#4x20 lily
dinneratgrannys · 10 months
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othsource · 1 year
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robntunney · 2 years
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COLD CASE 4x20 | Stand Up and Holler
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once-upon-a-ouat · 2 years
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OUATtober 2022 Day 12 - Season 4
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andreal831 · 9 days
What are your top 5 episodes on both TO and TVD?
This took me some time to put together but if you push me on any of these, I'll probably cave. I haven't rewatched in a while and I feel like I would have to sit down and actually rank them to get a list I feel confident in. A lot of my favorite scenes aren't even in this list because the rest of the episode just doesn't rank high for me. But without further ado, here is my tentative top episode list.
Top 5 Episodes for TVD
5. 1x22 - Founder's Day
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Despite how problematic the 'Founder's Day' was (like how they completely disregarded the actual founders. Justice for the Bennetts), Katherine's entrance was done so well. The revelation was a great twist and I love watching people watch this episode for the first time.
It's not higher because everything else was kind of just a normal episode. I love at this point we are getting glimpses of how powerful Bonnie is and Stefan's devotion to Damon. It also begins to build on the mystery of Tyler which was fun. But other than that, it was just a lot of high school drama. Katherine's entrance really made this episode.
This is one that I would probably replace if I rewatched.
4. 6x21 - I'll Wed You In the Summertime /6x22 - I'm Thinking of You All the While
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I'm already cheating and combing these episodes, but they are basically just a continuation.
I want to preface this with saying, I hate Matthew Davis more than I can express. I also don't think I like Alaric much in the later seasons. But I did really like him and Jo. This episode was so cute and light and fun. Up until it wasn't in true TVDU fashion.
I loved seeing season 1 Elena again. I will always defend Elena when people get misogynistic with her, but vampire Elena was not my favorite. When she took the cure, I felt like we got the old Elena back. If they hadn't of done that, I probably wouldn't have been sad to see her leave.
We got some really touching moments between Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline, with them getting ready and their goodbye. Bonnie and the feathers had me in tears the first time I watched this episode. We get Stefan torturing Damon with the fact that Damon loves being a vampire, sorry but I loved it. Caroline and Tyler actually talking as friends. Tyler and Liv making me sob. Stefan and Caroline moment. Kai's reappearance was terrible but pretty epic. Bonnie just being an amazing badass. Just all of the chaos was great and Damon faking us out thinking he wouldn't save Bonnie but then ultimately doing so.
My biggest complaint was that Bonnie was so separate from everyone, dealing with Lily with just Matt for back up. Though I do love a good Bonnie/Matt team up.
3. 3x05 - The Reckoning
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Surprisingly, this was the first episode I ever saw of the TVDU. I was at a family member's home for a holiday and they had it on and I was hooked. Not only did I love the friendship dynamics in this episode, but the villains were so good. Klaus and Rebekah were unhinged in this episode. It was a great introduction to the best aspects of TVDU.
Stefan fighting the compulsion for Elena is one of the reasons I'll always have a soft spot for Stelena. I loved Matt and Bonnie's friendship in this episode. They were both such selfless people and I loved moments we got of them together. I don't typically like Damon and Katherine, but even their interactions were so funny in this episode.
2. 4x20 - The Originals
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Is this cheating?
I always get so excited when I get to this episode because it's time to switch over to The Originals. But come on, we get to meet Cami and Marcel. We get haylijah and klamille's meeting.
It is weird that I almost like it more than the pilot of TO? Just purely for the nostalgia. Also because the pilot removed some of my favorite scenes that I always forget aren't there until I rewatch TO and then i have to go find wherever TVD is streaming.
And then stuff is still happening back in Mystic Falls, I guess.
I could probably also replace this one on a rewatch with a more TVD focused episode but I can't think of any right now.
2x08 - Rose
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No one is surprised this one tops the list. Not only is it the introduction of the Originals, but more importantly it's Elijah's introduction. I know I am biased, but this is my favorite episode in TVD and usually the one I start with on rewatches.
I also love Rose and Trevor (RIP). But the tension in this episode is so good and the show struggled to recreate it. They built up Klaus' entrance so much that it was kind of disappointing. Nothing could live up to the hype. But Elijah came out of nowhere. We didn't even know he existed before this episode. He just shows up, all creepy and mysterious, and then just casually comes back to life after being staked in the heart.
I wouldn't change a thing about this episode.
Top 5 Episodes for TO
5. 3x09 - Savior
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I'm a sucker for a Christmas episode.
But let's be honest, this is one of the best TO episodes.
We get the trio's reunion, if only briefly. We get Rebekah going mad and trying to kill everyone while dropping some hard to hear truths (sorry Hayley). We get Jackson starting to accept his in-laws. Cute scenes between the Mikaelsons, actually including Hope. Finn helping Freya save their siblings. Freya's first Christmas with her family. Klamille's first kiss. Plus a bunch of drama in the background.
One of my biggest complaints with TO is that it doesn't give us moments of just peace and let them be a family. It is so action packed that we never get to just have a comfort episode. It only took them 3 seasons, but we finally got one (mostly). I mean it ended terribly but I just stop watching before that.
4. 2x01 - Rebirth
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This is just Elijah's best episode hands down. And yes I am making this list about Elijah. It's kind of what I do here.
But seriously, he looked so good in this episode and was just so perfect.
