#47 my new fed
helpfandom · 9 months
Analysis on YANDERE PLATONIC TAS villains. Pt2
Harley Quinn
Harley + Joker [Reluctant team-up, they want nothing to do with each other]
Killer Croc
TW: Use of the word 'Mommy', 'Daddy', and Dumb-ifying/Babying.
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For the Yandere Archtypes: https://www.tumblr.com/helpfandom/724022554446135296/types-of-yandere?source=share Once, again, yandere_auxillary made it, I just can't find them for some reason.
I set apart Harley and Joker because they would be different depending on if they are together or not, hence why there are two versions of each. One alone, and one together.
Harley: See, her characteristics when alone would be, Impulsive, Delusional, Sadistic, and Clingy. Sadistic and Clingy are supposed as opposing forces, but it's actually not true. Her sadism comes from the fact that she doesn't mind see you get hurt trying to escape, {and even slightly enjoys it}. Her clinginess comes from never having this feeling before as a kid, or even towards a kid, and her being confused, even a little scared of this feeling. She doesn't try to find out more about you, she's delusional after all, she truly thinks that you're just like her. Her delusions are something that you will just have to deal with, as she completely believes that you love her too. To break her delusions would end with Reader being harmed physically, or to end up locked alone in a room, waiting for her to open up the door and let you back out. She's impulsive in that she is quick to kidnap, not even knowing your name at that point, but knows she wants to be your Momma. She doesn't stalk you, she's too impatient for that, but she keeps you in her mind. The next time she sees you, she attempts to kidnap you. She would fight Joker for you. She's not always going to be there for you to be considered her 'kid', nor will she truly take care of you fully. Not enough for a developing child. "Momma's here!~ Come here baby, Mommy got some new jewelry for her baby. Just let Mommy take care of you!"
Joker: Yikes. Good luck. Sadistic, Impulsive, Possessive, some of the worst traits to have. He would be fully willing to push you into acid like he fell into, if it meant having you stick around with him. He would not entertain the idea of you even having other parents. Not even Harley could attempt to take you away from him. He's always been shown to be impulsive, and possessive, with Episode 47, season 1, when Harley teams with Poison Ivy. Imagine that, but much much worse. He would refuse to let anyone get close to you. He would feel nothing but glee when you try to escape, only to be harmed by his hyena's. He found a kid {you} and decided to try to poison you against Batman, quickly kidnapping you and taking you home. Finding your uncaring attitude intriguing and hilarious. He will constantly take you places, only to kill or threaten the people who try to help you, and then take you back home where he tries to get you to help with a plan. He's gritting his teeth together, fed up with you refusing to help him. "Listen here kid. You're going to help me with my next thing, or your other-family says beddy bye."
Harley + Joker: Impulsive is the one thing that the two share from their alone counterparts. (Surprising, considering what they shared, but I'll explain.) Self-Indulgence, is the next characteristic that they have. Despite all that they share, they bounce off of each other with jealousy, causing their Sadism to in fact, go away, because they are busy trying to poison you against the other. Terms like: "Come here suga', Mommy's got you some brand new jewlery, did Daddy get you some jewlery? Well, it's not as shiny as Mommy's is it? or "Doll, did Mommy get you some cheap-o jewlery? Well, good thing that Daddy got some candy for you!" are commonplace and you half-way expect it to be quite honest. They often fight and make-up, before fighting the next day and making-up the next. Wash, Rinse, and Repeat. As much as they hate each other and the way that the other parent raises you, they hate the alternative to leaving, or making the other susceptible for Batman to take you away from their loving grasp. "But who do you really love, sweetie? Mommy, or Daddy? It better be me.
Killer Croc: He is Clingy, Obsessive, Overprotective, and Self-Indulgent. His fear of being inadequate and being seen as nothing but a monster, [which is why he does crimes. If you see me as a monster, maybe I am a monster. Maybe I'll show you what a monster looks like.] is why he is all of those traits. He fears that the one person who is indifferent to him / nice to him [Reader, or You,] would be eventually changed to fear him by Batman. Killer Croc would be the type to baby you, even dumb-ifying you if that makes sense. His fear of inadequacy makes him put restraints on you, even once we're past the escape phase, putting gloves on you, being Overprotective so much, because he wants to keep his little baby safe. He sees you as a 'baby' because of your indifference to him being a mutant of sorts, and sees that indifference as naivety. He craves your approval and needs you to need him to do everything for you, hence, his baby-ing. Just let him control your every action and love him for it, okay?
Scarecrow: He is Impulsive, Manipulative, Obsessive, and just a bit Sadistic. He's less likely to experiment on such a nice darling who knows that he was a professor or wants to learn more about what he taught, but punishment wise... He's not afraid to use fear gas. He doesn't want to use fear gas on you, more complacent to study his own psychology, and why he's obsessed with you, and he can't study that if the subject is missing his child... He's impulsively manipulative in the way that he's immediately jumping to a plan to manipulate Reader into coming into his grasp. He just wants to put you in a little container and watch everything you do, just to study you like a little pet. Just make sure you don't run away, m'kay?
Penguin: He is very Clingy, Overprotective, and Impulsive. He's been betrayed over and over again by people he thought he could trust, been kicked out of the society he tries and desperately wishes to join, so when he finds a darling who gives no shits, and cares not for what he is, so long as he is a good person? He impulsively falls into a platonic love, wishing to become the parent he wishes he could have, and what kind of parent would he be if he didn't protect his kiddo? He wouldn't let you out at all, fearing the upper-class or BATMAN might get their insufferable claws into you, sinking fear of him into you. Not quite like Killer Croc, because Killer Croc is fearful because he is seen as a monster, Penguin is scared that you'll learn of his crimes and become afraid of him, and that would simply break his heart. As soon as he has an opportunity to take you away from the society, he will kidnap you.
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mocha-moo · 11 months
Dum mocha thoughts right?
So I am a huge fan of sushi right? So what if there was this sushi place that was an all you can eat buffet for like, 20 bucks. With it you would of course get your choice of drink. On the menu you would have some fairly generic drinks like soda, water, ect. But the big thing that catches your eye is a in house sake that is made right there in their restaurant.
So you think "to hell with it" and order it. When it arrives you are presented with a very cloudy cream colored sake served from a pretty looking light blue, semi transparent bottle. Its flavor is relatively sweet and milky, like Sayuri but with more emphasis on the cream flavor and sweetness of it. It's not half bad and you greedily sip it down as you wait for your first order to arrive.
When your order arrives and you enjoy your first tuna roll, and then you second and third. You feel a tightness in your shirt. Thinking that it might just have been because you ate three entire sushi rolls at this point and are kind of full from it. You were a tad bloated from it but nothing too crazy. What you failed to notice though is the weight starting to pack on in your chest.
