#5 Unique things in india
dsharma-world · 1 year
Unique things about India
India is a diverse and culturally rich country with a multitude of unique aspects that make it stand out from the rest of the world. Here are five of the best unique things about India: Incredible cuisine: Indian cuisine is known for its unique blend of spices and flavors that create an explosion of taste in the mouth. From rich curries to mouth-watering street food, Indian cuisine has something…
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kathybluecaller · 4 months
when I give up on fully drawing Strive so my boy despawns for a solid 6 frames
(don’t mind the animation rant in the tags that I may continue on a later date)
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a-new-vers · 8 months
Woke up today to find out Halsey has set the stage for a new hunt for fans to go on. In true Halsey fashion, it's cryptic with a distinct visual style we can probably expect from this era.
So let's explore, shall we?
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A Lil' Timeline:
Halsey played the 27th at Lollapalooza India. During their set before they began to play Gasoline, a visual on screen displayed a URL: FOR MY LAST TRICK (click to go to the site).
Click HERE to see a video of when it was displayed at the concert.
The Website:
The theme behind the website seems to be opening a miscellaneous stick/patch packet.
The first thing is prompting the user to "pull to open" as in a tag to swipe off. You can see the collection of patches behind the plastic wrap. Once you finally open the package, all the patches will disperse.
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This is where the Internet sleuthing begins, people. 24 unique patches (technically 25, but I'll get into that later) with different meanings. Let's get into it.
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1 - SNA Flight Tag
So really obscure, but googling Air California flight tag brought me to this used bookstore site. In any case, the thing to notice is the date it is attributed with, 1968.
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2 - Vintage Blotter Art
According to this blog (which is the only place I could find the image), this is a vintage blotter from 1994. Blotter art is an "...art form printed on perforated sheets of absorbent blotting paper infused with liquid LSD."
3 - Blythe Dolls
I believe this doll is a Blythe doll. Image reverse search does not come up with an exact result, but from the details you can make out, the dolls eyes are quite clear. Which looks a lot like Blythe Dolls, a doll brand that came out in 1972. Their gimmick was that the eyes could move left to right.
4 - Witch Halsey
Unsure, but it would seem it's Halsey as a witch. The aesthetics are similar to IICHLIWP (H4).
If the main theme here is the 70s, there’s the movie Season of the Witch that came out in 1973, February 14th. It’s apparently commentary on traditional American suburban lifestyle through the perspective of a housewife who does not like her place in life. She meets a witch and progressively gets into the occult.
5, 18, 19, 23 - Outside of USA
5: It's hard to tell what most of the words are, but the text "Pagado" (Spanish for "paid") is on the piece of paper. . The particular location might be Palenque, a Mexican city. Relevant date: June 25th, 1977.
18: Belleville. Based on a real winter carnival programme. Belleville is a a city in Ontario, Canada. Relevant date: 1971.
19: “We smokers all want to be non-smokers too” or something along these lines. I'm trusting online translation for this (German to English). Unable to find when this was made.
23: “For Us.” French. The image search doesn’t result anything. Unable to find when this was made.
6 - Peril is My Pay
Based off of a detective book involving traveling. The font is the exact same as one of the book covers. It was published in 1960s.
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7 - I have something to tell you
A sign up. I assume it has to do with being updated on any album news.
Looking through the inspect tab you can see the information is being sent to “Sony Fan Music.” It does take note of which country you are in and your address.
8 , 9 - Round visuals
I think these are visuals to give grasp to the 70s theme. It’s reminiscent of 60’s/70’s clothing/aesthetic.
10 - Michigan license plate.
1971 comes up in the plate. Michigan has come up in HFK (H2), on Bad At Love. I doubt this has anything to do about the “boy back in Michigan” but perhaps traveling back throughout her albums.
11 - Ghost
Jan 27th 2014, interesting date to put since this is the date this is all happening, just a decade after.
I've seen some people say this is meant to be the anniversary for Ghost, the song. Although it came out in 2014, its release date was in July, and it originally came out on sound cloud on February 3rd. So unsure why Jan 27th is there. EDIT: I have been made aware that Jan 27th 2014 was its international release date! I am but a fool.
The text can be in response to the lyric “Where did you go?” and the themes on the song of someone leaving. IDK, this could also be a meta thing. If a theme here is traveling and visiting locations/people, then perhaps one thing you won't find if the ghost?
Additionally, this follows the theme of revisiting her previous albums.
12 - Cannel 17
WPHL-TV is a television station in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, serving as the local outlet for The CW Television Network. The logos here are form the 60’s/70’s.
13 - Master Mystifier
Or, alternatively, Harry Houdini. The date I do not believe has any relevance here but perhaps the idea of magic.
I came about the google search “Houdini’s Last Trick” where his last trick is widely asked about. It would seem to be an inspiration for the name of the website. So potentially Halsey will lean into magic, tricks, and deception.
14 - Calling Cards
Text on card: “Compliments - May I See (C) You (U) Home? If not, please return this card.”
“May I See You Home” seemed to be a common phrase for calling cards. They were handed out to ask people out. Again, the font and images are similar to H4 aesthetic. These were used in the 18th and 19th century.
15 - B&W Hair
Oh, I actually no idea.
16 - Candy
The closest I could get to finding what this meant is when this font was used for the book Candy by Maxwell Kenton, published in 1958.
As wiki describes the plot "Candy Christian, aged eighteen, is an extremely pretty and desirable but naïve young woman, who finds herself in a variety of farcical sexual situations as a result of her desire to help others. The men in her life, regardless of age or relationship, wish only to possess her."
17 - Southern-Belle
Clearly the saying southern belle. A girl born form the south, typically with certain attributes. The saying came from the idea that “... a girl who was expected to grow up into a lady. She was supposed to be fragile and flirtatious while also sexually innocent. She was beautiful but risky to touch, like porcelain.”
https://historyengine.richmond.edu/episodes/view/2259#:~:text=Course%3A,risky to touch%2C like porcelain
20 - Rabbit
I couldn’t find anything that looks the same, but I assume it has to do with Alice and Wonderland. Concerning dates, the book was published in the 1800s, while the arguably most famous iteration (the animated movie) came out in the 50s.
However, this can relate to the potential theme of magic and deception and girl/womanhood. But I’m also inclined to think the rabbit might have nothing to do with Wonderland and might be something else all together.
21 - K-Mart
Wiki comes in handy here. As described, “Satisfaction Always icon seen on Kmart branded packaging until the mid-to-late 70s, adapted from a hanging sign displayed in every early Kmart store.” So 70’s themed.
22 - Eye, Eye, Eye, and Eye
The eyes. Girl IDK, they’re eyes. They kind of remind me of the biblically accurate angels and the eyes they have. Although, I doubt that's what they're meant to be.
24 - Cigarette
People seem to think this relates more to Badlands, and I’m inclined to agree.
Here are overall themes that seem to be present within the collection.
- Travelling
- Magic
- 60s-70s
- Eyes
- Books
- A Feminist Lens
- Past albums
A Tangent on Web Dev:
I just kinda wanted to point out the cool coding stuff they've done. When the patches are still in the plastic bag, they're always randomized in which order they're in (you have to refresh to notice this). They also disperse in a randomized order. I thought maybe the way they disperse could be a trail of sorts, like a map. But it seems totally random. I still find it cool how they've done that, every time in a different location, as if you open the package they come out uniquely for each person.
Oh and about the 25 patch, it seems the first patch in your packet appears twice when you open it. Idk if the number 25 matters or if this was done by accident. But the 25th patch is a duplicate, and never one in particular, just which ever is the first in your shuffle.
The End
For now.
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santmat · 5 months
Gospel of Thomas Studies - Message and Key Verses: Need For A Living One, Not Just Old Scriptures
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52. His Disciples said to him: Twenty-four prophets preached in Israel, and they all spoke of you. He said to them: "You have ignored the Living One who is in your presence and you have spoken only of the dead."
59. Jesus said: "Look to the Living-One while you are alive, otherwise, you might die and seek to see him and will be unable to find him."
5. Know what is in front of your face and what is hidden from you will be revealed to you. For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed.
(108) Yeshua said, Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me. I myself shall become that person, and the hidden things will be revealed to that one.
What the Living Master Reveals to the Student
17. The Master says: I will give to you what eye has not seen, what ear has not heard, what hand has not touched, and what has not occurred to the mind of man."
Or as Kabir Has Said
“It is the mercy of my true Guru that has made me to know the Unknown;
I have learned from Him how to
walk without feet,
to see without eyes,
to hear without ears,
to drink without mouth,
to fly without wings." 
After the Teacher Dies, All We Have Are Old Scriptures From Now On? Rather, There is Succession and a New Living One Appointed For the Next Generation in the Gospel of Thomas   
12) The students said to Yeshua, We know you will leave us. Who will be our leader?
Yeshua said to them, Wherever you are, seek out Yaakov the Just. For his sake heaven and earth came into being.
12. The Disciples said to Jesus: We know that you will go away from us. Who is it that will be our teacher?
Jesus said to them: Wherever you are, you will go to James the Righteous, for whose sake Heaven and Earth were made (came into being.)
For Whose Sake Heaven and Earth Came Into Being, an Old Hebrew Axiom of Wisdom Explained  
"Whenever feeling downcast, each person should vitally remember, 'For my sake, the entire world was created.'" (Baal Shem Tov)
The Baal Shem Tov is sort of the "Rumi" or "Kabir" of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism), an example of a towering figure and great mystic of one of the great schools of spirituality. The ending part, "For my sake, the entire world was created", is a variation of an ancient axiom of wisdom. A version of it even turns up in saying twelve of the Gospel of THOMAS: "The students said to Yeshua, 'We know you will leave us. Who will be our leader?' Yeshua said to them, 'Wherever you are, seek out Yaakov the Just [James the Just]. For his sake heaven and earth came into being.'"
Martin Buber elaborates and expands on this axiom in a way that includes us all: “Every person should know and consider the fact that you, in the particular way that you are made, are unique in the world, and no one like you has ever been. For if someone like you had already been, there would be no reason for you to be in this world.” (Ten Rings: Hasidic Sayings, Martin Buber)
Here's a big picture view from the Sikh scriptures of India, the Adi Granth, Peace Lagoon translation: "It was for the sake of the God-conscious beings that our True Lord created this earth, and began this play of death and birth".
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hezuart · 2 years
Why did you switch from animation to reviews? Also, do you still plan on doing CGI like you mentioned multiple times?
oH BOY..... you may need to sit down for this one
So it all started back in 2012. I was around 14 years old and just saw Rise of the Guardians and Wreck it Ralph. The stories, the characters, the world-building, the animation... now I never really went to movie theaters as a kid, but as a teen I started going and I instantly fell in love.
I went to community college for a few years and made some amazing friends. Loved some of my teachers and we participated in fun events like the 24-hour challenge and Campus Movie Fest. I had gotten in the top picks for Campus Movie Fest at some point and was supposed to go to the Cannes Film Festival in France to showcase my short film, but then the pandemic hit and it got canceled indefinitely.
So get this, for community college, I got a certification in 3D Animation and Video Game development. It's basically an AA degree but without general ed. (Why do you need general ed to get a degree in something? Math and PE have nothing to do with Animation. College is ridiculous. People have to pay you more simply because you were forced to spend more money in college. Wild.) Out of the 20 classes I had taken to get this certification, only 3 of those courses were hands-on 3D animation. And only one of those courses was hands-on video game development and I dropped out of that class because it was PC only and I only had a Mac at the time. I applied to the class without realizing it was accommodating only to PCs. So even my certification is barely reaching the basics for the title of it, but I did take another online course or two for 3D animation which I have a different certification for.
Now even with my 3D animation, I was never taught the physics engine. I was never taught hair or cloth simulation, but I do have modeling, rigging, animating, and texturing experience. For gaming, I have very little experience. I've only modeled things and found my way around Unity, but otherwise, I suck at coding. I hate coding with a passion. Making a video game without coding isn't really possible.
