#5th january is celebrated
kitkatsudon · 1 year
Happy year of the rabbit!! Fun fact!! Based on Gon’s birthday (28th October 1987) it’s entirely possible that he could have been conceived on Lunar New Year in 1987 - also, coincidentally, the year of the rabbit :D
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janedoeremi · 1 year
Tumblr Memes of 2023
January: Polls, Bug Race, Tumblr Sexyman Round 2, No Fly List Leak
February: Vanilla Extract, Tumblr Sexywoman Polls, Homestuck Fandom Commiting Voter Fraud, Miette decimating Todoroki in Blorbo Polls, Just so many polls
March: Dean Winchester and his Time Traveling Impala in The Winchesters, Celebrating Ides of March a week early, March 14th: The Day Krabs Fries, Ides of March, Autism Swag Poll, Ultimate Cat Girl (Gender Neutral) Poll, Putin having a warrent for his arrest, The Bots returned with a vengance
April: April Fools Day, Sonic the Hedgehog died, Trumps arrest, Barbie Arresting Trump, Everyone getting a Barbie description, Poll with Nina Tucker and Alexander needs them to tie to move on together, hyperspecific polls, Misha Collins assigned Bisexual by the WB, Elon Musk being the victim of Murphy's Law, It's gonna be May
May: Dracula Daily cast is stuck in a time loop, Trigun stan causes book: This Is How You Lose the Time War to become a bestseller, whatever the fuck happened with Eurovision, TOTK releases and gave us our feral Link back, Barbie and Ken arrested template.
June: Pride month, Across the Spiderverse... just all of it, trump getting arrested...again, The Great Reddit Migration & r/196, Horse Race, Meows Morales, The week long Titanic Oceangate Iron Lung Clusterfuck, Destial 'i love you' news meme trends at least 4 different times for different reasons, Papyrus says fuck day
July: Twitter post rationing causing Tumblr Migration 2: Electric Boogaloo, ao3 went down for 2 days, ao3 readers debating on going back to wattpad/ff.net, Barbieheimer double feature, Tree Law invoked, Elon renamed Twitter to X
August: Tiktok trying and failing to make their own Goncharov: Zepotha, Destiel confirmed canon again by not-so-rouge translator, Riverdale polycule finale, Trump mugshot, One Piece Live Action Pirate-Clown annoys Tumblr users
September: Mole Interest, Ice King became a Tumblr Sexyman again, 21st of September.
October: Spooky month, Merlin Twitter updates for first time in years to show streaming options confusing fans, The Amazing Digital Circus and Nerdy Prudes Must Die both trend for a week straight, trying to insert Markipler into the FNAF Movie
November: Nov. 5th 3rd year anniversary, Zach and Cody get their dinner reservation after 15 years. Goncharovs 1st 50th anniversary.
December: Gavle Goat being devoured by Jackdaws, Hbomberguy lives up to his name and nukes James Somerton's plagerism ridden channel, Its Dec 10th, We're gonna have to kill this guy template, almost Christmas, one more sleep til Christmas (screams internally), Halloween trends on Christmas Eve
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slarpg · 5 months
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The holiday sales are here!
You can give the gift of Super Lesbian Animal RPG (which just celebrated its first anniversary) for 35% off until January 4th on Steam, or until the 5th on itch.io! That's less than ten bucks!!
(As always, you can also check out our totally free 12-page prologue comic for an introduction to the main cast.)
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themcrarchive · 1 year
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⚔️ 10 Years of Conventional Weapons ⚔️ Number Five, the final pair of songs, was released on February 5th, 2013. Celebrate with us today using #CW10!
Number One ⛓ Side A: Boy Division Side B: Tomorrow’s Money Released on October 30, 2012
Number Two 🔪 Side A: AMBULANCE Side B: Gun. Released on November 23, 2012
Number Three 🗡 Side A: The World Is Ugly  Side B: The Light Behind Your Eyes  Released on December 18, 2012
Number Four ⚔️ Side A: Kiss the Ring Side B: Make Room!!!! Released on January 8, 2013
Number Five 💣 Side A: Surrender the Night Side B: Burn Bright Released on February 5, 2013
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scoatneyhall · 2 days
WILD. Was anyone else aware that the Ted Lasso team has gone in and made post-production edits on season 3 episodes, sometime in the last year?
