#and ate uncle ben
bowl2099 · 1 year
Sometimes I wonder if Miguel and Noir just assume every version of Vulture they meet is a cannibal like theirs are.
Imagine Peter B. trying to convince them not to kill his Vulture because he's "totally not a cannibal please put the gun down" and Noir is almost inclined to believe it meanwhile Miguel is already trying to find the highest building in the city to throw an unconscious Vulture from.
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spider-whoo · 3 months
I think its funny that the fact everyone likes to bring up about noir Peter is that the vulture ate uncle ben and not that his best friend was lobotomized my a nazi
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riordanness · 1 year
incredibly random peter parker headcannons ->
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• this boy is so obsessed w star wars man
• he definitely has like, star wars pjs that he only wears on special sleepovers w you
• he’s the little spoon most of the time
• does this man eat anything but snacks??
• somewhat ridiculous abundance of sweatpants and shirts
• like so many
• you steal a good half of them in the first few months of dating though
• he think you’re the cutest thing in his clothes
• he’s obsessed w his hair
• it has to be perfect
• and even though he knows you’ll mess it up w your fingers bc you like doing that
• he’ll spend ten minutes in front of the mirror every morning making it perfect
• hero complex.
• duh
• cannot cook
• for anything
• however
• he can bake choc chip cookies
• insecure about his worth bc he’s never good enough and couldn’t save uncle ben and has ruined so many things
• blah blah
• you became best friends in school
• mostly bc you sat together in first period every day due to seating charts
• you had a star wars drink bottle
• peter was instantly in love
• so you started talking about the movies
• and he found out you hadn’t seen episodes 1, 2 & 3
• my man panicked
• he had you over that very night for a marathon
• y’all stayed up way too late and ate way too much junk food
• but you were lowkey in love w him by the end of that night
• and that was that
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sp4rk-p1ug · 5 months
actually fucking insane to me how much weird lore spider man noir has. he can’t feel physical pain. j jonah jameson fucking died and he got framed for the murder. he shot the vulture like 6 times. the vulture fucking ate uncle ben. i thought miguel o’hara was the overly edgy spider-man but no it’s the silly 1930’s guy
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letsunity · 1 year
With Thunder Comes Lightning
Summery: Peter and MJ tried again, but the spark wasn't there; they stay as friends to raise their soon-to-be daughter. Everything was going great until evil goop and a spooky vampire guy fall out of an orange portal. Little does Peter know that the biggest pain in his ass and future mutant best friend has landed right at his feet.
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art by @Aba_zakyX
Chapter 2 -  Never Left Behind
Peter crouched on the rooftop, scowling at the location where his friends and co-workers were killed.
The police were gone, finally.
He swung down, landing outside of the police tape barrier. Even in the dark, Peter could see the damage. The road, pavement, and even the walls of buildings were horrifically corroded.
Anybody that lived nearby was evacuated, and the smell alone was telling. Toxic fumes that would kill a regular person hung like menacing mistletoe.
Peter can see the outlines of what used to be his comrades.
"Was there anything I could've done for them?" Peter asked, knowing his new buddy was standing behind him.
"No. They died quicker than most, so that's a small mercy."
It didn't feel like it.
Miguel stalked past Peter, making no sound despite his size. He wandered around the crime scene, examining the spots where Peter's comrades used to be.
He saw the eye markings narrow intently, analysing everything. He watched Miguel pause at a single spot, prodding something.
Hopping over the tape, Peter joined his side, finding charred bone sticking from the concrete. It made him feel sick.
It was a femur, and the size betrayed that it was Luke Cage's bone.
Peter had to lift his mask, emptying his stomach. Seeing his friend reduced to that made him ill. Regret, grief and guilt swarmed Peter like locusts to an open field. Ten plagues danced throughout his soul, and come to the final wrath, was no lamb's blood on his door to save him from the inner pain.
Pain fused and interwoven with anger.
That fucking thing killed his friends, stripped them to the bone and ate them. It was Peter's fault, of course. If he just listened, he would've been irritating Murdock about something dumb and boring.
He won't get those fun team-ups anymore.
"You were close," Miguel stated, though no emotion was in his voice.
"Yeah, we were," Peter answered, feeling a hollowness start to claw in his chest. "He helped MJ and me move into our new place. Cage was a good man. All he did was help people; he didn't deserve to go like this."
"The greatest stars shine the brightest but are snuffed the fastest. It's a saying in Nueva York. The good fall and become the stairs for the wicked to climb higher."
"How can somebody be reduced to nothing but a step?"
"By something that never valued life in the first place. Life tends to be most valuable when it's already gone."
"What book did you get that from? Because damn."
"My mother."
"Must be a smart lady."
"She was. Better than I could ever be."
"I feel the same about Aunt May and Uncle Ben. It's hard comparing yourself to great people when you're a major fuckup."
He heard a gruff of agreement.
Aunt May was a pillar of Peter's life, his mother figure, a great woman he aspired to be like. While Uncle Ben gave him the "With great power, comes great responsibility", May was the one who taught him what that meant.
It would be helpful if she were here. She always knew what to do, but Peter was a bumbling mess.
How could he be a father when he causes the death of his friends?
Peter swivelled to his teammate, watching as Miguel stalked towards an alleyway.
"You find something?"
"A trail. He might still be nearby."
Peter could avenge them. He could do something right.
That bastard was going to pay for what he did.
He stuck close to Miguel's side, trying to see what he did. The other Spider behaved like a hunter, tracking his prey, slowly reaching a warehouse.
It's surprising how many of those there are in New York.
"Do you smell that?" Miguel asked, lowering himself cautiously. "Unnatural decay is always a sign."
He nodded to rot in the concrete walls that shouldn't be there.
Klyntarus sucked life from everything, even if it were inanimate.
The duo snuck towards a window, peeking into the darkness within. It looked abandoned and derelict, but there was far too much inside for that to be. There are expensive crates of valuables.
Although the date stated it arrived only a few days ago, the wood of the crates looked like they were left to the elements for years.
Unnatural rot, a tell-tell trait of Klyntarus' presence.
Miguel held a finger to the window, a claw popping out of the finger pad. He jostled the lock and pushed the window up slowly.
"How do I get some of that in my suit?"
"They're not part of the suit."
"So, you've got actual claws?"
"You stick to walls; I get claws."
"You can't stick to walls? Dude, seriously?"
"Not the time, Parker."
"What else have you got? Or don't have?"
"Silencio!" Miguel hissed, "We don't want him to know we're here."
That made sense.
Peter was still curious, though. He recalled how Noir had more endurance, that Penni was quick, and Porker had "Hammerspace". Then there was Gwen, who had far more agility than the others and Miles could go invisible.
Do all Spider-people have something unique to them?
It felt like Peter only had extra weight. That sucked.
The warehouse stank of decay. There's a scorched trail on the floor and suspicious mounds of former people. The gang must've been trying to protect them.
Out of curiosity, Peter looked in one of the crates, finding several packaged gadgets. There are all kinds of Apple devices, some Windows, Samsung, Sony and more. It must be a warehouse for a supermarket or a store, maybe even a shopping mall.
He came here to fix that sphere thing, didn't he? Eat the people inside and use the technology to repair himself.
Peter started to shake, his Spider senses going haywire. He webbed to the ceiling, attaching to it, unable to stop the shivering. He couldn't turn his head when Miguel joined him, his claws deep into the wall.
Fear sang throughout his bones, a NASCAR race of terror screeching in his very atoms.
The image of his friends melting into ash clouded his vision, a fog that was so thick it clung to the back of his throat. The weight of guilt caused his grip to loosen, but Miguel caught him.
Feeling someone touch him managed to snap Peter out of being frozen, Miguel's arm tight around his waist.
His fellow Spider released his grip, landing on a high support beam. He attached to it instantly, his fingers gripping the metal so tight that it dented.
A door opened, giving Peter something to distract himself with. He watched as Black Cat stumbled into the warehouse, but his senses warned that it wasn't her.
