#3000 Acres
lyledebeast · 5 months
"The western focus was not upon a war of independence from Great Britain as much as a war for the opportunity to gain land. Many land speculators, Washington among them, had their sights set on land in the Ohio Valley since the French and Indian War. Land companies were formed and much had been invested in land to the west. However, with the establishment of the Royal Proclamation of 1763, these new lands were out of reach for American colonists so long as Great Britain controlled them."
"Tell me about Ohio" indeed!
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wilted · 11 months
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so like this is okay but a lion isn’t or tiger or whatever
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vintagelasvegas · 2 months
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Dean Martin at Las Vegas Country Club, undated circa '69-'71
History of Las Vegas Country Club
aka Las Vegas International Country & Tennis Club ('67-69), Bonanza Country Club ('69-70), Las Vegas Country Club (1971-)
In the mid 60s the former Las Vegas Park Race Track was defunct and the landowner was dead. The estate of Joe W. Brown sold the property in '65 to National Equities Inc., a division of Levin-Townsend Computer Corp.
Chairman Marvin Kratter developed the country club. It opened Oct. ‘67 as International Country Club. The name was changed to Bonanza Country Club in Apr. ‘69 after Levin-Townsend bought the Bonanza Hotel & Casino. The property was sold late ‘70 to Realty Holdings (Moe Dalitz, Harry Lahr, Nate Adelson and Irwin Molasky) who renamed it Las Vegas Country Club. It became a private country club in ‘71, and eventually an equity membership Club that has operated as such to this date.
While the country club was being developed National Equities sold some 60 acres to Kirk Kerkorian for The International Hotel, and 20 acres to Clark County for an expansion of the Convention Center. The southeast section was saved for what would be come Regency Towers, Las Vegas’ first residential high-rise.
• Photos of Las Vegas Country Club
All photos from Las Vegas Country Club. Below: (1) Marvin Kratter (center), others unknown, at a groundbreaking ceremony after the country club was already open. (2) Invitation to the opening of International Country Club. (3) Clubhouse. 3000 Joe W. Brown Dr, Las Vegas.
Sources. Race Track Site of New LV Project. Review-Journal, 8/9/65; International Country Club Golf Club Here. Review-Journal, 12/26/65; New Country Club and Golf Course. Review-Journal, 7/16/67; International Country Club Given New Name. Review-Journal, 4/13/69; Bonanza Golf Club, land sold. Review-Journal, 11/4/70.
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intermundia · 4 months
my biggest problem in life right now is that i don't actually know how to find a queer couple who want to live an hour from the city on 20 acres with me. i'm basically wizard-in-a-tower-coded as a person, which is a generally solitary state of being (heyo aroace!!), and i love it out here so much, but i need some fucking hobbits in my life or soon i will start trying to eat the orbs and summon demons while sobbing, like it's perfectly clear to me why gandalf fucked around in the shire, it's lonely as hell otherwise! i'm too awkward and antisocial to deal with this man. i don't want to leave the farm (can't afford rent in town) (don't want to lose my art studio) (don't want to take down my clone wars timelines) (it's really quiet and pretty here) (if i have to move my 3000 books again i will die), and i also can't keep on alone like this, yet finding people willing to move in is terrifying and overwhelming. i tried to date to find someone but i'm wayy too aro to endure that like gahhhhh. where r u sam and rosie 😭😭😭
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animentality · 1 year
Trans exclusionary feminism is stupid for many many reasons but the most damning reason for me is its inherent belief that all women everywhere are victims, and women throughout all of history have been oppressed victims, and this universal victimhood can be shared by all women of all ethnicities and cultures throughout all of time in memoriam.
Equally and universally.
Not only is this not true, but it's especially ironic because terfs tend to be straight white cis women who are ideologically, as well as genetically, related to suffragettes whose main platform was "Why should black men be able to vote? White women are more important."
It's honestly laughable in between the tragedy.
Like oh, women everywhere know the same pain and experiences?
Yes, white women living on a luxurious 3000 acre plantation actually have the exact same experiences as enslaved black women serving under them.
Yes, white women in South Africa had it just as hard as the black female victims of apartheid.
You're so right.
Trans exclusionary feminism isn't just trans exclusionary. Its intersectional exclusionary too. It's white feminism.
But that isn't shocking.
