#31 ten of pentacles
April 19th, 2023
1. King Bael: Two of Wands
2. Duke Agares: Three of Wands
3. Prince Vassago: Four of Wands
4. Marquis Samigina: Five of Pentacles
5. President Marbas: Six of Pentacles
6. Duke Valefor: Seven of Pentacles
7. Marquis Amon: Eight of Swords
8. Duke Barbatos: Nine of Swords
9. King Paimon: Ten of Swords
10. President Buer: Two of Cups
11. Duke Gusion: Three of Cups
12. Prince Sitri: Four of Cups
13. King Beleth: Five of Wands
14. Marquis Leraje: Six of Wands
15. Duke Eligos: Seven of Wands
16. Duke Zepar: Eight of Pentacles
17. President Botis: Nine of Pentacles
18. Duke Bathin: Ten of Pentacles
19. Duke Sallos: Two of Swords
20. King Purson: Three of Swords
21. Earl/President Marax: Four of Swords
22. Earl/Prince Ipos: Five of Cups
23. Duke Aim: Six of Cups
24. Marquis Naberius: Seven of Cups
25. President/Earl Glasya-Labolas: Eight of Wands
26. Duke/Duchess Bune: Nine of Wands
27. Marquis/Earl Ronové: Ten of Wands
28. Duke Berith: Two of Pentacles
29. Duke/Duchess Astaroth: Three of Pentacles
30. Marquis Forneus: Four of Pentacles
31. President Foras: Five of Swords
32. King Asmoday: Six of Swords
33. President/Prince Gaap: Seven of Swords
34. Earl Furfur: Eight of Cups
35. Marquis Marchosias: Nine of Cups
36. Prince Stolas: Ten of Cups
37. Marquis Phenex: Two of Wands
38. Earl Halphas: Three of Wands
39. President Malphas: Four of Wands
40. Earl Raum: Five of Pentacles
41. Duke Focalor: Six of Pentacles
42. Duke/Duchess Vepar: Seven of Pentacles
43. Marquis Sabnock: Eight of Swords
44. Marquis Shax: Nine of Swords
45. King/Earl Viné: Ten of Swords
46. Earl Bifrons: Two of Cups
47. Duke Uvall: Three of Cups
48. President Haagenti: Four of Cups
49. Duke Crocell: Five of Wands
50. Knight Furcas: Six of Wands
51. King Balam: Seven of Wands
52. Duke Alloces: Eight of Pentacles
53. President Camio: Nine of Pentacles
54. Duke/Earl Murmur: Ten of Pentacles
55. Prince Orobas: Two of Swords
56. Duke/Duchess Gremory: Three of Swords
57. President Osé: Four of Swords
58. President Amy: Five of Cups
59. Marquis Oriax: Six of Cups
60. Duke/Duchess Vapula: Seven of Cups
61. King/President Zagan: Eight of Wands
62. President Volac: Nine of Wands
63. Marquis Andras: Ten of Wands
64. Duke Haures: Two of Pentacles
65. Marquis Andrealphus: Three of Pentacles
66. Marquis Cimejes: Four of Pentacles
67. Duke Amdusias: Five of Swords
68. King Belial: Six of Swords
69. Marquis Dacarabia: Seven of Swords
70. Prince Seere: Eight of Cups
71. Duke Dantalion: Nine of Cups
72. Earl Andromalius: Ten of Cups
Source: Aleister Crowley’s Illustrated Goetia
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xiaojianggshi · 1 year
Hiya hun, can you do a who prefers an older vs younger partner for &team? Ty 💖
hello!! of course! remember opinions/energies change!
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&team older or younger partners
31 july, 2023
k may be more interested in a younger partner, or someone who is a little more freespirited in terms of overall personality. he may like being with someone who is energetic.
fuma may not be interested in a younger partner. he may believe that younger people are not fully matured enough to not be selfish or think of themselves in a bigger perspective.
nicholas may be interested in a younger or youthful partner, believing that a younger partner would not rush like an older partner would. he wants someone who enjoys what is infront of them.
ej would also be interested in younger, mostly for innocence or naivety partners. he may look for someone who wants to help everyone and is a loyal friend to those around him.
yuma could stray away from younger partners and prefer wiser partners. he may worry that they are selfish and empty. he may believe younger partners may be unsure of themselves.
jo may lean towards a younger partner or someone who has youthful energy. he looks for someone who is active and moves fast, while also knowing what they wants.
harua may prefer someone who has youthful energy. he may like someone who is more optimistic and joyful. he may like people who, in a literal sense, shine with happiness.
taki could also be more interested in an older or more mature person. he could prefer someone who is more stable and less extroverted, but knows and has experienced a lot.
maki would be interested in a wiser partner as well. he wants someone who is not concerned about trivial matters and sort of let go of everything that does not matter to them.
knight of wands, three of pentacles rx., knight of pentacles, page of pentacles, knight of cups rx., ten of cups rx., queen of wands, the magician, the sun, the high priestess, nine of swords rx.
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imsebastiantarot · 2 years
Gee, Brain. What are we going to do tonight?
Seven of cups: 1/1/23-1/31/23- there are a lot of opportunities present here. And he’s having trouble making a decision. This seems like it’s career-wise; he’s getting more chances to broaden his acting career. The options available to him will help him advance in his career. But he needs to find focus on a single path and follow it. Not try to do too much at once.