Miguel gripped Peter's shoulder, keeping him from going to her.
"Lo siento..."
He didn't understand what that meant. He would find out, though.
Black Cat shivered, gripping her arms as slime leaked from her face. He could smell the burning flesh already.
The skin went first, then the fat, the fascia and the muscle; it melted away until there was only blackened bone. That, too, was destroyed, reduced to mere ash.
Fuck, not Felicia. She was finally getting her life together with her new wife.
The offending sludge that took his friend twisted and coiled, creating a humanoid-like body. The "scars", as Miguel called them, pulsed akin to a heartbeat; those red eyes locked onto an office room.
"I'll distract him. Destroy the stabiliser."
"And leave you to fight him alone? Daredevil, Cage, Jones, She-Hulk and Iron Fist didn't do squat together."
"You burn, I don't. Simple as that. Move fast and get this over with, Parker."
Before Peter could argue, Miguel jumped to the ground, alerting Klyntarus.
"Ahh, 2099, you still live," Klyntarus chuckled almost gleefully. "I'll admit, you hurt me badly. I'm proud."
Safe to say that Klyntarus is distracted.
Peter crawled on the ceiling, making his way towards the office. It looked rotten, more than the rest of the building, so he must be hunkered in there. As soon as Peter destroys that damn thing, they can burn the bastard.
"Shove it. You know what I'm here for."
"You don't have a Venom Burst, so that'll be mighty tough. And your fancy trinket is broken, so negative on the backup, not even that sassy little assistant. You're all alone, 2099. Just the way I like you."
Even in his injured state, he was taunting and acting like he wasn't in danger. Hopefully, he was so up his ass - or the Symbiote equivalent - he won't realise that Miguel's distracting him.
Peter's senses were on the fritz, panicking like a bucking rodeo horse. He had to focus, though. The sooner they break this bastard, the fewer people will die.
Klyntarus wandered away from the office-like part, the tail-like appendage dragging on the floor. He was giggling, fixated on Miguel.
"Just like Alchemex Tower; cuando huiste como el maldito cobarde que eres."
Peter lowered himself to the floor as carefully as possible, using all two decades of experience. When his feet touched the ground, he crept towards the office, the pungent smell staining his suit.
Thankfully, Klyntarus was too focused on Miguel to notice him. Occasionally, narcissists were much easier to fight than competent people.
The door was melted like ice cream on a hot day, nothing more than squishy splinters.
On a desk that was soon to crumble was the damned sphere he should've stamped on before.
"Ahhhh, memories. That was a grand day. For me, of course. How is my old stomping ground? Been a while since I last visited."
That's right, big guy. Keep him distracted.
"Nueva was never yours. Nothing of my or any other dimension is."
Peter cracked his knuckles, uncertain how he was going to destroy it. It's already damaged; the parts strewn about were signs of an attempted repair.
All Peter had to do was undo the repairs. That should be simple enough. Right?
He picked up a crowbar lodged in the wall, potentially from a worker fighting for their life.
"It's cute that you believe that. It was always mine and always will be, just like you. You belong to me, 2099. You'll realise that soon enough."
What did Klyntarus mean by that? His damned curiosity was starting to interfere with the objective.
"I promised to kill you. I don't break promises."
"Aww, but you do, don't you? You broke the one to your whore mother and mistake of a daughter - I know you'll taste even sweeter than she did!"
Oh, fuck.
Miguel had a kid. He was a dad like Peter would be, and Klyntarus took that from him.
That's what he meant - isn't it? When he said that Klyntarus made him Spiderman. He took Miguel's family.
"Estás muerto!"
"Only on the inside, little Border Rat! And like little Gabrielle," he taunted, cackling like the lunatic he was.
So not only is he a genocidal dimension eater but racist, too. Great. A cherry on top of the corrupted cupcake.
Peter struck the sphere with the crowbar, hitting it as hard as possible.
He heard a demonic, distorted screech of surprise and rage. The ground under him started to rumble violently. He saw a black and red mass racing towards the office through the window, barrelling like a bat out of hell.
Glowing orange webs wrapped around the parasite, pulling him back.
With each strike, Peter could feel the integrity weaken, and sparks started to fly. His spidey senses were on fire, writhing with panic and terror.
His tingles screamed, forcing him to jump and stick to the ceiling. A spear-like tendril shot through the window, glass falling like spilt glitter. It reared back and went for Peter, trying to impale him.
He hadn't let go of the stupid sphere, digging his fingers so hard into it that they were beginning to bleed through his suit.
Peter pounced out of the doorway, swinging to the rafters. A thick tendril went after him but couldn't even graze his suit.
The spikes on Miguel's forearms had fused into blades, slicing through like a hot knife to butter.
"I will kill everything you hold dear!" Klyntarus vowed, chasing after Peter with astonishing speed.
Miguel leapt onto Klyntarus' "face", starting to sink instantly. He clawed at Klyntarus' eyes, following them whenever they moved to escape his onslaught.
"Go, now!" Miguel yelled, his mask disappearing. "¡Rápido, rápido!" his eyes were almost glowing as red as Klyntarus'.
Peter kicked a skylight open and started running.
Get somewhere high and far, beat this blasted thing and save the day. And don't you dare die, big guy.
As much as Peter wanted to go somewhere and focus only on destroying the sphere, he couldn't leave his comrade behind. It wasn't right.
It wasn't right when Peter left Miles behind. He should've treated the kid better. He can't change that, but he can do better now.
Klyntarus wanted Miguel alone. Unfortunately for him, Peter wasn't going to allow that.
Peter hopped to a rooftop, looking for somewhere to hide the sphere. He didn't know if it had an actual name; it didn't matter.
He found an old pigeon hutch-house thingy, and although it's about as flimsy as wet paper, it's still better than nothing. He carefully placed the ominous orb inside, hoping he wouldn't be the only Spiderman again.
It's nice to have someone like you around, even if they're a little prickly.
Great. It's somewhere safe.
Peter hurried back, worried at what that crazy thing could've done by now. He felt terrible leaving his houseguest alone, especially with how twisted Klyntarus was.
The skies began to open, rain falling with haste.
He was worried about MJ. He learned how vindictive Klyntarus was; it put her in grave danger. Their unborn child was at risk.
He didn't listen and was paying the price for it. He still wasn't.
Miguel told him to go, and here he was, running straight back to a fight he couldn't win. It would be wrong to leave someone behind to a monster like that. How could Peter ever live with himself knowing he let somebody die?
It's painful enough with his friends, his old captain, his uncle, his aunt - his entire family except for his best friend and soon-to-be child. Not even Felicia was around anymore.
He missed the other spiders - Noir, Peni, Porker, Gwen, Miles; they showed him he wasn't alone.
They taught him that he could be a better man.
That kid saved Peter's life in more ways than one. He gave Peter hope for the future again. He got Peter to face his fear of parenthood and wanted Miles to be the baby's middle name - that kid was an inspiration.
What would Miles think if Peter was told to run and didn't go back to help somebody? The hypothetical disappointment was terrifying.
He had somebody else to add to the list of fellow spiders.
In a way, spider people are a unique species, close but different to humanity. It's so weird - since he got bitten, he felt like he was the last of his kind, only to find others.
Peter crouched atop the warehouse roof, hearing the wrathful shrieking of Klyntarus inside. His spidey senses were terrified, demanding that he flee and never return as Miguel ordered.
Narrowing his eyes, Peter looked through the broken window, searching for any dark blue.
"Where is it, you revolting abomination?!" Klyntarus roared, smashing everything inside the warehouse. "Where!?"
Finally, Peter spotted his teammate.
Klyntarus had him pinned to the wall, writhing darkness constricting around him.
"Debajo del sofá!"
"Oh, you think you're being cute!?" Klyntarus seethed, tightening his hold.
"Soy tan mono!"
Peter needed to learn Spanish immediately.