Five, six, now seven rolls in different varieties and you could have sworn you would have normally been full by now. Siping on the milky sake to wash it all down, you feel your assets. Your chest has very, very, clearly swollen up. Your bra is almost bursting at the seams with how large they have gotten. Your big soft tummy is exposed for the world to see too! Its ridden up your beach ball of a belly and is the only thing concealing your chest from the rest of the world...for now
Eight, nine rolls in everything started to become hazy, not in the sense of you getting drunk but thoughts are now becoming hard to form. It feels nice just being to sit there and eat all you want and sip on the sweet milky stuff. Your shirt that has been torn in the center would disagree.
By the tenth roll any thought of you feeling full or concern that your bust would pop out of your shirt was gone. Speaking of shirt it is almost in tatters and only leaving but so much to the imagination. A nice lady offers you the sweet cream drink again. You guzzle it down greedily as you always have, and that's when the lady mentions "ma'am please follow me to the VIP section" her words are almost hypnotic. So you waddle yourself into a section you dont remember being there, but to be fair its not like you can remember much of anything now. You see other women like you, only almost all of them are much much bigger than you are, most of them hooked up to milking machines. Some are so big that they rest atop their chest, like a big milky bed.
You're situated in a medium stall like most of the others. She puts a collar on you attached with a large bell, on it the number "47" is etched in. "Congrats on the new job 47, this is your new home now" she says softly, laying a kiss on your chest.
It's been some time since you've been here, you've honestly lost count how many days, months, years? You're still unsure. On the plus side youve been moved to a large stall, your constantly being fed sushi, on top of that they keep giving you sweet milky stuff! It's super good tasting and stuff~. Your doomed to an ever milky eternity with breasts so large moving on your own is no longer possible. Is this really what you thought a 20 dollar all you can eat buffet was going to be?
I'm mostly testing formatting stuff with this. I don't usually post my horny writing thoughts on here but I might if people are interested! nwn
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aita-blorbos · 11 months
AITA for keeping someone in a jar?
Yeah, yeah, I know it sounds bad or whatever. My (30sM) last job went under pretty horribly, and I lost several beloved pets in the process. It was a wake-up call that I needed a real job, the place was kind of a shitshow, but I’ve been torn-up and lonely because of losing my pets.
Well, I struck a new job recently, sort of a freelance thing. Long story short, I get called in with a bunch of other guys, this kid gets possessed by a demon, the lot of us almost die. We’re damn lucky that this total freak of nature of another kid showed up and managed to fight it off.
It was an impulse decision— I was lonely, and it seemed fascinating. I still had some jars for my old pets, and the spirit was weakened, so I went and took it in. It would have been dangerous to leave it free anyways with how many people it had nearly killed.
Well, we’ve been talking, and he’s just the most fascinating man (47?M). Very, very indignant and angry about the whole situation, but he’ll get used to it. I can’t *make* him do anything besides go back into his jar. But one of my old coworkers (50M) found out about it and has been talking my ear off this and that about how it’s “unethical” to keep someone in a jar and this and that and how I should exorcise him. Absolutely not! Why would I do something that barbaric to a perfectly good pet? He doesn’t even infest the carpet with ants anymore, so my landlord doesn’t care. Is it really that big of a deal? Most of my pets weren’t that intelligent, this is probably the highest intelligence I’ve kept in my day. But I’m not hurting him! He’s fed and cared for and I let him go on rants about society for enrichment! He’s always allowed out if he’s well-behaved, the jar is just for safety so he doesn’t kill anybody. So am I really the asshole?
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mariacallous · 18 days
Years ago, when people still used Boolean search and I was a cub reporter, I worked with photographer Nick Ut at the Associated Press. It felt like being in the presence of one of the Greats, even though he never acted like it. We drank the same office coffee, even as I was barely out of journalism school and he had a Pulitzer Prize that was nearly three decades old. Ut, if you don’t recognize the name, took the photo of “Napalm Girl”—Kim Phuc, whom Ut captured in 1973, at 9 years old, running from a bombing in Vietnam.
Lots of people know that photo. It’s one of the most searing images to come out of the Vietnam War—one that shifted attitudes about the conflict. Ut himself wrote many years later that he knew a single photo could change the world. “I know, because I took one that did.”
Hundreds of photos have come out of the Israel-Hamas war since it began more than seven months ago. Bombed out buildings, mass funerals, damaged hospitals, more injured children. But, as of this week, there’s one that’s garnered more attention than most: “All eyes on Rafah.”
The image features what appears to be an AI-generated landscape in which a series of refugee tents spells out the image’s title phrase. The exact origins of the image are murky, but as of this writing it’s reportedly been shared more than 47 million times on Instagram, with many of those shares coming in the 48 hours after an Israeli strike killed 45 people in a camp for displaced Palestinians, according to the Gaza Health Ministry. The image was also shared widely on TikTok and X, where a pro-Palestine account’s post featuring the image has been viewed nearly 10 million times.
As “All eyes on Rafah” circulated, Shayan Sardarizadeh, a journalist with BBC Verify, posted on X that it “has now become the most viral AI-generated image I’ve ever seen.” Ironic, then, that all those eyes on Rafah aren’t really seeing Rafah at all.
Establishing AI’s role in the act of news-spreading got fraught quickly. Meta, as NBC News pointed out this week, has made efforts to restrict political content on its platforms even as Instagram has become a “crucial outlet for Palestinian journalists.” The result is that actual footage from Rafah may be restricted as “graphic or violent content” while an AI image of tents can spread far and wide. People may want to see what’s happening on the ground in Gaza, but it’s an AI illustration that’s allowed to find its way to their feeds. It’s devastating.
Journalists, meanwhile, sit in the position of having their work fed into large-language models. On Wednesday, Axios reported that Vox Media and The Atlantic had both made deals with OpenAI that would allow the ChatGPT maker to use their content to train its AI models. Writing in The Atlantic itself, Damon Beres called it a “devil’s bargain,” pointing out the copyright and ethical battles AI is currently fighting and noting that the technology has “not exactly felt like a friend to the news industry”—a statement that may one day itself find its way into a chatbot’s memory. Give it a few years and much of the information out there—most of what people “see”—won’t come from witness accounts or result from a human looking at evidence and applying critical thinking. It will be a facsimile of what they reported, presented in a manner deemed appropriate.
Admittedly, this is drastic. As Beres noted, “generative AI could turn out to be fine,” but there is room for concern. On Thursday, WIRED published a massive report looking at how generative AI is being used in elections around the world. It highlighted everything from fake images of Donald Trump with Black voters to deepfake robocalls from President Biden. It’ll get updated throughout the year, and my guess is that it’ll be hard to keep up with all the misinformation that comes from AI generators. One image may have put eyes on Rafah, but it could just as easily put eyes on something false or misleading. AI can learn from humans, but it cannot, like Ut did, save people from the things they do to each other.
