#29 eight of pentacles
theninthdoor · 10 months
pac || yes or no, and a message from Spirit
☁️ think of a question you need a Yes/No answer for, take 3 deep breaths and pick one of the piles below! this should give you a general idea of what the energy surrounding this matter is + what Spirit wants you to know and/or do. ☁️ take only what resonates and leave the rest! if you feel like the pile you've initially picked doesn't really apply to the situation you're thinking of, it's OK to pick another one. ☁️ remember that this is all for entertainment purposes and that free will still exists. don't feel pressured to do anything you don't want to or to make a pile/answer fit you situation, ok? ☁️ enjoy, my friends!
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🍀 pile 1 || cards: five of pentacles, seven of cups rx, balance, magic.
Your answer, my dear pile 1, is No. Spirit wants you to know that there is something much better for you out there, and that you shouldn't keep yourself stuck to only this option (or the very few you've been considering). I can feel your sadness and frustration, but please trust that your Spirit Team is doing their best to help you navigate through & overcome this period, alright? Don't rush into a decision just because you want to get this over with. As soon as this moment of transition is over, you might realize that what you thought you wanted, isn't all that great after all; or, alternatively, that you were willing to settle for something that isn't in alignment with your greatest good and/or true desires. It might also happen that, if you give it time, Spirit could give you the green light to pursue this option - that's only for a few of you, though. For the majority, I see that this really isn't the best bet anyway.
[extra confirmation that this might be your pile (doesn't have to apply): a white cat; Kat/Cat/Catherine/Katherine/Catarina; white socks and ballerina shoes; 29; dark blue walls; just painted or got your nails done by someone else; Andre/Andrew/Andres; low temperatures; slavic countries; pisces.]
🍀 pile 2 || cards: king of wands, page of pentacles, illumination, growth.
Goodness… this pile has such a strong and assertive energy, that there is no way you guys are still doubting yourselves! It's a clear Yes, my sweet pile 2. You already know what to do, where to go, what to leave behind and what to take with you on the journey ahead. You've seen the light already, and chances are that you are have already made some moves towards your goal, so just keep going! Don't be impulsive, though; always make sure to stay grounded and realistic. If you haven't made any moves, however, someone else might've OR the Universe has been preparing the stage for this to happen. You might soon realize that things just seem to be falling into place all around, and you're all of a sudden full with good luck. Finally, I feel like some of you might also need to hear this: stay informed! Do all of the research you think is necessary, and stay up date with all of the new details/updates regarding this matter.
[extra confirmation that this might be your pile (doesn't have to apply): 1st year as a college student; taking the subway every day now; swimming as a hobby; dark green hoodie; Jen/Jennifer/Jerome; G initial; Grace or "with grace"; 19; a item of jewelry that you never take off, likely a necklace; Church; eating your meals in a rush or on the go; soccer/football.]
🍀 pile 3 || cards: ace of wands rx, eight of pentacles rx, love, flow.
Not yet. Something needs to be done or finished before you get that much desired green light from Spirit. If you felt pulled towards Pile 1 as well, feel free to check that out, by the way! - for some, those messages may also apply. Your energy isn't heavy, even though I still get a big sense of frustration here. Now, after struggling so much with this reality, you know that you are either not ready for such a change OR to receive this "thing" and be able to handle it. I feel like you guys have been doing a lot of inner-work lately, and have been putting a lot of effort into matters of self-worth, self-confidence, and so on; and this realization may have come from that. My dear pile 3, you are on the right path, alright? You just need to stay focused on yourself for now, so you can later receive all of the blessings you have been waiting & praying for.
[extra confirmation that this might be your pile (doesn't have to apply): fidgeting with your fingers 24/7; daily warm, soft hugs from a family member or best friend; 29, again; 00; white bomber jacket; always making sure you have your gloves with you; a spike in humidity; geography or biology; lab coats; lost and/or got a new transit pass, passport or ID; significant earth placements.]
🍀 pile 4 || cards: eight of pentacles, the lovers, fear, abundance.
Some of you may have had to leave people, or even home, behind to pursue a dream, or may be considering it (and, by the way, it doesn't have to be literal or physical). You're afraid that you'll be alone and/or that those you're leaving behind will not miss you. However, Spirit wants you to know that none of that is true, and that things will turn out much better than you could've ever expected. You have big plans for your life but also a big heart; and instead of having these two parts of yourself work together as they should, they are fighting against each other. Sometimes, in order to achieve something major, we must make some sacrifices, you know, pile 4? And that might sound scary, yes, but when you are living through it, you'll see that it actually isn't. We make sacrifices every day without even realizing it… for example, when we sacrifice an extra hour of sleep to spend some more time texting that special someone; or when we sacrifice our precious feet just to show off our new favorite, yet insanely painful, pair of shoes. If you're on the other end of it, however, and you're the one being "left behind", make sure to use this time to work on your goals instead of focusing all of your energy on how much you miss that something or someone. So, your answer is neither a Yes nor a No, because I feel like most of you guys are wording your question wrong?? Just know that this is a time for you to prosper, my dear pile 4, and that you should move forward with your goals.
[extra confirmation that this might be your pile (doesn't have to apply): spending a lot of time alone, sitting in the parking lot; your car's a mess; fidgeting with your earrings or rings; rubbing your eye until it hurts; Sanders/Sandra/Salome/Soumaya; north african countries; south east asian countries; stuffed teddy bear; 57; dad's or grandpa's birthday.]
decks used || Tarot of the New Vision & Prism Oracle
(Disclaimer: Based on current energies. All is alleged and for entertainment purposes only.)
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freckliedan · 5 months
a lovely group of phannies has been reading tarot about what may be coming next for dnp, and a lot of cards have been repeating between readings. i've been compiling stats, & i'm moving that to its own post! up to date as of 10:50ish pm PST.
so far, there have been 72 cards pulled by myself, @yonpote, @dnphobe, @thetrashthatsmilesback, @tarotphil, @whipcracknumber5, @emojackolantern, @queerdnp, @slitsfordan, @ghoulish-art-tendencies, and @thighguys. of those 71 cards:
28 are major arcana (38.8%)
14 are wands (19.4)
11 are pentacles (15.2%)
11 are swords (15.2%)
8 are cups (11.1%)
and 43 (59.7%) of those are duplicate cards:
the fool (2)
the high priestess (2)
the empress (5)
the hierophant (2)
strength (4)
the devil (2)
judgement (2)
the ace of swords (2)
the two of pentacles (2)
the three of wands (2)
the six of wands (2)
the seven of pentacles (3)
the eight of wands (2)
the nine of swords (2)
knight of wands (3)
knight of swords (2)
king of wands (2)
king of pentacles (2)
so the most pulled cards are the empress, strength, the seven of pentacles and the knight of wands.
major arcana cards show up for major/impactful life events or important moments in time. pentacles (earth) shows up for everything tangible and material, wands (fire) shows up for action, passion, creative spark. swords (air) shows up for matters of the mind/grief & pain/clarity/ideas/communication. and cups (water) is less present, but is tied to matters of the heart/intuition/connection with others.
when looking at the suit composition of this reading, it's clear that something big is coming. and it's not internal; this is communicative action driven by passion enacted in the "real world", likely in the context of community. fire + air can be a dangerous duo, spreading extremely rapidly, but this is anchored by the steady & deliberate nature of earth.
the increase in air cards makes sense to me with dan and phil both being triplicate air signs & the increasing amount of thought and anticipation being directed at the situation by phannies.
looking at the most repeated cards, the empress + strength + the seven of pentacles? that's generative energy. something is being created. and whatever it is will begin from a place of balanced power without a need for control. and this new thing is being made real by a grounded and fair assessment of where past efforts have landed dnp.
and the knight of wands is now one of the most common cards, too. in this situation that's dan.
my takeaway from all this is so firmly that they're hard launching—the new thing entering the world is an extremely significant communicative action with material impacts driven by passion. (convenient time to mention they both have venuses—the relational planet—in fire signs).
i can't see anything but a hard launch and a wedding (to be legally bound to another person is SO material) fitting those parameters, and i think that once again this is following dan's pace. though, this time i think due to the need he had to self-actualize with creative endeavors separately from phil—those pursuits are now drawing to a close.
you can look at past stats and analysis of specific readings in my tarot tag.
i'm going to put the standard composition of a tarot deck below the cut for comparison, and if i make any future updates to this post i will put a copy of the stats before the change there as well.
a standard tarot deck has 78 cards:
22 major arcana (28.2% of the deck)
14 cards of each suit (17.9% of the deck)
and none of these cards are duplicates.
