#5H astrology
savagebeautyqueen · 2 years
Astro Rant
Wow, is it possible my brother has duplicated AND intercepted signs??
He also has a Scorpio stellium; just had his FIRST CHILD— a Scorpio! And that’s his 5H
Our father had intercepted houses; Leo & Aqua (5 & 11H cuz he’s an Aries Rising like me). I’m an Aqua.
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d4rkpluto · 1 month
ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ ʀᴜʟᴇʀ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇꜱ
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and i wanted to be kind and leave one more spot for someone for a chart reading, £30 for a natal chart reading and i'll be closing it!
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♇ what is a ruler in astrology?
♇ a ruler in astrology is a planetary ruler, a planet that rules over the sign that takes over a house, for example, someone with capricorn in their second house, will have saturn as their second house ruler.
♇ my second house is ruled by saturn, and saturn is placed in my seventh house in astrology.
♱ 1H RULER IN THE 1H ⟶ important people, could be very self-centred or thinks about their path a lot. attractive people, might think of themselves too much. popular and likeable. fiery people, handsome faces, fast, bold and an important life-path.
♱ 1H RULER IN THE 2H ⟶ money, security and beauty oriented. a beautiful person, distinct, calming or nice voice. financially driven, loud voices, vocal person, could be good singers, protective people, possessive and are family-oriented. might prioritise their weight and body too much.
♱ 1H RULER IN THE 3H ⟶ siblings/cousins or relatives in general are important to them. fast and charismatic, observant people and can be talkative, could be guides for other people. writers and dreamers. creative, could have a passion for cards and keeping up with trends.
♱ 1H RULER IN THE 4H ⟶ finds family important, making a foundation and legacy for themselves. therapy is important, might find themselves having to be the therapist for other people in their lives. might've had their bodies sexualised when they were younger. can be overly-nurturing, other people might depend on them too much vice versa. could feel close to children, could dream of becoming a leader, beauty, looking like their mother.
♱ 1H RULER IN THE 5H ⟶ fun people and dramatic. finds importance in expressing themselves, romance and fame, tending to the inner-child. romantic, could be a player, artistic. could be selfish and flamboyant. broadway fame, can be show-offs and like to dance.
♱ 1H RULER IN THE 6H ⟶ hard workers, keen and mean. though can be helpful to other people. funny and health-oriented, might think of their weight too much. owning a business, home-business and obsessed with perfection. naggers and can be stalkers, they like to win, competitive people but can be self-destructive. schedule and organisation means a lot to them.
♇ 1H RULER IN THE 7H ⟶ finds importance in connections, and romance. can be a very flaky person, unsure and indecisive about everything. popular person and can be obsessed with aesthetics, can be someone who has different types of friendship groups for different circumstances. cute person.
♇ 1H RULER IN THE 8H ⟶ finds importance in secrecy, money and being a better version of themselves. can obsess over perfection. sexual person, and very sexually appealing person. strong aura can be off-putting to other people. cold/sharp eyes and can look into things too much. stalkers and obsessive people.
♇ 1H RULER IN THE 9H ⟶ big personality, intelligent and big smiles. intoxicating laugh, laugh makes other people laugh. great at teaching and has a vast presence. can take in stuff easily and can be someone who is also on the go, much admirers. "the girl who's always gonna be alright".
♇ 1H RULER IN THE 10H ⟶ popular people, stoic and ambitious. and can be people who are stoic and handsome. very nice and commanding voices. can be people who are leaders, admired, much pressure on their shoulders. gets along with superiors, easily attracts attention from everyone. stands out, dark academia aesthetic.
♇ 1H RULER IN THE 11H ⟶ friendship means a lot to them, but also being independency. belonging somewhere is important to them. standing out, internet famous, can be people who are geniuses and secretive. moralistic and can have high standards. these people are rebels and unorthodox, psychic and social climbers, money-oriented too.
♇ 1H RULER IN THE 12H ⟶ escapists and dreamers. fame. self-victimisers, too sympathetic especially for the wrong people. avoiding problems and being people who are intuitive, emotional people and addicts. runners and maladaptive day-dreamers. artistic people and people might project onto them vice versa, distaste of being perceived everywhere, hermit people and self-sacrifices themselves for a better future.
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sweetlady555 · 2 months
what you wish for based off what house mercury is in your chart *ೃ༄🧞‍♀️🌠
these all could also apply to where you have sun and moon aswell because mercury rules your immediate desires, sun rules your deepest desires and moon rules your subconscious desires.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 1h : wishing to be the coolest, wishing to be the smartest, wishing you had the coolest clothes, wishing to be a certain way or percieved a certain way, wishing to be the best, wishing you could be enough, wishing for recognition, wishing you can understand your own identity, wishing others understood you.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 2h : wishing to be rich, wishing to be recognized, wishing to be enough, wishing to get the trendiest most sought for item out, wishing for praise, wishing to be the most beautiful person, wishing to be more authentic, wishing for more wishes so you can have anything you want.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 3h : wishing to have more friends, wishing others could communicate as good as you, wishing to explore your environment more, wishing to learn everything about something, wishing others understood your ideas and perspectives, wishing you could know how others percieve you, wishing others knew how to drive better or even yourself.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 4h : wishing for your family to be happy, wishing for your own space, wishing for a new pet for you to have at home, wishing to be always safe, nurtured and loved by others or by your family, wishing for a bigger/nicer/cleaner house, wishing you could have a secret hideout at home, wishing to be a parent, wishing to know more about your roots, wishing your mother or your family was more harmonious, wishing you could accept others opinions more, wishing people respected your opinions, wishing you could stick to a routine.
*ೃ༄ mercury 5h : wishing to be famous, wishing having more fun, wishing to be the star for any theatrical events or for anything in general, wishing to party more, wishing to be a known model/actor/musician/artist (anything creative), wishing to be admired for your talents and looks, wishing to have kids or wishing not to have any at all.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 6h : wishing to be the BEST employee, wishing you never got sick, wishing for a pet, wishing you finish your work on time everytime, wishing to help all animals, wishing you could help everyone in need of help, wishing your body can look a certain way, wishing you exercised more if you dont already, wishing to improve your routine, wishing you could stop overthinking and trying to be perfect all the time.
*ೃ༄ mercury 7h : wishing for a bestfriend forever, wishing to have a lot of friends, wishing for a relationship, wishing that you could get along with everyone easily, wishing for a relationship that is also intellectually stimulating and communicative, wishing to get public recognition that comes through partnerships, collaborations or relationships, wishing you didnt have no enemies, wishing for connections to be fair and harmonious, wishing to have a happy fulfilling committed marriage, wishing you can make decisions more easily.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 8h : wishing to understand magic, wishing for intellectual intimacy, wishing you could solve every mystery, wishing you could tell someone your secrets, wishing to be able to talk to ghosts or even being friends with them, wishing for someone to want to understand you to your CORE, wishing people could understand your POV, wishing someone can match your freak (being able to talk about taboo subjects without anyone judging you🌚)
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*ೃ༄ mercury 9h : wishing to travel the world, wishing to be apart of a different culture or to learn a different culture, wishing to go to the best school, wishing you could speak every language, wishing you were another ethnicity, wishing to know everything about spirituality and higher truths, wishing to seek new experiences, wish to find someone who shares or respects your philosophical outlook.