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killed-by-choice · 6 months
Charlotte Dawson, 47 (Australia 2014)
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To an outsider, it might have seemed like Charlotte Dawson had it all. She was a judge on Australia’s Next Top Model and hosted the boxing reality show The Contender Australia and Getaway in New Zealand. Her career was widely known and she was admired by many.
But Charlotte was struggling. She suffered from severe depression for years before finally revealing the cause of her suffering in her autobiography.
In 1999, Charlotte married Scott Miller, an Olympic athlete. Sometime in the few short months that they were married, Charlotte became pregnant.
Charlotte’s autobiography Air Kiss & Tell documented the trauma she suffered from the abortion. She had been so excited at first to realize she was pregnant. “I knew I was pregnant; I didn’t have to have the test, I could just feel it. It was the most brilliant but terrifying feeling and the test did, as expected, confirm it… We were going to have a baby. I was actually going to be a mother. If there had been room to have butterflies in my stomach, I figure I could have managed that as well, such was my ability to multi-task.”
But when Charlotte told Scott the happy news, he became upset. The baby’s due date was close to the Summer Olympics and Scott considered his child a distraction. Charlotte wrote, “Inside I was in total turmoil. I wanted the baby. How long would we have to wait? Were there even any guarantees that I would fall pregnant again? Of course, I accepted without question that the Olympics was Scott’s number-one priority — I had been told that by him and a number of other interested and invested parties.”
Charlotte didn’t want to have an abortion, but others in her life pressured her into it. She was fed the lie that she needed to give up her baby for her husband’s career. This was the lie that killed Charlotte’s baby and sent Charlotte into depression. Demoralized, frustrated and scared, dhe underwent the abortion that her husband wanted her to have. After the abortion, she had her first experience with something that would never leave her: depression.
“I wanted our baby, but I felt greedy, like I already had too much, that the termination was a compromise I should make… When I got home, I felt that something had changed. I felt a shift. Maybe it was hormonal, but I felt the early tinges of what I can now identify as my first experience with depression… I should have bought a couch especially for the depression bogeyman right then and there. If I had known he was going to visit so often, I would have at least have had somewhere for him to sit, the bastard.”
Charlotte’s reluctant sacrifice of her only child for the sake of her husband’s Olympic career was for nothing. Miller was doping to enhance his performance and was allegedly caught cheating on Charlotte with a swimmer. He didn’t even make the team for the Sydney Olympics. The two of them got divorced only a few months after they were married, leaving Charlotte alone to grieve.
Her depression never left. Charlotte wrote about numbing the emotional pain with alcohol and trying to cope with her trauma: “I was just a depressed mess… I was single, damaged and miserable.”
As her mental health continued to decline, Charlotte struggled. She was repeatedly hospitalized, suffered from panic attacks, was eventually fired from her roles in TV. The management company Chic Management parted ways with her, saying her battles with mental illness were ‘damaging her brand’. Charlotte attempted suicide in 2012, but survived this attempt.
Charlotte worked against bullying and helped raise money for children’s charities. She was cyberbullied after joining anti-bullying campaign Community Brave, but continued her work. She mentored younger models, and at least one of them thought of her as a second mother. She was open about her depression diagnosis and tried to raise awareness about mental illness. But after years of suffering, her depression was unbearably painful.
On February 21, Charlotte saw some friends. Pictures posted on the internet showed a seemingly lovely day, but the friends stated that Charlotte was in a terrible mental state. That was the last time they saw her alive.
On February 22, 2014, a real estate agent from the company Morton and Morton found her body. She had committed suicide.
While media covered Charlotte’s death, many sources ignored the role that abortion played in her depression and suicide.
"Charlotte Dawson: I gave up my baby for my husband" The Australian Women's Weekly. 26 September 2012
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naturalrights-retard · 3 months
A woman who inherited a home in New York City full of people squatting illegally was arrested and led away in handcuffs after she changed the locks.
Adele Andaloro, 47, was placed under arrest at her $1 million home in Flushing, Queens, which she inherited from her parents after they died.
"It’s enraging," Andaloro told the NY Post. "It’s not fair that I, as the homeowner, have to be going through this."
Andaloro claims the ordeal erupted when she started the process of trying to sell the home last month but realized squatters had moved in — and brazenly replaced the entire front door and locks. Fed up, she recently went to her family’s home on 160th Street — with the local TV outlet in tow — and called a locksmith to change the locks for her. -NY Post
The spat with the squatters, which was caught on camera, rapidly erupted into a verbal altercation until the cops showed up and led Andaloro away - charging her with 'unlawful eviction.'
As the Post notes, people can claim "squatter's rights" if they've been squatting for just 30 days at a property. This makes it illegal for homeowners to change the locks, turn off the utilities, or remove the squatters' belongings.
"By the time someone does their investigation, their work, and their job, it will be over 30 days and this man will still be in my home," Andaloro said. "I’m really fearful that these people are going to get away with stealing my home."
During the recent encounter at her home, Andaloro — who was armed with the deeds — was filmed entering the property after one of the apparent tenants left the front door open. After changing the locks, a man claiming to be on the lease — identified by the local outlet as Brian Rodriguez — returned to the property and barged through the front door. “You shouldn’t be trying to steal my house,” a furious Andaloro yelled at him during the caught-on-camera ordeal. Following a flurry of 911 calls, responding cops told Andaloro she had to sort the saga out in housing court because it was considered a “landlord-tenant issue.” -NY Post
Andaloro says she's now been forced to go through the court system to start an eviction filing to settle the landlord-tenant dispute.
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niuniente · 9 months
For the ask meme! 10, 14, 23, 47, 92 and 94. Hope this much is alright ^--^
10. game you were best at in p.e.? None, honestly. In the elementary school my teacher complained to my parents that I don't have any stamina (well duh, I'm not fed properly, don't feel hunger, and possibly have had anemia since I was like 7). I went to a tiny, tiny rural school with 8 other students (max was 15 other students) in the whole school, so our p.e was the whole school coming together just play and have fun. Like a long recess.
In the junior high I was always picked last to whatever we had to do. In the high school, I hurt my knee and couldn't participate the mandatory course, so I had to replace it next year. We got a new teacher on my 2nd year and he was absolutely wonderful! It was a mixed group due is being an optional course, so of course it was full of boys twice of my size who LOVED sports, competitions, games etc. The teacher allowed us a few girls to either go for walks or just sit and watch the boys hunt the ball (and each other) if we didn't feel like going to play with the boys with their bloodthirsty sport mentality :D
The easiest high school course ever!
14. favorite non-chocolate candy? I eat very, very little candies as I honestly prefer chocolate but Danish candy Skolekridt (lit. School Chalk in Danish) and Finnish Pantteri (Panther) are my biggest favorites.
