was Dig that-”
“Oh, shut up about Dig!”
That silenced him.
“You used his advice as an excuse to go ahead and do what you know in your heart you were going to do anyway.”
“No.” She shook her head and turned away, then stopped and looked back at him. “I thought you were ready. I thought we were ready. And I was excited when you called me a week ago claiming you knew that I was pregnant, only for it to just be based on some wishful thinking dream you had.”
He swallowed hard.
“You’re not ready, Barry. And I don’t know if you ever will be.”
Tears welled in her eyes.
Cautiously, he approached her.
“What are you saying, Iris?”
She took a breath and licked her lips.
“I’m saying I don’t want to try for Nora anymore. Not now, not for a while, maybe not… Maybe not ever.”
His jaw dropped. He couldn’t speak.
She closed her eyes and tears seeped out.
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, her breath hitching. “But right now, I don’t think you’d make a good father.”
Shell-shocked, he took one step back and then froze. Everything inside him came to a standstill. It even felt like his heart had stopped. Memories of meeting adult Nora again and…and her brother, who was apparently such a mama’s boy. To think they might not even exist in the future all because of this conversation right here.
He thought Iris would want to know all about their future children, but now…
“I’m going back upstairs,” she informed him, her tone clipped in the deafening silence of their living room. “Please don’t follow me.”
“Iri-” he tried, but she held up a hand to silence him.
Feeling helpless, he let her go up the stairs alone.
The sound of their bedroom door closing was so final that it seemed to echo off all the walls around him. Sensing a collapse was near, he entered the living room further and sat down on the couch, immediately putting his head in his hands and rocking slightly.
One thought clear as day drummed through his mind above all the others.
What have I done?
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darlingpetao3 · 5 years
Escape & Release (EoWells x Reader)
Rating: M (Smut)
Summary: After vowing to return for their next showdown, Eobard Thawne flees Barry Allen in the year 2049. He’s free - free at last from that God-awful Iron Heights prison. So what does he plan to do first with his newfound freedom?
A/N: Anyone else still thirsty from the latest episode? Well, here’s another Eo fic (a request, to boot!) to keep us going. PWP for you and me!
Tag List: @blogforhoes​
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After vowing to return for their next showdown, Eobard Thawne flees Barry Allen in the year 2049. He’s free - free at last from that God-awful Iron Heights prison. So what does he plan to do first with his newfound freedom?
The Reverse Flash has a couple of ideas…
First and foremost, the riskiest, most pressing matter involves visiting the person he couldn’t help but fall in love with all those years ago. Someone who never left his mind. Who got him through the darkest of nights. His ‘Juliet.’
Letting the moments of the past thirty years literally blur by him, Eobard runs like the madman he truly is through his Negative Speedforce. His eyes glow a fiercely bright red in his tunnel vision.
There. This time. This will do just fine.
The villain comes to a stop and stalks outside your Central City apartment you kept in May of 2019. A quick sprint up to your balcony brings him to peer into your living area. You’re currently in the kitchen, rounding the corner. You look up in the dim evening light to discover the figure outside your window.
You scream out of shock, but in a split second, a leather-gloved hand appears to cover your mouth to muffle your surprise. You finally register who it is, but how can this be…?
“Eommmffff!” you exclaim behind his hand. He removes it and subsequently, his bright yellow cowl, messing up his hair in the process.
“Hello, my dear,” Eobard greets you with a twisted smile (something you haven’t seen in a long time). “It’s felt like centuries since I’ve seen you last.”
You can’t believe this! Barry and Nora and the rest of the gang have only just left to the future to try to stop Eobard!
“What are you doing here?!” you ask breathlessly while running your hands down his body, as if touching him will assure you he’s real and here. “How…?”
“I came to see you, of course.” Eobard runs the reverse side of his fingers down your cheek. “I’ve been locked up for years in the future. A wretched place, and you were one of only two things I thought about while I was in that hell hole.”
“...What was the other thing?”
“Oh, you know, the usual plotting revenge of the Flash.”
You laugh. “Naturally.” There’s a brief pause, in which you break from being mesmerized at having this man here in front of you and begin to think semi-rationally. “Aren’t you afraid they’ll find you here?” you ask. “Team Flash will be back from the future any time now, won’t they? If they’re not already back. Remember a few years ago how they reacted when they found out about… us?”
“Then we better make the most of our time.”
As much as you were hoping to keep Eobard safe from your friends, you really really like the sound of that.