I had no idea what to expect out of this episode since season 1 ended with so much up in the air and this episode delivered. So much happened. Elijah being the mastermind while Klaus and Hayley grieved losing Hope. Then them all working together as a team for the first time. And I'd be remis if I don't talk about Elijah's infamous scene of walking into the Guerreras house like he owned it. Also love them trusting Cami to help. Marcel is also in on it. I just love them all working together.
Getting to see Rebekah raising Hope. Marcel and Cami just being hot. But also Cami going to check on Klaus, that scene, the tension. So good. Cami and Elijah talking and then Elijah and Klaus talking about Cami. Perfection. Davina putting Oliver in his place. And then Hayley later doing the same. The introduction of Gia. Even the tension between Elijah and Hayley is so good. I could truly feel all of their grief and desperation. I also love Klaus and Hayley actually talking and Klaus realizing that his scheming is what cost them everything (although he will quickly forget this lesson).
It's another perfect episode. No notes.
3. 4x03 - Haunter of Ruins
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I'm honestly surprised an episode from season 4 or 5 is even on this list, but I do love this episode before everything goes to hell.
This episode was another comfort episode.
I clearly loved the amount of haylijah we get. We get our first "I love you" from both of them. Although I headcanon they said it before this. We get them just being super cute and flirty and then super hot. Hayley wearing Elijah's shirt when she runs to check on Hope is so perfect to me. I love the scene of them on the porch. They love each other so much and this episode does a great job expressing it.
We finally get the Mikaelsons all together, even Kol (sorry Finn). I love seeing them behave as siblings in the beginning, bickering. I love how they handled introducing Hope to them and how hesitant they all are, which is so out of character for them, but they have no idea how to interact with a child. Klaus and Hope was so sweet. And Rebekah finally standing up for what she wants and encouraging her brothers to do the same.
My only complaint is Freya and Keelin. I love them because this show is deprived of sapphic representation. But why did they have to make the only sapphic couple's origins be essentially stockholm syndrome. I loved Hayley standing up for Keelin but then Freya just immediately goes after her again. Only thing I would change is how Freya behaved in this episode.
2. 3x22 - The Bloody Crown
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May be unpopular, but I loved seeing the Mikaelsons get put in their place. And then I loved Vincent standing on his morals and turning around and put Marcel in his place. Everyone needs accountability.
Marcel awakening as an upgraded Original was so good. We got the return of Rebekah in this episode and she was fantastic. I loved Klaus' trial and I loved Rebekah getting to stand with the enemies (even if it was just the curse/part of the plan). People love to say Klaus didn't deserve it because Marcel was really mad at Elijah, but all of these people were here specifically because of Klaus. They all needed some humbling. Except Rebekah.
I can't talk about this episode without talking about haylijah. The show opens on one of their cutest scenes (we aren't going to talk about the problematic stuff that happened in the episode before). Elijah watching Hayley sleep was adorable. And then we get the scene of Elijah telling Hayley to not grieve him. They break my heart.
2x09 - Map of the Moments
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Not surprising, but another Christmas episode.
And no, it's not just because of hayllijah.
I mean, it's not not because of haylijah.
In case you can't tell, my favorite episodes tend to be the comfort episodes. I love the drama, but the reasons I adore these shows are because of bonds. We get to see the Mikaelsons reunite with Hope and actually have some moments of peace together.
There are so many scenes that made me actually laugh out loud. I just adore this episode so much. And yes, I love it because we finally get haylijah getting together, if only briefly.
This was such a fun ask, thank you! What episodes did I miss?
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likehandlingroses · 1 year
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OUAT Rewatch 4x20 - Lily
It’s like my whole life is darkness, and when you’re around, things are brighter. Emma, please don’t walk away again.
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spnmarchmadness · 1 year
the official ranks are in. if you want to participate in the bracket contest (its free. the prize will be the valor that comes from a job well done), you can do so here. 
if you just want to make a bracket for funsies, here’s a google sheet with the intial match ups seeded. The full seeding list is below the cut!
1. 5x22: Swan Song 2. 5x08: Changing Channels 3. 6x15: The French Mistake 4. 13x16: ScoobyNatural 5. 3x11: Mystery Spot 6. 2x22: All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2 7. 4x01: Lazarus Rising 8. 10x05: Fan Fiction 9. 11x04: Baby 10. 11x20: Don't Call Me Shurley 11. 2x20: What Is and What Should Never Be 12. 3x12: Jus in Bello 13. 4x22: Lucifer Rising 14. 8x23: Sacrifice 15. 9x23: Do You Believe in Miracles? 16. 14x13: Lebanon 17. 14x20: Moriah 18. 1x22: Devil's Trap 19. 2x01: In My Time of Dying 20. 3x03: Bad Day at Black Rock 21. 3x16: No Rest for the Wicked 22. 4x18: The Monster at the End of This Book 23. 4x03: In the Beginning 24. 5x10: Abandon All Hope... 25. 5x21: Two Minutes to Midnight 26. 7x10: Death's Door 27. 11x09: O Brother Where Art Thou? 28. 2x15: Tall Tales 29. 2x21: All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1 30. 4x16: On the Head of a Pin 31. 4x06: Yellow Fever 32. 5x04: The End 33. 6x20: The Man Who Would Be King 34. 8x17: Goodbye Stranger 35. 1x12: Faith 36. 12x10: Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets 37. 5x14: My Bloody Valentine 38. 5x03: Free to Be You and Me 39. 4x20: The Rapture 40. 13x06: Tombstone 41. 14x14: Ouroboros 42. 3x13: Ghostfacers 43. 7x17: The Born-Again Identity 44. 8x11: LARP and the Real Girl 45. 7x20: The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo 46. 15x09: The Trap 47. 12x11: Regarding Dean 48. 6x04: Weekend at Bobby's 49. 12x06: Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox 50. 8x08: Hunteri Heroici 51. 5x16: Dark Side of the Moon 52. 13x05: Advanced Thanatology 53. 1x06: Skin 54. 9x18: Meta Fiction 55. 10x22: The Prisoner 56. 15x18: Despair 57. 14x04: Mint Condition 58. 2x13: Houses of the Holy 59. 9x06: Heaven Can't Wait 60. 15x15: Gimme Shelter 61. 3x08: A Very Supernatural Christmas 62. 10x14: The Executioner's Song 63. 14x10: Nihilism 64. 11x14: The Vessel
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victoriously-wicked · 7 months
This fic is inspired by this scene and this scene from 4x19 and 4x20. It takes place immediately after Zelena removes her glamor at Robin’s apartment. There were just so many missing moments based around the aftermath of that reveal which we didn’t get to see. This acts as a direct continuation of what happens after 4x19 ends. Anyways, hope you like it. Here you go. (4276 words) The fic starts down below
“Hello, dear husband.”
