#2nd one is like. perfect example of what i mean when i say i wish my art was Bad good
skunkes · 10 months
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wanted to see how much i cld stylize him and ended up with some rly fun scribbles
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fangirlingtod3ath · 2 months
Denji's mischaracterization is insane.
ehrm so this is going to be a huge text, be aware! I don't wanna hear anyone cryin' cus I warned 🗣 ❗❗
If there is something that surprises me about Chainsawman it's not his author (and that's saying a lot) nor his other works that can be said the same as him, not even the behavior and actions of the characters. What surprises me is the huge mischaracterization the fandom has with the characters, specifically Denji. I would understand the impression Denji gives to someone who has never seen Chainsawman. Because let's be honest, we all thought at the beginning that Denji was going to be that perverted protagonist, someone like Meliodas or much worse characters. That was my first impression, to the point that I almost stopped watching Chainsawman, and thank goodness I didn't at the end. Because for me Chainsaw is one of those animes that opens your mind after finishing it.
That's why I'm not surprised that people have that first opinion about Denji. But what surprises me is those people who have seen it and are considered "fans" and have no idea about Denji's character. And I think that ignorance says a lot about how society feels about men who have been victims of SA. Yes, I'm talking about those who say "I wish I was Denji" "Denji liked it" In addition to that, lately fans are complaining about the 2nd part, with the comment "chainsawman is not like before"... it has always been the same. Nothing has changed (except the art style but let's forget about that) The story continues to be about a boy who is manipulated and used by people who want his power. And those same people take advantage of Denji's feelings, they take advantage of this child who has lived his entire life surrounded by bad people who never taught him how to love and be loved. A life so mediocre that he even thought that the only way to feel happiness and love was through s3x.
What people think is that Denji is your typical "perverted" teenager with weird fetishes. But to be honest, Denji is the most innocent character I know, and I say innocent because imagine thinking that the only way to feel love is through intimating, because no one in your f social group has ever taught you what love means. Denji IS NOT LOOKING FOR S3X. Denji is looking for someone to teach him how to love and be loved, what happens is that he has lived in such circumstances in which he does not know how to differentiate between one and the other. A perfect example that many people don't see about this is Makima: The first thing Denji thinks about Makima is that he loves her and wants to have s3x with her, but as he learns and has new experiences, little by little his vision of Makima changes. He thought that what he felt for Makima was love between couples because he believed that that was the only love that existed, but in the end he ends up seeing her as a maternal figure. That love he felt for her was maternal. But at the end how could he know? How could he know that's what he was feeling when he never had a mother figure in her life? Do you get what I'm saying?
Another example in which Denji realizes that love is not only through s3x is the love he feels for his friends. Power and Aki are not only his friends, they end up becoming his family. That's when Denji feels family love (and I don't think people realize this achievement between Denji and Aki's relationship. Denji has lived surrounded by men and due to his bad experiences with them he hates them. This same thing happened with Aki, but he ended up trusting him and became an important person in his life)
Do you realize that at the beginning the first thing Denji was looking for was s3x? Well, Denji ended up finding what he wanted most in the world: love, and he found it in a different way than expected. Even in part 2 they show us how Denji now has to take care of a little girl. And how does he do it? Giving her love.
For me that's what chainsawman is about. It's about a boy learning about life, it's about a boy who throughout his experiences finds the different types of love that exist in the world: romantic love, maternal love, family love, love of friends... And I hope this could be seen in more animes. There is not only one type of love, there are several. And I think csm by my point of view represents this pretty well.
I have always said it and I will always say it: Chainsawman is not for everyone. Chainsawman touches on such sensitive and deep topics (such as s3xual assault and hypersexuality) that not many people are going to understand or accept because for me they are sensitive, they are too young or they still need to learn more about life (Which is okay!) Even though it is an anime Chainsawman has never been for children, Chainsawman is not innocent. As I said, it touches on topics that today in the society we live in we could not say out loud. That's why Fujimoto is the f goat. For having written a story with situations as delicate as these in an ANIME. He is one of the few authors who is not silenced, no one is going to stop his creativity, his other works prove it. And another thing that is sad is that all these situations that happen in chainsawman and that happen in real life too, they relate it to fan service. Nowadays people think that all series or movies that have a sexual theme in the middle are for the public's pleasure. How have we ended up thinking that SA is for your pleasure?
Denji still has a lot to learn, let's remember that he is still a child who has been manipulated all his life. People don't suddenly change and make good decisions, especially someone as traumatized as him. His traumas prevent him from continuing to grow and people therefore continue to take advantage of him through his greatest weakness. But I hope that one day they give us a Denji who has already learned from his bad experiences and becomes someone great. Because he deserves everything and much more. Justice for Denji.
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tarotnoob · 20 days
JK (belated) bday reading - 9/2
I'm doing this on September 2nd. I think I did read for him on his actual birthday but I wasn't going to post anything. However I was thinking of him this morning because I was working on scheduling a tattoo appointment.
btw - sorry for typos in these; I voice to text my readings and since they're so long... I really don't go back and edit them. I'm more like a tarot therapist, I like to talk my way through a reading.
disclaimer: entertainment purposes only; tarot is not fact, so please don't use tarot readings as a means of proof about anything.
Going back to the readings I did in June for a sec (feel free to skip the next few paragraphs if you didnt read those):
Two things that stood out for predictions that were interesting to me because they so specifically came out as something: The first was Jin, and I didn't think it made sense at all for right after he got out of the military service, he would go camping and be doing these activities and stuff and then they announced that he had that show where the first one he was camping and hiking lol. Take that with a grain of salt but that was kind of you know a little specific. The second is about Tae. When I did his reading, I specifically mentioned that I wasn't picking up the word lonely, I was picking up the word alone. And then on are you sure, he literally plays Jimins song “alone” and says that this is the song that he relates to the most and anybody who likes it best on the album would get him.
I really really like to do predictions so when I can validate something actually happened without somebody really reaching hard to try and say oh yeah that came true. But I thought those were two very specific examples of something I talked about and then much later it kind of comes up. Come on, Tae's is... interesting.
Jungkook's birthday reading:
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For reference, I looked at the photo of JK that Jhope had uploaded to his IG (which is interesting as Jhope will come up a lot in this).
I'm sitting down to look at his spread but I thought it was kind of remarkable that he got so many court cards, all of them cup cards. And then when I did the clarifications using another deck again I got court cards but with the pentacles. Usually when there's a lot of court cards, people say that can mean multiple people are around or involved or whatever and that could be the case. I find court cards strange so I like to clarify them. And then when I see the seven of swords I always like to clarify it. I get that card a lot for him and sometimes Jimin. You know besides being a card about lie or gossip, it's a card about secrets or I also sometimes see it as a card where somebody's carrying a lot of painful things on their own or trying to do too much on their own. It can also be if you want to read it in a positive light being resourceful I guess but it still has that sneaky undertone. 
Also the back of the deck for the clarification card was the hierophant and that came out in the first deck. Point being when that happens it's creepy and it means there's some consistency. 
So let's look at the original deck and then we'll look at the oracles. We have page of cups, seven of swords, King of cups, hierophant. Back of deck is the night of cups plus the fool. Oracle cards are listen, dream, and communication at the back of the deck with an invitation behind it. 
You know what's funny is on the service this is the perfect combination for somebody who just eloped lol. We do have a theme set by the oracles, we have listen, communication, and dream. So there is already some sense of listening and talking and those conversations being about some type of wish or goal or dream. It's also giving a lot of water vibes in the sense of Pisces. The cups are a creative, sensitive, artistic energy. It could be that he is talking about music or working on music or thinking about music or having conversations with certain people about music and what he wants to do in the future. The fact that he has seven of swords could also be symbolic of BTS. The members tend to get a lot of sevens when I read for them. 
Honestly the first thing that comes to my mind when I look at the hierophant and the clarifiers even on kind of jumping ahead, is you know hierophant can also stand in for certain institutions whether it's a college or government. And the fact that it's being clarified by nine of cups which is that wish fulfillment or dream card or gold, and 10 of sores is an end to a cycle or something that's even a little bit difficult or painful. It would make me think that maybe this is conversations and thoughts about what's going to happen with the music after service. Maybe because it was his birthday, depending on if they stayed where they serve or if they got together with friends and family somewhere else or even if somebody like J-Hope was actually able to visit, they had these types of conversations briefly so that could be on his mind 
Another way to interpret that hierophant stuff could be you know I also see this card as a set of organized beliefs. It doesn't have to be religious or spiritual specifically, it can be just like a creed or you know principles or whatever beliefs you have as an individual. So it could be maybe like an end to a self-defeating belief or almost like if you had the tower card or the devil card I guess. And like some of those thoughts were getting in the way of a goal. It does make me wonder if it feels more like literally as in a real roadblock. Not necessarily a mental roadblock. But as in like yeah if you couldn't do something right now based on legality or procedure or a government body standing in the way. It could also be about conformity I suppose. But this card at least as I'm interpreting it now gives a sense of rigidity. Like a wall. And it's just in the way of some type of dream. It does feel temporary. It's kind of annoying. It feels like an obligation. But let's keep looking 
So page of cups, usually about communication or some type of offer, it could be a romantic offer. You could certainly interpret that from the amount of cups cards here. I don't really see it when I look into the clarification but that doesn't mean that there aren't conversations here happening about emotional commitment to something or someone. 
But I mean another interpretation because of the seven of swords could definitely feel like this person is keeping something hidden from somebody in their life or has a secret or is keeping a secret from someone that they're committed to. But I mean again because BTS is so attached to the number seven this could also simply be okay we know this is about communication, there are seven swords involved, so this could be carrying communication related to seven people. It is interesting that the person is carrying five and then there are two on the ground. So it could be about two people of the seven. It doesn't really matter. My overall impression is like literally people got together and started talking about the future and what BTS was going to do in terms of music lol. That would just be a guess. And if he was just hanging out with other members or hearing from them at this moment then that would make perfect sense right 
I also wonder if literally there was a conversation that happened recently where somebody was talking about a literal dream. Like it wouldn't surprise me if they could do a live, that JK would be like you know I had this dream and I was telling so-and-so the other day or this other member was telling me about a dream they had. Kind of like those conception dreams. It feels like you know even if it wasn't a dream, this person is visualizing something in the future so clearly that it feels like it could have been a dream, because it's being imagined so clearly like a movie. Or I guess like a painting I don't know what you want to say. So it's almost like an omen or prophecy. That's how they might have talked about it. I mean if J-Hope is getting out of the military soon, maybe they talked about his plans and some music ideas, I don't know if they can actually work on things while they are in service. Even in private to release later, so maybe JK might be collabing with J-Hope or was helping him write something. I did use the photo J-Hope put on his Instagram so it wouldn't surprise me if some connection comes through like that 
Having the king of cups too is definitely somebody who is very level-headed in their emotions and very sensitive very calm and cool and collected and could be extremely creative and emotionally mature. I think that some advice was given as well. Either somebody seeking advice about a music project or being given advice. Yeah definitely some type of conversation was had and then that was taken away somewhere like look at the seven of swords and it's almost like okay somebody gave advice and then maybe a person with secretly listening in or is just quietly taking in that advice or that conversation to use in the future or taking note. It just depends because seven of swords typically has a negative connotation but with BTS it's just so hard to tell what these damn seven cards. None of the other cards are negative except a 10 of swords later on. 
and plus you never know what they're doing that needs to be hidden or in secret because spoilers or other things. But some type of conversation was had and something was taken away from it. I guess maybe there's even a little bit of bitterness that happened because he can't work on something right away. Maybe there is some impatience. Which doesn't really match with the cups cards but seven of swords can be bitterness and carrying guilt even. 
And then the back of the deck was knight of cups which is you know slow action or progress being made toward a creative project or something related to love feelings relationships. Maybe there are a lot of new relationships happening, people he's meeting in the military, because it does seem like there are a lot of people around or more interactions and conversations happening. The fool behind it, can be like fun, innocent, adventurous, and pulsive, risk-taking. So there could be a sense of newness to whatever this conversation is. It doesn't feel like an old conversation like hey we're reminiscing about the past and what we used to do. It feels like reinventing. It would be like totally new projects and new music and thinking about new concepts. Really looking forward instead of backward 
Right so clarifications let's tie them and maybe that will help out too. Page of cups is clarified by the king of pentacles. This could be his energy because he has a fair amount of water and pentacles in his chart. It would make me think of a person who literally creates creative communication or somebody who's offering words as a form of commitment or sincerity, there's something very reliable and what is being said or done or produced. 
It does kind of feel a little bit too like an offering of a gift. Like a material gift, something that cost money. It could be a gift that he received. It could be I mean sure it could be like a material gift but it honestly feels like somebody gave him a song. Or somebody giving a song to somebody else as a gift. Because in the king of pentacles I feel like you know this is somebody who can literally create something physical but the thing that was given is a little bit of communication, a little bit of feelings, a little bit of creativity. So a combination would definitely seem like giving somebody your feelings but you happen to make it yourself so yes it feels like giving somebody a song or a really sincere piece of advice as an offering or gift 
To have the knight of pentacles come out to clarify the seven of swords. So the knight of pentacles is that earnest, slow, methodical progress toward something tangible usually. The fact that it's seven of swords could be a couple of different things. Such as slow progress on working on something by yourself, something that's been a bit difficult, or working on it in secret, the fact that it's seven could be that it's tied to a secret or hidden projects being worked on related to BTS. But more it's just a sense of doing some type of work or project but it's being hidden or it's not being revealed yet. I think. I might think something different once I read the other two cards because another negative option would be some type of communication about the work that they do being talked about but related to gossip or secrets. I'm not really getting anything negative from it so let's just keep it in the back of our minds 
The king of cups is clarified by 10 of pentacles. It's almost like the first king with the page of cups feeling. But somebody who is very stable emotionally or it's talking about emotional health because 10 of pentacles can be about physical health. So it's like somebody gave advice to somebody that's very coming from a place of being extremely emotionally mature or is trying to advise somebody on how to get to that place of feeling more solid emotionally 
Again it could also be related to making money off of creativity. Being not productive but someone who definitely makes money off of creative ventures, and not just that you can tell it's a creative field that involves communication and feelings which just brings it back to music for me 
The final card the hierophant, this is 10 of swords and nine of cups. I talked about this and I just think there's a cycle that will come to an end, it could be a belief, or it could even be that okay again I'm getting that somebody gave him advice or I mean he could be the one giving advice but I just get the sense somebody received advice right and it helped to end worries about something related to a future goal 
I'm still kind of confused about the seven of swords so I'm going to clarify again. You know this is the Taurus card it can also be related to financial things or domestic things. But I think they're all tied into one The idea of people who work in a creative industry that is also run by like money and business methods. And the people who are involved in that industry. I don't think this is something that usually comes up when you are serving or even with his cards since he's been serving so it definitely feels triggered by somebody that he was talking to recently. Whether that is J-Hope or another member or anybody else in the industry that he could have spoken with about a project. I'm not getting the sense that it's Jimin.
