#3rd wave feminism
auntbibby · 5 months
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gingerswagfreckles · 1 year
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I fucking hate 3rd wave feminism lol
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venusangelite · 1 year
biggest flex is that allison wolfe dmed me
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occultist-romantic · 10 months
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wild 💀 when did we give men the right to speak??
wait until he hears about 2nd wave feminism
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sleebylady · 4 months
i need a term specifically for women who are too pussy (for lack of a better term) to accept that the things they like have sexism in them, or are attached to sexist ideas, or even so much as daring to look at their comfort media in a slightly negative way.
Whenever 4th wave feminism ends up starting, I think it's doomed for failure just like 3rd wave 2010s feminism unless we all collectively decide to look at the women who can't handle having their favorite show or actor criticized and tell them, crudely, that they're being a pussy. A coward. A short sighted self centered little bitch.
That seems crass, rude, upsetting, maybe even a bit sexist in its language. And you know what I think? Good. You know why? Because if that is too much for her to handle, then frankly, she is useless to any kind of real social justice. She's only going to get herself hurt and pull everyone down with her in the process.
Enough of the "be sensitive and hold hands and sing kumbaya" shit. It's a distraction from real work and does not have a place on the front lines of discussions. If you're not emotionally tough, get the fuck out of the way. Log off. Talk to your friends. Go do the stuff you actually want to do and stop making a mockery of a real social movement to try and solve your own personal emotional issues. Anything less than that, and I fear it'll just be another repeat of the past.
Which is to say, it definitely will be a repeat of the failures of the past, because even saying this is more offensive to these types of people than actual acts of violence and oppression. Sigh.
I just want rights. Is that so much? Fuck.
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weepylucifer · 9 months
not to be a bitch but idk man, somehow dracula daily was more fun last year. this year for some reason people are having mrs westenra discourse (????) and the tag is filled with people yelling "oh my god, the book from 200 years ago has sexism in it!!!11"
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marbleheavy · 9 months
this is gonna be my riot grrrl autumn
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dkettchen · 11 months
Feminism really has hit a low this decade in that the loudest cis women currently using that label are trying to ban other women and afab ppl from pissing in peace like they have nothing better to do but the wikipedia article on gender of connectors and fasteners still lacks any form of a "(feminist) criticisms" section smh
4th wave rly needs to get their shit together
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ladyofdecember · 10 months
What do you want most of babs?
I wish they hadn't made her main characteristics female and painted with this sort of new feminism belief system that's taking over all media. I don't know why but there are a large amount of women today proudly out here shouting that women should be superior to men, that they hate men and that they should all go extinct. This is so radically different from the classic definition of feminism that it forced me years ago to stop even using that label. I don't want people thinking that I hate men or aren't attracted to them or that I think women are superior. No one is more superior than anyone else. We're all humans. But I digress.
I like her other characterization better from TTA. She was a girl yes but it wasn't her whole way of being, thinking and feeling! She also had hobbies, interests outside of being a girl. It's almost like genders don't matter at all. But nowadays TV shows and movies love putting female characters front and center and making their whole personality pro-woman and man-bad. 🙄
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You guys understand that acknowledging dynamics of oppression isn't bioessentialism, right? You understand that acknowledging the patriarchy and which groups draw material benefit from it is not going to hurt trans people bc it and the arbitrary lines and strict roles it draws are the reason they're marginalized in the first place, right? You understand that calling any basic acknowledgement of the systemic oppression of those not solidly and firmly embodying the stereotypically defined category of “manhood” “terfy” is not helping anybody, and that its just using trans ppl as an excuse to deflect and not unlearn patriarchal biases, which is in particularly poor taste because this system youre refusing to acknowledge puts them in the line of fire of very tangible and real harm, right? You understand that reverse oppression is not real and misandry is not a real problem, right?