*ೃ༄ mercury 10h : wishing you could be famous, wishing to have the coolest or the best job, wishing to be a CEO, wishing to create something new, wishing to be the best at what you do, wishing EVERYONE knew how smart, cool beautiful and talented you are, wishing to be a leader, wishing to be influential.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 11h : wishing to have a lot of friends, wishing you could help the planet and the people, wishing to be apart of a community or a friend group, wishing to be influential, wishing to be apart of the latest trend, wishing all your dreams could come true, wishing for the newest device out, wishing for popularity, wish you could stop procrastinating.
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*ೃ༄ mercury 12h : wishing to see magical things, wishing your toys could talk to you secretly as a kid, wish to find hidden things, wishing to help people who are sad, wishing to understand your dreams, wishing people can understand your intelligence, wishing to see things others cant, wishing to be alone, wishing for peace. (if mercury 12h individuals were a meme itd be this one😹⤵️)
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scorpihoe1111 · 6 months
Astrology Observations-Part 2🌙
Having both Taurus and Aries placements in a chart can indicate someone who enjoys pressuring/embarrassing people when underdeveloped. These people can be actual bullies towards others when they’re at their worst.
Gemini rising’s/Mercury in the 1H look younger than they actually are.
Scorpio rising women are sometimes shorter than average while Scorpio rising men are taller than average.
8H moon’s can have dreams about scenarios that end up happening IRL.
Capricorn Rising’s usually have a skinny/bony appearance.
Whatever sign and house Saturn is in your chart can tell you what other people’s karma is for messing with you. Ex: Taurus Saturn in 7H? Taurus is a Venusian sign so it rules over beauty/appearance as well as luxury and money and the 7H signifies relationships, partnerships and marriage etc. Their karma may be their physical appearance looking uglier, plus going broke as well as their relationships/love life going downhill.
People with Scorpio in the 6H may prone to UTI’s/yeast infections or very heavy and painful monthly periods.
Cancer Rising’s may attract a lot of jealousy because of how intelligent they are (Gemini 12H)
Aries Rising men are usually buff and naturally muscular in appearance.
Aquarius in the 11H can attract multiple friend groups from all walks of life way more easily than the average person.
Pisces Moon/Venus are a lot more skilled in manifesting the things they want than they think they are.
Venus/Libra in the 12H can signify a lot more people than you think having a crush on you/being attracted to you. Your secret admirers just keep it to themselves because they assume you already know and don’t wanna boost your ego.
Leo, Libra, Scorpio and Capricorn rising women consistently attract men who neg them as a way of trying to get them to notice them.
Sagittarius placements (esp mercury) are blunt and rude in their speech but they don’t mean any harm by it, they just say whatever they’re thinking.
Virgo placements on the other hand are also blunt, but they over analyze every encounter and conversation they have so they usually know what’s rude to say and what’s not. So if a Virgo’s saying shady things towards you, they mean it.
Libra Venus’ can not remain in a relationship if there isn’t constant flirting. It’s also important not to let yourself go if you’re in a relationship with them because they are visual asf.
12H sun’s rarely get acknowledgment for the good they do but get a lot of attention for the mistakes they make.
12H suns can also be kind of gullible and naive growing up.
Mercury in the 2H usually don’t like to talk about things that aren’t factual or don’t benefit them in some way.
Mars in the 12H can be prone to high blood pressure due to internalizing their anger most of the time.
Venus in the 1H are very attractive, even if not conventionally handsome/pretty there’s something very aesthetically pleasing about their facial features and their overall vibe.
Venus in 1H can also do no wrong in the eyes of the public. Basically pretty privilege.
Same goes for Pisces Risings ⬆️ they usually get away with a lot due to their innocent demeanor.
Your moon sign is usually a prominent sign in your mother’s chart.
Saturn in the 8H might not lose their virginity until later in life, or at least not as soon as their peers.
Your rising sign can tell you what everyone was feeling or what was going on during the time of your birth.
Leo women have this tendency of leaving or cheating on men who are good to them for guys who are terrible people. (Not all Leo women of course, but I’ve seen soooo many Leo girls do this)
Pisces men are very, very confusing. The type of person to be married for years with kids and still try to keep up with what you got going on in your life.
Cancer in the 12H usually have issues with women/mother in their life.
Aries Venus prefer the chase more than the actual relationship.
Scorpio/8H placements have an inherent fear of their spouse/loved ones dying.
Pisces mars are freakier in bed than most people think.
Moon sextile Neptune manifest through their dreams a lot.
Sun in the 5H is someone who doesn’t take life too seriously and prefers fun over responsibility a lot of the time.
Mars in Scorpio are more revengeful and unforgiving than any other Scorpio placement honestly. These people can get revenge and still not be happy.
Mars in Sagittarius usually have lots of flings and hookups throughout their life.
TW!: Some underdeveloped Virgo men have a weird tendency to actually want to harm women mentally and emotionally. They’re not the type to just break up with a partner and move on, they usually want to make the breakup as fucked up as possible so the thought of them remains in the persons mind forever. I’ve met over 6 Virgo men who’s admitted to this before and the girl didn’t even do anything wrong in the relationship, they just didn’t wanna be with her anymore but didn’t want her to forget them.
Capricorn women usually have very long, flowing luscious hair.
Part 3 coming soon 🌪️
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kairologia · 6 months
Your untapped talents according to your fifth house.
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In traditional astrology, being Venus’ joy, the fifth house is (among others) a signifier for natural talents, as well as hobbies you would enjoy most or thrive at.
Which are yours?
· Aries in the 5th house (Sagittarius rising): you possess a proficiency in competitive or energetic sports and activities, a natural ability to lead a team, an uncanny ability to face & overcome your fears, as well as high stamina & endurance. Steadfast in your beliefs and capable of debating in their favour anytime of the day.
· Taurus in the 5th house (Capricorn rising): you’re naturally talented in gardening & cultivating a beautiful, lush & luxuriant outdoor space, effortlessly skilled in arts like painting, sculpture, or pottery, and excellent at cultivating artistic talent in others (would make a great art professor).
· Gemini in the 5th house (Aquarius rising): you have unrivaled storytelling and writing skills, an innate versatility in performing arts such as acting or comedy, & skilled in employing incisive language to convey complex ideas or emotions. You may have a talent for photography, drawing, or manual/visual arts.
· Cancer in the 5th house (Pisces rising): you’re skilled in acting out intense scenes or writing emotionally charged stories, talented in interior design and making every new place you inhabit feel like home. Usually talented in cooking &/or baking. Great swimmers too.
· Leo in the 5th house (Aries rising): Leo fifth houses are highly creative in fashion-related endeavors such as designing clothing items or costumes, have natural flair for performing arts and a natural ability to captivate an audience or command attention. Great at improvising and coming up with stories on the fly.
· Virgo in the 5th house (Taurus rising): you’re talented in crafts like knitting or woodworking, editing or artistic critique, photography. You’re the go-to person for event organization & planning. Skilled at DIY crafting projects, scrapbooking, manual creations such as jewelry making or ceramic works. Great debators, too.
· Libra in the 5th house (Gemini rising): you have outstanding diplomatic skills & are capable of negotiating your way through just about any situation. You're skilled in creating harmonious compositions in visual arts or music. You would definitely enjoy ballroom dancing, painting, & decorating spaces. You also have a natural sense for aesthetics & beauty.
· Scorpio in the 5th house (Cancer risings): you would make a great taboo/erotica/crime fiction writer or visual artist. You're also talented in writing intense and charged scenes or lyrics, & are capable of evoking strong emotions through artistic expression. You would probably enjoy investigating mysteries & delving into occultism.
· Sagittarius in the 5th house (Leo rising): you’re amazing at inspiring others through creative expression, great at documenting experiences through photography or journaling whether in remote destinations or within your hometowns & making the mundane seem interesting. You’d make a great writer of philosophical or esoterical fiction or analysis.