We know that they're serving together but I'm not really getting that they had this intense conversation about it maybe he was a part of it but I feel like somebody older came in and spoke to him and gave him hope. And the only person that makes sense to me would be j-hope if he was there because he's so close to the end of his service that he would be talking about the goals and things he wants to do and also giving advice to them about what it's going to be like for the next 9 months or whatever you know to get through it. And I think that conversation gave JK and anybody else that would have been there some hope because maybe they had some worries. So it feels like a very hopeful conversation. 
A very intellectual, mature, productive, logical, realistic conversation. Like as if J-Hope let's just say as an example he was able to visit them and hang out then just a voice of grounding and caring and empathizing but still a very mature I've been there and done that and this is how you deal with it. 
I could probably literally flip a card and ask you know who was hanging around and if the star card comes out we can all piss ourselves
Lol I s*** you not I'll show you 
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Yes you could probably say something like somebody he's really close to oh probably an Aquarius oh somebody he works and collaborates with lol 
The star card is also affiliated with dreams and hopes and communication. So again we know that it's somebody that he has a close connection to and they were talking about something that they want to build a future goal etc 
Well if the cards are going to be super accurate today then I'm going to ask for another clarification card on the seven of swords. Also if this were to be about a romantic relationship which how would he even have time but it definitely about further building an intimate relationship together, and talking about their plans for the future. You could definitely read it that way, I'm interpreting it as work based on the other cards but there's also a lot of room for feelings and romance. But I just see this more as a conversation about people's dreams and what they can build for the future related to creative action and business 
But I guess you could also be talking about other relationships in the life related to that and intertwined into all of that as well and that would account for the secrets. You know stuff that we don't really need to know about because it's related to their personal lives 
I clarified the seven of swords and got 10 of swords and back of deck returned to Knight of cups and the fool
That's interesting because well we saw the ten of swords before so there is something difficult that is taking a while to cycle out and of course this can be military service 
I mean it's just a weird combination of things so it could also be something that somebody has been working on for a long time or working through for a long time, there's a sense of guilt or bitterness, it seems to be connected to the hierophant issues as well since we saw the ten of swords there too. 
I want to say I'm feeling like a four of pentacles vibe like holding on to something but that's not quite right. 
If I had to take a guess it just feels like a sigh of relief because this feels like something somebody was holding on to that was kind of eating them up on the inside or worrying them and it was impeding progress toward something. That or like somebody was making slow progress and it was painful but the reason why it was slow progress feels more like there are exterior things happening. Like those blocks. Like paperwork or legalities. But I guess I just don't know what it is because maybe it's really specific 
It doesn't feel like an emotional hang up like an eight of swords. It feels like a frustration. Like you know if you go to the DMV in the US and they want 80 million different documentation things to get through this. There's a sense of obligation and procedure here. But I think that was a topic of a conversation and somebody with mature experienced advice came in and said well this is how you deal with it or you just have to get through this and then you can focus on this but this is just something you have to do for now. 
It's funny because I keep getting these moments of the feeling and want to describe a situation or example. But I just hear JK sighing and like this keeps coming up and it's getting in the way of this. But it's not something long like the entirety of service it's something specific. Like I keep trying to apply for this thing but then they come back and they say on top of that I need to submit this other thing. So it's like weird but this person is very persistent. He's not giving up on it because it's difficult. It's just annoying 
It could even be something as simple as let's say you're working on a project, and you mostly know what you're doing with it but then you keep getting caught on one part of it. Say you're recording a song. And there's this one part of the song and you just can't get your voice right or you just can't get the right music together at that part. And you keep going back to it like day in and day out to try to fix it. Almost you know what it feels like lol this is exactly what I'm feeling like when you edit a video. It's a very tedious experience where you have to like stop and redo and look at it and then go over this 
I wonder if that's maybe the creative gift that's being given. Like somebody is editing a video. And then somebody gave advice on how to edit that video or they're talking through something like that. I can't think of anything else that would be as frustrating but you just have to like go through the process 
So I guess if I had to take a random guess anything related back to somebody creating a creative gift for somebody. It would be an edited video of something lol whether it's a music video or a travel video but or like GCF style things. So yeah it feels like a video project somebody's working on together. Could it be a song sure? But there's a level of technology involved. That of course could be about recording song but to me I'm really strongly feeling editing a video frustration. I used to edit AMVs when I was really young so I remember what that was like or even trying to put together social media videos. I it's interesting that the star comes out I'm just telling you. There could be something happening now in Aquarius but it makes me wonder if related to the edited video it's J-Hope. Although maybe it's being cheeky and like well you used a photo from jhopes Instagram 
It could even be that that little picture is going to be part of a video or was part of a video that somebody edited. For example hear me out whether it was J-Hope or Jimin because we know at least two of those people were there or were aware of what was going on for JK's birthday. Somebody edited a video and sent it to j Hope and then he kind of took that clip out of it. I'm just saying 
If it is something that's not personal and actually coming out, the only timing here that I see is related to next April or early May during taurus season. That timing came out twice, so did Aquarius. Because it's the star and I relate that back to online communication this could be another travel log or travel situation 
Maybe J-Hope was like I also want something like are you sure. It seems like when the members come out of military service they're going to produce their own show type content 
So maybe they shared advice on how that works. So my prediction would be something like maybe something related to J-Hope in terms of creative content will come out around Aquarius to Taurus season give or take. It would likely be a music video or a vlog. And JK might have given advice on editing or just a conversation that they had. 
I am very positive that this was J-Hope but I could be biased because I know he posted. But the two of cups and this three of pentacles together that came out with the star. There is such affection here that it's just like gross lol 
This is exactly how I would imagine any of the younger members to feel about J-Hope. It's just like complete admiration and trusts and optimism even but like very business-like. I'm not surprised because this is also how I feel about J-Hope 
So overall yeah I mean I think if he talked to or met with any of the members over his birthday, they had a pretty intense or serious or productive conversation about an upcoming project related to music and or editing a video or a travel series or whatever. It feels very focused. Sometimes I get his cards and he's all like play play let's have a good time and live in the moment but this feels very focused on work and producing something that also has a creative element. There was some advice exchanged in the conversation, very level-headed, very experienced in this type of thing. There's also a feeling of newness as in if it's a music video or an album there's a really interesting and modern concept which is something I also associate with J-Hope. Like his last album to me had music I had never even heard of so he's very innovative in the sounds that he comes up with or the looks so I am pretty sure this would be a project that he's working on. I don't think it's possible for him to collab on a song with JK by then but that doesn't mean that JK didn't help. I don't know if he can even provide his voice for songs in the background but he definitely helped with something in relation to that. Like describing how something should be song or helping with lyrics 
You might find that the project could relate to words like dream or something about the future, being innovative, how something new is being tried, like something completely different 
Very serious birthday topics. Maybe they got drunk afterward but mostly it just feels like people talking shop 
And I imagine if they did talk about work in projects like that that JK would have gotten excited and inspired and thought about his own ideas for a while but mostly overall this just seems to describe a conversation and interaction specifically with in my mind it's absolutely jhope lol 
But could it be somebody else? Sure. Could it not be about J-Hope at all and be about a romantic relationship. That's a possibility but when I look at the three of pentacles and all these pentacles I am relating it more to work relationships very close work relationships. I mean sure you can interpret three of pentacles as building a romantic relationship with somebody like you talk about living together or something. That doesn't really feel like a conversation to be had at this moment in time but sure. I'm not saying that. To me it's sensitive emotionally mature advice that probably relates to creative projects and how to accomplish them. 
The only thing that comes to mind in terms of past projects is on. I know the members seem to really gravitate toward that song and so did fans. And I'm not saying on is particularly innovative or something anybody is trying to recreate but I feel like in that conversation somebody could have gone oh you mean like on. 
That could mean that the project particularly relates to dancing. 
I guess it could even be related to the past where I think Jhope's series came out and he was with that other dancer and they talked. I don't remember when that came out. But anyway so I am getting flashes of a creative project that requires a lot of editing and dancing elements and innovation, maybe colors as well especially blues pinks greens yellows. Like graffiti, fashion 
Anyway that's all I got. If I have my cards, I will try to do a Jimin birthday reading but… lol.
I'll actually be in Busan that day heh
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spideyjimin · 9 months
jungkook‘s character and his baybmothers character disgusts me.
i don’t like how he feels entitled to take time away to „think“ about this situation when he didn’t do it in the first place like a man who‘s raising a child for years should’ve done. he wanna act like he has a „perfect“ family well let’s unpack how he’s not even a man in the first place. he doesn’t know how to raise his daughter and put boundaries with his babymother including not talking about his past relationships with her when they’re not together i mean yeah you can be friends and what not but i don’t feel comfortable knowing his babymother knows about oc when she a) doesn’t even know oc and her past and b) puts her two cents into the situation when she has no right to all because she’s oh so worried for kookie right? like get the fvck out of here (sorry for cursing but she doesn’t come off as innocent you‘d like her to be) i also could care less about his damn daughter or the name of her even when it makes me angry knowing he did it out of spite like who in the right mind would do that knowing your „love of the life“ wanted that name for her own child?again his character just shows us how immature and childish he was and still is he didn’t change and never will. i mean he has a child and didn’t choose to change his attitude why would oc think he’s gonna do it for her now lol? hes the most selfish man i‘ve ever read in a fic and im not trying to bash your characters it’s just shows how we involve us with your story’s because it’s so interesting right? so pls don’t think this is me criticizing you no. i would also like to add that i believe his babymother is threatened by oc bc why else would she say stuff like that to jungkook (no i don’t believe that she’s worried for him lol💀) i mean where was she when he fucked around? could’ve told him to stop doing it before he has a 2nd babymother and what not see this is why i don’t like her she’s threatened bc oc is not like the others im pretty sure she’s scared that her own child’s gonna call her mom or some sht.
also i do not wish for oc to take him back, she deserves way better than this whole sht show. i also don’t like how she should take care of his daughter later on fuck his family (ON GOD) when she can have her own kids on her own with somebody who’s willing to take their time and energy to understand HER and HELP HER instead of tossing her away when things start to get difficult and as if she didn’t have feelings too. i wouldn’t want to be tied down with these kinds of people in real life they give off to much toxicity and some might think where did you come up with that when you can see it how they act as if everything was ok between them. god im gonna puke bc i didn’t forgot how he said „this is my perfect family“ well then whats stopping yourself from pursing your babymother idiot? he did all of this to hurt oc let himself get manipulated by his babymother and i don’t fuck with that at all especially if you have a child and are in an age where you don’t have time to play around. #teamoc
sorry for writing so much and again hope you didn’t get offended about your characters i love you’re writing it definitely makes one think about how they would’ve done in such and such situations. 😊💛
since it was a long ask & i don't want to make a long post, my answer will be right under 🤗
hi angel, first of all, thanks a lot for your ask 💞 i wasn't offended at all by your ask, i've liked reading all your thoughts on the fic & especially on jk, it has made me laugh a lot 😂 i also take them into consideration for perfect time, it helps me build the characters and it also helps me to understand how you perceive them. because i imagine one thing but i can be understood totally differently.
the perfect example is eunjin, the baby mama. for me, she's simply trying to help, she doesn't want anything from jk and she doesn't feel threatened by oc because she isn't in love with jk nor does she believe that her daughter would call oc mom. she's concerned and wants to help. i didn't build her to be toxic but some of you perceive her like that.
then yeah, jk has been acting like a complete idiot. he hasn't moved on at all, and is very immature. he simply was overwhelmed with everything & didn't know how to act when he finally got what he desperately wanted for 10 years.
for sure, oc deserves better, jk didn't treat her right. he didn't move on from their relationship & treat her badly when she's finally back. however, I want to believe that people can change with time & maybe jk will change in the future 🤷🏻‍♀️
honestly, reading your ask made me even more excited to share perfect time with you but it's still in progress 😭 once again, thanks a lot for your ask, it was a pleasure to read it 💛
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aristaspark · 1 year
Ranking Winx Enchantix outfits
Disclaimer: Enchantix is literally the perfect transformation so keep in mind that even the ones at the bottom of the list are incredible. And of course it's only based on my taste.
6th place: Musa 🎶
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I remember liking it much more when I was 6 years old honestly. I think the reason I like it so much is because I think red and yellow is a match made in heaven (and I loved her transformation sequence). I love her wings, they look EXPENSIVE and her hairstyle goes well with the look. The only reason she's last is because I think the skirt looks kinda weird and messy (it's even more appearant in 3D). I also think the shape for the top could have been better, but it's really just nitpicking she looks amazing I just had to put someone last 😂
5th: Tecna 💾
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The first transformation where Tecna doesn't look like a space power ranger 🥹
The outfit is perfect, I love the overall shape of it and it was so refreshing seeing her have a pretty transformation. The colors all go well together (I love the colors in the 3D version) and the outfit is a perfect example of a feminine yet futuristic aesthetic. The wings are so cute, like, it suits her sooo much: simple but classy. The only thing I find horrid is her hairstyle, my girl deserved better (and the weird green thing in her hair is the final nail in the coffin honestly, it looks like a radioactive spider 😂).
