#2x06 spoilers
crimsonxe · 5 months
What if 2x06 spoilers below the cut:
I legit think this might be my fav episode so far and I absolutely LOVE Kahhori. She's like if a Water & Spirit Bender had a kid and I love her abilities as well as her personality to not waver from her people/focus.
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Absolutely beautiful episode and the Conquistadors got off easy.
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petercapaldi · 10 months
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We don't need Heaven, we don't need Hell, they're toxic. We need to get away from them, just be an us. You and me, what do you say?
GOOD OMENS - 2.06 Every Day
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mwagneto · 8 months
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i love you period accurate media
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wolviestars · 9 months
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too fast too late
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milf-lover42 · 1 year
I’ll never be over how Shauna sees the group’s faces in her dream after they’ve eaten the baby. It’s such a fascinating insight into Shauna’s mind to me. Lottie looks practically childlike. She makes an attempt to wipe her face but not in an ashamed way, it’s simply a casual motion to wipe her lip, as if the actual amount of blood on her face doesn’t exist to her and it’s simply a crumb that rests on her lip. It seems like she has orchestrated this, but she’s unaware what they are really doing, as if she doesn’t understand this is Shauna’s BABY.
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Akilah looks terrified, she’s sorry she’s doing this but she can’t help it. She’s almost about to throw up thinking about what she’s doing but she’s just so hungry she can’t help but eat what’s been given.
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Van nearly snarls like a fucking wolf which I find FASCINATING. Van has never been aggressive toward Shauna, but she IS a strong ally to Lottie, and that seems to be enough of a threat to Shauna.
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Taissa is very clearly being seen as her sleepwalking self, with the quick movements, sloppy chewing, and animalistic stare. Natalie is desperately ashamed of what she has done, trying to wipe away the evidence and so sorry that she has betrayed Shauna in such a way but she just couldn’t stop herself. It’s as if Shauna knows neither of them could be consciously capable of this, even in her dream. These two have been her strongest allies and Shauna doesn’t believe they would willingly hurt her in this way, but it could still happen somehow. Natalie also has the least amount of blood on her, like she was the last to dig in, or ate the least and most carefully. Being as respectful as possible until the last second.
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And Misty. Misty looks at Shauna as if she wants to worship her. She looks for a moment like “ah shit, listen Shauna I know this looks bad” but the most prominent message from her expression is as if she is grateful to Shauna for feeding them again. Shauna has been the one keeping them fed for so long. First with Jackie, and now her baby.
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purplexedhuman · 10 months
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#the way aziraphale lets himself feel for a few seconds #and holds on to crowley #before remembering the situation and letting go #i'm not ok and neither are they
- Good Omens Season 2 Episode 6
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gentlebeardgifs · 8 months
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Stede being proud of his boyfriend (2.06 — Calypso's Birthday)
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whumpypepsigal · 3 months
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…… for science ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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angelnicknelson · 10 months
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darcy_the_egg well at least mr farouk had a good time
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Aziraphale's expression here really stuck with me - and I think it may be because it is the moment Aziraphale realizes they aren't having one of their normal arguments.
I actually don't think he understands throughout Crowley's confession - he never fully responds or acknowledges anything Crowley says.
Crowley was prepped for this conversation, Aziraphale wasn't. He isn't picking up the signs.
I think about how Crowley really didn't see where Nina and Maggie were trying to take the conversation. Crowley honestly had no idea where they were going.
I think THIS is when it hits Aziraphale there is more happening here..
It's the first time his expression matches Crowley's.
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And when Crowley says we could have been "us" Aziraphale turns away as he starts to get overwhelmed. It's all happening very fast, and it's just too much.
He's suddenly in a conversation he didn't see coming.
I don't know that Aziraphale has ever looked away from Crowley like this before?
I'm theorizing it's because he's overwhelmed. He's hurt. He's confused, and maybe scared?
His mask is completely gone. He's completely vulnerable.
He's covering with anger already.
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But he's not allowed to retreat. Crowley isn't going to let him get off that easily.
In the same instant that it's beginning, it's somehow ending.
The kiss completely breaks him.
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There's no misunderstanding at this point.
But it's too much.
It's Too Fast.
You go too fast for me, Crowley
Crowley always could pivot faster than Aziraphale. Add on the pressure of some prat (Metatron) watching through the window, and this being the FIRST time they've had such a real moment - I can see where it was just too much.
He has two choices.
Break. Or redirect his emotions to anger.
He chooses to steel himself up against a rising wave of sorrow.
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This also means - had Aziraphale understood what Crowley was saying in real-time they could have come to a better resolution. They could have come together.
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kaafii · 7 months
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Loki 2.06 Glorious Purpose
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odins-sonofmischief · 7 months
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Do you think that what makes a Loki a Loki is the fact that we’re destined to lose be alone?
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petercapaldi · 10 months
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GOOD OMENS - 2.06 Every Day
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littlehobbit13 · 2 years
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From “why should I believe you” to crying over being called family (╥_╥)
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tarttedup · 1 year
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✨unhinged behaviour✨
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booasaur · 6 months
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Vigil - 1x06 || 2x06
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