VERSION 1: 05/01/2024 9:53 PM
so far, there have been 57 cards pulled by myself, @yonpote, @dnphobe, @thetrashthatsmilesback, @tarotphil, @whipcracknumber5, @emojackolantern, @queerdnp, and @slitsfordan. of those 57 cards:
25 are major arcana (43.8%)
10 are pentacles (17.5%)
9 are wands (15.7%)
7 are swords (12.2%)
6 are cups (10.5%)
and 29 (50.8%) of those are duplicate cards:
the fool (2)
the empress (5)
the hierophant (2)
strength (3)
the devil (2)
judgement (2)
the ace of swords (2)
the two of pentacles (2)
the six of wands (2)
the seven of pentacles (3)
knight of wands (2)
king of pentacles (2)
so the empress has been in 62.5% of readings, strength and the seven of pentacles have been in 37.5% of readings, and the rest have been in 25% of readings.
major arcana cards show up for major/impactful life events or important moments in time. pentacles (earth) shows up for everything tangible and material, wands (fire) shows up for action, passion, creative spark. swords (air) and cups (water) are less present, though swords are gaining ground.
when looking at the suit composition of this reading, it's clear that something big is coming. and it's not internal; this is action driven by passion enacted in the "real world", likely in the context of community.
the increase in air cards makes sense to me with dan and phil both being triplicate air signs & the increasing amount of thought and anticipation being directed at the situation by phannies.
looking at the most repeated cards, the empress + strength + the seven of pentacles? that's generative energy. something is being created. and whatever it is will begin from a place of balanced power without a need for control. and this new thing is being made real by a grounded and fair assessment of where past efforts have landed dnp.
my takeaway from all this is so firmly that they're hard launching—the new thing entering the world is an extremely significant action with material impacts driven by passion. (convenient time to mention they both have venuses—the relational sign—in fire signs).
i can't see anything but a hard launch and a wedding (to be legally bound to another person is SO material) fitting those parameters. possibly a new creative project,but that just isn't coming across vibes wise?
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April 19th, 2023
1. King Bael: Two of Wands
2. Duke Agares: Three of Wands
3. Prince Vassago: Four of Wands
4. Marquis Samigina: Five of Pentacles
5. President Marbas: Six of Pentacles
6. Duke Valefor: Seven of Pentacles
7. Marquis Amon: Eight of Swords
8. Duke Barbatos: Nine of Swords
9. King Paimon: Ten of Swords
10. President Buer: Two of Cups
11. Duke Gusion: Three of Cups
12. Prince Sitri: Four of Cups
13. King Beleth: Five of Wands
14. Marquis Leraje: Six of Wands
15. Duke Eligos: Seven of Wands
16. Duke Zepar: Eight of Pentacles
17. President Botis: Nine of Pentacles
18. Duke Bathin: Ten of Pentacles
19. Duke Sallos: Two of Swords
20. King Purson: Three of Swords
21. Earl/President Marax: Four of Swords
22. Earl/Prince Ipos: Five of Cups
23. Duke Aim: Six of Cups
24. Marquis Naberius: Seven of Cups
25. President/Earl Glasya-Labolas: Eight of Wands
26. Duke/Duchess Bune: Nine of Wands
27. Marquis/Earl Ronové: Ten of Wands
28. Duke Berith: Two of Pentacles
29. Duke/Duchess Astaroth: Three of Pentacles
30. Marquis Forneus: Four of Pentacles
31. President Foras: Five of Swords
32. King Asmoday: Six of Swords
33. President/Prince Gaap: Seven of Swords
34. Earl Furfur: Eight of Cups
35. Marquis Marchosias: Nine of Cups
36. Prince Stolas: Ten of Cups
37. Marquis Phenex: Two of Wands
38. Earl Halphas: Three of Wands
39. President Malphas: Four of Wands
40. Earl Raum: Five of Pentacles
41. Duke Focalor: Six of Pentacles
42. Duke/Duchess Vepar: Seven of Pentacles
43. Marquis Sabnock: Eight of Swords
44. Marquis Shax: Nine of Swords
45. King/Earl Viné: Ten of Swords
46. Earl Bifrons: Two of Cups
47. Duke Uvall: Three of Cups
48. President Haagenti: Four of Cups
49. Duke Crocell: Five of Wands
50. Knight Furcas: Six of Wands
51. King Balam: Seven of Wands
52. Duke Alloces: Eight of Pentacles
53. President Camio: Nine of Pentacles
54. Duke/Earl Murmur: Ten of Pentacles
55. Prince Orobas: Two of Swords
56. Duke/Duchess Gremory: Three of Swords
57. President Osé: Four of Swords
58. President Amy: Five of Cups
59. Marquis Oriax: Six of Cups
60. Duke/Duchess Vapula: Seven of Cups
61. King/President Zagan: Eight of Wands
62. President Volac: Nine of Wands
63. Marquis Andras: Ten of Wands
64. Duke Haures: Two of Pentacles
65. Marquis Andrealphus: Three of Pentacles
66. Marquis Cimejes: Four of Pentacles
67. Duke Amdusias: Five of Swords
68. King Belial: Six of Swords
69. Marquis Dacarabia: Seven of Swords
70. Prince Seere: Eight of Cups
71. Duke Dantalion: Nine of Cups
72. Earl Andromalius: Ten of Cups
Source: Aleister Crowley’s Illustrated Goetia
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divinationdaily · 9 months
This reading was performed on 12/29/2023 with a Premium Color Edition The Guiding Light Tarot, Prism Edition tarot deck by Victoria Iva. This was meant to find you. If you do not wish to receive this reading at this moment, please skip.
Four of Pentacles
The Hermit
Two of Cups
King of Pentacles
Two of Swords
King of Cups
Eight of Wands
The Fool
Notes: 222, Divine masculine
You may be doing stable in your life right now despite being alone, however it is time to invite someone i to your inner circle. This person is going to be someone who is an experienced leader and skilled in relationship management because they are a very stable person. This person will provide for you and express kind words and understanding to you. This will be a great person for you. They will lead you towards personal goals and help you achieve them. This will be a new beginning for you and a big event in your life, good luck.
