#4 years ago I was so passionately against any metal music
camojacketfag · 6 months
going through my most played shit of the year and it’s just an amalgamation of slow brooding, angry, sludge metal and heavy rock or heartbreaking appalachian inspired folk ballads.
there is, quite literally, no in between.
what a year man.
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dizzydennis · 3 years
My ideas for Sonic Riders 4!
Sonic Riders: Drift Dimension
I have a lot of ideas for a potential Sonic Riders sequel and I hope you can enjoy what I have to say. I am very passionate about the Sonic series and would love to see the Babylon Rogues again. I wrote a lot, but any comments or feedback would be wonderful! Check it out under this cut!
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I would like the story mode to continue to split between Team Sonic and the Babylon Rogues. For the sake of making this cohesive, I will write out the narrative linearly.
Set a few years after King Doc’s tournament, Wave has convinced Jet to allow her to continue to investigate Babylon Garden even more under the promise that it would improve their Extreme Gears. The 3 Babylon Rogues go deep within the ruins of Babylon Garden by using their gravity modules (from Zero Gravity.) Wave is still worried about the black hole that could occur, but her calculations assure her that it won’t be a problem. However, while in the heart of this floating island, the gravity modules float into the rocky ruins and activate a bright light as Babylon Garden powers up.
Tails pilots the Tornado with Sonic, Knuckles, and Amy in tow. He detected the massive energy surge that cause Babylon Garden to light up. It seems like the garden is warping reality around it, but with their courage, they enter into the void.
It seems that Babylon Garden has teleported to another world. With their airship being grounded due to the warp, the Babylon Rogues hop onto their Extreme Gears to explore. Before long, they encounter a massive airship that completely dwarfs their own. Upon being captured, they learn that Jet’s father, Kaze, is the leader of this group known as the Babylon Legion. The Rogues have been reunited with their ancestors and family. Naturally, they’re overjoyed! Especially Jet who has been longing for his father for years.
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Shortly after, Sonic and his friends encounter the airship and are reunited with the Babylon Rogues. Their fun meeting soon turns dire as the Babylon Legion surround and arrest Knuckles.
Later, Jet inquires about why they apprehended Knuckles. Kaze explains that years ago when they crash landed on Sonic’s planet, they had encountered a terrible Echidna Clan who were power hungry to conquer others. When the Babylon Legion refused to give their advance technology to the Echidna Clan, they were seen as enemies. When there were murmurs that the Echidna Clan had awakened a god of destruction, the Babylon Legion tried to get reactivate Babylon Garden to allow them to leave the planet.
Instead, Babylon Garden was stricken deep into the planet and the Babylon Legion was warped to parts unknown. Jet was baffled by what he heard, but he trusted his father. Upon meeting with Sonic and the others, they discuss what happened and that there were plenty of holes in Kaze’s story. Jet, upset that others would accuse his father, argues with them. However, there was one point that Storm brings up that cannot be ignored. How were Jet, Wave, and Storm on Sonic’s planet if the Babylon Legion were teleported to this planet?
They learn that when they were younger, Kaze had volunteered the three for an experiment to see if they could return, but in doing so, the 3 Babylon Rogues were stranded on their own with no real memory of what had happened.
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The Babylon Rogues have to choose between siding with Team Sonic or the Babylon Legion, but they soon find out that Kaze intends to use his technology to convert Babylon Garden into Mecha Babylon. Having learned from the Echidna Clan, power needs to be met with power. Therefore, Kaze wants to teleport back to Sonic’s planet with Mecha Babylon being the ultimate weapon; a fortified island with weapons and a metal shell.
All the heroes band together to stop Kaze from reaching the inner ruins of Babylon Garden to allow it to teleport back to Sonic’s planet. During the climax, Kaze activates the portal only for Sonic and Jet to work together to knock him off of it. Torn between going with Sonic or staying with Kaze and the Babylon Legion, Jet ultimately decides that he must go back with Sonic. He claims that “The Babylon Legion had their chance,” as Sonic grabs his hand and the two dive into the portal.
Cut back to Sonic’s planet, Babylon Garden continues to float around the planet, perfectly reflecting Angel Island. Here, Knuckles and Storm reflect that the Echidna Clan and the Babylon Legion were a lot more similar than they were different. Wave notes that it isn’t one’s lineage that defines who they are, but what they do to better that lineage for future generations. Jet and Sonic use that as a means to claim that they’re the fastest as they race across Babylon Garden. Kaze’s words echo through Jet’s mind as he overtakes Sonic and the two ride off into the distance.
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Tundra Peaks / Frigid Avalanche – A snowbound stage high in the mountains that mixes canyons, rocky hillsides, and snow. The former stage features nice, mountain villages while the latter stage takes place with massive avalanches falling around the player.
Future Mall / Shopping Calamity – A futuristic city that leads into a massive shopping mall. Players would weave in and out of stores while making their way to a large building outside. The latter stage would be at night where a certain band of robots might be trying to get away with a robbery and chase.
Tubular Coastline / Hurricane Seaboard – A gorgeous beach that runs along side an advance city. You can choose to ride along the sand or take to the waves to get some boosts by performing tricks on the water. Be careful of the storm coming in the latter stage that alters the stage in a crazy way!
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Thrill Park / Cursed Midway – A theme park with roller coasters, log flumes, and plenty of other rides. Be warned though, the haunted house gets a bit intense at night and changes the entire park!
Neon Woodland / Forest Illumination – A forest hidden within a valley that glows with luminous mushrooms and vines that glow as they are touched. This place really comes alive late at night when a rave party is going on!
Babylon Garden / Mecha Babylon – While not a remake of the original Sonic Riders track, this version would start on the outside of Babylon Garden as you go deep within the floating island. The mechanized version of this stage is far more dangerous with lasers and robots about; players would fire themselves across the island via giant turrets. Mecha Babylon would be the final boss fight against Kaze.
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Dimension Hops / Nostalgia Trip – This is a bonus track where you hop between dimensional pockets of Metal City, Aquatic Capital, and Dolphin Resort. It’s a celebration of the Sonic Riders series. Nostalgia Trip sends players through Green Hill Zone (of course it’s here), Final Rush, and Sunset Heights. This one celebrates the Sonic series. These two tracks would not share music.
SEGA Heroics / SEGA Darkness – Much like the other SEGA fan service stages in the series, this one instead separates the two stages between the heroes of SEGA’s rich history and the villains. Lots of fun to be had here!
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Playable Characters:
Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles Tails Prower, Knuckles the Echidna, Jet the Hawk, Wave the Swallow, Storm the Albatross, Amy Rose, Kaze the Hawk, Shadow the Hedgehog, Rouge the Bat, Cream the Rabbit, Blaze the Cat, Silver the Hedgehog, Vector the Crocodile, Dr. Eggman, NiGHTS, Kazuma Kiryu, Arle Nadja
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The gameplay would avoid the failings of Sonic Free Riders. Motion controls have been pushed since Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity and they’d be mostly dropped here. The game would implement the AIR system, but with the multiple routes with the gravity modules. Due to plot reasons, the gravity modules themselves can’t be used, so this mechanic would just be a movement of the Extreme Gears. Speed, Fly, and Power routes would still be available based on the characters and not the gears... and would hopefully be better balanced. The springs would be taken out as they were so painfully contextual in previous games. One thing from Sonic Free Riders would be certain items to change the course of the races including missiles, ink traps, and a few others. The grab mechanic to reach out to the left or right can be brought over too as it holds a lot of potential. Also, the vibrant visuals from Free Riders should be carried over! Moreover, the boost from the original game would be present. Lastly, the game would feel faster. Drifting, much like Team Sonic Racing would be emphasized more in this game.
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Typical features would include the Story, Grand Prix, Battle Mode, Time Trials, Character Profiles, Gear Shop, Gear Gallery, Online Multiplayer, and Options. Let’s have alternate costumes for the characters too! Also, the Grand Prix mode would have character specific endings that would be simplistic, but still a treat and motivation to play through it with each character!
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That’s basically it for my ideas. I know it’s just a pipe dream, but I would love for a Sonic Riders game to really get into the old stories and characterizations of the original two games, while adding some heart for the Babylon Rogues. It doesn’t need to reinvent the wheel, but rather just create a fun racing game that focuses on these amazing characters.
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jamesbbhoney · 3 years
The Brightest Light
summary: Your abilities have never struck you as something with value beyond aesthetic, but to Bucky, your light counts in more ways than one. [Bucky x enhanced!reader]
warnings: mentions of drunkenness, implication of PTSD
note: hi! this is not my first fic but it’s the first one I’m ever sharing so woohoo :) enjoy and please feel free to share feedback with me!
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You opened your eyes to a dark room, only a thin stream of light coming in through your window from the crescent moon hung in the sky. With sleep still tugging at your eyes, you became aware of the smell of fresh coffee swirling in the air. You reached around for your phone to no avail.
“FRIDAY, what time is it?” you questioned into the darkness.
“The time is 3:41 a.m. Eastern Time, Ms. Y/l/n.”
You groaned gently, closing your eyes and leaning into your pillow. You knew very well who was up in the dark of the morning making coffee - Bucky. There was no one else on your floor of Stark Tower, and for that matter in the entirety of the Tower, who would be up and drinking coffee at this hour. Knowing that this meant you could steal some extra time alone with Bucky, you slowly propped yourself up, rubbing your eyes as they searched to make sense of the dark. You held your palm open in front of you, emitting a few marble-sized balls of light and releasing them like little fireflies into your room (first golden and warm, before you decided on a cool lavender color instead, watching the light dance and melt from gold into purple). You smiled softly at the way the light moved, perfectly tailored to your control yet almost alive on its own. 
Your ability had never been one you felt was particularly meaningful or valuable. Being able to create and manipulate energy from your fingertips, emitting light in beams, rays, balls, shapes, any form you could imagine, really, was never going to save anyone’s life. You could never shake the feeling that you just didn’t belong with the elite, talented, gifted people you lived and worked with. Yet as part of a wave of Enhanced offered the chance to live and train at Stark Tower two years ago, you had somehow managed to land yourself in the circles of people like Steve Rogers and Tony Stark. Moreover, if often put you in the kitchen at 3 a.m. stealing moments among the quiet with Bucky Barnes. 
That was largely the nature of your relationship with Bucky: stolen moments in the early morning or the dead of night, where the bustle of life seemed to still. When distraction waned and a certain super soldier found himself (more nights than not) unable to sleep. You couldn’t help but find yourself drawn to him whenever you were alerted to his presence, whether it was the smell of coffee in the darkness of the morning, or the fact that everyone else would go to bed and he would still be up, looking out the windows in quiet contemplation, eager to stay awake as long as he could muster.
- - - 
One year earlier - July 4, 2:15 a.m.
“I’m fine, really, Y/n. It was just a tough night. You should go to bed.”
Decently drunk from the 4th of July celebrations and more defiant than ever, you crossed your arms and pouted. “What, you don’t want me around?” you said, giving him your biggest puppy dog eyes, knowing damn well that wasn’t what he meant.
He chuckled, looking up from where he stood at the edge of the balcony, looking out over the railing at the skyline to meet those eyes of yours. “Trust me, doll, that’s not the case.”
You inched closer to him as the cold of the night hit you. “Was it the fireworks?” you asked, studying his eyes as they held yours.
He looked down at his hands gripping the railing. He nodded solemnly. “Yeah… I should have known I wouldn’t be able to handle it all - the party, the blaring music, the fireworks…” he trailed off. He looked back up at you, forcing a smile. “But really, I’m fine, you don’t have to stay up with me.” 
You rolled your eyes. A year you’d known him at that point, countless missions together, many late-night talks and hot chocolates, and you’d never let him stay up alone thus far, not when his eyes begged you to stay as he weakly encouraged you to go to bed. Why he thought his arguing would make any difference this time was a mystery. 
“I know I don’t have to, Bucky. I want to,” you said, closing the space between you, unable to resist the way his presence pulled you in.
Still woozy from all the drinks and commotion of the night, you reached out to his forearm to steady yourself, instantly floored at how strong and stable he felt. He looked down at where your hand met his arm, looking slightly confused. He looked up at you again, his eyes sparkling.
You smiled back, relaxing at how grounded you felt, one hand on the railing of the balcony, one on your best friend who you had had a hopeless crush on since the moment you met him a year prior. 
“I used to love fireworks, actually,” he said, almost breathlessly as he turned slightly to be facing you. “Just, the noise…” he trailed off again in a whisper. 
You inched closer to him, drawn to his warmth as the night grew colder. You removed your right hand from the railing, holding it gingerly between you and Bucky. You willed a ball of soft red light into your hand, and gently pushed it upwards until it floated between you and Bucky. You concentrated as hard as you could, which was difficult given the drunken state you were in, trying to imagine the ball splitting into little stars and sparks. As you focused, the light followed your vision, creating a beautiful dance of twirling light and mock-fireworks in the space between you and Bucky. You smiled at yourself, enjoying the display you brought to life without the bangs and pops of real fireworks. 
You looked up to see Bucky staring in awe at you through the light as it encircled you both. You met his eyes and the light transformed into a myriad of colors, brighter and warmer than you had any conscious intention of. Although you had lost focus on your control of the light completely, it seemed to mirror the butterflies in your stomach as Bucky looked at you with such wonder on his face. 
The tension between you was palpable. The space between you was inching closed as his left hand found your waist, cool metal against the gap of skin between your jeans and white top. Your right hand found his back and it felt like eons passed as you simply stared at each other surrounded by your homemade fireworks. 
He crashed his lips against yours, passionate but sweet. He tasted like bourbon and you breathed him in, desperate for this moment to last forever. You kissed him back with such intention, letting every moment of pining over the past year escape through your lips. Your heart swelled in your chest as you both pressed against each other, his soft touches turning into desperate arms pulling you against him. 
He eventually pulled away, the pair of you completely breathless, and the lights surrounding you twirling and exploding with vigor. As your breathing evened out, the lights calmed down to the softest golden glow, swimming slowly across the entire balcony.
“Y/n, I can’t begin to tell you how long I’ve been wanting to do that,” he said softly into you.
“Me, too,” you laughed. Although you had been jolted by your kiss, you still swayed from the drinks in your system. Bucky clung onto you as his eyebrows knit together slightly.
“But you really should go to bed,” he said lightly with a chuckle as you leaned into him for support. “Come on, doll, I’ll walk you to your room.”
From that night on, you stole more moments when no one could see; when sleep graced everyone but Bucky, you graced him with your light.
- - -
You pulled on a white hoodie and your fluffy slippers, trudging into the hallway of the floor you shared with Bucky and a shapeshifter named Cal, brought in around the same time as you were. The lavender light followed you out and you held your palm out again, willing the light to come into your palm as a mini lantern to guide you down the hall. You stared into the orb, wispy and pulsing, before stepping into the open space of the kitchen, letting your hand fall and the light dissipate.
“Morning, sunshine,” you said softly. Bucky, leaning over the counter clutching his mug of black coffee, lifted his head to meet your eyes. He smiled sweetly at you, although his eyes were tired and swollen from a lack of sleep.
“Hey there,” he said, his body clearly relaxing as you made your way towards him.
You passed behind him to get your own mug, letting your hand brush along his back as you did. 
You put the kettle on for tea, picking out an earl grey bag for your mug, and came up next to him, allowing your shoulders to touch comfortably. You looked up at him in wonderment, barely able to make out his features but even in the dim light of only a crescent moon streaming in through the big windows looking out over the skyline and balcony, you could see the light in his eyes, the jagged lines that carved out his face. He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you steadily into him. You reached your arms up around his tense neck, gently massaging into his hair as he leaned into your touch.
“Nightmares, again?” you asked, watching him carefully.
He shut his eyes with a sigh and nodded as you continued rubbing circles at the nape of his neck.
“Mhm. Worse than usual,” he mumbled into the space between you.
“I’m sorry, baby” you whispered. “I wish you’d let me stay in there with you.”
Bucky refused to let you sleep in his room after he accidentally gave you a black eye from struggling in his sleep a couple months prior. Not wanting to reveal the full nature of your relationship to the team, you told them it was from sparring, and Bucky could hardly look at you for weeks given his guilty feelings.
“You know that’s not a good idea,” he said, his voice heavy, eyes still shut as he gripped at your sweatshirt.
You didn’t have it in you to argue with him; not tonight, at least. 
The tea kettle started to boil and you slid gently out of his embrace to get your tea ready. He leaned back towards the counter. 
With warm tea in one hand, you slid the other into Bucky’s right hand, pulling him with you towards the big windows in the living room, sitting on the floor in the corner, your usual spot. Bucky leaned against the wall, spreading his sweatpant-adorned legs open to make space for you to sit against him.
You nestled back against him, head resting in the crook of his neck as he set his coffee down and big arms wrapped around you from behind. 
“How’s the training going?” he asked after a while of just sitting together looking at the moon through the window.
You sighed. You had been working with Wanda to try and channel your abilities into something with a bit more power. With all the field training and martial arts they had taught you, you were as good as any other specialized SHIELD agent, but as part of a crew of Enhanced individuals, you felt vastly inferior. All you could do was play with light, albeit often beautiful and mesmerizing, and you were really beginning to question your place there.
“Not great,” you said dejectedly. “I’m really trying, but it’s just not destructive, there’s something missing. It doesn’t work that way no matter how hard I try. Other than aesthetics, I’m as useless as ever.”
“Doll, you aren’t useless by any means,” he said, gripping you tighter. “You are incredibly gifted, and if there’s something else that’s meant to come from your gift, you’ll find it eventually. If not,” he shrugged slightly. “You’re still pretty damn amazing.”
You smiled, setting your tea down next to Bucky’s coffee and turning to face him. He inched away from the wall so that you could straddle him, and he held your back so easily, propping you up to stay face to face.
“I love you,” you said, wrapping your arms around his neck again, noses brushing.
“I love you, too, doll,” he returned. 
You sat together for a while, drinking your tea and coffee, trading gossip from the team, venturing onto the balcony, gazing at the moon. You showed Bucky a new party trick you’d been working on, where you conjured light that took on the shape of a dancing couple, laughing and spinning together. You didn’t say it, but Bucky didn’t need to hear it to know it was the two of you you were thinking of.
Lying in comfortable silence on the balcony under a shared blanket, Bucky pulled you into him.
“It hurts, Y/n/n,” he said so quietly you barely heard him say it. “I hardly sleep because the pain in my dreams is so… real. It hurts, baby. I’m afraid to sleep.”
Your heart nearly broke in two. You rolled over so you were fully on top of him, elbows framing his head as your hands carded through his hair, the blanket cascading down, locking you into a safe little cove on the aid open balcony.
“I know, honey,” you said soothingly, leaning your forehead against his. “I wish I could do something to take your pain away.” A halo of white light began to form around your hands. 
Bucky glanced up at your hands, his eyebrows knitting together. He looked to your face to see you as confused as he was. 
You couldn’t explain it, but your hands felt like magnets drawn to Bucky’s head, fingers pressing ever so gently against his temples. As you did, you could physically feel the tension melt away, it was a sensation you’d never felt before - beyond feeling his muscles relax under your touch, this was feeling… his mind relax.
He exhaled deeply at your touch, eyes closing gently as he put his hands over yours so slowly and gently. You realized it wasn’t just your touch, it was your light, your power, that affected him this way. You had been right that your ability wasn’t destructive, but it wasn’t just passive entertainment. People had always been mesmerized by it in a way, in taking it in with their eyes, but you had never thought to try to use it to heal, to sooth strain. Now, you could feel the soft glow emitting from your palms draw out the strain, draw out the mental pain the man you loved shouldered every day and night.
“Baby,” he said, clinging to your fingers against his temples. “What are you doing?” he asked curiously, softly.
You let out a shy, breathy laugh. “I don’t really know. It just happened. I- I didn’t know I could do this.”
He opened his eyes to look up at you with the most adoration you’d ever been on the receiving end of. The connection between you only intensified with this newfound discovery. You could truly feel him, feel the tension he held, or rather didn’t feel at that point. 
The glow slowly faded from your hands as Bucky gently pried your fingers off of his temples.
“Amazing,” he said between kisses pressed to your knuckles. “You’re just… amazing, Y/n.” He brought his hands to the small of your back, pulling you into him as you continued straddling him. “There’s nothing you can’t do.” 
You leaned into him, pressing your lips to his, pulling back so slightly, not wanting to leave any more space than absolutely necessary between you. “It’s for you, baby. It’s all for you,” you breathed into him. “You bring out the best in me, the brightest of my light.” You kissed him again. “It’s yours, all for you.”
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there ya have it! my first published fic on here. loosely inspired by Video Games by Lana Del Rey (mostly just the last part of dialogue heh) feel free to leave feedback for me in my inbox or wherever! hope you enjoyed :)
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bugsbucky · 4 years
No More Games
Jealous!Bucky x Reader
Prompt: “When we get home, I’m cuffing you to the bed and going down on you all night.” “Fine by me, you look hot with your head between my legs.”
Warnings: Jealous Bucky, on and off relationship, dance floor grinding, saucy ending, smuttish (a little start of female receiving oral), language.