Now, when the pandemic hit, a lot of things were shutting down. I had no idea where I wanted to go next. People kept asking me where I was going for my higher education, but I kept getting warned not to waste money on college if you're trying to become an artist, especially at University. It's a money pit, and competition is so high, you're not guaranteed a job, you're just gonna be in debt. Even colleges like Cal Arts, who charge over $1K per class, I've been told are a "Pay to get in" kind of place. Where the money is used to nab professionals from their work to teach students or talk about their company or programs, and through that, you get a bigger chance to get your foot in the door because you know someone. I've unfortunately been told that's the more realistic way to get into animation: networking. If you're a shy introvert who doesn't know any famous people, you need to be extremely talented and unique to stand out to get the chance of being noticed. I don't really want to suck up to people nor do I want to waste thousands of dollars and 5 more years on college that I may not even need (let alone be able to afford) especially if there are online classes that may be even more valuable.
Now after I got out of college and started applying a few places, I discovered a LOT of unfortunate information.
Most animation these days is done overseas. South Korea, India, Japan, and Canada are the big ones.
Invader Zim, Steven Universe, Miraculous Ladybug, The Simpsons, OK KO, Star vs the Forces of Evil, Kipo and the Age of the Wonder Beasts, Adventure Time, Twelve Forever, and the Powerpuff Girls Reboot were animated in South Korea. The Ghost and Molly Mcgee is animated in Canada.
(The first four seasons of the Simpsons were animated in America until it switched to South Korea and India.)
2D traditional animation is no longer viable. Puppetry is the industry standard because it's the cheapest. Luckily, Toon Boom Harmony has allowed us to push the boundaries of 2D puppetry. Puppetry these days, if done well, can look really great, like Tangled the Series, but if you don't have Toon Boom Harmony, you're probably not gonna be hired.
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Not even all 3D is made in the USA. If it's Disney, Dreamworks, or Pixar, then it's usually USA. But streaming service movies, like Sea Beast, Kid Cosmic, The Willoughbys, and Klaus, while they claim to be a "Netflix Original" that "Netflix Animation" animated, that's a lie. Klaus was animated by Yowza! Animation in Canada. The Willoughbys: Bron Animation, Canada. Kid Cosmic: Mercury Filmworks, Canada. Sea Beast: Sony Pictures Image Works, Canada. (X)
Go Go Cory Carson is written and storyboarded in America, but the animation is shipped out to be done in France. Sonic Boom is also French Animated.
Even Sony Pictures? Open Season, Surf's Up, Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, SMurfs, Hotel Transylvania, Over the Moon, The Angry Birds Movie, Sea Beast? Sony Pictures Imageworks is based in Canada. They're doing all the animation for them. It's not animated in America, it's merely funded by them.
I should also clarify: I only want to participate in stylized animated media. I don't want to do CGI for hyper-realistic films, which eliminates most of the animation jobs out there these days. It's just not my thing. The insane amount of details and uncanny valley are just so unappealing, I can't do it.
The closest animation studios are still far away. Most companies are located in LA. I'm over 7+ hours away from there. LA also has a high poverty rate, terrible air quality, is overcrowded, and is just generally not a good place to live, especially if you're low middle class. You're not gonna survive there.
Pixar is located in Emeryville, a few minutes north of San Fransisco city. Emeryville is the most crime-ridden city in that area. They tell you not to walk home alone at night. You're more likely to get robbed there than anywhere else according to the population ratio there. There are a lot of gangs that hide up there, and there's a lot of poverty there, even outside of San Fransisco. It's basically a trash pit. Not an ideal place to live, and commuting through 3-hour SF city traffic is also not gonna work. (X)
I have also been informed some people who work at Pixar are petty that the interns use their facility. Pixar has a heated pool, soccer field, gymnasium, and a few other nice things on their property. I was informed there was a person or two who got mad that an intern was using their basketball court.... when the intern was on break. As though they weren't part of Pixar, as though they had no right to touch the property. Apparently, they also used to make the interns push around little tea carts to serve refreshments as a way to "talk to the fellow animators" to probably get them interacting, but hearing that the interns were basically chored with butler duty to bother the animators hard at work seems like such a forced thing. That makes me uncomfortable. Of course, the person who told me these stories has been working with Pixar for over a decade or two now, so things could be very different as the years went on. Pixar itself on the inside of the animator building is gorgeous. They all decorate their office spaces in crazy ways, it looks like a movie set. But they have a bar and "whiskey club". They're apparently allowed to drink at work and have often had parties that got a little out of hand. There's also an old chain smoker room where the founders used to play poker and spy on people outside of their room with hidden cameras; I've even been inside. I don't think they use it anymore, though I'm not totally sure. Some of this info was fascinating, but the drinking made me uncomfortable. I kinda want to work with sober people here.
The sex ratio in the animation industry is also interesting and unfavorable. 70% of the animation and art school ratio is women, but only 34% of the actual animation workforce is women. 34% female to 66% male. More women study animation than men, but more men get hired and hold positions than women. Animation, ironically, has always been a male-dominated workplace. This unfortunately contributes to the "you have to know someone" or "be rich" to get-in situation. Men know a lot more men and not as many women. So the 30 to 40-year-old guys hire the other guys they know rather than a young poor girl with a passion. This makes it even more difficult for me to get in. (X)
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20th Century, Netflix Animation, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Bento Box, Vanguard Animation, Universal Studios, Titmouse, 6 Point Harness, ShadowMachine- all LA / South California.
There are a few places I could apply to, but what they do, I just don't care for. Niantic(Pokemon Go), Lucasfilm(Effects), Whiteboard Animation(Marketing), Sharpeyeanimation (Marketing), EA games (Mass Effect, Battlefield, Dragon Age 2, all those hyper-realistic war, sports, or fantasy games.)
So whether it's outside of the USA or within the USA, I need to move. I don't have the money for that yet.
Just find a company that does remote work, right? It should be easy, especially in pandemic times! Wrong. Most animation companies don't permit remote work. It's probably a security issue. But I've done research on this. The only big animation company I've found (so far) that allows remote work (or is HIRING for remote work) is Mainframe Studios in Canada. They have a 3D animation job list, and I guess they focus on animating Barbie movies(???). (X) But that's about it. And even if you're a remote worker, there's a high likely hood you still need a Visa to be allowed to work for a company belonging to another country. So that's a whole other legal process to deal with.
Disney is becoming a huge corporate monopoly over American animation. They bought Blue Sky only to kill them off. (Disney also just recently laid off 7,000 people due to their stock price drop and failed movies they released the past year with deliberately bad marketing for political reasons. (X) Disney also bought Pixar and is pushing for sequels because weird or bad, sequels and terrible live actions make them a LOT of money. Did you know Disney's terrible Lion King CGI remake is amongst the top 10 highest-grossing movies ever made? It's criminal. (X)
Because Disney is such a big name in the USA, there's a huge association of animation = children's media, which is not true. Animation at the Oscars also has its own category, when it's not a genre, is a medium. Disney often wins at the Oscars too because no one sees the other animations. Granted, Disney has an insane marketing budget in comparison, but it's clear no one cares to seek out animation outside of heavy CGI live-action these days. No small-time studios, no limited releases, no anime. The fact that Disney also now OWNS the Oscars is SUS as hell. (The fact that Disney-owned ABC threatened the Oscars, forcing them to cut 8 categories or else there wouldn't be a show that year is wild. There isn't even an oscar for stuntmen. What the fuck, Hollywood?) (X)
Dreamworks nearly went bankrupt and sold itself to Comcast back in 2013. Comcast also owns Illumination. Dreamworks has been focusing on making bad tv show adaptions of their IPs. So yes people, Jack would sooner meet the Minions than meet Elsa. Disney is the biggest corporate monopoly, but it's definitely not the only one. The animation industry in America is snuffing out its competition by buying it out for itself. It's insane the kind of power they have.
Competition is HIGH. Because of this, the only ways to get in? If you're rich or you know someone. Pixar gets over 3,000 intern applications every summer. Less than 100 are seen by actual hiring managers. The most interns Pixar has ever taken in a single year were 12. The least they ever took in a single year was two. A 12 to 3,000 ratio is not favorable. That's a 3% chance to get into a big-shot animation company.
And again, because remote work isn't permissible to new hires, you need to live in the area to commute to the campuses. This is one of the reasons why LA is so crowded.
If you get into an animation company purely remote and maybe even for a different country? You are the luckiest person alive.
Programs are expensive. The animation industry is very strict on what programs they use. The industry standard for 2D puppetry is Toon Boom Harmony; the industry standard for 3D animation is Maya, and the industry standard for video game development isn't as clear but Unity is one of them.
Some of these programs are free, as long as you are a student. If you are attending college or a certain online program, you can use your school-issued email through them to apply to get the program for free for about a year. Otherwise, if you're using it to make your own animations solo?
Autodesk Maya: $225 a month or $1,785 a year (X)
and guess what? Maya removed its free render service. Arnold is now built in by default, however, if you want to BATCH render (Meaning render a full scene or several slides) it will slap it's ugly watermark over it.
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Fun fact, this very rendered watermark can be seen accidentally in a single frame for the Kingdom Hearts Frozen cutscene
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Well, you need to batch render if you're trying to animate so let's see what Arnold costs- $50 monthly to $380 annually.... are you kidding me?! The rendering PLUG-IN BUNDLED TO MAYA COSTS MORE TO USE THAN THE OWN PROGRAM?! (X)
Now, there are other rendering plug-ins you can probably use with Maya. But they all have their ups and downs and their own costs as well. (X) Pixar's Renderman is $595 per license. I can't seem to get info on Octane. V-ray solo is $39 monthly while premium is around $60 monthly.
Now there IS Blender, an alternative to Maya. It is free and I have it. That is ideal to work in for people like me. I tried it a while back, but I hated the interface windows. It was hard to work on it when you can't close them properly. It's possible they've fixed this in an update, but I haven't touched the program in over three years so I wouldn't know. It's different from Maya a little, so it has ups and downs in comparison too. But Blender is a savior to 3D artists everywhere.
Toon Boom Harmony isn't as bad but still high: Lowest price is $27 monthly / $220 annual and the highest is $124 monthly / $1,100 annual (X)
Unity has a basic version that is free, but Unity Plus is $399 yearly while Unity Pro is $2,040 (X)
So some programs are clearly more viable than others. But imagine you're trying to model, texture, rig, animate, simulate, and render a short film all by yourself in Maya. That's gonna take you over a year or two, and you'll have several thousand dollars out of your pocket by the time your free trial ends. And might I say, for an industry-standard program, Maya sucks. It's almost unusable without those plug-ins for not only rendering but also for the models to even be able to SELECT their BONE rigs.
Do you want to practice on your own when school is out of session? Fuck you! Fuck subscription services! Welcome to capitalist hell, baby!
Again, using Blender is more viable, but you're still going to be basically doing everything yourself. That's gonna take years. Do you have the patience for that? Do I?
Because of the pandemic, movies aren't even hitting theaters anymore. They're going straight to streaming services. Streaming services of which, gain sole rights to and can take media off their platforms at any time without warning. Thanks, Discovery+ ! Does everyone remember the HBO Max Animation & DC purge? It could happen to other streaming services too. Piracy will save the future of animation at this point. (X)
And again, Streaming services like Netflix will purchase films and claim they made them by slapping their logo over it; but no, they either bought the distribution rights or produced them through funding and maybe storyboarding. Often times from a Canadian film studio. (Link again X)
Even stop motion companies like LAIKA are losing money and may have to shut down or be bought out in the future, especially considering how much work and money they put into their films vs. how much money they actually make. (X)
All of this? Naturally made me fall into a depression. My god, the layers of hopelessness. My animation and modeling is pretty average too. I'm decent. I can maybe make a good shot. But I can't blow people away like James Baxter can. I mean, I shouldn't compare myself to people. If I worked really hard, maybe I could get into a good company. But again, I have to move! A part of me gave up. I don't really do 3D animation anymore, though part of me misses it.