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thelukygirl · 2 years
2, 3, 4=cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn)
5, 6, 7=fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius)
8, 9, 10=mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces)
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Aces :most intense, purest version of the element. They are associated with all signs of that element Ace of Cups=all water signs
Knights: Fire
Queens: Water
Kings: Air
Pages: Earth
The Queens :the cardinal element of a sign (Aries Queen of Wands)
The Knights :the fixed element of a sign (Leo is the Knight of Wands)
The Kings :the mutable element of a sign (Sagittarius is the King of Wands)
Aries Tarot Cards
The Emperor (IV)
Queen of Wands — 1st and 2nd decan
Knight of Pentacles — 3rd decan
Two of Wands — 1st decan of Aries (March 21-30)
Three of Wands — 2nd decan of Aries (March 31-April 10)
Four of Wands — 3rd decan of Aries (April 11-20)
Taurus Tarot Cards
The Hierophant (V)
Knight of Pentacles — 1st and 2nd decan
Knight of Swords — 3rd decan
Five of Pentacles — 1st decan of Taurus (April 21-30)
Six of Pentacles — 2nd decan of Taurus (May 1-10)
Seven of Pentacles — 3rd decan of Taurus (May 11-20)
Gemini Tarot Cards
The Lovers (VI)
Knight of Swords — 1st and 2nd decan
Queen of Cups — 3rd decan
Eight of Swords — 1st decan of Gemini (May 21-31)
Nine of Swords — 2nd decan of Gemini (June 1-10)
Ten of Swords — 3rd decan of Gemini (June 11-20)
Cancer Tarot Cards
The Chariot (VII)
Queen of Cups — 1st and 2nd decan
Knight of Wands — 3rd decan
Two of Cups — 1st decan of Cancer (June 21-30)
Three of Cups — 2nd decan of Cancer (July 1-11)
Four of Cups — 3rd decan of Cancer (July 12-21)
Leo Tarot Cards
Strength (VIII)
Knight of Wands — 1st and 2nd decan
King of Pentacles — 3rd decan
Five of Wands — 1st decan of Leo (July 22-August 1)
Six of Wands — 2nd decan of Leo (August 2-11)
Seven of Wands — 3rd decan of Leo (August 12-22)
Libra Tarot Cards
Justice (XI)
Queen of Swords — 1st and 2nd decan
Knight of Cups — 3rd decan
Two of Swords — 1st decan of Libra (September 23-October 2)
Three of Swords — 2nd decan of Libra (October 3-12)
Four of Swords — 3rd decan of Libra (October 13-22)
Scorpio Tarot Cards
Death (XII)
Knight of Cups — 1st and 2nd decan
King of Wands — 3rd decan
Five of Cups — 1st decan of Scorpio (October 23-November 1)
Six of Cups — 2nd decan of Scorpio (November 2-12)
Seven of Cups — 3rd decan of Scorpio (November 13-22)
Sagittarius Tarot Cards
Temperance (XIV)
King of Wands — 1st and 2nd decan
Queen of Pentacles — 3rd decan
Eight of Wands — 1st decan of Sagittarius (November 23-December 2)
Nine of Wands — 2nd decan of Sagittarius (December 3-12)
Ten of Wands — 3rd decan of Sagittarius (December 13-21)
Capricorn Tarot Cards
The Devil (XV)
Queen of Pentacles — 1st and 2nd decan
Knight of Swords — 3rd decan
Two of Pentacles — 1st decan of Capricorn (December 22-30)
Three of Pentacles — 2nd decan of Capricorn (December 31-Jan 9)
Four of Pentacles — 3rd decan of Capricorn (January 10-19)
Aquarius Tarot Cards
The Star (XVII)
Knight of Swords — 1st and 2nd decan
King of Cups — 3rd decan
Five of Swords — 1st decan of Aquarius (January 20-29)
Six of Swords – 2nd decan of Aquarius (January 30-February 8)
Seven of Swords — 3rd decan of Aquarius (February 9-18)
Pisces Tarot Cards
The Moon (XVIII)
King of Cups — 1st and 2nd decan
Queen of Wands — 3rd decan
Eight of Cups — 1st decan of Pisces (February 19-28)
Nine of Cups — 2nd decan of Pisces (March 1-10)
Ten of Cups — 3rd decan of Pisces (March 11-20)
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adorablemarie · 1 year
June 29
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Past: Four of Wands Reversed (Amethyst Lil' Butler) conflict with others // transition
Transition has been the name of the game lately, and the reversed version of this "clearing out and looking backwards" episode is definitely suited to it. At the same time that we are looking back and appreciating how far we have come, we surface the conflict between wanting to have what we have always had and the impending future.
Present: Seven of Pentacles Reversed (Steven too many stars) Lack of long-term vision, limited reward
The look into the abyss, with protective stars hoarded behind you in a room, reminds me of again the looking back on what you had, but also not being able to see what comes next. The lack of being able to clearly see where things are going is troubling. There's a lot of uncertainty and without a lot of work it's difficult to see whether it will be a reward or a punishment.
Outlook: Eight of Swords (Pearl's swords) Negative thoughts, self-imposed restriction
Being trapped within your own world here, with many swords that are entirely too much both emotionally and physically. It's very easy to feel overwhelmed, and have thoughts that it won't be enough. Something seems missing, you might know what it is but going back to your old rules (restrictions) for how things work is something realization comes that you won't provide results like it once did.
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rat-fck · 1 year
6/29/23 - Daily Tarot
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Reverse Eight of Pentacles - no focus, no ambition, no motivation - you lack the ambition or motivation to move forward with tasks and are caught up in the mundane day to day
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essseateatarot · 3 years
Tarot card connected to Aquarius - Five of swords
Minor arcana. Astrological association: VENUS IN AQUARIUS. 1st decan of AQUARIUS (20-29 January).
Meaning: Venus in Aquarius here indicates the ability to detach enough emotionally to make the most of any situation.
This card shows up when there are limits to what we want to obtain or what we are attracted to (Venus). The challenge is not to lose hope and be able to assess other options.
Keywords: (a sense of) defeat/ no-win situation/ detachment/ (fear of) failure/ arguments/ selfishness/ self-protection/ avoidance/ revenge/ bullying/ narcissistic traits.
General message: there's no real solution to the dilemma, know when it's better to walk away.
Sentence: "Anything you say will be used against you"
Five of swords as a person in a tarot reading
Someone that acts for the benefit of the self alone/ a wolf in sheep's clothes/ a user/ SO is under the illusion of being on top, but the top doesn't exist/ a bully/ a narcissist/ an offender.
Five of swords as a situation
SO is dealing with internal or external conflict/ fear of losing (something or someone) or losing control in a situation/ detaching/ time to cut your losses/ desire to get back at someone/ SO is getting hurt and SO is enjoying it/ SO feels dejected and betrayed/ an impasse in a situation is causing pain to everyone involved.
Words are used to put SO down/ saying mean words in a moment of temper/offenses are hard to forget.
Having a hard time letting go of the pain because even the pain feels familiar.
In my practice: I had this card coming out in a reading as the situation of a friend, where her husband had betrayed her several times and he was convincing his (no more) secret lovers to badmouth his ex-wife, even in the courtroom. Finally, the judge understood he was lying and all the people he had used for his own selfish means left him alone. He thought he was a winner & he didn't realize what he did. At a certain point, my friend just wanted to divorce and get rid of him with the minimum damage, but he made it quite difficult for her to end it, he lied, stole, and manipulated everyone around him. She has struggled for years to let go of the pain and forget because she had become attached to the pain. So yes, this card may point to dealing with some really hard stuff!
Five of swords in love readings
No real love here/ the other person doesn't have your best interest at heart/ power plays and manipulation/ fear of emotional investment.
In a relationship: it may indicate the conflict between personal freedom and the security of the relationship/ not knowing where you two stand is making you feel insecure about the relationship/ avoidant attachment style/ someone withdraws to self-protect/ both parties have fears and they sabotage the relationship.
For singles: you have to let go of toxic people, deep hurt, or past betrayals to find a healthy relationship/ SO is flirting with you (Venus) but it's quite impersonal (Uranus).
Five of swords in career readings
Treachery in the work environment/ being unfairly treated by your boss or co-workers/ having a demanding boss/ the situation at work is causing anxiety and huge discomfort/ mobbing/ it's better to mind your own business and don't get involved in office drama.
In my practice, I pulled this card for a client who was terribly unhappy at work, the boss was abusive with her, and she was overqualified for the tasks he asked her to carry out daily; the Five of cups and the Page of pentacles also highlighted her regret for giving up her studies and the Eight of cups and Death as final advice further restated that she had to either detach or walk away completely from this environment.
Five of swords can also indicate a clash between self-interest and the interest of a group or community.