In a rage, Klyntarus threw Miguel into the other wall, then slammed him into the floor with a tendril. With the velocity, Peter knew that it hurt, but even so, the other Spider was making fun of the parasite.
Yep, he's a spider.
He waited with his web-shooter at the ready. As expected, Klyntarus threw the other Spider again, and Peter fired.
The web attached to Miguel's back, and Peter pulled, his spider senses panicking as Klyntarus shrieked again.
"I told you to run," Miguel hissed as Peter aimed for the nearest building. "Why'd you come back?"
"Never leave a spider behind, twinkle toes!" Peter stated, feeling the roof under them start to shake. "That's not good."
A black tendril shot from behind Peter, wrapping around his arm and pulling him down. Although Miguel went to grab him, he only succeeded in scratching Peter's hand.
Those claws hurt!
"You!" Klyntarus roared, engulfing much of Peter's body with his mass. It burned, regardless of his superhuman endurance. "I will make you watch as I destroy everything you love, Parker!"
"I think you're mad at me," Peter snarked, despite the intense weight starting to crush his body.
"I h-AHH!" Klyntarus yelped, those horrid eyes twisting to... Why is Miguel biting his body!? "How dare-no, fuck, no!"
Light blue was growing through the red scars, burning the blackness around them. It quickly reached the part holding Peter, loosening the ironclad grip.
Klyntarus had no choice but to break away from the afflicted part, dropping Peter. The hot ash clung to Peter's suit, quickly hardening in the cold rain falling on them.
He felt hands pulling him as a distorted roar echoed in Peter's ears and the sound of crumbling.
Though his spidey senses were in a panic, Peter struggled to move.
Everything went dark for what felt like a few seconds.
When consciousness returned, he wasn't in a warehouse anymore - or he was, and lay in what remained. He tried to move, but having several tonnes of concrete on you sucks.
Peter's chest hurt, his hand burned like fire, and everything was too dark. His head was thundering.
Peter grumbled, feeling that his leg was stuck. He can move a little, meaning he isn't fully submerged; that's nice.
His eyes blinked, adapting to the lack of light. He saw red eyes, bright and vibrant, but his spidey sense wasn't reacting.
Even so, Peter hit the light.
"¡Ay, coño!"
Oh, shit!
"Miguel?" Peter panted, realising the spooky scars weren't around.
"Hijo de puta, who else?" Miguel hissed, "Try not hitting me while I keep us from being crushed. ¿Te parece bien?"
Everything hurts, but they're still alive.
"The hell happened, man?"
"Caused the building to collapse. You were stuck to the floor, so... I improvised."
When Peter's eyes were fully adapted, he saw what Miguel meant. The man was singlehandedly keeping the building from turning Peter into a paste.
He had it all pushing on his back, but he remained unwavering.
"You could've run," Peter said, unsure why he said it.
"Never leave a spider behind. That's what you said, araña testaruda."
He did. It felt good having that stupidity repaid.
By working together, they managed to push the concrete away, revealing the frigid rain.
Peter's entire body hurt, and he expected his comrade to feel the same.
He wanted a warm bath, hot cocoa, and to listen to MJ's dumb puns. Instead of dad jokes, they had mom jokes.
"Buddy, you allergic to hot cocoa?"
"¿Qué? What, is that a fruit?"
"We've got a lot of things to cross off a list, my guy."
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A hot bath was more than warranted.
"My everything aches," Peter sighed, glancing at MJ as she brushed her teeth. "We made progress, at least."
"You two were pretty battered," MJ said, spitting minty spit foam into the sink. "Did you make progress against the evil goop or with Miguel?"
"Hmm, there's a "but" in there."
"Miguel had a daughter. Klyntarus killed her. He taunted him about it." His best friend turned, sympathy and fear growing on her graceful features. "And he threatened us. I'm worried he'll come after you and our yet-to-be roommate."
It's an understandable fear, especially given what Klyntarus was.
He couldn't begin to know how Miguel felt. No wonder he was so furious with Peter.
Peter didn't even know the baby in MJ's organic oven, but he would die for them. He couldn't bare having that baby, and some sinister snot comes and takes them away forever.
"Do you think we should leave him alone for a bit?" she asked, wanting to be as accommodating as possible.
Her heart was even more gigantic than all forty-nine states combined.
On a side note, good for Hawaii for their independence.
"No," Peter answered, though he wasn't sure. "I think Klyntarus has kept him alone for long enough."
"I understand the holo-suit a lot more now. You don't need so much detergent to clean it. Also, I think he's allergic to that, too."
"We're gonna need a list."
"A lengthy one." Peter got up, cracking the aching bones in his back. With a sigh, MJ threw a towel into Peter's face. "I don't need to see your little Pete, and I doubt our guest does either."
"For the love of all that is holy, never call it that again."
"No promises."
Peter wrapped the towel around his waist, eager for some pop tarts.
MJ waved as Peter went to the kitchen, spotting their temporary housemate in the living room.
Although he'd like a nice snack, he wanted to see how his new buddy was doing.
He walked into the living room, amused that Miguel still had the sunglasses on.
"Concussion still there?"
"Photophobia," Miguel corrected, sounding tired. "Downside to perfect night vision."
"Do your eyes reflect?"
"Yeah. It's not great."
"And you've got fangs."
"I hate them."
"I think it's cool. You've got some venom that hurts him, too. Oh! Is that what a "Venom Burst" is? A bomb with your venom? That's cool."
Miguel grumbled, hiding his face in a pillow.
It's cool, though.
Where could Peter get fangs?
"Look, big guy, our door's open. We don't have a lock, but you get what I mean - I hope? If not, we're open to talk."
"About what?"
"How that motherfucker... I can only assume it's rough with MJ being pregnant."
"It was two years ago. That she..." he couldn't finish the sentence, but Peter knew what he meant.
Timewise, that would've made Miguel around twenty-five or twenty-four when she died.
"How old was she? If it's alright to ask."
"You were around seventeen or sixteen when you became a dad, huh?"
"How do you know that?"
"I have a thing with guessing people's ages. You look my age, but you're not."
"Well, fuck you too."
"I didn't mean it like that, big guy!" Peter said, quickly backtracking. "You've experienced a lot. That's what I meant."
"You could certainly say that. Is there a point to the inquiry? I'm tired. I don't want to talk about my dead family."
"Alright, let's have pop tarts and then sleep, possibly cry ourselves to sleep. Sound good?"
"Sure thing, little Pete."
That motherfucker has super hearing!?
While Peter should be mad, it's a little funny.
"Only if I get to call you little Miguel."
"Bite me."
"Is that an invitation or an insult?"
"Por el amor de Dios. I'll have something with cheese."
"Great, a toastie it is. I'll turn the lights down for you, big guy."
He liked having Miguel here. The rapport was fun.
Special thanks to spider-the-bat for the borders!
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silverflameataraxia · 6 months
"You'll find someone," Jon promised her. "King's Landing is a true city, a thousand times the size of Winterfell. Until you find a partner, watch how they fight in the yard. Run, and ride, make yourself strong. And whatever you do..."
Arya knew what was coming next. They said it together.
Job messed up her hair. "I will miss you, little sister ."
Suddenly she looked like she was going to cry. "I wish you were coming with us."
"Different roads sometimes lead to the same castle. Who knows?" He was feeling better now. He was not going to let himself be sad. "I better go. I'll spend my first year on the Wall emptying chamber pots it I keep Uncle Ben waiting any longer."
Arya seemed puzzled at first. Then it came to her. She was that quick. They said it together:
The memory of her laughter warmed him on the long ride north.
AGoT, Jon II
No one talked to Arya. She didn't care. She liked it that way. She would have eaten her meals alone in her bedchamber if they let her. Sometimes they did, when Father had to dine with the king, or some lord or the envoys from this place or that place. The rest of the time, they ate in his solar, just him and her and Sansa. That was when Arya missed her brothers most. She wanted to tease Bran and play with baby Rickon and have Robb smile at her. She wanted Jon to muss up her hair and call her "little sister" and finish her sentences with her. But all of them were gone. She had no one left but Sansa, and Sansa wouldn't even talk to her unless Father made her.