I still 2D animate. I'm trying to make a short film and though my college friends who were working on it with me have given up, I have done my best to keep going. Even if it has been produced at a snail's pace for the past three years, I still intend to finish this animation. It's gonna be beautiful when it comes out, and it will be a wonderful portfolio piece regardless.
So with nothing else to do and no other kind of job experience really under my belt(plus my family is prone to covid so getting a job in the pandemic was just kind of out of the question) I decided to go to youtube. I heard some people can make a little money on there, but the truth is I had actually wanted to become a youtuber for a few years prior. I've always looked up to animators and reviewers on youtube, I've loved the stories they tell and their incredibly detailed analysis essays on movies, tv series, books, etc. I wanted to be one of them. I wasn't sure exactly what I'd do, so I just followed the Youtube Partnership program set up which took a few months, and then jumped in! I found I only had the time to upload once every month or two. I had a ton of audio issues and I'm not outputting at the proper 1920 x 1080 quality that I should be doing either. It's a huge learning process that I still haven't perfected, but I'm taking notes to try and get better.
Even though Youtube is fun, I only make $300 a month, and that isn't even consistent. With patreon, I make maybe another $80 or $100 on top of that, so overall $400 a month average. That's really nice and pretty cool! But it's not enough to survive.
Now I work part-time at a coffee shop. My mental health is a lot better and I love my coworkers. I make roughly $400 a week in comparison to the $400 a month. It's still not enough to live off of (the cheapest rent around is over $1,000 a month, not ) and it's still a temporary job in the long run. I intend to work here for maybe another two years to save up money.
But what do I do now?
Am I welcome in animation spaces anymore?
As a critic of popular media, it could be likely that they could fire me or deny my application because of my critique of their past films or tv series. They could see my youtube persona and assume I'm a raging untrustworthy nitpick instead of a passionate, kind person.
Vivziepop's Spindlehorse company? What Viv was doing was a dream. I was so inspired by her. She made her own company, made a super successful pilot, and was even creating more jobs for traditional, high-quality animation. However, for Hazbin Hotel, she required more funding, which is why she sold it off to A24, who now has corporate say in the show. A24 is known for letting creators be more lenient, but otherwise, Viv won't have full control over it anymore unless she managed to get them to sign something over to her; but with the rumors of her being kicked off season 1? I don't know anymore.
Her own company Spindlehorse; they rely on youtube revenue and/or merch sales to fund Helluva Boss. That's a tricky business practice, but it's kept them afloat so far.
However, Spindlehorse is hiring a lot of people as of late. This could be a bad sign; that people might be leaving the company due to potential mistreatment or unhappiness. With the way the show is going, I don't really want to be part of that company regardless, but maybe before season 2 of Helluva Boss, I would have considered applying. Had I made any critique videos prior, there's no way they'd accept me. "Aren't you that one YouTuber that said my writing is bad for season 2 episode 2?" And you expect me to hire you?" Like yeah, that application process would go down well. Not. By critiquing artists' work, some of them are very sensitive. I'd be kicked out for a lot of things, when really, we artists should be critiquing each other all the time, trying to improve. That's how the writer's room always is, ahaha... hours of fighting goes down in those meetings. It's intense, but fun.
But yeah, it's such a shame. Even small companies need to sell out to corporate to survive. Either that or be HEAVILY crowd-funded, which again, can be a slippery slope.
I see a ton of small projects on Twitter looking to hire people, or looking to become a big studio to release a pilot or game. I've joined a few of them, but most are unpaid because of COURSE they are, and then these projects?? Just don't go anywhere. Because it's unpaid. Because we can't afford to work on a project for free. IRL comes first. Some of these projects seem so great but they don't go anywhere, and it's hard to have faith in start-up studios anymore. (Game creators might have a chance, but tv series or films? Good luck, folks.)
At that point, should I just make my own company? I don't have the money or knowledge for such a thing! It's insanely expensive to start a business and get licensing. So much paperwork, so much everything! And the USA Government is so behind in understanding technology. If you want to create a remote business and/or copyright something, you're still required to put an advertisement in a local newspaper about it, even if your business isn't selling to locals. 💀 The number of fees and ridiculous legal hoops you need to jump through... it's a ridiculous waste of time and money. But you need to do it. The question is, am I willing to do it? Am I willing to tackle such an insane thing by myself?
I want to keep my internet persona and IRL persona separate, but can I? I value having a private, quieter life away from the screen. I worry about getting doxxed one day because of the nature of the internet. I worry about people finding my IRL resumes or profiles for work I want to do outside of youtube for security's sake. My art style is unique and very recognizable. I don't have a lot of private art that is worthy of being in a portfolio. But for absolute safety, I'd need to password-protect my websites or portfolios so the public doesn't have free access to them; only companies I'm applying to. But at that point, does password-protecting my resume and portfolio make it less likely I'd be hired due to the inconvenience? Due to the private, hard-to-find nature of my work? Being a YouTuber with great story skills and art skills with a fanbase could be a big plus to getting hired somewhere, but it could also be a horrible disadvantage that would get me fired. It's a double-edged sword that I cannot work around and I don't know what to do.
I've considered the video game industry, but even that isn't ideal. A lot of the indie ones I adore aren't made in the USA. Gris and Monster Camp were made in Spain. Ori and the Blind Forest: Austria. Hollow Knight: Australia. Little Nightmares and Raft: Sweden. LIMBO & INSIDE: Denmark. Outlast, Don't Starve, Spirit Farer, Bendy and the Ink Machine: Canada.
SuperGiant Games did Hades, Transistor and Bastion and is located in SF, but they're not hiring. Janimation, a multi-media company located in Texas isn't hiring. Frederator in New York isn't hiring.
I don't want to work for a studio that does nothing but first-person shooters or sports games. If I want to get into the gaming industry, I probably need to crowdfund and make a company to make a game myself.
If I make my own game, which I've wanted to do for a long time now and still want to... I can't code. I guess I could try to hire someone that could? But a game to the extent I want... I'd need to start small. I'd need to practice. It's several years of work. Will it even be worth it? I don't think I can do it alone. I'd need crowdfunding and workers; which again, here comes the "make my own studio" issue...
Do I even want to animate anymore? I prefer traditional animation in comparison to puppetry. I prefer 2D animation to 3D animation simply because it is more accessible. But even then, I'm finding myself drawn more and more to writing, storyboarding, and character design. If I were a 3D animator, this is mostly what I'd be working with all day: Naked models in an empty room. I'd do none of the physics simulation or texturing or lighting.
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Animating naked & bald people all day... I don't know... 3D Animation kind of lost its appeal. You only work on such a small portion of a film, you almost never have the bigger picture. You won't see the final result until the film is done. As an animator, you're almost kept in the dark. Maybe that's how they want it anyway, since leaks are a huge issue they keep quiet under strict NDA.
But yeah, anyway... I'm an artistic digital generalist. I can do almost anything. 3D animation, storyboarding, writing, photo editing, illustration, rendering, modeling and so much more. It's hard to choose what you really want to be in this industry. I feel like Barry Benson dfklgjdflkjg
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I don't know what I'm gonna do anymore. There's gotta be a solution to this but I just can't figure it out. I don't want to give up my youtube channel so I can be an animator. I don't want to give up a safer, quiet countryside house to be able to survive financially. Am I even willing or able to move countries? Is my career more important than friends and family?
I think I'm thinking too much about everything. I should start small. Move less than an hour away first and move in with roommates to get a feel for independence instead of jumping into it immediately. Get a job at a small time company, maybe not for what I want at first, but it'll get me some experience and maybe I'll learn some things along the way to understand where I can go next. Take it slow and don't panic too much over trying to be a young big shot. Take things one day at a time? That's my current goal, I suppose.
So you know... to answer your question... why did I switch to youtube for a current career? Because of a classic existential & career crisis in my 20s. Will I ever go back to 3D animation? Maybe. Maybe one day.
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forest-is-sleepy · 1 year
Im opening up commissions and general purchase stuff. Both for my sewing and for 2d art.
I'll get info sheets made and stuff, but for now I have a list of what everything is, and have tried to provide photos for most stuff.
Here is my portfolio website as well.
Dm me if you're interested, and we can discuss. I'll remake this post when i get better assets made. I'll take payment on paypal or cashapp. I also have venmo.
Here's a list of some of the stuff i make
I make custom dice bags, those are 12-16 depending on the fabric and any add-ons. (Example: mine is embroidered, another has pearls and buttons on it) embroidery can be done but will cost more.
Scrunchies/hair ties. Most of them are cotton, but i make velvet and silk ones. Cotton is 3, velvet and silk are 4. You get a dollar off if you buy 2.
Customizable stuffed animals. You can pick the color, pattern, whatever. on these dolls, and they are made to order. The animals i have are a large dinosaur, large dragon, turtle, rabbit, dragon, and elephant. ( i think thats everything.) These all come with the date it was completed on its paw, so you know how old your new friend is.
Bumblebees!! These are little 7$ plushies that can sit on your desk or sleep with you, each one has a unique patten on its wing. It also comes with the date it was completed, so you know how old your new friend is.
Custom humanoid dolls. This can be from a photo of you or a loved one. Or you can send me art of your character. These are incredibly complex, detailed dolls, and i will work closely with you to make the doll. It's a long process that takes me several hours. As a result, these are at least $200. I only take one or two commissions for these a month at the moment.
I can take other commissions but we will have to discuss that.
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Potions. Each potion is completely unique. Each painted by me using India Inks. These paper stickers are in 3 different sizes. Small is 3, medium is 4, and large is 5. You can tell me what color you want, and if its not available in the size you want, i can likely make it.
Holographic spider's hat shop. This is a large vinyl Holographic sticker of a jumping spider wearing a water droplet hat, selling other tiny things for others to wear as hats. This sticker is $4. If i have any in may, there's mini paper ones for $2
Milkshake pride stickers. These are paper stickers meant to be semi-subtle pride flags. I have the following flags, and can add more. Lesbian, omni, bi, ace and aro, demisexual, demiromantic, pan, rainbow, nonbinary, trans, and intersex. These are $2 each. I also have a tiny sticker set of all of them for the same price.
Fairy. This fairy sticker is a paper sticker of a fairy holding a mushroom as an umbrella. It is $2
Frog with a tophat. This is a paper sticker of a cute little frog with a tophat. He's rather dapper. $2
Fox leaping. This is a paper sticker of a red fox. It is also $2
Red mushroom this paper sticker will not be remade, i have a few left. It's a cartoony red mushroom in some grass. It's $1.50
? Block i dont think i can really say what brand this is based on. It's a paper sticker. $1.50
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Art commissions
It is probably worth mentioning that i have a BFA, so that does affect my pricing slightly (on my illustrative work)
I am flexible in style, and can do a fair number of stylized things. No realism.
$20 for a base sketch
$30 for basic shading
$45 for full shading/the works
Each character after that will be half the price.
A background will be $5-10 depending on how detailed it is. By default you get a plain background
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Building a Brand: Your Beauty Studio Story
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It can be immensely fulfilling and powerful to open your own beauty salon. You may achieve your dream of owning a prosperous makeup business by showing a lot of enthusiasm, hard work, and support. We have included a few essential steps below to get your make studio up and running if you intend to start your own makeup studio and academy.
What do you need to know about opening a makeup studio?
1. Research and Planning
Creating a strong business plan that details your goals, target market, and financial projections is the first step. Identify your unique selling point, analyze local competition, plan funding and resource acquisition. The factors considered include competitor analysis, target audience analysis, market analysis, and location selection.