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stardivingsea · 11 months
hey. hey… just between you and me, I saw the Barbie movie and gave it a 3.5/5 rating. Yeah, it’s good, but it’s not the best. It had the potential to be great.
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volo-thereforeiam · 28 days
"Choice feminism" is bad for women in East Asia? What are you on about? Are you seriously rather subscribe to radical feminism that is so white and fail to account WOC and women from the global south in general? Are you seriously going to subscribe to a transphobic movement? You can't say this kind of feminism isn't transphobic because look at 4B or 6B4T in South Korea and China. The movement explicitly exclude transwomen and has been glorified to death by mostly white women. If anything I say the feminism that includes transwomen is good for East Asia to fix the transphobia problem. I feel sorry for transpeople in East Asia if all the feminists are like you.
I'm just going to elaborate point by point.
"'Choice feminism' is bad for women in East Asia? What are you on about?" On paper, choice feminism sounds great because it empowers women to do whatever they want, as long as it's their choice. In reality, women have been groomed to "choose" things that primarily benefit men. People don't make choices in a vacuum; we're influenced by our environment. When strict gender roles and expectations for women still exist aggressively in East Asia, the path of least resistance is to conform to those values. East Asian women "choose" to be housewives and follow exhaustive beauty regimes because society is kinder to them when they do. Or they think these choices are good for them due to moral grooming. Let me ask you: if a conservative, religious, sheltered, and uneducated woman chooses to marry a man 20 years older and have 5+ babies, how much of that is truly her choice? What women need is not empowerment, but agency.
"Are you seriously rather subscribe to radical feminism that is so white and fail to account WOC and women from the global south in general?" That's an interesting perspective, anon! I'd love to hear more about why you consider radical feminism to be "white" someday. Personally, I think liberal feminism (or 3rd wave feminism/choice feminism, I use these terms interchangeably) is the movement that fails to account for women from the global south. While it's true that liberal feminism is quite inclusive, it is still mostly US/Europe-centric (and for simplicity, I include Canada and Australia in the same category). This means that when it accounts for WOC, it's primarily considering WOC who live in those regions. It is known as "Western feminism" for a reason. Radical feminism, on the other hand, doesn't need to work as hard to include WOC from the global south because those women already tend to gravitate towards it instead of liberal feminism. The reason is that liberal feminism has shifted its focus from women’s issues to a broader concern with gender. When women outside the US and Europe haven’t even secured basic rights directly tied to their sex, why should they align with a movement that has moved on to different concerns?
"Are you seriously going to subscribe to a transphobic movement? You can't say this kind of feminism isn't transphobic because look at 4B or 6B4T in South Korea and China. The movement explicitly exclude transwomen and has been glorified to death by mostly white women." 4B and 6B4T at the core are meant to serve as direct opposition of South Korea and China's patriarchal state and combat its aggressive pro-natalist policies, which view women’s bodies and reproductive abilities as tools for the state’s future. Other aspects of the movement, such as rejecting rigid beauty standards and degrading depictions of women in otaku culture, are part of women's effort to not make themselves (excuse the wording) look "breedable". I hope it’s clear why transwomen can't be included in this specific movement.
Regarding the movement being glorified mainly by white women, I'm not aware it is the case because my focus isn't on the West like yours is. But even if we accept your claim as true, how does the support from white women automatically make the movement fundamentally "white" (and, by implication, bad in your view)? Roe v. Wade was just overturned, so it's understandable that Western women, especially Americans, would take an interest in the 4B movement. Or maybe they simply empathize with their fellow women. Let me ask you this: for someone so determined to include transwomen in every feminist movement, why do you consider white women less of women?
"If anything I say the feminism that includes transwomen is good for East Asia to fix the transphobia problem. I feel sorry for transpeople in East Asia if all the feminists are like you." Or we could have separate movements that collaborate when necessary but don't have to be synonymous. Why does feminism need to stretch itself thin to cover every issue? Isn't that one of the factors Roe v. Wade was overturned despite majority in the US disapproved supreme court decision? Feminism in the West has been defanged so much by consumerism, sex empowerment and gender issues. I also believe having a movement specifically for trans people allows for a focus on their unique issues, making it more effective.