· Capricorn in the 5th house (Virgo rising): usually great at forms of art that demand focus and discipline. you're the type of person that can master more than one classical instrument if you were to put your heart into it. You would enjoy collecting antiques as a hobby, & have potential to be an eloquent & articulate speaker & writer.
· Aquarius in the 5th house (Libra rising): terrific at advocating for social change & making unheard voices feel heard through artistic or creative expression, and creating experimental or avant-garde works. Potential great musicians. The type of person who can turn even the blandest looking items into something uniquely gorgeous.
· Pisces in the 5th house (Scorpio rising): you have an innate versatile talent at anything creative as you’re capable of creating immersive artistic experiences that can even cloud the senses. Potential talent for dancing, occult or spiritual pursuits and intuitive painting as well. Would definitely enjoy swimming & marine life exploration.
P.S : one configuration cannot describe your entire experience. you may not relate to certain points, as you have had life experiences that shaped you and an entire chart consisting of inextricable elements that need one another to make sense.
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ms-taurusvenus · 6 months
Astro Notes 2
2H Plutos have the universe with them financially. Even when they reach a low point financially, the universe always catches them. Ei, a 2H Pluto naive has $20 in their bank account, a few days later they get an additional $150. Then a few days later, they get an additional $300.
Don’t mess with someone with a Cancer Moon with an Aries Mars. They know express and feel their emotions and how to translate them and aren’t going to hesitate when needing to express themselves. Especially when they’re yelling at someone. You can see and feel the impact and how they’re feeling and their anger is very intimidating. NGL, they’re kinda scary when they’re mad.
Moon in 8H, 12H, 6H or weakened Moons can indicate insomnia. 
Although Pisces may be good in the 5H, navies with this placement may feel self-doubt or have a god complex if they choose to indulge into the arts, creativity, & possibly even when it comes to how they view children. 
Complimenting others strengthens your Venus.
6H transits -> potential stomach issues/pain. 6H = Virgo and rules the stomach
3H & Gemini placements may have a tendency to unintentionally talk about themselves.
5H transits may indicate connecting with your inner child, no it doesn’t only mean your love life will get better.
Libra, Cancer and Taurus Mars should do Pilates and yoga when it comes to working out  and fitness.
Saturn-Venus/Moon aspects should study somewhere that they won’t get comfortable (bedroom, house, etc) and go outside (cafes, libraries, etc) to get work done.
Debilitated 11H tend to struggle with friend groups and having them and it often results to them having a lot of online friends and hanging out with people individually/one-on-one.
Thank you for reading until the end! Hope you enjoyed, my inbox are OPEN!
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thatsherastro · 1 month
Random Astro Notes Part 4:
Fire Sign Edition
If you are sensitive this post/page may not be for you. These are are general observations. Aspects & houses matter. Xoxo
Next up , Earth Signs
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Yes sagittarius are lucky but no one gets to see the amount of adversity they face in order to obtain that luck.
Leo risings typically have broad shoulders , a muscular build or can be on the fuller side.
Sagittarius venus in a mans chart can be such a romantic and giving placement UNLESS it squares a virgo moon , now you have a freeloading , judgmental cheapskate that is looking for a woman to take care of them.
Leo moon women could notice that their moms make them feel like trophies. Bragging about them and then in private placing these people back on the shelf to collect dust.
Leo moon men can be EXTREME mamas boys
Aries NN will be placed into situations in this life where they have to defend & stand up for themselves.
Chiron in leo may have daddy issues as well as self esteem issues. There is also karma tied to children
Sagittarius women an be a little thicker at the bottom.
Sometimes You can spot an aries placement by the size of their forehead
Sagittarius is the comedian of the zodiac
Leo NN - please learn to shine & be OK with it. The house placement of your NN will show you in what area you need to learn this.
ALL of the fire signs make the best cheerleaders. They will cheer for you to accomplish your goals
Sagittarius can be hypocrites and at times may use their religion or philosophical beliefs as a cop out. Their motto is “ Do as I say, not as I do”
Aries are SUPER competitive, this is definitely the person you want on your team during a kickball game.
Sagittarius Venus can be attracted to people outside of their race.
Aries moon may come from a very violent home environment.
Thank you for reading 🫶🏾 I will be opening my bookings soon.
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elysiansparadise · 2 months
hello love! i love your posts so much they're very insightful and actually helped me learn a lot about myself. can you do jupiter in 5th? <:
Hello love, thank you so much for your words. I'm glad they have been helpful for you. 💗
Jupiter in the 5th house
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Talented, intelligent and people who are very easy to talk to, as they are seen as warm, kind and sensible by other people. Able to attract attention easily, these natives are people with natural charisma and charm [they may not realize this if Jupiter is retrograde or making tense aspects with Moon, Mercury or Saturn]. Good stage presence and very skilled at creating good impressions on other people. These people can create wonderful things, because once they are in the state of inspiration, great ideas can come out of their minds. They have a strong passion for learning and inquiring, especially about their talents and abilities. They are likely to be notable or popular for some skill, talent, gift, or their people skills. Self-expression is an important avenue for their personal development, they have ingenious ways to express themselves, as well as a firm belief that they always have to be authentic regardless of whether that seems good to other people. These natives like to try new things and explore different forms of expression and entertainment. They have strong self-esteem and will never allow themselves to be made to feel small by other people.
They are very passionate, charming people with a beautiful way of loving. These people have very strong ideals when it comes to relationships. They seek to live an inspiring romance, next to someone who teaches them many things and brings great things to their lives, good humor, romanticism, support, joint values ​​and a positive environment in which they can feel good to be themselves and keep growing. They will not be in relationships with unnecessary drama, superficial ones or ones in which the other person is always complaining and being difficult or uncooperative. They may feel attracted to people who are different from them, whether in background, personality or even of a different nationality. Romancing them is a joyful experience, full of adventure and excitement. These natives can bring new perspectives on life and romance to their partners or even those they usually hang out with. They like to enjoy life and for them this is synonymous with doing what they are passionate about. They are people with multiple hobbies and interests, as well as great creativity and ability to be spontaneous.
They are very attractive people for different reasons, from the shape of their body to the way they carry themselves. There is a mix of confidence, good humor and powerful traits. They tend to quickly captivate others and have that quality to cheer and inspire others with ease. They may have admirers throughout their lives and many people may like them, from physical attraction, romantic attraction or both. They are people who will never do things just "because they have to", they need to be passionate about the subject in question to be able to do or carry out something. Many of them can do things to enjoy the moment, they do not like to drown in the past or overthink the future. They can achieve a lot of success if they mold and work on something related to their talents or hobbies. These natives will activate their luck or feel that things are going better for them when they strengthen their self-esteem and learn to be authentic. They like to do things that keep their inner child happy. They can be seen as pleasant by children and will always seek to treat them cordially. If they decide to have children, they will be happy, spontaneous, intelligent and adventurous, with a tendency to be somewhat playful. Their relationship with their children will be positive and they will be very interested in motherhood/fatherhood and how to improve their dynamic with their children.
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the-virgoperspective · 3 months
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Part 1
The Sun in the composite chart is one half of the most important luminaries and one of the most vital sources of energy in a relationship. The Composite Sun can tell you about the motivation of the relationship, what it’s purpose is, and what issues may revolve around it. It shows what energies are contributed in the relationship. Looking at aspects to the Composite Sun can give you a clearer picture of whether there will be challenges or harmony at the core of the bond.
