basmathgirl · 1 year
15 questions for 15 mutuals
Thanks very much for tagging me @raywritesthings! 💖
I will tag: and @smackalicious, @some-thrilling-heroics, @tardis-mouse, @some-thrilling-heroics, @fuckyeahfredandginger, @tamagocchiheaven, @ladynoblesong, @pia-writes-things, @noelevangilinecarson, @horseonthespaceship, @stupidlittlenemo, @tellmethereisnonoddy, @giff4088@24601error-prisonernotfound, @ageless-aislynn, @none-ofthisnonsense (and any other mutual who fancies a go. Just tag me in your answer to let me know!).
Were you named after anyone?
Not as far as I know. It was my late grandfather who suggested it, so he might have met someone in northern France, when he was there during WWI, who influenced him.
When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday. A TV programme called “24 Hours In A&E” had a mother agonising about watching her son go through cancer treatment, and I shed tears in sympathy, having been through that experience.
Do you have kids?
I think the answer above confirms that I do. [Still open to adopting other people’s kids, if you want to apply]
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Quite a lot; but usually to amuse rather than get at people. Hubby is the exception that proves the rule.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their vibe, I suppose. Inevitably visual cues make you create assumptions about people’s class, intelligence, and demeanour; and I am very sensitive to possible rejection, since my appearance caused many nasty reactions in the past. Nowadays, most older people look like me, so it’s easier to blend in.
What’s your eye colour?
Scary movies or happy endings?
I only like scary movies that are funny, so I’ll opt for happy endings. Although I don’t mind a bit of bittersweet instead.
Any special talents?
Erm… I’m useful, because I know random stuff; or am very willing to find out on your behalf.
Where were you born?
An East London borough.
What are your hobbies?
Mainly reading, a spot of writing, lots of telly; and plans to return to hobbies like cardmaking, cross-stitch, watercolour painting, and playing the instruments I own. I thought I might join the village choir when we moved here, but alas, my singing voice has faded away to a croak. Oh well. There’s still some possible voluntary work to keep in mind for later.
Have any pets?
Sadly, my Marvin the Martian and Tentoo (that @some-thrilling-heroics  made for me *cuddles him*) are the closest things I’ve got to pets.
What sports do you play/have you played?
I wasn’t exactly encouraged to play ‘normal’ sports, so I loved playing darts, snooker, and table tennis when I was younger. Don’t have access to any of these anymore, not even a computer game version.
How tall are you?
The last time my height was measured it was 5′4″ (about 1.62m)
Favourite subject in school?
Favourite subjects to learn were English Literature, Maths, Sociology, and Geography. My favourite subject to teach was Maths; although I got the chance to have a go at a multitude of subjects.
Dream job?
I’m a bit past having a dream job, as retirement is now beckoning. There are flippant answers I could give (like: David Tennant’s bedwarmer) but to be honest, I had my dream job for many years.
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minikate--24-05 · 4 years
Alright guys, story for another time number 2.
This one is about Sasha’s departure from the show. I believe you are all familiar with the fact that Donald Bellisario left the show on season 4 after repeatedly crashing with Mark Harmon. (x) (x) I’d heard stories about how the actors worked too much and how there were last-minute changes to the scripts. (x)
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Mark was already a father by that time, and according to this article, this chaotic way of management was having a bad impact on his life. So imagine wanting to start a family and working under these conditions. Impossible. That’s why Sasha left the show. According to Bellisario, she asked him with tears in her eyes. (x)
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So there goes the first half of the story. But when I mentioned it on the first ask, I said “to stop working too many hours and being able to eat normally again.” I added the second bit because of a video someone on here showed me (I’ve forgotten who it was, but if you want me to tag you, just tell me). (x)
I don’t know what it is about it but the whole thing is uncomfortable to watch and makes me cringe. But that’s not what I wanna talk about. There’s a part that goes on like this: 
Ryan Seacrest: “Are you on one of those Hollywood diets? ‘Cause you look fantastic, you’re in great shape.”
Sasha Alexander: “Thank you.”
RS: “What’s your routine?”
SA: “I work a lot, so I have to keep a good shape and stay on a diet to maintain my energy. I’m in the zone.”
Up until here I thought she was talking about a diet designed to give her more energy and that was it, but the exchange continued:
RS: “It’s more protein than carbs, right?”
SA: “You’re actually just eating smaller portions, but, you know, you can’t have burgers and fries...”