“No.” Robin whispered, stepping away from Zelena.
“What the hell was that?” Lily asked Emma, her tone hushed.
“That was magic.” the Savior simply responded, looking infront of them at Regina, who took a step toward a visibly distraught Robin.
“Come on Robin, we have to get you and Roland out of here.” she warned, waiting for him to move. However, his feet stayed planted to the ground and he refused to meet anybody’s gaze. “Robin, get Roland and let’s go.” she repeated, but no response came from the thief.
“I think he still wants to stay.” Zelena smiled, flashing her teeth with a knowing grin. Ignoring her sister, Regina focused back onto the man infront of her.
Why isn’t he moving?
“Robin what are you doing? Get your son and let’s go!”
“I-I can’t.” he suddenly stuttered.
“Yes, you can. Just come with me. C’mon, let’s go.” she smiled gently, holding out a palm for him to take, but when he shook his head, her face dropped and she lowered her hand.
“I’m sorry. I can’t leave her here.”
“Do you want to tell her, or should I?”
Regina snapped her gaze away from Robin to glare at Zelena, shooting daggers into her sister’s head. 
What the hell‘s that emerald nut job talking about now? 
“Tell me what?” she demanded, raising her voice to hide the quiver behind it. Her brows knitted together as she turned back to Robin and silently begged for him to talk. To look at her. Anything. “Robin?” 
But still, he simply let his eyes widen in horror as he stared incredulously at the redhead, mouth agape. Regina felt her insides coiling in on themselves. She pressed a hand to her chest in a futile attempt to calm her ragged breaths that were only getting quicker by the second, but nothing in all the realms could’ve remotely prepared her for the words that would escape from Robin’s lips moments later.
“She's pregnant.”
Bile rose in her throat.
No. He’s lying. 
Tears clouded her eyes.
He only left two months ago, he couldn’t have. . . not that quickly. 
Zelena smirked at Regina, a smug grin embedded on her face.
“Y-You got her. . . pregnant?” the brunette breathed out, before a wave of realisation washed over her. “Oh God, you and Zelena slep-” 
“No, no don’t say it.” Robin groaned, shaking his head.
“But you did.” Regina choked out, unable to form a coherent sentence any longer than a few words. Though it came out sounding like a question, she knew she was stating fact, and her stomach dropped even lower when Robin felt the need to silently nod in confirmation.
“We did. But I-I never would’ve if I knew . . .”
His words feel on deaf ears as Regina whipped her head back to her sister, every inch of her body seething at the sight of the redhead.
“Oh, you’re vile. You. . . with him?” she growled, trying to keep herself from absolutely losing it and raining hell on her sister in front of Emma, Robin, and Mal’s daughter. Zelena gleefully giggled and took a step forward toward Regina.
“Indeed, sis. And seeing you like this, all helpless and broken? Mmm, well that just makes all the effort I put in worthwhile.” she taunted coyly, tracing her fingers over her abdomen. Regina couldn't help but let her eyes follow along with her sister’s travelling hand and her gaze came to fixate on her stomach.
Her stomach holding his child.
“You did this to spite me?” she asked incredulously.
“Oh no, dear. I did this to destroy you, just like I promised I would at our little duel by the clock tower. Funny how my plan to change the past didn’t go as I’d originally anticipated, with Cora keeping me and you never being born. But I must say, this outcome is so much better than anything my original plan would’ve changed because this way, you’re alive. Alive to see that I won. And now, I get to sit back and watch as you suffer.”
Regina’s nostrils flared as she dangerously approached her sister.
“I am not having this conversation with you.” she spat venomously, her hands twitching as they fought against the urge to wring Zelena’s neck right then and there.
“Wait Regina, we really need to talk about this.” Robin pleaded, gently reaching for the brunette’s arm after she had just turned on her heel to walk away.
“No-I. . . I have to get away from here before I melt her face off and burn this damn apartment down.” Regina haphazardly fumbled over her words while trying to escape from Robin’s grip and make her way to the door.
“Regina, no-“
“Robin. Please.” she silently begged, managing to jerk her arm out of his grasp. Her heeled boots clicked against the floor as she brushed past Lily and Emma, the latter of which mumbling something into her ear when she was a few steps shy of leaving.
“Hey Regina, maybe you should-”
“Don’t, Swan. Not now.” is all she flatly replied with before slamming the door behind her and leaving the group of four alone in the living room of the cold apartment.