She went back to the window, Needle in hand,  and looked down into the courtyard below. If only she could climb like Bran, she thought; she would go out the window and down the tower, run away from this horrible place, away from Sansa and Septa Mordane and Prince Joffrey, from all of them. Steal some food from the kitchens, take Needle and her good boots and a warm cloak. She could find Nymeria in the wild woods below the Trident, and together they'd return to Winterfell, or run to Jon on the Wall. She found herself wishing that Jon was here with her now. Then maybe she wouldn't feel so alone.
Arya chewed her lip and said nothing. She would not betray Jon, not even to their father. All she could think of was the lesson Jon had given her. "Stick them with the pointy end," she blurted out.
AGoT, Arya II
Sorry for the long post, but I love how Jon said goodbye to Bran, Robb, and Arya, but not his other sister. Sansa who? 🤣
I love that Jon and Arya know each other so well that they finish each other's sentences. I love how they're comforted by the thought of the other.
I find it interesting that Arya's second POV is a stark contrast to Sansa's. Arya thinks about her brothers all the time, about how much she misses them...and Winterfell. But Sansa only thinks of Arya a handful of times and it's either hating on her or wishing she wasn't there, but Sansa never thinks of her brothers.
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insertyourselfhere · 1 year
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Anomaly Part 2
Warning: Spoilers for ATSV
Part 2 my other story already posted
Description: It has been a month now since you started working with the Spider Society. In between the Anomaly missions that Miguel sends you on and time back in your own dimension once again being that neighbour hood Spider you barely had time for yourself. You and Gwen spent a lot of time in your own dimension but never hers and you thought it was about time you got some answers about her home back in her own dimension.
Characters: Gwen, Y/N.
You had just finished up with another anomaly and made your way back to the Spider Society. After checking in with Miguel and saying goodbye to all your friends you and Gwen were about to head back to your place as you normally would when you held out your hand to stop Gwen from creating your portal.
“What is it?” She asked, those eyes looking into your soul, you don’t know why but you were nervous all of a sudden, to be fair every time you did ask Gwen about her dimension or anything else apart from what she had already told you (The whole other you dying). You had reason to be a bit anxious and worried, swallowing your fear you finally asked her about it.
“Look Gwen I love it when you come over to mine and A/N but I just want to get to know you a bit better you know, like I need to know more about the person who’s stealing all my jumpers” You said a tiny tremble in your voice. Gwen’s eyes hardened at your question and you began to recoil.
“I told you I don’t want to talk about it…” She trailed off lost in thought, her eyes riddled with sadness and hurt. You put a hand on her shoulder to show comfort.
“I understand loss, we all do, much like every other Spider-Man here it seems I lost my uncle at a young age, my parents too. Heck my whole family it seems the only person I have is my aunt, we are literally the only people in the world you can relate too, now I’ve let you stew on it for a couple of months and it may still hurt, but don’t be like Ben and let it change you” Gwen looked at you for a couple of seconds before shying away from your touch and crossing her arms.
“Remember how I told you my dad was Captain and tried to arrest me as the Spider” You nodded your head holding your breath terrified you would scare her off. “He was the first person on the scene, he saw me there holding Peter and you, the other you when I managed to find you and A/N. he came in holding up a gun like I was intentionally out to kill, accused me of killing my only friends. To be honest he didn’t know, how could he know. It stuck with me and ate away, the guilt of not being able to save the people closest to me. Before I was recruited, I did my usual routine, hear over the police radar, go to save those in trouble and it was my first anomaly actually, best way to explain him was a parchment vulture”
You let out a little chuckle at that and so did she. “A parchment vulture?” You asked, she smiled a little and nodded her head continuing on. “Anyway long story short while we were fighting, I had saved all these people from a Helicopter crashing into a museum with Miguel and Jessica. However he cornered me, I ran out of web and he was not messing around. I had to tell him who I was, he was still going to do his job, called in his little friends and I couldn’t stay around any longer” Gwen tightened her arms around her body, making herself feel even smaller than she already did. You took a couple steps forward ready to offer comfort if you needed too.
Her voice choked a little as she tried to get out the last little bit, the only real person she had left was against her, wanted to arrest her and was hurt by her actions.
“Miguel and Jessica swept me away and offered this gig, I haven’t been back since and as you know its been just over a month since I joined” You reached out to Gwen slowly asking for permission, she sunk into you, her arms wrapped around your waist, her head tucked under you chin just ever so slightly as she sobbed remembering the feelings.
“You should go see him” You said to her as she quietly came down from her heightened emotions. She pulled away from you and looked into your eyes before she pulled away fully. “I can’t” She responded before opening the portal to your dimension and entering it, leaving you there to digest all that information she threw at you.
“Its her choice, she knows what she’s doing and its not your life Y/N so stay out of it” You shook your head and followed in after her.
You were on the roof of your apartment, you could see Gwen had sat down already looking over your city. You sat down next to her and she slowly leant into you.
“I’m not good at opening up anymore, I haven’t even spoken about my dad since I left” You had a small smirk on your face. “I think I’m just a lovable person that makes people want to open up” you responded, she chuckled to herself and pushed you away.
“Careful, if that ego grows anymore I’ll have to get you a new Spidey Suit”  
“I am always here if you need someone to talk to, I know you’ve been through loss but like I said we can relate” You said gesturing to all of Spider Society, somehow Gwen though knew you were talking about yourself more.
“Thanks’ Y/N” And it was genuine, as genuine as it would get between you.
“Come on then Gwen lets get something to eat, A/N said she was cooking your favourite” You swung down to your window and Gwen followed suit.
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she-karev · 2 months
Babysitting Luna (Andrew DeLuca x Alex Karev’s Sister)
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Age Rating: 12+
Chapters: Three of Five
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy/Station 19
Ship: Andrew DeLuca x Amber Karev (Alex Karev’s Sister)
Canon Episode: Season 18 Episode 10/Season 5 Episode 10
AN: I know you guys love the pregnancy storyline so I decided to explore it more. I want to show when Amber and Andrew decided to get pregnant and why.
Summary: Amber and Andrew deal with the aftermath of almost losing Luna. Amber notices Luna isn’t crying so she takes her to the station so Carina can check her.
Words: 2487
January 12th, 2022
“You can say it.” Andrew tells Bailey while they are doing a kidney transplant. During that time, he explained what happened yesterday to Bailey looking for advice or more likely a reprimand, “I’m a horrible uncle.”
Bailey looks at DeLuca in sympathy, “You’re really not. I’ve treated bad parents, bad guardians and bad uncles and you are not a bad uncle. And you said you locked the door on your way back.”
“Yeah, but what if I didn’t?” Andrew asks still beating himself up, “She’s walking and using doorknobs if she got out, she could have wandered into the streets and a car would have hit her.”
“But it didn’t.” Bailey states, “She’s safe and happy and that’s what matters. You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself, we all make mistakes, even guardians like you.”
“God I am terrified I am gonna fail her or traumatize her. Now I know why Amber was so scared before she came into our house.”
“I was the same way when I had Tuck. My nerves were shot the first year I brought him home. When he was 5, I accidentally slammed Tuck’s fingers in the car door. I could still hear his scream and feel like the most awful parent in the world but my rational side catches up and I know it was an accident.” Andrew feels a little better after that confession, “You don’t have to be perfect to be a parent. You just have to love your kids enough to get through the scary moments and do better next time. If you feel this scared and unsure of your abilities to have her for the rest of the week, me and Ben can take her home with us.”
Bailey clears her throat obviously sad, “The Miller’s supposedly forgot that it was mine and Ben’s week with baby Pru and changed the date to next week. So, we have a house full of toys and diapers that are most likely gonna go to waste. If you want, we can watch her for the rest of the week. No judgement whatsoever.”
Andrew sighs and takes a moment before shaking his head, “No she’s already settled in we can do this.”