I will be using the writings of Robert Hand from his novel “Planets in Composite: Analyzing Human Relations” to describe the meaning and significance of The Sun in each composite house. Please always keep in mind that this is only one vital step to reading an entire composite chart and should not be seriously considered without viewing everything as a whole. This is just one piece. Enjoy!
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1H Composite Sun
Composite Sun in the first house often signifies a relationship that is unusually important in terms of your own lives. The first house signifies an entity’s personality and the way a person or a relationship impresses others.
The two of you complement each other in such a way that as a pair you may make a stronger impression on those around you than you would as individuals. Even if neither of you is an especially strong or dominant personality, you will be strong as a couple. Together you may be able to accomplish more in life than you could have separately.
The first house is a very strong and favorable position for the composite Sun. It is usually an indication that you will be able to accomplish whatever you have done together.
The two of you may worry too much about how you appear to others. This can lead you to neglect the real problems that are not visible to others, for you consider such problems to be less important. They may be more important than you think.
If as individuals you are intrinsically forceful people, the energy of this position may make you come on too strong with others, which could provoke active opposition to anything you want to do as a couple. If this is the case, be careful to control your energies toward others.
For an intimate relationship such as a love affair or marriage, this is an intrinsically excellent position. It is characteristic of the first-house Sun that the two of you will become very much a unit, which can bind you together closely. Assuming that in the aspects of this horoscope there are some good indications of love between you, this is likely to be a meaningful relationship.
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2H Composite Sun
The Sun in the second house of the composite chart is the best possible position for any business or professional relationship whose primary aim is to make money or to gather material possessions. For a personal relationship this position is neither good nor bad. However, it does mean that the relationship focuses rather heavily on material advantage, possibly at the expense of psychological, emotional, and other intangible factors.
The Sun in this house gives you a strong drive to seek whatever it is that you collectively value. Usually these are material things, although in some cases they may be philosophical or spiritual values. The point is that you will go after whatever you want, and you are likely to succeed simply because you put so much energy into the effort.
In a personal relationship such as marriage, in which you own things together, these things will be very important to the security of the relationship. Even if you would not normally acquire property together, you may do so with this placement. Friends with this position in the composite chart may go into business together or become involved in a common living situation in which possessions such as furniture and appliances are owned jointly. However, although a second-house Sun may suggest that you will live together, this is usually more characteristic of a fourth-house Sun.
One danger of this placement is that there may be a conflict of values between you. If this is so, it will be a serious problem, because your relationship is based so much on values. It will not be easy for the two of you to compromise on such issues, so it would be best to decide whether your values are compatible before you embark on any kind of joint venture. Unfortunately, the second-house Sun does not necessarily indicate compatible values; it only indicates that values as such are an important issue in the relationship.
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3H Composite Sun
The Sun in the third house of the composite chart favors relationships in which communication and exchange of ideas and opinions are important. In business and professional relationships, this position favors associations in commerce and in the communications field.
For a personal relationship this position has great strengths as well as great weaknesses. The strengths are as follows. You will have a strong ability to communicate, for you share many of the same ideas and opinions, and you will be able to speak openly with each other. There will be few barriers to mutual understanding, except perhaps at the emotional level. You will enjoy having good conversations with each other.
The greatest weakness of this position is that even a personal relationship will function primarily on an intellectual or mental level. It is not likely to be a very profound emotional tie. Clearly, then, the Sun in the third house is a much better position for friendship than for a love affair. You will relate to each other by talking rather than by feelings, as a love relationship requires. When an emotional situation arises, there is the danger that you will intellectualize it or try to figure it out instead of just living through it and learning from the experience. The knowledge gained by this kind of experience cannot be replaced by logical analysis. But this is a lesson that the two of you may have some difficulty in learning, because the third-house Sun inclines you to logical analysis.
There is nothing wrong with an intellectual relationship, but there are times when it is inappropriate. Fortunately, your strong commitment to communication will aid you in approaching the problems you may have to face together. Just be sure that you don’t stop at the purely mental level. You should enjoy an unusually good mental rapport and be more able to talk to each other than many couples can.
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4H Composite Sun
Composite Sun in the fourth house favors a strong emotional involvement. In a personal relationship, you and your partner are likely to seek out everything that you have in common-past experiences, shared tastes, standards of right and wrong, and particularly, shared ideas about home and domestic life.
The fourth is the house of your most personal and intimate life, your home, your past and origins in general, as well as your inner feelings and emotions. The Sun in this house of your composite chart will make you focus particularly upon these factors in your life together. Thus, this position favors a relationship in which you settle down together and share each other’s personal lives as intimately as possible.
This is one of the best positions for marriage. It will not necessarily bring about marriage, but should it happen, your domestic life will be very important to you both. You will work very hard to create a stable home life and a personal world to which you can retire from the pressures of everyday existence.
Because this is an angular house, the position makes for a very strong relationship. This position indicates a concern for owning a home or real estate together, which may manifest itself as a desire to own land. If you live together you will not be satisfied with a small city apartment but will want plenty of room and, if possible, land.
On the psychological level, you are likely to experience profound emotions together and become deeply involved in each other’s innermost mental and emotional depths. This is not likely to be a superficial relationship. But try not to become so wrapped up in each other’s psyches that you lose all perspective and the ability to see things clearly. The fourth is a subjective house, and the composite Sun there reinforces all subjective tendencies in the relationship.
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5H Composite Sun
The Sun in the fifth house of the composite chart is one of the best positions for a sexual relationship, because the fifth is the house of live affairs, among other things. It is also the house of creativity, children, self-expression, amusement, and good times in general, as well as of speculation and gambling. The Sun in the fifth house gives a strong emphasis to any of these elements.
In a personal relationship, a composite fifth-house Sun implies that your relationship will give you good opportunities for self-expression, for being yourself and enjoying it. You will like each other and enjoy being together. This is not truly a position of partnership, but rather of being yourself with others. For this reason, although this position is good for love affairs, it is not so good for marriage or any partnership that requires a greater feeling of oneness between you. The Sun in this house is not harmful to marriage and partnership, but by itself it does not produce staying power for the long haul. But if other positions make up for this lack, it can be quite good for marriage, especially since it gives a strong concern for children.
This is a good position for friendship because it indicates a light-hearted relationship in which you genuinely enjoy each other’s company. Also, you will learn to be yourselves with others and discover more about how you affect others.
In a relationship with this placement, you must give each other room to be what you are. Fortunately a fifth-house Sun relationship usually has this capacity. If you do not give each other sufficient room, you both may feel that the other is placing clamps on your self-expression. Neither of you can remake the other, so do not try. In any case you must learn to let each other be and still stay together.
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6H Composite Sun
The sixth house is one of the more difficult positions for a composite Sun, because it is inherently a house of inequality. In most relationships there must be some balance between taking and giving. Even if each person does not contribute exactly the same thing, each one must contribute in equal measure, if the association is to work. But in a relationship with a sixth house Sun, one partner gives and the other takes. It is the house of your service to others and of other’s service to you.
The great danger of this position is that one of you is likely to feel taken advantage of by the other. In fact, it is quite likely that each one is somehow using the other and is in turn being used, which both of you will ultimately resent. You will find yourself asking the question, “What am I getting out of this relationship?” When a question like that comes up, there are serious problems.
A sixth-house relationship is one in which normal ego drives seem to be particularly disruptive. Perhaps the best way to deal with the problem may be going by into such a relationship in a spirit of service and help for your partner, with as little thought for yourself as possible. But recognize that to really do this is extremely difficult, and you will probably be deluding yourself if you try. Maybe you’re just looking for warm pats on the back for your “selfless” endeavor, but even that much recognition may not be forthcoming. Remember that each of you may be doing the same thing in this relationship.