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Skolekridts are black licorice coated with a white sugary coat.
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Pantteris are a slightly chewy salmiakki-menthol-licorice candies with a very fine sugar coating. I've loved Pantteri since I was kid, and my favorite thing was to scoop all the fallen, soft sugar from the bottom of the pack when the candies were eaten :3
During Christmas, I want at least one package of marmalade.
23. strange habits? After eating, I have to go to toilet. Always. Probably looks like I have some eating disorder but honestly, I've just trained - without realizing it - my bladder to think that after eating, we MUST pee.
I sleep with a special little blanket. It goes with me where ever I go. Though after 20 years of very much love,it's in such a bad shape I need to buy a new one...
47. favorite type of cheese? OOOO I love 2 year old Manchego!
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights? Fairy lights! Overall, gimme soft light, please.
94. favorite season? Winter. It's cold, the sun is gone for 20h a day (yay!), it's snowy, quiet and then there's Christmas :3 And let's be honest, the way the snow reflects lights in the cities is SO PRETTY
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angeldcgs · 3 months
yesterday i posted some opens and today i come to you, good mutuals, with an offer to plot with any and all of my newer muses listed under the cut. most of them are a little whacky but there's something for everyone <3 give this a like if you're interested in any of them and i'll come to you to plot!!
the mcdermott family: based on the firefly family from h.ouse of 1.000 c.orpses (2003), the mcdermotts were a family of circus performers/carnies who owned and operated a local carnival in town. when travelers and townsfolk started going missing in alarming numbers, the cops started poking around the carnival and uncovered numerous bodies and other nightmarish finds, resulting in the majority of the mcdermotts either being locked up in prison for life, or slain in a deadly stand-off with the cops. these five are the only who remain in town, still carrying out their gruesome acts but on a much smaller scale, confined to a trailer park rather than their beloved carnival, as it was torched by the townsfolk following the arrests.
oberlin "obie" mcdermott (e.bon m.oss b.achrach fc)- he/him, 47, heterosexual, dominant, retired circus clown/junkyard owner (billy's brother, duncan, dolly, and mac's uncle)
billy mcdermott (k.yle g.allner fc)- he/him, 35, bisexual, dominant, mechanic/serial killer (obie's brother, duncan, dolly, and mac's uncle)
duncan mcdermott (h.arris d.ickinson fc)- he/him, 27, bisexual, dominant, drug dealer/serial killer (dolly's twin, mac's half brother)
dolly mcdermott (h.unter s.chafer fc)- she/her, 27, queer, switch, contortionist/serial killer (duncan's twin, mac's half sister)
mackenzie "mac" mcdermott (c.amila m.orrone fc)- she/her, 24, bisexual, dominant, robber/serial killer (duncan and dolly's half sister)
the dobbs brothers: raised in an abusive religious cult and kept separate from the rest of the world, the boys never learned how to live in modern society or be "normal" people until the feds broke up the organization and they were placed in foster care, but even then, it was a rough adjustment. zeke took to the change well, reveling in all the attention they were receiving from journalists and news outlets all looking to tell their story, while sammie still struggles adapting to this new world that's so diametrically opposed to the one he was raised in.
samson "sammie" dobbs (j.ohnny b.erchtold fc)- he/him, 26, bisexual (closeted), submissive, grocery store clerk
ezekiel "zeke" dobbs (f.red h.echinger fc)- he/him, 21, pansexual, submissive, pizza delivery guy
kirby o'connell (m.argaret q.ualley fc)- she/her, 27, lesbian, switch, karaoke bar owner
your average everyday lovable lesbian fuckboy, think shane mccutcheon in the l word but a touch less brooding. bought an old run down bar for cheap at an auction with the intent of turning it into a queer friendly karaoke bar, but it turns out the former owner was using the bar as a front for a money laundering scheme, and now the criminal organization in charge of that is expecting her to continue to be involved.
louise "lou" walsh (t.alia r.yder fc)- she/her, 21, pansexual, switch, writer
a compulsive liar who's constructed an entire backstory for herself to better support her image as a "starving artist". really, she comes from an incredibly wealthy midwest family, the kind who own every building and every business in their small town, but that's not the kind of backstory that sells books.
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macwantspeace · 7 days
Democracy is never guaranteed.
While it may be true that history doesn’t repeat itself, it sure as shit is rhyming right now.
Jun 10
Before I get to my thoughts on the President’s visit to France, I have something to say because frankly, I’m fed up and I’m angry as hell.
Because I am so fucking sick and tired of the mainstream media opining on why it is that “Joe Biden’s accomplishments aren’t reaching the public.”
Why his “messages aren’t getting through.”
Before they pan to a guy at a touchscreen wall explaining how the number of 47-53 year old psychology majors turned CPA mothers of 3 in the states which begin with the letter I who have moved “away from the President in this election”, is “something we need to watch over the course of the next 5 months.”
And then, and THEN, that same wall-sized touchscreen warrior will swipe to the next screen which shows the number of Americans who believe Donald Trump wants a federal ban on abortion at like a 4 on a scale of 1 to 1,000. Without uttering much more than a “wow” as observation,
Why aren’t his accomplishments reaching the people?
Why aren’t his messages getting through?
Why don’t more Americans know what Trump is actually promising to do to our rights once in office? Why don’t they remember what he actually did TO this country when he was in office?
Why don’t more Americans know what Joe Biden is promising to do FOR us if he gets a second term?
Gee — I have no fucking idea why, because it can’t be that they aren’t fucking talking about it as much as they should, if they’re even talking about it the fuck at all.
The problem can’t be that they keep repeating the fact that the good news isn’t reaching the people, without ever really telling the people, the good fucking news at the same time?
That just can’t be it, can it?
Well hell yes, as a matter of fact, it is. At least in part. A significant part.
And they damn well know it. But don’t take my word for it, take theirs. As the President concluded a powerful, inspiring and poignant speech at Pointe du Hoc, some “expert” on one of the many letter channels which shall remain nameless, went on and on about how the speech, reportedly intended to evoke one of Reagan’s more iconic moments, just didn’t really matter, because no one was watching like they would have been in the 80s when a speech like that would have been on all the major networks. (The three major networks could have carried Biden’s speech too. It was on their cable outlets, but that simply isn’t the same).
And that was their coverage of the speech for the most part. How it wasn’t Reagan’s. How it didn’t measure up. While the Qrackhead Brigade ran with multiple, easily disproven, disgusting lies, all fucking weekend long.
Lies which were shared all over social media.
(I’m reserving my commentary on J.D. Sniveling Weasel Taintsucker Vance for a separate post).
The mainstream media didn’t have to cover every moment of Biden’s trip. But they should have at least covered it fairly and comprehensibly and they simply did not.