As the sound of the door slam echoed around the room, Emma sighed and pulled out her cellphone from the pocket of her jeans.
“I better follow her. She doesn’t know her way around New York, she’ll end up lost if I don’t keep an eye on her. Robin, I’ll text you when I find her and she’s cooled off a little?” she proposed, looking at the former thief who let out a tense breath.
“I-yes. Thank you, Emma. And uh, do you think you can take Roland with you, if it’s not too much trouble? It’s just, I don’t want him asking why his mother has suddenly disappeared. Or hearing anything from the conversation that we’re about to have.” he explained, gritting his teeth as he waved his hand between himself and Zelena.
“Y-Yeah sure, Roland can tag along. Lily, you’re coming too.“
“Fine. I’ll be in the hallway.” the young brunette shrugged, still stunned from having witnessed what she just saw, before leaving the apartment.
Emma sighed heavily and slowly walked into the bedroom of the apartment where Roland was too invested in a game he was playing with his toy horse to notice the blonde approach and kneel beside the bed.
“Hey, buddy.” she gently called, ruffling the boy’s head. Roland turned his head to the side and his eyes widened upon seeing the Savior.
“Emma?” he smiled with a hint of confusion in his tone, wondering how the blonde could possibly be in New York with him right now.
“Yup, it’s me.”
“How? Papa said that if you leave Storybrooke you can never go back.”
“That’s. . . not important right now, bud. But hey, you know who else is here with me? Regina.”
The toy horse dropped from the young boy’s hand and thudded as it fell against the wooden floorboards.
“She’s here too? Where is she, I wanna see her!?” Roland gasped, springing from the bed and onto the ground. Emma let out a soft chuckle and rose from her knees.
“Well, here’s the thing, I have to find her first. She left the apartment a few minutes ago. Wanna help me and my friend find her?”
“Yes!” Roland gasped, immediately finding and yanking on his jacket before scrambling past Emma to put on his shoes. Within minutes, the five year old was decked out in his outerwear, and Emma took him by the hand to guide him out the apartment with her. The blonde passed by Robin and Zelena before leaving, and gave the thief a reassuring nod as she lead Roland and herself out the door.
Once in the hallway Emma pulled Roland over to Lily, who was waiting by the top of the staircase.
“This is his kid?” Lily asked, walking towards the blonde and five year old. Emma nodded.
“Uh huh. Okay Roland, this is the friend I told you about before. Her name’s Lily. Lily, this is Roland.“
“Hi!” the small boy grinned, flashing his adorable dimpled smile at the young woman.
“Uh. . . hey, Roland.” the brunette fumbled, awkwardly. Emma adjusted her jacket and slightly grinned at her childhood friend’s nervous demeanor.
“See she’s nice, isn’t she? Which is good because she’s coming with us. Now c’mon, let’s go find Regina.”
Following the directions of the GPS tracker on Emma’s phone, the trio soon found themselves parked outside of a bar not too far from the apartment building, squashed into the cramped space of the Savior’s tiny bug.
“Alright, according to her phone location, Regina should be in there.” Emma murmured, analysing her device screen as she unbuckled her seatbelt. After peeling away the suffocating strap, she glanced up to see Roland in the reflection of the rearview mirror, struggling in the backseat to remove himself from his own belt. She immediately turned around.
“No, no, no. Hey buddy, keep that on. You’re staying in here. Little kids aren’t allowed in places like these.” she ordered, gesturing in the direction of the bar.
“But I wanna see Regina!” he whined, desperately yanking on the annoying black band. Emma slowly reached to pull his hands away from the belt and looked the boy in his eyes.
“And you will, bud. You’ll see her in a little while but for now please, just wait in the car with Lily, okay? Can you do that for me?”
Sighing, Roland let go of Emma’s hand and gave a small nod.
“Okay. But be fast, I really wanna see her.”
“I will be, I promise.”
Emma got out the bug and slowly walked to the entrance of the bar. Before she creaked open the door, the blonde sent a quick text to Robin, typing out directions to the bar. After the text eventually sent, she proceeded to step into the building.
Regina mindlessly remained perched on the barstool just as she had been for the past twenty minutes, with a drink in hand. As she stared into space, she stayed quiet. However, her mind was anything but, giving her ever-increasing mountain of thoughts the perfect opportunity to echo around in her head.
Zelena’s pregnant. . .
It’s Robin’s child. . .
Marian was never here. . .
This is all my fault-
The booming thoughts in her mind were interrupted when Regina heard the stool next to her scraping against the floor. The brunette almost turned in her chair to face away from the person beside her when out of her peripheral, she saw a blur of unmistakeable blonde locks and tacky red leather jacket sliding onto the stool. With a heavy sigh, Regina reluctantly turned to her right where, to no surprise, Emma was seated.
“This stool taken?” the blonde smiled gently causing Regina to roll her eyes and turn back to how she was seated before, staring at the countertop.
“I thought I said this was not the time to talk, Emma?” she deadpanned.
“You did. But you forget Regina, that I always know when you’re lying. And when you told me you didn’t wanna talk, guess what? You were lying.”
“Oh, and you know me so well?” Regina huffed, snapping her head in Emma’s direction but the blonde shrugged, remaining unfazed as she gestured at the bartender for a drink and placed a bill on the counter.
“I’d like to think I do. You’re afraid that you’ll say something in the heat of the moment that you’ll regret, that you won’t be able to take back. And we both know I’m right.”