Another way of dealing with this position would be to have a common task or goal that you can work toward together. Even in this instance, accomplishing your objective should be the only reward you seek. Other rewards may come, but you must not consciously seek them, or you will endanger the relationship.
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malachiteclouds · 1 year
🌟natal astrology observations part 2 🌟
jupiter conjunct mars people can have extremely inflated egos. they are very argumentative and can't stand being wrong
moon opposite pluto have such intense feelings but they feel so far removed from them. they have a really difficult time processing their own emotions. they can repress feelings, then revisit the topic and not even realize they felt so strongly about it
1H pluto/conjunct asc love masks. they're spectacular at hiding and going unseen. they are masters at stealth and reservation which is why they intrigue people because they have complete control over who gets to see what and how much
aries rising/moon x being called "hot headed" all the time. they can physically get red in the face a lot/while mad or have really bad headaches/migraines
pisces placements have a specific look and are easy to spot. it's in their teeth , i can't explain it
7H saturn most loyal placement ever. they are devoted to understanding you and themselves through you. they can see their partners blind spots really well and they tend to be very genuine in their attempts to better themselves as an individual and the relationship as a whole. when they decide to commit, they will stick by your side through whatever it is you're going through
mercury chiron aspects, you guys NEED to write and/or speak. i know you feel its your weakness but really it is your superpower
women with lilith conjunct/opposite/square venus can have a habit of competing with other women. they can also put blame on women and think women are constantly jealous of them. they can have an itch for male validation that they really need to do some inner work to dismantle, as a lot of it comes from a past where THEY felt/feel insecure in their femininity or they felt/feel othered by women
moon north node aspects can be known for their mom or for being a mom. disharmonious aspects(squares/oppositions) can be notorious or infamous for being a "bad mom". can be extremely ridiculed for parenting style
12H stelliums live in quiet. in basements. in small apartments with lots of books and messy papers everywhere. they live in silence. they live in solitude. they live in stillness. they live in seclusion. they live in isolation. they were put on this earth in this lifetime for deep introspection and exploration of singularity.
5H moons are amazing in early childhood education. talk about thinking on your feet. it's basically like "hmm it would be fun to dip some yarn in some paint and drag it on the paper... oh and these 3 year olds happen to be here"
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astro-vogue · 3 months
Not Cancer Risings hiding they have Scorpio in the 5H and Aquarius in the 8H so secretly hiding how nasty & kinky they are under the chill sweet homey facade.
look at The Weeknd for example...
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sensualnoiree · 7 months
astro notes: jupiter through the houses pt.2
Symbolizing wisdom, luck, and spiritual growth, Jupiter guides us through journeys of abundance and higher learning. As it rules Sagittarius and Pisces, and co-rules Pisces with Neptune, its reach extends to philosophical pursuits, foreign travel, and spiritual exploration. From its exaltation in Cancer to its debilitation in Capricorn, Jupiter's placement illuminates our beliefs, aspirations, and sense of justice. Throughout this exploration of Jupiter's journey through the houses, we unravel its transformative power and guiding light, embracing its blessings of prosperity, abundance, and divine guidance.
Jupiter in the 4th House:
With Jupiter gracing your fourth house of home and family, you are blessed with a deep sense of emotional fulfillment and inner stability. Your home is a source of comfort and sanctuary, providing you with a strong foundation from which to navigate the challenges of life.
Your emotional resilience and stability make you a pillar of strength for your loved ones, and you may find that you are able to offer wise counsel and support during times of difficulty. Your relationship with your mother is particularly close and nurturing, and you may find that she plays a significant role in shaping your values and beliefs.
Family gatherings and traditions hold special significance for you, and you may take great pleasure in creating a warm and welcoming environment for those you hold dear. You have a deep appreciation for the importance of roots and heritage, and you may find that you are drawn to explore your ancestry or preserve family traditions for future generations.
However, it's important to guard against the tendency to become too attached to the past or overly protective of your emotional boundaries. With Jupiter's influence here, there may be a temptation to cling to familiar patterns or resist change, even when it is necessary for growth and evolution. Remember to embrace the opportunities for expansion and growth that come from stepping outside of your comfort zone.
Overall, Jupiter in the fourth house blesses you with emotional security, familial bonds, and a deep connection to your roots. Embrace the blessings of home and family, and use them as a source of strength and inspiration as you navigate the journey of life.
Jupiter in the 5th House:
With Jupiter gracing your fifth house of creativity and self-expression, you possess a boundless imagination and a zest for life that is truly infectious. Your creative talents are vast and varied, and you may find that you excel in artistic pursuits such as music, theater, or writing.
Your love life is characterized by passion and romance, and you may find that you attract partners who share your love of adventure and excitement. Your children, if you have them, are a source of joy and inspiration, and you may take great pleasure in nurturing their talents and encouraging their dreams.
Creativity and self-expression are central to your sense of identity, and you may find that you are drawn to activities that allow you to express yourself authentically and freely. Whether through artistic endeavors or playful pursuits, you have a natural gift for infusing joy and positivity into everything you do.
However, it's important to guard against the tendency to overindulge in pleasure or become overly attached to external validation. With Jupiter's influence here, there may be a temptation to seek validation and approval from others, rather than finding fulfillment from within. Remember to cultivate a sense of self-worth that is independent of external recognition, and focus on expressing yourself authentically from the heart.
Overall, Jupiter in the fifth house blesses you with creativity, romance, and joyous self-expression. Embrace the blessings of love and creativity, and use them to infuse every aspect of your life with passion, vitality, and purpose.
Jupiter in the 6th House:
With Jupiter gracing your sixth house of health and service, you are blessed with a deep sense of compassion and a desire to make a positive difference in the world. Your work ethic is strong, and you may find fulfillment in roles that allow you to serve others or contribute to the greater good.
Your health tends to be robust, and you may possess a natural talent for healing and holistic living. Whether through physical fitness, dietary choices, or spiritual practices, you have a deep appreciation for the importance of maintaining balance and well-being in all areas of your life.
Your generosity knows no bounds, and you may find that you are constantly seeking opportunities to lend a helping hand or support those in need. Your compassionate nature and strong sense of social responsibility make you a valuable asset to your community, and you may find fulfillment in roles that allow you to advocate for justice and equality.
However, it's important to guard against the tendency to become overly self-sacrificing or perfectionistic in your approach to work and service. With Jupiter's influence here, there may be a temptation to take on too much responsibility or become overly critical of yourself and others. Remember to prioritize self-care and set healthy boundaries, ensuring that you are able to give freely without depleting your own resources.
Overall, Jupiter in the sixth house blesses you with compassion, service, and a deep desire to make a positive impact in the world. Embrace the blessings of health and well-being, and use them to create a brighter, more compassionate world for yourself and those around you.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on instagram @sensualnoire or yt @quenysefields
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d4rkpluto · 10 days
ꜱᴀᴛᴜʀɴ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴀᴛʜᴇʀ'ꜱ ᴋᴀʀᴍᴀ
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"𝐝𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐮𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐦𝐞, 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐮𝐞 𝐦𝐞."
⟶ saturn in astrology is the main commodity in the spirituality that governs karma that the child inherits from their father. saturn is the teacher in astrology and in Greek Belief, can be seen as kronus.
♱ if you don't know of kronus' story, he was told that a child of his would be able to inherit his status and over take him. thus, he began to eat his children, and when zeus was born, gaea fed him a stone a size of a child and hid zeus away until he was strong enough to take down his father and save his siblings.