You don't need to be sorry for transpeople here because what I'm fighting for can ultimately benefit them too. You policing women's advocacy movement, however, does not benefit anyone.
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mergeman · 1 year
This is my first time using AI images let me know what you think
The deceased farmer could only morn as he spent year after year watching the land he had worked so hard for crumble to time. He had lived a full life to the ripe old age of 92, had six kids who in turn had kids, who they themselves had kids of their own.
None of these descendants though had visited the farm in the 79 years since he had passed, so the ghost could only watch as his lives work slowly disintegrated.
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That was until she came along. The old specter could feel his blood in her veins and became excited to see her on his land. She had been coming for just over 2 years now but she did nothing but take sketches and wonder the old property. The farmer wanting to know what her plans were got closer then he ever had before only to discover she was drawing rows and rows of ugly little homes! He tried everything in his power to knock the sketch book from her hands. Growing more and more frustrated at his impotence the normally calm ghost let loose all of his anger and rushed at the young woman.
Claire's POV
It was another hot day on this god forsaken piece of shit land, my grand inheritance from my Great Uncle.
ugh..... Shivers
That was weird its been hot and dry all day long, where did that frigged blast of cold air come from? I crossed my arms as I became aware that I might not be alone out here.
"Hello?" I called out into the summer void
Was the last thing I heard before my body spasmed.
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It was just a moment and then I was picking myself up off the dusty ground. I stumbled as I tried to find my balance, my body seemed heavy and bloated.
I called out again. "hello? who are you? show yourself"
Mine! It's Mine, and you will not have it!
I doubled over as wave after wave of pain washed over me. I scrambled to find my cell phone in the dusty earth.
It was hidden underneath the fallen sketches. I grabbed it and hit redial so it would call my fiancé Trevor. After the 3rd ring I hear a deep male voice say hey babe.
"Trevor you gotta come here now. Somethings wron....wrong... wi... wit.... with me!" My voice was cracking under the strain of the pain.
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"Babe ill be ri" click
I look in horror as my finger hits the end call button.
Then something controlled my arm and threw the phone into the nearby bushes.
It's Mine, not yours! You will not take it!
Oh My Fucking God. The Voice Was In My Head!!!!!
Who the fuck are you? I thought at (it/him?)
No girl is gonna curse at me on my own land!
Oh I can now feel him invading me, changing me.
Get the hell out of me you fucking piece of shit.
I could feel him moving around stretching me from the inside. No mattered what I tried nothing seemed to stop him.
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I was helpless as my body grew more masculine. Hair sprouted on my boobs which in turn were quickly changed into an impressive set of pecs. My torso widened and my arms got heavy with the added muscles.
Mine, I want it all, You'll never take my land
I could see him now! He's just an old man.
I use my will to push at him, but nothing seems to work!
In fact the more I push the less like myself I feel.
Get out of me you old codger.
My body kept changing as I could feel him taking me over piece by piece.
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Most of what was me is fading fast. He was winning. Hell even if I could somehow remove him would i be stuck like this or return to normal?
These questions danced in my head as the last of me was being consumed.
Yes!! Mine It's all Mine, They will never take away our land again!
With the last of what's me I could feel the old bastard be consumed by someone else. No this was something new. No Someone new!
My bodies last bit of femineity died as my clit sealed up and reformed into a cock worthy of the man I'd become.
Everything was on fire as a bright flash.
Clive's POV
Fuck, I'm gettin old, I know 45 is not that old but when you've been working to restore your families farm for the last 25 years it sure takes a toll. What started it as a dilapidated farm is now one of the richest ranches in the state
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It would have been harder without my husband Trevor, he has been my rock, and my right hand ever his folks kicked him out and he came to me to be my farm hand.
