#2pm headcanons
chicken-fifi · 9 months
Junho (2pm) Headcanon | He Has Amnesia
Pairing: Lee Junho x GF!Reader
Requested by anon: hello! can i request amnesiac!junho x gf!reader 2pm please? thank you
Genre: angst
Warning: as i was writing pregnancy decided to come into my mind to make this even more heartbreaking, sorry but this can always be ignored in an expansion, it was just a sudden thing as i was writing
A/n: ngl, you guys have been requesting some really sad content, or at least it feels that way while i'm writing everything. on a lighter note, i 100% thought this was a request with a sexual prompt for the october event at 12:57am on a tuesday (🥴). this is a kind reminder for everyone to get an acceptable amount of sleep and not deprive your body of proper rest. because if you do, you will think that completely innocent words are somehow pornographic or something like that. anyways, happy reading (i will be mentioning this at the beginning of the headcanons because i am not actually sure how many of you read the author's note but i find this too funny not to share).
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Before I get into this, I need to tell you the brain fart that happened to me as I was preparing this headcanon
My brain, at 12:57am on a Tuesday was convinced that amensiac was some sort of sexual term and this was meant to be a request for the October event (ie. something sexual)
It was not
Google has to correct me
How does dear Junho end up in this situation anyways?
I've decided that during a drama shoot, some part of the set falls apart
Maybe a beam or some sort of wooden design that is very heavy
It's falling with a trajectory straight towards one of the child actors on set
He's the closest and manages to push the child out of the way but the prop, beam, set thingy falls on him and knocks him unconscious
Why this?
Well, I played a game a lot time ago and this happened and it just popped into my head
Any who, his manager calls you immediately to let you know what just happened and you agree to meet up at the hospital
His family and some of the guys are also on their way after you and his manager began making calls to let people know before they found out through dispatch
You're first to arrive at the hospital but you can't get passed the front desk of the emergency room until his sister gets there and his manager comes to get both of you taking you to the room where your boyfriend his hooked up to all sorts of machines with bandages around his head
(i swear this is not a kdrama)
Eventually everyone who is able to get there arrives and is huddled in the hospital room attempting to comfort one another
At some you and his sister step outside to get away from it all for a few moments when his mother yelps out that he's awake
Rushing back in you immediately go to an empty space beside him asking him if he's alright, hand reaching out before he flinches away
"Who are you?"
You never thought your heart could shatter with only three words, but there you were frozen
And it wasn't just you, everyone was shocked
Moreso because Junho had been talking extensively about his future with you
So this was a shock
He loved you
And now he'd forgotten you?
"I'm your girlfriend?"
He still just stares at you in confusion before looking at his mother
"Can you ask this woman to leave?"
It was his tone that sucked the life out of the room completely
But you wasted no time in exiting the room heading to the end of the hallway and standing there in complete shock
Someone joins you eventually but you can't be bothered to process who it is as you stand there lost in your thoughts
Mainly because if he can't remember who you are
How is he going to be okay with the fact that you two live together
Even worse, the fact that you had just found out you were pregnant that morning with his baby
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rirubennii · 5 months
Hypothetically, what if Sonic was a heavy ass sleeper who took really long naps whenever he could. Like 10 hour naps. He goes to Tails and is like "I'm gonna take a quick power nap wake me up if anything happens ^_^" and then sleeps like a rock for 17 hours. and as SOON as he wakes up he starts doing stretches like "aw man that was a good nap!!"
What if, in this hypothetical scenario, his longest recorded "power nap" was like 36 hours.