In my practice, this card showed up when a client had a secret crush in a group setting and her personal desires (Venus) clashed with the common goals set by the group (Aquarius).
Five of swords as advice
In any difficult situation: there's potential for self-development, but it will be painful/ take heart knowing that the person that hurt you will end up alone.
In general: be more objective about a situation or your relationship with yourself or others (look for the Hanged man to indicate the need for re-evaluation).
You need to release the tension of the situation to get clarity.
Let the negativity aside and focus on the good, what's important for you and for your future.
***Coming next>>>the Six of swords***
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lacrimaomnis · 3 years
BRF Reading, 29/7/2021
The cards were drawn on yesterday’s (28/7) evening my time, around 9 - 9:30pm.
This is the request I got from an anon, thank you so much for your request! As always, do send me an ask if you have something on your mind that you would ask me to read! 
Since this is a question about the past, I decided to draw only five cards instead of my usual seven -- but it ended up turning into two five-card spreads with a lot of clarifiers and underlying energies. 
As written, this is merely a speculation and therefore must be taken with a grain of salt. This speculation is not true until proven otherwise. 
My question is, how did Harry view Catherine, his sister in law before he married Meghan?
Remarks/Comments: This is just speculation. I cannot emphasise this enough. I will have to warn you that this is some next-level conspiracy shit. I will not blame you if you don't believe this, because I cannot believe this either. I will put the reading under read more to spare people on the dashboard the pain of having scrolling down through this post. I will be revisiting this question some time in the near future, because I just can’t believe this.
Summary: At one point before Harry married Meghan, Harry had thought of Catherine as a potential sexual partner. He also thought of her as a liberation, that he can take “things easy” and work less.
Cards drawn: Six of Pentacles, Queen of Cups, The Empress, Eight of Pentacles, The Sun Underlying energies: Knight of Cups, Page of Wands
First card: Six of Pentacles. This is the card of charity and generousity. In my deck, this card is represented by a bird and a mouse (? mice? rat?) -- the bird holds in its beak the coins (pentacles) as the mouse raises upwards to receive the coins. This card represents Harry and Catherine. Harry is the bird offering the mouse the coins -- this represents Harry accepting Catherine into the royal family. This tells me that during the early years, Harry accepted Catherine without any qualms, just like the "wealthy" bird who offered the mouse a coin from the scales containing the pentacles on its beak without any complaints due to the generousity of its heart. 
Second card: Queen of Cups. She represents virtue, feminity, nurture, fertility, success, and power. She is the most feminine of all Queens, ruling over the realm of emotions and feelings. In this reading, she represents Catherine -- she is the future Queen of England, hence the power associated with her, she is fertile, having borne three children, she is also perhaps one of the more successful royals of our time; this brought to my mind her Early Years project. Harry thought of Catherine as someone nurturing, compassionate, and he thought of Catherine as someone with whom he can connect emotionally. 
Third card: The Empress. This is where things start to veer into the conspiracy theory realm. The Empress, ruled by Venus, is the card of a powerful female figure, a matriarch, the ultimate feminine archetype. In my deck, The Empress is drawn as a woman baring her breasts with a tiger around her -- the tiger can signify the desire for attention. This tells me that Harry may have wanted Catherine's attention in a more personal and intimate way than the way a sister-in-law looks after her brother-in-law. He may have wanted the attention only a lover could give, which may or may not include sex, as implied by the way The Empress is illustrated: an open posture offering sex and comfort.
The tiger, however, can also be represented as a desire to protect. The Empress is protected by the tiger, a sign that she can definitely be fierce to protect herself, or that the ferocious tiger itself will protect The Empress. This card, then, could be interpreted that while Harry may have had wanted more than Catherine's attention, William stepped in to protect her, just like the tiger protecting The Empress. This card could also mean that Catherine herself set the hard boundaries between her and Harry, the "ferocity" of The Empress.
Fourth card: Eight of Pentacles. This is the card of hard work and accomplishment. Harry thought of Catherine as an accomplishment and a hard worker. This is where things start to get a little muddy so I drew two clarifiers on this card: 
First clarifier: Death. This is the card of transformation, of an end of a cycle, new beginnings, and liberation. This card often indicates a time of transition. As the clarifier of the Eight of Pentacles, this card tells me that Harry thought of Catherine, her accomplishments, and her hard work as a way to give way to the time of transition and transformation. This card could also be thought of as a card of liberation, so this could mean that Harry thought of Catherine as his "liberation", that he can now get away without taking his duties seriously because William, Catherine, and their children will be taking more and more royal duties and he can sit back and enjoy his days without having to work. 
Second clarifier: The Hierophant. Because the Eight of Pentacles, a minor arcana card, was clarified by two major arcana cards, this tells me that Eight of Pentacles in this reading is perhaps particularly important. The Hierophant is a card of institution, conventionality, and traditions. This is also the card of a Taurus person and I was thinking of HM the Queen, a Taurus, so this card stands for HM the Queen and the BRF as an institution. Combined with Death, this could mean that Harry thought of Catherine's arrival as a herald of the end of Her Majesty's era -- that it was time for the old-timers to give way and let the younger royals take the lead.
The Eight of Pentacles in this reading could then be interpreted as such: Harry thought of Catherine as someone whose accomplishments and hard work will transform the BRF as an institution, closing the curtains to Her Majesty's era, and ushering in a new era of the younger royals. He also thought that with Catherine on the scene, he could sit back and "take it easy" because William, Catherine, and their children will be doing the bulk of the work. 
Fifth card: The Sun. This is the card of success and abundance, optimism, achievement, and friendship. This card can indicate that people will be drawn to you because of your warmth and your zest of life. This affirmed The Empress, as the other major arcana card in this reading -- Harry was drawn to Catherine.
Underlying energy 1: Knight of Cups. This is the card of someone enthusiastic, moody, sentimental, and foolish -- in this reading, this card represents Harry. He was sentimental about Catherine. Again, as with the mini reading I did about BRF, Harry, and his memoir, there is an element of obsessiveness this card carries, and it was a romantic one. Harry, at one point, before he married Meghan, may have been obsessed with Catherine romantically.
Underlying energy 2: Page of Wands. The appearance of this card confirms to me that Harry had thought of Catherine in some sexual way. The Page of Wands is drawn like the way The Empress is: open postured with bared breasts, but this time, she has a dragon behind her. This card can indicate a desire for a new adventure, particularly an erotic one. Combined with the Knight of Cups, this card affirms that at one point, Harry may have had been obsessed, romantically, or sexually, with Catherine.
Right. This is just some nonsense out of conspiracy theory realm shit. I can't believe this. I decided to draw another five-card spread with two underlying energies, just like my first spread. The question is:
I am asking for confirmation - did Harry really think of Catherine, who is married to his brother as a potential sexual partner at some point before his marriage to Meghan?
Cards drawn: Page of Cups, Justice, Ten of Pentacles, Ten of Wands, Knight of Wands Underlying energies: Temperance, Nine of Pentacles
Summary: The cards didn’t say “no, he did not”. Take what you will of this second reading.
First card: Page of Cups. This card heralds the arrival of someone gentle, which might bring about changes in one's life. This card is Catherine, as she brought a change into the brothers' dynamic and life. She changed William's life when he married her and bore him their children -- William changed from a bachelor into a married man and a father. This change, in turn, affected Harry’s life as well. William’s obligations, first and foremost, is to his own family. Harry, which was once the closest person in William’s life, is replaced by Catherine and her children. He was replaced; this was the message this card brought.
Second card: Justice. This is the card of karmic law, fairness, justice, balance, and reason. This card champions reason and impartiality over feelings and emotions, urging the readers to be logical and put their mindset in order to make fair decisions. This card also warns against someone or something that might not quite be as it seems.
