#2099 vulture is too
bowl2099 · 1 year
Sometimes I wonder if Miguel and Noir just assume every version of Vulture they meet is a cannibal like theirs are.
Imagine Peter B. trying to convince them not to kill his Vulture because he's "totally not a cannibal please put the gun down" and Noir is almost inclined to believe it meanwhile Miguel is already trying to find the highest building in the city to throw an unconscious Vulture from.
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spider-man-2o99 · 2 years
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made this because i couldn't stop thinking abt that one post after this pic was released
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fellhellion · 1 year
tunes talking about the same shit again etc etc but something i find really compelling about the 90s run, that you can feel sitting under the narrative even if Miguel the character (understandably) doesn't dig into it, is this awareness about the unsaid and deeply complicated relationship Miguel must have with physical retaliation given the fact he suffered a household with domestic violence, and he's a character terrified of becoming his father.
how he never fought back as a child because yes, he was a kid, but also he lived in the actively instilled fear that retaliation or rebellion would incur his father's abuse down upon Gabriel and Conchata.
how miguel doesn't strike his father as an adult because he thought he might accidentally kill him yes, and he didn't want an easy end for george o'hara, but just. the fact that miguel refuses to linger on any connection between his refusal to hit george, and the fact miguel's also so scared of becoming his father. he never connects those two concepts in his own introspection but given how deep that fear runs, i can't help but think on the connection between them.
vs again physical retaliation as spiderman but solely as a means to protect and defend. finally hitting back but it's against the oppressive forces that seek to grind you down to dust.
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ironcroft11 · 1 year
In defense of Gwen in Across the Spider-Verse
Okay. First of all: This post is gonna be super long and have tons of spoilers so if you don’t want to get spoiled for Across the Spider-Verse then don’t read this post. I have seen way too many people hate on Gwen because of her actions and her behavior towards Miles in Across the Spider-Verse. I’ll show you why that hate completely misses her arc in the movie and her true intentions/relationship with Miles. This post will also delve into Gwiles/Ghostflower since that is a big part of what shapes her intentions.  Many people say Gwen betrayed Miles and doesn’t really care about him. They say Miles shouldn’t forgive her and that she is a snake for what she did. I’ll show you why the opposite is true by going through the events of the movie in cronological order: The movie literally starts off with Gwen talking about Miles. She is drumming away, which is, mentioned by herself, a way for her to cope with her feelings. That opening from Gwen is a small glimpse into her head. We see how she feels and what she thinks. The interesting thing is that it’s basically Gwen broadly narrating the events of the entire movie. We even see glimpses of future scenes in that intro. The line of narration that is most important here is Gwen saying “I didn’t want to hurt him. But I did. And he is not the only one.” This shows us IMMEDIATELY that Gwen did not intend to hurt Miles AT ALL. Quite the contrary. It also shows that she is AWARE she hurt Miles. She knows she fucked up. That is going to be important later on when she needs to make the tough decision regarding Miles/The Spider Society. 
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We then follow her as she goes home, still thinking about Miles and then, of course, her Peter. Note that this is roughly 1 year after Into the Spider-Verse. 1 year after she met Miles she still thinks about him daily. “I haven’t really made any friends after that [Peter’s death], except one. But there is no way to get there.” She misses Miles and wishes there was a way to visit him. Obviously she still very much cares and thinks about him.
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At Gwen’s home we are first shown what her conflict with her father looks like. That conflict is obviously one of the main aspects of her arc and what drives her actions later on in the movie. You can see it is strained but you can still see that they obviously love each other very much. Gwen struggles as her father is basically hunting her down without knowing its is actually her. What pains her the most, though, is that her father is convinced that Spider-Gwen killed her best friend, Peter Parker. That way he, without knowing, makes Gwen feel guilty about the death of her best friend. Gwen is trying to get over Peter’s death but is held back by her dad, unbeknownst to him. 
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Gwen caring and missing Miles a lot is brought up again when she sees the picture of her and Miles that they made in Into the Spider-Verse (which she had made into a polaroid so she can actually have it on her/in her hands). Her eyes look on with sadness and her color is dark blue. The colors in Gwen’s dimension are used to portray her feelings. Dark/blue tones for sadness and light/pink tones for happiness/comfort. At this point, seeing Miles again is probably one of her dearest wishes. Miles understands her and knows who she truly is. This is going to be important later on.
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During Gwens fight with Vulture at the Museum we are introduced to Miguel O’hera, Spider-Man 2099, who saves her from Vulture. He introduces himself but Gwen seems unimpressed and uninterested. What she is very much interested in, though, is Miguel’s Dimension Watch. “You can go to any dimension you want with that watch?” She just met an entirely new Spider-Man and all she is interested in is his technology that might allow her to go and visit Miles. That is how much she misses him.
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As the duo fight off Vulture Miguel calls for back-up and they are joined by Spider-Woman Jessica Drew. Her and Gwen have an immediate bond which will be very important later on. Gwen immediately looks up to her and sees her as a mentor from who she can learn a lot. Gwen impresses Jessica so much that she asks Miguel if they want to recruit her for Miguel’s Spider-Society. “What about her?” “No.” “Why not?” “You know why.” Miguel and Jessica studied the entire Kingpin collider event. They know who was involved and they know that Gwen and Miles are friends. Miguel doesn’t want to recruit Gwen because she is too close to Miles. Why that is a problem we all know. (Miles being the original anomoly) From the start they knew Gwen’s relationship with Miles might end up jeopardizing their goal of protecting the Spider-Verse.
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We then go on to this scene. Gwen confronting her father and her father finding out that Spider-Woman, the vigilante he was dedicated to catching and locking up, is actually his daughter. This is a key moment in Gwen’s arc throughout the movie. Her father accuses her of lying to him. All Gwen wants right now is support from her father. She doesn’t get that, instead her father wants to lock her up for the murder of her Peter Parker. At this point she is immensely conflicted. “I don’t know how to fix this.” Jessica Drew notices that and convinces Miguel to let Gwen join the Spider-Society. 
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Gwen seeing no immediate solution to her problem decides to accept the invite. She is not yet ready to confront the problem and walks away from it, despite being conflicted. This will be at the back of her head throughout her entire arc and throughout the entire movie. Until she is ready to confront her dad who, remember, wants to lock her up, she CAN’T return to her home dimension. Her going back would mean her having to confront a problem she is not yet ready to confront. 
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The next time we see Gwen is after we are introduced to Miles again. This is Gwen seeing Miles again for the first time after 1 year and 4 months. Her immediate reaction is to tightly hug him. You can, in that hug alone, see how much she missed him. You can also pick up all kind of little things in this scene. One is how awkward Gwen is. She is cringing at herself for telling him he had a growth spurt. There are obviously some unresolved feelings between the two.
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Gwen then goes through his sketchbook and finds Miles’ drawings of her. She is surprised to see so many drawings of her but plays it off smoothly. “Missed you too.” It’s obvious that both missed each other immensely. But we haven’t even seen the entire extend of how MUCH Gwen ACTUALLY missed Miles. We only find out about that a bit later.
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Miles and Gwen then swing through the city and catch up. Their chemistry is on full display here. I absolutely adore this scene. Gwen tells Miles that the Spider-Society is really strict about where she goes otherwise she would have come to visit him sooner. What’s important here is that at this point Gwen KNOWS about Miles’ “condition”. She knows he is an anomoly and she knows that his father dying is a canon event. And at this time she BELIEVES in these canon events. She thinks they must be upheld or the multiverse collapses. That’s what Miguel told her. 
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During their swing Gwen uses a moment in which Miles is distracted to place her surveillance device for Spot. You can see, even with her mask, how much it pains her to keep the truth from Miles nd having to leave him in the dark. We find out: Gwen is not here because of Miles but because she is supposed to catch Spot since Spot is an anomoly. 
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What follows is one of the biggest Gwiles moments in the movie and also a very important scene when it comes to Gwen and her feelings towards Miles. They sit down at the Williamsburgh Bank Building and have a heart to heart. 
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Gwen tells Miles that it is always so great to talk to him and that he is the only friend she ever really made since Peter died. Miles, knowing about Hobie, says “Other than Hobie, right?” and Gwen answers “That’s different.” This shows us that Gwen’s relationship and feelings for Miles are different from the relationship she has with Hobie. That’s because she literally has feelings for Miles, and she knows that Miles, in some way at least, feels the same. “We’re the same, in the important ways.” Gwen then says a line that literally shows she has fallen for Miles, otherwise there would be no need for her to mention it. “In every other universe Gwen Stacy falls for Spider-Man.” This is Gwen telling Miles that she has feelings for him. 
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Hearing that reassures Miles and he moves his hand closer to hers. 
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This is important: Gwen sees this! 
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And then closes her eyes and flinches. She flinches because she wants to take his hand so bad that it literally pains her that she can’t. We find out why she can’t with her next words: “And in every other universe it doesn’t end well.” Gwen knows about canon events and knows they need to happen. She was probably being told that Gwen Stacy falling for Spider-Man and it not ending will is a canon event. 
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She then gives Miles a look that I can only describe as “loving”. She would probably love to tell him more about canon events and everything regarding the Spider-Society. But like she said: She doesn’t know how to. She doesn’t want to hurt him and she wants to protect him.
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Miles then tells her “There’s a first time for everything, right?” which makes Gwen chuckle and smile at him. It’s the first time where Gwen is confronted with Miles’ philosophy of going down his own patch and not bending to the rules of canon. Even if canon dictates something, Miles believes there is always a way. 