“I. . .” Regina began before trailing off, unable to muster the energy to refute the Savior’s claim, especially when she’d hit it nail on the head.
“Here look, try talking to me. See if it helps.” Emma suggested, tapping Regina’s bicep.
“Seriously?” the brunette scoffed, raising her eyebrows.
“Dead seriou- oh, thank you.” the blonde quietly thanked the bartender for the beer bottle that he placed in front of her before focusing back onto Regina. “Go on, just try. What do you feel?” she softly encouraged.
Exhaling through her nose, Regina eventually caved and put her drink down, turning her body to face her friend.
“What do I feel? Humiliation. Anger. Pain. Emptiness. Guilt.”
“Guilt? Why is that?” Emma questioned, taking a sip from her bottle. She waited patiently for an answer from Regina, who took a large gulp of her own drink before doing so.
“Because. . . this is all happening because of me. Face it Swan, this feud between myself and Zelena was supposed to be just that- between me and her. But instead she had to go and drag Robin into it. And, oh God, Roland.”
Emma’s ears suddenly perked up even more at the mention of the youngster.
“What about him?”
“That boy just lost his mother for the second time. He’s gonna be devastated.” Regina breathed out, her eyes watering at the mention of the five year old she hadn’t seen in months. 
“Do you think your magic could help him? You can change his memories, right? Like the ones you gave me and Henry when Pan’s curse hit and you sent us away?”
“That’s different. My magic can’t create new memories from scratch, they have to be created from real life moments. The memories I gave you and Henry were genuine events that happened in his childhood, they just weren’t. . . with you.”
“What do you mean?”
“They were all of my memories with him. I just changed the brunette mother in them to a certain blonde with an affinity for hideous leather jackets. Which is why I can’t do that for Roland. I have no memories suitable enough to manipulate and transfer into his mind. The only other option that would work would be something like.  .  . like-”
“A forgetting potion?”
Emma wordlessly nodded and lightly rubbed Regina’s arm, whispering to the brunette.
“So, how did that feel? Talking about it?”
“. . . Not the worst thing I’ve ever done. I-I feel lighter, I suppose? But just barely.” the brunette mumbled.
“It’s still progress, that’s good. And-uh, about Roland. . .”
“What? Did something happen to him-”
“No, it’s just he. . . may or may not be in the bug outside with Lily, waiting to see you.” Emma murmured, mostly into her half empty bottle, but Regina caught her words and her brown eyes immediately brightened as she gasped and stood from her stool.
“He’s here? He wants to see me?”
“Yes. Robin wanted me to get him out of the apartment for. . . obvious reasons- but anyway, when I told the kid you were in New York, one of first things he said was that he was so excited to see you again. And when we pulled up outside this place, he was insistent on coming inside with me.”
“He was?” Regina asked, as her lips smiled ever so slightly. 
“Honestly. I swear, if this place wasn’t a bar he’d probably be sitting here with us right now.”
Regina gave a light chuckle and glanced back at Emma.
“I wanna see him. Roland.”
“You think you’ve let off enough steam?”
“If that’s the way you want to so-eloquently word it then yes, Emma. I have.”
Rolling her eyes playfully, the blonde slowly hopped off her stool and nodded, before manoeuvring herself and Regina out the bar.
“Okay, okay, wait. So you’re telling me you’ve actually slept in the woods? Like, without a tent?” Lily asked, turning to face Roland in the back of the car.
“All the time with Papa and the Merry Men back in the Enchanted Forest!”
“Wow, you’re actually Robin Hood’s kid. This is craz-“ the brunette begun to say before the door opened and Emma’s head curled it’s way inside.
“Hey, guys.” 
“Emma!“ Roland cheered.
“Thanks for watching him, Lily.”
“Sure.” she nodded.
“And Roland, come on. Get out the car. Somebody wants to see you.” the blonde smiled, pulling her head back out the bug and closing the door. Roland gasped and fumbled to undo the seatbelt. The instant he was free, he scrambled out the vehicle and looked up at Emma.
“Where is she?”
“Follow me.” the Savior smiled, and held out her hand. She pulled Roland along with her to the end of the street, where Regina was nervously waiting against a wall, her arms crossed against her chest to keep herself warm in the frosty New York city air.
The instant Roland spotted the figure by the end of the street, he yanked himself from Emma’s grip and took off running.
“REGINA!” he yelled, his little legs going as fast as they could. Regina snapped her head to her left and gasped when she saw the boy running towards her with Emma not too far behind.
“Roland.” she breathed out, falling to her knees and opening her arms wide. The young boy launched himself into her body and Regina swooped him up in her arms, holding him tight against herself.
“Emma was right, you really are here.” Roland giggled into Regina’s ear as she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck.
“I missed you so much.” she mumbled.
“Me too.“
Regina couldn’t help her smile as she gently loosened her grip on Roland and lowered him to the ground. She noted that she didn’t have to bend down as much as she had anticipated in order to set him down safely, and it was then that she finally realised the small, yet noticeable, difference in his height.
It had only been a few months, but the young boy had stretched a couple inches taller since leaving Storybrooke.
“Wow. You’ve. . . gotten so big.” the brunette smirked playfully, hoping that she was doing a good job at masking the pain on her face and in her voice. 
He looks so grown up.
“I drink milk everyday because Papa told me it will help me get tall and strong!” Roland beamed, flexing the pair of scrawny little arms hidden under the thick layer of his marshmallow-looking coat. 