Bailey nods proud of him, “Yes you can.”
Later at Station 19
Amber rolls the stroller inside the barn with Jack Gibson guiding her. She knows Carina is doing inventory for the clinic today which makes her the perfect person to go to about Luna who is sleeping peacefully inside the stroller. She sees Carina helping Warren by a table full of pullout chairs.
“Carina.” The Italian OB is surprised to see Amber here and Jack explains.
“Your sister-in-law asked or well demanded really that she sees you. I don’t know why though.”
Carina approaches Amber and Luna, “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“Luna wandered off in our house yesterday I couldn’t find her for a minute, and she hasn’t cried ever since.”
“And that’s a bad thing?” Warren asks.
“She didn’t cry when I ended bathtime last night, she always cries and pulls my hair but not this time. I think something’s wrong; I don’t know if she hit her head or ate something that’s making her like this.”
Carina nods, “Okay well you can take her to a pediatrician in Grey Sloan.”
Amber shakes her head, “No, no, no if I take her to peds or OB they’ll call Alex and Jo and I have to tell them what happened, and they will never trust me again. Please you are my only hope right now.”
Warren shakes his head dismissively, “Look we gotta do inventory just suck it up and-”
Amber’s tone shifts from worried to scary, “One of you doctors drop what you’re doing in the next five seconds, or I will end you.” The three of them look shocked, “One, two…”
Carina steps forward and takes the stroller from Amber who follows her toward the beanery leaving the boys behind. When they reach the empty beanery Carina pulls out the medical bag from under the sink and approaches Amber who takes Luna out of her stroller so she can sit in her lap while Carina examines her.
“Tell me more about what the problem is.”
Amber bounces Luna in her lap lightly, “She’s usually a lot more alert than this. I sat up with her all night, making sure she was still breathing. I felt around her skull but there were no bumps but you’re the baby expert so…”
Carina does a neuro exam on Luna who passes it, “Good job Luna you are so smart.” Carina feels around her head, “There are no bumps, has she been feeling fatigue or vomiting in the last 12 hours?”
“Okay we’ve ruled out a brain injury and stomach troubles she could just be relaxing. Unlike her Auntie Amber.”
Amber sighs and looks down at her niece in worry, “It’s just…I couldn’t find her. I went to get her a water and I turned my back for like ten seconds and she was gone when I turned around. Alex and Jo left her with me because I thought I could do this; God why did I think I could do this?”
“Hey, hey do not do this to yourself, don’t make things harder than they seem for you.” Amber sniffles holding Luna close, “It’s not uncommon. In the eyes they seem slow, but babies are like ninjas when they start to walk. They can slip away without making a sound and they are fast on their feet. And the good news is that Luna is very smart, she knows not to wander off outside a place where’s she’s most safe. She knows you and Andrea are watching her and making sure she’s safe.”
Amber sighs at that and Carina makes a suspicion, “Is this about more than Luna wandering off?”
Amber inhales and confesses to her sister-in-law, “Andrew want’s kids, I know he wants kids and a part of me does too, but I can barely keep my niece in place how do I know I won’t do that to our baby too?”
“I know the fear you’re experiencing.” Carina says with compassion, “My mind goes into a dark path, and I sometimes think I’m gonna do to my baby what my papa did to me. I worry that I’ll make them feel like they have to grow up too fast so they can survive me as a parent. I worry that I am going to repeat the cycle of chaos my father started. The same way I know you feel about your parents and whether or not you will repeat their mistakes.” Amber nods confirming Carina is right in this regard, “But if you and I are determined to give our kids the love and stability we never had then there is no doubt we’ll end our family cycle of violence and be the best parents we can be.”
Amber looks at Carina grateful, “Your good at this.”
“I know.” Carina says smugly causing Amber to laugh with Luna still in her lap, “Are you headed back home?”
“Um actually can me and Luna hang out with you and the boys for the rest of the day? Andrew is working and this place is a lot more interesting than my house. Plus, this is the last place that would catch on fire.”
Carina chuckles, “Okay you can come, as long as you help us with inventory.” She leans down to Luna’s face with a smile, “And that goes for you too Dr. Karev.” Amber chuckles and stands up. She puts Luna back in the stroller and follows Carina back into the barn where Ben and Jack are still by the table doing inventory.
“Is it safe?” Ben asks.
Amber grins as she parks Luna next to her by the table, “Yeah she’s fine, I’m gonna help though if that’s okay.”
Jack shrugs, “Yeah sure no problem the more help the better.” Amber helps with the chairs when Jack decides to ask her a question pertaining to the topic of employing doctors at the clinic, “Hey Amber you’re a doctor right?”
Amber raises an eyebrow at that, “Yes? Otherwise, I went to three years of college and four years of medical school for nothing.”
“And you…well you were…” Jack struggles to find the right words to describe Amber who motions him to continue, “You have a different background compared to most doctors right?”
“You mean I was dirt poor and had a family of nightmares?” Amber asks bluntly, causing Carina to grin at Jack’s wince as he tries to mend his words.
“Okay I didn’t mean it like that it’s just that I think the clinic shouldn’t have so many doctors because people from low-income neighborhoods and bad situations they’re afraid of doctors. I mean you and I grew up in the system so we saw firsthand how it can screw over people like us and that includes rich people in white coats.”
Carina rolls her eyes, “Porca miseria do not drag the poor girl into this, she’s just gonna say you’re stupid.”
“No actually he’s right.” Amber says surprising Warren and Carina who look at her more confused than offended, “Carina you know I love you, but you come from a family of doctors you didn’t have to worry about paying a thousand-dollar medical bill because your parents could afford insurance. I grew up relying on my mom’s disability after she got fired until my brothers and I each got jobs when we reached high school. You and Warren don’t understand the viewpoint me and Gibson developed after years of hardship and bouncing around foster homes.”
Ben shrugs, “Okay so tell us.”
Amber starts, “Okay, my oldest brother had to hotwire a car to get me to a hospital when I was two because the ambulance ride would have bankrupted us. Alex and Aaron bandaged my scrapes and bruises until I was 8 and I had a skateboarding accident that gave me 12 stiches on my head. The doc who did it just gave us the bill and walked away. My brother couldn’t pay it until he started his intern year. I’m sorry guys but the white coats are a symbol for death or debt in the communities Gibson and I grew up in.”
Jack grins at his point being proven, “I like her.”
Carina groans at that, “I understand what you’re saying but how do we run a medical clinic without medical experts?”
“Oh, you can’t.” Amber states as she resupplies the medical bag, “I mean the system is broken but a clinic needs doctors and nurses who know sutures and how to run labs. Sorry Jack but your naive to think we can find people who know half the stuff me and Carina know without acquiring an MD.”
“Yeah, she’s got a point.” Ben says.
Gibson thinks for a minute before having an idea that he springs to the doctors, “I could learn to do this, suture. I mean-I mean, if it came to it, right?”
“Well, it won't unless you're planning to become a doctor.” Carina points out.
“Okay, but fine. But, like, think about it. I mean, I-The first time I did CPR, I was 10 years old. Yeah, my foster sister almost drowned in the community pool, and I saw somebody do it on TV and I-I figured it out. So I could probably learn some of what you do.”
Amber grins at Gibson’s attempt, “It’s not like sewing your niece’s teddy bear after the head tears off.” She grins down at Luna who is still in the stroller playing with her teething toy, “It requires focus and steady hands, which are two things you’re gonna learn once you get into Harvard med. Or state if you don’t want to become a stuffy know it all.”
“Andrea went to Harvard.” Carina reminds Amber.
“You just rested my own case.” Amber jokes with a grin.
“I get it but what you probably can't teach is waking up every morning with the goal being to survive. And I think that's…yeah, that's me. That's who I am. That's what this is, right? This clinic is a place for people to go to survive. And they shouldn't have to sign 10 forms with fine print and stare down a bunch of white coats. And it should be simple and, like, clear-cut and not intimidating. And that…that's what the people need to see, right?”
