#450 followes sleepover
Announcement of the Music Tapes' 2010 Holiday Lullabye Extravaganza tour on the Orbiting Human Circus facebook, 11th October 2010.
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It's New Music Tapes Adventure Time Again! :0
Our announcement at : www.orbitinghumancircus.com !
Merge records announcement as follows:
The Music Tapes bring dreamlike slumberal enchantments to houses across the land this fall!
This November and December, The Music Tapes will be bringing a comforting, enchanting, and very special evening of Music Tapes’ dreamlike songs, stories and games for sleepover parties to ordinary homes across the land (US and Canada). The Music Tapes are now accepting invitations, and plan to visit nearly 200 homes! As with the Music Tapes’ caroling and lullaby travels of years past, they will stop at several houses a night in each city visiting also far off out of the way places most tours never get to go.
To invite The Music Tapes to share their magic with you and your friends, simply send an invitation to: [email protected]. Or (even better) a letter to: The Minister of Lullabies at 450 N Harris St, Athens, GA 30601 (letters must be received by October 20th and include all contact information.) The invitations of greatest warmth will be chosen in each area in the order in which they are received. Houses open to welcoming other fans in the area to view the performance will be given special priority. The location and time of your visit will be kept secret.
If your invitation is chosen, simply plan your own sleepover or holiday gathering, and you will be given a range of times in which The Music Tapes will arrive and fill your house for nearly an hour with songs, games, stories, and more. The merry band of travelers known as The Music Tapes will then leave you again with your friends, families, and dreams, and continue on to the next house on that night’s list. If you choose to make your house one of the “open” houses and welcome a limited number of other Music Tapes fans in your area, the time and address of your visit will still be kept secret, but be made available by email only to fans in your area (from [email protected]) once the tour begins.
The Lullaby evenings with include songs from the Music Tapes forthcoming 2011 record, as well as from Music Tapes for Clouds and Tornadoes, The 1st Imaginary Symphony for Nomad, and The Singing Saw at Christmastime, along with new Music Tapes games and stories. The entertainment, though sometimes more exciting than lulling, are all in honor of the comforting moments directly preceding and following sleep when we find ourselves happily unsure of whether we are awake or are dreaming.
For more information, write [email protected] to receive an automatic reply and as always visit The Music Tapes’ online home at orbitinghumancircus.com.
Proposed Path and Dates:
November 2nd, 3rd and 4th: Alabama; Tennessee; Florida Panhandle; and SE Louisiana
November 5th, 6th and 7th: Western Louisiana; Texas
November 8th, 9th, 10th: New Mexico; Arizona; Nevada
November 11th, 12th, 13th: Southern; and Central California
November 14th, 15th, 16th: Central California; and Oregon
November 17th, 18th, and 19th: Washington; and British Columbia, Canada November 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd: Idaho; Utah; and Colorado
November 24th, 25th, and 26th: Denver, Colorado; Nebraska; Minnesota November 27th, 28th, 29th: Illinois; Michigan; and Northern Ohio
November 30th, December 1st, and 2nd: Western Pennsylvania; Western NY; Toronto, Ontario Canada
December 3rd, 4th, and 5th: Montreal, QC Canada; Vermont; Western Massachusetts December 6th, 7th and 8th: Upstate New York; NYC
December 9th, 10th, and 11th: Maryland; Washington, DC; Virginia; Delaware December 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th: Asheville, NC; Atlanta, GA; Athens, GA
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slimschance · 4 months
Monday (BH) - 27/05/24
my dad keeps asking me to bike with him but i'm terrified tbh. we compromised and said i'd walk with him but i need a shower and i worry i could faint in there, doesn't help my legs are so weak still from 6k steps going up and down stairs on Saturday. Oh well. I might finally be walking with my uncle soon!
body goal xx (game is everskies)
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i just want my ribs back ffs
i swear there's more fat on my ribs than before, what the fuckk (trying not to sob)
think it could be because i've eaten 650, 650, 650, 450 the past few days, might need more variation in cals. i can't have a metab day though, it's too early since the last. anyway, i can't really tell how much i lose since i have no scales, i could just be thinking i've gained when in reality i'm maintaining. it's all a guessing game for sure, yous are lucky to have scales
i might start doing the angels diet soon. no processed food, no sugars, no refined grains ect., high protein, high fat, low carbs, lots of meat + eggs and 16:8. though in this household thats hardly attainable, shelves are stacked with bread, crisps, white rice and sweets. it's hard enough to restrict those, to restrict sugar, even from certain fruits, would be insanely difficult.
the site i'm using so i don't lose it ahaha
had the best shower like 2 hours ago 😁 face mask prior, hair mask during, grapefruit body wash followed with body butter + mist and perfume, i feel so clean.
used all the chinese leftovers for my dinner, sure it's high cal but there wasn't that much, i bulked it out with veg and added some soy sauce, diced garlic and passata. idk how i'll calculate the cals
anyway, me and dad are watching 'the family'. it's great tbh but i feel bad for the kids. poor bella... it's on netflix but leaving soon, i'd recommend watching it!
successful 16:8 today, here's what i ate! i'm not sure the cals are accurate but it's not the end of the world... i should've had fruit for brekky but nvm
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a girls daily needs -
passionately kiss another girl
yearning for an ana pal who happens to be my beautiful + impulsive girlfriend and wants to passionately make out at every tick of the clock and spend every spare day and night together, me staying round hers and catching up on all the sleepovers i never got invited to... is that too much to ask, i feel it is x
'how to get a girlfriend no glue no borax' tutorial
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sunlightbabe · 3 years
do people still do like.. sleepover saturdays.. is that a thing people would enjoy maybe
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letssingintherain · 4 years
starstruck ➵ d.m.
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prompt: “your eyes shine like the stars” for @dracodear​
pairing: draco malfoy x reader
contains: 400 words of pure marshmallow fluff; kissing
summary: draco takes you stargazing near the great lake.
“There,” Draco pointed to a cluster of stars twinkling against the velvet expanse of the midnight sky. “I was named after that constellation.”
You hum and follow the direction of his finger, vaguely identifying the curved spine of the dragon. You absentmindedly combed through his silky hair while sitting crisscrossed on the grass. His hands were interlaced over his chest, and his head was in your lap. 
The grass was slightly damp with condensation, but neither of you complained. The Great Lake was mostly unmoving with the occasional bubble, indicating signs of life under the peaceful surface. A soft breeze blew over, catching in your hair and causing you to shiver slightly. 
“Are you cold?” Draco turned his head to glance back at you, his eyes glimmering with concern. The silver in his eyes was striking in the dark, leading you to almost lose yourself in his eyes. 
“Just a little bit,” You admitted sheepishly, retracting your hand from his hair to tuck a stray strand behind your ear. His eyes suddenly took on a mischievous glint as he got up from your lap languidly. 
Now facing you on all fours, he gently lay you down onto the wet grass. Your hair fanned out as you lift an eyebrow questioningly, hands roving his sides to feel the soft material of his buttoned long-sleeve as well as the lithe muscles under. 
He bent his head down until his lips grazed the shell of your ear. You shivered slightly, although this time it had nothing to do with the temperature. Your breath hitched as his voice took on a deep rumble, “I have an idea to warm you up.”
He set himself down on his elbows and turned his head to face you directly. His eyes flickered between your eyes and your lips as he paused, eyes slightly wide with wonder as if he was examining a particularly abstract yet alluring painting. 
“Draco?” You set your hand on the nape of his neck, stroking tiny circles on the side of his neck. 
“It’s just..your eyes shine like the stars.” He breathed out and blushed immediately, like he accidentally let out a private thought. 
You laugh softly, blushing at his endearing comment. You push his head down slightly with the hand on his neck, closing the space just enough that your heads have to tilt to make space, yet your lips weren’t touching.
“I could say the same about yours.” You whisper against his lips and smile when he finally pressed his lips on yours and let out an appreciative hum from the back of his throat. 
a/n: this one-shot was written for @dracodear​‘s sleepover & writing challenge!  
i hope you all enjoyed this short piece of fluff! thanks for being patient with my writing and i hope you are all safe and happy. :) 
(as always, let me know your thoughts!)