♱ and after his take down of kronus, zeus inherited his father's status and began to rule mount olympus. in this lesson, we can see jupiter as the good you get after the defeat of inherited karma.
♱ we can see an example of kronus eating his children and zeus having the inherited karma to have many children.
♇ SATURN IN ARIES/1H ⟶ father might've been someone who had too much of an ego, father might've been someone with a strong temper, and you having this saturn placement means you have to be someone who learns how to control your anger and even libido. this placement could indicate that your father might've been a lazy person and didnt strive for the potential he could've had, so now you have the responsibility of being someone "who has to make it", and even being someone who is pioneering and successful. could feel ashamed easily when you dont see yourself progressing in life. could also have the karma of being someone who thinks more clearly and not "do first and think later". your father also could've been overly dominant, so you have the karma of being someone who has to be less power-hungry.
♇ SATURN IN TAURUS/2H ⟶ father might've been someone who didnt know how to handle finances. might've been someone who spoke over people and dismissed the opinion of others. could've been someone who was too lazy to make money, and too stubborn. your father might've been someone who couldnt keep it in their pants as well, and wasnt really grateful for the things in his life. so you have to be someone who needs to find your value, a stable way to make money. having to be someone who is patient with other people, and even being close to your family members. this placement can imply that you could have the karma of being the one who is the money-maker in your family. could even have to find a healthy life style with food.
♇ SATURN IN GEMINI/3H ⟶ like the taurus/2h, your father might've been someone who spoke over people and didnt consider the opinions of others. your father might've been someone who spoke poorly behind other people's back and even might've stolen from other people. whether is be possessions and ideas. so you could have the karma of learning how to speak in a healthy way with other people, being someone who has to develop critical thinking and going through trials and tribulations where you are held accountable with much things you do. people with this placement might find themselves always going through something, so doing the most small ill thing to someone could cost you a lot. could go through a lot of stalling moments in life because you might have to rid of your two-faced ways. could also mean might find it hard coming up with ideas as you have to learn how to be original.
♇ SATURN IN CANCER/4H ⟶ this placement can imply that your father figure might've been someone who was distant with their family and even absent. might've been someone who was manipulative and not emotionally caring, your father figure might've been someone who didnt leave a legacy, so now you are finding yourself being the person who has to work towards greatness and leave a legacy and will for the descendants. and might even not want to have children because of how you were brought up. could have a fear of children or having a family. could have the karma of having to have a family and not repeat the same mistake as the father, doesnt need to be your own family. could be found family. this placement could also mean you have to learn to be emotionally intelligent and mature. if you want your own family, there's a lot of generational curses you have to stop.
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♱ SATURN IN LEO/5H ⟶ saturn in the fifth house can imply that your father might've been into infidelity, could've been someone who wasnt as present in your childhood. with the leo influence, could be someone who might've restricted the fun out of other people, even their goals. could've been someone who was too arrogant and didnt care about the feelings of others. currently, you could be someone who could be struggling to reach your goals and knowing how to let loose. this placement could mean you could have the karma of not repeating bad habits onto your future children, if you do want some. or could have the karma of not getting into much relationship because "badness" normally comes out of it. might have to learn to not be controlling of others, and running away from romantic partners who could be very controlling.
♱ SATURN IN VIRGO/6H ⟶ similar to the 5h and leo section. this placement can insinuate that father might've been controlling towards other people, might've been someone who didnt care about their own health or the physical or mental health of others. might've been someone who allowed obstacles to stop them from reaching who they're supposed to be. now you could have the karma of having to overcome slothness, having to be someone who has to fight through much daily problems, and even having to be a health-freak because you could be someone who is easily sick. this placement can even indicate of having to suffer through bad co-workers.
♱ SATURN IN LIBRA/7H ⟶ once again, similar to 5h. saturn in both libra and in the seventh house could indicate that your father might've been someone who has destroyed homes and relationships. a player a cheat. could've been someone with a bad reputation, and might've been harsh and mean to other people. could've taken the advantage of other people as well. and for you, this could mean you could the karma of being someone who doesnt get into much relationships, or almost every relationship you get into is karmic. there could always be this circumstance where you always have to prove your goodness to other people, and meeting people who are unnecessarily mean to you. people from your father's past disliking you as well.
♱ SATURN IN SCORPIO/8H ⟶ your father might have been someone who was too overly dominant, might've taken stuff from other people and even abused their power onto other people. this placement could also mean your father might've been someone who was too intense and even too dangerous. so, with you, you have one of the biggest karmas compared to other people, having to learn how to stand up for yourself because sometimes you might feel like you can allow people to walk over you. having the karma of not getting inherited money and having to build that for yourself. could also mean could feel undervalued, and trying not to feel valued through sex and even drugs. this could mean you might attract lethal company, having to strengthen your discernment so you know who to run away from.
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♇ SATURN IN SAGITTARIUS/9H ⟶ saturn being in either the ninth house or sagittarius shows that your father might've been someone who forced their beliefs onto you or other people. might've been over-domineering with their views in the world, and might've been someone who disappeared in your life a lot, or was just very immature. you could have the karma of going through a lot of things, might've met life's roughness and cruelty early in your life. you could the karma of struggling faith in others, yourself or even in your faith. could also be someone who might find it hard to debate with other people. so, knowing how to stand your ground could be something you had to learn.
♇ SATURN IN CAPRICORN/10H ⟶ saturn being in the tenth house shows that your father might've been someone who was disconnected from their responsibilities, could've been a dead beat. could have been someone who was controlling of other people's goals and careers, might've been a restrictive person in general, and might not even be really liked by the public, [or family community you belong to]. this could mean you have to make a lane for yourself, and even having to go through the burdens of having people misinterpret your character without even knowing who you are. having to feel like you have to work ten times harder than the people around you so your success and achievements could be acknowledged by other people. could also have the habit of wanting to get validation from other people. might feel like you get exiled by everyone one you know.
♇ SATURN IN AQUARIUS/11H ⟶ saturn being in the eleventh house or in aquarius means that your father might've been someone who didnt express their creativity. could've been someone who was considered a mean friend and even someone who was too conservative. might've been someone who looked down on other people, and might've been someone who detached themselves from other people all the time. so right now you could be someone who struggles to make friends or have a stable friendship group. could have to go through obstacles of friends who attempt to walk all over you, this can also mean you could be someone who struggles to express their self-identity, individuality and even creativity. being your own person is something you have to learn how to be.
♇ SATURN IN PISCES/12H ⟶ this placement could mean your father might've been someone who was disconnected with reality, might've projected onto too much people, might've jinxed themselves a lot. could've been someone who became obsessed with faith and might've been extreme to the people around him. could mean your father figure could have been someone who might've had struggles with drugs and alcohol. so you could be going through the karma of going through your own addictions, whether it be drugs, sex or money, could be someone who feels like you're exiled no matter where you go, so you have to go through this period of having to find your community, your tribe. being someone who doesnt get your hopes to high because life would hit you with reality all the time. could be someone who has to be idolising other people, chiefly people in your real life, because you could end up becoming disappointed with them.
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sweetlady555 · 2 months
My Personal Solar Return Observations Pt III
reminder to check your degrees in your sr chart as they play a big factor in how certain sr placements would play out!