Terfs tend to be middle class white women whose greatest problem is deciding between a Samsung or an iPhone.
And between a Maserati or a Tesla.
I think of that Bill Burr quote.
Where he says that white women have completely taken over the civil rights movement, by swinging their Gucci booted feet over the line and stepping in front of people of color.
That's what I think when I see terfs here and everywhere else trying to insist that "women" are wholly anything.
The fuck they are.
No group is wholly anything.
People are very complex individuals and there is no fucking hive mind of humans anywhere.
Your labels are arbitrary and pointless, as is your Swiss Cheese of an ideology.
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I have never seen a decorative building material like the one they have in this house. Thanks to nicebrite for sending it in. This is a 3bd. home in Peachland, British Columbia listed for $1.529M. However, the ceilings are covered with a product called a "European Stretch Ceiling" (rubberized product that can be easily removed). You gotta see this.
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Is this dizzying or what? It looks like a black mirror. I thought that the ceiling was twice as high. Where the hell did they find this product?
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It's not in all the rooms, like the kitchen.
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But, it's in the primary bedroom. I swear, I thought the room was double its height. I wonder if it only comes in black.
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It's in this bath with some kind of funky wavy green light.
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In the hall.
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The family room.
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It's not in the main kitchen, but it's in the 2nd kitchen.
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It's just about everywhere in the house.
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Not in the secondary bedrooms, though.
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Backyard, patio and terrace.
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The home is located right on the water.
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And, there you have it. The house with the "European Stretch Ceiling." So, you can just peel the rubber off? I would just leave it.
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I had to google it. It comes in designs, too.
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It can be cut to fit. And, it's a "revolutionary technology in home design." You know, they weren't very creative with it.
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There are options. Even clouds and stuff. Price begins at $5.50 sq. ft. and up. Oh, I would leave it up, it wasn't cheap. It's here in the USA, now, how did we not know about this? (They credit it to the French.) And, it's installed in one day. Now, I want a fancy French rubber ceiling in my loft apt.
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strayheartless · 2 months
What happens if Zack, Squall, and Cloud go to the grocery store to get breakfast supplies?
Ha! Squall would have such a headache.
Okay so it would start with Squall deciding “okay I need to get some things in for breakfast tomorrow. Zack’s back from traveling, Clouds decided he lives here now. I need food.”
So he makes a list, hops into the car and is about five minutes down the road when his phone rings and a little sweatshirt covered racoon hand (Cloud) reaches from the back and answers it for him. The car swerved and Squall Jumps out of his skin but Cloud just says “turn back, Zack wants to come too.” From his position strewn out on the back seat.
So after turning around, getting Zack, and then being subjected to drum and bass music all the way to the store, Squall already needs to down industrial strength painkillers before they’ve even gotten to the hard bit. The hard bit of course being keeping track of Zack who immediately shoots off to the drinks aisle for a 12 pack of red bull.
Dealing with Cloud is easier than Zack. Cloud invariably just likes to grab things they don’t need and put them in the cart… the racoon comparison is more accurate then you know. But he’s quiet and he stays plastered to Squalls side with his hood up because “bright lights”.
Zack meanwhile is bouncing around making enough noise to carry across 4 aisles.
Cloud is loading another three packs of hundred acre wood smoked cheese into the cart. Squall takes them back out and gets punched in the arm as they go back in.
Cloud walks to the end of the aisle, spots Zack and nods “five boxes”
“One box” squall says
Cloud rolls his eyes. “Fine, two.”
This was supposed to be a breakfast shop not a weekly shop….
“Ooo mister grumpy pants. Okay, can we get hash browns and make those breakfast sandwiches?”
Squall sighs and snatched the hash browns from Zack and throws them in the cart…. Then takes the five extra cartons of milk, three packs of cheese triangles, six jars of pickles and the two large cans of condensed milk (cloud eats it with a spoon) out of the cart and makes cloud put them back.
By the time he’s at the check out Zack has knocked over two displays and smashed a bottle of wine. The shopping is over 6000 munny because Cloud put the condensed milk and two of the six packs of pickles back in the cart.
Did he get breakfast food? Bu the skin of his teeth yes. He also ends up getting them both car snacks and telling them both to shut up on the way home.
