#41st scout battalion
leaftheclonetrooper · 2 years
Tales of Leaf Characters Photos
Main Protagonist
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touchstarvedasclones · 8 months
Grand Army of the Republic Structure
So, looking at how the GAR is structured, there would be about 512 battalions total throughout all 10 system armies. (I can go into that later)
We know of (canon) 15.
Let me know if I missed any, here's the list:
21st Nova corp (wait, is that a battalion or a Corp in the structure? idk.) led by Ki-Adi-Mundi and CC Bacara
13th (the Iron Battalion) led by Jaro Tapal and Cal Kestis
41st Scout let by Luminara and/or Yoda, and CC Gree
104th (The Wolfpack) led by Plo Koon and CC Wolffe
187th led by Mace Windu and CC Ponds (I thought they were the 91st?)
612th led by Polla Royal and CC Granch (I'm assuming that's a CC)
Combat Engineer (I don't know either) let by Sergeant Gaffa
212th led by Kenobi and CC Cody
501st led by Skywalker, CT Rex, and Ahsoka Tano
332nd, which is an off shoot of the 501st, lead by CC Rex and Tano
(Carnivore is also a sub group of 501st, but I'm unsure if it is big enough to count as it's own battalion)
442nd, also led by Plo Koon at some point, and CC Verd
327th lead by Aayla Secura and CC Bly
184th led by Jor Aerith and CC Crane (again, guessing if a CC)
Rancor Battalion, lead by Shaak Ti and the Rancor ARC CCs
Coruscant Guard, which has no Jedi and is led mainly by CC Fox
Honorary member, but technically part of 212th, is Clone Force 99, lead by CT Hunter.
So that's roughly 15. Out of 512.
Good thing we fans like to make OC clones.
Also, I AM thinking about making a color chart for known battalions. And since there are so few, including those of OC made battalions too.
If anyone is interested.
Here's the link to the post that started this.
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canuckianhawkbi · 2 years
somehow I’m still not done making polls about clones yet, so
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enigmatist17 · 1 year
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Art by @slenderboo (give them a follow! This art is wonderful <3)
Feedback: Clone OC
First OC I've ever made :)
He is my child, I never set out to make an oc, but I just happened to be talking with some people in a discord I'm in, and boom, here he is <3
Note: These are just some ideas that I came up with so far, will probably add/change things in the future.
Feedback was a part of the 41st Scout Battalion up until Order 66.
Previously he was part of the 172nd Recon Unit, his first posting up until his unit was wiped out sans himself. Their specialty was long recon, and Feedback is able to pick out the slightest sounds from just about anything, usually being the one to report back with his long-range communicator pack. They were a smaller unit consisting of 12 soldiers that were passed around to various Jedi and other various generals when needed, Pong Krell being the last general they were posted to.
Pong Krell managed to sabotage some of their equipment before they were sent out on his orders. Feedback was listening over their field comm unit when it exploded, rendering him unconscious while his unit is wiped out by some positioned droids that were waiting for them. Feedback manages to get back to base camp after coming to a few days later, but does not seem to suspect Pong of tampering.
It takes Feedback almost a solid month to recover, and was nearly decommissioned if Gree hadn't taken notice and adopted him into the 41st.
Feedback had a hard time at first settling in with a new unit, and did not enjoy the staring all of his scarring attracted. His left ear was healed to the best extent, but his hearing is almost entirely muted, so he has to adjust to his right ear for use in the field. Feedback was worried he would be rejected and potentially decommissioned at first, but when Yoda speaks to the latest addition to the 41st, his fears to an extent are assuaged.
So this is all I have so far, but like I said I'm sure I'll add more to him!
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lightasthesun · 3 years
now i KNOW you have clone ocs....... Tell Us The People Want To Know !!!!
Hehe yes I do! I got nine clone oc's at the moment!