Ten of wands: 2/1/23-2/28/23- he has struggled and now has almost succeeded. He’s been carrying his talent on a long and winding road. And the final destination is right there. He can achieve it if he can focusss. And not do too much. He wasn’t feeling overly romantic this month, and I don’t mean because of Valentine’s Day but just in general. There has been some difficulty in his life recently.
XVI The Tower: 3/1/23-3/31/23- well well well. Big change is coming. Not necessarily a bad change, but definitely things aren’t going to be the same. In love this means breaking up, (rejoice if ya want) usually because the foundation wasn’t strong to begin with. He’s questioning what love means to him at this point. But worry not Seb, I assure you there are plenty of fish in the sea or whichever turn of phrase you use. This card could be chaotic but it all depends on how he handles it from here.
The unknown card: 4/1/23-4/30/23- this card is unique to the deck I’m using (crystal visions tarot) and I’ve actually never had it come up before 😳. Let me explain this card though. It represents an answer not meant to be revealed yet. To me, this is about his love life. It’s up in the air right now. He needs to look inside of himself and decide if he wants to settle or keep looking. There has been a struggle with just that, a bit of disillusionment with love because of his past. He hasn’t been reaching out as much as he could emotionally, because there hasn’t been a deeper connection there.
Six of pentacles (reversed): 5/1/23-5/31/23- this card can be about the genuineness of giving. Basically it's a warning not to be manipulative while giving. Both monetarily and emotionally. Don’t give a part of yourself just to hold it over someone’s head later. Generosity should come from the heart and not to further your agenda. This could be about him or those close to him. And this card indicates that someone isn’t being genuine while trying to appear so.
Three of wands (reversed): 6/1/23-6/30/23- seems like he will be going through a period of growth during this time. We all have room to grow. This doesn’t mean he will be getting projects necessarily but that he will internally realize that he has come a long way and that will help him. Things might be slow during this time but he shouldn’t try to force it. He needs to focus on himself and figure out exactly what path to take.
Coming soon! More cups! A lot of swords! Aka the other half. Find out what happens, next time on…
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cilis-readings · 1 year
card of the day 8/31
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deck: deck of origin: the ever grande arcana by rodrick josé ruano
card: ten of pentacles reversed
the ten of pentacles reversed can point towards troubles with your family. you might feel like your parents or other adult family members are trying to control you instead of letting you discover yourself. if this is the case, it might be time for you to take a step back from your family life to focus on yourself and making yourself happy instead of trying to live up to what they want for you.
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thelukygirl · 2 years
2, 3, 4=cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn)
5, 6, 7=fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius)
8, 9, 10=mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces)
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Aces :most intense, purest version of the element. They are associated with all signs of that element Ace of Cups=all water signs
Knights: Fire
Queens: Water
Kings: Air
Pages: Earth
The Queens :the cardinal element of a sign (Aries Queen of Wands)
The Knights :the fixed element of a sign (Leo is the Knight of Wands)
The Kings :the mutable element of a sign (Sagittarius is the King of Wands)
Aries Tarot Cards
The Emperor (IV)
Queen of Wands — 1st and 2nd decan
Knight of Pentacles — 3rd decan
Two of Wands — 1st decan of Aries (March 21-30)
Three of Wands — 2nd decan of Aries (March 31-April 10)
Four of Wands — 3rd decan of Aries (April 11-20)
Taurus Tarot Cards
The Hierophant (V)
Knight of Pentacles — 1st and 2nd decan
Knight of Swords — 3rd decan
Five of Pentacles — 1st decan of Taurus (April 21-30)
Six of Pentacles — 2nd decan of Taurus (May 1-10)
Seven of Pentacles — 3rd decan of Taurus (May 11-20)
Gemini Tarot Cards
The Lovers (VI)
Knight of Swords — 1st and 2nd decan
Queen of Cups — 3rd decan
Eight of Swords — 1st decan of Gemini (May 21-31)
Nine of Swords — 2nd decan of Gemini (June 1-10)
Ten of Swords — 3rd decan of Gemini (June 11-20)
Cancer Tarot Cards
The Chariot (VII)
Queen of Cups — 1st and 2nd decan
Knight of Wands — 3rd decan
Two of Cups — 1st decan of Cancer (June 21-30)
Three of Cups — 2nd decan of Cancer (July 1-11)
Four of Cups — 3rd decan of Cancer (July 12-21)
Leo Tarot Cards
Strength (VIII)
Knight of Wands — 1st and 2nd decan
King of Pentacles — 3rd decan
Five of Wands — 1st decan of Leo (July 22-August 1)
Six of Wands — 2nd decan of Leo (August 2-11)
Seven of Wands — 3rd decan of Leo (August 12-22)
Libra Tarot Cards
Justice (XI)
Queen of Swords — 1st and 2nd decan
Knight of Cups — 3rd decan
Two of Swords — 1st decan of Libra (September 23-October 2)
Three of Swords — 2nd decan of Libra (October 3-12)
Four of Swords — 3rd decan of Libra (October 13-22)
Scorpio Tarot Cards
Death (XII)
Knight of Cups — 1st and 2nd decan
King of Wands — 3rd decan
Five of Cups — 1st decan of Scorpio (October 23-November 1)
Six of Cups — 2nd decan of Scorpio (November 2-12)
Seven of Cups — 3rd decan of Scorpio (November 13-22)
Sagittarius Tarot Cards
Temperance (XIV)
King of Wands — 1st and 2nd decan
Queen of Pentacles — 3rd decan
Eight of Wands — 1st decan of Sagittarius (November 23-December 2)
Nine of Wands — 2nd decan of Sagittarius (December 3-12)
Ten of Wands — 3rd decan of Sagittarius (December 13-21)
Capricorn Tarot Cards
The Devil (XV)
Queen of Pentacles — 1st and 2nd decan
Knight of Swords — 3rd decan
Two of Pentacles — 1st decan of Capricorn (December 22-30)
Three of Pentacles — 2nd decan of Capricorn (December 31-Jan 9)
Four of Pentacles — 3rd decan of Capricorn (January 10-19)
Aquarius Tarot Cards
The Star (XVII)
Knight of Swords — 1st and 2nd decan
King of Cups — 3rd decan
Five of Swords — 1st decan of Aquarius (January 20-29)
Six of Swords – 2nd decan of Aquarius (January 30-February 8)
Seven of Swords — 3rd decan of Aquarius (February 9-18)
Pisces Tarot Cards
The Moon (XVIII)
King of Cups — 1st and 2nd decan
Queen of Wands — 3rd decan
Eight of Cups — 1st decan of Pisces (February 19-28)
Nine of Cups — 2nd decan of Pisces (March 1-10)
Ten of Cups — 3rd decan of Pisces (March 11-20)
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numinously-yours · 4 months
hi, dear.