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This rubs off on Gwen as she affectionately leans on Miles, enjoying the sunset with him.  Not only is this overall scene incredibly beautiful and masterfully animated but its purpose is to show us that these two indeed love each other. They want to be together but Gwen, at this stage, feels like canon is against them.
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Miles and Gwen then enjoy some food in quiet and keep talking about the Spider-Society and how Miles wants to be a part of it. Gwen, without being able to tell him the truth, shuts him down and lies to him. Again, she is not ready to tell him everything, the same way she is not ready to confront her father. These 2 conflicts go hand in hand as they are her 2 biggest conflicts that she has to overcome. Gwen then snaps at Miles because he was about to find the surveillance footage of Spot which would therefore uncover her true reason for being there. Gwen obviously doesn’t want that to happen because she doesn’t want to hurt Miles. She wants to keep him away from the Spider-Society because she knows he is an anomoly AND because she knows he wouldn’t be safe there.
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After she snaps at him she immediately apologizes though. They both get REALLY close after that, closer than I had remembered from my first viewing. They also lock eyes. I’m pretty sure if not for Rio, Miles and Gwen would have kissed here. Rio interrupts them and they have an awkward talk. Rio and Jeff obviously think there is something going on between Miles and Gwen which is the source of the awkwardness. 
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Gwen then gets a signal from her dimension watch which is caused by the explosion that Spot caused. She missed her time window to catch him because she was having so much fun being around Miles. Gwen quickly leaves after that, having to lie to both Miles and his parents. 
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You can tell she doesn’t want to leave Miles. She wants to stay, but she can’t. She is conflicted. And she is conflicted throughout the entire movie. That makes her arc so interesting. 
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What follows is one of the most important interactions in the movie that show Gwen’s motives. She arrives at the explosion and realizes Spot escaped. Jessica Drew, who Gwen looks up to, remember, calls her and asks her where Spot is. Gwen tries to play the whole situation down, not wanting to be seen as a failure. That has one big reason: Since Gwen is a liability to the Spider-Society because of her connection to Miles she has to constantly prove her worth, otherwise Miguel will send her back to her universe. That is one of Gwens biggest fears. Having to confront her father again. She is not yet ready for that so she basically does everything that is asked of her, even if she doesn’t necessarily agree with it.  Jessica notices that Gwen is nervous and asks her if she visited Miles. Gwen again tries to play it down but eventually admits she went to see Miles. Jessica gets angry with her and Gwen tells her she will never see Miles again. Her voice noticeably breaks when she says that. That interaction tells us one very important point: Gwen was not allowed to visit Miles. AT ALL. Miguel has forbidden Gwen to see Miles. He probably also told her why. Miles is an anomoly and him getting entangled with the Spider-Society might end up badly. And Gwen, knowing all that, knowing she might risk the multiverse, knowing she might risk getting sent back to her own dimension and having to confront her father, STILL decided to visit Miles. That is how much she cares about Miles. She literally risked the stabilty of the multiverse for the opportunity to see Miles again. Even if its only for one evening. This alone should end the debate about how Gwen “doesn’t care about Miles”. She obviously does. A lot. 
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This can be taken even further.  “You never made a mistake? Never got too close to someone?” This is literally Gwen telling Jessica that the reason she went to see Miles is because she has feelings for him. Jess replies by saying she did but that she got over it, prompting Gwen to do the same. We, of course, know that she can’t. 
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This is one of the most emotional scenes in the movie for me. After Gwens dialogue with Jess she knows her only chance to stay on Miguels good side is to follow Spot to Mumbattan and catch him. She has to leave and knows she will never see Miles again. She longingly looks towards the rooftop she and Miles stood on just moments ago, not knowing Miles is invisible and right in front of her.  She whispers a last “Goodbye Miles” as she heartbreakingly decides to leave. As much as it pains Gwen, she thinks leaving now without explaining anything to Miles might hurt him, but it does keep him safe and away from the Spider-Society. It’s a lose lose situation for Gwen. She is fighting a losing battle. On one side she has Miles and the desire to be with him, on the other side the entire Spider-Verse and the conflict with her father. The fact she is even contemplating shows how loyal she is towards Miles.
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Miles follows her through the portal and catches her off guard. Gwen didn’t know he was listening and thought she would never see him again. Miles, being in another universe without a dimension watch, glitches and endangers both him and Gwen. Gwen then says that she “never should have visited” Miles.  She obviously meant the fact that NOW Miles is involved and they can’t go back now. She didn’t want Miles to be a part of it and now regrets that she pulled him into this. She is more angry at herself than at Miles here. 
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When the canon event approaches Gwen tries to stop Miles from disrupting it. Again, a lose lose situation for Gwen. She knows (or at least thinks at this point) that disrupting canon events can cause universe to unravel. She also knows how dangerous canon events are and that there is a good chance Miles might die if he tries to intervene. 
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Miles, not knowing about canon events at all yet, intervenes anyway. (Because he is Spider-Man, duh) While trying to save Captain Singh and the little girl he gets covered by rubble. Gwen and Hobie go down to the scene and while Hobie immediately helps Pav to pull up the bus Gwen literally makes a dash for the rubble and tries to find Miles. All the while screaming his name, her voice breaking while doing so. The relief in her voice when she finds him alive and well is very noticeable. (Great voice acting by Hailee Steinfeld)
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After disrupting the canon event, Miles asks Gwen what she thinks of the situation. Gwen, almost affectionately whispering to him, tells him that she always thinks that he is amazing. Another moment that makes these two get closer and it shows how much admiration Gwen has for Miles. Even after disrupting a canon event, Gwen thinks the world of Miles. This highlights her conflict again. While still believing in these canon events, Miles is slowly but surely changing her mind about them. He is not quite there yet but it’s coming.
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We then go the Spider-Society HQ where Gwen introduces Miles to Miguel. Miguel immediately becomes hostile and blames Miles for disrupting the canon event. Gwen knows that Miles did in fact disrupt the canon event but still defends him.  “He doesn’t know any better:” Miles has no knowledge about canon events or anything related to it so he can’t be blamed for what he did. Gwen knows that, which is also a reason why she tried to stop him. 
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Miles then finds out about the structure of the Spider-Verse and about canon events. Miles also finds out that Gwen did not only try to save him but also stop him from disrupting the canon event. 
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When Miles finds out his fathers death is a canon event that has to occur you can see Gwen frowning. She knew this and now Miles knows it.  There is no easy way to tell that to someone. Not if you’re close friends and not if you haven’t seen each other for a year. It pains Gwen that Miles has to go through that, and on top of that she can relate to it as well, because...
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... Gwen’s father is also a Captain who’s death is a canon event. This adds another layer to her inner conflict. She believes in these canon events and therefore also believes that her father has to die. Gwen, in that aspect, is similar to Miguel. She accepts it, runs away from it. Similar to how she runs away from the conflict with her father. 
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Miles confronts the other Spider’s and tells them he can’t sit back and let his father die. He then tells Gwen, referencing her earlier statement, that she was right and that she never should have visited her. Miles does NOT say that because he hates Gwen. He says that because he is distraught and because of the fact that if Gwen hadn’t shown up he’d still be in his dimension. (Where he wants to be to protect his father) Gwen starts to cry because this is OBVIOUSLY not how she wanted it to go and how she wanted Miles to find out.  The fact is: There was never a right time or way to explain it to Miles. Gwen isn’t an emotionless puppet that never struggles or is perfect. She loves Miles and she simply couldn’t bring it over her heart to tell him that his father will die and that he isn’t supposed to be Spider-Man. She wants him to be happy and to be safe, and from her perspective the best way to do that is to keep him away from the Spider-Society. 
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When Miguel traps Miles to stop him from going home Gwen and Peter get really agitated.  “That’s enough.” “Stop it Miguel.” They don’t want to be on opposite sides to Miles. They want to talk it out. Of course the chance for that is now gone. You can still see that both still very much are on “Miles’ side”. Gwen is put into a situation where she is forced to choose between her friend or the Spider-Society. 
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While they chase Miles, Jess confronts Gwen and tells her that even though Miles is Gwen’s friend, capturing him is the only way.  Gwen then tells Jess that that’s not what her gut says. This, again, shows her conflict. She KNOWS she is supposed to be on Miles’ side. It’s what her gut is saying. It’s what her heart is saying. Her head is still thinking that the multiverse must be protected, and that canon events must be stopped from being disrupted.
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She then listens to her head and tries to grab Miles with her web. The look on her face says it all. It’s pain, love and an apology all in one. Miles destroys the web, symbolic for their trust.  Miles breaks the net, he is saying that he doesn’t trust Gwen anymore.  Gwen knows that, which is why after Miles breaks the net her look is one of complete sadness and disbelief. Not disbelief because she couldn’t imagine Miles not trusting her but rather diesbelief because she can’t believe it has come this far.
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She continues the chase for Miles because she doesn’t know what else to do. When Miguel calls for every Spider-Man after they found out Miles’ location you can see Gwen having a look of dread and defeat on her face. She did’t want it to go this far. She still wants to talk it out and make up with him. She feels sorry and is slowly starting to regret her choices. 
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While on the train Gwen and Peter keep calling out to Miguel, telling him that he should stop and to take it easy on Miles. Miguel doesn’t listen.
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This scene is where the trust between Miles and Gwen is broken completely. Miles finds out that Gwen knew all along that he is an anomoly and that his father is supposed to die. He finds out that Gwen didn’t know how to tell him that and that that’s one of the reasons she didn’t come to visit him. 
