#4th Quarter
nectarink · 2 years
Business is my kink.
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bevanne46 · 2 months
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From Creative Union Fabrics
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mjbythebay · 5 months
If really in my yolo era NGL.
School sucks, it's 4th quarter, I just want to be graduated. Do I have senioritis, maybe.
Teachers are asking to much of me and not being respectful of my time
I cry so much
Anyway, fuck this shit
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benitacharles · 1 year
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Hello, October! Welcome!! I hope you have a wonderful new month and enjoy the fall season. Today, is the first day of the 4th quarter. Let's get it done!
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indiabizlive · 1 year
Bajaj Finance shares rose 3% on Thursday (April 27, 2023) trading after the NBFC announced a beat on earnings and net interest income (NII), as well as an improvement in asset quality, prompting positive commentary from brokerages.
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jocyceeee · 1 year
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I have died and am dead.
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hyunpic · 26 days
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kairithemang0 · 6 months
Yknow what, I might as well see what happens
Gonna do the notes game, just gonna see what happens I dunno (I have a lot of stuff I need to do and no motivation so I’ll use the internet to force me to)
25 notes - I’ll finish reading Good Omens
50 notes - I’ll finish pulp musicals (I started it and got distracted, came back an hour later so damn confused I HAD MY EARBUDS IN AND EVERYTHING)
100 notes - I’ll draw more (both traditionally and digitally, I want to improve)
150 notes - I’ll continue writing a coffee shop au I started last October and never finished (it was like 75 pages and I just stopped :()
200 notes - I’ll listen to Starry
250 notes - I’ll try to get at least a 70% in Spanish this quarter
300 notes - I’ll clean my room
350 notes - I’ll work on eating healthier
500 notes - I’ll spend more time with my friends outside of school
750 notes - I’ll finish listening to all the musicals on my musical watch list (there are so many of them…)
1000 notes - I’ll get back to doing taekwondo
1500 notes - I’ll take a walk every day
2000 notes - I’ll spend more time with my family
2500 notes - I’ll rewrite my really bad Xehaqus fic from 2 years ago and try my hardest not to just delete all of it (I’d be rewriting 183 pages, I dunno I wanna see how I’d write it now without changing the entire plot)
3000 notes - I’ll actually start to study for school and not just wing it
4000 notes - I’ll stop being such an asshole to my parents Jesus Christ how do they deal with me
5000 notes - I’ll come out to my mom as trans
Try and reach the goal before uhhhhh I dunno April 16th
I may add more later, depends on how fast yall go through the goals, I have a lot of things I need to do (mainly because I need to start caring about my health and how I treat other people). I dunno, let’s see how this goes
Edit kinda did the “come out to my mom” thing soooooo idk I’ll figure something out for 5000 (maybe)
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down4caitlin · 1 month
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So… now what? Those people on here said that fever won that mercury game bc the vets were tired but now what? THE FEVER IS HERE TO STAY y’all can be mad but y’all’s teams don’t even play entertaining basketball & make it efficient now too😙 fever on top I’m gonna love that playoff upset fr
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kdsburneraccount · 4 months
At this point the mystics could lose to the fever and I wouldn’t even be surprised 😐
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lethimsoak · 24 days
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theeccentricraven · 3 months
OC Origins
Thank you @kaylinalexanderbooks for the tag! This is an especially fun one.
Rules: talk about the origins of the names and personalities (and maybe even the design?) of a couple of your OCs!
From The Blood Cleaners
When I got the idea for The Blood Cleaners back in 2006, I knew early on that I wanted a male protagonist. He was largely inspired by Jonas of Lois Lowry’s The Giver and Equality 7-2521 of Ayn Rand’s Anthem. Like them, he would be determined to stand up to the status quo to choose his own life. I imagined he would be determined for justice, both justice for himself and justice for the people around him, hence the name Justin fitted him perfectly. It was even more fitting when I later met a new friend named Justen who reminded me a lot of my own Justin with his determination to defend liberty and live his life with purpose. 