are your free readings still open? if not, just ignore it.
by next year, will I have a love life?
(seriously, it's frustrating being 18 yrs old and never have had a romantic relationship with anyone). 😮‍💨😭
i'm E. 💋♡
Hi E,
First, from me directly and not the cards yet: There is no timeline for when we have to have things “accomplished” in this life. I know it can feel like you’re falling behind when things like this (not having had a partner yet) are happening, but it’s all in the divine timing of life. You’re doing amazing and your journey is different than anyone else’s. I didn’t have my first partner until I was 18, actually. Now I’m 31 and in a good relationship but it’s only been 11 months. I’m not anywhere close to marriage or a family. My little sister has a kiddo, has been with her partner for ten years, and is on her way to getting married. I say this as a way to reassure you that everyone’s journey looks different. I always thought I’d get married first, but the way my life is now is actually pretty lovely.
Now for the cards 😊
I asked the cards for a yes, no, or unsure
I asked what could speed up the process
I asked what could slow down the process
And I asked what steps you can take NOW to get on the path you want
The Wheel of Fortune in reverse
At this time, there is a lot of resistance to this. In your current space and energies, it does not look like it would happen within the next year. The next cards can help inform you of why it might not be working and what you can do to turn this into a more favorable situation.
Seven of Pentacles
There is a big picture you’re not allowing yourself to see because this is weighing on you and taking all your attention. Like I said above, I know that it’s tough. But it’s time to invest in yourself and create the best version of you. Think of things you want to accomplish outside of relationships. Do you want to move onto college? Do you want to go into the work force? Do you want to start your own business? Do you want to explore the world? How can you start meeting those goals? It’s soo cliché but good things really do start pouring in the more you begin to do things for yourself and enjoy your life. Continue to be patient, too. I know this is easier said than done, but do what you can <3
Six of Wands & Seven of Swords in reverse
Continuing low self-confidence and imposter syndrome is going to slow this process down. Please know I do not believe we can just change overnight. I don’t expect you to wake up tomorrow and think OMG I AM THE BEST AND THE WORLD IS AWESOME. It would be great if this happened, but I know it’s not realistic. What is realistic is incremental additions to your routine that builds the confidence. Give yourself a compliment each day. Think like an outsider would think – particularly when it comes to your role in relationships and at work. Would they see a person who cares about others? Would they see the tasks you accomplish at work and think you aren’t doing your best? Or do YOU think you’re not doing your best?
Knight of Cups in reverse & Five of Wands
Right now, the journey to this confidence starts. Think about the expectations that you have for 1. Yourself and 2. A romantic relationship. What expectations are realistic? Do you feel like you are competing with others? Get to the root of why and then ask yourself if YOUR happiness requires you to be the same way as those people. Instead of comparing yourself to these people, list the things that you’re doing amazingly. You have control over those things. Take ownership over who you are, E. You’re pretty freakin cool.
With love,
$1 and $5 tip options available on my etsy: Numinously Yours
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March 31 -April 2
Ten of Pentacles
You truly desire to welcome in all that has magically come together in your life. Your home is full of love, satisfaction, and comforts. You truly desire to express sincere gratitude for accomplishing your material goals and dreams. You also desire permanence and to create a lasting foundation for future success, as well as commitment to a sustainable future. To take into consideration not just the short term gains but also the long-term benefits. You may be desiring to see how your hard work brings deep joy and satisfaction to your loved ones and use this as a way to create the sustainability.
Six of Swords
You can manifest your desires this weekend through leaving behind any negative situations, people, mindsets, or beliefs. It will be a difficult choice. It may even feel painful and impossible but you know deep down that this is the best path forward. Listen to logic. Be well as you walk forward into the unknown. Let go of any old beliefs or mindsets that don't serve you.
Ten of Swords
A resource available to you this weekend is acknowledging where your distractions have been in the past. Be sure not to go back to these distractions. You may have grief from any loss you may experience or have experienced. Understand that the universe clears things away from your life to bring in what is truly meant for you. You have the strength to pick yourself up from the ground. Ask yourself, what did you learn from the experience? And then continue using the positive power within you.