- k.z.
taglist: @lifeasdreamgirl, @accio-angst, @camiyeager, @dracoswift, @softforqiankun, @enchantedcruelsummer, @raragobz, @inurealiyah, @spacedoutsher, @mayhemicfordays, @tobarmaidswhodontcount, @huffledor-able541, @babydol, @wonderful-writer, @inglourious-imagines, @arandomcitygirl, @beiahadid, @futureofanthropology, @aforestfloor444, @jquick-18, @hoseokslily, @megs-gadom, @its-chickenwing-450, @pastelpuffbar, @unrequited-lover-lady, @lostaurorax, @v-crazy, @dracosmainhoe​
(the bolded @ s weren’t showing up)
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elvish-sky · 4 years
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So, first of all, THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 450 FOLLOWERS!!!! It really warms my heart that you all like this blog enough to follow and support it. I appreciate each and every one of you, you are the absolute best and I’m truly honored (I’m not trying to make a big deal out of this or anything, I’m just really happy and wanted to show you guys my appreciation). Love you guys so so much <3 
And welcome to my 450 sleepover! I have a few options for fun stuff y’all can request (no promises anything will be done quickly, but I’ll get there eventually)!
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💛- PROMPT DRABBLES! Send me a yellow heart with a prompt from this list, and a character (you can even request with one of my OCs, if you like) , and I’ll write you a (hopefully) short fic! Make sure to put the correct number of each list and a character (ex. Prompt 30 off the Fluff list). I’ll write for any LotR/Hobbit/Silm characters, boy or girl.
🧡- GET TO KNOW ME BETTER! I’m sure you all know me way better than you’d like, but if you still have questions drop an orange heart with them and I’ll answer! It can be anything: stuff about me, about Tolkien, about how much you hate math, whatever you want. 
🤍- PODFIC/DIRECTOR’S COMMENTARIES! I’m having a ton of fun working on podfics and Director’s commentaries for my works, so drop a white heart and a fic, and tell me what you’d like me to do!
💚- FIC/ OC CHATS! Drop a green heart with any questions you have about fics, my writing process, or any of my OCs (characters like Arien, Kieran, or Otto, all three of whom I’m planning more fics with)! You can also ask for snippets of WIPs or how I think different fics will continue. Here’s an ask game if you need inspiration!
💙- UNPOPULAR OPINIONS/THOUGHTS ON! Send me a blue heart and an opinion or something you want my thoughts on, and I’ll react!
💜- A WHOLE BUNCH OF APPRECIATION! Drop a purple heart and I’ll recommend one of my mutuals or a fic I love!!
🖤- FIC TITLES! Send a black heart and a random title, you can also send a character name, and I’ll tell you what sort of fic I would write! And maybe I’ll end up writing it, who knows?
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If you’d like to participate, just drop the correct colored heart in my inbox with the required info. This is going to close on March 14, so send ‘em in!
Again, thank you all so very much for 450 followers, I appreciate every single one of you and wanted to do this to give back to y’all a little. This is in no way meant for me to boast about my followers, just to show my appreciation :) Much love <33333
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estethell · 4 years
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OMG I can’t believe I'm really celebrating the 450 followers!!!
Thank you so much for supporting me!!!
I am so happy to celebrate my first sleepover with you! 
But just talk, let's get straight to the point!!! 
The sleepover starts on Friday March 12, 2021 and ends on Sunday March 14, 2021 (included).
(Rules at the bottom, read well)!
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🍄 - GET TO KNOW ESTETHELL: Do you want to know something about me? Send me a mushroom with your question! You can ask about me, about Italy, about my beloved animals, or even about Jerard, why not?
🌱 - TELL ME ABOUT YOU: I value the artist-followers relationship a lot, so I'd like to get to know you better. Send me a sprout by telling me about you or a curiosity, or a thought of yours, or even simply by talking about your day or vent. I want to know you all!
🍁 - SUGGEST ME A THOUGHT: By now you know that I love to write thoughts and reflections on The Hobbit and Lotr... my queue is always full of these thoughts! But I'd like to know your thoughts too. Send me a maple leaf with your thoughts on The Hobbit / LOTR and I will add it to my queue and it’ll be published together with the others (tagging the author of course). Anon thoughts will be published as anon author.
🌵 - 3 WORDS FOR A CHARACTER: Let's draw!! Send me a cactus with three random words and I'll use either or all of them to draw a The Hobbit character that I associate with those words.
Example: sun, knife, smile.... I will draw Fili smiling and playing with a knife :D
🌸 - SWEET SWEET LOVE: Let's face it, anyone would like to see their favorite character look us in the eye while he tells us sweet things. Send me a cherry blossom with a The Hobbit character and I'll draw for you the one who says a sweet phrase just for you.
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In these nine envelopes divided into three categories I wrote respectively:
-Category number: two ship and three characters for each envelope
-Category letter: Au setting
-Category symbol: a detail that absolutely must be there
How does it work?
Send me a quatrefoil telling me a number, a letter and a symbol to choose an envelope for each category. The winners will be opened and depending on what comes out I will draw a color illustration based on the three envelopes!
I shuffled the envelopes for each category before writing over the number, letter and symbol, so I won't know what will come out and I won't be able to cheat.
Envelope contents list (not in order):
-Category number:
Ships: Bagginshield - Dwori - Gigolas - Nofur - Nwalin - Boffins
Characters: Fili - Dwalin - Thorin - Bofur - Dori - Nori - Kili - Ori - Bifur
-Category letter:
Modern - Middle Earth - Workers
-Category symbol:
A flower - A ponytail - a Weapon
I’ll bring the count on a specially prepared sheet that I’ll show from time to time :)
Good Luck!!
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Rules and explanations:
- Questions that are offensive or too intimate will not be answered;-You can only ask for two emojis per question, but not two drawings together. I will always choose only one drawing and one character to draw in each ask;-The drawings will be in pencil, pen or digital but not colored except the drawing for the draw;-The vote for the final draw can always be requested and does not count as either request;- Even if you don't get an answer right away and the sleepover time runs out, I will answer all questions during the week (due to time limit);
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harringtonstilinski · 3 years
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I posted 436 times in 2021
156 posts created (36%)
280 posts reblogged (64%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 1.8 posts.
I added 402 tags in 2021
#answered - 62 posts
#timezone reblog - 62 posts
#stilinskiparker - 51 posts
#icymi - 48 posts
#yabmh - 43 posts
#self reblog - 37 posts
#you'll always be my hero - 31 posts
#yabmh talk - 27 posts
#fandom princess forevermore - 25 posts
#jess.txt - 16 posts
Longest Tag: 92 characters
#i've also been fighting off sinus issues so that's why i've been mia the last week or so lol
My Top Posts in 2021
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we’re gonna have another sleepover this year! but instead of it running for a week like i did last year, i’m gonna run it for the entire month of december. that way, if i get any blurb requests, i can work on them while i’m editing yabmh.
so, the dates; it’ll run starting tomorrow, December 1 until December 31. that’s plenty of time for y’all to send in anything you want, lol.
so, without further ado, let’s get into it!
there’s only one rule; send me one or more of the categories down below into my ask box. that’s it! easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
💬 - just come by and say hi
🎵 - fav era / decade (tell me yours and i’ll tell you mine)
☕ - spill the tea, sis
👀 - would you rather… (get as innocent or as dirty as you want, idc.)
🌟 - for a teaser to Chapter 64
✏️ - a sample of my WIP’s (currently working on a mitch one-shot or mini series, that was hot; a stiles one-shot, exhausted; a stiles one-shot, opening day; a dylan one-shot)
3️⃣ - top 3 anything
🎥 - give me a movie title and i’ll rate it (never seen it | want to see it | terrible | boring | okay | good | awesome | absolute favorite)
⌨️ - christmas blurb from this list (it’s from last year, but whatev, lol)
i hope that y’all have a great holiday season and get to spend lots of time with your families! ❤️💚❤️💚
mutuals below the cut;
@stiles-o-dylan24 @poppysparker @sleighbellspideyy @tomhollandd @duskholland​ @lettersofwrittencollective​ 
12 notes • Posted 2021-11-30 19:00:46 GMT
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i literally can’t begin to wrap my mind around having 400 followers on this blog. like, that’s nuts to me. 
anyway, we’re gonna have a sleepover / celebration type thing, but it’s not gonna be as many options as my other ones. it’s gonna run from today, january 5 until saturday, january 9. i know i do this all the time, but it’s one of the only ways i can get y’all to interact with me, so 😂
there will be some of the same stuff as my other sleepover / celebrations, but i can’t come up with anything for shit, lol, SO here we go. 
send me one or more of the following to my inbox ;
💍 - FMK ; make me choose between three actors or characters
💬 - just come by and say hi
☕ - spill the tea, sis
👀 - would you rather… (get as innocent or as dirty as you want, idc.)