4th: Aisha/Layla 🌊
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This one was really tricky to rank for me because I'm soooo bitter the went with the green version instead of the blue one. The outfit is super cute and is pretty in both colors honestly but the green one is really just TOO green for my liking. And I much prefer the yellow gloves over the purple ones. In the green outfit there are not enough variations (not even worth mentioning the 3D version because for some reason I think the shades of colors they picked are an eyesore). But as I said, the outfit is still very pretty and her wings are freaking gorgeous, the shape, the size, the colors...they are perfect (they stand out so much more in the blue version). I love her little crown thing and her hairstyle is just so amazing. Everything just goes so well together. So if I forget about what it could have been... it still looks amazing so she deserves her spot.
3rd: Stella ☀️
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I honestly didn't think much about her transformation when I was a kid, but looking back at it now, I think it does look amazing. I love the shades they picked in both the 2D and 3D version and the colors just go amazing together. The top and the skirt compliments eachothers perfectly and I love that they added a little touch of blue. And her butterfly wiiiiings, I think I don't need to say anything, they are big and dramatic, I love their shape, they look like they're made of gold and they just elevate the whole look.
2nd: Bloom 🔥
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Ok, this one might be a little controversial because I'm under the impression that not a lot of people love this outfit (I could be wrong though). But I don't know, I just love her dress. I was always a sucker for ruffle dresses. I also live for the color gradation from blue to green, I just love it soooo much, it looks like crystal clear water. Also, it's worth mentioning that if I were to only take the 3D versions into consideration Bloom would EASILY rank first. BY A MILE. The colors ? The silhouette ? Hello ? It just looks so beautiful, magical,... Her transformation in 3D is just so beautiful to me. The hairstyle is amazing and refreshing since she really didn't have any in the first transformation. I do wish her wings were a little more dramatic or shaped differently, but they're still pretty. Really, the only thing I "dislike" is the ribbon on her neck which I always thought looked like pasta 😭 but I must say I kinda grew to like it 😂.
1st: Flora 🌺
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I think nobody is surprised. When I think about it, for Flora it's not really about the dress. I mean, the dress is beautiful but it's the last thing catching my eyes. But THE WINGS ? THE HAIRSTYLE ? I can't even describe it. She looks so etheral, I had to put her first. She looks like a freaking goddess. And I remember when I was a kid, Flora was the first fairy I saw in her enchantix form in promotional pictures and I was just in awe. I was like 😲...Fairies are too pretty. She really looks like she came from a fairytail book.
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rjalker · 1 year
Making it its own new post so you can block the coward who made a side blog just to be ableist on instead of saying it proudly from their main blog, while the people they're being bigoted to have no such luxury.
This is a very common tactic with bigots, because it prevents them from being blocked, lets them enact bigotry like it's a casual past time with no real consequences, and means their friends don't get to see how shitty and bigoted they really are when no one knows it's them.
This is why I have replies turned off on my posts for random strangers, because it literally cuts out 99% of bigotry that gets added to my posts. If bigots don't have the luxury of anonyminity, and are forced to put their bigoted words on their main blog for everyone to see, they won't fucking do it 9 times out of 10 because they know it's wrong and they don't want to face the consequences of being a bigot public ally.
Link to the actual post on my blog, which has been archived.
anonn-y-moose said, September 2nd, 2023: Yknow what! I'm dusting off the discourse blog, I have opinions! The problem I have with the current cripplepunk discourse is that mental disabilities can and do have physical symptoms, so drawing a hard and fast line is ridiculous. The brain is an organ, one that affects all others in so many ways, but if that's what organ your disability is categorized in you don't count? I just don't think it tracks.
I responded with:
"ablebodied people are not part of cripplepunk" means ablebodied people are not part of cripplepunk. If you are genuinely physically disabled, you're allowed in. The problem is people who literally consider themselves ablebodied are trying to shove their way in on the basis that they're disabled because they're autistic, when there's a massive fucking difference between being autistic and ablebodied, and autistic and physically disabled.
I am literally the perfect example. I've obviously been autistic the whole time. But until my hypermobility progressed to the point where I literally dislocated a hip for half a fucking year straight, and then took three month to recover, I wasn't physically disabled before that.
If you are ablebodied, even if you are neurodivergent, you do not belong in spaces solely designated for physically disabled people.
If you're going to insist that all forms of neurodiversity are inherently physically disabling, then you're just proving that you care more about linguistic loopholes than you do the actual experiences of physically disabled people and the ableism we face specifically for being physically disabled.
We are not fucking talking about linguistic loopholes. This isn't fucking fairy magic or a genie in a bottle granting you three wishes.
We are fucking talking about real world systemic ableism, and the ways it impacts physically disabled people that it does not impact ablebodied people, even if they're disabled due to neurodiversity.
Stop nitpicking words and trying to find loopholes and technicalities, start actually being an ally to physically disabled people.
These people are five seconds away from saying allistic people can use the actuallyautistic tag because "everyone's a little autistic".
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nctzenkane · 2 years
Nctzen Kane presents... the top 10 Kpop Songs of 2022!!!
This year was insanely good musically, so it was really difficult to narrow it down to just ten fantastic songs.  If your fave didn’t end up here... then make your own list, what do you think this is?
Anyway, without further dudes...
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 This song feels like a wish come true. It’s not the most complex or interesting song out there, but it deserves its spot on this list just for the fact that we got a full group comeback from the one and only SNSD in the year of the goddess Hylia 2022.  I love the vibes of it, it puts me in a great mood, and that’s enough for it to be on here
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 All I need to say to justify this one is… pewpewpew
 But seriously, this song’s beat is so SKZ that it’s INSANE. Like disgustingly addictive, springy sound that perfectly encapsulates the feel of a spider’s legs. It’s so fucking *chef’s kiss*. Of all the songs on the Oddinary album, this one really tickles my brain just the right way. However, there is one other song on the album that works just a tiny bit better…
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 And that’s Maniac.  All the disparate pieces of this song coalesce in a way that is just so perfect. I’ve always loved the way SKZ utilizes Felix’s unique voice, and the chorus of Maniac is the perfect example of that. It’s an absolute bop, and the superior track on an album with no skips
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 I love TXT. I love everything about them so much. But what I didn’t love, was Good Boy Gone Bad. It pained me to admit that when the track dropped, so imagine my delight when I started listening to the album and I heard this absolute gem.  I love the atmosphere of this song so much, and TXT is incredibly skilled at capturing feelings of discomfort and desolation in their music, and those feelings fit the lyrical content perfectly
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 The pop punk trend in kpop is one of the best things to happen to the genre in years, and in my opinion, there’s no one better suited to capture it than Woodz.  In the past I’ve described Woodz as something of a musical chameleon; able to tackle any genre and absolutely kill it.  He captures the carefree “fuck you” vibes of early 2000s pop punk effortlessly, and I’d love to hear more of this sound from him in the future
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 Seulgi as a dark, sensual, domineering badass? Yes. Very yes.
 Jokes aside, Seulgi absolutely murdered this concept both visually and musically.  I’m not sure if it was meant to be a throwback, but it definitely reminds me of something Aaliyah would’ve released in the late 90s. This was a strong solo debut for one of kpop’s most high profile aces, and I really can’t wait to see what she’ll do next
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 This song is why I love ATEEZ as much as I do. This shit hits you like a wall of unstoppable sound the moment the chorus kicks off, and it’s the type of sonic euphoria that I’ve been desperately missing with 4th gen groups. It’s no secret that this generation has pivoted more towards choreography and elaborate concepts, and away from killer vocals like 2nd and 3rd gen.  That’s not necessarily a bad thing mind you, but ATEEZ proves why having killer vocals is such an asset.  I love every second of this one start to finish, and uh… let’s just say those concert stages were iconic *wink wink*
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 I mean it when I say that the 2 Baddies album might be NCT 127’s best one yet.  Almost every song is phenomenal, but none more so than Time Lapse.  I love the attention to detail; the computerized/digitized sounds at the beginning, and the old Hollywood style music sting at the end really tie in well with the concept of ‘time’, and the fucking CHORUS. Every czennie has been bumping “can we fix it?!” for MONTHS.  It was hard for me to pick a single song from this album, but after some thought, I knew it just had to be this one
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 OnlyOneOf’s “UndergrOund IdOl” project has been one of the best things to ever happen in the history of kpop.  What really endears me to it is not just its unflinching depictions of explicit queerness (no teasing or implication here) but also the fact that the music is ACTUALLY GOOD.  Not gonna say any names (not looking to insult people here) but we shouldn’t have to sacrifice musical quality just to have some queer rep in the industry.  Of all the releases so far though, I think the one that kicked it off is still the best.  There’s just something magical about Begin; I’m not sure if its his delivery of the lyrics, the mellow energy of the track that builds to a satisfying climax, or just the relatability of the single line “hate this city” as a queer person.  Whatever it is makes Begin such a perfect song, and so far its yet to be topped by the rest of the series in my opinion
 -The rest of the UndergrOund IdOl series (Be Mine, Be Free, Because, and Beat)- OnlyOneOf
-Gold Rush- NCT 127
-Birthday- Ten
-Limbo- Jun
-Pose- Kino
-Gasoline- Key
-Hair Cut- Xdinary Heroes
-Taste- Stray Kids Danceracha
-3racha- Stray Kids 3racha
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 Yeah, if you know me, this is no surprise.  I’ve been a Villain since Happy Death Day, and this band just keeps getting better and better with every release.  I love their unique sound and their insane vocals are truly showcased on this track. The moment I heard this one, I knew it was gonna be my number one song of the year and as the months passed, nothing quite managed to dethrone it.  I can not fucking wait to see how the guys evolve as time goes on
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mnovenia · 9 months
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H-7 then H-5 till I meet you again 광광!!
I just feel like crying, and the song said: amugodo duryowon mara! I'm not afraid of anything that will come my way. Reflecting back since Bali Camp, so much has changed, every areas of my life seem ALIVE, CLOSER TO GOD, VERY PERSONAL, INTIMATE, FULL OF TRUST, FUN, EASY, LIGHT, NO WORRY that what I can say. And God gave me bonus by putting some sort of Godly magical romance too, that I still praying for and willing to believe and surrender to God.
And I witness how God works, He didn't stop working even when I forgot to pray about, when I think someone might not do it seriously, when I think it might just be a wishful thinking. Even now I still not sure about many thing, but one thing I sure of, my life will change forever once GwangHui comes to Bali, which is in 5 days. Really?
Hmm, I said to him today, can't believe I get to say see you soon. Well our communication is quite intense these days as we're counting down the days. Visa, my own misunderstanding, housing, phone, prayer with pastors, etc. He said: nuna im nervous, i'm going to meet Ps Paul tonight. Nuna it's 7 days left. Nuna I'll call you, Buchangnim OoOoOoOo etc.. The funniest thing is when I'm trying to ensure his room @ Tintin: out of 53rooms available there was only 1 room available 205 which next to mine (NOWAY), I asked again, ok 217 will be available on Jan 2nd, oo perfect I said, numberwise its a bit far from mine. Till I checked myself, the room is behind me -__- which means he can see all my laundries and we can have some sort of romeo & juliet relationship (sumpah ya ini impian gw dr smp bisa sbeelah2an di drama korea ky ChunYang, Business Proposal & smua yg kebetulan lainnya -___-). Trus ga lama kemudian sih ada room 223, then I think ok let's make video & make GH choose, but before I did it, someone took the room already. So I told Bella which one is better? Next to mine or behind me? She called me rightaway giggling. OMG this is just so funny.
Well I think what I know is, both me and him we're completely on the same path. We're focus on what God wants us to do in life, we don't go to the left or right but straight according to His words, what we care the most is expanding God's kingdom and be a witness of how God words, be obedient to His command even it doesn't make sense to the world, we both has dream of having Godly family but in the meantime we're working our best to fill our days with ensuring young people to be Jesus' disciples, enjoying God's grace, covenant and promises, we trust God will provide for us in job and financial, we're willing to learn each others' language/cultere/differences/age gap with respect and carefulness to not hurt and make stupid decisions. And what I'm trying to remember clearly here is: if being in relationship with him bring glory to God, if it what God wants and intend us to do, if it shapes us to become more like Jesus and selfless, if it becomes our testimony of how God works in our waiting, if we're capable to be example of building Godly family, then I know it will worth to be pursued. Not only for my own romantic fulfilment, not for filling my pride and own benefit, not because of korean syndrome, not because I want to rush thing as I get older, not because that temporary fling and childish cling, but just because of God's grace, His mercy, His will not mine, so here I state on the 2nd to last day of 2023, NOT MY WILL GOD BUT YOURS :)
And for you Gwang Hui, thank you for appear in my life, thank you for such joy and precious time we spent, for pursuing and being obedient of what God put in your heart, for listening to me and communicate with me while being careful and weird sometimes in my opinion. Thank you for showing what faith looks like in your silence but your action speak louder than any man I ever met. Since the first time to tell me about staying in bali over our trip to GL, when you told your dad when I was in Korea, when you told your relatives during chuseok time, when you handed your resignation letter, when you waited till your time to disciples your Sun is over, when you told me about your last day of work, your willingness to learn Bhs Indonesia, visa, applying to BIH, learn about choir, cafe, korean dermatologist, coming to Indonesia Service, setting up meetings with your Pastor before making any decision, your finance plan, your honesty and transparency with me, for telling me about your days, I RESPECT YOU, A LOT KIM GWANG HUI :) and I can't wait to adventure this journey, another exciting chapter in our lives that God provides, to witness together what God will do through us. May God lead us, protect us, make His will be done GREATLY through us and our ministry. I can not wait to see you again :)
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koolfrogz · 3 years
Misconceptions Regarding MCC14
Recently there have been a load of misconceptions regarding many of the controversies that happened this MCC, especially on Twitter and Tiktok, so I thought I would make a giant post detailing these and why they are wrong so I can scroll through my dash in peace.