Let me introduce you to two of them! (picrews used: 1, 2)
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Meet ARF Trooper Bloomer | CT-0810 |
former 327th Star Corps
current 41st Elite Battalion
His batchmates called him a late Bloomer because of his delayed decantation
That— on top of the fact that he loves everything to do with flowers— meant choosing a name for himself didn't take long at all as a cadet.
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Clone Captain Aced |CT-0731| Sharpshooter
104th Battalion / Wolfpack
Captain Rex's and Captain Keeli's batchmate
He chose his name after getting praised for his marksmanship for the first time —"you aced that cadet"
His armor is red and not grey for exactly the reason you think.
He starts growing out his hair upon being assigned to General Koon because he doesn't feel like he needs to stay under the radar as much as possible any longer.
Full body armor + Aced edit (Temuera M.) under the cut:
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(Bloomer's color doesn't match the 41st Elite Battalion but I didn't notice that while editing and it was too much work to re-do it just for that also please ignore the quality of the kama xD)
About his armor: Yes he is that extra plus his obsession with flowers and the need to record all kinds of Flora made him into a decent artist. Though he doesn't wear the kama on scout missions for obvious reasons.
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Aced without his shoulder pauldron + headshot edit before and after deployment.
taglist: @thanksveryga
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commanderterrashock · 2 years
Dimension Crisis Characters Photos Bonus
Main Protagonist
Alliance of Good Army
(501st Legion Jet Troopers, Claude von Riegan Soldiers, 501st Legion, 212th Attack Battalion, 327th Star Corps, 41st Scout Battalion, 332nd Company & Autobot Soldiers)
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captcarolmarvl · 5 years
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original characters [2/?] | star wars universe | attributes chart | aria lenahki
species: cathar | chiss | cyborg | dathomirian | devaronian | dug | duros | ewok | gamorrean | gand | geonosian | gree | gungan | human | hutt | jawa | kaminoan | klatooinain | kubaz | mirialan | mon calamari | mustafarian | nautolan | meimoidian | ongree | ortolan | pantoran | pa'lowick | rakata | rattataki | rishii | rodian | selkath | sith | sullustan | talz | togruta | toydarian | trandoshan | tusken raider | twi'lek | ugnaught | umbaran | weequay | wookie | zabrak | zeltron 
alignment: light side | nuetral | dark side 
occupation/professions: architect | archivist | beastmaster | bio-engineer | blacksmith | bounty hunter | cartographer | collector | counselor | cryptoslogist | cyber-strategist | datatech | doctor | engineer | financial | fixer | flight instructor | gambler | gatherer | gladiator | handmaiden | hazmat | herbalist | hermit | historian | imperial factory worker | imperial hunter | information broker | jedi | jedi hunter | jockey | journal clerk | journalist | junk boss | law enforcement | legal | librarian | medical | mercenary | military | miner | officer | operative | philosopher | pilot | portmaster | programmer | racer | rigger | sales | scavenger | scholar | scout | sculptor | secretary | security | slicer | systems analyst | system designer | tailor | tax collector | teacher | tour guide | training officer | travel agent | treasure hunter | weapons master 
affilitation: rebel alliance | galactic empire | jedi order | hutt cartel | old republic | new republic | sith order | separatist confederacy | mandalorians | black sun | trade federation | neutral | inter-galactic banking clan | techno union | commerce guild | corporate alliance | retail caucus | nightsisters | nightbrothers | royal house of hapes | ssi-ruuvi empire | rogue squadron | green group | red squadron | blue squadron (rebels) | blue squadron (clones) | gold squadron | naboo security | republic senate | 501st legion | 327th star corps | 212th attack battalion | 41st elite corps | wolfpack | breakout squad | lightning squadron | shadow squadron | slick's squad | flame squad | coruscant squad | senate guard | freedom fighters (ryloth) | pantoran assembly | pantoran gaurd | podracers | hondo ohnaka's pirates | death watch | sugi's mercenaries | desilijic kajidic (jabba) | hutt grand council | hutt cartel | cad bane's bounty hunter crew | dark jedi | gray jedi | the krath | dark council | jedi council | confederacy of independent systems | the ones | imperial navy | alliance of free planets | galactic alliance | the resistance | sith order 