In my deck, this card represents a Libra or Capricorn person. Catherine is a Capricorn, so this card may also speak about her -- in relation to this question, perhaps there was a time where she had to make a decision about Harry. I decided to ask for clarification on what this decision was about, so I drew two cards: 
First clarifier: Seven of Cups. This is the card of illusions, fantasy, and unreal expectations. This card reinforced that the decision Catherine had to make had something to do with Harry’s increasingly unreal expectations of her and their relationship. This card warns about the illusion of temptation, in this reading, the temptation is about being disloyal towards your partner in exchange for a short, fleeting satisfaction. Catherine’s decision may have something to do with this; this is the decision she made in order to reiterate that her loyalty belongs to her husband, not to anyone else.
Second clarifier: Nine of Pentacles. Nine of Pentacles is closely associated with The Hermit -- both cards are associated with earth signs and number nine. Pentacles are the suit of earth, ruled by the signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. The Hermit is the ninth card the Fool encounters in his journey, and it is also the card of a Virgo; Harry is a Virgo.
The Nine of Pentacles is a formidable card that speaks about admiration, strength, and if it appears together with a warning card, like the Seven of Cups, this card is warning against destructive behaviour of the querent or someone in querent’s life -- this card tells me that Harry’s obsessive behaviour towards Catherine may have had involved attempts of tempting Catherine. Catherine made the decision, represented by Justice, after discerning Harry’s motivations and this speaks about her strength to protect her family and herself.
Thus, the Justice can be interpreted as such: the decision Catherine made was fair and right. The decision made revolved around the boundaries between herself and Harry, in which she took this decision to protect those boundaries. In extension, this decision is the way Catherine displayed her strength and her discerning mind in order to protect William and their family.
Third card: Ten of Pentacles. This is the card of happiness, home, prosperity, family matters, and love. This is a very conservative card, as this card does not speak about taking risks, or travelling, or putting your money in hope of returns -- this card speaks about being grounded and enjoying the fruit of your labours.
This card tells me that Harry wished to have a future with Catherine. He imagined himself as the patriarch with Catherine as his matriarch, building a family, being successful in their labours; all the successes and victories that are now currently enjoyed by William and Catherine. This card also sends the message that all of the future he envisioned for himself, together with Catherine, was not his for the taking. It was William’s. William is Catherine’s husband, and together, they have built a happy family, they are successful in their role as the younger royals, they have enjoyed the fruits of their labour.
Fourth card: Ten of Wands. Tens often speak about the completion of a cycle, and Ten of Wands particularly speaks about the forces in your life that have come together and produced the end of a cycle. This card also speaks about responsibility and burden; this card implies that whatever Harry thought of Catherine, it was a burden for him. I decided to draw some clarifiers for this card:
First clarifier: The Hermit. This is drawn from the top of the deck. This is my major arcana card for Harry, a Virgo. The Hermit speaks of solitude, self-awareness, study, soul-searching, withdrawal. This may imply that due to the burden signified by the Ten of Wands, there is a withdrawal; Harry withdrew from Catherine as he was burdened by the way he thought of her, or that perhaps he was burdened by the thought of the future he envisioned with her -- it will never come to fruition.
Second clarifier: Knight of Wands. This is drawn from the bottom of the deck. This card is someone of a fire sign; particularly a Leo: Meghan is a Leo. This knight is hasty, quick, the embodiment of the youth enthusiasm, capable of sweeping anyone off their feet. As the most dynamic of all knights, this card appears when things are moving quickly. This card could be interpreted that while Harry is burdened by the thoughts on Catherine, Meghan came in and quickly swept him off his feet.
Fifth card: Knight of Wands. This card appears as the clarifier for Ten of Wands, and now, here, he appears again. He might be quick on his feet, but with his quickness comes a disregard for rules. This tells me that Harry was disregarding the rules around having a relationship with your sister in law: you do not vie for her attention, you do not compete with your brother for her attention.
Underlying energy 1: Temperance. This is the card of being moderate, patience, taking the middle road, and as we all know, Harry is not any of those things. He is not patient, he is not moderate, he is not temperate, he is always taking the “my way or no way” attitude. This is one big energy as this is a major arcana. This card tells me that pertaining to Catherine, Harry is impatient and not moderate, which can include having sexual urges when he thought about her. He did not temper his mind.
Underlying energy 2: Nine of Pentacles. This card appears as a clarifier, and this card appears again as the underlying energy of this spread. This card can be associated with Harry as I have explained above, and this card also speaks about being self-motivated and self-contained, understanding the power you possess and knowing yourself. Combined with Temperance, this card tells me that he has no moderation whatsoever in exercising his power, he only knew that he has the power and did not stop for a second to ponder what that means.
Other interpretation that came to my mind as I type this is that Nine of Pentacles also speaks about the capability of standing strong of your own. This card, then, could be interpreted that Catherine is perfectly capable of standing on her own, to hold her ground even when she is faced by difficulties; in this reading, Harry. She is moderate but firm in her decisions, as shown by the Justice.
Conclusion: This reading left me with a bitter taste in my mouth. My partner has a brother and I would never think of him in any kind of sexual way; that is just crossing so many lines. This is just some conspiracy theory shit, and I still refuse to believe what my cards said. This is one of those “I will pretend I never read this question” readings to be sealed away, because it makes absolutely no sense. I refuse to believe a person can be this disgusting.
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snarkywrites · 4 years
Tarotscopes – From August 23rd through August 29th
Tarotscopes – From August 23rd through August 29th. Feel free to check Rising Sign, Sun Sign and Moon Sign.
 Aries – Four of Swords reflects you might be burnt out and need a break. Mars is in your sign which means you are possibly doing a lot, so make the shift to self-care mode. If you cannot take some relaxing days off, go to bed earlier (or try) because you could really wear yourself out. The Sun enters Virgo this week, a reminder to focus on yourself a little more.
Taurus – Things will start to pick up some speed during this Virgo Season with the Chariot in your arsenal. Get ready for a lot of changes this week that will lead on towards the beginning of Libra Season. A perfect opportunity to manifest, get to finish anything pending and to you will see the fruits of your labor.
Gemini – You are ready to take on a journey of self-discovery with the Hermit Reversed this week. It will be the predominant theme for you this Virgo Season. Any obstacle that presents itself this time, you are going to handle on your own. Do not be afraid to seek guidance if needed.
Cancer – The Seven of Pentacles Reversed this week shows you might not have the confidence in your work or the projects you create. Utilize this transit into Virgo Season as a reminder that patience is key and continue to perfect your craft. Pick yourself up and start over if need be.
Leo – Following suit with the sign of Cancer, you got the Eight of Pentacles Reversed this week. You have been working hard and you are focused on creating the unachievable. If you have set those standards too high, you might be turned off from trying again. Be patient, work slowly since this week will be a clash of power with Mars and Saturn. Don’t lose faith in what you create.
Virgo – It is your birthday season and it is fitting that the Page of Pentacles is in your reading for this week. Start a new hobby, business or learn something you have ben curious about. Many of you might be going back to school, so take your chances and explore what stimulates your passions. The sky is the limit this season as you can learn a lot about yourself and your goals for the future.
Libra – Once again you go from a King last week to a Queen of Swords this week. As the Queen, you know what you want and are smart about getting there. Although you might be sharper than usual, your tongue can still be filled with venom. Mars might be opposing your sign, so remember how you are the diplomatic champion.
Scorpio – The moon will be in your sign for the first part of the week igniting your passions. The King of Wands in your reading adds to that theme where you will be motivated and in control. Getting things done will take priority and with the Sun in Virgo, you find it easier accomplish many things.
Sagittarius – With the Six of Cups this week, you might be feeling nostalgic or might be focused on bringing the past back to the present. Remember to focus more on the future. You are transforming and after this Venus Retrograde, you are on the path to breaking from karmic loops. The Moon enters your sign mid-week, allowing you to feel renewed and more confident in you.