Word Count: *takes a deep breath and speaks quickly* 1,507
Authors Notes: this is for @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ extended quarantine drabbles. Thank you @jobean12-blog​ for the title suggestions and checking this over for me since my brain is incapable of reading😂 anyway, here is some jealous Bucky for you ladies :)
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If looks could kill, you would most certainly be dead by now from the look alone on Bucky’s face. He was leaning one elbow on the bar and his narrowed eyes at you on the dance floor, grinding and moving your body with a stranger. 
The on-and-off-again relationship with Bucky was making you crazy, as far as you were aware the two of you had broken up weeks ago. Bucky has made no attempt to talk to you and every time you walk in the room, he walks out of it. So when the team proposed the idea of going out to the club on a Friday night to let loose and dance the stress away, you saw no harm in making your ex a little bit jealous. After all, he had been teasing you since you recently broke up by having random blonde women enter and exit his bedroom like a damn McDonald’s drive-thru. They came and left, literally, judging by the loud screams coming from his room. 
You turned in his arms and wrapped your arms around his neck. His hands on your waist to pull you closer as he wedged his thigh between your legs. You shamelessly rubbed against his thigh muscle and threw your head back, feeling the intense glare from the bar. 
“You’re so gorgeous.” the stranger whispered against your ear, nipping at your neck as you got lost in the bass music. Feeling dizzy as the effects of the alcohol run through your veins and just knowing you were driving Bucky insane.
Bucky would deny he was a jealous guy of course. He believed as a boyfriend he was just doing what any other partner would do and protect what was theirs. You were his girl for years. The two of you started dating 4 years ago when he first moved into the compound, hitting it off almost instantly. That relationship lasted about 1 year before Bucky had decided to take a break, to reel in his freedom and explore other things in life. You and Bucky had other relationships with different people too, but for one reason or another they never seemed to work out and the two of you would find your way back to each other sooner or later. 
The second time you got together, it lasted a lot longer than the first. 2 years to be exact before it was once again his decision to take a timeout. Then you got back together for a further 6 months and broke up again. You remained friends until he started to sneak into your bed naked in the middle of the night. Then you got back together until a few weeks ago when he decided for the third time to break up, you figured it was a permanent breakup this time and here you were now, currently single and free. 
“You’re pretty hot yourself.” you teased the stranger, rubbing your noses together. Bucky’s jaw was clenched and his grip on his beer was close to shattering as he watched the two of you basically fuck each other. 
“You okay Buck?” Steve wondered amused by the look on Bucky’s face. 
“Fine.” Bucky gritted through his clenched teeth. 
“You’re grinding your teeth man. Should see a dentist about that.” Steve humoured, taking a swig of his beer that had absolutely no effect on him but he enjoyed the taste regardless. 
Now it was Steve’s turn to receive the death glare from his pal as Bucky spun in his seat and narrowed his eyes. 
“Seriously man, what’s got you so tense?” 
“Y/N.” he answered simply, flicking his eyes back over to you where you were bumping your ass against the stranger's crotch. “She’s fucking mine,” he stated, slamming his tumbler glass down on the bar and waving the bartender over.
“Correct me if I’m wrong but… didn’t you break up?”
“We never truly-” Bucky stops talking when his eyes zoom in on the stranger's hand that’s crawling up your thigh. “That’s fucking it!” 
“Go get her tiger,” Steve mutters with a knowing smirk in Nat’s direction. 
“I gotta go!” The stranger said quickly looking over your shoulder. Before you could stop him from leaving to ask what was wrong; a strong arm gripped your elbow and dragged you through the crowd of dancing people. The crowd parted as the 6ft man of muscle and a metal arm walked through everyone, literally shoving anyone out of the way who wouldn’t move. You offered them an apologetic look on your way out, not that they were even paying much attention to what was happening around them anyway. 
Bucky pushed the exit door open with so much force he almost took it off the hinges. 
“What’s your problem?!” you shouted, attempting to shake your arm from his tight grip. Bucky ignored you as he marched the two of you down the road and into the side of an alleyway. He shoved you up against the red brick wall. Anger radiating off of him. You chuckled and licked your lips. “Took you long enough.” You smirked, watching his eyes darken.
“Is this a game to you?” He growled, caging you in. 
“I don’t see why you would care. We’re both single, I’m allowed to do what I want when I want. Unless you’re jealous or-”
“I’m not jealous.” he defended, earning a laugh from you.
“Not jealous? Then why did you march me out of there like you own me?” Bucky nuzzled his face in your neck, nipping your earlobe. 
“You’re mine. Let’s stop fucking around.” 
“Says the man who keeps breaking up with me.” 
“I’m fucking serious. I’m never letting you go again, you’re mine! In fact… when we get home, I’m cuffing you to the bed and going down on you all night.”
His words went to your ears straight down to your core. You always remember Bucky being the passionate one in bed, always preferring to give rather than receive and he was damn experienced with that long hot tongue of his.
“Fine by me, you look hot with your head between my legs.” you countered with a smirk. He laced his fingers with yours, pulling you along with him and hailed a cab. 
The ride back to the compound was intense. Bucky stared at you the whole time, his eyes never faltering and his breathing was erratic. Your plan to drive him insane tonight clearly worked, and the triumph victory you felt was nothing compared to the prize you would be receiving later.
The cab pulled up outside the compound and Bucky tossed the driver a couple of notes, swiftly getting out and pulling you out with him. He remained quiet as the two of you walked through the compound hand in hand to the elevator, ignoring the looks of bypassers who were working late tonight. 
As soon as the elevator reached your floor, he took your hand and marched you down the hall like a man with a plan. He kicked your door open and you followed him inside. Closing the door behind you and locking it, you turn quickly and his lips are on yours. His kiss is heated and hungry, his fingers fumbling with the zipper of your dress, letting it pool around your ankles as he walked you backwards towards your bed. Your knees hit the side of the bed and you fell back with a slight giggle. His eyes were dark as they wandered over your half-naked form. Kicking your heels off, you shift yourself up the bed and he reaches into your nightstand drawer, pulling out a pair of pink fluffy handcuffs. You realise he’s going to keep his promise as he grips both of your wrists with his metal hand, handcuffing them to the metal headboard.
He left you like that for a few minutes, ridding himself of his own clothes and crawling up the bed with a predatory gaze. He kneels between your spread thighs and moves your legs over his broad shoulders, the muscles in his back flexing as he worked his hands to pull down your soaking wet panties. He growled against your thigh, nipping and sucking the sensitive skin there as he got closer and closer to your aching core. 
“Buck please,” you beg, bucking your hips near his face. Your swollen clit is desperate for his tongue. “Please baby I need you. I promise no more games.”
“No more games? You gonna be my girl?” he asks, darting his tongue out, you buck your hips again, hoping to touch his tongue before he pulls it back in his mouth. You groan in frustration when he does just that. “Answer me doll.”
“Yes, Buck. I’ll be your girl. Just please…” your chest heaves and your eyes close as his tongue manoeuvres between your folds, opening your lips in the process. 
“Oh yeah. Just like that. More, give me more!” Bucky chuckles, enveloping his lips over your clit and sucking harshly. 
“Get comfy baby. It’s gonna be a long night.” 
Taglist: @jobean12-blog @marvelgirl7 @godofplumsandthunder @hawksmagnolia @jamesbarnesappreciationclub @deanthedemon @kitkatd7 @littleredstarfish @sarge-barnes-sir @crushedbyhyperbole​ @emilylyoness​
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Ghost: Tobias finally revealed himself! From MyRock n°57; March/April issue; a FR->EN translation.
Enjoy a 2 page exclusiv interview fully translated from french to english; 3 full-page pics by Amanda Demme and a bitter live report of Zénith de Paris ritual (under the cut at the end of the post)! Note that I’m not perfectly bilingual so any of you who have a better english lvl than me are free to correct any mistake I could have done!
Tobias, master of the Forge
(Translation Note: Yes, we are french and we like dumb puns. So yass, he leads this band, thx)
Few hours before his appearance at Zénith de Paris, Tobias Forge has opened his lodge’s door to us. Decontracted and unmasked, the autoproclamed Ghost’s spokesperson frankly discuss about the band news and about his sudden notoriety.
Interview by Thomas Mafrouche; photos by Amanda Demme.
“In the colllective mind, doing metal is wearing black and shouting in a mic. People believe it’s easy when it’s a music requiring a lot of work and precision.” Tobias Forge
The last time we saw you at Zénith de Paris it was for Slayer and Mastodon’s opening. Tonight, you are the headline and your show is full. You must feel very proud! Tobias Forge: Oh I’m fulfilled! It’s fantastic! I’m very happy with what is happening. Not for the success, but because it allows me to finally have the means to do shows of the scope I always wanted. I always wished Ghost to be big, that our concerts dazzle! There’s nothing which annoyed me more than when you look small on a stage. It’s the case during some opening, or festivals prestations, when we have to play during day time... Ghost isn’t a band built for small stages. It’s a full experience, the spectator must imperatively get what’s coming! But, it’s a monstrous organisation, with a lot of logistical problems to solve beforehand. The more people there are involved in this adventure, the more risks there are for the machine to derailed. But, well, it’s the challenge to achieve when you bring a choir of 40 nuns on stage (laugh). In the end, what matter is that the spectator enjoy it, that they spend a good and phenomenous evening with us.
It is said that you are scrupulous about each detail, even the lights. Is that true? T.F.: Yes... I’m a “control freak”, I must admit it. (laughs) But this hunger for perfection, it’s also what brought me here tonight. This thirst for controling everything, it also came from the fact I’ve often been right by the past, but I was often dismissed... I have long tried to fight against this facet and to let people speak. And in these cases, it often narrowly avoided a catastrophe. So now I assume it. It pisses me off to have become a control maniac, but I’m used to it now, because it’s what’s best for Ghost, and thus, for the public...
Influenced by Candlemass & Metallica
To open your concerts for this tour, you have chosen your fellow countrymen from Candlemass. You’re fan, we guess? T.F.: I’ve been listening to them since I’m eight! They are my heroes! Their album Tales of Creation is one of my cult record! A decade ago, I had the chance to meet them and today we became very good friends. We are often seeing each others, our wifes and children are getting along pretty well too. Candlemass, it’s family! Their music had a direct impact on my way to compose. Plus, there’s all the imagery! I’m not talking about costumes, but the typography and the biblical visuals which always had greatly influenced me. I’ll even confess you something: The first album of Ghost, Opus Eponymous, was written for Messiah Marcolin’s voice [2nd singer of Candlemass, Redaction Note]. At the time, I didn’t wanted to be the singer of Ghost. Then I asked him to join us, but he had declined the invitation, saying he was busy with another project. So, when time has come to sing, I did it with his head voice. Last year, musicians from Candlemass also supported me on stage during Polar Music Prize’s ceremony [Swedish equivalent of Victoires de la Musique, but with guitars, RN (T.N: ouch, it’s a nice shot in our national music award ceremony face, since they never reward rock/metal artists... So yeah, national sized Grammy’s ceremony)]. We covered “Enter Sandman” by Metallica, in front of Sweden’s King and Queen. Robert Trujillo an Lars Ulrich were there as well. It’s an unforgatable memory! My wife and I, we even had dinner with one of Sweden’s princesses, after the ceremony.
Would the princess of Sweden be a metalhead?! T.F.: I won’t go this far, no (laughs). But she was very sociable, we even toasted. It was exquisite!
“Now, I will represent Ghost unmasked. Tobias Forge will be the official interlocutor, the same way George Lucas was the unique spokesman of Star Wars.” Tobias Forge
Speaking of Metallica, you’ll open for them at Stade de France, on May 12th. There, as well, it’s consecration! T.F.: It’s crazy! I’m going to tell you a funny anecdote. I’m not passionate about football, but it turns out that I was in Paris in 1998, during the World Cup. I wasn’t at Stade de France, but I saw pictures in the city, on big screens. And, at this moment, when I saw the final, that you amazingly won, I told myself that one day, I will play in Stade de France as well. It took me 21 years, but this day finally has come! this is proof that you have to believe in your dreams!
Metallica, it’s an institution for many people. For you as well? T.F.: There isn’t a superlativ strong enough to say how much I love these guys! Especially since they became friends. It’s an honour to have been chosen to support them on stage. Notably because they’re one of the reasons  which pushed me to do music.
Which is your favorite album? T.F.: Ouch, that’s not easy! From a strictly personnal point of view, I would say Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets. But from a professional one, as a composer, musician and producer, it’s clearly the Black Album. It’s their best record, the most complete. Reaching this level of perfection, it’s any musician’s dream. Everything is here, the writing is bold, with a lot of character, and the producing is impeccable. I know it’s a record which make polemic amongst purists, but objectively, it’s one of these albums which had contributed to forge the metal we know today. In the colllective mind, doing metal is wearing black and shouting in a mic. People believe it’s easy, when it’s a music requiring a lot of work and precision. The Black Album, it’s the result of a huge amount of work, it’s months and months of work!
Papa Emeritus vs Darth Vader
The Black Album is also the record of notoriety, the one which propulsed Metallica with the general/mainstream public. This exposure, it’s something you’re living since the release of Prequelle. Recently, your appearance in the TV show Quotidien created a conflict amongst fans. To have a guitar solo cut during a live stream, is it the price to pay when a metal band enter the great mediatical circus? T.F.: Of course, it’s a sacrifice to do. Let’s say that, with Ghost, our relations with medias hasn’t always been good. I long refused to play their game. For a long time, these mainstream televisions had asked for interviewing Papa Emeritus. I always opposed them a categorical no. You can’t interview Papa Emeritus, the same way you can’t interview Darth Vader. You can meet James Earl Jones, who borrow him his voice, or the actor David Prowse. But Darth Vader, nobody can speak to him. It’s the same for Papa Emeritus. Today, in order to reach the next level, it’s time to play the game, but in our way. Since I can’t relate on Papa Emeritus to do the job, I accepted to do this interview unmasked. The problem is that journalists hadn’t the necessary keys in hands to understand Ghost. Of course, I’m not talking about you, because rock press know very well what we are and who we are. You tell me about Candlemass, about Metallica... It’s something else. You, you know your subject. Mainstream medias, them, what’s interesting them is to make the buzz, it’s to have a bone to gnaw. Sometimes, I wonder why I accepted to do such mediatical things... It’s not like I needed them, moreover my concerts are full! But, well, I decided that now, I will represent Ghost unmasked. Tobias Forge will be the official interlocutor, the same way George Lucas was the unique spokesman of Star Wars. The person you have in front of you today, it’s kind of Ghost’s director.
Otherwise, what are the future projects for Ghost? T.F.: There will be a release before the end of the year, but it will not be an EP of covers like we often did so far. It will be something else, but it’s not done and I can’t tell you about it yet. But I recorded some things... The rest of the year, I will spend it  on the road, it will be very long, with, notably, dates in South America. I scheduled to go in studio early next year, to realease an album in 2020. You have to strike while the iron is hot!
(Under the cut you’ll find a semi-bitter live report. Take this line as a trigger warning maybe...?)
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Tobias Forge at Zénith?
It took 4 albums, 2 EP and a lawsuit before Tobias Forge, Ghost’s mastermind, offer to the french public an indoor show worthy of the name. The rendez vous is written down for early february, at Zénith de Paris.
Live report by: Roseline Artal.
6 000 persons
Concert: 3/5
Public: 3/5
We was told the show in the capital is full of capacity, but some stands are inaccessible and guarded by vigils. It’s certainly to allow everybody to be dazzled that the band decided to not fill  the venue at its maximum capacity, but it’s a shame for those who would have liked to be part of the lucky ones. After a Cigale and an Olympia much comparable to festivals prestations, Ghost decided to put every efforts here. Finally! Candlemass, coming from Sweden, open the ball, remaining on the very front of the stage. Songs flow, some blunders can be heard, notably when the singer Johan Längqvist mix up “A Sorcerer’s Pledge” and “Solitude”, but the crowd seems to appreciate. They rise their fists up in the air when needed, some heads are banging here and there, and we notice a semblance of circle pit down in the front right. However, it’s hard to remain enthusiastic very long in front of the relatively flat performance. Musicians are playing the game and are having fun, which is something at least. 
A cathedral stage It’s almost 9 p.m when lights turn off and the black curtains disappear, reaveling the magnificent stained glasses awning over imposing stairs. Such ornated, the Zénith stage is standing out! It’s with “Ashes”, perfect for an appetizer, Ghost offert themselves to their audience, but it’s “Ritual” which receive all suffrages on this show begining. As for “Devil Church”, it end on a duel between guitarists. When “Miasma” first notes resonnate, one question is on everybody lips: “Will Papa Nihil show himself?”. And the answer is yes, for our greatest pleasure.  “Jigolo Har Megiddo” is beautifully interpreted acoustically, allowing us to rest down our ears for a short time. Indeed, the sound is unbearable, at least without appropriated protections. Fortunatelly, the view isn’t unpleasant, thanks to a Tobias Forge of many personnalities as funny as worrying.
Papa Emeritus as a mafiosi (well, it’s obviously a confusion between Papa and Cardinal from the reporter here, I’ll correct it for the rest of this paragraphe, T.N) It’s well and truly the last album which is highlighted tonight, which is appreciated by fans. They are indeed ready to sing in unison and turn on there phone on “Life Eternal”, while Cardinal Copia play the romantic mafiosi, all in white dressed, thus marking an end to the first act. 15 minutes of break are offered, without a reason being given. Indeed, when the entract ends, the setting hadn’t change and musicians are wearing the same costumes. What if Tobias Forge became the new Axl Rose with his manic to leave the stage for ages with no valid reason? We’re picky, but these minutes could have been used to play other titles, such as the amazing “Elizabeth” which has disapeared from the setlist for years now... Nothing better than “Year Zero” sing by everyone and the cover of Rocky Erikson’s “If You Have Ghost” in order to put us in a good mood. However, the band found a way to ruin it all by dragging the members presentation out for long minutes. What a shame. “Dance Macabre” and “Square Hammer”, which we all keep loving during live, reconcil us with the swedes, then, without surprise, we’re leaving on “Monstrance Clock”, an ode to femal pleasure. When the lights turn back on, we can’t help but thinking this show was both a success and a disappointment notably due to useless dead calm. 
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happymetalgirl · 4 years
March 2020
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Wow, March seems like such a bygone era, time doesn’t mean anything anymore with so much turned upside down (especially in the music industry) in the throes of the pandemic going on right now. One of those things was me losing my punctuality with this blog. While I haven’t been on top of my writing, I have certainly been listening as much as ever, with plenty to talk about this month, so better late than never I suppose. Here are the albums I listened to during March.
Code Orange - Underneath
I just wrote about the Pittsburgh metalcore juggernauts’ highly anticipated fourth full-length, but I’ll summarize again what led me say that Underneath is a good album, but not as good as the breakthrough album whose high bar this album was always going to have a hard time clearing. The band go all in on the industrial elements that accented Forever on Underneath, as well as push their luck on the more melodic, alternative metal-oriented hardcore tracks, which came with some growing pains, the latter more than the former. And I really think that they probably are just growing pains with the band getting more comfortable with this expansion of their sound, which (contrary to what the many zealous 10/10 reviews are saying) I think the band will get significantly better with if they keep this trajectory going into their next album.
Body Count - Carnivore
I really have tried to focus on the positive aspects of Body Count’s music, the fearless, topical, confrontational lyricism and the capacity the band has to generate a good hardcore breakdown, but the band really do seem to be unable to get out of this one-dimensional rut they’re stuck in, with Carnivore simply a few shovels deeper in. The band’s appeal tires very quickly with Ice-T’s recycling of lyrical themes and his band’s repetitions of generic hardcore tropes. They come through with a few moments of intensity, a sick breakdown or two, but the positive, hopeful moments are too few and far between. I would think that with not a whole lot of competition and a hip hop icon behind the microphone that Body Count would have the capacity to do more for rap metalcore, but they seem stuck in a cycle I do respect the stances Body Count takes against injustice, and I want them to be a more prominent, important voice in metal, but they have some climbing to do to get there.
My Dying Bride - The Ghost of Orion
The grand masters of gothic death-doom don’t ever really steer too far off course, rather they sometimes just take their foot off the gas, as they do on The Ghost of Orion. It has all the elements of any beautifully melancholic My Dying Bride album; the slow and burgeoning guitars, the downtrodden vocal melodies juxtaposed with bursts of growled anguish, and the melodrama of vibrato-laden strings; but it’s all arranged and conjured without much tangible passion or pain. That’s by the standard of the band’s pretty solid discography though, so with that considered, it’s by no means a terrible death-doom album, it just won’t be converting anybody or getting anyone more excited about My Dying Bride and death-doom.
Warp Chamber - Implements of Excruciation
Brutal death metal can often seem pretty one-dimensional, and it often is, but in the hands of a band who really has the ambition to make more of it than just some guttural rumblings from all the instruments involved, the genre can really take on a wholy new monstrous form, its horrific, deathly instrumentation heightened by the melody and the compositional nuance that a competent band can bring to it, and that is exactly what Warp Chamber do on their debut album here. Full of cavernous growls and ceaseless low-register battery, it can seem, at face value like just a regular brutal death metal album, but when the band starts breaking out the winding tangents and manic solos that, again, just heighten the chaos and compliment the brutality. It’s more than just regular-ass death metal, and I’m glad to have heard this debut. I hope Warp Chamber has more in store.