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Gwen then tells Miles that its for his own good, a lie she told herself to make her feel better. She full on regrets her choices by now. She knows she made a mistake but feels too distraught to really do anything about it. Her world slowly comes crashing down on her.
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Miles is able to overpower Miguel and sends him flying down the train. The way Gwen looks down at Miguel is really interesting. Its a look of pride and relief. She is proud of how far Miles has come that he is able to escape from Miguel and reliefed that he was actually able to.
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While Gwen thinks that now the way is free for her and Peter to get to Miles and explain everything to him, Miles just gives them a look of hurt, sadness and betrayal. He then says “Goodbye Gwen”, again mirroring Gwen’s goodbye earlier in the movie. Both were sad but for very different reasons.
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The change of expression from Gwen says it all.  This goodbye from Miles, in his eyes, is final. He feels betrayed and hurt and just wants to get home to save his dad. While Gwen and Peter probably want to just talk to Miles and explain everything, Miles may think they want to capture him, too. And Miles can’t take that chance.
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After Miles decides to jump Gwen, again, has an expression of relief on her face. This time the relief is because Miles managed to really escape Miguel and the other Spiders. She knows Miles will be safe, for now.
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Miles manages to escape and Gwen is furious with Miguel. Furious as to how he treated Miles and how he managed the whole ordeal. 
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She speaks up and Miguel blames Gwen for the Spider-Society losing Miles.  This is where Gwen starts to see that she actually doesn’t have the Spider-Societies back and that she should have taken Miles’ side from the beginning. She slowly realizes the true extent of her mistake. 
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Gwen then proposes to talk it out with Miles, on her own. Miguel refuses, saying they tried that already.
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She goes on to tell that Miles is her friend and is starting to question the whole “Canon event” topic. “Do you know for certain what happens when he breaks the Canon?” She is starting to fully side with Miles. 
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Miguel tells her he knew from the beginning that her relationship with Miles was a liability. Gwen looks to Jess for support but doesn’t get it. She is now on her own, same as Miles. 
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Gwen gets sent to her home universe, the thing she dreaded most. The last thing she tells Miguel is that they are supposed to be the good guys. That shows where she stands in regards to the conflict inside herself. She now knows that what Miguel and the Society does is wrong.  She was on the Society’s side, now she is on Miles’ side. 
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She immediately tries to go to Miles’ dimension but she is locked out from using the dimension watch. Miguel denied her access. Gwen is furious and now trapped in her home dimension. 
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She returns home and wants to collect the polaroid of her and Miles. She doesn’t want to confront her father yet, but we all knew it was inevitably coming.
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Gwen confronts her dad and opens up to him. She pours her heart out and tells him how she really feels.  Remember, Gwen is a 16 year old girl. She carried the burden of her rensponsibility and the conflict inside her while still always trying to do the right thing.  But she says it best in this scene, “She doesn’t know what right or wrong is anymore.” The entire time she believed these canon events to be absolute and followed through with the Spider-Society’s plans because she thought it was the right thing to do.  In the process she hurt and betrayed the only real friend she had. And that was the straw that broke the camels back. Her intentions are now clear.
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“I can’t lose one more friend.” She doesn’t know whats right or whats wrong, all she knows is that she can’t lose Miles. 
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During her speech her father decides to quit his job as captain, freeing him from the canon event. This is when Gewn realizes that canon events might not be absolute and that they can be disrupted without dooming the dimension. She realizes Miles might have been doing the right thing all along. 
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After making up with her dad the only thing left to do for Gwen is to go and find Miles. With the help of Hobie’s watch that is actually possible now.
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Gwen arrives in Miles’ universe and finds out that Miles is in the wrong universe. She overhears Rio and Jeff talk about Miles. They mention Miles lighting up when he is around Gwen and that they hope she doesn’t get him hurt. This is where the full realization of her actions become clear to Gwen. She hurt Miles and didn’t help him when he needed her the most, and she hates herself for that.
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She blames herself for what happened to Miles, even though it is not her fault entirely. 
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Gwen tells Rio and Jeff that she is going to find Miles and bring him back. She also tells them what she learned from Miles. “All is possible.” This is the lesson Miles gives Gwen in this movie. It is a lesson she needed to learn. She now fully believes that anything is possible. This will come into play in Beyond the Spider-Verse when they are going to try and stop canon events from happening. 
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She resolves the conflict with her father, parts ways with the Spider-Society and has only one goal left now: To find and make up with Miles. In her arc Gwen faced the conflict of choosing her friend or the greater good. On one hand is Miles, who she obviously has feelings for. On the other hand there is the Spider-Society who tell her how the multiverse works and how dangerous Miles and other anomolies are. In the end, her friend won, though it was a harsh process that damaged their trust and relationship.  Gwen is not perfect and isn’t always right. She is a 16 year old girl with tons of complex conflicts going on. She fights a constant battle with herself and her feelings. She makes mistakes, as do Miles, Peter, Miguel and the others. The important thing is that Gwen learns from these mistakes.  This also shows that she doesn’t hate or not care about Miles like some people have said. If anything her actions show to which lengths she went for Miles to be safe.  She knows she hurt Miles and is going to make up for it in Beyond the Spider-Verse. 
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the-broken-truth · 1 year
Leaving The Web [Part 2] - Platonic Yandere Miguel O'Hara w/ Daughter Symbiote Spider Reader
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Summary: It's been three months since you left Miguel and the Spider-Society to start a new life with Venom. So far, things have been going great. The universe seems to welcome a Spider-Woman protecting the streets of New York. However, Miguel seems to be struggling, and a strange occurrence brings him to your Earth. Will you consider giving him another chance, or has the Spiderling left the web for good?
[Earth-928 - Nueva York - Spider-Society]
"Father, check it out - I captured this Anolmany by myself!" Your smile was bright and hope radiated in our eyes, hoping for your father's praise - praise that he has denied you for the past 15 years but you remained hopeful that he would notice your effort and give you what you wanted for the longest time - his love. However, he didn't give it to you - he instead glared at you as if you were something grotesque and took the Anolmany to be placed with the others before walking away and leaving you and your shattered heart alone. He saw in the image that Peter came behind you and pulled up into a hug with Mayday.
"I should have done that for you, [Name]. I should have been the one to hug you and praise you for everything you had at such a young age, but I couldn't... No... I wouldn't. It's all my fault." Miguel said as he hung his head down, closing his eyes and telling the tears hit the table before him. "I failed you, [Name]; I'm so sorry."
"You should have said those things to her while she was still here. You don't get to pity yourself now that she is gone." Peter said behind Miguel on a lower platform while holding a sleeping Mayday in his arms.
"I know that, Peter; you're not telling me something I don't already know. I failed my daughter all because I had an issue with the woman who birthed her. It wasn't [Name's] Fault that she was born but I still took it out on her, now my daughter is gone." Miguel said as he wiped the tears from his eyes and turned to face Peter, who glared at the man he considered his friend. "Is there something you needed?"
"If you weren't such a horrible father, none of this would have happened. I mean, you left your daughter to steal the life of another you after he was killed and called your own daughter a burden."Peter said as he jumped up to Miguel's Platform, "But that's not why I'm here, you haven't been listening to Lyla's Hails; if you have, you would know that there is another Anolmany sighting on Earth-232. We need your help, Spider-Man 2099." Peter said to Miguel, who just nodded his head before materializing his mask and messing around with the Gizmo on his wrist, opening up a portal to Earth-232 and jumping inside without a second thought.
[Meanwhile - Unknown Earth]
The Black-Suited Spider-Woman zipped through the streets after the strange-looking creature that was giving the cop such a hard time to the point they needed to call you - apparently, it looked like the Vulture but the real Vulture was locked away tight and hadn't escaped prison. This was strange but then you realized that this Vulture was nothing but an Anolmany and if there was an Anolmany here...
"It will only be a matter of time before he or his goons arrive here to collect it. We need to deal with this and head away before they can see us." Venom said from the depths of [Name's] Mind.
"I know that, V. We'll have this wrapped up and back home before dinner." [Name] said to her Symbiote before arriving at the scene and getting into the fray. She shot webs at the other Vulture and started pounding on him before wrapping him up in the webs and placing him n the roof of a nearby building before turning to leave but it was too late. A portal opened up and Miguel along with a few Spider-People walked out and looked down at the trapped Vulture but Miguel was looking at you while you glared at him over your shoulder.
"There's a Spider-Woman here? I thought the computer said there was no Slpider-People in this universe." One of the Spider-People said but Miguel just walked over to you but stopped a few feet away when you lifted your hand, signaling him to do so.
"Don't come any closer, Miguel O'Hara. You have what you came for, now leave my universe and never come back." You warned him but he just looked at you and his mask disappeared and the tears in his eyes fell like rain.
"[Name], my daughter..." He started but you just shook your head at him.
"I'm not your daughter, Spider-Man 2099. I don't have a father just like I don't have a mother. They are dead to me. Take your Anolmany and leave; come before me again and there will be problems." You turned and shot a web at one of the building and was prepared to swing off when Miguel's hand wrapped around your arm, causing you to look at him with anger in your eyes. "Let me go."
"Mija, I know that you are angry with me but I can be a better father to you now; I have seen the error of my ways; please, come home with us." Miguel begged you but you just punched in the face with your feet hand, breaking his nose and making him let you go before you swung away from the scene before he could recover and follow you.
"You handled that rather well, [Name]" Venom said.
"Thanks, V. What do you want for dinner tonight It's our turn to pick. You said as you swung from building to building.
"Tater Tots and Chocolate." Venom purred, "Lots of chocolate."