Contact me for your personal reading
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9 of pentacles and/or 10 of cups for the ask game?
hii there, lee! thanks for the ask. 💫💫💫
58. NINE OF PENTACLES: FRUITS OF YOUR LABOR (When will you know that you've "made it"?)
tbh, idk how it'll be like. but i imagine that i've managed to write stuff then i can actually read what i've been imagining. it'll take a long while to get there. but i imagine that's how it'll probably be. *sighs*
31. TEN OF CUPS: AN IDEAL LIFE (If everything works out, what would your career look like in ten years?)
ahh, so, this is an interesting question.
i guess if i'd take the route of a writing career, it might look a lil' shaky? sure, i'd have some successes here and there. but it'd probably put some difficulties. otherwise, it'd probably be stable and something i can manage.
send me an ask from this list?
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irrevasazim · 2 years
Decanly Tarotscope Reading December 22 - December 31, 2022
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December 22 - December 31, 2022 Two of Pentacles, Jupiter ♃ in Capricorn ♑︎
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Path of the Lamp 1. Ace of Wands 2. Page of Swords 3. Eight of Pentacles 4. The Lovers
Diligence and devotion to your work rewarded you doubly by invigorating you with passion and initiative as you carefully honed your craft. Count on the potency of those same faculties that have already blessed you with success to help you instigate new opportunities for communion and collaboration with others and greater spiritual forces!
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Path of the Bell 1. Three of Wands 2. Ten of Cups 3. Six of Swords 4. Queen of Swords
Now that you've left troubled waters behind you you've discovered you're free to go absolutely anywhere. While soon will come the time to come down off your high and make practical choices about your well-being again there is no reason to feel guilty about being selfish by worrying about yourself and making decisions for your own happiness!
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Path of the Cymbals 1. Page of Wands 2. Six of Wands 3. Five of Pentacles 4. Page of Pentacles
You've done it - your journey through a bleak, challenging landscape is complete and now you've made your homecoming to revel in your glories as you share the captivating details of your quests with others. With your return you will find there is much left put back into order after your absence, but for now stand tall and enjoy the moment!
Originally published on Instagram
Also available on Facebook
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kayleightarot · 3 years
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Friday, December 31, 2021 Good Morning! Today we look at Stability, Prosperity, Gratitude   Tarot of the Day: Ten of Pentacles
This ten is a very positive card that speaks, initially, to your financial needs being met and possibly exceeding your expectation, and then to your emotional well-being. This is a financial gain that may surprise you or one that comes to you in a way you didn’t expect.
These things are inextricably bound to your close ties to your family or friends and in their involvement in your business/finances, the work/time they invested, and/or their emotional support of your endeavours. So, share your success with them – and others – even if it’s as simple as kind words of support or gratitude.
💚 You may receive a raise at work or, a better position with increased pay may suddenly appear; one that is more enjoyable on all levels for you. 💚 This is also an excellent omen if you are looking for work. It marks the arrival of the ideal position for you; don't give up,  it's around the corner.
💙 If you are in a relationship this card can indicate a new level of commitment;  engagement, marriage, cohabitation, and childbirth can be indicated. Be sure to share with your partner, how much they mean to you. 💙 If you are looking for a mate, be open; one may be arriving so fast it makes your head spin.
🧡 Regardless of the way the Ten reveals itself to you today, celebrate the success with those who matter to you and share your feelings of happy contentment with everyone you can. Be the light. Gun a-màireach (until tomorrow), Lovelies Peace out…
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bungoustraypups · 3 years
NAME: Anastasia Dostoevskaya
PARENTS: Fyodor & Ivan [Goncharov] Dostoevsky
AGE: 14 (at the beginning of the Hateful Eight) - 21 (at the end of Courtesy Call)
BIRTHDAY + STAR SIGN: December 11th, 2000, 05:31 AM + Sagittarius
GENDER + PRONOUNS: Trans girl + she/her
SEXUALITY: Panromantic asexual
HEIGHT: 7' (213 cm)
WEIGHT: 250 lbs (113 kg)
TAROT CARD: Ten of Pentacles [Wealth; richness; happy and peaceful life; putting your guard down; relax and enjoy; nothing to worry about; good feelings; no danger or harmful things around; acceptance; nothing else to look out for]
AFFILIATION: The Gunslinger Kids + Apprentices of the Armed Detective Agency
SIBLING(S): Andrei (younger brother), Nina (younger sister, older twin of Leonid), Leonid (younger brother, younger twin of Nina), Ivan "Vanya" (younger brother), Zinaida (younger sister), Nikolay (younger brother, older twin of Yury), Yury (younger sister, younger twin of Nikolay), Lev (younger brother), Maxim (younger brother, older twin of Dmitry), Dmitry (youngest sibling, younger twin of Maxim)
SIGNIFICANT OTHER(S): Natsume Nakajima-Akutagawa (boyfriend), Ladybird Rousseau (girlfriend, eventual)
NAMESAKE: Anastasia Romanova
THEME SONG: Once Upon A December - Anastasia (animated film)
ABILITY: White Nights & Crime and Punishment
ABILITY DESCRIPTION: White Nights: traps the user and up to two others inside of a giant snowglobe for an indefinite amount of time, decided by the user; the weather within represents the user's emotions.
Crime & Punishment: Death Induction via touch; she (like the rest of us) is unaware of any other ability it possesses or how the death induction works, but is able to control such induction so long as she does not wish death upon those touching her at any given time.