Loathe - I Let It in and It Took Everything
Do you love Deftones? Maybe you do. I do. But I don’t think either of us love Deftones as much as Loathe loves Deftones. I’m goofing right now, but Loathe really do channel their Deftones fandom real hard when they’re not in full hardcore mode or getting eccentric with the segues on this album. And it does offer a great combination of styles, with angular, low-tuned modern metalcore noise riffage juxtaposed pretty strongly against the gauzy shoegaze that immediately hearkens to that facet of Deftones’ music. The band struggle to get the flow just right on certain songs and across the album in general, with some pretty inconsistent songwriting, but it’s definitely outweighed by its still somehow immersive quality and the strength of the individual pieces going into it.
Earth Rot - Black Tides of Obscurity
The Australian band brings forth some more of the tried and true modern death metal a la Bloodbath, Carnation, and modern Cannibal Corpse, but with enough eerie, blackened oddity throughout the songs to keep the journey from being too homogenous. It’s these moments that both give extra life to the bludgeoning, but at-times basic, modern death metal the band is conjuring and kind of disrupt the flow of that muscly death metal. At times I do wish the band would chose to focus one or the other more exclusively, but if this pushes Earth Rot further into this kind of stylistically ambitious death metal, I appreciate the stepping stone this album acts as.
Myrkur - Folksange
After riding a pretty strong wave of critical adoration for her contribution to the growing wave of atmospheric black metal that culminated in the respectably sonically unique Mareridt in 2017, Myrkur’s Amelie Bruun has taken a step back to refocus or recalibrate artistically. As the title suggests, Folksange finds its creator rewarding herself for her contributions to black metal with a return to her love of Scandinavian folk music, and you can tell she loves it on this entirely folk-music-based project devoid of any black metal elements. I may not have been as head-over-heels as a lot of critics were about her black metal albums, but I certainly appreciated her folk-inspired ambient take on the genre, especially the unique sonic pallet of Mareridt. I liked those albums quite a bit, yet it is clear that the sound on Folksange is her forte, which makes sense if Scandinavian folk has been a longer-standing passion than black metal for Bruun. The instrumentation is absolutely beautiful and Bruun’s angelic voice fits so perfectly with it, but Folksange is more than just superficially aesthetically gorgeous. The songs (old and original) are written and arranged with such a natural knack for the style that makes it such a serenely enveloping experience that stands as Myrkur’s best work yet. I highly recommend it.
Old Man Gloom - Seminar IX: Darkness of Being
The famed supergroup’s first of two releases planned for this year after the loss of Caleb Scofield sees them dabbling around in an experimental array of genres that all the members have some sort of significant experience and specialty with. From post-metal of the sludgy, Isis-esque variety to the more noisily esoteric, Sumac-esque variety, to distinctly post-hardcore-influenced stylistic diversions, the band’s wide-reaching sound takes all sorts of twists and turns along their most recent experiment with the members’ varying pedigrees and influences guiding the music on quite the unusual nomadic trek. From the repetitive chord progression of the opening track to the album’s noisy finishing tracks (one of which features what sounds like rocks tumbling down a shaft of some sort for an extensive period of time), the band let their adventurers’ instincts guide them as they wander through their own experiment through the interplay of their members’ various styles. It’s weird, and not super polished, but it’s certainly fixating.
Candlemass - The Pendulum
After further cementing their relatively unchallenged status as the kings of epic doom metal with The Door to Doom about a year ago, Candlemass have offered up a quick little demo-focused EP with one new fleshed-out song, the title track, which takes them to the faster, more Dio-era-inspires side of their sound with the grand, soaring operatic vocals on the chorus and the relatively fast (by doom standards) guitar rhythms on the verses (think “Paranoid” or “Children of the Grave’). I love the very Dio-esque delivery of the word “fools” at the end too, very fitting. The demo track “Snakes of Goliath” slows it back down to Ozzy-era Sabbath worship in typical Candlemass fashion, the riffs and arrangement pretty respectable for a supposed demo track. The other full-length demo, “Porcelain Skull”, by contrast, does feel much less compositionally fleshed out and more like an actual demo piece. The other three demo tracks are just little instrumental studio doodles that don’t really add anything to the EP. If this EP could be interpreted as any kind of power move, it’s that Candlemass at demo level have just such a sharp compositional intuition for grand Sabbath doom metal and can pretty much nail it in their sleep.
demo-level 7/10
Igorrr - Spirituality and Distortion
I was definitely looking forward to this album big-time after the gloriously unashamed weirdness of 2017’s Savage Sinusoid filled a massive void I felt was needed in my metal bank. By contrast, Spirituality and Distortion is such a reserved project it feels either shy or cowardly from the usually hyper-eccentric band. The greater absence of the vocals of Laurent Lunoir on the album highlight also just how much character he brought to Savage Sinusoid through his zany performances. Without his vocal wildness across the album, the attention on Spirituality and Distortion is then directed to the significantly timid production and electronic finagling that doesn’t measure up to that of Savage Sinusoid.
In This Moment - Mother
*Sigh* In This Moment is one of those bands who I think really do show a lot of potential but just can’s seem to reach it. They get a lot of unnecessary shit for Maria Brink’s sexy stage presence and generally theatrical aesthetic and live show, but they do have the capacity to produce emotive alt metal ballads like “Whore” and bangers like “Big Bad Wolf” that give some insight into what heights they could potentially reach if they were much more consistent. I was hoping that Mother would be a solid rejuvenation/comeback after the benign disappointment of 2017′s Ritual, and while it’s certainly different, it’s not better. Mother really tries to take on this big, enveloping sound, and biblical, post-apocalyptic feel, and it can sort of carry it for a little bit and be temporarily immersive until the band needs to go full force. When it’s just some fancy eerie atmosphere and Maria Brink’s sultry vocal delivery, it holds up okay, but when the horribly synthetically produced arena-booming instrumentation really comes in and breaks that immersion, you remember that it really is all just trite alt rock whose lofty flair is all a facade.
Mamaleek - Come and See
Undoubtedly the most wildly experimental album to grace my ears so far this year, I was not expecting such a forceful avant-garde project from Mamaleek so relatively soon after Out of Time, but damn I’m glad I got it! The anonymous brotherly duo have always taken black metal on quite the far-off journey whenever they bring it along on one, ever making it their mission to create something one-of-a-kind with their work, and Come and See has to be their most enthralling album yet. Ramming together the transfixing manic anguish of their blackened experimental noise with the angular dynamism of jazz and even some blues rock in a musical particle collider, Mamaleek have made a truly one-of-a-kind album, and that’s even by their standards. I’ve mentioned before that I tend to like my jazz pretty rowdy and aggressive (like my metal), and the chaos that Mamaleek already generates with their brand of black metal is perfect to trim with and infuse with the angular dissonance of traditional jazz at its more energetically extreme. While the array of chaotic sounds may make Come and See their most intangibly black metal album, the ethos of that root genre pierces through by way of the harshly shrieked vocals just as much as the new jazz elements do. I really might just have to do a full-length review on this one because there is so much going on here that is worth admiring and I can’t stop loving it.
Phalanx - Golden Horde
This album came out a few months ago and has been making some pretty significant waves on Bandcamp, and for good reason. The relatively young band on their second release ever do showcase a pretty good knack for groove and death metal brutality, balancing slow, thick, tasty groove and blasting death metal without falling into metalcore breakdown clichés or death metal clichés. The three-pronged vocal attack the band touts isn’t quite as dazzling as they might think it is (with the abundance of talented vocalists capable of shapeshifting through a variety of metal vocal techniques), but I do think it would be cool to hear them use that approach with all three vocalists acting more simultaneously to more effectively convey the chaos of the war-related lyrical themes they focus on. Nevertheless, this quarter-hour taster is a great starter for them and definitely worth checking out. Hopefully it’s a foreshadowing of the blossoming of a bright new act for death metal.
Regarde Les Hommes Tomber - Ascension
I’ve been seeing a lot of praise being thrown this album’s way, and I honestly can’t disagree too much with that it is a pretty damn good album. It is very reminiscent of the Numenorean album Adore that I praised so highly last year. Like Adore, Ascension is an atmospheric black metal album that could easily hook your typical dude who hates Deafheaven and blackgaze and makes a really big deal about it. The band’does well on Ascension to avoid the reliance on generic post-rock guitar reverb ambiance that turns so many people off from blackgaze, working together a lot of unique sonic twists that don’t usually find their way into ambient black metal and channeling direct, cutting, yet humanly vibrant instrumentation that’s backed by raw cries of agony very similar to what Numenorean was doing last year. Perhaps this is the new way forward for atmospheric black metal and blackgaze. If so, Regarde Les Hommes Tomber are doing well to lead the way.
Deadspace - A Portrait of Sacrificial Scars
I already offered my praises to this album at length with my long-form post dedicated to it, but I’ll give it another shout for its brilliant, bittersweet sending off of the seemingly tireless Australian band. Deadspace give their oppressive/depressive sound the added magnitude and glory offered by choir and orchestral elements with more tact than most bands that use those elements regularly. I really am surprised that the band have decided to split up at such a high point in their artistry and I wish there could be more from them, but I have to respect their decision to end it here, and A Portrait of Sacrificial Scars is a great note to end on.
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immcrals-blog · 5 years
( blake lively, 27, cisfemale, she/her ) — whoa, was that AMELIA DELUCA i just saw at THE DELUCA MANSION? i’ve seen them around town before, they’ve been here for THEIR ENTIRE LIFE. from what i’ve heard, they’re a member of the DELUCA family. for a SECOND IN COMMAND INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, they’ve been known to be -TENACIOUS and -RESOURCEFUL, but can also be +SELF-DESTRUCTIVE and +JUDGMENTAL. i hope they don’t cause too much trouble!
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[tw: abuse and self-mutilation]
Frigid, poised, confident - all laced together with elegance - Amelia DeLuca looks far from the kind of woman to play the part of investigative reporter. Do not be fooled by her appearance. She went to school for business, and for a long time thought she was going to be the one running Anthony DeLuca’s financing firm. For a while she was. Things have been different for the last five years and they’ve changed even more over the course of the last two weeks. At first glance, Amelia seems a bit like the the Michael Corleone of the DeLuca family: raised to be part of the family business, got out, and then got pulled back in. In truth, she’s probably more of a Fredo - the black sheep of the lot. Amelia was brought up to be part of her father’s criminal empire and her brother’s Second In Command. She ran the business side of things for the DeLucas, but severed herself from the family when Anthony Jr. got physically violent with her. That was five years ago. Fate led her to the O’Hara’s and Amelia found a new life with them. However, the recent murder of Matthew O’Hara has cast an incredible amount of suspicion on Amelia and she was promptly booted from the O’Haras by her new husband. Feeling lost? Join the club! That’s Amelia’s constant state of being at this point in life and she’s just trying to hold it together. Family is by far the most important thing to Amelia, though she’s been cut off from all of hers. Right now, she has been living out of a Motel 6 and trying to stay focused on her true passion - writing ( heads up: it’s not her true passion ). Most of all she has been keeping an arm’s distance from both the DeLuca and O’Hara empire. It won’t last long. 
Second oldest biological child of the DeLuca family. Grew up extremely close to her older brother Anthony (I’m going to just say it now - “extremely close” is the “gal pals” of this bio - do what you will with that information.) 
Was her father’s favorite, though she was often spared his wrath thanks to her older brother
Showed an interest in numbers at a young age, but was pushed away from learning about any of the family business by Anthony Sr. because she was a girl 
“Shut up Amelia” - the words she heard the most growing up. Characterized by her tendency to speak up when her brother wouldn’t. Was only able to get away with this because she didn’t have to suffer the consequences for it.
Hated the idea of being married off though her family was very much the sort to do so. Had enough of it and one Christmas she just snapped - cut off her own ring finger in an act of defiance. Dad took this as a sign that she was METAL AF and finally allowed her to start learning more about the DeLuca criminal empire.
She was poised to start working at his company and in line to become the Second in Command of the Delucas. (She would become both of these things - at least for a bit. Neither would last.) 
She was accepted into several Ivy League colleges. She was ultimately forced to choose Columbia so that she would stay in New York and stay close. She double majored in business and journalism.
If you haven’t figured it out yet, her youth was not a very happy time. 
The incident that separated her from her family occurred when she was 22. The Deluca’s were planning a hit on Matthew O’Hara and Amelia, Second in Command by then, had just realized that the the O’Hara’s had caught wind of it. In a snap decision, she called off the hit in order to save the lives of her colleagues. Her brother, Head of the DeLucas by then, was furious that she didn’t consult them. It got physical and she still has a scar because of it under her left eye. Amelia left that night, stepping away entirely from her family and her positions within her father’s company and the Delucas. 
That was big for her. 
A real Turning Point if you will. 
Fate brought her to the O’Haras. One ER meet-cute later, and Amelia was slightly more familiar with Oliver O’Hara. 
It bloomed and the two struck up a relationship, a marriage, and a family over the course of five years. During that time, it was like Amelia had blinders on. She wanted nothing to do with the criminal underworld and instead, began pursuing a career in journalism. 
This newfound peace was not meant to last. The recent killing of Matthew O’Hara has left the Oliver and his family extremely distrusting of Amelia. She was kicked out swiftly and in no ways kindly. 
And suddenly, Amelia was on her own again. 
For the first time in her life Amelia finds herself owing allegiance to no one but herself. She’s still learning how to handle it. Who knows how well that will sit with her. She misses her son, her husband, her brother and just... all of it. 
The spitting image of her mother, the Deluca matriarch, Donna. 
former Strategist of the family 
Knows the Deluca business inside and out - is just keeping a distance from it
Married to Oliver O’Hara. Technically still is because you can’t get divorced someone in two weeks flat. Mother of Matthew Jr (4 years old.)
Cares about her siblings so much - though they aren’t speaking to her she tries to keep as many tabs as she can on them. Family first.
Absolutely guilt-wracked by her past choices. Hides it well.
Terribly traumatized by her childhood. For a long time, it was just her and Anthony Jr against the world (read: their father.)
Hair tied back or in a braid or in a bun. Always.
Crime never sleeps and neither does she
Likes crossword puzzles
Plays the piano and saxophone. Likes jazz music.
Can keep a cool head in a tough situation like no other motherfucker
give me all the connects. i’m open to just about everything!! Excited to meet y’all! I’m REY.
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tetrakys · 5 years
Trois Allumettes - Chapter 1
What if Lysander never attended Sweet Amoris and he and Candy met for the first time in college? Starts between Episode 3 and 4 and will rewrite each MCL UL episode with Lysander as the main route.
“Ugh! This tuna sandwich sucks!”
It was just another Tuesday afternoon. Rosa, Chani ed I were having lunch in the dining hall.
“We both know you are going to eat it anyway” I laughed.
“You know what, Candy?” Rosa said pensively while biting into her sandwich “You look really tired. Is everything okay?”
One of my friend’s most charming qualities, she never beats around the bush.
“Everything is f-fine.” I said yawning “Yesterday I stayed up late watching a horror movie.”
“Oooohhh which one?” asked Chani, eyes shining with interest.
“Just a crappy one about a haunted mansion I found on Netflix. It was really bad but I was hooked and had to know how it ended. It freaked me out though.”
“I know that one” said Chani “it isn’t scary at all.”
“Of course you would say that.”
“It really isn’t” she added passionately “haunted mansions are not scary, they are really fascinating, all that mystery and the amazing ancient architecture… you would know it if you came urbexing with me. Tonight I am going back to that amazing place I told you about.”
“Uhm… no thanks.”
“Also” she added “that movie is very inaccurate, ghosts are not evil. They are just lost.”
“I can see how being lost for a few hundred years could make anyone grumpy” I said smiling.
“Oh crap!” we both turned to see Rosa looking at her watch “The keys! Sorry girls I have to run, I’m so late. I have to meet with…” she stuffed two sandwiches in her mouth and mumbled something we couldn’t understand while running towards the door.
For a few moments we both stared silently at the door where she had just disappeared, then Chani turned in her chair and said “You know what would be really scary? Being late for Mr Lebarde’s class.”
We both rushed to finish our meal.
It was a cold windy night, I was coming back from the gym after one of my sporadic and exhausting work out sessions and, thanks to Kim’s drill sergeant ways, I was feeling sore everywhere. I couldn’t wait to have the shortest shower ever and jump into bed with a box of cookies, effectively nullifying all my hard work.
I was just about to open the dorm door when I heard a strange noise from the right side of the building. I looked around. Like any weekday night, the campus was basically desert. It had rained earlier that evening and a eerie mist surrounded the large open area. I really don’t like this… I thought. Last time I had heard a strange noise out there it was just Nath with a girl. Trying not to focus my thoughts on that scene, which was still quite upsetting, I headed back towards the door.
I heard it again. All of a sudden my conversation with Chani from the a few days ago came back to mind. Ghosts are not evil, they are just lost… No! Ghosts do not exist! I blamed my freakout on the stupid movie I had watched the other day, never again I was going to watch horror movies late at night.
To prove myself brave I headed towards the source of the noise, it seemed to originate from that little black door that lead to a basement at the back of the art department. With steady steps and led only by the moonlight, I made my way to the building. I was just about to grab the handle when I heard the noise again, louder than ever. The door suddenly opened with a bang and a tall dark shadow emerged on the doorway.
I ran to my room without looking back.
“OMG that’s just too funny!”
Sometimes Alexy could be really annoying.
“Quit it! I’m not joking, it was the scariest shit I’ve haver experienced.”
We were having a drink at the Snake Room and he was laughing his ass off without a care in the world.
“Yes Alex, stop teasing Candy, she looks quite upset” said Priya, patting me on the arm.
“Thank you!”
“Even though…” she continued cautiously “you should admit that a ghost is not the most plausible explanation.”
“Why not?” Chani interrupted “ghosts are perfectly natural. We are made of both flesh and spirit, some of us just stick around a little longer than what our perishable bodies allow.”
Alexy started laughing even louder.
“Come on Chani, do you really think that a dead guy would waste his time haunting a deserted dusty storage room? Personally, if it was me, I would set up home in the male locker room.”
“It could have been a girl, you know?” said Priya “and we have no idea what’s in that room at the back of the art building, anything could be going on there.”
“Nothing is going on there” I said “I went back in the morning. The door was locked and I found no indication of anyone ever being there.”
It wasn’t totally true. I did go back in the morning when lots of sunlight and passerbys felt like the best shield against whatever I had seen the night before. The door was indeed locked but I found a piece of paper lying on the floor that I didn’t think was there before. It was a page from a notebook where a poem was written in an elegant and slightly ancient-looking handwriting. For some reason I didn’t feel like sharing this detail with my friends. It may have had nothing to do with my ghost anyway.
My ghost… that sounded ridiculous even in my head, but I didn’t know how else to explain what I saw.
“I am going back there tonight and will get to the bottom of this!”
“Please let us accompany you, I hadn’t laughed so hard in days, we are all going back to the dorms anyway” said Alexy while we all got up and put our coats on.
This was secretly what I was hoping for, and the real reason I had brought up the incident in the first place. Strength was in numbers. Alexy wanted to get a good laugh out of the situation, Priya was the voice of reason and Chani was just interested in anything mysterious.
“Too bad Rosa was busy tonight, she is going to miss a real ghost hunt” he sniggered.
“Quite fitting” said Chani “it’s almost Halloween.”
Once on campus we made way to the dorms. The place was again desert.
“So… where is this haunted broom closet?” Alexy joked.
“Right over there” I pointed to the back of the art building.
“I hear no gruesome sounds”
“I know…”
“No scraping of chains”
“I know…”
“No dying screams”
“I know…”
“Enough Alex” Priya said calmly “stop tormenting Candy, she feels enough mortified.” She turned to me and added “Don’t worry Candy, this place is dark and the wind is so strong, anyone could…”
Whatever she was going to say was cut off by the noise. Everyone froze. We looked at each other with wide eyes. Ah! I wasn’t crazy, this time I wasn’t the only one who heard it.
“What the…” said Alexy.
We heard it again, louder. It was a metallic sound, it did remind a bit of rusty chains scraping the floor.
In that moment three things happened almost at the same time: with the same loud noise the black door burst open and crushed against the wall, the tall dark figure raised against the doorway more imposing and majestic than ever, and a piercing scream split the air.
“You were right I would have never been able to open this rusty door by mys… Guys? What are you doing here? Alexy, why are you screaming like this?”
Rosa rushed out of the building and ran towards Alexy who was crouching on the floor with his head in his hands. He looked up when he heard her voice, a moment passed where he seemed to pull himself together, got back to his feet, dusted his clothes and said with a too-bright-to-be-real smile
“Ahah I was just teasing Candy, she has been telling everyone she saw a ghost here yesterday. It was you all along, great prank Rosa.”
“It was me, actually.”
A deep voice said from behind Rosa’s back. We all turned towards the door to see a tall man step into the light. He had slightly long hair of different shades from white and grey to dark, and the most beautiful heterochromia of the eyes I had ever seen, one golden brown and one deep green. He was wearing clothes in what looked like a gothic or Victorian style, a long black coat and a dark green cravat at his neck. He was… striking, and he was looking at me with those unsettling eyes.
“Guys, this is Lysander, Leigh’s brother.”
Everyone got out of their stupor and started saying hi and giving their names. I felt like my tongue was tied.