And like, I know that diet culture is huge among tv/movies stars, but seeing someone like Sasha, who hasn’t been overweight a day in her life (just look at her old pics on insta), be put on a diet simply because she has to be on screen? She was already skinny when she joined the show, were they trying to make her 2 dimensional? Imagine working that many hours a day with all of that stress and eating so little. I would (I actually have) fainted.
So it makes perfect sense to me for her to have wanted to quit the show back in 2005. And she had her daughter just a year later so I’m sure the first thing she did when her contract was off was to have a burger with a side of fries and spend some time with her husband. 
I’m gonna bring back @24601error-prisonernotfound’s tag because it fits here too and I’m mad about it.
#if bellisario better handled the series maybe we would have had kibbs
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dwaynepride · 4 years
Hey, could you add me to your tag list for anything with Gibbs ? I love your fics about him !
you’ve been added!
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maegfen · 5 years
24601error-prisonernotfound replied to your post “Can anyone help me find a fic?”
OKAY HERE IT IS https://24601error-prisonernotfound.tumblr.com/post/185180349417/if-you-stayed (i've just reblogged it, it was in my queue lol). In the end it might not be this one you were looking for because it's quite recent i think, but it's still good! (and she was called Rie, not Brie hahaha)
Brilliant, thank you :) It was definitely the one I was after! I wish it were longer, I really like it :D
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hopscotchandlemon · 4 years
Collide Part Eighteen (Final)
A/N I want to say a huge thank you to all the lovely people who have encouraged me while I wrote Collide. Despite that fact I tortured you with short chapters with no real idea when the next installment would be posted and quite frankly had very little semblence of order, you stuck it out this far. While I do write for myself, I love that other people get enjoyment out of it and all your notes helped more that you’ll ever know.
@gibbsandpridegirl​ @ilovemark1951 @ mark1973posts @charlotte222 @word-scribbless @mahc1562 @24601error-prisonernotfound @catlynhoss05 (It wouldn’t let me tag everyone so please don’t be offended if your tag isn’t here)
The warm spring sunshine was a welcome development as the harshest winter DC had seen in 100 years melted from the memory. Mary let the warm rays bathe against her face and felt the energy of a new season put a spring in her step.  After a rough couple of years of losing her daughter and her home, she was finally living her life instead of merely putting on foot in front of the other. While that had been a good tactic for the dark times, she felt they deserved more, and the lighter days had not disappointed.
The backyard was bathed in sunlight and she watched the two men in her life work on the treehouse. It had been Jethro’s idea and of course Jenson had been an enthusiastic supporter of the proposal, contributing to the planning and now as a labourer. It also meant that they got out in the fresh air instead of being hidden away in the gloomy basement. Another benefit was it kept her grandson out of trouble and focused his energies on something constructive. Mary had no doubt he’d be a competent joiner by the time Jethro had imparted all his knowledge on to him.
While it was easy to see how life had improved for herself and her grandson, she hadn’t quite taken into consideration the impact they’d had on the silver-haired federal agent. Mary had accompanied Jethro to an informal work gathering where she’d got talking to a few of his colleagues, all of whom hinted how happy he’s been since they’d entered his life. She’d met everyone in his team and she hadn’t expected to be taken in to the NCIS family as enthusiastically. Tim had been round to install security cameras and alarm (as per Jethro’s promise to make her feel as safe as possible), and Ducky popped over those weekends Jethro and the team were on a case. It was a lovely feeling that while she knew he had a dangerous job; he was surrounded by people who would do anything for him.
While they’d both confessed their feelings for one and other, they were happy taking things slowly. There was no rush and if life had taught them anything it was enjoy what’s in front of you. A few weeks earlier, Jethro had tried to get Jenson to call him something other than ‘Mister Gibbs.’ Jenson had thought about it for a day before asking if he could call him Grandpa. Jethro had looked to Mary for counsel on this matter and she’d simply smiled and nodded her approval. This little boy had never met his biological father or grandfather and had been robbed of his mother before he’d even started school. He deserved someone he could call his Grandpa and there was no one better qualified for the role. Right from the start, he’d bonded so well with her Grandson. Jethro never said, but she could see that it meant the world to him and it was a role he was enormously proud of.
Uncle Bert had completed the sale of his house and had flown back in from Hawaii to finalise everything. He’d called in to see them and on seeing how happy they all were, he conceded that his earlier advise may have been uncalled for, surmising that anyone who can get to Jethro’s age doing what he does is probably skilled enough to keep them all safe.  Mary’s own experiences had led her to the philosophy of making hay while the sun shines. And she intended to enjoy every moment.