I've been rewatching the finale in advance of the one year anniversary of it airing, and straight off, I noticed that the points total on the graphic looked different to how I remembered it - a much closer race. It stuck out because I remembered being annoyed that they didn't celebrate the moment Richmond got confirmed for the Champions League, as the gap was big enough for it to have happened a while ago, offscreen. I still have a screencap from when the episode aired:
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However, the current copy on Apple has an updated graphic, making the post-production graphic in line with the numbers on the actual physical whiteboard prop and the script mentioning the win streak. See here:
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The corrected copy makes Richmond's points match the whiteboard, but it also puts the teams in 3rd to 5th place much closer to them points-total wise, meaning that now, in the current version of the episode, Richmond only qualified for the UCL in "Mom City," making it make more sense that the start of 3.12 is the first time it gets discussed. Would have been nice to mention that stake in the City match commentary during 3.11, but I genuinely am shocked that they went back in and edited the already-published episodes to clean up the post-production errors. For the record, here's the whiteboard as of 3.08: W10, D9, L6.
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Just in case anyone cares, the order of those results was - 1 draw against Chelsea, 6 wins with Zava, 1 loss against West Ham, the rest of the draws and losses occurring between 3.05 and the loss against Arsenal in 3.07, and then the 4 wins mentioned at the start of 3.08. By the start of 3.12, it's mentioned they are on a 16 game win streak, so that's 22 wins overall, 9 draws, 6 losses, going into the final weekend, hence the updated graphic.
I like that they went in and fixed it - no idea when in the past 12 months that occured - but I also kind of can't believe they bothered? Then again, I can't believe the mistake was made in the first place, as they were so specific with details in the prior seasons, so maybe they couldn't live with it being wrong.
I know there were rumours about a ton of issues in terms of getting these episodes posted in time - right down to the wire, still fixing the edit on the airdate - and it's clear that these details were not checked and confirmed by the poor people in post who were not working off the show bible that lives in the writers heads. I don't blame them at all, I blame the people who got the edit to them late, but it did annoy me during the season a LOT. The maths wasn't mathing, and as we know this is a show that has been careful with dates and timelines and stuff like that.
Anyway! The point is, a) this post about my UCL qualification fantasies is now moot, and b) I went back and checked another post production error that had REALLY pissed me off, which was the dates of texts in Ted's phone in 3.04. Phone dates have always given us the timeline quite strictly before - it's how @belmottetower and I started the timeline in our primer, with Ted arriving in London on January 6, 2020 and then following the football seasons from there to place the season 3 finale in May 2022 - but in 3.04, all the cute texts we see to all the characters in his phone were badly misdated, placing the timeline further in the future. This caused arguments or misunderstandings, at the time about the actual timeline of the show, but it seems this was another detail the producers really wanted to fix and tighten up, as they've gone back and had it edited.
It's weird, because the texts Ted was actually going back to - the messages from Doctor Jacob - were dated correctly as late 2019, and there's even a little easter egg in the form of a US rideshare notification picking him up to go to the airport in America, on 5 January 2020. (Even the area code, 316, is apparently correct to Kansas.) That's all correct even in the original version of the episode, but somehow we then skip a year and place his most recent texts, as of 3.04, in late October 2022, when they should only be in late September or early October 2021. (I found this post on Reddit that screenshotted his phone at the time.) Examples:
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I had to go back and check this, and sure enough, it's been edited to reflect the established timeline - they didn't just redate the year on each message, they also changed a bunch of the chats to be more recent - so rather than dates, his most recent chats with Henry, the Coaches, etc are from "Yesterday," then the first dated texts are in very late September 2021. This matches up pretty perfectly with where they are in a typical Premier League season - they REALLY cleaned it up. Further back, they do just switch the years on the dates, so he still got a picture from Sassy last Valentines Day, and his last one-on-one contact with Jamie is still set before the events of Wembley in 2.08 (FA Cup semi finals are in April, so a few weeks after the March 2021 date on Jamie's chat.)
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My brain is itching because I swear there was a screen of Nate and Ted's text chat at some point too? With Ted reaching out about his new job, on a date that deeply did not work with the timeline? But maybe I imagined it. There's no record of Nate's number in his phone at all now, and the texts date back to before Nate left, so I guess in this version of events, Ted deleted Nate's number and message history.