home world: tatooine | coruscant | naboo | hoth | kashyyyk | dagobah | bespin | mustafar | alderaan | geonosis | yavin | yavin 4 | kamino | mon calaramri | mandalore | corellia | dantooine | cato neimoidia | malachor v | polis massa | mora band | ryloth | nal hutta | onderon | ithor | taris | tython | florrum | byss | ossus | haruun kal | exodeen | felucia | belsavis | dromund kaas | ilum | korriban | makeb | nar shaddaa | ord mantell | quesh | tython | voss | nevarro | arvala 7 | sorgan | jakku | mirial | pantora | dathomir | endor
abilities: force power | alchaka | art of movement | ayna-seff | force bond | force call | cleanse | cleanse mind | corpse vision | dampen force | dark energy trap | dreambubble | force concealment | force familiar | floating meditation | force clouding | force focus | force generation | force healing | force in balance | force jump | force orb | force projection | force push | force pull | force scattering | force scribe | force stasis | force form | hassat-durr | hyper tunnel | ice image | force immersion | insight | life bond | mind probe | mind walking | mind-touch | phase | progenitor's call | psychometry | restful-sleep-in-danger | sand levitation | sever force | shatterpoint | sith alchemy | sound mimicry | stonepower | beast taming | tapas | telekinesis | time-drifting | time-stream | waveform | force choke | force lightning | force rage |force drain | consume essence | deadly sight | enhance force sensitivity | force corrupt | force crush | force destruction | force phantom | force net | force shadow | force slow | force insanity | force scream | thought bomb | memory walk | darkshear | transfer essence | midi-chlorian manipulation | sith emperor's ritual | alter enviroment | battlemind | beam of light | combustion | cure disease | cure poison | droid disable | electric judgment | force blinding | force enlightenment | force light | force meld | force persuasion | force stun| force valor | hibernation trance | malacia | mind trick | morichro | plant surge | protection bubble | revitalize | tutaminis | wall of light | slicing | knife combat | synth-weaving | tech-savvy | mechanics | diplomacy | mixed martial arts | expert pilot
other: female | 24 years | dark hair | gray eyes | scarred left arm | dual-weilding lightsabers
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bkbricks · 4 years
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Clone Scout Trooper (41st Scout Battalion): Clone scout troopers were not used in large numbers until the final year of the Clone Wars, most notably during the Battle of Kashyyyk. They were especially trained to handle rough and unusual terrains. Jedi General Luminara Unduli’s corps of clone troopers, the 41st Elite Corps, included many clone scouts. These scouts were apart of the 41st Scout Battalion. This battalion, as with the rest of the 41st, was commanded by CC-1004, or Gree. The 41st used their scouts by deploying a small number at first to “scout” the area (hence the name), then would send in a larger force of clone troopers if necessary. The most famous battle that these scouts fought in was the Battle of Kashyyyk, one of the final battles of the Clone Wars. Master Yoda was chosen to lead the 41st (instead of Luminara) and the Wookies against the Separatist invasion. At the end of the battle, Order 66 was commenced. Commander Gree and a clone scout moved in to kill Yoda, however the Grand Master Jedi was quick to behead them both, sensing Palpatine’s betrayal... . . . #theclonewars #clonewarsseason7 #revengeofthesith #clonetrooper #starwarslegion #clonewars #minifigs #minifigure #legos #minifighub (at Kashyyyk) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG6Ao8ZJGwV/?igshid=1qgtjrrzvlg9r
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ladiesguy1122 · 5 years