“It seems as though that milk is doing the trick. Your father may be onto something there. He’s. . . he’s a smart man.” Regina chuckled before trailing off, noticing Emma on her phone, standing a few feet away after having jogged to keep up with Roland.
Emma slowly typed out another message to Robin, giving him word that Regina had seemingly calmed down a bit. After the blonde pressed ‘send’, she turned off the phone and stepped forward to the pair of brunettes infront of her.
“Roland?” she called.
“Can you do me a favor and stand by the wall over there? I need to talk with Regina.”
“Okay!” he grinned as he sprinted off, slamming his back into the grimy brick wall after making contact with it, and waiting eagerly.
“You seem happier.” Emma smiled, noting the soft smile that had weaselled it’s way onto Regina’s face.
“So, uh. . . now that you’ve taken a small step- y’know, with Roland, are you ready for something bigger?”
“Such as?” Regina prompted, quirking an eyebrow.
“Talking to Robin-“
“No, Emma. . .”
“Look how easy it was with Roland!”
“Because he’s a five year old! It’s easy to talk to him. All he finds interesting is ice-cream and animals.” Regina deadpanned.
“I know, but don’t you think it’ll be better to talk to Robin sooner rather than later? You’ve said it yourself, he’s your soulma-“
“Who chose his back-from-the-dead-fake-magic-glamor-Zelena-wife over me.”
“See, you hear yourself? You’re already letting your thoughts stew in your head. And this way, when it all ends up coming out in long run, it’s going to end much, much worse. But only if you keep putting it off.” the Savior argued, and pulled out her phone, typing yet another quick message to Robin, asking for his whereabouts. When his reply informed her that he was less than a few minutes away, she smirked slightly.
Regina suddenly narrowed her eyes and stared at the blonde. More specifically, at the glowing phone screen in her hand.
“Emma. . . who’s on the other end?”
“Your phone. Your texts.”
“Oh, that. I-“
“Is it him?”
“Is it?”
“. . . yes.”
“For God’s sake, Swan. Why can’t you just listen to me for once in your life? I can’t speak with him, I’m not ready!” Regina exasperated, before a familiar British accent came from behind her.
“That may be so, but we do need to to work this out.”
“Robin.” the brunette gasped, turning on her heel.
“Please, Regina. We must talk about this.” the thief begged, reaching out to take her hands in his. 
“I- I. . .” Regina stuttered, unable to formulate a coherent thought, so Emma hastily stepped in. 
“Okay, I’ll take the kid back to the apartment. You two can stay here and talk in the bar.” she muttered, leaving with Roland before either Regina or Robin could protest. It was less than a few minutes later that the screech of tyres could be heard as Emma, Lily, and Roland drove away in the bug.
With the two of them alone on the street, Robin apprehensively took another step towards Regina and tilted her head upwards by the chin to look her in the eye.
“Shall we go to the bar? I’ll buy the beers.” he gently proposed, but Regina shook her head.
“No. Not beer. I’m gonna need something much stronger for this.”
After entering the bar and ordering their drinks, Robin and Regina chose a spot in a secluded corner of the room to talk without being bothered, except neither of the pair even dared to utter a single word after being seated.
Not until around ten minutes later, when their drinks were brought to the table. 
Robin retrieved his drink from the waitress, yet he barely took a sip, simply propping his elbow up on the table and resting his head in his hand. Regina, on the other hand, was quick to grab her cup and swallowed a large gulp. 
The fresh wave of alcohol seemingly appeared to have given her the slightest ounce more of courage, as she finally decided to be the one to break the silence.
“So. . .” she trailed off, setting her glass down.
“Yeah.” Robin whispered, dropping the hand under his chin.
“So, you moved on. With her.” Regina bitterly stated.
“That’s not fair, you understood. You agreed.” Robin insisted, exhaustion creeping into his voice. 
“Understanding it and seeing it are different.” the brunette scoffed, cradling the drink in her hand.
“That’s hardly the most important point here? My son. Zelena’s not going to keep wearing that glamor and Roland’s not going to understand where his mother’s gone. For him to lose her again-“
“A forgetting potion.” Regina interjected, cutting off the thief’s spiralling thoughts. “Just take him back to before the fake Marian showed up. He’ll lose time but. . . it’s better, right?” she asked apprehensively.
“Yes. Thank you.” he sighed gratefully at Regina, who watched as his relief then morphed into distress.
“God, poor Marian. . . and Zelena, just killing her like she meant nothing so she could play out this sad farce with us. I just- I wanna... but I can't. I mean, I- I knew that things didn't feel right, but I just didn't know why.”
“I'm sorry. This was all about me. For her, this was all about. . . making sure I never get my happy ending.” she sighed, looking down at her lap. Robin quickly lowered his head to meet her gaze.
“If by ‘happy ending’, you mean us, then . . . at least, in a way, that's possible again.” he slowly divulged, causing Regina to stare at him incredulously.
He’s got to be kidding.
“Look, it's messy, I know, but . . . between us-“
“Is a huge obstacle. And it's going to get bigger every day, and not just for nine months either. It's a lifetime she has cooking in there. No matter what happens from now on, there's going to be this child. You're tied together in a way... in a way we'll never be.” Regina mumbled and averted her eyes in shame, unwilling to elaborate on that last comment of hers. “I'm such an idiot to think that life wouldn't kick me in the teeth again.”
“I hear you.” Robin insisted. “Just. . .” 
“Just what?” Regina quietly demanded, her words lacking their usual bite.
“What do we do now?”
Regina took another swig of her drink and faced Robin. 