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hotdamnitsmoony · 5 months
rip regulus black, you would’ve loved lizzy mcalpine
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variousqueerthings · 11 months
the fun of having put out the "bj's moustache is gay culture" post while also headcanoning first and foremost that whatever bj is, it's not actually gay but something way funnier and more fucked up
#what im saying is that hawkeye is sometimes bj's wife but not in a gay way#it's the opposite in a way of how frank burns desires hawkeye carnally and is so mad about it being really gay#and that hawkeye is queer in a gender and a sexuality way that means he can slide into whatever mold someone else desires#and margaret is a transmasc who will give herself that crew cut when she's in her 60s#and everyone will mistake her for a lesbian but actually she's gay for men#but hawkeye can be a girl for her if he wants#bj and frank both represent the lie of the american dream but in different ways#(that is they both went to war on a promise about smthinsmthin american duty masculinity etc)#but while I'm absolutely on the frank is gay choo choo train#idk with bj it just seems a bit boring as a read to end it there imo#especially as it's generally agreed upon that his character was so broadly written#i prefer to play in that broadness personally but hey if u wanna tag that post as gay bj i get where that comes from#ilke yeah for sure the moustache is gay culture - 70s gay culture#also tbh to get serious for a sec it was very weird getting into the mash fandom while this whole thing was going on#and i think it kept me from getting totally into it from the first jump - lot of judgement on headcanons#lot of *this is all of fandoms opinion on xy thing and if you say something different you're wrong*#lot of treating headcanons and meta as serious discussion pieces rather than just... engaging with a piece of fiction#(this not about analysing outdated elements of the show am talking the character and not-so-serious meta)#all of this to say: pls dont be weird on this post they're called headcanons for a reason#it's 2pm and i am pulling an all-nighter to hit a deadline#we're feeling fragile gents
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hiimcanadia · 2 years
Okay one more thing before I go to sleep
There are a good handful of fics out there that involve Stede feeling guilty/confused/nervous about his feelings toward Ed, whether because he’s the first man he’s ever been attracted to, or specifically the first man he’s ever been in love with, or occasionally because it’s pre-Act of Grace and he’s still technically married. And I truly love those fics and I fully understand that take, please keep writing those if that’s the idea you want to explore!
But also. Stede is a dramatic bitch who abandoned his family to be a pirate. Do you really think that he wouldn’t consider a ~scandalous affair with a fellow pirate captain~ to be the biggest fckin achievement of the Gentleman Pirate’s career. You think that proven theatre kid Stede Bonnet wouldn’t be having the time of his life going “Oh Edward, we shouldn’t! It’s immoral! Unlawful!” and then giving him and unnecessarily exaggerated wink. If Stede had realized any sooner that he had accidentally seduced Blackbeard there would have been like ten pages devoted to it in his diary, or however many Lucius could stand to write before getting tired of Stede waxing poetic about the irresistible thrills of infidelity. Meanwhile Mary has been seeing Doug for nearly four months now and could not give less of a shit where Stede actually is or who what he’s doing
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blu-joons · 2 years
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There’s an attentiveness in Wooyoung that you always seem to bring out, although he likes to think that he cares for everyone, everyone also knows that there’s an extra part of that that’s just reserved for you.
Although bickering isn’t Wooyoung’s style, especially as he likes to think of himself as more mature, you’re the one that brings that side out of him. You can often see him biting his tongue as he doesn’t want to say anything to you, but eventually he can’t help himself as you bring the bickering nature out of him.
He’ll always be by your side whenever he can tell that you need comforting, no matter how much you protest that he doesn’t need to worry about you, Wooyoung will never listen to you. He knows you better than you know yourself at times, especially when you want to try and convince him that you’re alright.
It’s usually rare for the two of you to disagree, you’re both good at shutting an argument down before it surfaces and sets off between you both. Wooyoung is the more likely of you both to carry something on though, especially when he’s absolutely confident that he’s the one that’s right. You can’t help but laugh sometimes at how stubborn he can be, but that just ends up usually annoying him even more.
You couldn’t really remember getting to know Wooyoung, it always just seemed as if he’d been around. Your first meeting was so long ago that over time it seemed to just blur together with the rest of the years that you’d spent together. You were pretty thankful that you couldn’t remember it really as you dreaded to think what you might’ve said to Wooyoung when you first met him as a child.