"Deal, V." You said before disappearing from Migeul's View. Miguel stood there with his hand covering his bleeding nose and tears rushing down his face.
"Boss, was that your kid...the one that went missing?" One of the Spider-People asked causing Miguel to nod and close his eyes, "Man, she really hates you."
"I know...but I shall fix that soon enough. Now that I know where she is, she can no longer escape from me. Gather that Anolmany and let's get back home; I have some planning to do." Miguel said as he returned his mask and walked through the portal, 'I know where you are now, Mija; Papa will be there for you from now on.'
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oldmemoria · 10 months
okay heres the fucking thing about this script controversy that some people don't seem to get.
just gonna say it blatently:
strap in babes this is gonna be a long one!
The way Miguel O'Hara is written in the leaked transcripts is blatantly racist, here's why from a Latino himself!
all wrapped up in a sweet little bow for everyone who doesn't know how to comprehend what they're reading, cheers!
er. i mean.
Miguel fans are not mad that they depicted him in a bad light and that they made it clear that he is in the wrong
Miguel has been depicted as a morally grey asshole since the early 1990s, which is when Spider-Man 2099 was initially debuted. And while yes, the movies are.... inaccurate, to say the least, it still stands.
The issue here is how he is depicted. They directly call Miguel O'Hara, a Latino man, an ANIMAL (he is directly called an animal TWICE. FUCKING TWICE.)
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[1st image id: Miguel leaps onto Vulture, Clawing his way in past the renaissance armor. he is an ANIMAL. (keep in mind ANIMAL is literally in all caps.) /end id]
[2nd image id: Miguel SLASHES at the walls of light that surround Miles. Clawing the energy field apart, an animal in the throes of bloodlust -- /end id]
I need you to really soak in the fact that he is called "AN ANIMAL" twice. I'm awful at alts and ids but I feel I must so you can read it in plain text. sorry if they suck.
Our issue is not that the writers seem to have a bias against the character. a lot of writers write characters they dont particularly like and in turn tend to write them from a foggy lense of their own perception. An example would be Kate Cary and how she didn't like Crowfeather, a character she had to write about. I'm sure some of her bias seeped through. but this is different.
writing a Latino man as a bloodthirsty animal, implied to be called a predator because they call one of the people he fights (im not sure if its miles or the vulture, im leaning towards believing the former.) his "prey", THOSE ARE ALL RACIAL STEREOTYPES. ALL OF THEM.
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[3rd image id: But Miguel can only see his prey: /end id]
There is no context to be needed here, the context is that this is miguel we're talking about and that they call him an animal. it does not matter if he is a villain or not (which he isnt, factually he fucking isnt im tired of having this conversation, fuck you). it matters that he's depicted in a racially insensitive way.
and this person brought this up pretty well actually, I didn't even think of it:
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[4th image id: Tumblr user @/404-505 saying:
i want to be so mean to them
they couldn't write miguel crossing the border and stealing a job so they wrote him crossing into another universe and stealing his own identity
they couldnt write miguel as a drug addict so they gave him spider steroids instead /end id.]
They bring up a really good point about these clear stereotypes being seemingly. . . disguised behind points that are narratively relevant? This could literally just be pure coincidence, but noting how the writers wrote him before... it isn't looking too good for them. Sorry. Not sorry.
It is clear that there is some kind of bias against miguel that led to really disgusting, racist retoric. Whether or not it was intentional or if it was a first draft or whatever, the writers, which may i remind you were white, still wrote this at some point.
it makes me question whether or not they hated him because of his "bullshit utopia", their words not mine, or because of their own racial biases.
We cannot know because miguel is the only mexican character on the cast. I know Miles is Puerto Rican, but there are differences between how they were portrayed. also Puerto Ricans and Mexicans come from competely different cultural backgrounds that share simularities but are still different dont even try i will destroy you.
Using another users words again, but:
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[5th image id: Tumblr user @/transmiguelohara says:
Don't talk to me about the Miguel parts in the script. I'm so disappointed in how the writers view him.
The difference between the way Miguel is written (antagonist, not the villain) vs Spot (the villain, whats to kill Miles' dad and everyone he knows) is soooo.....I don't know man it just screams racism in sorry. Describing Miguel as a bloodthirsty animal? Repeatedly? Treating him like he's mindless and has no motivation beyond having a hair trigger temper? It sucks man. /end id]
It also strikes me that now that we finally have a brown-skinned miguel, they write him like, well. this.
I don't really know if this is petty or not, but I want to wrap this back to the way the fandom also sees Movie Miguel.
Because TRUST ME it is not good either.
Miguel O'Hara Vs. FANDOM: Spoilers, it's been troubling since the beginning.
From the beginning (and by beginning in this case I mean since he was announced to be a character in this movie) Miguel has been continuously sexualized, beyond belief. He is repeatedly called "papi cholo" which NEED I REMIND YOU "Cholo" is a derogatory term used to call someone, usually a mexican person, a criminal or a delinquent.
FUCK YOU if you are not Latino OR hispanic and use this to describe people. from the bottom of my heart.
I'm pretty sure the majority of the people who called/ still currently call him "papi cholo" are mixing it up with "papi chulo" (white people moment.) which means something completely different but is still troubling as hell.
"papi chulo", which is slightly different in the way, just directly translates to "big daddy". Which again, Latino men being overly sexual "Latin Lovers" is ALSO A RACIAL STEREOTYPE. also its just blatant fetishization. Point blank fucking period.
Not only that but I notice a lot of art and fanfiction depicts him doing a lot of violence, or being very overbearing and demeaning, or in short terms.
a lot of people write him as physically and sexually aggressive.
fuck do you mean he growls during sex i can and will send you to space with no return.
for the millionth time
racial stereotype
halleluiah or however you spell it.
Having him say random spanish phrases you don't know the meaning or connotations of in your fanfiction is icing on the cake at this point.
fucking end me.
it isn't even only sexual depictions, since he's been shown in the movie, a lot of people seem to just see him as this guy who goes off and tries to kill children at a hairs trigger. which uh. fun fact no he fucking doesnt.
you clearly didn't watch the movie as well as you thought you did. hes just sarcastic and generally pretty level headed through the majority of his runtime, whether its implied by how characters around him act, or its just what we see on screen.
He doesn't necessarily have anger issues, the moment we see at the climax of the film is quite literally a mental break. he is not acting in a way that he usually would because he was cracking under the stress of holding the multiverse together with some scotch tape and orange glitter glue.
Also side tangent but he also has a mental break in the comics that's a little more... droopy and sad as compared to the movie, but it still happens. he has shitty mental health is what im saying. he only really lashes out angrily when hes at his wits end because that's how he grew up. he was taught to suppress his feelings and seem smaller when he was upset.
he is the result of abuse and neglect. of course he wouldn't be amazing at emotional regulation.
Which before anyone says it no, this is not an excuse for his actions. just an explaination that isn't "hes an angry animal that has it out for miles UwU" that everyone seems to have in their brain. I'm tired of you all. truly.
the sentiment that hes agressive and angry and his only emotion is anger and upsetness unless he's horny which is when he experiences all these emotions tenfold is. racist. idk how clear i have to be for people to get it through their damn skulls that the way the fandom depicts him is harmful. do i need to slap you in the face with a fish until you understand. do i need to burn your fanfiction. will you get it now that a 15 year old latino boy has to scream it in your face.
and dont even get me STARED on how inaccurately he is written
this is a more light hearted section because idk. feels like i should have it because this part is just comical, pun intended. How can you fuck up this hard guys.
I was gonna give them the benefit of the doubt because "Miguel has fresh trauma!" "He only shows up for like 10 minutes!" "insert 3rd reason!" for his drastic change in demeanor and personality, which, without context, are valid reasons for him to be a little different. trauma fucks you up man. we only see 10 minutes of him. but at this point im chalking it up to complete incompetence
it doesnt take that long to read a comic book guys. you could have done a little research, I know you can do it.
first off:
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[6th image id: Miguel's SPIDER-SENSE goes off! He races to the edge if the building and peers into an empty alley -- /end id]
Unless you didn't get the total of TWO jokes that they made in ONE scene (the vulture fight scene), Miguel doesn't have a spider sense. at all. He has elevated senses, but he doesnt have a spider sense.
I cant help but laugh! this is a rookie mistake! these are seasoned writers! They could have done at least a little research, or at least remembered that he doesnt have one, no? is it that hard? or does his lack of a spider sense only matter when you're making fun of your least favorite character? thats what I thought.
this one is less funny. not to sound like a stereotypical comic nerd but this infuriated me a little bit I'm not gonna lie.
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[8th image id: tumblr user @/darksidecorner reblogged tumblr user @/spiderxpawz with:
They definitely didn't
a screenshot of the script reads:
AN INDUSTRIAL TANGLE OF HUGE PISTONS -- the literal DARK UNDERBELLY that undergrids Miguel's bullshit Utopia.
Miles doesn't know where to go... but he doesn't need to: SOMEONE YANKS him up into the safety of an alcove.
the user then continues:
This in particular made me PISSED because they quietly canonized that Miguel is CEO of Alchemax while conveniently ignoring that he did everything in his fucking power to BETTER Neuva York. Downtown wasn't built by him. It was built by people WAY before him.
I can excuse and defend some comic deviation, but THIS? Holy FUCK /end id]
I honestly cant tell if I find this part funny or pathetic because seriously. he did not do this. why are you blaming him for something he had nothing to do with. i dont think he decided "hey i should build a city for rich people over poor people because reasons" when he was like... not even alive. Alchemax did this before he was even sentient. it had always been this way since he was born. he also actively hated this decision. because he actively hates alchemax.
but right MIGUELS bullshit Utopia yeah HE did this that EVIL LITTLE BABY i cant believe him
kill me.