Capricorn – This can be quite a good time for you with Sun entering Virgo. You are channeling your earthly sister sign to give yourself that boost. Your card for the week is the Eight of Swords, a sign you need to stop self-doubting and give yourself some more TLC. The Moon enters your sign towards the end of the week, understand your limits and strengthen your foundations for the road ahead.
Aquarius – With the Magician in your reading, you can feel that things are bound to change with a little faith in yourself.  The Sun’s shift to Virgo will be a little rough so be diligent with paperwork and finances. Abandon your fears because you can tackle anything and manifest if you trust yourself.
Pisces – The Two of Swords appears in your reading. The Sun has entered your sister sign, Virgo initiating a time to focus on decisions and partnerships. Before making any choices, be sure to deeply think on them and never act out of impulsivity, especially with Neptune in your sign, making things appear differently from what they truly are.
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Episode 41 Review: 78 Pick-Up
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{ Youtube: 1 | 2 | 3 }
{ Full Synopses/Recaps: Debby Graham | Bryan Gruszka }
  Hello and welcome back to my Garden of Evil, where today we begin an especially weird week of Strange Paradise. This is Ian Martin’s final week writing the show, albeit with heavy executive meddling at this point. In previous weeks, some of the things mentioned in the Lost Episode summaries still happened, or certain plot points still appeared with a different outcome, but that mostly stopped last episode and will only happen once more with one more plot point. For reference, here is the Lost Episode summary for this episode:
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Source: Cleveland Plain Dealer (November 7, 1969), p. 84.
That doesn’t happen in this episode. Actually, not much does compared to a typical Monday episode--or does it? Usually, Martin reserves the most important events or revelations for Mondays and Fridays and uses Tuesday through Thursday for less important plot points, recap, and building suspense, but this time we get a Monday episode that’s mostly focused on the latter. This breaks with the previous weekly structure of the show and underscores how hasty his rewrite of Episode 41 must have been.
Don’t believe me? Here’s a list of the most important events that occurred on previous Monday episodes:
1: Jean Paul releases Jacques 6: Jacques gives Alison her first dream about him 11: Alison writes to Dan for help 16: Matt arrives on Maljardin 21: Dan suspects Jean Paul of murder 26: Alison uncovers her first clues about Dr. Menkin’s experiments 31: The cryonics tank leaks 36: The 1st séance
And on Fridays:
5: Dr. Menkin dies 10: Tim and Holly arrive on Maljardin 15: Jacques fires Dan 20: Alison's second dream about Jacques 25: Raxl and Vangie learn that Elizabeth is a witch [didn’t amount to much in the aired version, but foreshadows her original plotline] 30: Jean Paul decides to arrange first séance 35: Vangie foresees her death on Maljardin 40: Jean Paul's emergency meeting
For comparison, here are the biggest events from Tuesday-Thursday episodes: (brackets indicate events that I believe were originally intended to be more significant)
Week 1: Holly escapes Westley House (3), Jacques signs his name on Dan's documents (4), Alison arrives on Maljardin (4) Week 2: Holly flees to Caribbean (7), Dan shows Vangie Jacques' signature (8) Week 3: Elizabeth arrives on Maljardin (12), Tim begins Portrait of Doom (13) Week 4: Conjure Man dies and makes Vangie Conjure Woman (17), Jacques brings Dan to Maljardin (18), [Holly discusses her nightmare about Tarasca (19)], Erica's funeral (19) Week 5: Raxl and Quito show Matt the temple (23), Jean Paul steals the bottle of cyanide (23) Week 6: [Jacques cements his relationship with Elizabeth (28)], [Raxl predicts the possession of other characters with her cards (29)] Week 7: Jean Paul brings Vangie to Maljardin (32), the guests learn that Quito is a zombie (33), [the Holly portrait is damaged (33)] Week 8: [Holly starts searching for the secret passage (37)], [Jacques gives Alison more notes (38)]
So what happens in Episode 41, which feels more like a mid-week episode? Let’s explore it together and see what took the place of the beginning of Elizabeth’s mental descent into the 17th century.
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When Dan enters the Great Hall and tells the other guests where he’s been, both Matt and Vangie give him the side-eye.
Dressed in a dirty black turtleneck, Dan returns from his exploration of the eponymous garden of Maljardin, where he was searching for the missing cyanide and/or the way out (I don't care about either subplot--give me Jacques, dammit!). "What are you all planning?" he asks as Vangie, Matt, and Tim eye him with suspicion. "Another séance, Vangie? Or a prayer meeting, Reverend, to save us all by communication with the infinite?"
Matt asks him where he was and he says that he was searching for the way off the island. "Like Holly," Tim comments, which is the only reason why he's even in this scene. Cue recap, although surprisingly little from Mr. Boring Artist, whom Martin seems not to know what to do with anymore. Considering how bland Tim is, I don’t blame him.
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Vangie making her favorite facial expression.
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But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is upstage right, and the gorgeous but volatile Jean Paul has arrived to bitch out Dan for wanting to leave Maljardin! “Have you been on a journey, Dan?” he asks. “Here on Maljardin, they all meet the same end.”
“And some end in death,” adds Matt, which further angers the master.
“Is that a prediction or a predilection, or perhaps a threat?” Jean Paul asks, because he’s the only one allowed to make death threats on Maljardin. God Jean Paul forbid the Reverend return the favor.
“A fact, Mr. Desmond.” Too bad Jean Paul doesn’t care much for facts.
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Holly is safe for now!
Both Alison and Holly(!) follow him upstairs. Holly says she feels fine now, which she attributes to Alison’s arrival just in time to show Jean Paul Dr. Menkin’s notes at the end of last episode. And then Jacques torments Jean Paul in front of all the detained guests:
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Jacques: “Yes, be discreet. If I make you seem mad, they will betray you...”
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“...and your sleeping Erica in her vulnerable cryocapsule.”
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Holly: “Look at him. It’s like he’s in another world! Just like he seemed to be another man down there in that creepy crypt.”
He reminds everyone that visits to the crypt are off-limits and marches off, ignoring Elizabeth’s attempt to calm him down. Alison shows the notes to her increasingly estranged fiancé Dan and recaps to him about how she now only has five weeks of notes left. Meanwhile, in the dining room...
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In a trance, Vangie solemnly lays a spread of Tarot cards on the dining room table, when suddenly she crushes one within the palm of her hand:
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Matt notices that she is in a trance and Alison rushes over to get her out of it. When she does, Vangie is confused:
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As is the tradition on this blog, I will attempt to interpret the Tarot cards that Vangie has drawn to determine the message. I suspect that Ian Martin deliberately chose specific Tarot spreads to subtly foreshadow planned events (see also my Episode 29 review where I analyze one such spread) in addition to all of the other Tarot symbolism he uses. Let’s start with the cards on the table:
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And their possible meanings, taken (mostly) from Tarot.com and The Tarot Guide:
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The Devil can also refer to the id, chaos, sexuality, obsession, or abuse, but I believe that it’s more likely meant literally here. Death may be meant literally (which is not how it’s normally used in the Tarot), but change would make just as much sense in the context of Jacques’ plans for Maljardin. I had trouble identifying the card at the top, but I think that most likely it’s the Ace of Cups in reverse. Ace of Cups RX can mean (among other things) sadness, unrequited love, or pessimism, but it could also mean a shadow version of Alison, whom Vangie’s previous readings represented as the upright Ace of Cups. Sounds like Rahua, although that’s doubtful because the show has all but forgotten about her. More likely, it foreshadows Alison’s death or another form of undoing.
As for the card crumpled in Vangie’s hand,
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The Eight of Wands seems a very odd choice in combination with the others, because of its positive meaning:
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Success--but for whom? I’m guessing Jacques, which would explain her reaction. The spread implies that Jacques’ plans to steal Jean Paul’s body for good (the change), followed by discontent, sadness, and loss, will succeed.