2. Makeup Course Training
During stage two, personnel are educated and trained to comprehend the course material from the cosmetics academy.
As you embark on this exciting journey, keep in mind the importance of education. You can provide exceptional customer service by enrolling in a makeup artist course near me. By laying a solid foundation, you can position yourself for long-term success.
3. Setup of a Business Makeup Studio
Establishing a makeup studio requires planning, licensing, budgeting, and financing. To operate a makeup studio and academy, you must obtain the necessary licenses.
For compliance with health and safety standards, this covers licenses for cosmetology, business, and health departments.
The success of your beauty studio depends on a thorough business strategy. You should also make a comprehensive budget outlining your projected income, ongoing expenditures, and start-up costs. This covers things like staff wages, marketing expenses, rent, utilities, supplies, and equipment.
4. Design and Layout of the studio
The studio is designed to be a comfortable, elegantly furnished space that reassures customers and represents your business.
Consider lighting, arrangement, and atmosphere in the makeup studio to create an immersive beauty experience.
5. What is the cost of opening a makeup studio?
It is crucial that you carefully analyze the services you will offer and how much it costs to open a makeup studio to maintain profitability and sustainability.
When determining prices, consider labor, materials, services, rent, and other overhead costs, such as hair styling, makeup, skincare, and nails.
Your beauty studio should prioritize professionalism and client service to succeed in a competitive market.
6. Promotion and Marketing
In order to attract customers and increase brand awareness, your makeup studio and academy must have a solid marketing and promotion plan.
Social media, local ads, a website, branding, and logo creation are all part of the strategy.
7. Training and Staffing
The establishment of a beauty salon requires several critical personnel, training, and employee retention plans. When hiring for your makeup studio or academy, prioritize candidates with customer focus, beauty passion, and technical training.
If you want to build a strong beauty team, focus on hiring, training, development, and retention.
Staff investment enhances client services and fosters a productive studio environment.
India's Top 7 Makeup Academy
We have discussed how to open a makeup studio so far. Here are a few makeup schools you can enroll in to start your career.
1)Meribindiya International Academy
2)Anurag Makeup Mantra
3)Pearl Academy
4)SMA International Makeup Academy
5)Fat Mu Pro Makeup School
6)Meenakshi Dutt Makeup Academy
7)Shweta Gaur Makeup Academy
Opening a beauty salon can be a rewarding venture that requires careful planning, education, and a strong marketing strategy to ensure long-term success. By focusing on essential elements such as business planning, staff training, and customer service, aspiring salon owners can effectively position themselves in a competitive market.
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Hetalia D&D 5e/Pathfinder 1e - Part 9 Asia
I did a thing yesterday. Got on ChatGPT (I know bad mun) and made rough NPCs for my Pathfinder 1e game. And I used every core character from Hetalia. So, I shared with 3 Hetalia fans I follow and was told to share all of them if I did all of them. Which I did. So here we go.
Hong Kong
Human (Variant)
Reason: Hong Kong is depicted as a unique entity with a blend of Chinese and British influences, which can be reflected in the human race's versatility. The variant rules could allow for options that reflect his diverse background.
Bard (Archaeologist): Level 5
Reason: Hong Kong is often shown as knowledgeable about various cultures, and the Archaeologist archetype allows him to search for hidden knowledge while being capable in combat. This class represents his intelligence and charm, as well as his ability to adapt and pull from various historical and culinary influences.
Rogue (Infiltrator): Level 3
Reason: This class complements the Bard's skills, reflecting Hong Kong’s agility and stealthiness. The Infiltrator archetype allows him to excel in urban environments, showcasing his urban savvy and ability to navigate complex social situations.
Monk (Zen Archer): Level 2
Reason: Hong Kong is often portrayed as calm and collected, reflecting the qualities of a monk. The Zen Archer archetype emphasizes ranged attacks and a disciplined mindset, which can represent his serene but resourceful nature.
Final Build Summary
Race: Human (Variant)
Class Breakdown:
Bard (Archaeologist) 5
Rogue (Infiltrator) 3
Monk (Zen Archer) 2
Character Level: 10
Example Traits and Abilities
Key Skills: Knowledge (History), Diplomacy, Stealth, Acrobatics.
Special Abilities:
Versatile Performance: Use Perform checks in place of certain skill checks reflecting his charm and charisma as a cultural intermediary.
Evasion: Represents his agility and ability to escape dangerous situations.
Shooting Star: As a Zen Archer, enhancing ranged attack capabilities.
Background Flavor
Hong Kong could be portrayed as a resourceful diplomat and skilled negotiator, often acting as a bridge between cultures. His keen intellect and ability to blend into different environments would make him a valuable asset to any party, whether in combat or social encounters.
Race: Human (Standard Human)
Humans are adaptable and versatile, which aligns well with India's character as a diverse and rich cultural entity. Also, as a standard human, India would gain an extra skill point at first level and an additional feat.
Bard (3 levels)
Bards are storytellers and performers, embodying India’s rich cultural and musical heritage. They excel at knowledge and social interactions, much like India’s diplomatic and cultural role in Hetalia.
Key Features: Bardic Performance, Spellcasting (helpful for remedies and blessings), and lots of skills.
Cleric (5 levels)
Clerics can reflect India's spiritual diversity, with access to multiple domains that could represent various religions present in India. This class would allow India to heal and provide support in a party, much like the character’s nurturing nature.
Domain Suggestions: Community or Healing would be fitting.
Monk (2 levels)
Monks reflect India's martial traditions, such as historical arts like Kalaripayattu. Incorporating this class embodies the discipline and spiritual side of the character.
Key Features: Flurry of Blows and Ki Pool, which would complement the other classes' support capabilities.
Character Level: 10th Level (3 Bard / 5 Cleric / 2 Monk)
Background and Personality Traits:
Background: India has a rich cultural heritage, embodying diverse traditions, languages, and cuisines. This NPC may have a background as a skilled diplomat or peacekeeper, known for resolving conflicts and bringing people together.
Personality Traits: Warm, hospitable, and deeply spiritual, but also proud and sometimes playful. India enjoys sharing knowledge about culture and history and often has a bright and colorful demeanor.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Skills: Focus on Diplomacy, Perform, Knowledge (History, Local, Religion), Heal.
Skill Focus (Diplomacy)
Brew Potion (Making traditional remedies)
Combat Reflexes (Reflecting India’s martial ability and evasion)
Human (Variant) - Indonesia can be represented as a Human, highlighting a diverse culture and adaptability, common traits that mirror the nation's rich history and influences.
Bard (Inspired Performance)
Represents Indonesia's cultural heritage through music and dance. The Bard class also emphasizes the ability to inspire and charm others, reflecting Indonesia's friendly and welcoming nature.
Ranger (Wilderness Warden)
Emphasizes Indonesia's connection with nature and the environment. The Ranger class can represent the archipelago’s rich biodiversity and Indonesia's role as a protector of its natural resources.
Shaman (Elemental Shaman)
Reflects the spiritual aspects of Indonesian culture, including connections to nature and ancestral spirits. This class can showcase Indonesia’s reliance on the natural and spiritual world.
Level 6 (2 levels in Bard, 2 levels in Ranger, 2 levels in Shaman)
This multi-class allows for a balance of skills in performance, combat capacity, and spiritual abilities, which suits Indonesia's character and culture.
Statistical Breakdown
Race: Human (Variant)
Racial Traits:
+2 to one ability score of your choice (e.g., Dexterity or Charisma)
Bonus Feat
Skilled: Choose one extra skill rank at first level.
Classes Breakdown
Bard (2 Levels)
Skills: Focus on skills like Perform, Diplomacy, and Knowledge (local).
Bardic Performance: Offers powerful support abilities to inspire allies.
Spells: Access to spells that can enhance social and combat situations.
Ranger (2 Levels)
Combat Style: Choose Archery or Two-Weapon Fighting to reflect versatility.
Favored Enemy: Choose a creature type that reflects local wildlife or threats.
Animal Companion: Select a creature that represents Indonesia's fauna (like an orangutan or exotic bird).
Shaman (2 Levels)
Spirit Guide: Choose a spirit that reflects Indonesian mythology or local deities.
Hexes: Use hexes to enhance combat or support allies (e.g., Fortune or Healing).
Shaman Spells: Include spells that evoke elemental forces or nature.
Character Traits
Personality Traits:
Caring and Nurturing: Always ready to help others, reflecting Indonesia's cultural hospitality.
Adventurous: Loves exploring new places and meeting new people, drawn from the country's rich diversity.
Unity in Diversity: Celebrates the various cultures within Indonesia, promoting understanding and cooperation.
Love for Nature: Deeply connected to the environment and committed to its protection.
Overly Trusting: May be taken advantage of because of a tendency to see the good in everyone.
Curved sword (Keris) as a signature weapon.
A variety of musical instruments (like a traditional Balinese gamelan).
Herbalist kit for shamanistic rituals.
Race: Human (Variant) Description: This variant allows for a slight boost to Ability Scores, which fits Korea’s resourcefulness and adaptability.
Bard (3 levels) Role: This class captures Korea's artistic tendencies and love for music, as well as their lively personality.
Bardic Performance: Korea enjoys and embodies the fun and jovial aspects of culture.
Spellcasting: Bards have access to a variety of spells that fit both support and entertainment roles.
Rogue (2 levels) Role: Reflects Korea's cleverness and cunning nature, often seen as playful but capable of being sneaky when necessary.
Sneak Attack: Represents Korea's quick and agile nature in both combat and social situations.
Evasion: Useful for dodging various threats, mimicking their quick reflexes.
Fighter (2 levels) Role: Ties into Korea’s martial aspects, reflecting their competency in a variety of combat skills.
Weapon Training: Korea is culturally linked to martial arts and strategic fighting, so granting them a competency in specific weapons makes sense.
Combat Feats: Choosing feats that enhance their combat effectiveness.
Total Level: 7
Ability Scores:
Strength: 14 (Strong and capable in combat)
Dexterity: 18 (Quick and agile in battle)
Constitution: 14 (Resilient)
Intelligence: 12 (Cunning)
Wisdom: 10 (Average)
Charisma: 18 (Charming, sociable, and artistic)
Skills (based on class skills):
Perform (Dance): Reflects Korea's love for dance and music.
Diplomacy: Useful for negotiating and social interaction.
Stealth: Represents the sneaky aspects of Korea’s behavior.
Acrobatics: Ties to agile movement.
Weapon Finesse: Use Dexterity instead of Strength for attack rolls with light weapons.
Combat Reflexes: Take advantage of their quick reflexes in combat.
Persuasive: Gains a bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy checks.
Background: Korea is portrayed as friendly and outgoing, with a notable cultural identity. Their fondness for the arts and skill in negotiation make them a charismatic character, while their martial prowess represents their capability to defend themselves and their interests. Including aspects of culture, such as traditional clothing and habits, can add further depths to Korea's characterization in your game.
Name: Macau
Race: Half-Elf (Combines human adaptability and elven heritage, capturing Macau's cosmopolitan nature)
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Good (reflects a free spirit with a sense of mischief)
Level: 5
Bard (3 levels):
Role: A bard represents Macau’s artistic culture, love for the thrill of life, and adaptability. Bards can weave stories and songs, making them excellent at diplomacy and social interaction.
Key Abilities: Focus on the "Gather Information" and "Perform" skills, and emphasize supportive spells and abilities.
Rogue (2 levels):
Role: As a rogue, Macau can embody the cleverness and sly charm that comes with being part of a bustling port city. This captures the elements of business, trade, and intrigue.
Key Abilities: Emphasize skills like Stealth, Deception, and Diplomacy. Utilize class features such as Sneak Attack and Trapfinding.
Hit Points:
Bard 3: (1d8 + Con modifier for 3 levels)
Rogue 2: (1d6 + Con modifier for 2 levels)
Skill Points:
Bards gain 6+Int modifier per level and Rogues gain 8+Int modifier per level. This makes him well-rounded in skills involving social interactions and navigation.