They didn’t really even listen to the words our President delivered. They were looking for him to attack Trump. That’s it.
“He didn’t mention Trump by name.” That’s what I heard most.
But here’s the thing about that — he doesn’t have to mention Trump, we all know who he means. He knows all too well the threats to democracy we face at the moment. The world leaders he was speaking to know as well.
We are talking about a madman who has told them, the leaders of the very same nations our soldiers died for when they scaled those cliffs, that he will let a murderous Russian despot do “whatever the hell he wants to them.”
They know the danger Trump represents.
And they needed to hear what our current President had to say to assure them that he will not abandon them. That WE will not abandon them.
In the same way that we did not abandon them 80 years ago.
I truly believe that the President needs to run on the fact that he’s the candidate who will stand for democracy, versus the one who is promising to be a dictator. I believe his campaign believes they need to hammer that as well. Because it’s true. Because that is a message which resonates across the political spectrum. And then, when he has an opportunity to shout that message from the top of those magnificently beautiful, historically consequential cliffs and does so, the media says, “He didn’t say Trump’s name.”
I didn’t hear any of them mention Trump’s NATO comments in reference to the speech. Not once. But Biden did refer to them, in his own way. One which they failed to cover.
“The struggle between dictatorship and freedom is unending… We cannot let what happened here be lost in the silence of the years to come. We must remember it, honor it and live it… Democracy is never guaranteed”.
“We cannot let what happened here be lost in the silence of the years to come.”
That is as close to saying “we cannot let Trump win” as anything could be, without actually saying it. And it needed to be said.
It needs to be said, here and abroad over and over again until November. Those soldiers did not die in vain. We owe it to them to keep our democracy intact. We owe it to them to carry the torch forward. We cannot ever forget why they were there. Why they fought. Why so many of them were willing to die. Why so many of them did.
Eighty years ago, a swell of American soldiers stormed the beaches at Normandy. They hurled themselves into the water, onto the sand, through the tall grass, dodging bullets and artillery shells while the bodies of their buddies piled up all around them. Young men, a few years older in many cases than my own son, who’d never so much as left their hometowns, were confronted with the face of true evil, with Hell itself, and in the face of unthinkable peril, they fought with everything they had, not for themselves… but for their country. For democracy.
For freedom.
The world was under attack by the enemies of liberty. By a handful of immoral, illiberal megalomaniacal demagogues hell-bent on attaining unrivaled power at all costs. Complete control. Of everything and everyone. No matter how nefarious the means. {jo from jerz set substack to subscribers only, so I copy/pasted}
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nadiegesabate1990 · 14 days
Long before, radio stations already broke my Nadiege listener's heart with their songs. The melody reigned supreme. At first, however, the idea did not arouse enthusiasm because of the commercials. I hated listening to the radio for this reason. And the program or the announcer announced; Here comes a DJ returning from a season in Europe, he brought songs in his luggage, which he tries to sell without success. And another DJ was hired to run the radio, I was already fed up and decided to invest in something new, buy a cell phone and look for commercial-free radio apps. Before, however, Rádio OiFM, in Rio de Janeiro (English music), was already starting to say goodbye, "and my happiness ended". And two more stations went on air and would return my happiness with the European dance music genre, one of the DJs was the most played.
Nightcrawlers - Push the feelin
Stereo Bros. - Disco Bus
O2 - Breathe
04 - Carolina Marquez - The Killer's Song
12 - David Guetta - The World Is Mine.
13 - Infected Mushroom - I Wish
14 - Inaya Gray - Free
Shake it
Shinig star - Get Far
You cgonna want me - Tiga (05:17)
Walking away - Tocadisco remix - The Eyy (05:21)
Same man - Till West & Dj Delicius (04:42)
Dirty funk - Stero music (02:42)
Love at first sight - Delicious (04:58)
Ibiza vibes - Paradise island (03:26)
Dj Joe K. - Born Slippy
Alex Gaudino & Crystal Waters - Destination Calabria (03:42)
House Boulevard - Everybody's Grooving (03:34)
Global Deejays & Technotronic - Get Up (03:35)
Martijn Ten Velden - - I Wish U Would (03:32)
Tiesto & Christian Burns - - In the Dark (03:51)
Ida Corr & Fedde Le Grand - Let Me Think About It (02:31)
David Guetta - Love Is Gone (03:20)
Mason - Princess Superstar - Perfect ( Exceeder ) (04:04)
Yves Larock - Rise Up (04:33)
Chriss Ortega - Separated (06:51)
Yanou ft. Mark Daviz - A Girl Like You (04:52)
Sharam - The One (07:00)
Openhouse - Lessons in Love (04:34)
Axwell - It's True (05:29)
Robbie Rivera - Aye Aye Aye (06:26)
R.i.o. - De Janeiro (03:57)
Fragma - Tocas Miracle 2008 (05:55)
House Boulevard ft. Samara - Set Me Free (03:44)
Samantha - U Turn (04:13)
Kasino - Go Higher (04:36)
David Guetta Feat Kelly Rowland - When Love Takes Over.mp3 (04:52)
Axwell, Ingrosso, Angello, Laidback Luke ft. Deborah Co.mp3 (06:43)
Alexxa - Give To Me.mp3 (03:23)
Desaparecidos - Fiesta Loca.mp3 (03:07)
Kid Cudi - Day n Night.mp3 (03:40)
Dj Tom Hopkins feat Samara - Destiny.mp3 (05:58)
Spyzer - I Feel So Free.mp3 (05:47)
Swedish House Mafia Feat. Phar - One (06:56)
Yolanda Be Cool Vrs Dcup - We no Speak Americanoo (03:00)
Katy Perry featuring Snoop Dog - California Gurls (03:56)
Alex Gaudino - IM In Love (I Wanna Do It) (03:39)
Edward Maya - Stereo Love (03:35)
Ke$ha - Tik Tok (03:19)
Armin Van Buuren Vs. Sophie El - Not Giving Up On Love (06:50)
Akcent - That's My Name (04:05)
Eliza G. - Summer Lie (06:01)
Tikos Groove feat. Gosha - I Dont Know What To Do (03:43)
Desaparecidos - Follow You (05:03)
Tv Rock & Zoe Badwi - Release Me (06:46)
Inna - Hot (03:36)
04 - Afrojack Feat. Eva Simons - Take Over Control. ( 3:28)
05 - Bingo Players Cry (Just A Little). ( 6:19)
06 - Nause Made Of (Original Mix). ( 6:36)
08 - Tim Berg - Seek Bromance ( 3:20)
10 - Britey Spears - I Wanna Go ( 3:30)
11 - Alexandra Stan - Mr Saxo Beat ( 4:17)
13 - Duck Sauce - Barbara Streisand ( 2:43)
15 - Alex Gaudino feat. Kelly Rowland - What a Feeling
16 - Ask2Quit feat. Colonel Red - Got Me Going Over ( 3:20)
It was an immense success - especially among housewives like me - the radio stations guaranteed my happiness and had high audience ratings and soon became privileged showcases for sponsors. The production brought together a huge contingent of professionals - professionals from Rádio JP alone brought together more than 15 DJs per week, some coming from other countries, others trained by the radio itself. The most powerful vehicle of mass communication, radio ended up functioning as a fertile source of talent that would be recruited by tv?