1. Hbomb purposely abused a glitch in HITW that got Illumina and Mefs banned from MCC on the practice server. 
This one can easily be broken down into three components: 1. Misinformation about the glitch itself 2. Misinformation about the Mefs and Illumina incident 3. When does abusing a glitch count as cheating?
Firstly, the glitch Hbomb used is actually very common in HITW and has been around since the game was first introduced. The devs know about it and have not made any complaints about it because the usage of the glitch itself is heavily luck based (depending on the ping of the player) and does not guarantee a win to any player who does get it. Take for example PearlescentMoon who has used the glitch repeatedly throughout many competitions (i.e MCC 11), yet has not gained any significant advantage through it because, again, there is still an element of skill required to use it. This glitch is not only known by the devs, but has been used before in HITW. It is not something new that Hbomb exploited as a means of getting ahead.
Secondly, the Illumina and Mefs situation is not at all comparable to the Hbomb one. Illumina and Mefs were using a completely different glitch which did guarantee a win to the player because it allowed the player to afk on the platform and allow the blocks to pass through them. They were not banned for exploiting this glitch, but rather reprimanded by Scott and the devs for not reporting it to them sooner. Mefs and Illumina are still allowed in MCC and only didn’t compete this time because the teams had already been formed.
Finally, in regards to the idea of cheating itself when using such a glitch, the idea that what Hbomb did counts as cheating is absurd considering past MCCs and the various glitches which have been abused as well. I’ve seen a lot of people mention the infamous Wilbur Glitch and I think its a perfect example. The Wilbur Glitch is from the game Rocket Spleef which was not played this MCC but certainly will be in the future. The glitch involves the player becoming stuck in a block and seemingly floating in the air allowing them to basically secure a win without admin intervention. This glitch is much more OP than the glitch Hbomb used, and we have even seen admins purposefully try to kill players for using it (i.e Philza MCC11). However, even when players have purposefully attempted to get it (Wilbur, Phil, Quackity, etc.), I have never seen the fandom react so negatively as to accuse them of cheating. It is not fair to accuse Hbomb of cheating when he abuses a glitch which has been in the game for ages and not do the same with your favourite creators who do a much more busted glitch as well. Personally, I don’t consider either of these cheating, but that’s my opinion.
2. They removed Parkour Warrior because Dream was too good. That’s not fair.
Okay, this one is very simple as its just not true. This falls under the assumption that Dream was the only player to finish Parkour Warrior which is not true (PeteZahHutt completed the course twice and was the first to ever complete it in MCC 6). While the reason the Parkour Warrior map was destroyed in MCC 11 is said to be that EpicLandlord destroyed it because “he was annoyed at how good Dream was at it”, this is mainly a joke (think of the Ranboo being banned from MCC situation, while Ranboo isn’t in MCC there’s no actual beef and he’s not actually banned.) Secondly, if you weren’t around for Parkour Warrior when it was still in MCC, or have only ever seen Dream or Pete’s POV, you might not know, but Parkour Warrior was a miserable game mode (think Build Mart/Bingo but ten times worse because there was no chance to improve your placement other than just being good at Parkour). The game was 10 minutes of pure rage and frustration from competitors, which while entertaining at times, wasn’t the best for content when only two POVs in the entire competition were deemed watchable. This also wasn’t good for a competition because it meant that only two teams at most were progressing (and by a large amount) due to one player while the rest lagged behind. It gave the teams which had Pete and Dream a huge advantage and made the game unfun and unfair to everyone else, so they revamped the game (to Parkour Tag) to make it an even playing field where everyone had a chance to win (in the spirit of MCC). 
3. Scott had an unfair advantage in the competition and should be removed from the Dev Team or the Participants List.
This one is slightly more nuanced and may not have a definitive answer. Yes, Scott does have a slight advantage due to being a part of the dev team in every MCC. However, this MCC was definitely an outlier in that fact. Scott has been known to share info and tips with his teammates in past MCCs, but it has not truly impacted their performance on a significant level because the players knew a majority of the information anyways (the game rules, maps, etc). This MCC was unfair because Scott had a bigger advantage than originally assumed (it doesn’t mean he did it with malicious intent, it just means there was a severe oversight when designing the maps and explaining the rules to players). Also, the idea that Scott was guaranteed a win because he was part of the Dev Team is ridiculous and untrue. 
Scott has always been treated on the same level as any other player and has not been giving special privileges because he helped work on the tournament. Take for example MCC 8. Scott was teamed with Tommy, Philza, and Wilbur, and they were doing very well! Then came (wait for it), Ace Race. Scott experienced a glitch which allowed him to remain with his Elytra activated for half the course and allowed him to skip over multiple checkpoints and placed him in first. However, by skipping over these checkpoints the game corrected his placement and put him in last. This was seen as not fair at the time and the Red Rabbits did complain, to which Noxite responded that there was nothing they could do and Scott would just have to finish the round as normal. This glitch severely impacted the Red Rabbits standings and possibly led to them not being able to compete in Dodgebolt that MCC. Yet, Scott was never treated differently than any other player throughout the glitch despite being a part of the Dev Team.
For the next MCC, I certainly think that Scott should be allowed to play as normal. I truly believe this MCC was a fluke, and although I too felt a little salty seeing my favourite go from 2nd to 30th, I believe that it is not worth getting up in arms about it because at the end of the day there is a whole season of competitions where any team has a chance to win. 
4. They should have restarted the round and allowed the participants to retry the map.
While I too would have loved to see a rematch for Ace Rae, I would like to say that I, and probably many of the people playing, knew that it wasn’t going to happen. Noxcrew is very strict about the way MCC is run, it’s why I think it works so well. However, this means that they will not budge on these rules even in the face of something such as this competition’s Ace Race debacle. In the entire time of MCC, Noxcrew have only once ever restarted a round. This was in MCC 7 during Battle Box after there were server issues causing extreme lag for everyone (and Wilbur and Magistrex blew up their own teammates). It was unlikely that they were going to restart the round due to the mistake, and honestly, it might’ve caused more trouble than good to reset the points and the entire round of Ace Race. 
5. The Spirit of MCC
This last one is more of a general statement than a misconception, but I would like to say that I have seen a lot of newer fans confused and upset about this MCC’s outcome. However, I would like to remind everyone that at the end of the day MCC is a for-fun tournament which brings MCYTs of every background to compete and have fun. Yes, there is an element of competitiveness as it is a competition, but it goes against the very spirit of the competitions to be toxic and rude in spite of not winning or placing lower than you expected. At the end of the day, it is a MC tournament that has no monetary prize other than a golden coin. It is immature to slander, spread misinformation, or send death threats and harassment over such a tournament and I wish shame upon anyone who’s first reaction to not winning or their team not winning was to do such a thing. MCC is a brilliant tournament that has changed the game for how MC Competitions have been done, and it is disheartening to see the hard work Noxcrew and Scott have done be disrespected as such. I hope next MCC the fandom can come together and make this the lovely fandom event it once was. 
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fumiko-matsubara · 3 years
List of Multi-talented AssClass Characters
This includes both characters who have actually showcased their many skills and characters who had shown potential to be multi talented.
¤ The teachers, assassins, and Gakuhou won't be included in the list as they are already a given.
Asano Gakushuu
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I mean, do I even have to say anything? He's got the grades, the athleticism, the artistry, the reputation, and even being able to responsibly handle all of these at the same time. Rather than asking what else he can do, the better question is: What CAN'T he do??
This guy is the epitome of multi talented because it's not just him having a lot of skills, but you can really expect him to be good at each and every single one of them. Truly an ace.
Akabane Karma
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This one is just half-assed lol. But let's be real, I can't even expressed how much of a genius this guy is, it's actually terrifying. Like imagine being able to remember the stuffs you've secretly studied for after two weeks of study ban, to the point that you managed to place 2nd in rankings among the entire 3rd years?? He's ridiculous.
I think it's just him being disinterested that's stopping him, because it should be obvious that he'd be the type to easily become scarily good at the skills he just picked up.
Isogai Yuuma
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Being practical is his strongest suit. It probably stemmed from the fact that he's currently the one providing for his family, but I could totally see Isogai picking up plenty of skills just for the sake of making things easier. For all we know, he could've tried applying for different kinds of jobs that required certain skills before he settled on being a waiter.
Then top it all off with his good grades, being athletic, and leading the class well, yeah he's got it good.
Sugino Tomohito
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One day we are going to have a whole discussion about Sugino having many hidden talents (that he's also VERY good at doing). Let's start off with baseball. It has been confirmed by Matsui himself that ever since Sugino had joined a local baseball team in town, along with perfecting his own curved ball pitching technique, it's been assessed that in the technical side of baseball, Sugino should have already surpassed Shindou in most areas.
As stated by Karasuma in the character book, Sugino literally has ZERO flaws in his assassination skills and if you look at his stats, there was not a single category that he was lacking in omg. Sugino had also shown exceptional skills in the art department, specifically in acting and drawing, as repeatedly praised by Korosensei.
Chiba Ryuunosuke
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Being multi-talented isn't just about having as many skills as possible, it's also about being incredibly good at the skills you have even if they aren't that many. Chiba is a great example of this.
Sniping, maths, architecture, and spatial awareness ー those are some of the skills he was explicitly shown to have in canon and there is no denying that he is good at every single of one these. Not just good actually, but exceptional, to the point of being directly praised by actual professionals themselves.
Kayano Kaede
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Being a gifted young actress, it would be no surprise that Kayano would have to have a very wide range of skills in order to be able to tackle any acting role given to her, which is what she was specifically known for.
And who passes the entrance exams of an academically renowned school on their first try at the last minute? She has it all lol.
Kataoka Megu
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I think Megu is the type to find herself picking up skills and become good at them since she is a leader with a natural sense of responsibility. Especially when it's sports, because you're telling me that this ace swimmer with a record for freestyle swimming is also good at basketball, enough to both coach, lead, and carry her team all at the same time?? Damn.
Of course not forgetting the fact that she's also one with exceptional grades and is good at languages, Megu is defintely a well-rounded leader. Wish we could have seen more from her.
Hayami Rinka
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As remarked by Koro-sensei, Hayami is a "jack of all trades but lacks in her own individuality and passion". Because she is said to be skilled enough in so many things, she became a reliable worker who people can depend on no matter what it is for as she can surely tackle them.
Perhaps a little bit too reliable? While there are some skills that she is obviously good at, like her sniping and dancing, I don't think people would really notice how much of an ace she is at first glance, likely because she wasn't being loud about it (as in she was lowkey).
Maehara Hiroto
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Defintely the dress to impress type.
I am adding Maehara to this list because this dude came back 3 years later and suddenly he's good at b-boying!
He's good at sports, dancing, singing, he gets along with people, he dresses well, and for a carefree playboy like him, the last thing you would expect from him is his best subject being Maths, right?
I won't be surprised if plenty of these were just because he wanted to impress the girls he goes on dates with. If anything, it's likely lol. Whatever helps him I guess.
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Bonus: Potentially multi-talented
Yada Touka
Being under the tutelage of Irina, it would be no surprise that Yada would end up wanting to expand her skillset as she'd find it beneficial for her in the future.
Nakamura Rio
Maybe because she's bored or just wants to be funny, but Nakamura had shown skills with... random stuffs (like diassembling gadgets or the ability to make geeky boys flustered with her dirty jokes through the school radio... 😭). As long as it can be funny, I think she can pick up anything she can use to toy with others.
Kurahashi Hinano
Drawing! It's surprising because no one can argue that she is the best at it among the girls, but it wasn't explicitly showcased AT ALL (if it weren't for that skills ranking in the manga extras, we wouldn't have known this). I wonder what else she's really good at that haven't been addressed.
Takebayashi Koutarou
I am adding that joke from the career chapter of Koro q that Takebayashi is apparently good enough at dancing to land a career for it 😂
But yes, he also ranked 4th best artist among the boys for being the "2D master". Being an anime fan does have plenty of perks... I wonder how good his singing is 🤔
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sanstropfremir · 2 years
This is variety long ask anon (😭 sorry) - to add some more context on variety casting and what user tvxl was saying in the replies, they are most definitely correct, but to my understanding, there are also other factors playing into who gets cast for what and whether they are considered suitable.
a very interesting concept I was told of was that of a "toneholder" idol cast in variety where multiple idols/people interact. I don't know if that makes sense, and I wish there was someone with more knowledge/experience than me to confirm if that's what it is called by SK staff in that line of work. but essentially it is either an idol that can keep the atmosphere going between all guests/idols or the 'link' between idols from different companies.
This is a thing PDs actively used to chase after both in variety and variety-adjacent shows - off the top of my head prime examples are Super Junior, Key, Taeyeon because half the industry are her fans, or from the TWICE girls Nayeon and Dahyun who are known for their energy/wit. Or more recently a couple of years ago, I don't know if you ever heard of it, when Running Girls came on which was not exactly variety but aimed partly for that feel, the PD of that show confirmed, for example, that WG's Sunmi specifically was chosen by the team because she is considered a bridge between most hoobaes and would help break the ice/keep the homely tone the show needed, hence the label she was given the 'mom' of the show. Hani too on that show was on the other side of that, chosen for similar reasons - come to think of it Hani and EXID in general are another example of good energy in variety.
What is further interesting about that example of Running Girls is that it was born out of and built around the idols themselves (I think the PD said she had that program in mind and she developed it around certain idols in her head that she thought would fit).
I think this will be extremely rare for 4th gen in a non- in house context, which is an awful shame. But they simply do not inspire to the point of creation.
When we were having this conversation with the crew it became evident they believe there aren't many such "toneholder" or really variety star idols to be found in 4th gen. A big part of that I think is the lack of what are considered meaningful interactions between other-company groups in 4th gen (though that's vicious cycle because if they can't get on enough variety they won't have enough of those interactions) and a sort of rigidness amongst them in music stages/performances. Both amicable relations and also friendly/playful competition (both of which were palpable in 2nd gen and some of 3rd gen) seem to lack substance in 4th gen, particularly in boy groups.