Cloud takes the bags with only his stuff in it and leaves Squall and Zack with the rest. Zack bounces around in the parking lot and nearly gets run over twice.
When they finally get home and get everything away, Cloud leans on Squalls arm and says “we need to get you some ear plugs. You looked like you were going to kill Zack.”
Squall grits his teeth a little.
“You are both a pain in the ass in stores. You owe me 3000 munny by the way.” Cloud digs into his pocket and hands over the cash.
“He’s only here for a week, be nice. You miss him when he’s not here.”
Squall huffs and kisses clouds head.
“I do. I just don’t miss taking him to the store.” They both watch Zack through the kitchen window as he hits Zell and With a struggle bat only to get blind sided by Tifa’s sneak attack.
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mjmenvs3000w24 · 8 months
Blog 1: Connected to Nature
Hello, ENVS*3000 friends! I'm Maia, and I am in my third year of Biological Sciences. Welcome to my first blog :)
I would describe my current connection with nature as a profound yet carefree essence. I come from the city, more precisely, North Toronto; I found myself yearning for nature's embrace from a young age, perhaps triggered by its scarcity in my urban surroundings. Recognizing my affinity, my dad, a nature enthusiast, actively fueled my passion through camping adventures, hiking escapades, and shared moments immersed in captivating David Attenborough documentaries. In the midst of a large Italian family, where the majority remained indifferent to the natural world, I stood out as the quiet one, the nature lover, aspiring Dr.-to-be. Amidst this, my dad became my reliable support, sharing the same passion for the great outdoors. His passion for wildlife and landscape photography became a shared pursuit, complete with my very own camera.
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Photo of a male wood duck shot by Dino Melissa
Despite a bustling upbringing as a competitive dancer for 17 years—which is not exactly an outdoor sport—I surrounded myself with nature books, my dad's photographs, and nature documentaries. Unfortunately, while balancing a hectic city life, the opportunities for my dad and I’s outdoor adventures diminished over the years. However, as I am maturing and expanding my knowledge, I continuously discovered new ways to appreciate nature and its interconnected web of life - not mosquitoes though…
In my quest to inspire others to view nature through a similar lens as I do, I spent the past summer at a wildlife hospital, manning the front desk. Handling cases ranging from fallen hawks to orphaned baby raccoons to pigeons with string around their feet, I strived to educate callers about wildlife while debunking misconceptions. Some common ones are that pigeons are dirty and will give us diseases, and snakes are evil - spoiler alert, both are very wrong! While not everyone appreciated or grasped the educational aspect—some mistaking us for pest removal—many left with a newfound understanding of Ontario's wildlife. Small changes, after all, contribute to a broader impact of protecting our native species. This job expanded my knowledge - which I still try to share with anyone who will listen - and played a pivotal role in further evolving my relationship with nature.
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Picture of an American Kestrel
One place that has bestowed upon me a profound sense of place is my cottage—a haven of tranquillity like no other. Nestled on about an acre of land, backing onto a forest, it teems with diverse wildlife such as deer, coyotes, foxes, turkeys, grouse, and a plethora of native plants. Whether quietly observing the tree line or engaging in summer activities like kayaking and hiking, the ambient sounds of water, wind, and nature's symphony create a genuine sense of place; whenever I am there I feel as if I belong there. It's here that I yearn to escape city living permanently, trading it for the allure of a rural plot of land to live off of sustainably. 
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Picture of the backyard during the winter
The dream of owning a small farm and caring for animals has been a lifelong goal of mine. The charm of sustainable living intertwines with my passion for nature; here is where I hope to coexist in harmony. Through responsible practices and a deep connection with nature, I aim to contribute to the preservation of the natural world, all while feeling a permanent sense of place like no other.
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armedjoy · 1 year
growing up there was this field that was a 15 minute bike ride from my house. it was a long fallow farm of roughly a dozen acres. i dont know what happened to the farm but the neighborhood kids and i were keen on running around amongst the chest high straw grass after dinner, when the fireflies would come out. there must have been thousands of them. we found and marked a slew of special places in the surrounding woods - two trees that bowed together like a heart if you stood in the right spot, a couple of old rusted cars that were totally overgrown, a tree that fell and safely extended 20 feet over a brook, the muddy offshoot/ ditch of the river where you could always find a toad, the abandoned railroad spur that was an unpaved forest road straight to the corner store we'd get our candy at in town. but the firefly field was raw magic.
today its a development of 3000+ sq ft pseudo colonial-garrisons crammed against each other on 1/4 acre lots. and those tiny lawns are kept to a short, chemically perfected green.