In the Great Hall, we hear Dan tell Tim and Matt about how, while searching Jean Paul’s bedroom, he found a map drawn by Jacques of the only escape route through the channel. “They’re probably false and intended to lure sailors to their watery grave,” the Reverend speculates, given the cartographer in question. Unfortunately for them, Jean Paul overhears their conversation. “The Reverend knows the Requiem,” he threatens passive-aggressively.
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Jean Paul must have contact with his Erica, even if it kills him as Vangie predicts it will.
Then Jean Paul visits Vangie in the dining room to insist once again upon another séance. She reluctantly agrees, although she feels very uneasy about it. By now the Conjure Woman has laid another Tarot spread, consisting of a different combination of cards:
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And my interpretation:
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The King of Swords--which we know represents Jacques--is reversed, and so is the Knight of Pentacles. As with the reversed Ace of Cups from the first spread, the reversed Knight could either mean the revival of Dan’s 17th-century counterpart d’Anton or (more likely) Dan’s demise. Whether the reversed King of Swords still means Jacques or instead refers to his reversal Jean Paul is unclear, but I think the latter is more likely. The King’s characterization on The Tarot Guide is very negative, but “power-crazed,” “controlling,” and “ruthless” do describe the man Jean Paul has become, and Vangie does predict in this scene that he may soon die. The Queen of Cups, which has previously represented both Elizabeth and Holly, appears upright, as do the Knight of Cups and the Queen of Swords. The Tarot Guide’s description for the Knight of Cups mentions an “artistic, creative” man, which sounds like Tim: the only male guest in Maljardin to not have previously been associated with a Tarot card. The identity of the Queen of Swords is unclear, but I have a feeling that she is meant to represent Erica. The Nine and Ten of Swords indicate that at least some of these characters will die, and there will be no way of preventing it.
Later in the episode, she lays a third spread while talking to Elizabeth:
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My interpretation:
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Elizabeth asks what the cards means, and Vangie gives this curious explanation: “That a woman who seeks love will receive what she gives...Nothing else.” Evidently, that includes burnout (Ten of Wands reversed) and regret/missed opportunities (Four of Cups). But which woman could these cards be about? Is it Elizabeth, Holly, or someone else? Could it even be...Erica?
Elizabeth suggests that Vangie invite her to tomorrow’s séance, then leaves when she sees Matt. They discuss the upcoming séance and Matt tells her, “I will certainly not consent to take part in the circle a second time.” But the Tarot cards say otherwise:
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“What we say is one thing,” says Vangie. “What takes place is another. The Fool. The cards say you will. They cannot change it, and neither can you. The cards do not lie. Forces join the battle. Which is good, which is evil, who knows? You can’t change it, in spite of yourself!”
Vangie lays two spreads of Tarot cards in this scene. The first is too blurry to interpret, but appears to include either the Nine or the Ten of Swords:
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The second--which Vangie implies relates to the events at tomorrow’s séance and which includes the Fool as its fifth card--is interesting:
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My interpretation:
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I did not expect to see the Hierophant--which represents tradition and conformity when upright--in any of her spreads. It just doesn’t seem relevant to any of the themes of the Maljardin arc, unless we count the generational gap between Holly and the establishment. The Tarot Guide gives “reversed roles” as one suggested meaning for the Hierophant reversed, which fits neatly with Ian Martin’s original (now scrapped) plans for at least one additional possession (but probably more). Five of Cups reversed is pretty straightforward: Jean Paul is trying to move on from his wife’s death by contacting her spirit. Likewise for the Hanged Man, whose trapped state could represent anyone on the island except for Jacques. The Ace of Cups here could represent idealism or compassion, but it has always meant Alison in previous episodes, so I’m sticking with her as my interpretation.
As I’ve written above, I don’t actually know if any of these cards (save the Fool) were mentioned in this episode’s script. There’s no way of knowing if any of these arrangements were deliberate or if Angela Roland was actually just drawing random cards in her scenes. Mostly, I’m interpreting these cards because there isn’t much else to do in February in the middle of a pandemic. It keeps my mind busy and it gives me something to talk about re: this episode other than weekly plot structure.
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There’s one more scene of her pulling cards. The three cards in this spread appear to be the Five of Cups RX again, the Ten of Swords RX (either a total disaster or one narrowly averted), and the King of Wands RX (most likely Jacques). She has just pulled another when she lets the rest of the deck slide out of her hand onto the table. She has a nervous breakdown:
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The combination of the Tarot spreads full of omens of doom lead Vangie to a nervous breakdown the day before the séance.
This episode serves the function of building suspense to the second séance, which we know will happen soon. Vangie does not want to hold it because of the danger that the cards have foretold, but she knows that there’s no way out of it and (according to her) the cards don’t lie. What doom awaits Maljardin in the coming weeks? Only time will tell. It won’t be Tarasca, but it will be something seriously strange.
Coming up next: A mysterious black rabbit appears in the Garden that has not known wild animal life in three hundred years.
{<- Previous: Episode 40   ||   Next: Episode 42 ->}
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lichfucker · 4 years
29 oct 2020. reversed son of pentacles, four of pentacles, the star, reversed eight of swords. can’t stop getting cards about being stuck. can’t stop aching for change. can’t stop dreading change. light on the horizon. I may still be in handcuffs, but at least I have the key. I can get out any time I want.
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hillbillyoracle · 5 years
Nonbinary November Tarot Challenge is back!
Edited and with some new editions - I’m bringing the Nonbinary November Tarot Challenge back this year!
I really loved doing what I could of it last year and I wanted to do it again. If you join us, use the #NonbinaryNovemberTarotChallenge tag. 
While the challenge is designed with trans folks in mind, cis folks are welcome and encouraged to join! Thinking critically about your own relationship to gender is interesting and fruitful for all of us. 
I will also be posting reminders on here and on Instagram with the prompt for that day. The prompts are already scheduled for my challenge group on Facebook. Full disclosure - Facebook is still giving me a lot of trouble with being able to run that group and we don’t have a lot of folks yet but if you like getting your notifications on Facebook instead, be sure to turn on notifications so you see every time I post prompts.  So without further ado - here’s this year’s prompts: 
Week 1 – Intro
November 1 – Your Relationship to Gender
Shuffle your deck. Draw three cards and interpret them as your current relationship to gender. Where is there conflict? Where is there revelry?
 November 2 – The Two Genders
Shuffle your deck. Turn your deck over and look for the Fool. The card on the left of the Fool represents your relationship to femininity and the card on the right represents your relationship to masculinity.
 November 3 – The Spectrum
This one will take a bit of room so try to find a place you can spread out. Select a signifying card for yourself. Shuffle your deck. Turn the deck over and find where your signifying card is in relation to the two cards that were on either side of the Fool in yesterday’s spread. Is it between them? Closer to one than the other? Is it not between them at all? How far away in the deck is it from them? Interpret the relationship between the three cards as where you fall between or outside of the binary and/or your relationship to the binary.
 Week 2 – Self
November 4 – Important Aspects
Shuffle your deck and draw three cards. Interpret these as three aspects of your gender to focus on for the rest of the spreads this week. Where is there conflict? Where is there liberation?
 November 5 – Presence and Presentation
Select a signifier for your gender as you currently know it to be and select another to represent how you present your gender to the world. Shuffle the deck and look for the signifiers. The cards on the left side of both cards represent the relationship between the two, whether that’s distance, synchronicity or something else. The cards on the right side of both cards is how you could bring the internal and the external more into line if you so choose.
 November 6 – It’s Not All Rainbows
Shuffle your deck. Find the Moon. The cards on either side speak to what about your gender still makes you uncomfortable.