Anyway, I'm aware that basically no one is going to care about this, but I suspect that the three people who will actually care will REALLY FUCKING CARE. Has anyone else noticed it? Does anyone know when it may have happened? Does anyone know what else might have been changed or fixed? I love details and I love the fact that there is no longer conflicting data about what football seasons the show is covering - it's mid 19/20 to the end of 21/22, end of story - but what a fucking mess the production of season 3 must have been, to end up at this point!
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incomingalbatross · 6 months
Traditional feast days within the Twelve Days of Christmas:
December 25: Christmas Day, the Nativity!
December 26: St. Stephen the first martyr
December 27: St. John the Evangelist
December 28: The Holy Innocents, murdered by Herod
December 29: St. Thomas a Becket and David
December 30: The Feast of the Holy Family (traditionally celebrated on the Sunday within the Octave, but on this day if there is no such Sunday)
December 31: St. Sylvester I, pope during the reign of Constantine and the Council of Nicaea
January 1: Octave-Day of the Nativity, traditionally the Feast of the Circumcision (and now of Mary, Mother of God)
January 2: Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus
January 3: Traditionally no particular saint (that I can find)
January 4: Traditionally no particular saint (now St. Elizabeth Ann Seton)
January 5: St. Telesphorus (second-century pope and martyr) and St. Edward the Confessor (King of England 1042-1066)
January 6: Epiphany! Feast of the Coming of the Magi, the Baptism of Our Lord, and the Wedding at Cana
(An eagle-eyed observer may note that there are thirteen days on this list. Opinions differ slightly as to whether the Twelve Days begin on the 26th or end on the 5th, but I don't think it matters terribly.)
(Also I probably missed some feast days.)
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mianitezine · 5 months
Interest Check Now Open!
In May of 2024, we'll be celebrating the 10th anniversary of Mianite! To that end, we'd like to put together a fanzine. Think that sounds neat, either to read or to be a part of? Fill out our interest check here - open now though January 5th.
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spinthetags · 7 months
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(Once again, thank you to @pononoin for the art and @alister312 for the banner!)
We’re thrilled to announce that the interest check was a success, and we’re ready to move onto signups! The signup form will be found at the end of this post, and please make sure to read the rules carefully before filling it out!
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So, what is a Secret Santa event?
In a Secret Santa event, each person who participates is both a “Santa” and a “giftee”. Each person will begin their participation by creating a small wishlist of concepts that they would like to see in their gift (more on this later!). The mod (that’s spinthetags) will look over the wishlists and assign each person both a giftee and a Santa. The person participating will be aware of their giftee’s identity — as they’ll receive their wishlist, and be instructed to create a gift somewhat adhering to those wishes — but they won’t be aware of their Santa! Their Santa is the person who will be giving a gift to the original user based on their wishlist.
Here’s an example: Person A asks for a gift relating to Tweek celebrating Christmas with Craig. Person B is assigned to be Person A’s Santa, though Person A doesn’t know it! Person B will then create a gift related to Person A’s ask. In the meantime, Person B is also a Santa — they’ve received Person C’s wishlist, and are creating a gift to their specifications. At the end of the event, everyone will get their gift! Person B will give their Tweek-centric piece to Person A, and Person A will give Person C’s gift to Person C! Consider it kind of like a circle, where everyone will both give and receive a gift.
It’s not as complicated as it may seem! During the course of the event, all each person needs to worry about is creating a work for their giftee. Then, at the end of the event, everyone will exchange their gifts! We encourage posting the work on Tumblr (though other social media sites are definitely allowed!) and tagging your giftee, revealing that you’re their Santa in the process. This will all be reiterated as we get closer to the gift posting date!
Below is our estimated timeline for the event:
October 25th - November 3rd: Signups are open!
November 4th - November 5th - Participants are sent their giftee’s wishlist!
November 6th - January 5th - Participants work on their gifts!
December 20th - January 5th - Gifts are posted!
As you can see, there’s an overlap between the creation of gifts and the posting of gifts; this is because the holidays can be busy for everyone, and we want to give you as much time as possible! You don’t need to post your gift immediately on December 20th — you can instead post it any time between December 20th and January 5th. If you need more time to work, take it! It doesn’t need to be finished by December 20th, as long as it gets shared before January 5th.
So, that’s the basics of the Secret Santa event! But we also have some more rules. Here they are below:
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1. All works created for this event must be SFW! Profanity and light suggestiveness (granted the characters are of age) are allowed in line with the show, but no explicit NSFW content may be involved.