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lauralot89 · 2 months
let me share with you some of my recent searches online:
goats per acre
blood volume of goats
average weight goat
how much blood can a goat lose
how quickly do goats replenish blood
Hedingham Castle square footage
How much land does a 3000 sq house take
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bleedingcoffee42 · 4 months
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Nixon Nitration Works on 1930s map. Raritan Arsenal was 3000+ acres next door which was a WWI army ordnance depot.
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spartansuttons · 4 months
So impressed with this campus. Really is quite beautiful and meticulously maintained. Love these entrance signs which are at multiple points of entry. And the campus is huge - 3000+ acres. That’s a lot of space for only 20k students!
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“The power and centrality of the first woman-God is one of the best-kept secrets of history. We think today of a number of goddesses, all with different names—Isis, Juno, Demeter —and have forgotten what, 5,000 years ago, every schoolgirl knew; no matter what name or guise she took, there was only one God and her name was woman.
The Roman lawyer Lucius Apuleius was skillfully recycling the whole compendium of contemporary clichés in his portrait of "the Goddess" as she spoke to him in a vision:
I am nature, the universal mother, mistress of all the elements, primordial child of time, sovereign of all things spiritual, queen of the dead... Though I am worshipped in many aspects, known by countless names, propitiated with all manner of different rites, yet the whole round earth venerates me.
Later ages dismissed accounts of Goddess-worship as "myths" or “cults." But since Sir Arthur Evans, discoverer of the lost Minoan civilization at the turn of this century, stated that all the innumerable goddess-figures he had discovered represented "the same Great Mother... whose worship under various names and titles extended over a large part of Asia Minor and the regions beyond," modern scholarship has accepted that "the Great Goddess, the 'Original Mother without a Spouse’, was in full control of all the mythologies" as "a worldwide fact."
Nor was this an isolated or temporary phenomenon. Commentators stress the prominence and prevalence of the Great Mother Goddess as an essential element from the dawn of human life. From its emergence in the cradleland of the steppes of southern Russia her worship ranged geographically throughout the Mediterranean, the Indus Valley, and Asia as far as China, to Africa and Australia. Historically the span is even more startling:
25,000-15,000 B.C.—with the so-called "Venus figurines" of stone and ivory in Europe, of Nile mud in Egypt, "the Great Mother... bursts on the world of men in overwhelming wholeness and perfection."
12,000-9000 B.C.—in Dolni Vestonie, iechoslovakia, and Shanidar, Iraq, ceremonial burials of bodies coated in red ocher, commonly associated with Goddess worship.
7000 B.C.—in Jericho, the first shrines to the Mother Goddess.
6000 B.C.—the village settlement of Catal Huytik in Turkey, a site of only thirty-two acres, contains no less than forty shrines to the Goddess, in three incarnations as maiden, mother and crone.
5000 B.C.—a statuette from Hacilar in Turkey shows the Goddess in the act of making love.
4000 B.C. —the first written language appears on the temple of the Goddess under her title of Queen of Heaven at Erech (modern Urak) in Sumeria.
3000 B.C.—she now appears everywhere in the known world, in statues, shrines and written records.
200 B.C.—tribal Celts send their own priests of the Goddess to the great sacred festival of Cybele in Anatolia.
A.D. 200— at Tralles, in western Anatolia, a woman called Aurelia Aemiliana erects a carving at the temple of the Goddess, recording that she has duly performed her sexual service (sacred intercourse in honor of the Goddess) as her mother and all her female ancestors have done before her.
A.D. 500— Christian emperors forcibly suppress the worship of the Goddess and close down the last of her temples.
As this shows, the sacred status of womanhood lasted for at least 25,000 years— some commentators would push it back further still, to 40,000 or even 50,000. In fact there was never a time at this stage of human history when woman was not special and magical.