“And how do you suggest we do that?” you say playfully, only to shortly find yourself pinned against the wall adjacent to your bedroom. You pull his face toward yours and kiss him after saying, “A little to the left,” in regards to reaching the door. With a strategic jump, you straddle his hips, locking your legs tight around him. The deep and dark sound his throat makes drives you to attack his mouth.
It’s been so long.
He speeds you into your bedroom to throw you down onto the bed with enough force that you bounce on the mattress. On the one hand, it’s sexy as all hell, but you also let out a squeal like a kid in a bouncy house.
The Speedster has you naked faster than the blink of the average eye.
You always loved that neat little trick.
“I’ve thought about every possible thing I’ve wanted to do to you in there,” he says while hovering over you, offending you to the nth degree by still wearing the suit while you’re completely exposed. Eobard Thawne never did care for fairness.
“Yeah? Care to elaborate?”
Eobard hums in your ear, then begins to nip and kiss around the area. You are a puddle under him. He hasn’t even dealt with your beckoning need down below, and yet you’ve found nirvana with every little thing he does to you.
He smells of sweat, arousal, and a lingering lust for vengeance from his earlier fight. It’s enough to send you into a state of frenzy - needing desperately to get him out of that damned suit. Yes, it outlined every muscle on his body to prove that he was essentially a Speed-Sex-God, but it currently had no right to be hugging him tightly anymore. You’ve missed his body, how he feels against you, over you, inside you. And you need him now.
“Ditch the suit, tough guy,” you order him. “Right now.”
Eobard smirks. “Someone’s gotten a little more feisty since I’ve been gone.”
You lower your hand down between your legs to play with yourself, looking him straight in the eyes. A taunt. An invitation. A beckoning.
“A little naughtier too, it seems. I have half a mind to just watch you do that until you come.”
“We both know there’s no time for that,” you point out and press two fingers to his lips. The villain sucks on your fingers like they’re the treat he’d been denied for far too long.
“You’re right, as ever.”
At that, he phases out of his yellow Speedster suit. It drops to the floor, leaving him gloriously naked and ripped just like you remember. Possibly even more impressive, it’s a toss-up, really. You also haven’t missed noticing the small amount of peppering grey in his hair. Time was kind to him, goddamn...
You crawl backward on your bed, and
Eobard follows. His arms flex when he pins your hands above your head and into the mattress.
“How do you want it?” he asks.
“Fast and hard.”
“Ah, my specialty.”
You chuckle under him, but Eobard swallows the sound with another kiss - firm and needy and owning. While he’s distracted by your lips, he lets his hands wander back down to knead your breasts. You moan and arch your back at his greedy touch. The villain looks like he’s playing his favourite instrument and is wholly pleased by the music he produces.
He’s about to make a whole lot more “music” with you as he lines himself up in preparation to enter you. For a Speedster, he sure does take his time. Deliberately, you’re sure of it.
But at last, the Reverse Flash finds his place deep inside you, where he belongs. You suck in the air and hold it in your lungs, your head tipping back a little more with each bit further he delves within your heat.
“You feel just like how I remember…” Eobard says, which quickly tapers off into a hungry groan. You need more of that. More of those sounds. It’s been years since you’d heard them, and you almost had forgotten entirely. You whine and meet his giving thrusts in response.
Wrapping your legs around him, you let your heels dig into the small of his back above you, and use your thigh muscles to push him closer to you. You desperately want the full weight of his body on you - if he crushed you, it would be a blessing.
He starts to pick up the pace a little bit more. You see a thought flicker behind his eyes.
“Have you been with others?” he voices it, complete with rumbly, territorial undertones, “While I was gone?”
This question catches you off guard, especially with him buried inside you and pulling and pushing and kindling a stronger fire inside. There’s too much happening at once, too many sensations. You are unsure of how to answer. Or if you can answer.
“I-I mean…” you start carefully, meanwhile taking a particularly hard thrust, “you were g-gone. I didn’t know when you’d be back. Or w-whether you ever would…”
Eobard takes your chin in his fingers and forces you to look him in the eyes. They flash red.
“Have you?”
You swallow hard, he inches out.
“I have.”
The man growls and his hips propel forward. You feel the jealousy, the vicious possessiveness in the movement and let out a strangled cry when he strikes you in the right spot.
Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Faster. Harder. Deeper.
It’s just what you asked for.
“Did they ever make you feel like this?” he asks through gritted teeth. You wish he’d bite you with those teeth.
“What do you think?” you retort.
“Fucking say it.”
“No, what?” Of course, this is the moment he decides to bring his thumb down between the two of you and play with your clit.
“Fuuuck no- no one. No one. No one but you makes me feel this way.”