🌟 - for a teaser to Chapter 33
tagging some moots from main like always , haha ;
@stiles-o-dylan24​ @mischiefandi​ @londonspidey​ @z-ukos​​ @h0llandshalstead​ @duskholland​ @roscoeknows​ @bi-writes​ @aquariusholland​ @lettersofwrittencollective​ @alexa-playafricabytoto​
22 notes • Posted 2021-01-05 22:02:30 GMT
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wait, what? 450 beautiful humans follow me?! WHAT? like, i’m having a hard time wrapping my mind around it.
y’all know the drill by now. we’re gonna do a follower celebration. it’s gonna run from tonight, march 9, 2021 until sunday, march 14, 2021.
i do these to celebrate all of you. these aren’t for me, there for you. and i’m gonna make a vow right here, right now ; i promise to try and set aside monday’s to edit and schedule each chapter of yabmh. i know some of y’all absolutely love it, and i loved writing it, so that’s my vow to y’all. i’ve been slacking and it’s made me feel incredibly bad. i enjoy reading all of y’all’s sweet, sweet words for each chapter.
a lot of the same stuff y’all can send in will mostly be the same as last time ‘cause i can’t come up with anything new to save my life, so! without further ado, here’s some of the stuff y’all can send in ;
💍 - FMK ; make me choose between three actors or characters
💬 - just come by and say hi
☕ - spill the tea, sis
👀 - would you rather… (get as innocent or as dirty as you want, idc.)
🌟 - for a teaser to Chapter 39
tagging some moots from main like always , haha ;
@stiles-o-dylan24​ @earthlyholland​ @alexa-playafricabytoto​ @h0llandshalstead​ @naturallytom​ @mischiefandi​ @londonspidey​ @lettersofwrittencollective​ @tomhollandd​ @duskholland​ 
23 notes • Posted 2021-03-11 00:58:07 GMT
Seen You - Thomas (TMR)
Author: @stilinskiparker Characters: Thomas x Reader Word Count: 1,312 Warnings: little bit of language, small wound description, angst, small bit of fluff, Requested: this one technically came in two parts; “loved loved the new chapter! just what i needed🥰also for the promt/requests....I’m really feeling #8 from the angst list for thomas and #7 from the situation list for stiles (if you have the time of course!) 👀“ @good-vibes-and-glitter A/N: Hi, friends! This was also one of the requests that was sent a while ago that I’m just now getting around to. This is my second Thomas piece that I hope y’all will enjoy. My first one, What Do You Want Me To Say, has been getting some love lately, so hopefully this one gets as much, lol. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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Thomas hadn’t slept. Thomas hadn’t eaten. That much I could tell just from standing a few feet away. 
Exhaustion and hunger were both taking over us, both in different ways. Him; because he was worried about me. And me? Because I had been running for my life. He seemed a little shocked to see me standing at the table with Brenda, Frypan and Jorge when he, Newt and Gally came back from whatever it was they were up to, but it seemed like there was a more serious topic of conversation he had on his mind that didn’t involve me.
I watched as he was facing a wall, contemplating something before he turned back around, saying, “No. There’s gotta be another way.”
Either I wasn’t paying attention or I missed the conversation they had beforehand because what he just said confused the hell out of me.
“Like, what? You’ve seen the building,” Gally said. “She is our only way in.”
“You really think she’s gonna help us?” Thomas asked.
I looked at Newt, who had this almost pissed off, far off look on his face as Gally answered Thomas with, “I don’t plan on asking for her permission.”
Looking away from Newt to Brenda, I whispered, “Am I missing something here?” She put her hand in front of me and lightly tapped the table twice before saying, “This is the same girl that betrayed us, correct? Same dick?”
Pointing his thumb to Brenda, Gally said, “I like her.”
I looked at Gally and snickered a little before I saw Thomas look at me from the corner of my eye, hands on his hips and looking very unamused. I looked at him, concerned look on my face before I asked, “Tommy, what’s going on?”
Not giving me an answer or thinking about giving me one, Thomas looked at me for a second before looking at a spot in front of me.
“What, are you afraid your little girlfriend’s gonna get hurt? Hmm?” Newt asked.
Well, that attitude came way out of left field.
Thomas looked up from the spot in front of me to my own eyes before he moved them over to Newt’s.
After a second of staring at each other, Newt continued with his interrogation. “Because this has obviously never been just about rescuing Minho. Has it?”
“Wait, hold on,” I said, wanting some answers. “Can someone please tell me who the hell he’s talking about ‘cause I’ve obviously missed something here.”
Giving me a soft but firm look, Newt said, “Teresa,” before looking back at Thomas. 
Well, that fucking made sense to me now.
“She’s the only reason that Minho’s even missing in the first place,” Newt continued. “Now we finally have an opportunity to get him back, and what? You don’t want to because of her? Because deep down inside, you still care about her, don’t you? Just admit it.”
I felt Brenda’s hand on top of mine as Newt was saying all this, and as Thomas gave his reply of, “Newt, I--”
Shoving Thomas against the wall behind, Newt yelled, “Don’t lie to me! Don’t.. Lie.. to.. me!”
I could only look down at this point. I mean, I knew Thomas cared deeply for Teresa, but I didn’t know how deep it actually went. Looking back up as Newt whispered, “Sorry,” to Thomas, he turned around soon after looking at all of us before finally locking his eyes with mine. “I’m sorry.”
Watching as he walked off holding his right arm, I quickly ran behind Brenda and Gally to follow Newt outside. Once I found him sitting on the edge of the roof, I walked over to him and stood there for a second.
“Mind if I sit down or are you gonna freak out on me if I do?” I asked.
He chuckled and patted the concrete next to him before I sat down and looked at his profile.
“What’s going on, Newt?” My eyes danced around his face for a moment before I spoke up again. “Before Thomas came into the Maze, I was your best friend. Talk to me.”
He sighed before looking at me, saying, “Sorry for that. Back there.”
“It’s okay,” I replied, putting my hand on his knee.
Looking behind us, he sighed. So, being the nosy person that I am, I too turned and looked to see who was standing behind us; Thomas.
I watched as Newt looked back down at his arm for a second before saying, “Guess I can’t hide this anymore.” He pulled up his jacket sleeve, revealing the angry dark red and black veins that we all know associates with Cranks.
Tears immediately filled my eyes as Thomas said, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Didn’t think it would make any difference,” Newt replied.
“Wouldn’t make any difference?” I whispered. “Newt--”
“All I know,” he interrupted. “Is that WCKD must’ve put me in that Maze for a reason.”
“And what reason would that be? Hmm?”
“Maybe it was literally just so they could tell the difference between immunes like you and Thomas, and people like me.”
After a second of Newt looking back at Thomas, said aforementioned boy spoke up. “You know we can still fix this, Newt. Okay? We can.”
Scoffing with tears streaming down my cheeks, I turned as best I could to face Thomas, asking, “Can we? Are you 100 percent sure about that, Thomas?”
 “Y/N/N, don’t worry about me,” Newt said, gaining my attention again. “This is about Minho. Now he needs us.”
I knew he was talking to both Thomas and I at his point, but his eyes were still glued to mine as he continued his statement. “So, if there’s even the slightest chance that we can save him, we can get him out of there, then we have to take that. No matter what the cost.”
“Okay,” Thomas said, voice soft. “I hear you.”
Because of the fact that I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, I stood up and took a few steps behind Thomas before I turned around and said, “Well, I don’t hear you. I’m not losing the first best friend I ever remember making to the death sentence they call the Flare.”
Thomas stood up and turned to face me. “Y/N, we’re going to save both of them--”
“Or what? Die trying?” I scoffed before continuing. “Because if you hadn’t noticed, Thomas, I ran for my life for six damn months trying to get away from WCKD.” As I sniffled back more tears, I saw Newt walk past me from the corner of my eye to go back inside. I guess to give Thomas and I whatever kind of privacy he thought we needed.
“I have noticed,” Thomas said. “I noticed the moment you were gone when WCKD found us in the mountains after first meeting Jorge and Brenda.”
“Then why the hell didn’t you come looking for me?” 
“I did. As we were trying to find the Right Arm, I was also looking for you, too,” Thomas said, taking a couple steps towards me.
“Is that why you looked so shocked to see me earlier?” I asked, tilting my head up some to look at him as he slowly got closer.
“Yes,” he replied, without missing a beat.
“Why?” I whispered.
Tucking a piece of loose hair behind my ear, he said, “Because… nobody’s seen you in days.”
I chuckled. “Try months.”
He started leaning his head down as I was slowly standing on my toes, and said, “I’m gonna kiss you now.”
Closing the gap between us, I pressed my lips to his and just stood there for a moment, savoring the moment. Our lips moved in sync for a couple minutes before he was the first to pull away.
“Wow,” he said. 
“I know,” I smiled. “Now. Let’s go save Minho.”