The treehouse was starting to take shape and Jenson was eager to help. Jethro made sure he always had a job to do so whether it was holding something, hammering nails or fetching tools, as long as je had a job he knew he wouldn’t be getting up to anything he shouldn’t be.
It had long been said that he got on well with kids. He didn’t have any great secret technique. He just made sure he talked to them directly and didn’t treat them like idiots. While woodworking had long been a solitary hobby for him, a way to unwind and forget his troubles, passing on his knowledge reminded him of standing in his father’s workshop doing the exact same things. He felt his father would be proud knowing that Jenson would be learning skills he’d passed down. Jackson would have doted on Jenson. Just as Jethro had been cheated out of seeing his own child grow up, Gibbs senior had lost his chance to watch his granddaughter turn in to a young woman too.
As hard as it had been, talking to Mary about how he felt about her had been positive and although he was still struggling in some respects, he had let Jack find him someone to talk to on a regular basis. There was a lot to unravel but Gibbs could feel the load lightening and the more he did, the more he was letting Mary in and the happier he felt. Jack was always there too when he was having a bad day. Sometimes she even looked after Jenson, just to give him some time alone with Mary.
As time went on, he was spending less time at work. While he was still always contactable and saw each case out, he was no longer relying on it the way he once did. On the very good days, he could even see a time where he wasn’t a special agent anymore. Such an idea would have filled him with dread not so long ago. While he had no plans to retire any time soon, he was at least imagining it.
With the frame for the treehouse complete, Jethro along with Jenson started to tidy up the tools. Jenson began to ferry them back to the basement while Jethro tidied up the offcuts. On seeing the halt of work, Mary walked over to inspect the progress. Gibbs couldn’t help but smile at her, standing behind her and protectively wrapping his arms around her, kissing her hair. She put her hand up to her shoulder, wrapping her fingers around his. Jenson ran up to them and clearly wanting to join in, Mary put her free arm around him, and Jethro put his around them both. They all stood silently for a few moments, enjoying being close to each other, revelling in the feeling of security they gave each other.
As Jethro had said before; Family is more than DNA.
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tortue-souris · 4 years
I was tagged by @24601error-prisonernotfound​ to 11 answers, 11 asks, 11 tagged people. Thank you ! Is it that old ? I should reread the old one then, I don’t even remember XD
1. What is your favorite weather ?
When it’s sunny and dry but freezing cold !
2. If you had to choose one book and one movie to read and watch for the rest of your life, what would it be ?
One book would probably be Ellana, by Pierre Botero and one movie hmmm... Potrait de la Jeune Fille en Feu ? O:-)
3. Tea or coffee ?
Tea ! I don’t like coffee ^^
4. What’s your favourite fandom and why ?
Wow fandom what is that ? :p Les Petits Fans cause I met the best people <3 And we did crazy things and achieve crazy dreams together !
5. What is something you’re looking forward to ?
Wow I just realised I wasn’t looking forward to anything actually :O That’s probably because we don’t know exactly what the future holds for us ^^”
6. What is the thing/accomplishment you’re the most proud of ?
Eeerr I don’t know, getting my licence ?
7. When you’re feeling down, what has the power to cheer you up ?
Eating, definitely. Also a very very hot shower, or better a bath but that’s in my dreams haha. Actually these don’t “cheer me up” but it comforts me.
8. What would you ask if a genie gave you three wishes ?
I hate this haha probably to give me the ability to take decisions XD
9. How would you name your pet and why ?
No idea, i guess it depends on the feeling you have with the pet. But I’d name my cat Silicate just for the pun ;)
10. Is there anything you wish/wished to tell someone but dare/dared ?
Hm, not really. Sometimes I don’t dare telling people that they hurt me or that they go to far but well I’m used to it.
11. What is the most precious thing you have (sentimentally speaking) and why ?
I have many things I am attached to haha so I really couldn’t tell. There’s a necklace I have since I was 10, and my violin is really important too, and of course of course my plushy dog <3
I tag @andresylupin, @madame-nyx, @the-stain-girl, @cosmoslions and whoever wants to do it !
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Playlist music shuffle game
Rules: 🎶put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs, then choose ten people to tag 🎶
Tagged by the lovely @renee561!! Thank you!! 😚❤��
1. Téir Abhaile Riú (live)-Celtic Woman <3
2. Did you kill my wife?-Hans Zimmer
3. Sky Battle-Alexandre Desplat
4. In the City-Kevin Rudolf
5. Fighter-Christina Aguilera
6. Jump (full song & intro)-Lana Del Rey <3
7. Crowd Control-Jerry Goldsmith
8. Let it go (instrumental)-Robert Lopez & Kristen Anderson-Lopez
9. I'm not that girl-Kerry Ellis
10. Whiteout-Christophe Beck
That was fun!