2. We ask that works you create are full pieces, or close to such; make sure to put the effort your giftees deserve into your works! We’re not explicitly disallowing sketches or drabbles, but make sure to put the amount of effort into your works that you would like to receive from your Santa!
3. The mods are going to work hard to make sure everyone gets assigned a giftee that they’re comfortable working with! On that note, there will be no switching; once you get assigned your giftee, short of extenuating circumstances, you won’t be given a different one.
4. We understand that things may come up! If you decide you no longer wish to participate in the event, you must let us know by Thanksgiving (November 23rd) so we can find a new Santa for your giftee.
5. Make sure to come into this with an open mind! Not everyone has the same skill level, and we ask you to consider the effort your Santa put in rather than their skill or experience in the medium. Please show your Santa appreciation!
6. The type of media you create can be anything; we expect to see a lot of fanart and fanfiction, but what you can create isn’t limited to that! If you have any doubts about whether your media is allowed, please send us an ask and we’ll get back to you!
On the same note as the rules, here are some guidelines for your wishlists!
- You can be as vague or specific as you would like! It’s encouraged to leave your Santa some wiggle room to exercise their creativity, but there’s no shame in adding specific preferences to your wishlist!
- It’s not required, but we encourage you to include some Holiday-themed requests. Get into the spirit of the season!
- You can put as many requests on your wishlist as you’d like! It’s a good idea to include at least two or three, to give your Santa some options, but there’s no upper limit. Just remember that the more requests you include, the less likely it’ll be that ALL of them will get included.
- Your wishlist can include anything from ships to scenarios to headcanons; anything that you would like to see represented in a work you’re receiving.
- Please be respectful of what’s on a wishlist! Remember that you’re creating the work for your giftee, not for you; even if you disagree with some of the headcanons the user would like, we ask you to still do your reasonable best on including them. If there is anything that you are deeply uncomfortable with creating, there will be a spot on the signup form to enter it, and we’ll make sure you aren’t paired with a user who would like that content.
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Here is the link to sign up!
Please note that communications related to this event will be done by email; we encourage you to create a new email for the event if you’re uncomfortable sharing your personal one! Please make sure to check your email at least weekly! Communications will be sent from [email protected].
Thank you to everyone who’s interested in participating! We can’t wait to see what you create!
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haespoir · 11 months
me after you: ldh.
⨯ pairing: general!haechan x princess!reader
⨯ word count:  6.2k
⨯ genre: historical au, secret relationship
⨯ summary: being a royal means that you don't have the luxury of marrying for love. but when your younger sister is set to marry your childhood friend turned secret lover, you have to do something.
⨯ content: a lot of angst, mentions of blood, mentions of suicide, character death, open ending
⨯ playlist: fine, taeyeon / lucid dream, aespa / forgetting you, davichi / if it is you, jung seung hwan / how can i love the heartbreak you’re the only one i love, akmu
⨯ a/n: this comes after watching scarlet heart in one sitting. please be kind, this is the longest thing i've written in a while! feedback is always welcome ♡ . . .
You’re barely 10 years old when you first see him. You’re crouched behind a tree as you watch your brother Jaemin from a distance, an unfamiliar male by his side. You have no idea what they’re speaking about, but frankly, you don’t care much. You just want to know more about the male next to Jaemin. 
You've heard numerous stories of love at first sight. You’ve always believed that your first love would come and sweep you off your feet, that they would come in and whisk you away from the palace. But that’s not what he does. Instead, he fills your mind with fantasies, scenarios you only wish you could pursue with him. You imagine nights under the stars with him, being wrapped in his arms would be a dream come true. All this and you don’t even know his name. 
Suddenly, your muse for art is at its all-time high. You stray away from the usual flowers and bright colors. Dark colors make an appearance, and an unnamed male becomes the star of your paintings. It’s odd how someone you’ve never had a full conversation with occupies your mind. 
There’s this odd hunger that makes a home in your heart. Something that can never be calmed. At least not by you. Not by anyone but your mystery man. 
It’s not until a few weeks later that you get a name to match the face. Lee Donghyuck, the son of Grand General Lee. You know right away that he is destined to do nothing but good in his life. A man who can save countless countries in your eyes. 
You finally formally exchange names with him. It’s a wonder really, the way just a few words have you flying on cloud nine. “Lee Donghyuck,” he had said, voice sweeter than honey. It was sad how quickly you became smitten. 