A/N 2: let me know what you thought! 
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24 @stixnstripesworld @fandom-princess-forevermore @quanticobae @mischiefandi @kellyashcroft @lauren-novak @good-vibes-and-glitter​
51 notes • Posted 2021-09-09 18:01:26 GMT
Jealous? - Mitch Rapp
Author: @stilinskiparker Characters: Mitch Rapp x Reader Word Count: 1,760 Warnings: soft mitch?, idk we’re pretty standard here; fluff, jealousy, innuendo in the middle-ish and at the end..., got some implied smut near the middle, nothing too outrageous.  Requested: “Hi lovely! I was wondering if you’d do “OH! You’re jealous” with Mitch Rapp? Love your writing!” @kellysashcroft​ A/N: Hi, friends! It’s ya’girl, back with requests!... that are now closed. Anyways, I really hope y’all like this. It’s my first Mitch piece, so pls go easy on me, lol. It’s kinda short, but like I said, it’s my first Mitch piece and i kinda don’t know how to write him ‘cause i never have before this piece. As always, read at your own risk and enjoy 😊
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You know what’s awesome about getting dressed up for a night out? Getting partially dressed up for a night out. My girlfriends called me and asked if I wanted to go out for dinner, to which I obviously said yes to. I needed time with my girls, I missed them.
The boyfriend was out on work related stuff, so I was stuck home alone until he got back. He’s a CIA Operative and his name is Mitch Rapp. Very dangerous job he had. I don’t know how many times I’ve had to patch him up because he’s too stubborn to get patched up by the medics he works with. 
Tonight’s outfit choice was casual, but classy. A simple black dress with a pair of Converse and a blue denim jacket. Hair was down and straight, and makeup was natural but classy. Something Mitch, I’m sure, would approve of. But who needs a man's approval for feeling good, amiright? 
Anyway, the girls and I were headed to this beautiful restaurant in the middle of town. Outdoor seating, string lights up above our heads, live music heard from down the street. It was somewhere you take someone for a nice date or even a girl’s night, like what we were doing!
Gossip here and there about our guys and girl, what we’ve been up to, what we hope for the future, all that jazz. Now, if you’re wondering if the girls know about Mitch, don’t worry. They do. That’s how I met them! Well, a couple of them. The others I knew from college.
“Oh, my god, did you hear about Aubrey?” my best friend, Sophie, said.
A gasp was heard from Charlotte before she said, “No. What? What’s the gossip?!”
Looking around at the four of us, Sophie smiled and said, “I heard… she’s trying to go after one of our men.”
Gasps. That’s all you could hear from us before we all started talking at the same time.
“Why would she do that?”
“Better not be my Tommy.”
Putting her hands on the table and chuckling, Sophie said, “Ladies! I’ll tell you if you’ll all stop talking at the same time.”
Since we all wanted to know who Aubrey was trying to go after, we all shut our faces real quick. Sophie looked at every single one of us before landing her eyes… on me.
I stuttered for a second before finally finding my words. “Mitch? My Mitch?”
She nodded her head with a smirk on her face. “Yup. The one and only Mitch Rapp.”
“Why Mitch?!” I shrieked. The girls tried to quiet me down, but I swatted at them to get to be quiet. “No, no, no. I wanna know. Why is this bitch trying to get my Mitch?”
“She said she found him to be handsome, you annoying and she can probably please him in ways that you can’t.”
Another wave of gasps and a lean on the table from me later, I looked Sophie in the eyes and said, “Tell me everything.”
When I got home that night, I never expected to be woken up by the sound of a punching bag and the door to mine and Mitch’s shared bedroom to be opened a little. 
Sitting up in our bed, I rubbed my eye a little before reaching over and flipping my phone up to light up the screen, the time reading 2:14am. Getting up, I crossed my arms over my chest, following the noise groggily, trying not to trip over my own two feet. I heard his grunts before I saw him, punching away at his bag. He stopped for a second, a mad look in his eyes before he stopped the bag with his hands, panting from the workout he’d just done.
“Mitch?” I quietly called. “Baby, are you okay?”
His look softened when our eyes met, something along the lines of regret on his face. He walked over to me, gently bringing his hands to my cheeks, a small grimace to his face. “I didn’t mean to wake you, I’m sorry. It was a long day at work, and I needed to take my frustrations out and the bag was the only choice.”
Leaning into his touch, I closed my eyes and hummed quietly. “It’s okay,” I whispered. “Is it about the work event in a couple weeks?”
He sighed, pressing his forehead to mine. “It’s like you’re a fucking mind reader.”
I giggled, moving my head to press my lips against his, softly. I hummed again as I pulled away, smiling a little. 
“Go back to bed,” he said. “I’ll be there in a minute.”
“You better, or I’m kicking your ass.”
He chuckled, rubbing the tip of his nose against mine. “You wish.”
I turned around and looked at him over my shoulder, smiling at him. As I walked away, I felt him smack my ass, making me jump a little. “Mitch!”
A couple weeks had passed, and it was just a couple days before Mitch’s work event.  I already had my dress picked out, but helping Mitch decide whether he would be wearing a bow tie or a normal one was beginning to become impossible.
“Would you hold still?” I exclaimed. “I’m trying to get this right.”
“I wasn’t aware you knew how to tie a bow tie,” he said.
I looked at him with a blank expression. “I don’t. Which is why you need to be still.” I looked back at the material around his neck, groaning with defeat. “Oh, my god, just wear a normal fucking tie.”
He shrugged, saying, “Eh, ties aren’t really my thing.”
I leaned my head back and groaned, turning to our dresser, placing the bow tie down. “You’re not going unbuttoned. It’s a formal event from what the girls have told me. You’re wearing a tie.”
Walking around him to the bed, I picked up the tie that I placed there earlier in the day. “These I actually know how to tie.” 
Before I could turn around to walk back around him, I felt two arms go around my waist before a chin was placed on my shoulder. I hummed, leaning my head back on Mitch’s shoulder and closed my eyes.
“When we get back from the event, I know the perfect way to tie this tie,” he whispered in my ear.
I bit my bottom lip and let out a hum, thankful for his arms that were around my waist because if they weren’t there, my knees would hit the ground. “Don’t start teasing.”
He quickly spun me around, our lips meeting in an already heated kiss. “It’s what I do best.”
It’s the night of Mitch’s work event, and since I wasn’t able to go with him due to a minor work obligation, we both went separately. My dress was nude, spaghetti strap and beautiful with beading all over it with about half of my back showing, and a slit about halfway down my left leg. I paired it with some nude heels, my hair was half up half down in beautiful waves, and my makeup was done elegantly; almost like what you would see on a bride.
As soon as I had walked into the building where the event was taking place, I was offered a glass of champagne, and started looking for Mitch. I found him, talking to his boss, Stan Hurley, who locked eyes with me before leaning in closer to Mitch’s ear, whispering something into his ear.
Whatever he said made Mitch turn around and stare at me like he was seeing me for the first time again. Different story, different time.
I walked over to the two of them, putting my free arm across Mitch’s upper back, his arm going around my waist. “Well, howdy, boys.”
“Y/N,” Stan greeted, leaning forward and giving me a small hug… something of which he never gives. “You look beautiful.” “Thank you,” I smiled. “You don’t look so bad yourself.” I looked over at Mitch, seeing a small scowl on his face. “I see you managed to tie that all by yourself.”
He looked over at me, scowl still present. 
Stan cleared his throat before turning his body halfway away from us. “I’ll let you two have a little bit of privacy.”
Just as soon as Stan walked away, Mitch’s grip on me tightened ever so slightly. He went to say something, but I interrupted his thoughts. “I’m gonna go find Sophie and say hey.”
I walked away from him, taking another sip of the alcoholic beverage in my hand. Once I found Sophie, I went over the game plan we had for the night to make Mitch jealous.
Around thirty or so minutes later, I felt an arm wrap around my waist, pulling my back to their front. Because I didn’t know who it was, I started to panic a little on the inside before I felt those lips I love so much press brush against the shell of my ear.
“What makes you think you can wear a dress like that tonight?” Mitch growled in my ear, quietly.
I look over at him with sultry eyes, saying, “Why? Are you jealous?.”
Moving his body to face me a little more, we never stopped our stare down as he says, “No other guy in here should be able to look at you the way I get to.”
“And no other girl here should be able to do the same with you. Looking like a snack in this suit. You know what it does to me.”
“Oh!” he said, one brow raised. “You’re jealous?”
With a scowl on my face, I turn my head back to the event. Mine and Aubrey’s eyes met for a second before I started to get a little mad. Grabbing Mitch's hand, I basically dragged him out of the event and back to his car, pushing him against the driver's side door.