It took a long time to come up with Justin’s appearance and age. Originally I just imagined a dark-haired boy. As I developed the dystopian world of Corpa - a completely self-sufficient city - I knew I needed a place where it would be realistic to have quarries and mines. I picked Arizona as a location (though I did take some liberty to craft a fictional location). I then felt it would make sense for most of the population to be of Hispanic descent and have brown skin. Latin-American culture matters a lot to me since I studied Spanish for years, love the culture, have many friends of Hispanic heritage, and have nieces and nephews with Latino ancestry, too. I thought it would make sense for the nuclear war apocalypse to create a bottleneck in the population, hence the survivors would mostly be people of color and so their descendants also would be. Ultimately, I decided to have Chapter 1 begin with Justin at age 8 when he makes the two key discoveries that serve as the inciting incidents of the two main plotlines, and then the rest of the story would be about Justin at age sixteen. The age made sense since sixteen makes more sense to begin an occupation rather than twelve, and because the content and subject material of the book should be reserved for readers sixteen and up (age of the character often represents the ideal age of the reader). 
So that’s how I made sixteen year old brown skinned, black haired Justin who is determined to fight for his freedom.
Originally I thought Justin’s only love interest would be Clarice (I’ll tell her story in a future post). Clarice is one of the children of the Fists - the government and ruling class of Corpa - who lives in the Steel Castle. Justin would meet Clarice after earning the privilege to work in the Steel. The problem was that she would be absent for much of the story. For Justin to get to work in the Steel, he would have to first go through the training, the torturous transformation, work as a blood cleaner for a while, and slowly discover his telekinetic powers. This would be a lot without a love interest. When I started the revival process for The Blood Cleaners last year, I put behind a lot of years of regret for not writing. Not knowing how many books I would get to write for the rest of my life, I wanted to cover what I would regret not doing. For a long time, I wanted to have a story where two characters bump into each other after running around a corner. I wanted it to be a type of “meet cute”. I gradually came up with the idea of having Justin at age eight unwittingly bump into his  future love interest when they were chased by two separate groups of people. This allowed for Chapter 1 to start with the inciting incidents for two of the major plotlines. First inciting incident was when Justin discovered the secret note. Second inciting incident was him running into Joselyn, beginning their romance plotline. I named Joselyn after Jocelyn of the film A Knight’s Tale. I used S instead of C to make them different.
I wanted to make Joselyn and Justin be parallels and opposites. Unlike him, she lives on the surface, not underground. Like him, she’s one of the common people as she lives on a farm. I did this partly for world development, since I wanted to show how the farms played a part in the self-sufficient city. I also made her be a Spanish speaker, since Corpa has a good deal of English and Spanish speakers. I describe Justin and Joselyn having similar features with brown skin and black hair, though they are not related (thank heavens!). They have a familiar ancestry, as Justin’s late father was also a commoner on the surface. Joselyn’s farmgirl characteristics might have had some influence from the love interest in Anthem, Liberty 5-3000. I make it clear that Joselyn is a capable girl, not a vulnerable damsel in distress. She has similar beliefs as Justin, though she’s more outspoken, no concern for how speaking her mind could threaten her life. She’s good at taking charge, though she begins with self-esteem struggles. I don’t like the way that the media has a tendency to either portray a smart female character who needs to deal with the dumb guy getting in her way or to portray a dumb female who needs a smart guy to rescue her. I defied the tropes by having Justin be a constant support for Joselyn, helping her get out of a rut, not in a way that shows he’s capable and she’s incapable, but that they are both capable and need support from each other.  
I knew from the beginning that this meant there would be a love triangle because I did not want to cut Clarice - she plays a vital role in the story. I like having the love triangle be different from the usual love triangle tropes. I’ve observed that most love triangles are a girl choosing between two guys. When a love triangle is between a guy and two girls, the girls will often be nasty and the guy will be a jerk. I wanted my love triangle to be more innocent, in which both of the girls are worthy of and need to be loved. Justin never meant harm, as it happened because he didn’t want to hurt either Joselyn or Clarice and he genuinely fell in love with both of them. I won’t give away too much, but can say Justin will regret the heartbreak when it happens. As with any love triangle, a choice must be made, but I won’t give that away. 
Other Posts on Justin: here here
Other Posts on Joselyn: here here
Tagging (no pressure): @katenewmanwrites @willtheweaver @buffythevampirelover @winterandwords @addicted2coke-theothercoke @evilgabe29 @spitefulbull @tildeathiwillwrite and open!
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bluebellpeppers · 2 years
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Some messy Loveless fanart sketches.
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whoops11 · 1 month
I love me some Stew’Ja
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babythegod · 1 year
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Keystone of the corner 👑
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