But it seems you are not the only one because it doesn’t take long for the two of you to click. You’ve got a routine going, a secret shared amongst yourselves. Late nights turn into adventures, hand in hand the two of you explore everything the night skies have to offer. 
Looking into the eyes of Donghyuck you swear that he holds your whole universe there. He is limitless. The stars are not confined to just his eyes; they float in his voice when he whispers sweet words to you, and they dance along from his skin to yours when you touch. They surround him with this celestial warmth that is blinding to you. 
It doesn’t take you long to realize it, but you’ve fallen in love with Lee Donghyuck, desperately in love; it stays that way for years to come. 
And then the letters are sent out.
. . .
You are invited to the royal wedding...
Your attendance is requested at the wedding celebration of PRINCESS YI MIYOUNG and GENERAL LEE DONGHYUCK on the evening of Saturday, the 5th of January in the year of 1540 of King Jaehyun’s rule. 
The celebration will be held in the estate gifted to the prince consort and the princess after the formal wedding ceremony in the royal palace. Guests are required to bring forth a gift that will be presented to the bride and groom as well as the original invitation, which is to be presented on entrance. This invitation is extended to the immediate members of the recipient’s household.
His Majesty, King Jaehyun
Father of the bride.
. . .
Anger is a foreign emotion to you. But soon, you’ll find it’s your best friend. 
The date of the wedding weighs down on your soul. It crushes any hope that you have. Like a harsh wind, it blows out the flickering light of hope you have, and it leaves you covered in a darkness that you are unfamiliar with. Sorrow courses through your veins, but its presence is barely acknowledged. There’s something else there that takes control.
It clouds your senses until it's all you see. A white flash of rage. A single swipe of your arm leaves your tea cups broken on the floor. Tears of anger slip down your face, but it makes things worse. You’re weak, so weak. And you’re an emotional mess. 
You wish you could be angry at your father for allowing it to happen. At Donghyuck for making empty promises, or even Miyoung, for just being Miyoung. But you can’t. It’s impossible. Your anger is directed at one person only– yourself. 
You hate yourself. It becomes a cycle of self-loathing. You’re unable to be angry at anyone but yourself. You are too careless with your heart. How could you have been so foolish? You know better than anyone else that there’s no room for love when it comes to the royal family. 
You rip the decorative accessories from your hair and throw them with all the strength you can muster. Even so, they don’t make it far. They land in front of an unfinished painting, the image haunting you. A painting meant for Donghyuck. How could you bring yourself to finish it now? 
A piece of glass catches your attention. How easy would it be to end your suffering? A simple cut would be enough, would it not? You could be free of all the politics, free of the pain. The glass feels heavy in your hand and suddenly, you are weighing out your life options.
But the more you think about it, the more your anger manifests. How could you allow someone to have so much control over your life? You’ve given your heart away so easily, and you aren't sure if you’ll ever get it back. 
Without realizing it, your grip on the shard of glass tightens and soon you’re drawing blood. But with your emotions running so wild, you don't even feel the pain. Scarlet tears stain your clothing, but you don't mind. Not now. 
You’re tired, tired of being walked all over. You’re tired of not having a say in your life. But– at the same time– you’ve lost all care. Bitterness seeps into your heart, and you feel like giving up.
However, you refuse to be weak this time around. You’ve been kicked into the dirt once again, but you won’t allow yourself to be buried. You will grow this time, and this time with more resilience than before. 
You watch as another drop of blood falls from your hand. This time, you’ll care only for yourself. This time, you will only care for your own happiness. You’ll face everyone with a fake smile. You’ll congratulate the married couple. And you won’t reveal your sorrow.
. . .
It feels as if a weight has been lifted off Donghyuck’s chest. There had been a few hiccups, but he had survived greeting his future wife. It’s not like he really wanted to, but he knew he had a role to fill. Miyoung wasn’t at fault; it wasn’t as if she had approached her father and begged to allow her to marry him. 
No, it should have been you to do that. 
But he also knew that you were not in the proper position to make those demands. He sighs softly; what a truly frustrating experience this was. The meetings with Miyoung and the King had been draining, but it was clear that they were to be married for political reasons only. After all, Donghyuck came from a family of generals who were completely loyal to the crown. 
As if the sky was reflecting his exhausted nature, the sun had begun to set. The light was slowly dying, a beautiful pink hue painted across the sky. You would have loved to see this sunset; it was one of your favorite activities, just chatting away under the disappearing sun. 