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doctorwhobracket · 1 year
Tournament Schedule
24 April — Seeding Round begins (1 poll of 5 a day)
4 June — Seeding Round voting closes. 81 episodes receive byes into Round 2. The rest enter Round 1.
5 June — Round 1 begins (4 duels a day)
23 June — Round 1 voting closes, 47 successful episodes join the 81 byes
24 June — Round 2 begins (4 duels a day)
18 July — Round 2 voting closes, 64 episodes progress to Round 3
19 July — Round 3 begins (4 duels a day)
4 August — Round 3 voting closes, 32 episodes progress to Round 4
5 August — Round 4 begins (2 duels a day)
21 August — Round 4 voting closes, 16 episodes progress to Round 5
22 August — Round 5 begins (2 duels a day)
1 September — Round 5 voting closes, 8 episodes progress to Quarter Finals
2 September — Quarter Finals begin (1 duel a day)
12 September — Quarter Finals voting closes, 4 episodes progress to semi-finals
13 September — Semi Finals begin (1 duel a day)
21 September— Semi Finals voting closes, 2 episodes progress to the final
22 September — Final begins
29 September — Final voting closes, 1 episode is crowned tumblr’s favourite episode of New Who!
All polls/duels will last a week, ‘a day’ refers to posting, not voting. Could I post all duels for each round on the same day? Probably yes. However, I want this tournament to plague people for way longer than 8 weeks. (Plus, the wait for the 60th is looooong and by the time this finishes, we’ll be nearly there!)
I’m also just fed up of coming across really cool bracket tournaments after they’ve already finished or after my favourites have been knocked out. This way, a few more people will have a poll cross their dash each round within voting time.
(Also also, I’m getting married between rounds 4 and 5, so the week long gaps between the last polls of each round getting posted and the next round starting will work well for my challenging schedule of procrastinating everything I’m supposed to do before then.)
Happy voting! Feel free to drop some propaganda in the ask box. Geronimoooooo!
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revmeg · 1 year
I. When She Takes My Body into Her Body ...From her bassinet she wakes with a squall, her mouth impossibly huge, her tongue aquiver with anger the baby book says she doesn't have, aquiver like the clapper of a bell. Her passion I wasn't prepared for, her need... No one ever mentioned she's out for blood. I wince as she tugs milk from ducts all the way to my armpits... Let me get it right so I remember: Once, I bared my chest and found an animal. Once, I was delicious... II. First Night Away from Claire ...I'm near-drunk from my first beer in months. We've got a babysitter, a hotel room, and on the horizon a meteor shower promised. We've planned slow sex, sky watch, long sleep. His hand feels good on my lower back... We're tired. We fall asleep. I wake predawn from pain. Those meteors we were too tired to watch-- it will be thirty years before they pass this way again. III. After Weaning, My Breasts Resume Their Lives as Glamour Girls ...Aren't you glad? he asks, glad, watching me unwrap bras tissue-thin and decorative from the tissue of my old life, watching, worshipfully, the breasts resettle as I fasten his red favorite-- Aren't you glad? He's walking toward them, addressing them, it seems-- but, Darling, they can't answer, poured back into their old mold, muffled beneath these lovely laces, relearning how it feels, seen and not heard. IV. It Was a Strange Country where I lived with my daughter while I fed her from my body. It was a small country, an island for two, and there were things we couldn't bring with us, like her father. He watched from the far shore, well meaning, useless. Sometimes I asked  for a glass of water, so he had something to give.... We didn't get many tourists, much news-- behind the closed curtains, rocking in the chair, the world was a rumor all summer. All autumn.... ...Soon, the milk stops simmering and the child forgets the mother's taste, so the motherland recedes on the horizon, a kindness--we return to it only at death.
from “Latching On, Falling Off” by Beth Ann Fennelly in The Long Devotion: Poets Writing Motherhood edited by Emily Pérez and Nancy Reddy, p. 47-51
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shihalyfie · 2 years
lots of talk about ken recently and i'm wondering your take/general analysis of his whole 'the digital world is just a game' shtick compared compared to yuu's. i've seen a couple comparisons here and there but i'm sure they're different when you go deeper in?
I think there are similarities, and since there are times Xros Wars seems to be deliberately keeping older series in mind, I've sometimes wondered if the reference is intentional (the target audience for Xros Wars would be far too young to have ever seen 02, so it wouldn't be a bad thing to bring this kind of plotline to a new audience), but as you said, there are some key differences.
The main points in common are that both are said to have originally been kind and gentle kids, and that both of them went to the Digital World hoping to have some escapism where they could destroy anything without consequences. There's also the fact that both of them fled into the Digital World in response to grief about "death" in some way, and are snapped out of it when their partners die due to their own mistakes. But the biggest key difference is that for Ken, the idea the Digital World is just a "game" is an excuse, whereas for Yuu it's the premise.
Ken's flashback in 02 episode 23 showed that when he first went to the Digital World and met Wormmon, he either didn't believe or didn't care if it was a game, and treated Wormmon accordingly; on the flip side, there's the infamous puppy-kicking scene from 02 episode 3 where he undoubtedly harms what is a living thing. Everything he was doing was for self-gratification and to make himself feel better based on his own inferiority complex; he was chasing the image of Osamu glaring coldly at him (from the 02 episode 23 flashback) thinking that Osamu at his worst represented his ideal of "perfect" and "strong". So you basically have the side of Ken that wants to lash out and throw a tantrum and destroy everything to be "strong" versus the side of Ken who wants to be kind and treat everything well, and the excuse "the Digital World is just a game I can tailor to my tastes" was the flimsy excuse he gave himself to keep his own better nature at bay and justify why his increasing cruelty and coldness should be okay -- it’s fine as long as he keeps it to the game, right? But it was a flimsy excuse to begin with, and, faced with incontrovertible evidence in 02 episode 21, his better nature won out.