“He just moved in town to study at Anteros, he stayed with Leigh and I for a few days while the university sorted the mess they made with his dorm room. The idiot admin officer apparently mixed up his documents and assigned it to someone else.”
“What are you going to study, Lysander?” asked Priya with a smile.
“Poetry” he simply replied.
“He is doing his fifth year specialising in poetry, he has a real talent with words.” Rosa replied proudly patting his back.
“And what have you been doing in this building at night?” asked Chani curious.
“He is collaborating with the music department as a lyricist, they do lots of rehearsal at night, as I said he is really talented.” Why was Rosa talking in his place? If he really was so talented at putting words together he apparently wasn’t as much at expressing them. Also, why did he keep staring at me?
“Okay, good, mystery solved. I’m going to my room. Nice to meet you Lysander” Alexy said walking towards the dorms still looking a little unsettled.
“I have to go too, I just came to bring a few stuff my dear brother in law forgot” she said laughing “I swear Lysander, if your head wasn’t on your neck you would lose that too.”
“I am going to the library, goodnight.” Chiani waved and walked away.
Priya, Lysander and I headed to the dorms together.
“Well, this is me” she said looking at me a little apologetically, I had totally forgot her room was on the ground floor! “Nice meeting you Lysander, see you tomorrow Candy, goodnight.”
Lysander and I were now alone in the deserted hall of the dorms. I felt really awkward, why was I feeling so awkward? I pushed the elevator button, a part of me hoping he also had a room on the ground floor, but no, he was waiting right next to me. At some point the doors opened and we got in. I pushed seven and he pushed nine.
Was this the longest elevator ride in history? The silence was deafening. I was rummaging through my brain trying to find something, anything to say when, to my surprise he spoke first.
“I’m sorry.”
“W-what?” I stuttered.
“For yesterday, for scaring you. It wasn’t my intention. The door of the basement where we compose is very old and rusty, it needs a good push to open up. I apparently applied too much force and smashed it into the wall. I must have terrorised you, like that in the dark… I tried to explain but you run away, I am really sorry.”
I felt heath rising in my cheeks, God I was such an idiot.
“No, I should be the one to apologise, for acting like a child and thinking you were a…”
“A ghost?” he said and smiled. He actually smiled and it was… enchanting.
“I admit that’s pretty funny” was he teasing me? “but Casper was one of my favourite movies when I was a child so I’ll take it as a compliment.”
The elevator doors opened and, with a mental shake, I stepped out of the elevator mumbling a goodnight.
I turned around surprised.
“See you around” he said with a small smirk on his lips. The doors closed, hiding his beautiful face.
Wow… I had so many questions. Who was this guy? Leigh’s brother yes but… where had he been all along?
And that intense aura surrounding him… those incredible and slightly sad eyes… I was intrigued and wanted to know more. Much more.
See you around he had said, I smiled a little.
Looking forward to it.
Go to Chapter 2
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demon-snacks · 5 years
Devil’s Playground Ch. 1
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Summary: After leaving your job you travel out to LA for some time to figure things out. Arriving at your destination, you check into an old, seemingly forgotten hotel. After settling in you head to the lounge and and up having a better time than you expected.
Word Count: 2,245
Characters: Iris, Liz Taylor, James Patrick March, Reader
Warnings: a little angst, some cute interactions, alcohol. I think that’s about it
A/N: This first chapter is mainly a setup for the rest of the series. There’s no smut here, but that’ll change in the next chapter. Unbeta’d, all mistakes are my own.
Stepping over the threshold of your apartment, you toss your keys onto the table beside the door. The darkness of your apartment in the late morning was made especially somber as rain came down in heavy sheets against the windows. You let out a frustrated groan before shrugging off your dripping jacket and kicking off your shoes. So what if they had made your last day at work a living hell? At least you were done. You never had to go back to that suffocating office, or spend all of your time fixing other people's mistakes.
It had been a spur of the moment decision, to leave your job. After working in the same place without going anywhere for 4 years you were burnt out. Life had become the same, unsatisfying cycle, day after day. Wake up early, go to work, come home late, and eat a quick meal before going to bed, and repeating it all when you woke up. There was no time for passion, no art, no cooking, none of the things that used to bring you joy. Glancing around your apartment now, things seemed  different. Suddenly it was all too real. Feeling overwhelmed, you quickly walked into the bedroom, taking out your duffel bag and tossing it onto the bed. You needed to get out of here, before the walls closed in on you. Some time away would be good, you told yourself. Anyplace other than here. This apartment had suddenly become a prison.
“Okay, just the essentials,” you said to yourself after opening the top drawer of your dresser. Beginning to dance around the room, you grabbed only the clothes and items that you loved, tossing them into your bag. It took only a couple minutes to gather enough clothes to fill the bag. You flitted into the bathroom to grab your toothbrush and other essentials before returning to the bedroom. Dropping your toiletries into your duffel, you quickly zip it shut. You then waste no time in stripping off the work clothes that had been weighing you down.
After changing into a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt, you grab your bag and head for the door. Pausing only to pull on your boots, your hand reaches for the doorknob. Without so much as a glance back, you walk out of your apartment. The cold rain feels new and refreshing in your skin as you make your way to your car. Opening the drivers side door, you throw your bag into the car and slide in yourself. There was a small groan of metal as you pulled the door shut.
This was it, the chance you had to turn back. Go back inside, revise your resume, risk starting the loop all over again for the sake of comfort and safety. Taking a deep breath, you slide the key into the ignition, turning it until the engine roared to life. Placing your foot on the gas pedal you started off. You didn’t have a particular destination, no plans, no nothing. All you knew was that you wanted to get far away. So as you drove on, listening to the music spill from your speakers and the wipers move back and forth across your windshield, you headed towards the coast.
As you walked up to the hotel entrance a gust of wind blew past you, ruffling your hair. The chill that followed trickled down your spine like ice, sending pins and pricks to your fingertips. Stilling yourself with a quick breath, you reached for the brass handle and pulled open the door.
The interior was dim. As you made your way through the lobby you couldn’t help but glance up at the three massive chandeliers suspended from the ceiling.The light they cast illuminated the red carpet and upholstery that you could tell was once rich in color. This place didn’t seem half bad considering you found it last minute after rolling into town. After driving for 12 hours you figured Los Angeles was as good a place as any to stop.
“Can I help you?” The voice came from your left. It came from an older woman with large glasses standing behind the reception desk. Shaking the scattered thoughts from your mind you approached the desk.
“Hi, I’d like a single room please,” you say, setting your bag down beside you, and sliding your identification and credit cards across the counter. Without saying a word, the woman took them and began booking your room. As she processed the cards you glanced to the left. You could have sworn you just saw someone out of the corner of your eye, but when your gaze fell on the area they had been there was nothing there. It must have been your imagination. The sharp sound of your ID and credit card being slapped onto the countertop brought your attention back to the receptionist. Turning, she slid one of the keys on the wall behind her off it’s hook and placed it on the counter beside your other things.
“You’re all set,” she droned. “Third floor, take a right at the end of the hall.”
“Thanks,” you say while collecting your things. “Oh! What’s the wifi password?”
“We don’t got that,” said the woman as she walked back into what you assumed was an office. The conversation was over. Lowering your eyebrows after the surprise of the interaction had passed, you made your way to the elevator
The hallway stretched far in front of you. Finally arriving at your room after what seemed like a too long trek through stuffy hallways, you slide the key into the lock and push the door open. The room was decent in size, with a queen bed and some furniture situated along the walls. The fabric on the duvet and drapes were dated, and a musty smell hung in the air, but you weren’t expecting the Ritz-Carlton experience.
Dumping your duffel bag on the floor and kicking off your shoes, you flop down on the bed and roll around, stretching your muscles with a groan. Rolling onto your stomach, you notice the vanity directly across from the bed. If there’s one thing you loved about old hotels it was the furniture. Your eyes slowly moved over the piece, taking in it’s curves and angles. The rich color of the stain, the detail of the woodwork, all leading your eye to the gigantic mirror set atop it all. Say what you will, but art deco will always be stylish. Your mind began to wander, wondering what other gems were hiding within the walls of this hotel.
Hauling yourself off the bed with a sigh, you decide to hop into a quick shower. After being in a car all day you could really use a one. The tile floor was cold beneath your feet as you entered the bathroom, approaching the shower. You turn on the faucets before stripping out of your clothes, leaving them in a pile on the floor.  It doesn’t take long for the water to reach a nice temperature, and so you stepped in, pulling the curtain closed behind you. A contented sigh fell from your lips as you allowed the hot water to work away at your sore muscles.
The lighting was dim as you entered the lounge. Feeling restless after your shower, you decided a drink might help you wind down. So you threw on your favorite dress and grabbed your wallet, before leaving the comfort of your room. The lounge was mostly empty, only a couple of people scattered amongst the dark tables. As you approach the bar you feel as though there are eyes burning through you, watching your every move.
“Well aren’t you a pretty sight,” said the bartender, placing her book down on the counter behind the bar. She was tall, and wearing a tight vintage dress.
“Thanks,” you replied, offering her a small smile. “Is that Chanel you’re wearing?”
“Pretty eyes, and a knowledge of fashion. I think I’m in love. What can I get you, sweetie?” She asked.
“I’ll take a manhattan, thanks.” She moved fluidly behind the bar, grabbing bottles with lithe fingers as she mixed your drink. You glance around, taking in the craftsmanship of the place. Sharp angles portrayed in hard metal, offset by plush velvet chairs, and multiplied by the mirrors that surrounded the bar. It was made all the more luxurious with the color scheme of red and gold.
Your attention was pulled back when the bartender placed a martini glass on the bar in front of you. “So what brings you to a place like this?” She asked with a small flourish or her hand, gesturing around her.
“Oh, the usual. Running from the past, hoping to figure out a future,” you replied.
“Well, don’t forget to acknowledge the present, or it’ll slip by like a lover sneaking out your bedroom window,” she remarked.
You lifted your glass to her in response, “To the present,” you toasted, before sipping the dark liquid from your glass. Just then a man approached the bar. No, not the bar. You. He was clean cut, dressed in a classic style, his short hair slicked to the side. A thin moustache sat atop his upper lip.
“Pardon me, is this seat taken?” he inquired, flashing a bright smile. His accent was something out of a 1920s film.
“Not at all,” you answered. The man pulled out the stool beside you and took a seat, extending a hand in your direction.
“The name’s James. James March. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance…” he trailed off inquisitively, waiting for you to finish his sentence.
“(Y/N), (Y/N) (Y/L/N)” responding, you reached out your hand. However, instead of shaking it, he took your fingers in his, bringing your hand to his lips where he placed a ginger kiss on your knuckles before releasing his hold. The contact sent electricity through your arm. His eyes never left yours.
“So, how are you liking your stay here at the Hotel Cortez?” he broke the brief moment of silence that was shared between the two of you, his voice upbeat.
“I only just checked in a couple hours ago, but it’s been nice. This is a beautiful building. It’s as if it’s been untouched for decades,” you answer, looking up at the towering art piece above the bar. James began to tell you the aztec tale behind the the art, and, subsequently, the name of the hotel. The way he wove the story together was like art itself, his accent pulling you into the tale. This man seemed to hold your attention like no other. You sat, sipping your drink between amused expressions as he went on. Effortlessly melding the end of the story into the present, he began asking you about yourself. Divulging only what you wished him to know, he listened attentively.
“Captivating!” James remarked when you had finished explaining about the first year you moved out on your own. You had learned a fair share about him in between witty remarks and conversation segways. He was a passionate man, there was no doubt about that, with an old world charm that never seemed to stop. Having had  lived in the hotel for years, along with a handful of other residents, he led quite a colorful life.
The two of you were laughing over the end of a story James was telling about a mishap he had gotten into with friends when the bartender cleared her throat beside you.
“Last call,” she declared, placing the glass she was wiping on a shelf. Your attention pulled from James, you realized you were now the only two left in the lounge. You wondered how long that had been the case.
“Oh my, it seems we have closed the bar,” James said with a chuckle.
“We must have been talking for two hours straight,” you commented, a smile pulling at the corner of your lips. You noticed James eyes drawn to the spot.
“And not a moment of which failed to be titillating,” he remarked, returning his eyes to yours. “I only wish we could spend the next two hours conversing as well, but alas, I must retire for the evening. Busy day tomorrow.” When he got up from his seat, he offered his hand to you. Taking his hand, he raised it to his lips once more, ghosting a kiss across your skin.
“It’s been a pleasure talking with you, James,” you said. “I hope to see you around.”
“I’m sure you will. And if you find yourself in want of anything during your stay here, please let me know and I will see you get it.” He insisted.
“I’ll keep that in mind,”You replied with a smile.
“Until next time,” he concluded before taking his leave. You turned back to the bar, a soft sigh escaping your throat as you raised the glass to your lips, taking the last sip of the drink in front of you. The lounge was quiet, the only sounds coming from the clink of the glasses being sorted behind the bar. You were lost in thought for a moment, drawing patterns in the droplets of moisture left behind by your glass. All of the sudden a deep voice broke the silence behind you, causing your heart to stop. A voice you hadn’t heard in seven years.
“(Y/N)? Is that you..?”
Tag lists are open, send me an ask if you want in (:
@pisces-cutie @lucifer-in-leather @kdfrqqg
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Current Music Obsessions: December 17 - 31, 2018
I'm so late on getting around to posting this. I've been busy lately and I'm currently fighting off an upper respiratory infection, but that isn't gonna stop me! So let's look at the final honorable mentions from 2018.
The Big Jazz Duo - The Heretic Shadygrove - Northern Lights Neverlight - Thirteen Nails Kerli - Savages Bemore - Ambitious Anneke Van Giersbergen - When I am Laid in Earth (symphonized live) Except One - Nothing The Hardkiss - Forever More Marcela Bovio - Here to Stay Marcela Bovio - Desde Adentro Northward - Timebomb Against Myself - Hero's Soul Kheos - Asphyxia
And now for the final main obsessions of the year.
Spiritbox - Trust Fall
This is the third single they released in 2018 and it's wonderful. It's making question if what they're working on is an EP or a full length album. Either way, they're out here to let people know that they're here to slay the djent world. This song is so beautiful. The bass solos are wonderful and the pitch-shift harmonies are back, and we all know I'm a sucker for those. And can we please talk about how epic that acapella outro is? Yes bitch.
Myrkur - Juniper
This track is so pretty. She really knows how to create some of the prettiest music out there, but isn't afraid to let Lady Satan out either. Lady Satan doesn't appear in this track. I just can't get over how lovely it is.
Red Moon Architect - A Wish for a Tear
This popped up on my recommended videos one day and I fell in love with it. They're a gothic doom metal band I discovered a while back, but never dabbled too much into. I really need to change that. This song is so strong and lovely. I haven't listened to some good gothic doom metal in a while, so this was a good change from all the prog/symphonic metal and hard rock I've been jamming to a lot lately.
Lilith and the Knight - War Cry
I don't remember subscribing to their YT channel, but I'm glad I did or else I would've missed this epic track. Their front woman is a powerhouse of a singer. The riffs are really cool and have this fun vibe to them. And I always love showing love for metal bands that are fronted by black women.
The Hardkiss - Koxaнці
This is such a fun track. Has such a great groove to it and is rather catchy. The bridge goes in and brings this energy that adds to just how fun this track is. And can we talk about the video for this? Bruh, it is amazing. I've always been a huge fan of their videos, but they started to get less visual about a year or so ago. But the visuals are back in this video and I am living for them.
Votum - Hate
This is their newest single and it's a powerful one. It's about cyber bullying and really touches on things from so many different sides, like why people do it and how it affects both parties. It even gets real in the chorus when they start singing off messages from bullies. It really hits home for me when they bring up hate towards queer people (which this video features queer people btw). And those screams near the end. Dude, he turned this song the fuck out.
Qveen Herby - Bank feat. Monogem and Maliibu Miitch
I fell in love with this track after listening to her full discography while my sister and I were wrapping Christmas gifts one day. It's such a great track and has a beautiful flow. The singer in the pre-chorus has such pretty voice. I know I've been posting a lot of Qveen Herby on here a lot lately, but I went through a big QH kick thanks to EP 4. But that's not a problem for me, I love Karmin's work to not just let it sit around unlistened.
Profusion - Clef of Memories feat. Anita Rachvelishvili (live)
I discovered these guys on IG one day and decided to check them out and found this performance. Holy tits is this amazing. Anita has got some pipes on her. I wonder if she's done any studio work with them. I love the flow and the feel of this track a lot. It might be a simple prog track, but man them vocals really sell it.
Memoira - Dawn of Time
It's been a minute since they've dropped something. This is such a gorgeous track and it features their new front woman. It has a bit of an atmospheric vibe to it that I just adore so much. It adds to the emotion and the dreamy atmosphere of the track.
Aly & AJ - With You
This is their latest single and I absolutely love it. I love the fact that they're going in this synth-pop direction. The song is so chill, but it's still really fun and great to vibe with. It has a great blend of 80's and modern synth-pop vibes to it that I think will appeal to a lot of people. Also I really hope they release a studio version of the version of Rush they perform live now sometime soon. It sounds sick as hell.
Circus of Fools - Watch Me
Rex was a pretty good album, but I really fell in love with this song. The vibe of it is just really cool. There's something about the production and the vocal lines that I just absolutely love. It's an aspect in songs that is always a guarantee that I will fall in love with it. This track really shows of their female singer really well, but not much of her range, but that's not an issue here though.
The Anix - Black Space
Their new album was amazing and this track is definitely a favorite. It's so lovely and you get a great feel for the singer's range. He has such a gorgeous voice and I feel like this song really shows that off. It's one of their more synthy tracks, which is no complaint from me. They're a synth-rock band after all.
Marcela Bovio - The Silence Before the Storm
This song is full of so much power and emotion. It really makes me wonder how it would sound if it were a Stream of Passion track. It's the most powerful track on the album in my opinion. Marcela really turned it out here.
Fleurie - Love Has No Limits
This song is so pure and lovely. It just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside when I listen to it. Fleurie just has that affect on me sometimes. She really sings from the heart and that's very apparent on this track. The overall vibe of this track is just so stunning and touching.
And that's it for 2018! These were the tunes that I rocked out to at the very end and there will be plenty more in obsessions to come in the following year. But I might be changing things up with the series. Not sure if I will or not, but you'll find out if it does.
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genjii09 · 4 years
Rambling and Ranting (haven’t done this in a while). Be advised: there is some rather foul language below. TL;DR alert, too.
Universe, would it fucking kill ya to allow me to catch one miniscule break once in a while? Honestly, would it fucking kill ya? 
I mean, this is why I don’t go out much, even long before the pandemic. I always told that every coming day is going to be better than the last, but it’s always more bullshit. I mean, I busted my ass for the past 10 years to get a fucking aerospace degree and for the past 2 years I apply to hundreds of places across the US, Canada, and even New Zealand and I can’t land anything. Even though most of the interviews I had landed went well, I always end up getting a big fat rejection. 
Of course, last year I was given an offer to play bass in this new band. Apparently this guy had been in a [self-proclaimed] popular touring band, one of which I had never heard of, and the group had disbanded so he was forming a new band. Honestly, the genre of music this guy plays doesn’t interest me in the slightest, but it seemed like a good Idea at the time to give it a chance; also I was just happy to be in a band at all. I wanted to join my friends in Swarm of Serpent, which is a blackened death metal band (much more my speed), but of course they went with somebody else. I guess I can’t truly fault them because I was in bands before and had played bass since 2008, I was never in a band that had played live gigs. Not to mention I had been pitching my own bands since 2009 and nobody ever wanted to be a part of them. But, since August of 2019 I actually got to be in a band and play a few shows around my own town, Phoenix, and even a couple shows in California. I also got to meet some other cool musicians including my buddy Dan who had briefly played drums with us. It was also something for me to do while I looked for engineering jobs. Still working on finding a job; haven’t given up on that.  
I thought that being in this band would make me happier, but damn was I ever wrong. As good a guitarist and vocalist this guy is, I have learned rather quickly that he is a massive control freak who is untrustworthy and impossible to work with. My buddy Dan was aware of this as well, and he made the right decision and left after we returned from our first “tour.” First off, the guy doesn’t have tablature or sheet music for his songs so in order for me to learn them he had to take my bass and show me. I ask the guy simple musical theory questions and he doesn’t know what I’m talking about. And not even a week after I joined the band (before we even auditioned a drummer) he was so adamant about going on tour of west coast when we haven’t made a local name for ourselves. Just because we reached over 8000 likes on Facebook doesn’t mean we’re going to fill shows. Every gig we’ve had, we would typical go on first and every time I would look up from my bass I would see about 8 to 12 people in the audience on average. Me, I don’t care when we perform or how many people come to the pit to watch us; I’m just happy to play at all, but the ringleader sure as hell care. And this tour of the west coast was very poorly planned: not only did he try to book the gigs himself and only manage to get about four out of like planned 12 venues, he had us take an old raggedy van which had mechanical issues in the red. Not long after we had picked up Dan in Maricopa we made a pit stop in Casa Grande, and when me and Dan stepped out to stretch we noticed that two tires had the metal belts exposed so they were completely unusable so we had to get them replaced immediately. I mean we did get the tires replaced and we did our shows in Cali  and had some down time, but there was so much wrong with van still and me ad Dan convinced this guy to have us end the “tour” early and return to Arizona after our LA gig. The guy was not happy of course, but I care much more about our safety than a poorly planned tour of only four shows. 