In conclusion:
I. . . Don't really know, to be honest. I'm still processing all this. I am genuinely disappointed and upset because this isn't okay. It never will be, and if it takes yet another blunt essay with absolutely no filter for people to understand it then so be it. I don't care if this comes off as mean. This is something I feel qualified to talk about and I will express my disappointment and anger if I want to.
All of the posts I reference I have reblogged within the last 24 hours of making this post, they shouldn't be that hard to find, but if you want the links to them here they are:
if you want your image to be removed or for your link to be removed just ask and I'll do it. but currently im kinda bummed out and tired.
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waterfreshner · 5 months
You and Miguel had a son two years ago after getting married. An accident happened, and Vulture 2099 killed him as an infant. It devastated you, but it hit Miguel harder since it was the second time he lost a kid. The only thing keeping you together was caring for your husband, channeling your maternal energies into making sure he was doing well and wasn't entirely swallowed by grief. Now you have gotten into a new rhythm and went out to your anniversary dinner, and now you have broken the news to Miguel…….. Your period is two weeks late, and you just took a pregnancy test.
“I'm home!” I shouted down the hall, throwing my keys on the counter.
“I'm in here!” he replied from the bedroom.
I entered the room to find him lounging on the bed in his regular civilian clothes. He didn't have many days off, and I came home early just to spend time with him since I rarely got to cuddle with my husband, wear sweatpants, watch telenovelas, and eat snacks.
“What's up? How's your day been?” he asks as I collapse on the bed
“It was a day,” I sigh, rubbing my temple. “Susan was a bitch again today, and of course, nobody did anything to help.”
I move next to Miguel, and he puts his arm around my shoulder. “I am glad to be home with you,” I say, smiling at him
I look at Miguel and see how relaxed he is; his hair is unkempt, and his dark circles aren't as prominent as they used to be. He looks good like this, domestic and happy. I hate knowing that this will probably change soon the second I show him the pregnancy test hidden in my purse.
“I’m glad you're home too,” Miguel says before kissing me on the forehead. I zone out, staring at my wallet, until I hear Miguel talking to me gently
“¿Qué ocurre?’ he asked, looking at me worriedly.
“I'm fine,” I groan as I stand up.
I couldn't keep this from him; he deserves to know. I seemed to leave my body as I watched myself slowly stand up from the bed and walk to my purse while Miguel moved his attention back to his show. Time seemed to slow as I grabbed the test and sat back down.
“What did you get me?” Miguel inquires, sitting up and looking at me.
I take a deep breath and try to map out what I'm going to say. It should be short and sweet, easy and simple.
“I'm pregnant,” I mutter under my breath, not truly believing the words myself.
“What?” Miguel says, looking at the test with a puzzled expression.
“I'm pregnant,” I repeat louder, pointing at the two lines on the test.
For a moment, I thought I had broken Miguel. He stared at the test for almost a full minute before saying anything.
“Are you sure?” he asks quietly.
“I'm pretty sure I took three pregnancy tests, and all of them were positive,” I responded gently.
“Have you scheduled any appointments yet to see how far along you are?” he says, finally setting the test down.
“Not yet,” I answer, sitting down, trying to gauge how well he is taking this.
“Do you want to try again?” he turns to face me, gently taking my hand and scanning my face for any sign of uncertainty or grief.
“I think so,” I respond quietly, squeezing his hand slightly
“Ok then,” he says before picking up his phone, immediately making an appointment at the nearest clinic, and then setting his phone back down.
Neither of us knew what to say or how to respond. We just sat there hugging and staring at the positive test with doubt, wondering if we were ready to be parents again after the loss of our son (INSERT BABY NAME HERE). The rest of the evening, we were in some kind of denial. We went about our everyday routine as if nothing had happened, except I noticed Miguel was being more careful around me. He moved me out of the way of bumping into things and told me to sit down because I'd been standing for “so long.” Even though I was only on my feet for 15 minutes, he wouldn't even let me help cut vegetables for dinner.
“Miguel, I'm not made of glass,” I say exasperatedly. I'm pregnant.”
“hi, pregnant. I'm Dad,” he says with a shit-eating grin before doing a little dance, aka hitting the griddy because he is a silly goose on the loose, and he desires to choke slam fifteen-year-olds into trains and tell them they are a mistake. 😀
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koolcece22 · 2 months
 My Symbiote spider-man 2099 review
(Disclaimer: I did started reading the spider-man 2099 comic after ATSV so my review may be lackluster at best but I will tell it how it is. Also spoiler warning on the whole comic.)
edit: at part of the review got cut off I fixed it
So this is my review of the spider-man 2099 symbiote comic: 
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IT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me explain, so the comic kicks off at the issue where Kron and the Venom got captured. Venom escapes and fuses with the fish guy. Miguel tries to stop him and get the symbiote back. That’s a strong start as it makes sense to start here due to how bad the original comic ending was.(Side note: they did the ironic page with spider-man 2099 again just so they can pull the nostalgia heart string to get us hooked.)
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Miguel is now the CEO of Alchemax, which he hates and everyone hates him for it too. Also the fact he stressed from being the CEO and Spider-man. That was the first red flag of the comic. Miguel in 92 run didn’t like being the CEO but he knew it better than someone else taking over. 
 so the Venom made a new symbiote before it left and one of Miguel co-work was experimenting on it to control it and Miguel wasn’t having that and wanted it destroyed. He figured that co-worker wasn’t going to destroy it so he went in as spider-man to make sure it got destroyed. The co-worker tried to control the symbiote but it backfired and fused with Miguel. 
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Kron also escape at the sametime and punisher was hot on his tale and ready to killed him till Venom found Kron again since it like Kron for some reason and Kron killed punisher (i’m pretty sure he not dead dead but who care)
The symbiote that fused with Miguel try to take over but Miguel have more will power. So Symbiote opt to let them work together. Kron sneaks back into Alchemax disguising as Miguel. Tylor trying to get back the company. Kron got caught by him and Miguel’s mom. Then real miguel came in and reveal to Kron there brothers and he spider-man. I was like ‘WTF’? On the Miguel revealing he spider-man to everyone in the room. 
Kron tries to convince Miguel that they are brothers and we should take over the city since they both have symbiotes. Even Miguel’s Symbiote tries to tell him they should work with Kron and Miguel agrees!? Also, there was a moment that Tylor was thrown out the window but it was cop out, it was all in Miguel’s head. God I wish that would happen. 
So Kron and Miguel having a brother moment in the next two issues goes nowhere. Like Kron and Miguel’s symbiote try to convince Miguel to kill people but he won’t so he still has control over his symbiote. Strange found out that Miguel is ‘possessed’ by the Symbiote and went to Doom for help. Also the moment when he and Vulture had a fight and Miguel was actually going to kill him but he was saved by Strange. Probably the one person you should kill is Strange.
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(ok this was kind of funny)
Doom go get Gabriel who was bitter with his mom and Miguel. Also just found out that his mom cheated with his dad and Miguel and Kron are brothers. Doom tell Gabe to go free Miguel which how the fuck does Doom knows that Gabe is Miguel’s brother? Did I missed a issue in 92 comic?!
So Gabe found Miguel who was having an exponential crisis. Telling that this isn’t you, he gets stabbed by Kron and throw off a building (I'm pretty sure that happened). Miguel got pissed and tried to kill Kron. Miguel talked to Venom trying to convince them that Kron sucks and he better. Venom fused with Miguel and surprisingly killed Kron (I hope). Unfused with both of them and killing them? Sad that Gabe is dead but wait!! Gabe turns up a few days later and turns out that he is alive or what we think its him.
So the summary is over here the review part: first, the art style. It is terrible or at least not the best work. I know I came off straight from the movie so Miguel’s design I have high expectations for. But they used the 2019 comic design and let's just say it suck.he look way too much like Peter. Like, you could have made a fusion of the 92 comic design and the movie design. It has been done before by Mr.Dev and even fan made. Also other Spiders comics were starting to adapt the movie design, so why not Miguel? They also keep forgetting what Miguel suppose to have. Where are his red eyes? Where are his fangs? Where his sunglasses? Like come on! It 2024! You should know what he look like!! Everyone designs but Lyla is ugly. Only the cover were nice. Sidenote: if anyone can find a poster for issue one for me that be great.
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Second, the pacing of the story was horrible. Like I get it they only had 5 issue but it was way rushed even for five issue. Like the plot went nowhere. Not only that but it looks like they change the plot midway. Like the first two issues look like they were going to pull the ‘which one is Miguel’ card. Are we reading about Miguel or the Symbiote or Kron since he was disgusting as Miguel. That would've been fun to read or would grab me to keep reading. There was also the whole Kron and Miguel trying to be brothers that just rubbed me the wrong way. Ugh, didn’t Kron just kill Dana? Like Miguel’s fiancée? The love of his life?! Also side note there was no mention of her or Xina in this whole comic. I don’t think Miguel don’t want to be brothers with Kron who:
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A. killed his Fiancee. 
B. try to kill him when he was young. 
C. probably was going to kill his mom. 
D. killed Gabe, I know that one was after but it still counts. 
E. did a bunch of evil stuff. I know he killed Punisher’s wife and/or family
Miguel deciding going with Kron was a way out character even with the Symbiote. The Symbiote would try to convince him to kill Kron and feed off his negative emotion. 