But, if you will, a sneaking suspicion/prediction I have is that variety-like programs will start migrating more towards YouTube (they have already) as they gain popularity, and 4th gen will probably first shine there, because it will require less interacting with more people in the industry and it will be more secluded, if that makes sense. The videos will also engage international fandom, which is huge in 4th gen, so...
Anyways thank you so much for letting me talk about this, I don't often as its considered fairly niche to some people and not too many of them are interested in the decision making process as I am but. Yeah. Thank you!
no thank YOU!! oh man i am so interested in this i could talk about this kind of niche industry stuff all day it's so fascinating.
the 'toneholder' position makes perfect sense, in terms of social logistics you would absolutely need it when you're bringing essentially a bunch of strangers together all the time. i'm not sure if 'moodmaker' has the same meaning but that's what i sometimes see idols get labelled as, but i'm pretty sure that's more of an internal/self applied designation that one that's actually used by production staff.
not sure if it's actually a correlation but what you said about fourth gens not inspiring pds to the point of creation, but it's really interesting that in that absence there's recently been two shows that i know were created around first gen idols: the hungry and the hairy for rain and seoul check in for hyori. i wouldn't have even thought to make that connection; it might just be a coincidence, but it also does feel like it's filling a spot.
yea youtube content has definitely taken off for late third/fourth gen groups, i think the biggest that i'm aware of rn is nct, they have a huge youtube apparatus that appears to be suckering in non-kpop fans too (i've seen a few people on twt say they thought johnny being an idol was a joke bc they found him through youtube). both jaejae's show and jessi's show are youtube exclusives and those are becoming popular promo stops, and i know one of changmin's few promo schedules for devil was on a youtube show. and i agree about how it's easier access because it's outside of the industry infrastructure. there's not the same amount of people working on youtube shows and the people working on those shows aren't really going to be working with each other in the same way as in broadcast.
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rinharu-purple · 3 years
Hi Rinharu~ just wanted to say I enjoy reading your analysis on MLQC (mainly the Gavin content). Just wondering what particular things you didn't like about his new birthday karma? Although I understand with the edit mistakes made :/ At least they were called out for it.
A happy Sunday to you lovely anon and a grandios thank you for your support! 🤗🤗🤗
To answer your question, I'd love to take you for a detour to my post here and show you what my expectations of this event were. As you can see, none of my wishes came true (bummer). But that's not my main problem.
What bothers me is the sudden change of gear from 7th to 2nd in a matter of seconds. For example, if you ever try to turn down your cars torque that fast, your engine chokes and you experience one nasty shock of drive flow disturbance (watching some sports car review videos while writing this but the association is accurate, trust me on this :D)
How is that you might ask, and that's a legitimate question. If we take a look at the momentum of Gavin dates in the last 12 months in CN server, the sudden drop can be observed better. But I need to use spoilers for that, I hope that’s ok for you.
I'll be using @cheri-translates input for the following, so please consider taking a look at her account and leave her a like or subscription if you feel like it ^_^
The timeline of Gavin dates after his birthday event '20 in CN server looks roughly like this:
Spoilers start below this line
- Late Autumn Date: MC is dedicating the rest of her life to Gavin and they share one really steamy make session. This was plus-minus around the same time as his birthday, so we should actually get it in the ENG server soon.
- Same Path Date: This date belongs to an AU for the Double Seventh festival. This date ends with Gavin saying “I helped your village resolve the flood. In return, I will take the most beautiful lady on the altar.”  
- Return from Afar Date: Aside from being one of my favorite dates, Gavin takes MC to a venue which is used for fake weddings and brings a gem with him.
-  Deep Longing Date: A wholesome fluffy date where Gavin and MC visit a Scandinavian country for Xmas.
- Obsession/ When the Galaxy Falls Dates: If you haven’t seen these yet, then I wouldn’t spoil these for you. One word describes these: Perfection
- Blessings Date: Another AU date with Gavin proposing to MC.
So as you can see, during last year, MC and Gavin’s relationship has gradually evolved into a firmly established, long-term relationship which is slowly entering the “future plans, engagement/marriage” phase. Taking that into consideration, the rational move for Gavin’s birthday would be something that fits into the pattern and scheme of the dates in the last 12 months. Papergames could’ve done so many other things or even just enrich the date with the elements suitable for current Gavin x MC dynamics.
- For example they could’ve switch the badge with the actual badge that Gavin had sent to his father, perhaps even going one step further and explaining how MC retrieved from his father, accompanied by a small dialogue between MC and Gavin’s father. Allowing us to have an insight on his father’s approach to things and maybe add a sparkle of humanity into him, thus presenting the fans a tiny bit of relief.
- The date mentions kids being around the playground, where MC and Gavin hang out. Wouldn’t that be a nice detail, if they’ve spent some with the kids. Picture this: one of the girls ask Gavin if he would play  piggy back ride with her and Gavin offers her playing the pilot, him being the plane and MC watching him from afar. He would then fold a paperplane for her and give her a pep-talk.
- What about adding his younger brother into the mix? Yes, I know that PG has changed their mind about Shaw being the younger brother. However Gavin still has a younger brother in the canon story. Wouldn’t that be nice touch if his brother had given him a call or just sent him a small box with trivial things to show Gavin his feelings? Both the R&S and the date are lacking emotions and quite dull if you ask me.
- Since Gavin opened up about his memory with the competition, why not take MC to the gravestones of his grandparents and his mother? They are so intimate and far in their love and trust, they should visit places that mean more to their story. Not just an old airbase to which Gavin doesn’t have any personal bond. 
- The matching outfits don’t have any specific back-story to it. That’s why neither Iridescent nor the edited Caelum mean anything for the players. Funny thing, for Gavin and MC we have so many alternative options! Loveland High uniforms, STF uniform, STF drill track suits, motorcycle outfits/ or helmets or hell matching jerseys from a team, because Gavin and MC help them for a fundraising event. So many options!
- Last but not least, the dialogue between Gavin and MC is not romantic enough for a couple spending the fourth birthday together. Gavin and MC are together since four years! Sure, the older a relationship gets, the every-dayish it becomes. But this is MLQC, we are in a fantasy world and me as a player want to read a neverending romance-story. 
I’m not saying its a bad date, but the way its written, it would be more suitable for a regular SR karma. I was just expecting more depth and intimacy from Gavin’s birthday karma. What MC does is also a very nice gesture, but it doesn’t look like an action one would do on her boyfriend’s birthday. Papergames usually pays much attention to previous events and sew threads between them. However everything in this date feels random: The location, the dialogue, the cake, the gift, everything. 
Plus they don’t even kiss, are you kidding me?! Who doesn’t kiss her bf on his birthday?!
You see, dearest anon, I was quite felt let down by this year’s Gavin birthday event in CN server because I had very high expectations :/
How did you find the date and the R&S? I would really love to know :) <3 
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chibinekochan · 4 years
How to become a Demon Ruler 108
Part:   01 I 02  I 03  I 04 I 05  I 06 I 07 I 
GN. Reader insert
taglist:  @ayesha95    ;  @nomnomcupcakesworld ;  @fex-phoenix   ; @depressed-bixch ;   @kitsune-oji
The rest of this lesson goes smoothly, but I'm glad it's over. 
  I glance nervously at Barbatos, who is correcting my work. It looks like he makes countless corrections. 
  I feel sweat building up along my spine. 
  "You did very well for your first lesson. Just go over the corrections until lunch, and you will be fine." Barbatos hands me the stack of papers back. 
"I thought you would say some more since you corrected so much." I feel relieved but also a bit unsure of how to take this. 
"Most of my corrections were minor mistakes in the language, but I can not hold these against you since you have just arrived here. I was prepared for more grave mistakes, to be honest. You once again surpassed my expectations." Barbatos smiles at me, slightly proudly. 
I start to wonder if his expectations for me are just remarkably low but take the compliment regardless. 
  I review the corrections, and then it's finally time to eat. 
Lunch is delicious as always. 
  "I have some good news for you. I have talked with Lucifer, and he agreed to let you meet one of his brothers. I think it would be best for you to speak with one of them before the party. The brother you will meet is Mammon. He is the 2nd most powerful brother. Mammon is the Avatar of greed." Diavolo sounds excited about the news. 
"That sounds interesting. When will I meet him?" I generally wonder how other demons are. Maybe this will be helpful for me. 
"In the evening. I know it's short notice, but I hope you are okay with that." Diavolo looks a bit guilty. 
"That's fine for me. It's not like I had other plans." I simply shrug. 
"I'm glad to see that you are so lively." Barbatos smiles as always. 
"Will I need to dress something nice for him?" I don't want to make a bad expression. 
"You are perfect as you are." Diavolo smiles brightly. I slightly wonder what he will say when I'm dressed nicely. 
"I agree with that sentiment. Besides, Mammon is a rather casual demon himself." Barbatos nods and casually continues to clean the table. 
"Alright, I will just stay as I am then. What is my next lesson?" I just want to start it, so it can be over. 
"You are very motivated today. Lord Diavolo should take you as an example." Barbatos smiles and makes a snide comment. 
"I will return to my work." Diavolo looks a bit beaten.
Barbatos nods in agreement. 
"Now regarding your lesson. We will practice your table manners, and then I will squeeze a bit more politics in before you meet Mammon." Barbatos seems very used to juggle my schedule around. 
This doesn't sound too bad. "So are we going to stay here?" 
"Indeed. We will practice the proper tea ceremony and how to act at a party." Barbatos then proceeds to prepare the table once again. 
He is very effective that is certain. 
"Have fun with your lesson." Diavolo sounds a bit dejected. 
"I hope your work will be easy." I smile at Diavolo. After seeing his workload, I feel much compassion towards him. 
Diavolo lights up at my words. "With this wish, it can only be easy."
With that Diavolo leaves. 
   "I will show you how to hold the cup." Barbatos lifts the tea with a few elegant movements and then proceeds to drink it. 
It's very impressive. I feel propelled to applaud him but stop myself. 
I try to emulate his movements, but it's way harder than it looks. 
Barbatos sees me struggling and then takes my hand, which still holds the cup. 
He then slightly corrects my fingers. "Like this master," Barbatos whispers into my ear, which sends shivers down my spine. 
   My heart starts to hammer in my ears, he is way too close. 
   Then Barbatos backs up. I let out a small breath. This was a close call. 
  This repeats a few times during my practice. It's very bad for my heart. 
  The lesson is technically easy, but I'm very glad when we are back to boring politics and history. 
   After the end of the lesson, I feel slightly unsure. "What kind of person is Mammon?" 
"You should just meet him with an open mind and don't give him money." Barbatos doesn't seem to want to influence me. 
Even when the last part strikes me as odd. I just take it as solid advice and Diavolo said he is the avatar of greed. 
  With mixed feelings, I go and meet Mammon. 
Barbatos leaves me alone with the guest. I assume he just wants to give me space. 
Mammon has already made himself comfortable. 
"Hello, I assume you have been told about me by your big brother?" I greet him slightly awkwardly. 
"Umm yeah. It honestly is a huge surprise to everyone. Like a human being adopted by the demon king? Talk about weird. We kinda assumed you were like a toddler or something. So I'm kinda relieved to see that's not the case." Mammon seems indeed very casual. 
This makes me feel great relief. "Yeah, it was a big surprise to me as well. I'm still getting used to everything but Diavolo and Barbatos doing their best to make me feel at home."
"How did that adoption even happen? It just came out of nowhere to everyone." Mammon is pretty blunt with his questions, but I prefer that to be sneaky. 
"I have no idea why the demon King chose me. He just kinda used his powers to summon me into his castle and told me that he is now my father." I'm unsure if it's smart to tell the story like this, but somehow I feel like I can tell Mammon. 
Mammon is seemingly surprised by this information. "Wait, he kidnapped you didn't he?" 
"I suppose you can say that. I can't really complain though since living here is pretty great. I mean the training is hard, but the food is great." I just shrug and take a sip of tea. 
"You are tougher than you look. I'd be going bonkers if it be me. I mean being trained to be the future demon ruler? Doesn't sound like it's fun." Mammon closes his eyes and nods. 
"Well, it's not all bad. I get treated to good food and Diavolo and Barbatos are both so nice. I kinda feel like at home already." I give him a small smile. 
"I got a hard time imagining Barbatos being all nice. He is pretty scary, to be honest." Mammon makes a strange face. It looks like he is remembering something unpleasant. 
"Hmm, I guess how he smiles all the time can be a bit unsettling." I somehow have a hard time picturing Barbatos being scary. Especially to another powerful demon. 
"Yeah, but I have seen him angry and that is very scary. Still, I wonder why they choose you. No offense but you look pretty normal to me. Are you some kind of magic prodigy?" Mammon shudders and changes the topic. 
"That is a good question. I have never felt magical if that makes any sense. The other day my magic was measured and the device broke but no idea what that might mean." I ponder over the question for a moment. 
Suddenly Mammon gets very pale. "Umm well, actually that might be my fault. You see that thing looked kinda valuable. I just kinda umm took a closer look at it and accidentally dropped it. It looked fine but well…" Mammon sighs deeply. Then he suddenly panics. "Oh, wait, please don't say this to anyone. They will kill me!" He looks at me with pleading puppy eyes. 
This is honestly of no big concern to me, but at least it explains the black smoke. Then I have an idea. "I won't tell anyone but in exchange, I want some information about your brothers."
  This is the perfect opportunity for me to gain some valuable Intel. I have to increase my odds of survival.
   Mammon seems to be very troubled. "Look I want to survive, but I can't sell my brothers out you know."
"That's not what I mean. You see the demon king wants me to show him that I am worthy of the throne. I have to make a good impression at the party or else he might kill me. I just need some info, so I can gain some points from your brothers." I give him my straight and honest reasons. 