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Venus 5H 17° SR - when i had this in my sr chart for 2023-2024 i saw myself experimenting more with different creative styles/looks. i would try to find inspiration from different creatives on instagram. while i was doing this, i started talking to a well known designer in that creative scene who had messaged me because he liked my style. it was a secret relationship because he cheated on someone to be with me which i thought they were completely done but he kept going back to her then back to me. he was obsessed with me and it was a really weird relationship, he would only come to me when his lustful desires were acting up and then would go when he was satisfied 💀. i was tired of this so i started talking to someone else and he found and his little ego got so hurt and he blocked me thank fucking god 😭😭!! I was also approached by another creative because he wanted to use my face as inspiration for his clothing brand hehe ( the 17° rules leo & fame )
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Aries Rising 2° SR - when i had this i felt like i was really impulsive i did lots of things without thinking twice. i had my chart ruler in the 5h that year so it might be different if you end up having your asc ruler somewhere else in your sr chart, but for me i was impulsive when it came to switching different styles. i also started drinking and partying for the first time when i had a aries rising in my sr when it was placed in my 5h. aside from this, i was very determined on finishing goals i set my mind to and i was very consistent in trying to build a good foundation for myself. ( the 2° rules taurus & early stages )
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Moon 7H 4° SR - most of my relationships that i had that year were lowkey codependent, the guys i talked to that year were very emotionally dependent and attached to me. they would usually call or message me out of nowhere to vent or open up to me which would be random asf lmaoo ( the 4° rules cancer & security/protection )
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Mercury 3H 28° SR - I started talking to my siblings more and my relationship grew closer with them. I also started becoming more vunerable with my siblings. My relationship with my siblings were more nurturing compared to the past. ( the 28° rules cancer & heightened sensitivity/vulnerability )
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Mars 5H 21° SR - I went out a lot more when i had this in my sr chart with my sisters friends who would randomly go out just for the fun of it 😭, like it was last minute most of the times but it was so fun tho! i got to do lots of things on the trips we went to! I was also more open to expressing my creativity like making clothes and putting it out there and such. ( the 21° rules saggitarius & travel/freedom )
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Jupiter 1H 8° SR - I was more optimistic about life when I had this placement in my sr chart. I also felt like I was really lucky when it came to travelling more. places ive wanted to go to forever i ended up going to! things i wanted to experience i experienced! it was a good year for experiencing new things. ( the 8° rules scorpio & transformations )
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Uranus 2H 21° SR - yeah i dont know where my money went that year 💀 money would come fast and then it would go even faster 😭 i saw my money as a source of freedom and thought of money so recklessly like, “oh these shoes are $300 but i just got fired? dont worry the money will come back *BOUGHT🧾*” so i didnt care much about saving or anything 😭 it came back though!! but then it went bye bye the next day😍 also for some weird reason whenever i took money out from daily pay which is a app where you can take money out early from your check when you work, whenever i took it out it ended up saying i had to pay back the amount i took out? like uhhh im pretty sure this was my money i took out 😂🤔… so now im -$200 but they gotta catch me in person cuz im not paying that 😹 ( the 21° degree rules saggitarius and freedom )
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Pluto 11H 29° SR - i ended two 5+ year friendship that year, it was hard but it was a trio and i found out that the both of them would ditch me to go hangout and do substances and i feel like that didnt align with my path because you are who you hangout with!! i also saw my goals/path changing that year, I completely re-evaluated what i wanted to do 🙏. ( the 29° is a anaretic degree that rules major transformations/completion/endings )
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Chiron 1H 19° SR - I was VERY critical on how others percieved me and my self image, i had multiple identity crises. I was super insecure the year I had this in my sr chart i cant even lie, despite so many people telling me how beautiful I was I just couldnt see it. 2 months before my birthday in 2024 i ended up understanding who i was and finding out what I LIKE and not what other people expected of me. im not facing multiple identity crises anymore which i thank my nn in my 1h from that year 🙏. ( 19° rules libra & can make a person more erratic and critical )
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 1H SR in 5H SR - I was more open to showcasing my creative talents, designing clothes, starting lots of creative projects. I was also having sooo much fun that year i miss it so much but lemme stop reminiscing 💔 I was also more flirty and playful that year leading me to have a few romantic encounters this year. Lots of creativity, fun, and sexual encounters happened that year.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 2H SR in 5H SR - I spent most of my money on clothes and on creative projects just things that made me happy!!!! I was also recieving money from a lot of guys who wanted sexual things from me but they got #finessed and i didnt care because who do you think i am???????
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 3H SR in 3H SR - when i had this i started getting into astrology more, i was also reading a lot more aswell. I was really curious and i needed lots of mental stimulation from something that was neverending and astrology just so happened to be it 😹. I was also making tons of short trips that year.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 4H SR in 7H SR - my family life was lowkey stopping me from getting into any relationships, i came to the realization i wouldnt be able to get into any relationships while living with my parents because of how controlling they can be. Also my sister got into a new relationship that sr year.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 5H SR in 7H SR - I started talking to a creative designer the year I had my 5h in my 7h. I was also getting involved with creative partnerships aswell, promoting eye contacts/lashes/having my face used for someones brand. I also attended more parties and was going out more so i found most of my relationship encounters were through that.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 6H SR in 4H SR - i changed my diet when i had this in my sr. I also didnt know how to balance my work life and home life so it clashed terribly and i got fired😭. I was also going out more with my sister so my routines have changed from never going out at all to going out every week.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 7H SR in 5H SR - I met lots of new friends and different social circles through fun plans like partying, girls trips etc.. I also had lots of fun romantic encounters when i had this in my sr whether i met them when i was drunk or at parties it was lots of fun lol. There was so much childlike joy when it came to my relationships that sr year.
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 8H SR in 5H SR - i lost my virginity the year i had this in my sr😶 but besides that my relationships in that sr year really shaped my understanding of love and myself. i was also recieving money from relationships i felt like a sugar baby🙈
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 9H SR in 1H SR - BABY I WAS OUTSIDEEE😭😩 okay besides that, that sr year when i had this i experienced a lot of new things that helped me discover who i was on the inside 😊. I was focused on self growth especially that year!
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 10H SR in 12H SR - I thought a lot about what I wanted to do career wise and how it would align with my goals and my purpose . I had this in my sr when I got fired 😭 and i realized I would prefer being my own boss when it came to my work life
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 11H SR in 12H SR - I unfriended my closest friends after re-evaluating our friendships that year. I also found out shady shit about them and I didn’t like that which led me to unfriending them
⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 12H SR in 2H SR - i was manifesting money a lot the year i had this and im not even gonna lie it was coming!! so if you have this in your sr this year, manifest that moola$$$!!!!! i was also receiving money behind the scenes from other people the year i had this in my sr chart .
if my sr chart for that solar return year was a song it would be definitely be this song 🥲 #willforevercherishthatyear
dont forget to check out my other personal sr observations if you enjoyed this one :) !
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8hsaturn · 1 year
astro observations #3
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Pisces moon coupled with earth, especially Capricorn, are unrivaled when it comes to philosophical and social breakthroughs. they have the spiritual awareness and collective vision of Pisces hand in hand with the objectivity and discipline of earth signs, and they can therefore be masters at deconstructing the functioning of society and the psyche. it’s such a consistent pattern with notable examples such as Joan of Arc (Cap Sun and Mercury), Benjamin Franklin (Taurus Saturn, Cap Venus & Sun), Henry Dunant who founded the red cross movement (Taurus Sun and Mercury, Cap stellium), Edgar Allan Poe considered to have invented the detective fiction genre and one of the earliest contributors to the genre of sci-fi (cap sun and mercury, Pisces stellium).
Venus conjunct Mercury could purchase books just because they look pretty and aesthetically pleasing lol. The type to look for the prettiest hardcover of a book to get.