Let's talk about Symbiote, the thing that pissed me off the most in this whole comic. The Symbiote was very disappointing. First the design, it looks very boring. Looking back at Gwen and Miles’s symbiote suits this very lackluster. Like the only thing I like about it is that he is bulky.
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i'm most look like he got those 19ins
I saw better fan art designs for Miguel symbiote; it just looks very plain for a symbiote. 
Another issue with the Symbiote is its point in the story. So this whole comic hype this Symbiote to be a great threat to everyone but…it did nothing. All it did was try to convince Miguel to let it have control or to kill people. That's it. It was just the symbiote scream that Miguel's ear telling him to do stuff like Navi from Zelda or Paimon from Genshin. 
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And biggest fucking problem I had for symbiote: 
The reason why I've been calling it Miguel’s Symbiote is because it doesn’t have a name. I read this whole thing for 5 months for not to be named?! Like the main reason why I read this comic is because I love Symbiotes. It is the only thing I truly like about Spider-man (or least got me hooked read Spider-man) and when I heard Miguel getting one I was excited. But this whole comic was a huge disappointment that I wasted 5 months to read this to not only getting half ass writing from one of the original creators of 92’ 2099 run of all things. Like if this was written by someone else I would be that not too upset but this is worse. He already letting me down with other stuffs he did that I won’t talk about. It's like he barely looks back at his work when writing this. As a writer this hurts. Like look at your stuff to make sure your retcon is going to make sense otherwise there is no point. this prove a point that just because the original writer is back that its going to be any good
So overall this comic is 1/10 and the only reason it got a one for the last issue was because they had a good fight and Miguel was being cunning. I hope we spider-man 2099 fan get a good comic. Because the last comic was about so-what descent was like in 2015. Like no one in marvel can write Miguel, he is not that hard!
tell me your thoughts or comments
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din-skywalker · 1 year
Just wanted to leave a little thank you for being a beacon of factual info on Miguel. Like for the parts that peak through in the ATSV they still get muddled if you don’t know or you refuse to look deeper than, ‘He opposed Miles = he’s bad’.
Like no.
He is a very traumatic individual that has the coping mechanism of ‘I’ve done this wrong now I will make sure it will never happen again.’ He overthinks, but genuinely wants to do good and gets very irritated when it doesn’t happen. His fights with the Specialist for Kasey and Vulture 2099 being his monstrous self come to mind. He’s not quippy funny, but flat sarcasm because it’s how he deflects. And on that note he’s never against the jokes, he just doesn’t do it (Peter B is being used as an unreliable narrator). And he cares or he wouldn’t have been so haunted and committed to fixing something when at first as Spider-Man he hated it and himself so much.
Just really a thank you to highlighting things about his personality or ability set. It wonderful!
PS. I saw an ask-answer where you said you have a discord server for 90’s Miguel, is it still open?
hehe! i try my best to spread true info about miguel, since he's my skrunkily. i've loved him for around 6 years now...
and yes! there's so much depth to his character that so many people ignore. they make him so flat when he's not... the movie doesn't do the best job at showing he's more than one dimensional at times, however, especially for people that won't look too much further into it
there's also the fact that he's shown as angry a lot. angry characters are typically viewed negatively because anger is viewed negatively overall. which, is stupid. just because someone is angry a lot doesn't mean they're not a good person... and miguel isn't only angry anyways... that's just most of what we see in the movie (god i wish he had more screen time. people wouldn't misunderstand him as much if he had more time i think)
for the server- yes! it's an overall miguel server that discourages nsfw content, so if you're into that there's only one channel where that's allowed (also minors are NOT allowed) im a mod there so lemme know it's you that joined :^)
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danwhobrowses · 1 year
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse - Quickfire Review
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So I am out of the cinema, and I have thoughts
We've finally reached the sequel to the epic Spider-verse movie, which in itself rewrote the rules on animation while being able to juggle a large cast outside of the Marvel machine.
So let me tell you my experience with the movie
Spoilers for the movie, you've been warned
Okay, this was a lot
It was really good, but it was a lot
I really don't want to speak badly about this movie because it is not at all bad, it's a visual spectacle with many twists and great characters. But I think the plot lost me. The main reason I think it lost me was the crux of 'Canon Events', which I will get more into, but given that last movie was about anyone being a Spider it was irksome that the story is also 'yes but you also have to have the exact same experiences which strips your story of agency'. I also think that the retcon that Peter A would've survived is wrong, and if all Spiders are meant to have the same chain of happening then why is Miles, the anomaly, subject to that rule in a universe where that chain has already happened? Also if he's an anomaly why didn't the universe disappear after a year of him and the Spider from Earth-42 being in this world? In a way it does threaten to lose the heart of what made the first movie so good too.
I also feel like it was two or three movies stitched together, Gwen's story was great, albeit with so much angst, Miles' story in his universe barely got going and Miles vs Spider Society was the main part of the narrative, and while it was woven together well I think the magnitude of it all took me out of it a bit, a lot of the times I felt like it was gonna end and then it went on for another 10-30 minutes, and it is a bad sign when you can feel the length of a movie. Honestly we could've easily gotten away with a Spider-Gwen movie of her own, let it cliffhanger with the cold open we got then have the final interaction with her dad and the infinite amount of colour palettes in this movie with just the Miles stuff going on.
My main character critique is probably the sourness that they did EXACTLY what I feared they would do to Miguel O'Hara. Spider-Man 2099 is my favourite Spider-Man but they really did decuple down on the edginess over the basis of his suit and powers. I mean sure, he has trauma that has killed off the last of his lighthearted value we saw in last-movie's post-credits scene, but most Spiders have trauma, and he did essentially steal another man's life for his own. I think the fact that he puts a ton of pressure on himself to uphold other timelines didn't quite come across so well, because they needed him to take over as the primary antagonist and 'the guy who tells Miles the stuff his mother warns him people may say to him'. Also, Miguel is different from most spiders because he doesn't have his Uncle Ben moment, he was a dick who caught conscience and Alchemax tried to silence him and accidentally gave him spider powers, so that also hinders the 'Canon Events' plot of Uncle Ben and Captain Stacy moments happening. Jessica Drew I struggled to get around to, loved her at the start but then she just started being cold, same can be said for Miles' parents towards Gwen, they picked one thing she couldn't have known they'd dislike and that was their tone towards her for most of their interactions after.
B U T !
Do I intend to watch Beyond the Spider-Verse? Yes! Absolutely.
Because even with the narrative flaws and the irksome nature that some characters are just being cold for little reason and that one of your favourite comics Spider-Man is not represented the same way, there is an extremely good movie in here. The art was amazing, in between all universes, the music was AMAZING, like Gwen vs Vulture just had an amazing soundtrack on its own. And gods all the Easter eggs; game and live action continuity weaved in, Ben Reilly, Unlimited Spidey, Julia Carpenter, adult MayDay Spider, Venom movie shop, even Prowler Donald Glover! There is so much to enjoy and the more you know about the several iterations and media of Spider-Man the more you find to enjoy.
But Hobie (Spider-Punk) stole the fucking show, everything he did was gold, Pavitr was fun but we needed more of him same with Spiderbyte and really Peter B and Miguel, Spot was hilarious too and then terrifying-looking when he reached his full potential, also Penny has an EVA now. The Spiders chase was well done with its clever quips and dynamic use of other spiders, the cold open was also inventive with Renaissance-verse Vulture. And then of course we got a very gripping cliffhanger, I like the squad we have for Gwen to rescue Miles and I can only beg that Lord and Miller manage to tone down and bring Miguel around in a satisfying manner without having to compromise the integrity and heart of the plot as Miles seeks a way to save his father without erasing his universe.
If anything this movie will keep you on your toes, it is stylistic beyond anything you might have seen before, but it can easily get overwhelming. I personally enjoyed as much as Guardians 3, maybe more by a slight margin (the highs are higher but the qualms are greater so hard to tell), but I also feel like it's not better than the first plot-wise just because of that feeling of being overwhelmed. It is worth a watch though for sure.
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pico-digital-studios · 4 months
Omniverse - Another crazy Spider-Verse crossover idea I had, this time based on Ben 10
Yep, I had this idea floating around in my head for quite a bit today, in part thanks to reading up plenty about Ben 10 on the TV Tropes wiki. It got me imagining; what if we had another Spider-Verse-esque crossover, but involving the universe of Ben 10 instead?