Amber nods seeing Jack’s point as Carina responds, “Okay. But we still need nurses and doctors at our clinic, so who's gonna staff it?”
Jack proposes another idea, “50/50. Compromise. Yeah. Half firefighters, half doctors. And no white coats and no hiding behind the computers and less forms, please. Just less forms.”
The three doctors stand together in front of Jack with Carina speaking for them, “And who's gonna teach you how to do wound care and read urine dipsticks?”
Jack looks stumped by that, “Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Um…”
Carina smiles at Jack’s lack of words, “Half and half.”
“I don't know what either of those are. I don't know which one of you specializes in that.” Amber chuckles before strolling Luna away to get the supplies for the clinic together.
That Night
Amber knocks on the door of the station desperate for either Carina or Warren to answer. She left the station an hour ago after helping with the inventory. But then Luna hit the 24-hour mark since she last cried making Amber worried Carina missed something. She knocks on the glass door frantically until Warren answers it with an obvious annoyed face.
Ben opens the door and Amber rushes inside the Luna in the stroller sleeping, “DeLuca who used to be Karev, it’s late shouldn’t you be home reading the little girl a bedtime story so she can go to sleep like you and me are supposed to?”
“Look Carina missed something or something has developed because it’s been 24 hours and Luna still hasn’t cried yet.” Amber says in a panic, “Something is wrong.”
Ben groans in frustration due to his own problems with the custody battle, “Do you want to know why your niece isn’t crying so badly?”
“It’s because she loves you.” Ben states the obvious stopping Amber short, “You’re a good aunt and great caretaker. She knows she can wander off because you’re there to watch her. She’s so happy she doesn’t feel like crying. Do you want to see her cry?” Ben leans down and lightly pinches Luna’s hand causing her to get fussy and start to cry to Amber’s shock, “There, now she’s crying so please go home.”
Ben walks away from Amber who is now pissed at having a crying baby to deal with because of Warren, “Okay this is gonna get you the creepy uncle status Ben Warren!”
Next Part Here
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jell0buss-37 · 1 year
My Peter B headcannons!
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General HCs, however I will take requests for different HCs (only for Headcannons rn though 👀)
He's a reporter rather than a physicist in his universe.
He was probably more of a jock type, who knew more about sports. When he got bitten he got more active, but never played any team sports because he was still scared of his bullies.
He had asthma before he was bitten.
He loves the color blue, but specifically navy blue.
Loves classic rock, but like 70s sort of classic rock, so definitely more of a Kinks, Rolling Stones, Queen sorta fan.
In his Universe, Harry was his Green Goblin.
He's very emotional.
He is a HUGE horror movie buff.
Is actually a very big bookworm, especially mystery books. Growing up he was a big Sherlock Holmes fan.
His parents were actually alive, but they couldn't take care of him, and so they sent him to live with his Aunt and uncle when he was 5.
He's actually from Nebraska.
He's not a fan of his birthday, so he never makes a big deal about it.
Also gets butthurt when nobody makes a big deal about it.
His universes Gwen was actually a babysitter he had a fat crush on when he was 9. She was 8 years older than him.
He likes funny women, it makes his stomach flip whenever a spunky woman can joke with him.
More of a grease monkey than a lab rat, however he somehow is and actual whizz when it comes to many subjects. Except for Arts of any sort. He actually is not creative at all.
He has the most useless facts stored in his head, it can literally be the most out of pocket thing ever, and yet doesn't know basic things.
"Did you know that Pelicans can pull their spines through their unhinged jaws to cool off?" ".... Peter wha-"
"What do pelicans eat?" "Idk, broccoli?"
He can't sing or dance for the life of him.
But he can play the harmonica
And he likes colorful drinks. Alcoholic drinks or not.
That and Root Beer
An absolute Mug Root beer fiend
Also really good at video games, doesn't matter what game, he picks it up so fast
Looks like big dumb, but really that's just him not caring.
Has a fear of Michael Cera.
"Where are his eyebrows???"
Is literally just Nick Miller, actually.
He's a cat dad
His cat's name is Tyler
"I am sick of Tyler just jumping into the shower and getting freaked out and scratching me-" "Woah, WHAT?? Like your roommate!?" "No. My cat. Why would my roommate attack me-"
Uses punctuation when he texts so you can never tell what tone he's using when he texts
'omw now want me to get u smth from the store'
'No. Drive safe.' (so menacing???)
Has a Ned in his universe that is his office buddy at the Daily Bugle
Ned is an intern and he and Peter have horror movie marathons, and he is also an artist
Peter can't drive. Also he's literally Spiderman so that doesn't matter anyway. But if you ask him, he will not know how to drive. He fixes cars, doesn't drive them.
Never went to college, but got a degree in quantum physics online
That and a wedding licence as spiderman. He thought it'd be funny if Spider-Man could officiate weddings
Is actually scared of kids until Miles
After Miles, he is so good with kids
In his mind
Is writing his own book about a detective from New Orleans (iykyk)
Is Irish-Italian
Likes Baseball a lot because it reminds him of his Uncle Ben
His universe doesn't have reality TV
He's also a DM for Ned's DND group
Totally LARPs, but doesn't admit it
Doesn't like Apple sauce and hasn't eaten it since he was 8 because he ate too much of it and threw it up
Genuinely loves his friends interests, and will genuinely try them out or watch whatever it is they like so they can gush together or debate
Has a barber shop he goes to where he just talks with the old men there, he's been going since he was 12 because Uncle Ben took him
Can Bake really good and sew because of May
He actually asked her to teach him these skills
Has a dream to live in the Oscar Meyer Weiner mobile one day
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asoiafreadthru · 11 months
A Game of Thrones, Jon I
“Is this one of the direwolves I’ve heard so much of?” a familiar voice asked close at hand.
Jon looked up happily as his uncle Ben put a hand on his head and ruffled his hair much as Jon had ruffled the wolf’s.
“Yes,” he said. “His name is Ghost.”
One of the squires interrupted the bawdy story he’d been telling to make room at the table for their lord’s brother. Benjen Stark straddled the bench with long legs.
He snagged a roasted onion, dripping brown with gravy, from a nearby trencher and bit into it. It crunched.
Benjen watched Ghost with amusement as he ate his onion. “A very quiet wolf,” he observed.
“He’s not like the others,” Jon said. “He never makes a sound. That’s why I named him Ghost. That, and because he’s white. The others are all dark, grey or black.”
“There are still direwolves beyond the Wall. We hear them on our rangings.”
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liviavanrouge · 6 months
Happy Memories
Could it shine down here with you?
Livia(7): *Beams, throwing her arms up* UNCLE HARRIS!!
Harris: *Beams, copying her* LIVIA!!
Livia: *Leaps up throwing her arms around his waist, giggling*
Harris: *Chuckles placing his hands on her back*
Livia: What's first!?
Harris: The garden!
'Cause my love is mine, all mine
Livia(7): *Smiles, her arms around Harris' neck*
Harris: *Points to the plants causing them to glow*
Livia: WOW!
Harris: *Laughs, smiling down at her* Amazing right
Livia: Yeah!
Harris: *Pats her side, smiling*
I love mine, mine, mine
Livia(7): *Runs around with Silver, smiling wide*
Silver: *Looks back at her smiling, holding the flowers she had picked*
Harris: *Picks Livia up, placing her on his shoulder* Careful!
Livia: *Giggles, wrapping an arm around his neck* Okay Unca!
Harris: *Chuckles*
Nothing in the world belongs to me
Harris: *Holds Livia with one arm then sets her down*
Livia(7): Unca?
Harris: *Slams his hand on the table, staring Sebek down* What's a boy like yourself doing with my niece.
Livia: Unca be nice to Sebby!
Sebek(7): *Looks at Livia gratefully*
Harris: *Smiles down at Livia* Alright, Livy~
But my love mine, all mine, all mine
Harris: *Sits beside Livia, fixing her flower crown*
Livia(7): Unca
Harris: We can do this whenever you want, don't worry
Livia: *Beams at him, her eyes lighting up* YAY!