Tagging: @austennerdita2533 @blame-it-on-the-nargles @fawnilu @outlawqueenouat @zwee-lannister @24601error-prisonernotfound @a-wise-man-once-said @afarfetchedplot @nexflixandcry @ashleywritesstuff
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beauty-of-sins · 5 years
24601error-prisonernotfound replied to your post: For the wlw prompt, Queen Calanthe x a knight from...
It was me! Thanks for taking the prompt and I didn’t expect that, but I love it!!
Whewww I'm relieved, thank you so much for sending it in. I couldn’t see it going the fluffy route and I knew I was taking quite the risk.  Feel free to send some more in! 
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piierogis · 7 years
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At this point everything with a cop character makes me think of Javert, so here it goes: Les Misérables in a Stranger Things AU
Valjean is a mayor of a small town with an adopted daughter acquired in mysterious circumstances, because nobody can stop me from messing up the timeline
Actually please let me call it Hawkins-sur-Mer, I don’t care if it doesn’t make sense, let me have it
Cosette is friends with Marius and some other kids, aka the entirety of les amis
Until one day Cosette disappears
Javert eagerly takes the case because it’s a nice opportunity to find out something about the mayor that suspiciously reminds him of a certain convict
Les amis decide to look for Cosette on her own but instead find another, quite confused girl in the woods
On her arm there is a tattoo saying EP09, so they make it into E-P-O-nine
”We call her Epo-9” “Isn’t it pronounced Éponine?” “...wait, this name actually exists?”
Éponine turning out to have telekinesis and all that fun stuff
Marius is very set on the idea that she can help him find his BFF Cosette
Want to make it more fun? Cosette has a similar tattoo: C07 on her arm. She was nicknamed Cosette from Valjean’s first language, Italian, where 7 is sette, though her real name is Euphrasie (I’m not desperate to make it work at all, shh) (EDIT: APPARENTLY IT WORKS WITH THE FRENCH PRONUNCIATION OF 7 AS WELL, THANKS @24601error-prisonernotfound) 
I’m torn between making Mabeuf the person who finds EP09 first and then gets killed and making him the amis’ teacher (...alternatively the amis having a teacher named Lamarque)
In general, amis being way more numerous than the Stranger Things kids, Javert having a way lower empathy level than Hopper and Valjean having way more money to buy Christmas lights and hang them all around his house (and being way more willing to personally fight whatever monsters are there)
...okay I just don't have set designs for les amis and didn’t feel like making them now
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marvel-and-dc-geek · 4 years
Tagged by @bjnurse
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let’s get to know the person behind the blog!!
1.The first movie I saw in the movie theater was Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone back when I was 1 year old.
2. Somehow I was the only one to get a 100 in the national Social Studies class out of my class, while being one of the few to not do so in English (yet it was one of my best subjects but I got a 98)
3.Im the oldest cousin in my mom’s side, and third oldest in my dad’s side.
@sweetxsecret @obsesiveweeaboo @mamadonovan @blackweebrose @galaxygalthemess @24601error-prisonernotfound @satan-with-tits
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basmathgirl · 4 years
Tag Meme
I was tagged by the wonderful @raywritesthings, Thank you! :D
RULES: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
1. NAME: I hate giving my name in everyday life, let alone in these things so I’m going to put Basmathgirl
2. NICKNAMES: BMG, Bas, Fan (Fanny Fanackapan is the longer version), and short!Mummy
4. HEIGHT: it was 5’ 4” (1.62m) but I think I’ve shrunk
5. LANGUAGES: English and a vague smattering of French
7. FAVOURITE SEASON: Autumn, although I quite like Spring
8. FAVOURITE FLOWER: If you ever buy me flowers DON’T make it lilies – I can’t stand the smell; otherwise I tend to like white or blueish flowers
9. FAVOURITE SCENT: I like vanilla smells
10. FAVOURITE COLOUR: I like blue – it used to be yellow but a wasp attack put paid to that idea
11. FAVOURITE ANIMAL: Probably dogs
12. FAVOURITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(s): Donna Noble, Harry Potter, Elinor Dashwood, Anne Elliot, Captain Frederick Wentworth, Fitzwilliam Darcy (yes, I like Jane Austen, and Colin Firth’s photo was on my wall), Roderick Peterson, Peter Vincent, the Doctor, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Miss Marple, Father Brown, Shakespeare & Hathaway (yes, I like cheesy BBC detective stories), Inspector Morse,  DI Alec Hardy, DI Alex Drake, DCI Gene Hunt, Malcolm Tucker, Professor Vivian Bearing (have you seen “Wit”?  Of my goodness, I sobbed and sobbed),…. and I’d better stop there, or this would become an essay.
13. COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE:  Generally speaking, I’d always go for a tea (I try to keep chai or Earl Grey as a special treat) but in fast food places I’d opt for a hot chocolate as the safest option.
14. AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: I’m at that age where a bathroom break in the middle of the night is essential, so getting a full 8 hours is a rarity.
15. DOG OR CAT PERSON: I’ve had limited dealings with cats so I’m more of a dog person. My favourite jokey quote is: “People look at me and think ‘dog’.”
16. NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: I don’t sleep with a blanket; at all. We use duvets.
17. DREAM TRIP: At the moment I am desperate to go back to Scotland – we tried watching the whole Mallaig steam trip on TV (the Jacobite Line) but it ain’t the same as actually being there.
19. FOLLOWERS: 1567.  I suspect a high percentage of this figure is pornbots, so I’ll miss them when they eventually unfollow me….
20. RANDOM FACT: Seeing a clip from the recently ‘free to watch’ “Jesus Christ Superstar” reminded me that I’d seen it on the second night it originally opened in London. The ticket was acquired because, for a few months, I shared the same agent as Andrew Lloyd Webber and Tim Rice.
I’m tagging: @bedeliadumaurierblog, @badxwolfxrising, @blueyedthiefling, @drtonks @myrklin, @useless-fangirl-does-fan-art, @horseonthespaceship,  @24601error-prisonernotfound, @faceball-95, @mindibindi, @let-your-chaos-explode, @melmey-fanfics, @shego1142, @captainjackspoilers, @joi-in-the-tardis, @cookie-moi, @antiantemeridian, @danasnobledonna, @thewirealbatross, @storamogul, 
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kaleran · 8 years
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More information BC YOU GUYS ARENT HELPFUL ITS TWO TO TWO MOSTLY: rn is "basically canon except with Crucial Trope I'm Weak To" which is, honestly, me exploring worldbuilding (with Crucial Trope) and also making Valjean lowkey sad because I'm a horrible person and that's kind of canon anyway. It's not slow burn bc I decided not to do that (might have bled through anyway....... >.>;; what can I say I love the otp) and anyway if I explain Crucial Trope (lol it's been done so many times but I don't think with valvert yet? eR for sure though) without completely giving it away and for once in my life I'm trying to keep things a surprise @24601error-prisonernotfound (why can't I tag you???) wait do you mean do life or do death bc I don't quite understand what you mean there? What two other plots? (Give me more plots even though it's not like I don't have 15+ WIPs) @iberiandoctor I like the way you think friend @splinteredstar ??? What do you mean by 'temporary death'??? Pls explain. I'm assuming second option of "almost dead and would have been if not for Valjean's intervention" but ? @inspectorjavert-24601 (OK SERIOUSLY TUMBLR) and @rosestormclare u make some valid points........
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dwaynepride · 4 years
how was i to know?
summary: reader has a weird dream about gibbs.
have you ever done anything for the ‘ya know what kind of wood this is’ Gibbs dream that both Quinn and Palmer had?
words: 1700
warnings: slight nsfw
tags: @fairytale07​ @jrenn10​ @f4nboi​ @purplestarsr5 @ladyzombiielove​ @littlemiss3ma @minikate--24-05​ @consultingdoctorwholock​ @kittenlittle24​ @24601error-prisonernotfound @andreasworlsboring101​ @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy​ @ms-allenbrown​ @ikbenplant​ @dylpickles1267​ @diaryofafan17​ @specialagentlokitty​ @pageofultron​ @stanathanxoox​
a/n: it’s been a while since i’ve posted. this isn’t beta-read so ignore the typos. be free, my thots.
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Your eyes just weren’t focusing anymore.
It’s been hours (don’t ask how many) since you’ve sat down at your desk to read over case files. The bane of a federal agent - chained to their desk and forced to go over every scrap of evidence and testimonies to find anything useful and it’s the burden placed squarely on your shoulders for today.