After we got back from Cali at the end of February, Covid-19 was starting to spread in the US so that was making it much harder for us to play shows. We did manage to play a show in Tucson on March 14th which was right before lockdown was issued in AZ. But, on the night of that show both me and Dan were feeling sick and neither of us wanted to play. Since Dan lives further away he couldn’t possibly make the show, but instead of pulling us out of the gig like a sensible person, the guy contacted our friend Erik of Sworn Apart to fill in for Dan and basically told me to suck it up and drink some tea. So against my better judgment I played the show anyway with a mask on. It baffled me even more that the bar owners even kept the show on to begin with. So we played the show, and it didn’t go as terribly as I had imagined but it was still bad. I for only having about 3 hours to learn the set, Erik did a great job. Needless to say, Dan left the band and lockdown kept us from having a show until May and lockdown happened again because the governor of AZ is a moron who thought it was a good idea to open up bars when we’re still in a pandemic. 
Another thing is, he self-directed our first music video which was a complete and utter shit show. I won’t go into much detail about that now because I feel that deserves it’s own blog entirely. Ultimately, the finished project turned out pretty well because we had it filmed and edited by the amazing people at Starlight Productions. We just filmed another music video last month that I feel was better directed this time around. But leading up to the filming the guy had seemingly burnt his bridge with our front-man and the storyline for the video sporadically changed. The new video is for a song we’ve never played live and it’s not even a song I want to play to begin with.
Then there’s the whole album thing, we were supposedly going to release our first album earlier this year but every time I ask about recording, I would never receive a straight answer. Of course I have no writing for any of the first album songs because they were all written before I joined and that’s okay. But when it came to the second album, the guy said that he wanted me to have more creative freedom and have me write songs with him. So around late January when I was jamming with Dan while this dude was in the other room, I came up with this cool brutal riff and started writing the song “Dead Inside for Years” and since we had all of the songs set for album #1 I figured I’d save it for the next one. And I was thinking we wouldn’t get to the second album until some time in 2021, but nope. A few weeks ago he invited me over to “track bass” and I figured he meant that he wanted me to record my bass parts for the songs in the first album. Welp, I was wrong once again. What he meant was for me to track bass for SECOND ALBUM songs, which of course were songs I haven’t learned yet (most of which I didn’t even know he had written). In addition to several new songs this guy had written and the ONE song I wrote, he also wants us to play 4 old songs from his previous band; which makes no sense because this current band is supposed to break away from the old band and they don’t even sound close to what we play live. I especially don’t like that because I feel like he’s cutting corners by reusing these old songs to fill out an LP. I can understand repurposing old riffs and making them into new songs but lifting your songs, I’m not down with that. I was planning on writing a few more songs for this band, but at this point, I feel that it won’t even be worth it. Creative freedom my ass. I am hoping that Erik and I can get this guy to listen to reason and get him to try and change his ways. For me, the worse thing about this guy is his outstanding ego. Also for the whole little run in California he was convinced that my name is “Chris” which it’s not. 
Of course there are quite a few other reasons as to why I can’t stand working with this guy, but if I keep going this post will end up being the size of a novel. Maybe if I end up doing some kind of a memoir in the future I will go into this band story in greater detail and have it much better organized. If you made it this far into my tl;dr rant blog, I commend you. Not sure how much longer I will stick this out, but I do plan on leaving the band rather soon anyway. As much as music is a passion of mine, I am an engineer first and my greatest dreams dwell within that field. Since I haven’t had so much luck with my bachelor’s degree I plan on soon applying for graduate school in order to work towards a master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering. The one thing I have always wanted to research is the design of an engine that may one day make interstellar space travel possible. Star Wars and Star Trek have had a lasting impact on me and I want to make the technology of those fictional worlds into reality. My greatest dream of all is to help bring humanity beyond the stars or at the very least, push in the right direction. 
As I always say: The sky is NOT the limit, it is merely the beginning.
And as the late great Carl Sagan had once said: “Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.”
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kimbapwrites · 7 years
Soulmate Au - Ong Seongwoo
Member: Ong Seongwoo // Wanna One
Genre: Fluff
Plot: When everyone is finding their soulmates, what if you miss yours?
Word count: 2064
“It froze!” Joohyun screamed, her tiny hands clutching her clock pendant tightly. 19 years, 4 months, 28 days, 13 hours, 4 minutes, and 58 seconds. You watched as your best friend looked around the cafe frantically, before meeting eyes with a cute boy, his own eyes rounded with shock. “Is that really you?” You almost laughed at her amazement at finally meeting her soulmate. You two were both late at encountering The One, but clearly she was faster than you. You nudged her towards him, and he sent her a bashful smile.
“I’m Kim Jaehwan, a university student who’s majoring in music and composition. And you?” You sat down, muting their conversation. You did not want to impede on their privacy any longer than necessary, and instead fiddled with the delicate silver chain that held your own clock. Now it was 19 years, 2 months, 16 days, 9 hours, 52 minutes, and 4 seconds since you were born, and your watch had yet to stop. Other friends had met their soulmates as early as birth, in the crib next to them at the hospital. You would wait patiently, you decide, and convinced yourself that it was ‘save the best for last’.
“____. Do you mind if we… uh… go out?” Joohyun interrupted your thoughts. You nodded, sending a sincere smile, before shooing them out of the cafe. You took out your sketch pad instead, and looked around. It was a quaint and quiet nook of the college town that you attended. You had promised to take Joohyun here when she visited during her break, as her university started winter break sooner than yours had, but here you are now alone. I guess I can take credit for their amazing love story when their wedding rolls around, you thought to yourself with a miserable smile. You flipped through the pages, studying your past sketches. You and Joohyun were both insistent on majoring in things you were truly passionate about; for you it was art and for her it was law. Your sketchpad was worn out and frayed, but it still contained content that you considered valuable.
You can’t remember how long you sat there, listening to the soft guitar and piano instrumentals from the overhead speakers, flinching periodically at a sudden clatter of plates and cups or scrape of a chair against the wooden floor. Instead you poured yourself into drawing the flower arrangement that decorated your table, fresh despite the frigid weather. Or at least, you had been, until a rough shove of your table knocked your hot tea onto the surface. You frantically scooped up your pencils and pad, but it was too late. A yellow stain was splattered across the top page, and your past works were mushy to the touch. You furrowed your brows, before glaring upwards. A pair of boys stood there, one with a hand over his mouth in surprise and the other stuttering at your gaze.
“I-I’m so sorry!” He stammered, before grasping at the napkin dispenser and dabbed frantically at your art. You snatched it away, gritting your teeth in anger. You pressed it downward, absorbing as much of the liquid as possible, while the boys wiped off the table top. When the mess was cleared up and damage control done, you stared at the ruined sketch pad. It was not as terrible as you had thought it would be, but it was not the perfect bundle of effort you had put in prior to the episode. You stood up, shoving your belongings into the bag. The two boys had their hands folded over one another, staring at the floor. They were clearly expecting an outburst, but instead you just shook your head.
“If you two need a table to sit at, then sit here.” You stalked away, shoving the heavy glass door open and stomping across the freshly fallen snow. It was too late to ask Joohyun to keep you company in your sour mood– she was probably hitting it off with Jaehwan. The faces of the two boys were forever etched in your mind. One had brown hair, while the one who had grabbed the napkins had natural hair. You shook your head. What was the point of being cute if you were a mess?
You dragged yourself into your dorm, plopping onto the bed. Joohyun’s bed was empty, her desk a mess of pencils and textbooks, while her clothes were strewn over the tiled floor. You picked up, folding them absentmindedly while you hummed some holiday festive tune. Perhaps you could go watch a movie by yourself, or you could take a nap to forget the incident. You sighed, before wrapping your fingers around the cold metal of the clock pendant, your eyes fluttering shut as you lay down on your mattress.
“____! Wake up!” Joohyun’s excited voice rang in your ears as you shot up from your bed. You winced at the harsh morning sunlight and stared sleepily as your best friend threw an outfit for you to wear. “Jaehwan is singing at the multi- university concert today with his friends and he asked if we wanted to come! I got us backstage passes for before the show and front row seats.” You nodded, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
“What time is it?” You ask, before glancing at the clothes. White cropped sweatshirt and a denim skirt and stockings to cover up for the cold. You changed, listening to her blabber about the details of how perfect Jaehwan was. He had humor. He had the most adorable laugh. His voice was like an angel’s. The list went on and on, and you tried to not cover her mouth as you finished tying half of your hair up.
“- and I was wondering if you would find your soulmate and we could go on double dates.” Joohyun finished. You sighed at the sensitive topic. It was another day closer to 20 years of not knowing where he was. There were always rumors of soulmates never meeting. One would die in an accident. One would never fall in love. Someone would grow old without anyone at his or her side. It was tragic, and something you feared.
“I’m sure he’s out there somewhere.” You mumble, before checking your pendant. You froze, feeling tears well up. Joohyun immediately tensed, before running to your side.
“What’s– Oh crap!” It was frozen. 19 years, 2 months, 16 days, 10 hours, 37 minutes, and 56 seconds. You had seen your soulmate yesterday. “B- but who?” Your mind whirled. The two boys. It had to be one of them.
Secretly, you had wished it were the boy with darker hair. While you had undeniably been angrier at him, you were touched by his efforts to save your sketch pad. His manners softened the doubts you had about one of the two being your soulmate. The brown haired one was not a bad guy either from what you had seen; he had an adorable eyesmile that he made when he was flustered, and a Busan dialect that had started to leak as he would stammer words to his friend. Still, you leaned towards the former rather than the latter.
“What if I never see him again?” The words stuck to your throat. So close. So so so close. How could you have missed it? You normally checked after meeting any new guy. Sure, the pair had pissed you off, but you must have been stupid to not have thought about it. Hope flaired in the pit of your stomach. You would recognize the two anywhere, and you would figure out when their clock had stopped, and if it matched the time at which yours had. 
“You will. Come on, let’s head to the performance hall and we’ll think up of ways to meet him again.” You allowed Joohyun to drag you across campus, wiping away stray tears from your eyes. By the time you arrived to the sound check and rehearsals, your eyes were tinged with pink, and Joohyun was handing you her handkerchief. The image of the boy burned in your mind. 
“Do you want to see Jaehwan with me or?” You nod your head, before following her backstage. The halls were full of rooms where the performers were getting ready. Racks of clothes lined the walls, the scent of cosmetics heavy in the air. She knocked on a white door, and it opened to reveal Jaehwan’s smiling face, who rushed to embrace her. A cough strangled out of you before you could help it, and you turned away. Keep walking. Walk it out.
Your feet dragged heavily, dodging oncoming traffic as other performers rushed to finish their hair and styling. Once or twice you almost walked into props or pieces of a set for the stage. More than once people had thrown pitiful looks at your tears. You finally sat down on a chair outside of one of the rooms, not minding the rush of boys running in and out. Your eyes closed as you sighed, leaning your head back against the wall.
“Exactly 14 hours, 28 minutes, and 1 second ago, I met you.” A familiar voice startled you. It was soothing to hear, unique to the ear but comforting at the same time. You looked up. It was the boy with darker hair, the one who had spilled your tea. The one you had been waiting for.
“The one I’ve been waiting 21 years, 2 months, 7 days, 52 minutes and 11 seconds for.” He remarked, before offering a hand to you. You stood upright, mouth gaping but unable to utter a sound as you grasped his outreached hand. It was rough but warm, something like his neutral expression but his contrastingly teasing tone. He was wearing a white hoodie, with a ripped denim jacket and matching torn jeans and white shoes. It’s so similar to my outfit, you thought. He smiled at you, and a triangle of beauty marks on his cheek caught your attention.  “It would be nice if you could talk to me too. I thought I was going to be single–”
You cut him off with a constricting hug, arms wrapped around his lean but sturdy frame. He tensed in surprise, before a hand reached up to stroke your dark hair. Tears framed your eyelashes once more as you hiccuped pathetically. He laughed at the sight, and it sounded like music to your ears. You loved the way he smelled like cotton, and how his hair was messy and fell perfectly around his face. You loved how tall he was, how his tongue poked out just a little when he laughed, and how willingly he made you drop your former grudge. 
“You’re still a clumsy ass.” You mutter, and he rose an eyebrow at you. Wrong words to say. “I mean you still ruined my art and made me think I didn’t have a soulmate and I hate how cute you are now that I forgave you and I’m so glad I finally met you but I was so scared I didn’t know it was you until it was too late and–”
“You really need to breathe.” He remarked, before wrapping his arms around you. It was a warm embrace, something you had been waiting for all your life. He simply felt like home. “I never thought the first words I would ever hear from my future wife would be that I’m a clumsy ass. Colorful language. I assume my future is about to get a lot brighter.” You blush out of embarrassment, but mentally check off that it would be hard to win an argument with him. He simply had a way of making his words humorous and direct. 
“Can I at least have your name before I can agree to be your wife? I think you’re proposing a little too fast there,” you counter. He grinned even wider at this, a warm glint in his eyes as he peered into your face. He was obviously admiring it, and you blush a deeper shade of red, much to his delight. He cleared his throat slightly.
“I’m Ong Seongwoo. I’m a student who majors in dance and theatre from one of the visiting colleges. I’m graduating this year and this is my last college performance. And I’m so glad you made it.” 
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vanteism · 7 years
fourth of july 01 | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x reader genre: fluff, angst, and slight smut word count: 9k+ description: you and i were fireworks that went off too soon.
A/N: this is the first part out of two! this is based off the song fourth of july by fall out boy. also, a break symbolizes a new season and italics are a flashback!
It started 5 years ago. Your infatuation was peaked when your eyes came across the boy that is Jeon Jungkook. You were only 14 years old, 2 months younger than him, and your whole world changed ever since you met it.
High school. Everyone dreads it but it was supposed to be the best 4 years of your life. The loud and disruptive sound of your alarm blared through your brightly lit room. You rubbed your eyes, slowly getting rid of the blur and alerting your waking senses. You pulled over the soft white comforter, releasing all the pent up heat you kept under it. The chilling air helped ease your drowsiness as you stumbled towards your bathroom. Immediately looking into the big round mirror in front of you, you can see the lack of sleep and oh boy, was it bad. ‘Man I shouldn’t have been up so late last night..’ you thought to yourself, an unimpressed look on your face. You did your morning routine, the one you had stopped doing the day the bell released you from your prison that is school. Washing your face, brushing your teeth, and whatever else you felt like you had to do.
You soon walked out, approaching your closet and whipping out your freshly ironed clothes. You dressed up in your new school uniform, buttoning up every button and making sure everyone was in place. You walk in front of the full-length mirror that was attached to your closet door. ‘Hmm.. not bad (Y/N), not bad.’
A smile spread across your face as the smell of a home-cooked breakfast filled your nose and you rushed to see where it was coming from. You hopped into the kitchen, and you were greeted by your mom cooking up your favorite breakfast. You approach her from behind, placing a soft kiss on her cheek. “Ugh mom, can you do this for the rest of the school year?” You asked with a humorous tone. Your mom chuckled to herself before gently placing your breakfast on a plate and then moving the plate to your dark oak table. Sitting down, you quickly ate your breakfast, the feeling of butterflies filling the pit of your stomach as you continued to ponder about the upcoming day at school.
“You nervous honey?” You mom asked, a sweet tone hidden in her soft voice. You nodded, scared that once you began talking you wouldn’t be able to stop. Your mind was rushing through so many thoughts, and soon you found yourself lost in them. A gentle tap on your left shoulder brought you back down to Earth, and it was soon followed by the blaring sound of a bus horn. Rushing, you grabbed your backpack and slung it over your shoulder before running out the doors to catch the bus that didn’t seem to stop though it was obvious that you were trying to catch it. Eventually, the bus did stop and thank god, only half the seats were filled, leaving you with a great selection of places to sit. 3rd row. Left seat. That’s the one you chose.
The bus came to an abrupt stop, and you gathered your things before waiting to leave the metal can with wheels. Stepping off, someone ever so rudely bumped into you, but luckily you caught yourself before you had the chance to fall. “Ya! Watch where you’re going!” You exclaimed, slightly irritated that the stranger didn’t seem care that you almost fell. “S-Sorry.” They replied before joining the rest of the crowd moving into the school, and you soon followed.
Grabbing the schedule with your name on it, you wandered around the school looking for your first-period class. After a few minutes of stumbling around, you found the corresponding room. 306; Lamberth; Honors English I. ‘Great.’ you thought. ‘Reading old, sappy stories in the morning. This’ll definitely help me stay awake every day.’ You rolled your eyes, before taking in a deep breath and entering your class. ‘Look for someone you know. Look for someone you know. Look for someone you know.’ kept repeating in your head, but there wasn’t anyone you knew, or really ever talked to. ‘Even greater.’ You spotted an open seat in the back of the relatively small classroom, so you made your way down the neatly arranged desks and to the very seat you had seen. The desks weren’t bad. They were small, wooden, tops, plastic seats, stereotypical desks. Patting your skirt down, you slowly took a seat. You were finally in high school. High. School. It all seemed surreal.
After the first week of school, you found a group of people you could get along with, you had to carry around 3 textbooks and you already had a test scheduled for next week. In your first class, the english one, a boy had caught your eye. He was about 5’10, probably taller. He had big doe eyes and a smile that could light up any room. He wore his uniform rather formally, except for a few button he had left undone at the top of his white uniform shirt.The first day he was shy, but who wasn’t? Though it has only been a week, you saw him changing, talking louder and standing out a bit more. But he had stood out to you from the start. Jeon Jungkook was his name, and he had traveled from Busan to study at this high school in Seoul. No, you weren’t a stalker. Your class had played 2 Truths 1 Lie the second day in. That was just one of the two facts you learned about him. You also learned that he had a dance class for 4th period since that class was close to your own. The other fact he had told you couldn’t hear since he was still quiet then. You wanted to be his friend, but you were scared of making a fool of yourself. Not that he would try to humiliate you, you would end up humiliating yourself. Maybe later this year you would find the courage to do so.
Snow littered the street white in Seoul, The whole city looked like a white blanket had been laid across it, and you loved it. Jungkook was coming over to play in the snow with you. Yes, the same Jungkook that caught your eye. You crawled out of bed to the sound of your alarm clock, still loud and very annoying at times. Getting ready was pretty easy, you just wore everything you could to keep you from getting sick. First, you put on a normal white t-shirt and a pair of soft, black leggings. Next, you layered on a thin gray sweater with the cutest little design on it and a pair of white knee socks. After that, you topped it off with a small, but warm, green winter jacket and a normal pair of boots you had recently bought. You had your hair pulled up in a bun to keep the hair out of your face, and a pair of mittens to keep your hands from freezing.
As soon as you had finished, you heard your doorbell ring. Upon opening the door, you saw an equally bundled up Jungkook with a big bunny smile. You had invited him over to hang out, seeing that it would be easier to talk and get to know him.
“Hey, I brought you something (Y/N), for today’s adventures.” He started, handing you a matching scarf to his. You cracked a smile at his cute gift as you wrapped it around your neck and stepped outside. The next 2 hours were filled with you two throwing snow at each other, making snow angels and a few snowmen, and other random things that popped up along the way. Around 3 in the afternoon, the two of you decided to go and get something to eat.
“(Y/N)-ah, I want hot chocolate~” He whined, acting rather childish.
“Ok, so we’ll go get hot chocolate. MiniMini café? We can grab some food there too.”
He nodded, so you were on the way to a small neighborhood café that you often found yourself in after school. It wasn’t that long of a walk, it was close to your house. You pulled open the glass doors, the fragrant smell of fresh-brewed coffee instantly hitting your face.
“Oh hello (Y/N)!” The ajumma that ran the shop greeted you warmly as she led you and Jungkook to your favorite spot to sit. “What would you like today?” she asked.
You quickly skimmed through the menu, eventually picking a crêpe filled with hot fudge and a small hot chocolate with marshmallows on the side. Jungkook ordered the same drink with a small ham and cheese sandwich. When your drinks were ready, you quickly took a sip of the sweet liquid, before realizing that the drink was actually steaming hot and you were positive you just burn your mouth. “Ow!” You exclaimed, fanning your mouth with your hand. Jungkook glanced over at you, realizing that you had just hurt yourself.
“Ajumma! Can I please have a cup of cold water?” He asked, and she soon came out with a glass for you. He quickly handed you the drink, hoping that it would soothe your mouth.
“You good, (Y/N)-ah?”
“I’m good, Kook.”
You ended up talking to him a lot more after hanging out that winter. He had a similar sense of humor to yours, so you would always find yourself laughing with him by your side. He was a talented dancer, you could see it in the way he moved when the right music was playing, his rhythm flowed with passion and dedication. Nothing much changed since that first week of school, his smile still illuminated the room and made you want to smile too. Were you falling for him? You didn’t know, but you never dared to call the attraction you felt love. It was a mere infatuation.