"Ah, I see. So some basics about what they like will be enough, right?" Mammon gets my point right away. 
"Yes, that would be great Mammon." I smile at him. 
Mammon nods. "Okay. So Lucifer likes classical music and expensive stuff. He has the tastes of an old man to be honest. Don't tell him you got that from me, though." 
I nod and take mental notes. "That sounds easy enough. I'm sure Diavolo would know what Lucifer wants anyway. It kinda sounded like they are close."
"Close is an understatement. They are like a married couple or something." Mammon shrugs. 
  Somehow these words sting. "Wait, don't tell me that they are a couple?" 
"Not as far as I know. They are just kinda all hush and act high and mighty." Mammon shakes his head. 
I need to ask Barbatos about this later. 
"Hmm, I see. So the next brother?" 
"That would be me. The great Mammon. I like cars and brand products. So don't try to cheap sell me!" Mammon boasts loudly. 
"You will be happy with whatever I get you." I quickly shoot him down. 
"Aww come on!" He pouts.
"Sorry, but I have a lot of people to consider and don't forget that you broke a very expensive magical device." I give him a slight smirk. 
"Pretty mean of you." Mammon huffs, he is like a small child. I somehow feel a bit bad. 
"I will find you something nice okay?" 
"You better…" This seems to satisfy him. "Well moving on. Next up we have Levi. He is the avatar of envy. He loves anime and games. Levi is an Otaku as you humans would say." 
This also seems very easy. "Alright, I probably have some games I could give him."
"After that comes Satan. He is the avatar of wrath. Satan likes books and cats. He also hates Lucifer. Then we have Asmo. He likes clothes and beauty products. He is the avatar of lust, but he might as well be the avatar of vain. Not only that, but he also likes to party with me. Next is Beel, he is the avatar of gluttony. As you can guess he loves food. He is also into sports. Last we got Belphie. He is Beel’s twin and all he does is sleep. I mean he is the avatar of sloth. Oh, yeah, I think he liked stars. That's pretty much it." Mammon lists everyone up. 
  This is very helpful. "Wow, they all have very basic interests. Thank you very much for your help." I smile and have already some ideas ready. 
"Well, I suppose they do have basic interests, but what did you expect?" Mammon shrugs. 
"No clue, something eccentric? Don't get me wrong I'm happy with this. At least I will have something to talk to them about." I'm honestly just glad that I don't need to learn about some strange stuff. 
"I think they are pretty eccentric but whatever." Mammon shrugs without care.
"Thank you very much for the help Mammon. I'm sorry that I blackmailed you." I feel a bit guilty at least. 
"It's fine, I get it. I would do the same in your situation. I'm just glad that you won't tell anyone." Mammon doesn't seem to see any issues. 
"You are very nice for a demon. I mean I have no idea about demons, to be honest." I'm not sure if he gets what I mean. 
"Well, I'm the great Mammon so of course, I'm great." He laughs and blushes just a little. 
I shake my head. "I mean all of this is still pretty crazy to me, so it's nice to see that you are so relaxed."
"You have it pretty rough hm? Well, I will give you my number, so you can call me when ya need someone to talk to." Mammon wraps his concern into doing me a big favor. 
"That is very nice of you. I think you will be my first proper friend in the devildom." I give him an honest and grateful smile. 
Mammon looks away, obviously embarrassed. "Don't just say things like that." He mumbles and gives me his number. 
  This meeting goes way better than I expected. I'm very pleased. 
Im sure you all are happy to see at least one of the brothers before the party.
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lorei-writes · 4 years
IkeSen Masamune Analysis #5
I haven’t written one of those in a while. Who knows, maybe I’ll get inspired to put more posts like this together - although I’m not sure if “analysis” wasn’t too big of a word when I picked it. Oh well. It happened already, I presume? So let’s continue onward with that, even if it was a mistake.
1st part: the trauma & the grief
2nd part:  discovering the new meaning to love & getting in touch with himself
3rd part: the pathos of the dramatic route
4th part: future customs & how modern their relationship is (by future standards)
#5: Flaws
It oftentimes seems to me that flaws of character tend to be overlooked on behalf of the great qualities somebody has. After all, why focus on the ugly if beauty is one step away?
Well. My personal opinion is that by doing that, a character is stripped of its complexity and ultimately loses some of its appeal, the flaws being one of the major factors contributing to their overall believability. They make them relatable, are a point of struggle, bring realness into fantasy - so honestly, personally, I lean towards enjoying imperfections. 
As such, let’s look at some of Masamune’s flaws and perhaps wonder how some of them affect him. As always, it’s just my perspective on the matter. So please, if it makes you angry - take a step back. You don’t have to agree with me on that one. It’s okay.
Probably the most obvious one would be his lies - because for a honest and direct person, Masamune lies a lot, even though mostly to himself. He lies to people close to him, consequently keeping them at an arm distance, never allowing for anything possibly presenting his weakness spread to the world. He doesn’t allow himself to hurt - he must be strong. At all cost, every time and every where, and he must always push forward. That by itself, of course, is draining. Perhaps he doesn’t even consider those half-truths and white lies to be dishonest in any way? Does it influence him? It does. It was shown how scared he can be when the one person he has found courage to be vulnerable with could be taken away. It’s one of the factors driving his rather risky choices, it tires him out physically, makes it harder for him to form deeper emotional connections. Generally, I presume it would suffice to say that Masamune isn’t used to somebody taking care of him.
Similarly to the above, Masamune is merciless towards himself. I wouldn’t say he’s addicted to work, but he certainly values it more than himself and his own well-being. He works late hours, is always in the centere of the battle, is willing to accept new responsibilities despite the workload (for example: his route - taking over the impoverished territory and redistributing rice to feed people struck by hunger)... As mentioned in his eternal love route epilogue, Masamune always strove to be deserving of praise, under all conditions. However, is that humanely possible? No. People make errors - and that is okay. It doesn’t come easy for him to accept that. (For example: an event in which he and MC were tasked with finding out a culprit threatening lord Nobunaga - I believe Mitsuhide was also in the group, however, it was only our pair that visited the inn. Due to a mistake on his part, MC was almost stabbed. Almost, as Masamune stopped the knife in time. As it was shown later, he didn’t take it well, distancing himself from her and spending the night training; Does it happen outside events? Yes. It can show in many ways, but one of them would be the fact that he doesn’t like discussing his past self and his weakness from that time. He also hides tears, for very long even from the woman he fell in love with).
He’s not fluent in emotion and his entire route is lined with him discovering that the thing he feels is love (more on that in 2nd part of the analysis, linked above). He undergoes tremendous character development.
There’s also another facet to it - despite being technically a character that’s all  about this “fun”, he’s disciplining himself strictly. He’s always holding himself back, pushing away all the needs and desires that interfere with who he thinks he should be. And what can interfere with it? Anything that lasts. Because for all he knows, there may be no tomorrow. Masamune doesn’t allow himself any stability.
Now, those were more of character traits. However, there’s more to Masamune that could potentially be seen as “damaged”.
This may be debatable, however, I do think that one of the reasons behind his lifestyle (not that it’s the only reason and that he doesn’t enjoy it. Only that it’s a thing that could possibly magnify it) is... Well. He tells himself he is ready to die, but for a man that made his peace with death, he clings desperately to anything good about life.
Now, I don’t doubt his motivation. I believe that if a time came and it was necessary, he would sacrifice himself without a doubt. He would live his life as to be a perfect leader, no matter the cost. But since he doesn’t know when the time will come and since he doesn’t want to regret anything, he doesn’t allow himself to live slowly. It must be fast - it may be over before it fully began.
I don’t consider this by itself to be a flaw. I think a part of him enjoys it. However, I presume that this ongoing intensity combined with little close connections (remember, he’s still a lord to his vassals) can be draining at times, almost desperate.
I’ve already talked about the trauma related to killing his father. However, I think that another traumatic event overlooked in his case is the loss of his eye - and I do dare to say that it was really bad by itself as well.
And I don’t mean just pain. Well. I’m chronically ill and I don’t think I would lie much if I said that being forced to alter your routine is really hard at first. I don’t think that it would be a lie to state that losing a part of functionality of your body can be traumatic by itself as well.
So, he lost sight in his eye first. As such, he was seen as a nuisance by his family - he was hated and this hatred was internalized. For a child to wish they were never born...? It hurts. It hurts a lot, much more when it’s the people, who should protect you, who hurt you like so. He was “defective”.
Now. He decided to take it out. To just get rid of it, to cut it out of himself, to let it be part of the past. He didn’t need to, but he did. Possibly because this eye was a part of his weakness and that he couldn’t have. And this time, it must have hurt again, this time physically.
And by the end of it? He was left with a scar on his face, another reminder of his own perceived imperfection, reminder of a flaw. The all-so-confident Masamune doesn’t generally show it to people - when they fall into the lake and he needs to take off his eyepatch, he tells MC it’s okay to look away. She doesn’t even have a chance to think about it, and he already tells her it’s not a pretty sight. Despite all the temporary lovers he had, there was never any other person before MC who he allowed to touch his scar.
Now, why to even mention all of that? Aren’t there enough positive qualities that I could talk about instead?
But even that all aside - isn’t all in the past? I don’t think so. In moments where he gets pulled away from the reality, Masamune still reaches for his missing eye and instinctively covers it with his hand.
Well, sure. Let me put it like so:
With this everything, he could have easily caved in. He could turn to pure egoism, he could fund his own whims and be a medicore ruler. He could be selfish.
But, at the end of the day, he chose for his goal to be to allow people to have a future in which they don’t have to go hungry. Where they don’t have to struggle to have this basic need met, as it wasn’t so obvious then.
Because he cares about others so much.
I don’t think this really shines through with his flaws being ignored. And sure, plenty of that stuff needs to be worked through. But... It is only that despite this struggle, he still retained his heart - and as we’ve been informed in his eternal route epilgoue, he was a really sensitive and empathetic child.
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readingsbylibramc · 3 years
birth chart reading for @phoneixfromtheashes
hello! welcome to your reading. I’m gonna give you a quick overview of what I’m going to analyze about your natal chart. feel free to ask me anything if something isn’t clear, of course. you’ll find out your dominants’ influence on your persona, your physical appearance, impression on others and the way you approach the world; your ego, identity, the real you; your reactions, your desires, inner emotions; your way of expressing your feelings, your mind and ideas; your desires and approach to love; your energy tank, instincts and temperament; in-depth analysis of each house with their rulers and analysis of heavy aspects; love life + soulmates/karmic partners interpretation; your relationship with your friends; your family life; your approach to career and work in general + possible jobs suggestion; your style, fashion sense analysis; life purpose and past life description; basic transits’ analysis to describe your current mood and, last but not least, your secret skills, how to make the most out of your soul and manifest what you desire based on your birth chart.
🦋 chart shape, dominants
your chart is a locomotive shape. this means that you're a very ambitious person, with a lot of energy. pluto has a big influence on you, and your life revolves around understanding your feelings, transformation and emotional growth. the empty part of your life is what you have to develop, hence your family, career life and also your mental health.
your dominant planets are mars, venus and the sun. you are definitely a very charismatic and charming individual! you have high standards and big goals for your life that you are motivated to achieve. you could come off as a know-it-all as you're quite confident, but you have a very caring and affectionate side to you that others may not see at first.
your dominant sign is aries. you may have a reputation for being impulsive and straight-forward. you don't like beating around the bush, especially when people purposely get on your nerves. on the other hand, you're very loyal and generous when it comes to your loved ones. you're very opinionated, and you always wanna make sure that your voice is heard. you're proud of yourself.
your dominant element is air. in your life, you adore seeking for knowledge of any kind. you may be interested in studying different subjects, from those you study at school like science, maths, literature etc. to more unconventional ones, such as astrology, psychology, criminology and so on. you enjoy interacting with people; even if you’re not that sociable, you’ll still be interested in their point of view and their ideals, as you see it as a way to expand your own mind. you’re also interested in vintage, and you may have a retro aesthetic or just like history in general.
🌎 ascendant in sagittarius, 19° / 2nd decan ruled by jupiter and mars
you see the world as an adventure. I feel like you typically don’t relate to sagittarius ascendant stereotypes; sag risings are usually very happy-go-lucky, they smile often, but pluto being conjunct to it may change things a bit. you’re more of a loner, you’re not as extroverted as other sagittariuses. you may relate more to scorpio rising, actually. ironically, you often look sad or angry. you have a knack for philosophy, and your favourite is most probably ‘you only live once’. you tame dying before making the amount of experiences you want to have in your life, hence you could even be impulsive sometimes. you’re the type to always be up to crack a joke or anything that can make you and others smile, yet when someone gets against you, it’s over for them. you have quite of a sharp tongue, you’re pretty blunt and straight-forward. in fact, you may often get in troubles due to your impulsiveness, which may be misunderstood. you have an incredible charm to you; it’s not like taurus’ or libra’s, those are more related to physical traits. sagittarius people, on the other hand, are surely very talented at something; maybe, at school you were one of the best students, and everyone recognized it and appreciated you for that; people understand your potential, and you may often receive compliments for your skills. basically, your personality is charismatic. due to pluto being conjunct the ascendant, I feel like you may even struggle too much with pessimism during your first years, but in case you are, you shouldn’t be. jupiter is also your dominant planet, and it’s willing to give you the best of luck if you respect its themes. hence, you need to have faith in the universe and be optimistic. try to look more at the positive sides in life and even in people. physically, sagittarius is all about abundance, hence you may have trouble losing weight. you could have big bones, or at least something bigger on your body that doesn’t make you look like a victoria’s secret’s model. you’re more on the thick side, in fact you probably have a pear/hourglass body shape, with wider hips and/or thick thighs and lower body in general. you could also have wide shoulders, and something big and memorable on your face as well. maybe you have a very distinctive nose, or perhaps your eyes are almond-shaped. your forehead and lips could be pretty wide as well. I’ve also noticed that sagittarius people have a very lively sparkle in their eyes, even though they may be very dark. it’s like having two/three tiny diamonds at the centre of each of your eyes.
sagittarius ascendant conjunct sagittarius pluto: pluto, combined with your sagittarius rising makes you look a little bit naive. people may try to take advantage of you, and to defend yourself you tend to become bossy. you’re really competitive, and feel the constant need to prove others’ wrong, even though it’s not the best way to do it. in your life, you could encounter lots of enemies that may try to stop you from transforming yourself. or maybe, your grandfather is an authoritative figure in your life and in your family’s in general, and his influence has a big impact on your life. also, something I’ve noticed about pluto conjunct ascendant individuals is that they may feel unhappy when they’re young. as time goes by, they transform and become as they want, which makes them feel more satisfied with themselves.