“We go back to Maine.” she whispered. The former thief’s brows knitted together in confusion.
“Go back? But, I thought leaving meant-“
“That you couldn’t come back, I know.” Regina replied, shaking her head as a plan began to string together in her mind. “And that still hasn’t changed, but Emma and I found a way to briefly bypass the protection spell long enough to cross the town line.”
“You did?” Robin asked through a smile, to which the brunette responded with a small nod. “Alright, then we’ll leave in the morning.”
“No, tonight.”
“Does it make any difference?”
“Yes.” Regina insisted. “We have to contain Zelena as quickly as possible. Not to mention Roland’s forgetting potion. We can’t afford to wait, who knows what else that witch could pull.” she muttered under her breath. 
After taking a second to assess the plan, Robin nodded slowly and then shifted out of his seat.
“Okay. . . I trust you.” he gently said, holding out his palm for Regina to take. 
“I know you do.” the brunette smiled, accepting his hand and easing herself from the chair. “Now . . . let’s collect everybody from the apartment and get the hell back to Storybrooke.”
So there it is, hope you enjoyed it. This isn’t exactly my favourite plot twist, per se, but it was the one that threw me the most when I first watched it. I vividly remember going into an anger-fuelled fit of hyperventilation after they revealed that Zelena was pregnant. So yeah… that was a fun day.
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ozymandiasdirge · 11 months
*edit gave him a lobotomy/tried to talk him into getting one i refuse to leave out girlboss hester
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wicked-storybrooke · 1 year
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: Links to My Recaps
So, I finished 3 year long rewatch of ouat & ouatiw a few weeks ago and I thought I’d post links to my live reaction posts of each episode. If anyone’s interested in anything specific you can find it here. It’s also just to have them all in one place. I would love to see your comments about the episodes or in regards to any questions I raised, or anything really if you would like to add anything! I’d love to talk Ouat with you!
All Episodes Tag
Chronological Order | Last To First Order
Season One
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1x01 Pilot | 1x02 The Thing You Love Most | 1x03 Snow Falls | 1x04 The Price of Gold | 1x05 That Still Small Voice | 1x06 The Shepherd | 1x07 The Heart is a Lonely Hunter | 1x08 Desperate Souls | 1x09 True North | 1x10 7:15 A.M. | 1x11 Fruit of the Poisonous Tree | 1x12 Skin Deep | 1x13 What Happened to Frederick | 1x14 Dreamy | 1x15 Red-Handed | 1x16 Heart of Darkness | 1x17 Hat Trick | 1x18 The Stable Boy | 1x19 The Return | 1x20 The Stranger | 1x21 An Apple Red as Blood | 1x22 A Land Without Magic
Season Two
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2x01 Broken | 2x02 We Are Both | 2x03 Lady of the Lake | 2x04 The Crocodile | 2x05 The Doctor | 2x06 Tallahassee | 2x07 Child of the Moon | 2x08 Into the Deep | 2x09 Queen of Hearts | 2x10 The Cricket Game | 2x11 The Outsider | 2x12 In the Name of the Brother | 2x13 Tiny | 2x14 Manhattan | 2x15 The Queen is Dead | 2x16 The Miller's Daughter | 2x17 Welcome to Storybrooke | 2x18 Selfless, Brave and True | 2x19 Lacey | 2x20 The Evil Queen | 2x21 Second Star to the Right | 2x22 And Straight on 'til Morning
Season Three
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3x01 The Heart of the Truest Believer | 3x02 Lost Girl | 3x03 Quite a Common Fairy | 3x04 Nasty Habits | 3x05 Good Form | 3x06 Ariel | 3x07 Dark Hollow | 3x08 Think Lovely Thoughts | 3x09 Save Henry | 3x10 The New Neverland | 3x11 Going Home | 3x12 New York City Serenade | 3x13 Witch Hunt | 3x14 The Tower | 3x15 Quiet Minds | 3x16 It's Not Easy Being Green | 3x17 The Jolly Roger | 3x18 Bleeding Through | 3x19 A Curious Thing | 3x20 Kansas | 3x21 Snow Drifts | 3x22 There's No Place Like Home
Season Four
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4x01 A Tale of Two Sisters | 4x02 White Out | 4x03 Rocky Road | 4x04 The Apprentice | 4x05 Breaking Glass | 4x06 Family Business | 4x07 The Snow Queen | 4x08 Smash the Mirror, Part 1 | 4x08 Smash the Mirror, Part 2 | 4x09 Fall | 4x10 Shattered Sight | 4x11 Heroes and Villains | 4x12 Darkness on the Edge of Town | 4x13 Unforgiven | 4x14 Enter the Dragon | 4x15 Poor Unfortunate Soul | 4x16 Best Laid Plans | 4x17 Heart of Gold | 4x18 Sympathy for the De Vil | 4x19 Lily | 4x20 Mother | 4x21 Operation Mongoose, Part 1 | 4x22 Operation Mongoose, Part 2
Season Five
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5x01 The Dark Swan | 5x02 The Price | 5x03 Siege Perilous | 5x04 The Broken Kingdom | 5x05 Dreamcatcher | 5x06 The Bear and the Bow | 5x07 Nimue | 5x08 Birth | 5x09 The Bear King | 5x10 Broken Heart | 5x11 Swan Song | 5x12 Souls of the Departed | 5x13 Labor of Love | 5x14 Devil's Due | 5x15 The Brothers Jones | 5x16 Our Decay | 5x17 Her Handsome Hero | 5x18 Ruby Slippers | 5x19 Sisters | 5x20 Firebird | 5x21 Last Rites | 5x22 Only You | 5x23  An Untold Story