The first daughter and oldest child of the Dostoevsky family, Anastasia is, by far, one of the kindest members of her family. Most of her life thus far has been dedicated to taking care of and looking out for others, no doubt making her a perfect candidate for joining the ADA later on in her life. She is easily described as a genuine sweetheart, viewing human beings as largely good creatures, believing bad and evil behaviors to be an aberration of human behavior rather than its natural state. She views abilities in much the same light, believing them to be able to be used for good or evil depending on the inclinations of an ability's user; she does not believe abilities make a person bad, even if the ability itself is destructive.
Part of this is a reflection upon herself, as she recognizes the inherently destructive nature of Crime and Punishment, and as such, that is why she refuses to use that ability in any capacity. While Anastasia certainly does not lack in desire to kill (specifically, much of her ire is directed at Ironsides and two of his top-ranking lackeys, General and Sunnyside), she has sworn to herself that she never will. This promise is firm, and one she refuses to waver or back down on. It is due to this very belief that Fyodor worries for his daughter, fearing that she is far too naive about the realities of human nature, and will end up getting used and abused again. Anastasia, however, believes that as long as she has faith in herself and the inherent goodness of humans, she will be able to heal from the experience which left her visibly and emotionally scarred for so very long.
Anastasia is the easiest of the Dostoevsky family members to befriend, but she is that way on purpose, as she hopes to show others that her family isn't truly that bad (even if her efforts are often thwarted by the very family members she is trying to defend so fervently). She is nothing if not persistent, however, and will not give up on a task, argument, or anything else until she feels as though she has made her case as eloquently as she can, or until she has won whatever it is she is working towards. She is no less intelligent than any other member of her family, including Fyodor himself, though she can be a bit air-headed at times thanks to being a chronic daydreamer, preferring to have her head in the clouds more often than not.
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mcrololo · 3 years
hello, cinnamon rolo. pls answer the following: 1, 3, 9, 10, 17, 18, 20, 23, 28, 30, 31, 39 thank you have a nice day ily
Hello thank you please have a nice day too my favorite Pentacle!!
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in? I wanna say Bleach...... But it could be K-On too? I think it's Bleach though, art-wise. But I never wrote for it, I started writing for K-On as my first fandom, I believe
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in? The Bechloe fandom! I've never had a group of people welcome me openly like that, in other fandoms it felt more distant? I don't know how to explain it but yeah, it was really really nice to meet new people so fast
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in? Can I say Marvel because of your fic?? Because it's not even my fandom sgfhjg
18. What ship have you written the most about? Ao3 says I only have one fic for Bechloe, but my heart and notebook says at least ten different AUs, so................ (The same goes for Freezerburn from RWBY)
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking? Okay these are really obscure but this is what happens when you let me rewatch the first movie like 50 times in one year. Amy/Aubrey & Jesse/Benji
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it. Can I name one that I'm still writing (and haven't posted yet because help writers block)? Because I'm trying to work on a Rock AU for Bechloe which tackles a series of problems that I haven't delved into much, but are very important to me to write about. It's challenging and that's what makes it fun, and I hope people who will eventually read it can recognize themselves in these situations and feel seen. That's what keeps me writing
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of? Honestly you can draw anything that was inspired by my writing and I will go bonkers. It doesn't even have to be a specific scene from a fic, just, anything goes
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing? Anyone who tells me they can relate to my writing/my characters owns a piece of my heart. It's really important to me that my writing reflects real people and real problems so that they can see they aren't alone in their situation. Also when I'm told how much I've grown in my writing!
39. What is you greatest strength as a writer? I think it's deep diving into a character's psyche? I don't shy away from the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to background and why a character does what they do. I love thinking about all of that and adding it to my writing
9, 17 & 30 are answered here!
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Sources (One) (Two) (Three) (Four)
Tarotober Day 31: Random Assortment - Knight of Cups - Page of Pentacles - Knight of Wands - Page of Swords
Club concerts were becoming increasingly popular among the Pratt residents. Likely, it was because they were inexpensive. If you came into a club, you wouldn't pay the same premium as going to one of the concert halls, and you could get cheaper drinks than a hall would charge as well.
Plus, well. No one would turn down a dance to one of these songs, with the thumping bass that you felt in your chest.
Jaxson was enjoying it himself, honestly. For once off the clock while at the club, he scanned the dancers in the crowd, his eyes falling on his personal favorite. Not that he chose favorites, he would have insisted. Jaxson wasn't one for settling down, and Lilith knew none of the dancers were expecting him to. Who wants to settle down with the bouncer at the gentlemen's club?
But there was something about the thin shifter who was removing a too heavy sweater, baring a little more skin in a half-shirt skin tight hoodie, that always drew Jaxson to him. Maybe it was the fact that he didn't pursue him for more. Jaxson was the one pursuing, and that was an oddity on its own. Whatever it was, he was greatly enjoying the show Cesare put on, a smirk tilting up the corners of his lips when the dancer met his eye and grinned in return.
Cesare made his way over to Jaxson, well aware of the tip he was about to get for the night. Jaxson always tipped well, even if they didn't hook up, and with the concert ongoing, he was fairly positive they would hook up anyway. And if Jaxson wanted to tip him more for a fun night, well, Cesare wasn't going to turn that tip away. Even if it did make him feel a little bit cheap.
Swaying his hips, he stopped in front of Jaxson, enjoying the wider smile that spread across the man's face as he held out a hand. "Private room?" he suggested, already aware that Jaxson was going to nod. He always did, and Cesare knew it as well as he did.