Wooyoung’s family treated you as good as a member of their actual family, mainly because that’s exactly what it felt like you were after so many years around them. Just like the two of you, they struggled to remember a time when you weren’t by Wooyoung’s side and making people laugh by how stupid you were as best friends. You just always seemed to be around, which was something they loved.
Being together is the most important thing to Wooyoung when you guys hang out, if you want to stay at home, he never minds, but if you want to go out somewhere then he’ll be more than happy to offer to drive at the same time too. Most of the time, Wooyoung will simply do whatever it is you want to do.
The two of you have a habit of correcting the other whenever they make a mistake, especially when you’re speaking. If you stutter or say the wrong word then Wooyoung will tease you about it, but you’re always ready to get your own back when he gets confused about what he’s trying to say as well.
Together it feels as if you have so many inside jokes that it’s an impossible task for you to be able to remember them all. You have so many jokes that you forget most of them, and so that moment when you suddenly remember one of them is like gold dust, that you have to tell the other person about as soon as you can.
There’s a pride in Wooyoung that refuses to let anyone else even think of themselves as your best friend, as that role is definitely his. If someone acts as if they know you or if you’re super close with them, Wooyoung won’t be afraid to challenge them and embarrass them when it inevitably gets revealed that he knows far more about you than they do, reminding them too that he’s your best friend.
Wooyoung got a kick out of making you laugh, being the reason for your smile was a huge deal to him as your best friend, it almost felt as if it was his responsibility to do that for you. He loved knowing the way to tickle you, and especially bring a smile to your face when you were needing cheering up.
He loved how understanding you were of who Wooyoung was and what Wooyoung did, and how you always supported Wooyoung no matter how busy he was with his work schedules. If he had an event coming up, you’d try and be there to show your support, or if he wasn’t able to see you for a couple of weeks because of a lack of time, you appreciated that work needed to come first for a little while.
The two of you first met when you were in school, but aside from that your memories were pretty vivid. You could remember just being around Wooyoung when you were growing up, just like how he could always remember sitting beside you and trying to copy your homework when he constantly forgot his.
He was silly at the best of times, but anything that Wooyoung reserved for the sake of his image when he was out and about or busy with a schedule for work was forgotten about when he was with you.
Wooyoung was obsessed with your laughter, it was a sound that he never tired of hearing from you. Even if he wasn’t the one that was making you laugh, just knowing that you were happy was more than enough for him.
He loved the moments when the two of you were able to reminisce and reflect on the many memories that the two of you had made together. Talking about the past was something that Wooyoung loved to do, and with so many memories between you both, the conversation never came to an end.
You always were checking up on each other, the wellbeing of the other person was always a priority for you both. It was always the first thing that you talked about whenever you got together, seeing what was going on.
Alongside the many ornaments that he had up on his shelves at home, Wooyoung also had many souvenirs that he had bought on various trips and adventures with you. He loved having keepsakes, especially when the two of you had been abroad to remember the memories that you had together in his home.
He loved the fact that you were still willing to support him after so many years, Wooyoung was honestly surprised that you weren’t bored of being around him and the boys. Quite often he expected to not see you somewhere, and yet you’d still surprise him and show your face, wearing a wide smile too.
Exploring was something that Wooyoung loved to do, and it was something that he especially loved to do with you too. If there was somewhere knew that he wanted to go, you were always the first person that he’d call.
He never took you for granted more than anything else, Wooyoung always promised himself never to do that with you.
If he had even the slightest inkling that something wasn’t quite right with you, Wooyoung would go to your place and see you. Even if just a text seemed a little odd, he’d make sure to see if you were alright.
He prided himself on being good at giving advice, especially when it came to you after so many years of knowing you too.
Although the two of you weren’t hugely affectionate with one another, you never shied away from giving Wooyoung a hug or poking him when you wanted his attention or for him to listen to what you had to say.
You were his constant, Wooyoung couldn’t really remember a time without you.
He liked to have you stay at his place usually so that Wooyoung could take care of you. He’d always go above and beyond for you as making sure that you slept comfortably was something important to him.
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conrad's version of a coffin is being underneath two weighted blankets at the same time. he makes a nest out of them. boy's uncrushable.