The bell rang, signaling the end of 6th period. You briskly packed your belongings into your bag, roughly tugging on the zipper so it would close. You stuffed papers into your bag, not caring in they ended up crinkled or ruined. You couldn’t be late, not when earlier that morning Jungkook offered to walk you home. Moving quickly through the big hallways, you could see the front entrance. You approached the school gate, and you could see his masculine figure leaned against the brick columns at the front of the school. His back was faced towards you, his blazer slung onto his left shoulder, his navy backpack placed neatly on the ground next to him. Tip-toeing, you quietly stepped behind him, tapping him lightly on the shoulder. He turned around with a big smile on his face as soon as he recognized that it was you. “Hey (Y/N)! You ready to go home?” He asked politely. He would offer to carry your stuff for you, and he would always ask how your day was, which you always replied with ‘great!’. You would walk down the same street, greeting the same people who soon grew to recognize your faces and the exact time you would be around. He made your first year so much more bearable.
Him walking you home became a normal routine, and you continued to look forward to it every day. Your friends would tease you, pick at you for being so close to someone you had just met, but they too were new friends of yours. It was a great feeling, having something to always rely on. Especially if that something was Jungkook.
Every now and then, you would stop by the same corner store and eat a bowl of ramen. He liked the more plain ones, the shrimp or simply plain ramen, while you liked trying new flavors, the bold new spicy ramen or the weird squid flavored ones. And every time, he’d steal some of it, and you would turn around with a pout on your face, pretending to be mad. He would get flustered the first few times, actually thinking you were upset with him. But after confirming that it was alright, he soon would have a mischievous grin plastered on his face when you turned around to face him. You would gently slap his arm, and he would act like you had hurt him. It was all normal to you by now, but sometimes, you wished there was more. There was always something holding you back, the fear of being rejected or that he would change for the worse around you. So you suppressed your growing feelings, hoping everything would be ok and that it would solve itself.
The next day during lunch, you stepped into the crowded cafeteria. You’ve never been in it, considering your mom loved to pack your lunch every day and you friends often chose to sit outside, under a great oak tree. The atmosphere was making you feel uneasy since big, crowded, humid rooms were never really your cup of tea. Standing in a line that never seemed to end, you felt a tap on your shoulder.
“Kook! What are you doing in here? You normally sit outside too.” You inquired, curious as to what his reasons were.
“Well, since you have to stand in this long line, I thought you shouldn’t have to do it alone.” He replied, making your heart swell. You both smiled, you ask his thoughtfulness, and him at how cute you were acting. But you didn’t know that.
The line seemed to go faster with him by your side, and soon it was your turn to pick out your…”lunch”. You ended up with a flimsy plastic tray. On it, a cheeseburger where the bun wasn’t even on top of it. On the side, you had a few seemingly undercooked french fries, and by a few, you had exactly 4. Across from it, there was a plastic cup filled with fruit that looked to be days old. To top it all off, you had a carton of milk that was slightly warm and slightly alarming. With Jungkook to your left, you made your way out to your usual seating area and sat down in your seats. You ended up only taking one bite out of the burger, and it wasn’t an enjoyable bite. Your friends beside you were cracking jokes and laughing as you struggled to eat the food you were given.
“(Y/N), it’s rock hard isn’t it?” One friend said, laughing at the inappropriate connotation.
“I bet it isn’t even real meat!” Another one started.
“I know! I don’t think it’s real meat either!” Another replied.
You had to agree, it was pretty bad. So you too laughed along.
The end of the day couldn’t have come any slower, your 5th and 6th periods were filled with lectures and long speeches about things you didn’t bother to remember. ‘I can just copy them from someone tomorrow.’ You thought, before dozing off in your final class, eventually falling asleep. A loud ring echoed through your ears, making it obvious that the school day has ended. You woke up, slightly disorientated as you walked towards the door. To your surprise, Jungkook was standing right there, grinning because of how tired you were/looked.  “Hey there sleepy-head.” He greeted you. A soft smile appeared on your face, your eyes slightly closed. “You ready to go home?” He asked, and you replied with a quick nod. He walked you home, like always, he said what was on his mind, and so did you.
“What if we died right now?” He had a curious look in his eyes as he gazed into the bright afternoon sky. “I think I’d be ok since I have someone like you right here with me.” You replied.
“Well how about this, if anything were to happen to either of us, and we can’t walk home, we’d still be each other’s side? No matter what.” He looked at you.
“That’s a pretty big subject you’re talking about Kook.” You teased.
“I’m being serious, (Y/N)-ah. I want to know you would be there, and I’ll do that same.” He chuckled.
“Promise?” You replied, sticking out your pinky.
“Promise.” And you two right pinkies were intertwined with each other, the biggest grin on both of your faces.
Many months have passed by, only strengthening your friendship and trust in Jungkook. You two became inseparable, closer than you had ever been with anyone. He brought out the best in you when you couldn’t do it yourself and vice versa. A dainty silver chain was wrapped around your wrist with a small puzzle piece and a discrete necklace around his neck with the matching half to yours. It was something he had gotten you when he went back to his home in Busan the last week of winter break.
You tapped your foot on the linoleum floors of the busy airport, awaiting flight 295 from Busan. It was a short flight, only 55 minutes of flying in the air, above busy streets and an abundance of homes. He chose to fly since his initial move to Seoul was in a crowded, noisy, bullet train. He always told you about it, exaggerating each detail to make it seem like it was a hellish trip. You hear a loud announcement made, stating that his flight has landed, so you made your way to the greeting area.
Waiting, you saw couple reunited, secretly craving for the same thing to happen, but you knew it wouldn’t. A recognized frame soon made its way towards you, before engulfing your smaller one in a hug. You broke out into a fit of giggles, excited for his return but slightly embarrassed at his gesture.
“Kook, it’s only been a week.” You stated, a stern tone evident in your voice, but soon you were lifted off your feet, and the grip around you was tighter.
“I can’t miss my best friend?” He replied, before setting you back down and reaching into his pocket and pulling out a little bag. “I got you a lil something something.” He said as you opened it. A small chain with a shiny charm was inside, and you pulled it out of its package and put it on.
“This is so cute! You didn’t have to get me anything!” You watched as he moved his hand around his neck before pulling out a matching piece to yours. Your eyes widened and soon were almost shut by your big smile. An older couple standing beside you watched, reminiscing about when they were like you two.
“Honey look! Remember when you got me something like that? Aren’t they cute?” The lady asked her husband, who was staring at a map of the airport, trying to figure out where to go to leave. He looked at you, and your stares met before another smile made its way onto his face. He turned to give his wife a hug before approaching Jungkook and whispering something in his ear that made him chuckle. The man patted his back, a look of content on his face as he made his way back to his wife and eventually leaving.
“What’d he say, Kook?”
“Nothing really. You’ll figure it out soon enough.”
Your freshman year was over, and it ended with a bang. Literally. You had broken your ankle and a pool party the last day of school. One of your bigger guy friends had tried to push you into the pool, but instead, you had hit your ankle on the edge of the pool as you fell in. A collective gasp was heard as your friends rushed to aid you. It wasn’t all the bad, he apologized and everyone you knew had shown up in your hospital room to sign your cast and to wish you a good recovery. At the end of the day, you had a neon green cast on your left foot filled with summer wishes and signatures, a few bundle of flowers and a whole bunch of colorful balloons. After everyone had left, the one person who stayed by your side (besides your mom, who went home to get you a change of clothes) was Jungkook. That night, you two had played with the helium balloons, recording every funny moment to later show your mom.
“Hahahaha, I sound like a chipmunk!” You exclaimed, trying to keep quiet since the rooms around you had people in them, and it was almost 11 o’clock at night.
“You think yours is bad? I don’t sound like a man anymore!” Jungkook replied, a fake frown on his face. The whole room was filled with giggles, joy, and upheld promises.
“Thanks for being here Kook, it means a lot.” You said, smiling like an idiot.
“That’s what I’m here for. Since I can’t walk you home from school until August, I guess I’ll just stick by your side.”
“Ya! If you’re gonna be clingy, there’s the door.” You pointed at the big wooden door, a serious look on your face.
“Aw (Y/N), I’m hurt that you want me to leave, I guess I should go.” He replied, getting up and walking towards it.
“Wait! I didn’t mean it like that! Please don’t leave me here alone!” You nearly yelled, scared he would actually leave you in your hospital room. Deep down you knew he wouldn’t but still. Better safe and yell at him to stay than sorry and sad that he left.
“Ok, ok, calm down, I’m not leaving. I told you I’d stay by your side, so I am.” 
He comforted you. He made you feel ok. At least, for now.
It has been 2 years since you first met him, and your feelings towards him were stronger than ever. But you continued to hide it, scared of ruining the 2 wonderful years you spent together. You and Jungkook were closer than ever, constantly finding yourself spending days together, sleeping over at each other’s houses. His mom even has stuff set out for you to use on the days she knew you would come over. It was so unreal how well he knew you and vice versa. You could tell when he was down because he would constantly play with his finger or bite his lower lip. You could tell when he was lying because he would start sweating and he would bounce his right leg. You found yourself staring at him when he would show you some of his dances, not just at the movies, but you stared at him, admiring his energy and persistence and overall determination. He dreamed of landing a job as an idol, but he also was scared of the lifestyle. He told you all about it late one day on the phone because he was sick and didn’t want to get you sick. You constantly wondered if you were the only one he talked to like this, and you hoped so.
School was starting up again, your junior year was beginning. You walked into school, wearing the same uniform from 2 years ago, the same backpack in hand. You stared at the schedule you were given, examining your classes and the teachers you would be stuck with. Jungkook walked up to your side, the same jacket slung over his shoulder, and his schedule also in his hand. “Looks like we have 4 classes together, (Y/N)-ah.” He spoke, ruffling his hair. A yawn came out of your mouth due to the early time you had to wake up to be able to get ready in time. “At least I’ll survive those classes. I want to go home, Kook.” You responded, you face expressing fatigue and you began walking to your next class. Jungkook followed, snickering at your laziness. “C’mon (Y/N), you have to be happy for your first day!” But you weren’t you honestly wanted to be home. Starting this year meant that you would only have 730 days until Jungkook left for his dream school and you would leave to go to yours. 730 days to muster up the courage to confess, or at least try.
You had the same English class in the morning with the same teacher, but instead of English I, you managed to pass all the way to English III. You stepped into the very class that held memories that stained your mind. The one time you got in trouble because Jungkook kept whispering your name and you had turned around, fuming and you nearly yelled his name across the whole school.
“(Y/N), what do you think you’re doing?!” You teacher exclaimed in response to your sudden outburst. Needless to say, you got detention that day, and you see the smirk on his face when Lamberth handed you the slip of paper.
“You jerk! Why would you do that?!” You complained, stomping your feet.
“Well, if you had done something the first time I called your name, you wouldn’t be in this predicament.” He replied, making you even madder.
“Why would you want my attention during the middle of class anyways?!”
“I just wanted to say hi.”
The corners of your mouth turned up as you remembered all the details of the moment. He had brought you ice cream after you got out of detention that day and that made you feel much better. Sitting down in the same seat that you sat in the years before, you laid your head on top of your arms, ready to take a nap. Lamberth always lectured the class the first day about the same things, so you wouldn’t miss anything if you were to fall asleep. Also, on the first day, every spent the whole time in their 1st period classes, to make it easier on the student they said. They went over the same classroom rules (that no one bothered to follow), the expectations the school had (that no one ever tried to uphold), and the student handbook (which weren’t even handed out, since they knew the students would throw them away the moment class ended). Upon hearing his loud voice ring through the class, your eyes slowly crept closed, before you actually fell asleep.
Hours seem to pass before you felt someone shake you. “Hmm?” You groaned, irritated because you were happily asleep moments ago. As you bring yourself up, you’re greeted by a pair of eyes staring at you. “Finally, I thought you were dead.” A voice said, your vision is still blurry. Soon you could recognize that the voice belongs to Jungkook and that he was still staring at you. “What? Is it time to leave already?” You mumbled, rubbing your eyes before yawning. “It’s time for lunch.” He replied, excited to finally get out of his seat.
The two of you made your way to the same old seat with the same people under the same tree. You were glad you befriended people that stuck by your side, though they weren’t like Jungkook.
“Why are you guys late?” One of your friends inquired.
“This one was sleeping,” Jungkook replied, a sly grin on his face.
“It’s not my fault his class was boring. It’s the same stuff every year.” You defended, only making more of your friend giggle.
“Whose class?” Another one asked.
“Lamberth.” You and Jungkook said at the same time before sitting down and whipping out your lunches.
This winter was unlike the ones you shared in the past. There wasn’t a huge snowball fight or bundling up for the freezing temperatures outside. The day before the storm hit Seoul, Jungkook had come over to your house to hang out. It’s not that you didn’t want to go outside and play in the snow. It’s because you couldn’t. That night, a huge snow storm hit, leaving you and Jungkook trapped in your house. You mom was over in Japan for a business trip, but as soon as she heard about it, she had called to make sure you were ok.
“(Y/N)! Are you alright? Were you outside? Did you get frostbite?? Oh no, if you did you have to go to the doc-” You mom went on and on before you cut her off.
“Mom I’m fine. Just stuck inside really. And Jungkook’s here too.” You replied, hoping to help her calm down.
“Hey! Ms. (L/N)! We’re ok!” Jungkook yelled in the background. Your mom’s laugh rang through the phone, amused by her own paranoia.
“Ok, just make sure you keep the heat on. I have food in the fridge so just heat it up.” Your mom stated. You quickly exchanged your goodbyes, for she had to go back to work and you didn;t want to disturb her.
The next couple of days were spent watching all the movies you could on Netflix, eating out your fridge, and cuddling. Lots of cuddling. Not the romantic kind, more like the ‘I forgot to change the thermostat and I’m freezing, please hold me before I get hypothermia’ kind of cuddle, but it didn’t keep you from feeling some kind of way when he wrapped his arms around you. Blankets were scattered around the room, along with plenty of unwashed dishes. If your mom wasn’t home, she couldn’t make you clean them. It was a great time with him around, and you didn’t have to worry about getting clothes for him. He slept over so often he had his own drawer of clothes in your dresser. He always found a way to lighten the mood during a serious scene in a movie.
“The dude looks like he’s 7.”
“Kook stop I’m trying to see who killed who.”
“He has a baby face. Like you.”
“Kook! Stop! I’m trying to watch!”
“If you squint, you can see how much I like this movie.”
“Wait then I can barely see the screen.”
“That’s how much I like this movie. Let’s change it.”
There was never a quiet moment with him, and you loved it. The storm subsided after 4 days, and you decide to quickly run to the store and restock on food. Quickly changing into something you could wear in public, you ran through the house looking for your wallet. You did find it, but it was in Jungkook’s hands and he held it high above your head.
“YA! Give me back my wallet!” You cried out as you attempt to reach for it, but he was too tall. In the time that it took for you to grab it from his hands, he managed to put on a jacket and a pair of boots. Once you had gotten your wallet back, you too had to put on a coat and some shoes you had lying around. “I’m coming with.” He told you. “You should’ve just said that from the start instead of taking my wallet.” You replied, a hint of irritation in your voice. But you couldn’t stay mad for long.
Walking into the relatively empty supermarket, you grab a squeaky metal cart and begin your weekly routine of grocery shopping. Jungkook trailed behind you, constantly looking at all the different snacks and pastries that the shop had in stock, almost mesmerized. Rows of manufactured sweets littered the store, making it a young child’s dream, or in this case, Jungkook’s. “Hey!” You exclaimed, about 4 apples in each hand “Can you grab me some bags or something to put these in?” Jungkook quickly snapped out of it and grabbed a few flimsy plastic bags and handed it to you. As you continued to pick out everything you needed to buy, Jungkook managed to sneak 2 bags of chips, a soda, and a few small boxes of assorted candies into the cart without you noticing. You trudged along, pushing the cart with you, through the entire store, before stopping in front of the ice cream section. Though it was cold outside, you still loved the sweet and savory flavor of the treat, so you decided to buy one for later. Putting the little container beside the variety of produce items you were getting, you noticed the multiple snacks that you never picked out or intended to buy. You could hear an oh-so familiar snicker from behind you, rotating 180 degrees, you were faced with a laughing Jungkook. ‘Aish, this kid..’ you thought to yourself before turned back around and proceeding to go to the checkout area. ‘You’re lucky I love you..’
Today was Spring pictures at school, and as always, your mom wanted you to take them to send to whomever she could. She wasn’t using to brag, the two of you just lived too far away from the rest of your family. Also, this is also the one day they let you go to school without having to wear your uniform, so you decided to dress up for the occasion. You wore a casual outfit, a pair of shorts and a simple white, sleeveless shirt with a collar. You also had a soft, cashmere cardigan to keep you warm since your 3rd period was always cold. A knock on your door was right on time, and you opened it to reveal a very nicely dressed Jungkook. He wore some navy pants with a black-and-white striped shirt tucked in. “You ready to go?” He asked, stepping inside your house and taking a seat on a nearby stool. “Yeah, just let me go grab my bag.” You replied, before doing so.
The pictures went by relatively fast, along with the school day itself. In between blinks you found yourself sitting on an old, worn down stool with a blinding light shining into your eyes, a forced smile on your face, and then suddenly your vision is blurry as you hear a loud ring and a collective groan arise from the seemingly endless rows of desks. An uneasy feeling developed in the pit of your stomach, part of you knew something wasn’t right, but you didn’t pay attention to it and continued on with your day.
Walking home with Jungkook felt weird, he was oddly distant and you were worried. Maybe something had happened today, but if something did, you would’ve been the first person to hear about it, whether he told you in between class changes or he would’ve told you the moment you stepped towards him to begin your walk home. Occasionally, his gaze would shift to the ever-changing sky, as if he was looking for something. But what was it? He dropped you off at your front door, before rushing a hushed goodbye and swiftly walking away. He never did that. He always came in to say hello to your mom and to take a few snacks for the trek to his place. Rummaging through your bag to find your phone, you sent him a quick text.
To Jungkook: “Is something wrong, Kook?”
Moments later, the little gray bubble appeared in the corner of the with 3 moving dots, indicating he was typing a reply. Your heart began to race, nervous thoughts filled your head. Did he notice your feelings towards him? If he did, is he trying to turn you down nicely? Or did he share the feelings too? A few seconds later, the bubble had disappeared, but there wasn’t a reply to your question.  You stared at the bracelet that was still on your wrist, wondering whatever happened to make him act like this. ‘Should I call him?’ you thought, hoping that that way you could find an answer.
The phone rang once. Twice. Voicemail.
You felt a chip at your heart at the sound of the prerecorded message. He had actually denied your call, something he had never done before. That night was spent wide awake, your mind going crazy with all the possibilities of what it meant. He had promised to stay by your side but where was he now, when you needed to feel his comfort. You felt something stream down your left cheek, followed by much more. You never knew how hard it had become, not talking to Jungkook. You laid on your bed, surrounded by blankets that soon became a tissue to wipe away all evidence of the pain you felt. Little did you know that this was all a part of a bigger plan, and the immense pain you felt now would be replaced with happier, brighter emotions later on.
After that day, everything was normal. He showed up the next day on your porch, asking if you were ready to go to school as if nothing had happened. A part of you was relieved, but another just wouldn’t stop wondering what happened.
Junior year finally ended, and with one more year to go, you were more determined to make your feelings well aware. It was a risky thought, yes, but you thought might as well. The two of you had planned to go to different colleges, so if your plan were to go awry, you wouldn’t have to deal with the embarrassment and pain of seeing him every day. It was hard enough now, seeing him date others and tell you about how wonderful each one is, and how each time, they were better than the last. You had come up with a plan, to tell him at the end of junior year and see how it would play out the next. You knew that this may mean dealing with those unwanted feelings for a year, but if he did like you, it would greaten the time that you had to spend together. So you did. The last day of school, you wearily approached him and revealed how you felt, but in a much more elaborate way.
You felt your hands trembling with anticipation as you stepped towards him. He had been hanging out with a new friend of his, also a junior but nowhere near the group of people you had become so familiarized with. You gave his jacket a gentle tug, making him turn around and look at you straight in the eyes.
“What is it (Y/N)? Is something wrong?” He asked, worry soon taking over his face.
“No, nothing’s wrong. I just have to tell you something, Kook.”
He nodded, giving the others a quick goodbye before he followed you out into the school courtyard, where it was much more quiet and less crowded. You slyly sneak your hand into your jacket pocket, where the first step to your plan was waiting. Reaching the very tree you sat under every day for lunch, you turned to face him, asking him to wait here and handing him the small slip of paper. He took it, reading the words aloud.
“Feelings. They sure are dumb, huh? But you know what’s dumber and wilder than feelings? What I’m about to do. I know you’re probably confused, but follow the sidewalk and you’ll soon see what I mean.”
And so he did, his feet quickly moving across the concrete path, leading him to a recognizable door that led to the very room that started this all. Room 306.
Upon opening the door, the lights were slightly dimmed, and on either of you desks laid a note with a number on it. Also scattered around the room are even more notes. He picked up note number 1, which was on the desk he sat on the first day of school years ago.
“Remember this? I sure do :D this is where it all started. Now I know what you’re probably thinking, and I had help arranging this is appreciate my efforts at least. When you first walked in, I was intrigued. You seemed like an interesting boy, Kook. Now keep going in order and it’ll piece itself together.”
Note number 2 was placed on your desk.