"Don't mind if I do."
As the dancer and his client headed to the back, they passed a blonde at the bar who was certainly not a regular. It was unusual to see women in the club on their own, let alone one in the type of clothes this girl was.
A pretty blonde fae in what could only be a club variant of business casual, Amalie sipped her drink, smiling to herself as she watched the band perform. Well, it wasn't really the band she was watching. It was the singer out front, the gorgeous brunette with a captivating stage presence. Elsie Catchlove played the crowd in the palm of her hand, and she knew it. And Amalie was certainly no exception to that rule.
As the song came to an end, Elsie gave the crowd a minute to cheer, an occurrence even when in a small venue like this, before she spoke. "We're going to take a ten minute break. Enjoy a couple older records, and we'll be back soon!" Ignoring the disappointed sounds, Elsie switched her microphone off and hopped off the stage, heading directly to the blonde at the bar.
"I cannot believe you actually came to the Allie Cat just to see my show." Honestly, she was amused at how out of place Amalie looked. While Elsie and the band could fit in, given their performance clothes, Amalie would stand out even in that. The only indication that she had attempted club wear was that the skirt she wore settled higher on her thighs than normal, though the tight blazer over her shirt offset that to still make it look too professional.
Still, Amalie grinned back at her and offered up a fresh drink. "It's water," she promised, letting her girlfriend sip heavily before she leaned in for a kiss. "You sound even better in a small place like this, you know. You should play shows like this when I'm in town more often. Though, maybe not at the Allie Cat next time. Not that I mind it here, but um. I've had four different men try to pay me for a solo dance, and I don't think they mean the choreography I'm learning for The Gondoliers."
"No, they definitely don't mean that," Elsie agreed with a laugh, setting her now half empty cup down on the bar beside Amalie's bright cocktail. She had tasted the liquor in her kiss, not that it was a surprise that her girlfriend was drinking. A week off of shows was a blessing, and certainly Amalie was taking advantage of it. "How was your trip? I thought you wouldn't get here until much later tonight."
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jennhoneytheenabler · 3 years
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Five of Pentacles (authentic self)- inclusion, recuperation,conciliation. What people and places do you need to seek out?
Ace of Cups (persona) powerful, emotional, and beautiful experience.
Ten of Swords (past) difficult lessons. Endured difficult times.
The Fool (motivation) to live personal truth even if you or others think the pursuits and goals are unrealistic.
The Tower (motivations from insecurity or wounds) obstacles, disaster, unavoidable changes, avoidance. Upheavals, have you learned anything that might help you navigate your life and relationships in the long run?
Page of Wands (near future) artistic endeavor? Creative block? Impulsive action towards manifesting ideas. Creativity almost solely for own benefit. Express yourself fearlessly.how can you foster a space for yourself for uninhibited self expression?
Queen of Cups (guidance) take care of your own needs first. Be careful not to exhaust yourself in other’s problems.
Nine of Cups (environment) your actions are serving a greater purpose. Be pleased with your accomplishments. Your desires will likely manifest in reality if you keep acting in sync with your priorities.
Knight of Swords (hopes/fears) this card may indicate prejudice, selfish, narcissistic energies around or even in you.where do you draw the line between being determined to get what you want and being selfish at other’s expense?
Three of Cups (outcome) a supportive, comfortable environment that catalyzes creativity.
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8/26/2021 8:31 pm
End of day spread again to wrap up a good day. Spread created by @yourthepower
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What did I learn: Four of wands - a very good day! Received the documents for my sister that needed work, got some exercise and was able to spend time with the fam.
What went well: Ten of cups - communicating and sharing moments with my loved ones... I can't have a family of my own (gay guy living in a very conservative country) so I realize it's important to value the people who are and stay in your life.
What didn't go so well: King of cups - the card depicts a man with emotional maturity but the downside is that he might be keeping his real feelings controlled, hidden and not expressing them enough... I had a conversation with my sister where she encouraged me to look for local groups to share my tarot hobby, and right now I realize that I do want to share this hobby/skill with people but I have not expressed or pursued it much...
Advice/guidance to push through/improve: Six of pentacles - again be generous with my time and resources as well be open to the same from others.
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Episode 41 Review: 78 Pick-Up
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{ Youtube: 1 | 2 | 3 }
{ Full Synopses/Recaps: Debby Graham | Bryan Gruszka }
  Hello and welcome back to my Garden of Evil, where today we begin an especially weird week of Strange Paradise. This is Ian Martin’s final week writing the show, albeit with heavy executive meddling at this point. In previous weeks, some of the things mentioned in the Lost Episode summaries still happened, or certain plot points still appeared with a different outcome, but that mostly stopped last episode and will only happen once more with one more plot point. For reference, here is the Lost Episode summary for this episode:
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Source: Cleveland Plain Dealer (November 7, 1969), p. 84.
That doesn’t happen in this episode. Actually, not much does compared to a typical Monday episode--or does it? Usually, Martin reserves the most important events or revelations for Mondays and Fridays and uses Tuesday through Thursday for less important plot points, recap, and building suspense, but this time we get a Monday episode that’s mostly focused on the latter. This breaks with the previous weekly structure of the show and underscores how hasty his rewrite of Episode 41 must have been.