He went to speak as I undid the buttons on his suit jacket, but I stopped him with my lips, putting my hands on his sides under his jacket.
I felt his hands on my cheeks, deepening the kiss.
After our tongues battled for a minute or two, he pulled away, a smirk on his face. “You are jealous.”
“If Aubrey thinks she can have you, she’s dead fucking wrong,” I breathed. “Now, take me home and fuck me as good as you know how to until the sun comes up or else I’ll change my mind.”
A/N 2: i had this idea for a work place event, and since mitch is a cia operative, i really don’t know if the actual cia has work events like this, so i kinda just went with the flow of the story. if you’re wondering, she makes mitch jealous by wearing this dress, and not really standing around him for the time that they’re there.
Forever / Everything Taglist: @stiles-o-dylan24 @stixnstripesworld @fandom-princess-forevermore @quanticobae @mischiefandi @kellysashcroft @lauren-novak
Mitch Rapp Taglist: @stixnstripesworld @fandom-princess-forevermore @quanticobae @dylstals @good-vibes-and-glitter​
If you’re tagged and didn’t want to be, please let me know.
*Please don’t post my writing anywhere else without my consent. The author of this work will always and forever be @stilinskiparker.
All characters, story lines, and plot aside from y/n and her storyline & plot, are all of the work of the creator of the late author, Vince Flynn. 
*These works contain material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
No part of these works may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.
Posted on June 16, 2021
191 notes • Posted 2021-06-16 20:32:37 GMT
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cali-holland · 4 years
Hiii I love your writing! Could you do a blurb where the reader and tom have a baby and tom comes back from being away for a while and tessa is super protective over the baby?
I’m totally here for this dad!tom content
Word Count: 450
“Daddy’s coming home soon. Yes, he is.” You cooed happily to your seventh month old daughter. When she was born, Tom had paused his work for a few months, not wanting to miss out on precious time with his baby, but two months ago, he had to leave for a press tour, one that he was already contracted to attend prior to your pregnancy. It was hard being without him, especially since little baby Margaret was still so young, but his family was more than happy to help you. One thing that made it more bearable was Tessa, who absolutely loved your daughter, and was the biggest, most loveable guard dog.
Your heart raced as you heard Tom’s car pull up outside of your house. Picking up your daughter, you went to greet him at the door with Tessa at your heels. Tom opened the door and smiled when he saw you.
“I missed my girls.” He smiled, setting down his suitcase. He leaned in and gave you a quick kiss before turning to the baby in your arms.
“I heard you’re already trying to walk. Don’t think I was going to miss your first steps, now did you?” Tom asked the little girl with a smile. As soon as he took her from you, Tessa started to bark.
“Whoa, Tess.” You tried to calm the dog down, but she continued to bark and almost growl at Tom.
“Tessa, it’s just me.” Tom let out a small laugh, and you both walked to the living room. You two sat on the couch and Tom started to bounce Margaret on his leg, happy to be back with his daughter. He reached a hand out to pet Tessa, but she just growled a little, keeping her eyes trained on Tom.
“She doesn’t like you anymore.” You teased, but Tom just pouted.
“You said she was protective over Maggie, but I didn’t think she’d be like this.” Tom said, setting his daughter down on the ground as she signaled she wanted down. She crawled over to Tessa, petting the dog in content. Tom reached over to pet Tessa, and she hesitantly let him pet her. He told the dog, “Tessa, that’s my daughter.” He turned back to you, “Remember when I was Tess’s favorite Holland?”
“Before Maggie, I could’ve sworn it was Paddy.” You laughed. “And then it was me, and then you.”
“I’m not even on the podium anymore.” He shook his head in disbelief.
It only took a day before Tessa let him hold Maggie without barking. As much as it hurt and shocked Tom at first, he felt his heart melt at the sight of his dog being his daughter’s best friend. He was happy to be home with his three favorite girls.
Join in my 2k Follower Celebration aka weekend long sleepover!!
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Aces in Spaces Chapter 18
*runs in* Mom’s on the phone so here ya go!
Warning for a little angst at the beginning but they work it out!!! Takes place after the last chapter
Also, warning for allusion to past trauma, nothing is strictly mentioned but I don't want to have it be an unexpected thing--
The song they sing is the Elephant Medley from Moulin Rouge!!
Tags: @sunshinepascal @rentskenobi @princessxkenobi @agent-450 @maybege @obaby-wan
It’s not that he insists that she follow any set course of behavior per se. It’s just that, well, if she was happy with their current situation together, it certainly wasn’t showing.
It’s not that he doesn’t understand, not at all, in fact he thought it might have moved a little too fast too, but its been two months since that first sleepover and instead of getting closer, more open, and being around more often; its like she’s further away than ever. The first few sleepovers had been about a week apart, always fun, not awkward even at the beginning and then, Roman wasn’t sure when exactly but, something had changed. She’d cancelled two in a row and that was ok, he understood being busy, understood having things to do, they were both adults but, then she started cancelling dates, almost like she was avoiding him. He’d tried to bring it up over a phone call, ask if she was ok but she seemed to get off in a hurry once he did. Everything seemed to be at the beginning of a spiral, creating a moment that Roman knew might be the one he looked at as the beginning of the end of everything if he didn’t play his cards right.
Which led him to where he was now. Prepping himself to call her and ask to meet somewhere for dinner, calm, casual, like he did at the beginning when she was still skittish around him.
She picks up after four rings, probably debating letting it go to voicemail his brain reminds him cruelly.
She sounds, off. Not in immediate danger off, but not like her normal self either.
“Hello love.”
He pauses when she doesn’t respond, trying to steady himself, because somehow everything is coming down on him at this moment and it’s all cutting about as deep as the time she said she wanted to leave him, but he goes on.
“I, um” He fights off another wave of heartbreak because he’s trying to fix this, neither one of them has done anything drastic there’s no need to panic. Yet.
“I was wondering if you were free for dinner tonight? Maybe at the Italian place you like? The weather is supposed to be nice tonight and they have a, outside, balcony, thing.” He stutters out the last part, praying to whoever is listening that a) she doesn’t already hate him, and b) the nauseous feeling in his stomach goes away soon.
“That sounds nice.”
Her voice still sounds slightly strained but, she agreed, which is better than things had been going.
“Do you want me to send Butch for you?”
“No” Comes the hurried answer, “No, I can meet you there.”
Roman frowns quietly, to object to him was normal, a lot of people did but, Butcher and Erica had always gotten along. He thinks sometimes she trusted Butcher before she trusted him.
“Ok. Um. I love you?” He hadn’t meant for it to be a question. Damn it.
“I love you too” Comes the response before he can correct himself, voice tight but not in an angry way like she didn’t want to say it. It sounds sad, there’s a finality to it. That didn’t seem to add up.
“I’ll see you, around six then?” Questioning, hopeful.
A small huff that may have been a laugh if it had been allowed to grow comes from her end, “Six is good” her voice is still strained, almost as if, had she been crying?
“Ok. Love, I love you. Please don’t ever forget. I know—I know I haven’t said it as often but—”
“I know, Roman, I know.”
It isn’t meant to silence him, or if it is it does so gently. Gently enough he doesn’t really want to heed it.
“I know but—”
“Roman I have to get back to work, I’ll” her voice breaks slightly but she disguises it as an ‘um’ and he knows now that she’s been crying and he wants to help her. Reach out and cradle her to his chest and let her brush her fingers along the nape of his neck the way she loves, kiss the top of her head and dance with her in the living room like they used to.
“I’ll see you tonight. Bye” The ‘bye’ is barely above a whisper and he hears the click before he can even respond, heart shattering at the small sound.
He collapses into the chair, mouth resting against his knuckles to keep his own composure before moving to plant his forehead against it. Where had he gone wrong? Surely there were always ways he could be more accommodating, he thought he had been. He plants both elbows on the table now, holding his own head before gripping his hair and wishing he could rip it out. A sight that would be.
Some amount of time passes while he sits in agony and eventually he hears a tentative knock at the door.
He turns his head toward the sound but can’t remember who he’s expecting.
Erica. His brain suddenly supplies.
What if it’s her?
He nearly runs to the door, jerking it open, face wide in reception—
But its only Butch. He’s just as glad to see him, throwing himself into the other man who hasn’t quite recovered from the shock of the door being thrown open, let alone the (possibly crying) man who is now firmly wrapped around his torso.
Calling to mind the phone call he’d left him alone to make Butch wraps his arms around Roman.
“Tell me what happened?”
Roman nods, pulling away to walk back into the house and towards the living room, leaving Butch to shut the door.