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Now 17 years later we've adopted 6 kids and life couldn't be more hectic or fun. I owe it all to my Inheritance.
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diddyrivera · 7 months
swerf (sex worker exclusionary radical feminism) - labor edition
so, i want to go ahead and make an essay here abt the term "swerf"; apparently a lot of you have heard about the term "terf" which stands for transgender exclusionary radical feminist (im pretty sure a lot of you know abt the term and are educated on it as to what i've seen throughout social media platforms), but this term of "swerf" can be a new one to a lot of you. it is a sister to terf and is intertwined with each other since it excludes transgender sex workers who are fighting for autonomy and agency since they're at the proportionate of getting unalived due to their identity and the work that they do. now that you know about the term "terf" which was coined in 2008 by a radical feminist by the name of viv smythe to describe it as the lack of queer theory within transgender and feminism critiques, im going to be making a whole essay about the term swerf as a way to educate yourself about all of the stuff anti-sex work activists have been spewing around throughout tiktok (i've dealt with them and they lack so much nuance with their sex work critiques)
so, the term "swerf" stands for sex worker exclusionary radical feminist (fascist), and it has emerged as 3rd wave feminism's intersectional approach to gender inequality; the term is to describe the lack of labor analysis and power dynamic analysis within sex work, sex education, and feminism critiques, and well yeah let's just say i've seen the term "swerf" being debunked and self-explained by a lot of radical feminists when in fact they're definitely missing the point about how the term actually works. a lot of the radical feminists that i've encountered tend to focus on the sex worker exclusionary radical fascist work of andrea dworkin, catherine mckinnon, melissa farley, sheila jeffreys, shulamith firestone, and so much more, who have collaborated with conservatives to push anti-sex work legislation to further exploit sex workers' autonomy and agency whilst they both focus on the neoabolitionist framework of sex work and kink / bdsm. i'll be debunking the tons of misconceptions that these people have made throughout this essay as a way to educate and humble all of the radical feminists who uphold such rhetoric that just further limits sex workers' ability to express freely of their sexuality.
"we should support the sex workers, but not the industry they work in because of its misogyny and exploitation"
this argument has been popping up on my fyp constantly and a lot of people have told me this, and let's just say this argument lacks intersectionality because all of the other industries that exist under the capitalist state are misogynistic and exploitative as well. even if capitalism has existed after the patriarchy, there are industries including sex work that contained some sort of misogyny and exploitation under patriarchy (🍇culture, toxic masculinity, gender roles, has existed before capitalism), so what that means it's definitely possible that sex work will still exist because it has existed for thousands of years and the only thing that's stigmatizing the sex industry is through all of the paternalistic structures which harm minorities, especially women. with that come to kind, sex work is a symptom of the patriarchy and not the cause of it. stating that sex work is the cause of the patriarchy blatantly argues that if we can eliminate the patriarchy, we can eliminate sex workers, which is pretty icky because let's not forget that without the sex industry, there would be no sex workers, and let's just say it fuels the exploitation of sex workers, as to which part of it is that it fuels something the prison industrial complex, and i've seen this being talked about by a marxist feminist named angela davis over her books "women, race, and class" and "are prisons absolete?". she's also done an interview with someone about it and here's the source:
 also, this argument fuels anti-sex work legislation by law enforcement which also fuels the paternalistic structures which gets sex workers unalived. according to a 2021 article from guardian, 8 people, 6 of them who were asian women, were killed by a 21 y/o white man in an atlanta massage parlour building over racism, sexism, and anti-sex work ideology. there are also multiple articles about serial killers murdering sex workers, most of them coming from the 20th century. that's why the phrase "pro-sex worker, anti-sex work" as to acknowledge that the industry is harmful won't work because a lot of the issues surrounding sex work have to stem with the patriarchy (and capitalism as well since sex workers get financially discriminated under that economical system).