Usually, you have tricks to help when the words start blending together. Getting some coffee, going for a walk, visiting Abby because she’s the physical embodiment of caffeine and normally wakes you up.
But nothing helped. And the words kept swimming over the screen.
You’re not learning anything new from sitting here. But with the team hitting a roadblock in the case, what else is there to do? 
Again, you start reading the paragraph that you’ve been trudging through for the past twenty minutes. But this time, as your focus wavers, it’s not because of the headache or the tension in your eyes. The sudden presence on your right is what stops your reading. It’s warm. All-encompassing. Brings over the soft smell of sawdust and aftershave and as soothing at the presence is, it’s a shock to you.
Because you could have sworn you were alone in the bullpen - staying behind while the others went off to find new leads.
Your eyes move off the computer screen, meaning to glance over to the presence. But you never see their face because they’re suddenly leaning in. Hovering over your shoulder, shrouding you from the harsh office lights, and you reckon if you take in a big enough breath, you’d be able to feel the warm presence pressing against your shoulder.
Their face was a mystery, and yet, you can feel a pair of eyes watching you - hard, steely, freezing you in your chair.
And without warning, a hand comes to rest on the surface of your desk, next to the keyboard. A worn, scarred hand that you recognize with a jolt. The named of its owner lies on the tip of your tongue, but it never comes out - like a secret you’ve sworn to keep.
His fingers curl a bit, knocking lightly against the top of your desk. The sound could’ve easily been mistaken as the pounding of your heart, if one listened close enough.
“You know what kinda wood that is?”
The voice mumbled against your ear is low and deep. Sounding like a bass drum and its sound reverberates through your body and you’re pretty sure it’s the reason why your hands are suddenly a little shaky. 
“W-wood?” You manage to echo back. A single word, hoping for clarification because your brain is moving at a snail’s pace. You’re simply too preoccupied on the warm, wet breathing that wafts over your neck.
His fingers start tapping against the desk in some unknown rhythm. And your eyes watch them move, entranced, and you keep telling yourself to look away and focus on something else but it’s much too easy to just keep staring. “Yeah. You outta know.” His voice is closer. More hushed. And that’s because his lips are right against the shell of your ear and his breath is blazing hot.
And through it all, you can catch the faint scent of bitter coffee and it only makes your skin tingle even more.
You suppress a shudder, if only to deny him the satisfaction of feeling it.
His presence somehow keeps growing larger - more encompassing, like a storm cloud rolling over the city. The words on the monitor; they don’t exist. There’s no more Naval Yard or team of federal agents or a whole case to solve. 
It’s just you, him, and the hard, cold press of the wooden desk keeping you here. 
Finally, you turn your head towards him. Words form on the edge of your tongue - stern words of annulment and to tell him you’re too busy for his games.
But then you meet his eyes. Head on - and they give you pause. Frozen in place, as if the icy blues really could chill you to the bone. So close, you could catch faint flecks of gray and gold floating around in the ocean of light blue and this time, it’s impossible to push down the shudder.
Now, his breath wafts over your lips slowly in his careful exhale, sounding almost disappointed and you’re shocked at how much that thought troubles you.
“Want to get a closer look?” He mumbles, eyes falling blatantly to your lips before coming back to meet your gaze.
A closer look? Damn him. 
This must be some kind of sick game for him - to see how far he can push you before you bend to him. He knows the implications of his question. You’ll start imagining yourself bent over the desk, looking closely to study the wood and its rings and texture. Everything he wants you to look for. Your mind will wonder, and suddenly, the image of him fucking you, hard and purposeful, over the desk pops up and you’ll never be able to get it out of your head.
And it works like a god damn charm.
His head tilts to the side, eyes softening to look amused. Probably because he notices you’re panting lighting and can feel it against his lips. “I can show you, if you want,” he murmurs. Still acting innocent. Still keeping with this game.
You breathe in because your head starts getting dizzy from lack of oxygen, but that proves a fatal mistake. 
Because the air itself smells like him - like coffee and smoke and old cologne and it goes straight between your thighs and you find yourself craving the feel of his scarred, worn-out hands on your skin. “Gibbs…”
His name comes out weak, like a shiver. And when he hums in response to it, you can nearly feel the vibration through the air and pulsing against your body. And slowly, carefully, his hand comes up to touch your shoulder. The first real, raw physical contact and you wait for it with baited breath. Suddenly craving it more than the air itself.
As it connects, you expect a soft sort of seering feel. Like a branding iron. Instead, it’s a hard and sudden shove that seems to rock the entire world.