Don’t believe me? Here’s a list of the most important events that occurred on previous Monday episodes:
1: Jean Paul releases Jacques 6: Jacques gives Alison her first dream about him 11: Alison writes to Dan for help 16: Matt arrives on Maljardin 21: Dan suspects Jean Paul of murder 26: Alison uncovers her first clues about Dr. Menkin’s experiments 31: The cryonics tank leaks 36: The 1st séance
And on Fridays:
5: Dr. Menkin dies 10: Tim and Holly arrive on Maljardin 15: Jacques fires Dan 20: Alison's second dream about Jacques 25: Raxl and Vangie learn that Elizabeth is a witch [didn’t amount to much in the aired version, but foreshadows her original plotline] 30: Jean Paul decides to arrange first séance 35: Vangie foresees her death on Maljardin 40: Jean Paul's emergency meeting
For comparison, here are the biggest events from Tuesday-Thursday episodes: (brackets indicate events that I believe were originally intended to be more significant)
Week 1: Holly escapes Westley House (3), Jacques signs his name on Dan's documents (4), Alison arrives on Maljardin (4) Week 2: Holly flees to Caribbean (7), Dan shows Vangie Jacques' signature (8) Week 3: Elizabeth arrives on Maljardin (12), Tim begins Portrait of Doom (13) Week 4: Conjure Man dies and makes Vangie Conjure Woman (17), Jacques brings Dan to Maljardin (18), [Holly discusses her nightmare about Tarasca (19)], Erica's funeral (19) Week 5: Raxl and Quito show Matt the temple (23), Jean Paul steals the bottle of cyanide (23) Week 6: [Jacques cements his relationship with Elizabeth (28)], [Raxl predicts the possession of other characters with her cards (29)] Week 7: Jean Paul brings Vangie to Maljardin (32), the guests learn that Quito is a zombie (33), [the Holly portrait is damaged (33)] Week 8: [Holly starts searching for the secret passage (37)], [Jacques gives Alison more notes (38)]
So what happens in Episode 41, which feels more like a mid-week episode? Let’s explore it together and see what took the place of the beginning of Elizabeth’s mental descent into the 17th century.
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When Dan enters the Great Hall and tells the other guests where he’s been, both Matt and Vangie give him the side-eye.
Dressed in a dirty black turtleneck, Dan returns from his exploration of the eponymous garden of Maljardin, where he was searching for the missing cyanide and/or the way out (I don't care about either subplot--give me Jacques, dammit!). "What are you all planning?" he asks as Vangie, Matt, and Tim eye him with suspicion. "Another séance, Vangie? Or a prayer meeting, Reverend, to save us all by communication with the infinite?"
Matt asks him where he was and he says that he was searching for the way off the island. "Like Holly," Tim comments, which is the only reason why he's even in this scene. Cue recap, although surprisingly little from Mr. Boring Artist, whom Martin seems not to know what to do with anymore. Considering how bland Tim is, I don’t blame him.
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Vangie making her favorite facial expression.
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But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is upstage right, and the gorgeous but volatile Jean Paul has arrived to bitch out Dan for wanting to leave Maljardin! “Have you been on a journey, Dan?” he asks. “Here on Maljardin, they all meet the same end.”
“And some end in death,” adds Matt, which further angers the master.
“Is that a prediction or a predilection, or perhaps a threat?” Jean Paul asks, because he’s the only one allowed to make death threats on Maljardin. God Jean Paul forbid the Reverend return the favor.
“A fact, Mr. Desmond.” Too bad Jean Paul doesn’t care much for facts.
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Holly is safe for now!
Both Alison and Holly(!) follow him upstairs. Holly says she feels fine now, which she attributes to Alison’s arrival just in time to show Jean Paul Dr. Menkin’s notes at the end of last episode. And then Jacques torments Jean Paul in front of all the detained guests:
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Jacques: “Yes, be discreet. If I make you seem mad, they will betray you...”
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“...and your sleeping Erica in her vulnerable cryocapsule.”
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Holly: “Look at him. It’s like he’s in another world! Just like he seemed to be another man down there in that creepy crypt.”
He reminds everyone that visits to the crypt are off-limits and marches off, ignoring Elizabeth’s attempt to calm him down. Alison shows the notes to her increasingly estranged fiancé Dan and recaps to him about how she now only has five weeks of notes left. Meanwhile, in the dining room...
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In a trance, Vangie solemnly lays a spread of Tarot cards on the dining room table, when suddenly she crushes one within the palm of her hand:
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Matt notices that she is in a trance and Alison rushes over to get her out of it. When she does, Vangie is confused:
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As is the tradition on this blog, I will attempt to interpret the Tarot cards that Vangie has drawn to determine the message. I suspect that Ian Martin deliberately chose specific Tarot spreads to subtly foreshadow planned events (see also my Episode 29 review where I analyze one such spread) in addition to all of the other Tarot symbolism he uses. Let’s start with the cards on the table:
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And their possible meanings, taken (mostly) from Tarot.com and The Tarot Guide:
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The Devil can also refer to the id, chaos, sexuality, obsession, or abuse, but I believe that it’s more likely meant literally here. Death may be meant literally (which is not how it’s normally used in the Tarot), but change would make just as much sense in the context of Jacques’ plans for Maljardin. I had trouble identifying the card at the top, but I think that most likely it’s the Ace of Cups in reverse. Ace of Cups RX can mean (among other things) sadness, unrequited love, or pessimism, but it could also mean a shadow version of Alison, whom Vangie’s previous readings represented as the upright Ace of Cups. Sounds like Rahua, although that’s doubtful because the show has all but forgotten about her. More likely, it foreshadows Alison’s death or another form of undoing.