“This is where I sat when I first saw you, obviously. I wanted to approach you that first day but you didn’t seem like the person I would end up being best friends with at the time lol.”
Note number 3 was placed on an expo marker.
“Now do you know why I picked this? This is what you used to ruin one of my favorite uniform shirts sophomore year. Yeah, I still remember you punk!”
He chuckled as he moved on to the next 2 notes, each recalling a memory the two of you shared. Note number 6 told him to go back to the courtyard for a surprise.
Walking back, he sees you standing in the middle of the way with what appears to be another note in your hand. The small pink petals from the trees above were falling down, making you look heavenly, almost unreal. You have a soft grin on your face as he takes the note from your small hands, gripping it tight with excitement and slight suspense. 3 words were written in the same neat handwriting on the past notes, you made sure that they were legible, and he found himself blushing after reading the 3 words.
“I like you.” He recited, before pulling you into his embrace and holding you tighter than ever before.
“Hey, you just confessed to me, Kook.” You joked.
“All I did was read the note YOU gave me.”
It couldn’t have gone any better for either of you. He took you into his warm embrace, holding you as if there was not going to be a tomorrow. You wrapped you smaller arms around his waist, taking in the scent of his musk, a slight pine with a hint of vanilla, probably from him always being close to you. You could finally call him yours, and he called you his.
Your senior year had finally arrived, and you couldn’t be happier. You walked into the same school with the same best friend, who was now much more than that. He showed you a side of himself you had never seen before. The much more caring, loving, less playful side. Over the summer, he showed you a few songs he wrote, some were about little memories you couldn’t believe he remembered. One included the same words you used on the notes that were a part of your “confession”. One referenced the bracelet/necklace the two of you share, and another brought up the first snowman you built together. Everyone was going so well, so unbelievably well.
You laid your head down on your arm, dazing off during the same introduction you’ve heard for, now, 4 years. A smile crept onto your face when your eyes met Jungkook’s, a warm sensation filling your being in what you could make out to be as happiness. Of course you were happy just being around him before, but now a new sense of it had risen, and was the feeling intoxicating. It made you want to hold on, and never let Jungkook go. A few months with him felt like a lifetime you had missed out on earlier.
“Okay, with that, class is ending early. Feel free to go and get yourself a lunch or whatever, just remember to not leave campus until that day is officially ended.” Your teacher recited, before opening the creaky door that held you inside the room. Almost immediately, Jungkook hopped into the seat next to yours, which was now vacant.
“What do you wanna do, (Y/N)? We have some free time now.” The boy curiously asked, before looking at the somewhat empty notebook on your desk. You shrugged, not able to come up with any ideas that could be somewhat fun. He examined the book, carefully looking at the small sketched that littered the page.
“You barely wrote down anything. What a bad student.” He joked.
“Well, I already have 3 other written copies of it, so I thought might as well not take notes since I have others. Plus drawing is always more entertaining than writing down a bunch of stupid words.” You made sure to say that last part quietly, scared that Lamberth may overhear and get onto you later.
Jungkook handed back your book, before gathering his things and getting up. “Come on (Y/N), let’s go explore!”
“Explore what??? We know this school inside and out?!”
“I don’t know, there may be something we haven’t found yet!” His childish demeanor still shone through, and that you loved. He never really changed.
You were graduating. It finally comes down to this. You were adorned with 5 honors cords, for your work outside of school, whether it was for a club or to the special achievements you made throughout your 4 years. Jungkook stood next to you, with 4 cords on his broad shoulders, all of varying colors. The gown you were given to wear was too big for you, but they couldn’t get you a smaller one in time, so you were stuck with it. He nervously moved to his assigned spot in line, before looking back at you and mouthing the words ‘Good Luck’ and you said it back at him. You could hear the loudspeaker announce that it was time to walk in.
“(Y/N) (L/N)! Accepted scholarship to the University of Seoul! She graduates with 5 honors, making her the top of her senior class!”
You heard it, the call for you to walk across the stage and to go get your diploma. You nervously held onto the large gown as you made your way across the velvet-like carpet that covered the stage, and you could hear the cheers of your family, who had come over for the important occasion. You shook the hands of your principal, and the vice principal, and the rest of the people who were there, despite you not knowing them. The screams of your friends could be heard, and you looked into the crowd to see several of them were standing up and yelling your name. Everything was going so well for you, and Jungkook too. He had been called onto the stage earlier, showing off his honors and his scholarship to the same university as you. The cheers when his name was called were loud, and you were continuously nudged, reminding you that your boyfriend was going to be by your side and you could hear your friends giggling about it.
Later, at a family dinner you mom had set up for both families, you were given praises and gifts to celebrate your spot in school. Your mom had rented out the place to accommodate the large amount of people who would be attending. It was fancy, but it wasn’t too over-the-top. Jungkook and you stood side by side at the entrance to the restaurant it was held at, greeting everyone you knew that came in. By the time everyone was there, you had lipstick stains on one cheek, and the other was slightly red from all the pinching that had happened, and the same went for Jungkook. Walking to the two open seats reserved for the two of you, you sat down, basking in the company of your family, the ones you couldn’t see every day. Toasts were made, but you weren’t allowed to drink here due to your age. Wishes for a good future were passed around, and tiring you out more than ever before. By the end of the night, you found yourself snuggled up to Jungkook’s chest, an old movie playing on the T.V., eyes drooping as they threatened to close. He held you tighter, his warm embracing adding to your drowsiness.
“We made it (Y/N).’
“We sure did Kook, we sure did.”
Loud music was blaring through the entire building. One of your fellow classmates was holding a house party to celebrate your new-found freedom, and boy was this environment toxic. You found yourself accepting drinks your close friends handed you, dancing with people you had never met before, you were a mess. But it was a part of the thrill. Yes, you were a hardworking student, but that doesn’t mean you don’t know how to loosen up and have fun.
You felt a pair of hands on your waist, assuming it was Jungkook, you turned around, before realizing that it wasn’t him, but some random older man that happened to be invited to the party as well. It was surprising, you figured that one of the girls would’ve brought a few of her, friends to the party, thinking it would be cool, or help her with a reputation that would no longer matter after this night. The male reeked of alcohol, but you were sure everyone did too. He has a look on his face that scared you, but you couldn’t move to get away, the whole place was crowded.
“Say, what’s a beauty like you doing out here? I’m sure someone like you would surely have a boyfri-” The stranger was cut off by a voice you could identify from miles away.
“Actually, she does have one, and I’d appreciate it if you don’t touch her,” Jungkook said, a hint of anger in his voice. He roughly grabbed your wrist, before dragging you away from the dance floor and into an empty room, that was way too clean for you to believe, and closing the door.
“What do you think you’re doing?! What if I was wasn’t there to help you get out?” He exclaimed, worrying thoughts coursing through his head, eyes widening at the mere idea of a stranger all over you. You stood still, eyes open like a deer caught in headlights. “I-I had no idea….” was all you could say, your fingers fidgeting with the bottom of your dress that was a little too tight and a little too short of Jungkook’s liking. Moments ago you were in danger and now you don’t know what will happen next. Jungkook stepped towards you, closing in the space that was quite large beforehand. You could feel his breath against your neck as your heart started racing. “Maybe I should claim you before someone else thinks otherwise.”
His arms swiftly moved you onto what you thought was a bed, before you could feel his plump lips meet yours. Of course you had kissed him before, but there was a different feel to this one. The others felt gentle, soft and caring, while this one was filled with passion and a hint of greed. It was rough, rushed, something you never experienced before. But you weren’t against it. Not one bit. He looked into your eyes, and you could see he was asking for permission to go further, so you gave him a quick nod and he, once again, smashed his lips against yours and wrapped his arms around you. You trusted him, you knew that he wouldn’t do something without having thought it through, but it hit you. You were both wasted, from drinking earlier that night, and you both weren’t in the best state of mind to be doing something so monumental, something that can affect the entire relationship you guys had built, but you found yourself getting addicted to the feeling he gave you when he peppered sloppy kisses on your skin, connecting the bottom of your lips to the top of your chest. The adrenaline flowed through your veins as his large hands made their way to the back of your dress, finding the zipper and pulling it down, agonizingly slow.  Your mind was hazy, but you knew you wanted this, right?
Upon sliding out of the dress, your black lace undergarments were revealed, and you saw Jungkook lick his lips in lust as his eyes roamed over your entire body, taking you in. “You’re absolutely beautiful.” He said, before grabbing hold of your waist and pulling you in, instantly attaching his mouth to the newly exposed skin. Every word that escaped his mouth sounded like harsh, loud music, deafening in an artful way, a single whisper could make you melt like putty, and that’s what you were. Putty in his hands. His hands roamed whilst his mouth conquered you, every single crevice of your body was explored. One of his hands made its way towards the binding clasp of your bra and his skillful fingers opened it, releasing your chest from its confinement. On each side, he placed a kiss unlike the sloppy ones from before. It was softer, almost like he was scared to take things too rough. Before you knew it, a moan had escaped from your throat, bouncing through the room. It gave Jungkook a push, almost providing him the will to go on. He treasured every single sound you made, no mattered how embarrassed you were of them, he quickly grew to love it. Soon, you felt his fingers wrapping around the waistband of your panties. Each second that flew by you grew more impatient, but that wouldn’t make him go any faster. Once the dreadful thing was off, you felt the blood rushing to your cheeks, finding yourself completely bare and Jungkook fully clothed. Almost like he could read your mind, he lifted his shirt over his head and unbuckled his jeans, not yet taking them off.
Thoughts flowed through your mind, ranging from some that resembled the need coursing through your veins to some resembling blaring warning signs, telling you to stop before it gets too far to go back. Maybe it was the random drink you had when first arriving at the party. Maybe it was how tempting he looked, the lack of lighting illuminating his most prominent features. Maybe it was the fact that you knew that he felt the way he did. Lost in thought, you didn’t realize that Jungkook had stripped down to his briefs, and his gaze was fixated on your uneasy expression. No words were said, but your eyes told him what he needed to know. That night, fireworks were lit, hearts were racing as you both stumbled into unknown territory,  and that day marked the start of the relationship, one that was set up to last, one that was cherished so dearly and so deeply rooted in your very being. Your mind flourished with thoughts of a future together, how each moment would hold more meaning. You fell asleep in his embrace, his arms wrapped around your waist, his steady breathing lulling you to sleep.
What you failed to notice was the strong smell of alcohol laced in it. Pungent. You were stuck on cloud nine, but Jungkook’s mind was filled with regret.
The moment you woke up, you knew something was wrong. Surrounding you was an unfamiliar room, and beside you was an empty space. Your heart drops, your hair standing on its end. ‘No…” you thought. “Jungkook?” you call out, but there was no reply. Frantic, you put on your clothes with fast hands, calling out for Jungkook when you could catch your breath. You feel the tears welling in your eyes, your heart pounding out of your chest. “JUNGKOOK!” you exclaim, one last time, before falling to your knees and letting the tears flow down your cheeks. You didn’t understand. Why did he leave? Did he not feel what you did? Did you not deserve an answer? Did you not mean something to him?
Your train of thought was broken by the sound of a doorknob creaking, and you look up, holding your breath. You wanted Jungkook to come through the door, you wanted him to tell you to calm down and that you were worried over nothing. You wanted your boyfriend to walk through the door, but instead, you were greeted by some frat boy that had his shirt on backward. The room fell silent, you were struggling to contain your sobs. The silence was broken as you turn to ask the boy a question, despite the fact that you’ve never seen him before. “Have you seen Jungkook?”. His face contorts in confusion before his eyes widen in realization.
“He left last night.”
He had broken his promise.
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coleymari-blog · 7 years
Cyber Space is Always Sweeter : Chapter 12
Summary: Lucy is a down to Earth, studious, responsible runaway attending Magnolia College. Natsu is a rambunctious, intelligent, pyrophilic fraternity boy going to the same school.
They don’t exactly run in the same circles and they have one hell of a history. What happens when the names and facades disappear and all that’s left are words blinking on a screen? Modern day, College/Pen Pals AU. I’m sorry I suck at intros. Rated M for Language, Adult Situations, and future sexual situations. Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
The look in her eyes was absolutely priceless.
“Why exactly are we going to the roof?” Lucy interrogated, arms crossed over her chest while Natsu leaned casually against the padded elevator wall. He knew she’d be surprised, he just hoped that she didn’t kill him before they reached their destination. If she did, he only hoped she took him out before the ‘soothing’ music drove him absolutely insane.
“There’s a landing for the fire escape up there,” the TA explained, shifting the two bags higher onto his shoulder. Hers was surprisingly heavy and the straps from both bags were digging into his Trapezius. His statement was immediately met by resistance.
“You’ve got to be joking,” the blonde hissed. The elevator crawled to a stop and opened up to a small concrete antechamber with a steel door leading out to the roof. The surface was covered in rocks and bits of asphalt. It was vast and mostly empty, housing only a few industrial air conditioning units toward the back, Northeast ledge. There were a couple of floodlights positioned in opposing corners of the space providing just enough light to see. The fire escape was about ten yards from the elevator on the West side of the building between the Library and the academic building next door, though the former was a good five stories higher than the latter.
Natsu was the first one to exit into the gravelly exterior, the heavy door screeching in refusal, but was followed dutifully by Lucy though her body language read ‘furious’. Could he really blame her? He’d lied to her and was probably forcing her out of her comfort zone. Didn’t that make him no better than the Queen Bitch herself? Part of him began to resent his decision but that changed when he watched her face light up underneath the stars glowing overhead.
It was almost as if he was staring at a completely different Lucy.
The freshman’s shoulders dropped as she raised her chocolate eyes to the sky above them. He looked closer and realized her lips were moving silently. What was she muttering to herself? Gods she was a weirdo but it surprisingly suited her. Natsu allowed himself to watch her for just a few moments longer before breaking the mounting tension.
“Something you want to share with the class?” he teased, dropping their bags beside the fire escape platform. He didn’t close the space between them, wanting to respect her space. Plus, if she really was crazy and actually talking to herself, he’d rather maintain some distance.
Lucy’s eyes snapped over to him as if she’d forgotten he was even there. “O-oh, sorry,” she sputtered. Even in the dim lighting Natsu could see the blushing of her cheeks and neck. “I just haven’t been able to see stars like this since I left home.” She dropped her gaze to the ground, almost like she was embarrassed. “I was just naming the different stars and constellations I can see.”
The grad student couldn’t help but grin. “No need to be sorry,” he replied genuinely, jumping up onto the ledge and sitting down with his legs dangling over the side. That earned him the cutest gasp from Lucy. Her mood changed swiftly into that of a Mama Bear, chastising him for being so reckless. Natsu couldn’t lie, he kind of relished in the fact that he cared about whether he fell of the side of a building or not. He ignored the fact that she might just be a decent human being. “Any good ones?”
Walking slowly, gaze still locked on the heavens, Lucy made her way to the same wall and leaned against it, her arms draped across the concrete. He could sense she was nervous so he stayed quiet until she gathered the courage to speak again. “That’s Eridanus,” came a soft but knowing voice. “The Heavenly River.” Shifting over a few feet to the right, she named another constellation. “That one is Horologium.”
Natsu was looking up at the night sky, entranced by the knowledge Lucy possessed. It reminded him of how he was in Chemistry. “Are you an Astronomy major or something?” he asked, genuinely curious as he kicked his feet haphazardly.
Her sights fell again to the concrete barrier preventing them from taking a header off the roof. She sighed softly before answering, her tone slightly more melancholic than it was previously. “Nope, Teaching actually. While it’d be nice to stare at the stars all day, I’m afraid the Math portion of the job would interfere too much. My mom used to teach me different star patterns and charts as a kid.” Natsu couldn’t argue with her, she did struggle a bit when it came to the more difficult Mathematical practices. He had always been lucky that numbers came so easily to him, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case with everyone. Allowing himself one last glance at her, he couldn’t help but hurt slightly at the wonder in her eyes as she stared toward the heavens. Maybe after tutoring her, she’d be good enough in Math to where she could change her major. It was a long shot, but something inside him wanted to at least try. For her.
Shaking his head abruptly, Natsu brought his legs up onto the ledge and stood on top of it, looking down at Lucy with a boyish grin. He jumped down and brushed off his jeans, her yelling breaking through the silence instantaneously,  before making his way to the fire escape. Stepping up into the rusted, metal cage, the grad student grabbed the bags, threw them over the railing, extended his calloused hand to his student and motioned toward the steps in front of him. “Ready to go?”
Natsu had to be certifiably insane.
There was no other option. A fire escape? On the roof?! The guy had to be crazy. The entire ride on the elevator Lucy had been expecting some sort of explanation, a plan, anything really. All she knew was that some older man she barely knew was abducting her and running off to the only place she couldn’t escape him. Master Scorpio and Capricorn had always warned her of such ‘advances’ but the little siren in her head was going off...yet.
However, once they stepped off onto the rock-ribbed surface, Lucy couldn’t help but be amazed. Over head there were hundreds of stars, all of differing brightness and size. It was the first time she’d been able to see so many since leaving her family estate. The light pollution from the city usually prevented her from seeing them from her tiny dormitory window. She immediately started naming them, just as her mother had taught her so many years ago. It was almost like she’d been thrust back to a time where she still had her best friend and protector by her side. It was Layla that had imparted so much knowledge about the celestial sciences, and it made Lucy feel like her mother were above her, watching down from the heavens.
Natsu’s voice, once again, abruptly dragged her from her dreamland. “Something you want to share with the class?” he questioned, his voice light and playful. Sighing, she dropper her gaze. Shit. How could she have forgotten he was there? He probably thought she was bonkers, staring up at stars like an idiot. Lucy could feel the flushing of her skin rise as she spoke.
“O-oh, Sorry,” she murmured. “I just haven’t been able to see stars like this since I left home.” She could feel his sights on her and she quickly looked toward the floor. “I was naming the stars and constellations I can see.”
What further surprised the freshman was the fact that Natsu didn’t mock her. He simply asked her for more information about something she was obviously passionate about. Sure he’d almost KILLED himself in the process, causing her to freak out on him just a bit, but at least he’d stayed on the ledge. Joining him (still on the ‘ground’ mind you), she ultimately decided to acquiesce to his request and pointed out a couple of her personal favorites. “That’s Eridanus, the Heavenly River,” she explained, her eyes immediately trying to find one she knew was close by. When she found it, she pulled his attention over a few feet. “That one is Horologium.”
Glancing over, Lucy let herself take in the sight of Natsu in that moment. His head tilted up toward the night sky, his eyes tracing over the grouping of constellations she’d revealed. For the first time in years, it was as if someone was actually interested in what she had to say and it made her feel... special. She watched somewhat longingly as his jaw tensed, his rose-tinted hair ruffling in the light breeze. His question, though asked with no hint of malintent still made her somewhat sad.
Of course she wanted to major in Astronomy. However, as they were both coming to find, she wasn’t exactly gifted with numbers. Plotting trajectories, calculating gravitational pulls, all of that required advanced mathematics, something Lucy knew in her heart of hearts that she could never accomplish. “Nope, Teaching actually,” she answered, her voice tinged with a woeful tone. “While it’d be nice to stare at the stars all day, I’m afraid the Math portion of the job would interfere too much. My mom used to teach me different star patterns and charts as a kid.”
Unfortunately, Lucy didn’t get a chance dawdle on her wistfulness much longer. Before she knew it, Natsu was jumping down from the ledge and making his way over to the fire escape.  She followed him begrudgingly. What else was she supposed to do? Stay in the library overnight? If the rickety fire escape was the only way out, even with Natsu’s help, she’d have to go for it. Looking over the apparatus didn’t make the situation any better. Clearly it had been installed with the original building because it was incredibly narrow and rusted over in various spots.
Lucy shrieked when she grabbed onto Natsu hand. He immediately pulled her up and over the ledge onto the metal caging, using his own body to support her. Her right hand was still in his but her left gripped onto the railing for dear life, the left side of her body pressing against his chest. “It’s okay,” he cooed, his voice low and cautious, “I’ve got you. Don’t worry.” Without a shred of space between them, the freshman girl’s temperature skyrocketed, because of both her incessant blushing and the waves of heat that rolled off of the man beside her. Luckily for her, it was Natsu who broke the silence.
“Hold on tight okay?” The teacher’s assistant instructed, his voice now similar to when he was actually teaching. “I’m going to go first, that way if you fall or something, I can catch you. Okay?”
Lucy nodded and slowly followed Natsu down the zigzagging metal staircases, both of them making quick work of the fire escape. Upon reaching the final platform, he asked her to stop and bent down to release the ladder that separated them from their freedom. Unfortunately, without the proper maintenance, it got stuck, leaving a few feet of clearance between the final rung and the alley.
Judging the gap, Natsu grinned wildly. “I can totally make that,” he boasted playfully, looking her over. “What do you think, Loony?”
Lucy huffed and assessed the situation for herself. It was a bigger drop for her than it was for Natsu, but the pinket spoke up again as if he’d read her mind.
“What about I go first, and then I can grab you and help you down?” he offered. While part of the runaway heiress absolutely hated the idea, part of her was excited at the opportunity for Natsu to be close to her again. She found herself nodding in agreement without thinking about it.