As the struggle for survival eased by degrees into the far harder struggle for meaning, woman became both focus and vehicle of the first symbolic thought. The French archaeologist Leroi-Gourhan solved a riddle of the early cave paintings that had defeated anthropologists of more puritanical cultures when he revealed that the recurrent and puzzling "double-eye" figure was a symbol of the vulva. Similarly in a remarkable sculpted frieze of animal and human figures at Angles-sur-l'Anglin, the female forms are represented by pure abstract triangles of women's bodies, with the sexual triangle prominently emphasized.
How did woman assume from the first this special status? One source of it was undoubtedly her moon-linked menstruation and the mystery of her nonfatal yet incurable emission of blood. Another was her close and unique relation to nature, for as gathering gave way to planned horticulture, women consolidated their central importance as the principal food producers. But the real key lies where the exaggerated breasts and belly of the earliest images of woman direct us to look, in the miracle of birth. Before the process of reproduction was understood, babies were simply born to women. No connection was made with intercourse (to this day Australian Aboriginals believe that spirit children dwell in pools and trees, and enter any woman at random when they wish to be born). Men, so it seemed, therefore had no part in the chain of generation. Only women could produce new life, and they were revered accordingly: all the power of nature, and over nature, was theirs.”
-Rosalind Miles; Who Cooked the Last Supper? The Women’s History of the World
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newaprilia · 2 years
Welcome to VIVARIUM (v1.0)
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After weeks of hard work, it's finally ready.
VIVARIUM V1.0 - Official Release
Vivarium is my first attempt at sharing my weird stuff with the world, in the shape of an inhabited custom neighborhood for TS2.
It's inspiration comes from the movie of the same name, "Vivarium", as well as the popular TS4 100 Baby Challenge.
It was also born from my annoyance with Family Aspiration sims and their constant wants for MORE children. So, I did what any sane person would do, and pitted them against their own nature.
Essentially, the matriarch, Ms. Violet, plays the role of Birth Mother to an entire town of male baby daddies, except there's a twist! One of the baby daddies has alien ancestry. The player successfully wins the challenge if:
They reach the 100 baby mark, using whatever means necessary (except adoption, of course)
 They have an alien baby and therefore find out who the alien baby daddy is.
It is meant to be played like it's TS4 counterpart, with minimal tweaks to the rules. Kinda like, 100 Baby Challenge meets a Find The Alien in Disguise Challenge. The baby mama is also not allowed to have any sort of income, asides from child support! 🥵
50 lots that look exactly the same, for insanity purposes. All baby daddies have the privilege of owning one, as Mr. Jack here is keen to demonstrate.
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One very neat birthing station mommy homestead home for Mrs. Violet.
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Including a real neat tree house in the back for your kids! Clearly, the children aren't the prisoners of this hellish experiment.
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There are a total of 50 baby daddies in this challenge, 37 of which are normal sims, 3 are warlocks, 3 are werewolves, 3 are plantsims and 3 are vampires. It's up to you now to find out who the alien is!
Rules of the Challenge:
Please refer to the spreadsheet!
Mods & CC:
There are a number of Necessary Mods for this neighborhood to work. You will run into errors if you don't have these in your downloads folder. These are:
Custom Skintone Selector - You just have to keep this in your Downloads folder. It keeps the alien in his disguise.
No Sim Loaded
Smarter EP Check
Anti Redundancy
No Stray Respawn
No Townie Regen (search for "notownieregen.zip" to find it in the list)
The Necessary Mods in order for the challenge to be played, unless you want to play the challenge your own way! These are:
Child Support Controller v3.A - So that your birth mother can have a source of income while popping out all those babies
TeenStar PC / PC Omega 3000 - A PC that allows teens to move out on their own
Last Name Chooser (Baby) - So that you can choose the children's last name to be their father's. Note: Last Name Chooser seems to conflict with two Mods by TwoJeffs: "No Smart Milk Drag" & "Same Sex Marriage"
The following mods are Optional / Recommended, as well as some buy-mode cc included in the lots.
Hereditary Supernaturalism
Autonomous Casual Romance / ACR
More Realistic Genetics
Lot Imposter Lights
Thirstiest Bath Mats + Recolors
Maxis Match Wall Cabinets
I've also taken the liberty of including a spreadsheet for easy note-keeping.
Without further ado, happy birthing!
Please feel free to approach me regarding any issues you may find, here on tumblr or through discord @ yanna.psd
And keep me posted on the happenings of your save file!
Have fun, and enjoy.