Class Features:
Bardic Performance, Cantrips, Spellcasting (Focus on spells like Charm Person, Invisibility, Cure Light Wounds)
Sneak Attack, Evasion (if the character has a Dexterity bonus), Trapfinding.
Background and Flavor:
Personality Traits: Macau is charming, clever, and has a love of luxury. He enjoys socializing and could have connections with many different NPCs in a campaign—a great way to introduce the players to various factions or lore pieces.
Equipment: Fine clothing, a lute (or similar musical instrument), and a dagger (as a rogue weapon).
Description: Macau has striking features, reflecting his half-elf heritage, with an aura of both charm and mischief. His clothing is adorned with extravagant patterns, showcasing his vibrant personality.
Macau is keen on making connections, gathering intel, and enjoying life to the fullest. He might be a trader, a performer in the local tavern, or even an informant playing both sides of a conflict.
As an NPC, he could serve as an ally, information broker, or a catalyst for a conflict between other countries in your campaign. His knowledge and connections can lead players to new adventures or provide critical intel for their quests.
Race: Human (Variant) Malaysia's character embodies a mix of cultural traits and adaptability, making the human race a fitting choice.
Class Combination:
Monk (Unchained) 4 Monks are known for their discipline, agility, and martial arts proficiency, which can reflect Malaysia’s composure and adeptness.
Rogue 3 This class showcases the cleverness and resourcefulness often attributed to Malaysia. It also allows for an infusion of stealth and dexterous skills, perfect for subtler tactics.
Bard 3 The Bard class captures Malaysia's vibrant cultural expressions, creativity, and charm, symbolizing the nation's art and music scenes.
Character Details:
Total Level: 10
Strength: Moderate (as a Monk, they likely focus on agility rather than raw strength)
Dexterity: High (due to Monk and Rogue classes)
Constitution: Moderate (giving them resilience)
Intelligence: Average (not overly clever, but wise)
Wisdom: Above Average (reflects spiritual attributes from the Monk class)
Charisma: High (to reflect the bardic abilities and charming personality)
Stealth (from Rogue)
Acrobatics (from Monk)
Perform (from Bard)
Diplomacy (from Bard)
Sense Motive (from Monk)
Combat Reflexer: Enhances the character's ability to react in combat situations, akin to Malaysia's deftness.
Weapon Finesse: To represent agility in combat using finesse weapons.
Dodge: To bolster defensive capabilities in combat, reflecting adaptability.
Malaysia is a calm and composed individual who draws strength from both traditional practices and a modern outlook. They are diplomatic and skilled in negotiation, often bridging gaps between cultures. In combat, they utilize a mix of swift martial arts, clever tactics, and charming performances to inspire allies and confuse foes.
Special Abilities:
Ki Pool: Utilize the Monk's ki abilities for agility and faster movements.
Rogue Talents: Gain access to sneak attack when applicable or unique talents such as 'Fast Stealth.'
Bardic Performance: Inspire courage in allies or fascinate foes with compelling performances.
Race: Human (Varisian)
Reasoning: Varisians have a rich cultural background, known for their adaptability and travel. The Philippines, as an archipelago, has a diverse culture and heritage that can be mirrored in the Varisian traits, such as their emphasis on storytelling and connection with nature.
Bard (College of Lore)
Level: 5
Description: The Bard represents the creative and artistic sides of the Philippines, reflecting the vibrant culture and storytelling aspect. The College of Lore embodies knowledge-sharing and support, showcasing a depth of understanding of local and global stories.
Ranger (Hunter)
Level: 5
Description: As an archipelago, the Philippines has a strong connection to nature. The Ranger class highlights her skills in navigating and thriving in different environments, including jungles, mountains, and coastal areas. The Hunter archetype allows her to be an adept protector of the land and its resources.
Cleric (Domain of Artifice)
Level: 5
Description: The Cleric represents the protective and nurturing side, akin to the role of local deities in Filipino culture. The Domain of Artifice can embody the creativity and innovation inherent in Filipino culture and craftsmanship, focusing on artisanal skills and community support.
NPC Stats Overview
Race Traits:
+2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Strength (adjust based on preference)
Varisian Adaptive: Bonus on Perform checks and Knowledge (local) checks.
Focus on Perform, Diplomacy, Survival, Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Nature).
Skill Focus (Perform), Weapon Finesse (for a light weapon style), and any beneficial feats that enhance her character concept (e.g., Multi-attack feats for Ranger).
Instruments for bardic performance (e.g., guitar, flute).
A ranger's kit (including a bow and nature-related gear).
Holy symbol and basic clerical gear.
Personality Traits:
Friendly, nurturing, and resourceful; a balanced character reflecting the cultural richness of the Philippines.
A loves of storytelling, eager to share tales of her homeland’s history and nature.
Strong advocate for community and local resources.
Human (Variant): Humans in Pathfinder are versatile and adaptable, making them a fitting representation of Singapore's multicultural society. The variant human allows for an extra feat or skill points, reflecting their diverse backgrounds and abilities.
Bard (Inspired Performance):
Level: 5
Justification: Bards embody creativity and adaptability. As a society rich in culture and arts, a Bard fits well as they can inspire others and represent Singapore's diverse heritage.
Rogue (Savant):
Level: 3
Justification: With a reputation as a global trade hub, Singapore would have skilled individuals adept at maneuvering through social structures and commerce, aligning well with the Rogue class, specifically the Savant archetype which focuses on knowledge and skills.
Monk (Zen Archer):
Level: 2
Justification: Reflecting Singapore's balance of modernity and tradition, a Monk can represent discipline and mastery in a particular skill. The Zen Archer variant maintains a focus on ranged combat, symbolizing precision and calmness.
NPC Summary
Name: Singapore
Race: Human (Variant)
Classes: Bard (5)/Rogue (3)/Monk (2)
Alignment: Neutral Good (reflecting a balance between cultural unity and pragmatic governance)
Background: As a hub of trade, politics, and culture, Singapore has a vibrant and multifaceted identity. As such, Singapore is not just a storyteller and artist but also possesses cunning skills to navigate social and business interactions.
Abilities: Focus on Charisma for the Bard, Dexterity for the Rogue, and Wisdom for the Monk, reflecting their prowess in storytelling, agility, and mindfulness.
Sample Abilities/Feats
Performance (Oratory): Can create inspiring speech for allies.
Spells: Use spells that enhance skills, charm others, or create illusions.
Rogue (Savant):
Skills: High ranks in Diplomacy, Knowledge (Local), and Stealth.
Sneak Attack: Deal extra damage when surprising enemies.
Monk (Zen Archer):
Zen Archer: Utilize ranged combat with precision, high bonus to ranged attacks.
Ki Pool: Use ki points to enhance attacks or skills.
Roleplaying Notes
Singapore can act as a bridge between different realms or cultures in your campaign, acting as a diplomat or mediator for various factions.
Their knowledge of trade routes and local customs can provide valuable information to players during their adventures.
As a cultured individual, they may host gatherings or events that serve as a plot device for the adventurers to gain contacts or information.
Race: Human (Variant)
Taiwan's culture is a blend of Chinese and Japanese influences, making her a Human variant suitable for her diverse background—allowing for flexibility in class choice and skills.
Bard (3rd Level)
Role: As a Bard, Taiwan can represent her artistic side and cultural heritage, capable of inspiring allies with her performance and charm. Bards are also skilled in knowledge and diplomacy, traits that suit Taiwan's portrayal as friendly and sociable.
Bardic Performance: This reflects Taiwan’s ability to gather allies and cheer up those around her.
Musical Acumen: Possibly specializing in traditional music or storytelling.
Rogue (3rd Level)
Role: The Rogue class can signify Taiwan's cleverness and adaptability. This class could also bring an aspect of stealth, reflecting her ability to maneuver through challenges.
Skills like Stealth, Diplomacy, and Knowledge (Local) can be emphasized.
Bardic Trickster Archetype could be a great fit, merging performance and roguish charm.
Monk (3rd Level)
Role: Representing her martial spirit and connection to traditional martial arts, the Monk class captures her dedication and discipline. This shows a balance between her artistic side and her warrior spirit.
Flurry of Blows & Improved Unarmed Strike: These features can represent her agile fighting style, integrating cultural martial arts.
Character Traits:
Friendly: Taiwan is portrayed as warm and inviting. A high Charisma would enhance her social interactions.
Resourceful: Reflecting her adaptability to different situations in a fast-paced environment.
Ability Scores (Suggested):
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 14 (Focus on nimbleness for both Stealth and Monk abilities)
Constitution: 12
Intelligence: 14 (Good for skill points and Bard abilities)
Wisdom: 14 (Important for Monk)
Charisma: 16 (High for Bard abilities)
Weapon: A traditional weapon like a fan or a dual weapon set (e.g., daggers) that she can use in combat.
Armor: Light armor or no armor to reflect her agility and style, perhaps embellished with cultural motifs representing her background.
Race: Human (Varisian)
Humans are versatile and adaptive, reflecting the cultural blend seen in Thailand. The Varisian heritage can represent Thailand's rich history and connection to trade.
Bard (6th Level)
The Bard class fits Thailand well, considering his charm and creativity, as well as the cultural significance of music in Thai heritage. The Bard's ability to inspire allies and influence others through performance mirrors Thailand's friendly and sociable nature.
Rogue (2nd Level)
Thailand can also reflect elements of cunning and resourcefulness found in the Rogue class. This could represent Thailand's ability to adapt to situations, as well as his connections in trade and negotiation. A few levels in Rogue can give him extra skills and the ability to handle delicate situations gracefully.
Monk (2nd Level)
A few levels in Monk can reflect the martial arts aspects of Thai culture, such as Muay Thai. This class also represents discipline and focus, showcasing Thailand's attributes of calmness and resilience.
Ability Scores (Point Buy system):
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 14 (+2 racial bonus)
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 14
Charisma: 18
Perform (Dance/Sing), Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Craft (Cooking), Stealth, Acrobatics, Knowledge (History), and Knowledge (Local).
Sound Striker (Bard feat for extra damage on performance-based spells)
Weapon Finesse (Makes use of Dexterity for Attack rolls)
Combat Reflexes (Allows for more attacks of opportunity, reflecting quick reflexes)
Weapons: A simple weapon like a longsword for martial arts representation, and possibly a flute or some other musical instrument.
Armor: Light armor (such as padded armor or leather armor) to reflect the Monk's flexible mobility.
Adventuring Gear: Traveler's outfit, musical instrument, cooking supplies.
Background: Thailand is a friendly and diplomatic figure, often acting as a mediator within interactions among nations. He represents the richness of Thai culture, including love for food and festivals, and can serve as a patron for adventurers seeking to navigate the complexities of a diverse world.
Race: Human (Standard) Humans gain an extra feat and skill point per level, which can represent Vietnam's adaptability and resourcefulness.
Rogue (8 Levels)
Represents her cunning and cleverness, as well as her ability to navigate complex social situations.
Monk (2 Levels)
Reflects her martial arts background and connection to her cultural heritage. This class can also add flavor to her physical capabilities.
Shaman (3 Levels)
Ties into her spiritual beliefs and the connection to nature. The Shaman class can also highlight her ties to tradition and local spirits.
Total Level: 13
Background and Personality Traits:
Vietnam is known for being resilient and resourceful, which fits well with the Rogue class. She often finds strategic ways to approach problems and navigate conflicts.
Her martial arts skills can be represented by taking levels in Monk, allowing her some combat prowess and unarmed fighting style.
Incorporating Shaman reflects her spiritual ties and connection to nature, as well as the aspect of guiding and helping others.
Suggested Attributes (Assuming a Point Buy System):
Strength: 12
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 10
Focus on skills like Stealth, Acrobatics, Diplomacy, Knowledge (Local and Nature), and Survival. These represent her agility, cultural knowledge, and resourceful nature.