🌞 sun in capricorn, 28° / 3rd decan ruled by saturn and mercury
you are an extremely hard-working and responsible person, even though you may struggle with self-esteem as a child. in fact, you're quite insecure about yourself. you're a perfectionist, you always want to be at your best state, and that could pressure you. since you were a child, you always took care of your responsibilities, in fact you probably didn't find yourself at ease around your peers at school. you get along more with older people, or that are at least as mature as you, as you grew up sooner than other kids, with a strong sense of duty. you tend to be a bit too materialistic; for example, when thinking about a gift, you immediately think about something material that costs money, not something handmade, for example. money is very important for you, and you aspire to achieve a great status in life. you're also quite pessimistic, you never set your expectations too high, mostly out of fear. you're constantly afraid that things could turn out the way you don't want them to be, as you always want to have everything under control. because of that, you may even appear as bossy or snobby, as you may have the impulse to control people as well. you don't do it out of malice, though, it's something very subconscious that comes from fear. fear of not being able to achieve your goals and being criticized by others.
capricorn sun conjunct aquarius venus: you enjoy peace and harmony. you want your surroundings to look all neat and clean, and same goes for the people you surround yourself with. you wish people saw you as easy to approach, even though you may struggle with your image. you try to be as formal and kind as possible with people you don’t know well, unless they start getting on your nerves by disagreeing with your opinions or being too bossy. you’re very feminine, not only in your looks and manners but also in the way you dress. you’re quite romantic too, and dream of having a perfect marriage. the downside to this aspect is that because you take so much care of yourself, people may mistake your self-love for vanity, especially with your capricorn sun. also, your self-esteem may depend too much on others’ opinion of you; you may start thinking you’re ugly and unworthy of love just because someone told you you’re not their type, to sum up.
🌙 moon in aries, 1° / 1st decan ruled by mars
you aim for greatness. this is where your strong desire to be the #1 comes from, pretty much. you're very proud of yourself, and you don't like to acknowledge your mistakes. you always want to look like you have your life together, even in certain moments when you feel lost. I would say that this is a sort of self-sabotaging mechanism, as you can literally go as far as forcing a smile if it shows the world that you can stand by yourself. overall, I would say you deal with your emotions in a very 'child-like' way; after all, aries is pretty self-centered. you tend to preserve yourself more, unless someone really special to you is involved. in fact, aries moon makes you really protective of your loved and trusted ones, even though they're not many because of your high standards. you're also very honest, you speak from your heart. while it's a positive trait, you may be too blunt and ruin your relationships because of that. you're both smart and fast, hence you may get annoyed when people mishear or misunderstand your words
aries moon conjunct aries mars: your feelings are very intense. you may tend to react aggressively, or at least overreact. you feel the constant need to express your emotions, but you also want to be understood by others. you tend to be aggressive because you're actually afraid that others may be the first ones to hurt you. you don't really do it with malice, it's your way to defend yourself from eventual enemies. this placement also indicates that your childhood / family life was or will be quite turbulent. to cope with this placement, I'd suggest you to be a little bit more mechanic when you express your feelings. you don't have to hide them, just try not to vent all your anger around.
aries moon square cancer jupiter: you enjoy making different experiences and living your life to the fullest, making you also a risk-taker. you may lack self-control. with this trait you get bored easily, and you may have a reputation for being flaky. you tend to overindulge; you may spend too much money, or even develop eating disorders like binge-eating. at least, you're able to build your life again and have a fresh start, but you risk to get stuck in this cycle. you have the potential to master different talents, but you may struggle to develop them due to this placement. you're a procrastinator, and you find it hard to focus on more things at the same time. you may also attract people with different beliefs and ideas from you, causing you to fall out with them easily. there are also positive sides to this placement, though! you're probably naturally lucky, even though luck may not always be by your side. you have a nice sense of humor, making you more likeable to contrast your pluto conjunct your rising.
🗣 mercury in aquarius, 14° / 2nd decan ruled by uranus and mercury
mercury is exalted in the sign of aquarius, so this is definitely a beneficial placement! you have a very distinctive way of thinking and speaking. you don't like being like others, you don't follow trends. you're probably the trendsetter, and you may find confidence and pride in your ideas and opinions. some may even define you weird, but you have very strong beliefs that could actually be helpful for the world. you're quite 'ahead' of others from this point of view, you're able to find beauty in things without being influenced by others. for example, you may follow a fashion trend before it gets viral. you are able to come up with very innovative ways of solving problems, you're extremely creative. you may even be the type to invent your own words, or perhaps you love learning and reading new words, you have a wide vocabulary. you're also probably interested in science and any darker or logical topic, you want to use your words and theories to change something in the world. you want to leave an impact, maybe even help others through your mind. you have a very witty sense of humor, you most likely speak fluent sarcasm and you're also very astute. I would say that the only problem with this placement is that you may come off as a know-it-all. you're proud of your intellect, you can't help but show it off, but obviously others may be jealous of you or feel attacked. for your voice, I assume you have a very particular tone, maybe even a nasal voice. mercury is also retrograde, so you may have troubles communicating your thoughts in a clear and understandable way. due to this, people may misunderstand your ideas and opinions and viceversa. you're more introspective, you're better at thinking than speaking, which may make you more of a listener.
❤️ venus in aquarius, 0° / 1st decan ruled by uranus
when it comes to love, you actually step out of your comfort-zone! aquarius is unpredictable; that is, you're not into clichés. sure, you need a loyal partner who's stable both emotionally and financially, but at the same time they must have something unique about them. you're not the type to fall for the first guy you see down the street. in addition to that, you're not into the typical, cheesy romantic stuff. you want your partner to be a friend, not only a boyfriend/husband. you want to feel able to talk and vent to them, just like you'd do with a friend, but also someone that is willing to stay with you through thick and thin. you hardly fall in love at first sight, and you act quite casually around your crushes. in fact, most of the times you come off as so detached that you hardly look like you're interested in someone. people could get intimidated from you because of that, in fact sometimes you just wish you could be the one taking the lead and ask others out, and maybe you do. also, you need a partner that can stimulate you mentally. you can't stand a boring relationship with no amusement and excitement, you want someone that can constantly surprise you in some way. in fact, you'd probably choose brains over looks. last but no least, you hate feeling committed. that doesn't mean that you're unloyal, not at all. but you can't be with someone possessive that wants to take control of your life, it would be the death of you. you're able to stand up on your own.
aquarius venus conjunct aquarius neptune: this placement balances your strict, detached aquarius venus combined with your materialistic earth energy, giving you a place in your heart for romance. you probably dream of a love like those you hear about in fairytales; you're not only looking for a partner, you literally want a princess/prince, who's willing to give their all to you. you find yourself daydreaming often about love, and it may also be your source of inspiration for creativity and art in general. probably, you may idealize people too much; that is, you may create a version of others that only exists in your head. hence, once you get to know someone better, they turn out to be the exact opposite of what you thought. this causes you to be sort of naive when it comes to relationships, so pay extra attention to this problem now that you're aware of it.
☄️ mars in aries, 0° / 1st decan ruled by mars
you're very impulsive, it's natural for you to act before you think. you're motivated to pursue your goals. you're a natural born leader, you love being the boss and being seen as a point of reference, even though this could make you seem a bit bossy when working in groups. people may see you as fearless, but that's because you don't think much about your decisions. even if you make a wrong choice, you don't give up and try anything to solve it. in fact, you can't stand losing. you're a serious competitor, you always strive for the 1st place. that's also caused by the fact that, with your capricorn sun, you're likely afraid that people could see you as too weak, and then take advantage of your kindness. you're very defensive, but your purpose isn't hurting others, but protecting yourself.
aries mars square cancer jupiter: you easily come off as more assertive and arrogant than you actually are. you say things impulsively, and sometimes you’re too blunt and hurt people’s feelings. you don’t do it on purpose, though, there’s no malice behind your acts; it’s just your natural way to express your opinions. you’re also very competitive, and this may make you look selfish. on a positive side, you probably have a naturally nice body (or maybe you react fast to diet/workout). you’re a risk-taker, and if you’re not you should try breaking the rules sometimes (obviously not doing illegal stuff lol). in fact, it’s when you’re both physically and mentally active that you’re able to come up with even better ideas, as you’re full of creativity. to cope with this placement, you can try doing something fun to challenge your mind, basically get out of your comfort-zone. of course you don’t have to overdo it, but it would be beneficial.
🏡 houses
your 1st house is in sagittarius, with also the sun, chiron and venus placed there. you come off as someone very sympathetic and bold, you're probably the fun one in the family or in your group of friends, even though pluto's presence conjunct the ascendant may delay this energy. you are very charismatic, you have a witty sense of humor and people are always pleased to have you around, as you're able to light up the room. people always see you as someone easy to talk to, someone trustworthy. you probably have great problem-solving skills or, otherwise, you just ignore your problems and wait for time to heal. you're also quite spiritual, you may be sensitive to higher entities and you could possibly also be religious. chiron is also here: your deepest insecurity is your appearance, your identity. it may be that when you were younger, you used to struggle a lot with your appearance. you could have been bullied, or perhaps you could have suffered from an eating disorder. luckily, this placement can get better. in fact, you can gain wisdom from this wound of yours; you can heal others who have self-worth issues once you start loving yourself. your sun and venus here definitely make you very attractive! people often find you charming, even if you're not conventionally beautiful there's something about you that makes you attract people. you'll become more confident and aware of your charisma as you grow up.
your 2nd house is in aquarius. neptune, uranus and mercury are also placed there. your relationship with money isn’t stable at all. you may often go from periods where you earn a lot of money and possessions, to other times where you lose all of them all of a sudden. same thing goes for your self-esteem, it fluctuates a lot. you find beauty and aesthetic in material things; you most probably love clothes, art, music… anything that isn’t exactly a priority in life, but that allows you to express your personal taste, which is very refined. this placement makes you very creative, and hence you could make money out of your creativity. it would be a great way to find a job and become successful, but also to increase your security and confidence. you could even be a very innovative person, and with your capricorn sun you would make an excellent leader / boss. you could also make money through internet or with technology in general. looking ridiculous is your biggest fear, hence you end up overworking to prove yourself that you're capable to do anything you want. you have a slow way of thinking and speaking. your voice may sound really calm and pleasant to hear, yet still strict and ambitious. you’re probably a good singer, or at least have the potential to become one. you tend to overthink a lot, but you eventually get to a conclusion and stick to it. no one is gonna change your mind. you enjoy learning and working in creative ways; you might enjoy using powerpoints, flashcards or maybe study with your friends, or listening to music. you also probably have a nice, aesthetic handwriting and you like organizing your agenda. your voice is probably very soft and youthful.
your 3rd house is in pisces, with also the moon and mars placed there. when it comes to speech, you’re most likely more introspective. you may not be much talkative, and most of the time you keep your ideas and thoughts to yourself, but actually it's hard for you to hide them. you may be secretive, but you're easy to read. you learn the best when you’re close to creativity or imagination, you’re very intuitive and hence it's easier for you to learn new topics. while you're very empathetic and you're able to properly convey your thoughts and feelings in your speech, you may also come off as sensitive or even insecure. you may have a quiet voice, and hence you could come off as shy. on the other hand, you may have the tendency to lie, or just being confusing in any way. you may not always express what you want crystal clear, as you want to able to modify the story just in case you encounter some hardships. also, you never truly express your feelings, probably out of fear. probably, the way you elaborate your thoughts is also influenced by your family and the impact they had on you. you’re always vague, and you keep your private matters for yourself. pisces is a mutable sign, so you may also find yourself changing ideas often, your mind wanders from one thought to another. your intellect is your greatest strenght, it’s your energy tank. you’re interested in a bunch of things, and hence you may have troubles staying focused on one thing at the time. you probably have tons of hobbies, and you may end up not being much precise since you have tons of things that you have and want to do. you can’t stand boredom, you need your day-to-day life to be exciting and, above all, offer you something new to learn and / or experience. you're very curious about the world, you always want to be informed about the latest news and everything that surrounds you in general. this could make you love gossip and journalism, for example. in fact, you're quite chatty, you love talking to others, and you're likely to have a good sense of humor as well. you live to fill up your mind with knowledge, and you love sharing what you learn with others. in some cases, you may even come off as a bit of a know-it-all.
your 4th house is in aries. while outside you may appear as very polite, when you feel comfortable you actually become way more fiery. you’re very impulsive in your home environment, you could have been some sort of warrior in your childhood. maybe you used to argue a lot with your parents, perhaps because they were too overprotective. yet, I don't see any kind of trauma. you may have a very strong emotional bond with your family, even though you may argue often as you're all pretty sensitive and impulsive. you could be particularly attached to your mother, even though you used to argue a lot. you may also have a foreign background to you, perhaps you moved houses a lot when you were younger or you were in contact with people from all over the world. you could have also travelled a lot, you got to make lots of experiences growing up.
your 5th house is in taurus. you are a very creative, artistic person. you’re able to relax by watching netflix, eating, writing, painting… anything that can be done at home. you’re not the type to hang out too often or party all night, you’re more of a homebody. you could also love sleeping in, just being able to stay in bed all day wearing comfy clothes is a vacation for you. you always try to be at your best state, and you want those who surround you to be perfect too. it's hard for you to fall for someone, as you take everything in consideration: personality, physical appearance, fashion sense... it may look like it is too much, but once you find the right one that truly satisfies your standards, you're in for a long ride. you'll want to travel, live your life in the best way possible with the person you love.