I mean, the premise of alternate realities and timelines has been explored quite a bit in the many iterations of the franchise (like Gwen getting the Omnitrix instead of Ben or Ben's other alternate counterparts), and it got me imagining a cast line-up for the concept. The ones I thought up for the story are as follows:
Miles Morales / Spider-Man II = Alt Alan Albright / Alan Fanon (harbouring on him being a fanon counterpart to the original)
Peter B. Parker / Spider-Man = Ben A. Tennyson / Ben 10
Gwen Stacy / Spider-Woman = Julie Yamamoto / Julie 30
Spider-Man Noir = Classic Cartoon Ben 10
Spider-Ham = Reboot Ben 10
Peni Parker and SP//dr = Anime Lucy Mann and Ship
Pavitr Prabhakr / Spider-Man India = India Jimmy Jones
Hobie Brown / Spider-Punk = Ultimate Ben 10,000
Margo Kess / Spider-Byte = Gwen 10
Mayday Parker = Toddler Ken Green-Tennyson
Villains (Into the Omniverse)
William "Kingpin" Fisk = Phil Billings
Aaron Davis / The Prowler = Manny Armstrong / Techadon Warrior
Olivia Octavius / Doc-Ock = Arshika Charlie Animo / Dr. Animo
Green Goblin = Sunder the Retriever
Tombstone = Fistrick
Scorpion = Vulkanus
Villains (Across/Beyond the Omniverse)
Adriano Tumino / Renaissance Vulture = Pastel Master Kundo
Jonathan Ohnn / The Spot = Albedo / Negative Ben 10
Armadillo = Ssserpent
Miles G. Morales = Alan K. Albright
Villains (Miscellaneous)
Doctor Crawdaddy = Tim Buktu (Ben 10 Reboot)
Pavitr's Hobgoblin = Trombipulor
Miguel O'Hara / Spider-Man 2099 = Reboot Evil Ben 10/Alien X
Lyla = Alternate Glitch (in a Gwen form)
Jessica Drew / Spider-Woman = Molly Gunther
Ben Reilly / Scarlet Spider = Ben 23
Supporting Cast (Base Universe)
Jefferson Morales = Alt Pierce Wheels
Rio Morales = Alt Helen Wheels
Spider-Man I = Ben B. Tennyson / Ben 10
May Parker = Grandpa Max Tennyson
Mary-Jane Watson-Parker = Kai Green-Tennyson
Ganke Lee = JT
Supporting Cast (Ben A.'s universe)
Mary-Jane Watson = Kai Green
Supporting Cast (Julie's universe)
Peter Parker / The Lizard = Ben Tennyson / Zs'Skayr
Captain George Stacy = Victor Valadis
Supporting Cast (Jimmy's universe)
Gayatri Singh = Elena Valadis
Supporting Cast (Alan K.'s universe)
Rio Morales = Alt Helen Wheels
The Omnitrix is the swap-in for the radioactive spider here, and whoever finds it is the one (in)voluntarily assigned to help protect the universe from all sorts of threats, whether they wish to or not, sending their life from ordinary to extraordinary fast.
I picked Julie specifically for the role of Spider-Gwen, considering how she lost her overall touch in the series after Omniverse (and kinda because I personally shipped Ben and Julie as a kid, even with their rough spots), hence why I felt she and Alan would make a good fit for each other due to similar insecurities.
I had been thinking carefully about the roles to assign to each character I could. I originally intended Ben 23 to be the swap-in for Spider-Ham, but considering how full of himself he was before Omniverse Ben/Ben Prime came along (which is why he's in Reilly's place), I felt Reboot Ben 10, whose world is less serious than the others, could fit the role better, whilst also inheriting sympathetic traits like relating to losing someone close.
The Classic Cartoon Ben 10 isn't from the ORIGINAL storyline, but rather one based on classic cartoons from the 60s and 70s, just to avoid confusion there. Lucy Mann's genki girl approach, for one, made her a perfect fit for Peni's role here, too.
And considering Jimmy Jones is a big fan of Ben 10 in canon (and was respected for it in Ultimate Alien), I felt the naïve newcomer status could work for an alternate universe version of him from India. And as Ultimate Ben 10,000 is pretty much on top of his game (alongside being less likely to steer towards canon), he fits well for Hobie's role.
The evil reboot Ben 10, I felt, fits well for the role of Miguel, since he lost his Gwen and Max when they tried to save him, which led him down a darker path in life and required FIVE Omnitrix users to take him down. Likewise, I thought a Gwen variant of Glitch to go with him (which fits well with her sass in the series proper) fits Lyla's role as a digital assistant to a futuristic hero.
Since the four Plumbers' Helpers are of similar age, I felt that Pierce and Helen are Alan's legal guardians in Bellwood, alongside both assisting the Plumbers in protecting Earth. Manny, who has Aaron's role, is the most hot-headed of the four, but has a good heart deep down.
The reason for Alan having to inherit his Ben's role is through inheriting his Omnitrix after Ben gives him the responsibility to protect his world for him, and his compatibility with it came from the other dimension thanks to the experiments Phil's scientists were doing. As for the whole hair-sticking incident, Julie's hair was longer (as far down as her waist) before the accident, and at present, it's as long as in canon.
Max being the badass old man, no matter what universe, comes with the territory anyway, same with him being tech-savvy, which allows him to help Alan adjust to being the new hero. Kai is also commonly the girl Ben ultimately ends up marrying between universes, and JT being Alan's roomie contributes to him being the more chill between him and Cash (the glasses are a plus, too).
I also thought carefully about the rogues gallery between stories from throughout Ben 10's history, like having a female counterpart to Dr. Animo, or Ssserpent being the random villain Alan has to quickly deal with on his way back home with a cake, due to the villain's butt-monkey status in his first two appearances (he got better on the third).
Zs'Sakyr, I felt, was the best counterpart to represent The Lizard in Omniverse, since he's Ghostfreak's true self who tried possessing Ben and gaining full power over the Omnitrix. And I've kept up with the theme of altering art styles for the AU version of Master Kundo (like how Vulture was from the Renaissance, Green Impostor (Funkinverse) was from a sketchbook, and Snively (from my work, IAB!) was from a cell-shaded world).
Albedo, I thought, would be the best option available for a swap-in for Ohnn, as he became villainous through making a fake Omnitrix that made him a direct doppelganger of Ben (until a bioenergy feedback caused his appearance to shift), and since he fell into D-List villain territory, I felt he could have the biggest voyage to become an arch-enemy that Alan CAN'T ignore in general.
You guys are welcome to take all that as you will, and make up your own ideas on how things will turn out for them. See you later!
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spider-man-2o99 · 2 years
in the expansive 2099 rewrite that’s spent the better part of a decade squatting in the back of my head, there's-- there’s a lot more of a purposeful "angelic," theming with vulture and his street crew.
'cause, well, to me, at least, it really does feel like there was an attempted setup for something like that in his canon introduction. he saved miguel from danger by lifting him up into the sky, compared himself to a guardian angel, was mistaken for an angel by Father Jennifer during the church fight scene, etc., etc., etc.--
anyways, the point i’m making is that, instead of immediately realizing that vulture’s a Fucking Freak, it’s now more of an arc that builds up over time instead of happening all at once; at first, miguel just assumes the guy's another run of the mill technologically-augmented mob boss, or whatever-else-have-you, and the guy doesn’t stand out too much to him yet. as time goes on and miguel spends more time downtown, he learns more nd more horrific shit abt vulture's group of "scavengers," that ultimately culminates in him confronting the very man himself in his personal "nest."
see, i have a mental image of Vulture listening to spider-man's accusations, patiently stone-faced and silent, finally standing up from his perch when he’s done. vulture Looms, glowering over him, wings flared out behind him and a massive, broken stained-glass window streaming in yellow light that frames his head like a halo.
and miguel hisses at him, calls him a cannibalistic sicko using his augmentations to maintain a twisted religion of terrified downtowners leaving their dead for him and his Carrion Birds to sweep from the streets, like they're animals-- and vulture's eyes narrow. still without a word he leaps down to the ground with just one stroke of his sharp, sharp wings.
miguel almost backs away, but he holds his ground and straightens out his spine, and vulture stares right at him through the lenses of his beaked helmet with a look both intense and severely unimpressed.
"i come from angels, spider-man," he says, the blood of worthingtons past running through his veins.
his wings flare out once more. "from the bowed heads of vultures, balding like monks, praying for swift deliverance of the souls whose bodies sustain them; praying that their strength be renewed from the lives melted in their bellies."
miguel meets his gaze and his fists are clenched hard enough to crack his knuckles. he snarls. "you're insane. there is no holiness to be found in shocking eating people, you freak!"
"they were weak," responds the vulture. "and i am strong. and they are not the ones alive, when the day is over. it is God, that i may be here today from their failure to do the same."
...and then miguel leaps at him and punches him in the face, and shit, like in the comics.
i just. i think Vulture 2099 was a lot of wasted potential so in my own little sandbox i am Un-Wasting it. giving some kind of interesting in-universe Reason for why his gang is just. casually full of Cannibals (Fucked-Up Cyberpunk Dystopia Religion !)
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milimeters-morales · 1 year
Same anon who got traumatised by people hormones when looking for Mig on this hellsit and then dubbed you and Spiderman-2o99 my main source of information regarding the character.
I finally saw the movie like I said and what I get from that is:
• What truly makes Miguel an antagonist is his trauma from destroying another universe but more importantly the trauma of losing the happiness of the happy family he's longed for.
•This has led to him thinking that every Spidermen- Spiderwomen - Spiderthey has a path with common factors to follow.
• Him telling Miles about how he's an anomalie and should never have been Spiderman is him projecting his unhealed trauma because He was not supposed to be in this dimension, He was never supposed to be that Gabriella's father. Especially when you consider the fact that Miles was not the one to bring the bug in his universe but Kingpin. So it's not Miles fault.
• Dude needs therapy so bad. I don't know how people thirst over him after watching the movie. Like,I've got empathy for the guy and I like Spiderman 2099 but my dude is so sad that I doubt he can even use his cucumber to fold all the hornies on this site like an origami as they wish
• The movie felt a lot like a coming out allegory especially the part where Gwen leaves her world after revealing her identity to her father and then get "rescued" by Miguel and Jess.
• Hobbie was so unserrious I liked it. Dude didn't even participate in the chase.
• Pavitr was not traumatised and did not have to see his girlfriend or aunty die 🙏🏾
• Rio and Jeff 🥺 the best parents. Even tho 2 months to ground someone is a lot. But I am Black born and raised in West Africa so I had worse like spending the whole school period without phone, TV, Internet or any form of entertainment 🙃.