Season Six
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6x01 The Savior | 6x02 Bitter Draught | 6x03 The Other Shoe | 6x04 Strange Case | 6x05 Street Rats | 6x06 Dark Waters | 6x07 Heartless | 6x08 I'll Be Your Mirror | 6x09 Changelings | 6x10 Wish You Were Here | 6x11 Tougher Than the Rest | 6x12 Murder Most Foul | 6x13 Ill-Boding Patterns | 6x14 Page 23 | 6x15 A Wondrous Place | 6x16 Mother's Little Helper | 6x17 Awake | 6x18 Where Bluebirds Fly | 6x19 The Black Fairy | 6x20 The Song in Your Heart | 6x21 The Final Battle, Part 1 | 6x22 The Final Battle, Part 2
Season Seven
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7x01 Hyperion Heights | 7x02 A Pirate's Life | 7x03 The Garden of Forking Paths | 7x04 Beauty | 7x05 Greenbacks | 7x06 Wake Up Call | 7x07 Eloise Gardener | 7x08 Pretty in Blue | 7x09 One Little Tear | 7x10 The Eighth Witch | 7x11 Secret Garden | 7x12 Taste of the Heights | 7x13 Knightfall | 7x14 The Girl in the Tower | 7x15 Sisterhood | 7x16 Breadcrumbs | 7x17 Chosen | 7x18 The Guardian | 7x19 Flower Child | 7x20 Is This Henry Mills? | 7x21 Homecoming | 7x22 Leaving Storybrooke
Once Upon A Time In Wonderland
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1x01 Down the Rabbit Hole | 1x02 Trust Me | 1x03 Forget Me Not | 1x04 The Serpent | 1x05 Heart of Stone | 1x06 Who's Alice | 1x07 Bad Blood | 1x08 Home | 1x09 Nothing to Fear | 1x10 Dirty Little Secrets | 1x11 Heart of the Matter | 1x12 To Catch a Thief | 1x13 And They Lived…
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dinneratgrannys · 10 months
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diminuel · 2 years
Once again I’m thinking that while 12x10 (Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets) did me a great service by showing me Cas in a (adult) female vessel* I still think it’s an injustice that we didn’t see Dean react to it.
I don’t think that in his retelling, Cas bothered to specify that he had a female vessel at the time, so it’s very likely that Dean doesn’t know.
I want his reaction ;w; (Did anyone write a fic about it? *lol* Seems like I’m craving some specific niche content now. Which isn’t particularly shocking if you’ve been here for a while. Hi, I’m Diminuel, I explore the fandom niches!)
* he did possess Claire for a short while in 4x20.
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shipping1addict · 9 months
When Lily saw Emma and Regina in 4x20 probably was like "this your wife or somethin?"
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bexfangirlforlife · 2 years
My Top 10 Supernatural episodes after my first watch through:
The Man Who Would Be King - 6x20
On The Head Of A Pin - 4x16
The French Mistake - 6x15
Stuck In The Middle (With You) - 12x12
Tombstone - 13x06
FanFiction - 10x05
Point Of No Return - 5x18
Despair - 15x18
Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets - 12x10
Regarding Dean - 12x11
I put some contestors for the list under the readmore (additionally I have a list of fave episodes with even more).
In no ranking order:
2x01 | 2x22 | 4x18 | 4x20 | 5x03 | 5x04 | 5x08 | 8x07 | 8x17 | 9x06 | 11x03 | 11x04 | 11x20 | 13x01 | 14x08 | 15x09
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OUASR Press Release: 4x20 Lily
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4x20 Lily
Synopsis: Emma’s potential for darkness is looming over everyone, but when Emma realizes Maleficent’s daughter Lily is in fact her closest friend from her foster care days, she resolves to find Lily and reunite her with her mother.  Regina joins forces with Emma and together they set out to track down Lily and to warm Robin about Zelena.  However, neither of them is prepared for the harsh realities they’ll encounter in the outside world.  Meanwhile in Storybrooke, Gold faces a crisis involving Belle.  In a foster care flashback, things are looking up for young Emma with her new family until Lily’s appearance threatens to destabilize everything.
Written by: Andrew Chambliss, Dana Horgan
Directed by: Ralph Hemecker
Starring: Ginnifer Goodwin (Snow White / Mary Margaret Blanchard); Jennifer Morrison (Emma Swan); Lana Parilla (Evil Queen / Regina Mills); Josh Dallas (Prince Charming / David Nolan); Emilie de Ravin (Belle French); Colin O’Donoghue (Captain Killian ‘Hook’ Jones); Jared Gilmore (Henry Mills); Michael Socha (Will Scarlet); Robert Carlyle (Rumplestiltskin / Mr. Gold)
Guest Starring: Kristin Bauer van Straten (Maleficent); Agnes Bruckner (Lily Page); Patrick Fischler (Isaac Heller); Christie Laing (Marian); Rebecca Mader (Zelena); Sean Maguire (Robin Hood); Timothy Webber (the apprentice); Nicole Munoz (young Lily); Abby Ross (young Emma); Cameron Bancroft (Bill); Kendall Cross (Katie); Philip Granger (landlord); Sidney Shapiro (Max); Parker Magnuson (Zach); Zoey Siewert (brunette girl); Jonathan Adams (disembodied voice)
Lily airs August 11 at 8:00 pm EST
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