your 6th house is in gemini, with also saturn sitting there. in your daily routine, especially at work, you have to communicate a lot. you come in contact with lots of people, or maybe you write stuff like blogs or books. generally, you have a very hectic schedule, as you have different hobbies and appointments that you can’t abandon. this placement indicates that you may be prone to overwork yourself, as you put a lot energy in your job. you could be quite superficial in a certain sense, and you’d risk to waste your potential with as you may take your job as a challenge, for example, you need to feel mentally stimulated to like it. in fact, your ideal career has to include something that allows you to express your personal taste, ideas and interests. in this way, it won’t feel too heavy to you, and you’ll find pleasure in working. as for your health, you may have problems with your bones, for example with your back or teeth, or to your lungs. you may suffer from anxiety or asthma, for instance, or anything that doesn't allow you to breath properly.
your 7th house is in gemini. jupiter is also placed there. in a partner, you seek someone intelligent that is able to keep up with your rhythm. you don’t have time to nurture someone, you want them to fully understand you. in fact, you may be more attracted to older partners, as they’re supposed to be more mature. I don’t see many issues arising in your marriage life, it will probably be very peaceful, but it may take you a while to find someone you like. you’re a picky person when it comes to love, you want someone hard-working and responsible with a big brain, yet they should also be quite outgoing and funny. you need mental stimulation, someone that is a constant adventure for you and that is worth exploring. you may meet your future spouse at work, according to your chart. otherwise, you could meet them in a bank, in a restaurant, at a concert, at the mall… also, they could help you gaining more confidence in yourself. you may be the type that likes making new experiences regarding love, and you often date your crushes. yet, you feel too limited in a relationship. you don't enjoy committing to someone if that someone isn't perfect for you, you're only completely loyal to the one you consider your true love. you can't give up your freedom, your thirst for adventure and experiences for someone else. basically, your ideal partner would be a risk-taker, someone loyal but not too clingy, that is down to go on a road trip in every moment. someone impulsive, that could help you stepping out of your comfort-zone. you're probably into those youthful love stereotypes, e.g. high school dates. you want your relationships to be filled with excitement, you despise boring, traditional and cheesy things. you may also find yourself being attracted to unavailable people; that is, you could fall for people that are already taken, or maybe they're physically unavailable, e.g they live abroad or in another city in general. you're also attracted to foreigners, and people that have a wise, yet bubbly aura around them.
your 8th house is in leo. you have the potential to become a very successful individual, with a great amount of charisma. yet, since the 8th house is related to pluto, the malefic planet of transformation, there are some hardships to this placement. in fact, you may have the tendency to look down on people that aren’t as open-minded as you are. I have the same placement, so I understand that it’s not easy at all, but you should learn to accept respectful people’s opinions. if you do that, you’ll finally be able to glow brightly. you’re very curious when it comes to taboo topics, you like learning about them. you’re probably into conspiracy theories, as well as matters like astrology, tarots, horror, tragedies, mystery... you can use them to transform yourself and grow up, so you could definitely use this birth chart reading to improve yourself. 8th house is also the house of karma, and yours is kind of strange. you may often feel like you’re right about something, e.g the sky is blue. you’re very proud of your observation, but then it turns out to be different. it’s like the universe is constantly teaching you new things. luckily, this is something that gets better with time.
your 9th house is in virgo. at school you were a very diligent student; you were practical, precise and organized, you enjoyed studying at being the best in class. yet, you could be quite bossy at times, as you could come off as a bit too arrogant but you're just very dedicated. on the other hand, you're also very intelligent and open-minded above all, you could feel particularly drawn to foreign cultures and languages and you could be naturally skilled. you may also get to travel a lot or even move abroad at a certain point in your life, you're definitely a citizen of the world and you hardly ever have prejudices.
your 10th house is in libra. you have an eye for aesthetics, and you want to have a reputation for looking classy and mannered. basically a lady, but that knows how to stand up for herself. in your ideal career you need something that makes you express your need for beauty, possibly even justice. you may have a passion for poetry and literature in general, or maybe you could be particularly skilled at fashion. you have a natural talent to match colours with undertones, body shapes, vibes etc., and you could make this particular ability of yours a job. you’re also a charismatic, strong-willed speaker, hence you could also do well as a lawyer, a politician, an activist etc.
your 11th house is in scorpio. you are extremely picky with your friends. you have trust issues, probably caused by your karmic issues again, that make you secretive around your friends. you may close yourself in your shell, or maybe you actually know a lot of people, yet you only consider a few of them your friends. most of the time, you may also befriend people that try to take advantage of you, people may betray you often. or perhaps, since there’s a possibility that you understand that, you could be the one who leads the group and acts quite bossy. this is something that gets naturally better with time; actually, your friends will be of great help for you to grow up. you may have big dreams for your future, yet you may feel intimidated as they’re very intense, and hence hard to make come true. you need to pay your karmic debts in order to finally feel comfortable with others and have the motivation to achieve your long-term goals.
your 12th house is in sagittarius, and pluto is also sitting there. you're particularly interested in religion and higher beliefs, hence meditation would be effective for you. yet, you need to get enough sleep, or you could not be able to fully embrace the spirituality of this placement. you may also be able to have prophetic dreams, or at least they have a strong moral beyond them. possibly, you could make lots of good dreams, even though you do have many nightmares as well. perhaps, your dreams could bring you luck; for instance, you may dream about the winning numbers of the lottery, or maybe they may warn you about certain people or events in your life that could harm, you are strongly connected to your higher self.
❤️ love life, soulmates
in love you attract gemini, sagittarius, leo, virgo and taurus. your future spouse will most probably have sagittarius, virgo and leo placements, hence they’ll be very hard-working, intelligent and witty, but also very cheerful and a bit moody. it may be love at first sight, and you may find them very attractive. you may also meet at work, or you're going to be introduced to them by your family or friends. or perhaps, you're going to marry someone older than you, and you meet them later in your life, around your 27s/28s and so on. your children will be heavy in taurus and libra placements, hence they’ll be very creative and quite lazy too, they'll probably love eating and they will like playing around. yet, they could be a bit too stubborn and sometimes materialistic.
👶🏻 family life
your mother is a very fiery person, with a short-temper. she could have sometimes even been quite violent with you during your childhood, and she might have a bit of a childish behaviour. deep down, she’s actually kind of insecure with her role as a mother. she may have aries, libra or leo placements in her chart. your father, on the other hand, is more submissive. he’s a peaceful person, even though he most probably has a passive-aggressive behaviour. you could actually have a better relationship with him rather than with your mother, or at least he understands your needs better. he may have libra, taurus or scorpio, as well as pisces in his chart. if you have siblings, they most probably have pisces, capricorn, virgo, gemini or aquarius placements in their chart. you have a great relationship with them, even though it could have been a while for you to get along. overall, your relationship with them was peaceful.
📊 career
you could do well at a variety of jobs to be honest! with your gemini in the 6th house you could actually work in different fields before sticking to one career, hence you’re pretty experienced. I certainly see you being successful in your career, you will most likely work alone and you'll most likely be a boss or even famous. you're very hard-working, so I can see you having your own business for example. otherwise, you may also do well in an aesthetic field, you probably have great creative talent. you may be an artist, a creative director, a screenwriter, a writer, a singer, a musician... or even more practical jobs like lawyer, judge, possibly also a therapist or psychologist. you'll settle down on a career that will make you feel emotionally fulfilled, you'll truly enjoy what you do.
👕 fashion sense, style analysis
you probably have a very particular style. it probably describes who you are. you may be into traditional pieces of clothing that are always a must: cardigans, blazers, plain t-shirts, jeans etc. you probably wear natural shades of colours, hence white, beige, grey etc. or maybe also pastel colors. you may also be into retro fashion trends, especially 70s/80s. you don't like following fashion trends, you prefer making your own.
👁 past life, life purpose
in your past life, the focus was on yourself. maybe, you had troubles with self-esteem and identity in general. you had to work hard and finally understand who you were to fulfill your past life purpose. hence, this lifetime your focus will be on the bonds you create with others. even though at first you might feel almost scared to the idea of marriage, this lifetime you're here to develop this matter. after all, you may despise love for your troubled past. with your north node in the 7th house, you're naturally lucky in love. there's nothing to be afraid of, you only need to take small steps and open your heart to someone, putting your worries and insecurities aside.
🤔 major transits analysis / august 20
transit moon is currently conjunct your natal venus in your first house. this placement indicates that you could be feeling particularly moody lately, but also very affectionate and needy, you're craving attention. you may dream about your loved ones or even about your crush or partner for example. also, with transit jupiter in your 2nd house conjunct your uranus, you may come across unexpected luck in these days, so pay attention to any signs! they were most likely meant to be.
🧿 manifest what you want, secret skills
the best way for you to manifest is idealizing and acting at the same time. you have both energies combined in your chart, which is great actually! I’d suggest you to first picture what you want in your life, and then do something concrete to manifest it. for example, let’s suppose you want this gucci bag; first, think about it deeply. then, you could try going into a gucci shop and just walk around, maybe even touch that bag. you’ll get results if you believe it! it’s also great to write and read/listen your own positive affirmations, such as 'I love my gucci bag’, 'the gucci bag my mom gave me is amazing’ and so on.
this is the end! thank you again for booking a reading, hope it resonated with you :)
-libramc xx
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diesukitsuki · 3 years
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Hi Hi, 💜 Anon! First of all, you’re so sweet. I’ve been having a bit of anxiety, and Your message literally made day, muah! Also please don’t be nervous, i’m really happy that you reach out!! (and your english is perfectly fine dw and don’t apologize!!)
I wanted to answer this ASAP bc i felt like this was something that needed to be answered quickly.
As for posting stuff on your own blog, i want you to know to please take my advice and words with a grain of salt. I do this as a hobby and im not a professional tumblr blogger/writer.. also i’m kinda dumb 😭.
I want you to know that no matter what people will love and dislike the things you write. I’ll be honest, It’s kind of tough out here, emphasis on ‘kinda’. People will literally eat up any kind of content on their favorite character, so it’s kinda easy to get some kind of traction..
but sometimes your fic doesn’t get the attention you thought it might get, and it breaks your heart a little.. but it’s okay! Just because one fic doesn’t get attention doesn’t mean the others won’t get attention.
there are also bitches that complain about everything and will tell you just to make you feel bad, just for the sake of making you feel bad. You should never listen to those people, especially when it’s not critique, because if they really wanted to bitch about the way you write, they should write their own shit.
What you should really focus on is writing for you.
I know, I know.. an overused phrase, but it’s one that rings true. Because at the end of the day, the main reason you want to share your stories is because you want to spread your brilliance, your pride, your joy. If you’re not happy, then your fic isn’t going to be happy, which means in your eyes, your fic will never be good enough for you. (notice how i said for you?)
I think you have real potential, though. The prompt you gave me was magnificent and something I wouldn’t have really thought of. I’m really excited to write it.
Other than that, here’s some stuff i wish people told me:
« Your first draft doesn’t have to be your final draft:
Idk if it was just me, but i used to just write all my fics down in one go and send them out.. i mean i still do, but only for drabbles bc i don’t take them seriously. I recommend you writing out all of your fic down and don’t look back..
This helps especially if your brain is working so fast that you just want to spit shit onto your paper.
it doesn’t have to be perfect.. it can literally be a simple ass sentences with a bunch of typos. You just have to get the basic idea of your fic.
then rewrite it on a new doc/paper… like actually think about what you write down when you go off of your first draft. Don’t tweak it on the same doc.. kinda like an essay in a way?? idk if that makes sense.
For example:
1st doc: Bakugou begins to go to school with a frown, and saw a tree that reminded him of you. He feels better.
2nd/final: A grimace weighs his lips as he began trudging his way to school, his body hunched over. If he didn’t have his heavy ass backpack breaking his back, he would’ve thought his brain was too heavy for his body. Bakugou lugs his head back as he hears the breeze wrestle with the leaves. A floral scent hits him, and before he knows it, he’s dazzled by the sight of delicate pink flowers. All he can think of is you. The backpack still bites at his shoulders, but at least his chest feels lighter.
Of course, it doesn’t have to be as wordy as mine. Do what makes you feel good!! what makes you feel proud!!
and the final product does not have to be the second draft. it can be the third, fifth, or sixth draft!
« space out your paragraphs!
It kind of hurts people’s eyes when they’re all bunched up together. Most people (including me) tend to log off of the fic when things are all squished together.
I tend to separate my paragraphs based off of what it’s talking about.
For example; lets say you’re describing the way a bedroom looks then you want to talk about the family dynamic your character has. You would space those out.
« don’t be afraid to look up synonyms!
I feel like this one is really obvious, but when people tend to use the same words over and over again. It can make your fic seem a bit dull, so liven it up with different kinds of words!! It paints your fic better :D!
« Don’t be afraid to let people read and comment on your fic before posting.
this ones is pretty straight forward.
« After you’re done writing your fic, read it over and wait a bit before posting.
I don’t know about you.. but sometimes i get ideas right after i post my fic. Sometimes letting your head roam with thoughts can produce new ideas or new sentences that’ll make the fic even better!
« Don’t be like me and post in the middle of the night
I recommend posting it when people are awake and off from work and school!
« having an aesthetically pleasing layout for your blog/fic
God, i hate saying this.. but when you have a pretty lay out.. it really attracts the viewers attention.
You can go here for the dividers!! I also find that going on desktop helps a lot when doing your lay out.
I wish i could help you more on the aesthetic side.. but i’m literally shit at it 😭..
agh.. that’s all i can think of right now. sorry for rambling 😭..
Again don’t feel nervous!!Please feel free to send me another ask if you have any more questions. I’d love to answer them!!
Again, please take my advice with a grain of salt. This is just stuff I do to make myself satisfied with my fic.
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