Pisces stelliums with mercury, especially if it's retrograde, have such a hard time staying focused during a conversation, other people might think they're actively ignoring them but they just can't stay attentive for too long unless it's something they wanna know more about 😭 lowkey adorable when it’s not annoying lol.
A Virgo/gemini moon is a common placement amongst rappers known for being fast. Whether it's Doja Cat, Busta Rhymes, Min Yoongi, or Dizzee Rascal… after all, the moon (emotions and the inner mind) is ruled by fast-paced mercury (an exception would be if natal mercury was deeply afflicted). Jupiter conjunct Mercury as well can indicate the same.
5h moon transits are the times when you start to develop a crush or meet up with friends, decide to practice a particular hobby, binge tv shows/movies or read books, etc… one of my fave transits particularly because my 5h is in Pisces so I spend this transit often reading and consuming/creating art, and being delusional 🤭.
3h Pluto transit can indicate a gradual shift in your mindset, gradual because it’s a very long transit. It can either be positive or negative depending on how both your natal and transit pluto aspect your natal chart + transits. As my 3rd house is in Capricorn squaring my Aries moon, I spent this transit working on my work ethic and long-time consistency, as well as my self-esteem being dependent on how much I achieve and not my thoughts and core beliefs as a person (natal 2h pluto is in Sagittarius).
12h Leo can be such a humble bragger, and very obviously so… the type to complain about how being pretty sucks because guys like them too fast, or about how being rich isn’t easy, etc… I have six friends with this placement and only one isn’t like this but they’re also far older and more mature.
9th house in cancer people are very likely to be feminists or just very passionate about gender equality if the moon is well-aspected. If not, and if Venus and IC were not well-aspected, they could be deeply misogynistic and against gender emancipation.
that's it for today, thank you for reading my observations, and don't hesitate to ask and/or comment about anything!
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astropookie · 1 year
astro thoughts 🏇🌈✨💫🍳
HAPPY PRIDE MONTH ❤️ even though it’s almost July
disclaimer: I didn’t check my orthography
i hate it but what’s trying to tell me the universe. my friend reminds me of my mom 😭 kill me pls. she have sun 11H, she worries a lot about how others understand what she saids, what others may think of her. she wants to be peaceful but at the same time she have moon in scorpio so she’s struggling and she have a certain opinion about others based on the first impression or what made more impact -negative? idk. now I feel judge -I think it’s my anxiety-. Update: i said what was bothering me to her and everything is said, I’m proud of me, I’m in peace, she responded in a understanding manner. I can breath.
the degree of your ascendant says ALOT, not only about the physical appearance. it could point out even your career, how’s focused your life, how you react…now that I think about it, it’s like an ascendant in your ascendant pc (but if it confused you ignore it).
for example, my friend have gemini degree in his ascendant, he’s doing his major in communication, his family is full of artists and specially musicians, so he grew up knowing how to play every music instrument, it’s like breathing to him, music. he’s used to it and he express himself by composing and being curious, wanting to know about this and that. other example: my other friend has a gemini rising but I was thinking “there’s something that’s missing” 👀 the leo degree of course. he be slayyiing💅 he’s sassy. he knows what he wants and people always be wanting him not the other way around 🙄 he’s like purr stunning gurl 💋
the same friend told me the other day that his first impression of me was or exactly what he thought: “you don’t want to mess with her” “I wouldn’t mess with her ever”. he told me I remembered him of maddy of euphoria -I gave him the idea bc I didn’t understand and he agreed-. Ascendant - Saturn aspects make you look like a bad bitch, like they’ll kick your ass if you don’t do what they tell you, THEY ARE. The structure of their face is also bony. They look like they’re mad, like they’re on their way and if you step there you’re dead: karmic. The jawline, omg, is sharp, it could cut you.
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Also, bc Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, Capricorn ascendants and saturn-ascendant aspects share characteristics but are not the same? Capricorn risings have this cheekbones that are so sensual and even if they age, the cheekbones are still there, what you notice first is that. What they share is the intimidating aura strangers perceive. In different levels or forms I believe.
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Dakota Johnson Gisele Bündchen
I have Mars in Retrograde. I don’t know what bothers me until I explode or until I go to my psychologist. I minimize what bothers me and save it all in the back, so then my brain will hurt. I don’t figure out or notice when something bothers me bc I don’t think is a big deal or that’s a joke, but even if it’s a joke I can still not like it -a side note-. You’ll find me realizing later what was bothering me and then struggling to tell people how I really felt when they did THAT something.
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Picture from Pinterest
when the kid’s mercury is sextile Saturn’s dad (synastry: mercury sextile saturn), it means the dad communicates with their child as a way of teaching, caring about them. through their communication, they share childhood stories, experiences of any type and what they have learned about them, what they have observed. trough their talking they share their wisdom. the father have all the attention of their kid when he opens his mouth. the kid somehow knows something important is about to be said or they admires their dad that much.
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Picture from Pinterest
Leo moons 5H + aries degree can be pretty egoist, they could lost themselves in the idea of something, of having it. Also they don’t think, twice letting themselves be carried by the emotion that idea gives them. They’re in their pretty little world of fun but they are not looking what’s happening to others, they’re hungry for their passion. I HAVE TO TELL: not everyone with these placements are like this and blablabla -the same thing I say for precaution- AND I had something, it’s not even something 🙄 I had nothing with these placement k? but it gives you an explanation for my attitude. STILL, I think I gotta mention some of the synastry so it’ll make sense. In another time bc I don’t want to waste my energy in that -and don’t want to-.
Saturn in opposition with Uranus aspect makes the individual stay in the doubt. They’re stanched while they keep analyzing the pro and cons of the situation they want to start/be part. Even if someone extern try to help, they’ll be doubting more.
Virgo moons are just so wholesome ☹️❤️ They want to help. they’re always doing something. they want the best for you. they care of others as if they take care of themselves but better, sadly. they work too much they need a rest but they know they’ll be anxious of doing nothing. they’re just pure souls. they’re so kind. always helping in a ONG/organization that helps needed ones.
Aquarius mercury always have something to say, they’re always right 🙄 even though they say it’s comprensible and natural that everyone have their own beliefs I don’t believe them. I think they think their mindset is better and everyone should follow it. LIKE GURL WTF I know you think you are wise and shit and you’ve passed through experiences that made you learned and that inspired you to tell them to others BUT let others make mistakes and be wrong, let others don’t be like you, there’s the beauty. I always find them criticizing others for their manners, as if they have lived the same way you did.
I don’t believe/trust? in libras, yeah ok may be that my sun is in libra but not my whole chart. That’s what I’m talking about, with that last sentence I’m gaslighting you 💌 how tf you believe in libras when they don’t tell the truth directly I CANT. With my honesty I gotta mention that my libra sun appear when I don’t want to ruin something that benefits me, when I don’t know the person and I try my best, to my sag/scorpio/aquarius placements to not appear. They always keep something in their minds, they don’t tell you all, they keep to themselves some part, could be to not hurt you, doesn’t benefits them or whatever. a friend with moon in libra degree and another with libra moon: I always want them to say what they want, they can’t. I want to squish the hell out of them bc I can’t too😭🔪
Ceres 3H is a good placement for a psychologist. How they motivate others using their minds, that easily absorbs and process/analyses experiences and knowledge, to finally find a solution depending on the case -of the patient-, so it’ll be suitable. When they help others, their communication keeps improving with time. More experience = better. Still, it’s natural.
❀ Based on my personal experience.
❀ English is not my first language.
❀ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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