It’s as if that’s exactly what Eobard needed to hear in order to kick into overdrive - to finish you, so to speak.
Finish me.
In all honesty, you would be concerned about the neighbours hearing deafening, verging on worrisome sounds coming from your mouth, but you are so deeply lost in your overpowering ride of pleasure that you don’t even care. You let your entire body just feel and let go.
You never thought you’d get to feel that much again.
You never thought you’d get to feel him again.
You think you must have been out of it for a bit there, because your eyes open to find Eobard now laying beside you, moving a piece of hair sticking to your forehead.
“Wow…” you say, then puff out a breath, looking up at the ceiling, shortly turning to face those eyes. It’s like they finally see you, finally assessing everything about your 2019-self and what he’s missed.
“I think I know the answer,” you dare to start, “but there’s no way you can stay, is there?”
“I’m afraid not,” Eobard confirms, sounding genuinely downhearted at the fact. “I’ve already risked so much coming back to this time. But we will see each other again. I can promise you that.” He meets your lips in a gentle kiss this time, something slightly unexpected, but not unheard of. “But I’m not leaving just yet. There’s still plenty left to do to you.”
Lucky me.
Anonymous Request: Would you please write Eowells x reader smut that takes place right after he runs off at the end of Flash S5? Like he and the reader are reunited and it gets steamy.
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cheryls-blossomed · 4 years
How would you want iris singh and kamila escaping the mirroverse if you writing for the show? Thanks 😊 😊
Hey, nonnie, thank you for sending me this ask!
If I were writing for The Flash, I would craft the conclusion of the Mirror Arc as follows. We learn that Iris has vanished into another dimension in the Mirrorverse wherein she is unable to find anyway to escape, but she comes across both Francine and Nora. I’d basically use this opportunity to give Iris her own mini Runaway Dinosaur-type arc and to give her closure with Francine. I’d also give her the opportunity to meet 2049 Iris, who has been left behind not only by her own child, but also due to the nature of time travel... she never got any kind of closure in her timeline, and even though she is not our Iris, she deserves closure as well. So I would have Iris proactively mend 2049 Iris and Nora’s relationship, finally giving 2049 Iris some peace. It’d also give Iris closure with Nora and a real chance to grieve her daughter. Also, just the idea of three generations of West women sharing screen space warms my heart immensely. I really want an arc of introspection and catharsis for Iris. Obviously, it’s going to be very painful for Iris to have to meet her mother and daughter, whom she had lost, but I also think this is such a huge change for Iris to heal from the scars that the lack of closure has left her with. The Mirrorverse, in a way, is Iris’s speedforce. The speedforce runs deep in Barry’s veins, a manifestation of his own heroism; similarly, now, the Mirrorverse is a part of Iris in more ways than one. But why haven’t Kamilla and Singh been affected the same way Iris has by this world? I’d frame is as the Mirrorverse choosing Iris, in a way. 
Anyways, so Kamilla’s next step after the season 6 finale would be to go to the Central City Hospital. The narrative made it a point to not only have Iris tell Kamilla that she located Singh, but to also have Iris tell Kamilla exactly where Singh was before she vanished. Thus, Kamilla finds Singh at the hospital, and they begin searching for Iris, but to no avail. They also been actively looking for ways to escape the Mirrorverse, but this proves extremely difficult.
Meanwhile, Cisco returns from Atlantis with information which he believes will be vital to freeing Iris, Kamilla, and Singh. Barry and Cisco use this to penetrate the Mirror World and communicate with Kamilla and Singh, both of whom guide Barry and Cisco to where they are. Kamilla informs Barry and Cisco that Iris completely vanished; Barry is absolutely distraught, and he stumbles upon the video message Iris left him, which further devastates him. Cisco ponders if there are dimensions within dimensions, as there usually are, and he, of course, knows that all too well, and they use whatever tech or whatever is Cisco is bringing back from Atlantis, to further penetrate the Mirror World, despite the risks of potentially being trapped forever. Barry is able to reach Iris not physically, but on a telepathic level. A meeting of the minds, if you will, but she is obviously trapped somewhere he cannot follow. At which point Barry draws upon their emotional connection to save Iris, acting as her lightning rod in this moment. 
I’m not a story-teller, by any stretch, so basically this is a relatively rudimentary skeleton of the narrative that I would like to see. I also would really like to see Kamilla and Singh, and Iris, wherever she is, proactively searching for each other and then guiding Barry and Cisco to where they are. 
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fanficwritersworld · 3 years
Fangirling Is Hereditary I Guess?
Summary:Go back in time they said. It will be fine they said. Say that to the two grown men fangirling over who your father is.