Weapon Finesse (for using her Dexterity with her combat skills)
Combat Reflexes (to leverage her nimble combat style)
Improved Unarmed Strike (to enhance her martial arts abilities)
A set of traditional weapons (like a short sword, dagger, or traditional martial arts weapons)
Light armor that allows for mobility (like a modified version of studded leather)
Vietnam can be depicted as wearing traditional attire influenced by her cultural background, perhaps adorned with elements representing nature.
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ghumindiaghum · 3 months
Pondicherry Travel Guide 2024: Best Places to Visit & Things To Do
Welcome to your ultimate Pondicherry travel guide for 2024! This guide is designed to help you explore the best places to visit and things to do in this charming coastal town. Whether you’re planning your first trip or returning for another visit, Pondicherry offers a unique blend of culture, history, and natural beauty. Let’s dive in!
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History of Pondicherry
Pondicherry, often referred to as “Puducherry” or simply “Pondy,” boasts a rich history that dates back to ancient times. The town has been influenced by various cultures over the centuries, from the Romans and Greeks to the Cholas and Vijayanagara Empire. However, the most significant period in Pondicherry’s history began with the arrival of the French in the late 17th century.
In 1674, the French East India Company established a trading post in Pondicherry, which eventually grew into a thriving colonial settlement. The French influence is still evident today in the town’s architecture, cuisine, and overall ambiance. Walking through the streets of the French Quarter, also known as White Town, feels like stepping back in time to a French colonial era. The grid-patterned streets, colonial buildings, and vibrant bougainvillea-covered walls add to the town’s charm.
Pondicherry remained under French control until 1954, when it was formally transferred to the Republic of India. Despite this change, the town has retained its unique blend of French and Indian cultures, making it a fascinating destination for history enthusiasts.
When to Visit | Pondicherry Travel Guide
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Pondicherry enjoys a tropical climate, with warm temperatures throughout the year. However, the best time to visit is from October to March, when the weather is pleasant and ideal for sightseeing and outdoor activities.
October to March: This period is considered the best time to visit Pondicherry. The temperatures range from 20°C to 30°C, making it comfortable for exploring the town, visiting the beaches, and enjoying various outdoor activities. The weather is also perfect for indulging in water sports.
April to June: These months mark the onset of summer in Pondicherry. Temperatures can soar to around 40°C, making it quite hot and humid. If you plan to visit during this time, ensure you stay hydrated and avoid outdoor activities during peak afternoon hours.
July to September: This is the monsoon season in Pondicherry. The town receives moderate to heavy rainfall, which can sometimes disrupt travel plans. However, the rains also bring a refreshing change and make the town’s landscapes lush and green. If you enjoy monsoon travel, this can be a good time to visit.
How to Get to Pondicherry
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Pondicherry is well-connected to major cities in India, making it easily accessible by plane, train, car, and bus.
The nearest airport to Pondicherry is Chennai International Airport, located about 135 kilometers away. Chennai Airport is well-connected to major cities in India and abroad. From the airport, you can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Pondicherry. The drive from Chennai to Pondicherry takes approximately 3 hours.
Pondicherry has its own railway station, which is well-connected to major cities like Chennai, Bangalore, and Mumbai. Several trains run regularly to and from Pondicherry. The train journey offers scenic views of the countryside and is a comfortable option for travelers.
If you prefer driving, you can reach Pondicherry by car. The town is connected to Chennai via the East Coast Road (ECR), which offers a picturesque drive along the coast. The journey takes about 3 hours, depending on traffic conditions. You can also drive from Bangalore, which is approximately 320 kilometers away and takes around 6-7 hours.
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Top 5 Reasons to Visit | Pondicherry Travel Guide
Pondicherry offers a unique blend of cultural heritage, natural beauty, and modern amenities. Here are the top five reasons to visit this charming town:
1. Fascinating Culture and History
Pondicherry’s rich history and cultural diversity make it a captivating destination. The town’s French colonial heritage is evident in its architecture, cuisine, and way of life. Explore the charming streets of the French Quarter, visit historical landmarks, and immerse yourself in the town’s unique blend of French and Indian cultures.
2. Fabulous Food
Pondicherry is a food lover’s paradise, offering a delightful mix of French, South Indian, and international cuisines. From charming cafes serving croissants and coffee to traditional South Indian eateries, there’s something to satisfy every palate. Don’t miss the chance to try local specialties like seafood dishes, crepes, and filter coffee.
3. Shop Local
Pondicherry is known for its vibrant markets and boutique shops. Explore the bustling streets of the town and discover a wide range of handmade products, from textiles and pottery to jewelry and handicrafts. The Sunday Market on Mahatma Gandhi Road is a must-visit for unique souvenirs and local treasures.
4. Hit the Beach
Pondicherry’s coastline is dotted with beautiful beaches, offering a perfect escape for beach lovers. Relax on the sandy shores, take a dip in the clear waters, or indulge in water sports like kayaking and surfing. Popular beaches like Promenade Beach, Paradise Beach, and Auroville Beach are ideal for a day of sun and sea.
5. Auroville
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What to Do in Pondicherry
Pondicherry offers a wide range of activities and attractions to suit every traveler’s interests. Here are some of the top things to do in Pondicherry:
1. 300 Years And Counting
Pondicherry’s rich history spans over 300 years, making it a treasure trove of historical landmarks and sites. Visit the Pondicherry Museum to learn about the town’s past, explore the ancient Arikamedu archaeological site, and marvel at the beautiful churches and colonial buildings that dot the town.
2. Remembering French Culture
Pondicherry’s French Quarter, also known as White Town, is a charming area with a distinct European vibe. Stroll through the tree-lined streets, admire the colonial architecture, and visit landmarks like the French War Memorial and the statue of Joseph François Dupleix. Enjoy a coffee at one of the many quaint cafes and soak in the town’s French ambiance.
3. Views Of The Water
Pondicherry’s coastline offers stunning views of the Bay of Bengal. Spend time at the Promenade Beach, where you can enjoy a leisurely walk along the seafront, watch the sunrise, and take in the refreshing sea breeze. The scenic beauty of the coastline is sure to leave you mesmerized.
4. In The Heart Of White Town
White Town is the heart of Pondicherry, known for its colonial charm and vibrant atmosphere. Explore the colorful streets, visit art galleries and boutique shops, and dine at the many restaurants offering a mix of French and Indian cuisines. The lively vibe and unique character of White Town make it a must-visit.
5. Strolling On The Edge Of The Bay Of Bengal
Take a stroll along the Promenade, a 1.2-kilometer-long stretch along the coast. It’s a popular spot for locals and tourists alike, offering beautiful views of the sea, statues, and landmarks like the Mahatma Gandhi statue and the Old Lighthouse. The Promenade is perfect for a leisurely walk, jogging, or simply relaxing by the water.
Where to Eat in Pondicherry
Pondicherry’s culinary scene is a delightful blend of French, South Indian, and international flavors. Here are some of the best places to eat in Pondicherry:
Le Café: Located on the Promenade, Le Café is a popular spot for enjoying coffee and snacks with a view of the sea. It’s open 24/7, making it a convenient stop any time of the day.
Baker Street: This French bakery offers a range of delicious pastries, bread, and sandwiches. It’s a great place for breakfast or a light meal.
Villa Shanti: A charming restaurant in White Town, Villa Shanti offers a mix of French and Indian cuisine in a beautiful courtyard setting.
La Maison Rose: This colonial-style restaurant serves a variety of French and continental dishes. The ambiance and food make it a perfect spot for a leisurely meal.
Appachi Chettinad: For a taste of traditional South Indian cuisine, head to Appachi Chettinad. The restaurant offers a range of Chettinad dishes, known for their rich flavors and spices.
Where to Stay | Pondicherry Travel Guide
Pondicherry offers a variety of accommodation options to suit different budgets and preferences. Whether you’re looking for luxury hotels, boutique guesthouses, or budget-friendly stays, you’ll find plenty of choices. Ghum India Ghum, a leading tour and travel company in India will arrange these packages along with other destinations of your choice.
Popular Neighborhoods in Puducherry
White Town: Colonial architecture, charming streets, and proximity to major attractions characterize this area.Staying in White Town offers a unique experience with easy access to cafes, restaurants, and shops.
Auroville: Located a short drive from Pondicherry, Auroville offers a tranquil and alternative stay experience. It’s ideal for those looking for a peaceful retreat and a chance to explore the unique community of Auroville.
Promenade Beach Area: Staying near Promenade Beach offers beautiful sea views and easy access to the beach. It’s a great choice for beach lovers and those who enjoy seaside walks.
Heritage Town: Heritage buildings and cultural significance mark this area. If you’re interested in exploring Pondicherry’s history and local culture, it’s a great place to stay.
FAQs on Pondicherry Travel Guide
1. What is the best time to visit Pondicherry?
The best time to visit Pondicherry is from October to March, when the weather is pleasant and ideal for sightseeing and outdoor activities.
2. How can I reach Pondicherry?
Pondicherry is well-connected by plane, train, car, and bus. The nearest airport is Chennai International Airport, about 135 kilometers away. Pondicherry has its own railway station and is well-connected by road to major cities.
3. What are the top attractions in Pondicherry?
Some of the top attractions in Pondicherry include the French Quarter (White Town), Promenade Beach, Auroville, Pondicherry Museum, and the ancient Arikamedu archaeological site.
4. What kind of food can I expect in Pondicherry?
Pondicherry offers a delightful mix of French, South Indian, and international cuisines. You can enjoy everything from croissants and coffee to traditional South Indian dishes and seafood.
5. Is Pondicherry a good destination for shopping?
Vibrant markets and boutique shops make Pondicherry well-known. You can find a wide range of handmade products, including textiles, pottery, jewelry, and handicrafts.
6. Are there good beaches in Pondicherry?
Yes, Pondicherry has several beautiful beaches, including Promenade Beach, Paradise Beach, and Auroville Beach. These beaches are perfect for relaxing, swimming, and water sports.
7. What is Auroville?
Auroville is an experimental township located near Pondicherry. They founded the organization in 1968 to promote human unity and sustainable living. Visitors can explore the Matrimandir, attend workshops, and learn about the community’s unique way of life.
We hope this Pondicherry travel guide for 2024 helps you plan an unforgettable trip to this charming coastal town. Enjoy your journey and make the most of everything Pondicherry has to offer!
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kavyaindiatours · 3 months
Sunrise Taj Mahal Tour by Car by Kavya India Tours Company.
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Kavya India Tours Company's Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour by Car
Overview of the Taj Mahal Sunrise Tour by Car Take a unique tour with Kavya India Tours Company to witness the Taj Mahal's unrivaled grandeur bathed in the golden hues of sunrise. Combining the tranquility of daybreak with the majesty of one of the most famous monuments in the world, this one-day trip from Delhi to Agra and back promises to be an experience never to forget.
Why Go on a Taj Mahal Tour at Sunrise? A new viewpoint can be obtained by seeing the Taj Mahal at dawn. An attractive scene that is less congested and more peaceful than other times of day is created by the early morning light enhancing the marble's inherent brilliance.
Reasons for Selecting Kavya India Tours Company? Learn why the best option for this fascinating tour is Kavya India Tours Company.
Verified Knowledge Kavya India Tours Company has been in the travel business for many years and is renowned for providing exceptional service and dependability.
Individualized Service Personalized travel experiences are available with knowledgeable experts who offer in-depth explanations of the significance and history of the Taj Mahal and other sites.
Relaxed Journey A smooth and enjoyable trip is guaranteed when you travel in a private, air-conditioned vehicle driven by a professional.
The Sunrise Car Tour of the Taj Mahal itinerary A thorough look at your one-day adventure's schedule is provided here.