Yuu, on the other hand, was much more consciously aware of himself and where he stood from the get-go; in fact, the circumstances around what happened to him happened because he was arguably too self-conscious about this. He even refused to join in play fighting because he hated the idea of hurting others so much (Xros Wars episode 37), and in Xros Wars episode 47 we learn that Yuu had been holding back on everything so much that the pent-up frustration had brought all of the worst out of him. In this case, Yuu was directly fed a lie about the Digital World being a "game", and moreover, not only did he not have an inferiority complex, he was so confident in his own talents and abilities that he’d been overly self-conscious about the idea of constantly beating others (meaning that he could worry less about that risk if he were in a “game”). And he really, truly did think he was in a wonderful place where he didn't have to worry about the concept of pain or death until Taiki wounded him in episode 47; it’s only after that when Yuu started going into denial, but in this case it was because he'd now gone so far deep in that the retroactive understanding of everything he'd actually been doing would be too much for him to bear.
So the base outline is similar, but in some aspects they come from almost opposite directions; Wormmon sensed in 02 episode 3 that Ken didn't actually seem to be that much happier as the Kaiser, and the first half of 02 involved Ken himself getting progressively more and more miserable as his attempts to be "strong" did absolutely nothing to fill the void. Ken was already well on his way to realizing this wasn't working out for him; it's just that the realization that Digimon were alive was the last straw (and that the other kids and Wormmon were able to intervene before he really did end up going beyond a mental point of no return). On the flip side, Yuu's crusade in the Digital World had him venting out everything he'd had pent-up to the point he really did enjoy being as sadistic as he wanted, and he probably would have continued doing so without issue had it not been for the fact the initial premise he was fed by DarkKnightmon turned out to be false.
Now that you do bring it up, though, this makes me think about this line from 02 episode 23:
But kindness alone isn't enough. You have to become stronger, or…Or you'll be overwhelmed by your own kindness.
In 02′s context with Ken, this ends up referring to the fact that Ken ended up becoming emotionally vulnerable enough to be manipulated by others and exert all of his emotions in the wrong directions, but interestingly enough, Yuu’s take on this concept seems like a more literal version of this -- his own “kindness” in constantly holding back and being afraid to hurt others caused the resentment to build up in him so much that he succumbed to sadism in order to vent it all out. His own kindness really did overwhelm him.
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morguemaw · 2 years
1. I saw an ad for burial plots, but that’s the last thing I need.
2. Did you hear about the silk worm race? It ended in a tie.
3. I got fired from the calendar factory, just for taking a day off.
4. Q: What’s the best thing about Switzerland? A: Well, the flag is a big plus.
5. Clones are people two.
6. I wanted to learn how to drive a stick shift, but I couldn’t find a manual.
7. Napoleon may not have designed his coat, but he did have a hand in it.
8. I put up a high-voltage electric fence around my house. My neighbor is dead against it.
9. What are windmills’ favorite genre of music? They’re big metal fans.
10. The past, present, and future walk into a bar. It was tense.
11. Shopping centers, you’ve seen one, you’ve seen the mall.
12. My ceiling isn’t the best, but it’s up there.
13. I love whiteboards. They’re re-markable.
14. Which country’s capital has the fastest-growing population? AIreland. Every day it’s Dublin.
15. The machine at the coin factory just suddenly stopped working. It doesn’t make any cents.
16. I tried to make a belt out of watches. It was a waist of time.
17. I went to a new mechanic. They came highly wreck-a-mended.
18. What’s the difference between a hippo and a Zippo? A hippo is really heavy, and a Zippo is a little lighter.
19. Yesterday a clown held the door open for me. It was such a nice jester.
20. Why can’t you run through a campground? You can only ran, because it’s past tents.
21. Becoming a vegetarian is a big missed steak.
22. Why can’t Harry Potter tell the difference between his potion pot and his best friend? They’re both cauld ron.
23. An atom lost an electron. It really should keep an ion them.
24. What’s the best time on a clock? 6:30, hands down.
25. Please don’t make my funeral too early. I’m not really a mourning person.
26. I got fired from the bank. A man asked me to check his balance, so I pushed him over.
27. Why did the lizard say he named his baby “Tiny?” Because he’s my newt.
28. Someone stole the police station’s toilets. They have nothing to go on.
29. Having sex in an elevator is wrong on so many levels.
30. What’s the difference between a poorly dressed man on a bicycle and a nicely dressed man on a tricycle? Attire.
31. What does C.S. Lewis keep in his wardrobe? Narnia business.
32. I put all my cash into an origami business. It folded.
33. I was worried about being in a long-distance relationship. But so far so good.
34. I suffer from kleptomania. But I take something for it.
35. I’m afraid of negative numbers. I’ll stop at nothing to avoid them.
36. Acupuncture is a jab well done.
37. Two antennas got married. The ceremony wasn’t much, but the reception was excellent.
38. I quit my job at the donut factory. I was fed up with the hole business.
39. I once ate a watch. It was time consuming.
40. RIP boiling water. You will be mist.
41. Why did the monk refuse novocaine when he had his tooth pulled? He wanted to transcend dental medication.
42. Just found out sticks float. They would.
43. My boat was cold, I tried to make a fire but it sank. I guess you can’t have your kayak and heat it too.
44. I went to that new restaurant, Karma. There’s no menu, you just get what you deserve.
45. Why do cows have bells? Because their horns don’t work.
46. You can’t trust atoms, they make up everything.
47. I met a criminal with a bounty on his head. That was a weird place to keep paper towels.
48. A psychic tried to sell me information on my past lives. I hate used karma dealers.
49. I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down.
50. I met my wife on a dating site. We just clicked.
51. I did a theatrical performance about puns. It was a play on words.
52. Thanks for explaining the word “many” to me. It means a lot.
53. My roommates suspect I’m stealing their kitchen utensils. But that’s a whisk i’m willing to take.
54. I’m going to try velcro instead of shoe laces. Why knot?
55. I decided to get rid of my spine. It was holding me back.
56. Long fairy tales have a tendency to dragon.
57. Knowing how to pick locks has opened a lot of doors for me.
58. No matter how kind you are, German children are kinder.
59. Architects are good at coming up with concrete plans.
60. I should have been sad when my flashlight batteries died, but I was delighted.
61. Who designed King Arthur’s round table? Sir Cumference.
62. What happened when the semi-colon broke grammar laws? He was given two consecutive sentences.
63. I recently took a pole and found out 100% of campers were angry when their tent collapsed.
64. I couldn’t remember how to throw a boomerang. Eventually it came back to me.
65. A friend said he didn’t understand cloning. I told him that makes two of us.
66. I had a pun about amnesia, but I forget how it goes.
67. Santa Claus’s elves are subordinate clauses.
68. I’m designing a reversible jacket. I’m excited to see how it turns out.
69. A man went to the hospital with eight plastic horses in his stomach. His condition is stable.
70. To the guy who invented Zero, thanks for nothing!
71. There’s a new type of broom out. It’s sweeping the nation.
72. I tried to draw a circle, but it was pointless.
73. Getting paid to sleep would be my dream job.
74. There’s a fine line between numerator and denominator.
75. Velcro… what a rip-off.
76. I gave away my dead batteries, no charge.
77. One-fifth of people are just too tense.
78. After the birth of your child, your role in life will become apparent.
79. A backwards poet writes inverse.
80. Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead to know basis.