As for the card crumpled in Vangie’s hand,
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The Eight of Wands seems a very odd choice in combination with the others, because of its positive meaning:
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Success--but for whom? I’m guessing Jacques, which would explain her reaction. The spread implies that Jacques’ plans to steal Jean Paul’s body for good (the change), followed by discontent, sadness, and loss, will succeed.
In the Great Hall, we hear Dan tell Tim and Matt about how, while searching Jean Paul’s bedroom, he found a map drawn by Jacques of the only escape route through the channel. “They’re probably false and intended to lure sailors to their watery grave,” the Reverend speculates, given the cartographer in question. Unfortunately for them, Jean Paul overhears their conversation. “The Reverend knows the Requiem,” he threatens passive-aggressively.
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Jean Paul must have contact with his Erica, even if it kills him as Vangie predicts it will.
Then Jean Paul visits Vangie in the dining room to insist once again upon another séance. She reluctantly agrees, although she feels very uneasy about it. By now the Conjure Woman has laid another Tarot spread, consisting of a different combination of cards:
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And my interpretation:
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The King of Swords--which we know represents Jacques--is reversed, and so is the Knight of Pentacles. As with the reversed Ace of Cups from the first spread, the reversed Knight could either mean the revival of Dan’s 17th-century counterpart d’Anton or (more likely) Dan’s demise. Whether the reversed King of Swords still means Jacques or instead refers to his reversal Jean Paul is unclear, but I think the latter is more likely. The King’s characterization on The Tarot Guide is very negative, but “power-crazed,” “controlling,” and “ruthless” do describe the man Jean Paul has become, and Vangie does predict in this scene that he may soon die. The Queen of Cups, which has previously represented both Elizabeth and Holly, appears upright, as do the Knight of Cups and the Queen of Swords. The Tarot Guide’s description for the Knight of Cups mentions an “artistic, creative” man, which sounds like Tim: the only male guest in Maljardin to not have previously been associated with a Tarot card. The identity of the Queen of Swords is unclear, but I have a feeling that she is meant to represent Erica. The Nine and Ten of Swords indicate that at least some of these characters will die, and there will be no way of preventing it.
Later in the episode, she lays a third spread while talking to Elizabeth:
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My interpretation:
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Elizabeth asks what the cards means, and Vangie gives this curious explanation: “That a woman who seeks love will receive what she gives...Nothing else.” Evidently, that includes burnout (Ten of Wands reversed) and regret/missed opportunities (Four of Cups). But which woman could these cards be about? Is it Elizabeth, Holly, or someone else? Could it even be...Erica?
Elizabeth suggests that Vangie invite her to tomorrow’s séance, then leaves when she sees Matt. They discuss the upcoming séance and Matt tells her, “I will certainly not consent to take part in the circle a second time.” But the Tarot cards say otherwise:
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“What we say is one thing,” says Vangie. “What takes place is another. The Fool. The cards say you will. They cannot change it, and neither can you. The cards do not lie. Forces join the battle. Which is good, which is evil, who knows? You can’t change it, in spite of yourself!”
Vangie lays two spreads of Tarot cards in this scene. The first is too blurry to interpret, but appears to include either the Nine or the Ten of Swords:
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The second--which Vangie implies relates to the events at tomorrow’s séance and which includes the Fool as its fifth card--is interesting:
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My interpretation:
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I did not expect to see the Hierophant--which represents tradition and conformity when upright--in any of her spreads. It just doesn’t seem relevant to any of the themes of the Maljardin arc, unless we count the generational gap between Holly and the establishment. The Tarot Guide gives “reversed roles” as one suggested meaning for the Hierophant reversed, which fits neatly with Ian Martin’s original (now scrapped) plans for at least one additional possession (but probably more). Five of Cups reversed is pretty straightforward: Jean Paul is trying to move on from his wife’s death by contacting her spirit. Likewise for the Hanged Man, whose trapped state could represent anyone on the island except for Jacques. The Ace of Cups here could represent idealism or compassion, but it has always meant Alison in previous episodes, so I’m sticking with her as my interpretation.
As I’ve written above, I don’t actually know if any of these cards (save the Fool) were mentioned in this episode’s script. There’s no way of knowing if any of these arrangements were deliberate or if Angela Roland was actually just drawing random cards in her scenes. Mostly, I’m interpreting these cards because there isn’t much else to do in February in the middle of a pandemic. It keeps my mind busy and it gives me something to talk about re: this episode other than weekly plot structure.
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There’s one more scene of her pulling cards. The three cards in this spread appear to be the Five of Cups RX again, the Ten of Swords RX (either a total disaster or one narrowly averted), and the King of Wands RX (most likely Jacques). She has just pulled another when she lets the rest of the deck slide out of her hand onto the table. She has a nervous breakdown:
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The combination of the Tarot spreads full of omens of doom lead Vangie to a nervous breakdown the day before the séance.
This episode serves the function of building suspense to the second séance, which we know will happen soon. Vangie does not want to hold it because of the danger that the cards have foretold, but she knows that there’s no way out of it and (according to her) the cards don’t lie. What doom awaits Maljardin in the coming weeks? Only time will tell. It won’t be Tarasca, but it will be something seriously strange.
Coming up next: A mysterious black rabbit appears in the Garden that has not known wild animal life in three hundred years.
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