Early Morning: Departure from Delhi between 3 and 3:30 in the morning
Get-Up: Your driver will come to your Delhi hotel or place of residence to pick you up. Make your way to Agra in comfort in a chauffeur-driven, air-conditioned vehicle. First thing in the morning: Arrival at Agra At six in the morning:
Arrival in Agra: Get to Agra in time to see the magnificent Taj Mahal at daybreak. In the morning: The Taj Mahal Visit between 6:30 and 8:30 a.m.
Experience the tranquil beauty of the Taj Mahal at sunrise, when the monument is first illuminated by the rays of dawn. Take pleasure in a guided tour that explores the UNESCO World Heritage Site's history, architecture, and love tale. In the morning: Agra Fort and breakfast. 8:30 A.M. until 9:30 A.M.
Enjoy a hearty breakfast at a nearby eatery that comes highly recommended. The magnificent Agra Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is open for exploration from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM. Admire the exquisite features and breathtaking architecture while learning about its historical significance. Midmorning: Accompanying the Baby Taj, Itimad-ud-Daulah
Visit the stunning tomb known as Itimad-ud-Daulah, sometimes called the "Baby Taj." Rigorous inlay work and tranquil gardens characterize this smaller but no less remarkable structure. Breakfast and leisure in the early afternoon From 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
Lunch: Savor a delicious meal of real Mughlai food at a nearby eatery. Retrace your route to Delhi in the afternoon. 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM:
Retire in style in your private vehicle as you head back to Delhi following an amazing day in Agra. Evening: 4:30 PM to 5:00 PM arrival in Delhi:
Drop-Off at Your Location: Your driver will end an amazing trip by dropping you off at your hotel or place of abode. The Sunrise Car Tour of the Taj Mahal's Highlights Examine the main sights and activities that are part of this trip.
The Taj Mahal at Dawn Unforgettable Views: Take in the peaceful, stunning scene as the Taj Mahal is illuminated by the warm light of morning. Examination of the Past UNESCO World Heritage Site Agra Fort: Learn about its magnificent architecture and rich history. Cultural Understanding Explore Itimad-ud-Daulah, a stunning but lesser-known monument, to witness the amazing craftsmanship. regional food Genuine Dinners: Experience a culinary adventure by indulging in mouthwatering regional fare at eateries that come highly recommended. Some Advice for an Unforgettable Taj Mahal Tour at Dawn Use these useful ideas to make the most of your travels.
Put on cozy clothes Put on walking- and exploration-appropriate footwear and cozy apparel.
Remain Hydrated To stay hydrated, especially in the warmer months, always have a water bottle with you.
Remember to Bring Your Camera Take use of a camera or smartphone to record the breathtaking scenery and special moments during your journey.
Consider the weather. Certain seasons make early mornings chilly, so check the weather forecast and make plans appropriately.
To sum up History, culture, and scenic beauty are all perfectly melded together on the Kavya India Tours Company's Sunrise Taj Mahal Tour by Car. This trip offers a remarkable and enriching experience in a single day, from the peaceful sight of the Taj Mahal at sunrise to discovering the rich history of Agra.
FAQ No. 1: How long is the car tour of the Taj Mahal in the morning? Leaving early in the morning and finishing in the evening, the tour lasts roughly 12 to 14 hours.
2. What is covered by the Car Tour of the Taj Mahal at Dawn? Along with breakfast and lunch, the tour includes expert driving, private vehicle transportation, and guided tours of the Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, and Itimad-ud-Daulah.
3. Can families go on this tour? The tour is appropriate for all ages and is family-friendly.
Can I alter the schedule for the tour? Certainly, you are able to modify the tour schedule to fit your tastes and hobby. For further information, speak with Kavya India Tours Company.
What should I bring for the tour, if anything? Sturdy shoes, a hat, sunscreen, comfortable clothing, a camera, and any other personal goods you might need.
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Sky vs Fever: An Exciting WNBA Showdown
Overview One of the most anticipated games of the WNBA season is the matchup between the Chicago Sky and the Indiana Fever. Through exciting performances and fierce competition, this rivalry has gotten stronger over time, enthralling viewers. Gaining knowledge of this matchup’s dynamics can help you understand the WNBA as a whole.
Backgrounds of Teams The Chicago Sky’s past Since its founding in 2006, the Chicago Sky has grown to be a dominant force in the WNBA. The Sky, who are renowned for their explosive playmaking and unwavering team spirit, won their first WNBA title in 2021, which was a huge turning point in the franchise’s history.
The Indiana Fever’s past One of the league’s founding teams is the Indiana Fever, which was established in 2000. The group’s illustrious past was enhanced by their 2012 WNBA championship victory. The Fever have a reputation for being resilient and fiercely competitive.
Seasonal Outcome Chicago Sky’s Performance for the Current Season This season, the Chicago Sky have performed well, continuing their title heritage. They have shown both offensive and defensive strength, maintaining a strong standings position with a well-balanced roster and smart play.
Current Indiana Fever Season Performance The Indiana Fever have put forth a lot of effort to get up the standings despite a difficult season. The team’s youthful skill and seasoned leadership have combined to produce strong performances despite some setbacks, maintaining their hopes of making the playoffs.
Important Players to Keep an Eye on Prominent Individuals on the Chicago Sky Kahleah Copper: A regular player for the Sky, Copper is renowned for her athleticism and scoring prowess. Candace Parker: The seasoned forward is a vital component at key junctures because of her leadership, talent, and experience. Star Players for the Fever in Indiana Kelsey Mitchell: A brilliant guard, Mitchell is a vital offensive weapon thanks to her shooting and playmaking skills. NaLyssa Smith: Smith is a bright young forward who has made a big difference on both sides of the floor with her enthusiasm and ability. Head-to-Head Associations Past Meetings and Outcomes The Sky and the Fever have played close, competitive games in their recent meetings. Although the Sky have always had the advantage, the Fever have managed some noteworthy wins that have maintained the rivalry’s ferocity.
Treasured Memories from Previous Games Buzzer-beating shots, thrilling overtime ends, and exceptional individual performances that have kept spectators on the edge of their seats are just a few of the memorable moments. These games frequently have dramatic turns and hefty stakes.
Chicago Game Strategy Sky’s Strengths and Playing Style The Sky are renowned for their quick offense, accurate outside shooting, and stout defense. They have a big bench that enables a variety of flexible tactics, and they thrive at transition play.
The Strengths and Playing Style of Indiana Fever The Fever prioritize a forceful offensive approach together with aggressive defense. Their tactics frequently center on managing the game’s tempo and using their physicality to gain the upper hand in paint.
Impact of the Chicago on Coaching Staff Sky’s Methods of Coaching The Sky, led by coach James Wade, have become a cohesive one that emphasizes adaptability and collaboration. Wade’s strategic thinking and flexibility in the middle of the game are essential to the Sky’s victory.
The Indiana Fever’s coaching strategies and their impact Defense resiliency and player development have been prioritized by coach Marianne Stanley. Her expertise and tactical understanding have been invaluable in helping the squad overcome obstacles and realize its full potential.
Fan Interaction How Chicago Sky Support is Maintained by Fans Chicago Sky supporters are renowned for their fervent and boisterous cheers. Because of the team’s success, there is a large fan base that attends home games and fills the stadium, creating an exciting environment.
How Indiana Fever Supporters Participate The supporters of the Indiana Fever are devoted and consistent, sticking by the team through good times and bad. The boisterous shouts and large attendance at Fever games are clear indicators of their enthusiasm and sense of community.
Venue and Ambience Chicago Sky’s Home Court Advantage The Sky’s home court, Wintrust Arena, provides a big home court advantage with its vibrant spectators and state-of-the-art amenities. The team performs better and feels more confident in the familiar surroundings.
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the-red-planet-mars · 5 months
Answer these 10 things then send them in 10 of your followers/ mutuals askboxes anonymously
1. What is your favourite food?
2.What is something you are proud of yourself for?
3. What is something you love about your irl best friend?
4. What is something you love about your online best friend?
5. What is something you love about your culture/s?
6. What is something you love about yourself?
7. Describe a silly activity you do with your friends (online or irl or both)
8. Attempt to poetically describe a feeling you often can't describe
9. List 3 things in the room you are currently in
10. Share a quote that has stuck with you (of anything- inspirtational, sad, silly etc...)
Bonus: Guess who sent this
Chicken Biryani >:D
I'm proud of myself for being here, for getting back my old vocabulary that had made me unique, for writing, for not giving up.
I love her silliness, her innocence, her goodness, her kind character. I love how she hasn't given up on me. I love how she pays attention to me and makes me feel included. I love how she acknowledges the good things about me, and let's me know I'm appreciated. I love that she listens. I love her.
I love her brain, not in some weird way lol, I just love the way she thinks- the admirable way she is able to convey her thoughts. I love her silliness and chaotic behaviour. I love her ideas, her theories, her writing. God, their poetry is just as amazing as them. I love her. @the-lovely-planet-earth this refers to you <3
CHICKEN BIRYANI! Also the clothes and other Pakistani dishes. I especially love the chaos of the weddings we Paki folk host lmfao. I just love the overall aesthetic of my culture too. Did I mention the clothes? Yeah I did- I love the clothes and the jewellery. Also I was born in Australia, and live in the upside-down land, so lemme acknowledge that. I love the slang, it's hilarious. With the Indigenous culture, I love dot painting, it looks super cool and the meaning behind some of the art I've seen just makes it genuinely awesome.
Honestly, you know how I said before that I got back my old vocabulary? Yeah that- I love that about myself. I love it because it makes me unique. I love how I speak old english unironically sometimes. I love how I use older slang. I love how I just speak and write, how I pen my thoughts down, how I think. I love myself and I genuinely mean it now. There are so many things about me to love. I'm grateful to have realised that.
With irl friends, we are all very confused people. We do this thing where we mis-hear or misinterpret something another person says and then it becomes this whole ting of chaotic confusion and it's hilarious. My online friends and I- well @the-lovely-planet-earth and I traumatise entertain ya'll with our roleplays. We create angst and spill it onto the tumble crumble site for you all to see. We create characters inspired by a show we bond over, and add our own touch to them then BOOM- epic roleplay on ya'll's dash >:D
I'll get back to this- reblog to remind me.
Box, bed, desk
"Allah does not burden a soul beyond more than it can bear..." (Quran 2:286)
Bonus: @india-official I saw this only on your blog at the time I saw this was sent so...
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sereperfume · 5 months
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If you smell the top 10 perfumes - you may like or you may not. It depends on one's interest in the fragrance that he loves it.
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Chanel Coco Mademoiselle
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Discover the Top 10 Digital Marketing Agencies in Delhi for 2024
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In the ever-evolving digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking innovative and efficient ways to connect with their target audience, build brand awareness, and drive sales. The capital city of India, Delhi, is a bustling hub for digital marketing expertise, housing some of the most proficient agencies in the country. Leading the pack is Nexgen Digital Solutions, a comprehensive digital marketing agency renowned for its bespoke services and client-centric approach. Here’s a detailed look at the top 10 digital marketing agencies in Delhi for 2024, starting with the frontrunner.
1. Nexgen Digital Solutions
At the forefront of digital marketing innovation, Nexgen Digital Solutions stands out for its holistic approach to digital marketing. Offering an impressive array of services including Bulk SMS, Email, and WhatsApp Services, IVR and Voice Broadcasting Services, alongside classic Digital Marketing and SEO Services, Nexgen Digital Solutions is the go-to partner for businesses aiming for exponential growth. Their expertise extends to Website Development and product photoshoots, ensuring a comprehensive online presence for their clients. Reach out to them at their Dwarka Mor office or get in touch via phone or email for a tailored digital marketing strategy that aligns with your business goals.
2. Creative Digital Brain
Known for its creative strategies and innovative solutions, Creative Digital Brain offers personalized digital marketing solutions that resonate with your brand’s voice and objectives. Their expertise in social media marketing and content creation makes them a standout choice.