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majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
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Pov: it's 4am and you haven't slept but You Can Fix Him.
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bruisedconscience · 2 years
self-indulgent tmi / n.sfwish james hc:
James tries wearing a packer for a few months and after he gets used to the heat of having it against him, he decides to try a packer that's also an stp. as a well-off doctor he doesn't jump sTRAIGHT into the custom, top-of-the-line cosmetic ones for his first, but he tries one of the mid-range models that is essentially a packer that's been molded into an stp, rather than a device that's cheaper / thinner & intended to focus solely on function rather than texture / weight.
The whole reason I started writing this was to say he walks RIDICULOUSLY when he's wearing his packer. His back is even straighter than it was after he got top surgery. He crosses his legs differently and takes up more space and he has a nice harness for it (or even special underoos) so he's not constantly paranoid abt it falling from his slacks,,,, He's got more CONFIDENCE and I LOVE that for him.
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chicken-fifi · 1 month
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Nichkhun A-Z - SFW Jun.K A-Z - SFW Taecyeon A-Z - SFW Wooyoung A-Z - SFW Junho A-Z - SFW
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goldfish-afterhours · 5 months
Genshin Characters During Finals Season (College AU)
Characters: Zhongli, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Albedo, Bennett, Childe, Kaeya
Type/Genre: Bulleted headcanons, comedy
Warnings: Foul language, slightly suggestive humour/for comedic purposes
Calm and collected at first
As the days go by, Zhongli would start looking more and more like a tired dad
Walks around slightly frowning, bags under his eyes from all nighters, and clutching a mug of coffee so hard that people are afraid it’s gonna break, but even more afraid to tell him to be careful
Has heat compresses on the back of his neck and forehead to ease the headaches from the lack of sleep
Probably told Childe to shut the fuck up and mind your own business when he warned him about his cup
“Childe, if I do not kill this final I will kill you in its stead. Leave me be.”
Probably part of one of those student care organizations that makes care packages for other students
His smile when he hands out the packages is so bright and healing it could bring back the dead
Always motivating his peers and tries to keep everyone’s spirits up
Offers to get everyone in the study group coffee
He’s not the best at school but he has a lot of friends that are willing to tutor him and do his assignments help him with his work
Likes to snack while he’s studying
“No giving up yet! Let’s take a snack break, you’ll think better with something in your belly.”
Chills at a coffee shop with a big friend group to “study”
They do jack shit
Probably spends more time staring at the drink menu than his exam notes
Grade A procrastinator, does all his homework the night before it’s due and studies for exams the morning of
Due tomorrow do tomorrow amiright
Always seems to do okay tho?? People wanna scold him for his bad study habits but he actually does okay in school so they can’t really say anything
Doesn’t study hard but parties 100x harder
“Come on, live a little! If your exam is at 2pm, you can just start studying at 9 tomorrow morning and you’ll be fine.”
Pulls all nighter after all nighter after all nighter after all nighter after-
No one can ever find him during the day on campus or in his dorm—it’s like he despawned and just does not exist
Only time he is spotted by others is always at 3am in the morning like a cryptid and he looks like a zombie
He’s actually working a part time job along with going to classes and helping others with their work. An angry looking good boy.
Studies in the lecture halls by himself, blasting music as loud as he can on his headphones to keep himself awake
Mf going to go deaf is2g lower ur volume boi
“…hey. I’m getting a coffee, do you want one?”
Plans his time meticulously. Has an extremely organized planner where he writes out exactly what he’s going to do at every hour of the day so he can maximize his week
Includes mealtimes, breaks, and poop times relaxation periods
Usually studies in his room, but for some reason people keep barging in on him to ask for study help so he has to find different hiding places to work in peace
So far, the best place has been the graduate students lounge. No he does not belong there, but no one questions him because it looks like he does
“If you really need my help, I have twenty seven and a half minutes between lunch and my bathroom break this Thursday. Come find me then.”