It’s so hard, your eyes snap open instantly, sucking in a gasp of air like you’d just been held underwater. Those cold blue eyes that had so easily frozen you solid were gone, replaced with the familiar scene of the office doused in the light of a sunset. 
The stifling presence of Leroy Jethro Gibbs was also gone - in a way, you were grateful for the freedom. It was much easier to breathe now, that’s for certain. But the second thing you notice upon sitting up in your chair isn’t as appreciated.
Your body is humming. Heart pounding a million miles a second. And your skin...it’s almost painfully sensitive. So much so, even your clothes rubbing against it is almost too much to bear. For a moment, you can still feel Gibbs and his warm breath and the remains of his touch. 
But the worst realization is the deep throb between your legs. Aching and pulsing for something - or someone - that will never come. Your thighs shift together, hoping to ease the feel but the friction only seems to make it worse.
“You fell asleep.”
That’s his voice. 
Your head whips up to find Gibbs standing by your desk - watching you, his eyebrows pinched together and standing in nearly the same exact spot as in your dream and it’s a shock that you even realize that.
Immediately, you let your gaze fall - everything is throbbing just a little too much to meet his eyes. “And you were making some noises,” he continues. “You good?”
“Yeah,” you answer immediately. Too quick, you realize. Gibbs may not believe the dream was simply nothing, and it’s proven when he takes a small step closer to you. His shoes nearly nudge against yours, and you can’t stop yourself from tucking your feet under the chair away from him. 
His eyes are still on you. It takes an enormous amount of effort to keep your breathing steady and to stop the light shake of your hands to even pretend everything was normal. “You sure?” He asks. And this time, his tone is different. Just slightly - it wouldn’t even had been noticeable if dream-Gibbs hadn’t spoken so softly right in your fucking ear.
You need to get a fucking grip.
It was just a dream. A vivid, extremely hot dream. But a dream nonetheless. Not real.
“Very sure,” you reply, forcing your tone to sound more confident that you feel. It’s still impossible to meet his eyes - you know they’d be every bit as frosty blue and cool as in your dream, so you just spin your chair to face the desk. “You just woke me up from an intense dream.”
Gibbs hums a bit at the explanation. “Gonna tell me about it?”
“Definitely not.”
Out the corner of your eye, Gibbs just shrugs before turning back to his own desk and sitting down. Now that his whole focus isn’t on you, the rest of the world start to filter back in. The golden light of a setting sun coming in through the windows. The ambience of the office, winding down from a long day. Gibbs sipping his coffee. 
It gets easier to slow your beating heart. To ignore the slow, steady throb between your thighs. 
And carefully, you glance up across the bullpen to Gibbs. His eyes are on the monitor, paying you no attention.
“Gibbs.” That is, until you say his name carefully. Like an experiment. 
And when the shock of his eyes hits you once again, it’s nearly as powerful and earth-shaking as it was in the dream. But this time, you hold his gaze. Because there’s something you need to know before you can put this dream behind you and get back to work.
Your hand comes up, knuckles rapping lightly against the wooden surface of the desk. It sounds louder than it should. 
“Do you know what kind of wood this is?”
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maegfen · 5 years
24601error-prisonernotfound replied to your post “Can anyone help me find a fic?”
There's another one similar to this and it might be the one you're looking for. I'm sure I read it a few days ago, but I can't find find it now! How is it possible -_- I remember at the beginning they introduced themselves as JJ Lannister and Brie (of?) Tarth
That is precisely the one I was after!! I’ve just found it (not sure how, I resorted to randomly clicking on everyone’s blog who posted fic in the last week or so and got very lucky...) It’s here if you want to read it again :D 
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tortue-souris · 6 years
About me
Thanks @borntobeabook for the tag! ;)
Rules: answer 22 questions and tag 22 people you’d like to know better.
Nickname: I don’t have any, i just have one friend who calls me Tortue Souris or TSF.
Zodiac sign: bêêêêê
Height: 1m60
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff :D
Sexuality: ace and lesbian baaaby
Last thing I googled: canal du midi (thanks 18th century class haha)
Song stuck in my head: Nothing at the moment, I often have Riverside by Agnes Obel these days (very pretty song)
Following now: 147 (so many artist blogs i love them)
Followers: 178
Do I get asks: no and i feel all alone most of the time on here haha
Amount of sleep I get: 7-8 hours
Lucky number: 3
What I’m wearing: jeans and a jumper because im very basic
Dream job: open a tea shop or a guest house in the middle of nowhere
Dream trip: island
Favorite food: ok so food is not meal right ? Then viennoiseries :’)
Instruments: violin (used to) (probably lost it all)
Languages: French, English, some remaining spanish
Favorite songs: So Afraid, and Don’t Judge me, Janelle Monae, You and Small Hand, Keaton Henson... So many others i mean it’s impossible to just choose a few.