3. Market Leaders
Focusing on ROI-driven strategies, Market Leaders excel in delivering measurable results through SEO, PPC, and digital strategy. They are a top choice for businesses looking to get a competitive edge in their industry.
4. TechSavvy Marketers
With a strong emphasis on technology-driven marketing solutions, TechSavvy Marketers specialize in marketing automation, AI-based analytics, and targeted ad campaigns, catering to the tech-savvy entrepreneur.
5. Brand Builders
Brand Builders are experts in crafting compelling brand stories and digital experiences that engage and convert. Their services include brand strategy, digital advertising, and customer engagement techniques.
6. Visionary Media Group
Offering a blend of traditional and digital marketing strategies, Visionary Media Group is perfect for businesses looking for a comprehensive approach to increase their online and offline presence.
7. Digital Innovation Hub
As the name suggests, Digital Innovation Hub is all about innovative digital solutions. Specializing in emerging technologies and digital transformation strategies, they help businesses stay ahead of the curve.
8. Social Savvy
Social Savvy focuses on leveraging social media platforms to build brand loyalty and drive engagement. Their targeted social media campaigns are designed to connect businesses with their ideal audience effectively.
9. SEO Masters
SEO Masters are the go-to agency for all things SEO. From keyword research to on-page and off-page optimization, they ensure your website ranks high on search engines and attracts organic traffic.
10. OmniChannel Experts
OmniChannel Experts specialize in creating seamless customer experiences across all digital and physical channels. Their integrated marketing strategies ensure consistent messaging and branding across all touchpoints.
Choosing the right digital marketing agency is crucial for the success of your online marketing efforts. Each of these agencies brings something unique to the table, but Nexgen Digital Solutions stands out for its comprehensive services and customer-first approach, making it an excellent choice for businesses in Delhi and beyond.
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catgirlforeskin · 7 months
(Leviathan anon like 5 minutes later because I saw something on my dashboard)
And also like, all that I said is absolutely not just European thing. West Asia and Northern Africa are barely different from Europe in any way on historical scale, but we share a common origin so it may be it. But it isn't - the same dynamics of empires and elites are true for India. China had its own Hobbes who literally wrote "people can only do something meaningful when forced by authority and therefore the state shall have unlimited control over people and utilize it as often as possible" in 6th-3rd century BCE (I forgot), and not only wrote but he was the Emperor's advisor who managed to create his dream state. South American civilisations were also imperial and warlike, at least Aztecs and Incas. The reason Europeans initially started African slave trade was because kings of African city states were selling very cheap slaves to anyone who asked. And sedentary societies of Africa that didn't have slaves were also horrible in all the same ways Eurasian societies were.
So like it's absolutely not European thing
Yeah I think as a result of orientalism and general lack of education westerners develop very weird (racist) ideas about the rest of the world or have just never thought about those histories. A lack of any materialist understanding leads to people blaming the advent of colonialism and capitalism on like, white people being uniquely evil or noble savagery of others.
I’ll push back a bit on the slavery thing since I think it’s more complicated than that but a big part of how colonialism succeeded was that many places already had imperial structures in place and the colonists worked with those against common people and subsumed those systems into their own
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umichenginabroad · 7 months
Swinging by Singapore (Week 4)
Hello from Singapore! Having always wanted to travel to Southeast Asia, I was ecstatic to learn that one of my roommates had a similar dream. I couldn’t believe it when we started discussing the trip just two weeks in advance, but I seized the opportunity to immerse myself in a new culture. My schooling at UNSW is split between the Summer semester which runs from Jan 2 - Feb 5 and term 1 which runs from Feb 11 - May 9. During the summer semester, I have been taking a single Ecotourism class which is entirely asynchronous until the end of January when the class takes a trip to the Great Barrier Reef! This meant that I could travel with no fear of missing class. After a 9hr flight, Lauren, Charlotte, Shaunak, Evan and I landed in Singapore and got right to exploring. The Jewel is a mall containing the world’s largest indoor waterfall located just outside the Changi Airport. As soon as we got off the plane and laid eyes on the beauty we were speechless. Luscious trees and shrubbery surrounded the waterfall and staggered up all around it. The light shone through the windowed ceiling and made me forget about any stress I ever had. We might as well have been standing in a jungle. The surrounding mall was just as exciting. Several minutes were spent wandering around the Pokemon store where I got a pack of cards in honor of my ever growing childhood collection. The chocolate croll I got at a little bakery stand was one of the best things I had ever eaten in an airport. After 2 hours of exploring, it was clear to me that airports in the US need to step up their game. 
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Utilizing the very reliable train system known as the MRT, we made our way to our AirBnB located in Little India. For reference, Singapore is a melting pot of cultures with a 74% Chinese, 14% Malaysian, and 9% Indian population. This means that when you look around, all signage is in Mandarin, Malay, Tamil, and English. The fact that English is widely spoken across the country made transport and communication extremely easy and not something we had to worry about. After settling into our single room with just enough space for our beds and bags, we made our way towards Kampong Gelam which is Singapore’s Muslim Quarter and the site of the remarkable Sultan Mosque. Starving, we found a restaurant for dinner which was full of new foods and a particular favorite of mine – Kothu Paratha which I’d only ever had at my favorite Indian restaurant in Ann Arbor. We called it a night soon after that, but I was excited to be on a new continent and get right to exploring. 
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The next day we hit all the major stops including Gardens by the Bay, the Cloud Forest, and Marino Bay Sands. The first two attractions, like the Jewel, emphasized the appreciation for nature that Singapore has as many of its major attractions are centered around greenery. 
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Pictured first is Gardens by the Bay. Second is me in the Cloud Forest!
Nearby was a Hawker Center called Satay by the Bay where we got lunch. Hawker Centers in Singapore are essentially large food courts with countless stalls of diverse Indian, Chinese, and Malaysian foods and drinks for incredible prices. On average, you could get a whole meal for about $5 and a side drink for another $1 so needless to say I seized the opportunity to try as many foods as possible. That lunch I had chicken satay, my first ever stingray, carrot cake (a dish local to Singapore containing absolutely no carrot nor cake), and pineapple juice. I can’t even begin to describe how delicious everything tasted so I’m afraid you’ll just have to imagine through the picture below. 
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Hawker Centers like that one are scattered all throughout the city, so we made it a rule to seek them out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. At Marino Bay Sands, one of the most unique buildings I have ever stepped foot in, we made our way to a restaurant called Lavo at the highest floor where we got drinks, incredible views, and a 20-layered chocolate peanut butter cake. We may have been exhausted from walking around all day, but we did not leave until that cake plate was clean, even if it meant spending the next hour there. 
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Marino Bay Sands is the building pictured above followed by the equally-as-intimidating chocolate cake.
The next day we ventured to Sentosa Island where you could take cable cars across the island and see the beautiful beaches and various amusement parks. Though the weather wasn’t in our favor, it was nice to see what beaches look like outside of Australia since they reminded me of just how lucky I am to be living on Coogee. Sentosa was followed by Chinatown and Clarke Quay in the evening, both of which are full of rich culture and were a pleasure to roam in. Before our flight to Bali, we concluded our trip with the MacRitchie Treetop Walk where we were greeted by monkeys and even more beautiful greenery. 
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Though we were only able to spend a few days there, I fully intend on returning to Singapore one day and making my way to those Hawker Centers. Until then, back to exploring Australia!
David Bayer
Biomedical Engineering
University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia
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jobsatindiasmale · 1 year
Dating Tips For Gigolos In India For Deal With Clients
1. Don't make things too complicated. The first date with someone you don't know much about is full of uncertainty. Don't try to make things more difficult by making plans for a whole day out or the perfect romantic dinner. Instead, keep things brief and straightforward. Some espresso in a focal area will make it clear quickly on the off chance that your date is somebody you might want to invest more energy with gigolo india pvt ltd. Additionally, the coffee might turn into a lunch or dinner if everything goes according to plan, adding some spontaneity to the mix.
There is no need for a complicated first date.
2. Avoid unnecessary stress on your first date. Anxiety is normal and even part of the fun. However, you'll need to dispose of the sort of pressure that will make you bothered and your date awkward. Keep in mind that your date will feel more at ease around you the more relaxed you are american gigolo. Sitting at a right angle to your date rather than directly facing them is one easy trick. You can do a little people-watching instead of trying to fill every pause in the conversation because this alleviates the pressure.
3. Chop down the messaging, and meet face to face
The discussion could have begun with an application or a site, however it shouldn't remain there for a really long time. Although texting can certainly give you a sense of another person, you need more than just messages on a screen to really indian gigolo get to know each other: looks, non-verbal communication and manner of speaking are similarly significant. So don't squander energy on a virtual relationship - go out there and meet the genuine individual behind the words.
4. Prepare some topics for a first date You might be wondering how to prepare for a first date.
You couldn't go for a prospective employee meeting without planning ahead of time, so for what reason should a first date be any unique? Consider some interesting responses to the questions you might be asked on a first date and some good questions to ask. However, if you treat the first date like an actual interview gigolo jobs, it will raise red flags.
What to discuss on a first date?
We've written a blog post with ideas for first date topics and conversation starters to get you to the second date!
But first, acknowledge your nervousness! Trustworthiness will get you far.
Visit our blog for some smart advice on first date topics, questions, and conversation starters: What to Discuss on a First Date: Rules of thumb.
Keep in mind that responses are just as important as good questions on a first date. Truth be told, your emphasis ought to be on listening great and making the other individual agreeable. With that in mind, keep away gigolo meaning in english from delicate themes connected with sex or cash. On a first date, you shouldn't ask the other person how much they make or why their last relationship ended.
You need to meet someone in person to truly comprehend them.
The key is to listen well and respond in the right way.
5. Support your certainty
Individuals love to be around sure individuals. What's more, non-verbal communication is a strong sign that will enlighten your date a great deal concerning you. Doing some "power posing" in advance is one way to boost your confidence. This implies representing a couple of moments in an emphatic stance gigolo delhi, hands on hips (consider a superhuman), in order to fool the mind into feeling more sure. Simply don't do it on the actual date, or you'll look absurd.
6. Improve your listening skills We all enjoy talking about ourselves, but don't assume that your date finds you equally interesting. Making everything about you conveys some unacceptable messages, truth be told. However, you can't just shut down and let your date talk on their own; that's also a surefire way to fail. The trick is to listen with intelligence and respond appropriately, like when we summarise a point and follow up with a question like, "So, you spent three months in Argentina, how was that?"
7. Make a good first impression. The first impression matters. A person's perception of you is formed based on your appearance and demeanour in a matter of seconds. Smiling is a great way to make a good first impression gigolo videos. Grinning is one of the propensities for affable individuals, an indication of bliss and a teachable expertise. You will not only begin to feel better as a result of smiling more, but you will also project some of that positivity onto those around you. It's all about positive energy!
Also, put some time into looking good, but keep your usual style and dress for the occasion. You wouldn't show up to a cafe wearing a tux, and you shouldn't show up to a cocktail party wearing shorts and a t-shirt either.
8. Be true to who you are. Dating in the 21st century can feel like a game, and maybe it has always been like that. But far too often, we compare our worth to those we think are "winning," and as a result, we try to follow in what is gigolo their footsteps rather than finding our own path.
However, there shouldn't be winners and losers in dating. Finding someone you care about and can relate to is the key. someone you can make happy for yourself and someone you can make happy for them. This is just conceivable when you stay consistent with yourself and let your credibility radiate through gigolo in delhi.
9. Make sure your first date goes off without a hitch with the right follow-up.
So you felt an association, the discussion streamed and you shared heaps of things for all intents and purposes. Terrific. What next? A fruitful first date is just pretty much as great as the development, and this implies orchestrating another gathering. You could carry this out right away, but it's probably best not to put someone in a difficult situation. Also make a good refer to gigolomania.com
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