(Rejected quote: “What’s my masters in? No no, the only thing I’m a master of is your mom.”)
The type of person to have the “please don’t talk to me I have work to do and if you talk to me I won’t stop” sign on his back while working in the library
Fell asleep while completing an assignment
Missed the midnight deadline for said assignment
Slept through the exam the next morning
At this point just let him sleep at least he won’t have to deal with it then
“That was a good nap…now I got the energy for my assignment and the exam!”
Would be a good student if he wasn’t bothering other people so often
Probably bakes when he’s stressed. His roommates are always awoken at 4 in the morning to the sound of the oven beeping and the heavenly smell of freshly baked cookies
Has a friendly rivalry with Zhongli. He always asks when Zhongli will be turning in an assignment, and what mark he’s aiming for for the final exam
Turns in the final paper at least a week before it’s due and aims for ten percent higher than Zhongli on the exam
If he needs bonus marks to reach that then so be it
Otherwise slacks off a bit
He’d be a really good student if he wasn’t so competitive with Zhongli all the time
“You good, Zhongles? You trying to squeeze a better grade out of that mug?”
This man probably used red bull as the liquid for his instant coffee
An absolute menace and loves messing with people
Tells them that the exam is on a whole other different thing than what they were studying for, or that the due date of a big assignment was changed
Nobody goes to him for help
If you do genuinely need help with a concept, though, he’s more than willing to help
Just make sure to provide adequate compensation for him ;)
By compensation I mean more red bull this man has drank 3 cans in ten minutes please stop him
“What? If they do shit, that only helps with our bellcurve, right? Their fault for trusting me anyways~”
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cowgirlcherrie · 1 year
hiii :) i was wondering if you could do headcanons of modern! ellie
Hiii lovie of course!!!! ♡♡
a/n: this is kinda drabble-ish but would love to do more of these, so keep requesting them LOL! This is a little sporadic but I love it, so I hope you enjoy <3
warnings(?): not really much mostly fluff sfw, with slight suggestive undertones but really if you squiiint
modern! Ellie headcanons
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♡ Ellie would definitely be in college, part of her doesn't know fully why she applied but she was giving it a shot
♡ totally an undecided major, science? teaching? psychology? She really doesn't know at first but settled on psychology so she could get her degree
♡ makes you wear a necklace with her initial on it (totally possessive)
♡ magically always had weed, which was also confusing at first but she just had that good of connections around town with local plugs and dispensaries.
♡ always has a blunt tucked behind one ear
♡ makes you trim her hair because she doesn’t trust anyone else touching anything on her body.
♡ always loosing her lighter so you bedazzled it and she literally never lost it after that, she would rather die before losing that lighter now
♡ if you have stuffed animals, she tries to remember their names but gets them wrong every time
♡ A few months into dating when labels were now on the relationship, would gift you little things and act like it wasn't her.
♡ once gifted you pre-rolled blunts and you were definitely confused but before you could give them back would kiss your cheeks before saying "No take backs"
♡ keys jingle when she walks, and it's loud asf too!!
♡ whenever you can't find her she's definitely in the gym
♡ low-key would get addicted to going in her free-time ( gym rat ellie ?????)
♡ definitely rubs your back while you are studying or working from home, keeps one arm rubbing circles in your lower back and another on her phone, she enjoyed the comfort of being close even though you kept shushing her. (she’s definitely playing subway surfers or scrolling on tiktok)
strong believer that she would accidentally get tiktok famous, but everything she would post after that one thirst trap would be just videos of you
♡ loves dressing you up, quite literally sits at the edge of the bed while you try on different clothes leaning back as you come out of the bathroom,
"Twirl for me doll,"
" I love that color, you should wear that more often"
♡ one day when you see her playing guitar and beg on her lap that you want to learn, Ellie will literally take you to the guitar center the next day to get you your very own
♡ spoils the crap out of you!!!!!
♡ lovesss teasing you and resting her hands on your upper thigh especially when you wear something revealing like skirts or shorts, she tucks her hand way too close up.