- April / Yanna
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kariachi · 9 months
Random housing info for my Plumber Brat shit
The Armstrongs live in a 4-story building, with their butchershop and apartment making up the first and second floors respectively. Both are about 3000 sqft (~280 sqm) with the retail space of the business taking up about the front third of the floor space. The apartment is 3 bedroom 1 bath and only really accessible via a staircase on the first floor. In all honesty it's a little small for their needs with Manny and his mom both living in it, Tetramand take up a lot of space and any Manny's smaller size cuts from requirements is more than surpassed by his mom's needs.
The third story takes up about 2400 sqft (~223 sqm) and consists of three apartments and a public toilet, while the fourth story is taken up by a take-away restaurant and an Erinaen 'hawker center' taking up about 1800 sqft (~167 sqm) together.
The Wheelses, meanwhile, live on the third floor of a 3-story building, the third story of which takes up about 2000 sqft (185 sqm) with three apartments. Theirs specifically is about 800 sqft (~74 sqm) with 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. Actually a decent size for a human, an Erinaen, and a hybrid, but once you throw a Kineceleran into the mix... Those fuckers also need space, though thankfully less than Tetramand do.
The first floor of their building is about 2500 sqft (~232 sqm) and consists of an convenience store, a public bath, and a public bathroom. The second floor is the same size square footage and split between 2 apartments, and there's also 2 other apartments on the third floor, one larger than their own and one smaller that's owned by one of Kyxan's siblings and their wife and kids.
The Albrights, meanwhile, live outside Geilla Bohln on acreage owned by Jessie's parents. Their place is a 1-story, 1300 sqft (~121 sqm) farmhouse with 3 bedrooms (one of which is part of the attic) and 1 bathroom. Not especially unique compared to all the other buildings, no, but they do have their own barn, crops, livestock. Makes up for having seven people living there, between Kay and Jessie, four kids, and Kay's mom. Also they have a nice little porch which is always fun to have.
Their nearest neighbors are Jessie's family, who own and work a good chunk of the agricultural acreage of their town, mostly working in a small variety of crops, eggs, and beef.
The Validus family moved into a 2 bedroom 1 bath home, 1-story and also about 1300 sqft (~121 sqm) after Victor got fired. Prior to that they'd had a slightly larger place, like they'd had a guestroom it was amazing, but it was also in Ben's school district and in the name of not getting into more trouble for having the audacity to let Elena be in the vicinity of Max's golden grandchild they picked up and went. The new place did have a little chicken coop in the backyard though, so they got some chickens out of the deal at least.
The Morningstars should not be legal, and that started before Mike turned to cannibalism. Between his mother remarrying and his being arrested Mike was living in the family's guesthouse, a 2-story, about 8000 sqft (~743 sqm) building with 5 bedrooms and 4 baths. It sits on a little over 2 acres of land alongside the about 16,000 sqft (~1486 sqm) main house, a 2-story with 8 bedrooms and 8 baths. Again, illegal. Where he was staying when not imprisoned post this period is, wibbly.
The Levins, here consisting of Kevin and technically Argit, are divided among multiple properties. Argit it's near impossible to keep track of, he spends more time off-world and other such, but they share a 1 bedroom 1 bath apartment in Geilla Bohln. It's about 800 sqft (~74 sqm) in a 4-story building.
The first 3 floors of the building are all housing, with 1 home on the first floor, 2 on the second including Kevin and Argit's, and 2 on the third. The fourth is only about 1000 sqft (~93 sqm) and is entirely taken up by a little craft supplies shop.
Kevin specifically also has a secondary apartment in Bellwood on the sixth floor of a 7-story building. 1 bedroom, 1 bath, this time only 600 sqft or so (~56 sqm) but this one has a balcony, parking included, and came furnished. Not well furnished, but he's not exactly picky. There's 5 other apartments on that floor, another 1 bedroom and a handful of 2 bedrooms.
He specifically is also the one with the most Complicated relationships with his neighbors, no matter which town he's in.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Asparagus Day
National Asparagus Day is celebrated on May 24, and we are ready to eat! Asparagus  production in the United States is concentrated between three states:  California, Michigan, and Washington, and it is best in the spring,  making it the perfect cookout veggie. This versatile vegetable can be pan-seared, fried, baked, or grilled, and it is full of nutrients like fiber, folate, and vitamins A, C, and E.