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What Do You Like The Most About Camouflaged (41st Recon Corps/Scout Battalion) Clone Trooper Armour? #green #collage #3 #starwarsbattlefront2 #starwars #galacticrepublic #phase1 #phase2 #clonetrooper #armour #camouflage 41streconcorps #41stscoutbattalion https://www.instagram.com/p/B1A15Ydj7Ql/?igshid=2v4cep51yjpu
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theavplayer · 5 years
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INCOMING!!!!!! Today’s anticipated CT for Battlefront 2! 💥 . . . . Droidekas | TX-130 | General Skywalker Appearance | 212th Recon Division | 41st Scout Battalion | New ways to play | Felucia . . . July Community Challenges . . . More to come in August . . . #starwars #starwarsbattlefront #starwarsbattlefront2 #starwarsbattlefrontii #battlefront #battlefrontii #battlefront2 #eastarwars #starwarsgames #starwarsfan #starwarsnerd #starwarsgeek #starwarsdaily #felucia #generalskywalker #clonewars #clonetrooper #gaming #gamer #capitalsupremacy #droideka https://www.instagram.com/p/ByaisjcHwDf/?igshid=1jphamzz4rkgx
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terryblount · 5 years
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Where are those Droidekas? Update releases today, full patch release notes
Electronic Arts and DICE have announced that the Where are those Droidekas? update will release on all platforms later today. Furthermore, the teams revealed the full release notes for this upcoming patch which highlights all the improvements, tweaks and fixes that will be coming with it.
According to the release notes, Where are those Droidekas? adds… wait for it… waaaaaaiiiiiit for it… the Droideka. Moreover, this update will introduce the TX-130 as a playable vehicle, will add a new appearance for Anakin Skywalker, General Skywalker, and will make Naboo available in Capital Supremacy.
Furthermore, this latest update will bring various visual improvements to the Lightsaber blades for all heroes, adding pointed tips and improving their brightness, will allow Blaster Heroes to crouch, will fix an issue where selecting the chat channel using the mouse, would cause various issues the chat would not open the last used channel, will add icons indicating the phases for the Clone Trooper appearances on the Customisation screen, and will bring a number of balance tweaks to both Heroes and Villains.
As always, Origin will download this new patch when it becomes available later today, and below you can find its complete changelog.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Where are those Droidekas? Update Release Notes
Naboo – Theed is now available to play on Capital Supremacy.
Added the Droideka as a playable character in the Enforcer class in the prequel era.
Added the TX-130 as a playable vehicle in the Armor class in the prequel era.
A new appearance for Anakin Skywalker, General Skywalker, is now available to unlock for Credits and Crystals.
More Clone Trooper appearances are now available (41st Scout Battalion, 212th Recon Division) to unlock for Credits and Crystals.
Improved readability of Front End messages.
Improved messaging when offers include both emotes and the corresponding voice line.
Various visual improvements to the Lightsaber blades for all heroes, adding pointed tips and improving their brightness.
Blaster Heroes can now crouch.
Community Request: Adjusted the values of Health on Defeat Star Cards to be consistent across all heroes. Heal values upon defeating enemy heroes have been changed:
Anakin Skywalker’s “Reprisal” Star Card values from 30-60-90-120 to 40-60-80-100
Count Dooku’s “Rising Power” Star Card values from 50-70-90-110 to 40-60-80-100
Iden Versio’s “Friend In Battle” Star Card values from 40-50-60-70 to 40-60-80-100
Rey’s “Survivor” Star Card values from 30-40-50-60 to 40-60-80-100
Emperor Palpatine’s “Lightning Absorption” Star Card values from 10-15-20-25 to 40-60-80-100
Adjusted the animation of Yoda’s attacks for speed.
Fixed an issue for Furious Throw where the lightsaber could get stuck in the AT-TE, E-Web, DF9, Hardcell or AAT vehicles.
Fixed an issue where Darth Maul’s Spin Attack ability continued to affect enemies if Darth Maul died during the animation.
Anakin is released from the Pull Dominance ability animation sooner.
Fixed an issue where the Passionate Strike ability would not inflict lightsaber marks on objects.