The blonde watched at he descended the ladder, reaching the end in no time flat. She stared in awe (and other more primitive emotions) as he let his body free hang on the last two rungs, holding himself up only by his incredibly defined arms. He only had about a foot to clear before his instructor’s voice was dragging her from her lustful daydreaming and beckoning to her to start her own descent. While she wasn’t nearly as fast as Natsu, Lucy was surprised at how easy it was for her to make her way down the rusted-over ladder. The worst part was how painful it was when the rust bit into her palms.
Arriving at the last rung, Natsu shouted up to her. “Go ahead and drop! I’ll catch you!” Without thinking twice, Lucy closed her eyes and released the ladder, free falling for only a second before she felt those same muscular arms wrap around her, slowly lowering her feet to the ground. Firmly planted, she looked up and found emerald orbs looking back at her. Her heart soon felt like it was going to escape her chest, racing wildly as she pulled away.
“T-thank you for helping me. I can take it from here,” she stammered, reaching out to take back her bag. “My dorm isn’t that far.”  Unsurprisingly she was met with a grin and resistance.
“What kind of gentleman would I be if I just let you wander around campus alone at night?” he asked with a chuckle, shifting the bags again so they sat higher on his shoulder. Grinning wickedly he gestured back toward the residence halls. “Lead the way, Loony.”
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930club · 7 years
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ART BLANCHE: Aaron Draplin
Aaron Draplin doesn’t do it for the money. Rather -- as cliché as it might sound -- designing records is something he does for the love of music, plain and simple.
“Here I am, I’m in Northern Michigan and I’m digging through my [parents’] basement and I just found a box of my tapes from high school and I just can’t get rid of them,” Aaron explained. “…I’m looking at these things here and that’s what started me on graphic design -- seeing the liner notes on tapes.”
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All Tiny Creatures – Harbors (Courtesy of Aaron Draplin)
And he really does mean tapes. Back in the day, vinyl was just too bulky for his taste, so cassettes were his preference. But as times have changed, so have Aaron’s purchasing habits: cassettes made way for CDs, which, in turn, made way for vinyl. Having now worked on designing records, Aaron has grown an appreciation for the bulk that vinyl brings, so much so that he’s often found himself trying to convince clients to make sure they at least press a limited amount of records.
“A lot of the bands 4 or 5 years ago, they knew they were going to sell 10x more CDs because they were easier to cart around or easier to sell at shows,” Aaron said. “So of course we’re going to make that CD… but I’ve just done this little pep talk so many times where you say: ‘Guys, how many records are you going to make in your life? It’s only going to be about 8 or 9 let’s hope, or even just a couple. But you guys, why don’t you do this? Make it on vinyl, give it a download code, and sell those.”
A prolific designer, Aaron got his start in graphic design working in the snowboard industry. Since then, his company, Draplin Design Co., has built an impressive clientele list featuring everything from Target to Bernie Sanders. Still, record design has been a newer venture in Aaron’s career, albeit one that he took a liking to almost instantly.
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Danava  – Hemisphere of Shadows (Courtesy of Aaron Draplin)
“My favorite thing to make is making a record, designing a record for someone,” he said. “There’s only been 10, 11, or 12, but every one has been fun.”
“I like nerding out on how to make the labels, and edges, and bleeds and just all the little things that are probably a pain in the ass,” he said. “The first couple records I learned was [that] you can’t really start at the CD size, you have to start at the record size and work your way down. Just the files even, because you’re making your art big and as you work your way down to those smaller sizes then you scale everything down.”
Much of Aaron’s approach to working on a record cover comes from the music fan within him. As someone who can play guitar “a little bit,” he’s fascinated by the grueling process of recording an album – something he’s never done, but one day hopes to do – and wants to make sure that his visuals mirror the passion and effort that the band put into recording.
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Old 97’s – Most Messed Up (Courtesy of Aaron Draplin)
“If you’re going to go through the pain and the strife of building this thing, recording this thing, making this object, making this art, make sure it’s got a nice cover.”
It’s that mindset that makes Aaron lament any time he sees a band skimp on the visuals for the record. It doesn’t matter the reason, it’s against his nature, and his goal is to stop it every time he can.
“I’m doing a record for these folks in Portland right now called Diesto, [they’re] a heavy metal band,” he said. “I’ve known this guy for eight or nine years and he comes to me and says, ‘Man, I don’t have any money but will you do our record? I know you’ll care about it.’ And I said, ‘Well, let’s do it!’”
“That’s such a weird thing, it’s like I’m not really concerned about it,” Aaron added. “He’ll give me a stack of them and I’ll give them to buddies and then on top of that, there’s just something about making these things and not wanting it to be… I don’t want it to get worked over because he can’t find someone who will give it the love that it deserves, you know? What a bummer [if] that’s why it didn’t turn out as good as it could turn out, because you couldn’t find somebody.”
Again, it’s the music fan within him that takes over when approached like this – he wants to make sure that the band makes the best record that they can, visuals included.
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Casey Neill - All You Pretty Vandals (Courtesy of Aaron Draplin)
“That’s an interesting thing because I think everybody else their first reaction is like, ‘Well I’m not going to do it if there’s no money to pay the graphic designer,’ but that’s never really my first reaction,” he said. “…So, I offer myself a lot to that stuff and just I’m really open to just saying ‘This isn’t about the cash -- not even close. This is simply [that] I just want to make cool shit that people are going to enjoy.’”
In some cases, Aaron knows he can use his skills as a designer to not only help fledgling bands, but also as an opportunity to give back to some of the musicians that have meant the most to him.
“There’s a band called Son Volt… and I just want to reach out to Jay [Farrar] and say, ‘Hey, I’ll be your instrument. If you need anything, I can help you -- I won’t charge one penny. But if you need a poster or something done or something designed, I’ll just do it,” he explained. “Because the enjoyment I’ve gotten from their records -- it’s infinite. That’s one of my favorite bands.’”
“It’s a weird angle, like I’m certainly not trying to make a living making records. …I’m totally cool with that, too. Which maybe makes me nuts, I don’t know.”
-Dylan Singleton
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srseattlestreetnews · 7 years
Seattle Street News 55, Crimes of Passion/Fashion
Runner News:
Our Favorite Runner Team On the Outs
Bad News for fans of one of our favorite runner teams. Sources tell me that MMFEC, who used to be on retainer for a certain charitable organization, is no longer on retainer for that organization. What happened? Some people say that it had to do with too much publicity after the Horizon Technomancer Kidnapping Scandal. Turns out having your faces all over CorpNews when you should be in the shadows is the definition of MM-FEC’ing it up. But look all you Fixers and Johnsons, SSN knows that MMFEC has done more in the shadows for the city than many of our other runner teams out there. And if you know what I’m talking about, then you know how valuable a team MMFEC is. Throw them some work!
 City News:
Cybersnatcher Update…Looks like we have a Ripper!
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Last issue of the SSN detailed a rash of attacks that indicated the possibility of a cybersnatcher on the loose in the Barrens. However, the SSN has gotten exclusive vid from a loyal tipster that indicates there might be a ripper on the loose. The feed we received was from an ATM camera across the street from the clinic Fragilé! not too far from the Body Mall. The footage [attached below] shows an Ork woman emerge from the alleyway next to the clinic wearing a long coat and rubbing her neck in pain. She enters the clinic and that is the last the ATM camera catches her. Our tipster provided us with video from inside the clinic where the ork woman enters and takes a seat in the waiting room. She kept rubbing her neck and seemed to draw within herself. She had been bouncing her knee like she was bored, but suddenly it seemed like her whole body began trembling. With no warning, the ork put her hand inside her deep coat pocket and froze. In a flash she leapt up and withdrew her hand from her pocket revealing a Butcher's Knife. She lunged to attack people, who were scrambling to leave, and that is where the camera feed cut off with only a warning from Knight Errant's Cyber Security division about tampering with evidence.
We have not been able to get any comments from Knight Errant about the incident other than some threatening questions about how we even know about it. Reporters have gone to the clinic, but it is shut up tight behind KE security. Why so much security for a back alley cyber clinic? Who is the ork woman? Above is a photo taken from the video. If anyone knows her, or knows anyone who was in the clinic at the time of the attack, contact the SSN!
 Terminal Light—(by demmalition1)
It’s just past 4:30AM this morning, time to let these demons out to wreck havoc upon the slumbering Emerald City.  They’re purring right now, waiting for their masters to slam their foot to the floor and let them roar to life with a furious anger.  The nightlife in Seattle will never cease to amaze me.  It truly won’t.
The crowds these events attract are some of the most eclectic people I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.  There have to be at least thirty people here gathering under the various banners of their respective corners of the city.  There’s a gang of ghouls, orks, humans, a multiracial group, and even a clan of dwarves under the name of the V 0.8’s (a reference to the fact that they’re only 0.8 meters tall between them, which is short even for a dwarf).
Then you’ve got Apollo, he’s been racing for a little over three years as he tells it.  His bright green ork skin is about to be caked in an orange powder before he gets into his souped up dragster.  A dragster that he claims to have custom built from various parts “scavenged throughout the city,” his deep Tennessee accent reverberating through every last word.  His assistants come up to him and take handfuls of powder, throwing them across his body.  Wham.  Wham.  Wham.  Each handful thrown harder than the last.  His entire body is surrounded by an orange haze that glows slightly under the dim streetlight hanging above him.  It crowns him like a god about to mount their chariot, wreathed in warpaint and flames, out to conquer the world.  He enters his car and lights it up.  Flames spew out the dual side-mounted exhausts, licking the sides of his chrome warbeast.  The demon inside the hood roars to life as he does several donuts to warm up the tires and test the engine for faults.  Once ready he takes his place alongside his other combatants.  The chariot of fire and blood is ready to claim another championship.  The countdown begins.  Three... two... one...
And they’re off!  The sound is deafening as the demonic hellscape begins to roar and reverberate throughout the quiet streets of the Seattle outskirts.  They’re all racing towards the center of the metroplex many kilometers away from here, a journey that should take about half an hour to reach.  As they fade into the distance and round the first corner marked in AR small vidscreens begin to pop up among the crowd.  It’s a livefeed from every possible angle thanks to the nanocam systems hooked into each vehicle.  You can hop from the hood of one car to the eyes of the second driver and see the rear bumper of the third car all in a flash.  For those special members with a DNI Control Rig or other means of interfacing they can even passively jump into the cars themselves!  Hearing the screech of the tires and feeling the weight of your own body shift as you round the next corner leaving your opponents in the dust is truly an exhilarating experience!
About fifteen minutes into the race the ghoul car takes a corner too tight and flips over itself several times.  A trail of wreckage lies in its wake as a pile of twisted neon and metal create an amalgam of failure.  A few freaks in the crowd even jump into the car as it flips and begin replaying the moment over and over, it’s as if reliving their own death makes them feel alive.  The driver of the now desecrated beast of burden is alive, but his shins are broken in three places requiring a hospital visit.  Foul play is called by his crew but is dismissed almost immediately by everyone there.
The final stretch is approaching, Apollo is in the lead, but only just as the elf, human, and dwarf drivers are hot on his tail.  The sun is starting to creep up now turning the sky from its former pitch black to a soft hue of deep blues and purples.  The racers know they don’t have much time left as the finish line draws near.  The dwarf of the V 0.8’s pulls ahead, slamming his pedal to the floor in a great and furious anger.  His demonic beast, however, is startled by this and over revs, causing a minor stall in the car and even busting a gasket, knocking him out of the race!  The human driver’s car cannot keep up either as he is slowly left behind when they enter the cavernous twists and turns of the concrete jungle.
Now it’s just Apollo and the elf.  Neck and neck.  Racing against themselves and the rising sun which is now a blood red.  The sky itself is seemingly burning in conflagration, setting the scene for a showdown of cataclysmic proportions.  At the very last second Apollo deploys his nitrous boosters and pulls well ahead of the elf, setting a clear path to salvation!
And then it happens.  Apollo crosses the finish line.  His chariot of fire pulling the sun behind it like tales of old.  The god of the Emerald City can claim his rightful throne.  Victory!  Victory at last! Back at the starting line the crowd erupts in a great and uproarious cheer as Apollo exits his car.  Libations are had and hands are shook.  There is much talk about the race, some of the more chromed individuals among us replay Apollo’s victory to relive secondhand glory.  But just as the excitement reaches its peak the jubilant crowd begins to fracture.  The sun is almost up now, and each person heads off in their own individual directions to go sleep off the nightlife.  The electricity in the air subsumes and the neon lights power down.  The streetlights power down and give way to the great inferno in the sky.  Some earlybird wageslaves can be seen commuting in their plainly colored rust buckets.  Apollo, I’m told, is going to head to some upscale club downtown to celebrate his victory.
The sun is awake and has slain the nightlife of this city with a blinding light.  The nightlife that writhed in ecstasy is now departed from this land to slumber.  An entire culture rises to the surface and falls to the ground in the span of a few hours as the beat of the nightlife fades away.  They’ll be back tonight, and I plan to see them again soon.
The day passes.  The sun sets and shadows lengthen.  Darkness spreads as pinpoints of light begin to dot the streets and spread down the line like a snake.  It is dark now.  Time to light up the night.
 Aurora U-Storage On Fire…Again
You all know that storage warehouse in Aurora? The one where corp types and shadow denizens like to store things that they don’t want anyone else to know about? You know that warehouse with the utmost discretion? The one that was set on fire a few months ago in some sort of shadowrun related shenanigans? Yeah, well, that warehouse was set on fire again, quite mysteriously. On the plus side, Aurora U-Storage seems to have installed some impressive anti-arson upgrades to the warehouse. On the down side, runners keep targeting that place. I ask you all, is this really where you want to store your secret goods?
 Entertainment News
Lightning Doesn’t Strike Twice, But Thunder Does!
In 2071 four orks found they all liked a fusion of garage metal and​ classical music, and the band Golden Dumpster Fire was born from that interest: Cellists​ Ford Arkash, and Barash Furysong, vocalist J'mee Thunder, and percussionist Thur Canaan. They spent two years playing small clubs before they got a paying job for a Mr Pendleton, who fronted for their first album, ghost dragon, which placed fifth on billboard for three months. They worked in studio for a year and brought out their second album, permanent vacation, which did better, but the clan wars brought the group to a standstill and “permanent vacation” became prophetic. Fans of the group clamored for more from the group for years, and it seemed that desire would never be fulfilled. Just another band with a lot of promise that fell to obscurity.
However, there is reason for Golden Dumpster Fire fans to rejoice! J'mee Thunder has returned with a self titled album, J’mee Thunder, and he plans to start his world tour in the Seattle Metroplex. And don’t tell anyone I told you, but rumor has it he’ll be doing a secret unplugged show just for fans the day before the big concert. Where will it be? Let me put it this way: it will be in the same club, where Arkash used his bow as a weapon to defend Thunder from an overzealous fan strung out on Bliss. Fans called this the Errol Flynn Incident. If you know where that happened, you know where the concert will be. Look out for it. Brought to you by the Crowne.
 BeyonZ, Kappa, and Exploitation: The Case of Lawrence Stock
By now you’ve all seen the footage on Kappa. A small apartment living room. The Space Needle visible through the open window, far away in the background. Gray weather, the smell of rain coming to mind, instinctively, as if transmitted by the trid. The picture moved a meter to the right, focusing on a grave boyish face. The fluorescent blue hair, the outrageous makeup are those of none other than NeoNET’s famous host and entertainer, BeyonZ.
He turned to the middle-aged lady on his left and said with a look of concern, “Lily I mean Mrs. Stock... I may call you Lily, right?”
She answered the question thrown at her with a nod.
BeyonZ: “Lily, by now our viewers are probably familiar with your emotional plea on Kappa. Your husband Lawrence has been missing for a month, now. The last time you saw him, he was going on a tour…”
It is true, we have all seen the footage…the emotional plea. Lily Stock was clearly upset and Kappa new that was ratings gold.
The woman raised her head, slowly, a faint smile on her lips. The camera focused on her face, making sure all of her emotions were on display. The perfect makeup she wore contrasted with her tattered clothes, making her look like an extra on Horizon’s Les Miz ‘77.  
Lily: “Yes, sir. He’s lead singer for Larry and the Red Gods. They’re a small indie band. All locals. Larry was so excited, that day. All smiles. Humming ‘Roses are red…’ He got a call. His friends were there. He gave me a peck on the cheek and the next instant I heard him running down the stairs. The elevator was broken. I went to the window, watched him greet his band mates. They were all set, with their cello and guitar cases strapped to their shoulders. They looked happy. Their driver must have shouted something, because at some point the five of them all turned their head toward a black van and climbed onto it.” 
The video went back to BeyonZ who asked, “So, the black van left and you’ve not had any news since?”
Lily: “Well, he called me later in the afternoon. They were at the warehouse where their gig was taking place… Larry, if you hear me, call me, call us.”
The picture moved to the right, toward another room after hearing some dog barks in the background. The dog must have been there in the back, invisible.
Then Lily cried, “See, Larry? Skippy has been so sad since you left. And the children too. Oh, Larry, please, come back soon,” before breaking into uncontrollable sobbing. The lady buried her face in her hands.
When the picture moved back to BeyonZ, all of us who weren’t fooled by the corporate glitz, could see that he was trying to hide his glee. This is a story about a man who went missing, a man whose family wonders where he is. And how does Kappa’s BeyonZ respond to this tragedy? He turns and her and says, in front of all the world, “Lily, are you ready to face the truth? We have exclusive pictures of your husband with a young lady. We’ll be back after these commercials.” Of course, the dramatic music swelled as the camera zoomed in on a last glimpse of Mrs. Stock, looking at the camera, clearly taken aback.
Is this what viewers of corp media want? Exploitation of people’s pain? Larry and the Red Gods were a decent indie band (though my sources say that they ran in the shadows more than they played on stage, if you know what I mean), and his family seems to be in pain and need help rather than be put on display. This is a situation that should be taken care of by us. You denizens of the shadows, have you heard what happened to Larry and the Red Gods? Good or ill, Lilly Stock deserves to know. Send in your tips.
Once More 15--(by Breach)
If you’re reading this, you’re probably already familiar with the Corporate Court’s relaunch of the Wireless Matrix, an initiative headed by Danielle de la Mar.  You may not know all the details, or the history, however - we’re not all Matrix-wired desk jockeys, after all - so I’ve decided to devote a bit of time to education in the regard.
On December 1, 2074, de la Mar announced the new Matrix protocols that would be rolled out over the next month, with a launch date of January 2075.  On January 1, the new protocols came online, along with the new grids and a new Matrix.  Three years in and it’s starting to feel normal, but our new Grid Overwatch Division overlords didn’t always have such a tight hand on the reins.
In the wake of Crash 2.0, distribution was the watchword - a travesty like the Crash should never be allowed again, and making sure there was no centralised network was the way to get there.  The Wireless Matrix was born of desperation and need, built roughly and slapshot in an effort to get the world running again.  While the Grid Overwatch Division existed, its authority was limited and the scope under which it could operate was small; there existed no overarching grids to monitor and every host and commlink was left on its own to negotiate the new Matrix.  
It was a golden age for those that run the shadows.
Of course, de la Mar and GOD were able to spin this into a need for more control and more constraint; information was free, and the Corporations hate that.  So new protocols were rolled out and all the old tricks and devices were cut off from the whole.  Hackers had to find new tools to access the new systems (though GOD did make the mistake of asking some prominent hackers to test the new systems, so they didn’t fall too far behind), and hacking became far more serious a crime than it had before - punishable by death in many cases.
Instead of one big open playground, the new Matrix has been divided into grids - ten global grids operated by the ten Court Megacorporations, individual regional and national grids operated by various governments across the globe (like Seattle’s very own Emerald City grid, which many of you access this paper from), and even an eleventh official global grid, operated by charity and legacy and, much like the pre-de la Mar Matrix, open to everyone, though somewhat removed from the new protocols and systems.  Operating on the public grid is a bit like decking through molasses - possible, but slow and unpleasant.  I don’t recommend it for any serious Matrix work.
The new Matrix holds secrets that even GOD doesn’t fully understand, though.  The Foundation - the ultraviolet, hyper-real underlayer that rests beneath every host and device in the new Matrix - is poorly understood, even by the architects that craft hosts from its essence.  And then we have Technomancers that speak of Resonance Realms, similar in some ways to the Metaplanes Magicians speak of.  Our new Matrix has brought us new frontiers to explore.
Frontiers that may be connected to next week’s topic, the new plague on everyone’s lips: CFD.
Questions about history? Ask Breach! [email protected]
 Fashion News?
Crimes of Fashion or Good Samaritan?
Reports on the street are that people are getting spontaneous, and probably magical, fashion makeovers as they are walking down the street minding their own business. So it seems there is a good Samaritan turning people’s dreary togs to something more interesting. The only thing is…that the new togs seem to be very fashionable in cut and design, but somewhat...unconventional in color choice. Are these new clashing colors a sign of fashion to come or are they crimes of fashion? Or is this some sort of reality show that has yet to be announced? Have you been given a make-over? Contact the SSN and give us the info!
 Seattle Street News is an independent activist news source released weekly on Tuesdays or Wednesdays
[Watch CorporateSINs on every Wednesday, 6pm PST or on Youtube at, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h11c7BLFQtc&list=PLHKocVDXoWBtzze1SGGUnU6KB5UFrDLFo]
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