History of National Asparagus Day
Asparagus  was an ancient vegetable. The ancient Greeks and Romans used it as  offerings dating back to 3000 BC. They used the Persian word ‘asparag,’  which meant a shoot or sprout. The term ‘sperage’ became popular for  many years and, in the 16th century, we find the term ‘sparagus’ used in  English-speaking countries. Peasants called it ‘sparrow grass.’
Asparagus  was brought to North America by European settlers as early as 1655. A  Dutch immigrant to New Netherland, Adriaen van der Donck, refers to  asparagus in his description of Dutch farming practices in the New  World. This vegetable was also grown by British immigrants. In 1685, an  advertisement for Pennsylvania by William Penn displaying a list of  crops that grew well in the American climate included asparagus.
Currently, asparagus production in the United States is mainly in three states: California, Michigan, and Washington. In 2019, the national average asparagus yield was around 4,076 pounds per acre and the total asparagus production was 84.39 million pounds.
Asparagus  can take three years to go from seed to harvest, but the plants will  produce spears for decades, making it a great crop. However, it is quite  labor-intensive, as farmworkers handpick each spear. They carefully excavate around each spear to a depth of nine inches and clip it at the base. That’s a lot of work!
Once  seen as an offering for the gods, asparagus continues to be celebrated  today. In 2019, Oceana County, Michigan celebrated its 46th National  Asparagus Festival. Asparagus is kind of a big deal.
National Asparagus Day timeline
1000 A.D.Asparagus Gets its Name
The Greek word ‘asparagos’ first appears in print in English.
1655Asparagus is Brought to America
Asparagus is brought to North America by European settlers.
1973First National Asparagus Festival
Hart, Michigan holds its first annual National Asparagus Day.
1985National Asparagus Month Begins
Asparagus receives a whole month dedicated to it.
National Asparagus Day FAQs
Fresh or frozen?  
Fresh  asparagus is great but fresh vegetables can lose nutrients quickly if  not used immediately. When frozen, the nutrients are locked in. Either  way, asparagus is full of nutrients and is a healthy option.
When did National Asparagus Day begin?  
National Asparagus Day is a part of National Asparagus Month, which dates back to 1985.  
Can you plant asparagus at home?  
Yes,  you can. Asparagus should be placed in full sun and lighter soil. Water  regularly for the first two years then reduce watering. You can start  from one-year-old crowns to get a year’s head start on seeds.
National Asparagus Day Activities
Attend a festival
Visit a farm
Try a new recipe
Share  your love for asparagus with like-minded individuals at a festival. You  can try Hart, Michigan, or travel to the United Kingdom.
Get  your hands dirty and get some extremely fresh asparagus by visiting a  farm. There are U-Pick farms located across the United States.
Eating  is always a great way to celebrate, so why not try a brand new recipe.  You can bake a cheesy sheet pan asparagus or throw it in a frittata;  whatever your heart desires.
5 Facts About Asparagus That Will Blow Your Mind
It was used as an offering
It requires patience
Salt was the original herbicide
It’s a hangover cure
Asparagus has its own museum
The ancient Greeks and Romans used it as an offering to the gods.
It takes three years from seed to sow.
Modern farmers often rely on chemical herbicides to manage weed growth, but rock salt was the ancient alternative.
The  minerals and amino acids it contains protect the liver from toxins, and  the enzymes help break down the alcohol and alleviate hangovers.
You’ll  find everything and anything you ever wanted to know about asparagus at  the European Asparagus Museum in Bavaria, Germany.
Why We Love National Asparagus Day
Asparagus is versatile
Asparagus is nutritious
Asparagus burns fat
What  can you do with spinach? Sauté it? Throw it in a salad? What can you do  with asparagus? Air fry it, bake it, grill it, add it to eggs, throw it  in a salad, and more. That deserves a celebration.
Asparagus  not only provides fiber and folate, but it is also rich in saponins,  which are a type of phytonutrient credited with reducing cancer risks  and assisting in maintaining blood pressure, regulating blood sugar, and  controlling blood lipid levels.
Asparagus  contains the chemical asparagine, an alkaloid that has a direct effect  on our body’s cells and helps break down fat. Asparagus is also composed  of a chemical that assists in removing waste from the body, which  reduces fat levels.
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