Harris: *Smiles and hugs Livia, placing a hand on the back of her head*
Livia: *Smiles, gripping his outfit, her eyes closed*
My baby, here on earth
Harris: *Holds Livia close, his eyes narrowed at the stares the child was getting*
Livia(7): *Stares, gripping her uncles priest outfit*
Harris: *Glares at the staring people, forcing them to look away*
Livia: *Blinks in surprise* Huh
Harris: *Smiles down at her* Don't worry, Livy heh
Showed me what my heart was worth
Livia: *Lays in bed, staring at the ceiling*
Harris: You're still awake, Livy?
Livia: Hi Unca
Harris: *Crouches down beside her* Want to hear a story?
Livia: *Nods and smiles* Yes please!
Harris: *Chuckles* Alright
So, when it comes to be my turn
Harris: *Chuckles, holding Livia's hand, twirling her around with a wide smile on his face*
Livia: *Laughs, smiling wide at him*
Harris: *Picks Livia up and spins around once, smiling as he set her down*
Livia: *Giggles, holding his hands as he placed her on his feet*
Harris: *Chuckles, smiling down at her*
Could you shine it down here for her?
Harris: *Sits by a window with Livia the sun shining down on him as he read a book*
Livia: *Smiles sitting in his lap as he recreated the story using glowing bugs*
Harris: *Chuckles, flipping to the next page* Enjoying it?
Livia: Yeah
Harris: *Chuckles and nods* I'm glad..
'Cause my love is mine, all mine
Livia(7): *Gasps as Harris picked her up*
Harris: *Holds his hand up to her knee* Hold still
Livia: *Watches silently as glowing bugs healed her scraped knee*
Harris: There you go...
Livia: *Smiles slightly* Thank you, Unca
I love mine, mine, mine
Harris: *Smiles, Livia gripping his index and ring finger as he laid next to her*
Livia(7): *Yawns, rubbing her eyes*
Harris: Night, Little Fairy...
Livia: Night..Unca
Harris: *Chuckles and lays his head on the pillow beside her, smiling as he fell asleep*
Nothing in the world belongs to me
Livia(7): UNCA!!
Harris: *Beams shoving his papers into Ben's hands* HAS MY GIRL GOTTEN BIG!??
Livia: *Throws her arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his cheek*
Harris: *Laughs* Look at you kiddo! You've gotten bigger!
Livia: I ate my veggies!
Harris: *Beams, throwing his hands into the air with her* YAY! Good Job!
But my love mine, all mine
Harris: *Chuckles, wiping Livia's cheek clean from the cake frosting*
Livia(7): Thanks Unca!
Harris: *Chuckles and hugs her, their cheeks squished together*
Livia: Giggles, beaming up at him*
Harris: How was your tutor lessons with Nilo?
Livia: FUN!
Harris: *Chuckles* That's good!
Nothing in the world is mine for free
Harris: *Pushes past the crowd, his eyes wide* LIVY!
Livia(7): *Looks over, tears falling down her cheeks, her clothes soaked* Unca....
Harris: *Hugs Livia, pressing a kiss to her cheek* It's okay..I'm right here
Harris: *Glares at the crowd, his eyes glowing* Leave.
Livia: *Clings to Harris as he carried her away*
But my love mine, all mine, all mine
Livia(7): *Smiles at the debutante dresses in her uncles book* Wow!
Harris: When you have your two debuts I'll be right there alright?
Livia: *Nods beaming up at him*
Harris: *Pats her side, chuckling*
Livia: *Closes her eyes then opens them staring at Harris' casket being lowered into the ground her expression blank*
Lilia: *Looks down at her, holding her hand* Livy..
Livia: *Stares forward silently, her eyes dull*
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silverhallow · 1 year
I can't, Breathe, Without you
pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x Sophie Beckett
summary: A couple of hours with Uncle Phillip and Aunt Eloise in the park go drastically wrong and little Charlie ends up in the hospital
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warnings: Whump. mentions of poison and allergic reactions in a child, very poorly child, links to the book. angst.
word count: 735 words
author's note: part of the Bridgerton Enterprise au. this has a sort of happy ending. part of Ash's Drabbles, prompt 17 "let us not go there"
There was nothing more heartbreaking than watching your child struggling to breathe. A breathing tube had been fitted and it was helping but there was not much else that the doctors could do.
Sophie had come running through the doors of the hospital, frantic at having gotten the call from a frantic Phillip.
He and Eloise had taken the three boys to the park for the afternoon whilst Sophie went to a meeting and Benedict was in his studio. Since finding out Sophie was pregnant with their fourth child, she’d been sicker than she had been with Charlie, Alex and William but with their baby girl…
She’d been weak, sick and struggling but she had found some strength, this was a big meeting and she knew she had to go. This was getting the Bridgerton x Penwood brand into America, onto more than just the fashion week, this was a chance to dress the stars at the Met Gala and she wasn’t going to miss that for the world.
So Eloise and Phillip had agreed to take the kids, with the twins, for a few hours whilst Sophie went to her meeting. 
Neither Sophie nor Benedict had expected the call.
Phillip was beating himself up, he’d taken his eyes off them for 5 seconds whilst Amanda was crying having fallen and grazed her knee only for Alex to scream as Charlie touched a plant that had an almost instant reaction.
Foxglove. Phillip went pale the instant he saw it, demanding from a terrified and crying Alex to know if Charlie had eaten it.
But he hadn’t put the plant near his lips, but he had inhaled the pollen as he’d leaned in to sniff it, wanting to pick the pretty flowers to give to their mummy and the moment he’d sniffed it, he gasped and wasn’t able to breathe.
The pollen had gotten into his lungs and filled with them liquid, an allergic reaction combined with the poison was what had caused Charlie to collapse.
The ambulance had managed to get him to the hospital and got him stable, draining the fluid from his lungs by the time Sophie and Benedict had come rushing in to the hospital frantic and worried.
And it was where they had remained for the last three days, Charlie was on a breathing machine, supporting his weak lungs, keeping him alive, keeping him breathing.
Sophie had refused to leave the hospital, Violet had taken Alex and William to allow her son and daughter in law to remain at the hospital. Though Benedict was worried about his wife, Sophie had hardly slept or ate since they’d arrived at the hospital.
“Soph you need to sleep, just an hour, something. You need to look after yourself and our little girl…” he said
“I can’t… I can’t Ben. whenever i close my eyes i wake up thinking… thinking Charlie… what if he… i can’t… I can’t do it”
“Sophie. Let’s not go there” Benedict said “Charlie is going to be fine, he’s been through worse before, when he was born and he’s made it to this point, he’s strong. He’s going to be okay, he’s going to pull through soon enough. It’s just taking time, lungs don’t just heal in a matter of hours, they’re going to take time but he is going to be okay”
“You can’t know that… you can’t promise that” Sophie said helplessly.
“I can, because you’re his mummy, you came through hell, you’ve recovered from a trauma, with your genes, there is no way he can’t…” Benedict said
“But you…”
“Do not go there Sophie, Charlie is going to be fine, but please… I need you to look after yourself, please babe, just have an hour, if anything happens i’ll wake you up i promise…” Benedict said to her, pleading with her.
Sophie looked up at him, saw the pain in his eyes and felt the exhaustion in her body, she knew she was struggling and Benedict was right, she needed to sleep “okay but i’m sleeping here, just… don’t leave me and wake me if anything happens” Sophie begged “and only an hour”
Sophie climbed into the camp bed that the hospital had put down for them, Benedict settled in the chair and before long he felt himself drifting off, unaware that little Charlie was stirring in the bed next to him, starting to eventually wake up.
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ultrainfinitepit · 1 year
For your spider-sona, what do you think their canon event looks like? Or who is their uncle Ben figure?
That's a good question Anon! I've been thinking about this a little. My first Spidersona was Spider Knight, so in my head Spiderphim is the same character continuing on their character arc.