♡ touchy touchy touchy! always has to be touching you somehow
♡ leaving kisses on your neck 24/7 because of the way you jump when her lips touch your skin
♡ skincare nights go so crazy, took a lot of convincing, but will be right next to you with a facemask on while you watch a good show
♡ definitely dominant 80% of the time
♡ pet name Warriorrrr ( baby this...doll that) she literally doesn't stop
♡ if you ever go to a party together definitely shares alcohol with you so you don't drink too much
♡ if you are drunk after will take your make-up off and do your night time routine for you
♡ wakes up late as fuck!!! totally wakes up at 2pm like its nothing
♡ definitely mean to everyone else but you.
I'm talking about glaring at people 24/7, crazy attitudes, and people basically asking for permission before they speak.
♡ whenever she catches you doing your natural hair, begs to help which results in her wanting to do it every washday
♡ at first, Ellie didn't understand the hype behind matching fits but does it just for you
♡ overall Ellie is just a simp for you like literally only cares about you, weed, and getting money
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wilbursprincess · 3 months
im already in love with harvey could i get some fluffy headcanons for him <3
Fluffy Harvey <3
Sorrybur (Harvey) x Gender Neutral Reader
Warnings: None!
It’s very nice to get back into posting! This blog is a safe space for people who still like Wilbur’s content and support him getting help for his mental illnesses… so please block me if you’re going to talk shit, ok? We support victims and mental health on this blog <3
Headcannons below cut!
~He’d be really into taking lunch breaks in the office just the two of you.
~And would happily wait until 2pm or later to eat lunch just so the break room is empty <3
~Knows how you like your coffee, and makes it just the way you like it every morning.
~His favorite dates would be takeout and snuggles with a crappy tv movie on in the background!
~If you wanted to go out for a date, little coffee shops or exploring places with rich history would be his favorite.
~Would attempt making you breakfast so you could sleep in on work days.
~We love Harvey, but he’s not adept in the kitchen.
~Or, he would pack you a ‘nice lunch’ as a surprise.
~A ‘nice lunch’ consists of a PB&J wrapped in plastic wrap, an apple, and a bottle of water… but with a cute note.
~He’s a hopeless romantic, and will celebrate any kind of anniversary in your relationship.
~”Happy 2 months since our first kiss!” and the like <3
~His main love languages would be physical touch and quality time.
~Harvey would 100% remember the little things.
~Such as your favorite fast food sandwich, why you’re afraid of bugs, and anything else.
~Loves all your quirks and would call them adorable.
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hiimcanadia · 2 years
Also I’m a he/it Virgil truther and you can fight me on this honestly
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blu-joons · 2 years
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He wasn’t afraid to admit that he paid a lot of attention to you, mainly because Taecyeon wasn’t shy about the fact that he liked to try his best to protect you and make sure that you always had a smile on your face.
As much as you both liked to think that you were too mature to bicker, you both also knew that that definitely wasn’t true. You knew each other’s boundaries, and you knew the sorts of things that you could say to one another too to get a reaction from them and ultimately start another round of bickering between you two.
Most of the time, everything else would be dropped by Taecyeon if he sensed that you needed him there to comfort you. He didn’t care how busy he was, none of it was as important for Taecyeon as being there for him, because he knew above all else that you’d do the exact same for him when he needed comforting too.
You were definitely the one that tended to cause more of your disagreements, with Taecyeon being the much more relaxed and composed out of the two of you. He knew that you sometimes got a little snappy, especially when you were stressed, and so usually Taecyeon would just stand back and let you get rid of it all, waiting patiently and then coming back to you and talking once you were relaxed again.
Neither of you were really sure how, or why, but you both seemed to have personalities that the other person just warmed too almost as soon as the two of you first met. You were drawn to how caring Taecyeon was and how easy it was to talk to him, whilst he found himself wanting to be around you too because of how relaxed you made him feel and how interested you were in what he had to say.