Had he been more aware, he would have heard you approach him. Standing in front of him was a princess, and he would argue that she was his favorite one. 
His surroundings seemed to be muted in comparison to you. There was nothing as vibrant as his lover, if he dared still call you that. Almost instantly, his heart clenches; it hammers within his chest like the war drums sounding his army’s march. It was almost as if his heart was echoing its intent for you. 
“Princess…” Donghyuck catches himself, addressing you with your proper title before an affectionate nickname can slip past his lips. “I hope you are well.” He bows with a foreign eagerness to place as much distance between the two of you as possible.
As he gazes at you, he begins to wonder if betraying the crown is worth it. If it meant he could hold you in his arms he believes he would forsake the entire country for you. That thought alone is terrifying, and it goes against everything his father has taught him. 
So with as much courage as he can, and it’s not a lot, he speaks again: “I bid you farewell.”
There’s an undeniable feeling that pools in your stomach as you look at him. It’s an ache that squeezes your heart so tightly it’s hard to breathe. There’s no one else that you would want to spend your life with, yet he is the same person who is forbidden to you. 
In your bandaged hand is a piece of fabric, one that holds the love and affection you have for the male in front of you. Intricate stars are laced through the dark fabric, representing the countless nights the two of you had spent together. So many sleepless nights spent on something for a man you could no longer love. A man you could no longer call your own. 
“Donghyuck,” you say, almost choking on the tears that you refuse to let fall. There's a feeling of happiness that blinds your senses when you see him, yet you can also feel your heart break at his cautious nature. How could the affection that once laced his words be completely gone? The words that left his mouth felt foreign, and they left you feeling bitter. 
“Please accept this,” you whisper, nearly begging. You barely manage to grip his sleeve; it seems he is in a rush to leave you. That idea only has your heart hurting even more. Your nights amongst the stars seem so distant now. He seems so distant now.
The way you said his name hurt. Even if he had scars covering his body from war, none would hurt as much as it did hearing you call his name out like that. He did not want to do this, it would be so easy to leave and run away, but when a princess begs, it is in your best interest to act in favor of the princess. 
Duty before self. Crown before duty. Country before the crown. These were words that he was taught since he was just a young boy. It was these same words that now haunt his every decision. Duty to the crown– the king had decreed his partner for life. There should be no space within his heart for you. Yet, you occupy all.
With trembling hands, his heart overriding the screams of protest in his head, he takes the star-laced fabric. Quickly, his eyes dart around, checking to see if the two of you were truly alone. Once that’s confirmed, he doesn’t hold back. Calloused hands cup the delicate face of a princess, your beauty clouded by the tears gathering in his eyes.
“What are you expecting?” He asks.
Maybe hours later, when he’s regained control of his emotions and he’s alone, he’d probably berate himself for giving into his weakness. However, right now, the crown be damned. It nearly broke his heart to see you hurting, especially when he loved you so dearly. All because you wanted him to accept a gift, which he’s sure is a parting gift. Even if he wants to deny it. He could be heartless in his duty to the crown, however, this was too much. “I’m already promised to Miyoung,” he says softly, his thumb caressing your cheek. “You know the king’s decision is final, and I cannot love you. We cannot be seen like this.”
“Leave me.” He whispers, watching as the tears that had pooled in your eyes begin to fall. “And forget me.”
“Forgive me,” he thinks to himself. 
It’s a concept that is foreign to you; the fact that his words hurt more than any physical wound- you’ve never felt anything like this. His words are like needles, and your heart is their resting place. 
Like always, Donghyuck is able to take your breath away. But this time he’s left you with no air, and no words as well. You don’t know what you had expected to become of the two of you– after all, Donghyuck was always someone who chose his country and the crown over anything. 
“I can't accept it,” you sob. And even if you tried, you don’t know how to. There's no one else in the palace who you love as much as you love Donghyuck. And it’s so difficult for you to come to terms with. 
“I can’t leave you, and I can’t forget you,” you recited as if it was a mantra that had been playing in your mind for days. And you had. Your thoughts had been consumed with Donghyuck since you had met him. 
Donghyuck, without much thought, presses his lips to yours. As if it's the most natural thing for him to do, as if he wishes to ease the pain of your breaking hurt. And it works, if only briefly. 