Spider Knight never knew their parents, all they knew was the knight who took them in and trained them to be his squire. This knight was Sir Benegar, whose pennant bore a spider that Spider Knight would ultimately take as their symbol. Sir Benegar served Lady Maybelle, who Spider Knight became close with and saw as their own mother just as Benegar was like a father.
Spider Knight lives in a medieval world where magic is real, demons plague humanity, and angels fight them but are rarely seen.
When Spider Knight was only sixteen, Benegar was killed in a battle with a formidable evil, a fly demon named Beelzebub. After that Spider Knight took up his shield and title. To protect themself against demons, who can consume the true names of mortals to gain control over them, Spider Knight hid their name and true identity, and went only as "Spider Knight."
For a while Spider Knight dealt with other threats: demons are far too powerful for a single knight to handle, especially one so inexperienced. They battled a fellow knight who had turned to evil, the Green Goblin Knight; a sinister Plague Doctor Oc; and even crossed paths with a mischievous swordsman named Deadpoole. Eventually Spider Knight grew strong enough to try and take revenge on the demon Beelzebub. They tracked him down, armed with a sword blazing with holy fire - and they failed catastrophically and died.
As Spider Knight stepped into the river of death, ready to drink the waters and forget their life, an angel appeared to them as a reflection in the water. Somehow Spider Knight knew this reflection was who they always were, who they were going to be, and yet someone else entirely. The angel asked for another chance, and Spider Knight agreed to give it. But a toll had to be paid first. Spider Knight sank into the water, whispered their true name and removed their mask. Their shield and broken sword disappeared into the depths. Everything went dark as they drowned.
When Spiderphim awoke on the funeral pyre, she brought the sunrise with her. Her new form was strange yet exciting, and very warm. By this time Beelzebub was long gone, but Spiderphim didn't mind too much, the chase would mean she could see the world through her new eyes, which were plentiful. And she could help so many people along the way!
So to answer your question Anon, it is Sir Benegar who is Spiderphim's Uncle Ben, and Spider Knight's own death is their canon event.
While I consider Spider Knight and Spiderphim to be the same person, it is less clear to Spiderphim who will surely go through some angst about if they are the same; or possessed by an angel who ate their name; or that same angel, who just has the memories of a person who burned away on the funeral pyre. I also envision some plot point where other angels show up because I like angels, and I think Spiderphim is very annoying and would like to see her annoy them.
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jileeeeeeen7 · 1 month
From Late Mornings to Midnight Mishaps: A Journey Through My Day
Hey, imaginary audience! Here’s a detailed account of my day. I woke up at 10:20 AM—classic me, staying up late and then struggling to rise. With no classes due to volcanic smog, I started my day scrolling through my phone. Predictably, I fell asleep again and didn’t wake up until around 1:00 PM. My phone was low on battery, so I charged it and then headed out to grab my school bag from Lola’s place before returning home.
When I checked my phone again, I saw a text from a friend inviting me to her birthday party. Despite my hesitation about the timing, I didn’t want to miss it. With college keeping us all busy, I knew this was a chance to spend time together. I got ready, took a shower with a tabo, dressed up, and added some accessories and cologne. After saying goodbye to Lola and Mama, I left with another friend.
We arrived at the party around 5:00 PM, and since we were the first ones there, we jumped in to help set up the food and clean up before the other guests arrived. As the evening went on, we ate, talked, and laughed. Once the other guests left, we stayed behind, and the birthday girl started mixing drinks. We enjoyed the rest of the night together.
By 11:00 PM, I booked a ride home and enjoyed the cool night air on the motorcycle, dreaming of unwinding like this with someone special someday. When I arrived home, things took a turn. I walked to the gate and tried calling Mama, Papa, my brother, and my uncle—no answer. Even my cousin couldn’t help.
I spent the next two hours outside, knocking, shaking the gate, and attempting to climb it—though 80 kg of me made it quite a challenge. My phone battery was draining, so I remembered there’s an outlet at the tricycle station nearby. I charged my phone there and kept my friends online company while I waited.
Finally, around 1:48 AM, Mama woke up and let me in. I washed up, brushed my teeth, and collapsed into bed. Reflecting on today, I’d say I come across as sociable, dependable, and resourceful. I really value spending time with friends and making the most of chances to connect, even if it means stepping out of my comfort zone. I try to be adaptable and handle unexpected situations, like being locked out, with persistence and creativity. I think my ability to laugh about the day’s events and stay positive, despite challenges, shows that I’m resilient and laid-back. Overall, I like to think I balance social life with responsibility.
That’s a wrap for today! Thank you for having the time to read!! Ending this with the song "Masiyado pang maaga by Ben and Ben".
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HC’s for being Diego’s daughter (backstory for baby umbrella)
AN: Hello everyone as you can see I am not dead. Sorry I left for like ever but I am here and ready to start a new story. This is a backstory for my new series baby umbrella and you as Diego’s daughter. Just a little side note is that I’ll be writing the reader as half black with afoey curly hair just because one, I’m half black, and two there are very few stories in fanfincs with a charter black or half black charter unless it’s apart of the show or book or whatever. Ovi it doesn’t matter if you fit this description or not you can still enjoy!
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Your dad got a woman prego during a one night stand and once she explained that she didn’t want kids Diego was more than happy to take you in, after a DNA test of course.
You lived with him your whole life and on nights when he had ‘work’ to do he left you with Klaus.
Yes Klaus knew who you were, after Diego took you in he ovi needed help so he agreed to give Klaus a drive anywhere as long as he kept you alive. 
Now he wasn’t thrilled with leaving you with Klaus alone so if he could he’d get Patch to watch you
And the only reason Klaus was the one to watch you was process of elimination, Luther was in space, Allison was famous and already had a life and he didn’t wanna intrude, Five and Ben were out of the picture, and there was no way in hell that he was gonna leave you with his backstabbing sister. Or that’s what he called her.
So Klaus was the final candidate.
You instantly loved Klaus, him becoming your ‘funcle’.
You were 10 when your grandfather that you never met died so Diego took you to his funeral witch lead you to meet your other uncles and aunts.
Then you uncle Five came out of a black hole and he looked about as old as you.
And then you tried to save the world.
And you failed.
And Patch died. 
That one really hurt.
But you ended up in 1963 conveniently with your uncle Five.
Then you saw your family die...that was fun
Then you saw some random dude that your dad tried to kill die.
You were having the time of your life.
After you got there you really only stayed with Five tracking down your family.
Then after your time in the 60s you got back home. 
You met the sparrow academy
They sucked.
Then you found out there was a kugelblitz that was killing people
And everyone tried to stop it and save the world
Then you died?
Or the kugelblitz thing ate you
But then you live??
You came back with your uncle Luther who also died in the mist of things and meet your family in a park thing.
Then you all moved into the umbrella academy. 
But you have no clue where the Sparrows are and you frankly don’t care.
Oh and you have powers now (pretend everyone still has there powers)
You can move things with your mind. 
It’s great to play tricks on people
So now your 13!
And you live with your whole family in a huge house
And you all have poweres
What could go wrong?
Okay guys I hope your excited! This whole thing is just gonna be what is it like being Diego’s daughter. And Lila isn’t a thing (sorry)
If you have any scenario or request you’d like me to do with the story pls share. 
Until then I’ll see you for chapter one:) 
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mephilesthedork · 1 year
Phobia/trigger warning under the cut
So, you know spiders man, right?
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He's a conglomerate of radioactive spiders that ate Peter Parker, and gained his memories and personality, including the inspiration to be a hero, and uncle Ben's quote. He became Spiders Man and did standard Spider-Man shit with a side of killing, yada yada, don't quote me. He was recruited by the Superior Spider-Man of 616 to fight the Inheritors. But my question is, how would he wear a watch? Would he wear it on his arm, or would the spiders all individually have a watch and they would travel independently, or would he have to buddy up with someone who has a watch?
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