• Again, this chase was unhealed trauma and projection on our Sunflower because if it wasn't Mig would have reacted in a more rational way, not getting all the spiderpeople out of base to chase Miles. Like it's an emergency but you do not leave the castle guardless or some.
• Pav was doing acrobatic cool things, the way he (insert verb for that thing they do with the Web going from building to building) was the most beautiful of all the spiderpeople. He was literally dancing.
• Gwen is trans and it's a fact
• Nobody is straight there. And everybody is neurodivergent in some way.
• The soundtrack was amazing
• Jess, was not pregnant after that Vulture scene, Nope, it has been too long for her to be still pregnant. Also the fact that someone could have punched her to labor. One thing is sure that baby felt like they were in a rollercoaster.
I have many other thoughts but it's too long to write it all here .
read this like it was a section in the newspaper with a big ass cigar in my mouth and leaned back in my leather office chair
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My Spiderman 2099 experience
Gonna be honest: I have not seen the new Spiderman (Miles Morales): Across the Spiderverse movie yet (couldn't afford the tickets nor find the time to go to the movie theaters, plus personal issues at hand). But I felt people would get a kick out of Miguel "Miggy" O'Hara when they see him.
I read several issues of Spiderman 2099 back in my school years (art done by Rick Leonardi). The ad for this new Spiderman grabbed me: In 2099, your friendly neighborhood Spiderman is a little less friendly. So is the neighborhood. And my favorite is issue #10 which came after Miggy defeated the 2099 Vulture:
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And so after seeing trailers, movie clips, and arts of Miggy, I was thrown back into the nostalgia pool: Thorites, the spidey costume is actually that- a Halloween (I think it was Day of the Dead) costume that his brother Gabriel "Gabri" O'Hara recognized, Miggy crashing into the church of father Jennefer and thought "bad enough I am a lapsed catholic, now I get to burn too" (my first taste of his dark sense of humor), Lyla is based on Marilyn Monroe, and most of all. cynical, broody Miguel and his mother- who idolizes Spiderman 2099 and wished Miggy was like him.
I think, I shall dip my hands into making a Miguel O'Hara portrait, based on one of the panels of issue 10. The face he made when he tried to tell his mom that he is Spiderman.
"Look ma! I am Spiderman! I have talons and everything!"
and his mother just laughs at him.
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kenjiro-kun · 1 year
My intake of Gwen Dislike: Spider-Verse
Note: Just thought to write it out from the many videos that just hate on Gwen (which I get), but lack to grasp certain points the movie implemented on purpose. Just don't like to very big hate on her while being on the Spider-verse side of Tiktok. It was cool to write out my thoughts.
People were hyped about the newest Spider-verse movie. The first one being made in 2018, having a five year gap of the most recent release. The critical and normal viewer audience received this movie in a positive light. Many Spider-Man variant lovers came together, and picked out their favorite background character that made a scene during any part (mostly the chase scene, and movie posters). Though, the majority have come to understand this movie has mostly every character in a complicated situation, but the hate on Gwen is emphasized way too much without any concentration of the overall plot points that the movie showed on Gwen’s behalf.
The movie has two point of views of the main cast from the previous movie: Gwen and Miles. It showcased their relationship throughout the movie in small chapters. Both missed each other (The picture Gwen has of the two of them. Miles drawing Gwen in his sketchbook), Gwen even stating her feelings by being fearful of the many outcomes that did not end well (which doubles down that she does like him, but her own fears keep those feelings in check. Probably with the canon events she learned while being with the other Spider-People and the loss of her Peter Parker), and the ‘betrayal’ between the conflicting Gwen and the confused Miles at the end. She learned from being there (at the base in Nueva City) for months that Miles was considered an anomaly (she did not know that in the first movie), knowing that Miles' father will die due to ‘canon events’ that all the Spider-People go through. Now, glancing back at the many big plot points that may have scared Gwen into not telling Miles, it is, although heartbreaking, was the only way she saw to do things. 
In the beginning (Gwen’s World), Gwen saw her Peter die at her own hands (she was not aware Peter was the giant lizard that was wanting to hurt/kill his bully. She only saw the lizard as just a lizard that was going on a rampage). Her own father, after seeing her as Spiderwoman, was on the hunt for the hero for legibly killing Peter. With the grief of her own Peter dying, she still considered finding a way to still help out the city by having a police radio. Fighting off a vulture from a different universe, she encounters Miguel and Jess (Spider-Man 2099 and Spiderwoman) coming after the sudden anomaly in Gwen’s universe. At the end, having been exhausted and roughed up, her father comes and finds her, pulling a gun on her without knowing her identity, and threatening to shoot her if she did not comply (his warning shot in the air). The second she showed her father that she was the person under the mask, he still held the gun to her. She was afraid. Miguel trapped her father, and Jess persuaded him into letting her come with them. Even subtly, throughout the film, if she did not do her job right, she would be sent home. With her own grief, and fear that her own father would see her as the girl that killed her best friend, she did not want to return home. So, disobeying Miguel, was not something she wanted to do (and by the many glimpses of him in rage, it would seem that it was justified). And even so, when an anomaly was in Miles’ world, she still went to him, even if she was on the job. She cannot have told him, in worry that she would disobey Miguel’s orders, and accidentally hurt the Spider-verse that Miguel is desperately trying to keep in order. Even in Pav’s universe, her worry was still raw and true, even if there was a small amount of her trying to keep Miles from disrupting the ‘canon event’ in Pav’s story. 
Having two teenagers with two different stories, two different fears, with either guilt or remorse, they are still young, naive, and learning the world they have no idea would be beyond their own. Whether Gwen held an important fact about Miles' life, or told him to his face, the outcome of him trying to change that reality would still be present. Gwen, in the plotline, learned from her mistake, her fear over her father disappeared, her demons that caused her to lie, and act odd with Miles were gone, so she made a squad that were with Miles to go save him. The outcome of the next movie is up to the creator, but the dislike/hate for Gwen is too much when the people only hate her and not the others that were in the first movie. All relationships have their ups and downs. Do not hate Gwen, when Peter B. Parker, Penni, and the others, all the same could have, too, told him (though Penni probably has gone through so much—‘canon event’ some assume). But in the end, Miguel and his fear, along with their own, has made them choose to protect the Spider-verse in the beginning, and in the end, they realize their mistake in following Miguel (or the cause) if it meant going against the boy they came to care about so much. 
To hate a character, a person must have a reason surrounding them all, if a person can only state flaws without considering the whole story, reason, whether it is justified (ex: a villain), or not, a person cannot look at a story one-sided. A person cannot pick and choose to hate a character, if more than one of the characters would/has done the same. It is an art, the movie characters, plot, and animation style are all complicated, such as the story. Let the story end, before jumping on a hatred train towards one character because of an action that has a reason for it. Miles is not the only character, whether a person has him as their favorite, Gwen is a big part of the story as well, and simplifying her as someone that has betrayed Miles is a stupid way of looking at things. And if a person only dislikes Gwen for her relationship with Miles (romantic relationship outcome that may or may not happen) then it’s not a very bright look at the movie as a whole. The moment with Spiderbyte was a nice gesture of hers, but she would not have faced repercussions (or none at all) like Gwen would have (she was sent home anyway). She never implied her and Hobie were ever a thing, and Hobie likes to be a menace on purpose and was probably messing with Miles (whether it’s true or not it’s not like Gwen could have visited Miles whenever she wanted to, nor do we have a reason she has stuff at Hobie’s house—not like people could blame her anyway).
At the end of the day, the story, Miles and Gwen’s, is too complicated to hate on a character for what they’ve done, especially in a “to be continued” movie. There were moments where Gwen could have done better (meeting Miles’ parents and walking out of Miles’ room), but in the end, Gwen makes mistakes just like any other character. These are young teenagers trying to hold the world on their shoulders, having empathy is a better way to understand the tragic lives of Spider-People than hating on them for something they could not have done due to their own reasons. 
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theparkerpapers · 2 years
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“People who’ve seen Across… have told us that it feels like The Empire Strikes Back of the Spider-Verse franchise,” writer-producer Christopher Miller tells Empire in our world-exclusive Across The Spider-Verse issue. “It shows you worlds you haven’t seen, and it’s an emotional story that ends in a place where you need to see the third one. So, yeah: this is our Empire.” Buckle up, everyone.
Upping the stakes, too, will be a fresh batch of baddies. Beyond main antagonist The Spot (whose body is covered in multiversal portals), the Across The Spider-Verse trailer saw Miles Morales brawling with Oscar Isaac's hardline hero Spider-Man 2099, aka Miguel O'Hara – plus, the film will introduce a fresh take on legendary Spider-Man villain Vulture. See an exclusive first look at the character in the image above, battling O'Hara.
As well as presenting a bigger story – told across five different universes – the sequel will present more personal challenges for Miles, rediscovering his place in the multiverse and figuring out what that means for his personal relationships. Didn’t somebody once say something about great power and great responsibilities? “Miles thought he’d never see his friends again,” says Kemp Powers, who directs alongside Joaquim Dos Santos and Justin K. Thompson. “But in this sequel he reconnects with Gwen, and discovers she’s part of a group of Spider-People whose mission is to protect the Multiverse. From there, he ends up on this adventure to different worlds.” Adds Shameik Moore, aka Miles himself: “He’s older, a little more experienced. But he’s missing his friends. He’s growing in skill, but he wants more of a challenge.” By the sounds of it, that’s exactly what he’s going to get.
Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse Is The Empire Strikes Back Of The Trilogy, Says Chris Miller – Exclusive Image
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