2. "liberal feminists are disgusting because they think sex work is empowering"
i've seen almost the majority of radical feminists disguising sex workers as inherently liberal feminists, but they don't realize that every single industry contains pros and cons, and that includes sex work, and with that being said, sex work doesn't need to be empowering for it to be considered a job. there are some people who would find it empowering and glamorize the sex industry while not even listening to the lived experiences / material realities of sex workers and ex-sex workers, but saying that all sex workers are liberal feminists because they find their job empowering while not even understanding the bifurcation of consciousness coined by dorothy smith into which you fall into this madonna-whore dichotomy that you experience the world as you do it and you are subjected to participate in the paternalistic structures that exist within society, just comes off as disingenuous because i've encountered sex workers who acknowledge the issues surrounding the industry they work in. by the way, if you can learn more about the bifurcation of consciousness, i suggest you buy dorothy smith's book "feminism & marxism: a place to begin a way to go" online, and also this theory is applied within this book titled "we too: essays of sex work and survival" which has a "bifurcating" excerpt within it →
"women suspended between our own truths and realities imposed upon us by men, are forced to reconcile the contradiction between the two. we have insight into patriarchal ways of knowing while sometimes also knowing that our empirical realities are much different. patriarchal ways of knowing further bifurcate women's consciousness by chopping us up into disgestible versions of ourselves - we are either madonnas or whores. we are either public property or the singular property of a man. of course patriarchal values do not just penetrate masculinity. people of all genders are suspectible to its charms. but for those of us who straddle identities of mother and whore simultaneously, the demand to bifurcate one's consciousness even more profound" →
"we must make space for the feminine self that is both agent and victim, empowered and marginalized, mother and whore all at the same time. we must interrogate space and language as static and as neutral. we must dismantle the imperative to squeeze women into a singular point of existence , whether that point is sexual or maternal or something else entirely. if we are coerced into choosing between mother or whore, then our complexity is whittled down and the beneficiary of that belittling of that belittling is patriarchal. if we are left out of conversations about violence, then it is assumed we cannot be victims of violence."
3. "there is no way to make the sex work industry safe for sex workers, so sex workers need to be rescued from the industry to be liberated"
some of the radical feminists i've encountered have stated this under the guise of saying that they support sex workers, which is actually so hypocritical of them. there is this thing called decriminalization which is different from legalization, as to which decriminalization regulates the sex work industry as a business and reforms its horrors to better the workers, whilst legalization regulates the sex work industry as a business but never reforms its horrors talk about legalization being considered "backdoor criminalization". now, to decriminalize sex work, we must pass stimulus checks, universal business income, small biz relief, hospital funding, end racial profiling of sex worker people of color, end criminalization against queer and trans sex workers, offer sex workers safer therapeutic sessions, offer sex workers unrushed health checks, and so much more. also, if we're going to abolish all work, we have to decriminalize sex work and recognize that sex work is a form of exploitative work under capitalism just like any other work.
4. "the sex work industry is where women and girls are being trafficked, therefore it's not work and we should get rid of it "
actuallly, there's no way to get rid of it since there are children being trafficked into other sorts of domestic labor such as the construction industry, the meat packing industry, the fashion industry, the film industry, the beauty industry, so what's really going on is the exploitative factors within the capitalist state. also, sex work is work that's exploitative under capitalism just like any other work, and we need to recognize that sex workers are laboring subjects and not victims and criminals. we have to get rid of capitalism since it exploits the worker, not sex work.