Taecyeon’s family were all incredibly fond of you, especially as the years went by and your friendship with Taecyeon became stronger and stronger. They knew that your friendship was special to Taecyeon which was something they valued a lot as his family too, but it was the more time that they spent with you and getting to know you which led to them being as incredibly fond of you as they were.
Out of the two of you, Taecyeon especially was very wary about the things that you did when you hung out, not wanting to get into any sticky situations. He didn’t mind being seen out with you, the only thing he worried about was you having to interact with fans and answer any of their tricky questions.
The two of you had a habit of not always speaking for a while, but then coming back together as if you’d never even spent more than an hour apart. When you were busy you knew that you weren’t going to be able to talk, but as soon as you had some time for each other, things immediately fell back into place.
Both of you had plenty of inside jokes because you loved to try and tease and annoy your friends. The two of you were wind up merchants when you were with one another, your friends often tried to avoid the two of you as a team because they knew that they were going to be messed about with by you two.
He was very confident as your best friend and knew that no one else could ever come close to being able to replace him. Taecyeon if anything found it funny when he watched someone try and suggest that they were your best friend, as he knew that they never came close. It was an example of what became an inside joke for you both because he couldn’t help himself but to mock how much of a fool they looked to him.
Taecyeon got a kick out of making life a little bit easier for you. Whether it was being a shoulder to cry on, or a practical job that you couldn’t quite do yourself, in whatever capacity, Taecyeon loved to be there for you and be the sort of friend that you relied on for even the smallest assistance all the time.
He loved how you both had been friends for so many years, but still loved being around one another. He never tired of being friends with you, and you never found yourself getting bored either whenever you spent time with Taecyeon. You both still wanted to hang out with one another more than you did with anyone else which was the sign that you both needed to know just how special your friendship was.
The two of you first met when you were working as a makeup artist on one of 2PM’s music video shoots. The group was only just starting out, and so they had little control, but that didn’t stop Taecyeon being impressed with the job that you did, not afraid to let you know how well you matched the brief too.
He loved to be silly around you and know that no one was watching him. Taecyeon could become shy around others, but not with you, because he knew that you were never going to judge him for losing control.
Taecyeon was obsessed with how caring you were, not just towards him, but everyone. His family, friends, and his members too had all been looked after by you during your friendship which touched Taecyeon a lot.
Nothing meant more to Taecyeon than when the two of you were able to just sit, talk, and get plenty off your chest. You didn’t always have time on your side, and Taecyeon worried sometimes that he wasn’t around enough for you, so when you confided in him it meant a lot to him that you still trusted him.
He was incredibly observant, and if he sensed that something was up, Taecyeon would ask. He would push and push until you opened up to him as he hated the thought of you bottling things up all alone.
You were the only person on his phone that Taecyeon had a personalised ringtone for, mainly because you forced him to give you one when you were drunk one evening. You left Taecyeon no choice as you wanted him to make sure that he always knew that it was his best friend whenever the different tone appeared.
Despite many years of having your support, looking out and seeing you watching him still gave Taecyeon butterflies. It was something that he never got used to as he never imagined that someone would support him as much as you did, constantly showing up especially when Taecyeon least expected you to.
Every single year, even if it was just for a weekend, Taecyeon would reserve a bit of time to go away on a trip just with you. He loved that time together, especially as it gave you guys a chance to catch up properly too.
There was no one else that even came close to being Taecyeon’s best friend, and he never wanted anyone else to be his best friend either.
If you weren’t working on what he was working on, Taecyeon would often invite you to visit. Not only did he love you to see what he was doing, but he also gave you a chance to see what other artists were doing too.
Although he knew that he wasn’t exactly the best with advice, Taecyeon tried his best to be as helpful as possible for your sake.
He knew that affection was something that often left you feeling a little bit shy, and so Taecyeon loved to use that to his advantage by making you jump, usually by throwing his arm around your shoulders.
You were just there, whenever Taecyeon needed you, he knew you’d be there for him.
He would never force you to stay at his place, but if you did want to head back to your own place for the evening after spending time with Taecyeon then he would always drive you to make sure that you got there safely.
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