Pairing: Nora West-Allen x Super!Reader PLatonic!Bart West-Allen x Super!Reader
Requested: by this anon. Hope you like it.
Word Count: 864
Warnings:it's kinda crack fic, enjoy. Carmen is Cisco's kid and Essie is Chester's. Carmen is an oc so please don't steal. They're only mentioned
Masterlist|Prompt List
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Nora and Bart stopped outside of STAR Labs, the feeling of time travelling foregin in their system. You landed gracefully next to the siblings. “You too are gonna meet your Dad and I’ll fly around the world, see if he has any clones anywhere else” You told them. Nora pecked your cheek, “Be safe, please” She told you.
Bart made fake gagging sounds. You flared up a bit of heatvison, slightly missing his feet. “Watch it kid, you heal fast. I don’t need to, behave” You warned him before flying up into the air. Bart looked at his sister with a puppy dog face. “Why did you start dating the indestructible one?” He asked her. Nora slapped the back of his head before running off to find their father.
After explaining to their family what had happened in the future, Nora and Bart tried to contact you.
“Supergirl, what’s your status?” Nora asked over the comn link.
You were flying near Central City taking one last look. “On my way, need me to pick up some food?” You asked, knowing how hungry your girlfriend and her brother get. “Please pick up that Chinese place on 5th street! It’s to die for” You heard Bart’s plea, already knowing that he was on his knees thinking about it.
You rolled your eyes, laughing at his expression of words. “What about you, City Girl?” You asked, changing into some civilian clothes in a nearby phone booth. “Same for me. I owe you” Nora answered before the line went dead.
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You had your feet on Nora’s lap as you ate some food. Bart and herself were having a burping contest and you were the judge. “Nora, baby I love you with all my heart… but Bart wins” You told her gently, ignoring Bart’s little victory dance. Nora pouted at you, her cute little eyes staring back at you.
You knew her game, and pecked the corner of her lip instead of her lips. Nora pouted more, sadly going back to her food. “I love you Nora” You singsonged, knowing she was only looking for a bit of attention which was very cute. “I love you too” Nora smiled at you.
Bart began to fake gag again. “What is Bart or she’ll burn your feet” Nora warned him jokingly. You hummed in agreement before Barry came in. He looked at you strangely, as if he knew you. “And this is?” He asked his children. “(Y/N) Kent, Aunt Kara’s successor. I’m Supergirl in 2049” You told him plainly, deciding not to get into the backstory details.
Barry looked at you and then the speedsters back and forth for a moment. “You’re Superman’s daughter? But Clark has twin boys?” Barry questioned since you looked around the same age as Nora. “I was genetically created by Lex Luthor using the genetic material left by my father when he uses powers such as heat vision or ice breath and an unknown female participant. My goal was to destroy Superman and Supergirl but I was found at a young age by my father and raised by him and my Jeju Lois. Jordan and Jon are my older brothers” You explained clearly, leaving nothing out besides the fact you were dating his daughter. Barry nodded, shocked at the news. “Her and Nora are a thing” Bart added, earning a death glare from you and your girlfriend. “That’s it, I’m burning your feet” You satted, swinging your legs onto the ground. You were about to chase the younger boy when Nora held you back.
She looked at you with a pointed look. “Can it wait until Godspeed is taken care of?” Nora asked you, holding your hand. You huffed, glaring at Bart with your eyes ready to use your heat vision. “Yeah, got no more stupid jokes” He nodded, earning a small laugh of Barry.
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“OH. MY. GOD!” Chester and Cisco squealed when they saw you in your suit. You looked at the two weirdly, looking at Barry. “Is this normal?” You whispered. Cisco had begun touching your cape, while Chester was asking questions about your powers, how you got them or if you were an alien.
“Uhh. Same as Dad due to the yellow sun and I am?” You answered, still in shock as the grown men began spiralling into theories about your powers and how you could time travel. “Nora. Love of my life, the lightning to my thunder what the fuck is happening? Why is this giving me deja vu?” You asked your girlfriend with wide eyes. Nora chuckled at you, kissing your cheek.
“Remember when you told me and the gang about your dad?” Nora asked, you nodded. “That’s Carmen’s and Essie’s dads” She whispered so only you could hear. You looked at her with your mouth wide open. “Fangirling is hereditary I guess?” You shrugged, only to have Cisco pull you by your shoulders.
“Who. Made. Your suit?” He asked in the most serious voice you’ve heard. “Carmen Ramon?” You said slowly, only for the man to freak out once more. This is gonna need a lot of explaining without fucking the timeline.
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