81. My kid swallowed some coins, the doctor told me to just wait. No change yet.
82. My friend’s bakery burned down. Now his business is toast.
83. You should wear glasses while doing math. It improves division.
84. I’m glad I learned sign language. It’s really handy.
85. Bad gardeners are rough around the hedges.
86. A boiled egg in the morning is hard to beat.
87. This girl thought she recognized me from vegetarian club, but I’ve never met herbivore.
88. Why can’t you explain puns to kleptomaniacs? They always take things literally.
89. Did you hear about the man who lost his left side? He’s all right now.
90. I make apocalypse puns like there’s no tomorrow.
91. A cartoonist was found dead. Details are sketchy.
92. I removed the shell from my racing snail to make it faster. It just got more sluggish.
93. Life as a professional yo-yoer has its ups and downs.
94. I don’t trust stairs. They’re always up to something.
95. My wife told me to stop speaking in numbers. But I didn’t 1 2.
96. I failed my Braille class. It’s a touchy subject.
97. I used to hate facial hair, but it grew on me.
98. The shovel was a ground-breaking invention.
99. My leaf blower doesn’t work, it just sucks.
100. Need an ark? I Noah guy.
101. A plateau is the highest form of flattery.
i wish to shit on your computer.
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myth-blossom · 2 years
I mentioned this before on my blog, but recently I've been imagining the song Two Birds On A Wire by Regina Spektor with 47 and Lucas/06 and I feel like crying, you know what to do
HI Issy! Thank you for sharing this request, that’s such a great song and I can definitely see the connection to Grey and 47. Hope you enjoy the fic! :)
“You can’t be serious.”
“This is the only way.”
“They’re trying to kill us, Grey—“
“—and you want me to draw them a map to your front door?!”
Grey looked over the remains of the Institute. He was in Romania alone, but the clarity of Olivia’s voice in his earpiece made it seem as if she was right there with him. He moved forward towards the entrance.
“I need to speak with 47.“
“Grey, you have to understand...I went underground, I waited to hear from you—I wasn’t sure if you were even still alive. Then the first call I get is that you want to meet the man who is hellbent on killing you?”
“We can’t destroy Providence without him.”
Olivia sighed in frustration. “You said you knew him, when you were kids?”
“Fine. What happened?”
Grey walked through the ruined halls, feeling as if he was still being watched by Father’s cameras. But Father was no more, the guards and other subjects mere memories now. Only their ghosts remained.
“We formed a new plan, a better one, to finally escape this place. Father prepared for it, though. He expected a rebellion and had enough firepower to pin us down. Survival seemed impossible.”
“What did you do?”
“47 saw an opportunity for one of us to escape.” Grey stepped on a fallen window pane, cracking the glass under his boot. “He chose to stay behind. He wanted me to live a new life, the one what we  had fought so hard for.”
He ran his hand along the dusty railing of the staircase. “I kept track of him over the years, but we haven’t spoken since that day.“
Olivia’s voice softened. “Do you feel like you owe him?”
Grey stayed silent.
“I’m not sure you do.” Olivia pressed further. “Have you considered that he didn’t…want to leave? Maybe he was afraid.”
Grey exhaled sharply as he approached the large hole in the wall, looking out over the wilderness beyond the ruins. He kicked a crumbled piece of brick at his feet and watched it fall to the earth below.
“47 was—is perfect, at what he does. It’s all he’s ever known, and it’s all he’s ever wanted. He’s never been the master of his own destiny.” Grey turned to the faded bloodied handprint on the wall. “I want us to tear down Providence once and for all, as he and I swore to do years ago. Only with their destruction can he finally have a say in his future.”
Olivia was doubtful. “You think a simple conversation with him will put him on your side?”
“We’ll have a bargaining chip. They took his memories, after I escaped. There’s a chance Ether can help us get them back.”
“I don’t know about this…”
“Olivia, I see no other way for us to end Providence without him.”
Olivia rubbed her hand over her face and sighed in resolution. “Fine, I’ll take care of it.”
“Thank you.” His words were short but nonetheless grateful. “Let me know when it’s done.”
He ended the call as he surveyed the dusty room full of rusted bunk beds. Olivia would use their crypto funds to anonymously purchase the ruins of the Institute for Human Betterment, and Grey would find out more about the location of Ether’s antidote to the memory loss serum. He planned to obtain a dose before the ICA fed 47 the intel that would set up their meeting in Romania.
It would be strange, Grey knew, to be greeted by 47 behind the barrel of his silencer. 47 would be mistrusting of him, understandably, but Grey was counting on the facility to jog his memory as much as possible and allow him enough time to speak before a shot could be fired. Grey hoped his friend wasn’t completely lost in the past, yet another ghost trapped within its walls for eternity.
Perhaps Olivia was right and 47 never wanted things to change. Perhaps Grey was lying to himself and 47 would be happy to carry on with his life as it had always been.
Grey stared at the scar on his palm before clenching his fist in resolve. It was his turn to allow 47 the chance to escape, no matter the cost. 
There would be no other option.
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seerofmike · 2 years
4, 7, 12, 16, 24, 47
hear my voice up in your head/watch it fill you full of dread/till you go pah
im obssed w the gunshot sound she makes its so. Mild LOL
7 is disappearing by theodor bastard which isn't sung in a real language iirc so we're skipping to 8 which is DNA by kendrick lamar
i know murder, conviction, burners, boosters /burglars, ballers, dead, redemption/ scholars, fathers dead with kids and/ i wish i was fed forgiveness
i like his flow here. close contender is when he raps over that one fox news' host's racism and the following verse when he goes off on them but thats too long to include here lol
12 is sound of madness by shinedown !
i'm so sick of this tombstone mentality/if there's an afterlife, then it'll set you free/i'm not gonna part the seas/you're a self-fulfilling prophecy
i dont have a deep reason for liking this aside from just the way its sung lol
16 is red like roses pt II by jeff williams / casey lee williams
ohg. okay so i have 2 different faves they both go hard
this bedtime story ends with misery ever after/the pages are torn and there's no final chapter
every nightmare just discloses/it's your blood that's red like roses/and no matter what i do/nothing ever takes the place of you
24 is no save point by run the jewels/yankee and the brave
i used to pray to god but i think he took a vacation/cuz now the state of cali is run by these corporations/the skyscrapers shadow the homeless, the population/the degradation they face should be an abomination
fuck capitalism lol
47 is our solemn hour by within temptation! which. tbh i dont rly have a favorite lyric but i guess ill just pick one
how can you be so blind?/is the heart of stone no empathy inside?
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