Random fact: I really love Maurice Denis but damn the pieces he did for the petit palais ceiling ?? Awful.
Aesthetic: nature, walking or riding in nature, hot tea, books books books, blanket, on my own, brunch or huuuuges breakfasts, long burning showers, candles, plants, a cat, baking.
Tagging: im not even trying to find 22 people lol so just @madame-nyx, @gentlemanlupin, @just-a-little-bit-gay, @sincerelyjxnes, @24601error-prisonernotfound, @mohtz, @the-stain-girl, @cosmoslions, and anyone who wants to do it !
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iacomary97 · 8 years
Tagged by: @ravenrreyes  thanks so much. those things are actually fun
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better
Nicknames: Mary, Maria, Marià(mah-ri-ah xD), in middle school also iacomary
Star sign: Capricorn (fun fact, i’m actually a Pisces because Astrology rules haven’t updated. Read this on a science article on Focus many years ago)
Height: 155cm ( :I i’m tiny)
Time right now: 23:01
Last thing you googled: Claudio Santamaria :3
Fave music artist: A lot since i have not one in particular. 
Song stuck in my head:  Say no to this, from the Hamilton Musical, i hate cheating but the tune is soooo good.
Last movie I watched: Lego Batman Movie*
Last tv show I watched: Stranger Things 
What I’m wearing right now: Pyjamas
When I created this blog: around 2008-9, when i was introduced to fandoms
The kind of stuff I post: I get obsessed with one or two things and post mostly about them (recently those two things were Fitzsimmons and Sherlock) + a bit of politics. Now that i actually use the queue, i manage to multifandom better, without flooding everyone’s dashes.
Do I get asks regularly?: Nope. I did get a lot of them in my side blog, (Psych related) but unfortunately i can’t answer them. 
Why did I choose my url: Because it’s the nickname i always used to “sign” my fan art. 
Gender: female, i guess. **
Hogwarts House: Proud Ravenclaw
Pokémon team: I like the design of the yellow team, but i identify more with the definition of the blue team. (Respectively Instinct and Mystic)
Favorite color: I always said Green and Orange
Average hours of sleep: 6-8 (usually 7)
Lucky number: N/A
Favorite characters: Too many. Until a few years ago i related more with males, but this is changing very fast. Short answer: Too many to write them all.***
Dream job: Something that is never boring, it’s fun, makes me proud of myself, and hopefully also leaves time for other activities. Always used to say this growing up. For now i’m trying with the film industry. (VFX department) 
Number of blankets I sleep with: It depends on the weather. I can’t stand cold, and i get insane with too much heat. i can arrive to 3 blankets and 1 sheet in winter, to none in July. July in particular is the worse. the heat that can’t let you sleep.
I’ll tag a few awesome people: 
@thelatenightstoryteller  - @yourmindaches - @i-have-zero-chill - @24601error-prisonernotfound - @captainironnerd - @agentverbivore - @goodmythicalmail - @pineapplepond5
I wanted to add something more:
* I went to an early screening in Rome with my uni, were i met (from a distance) Claudio Santamaria, one of the dubbers of the film. He’s cool.  
** But this term alone doesn’t really define me, but i’m fine with that. Just don’t call me Woman™, cause i’ll probably laugh at that. xD I was usually more on the masculine side i guess. Hating pink, dolls, make up, dresses and princesses (except Mulan :3), admiring boys clothes and always wanting short hair. But i really can’t stand those separations of genders with those strong stereotypes. Except maybe the clothes thing (which i can understand can be a but opinionated****) i think everything else can and should be liked regardless of genders. I’m really fine in being me, and being considered a female. Just don’t try and fit me into the stereotyped box of the Woman™. Cause I could fight you :D  (with you being a random you, not you you in particular)
*** i’m still writing a post about this, i was tagged by the lovely thelatenightstoryteller . But it’s taking soooo long. If you’re reading this I’m so sorry xD
**** thank god now genderless lines are appearing. I'll finally find a model that i like and that can also fit my body.
Also: there could be grammar mistakes here and there, it’s 23:52 now and i’m so sleepy. 
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