November 7 - Pride
Shuffle your deck. Find the Sun. The cards on either side speak to how to take more pride in your gender.
 November 8 - Attraction
Shuffle your deck and draw three cards. These are three qualities others find attractive about you and your gender.
 November 9 - Childhood
Shuffle your deck and find the Six of Cups. The card to the left is what baggage you still need to unpack and the one on the right is how to heal it; this is in relation to gender.
 November 10 – Personality
Draw two cards to represent your personality. Draw two cards to represent your gender. Where is there conflict? Where is there synergy?
 Week 3 - Society
November 11 – Breaking the Binary
Shuffle your deck and draw three cards to answer the following questions: In what ways to do you adhere to the binary? In what ways do you break it? How has it shaped you?
 November 12 – Constraints
Shuffle your deck. Turn it over and search for the Eight of Swords. The card to the left is how society’s expectations limit you. The card on the right is how you begin to break free.
 November 13 – Femininity
Shuffle your deck. Turn it over and search for the Empress. The card to the left is what about society’s ideas about femininity constrains you. The card on the right is what about femininity empowers you.
 November 14 – Masculinity
Shuffle your deck. Turn it over and search for the Emperor. The card to the left is what about society’s ideas about masculinity constrains you. The card on the right is what about masculinity empowers you.
 November 15 – Romance and Gender
Shuffle your deck. Turn it over and search for the Lovers. The card to the left is how your relationships have influenced how you present your gender and the card to the right is how your gender presentation has influenced your relationships.
 November 16 – Challenging Stereotypes
Select a gendered card, preferably one where the gender of the card gives you difficulty when it shows up in readings. Lay that card down then shuffle your deck without it. Draw a card for each of the following questions: What about how this card challenges me is tied to my past? What about how this card challenges me is tied to my personality? What about how this card challenges me is tied to society? Bonus: Select an extra card for each to speak to how to overcome those challenges.
 November 17 – The Light, the Self, and the Shadow
Shuffle and draw one card for each of the following questions: What forces make me pressure me to hide my full self/full gender? What do I know my full self/full gender to be? What parts of myself/my gender have I pushed away?
 Week 4 - Solidarity
November 18 - Celebrate
Shuffle your deck. Turn it over and search for the Three of Cups. The card on the left speaks to how to celebrate yourself. The card on the right speaks to how to celebrate your community.
 November 19 – Heal
Shuffle your deck. Draw one card for each of the following questions: What needs healed in my community? How can I help heal it? What should my next step be?
 November 20 – Strengths
Shuffle your deck. Turn it over and search for the Strength card. The cards on either side speak to how you strengthen your community.
 November 21 – Gratitude
Shuffle your deck and draw three cards. These cards represent what your community gives you.
 November 22 – Give
Shuffle your deck. Turn it over and search for the Six of Pentacles. The card on the left is what you can give back to your community. The card on the right is how to begin to give it.
 November 23 – Bracing for Change
Shuffle your deck. Turn it over and search for the Wheel of Fortune. The card on the left represents the challenges your community will soon face. The card on the right is how to help your community prepare for it.
 November 24 – Safety
Shuffle your deck. Turn it over and look for the Emperor. The card on the left is how you can help keep your community safe and the card on the right is how the community keeps you safe.
 Week 5
November 25 – Gender and Spirituality
Shuffle your deck. Draw a card for each of the following questions: How does my gender positively influence my approach to spirituality? How does my gender negatively influence my approach to spirituality? How does my spirituality influence my approach to gender?
 November 26 - Tradition
Shuffle your deck. Turn it over and search for the Hierophant. The cards to either side speak to how older ideas about religion are influencing your gender.
 November 27 – Spiritual Healing
Shuffle your deck. Draw three cards. These cards speak to how you can begin to heal what was brought up in yesterday’s spread.
 November 28 – The Future
Shuffle your deck. Turn it over and search for the Star. The cards on either side speak to how to take what you’ve discovered during this challenge and apply it going forward.
 November 29 – Affirmation
Shuffle your deck. Draw 3 cards. Turn each one into a positive affirmation (a positive “I AM…” statement) to use going forward.
 November 30 – Message
This prompt encourages you to open yourself to receiving a message from the universe, your ancestors, a guide, or a deity. If that doesn’t work for you, feel free to close with a free style reading on the takeaways from this challenge. If it does, pull one card for each of the following questions: what do they want to tell you? What do they want you to know about you gender? What do they want you to do going forward?
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anya-moon · 5 years
weekly tarot+astrology forecast: September, 23-29, New Moon in Libra
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Hi, beautiful souls!
This week tarot cards:
Six of Swords, Ace of Pentacles, Eight of Cups, Nine of Cups (reversed), Empress, Knight of Cups.
We have emotions and feelings, relationship and collaboration themes in focus during this week. The light of Moon continues waning and eventually New Moon will appear in Libra on Saturday. A lot of us will work with balancing and grounding our relationships, we might find the need to come out of our intensified inner life, sometimes really leaving for a while a roller coaster we're in, and find physical expressions of love, creating the abundance around, making peace and cooperating.
These days we tend to see ourselves through relationship with other people and art, deepening our ways to be sociable, tolerant and learn how to love ourselves through loving others, at some point it might bring us to deal with dependency, unrealistic expectations about relationships and superficiality. But hold on, do your yoga, ground and again ground yourself in body and sensuality of everyday life.
We'll feel that time came to bring peace and order in our connections with others and environment, composing opportunities to start fulfilling collaboration, expressing our needs in harmonized way, listening, balancing.
We're not going to move all around place this week and more likely to find true fulfillment in that small things shaping our day, staying grounded we will be able to continue the deep processes of healing started last week, connecting ourselves with our body and exploring feelings and emotions stored here. For a lot of us it'll be opening for self-love, truly loving ourselves during that hard, shadowy time of inner transformation.
***Key words for this week*** balance, harmony in relationships, collaboration, peace with others, sociability, tolerance, synthesis, art, grounding, details, healing, self-love.
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alexxamphetamine · 4 years
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29 April, 2020
Today my focus was friendship, and I got a super weird/vague spread out of it.
Past, Eight of Pentacles: apprenticeship, repetitive task, mastery, skill development. All I can make of this is that I face value learned how to be a friend. Which might not actually be a good thing.
Present, The Fool, reversed: holding back, recklessness, risk taking. This really depicts where I am with all of my friendships with social distancing. We’re all withholding from seeing each other, and it would be reckless to gather.
Future, Knight of Pentacles: hard work, productivity, routine, conservatism. I think this is saying that it’s not going to be easy to see friends even after this is “over.” Like in everything else, changes will have to be made, and it will be more effort consuming to be with friends. But it should definitely be a routine none the less.
Final thoughts: this really wasn’t what I expected, but it made a lot of sense. Everything I’ve learned about how to be a friend is changing amidst the climate of today, and it has to. It will not be the same going forward, but forward must happen none the less.
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lucipan1916 · 5 years
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I recently got my first tarot deck, the Celestial Tarot, which I've always been drawn to. Last night I tried my very first tarot reading. I'm new to this and am still learning. I've bought 78 Degrees of Wisdom to help me study and I've done some research myself online but I'm posting today because when I did this reading I got a pretty distinct negative vibe from it and it really put me down. I'm wondering if anyone with more experience could tell me what they see. I cleansed my cards, cleansed the room with juniper and sage and really mediated on what my reading was about. I'm about to turn 29, I feel very stagnant in a job I should LOVE and I feel like a loser most of the time, I wanted to know where I'm going. I'd be truly thankful for any insight anyone might like to share.
Edit: In case you can't read all of the cards: (1) Ten of pentacles, reversed (2) Nine of pentacles (3) Two of cups (4) Ace of pentacles (5) King of Wands (6) Nine of Swords (7) Three of Swords (8) Four of Wands (9) Prince of Swords (10) Eight of Swords
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