“Did she break it off?” He calls through the hallway.
“No” Comes the meager response from the other room and Butch makes his way towards it, knowing Roman has more to say. “Probably will tonight. And this time I probably won’t be able to talk her out of it. I barely got in by the skin of my teeth last time and, and this time I don’t even know what I did!”
Butch doesn’t think he knew last time either but he takes a seat in the chair across from Roman and listens anyway.
Roman’s been pacing but he falls to the couch in a heap after all of two laps. “I don’t want to loose her Butch, not over something silly, or even something huge. What did I do that is so terrible she can’t even stomach looking at me?”
Butch leans back. “You didn’t—” He gestures vaguely downward, “did you?”
Roman looks confused then horrified. “OF Course Not! I wouldn’t dream of a thing like that!!! I’m not a monster! Not like the horrible people she’s known before, I’d never do something she didn’t want me to---”
He stops abruptly in his gesturing (and near shouting), blinking at the ground. A few moments pass. “She only told me about all that lately. Do you think she’s afraid?” It comes out in a whisper. As if he were afraid of the answer.
Butch regards him gently, leaning across the distance to hold out a hand. “Maybe it isn’t you she’s afraid of.” Roman takes his hand. “Maybe its just, puttin herself out there like that, knowin you know somethin really, y’know, personal about her.” He stops to take a deep breath before continuing softly. “Movin in together is a big step. I don’t blame anybody for gettin cold feet.”
Roman nods, swallowing hard. “She agreed to dinner” He manages hoarsely. “Six o’clock.”
Butch retrieves his hand to check his watch. “The Italian place?”
“Gives us an hour and a half to whip you in to shape. Allowing that you want to be 30 minutes early like you do when you’re nervous.”
“Alright then.”
Somehow, Butch does it. Roman’s been at the table 15 minutes now and he hasn’t cried so it’s a win. They offer him wine but he declines. As much as he’d like to be drunk for a rejection, if Erica really isn’t afraid of him specifically, he might still have a chance, and he’d rather be sober for that.
He scans the restaurant and entryway every few minutes (seconds if he’s honest with himself) but he’s come up empty every time. He checks again anyway.
Short woman, strange looking man, that nice waiter that offered him mints, random teacher looking person, a tall and beautiful woman with very short hair, another waitress, hostess--- wait.
His eyes snap back to the tall woman who currently has her back to him, seemingly scanning the restaurant as well. He half stands, those shoulders, the curve of her neck—that looks like—
She turns.
“Erica” He gasps before managing to catch his own breath. He doesn’t think she managed to hear him over the background noise (that should be there but has completely faded since he saw her) but her eyes find his shortly after anyway. She’s, wonderful.
Erica looks around a moment longer before she thinks she hears someone gasp, she turns her head (it feels like she overdoes it, compensating for the hair that’s now missing, which is ridiculous because its hair but somehow, its true) to look for the disturbance only to find—Roman. Beautiful, Wonderful, Roman. Half out of his chair and looking like he’s seen a ghost. Great. So it really was that bad. It’s what she did it for she supposes, unable to suppress the hurt that flashes across her face before making her way to him. He fully unfolds himself, arms beginning to reach for her before they still at his side, and that hurts a little more.
“Is, is this why you were staying away?” He does lift a hand now, holding it about two inches from the side of her face—just like before. Like nothing had changed. Like she hadn’t changed.
She blinks at his hand, trying to swallow around the cotton that seems to have made it into her mouth, taking a breath before answering. “I um, I got it done a few days ago.”
“oh” Roman falters. She takes a shuddering breath (and all her strength) and lifts his hand up to her hair. His fingers barely graze her ear and she steps away from the contact, dropping his hand immediately, hating herself. She frowns at the floor, willing the tears away and hating. Why did she have to be this way? Why couldn’t she just be normal? Enjoy human contact like everyone else? Have a healthy relationship she wasn’t actively trying to destroy in an effort to punish herself? Roman’s stepped back when she opens her eyes again.
“I do like it. You wear it well. It—” he bites his lip “Frames your face nicely.” He smiles at her when she finally looks at him, and she looks over at the table before responding.
“You don’t have to lie to me.”
When she looks up again his mouth is slightly open. “Why would I--?”
The waitress walking up disrupts them both.
“Do you want to move to the patio now Mr. Stanton? I held the table if you’d still like it.”
Roman looks to the woman before looking back at Erica and raising his eyebrows in question. Erica barely holds his gaze before smiling at the woman. “Outside would be lovely.”
Roman’s heart breaks a little. He remembers when she used to use that word to describe him.
She pauses next to him for barely a second as she moves to follow the quickly retreating waitress and he offers his arm just before she steps away. He bites his tongue. She turns the slightest bit back toward him, reaching an arm to curl it around his and he steps forward hurriedly to allow it. He notices her eyes are glassy before they turn to admire the ceiling. She mumbles out a ‘thank you’.
He hesitantly places his hand over hers.
She moves her fingers just enough to tangle with his.
They make it to the table, its off to the side so they have some privacy but not far enough that Erica’s worried. It, well, if there’s a full moon and she magically transforms into someone who isn’t a coward, it has enough privacy she could tell Roman she does actually love him and she’s only been pushing him away because she’s scared. But that’s not very likely. Not unless there’s some kind of magic involved.
Roman reaches to pull a chair out for her. She lets him, sitting down slowly and catching his hand where it rests on the chair before he can walk away. Normally, he rests his hands on her shoulders after he does this. Sometimes leans down to give her a kiss of some kind before moving but today he’d begun to withdraw with nothing. She doesn’t know why she stops him but she looks up and her heart is in her throat.
“I thought—” his eyes search hers before he continues, “Sometimes you don’t like contact so I didn’t want to push”
Right. The halter top. Her shoulders are completely exposed. Now she wants to cry.
“Roman I—”
She squeezes her eyes shut and looks at the table. She promised herself she wouldn’t cry.
Romans excusing the waitress and kneeling down, hand never leaving hers.
“Love, what’s wrong?”
It’s so soft, so gentle and kind, steady but tender. Lenient in the sense she knows she doesn’t have to answer, but devoted in the sense that if she does he’ll listen. He’ll help.
She breaks. A sob that manages to be a gasp as she pulls him into her, uncaring of smudging makeup on his coat, uncaring of all the people around them that will undoubtedly worry, not caring about any of it. All she can think about is him, how much she loves him, wants him close, and how much that desire is outweighing the terrible fear that’s demanding she push him away.
He just holds her. Hand brushing along her lower back where she’s covered (God bless him) and then someone is gently laying a (blanket?) jacket across her shoulders. It feels enormous and she can’t begin to process so she just grips Roman tighter, trusting him.
Then she hears it. The soft rumble of Butcher’s ‘I’m the bodyguard and I’m in charge here’ voice and she realizes, it must be his. She relaxes a fraction. She stops the crying best she can, and reaches up to wipe under her eyes, mumbling out an apology that Roman quickly affirms there’s no need for. She’d pulled him up toward her otherwise they’d both be sitting on the floor, which, considering the setting probably wouldn’t be appropriate. Roman leans down to whisper to her tentatively.
“Do you want me to take you home?”
She nods, eyes watery. “Yes”
He nods back, already pulling away to spring into action before she grips his jacket again. “Our home”
He freezes before leaning down and squeezing her to him a little tighter. “Alright love, home for both of us”
Butch has already cleared the way and they leave with little fuss, Erica attempting an apologetic smile at the hostess but the woman doesn’t pay her any mind, Roman keeping her close to his chest. She slides into the car with him, immediately moving to slip off her shoes before cuddling herself into his side, turning toward him and laying her head on his chest.
Butch passes a box into the back seat before shutting the door and moving up front.
Roman reaches for it, putting his arm around her as he opens it, grabbing a fork and holding a bite out to her before she even processes what it is.
“It’s the chocolate one you like, I thought it might help.”
She nuzzles his chest briefly, words leaving in favor of soaking up his comforting presence, then leans forward to take the offering. It is her favorite, after all.
She chews thoughtfully. She opens her mouth again and he reaches for the box without a second thought before her hand goes out to stop him.
“I, I need to tell you things, first.”
Her lip wobbles as he looks to her in confusion. Then his face clears and he smiles soothingly.
“I’ll listen as long as you need love.”
She nods. “I, I cut it because I wanted you to hate me.” She looks down at his shirt but plunges ahead. “I sometimes, I punish myself when things feel too nice and, and—” she looks up to his eyes “And you are nice Roman, wonderful and kind and so much more than I could ever deserve.” She gives a small fond smile as she watches him struggle between telling her how wrong she is about deserving things and staying quiet until she finishes. He settles on the latter, gesturing for her to continue with a nod.