Fixed an issue where General Grievous was no longer able to block with the Unrelenting Advance ability, if activated after holding the block button.
Fixed an issue where enemies could escape Count Dooku’s Expose Weakness by dashing or doing a combat roll.
Fixed an issue where Count Dooku’s body would slightly shake when performing an emote.
Fixed an issue where Count Dooku’s right hand thumb was clipping with the hilt of his lightsaber.
Fixed an issue where the Defensive Rush ability would not inflict lightsaber marks on objects.
Fixed the delay between the animation of the Defensive Rush and the VFX when attacking an enemy who is blocking.
Changed “Ground Breaking” Star Card to take effect whenever Chebacca defeats an enemy.
Change “Friend In Battle” Star Card to take effect whenever Iden defeats an enemy.
Fixed an issue where Stun Droid had no functionality when used on an enemy who has a tall asset immediately behind them.
Reduced recharge time of Repulse from 20 seconds to 17 seconds.
Increased base radius of Repulse from 10 to 12 meters.
Changed Luke’s Jedi Fighter Stamina drain decrease from 5-6-8-10 to 20-25-30-35.
Adjusted the animation of Luke’s attacks for speed.
Fixed an issue where Luke could damage enemies with Rush after dying.
Fixed an issue where Luke’s fingers were clipping with his lightsaber hilt when performing the Greetings, Exalted Ones emote.
Fixed an issue where Leia’s hand was clipping with her head whenever she is getting damaged while reloading secondary fire.
Change “Lighting Absorption” Star Card to take effect whenever Emperor Palpatine defeats an enemy.
Fixed an issue where Han Solo’s shirt was clipping through his jacket when on low settings.
Fixed an issue where Darth Vader’s Star Card Fueling the Rage would put the ability on cooldown, when the user eliminated enemies faster than the ability timer would indicate.
Fixed an issue where Kylo Ren could inflict damage on enemies who are blocking with Lightsabers, when using Pull.
Changed Beat Down Star Card to take effect whenever Captain Phasma defeats an enemy.
Fixed an issue where the Staff Strikes ability continues to affect enemies if Captain Phasma is defeated during the animation.
Removed sprint prevention during Big Deal.
Fixed an issue where Rey’s Dash Strike ability could be triggered twice before the ability ended.
General: Collision fixes and visual improvements on Jakku, Hoth, Endor, the Dreadnought and in Kashyyyk – Capital Supremacy and Kamino – Capital Supremacy.
Fixed a visual issue where a character’s UI bar Health would widen when boarding a transport in the Ground Phase.
Fixed an issue where the AI would not fire at a player inside a vehicle.
Fixed an issue where the color would occasionally be different between the hologram and the base of the Command Post when a player joins a match late.
Fixed an issue where background Starfighters could occasionally be seen when inside the capital ships.
Fixed a visual issue where the name of an enemy that sabotages an objective appeared blue (friendly) in the event log.
Added defeat volumes to prevent players from remaining stuck in the slide doors that open only for characters of the opposing team.
Fixed lighting bugs in the Dreadnought hangar ceiling.
Fixed an issue where the spotlights on the Cooling Room Core ceiling were misplaced.
Fixed various issues with rendering of assets caused by server latency.
Fixed an issue where players were not able to equip Star Cards.
Removed Resistance Transport Ships from appearing in the first phase on Jakku.
Added gunners inside the LAAT in the Clone intro for Naboo.
Fixed an issue where some players had reported noticing distorted texture glitches on level terrain.
Fixed an issue where the player was able to go outside the playable area by using Boba Fett.
Changed the text for the Acquisition milestone to mention both Enforcer and Infiltrator classes.
Reverted changes to the fire rate of the left hand, to fix inconsistencies between the two fire rates.
Fixed an issue where selecting the chat channel using the mouse, would cause various issues the chat would not open the last used channel.
Added icons indicating the phases for the Clone Trooper appearances on the Customisation screen.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Where are those Droidekas? Update releases today, full patch release notes published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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