5. "the nordic model helps sex workers from discrimination in the industry they work in"
i feel like people need to understand that the nordic model fails to realize that the sex work industry consists all sex workers and clients of all identities and not just all men being clients and women being sex workers, and that the framework of the nordic model is rooted down to bioessentialism. the nordic model is partial decriminalization bc it just outsources the exploitation of sex workers and clients, whereas sex workers would have a limited time interacting with clients, increase trafficking rates such as countries / states / territories into which implement the nordic model like sweden, ireland, norway, canada, etc
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5. "sex workers are selling their consent"
there's no such thing as selling your body, and i feel like when it comes to sex work, that perpetuates the narrative of sex slavery whereas if the sex worker is sold, the customer buys the product, and it doesn't work that way because you can't sell / buy consent. sex workers are selling a service, and the client pays for the service, just like other jobs. for example, the manager in that one barber shop would offer me a service to get a haircut then they would tell me the price if i want to get the haircut (they're selling a service), and my job is to grab my payment methods and pay for the services they've offered me. the same thing applies to sex work if i want to see someone perform such erotic practices or have sex with me.
6. "it's disgusting how sex workers are utilizing their body"
if you really think that it's disgusting how sex workers are utilizing their body, you also think that it's disgusting how barbers, managers, construction workers, and makeup artists are utilizing their body. we utilize our bodies in different ways and a lot of radical feminists denying this by questioning how other jobs other than sex work have to do with sex are completely missing the point.
7. "sex work is paid 🍇"
sex work is not the same as trafficking, and these two are conflated, it fuels anti-sex work legislation which still places sex workers into exploitation. sex work is a profession in which when you receive money or goods in exchange for consensual erotic services regularly or occasionally, whilst trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, and harbouring of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit. also, it's 🍇 if the sex act is nonconsensual, and it's sex work if the sex act is consensual.
so, this is not all of the misconceptions that i've debunked since this is only the sex work labor edition, and i'll be making a part 2 and it's about the corn industry, which is part of the sex industry. i hope you're educated on this if you're new to learning about the term swerf and how it works, and if you're a radfem who constantly speaks over sex workers. :)
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ganondorf · 5 months
i think 3rd/4th wave feminism's (there's a lot of debate in sociological circles whether or not we're in the 4th wave or still in the 3rd) failure is that pop culture and capitalism turned "feminism" into a marketable identity and those who have never engaged with any actual feminist thought in their life bought into it and now also see feminism as an identity and something you can "do" rather than......a political movement and ideology.......mix that in with liberal identity politics and it all gets diminished into who and what is "valid." except nobody ever got free by being valid
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"Feminism is the wound, not the bandage."
Is that all feminism, just the "3rd wave" of today, or does it start at some earlier point?
Well, that's the point I think can be endlessly debated, and I don't have a permanently fixed position on it. I waver over whether there was enough validity in the original female suffrage movement to justify the "first wave", when placed in the larger picture of human rights and the great majority of men's lived experiences of that time. Most of the time I think it's a relatively good thing, because universal suffrage just seemed to be the way western civilization was heading, and if universal suffrage for men was coming (partly in response to the new threat of the Soviet Union, and widespread societal unrest in regard to class, etc.) then you may as well go the whole hog and enfranchise everyone so every random yahoo gets a say (although, of course, when you give a vote to a hundred million people, it kind of devalues each individual vote almost to the point of worthlessness). Other times I think they were just a bunch of spoilt, selfish and ungrateful middle class women whose entire reason for getting involved in politics at all was that they were a bit bored.
Similarly, I think there's a decent argument that there were valid goals for the first 10 years or so of the "Second Wave" of feminism (1970ish onwards) : again, because post-war technological advancements and the invention of The Pill had taken millions of women away from the home and the family and put them permanently in the workplace on a near-equal footing to men, so it was reasonable to address any barriers to women competing on an even playing field in business and education, etc.
On the other hand, "The Second Wave" is where all the really harmful and psychotic man-hating became codified into political dogma ("patriarchy theory") that took over the education system with the fanciful and intellectually worthless "gender studies" nonsense that has been used to brainwash every generation since, and any reasonable - or even defensible - original goals of the movement had been achieved by some point in the 1980s, certainly long before "The Third Wave" came along.
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