“I, it all felt too good to be true all the sudden and, after I told you all those things, I thought you would” She looks down again, in shame this time. “Feel differently about me.”
He puts hand over hers where it rests on his chest, eyeing Butch in the mirror and communicating that they can drive awhile (at least he hopes that’s what he communicated). She starts again, but much quieter.
“I pushed you away because, I got scared. I thought you would, I don’t know, shun me, or try to fix me like they did and I just- I just reverted back to how I used to be. Cold. So I figured I would make it easier. For myself and you. If you hated my hair you could make it about that and it would be painless. Or if you made it about something else then I could pretend it was my hair whenever I wanted to cry about loosing you. Convince myself you were shallow and that’s why it didn’t work.”
Roman’s been quiet this whole time and she chances a look up at him.
“Do you like it?”
“Like… My hair?”
He nods.
“Well” It’s an abrupt change of subject but she takes it in stride, “I suppose so, I didn’t do it for that though.”
“Can I touch you? Your face?”
The rest of her is still shielded by the jacket but she concedes willfully with a nod. His knuckles brush her cheek slowly, before he checks again.
“Can I touch your hair?”
She nods.
His fingers, long and slender, brush through the cropped hair on the side of her head (carefully avoiding her ear) and his head tilts just slightly so his eye line can follow them. He tilts the other way then, eyeing the opposite side before his hand comes up to brush against the top hesitantly,
“Can I--?”
She hums.
His fingers sink into the tuft at the edge of her hairline, brushing back slowly, catching slightly on the product she’d used to muss it up. He increases the pressure the slightest bit so his hand brushes against her scalp with the motion and her eyelids flutter shut, pushing gently against the sensation and humming like a cat would purr. His hand continues its course, sliding down the back of her head and to her neck before he brings his knuckles to drag along her face again.
“I think its lovely.”
She opens her eyes to gaze at him and smiles softly. “I thought I’d need magic to get all that out but, it was easy. You made it easy.” She tilts her head at him, “I guess loving someone is like magic sometimes.” She says it with a far away look in her eyes as they drift to his chest, pondering her own words.
“All you need is love”
The smile crawls across her face even before her eyes meet his. “A girl has got to eat”
“All you need is love” This time it comes out a little slower, more like the song.
“Or she’ll end up on the street!” It’s said without any real belief
“All you need is, love” he hangs on to the last word, flitting his gaze over her face.
“Love is just a game”
“I was made for loving you baby, you were made for loving me” Roman adds the slight shimmy just for her and she laughs a little before answering.
Butch glances in the rearview mirror one last time before telling the driver to make for the penthouse and pulling out his phone. Hannah picks up after one ring.
“Yeah they’re singing, I think they’re gonna be ok.”
“Oh thank goodness.”
Erica's new haircut that I imagine--
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Archived announcement of the Music Tapes' 2010 Holiday Lullabye Extravaganza tour. Merge Records, 7th October 2010
The Music Tapes bring dreamlike slumberal enchantments to houses across the land this fall!
October 7, 2010 – 3:40 pm
This November and December, The Music Tapes will be bringing a comforting, enchanting, and very special evening of Music Tapes’ dreamlike songs, stories and games for sleepover parties to ordinary homes across the land (US and Canada).  The Music Tapes are now accepting invitations, and plan to visit nearly 200 homes! As with the Music Tapes’ caroling and lullaby travels of years past, they will stop at several houses a night in each city visiting also far off out of the way places most tours never get to go.
The Music Tapes’ Julian Koster says,”These sorts of trips are the most adventurous and exciting musical travels I have ever been a part of. There’s a special magic possible that could only happen in them. There is a warmth and kindness and adventurousness of the people inviting us and all of their friends that leads always to extraordinary and fun times that are unlike anything else we’ve ever experienced before.”
To invite The Music Tapes to share their magic with you and your friend, simply send an invitation to:  [email protected]. Or (even better) a letter to: The Minister of Lullabies at 450 N Harris St, Athens, GA 30601 (letters must be received by October 20th and include all contact information.) The invitations of greatest warmth will be chosen in each area in the order in which they are received. Houses open to welcoming other fans in the area to view the performance will be given special priority. The location and time of your visit will be kept secret.
If your invitation is chosen, simply plan your own sleepover or holiday gathering, and you will be given a range of times in which The Music Tapes will arrive and fill your house for nearly an hour with songs, games, stories, and more. The merry band of travelers known as The Music Tapes will then leave you again with your friends, families, and dreams, and continue on to the next house on that night’s list. If you choose to make your house one of the “open” houses and welcome a limited number of other Music Tapes fans in your area, the time and address of your visit will still be kept secret, but be made available by email only to fans in your area (from [email protected]) once the tour begins.
The Lullaby evenings with include songs from the Music Tapes forthcoming 2011 record, as well as from Music Tapes for Clouds and Tornadoes, The 1st Imaginary Symphony for Nomad, and The Singing Saw at Christmastime, along with new Music Tapes games and stories. The entertainment, though sometimes more exciting than lulling, are all in honor of the comforting moments directly preceding and following sleep when we find ourselves happily unsure of whether we are awake or are dreaming.
“Each stop is completely unique because it’s as much about the world of the people who’ve invited us as it is about the world we are bringing them,” continues Julian. “It becomes very surreal in the most wonderful way, and it is a great privilege getting to spend my life getting to go on trips like this.”
For more information, write [email protected] to receive an automatic reply and as always visit The Music Tapes’ online home at orbitinghumancircus.com.
Proposed Path and Dates: November 2nd, 3rd and 4th: Alabama; Tennessee; Florida Panhandle; and SE Louisiana November 5th, 6th and 7th: Western Louisiana; Texas November 8th, 9th, 10th: New Mexico; Arizona; Nevada November 11th, 12th, 13th: Southern; and Central California November 14th, 15th, 16th: Central California; and Oregon November 17th, 18th, and 19th: Washington; and British Columbia, Canada November 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd: Idaho; Utah; and Colorado November 24th, 25th, and 26th: Denver, Colorado; Nebraska; Minnesota November 27th, 28th, 29th: Illinois; Michigan; and Northern Ohio November 30th, December 1st, and 2nd: Western Pennsylvania; Western NY; Toronto, Ontario Canada December 3rd, 4th, and 5th: Montreal, QC Canada; Vermont; Western Massachusetts December 6th, 7th and 8th: Upstate New York; NYC December 9th, 10th, and 11th: Maryland; Washington, DC; Virginia; Delaware December 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th: Asheville, NC; Atlanta, GA; Athens, GA
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hikari-writes · 4 years
Why, hello there! Thanks for all the follows everyone! I was just gone for a week so I’m very surprised to see my blog grew so much hhhhh-----
SO! I apologize in advance that this post is looking very bland but I didn’t had the time to edit any banners qwq. Anyways, as you can see in the title, I’ll be making a sleepover party! The time will start from today, Saturday 22 August 9:15 pm until Sunday 23 August 3:30 pm (PHST- Philippines Standard Time) (to anyone wondering, no im not a filipino, we just have the same timezone :))
- Just as the name suggests, we’ll babble together! Just scream anything you want in my inbox, anonymously or not; e.g. fangirl about stuff you like, tell me about your self-ship, ask anything about my works, tell me about yourself, or if you also want to ask anything about me :D! Anything and everything is welcomed! JUST INTERACT WITH ME PLEASE. (Except for nsfw or hate talk obviously 😖)
- For this one, I’ll be making quick sketches for any character you ask for! Whether you want it to be them interacting with you, or just them eating or doing something else! Or in case anyone wants an angst, that’s very much welcomed too *cough*hanahakihehe*cough*(*cough* or maybe them in glasses *cough*)(Nothing too hard though, i’m not a pro qwq) REALLY, anything and everything is accepted! Reminder that these are sketches I’ll be doing in my sketchbook, so it’s all in traditional art. (because it’s faster and I actually prefer drawing on paper than on my phone---) I’ll be doing everyone or everything from the fandoms I’ve listed in my rules for requesting post (it’s in my navigation for anyone wondering)! ONE EXCEPTION, HOWEVER! Is the fandom Haikyuu! I can draw the characters you want, but I don’t know all of them so to avoid anything ooc, please give a bit of specifics or their characteristics if you wanna request for them! My art isn’t the best though so please don’t expect anything too high---
- It’s quite similar to the one above, but this one is more specific. Request any character that you want as vines or memes or incorrect quotes! I’ve been into them lately after watching lots of tbhk vines on youtube hehe... These will also be in traditional art, so I can’t really insert the original audio (if they have it) but I will put the dialogues. Since this is an x reader blog, it would be preferable if you request anything that has a reader insert in it, but if you don’t want to, that’s totally fine too! AND IF YOU WANT TO USE THE CASTS FOR MY SMAUS THAT WOULD BE SO APPRECIATED HHH---)
- If anyone doesn’t know, requests are open--- There’s currently 2 requests pending so please send them in if you have any qwq Make sure to read the rules first though!
- If anyone wants to interact with me using my persona, it’s very much welcomed! Please specify though, since this one is different than [ CUTIES BABBLES ] since while you’ll still interact with me(cause it’s my persona) for this one, I’ll be using doodles (traditionally) to interact with you! To anyone that doesn’t know how my persona looks, here’s their forms!
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The first picture is the one I used most, since it’s easier to draw. She’s the more passive and calm Hikari, but once she loses her shit, it’s the end of the world. The second picture is the more active and dumbass Hikari. She’s very chaotic and reckless. To differentiate both hikaris, just refer to active hikari as P! Hikari (p stands for ponytail) The short haired boy is basically the genderbent version of Hikari, but he doesn’t have a name as of yet. I said genderbent, but he acts more like someone who constantly fighting or arguing with P! Hikari (also a bit of a caretaker for her). He’s basically tired of her shit.
- Basically any sleepover game you wanna play with me! Kiss marry kill, would you rather, which character would, and anything else! Please, I’m trying to make this a fun sleepover.
These are all I could offer you! I’m sorry that this event looks so boring, since it has no theme, but since this one was rushed, I can’t help it. I just want to interact more with my followers so please excuse this one. I’ll do a better one for another milestone event. Also, this event is quite short since well, it was rushed, but I hope there’s at least one person who participated in it.
Once again, thank you very very much to all of my followers. Who would’ve guessed I’d reach 450 followers right? I guess people do grow. I appreciate all of your likes, reblogs, and comments on my stuff. They really make me happy and I’m so glad you enjoyed my content, if just a bit. I hope to be able to interact with all of you more in the future! Thank you again! ☺ If this flopped, just forget this ever happened---
If anyone don’t want to see this event, just blacklist the tag [ #hikari’s 450 sleepover!! ]
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homeformyheart · 4 years
masterlist - twc fics & drabbles
here is my twc full-length fic & drabble masterlist (prompt fills/requests are on a different masterlist). for 18+ fics that have smut or ns*w warnings, i now have sectioned off the ns*w section with 🔥⚡ (heating up) and ❄💧 icons (cool down) so even if you’re over 18+, you have the option to skip the smut and read ahead with hopefully minimal loss of plot.
if you’re looking for prompt fills, click here.
adam du mortain x regina bishop
cottage by the sea | 2.4k | 16+; mourning/moving on | AO3 simply be mine | 3.1k | 14+; descriptions of drinking | AO3  something good | follows “simply be mine” | 450 | 13+; fluff | AO3 bucket list | 570 | 14+; minor angst | AO3 comfort | ~200 + art | 13+; fluff | AO3 birthday drabbles | ~750 | 13+; blood mention in #2 | AO3, AO3
love triangle (adam/nate) x lyra kingston
bucket list | 600 | 14+; minor angst | AO3
farah hauville x keawe lui
disoriented | ft. unnamed oc with implied unit bravo | 750 | 14+; blood mention, swearing | AO3
felix hauville x harley bishop
running | 1.8k | 13+; minor swearing; descriptions of fear | AO3 bucket list | 500 | 14+; minor angst | AO3 ava birthday drabble | 300 | 13+ | AO3
mason x brooklyn kingston (shy/oblivious)
worth it | 1.9k | 13+; swearing | AO3 ménage | 2.5k | 14+; parent/child arguing | AO3 bucket list | 530 | 14+; minor angst | AO3
mason x ria knight (bold)
bucket list | 560 | 14+; minor angst | AO3 sunshine past | choices crossover | 1.7k | 14+; swearing | AO3 no feelings | 1.7k | 16+; angst | AO3
nate sewell x cassie knight
bucket list | 600 | 14+; minor angst | AO3
falk x regina bishop; minor adam x regina
reflection | 2.6k | 18+; explicit smut, minors dni | AO3
sleepover | nelly greywood & regina bishop | ~150 + art | 13+; fluff
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elvish-sky · 3 years
I followed you because guardian of Rivendell reblogged your 450 sleepover celebration and I just liked the vibe of your blog lol
lmao well i’m very glad she did because you are super awesome!!!! and thank you!
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estethell · 4 years
Omg I can't believe aaaaaaah!!!
Thank you for following my blog, my thoughts on The Hobbit and above all my art, it means a lot for me ❤️
Soon, when I'll finish all my projects fro school, I would to start my first sleepover to thanks you, I'm so exited ><
Thank you again ❤️❤️❤️
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neverlandparker · 5 years
it’s sleepover time! <3
hey lovelies! I've decided its time for another...you guessed it...SLEEPOVER!
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i’d also like to take another moment to say my most sincerest thank you’s to the 450 and counting of you who are so so supportive of my work, I really appreciate it!!! THANK YOU!! <3
all sleepover posts will be tagged under: #sleepover w/ claire and #450 sleepover
ok. without further ado. let’s hang! :
some rules:
- have to follow me: @neverlandparker
- spread the word! a reblog would be nice :)
- this sleepover will last from NOW and end on midnight PST of 7/5
things we can do:
- send a 🦋 & request a  x reader headcanon with tom, peter, haz, or holland & co! (i’ve never tried these and having read some recently i really really want to!)
- shoot me an ask! just talk abt whatever is on your mind or we can scream together abt tom or peter or whoever !!
- ask me a question! from this list
- send me an emoji for a blog compliment!! let’s spread some positivity! :)
come join!
I love you guys 3000!! <3 hope everyone’s day has been wonderful!
tagging (thank you y’all so so much and if you could spread the word that would be great!): @marvelplease @lavenderholland @peterstrainingwheels @hollandsosterfield @peterparklr @mcuspidey @parkerprotectionprogram @sergeanttpoliteness @darlingtaurus @poetrypeter @plushparker @holland-peters @rachramblesstuff @loverholland @sunshinehollandd
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cali-holland · 4 years
Hi I absolutely adore your writing! If you havent done one yet can you do a blurb or headcanon on falling asleep with Tom. Like the reader always has trouble falling asleep but Tom always does certain things to her and talks to her till she falls asleep.
Awww this is such a cute concept! Thank you so much!
Word Count: 450
“I miss you so much, darling. You don’t even know. I’m counting down the days until I can see that gorgeous face of yours again. I wish I was there, so I could hold you tight. I’d do everything to just hold you close and help you fall asleep. If it’s a cold night, I’d wrap my feet around yours to keep your toes warm, but we both know your feet are always cold so I’d do that even on a warm night. I’d press kisses to your hair and have my arms wrapped around you. I’d sing you to sleep as you laugh my voice, I know it’s not the best, but it makes you smile. Want me to sing for you now? What should I sing?” There was a pause as he smiled into the camera. “Ed Sheeran? I know you always love those songs.”
You smiled to yourself as he started to sing through the video. Tom was coming home tomorrow, and you missed him more than anything, you couldn’t wait for him to be back. Whenever he was gone, you’d have trouble sleeping, and so he came up to the solution for that. Since he’d be in another timezone and would be busy with work, he’d record himself talking- whether it be a video or just a voice memo, and send it to you, knowing that you’d find comfort in just hearing his voice. You kept every single one of them, replaying them often when you missed him most, which was basically every night he was away.
You were so enraptured in the little video playing on your phone that you didn’t even hear the front door open and Tom sneak into your shared bedroom. He let out a quiet laugh as he walked into the room, seeing you half-sleep in the bed, watching one of his videos.
“I’m home.” You jumped a little at the sound of Tom’s voice not coming from the video. Your sleepy haze was gone and you immediately got out of the bed to hug him tightly, happy to finally have him back home.
“I missed you so much.” You mumbled before kissing him.
“I missed you too, darling.” Tom smiled.
“I thought you were supposed to fly back tomorrow.” You said as you went back to the bed while he quickly changed into some pajamas.
“I was, but we finished early and I wanted to surprise you.” He slid into the bed beside you, wrapping his arms around your waist, and you rested your head on his chest. His feet went to cover yours, already knowing they’d be cold from the chill night air.
“I love you.” You kissed him again happily.
“I love you too. Let’s get some sleep.” And the two of you fell asleep, perfectly content and happy to be back in each other’s arms. ~~~
Join in my 2k Follower Celebration aka weekend long sleepover!!
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