You relish the feeling of his lips against yours, a feeling you find yourself not knowing you missed. You never realized how hungry you were for Donghyuck until you got a taste. Like a drug, you’re not sure if you’re able to give him up. Your grip on his sleeve tightens, unable to let go of him. 
But no matter how selfish you wish to be, you can’t.
An internal conflict impossible for you to escape. You pull away from him quickly, tears spilling from your eyes freely now. How could you do this to Miyoung? How could the king do this to you?
Donghyuck had lost to his own weakness; he had lost to his own emotions. Everything always came back to you. Your lips were just as he remembered. You were an addiction to him as well, and he wondered if he’d ever be able to quit. 
He knew you. He knew the meaning of those tears; he could see the conflict brewing within your eyes.
“You're thinking about Miyoung, aren’t you?” He says softly, his hands moving to curl stray hair behind your ear. “You’re unable to betray your sister, as I am unable to betray the king.” 
He’s once again brushing your tears away with his fingers. “So much for being a general,” he bitterly thinks to himself. He wishes he had the courage to ask you to run away with him, but he has a family to think about. He has to think about his duty to the crown and to his family. Unknowingly, tears had also begun to fall from his eyes. “The moment the King announced our marriage it was over. What did you expect coming to see me here?”
His words are once again stabbing at your heart.
“Of course, I'm thinking about your wife,” you say, “My sister. Your wife. A person who gets to spend their nights in your arms.” It hurts even more as you speak, the words leaving your lips in soft breaths. It’s official, Lee Donghyuck has broken you.
The feeling of his fingers on your face brings back nostalgic memories. Instinctively, you lean into his touch. There is nothing that you wouldn’t give up for Donghyuck– you were just that in love with him. But you were just a princess– a princess willing to give up their title and life just for some general. And while you want to say that you’re unsure if Donghyuck would do the same, you know his loyalty to the crown is undying. And that is what tears your heart apart. 
“Do you know how difficult it is?” There are so many nights where you find that sleep doesn’t welcome you with open arms anymore. Instead, it turns its back to you, ignoring your pleas as you spend the night tossing and turning. 
It’s hard for you to speak; you’re choking on tears. You don't know what you expect from Donghyuck anymore. Your situation has become so complicated. It's hard for you to even comprehend. 
“I can't expect the same love I once received, I know I can't,” you say weakly, hating how difficult it was for you to speak. “But I do. Donghyuck– I crave it. I miss you so much.”
“To-be. Wife to-be. We’re not married yet.” He states bitterly, doing his best to draw the line distinctively. “She will not spend her nights with me. I have not touched her hand, her lips, or her.” 
It’s like daggers are embedding themselves into his heart with each word. He does his best to defend himself and calm your anxieties as he speaks. “I will sleep in my own study even if we are wed.”
“To be or is, what difference does it make? You are no longer mine Donghyuck– why can’t I grasp it?” you speak with anger towards yourself now, each word produces a new cloud of darkness in your heart, a feeling you’re becoming used to unfortunately. 
You’ve come to a full circle of blaming yourself. You’re the one to blame, had you not fallen for Donghyuck that fateful day, this wouldn’t be happening. Had you begged the king to allow you to wed Donghyuck instead of Miyoung, maybe you would have gotten your happy ending. 
But it’s too late for that now. Even the thought of Donghyuck spending a night with Miyoung pains you. Though you want nothing best for your siblings– if Donghyuck is Miyoung’s best, you might find yourself changing your mind.
“You are always the last thought that I have before I close my eyes. You were my very last thought when I thought I was on the verge of dying.” His words are earnest as he speaks. “You are the one that kept me strong on the way back home, back to you. I thought about your crying face and fought the reapers who had come to claim me.” 
Donghyuck’s hands drop to your waist as he pulls you into him, holding you close. “The love you’ve once received is still here.” He takes your hand and places it over his chest. “You will always be in my heart until the day I breathe my last breath.”
You grip the fabric that separates your hand and his heart. “You plague my every waking thought, Donghyuck. And even when I think I can be free of you– you appear again. Countless nights I prayed for your safety. I prayed for you to come back. To come back to me.” But that’s not the reality you get. Your father had rewarded the man you loved for winning the war by giving him your younger sister’s hand in marriage. How cruel.
“It is torture to give a man your heart and soul only for it to be rejected because the crown and country are placed higher than you,” you say, hitting his chest with your balled-up fist. “It is truly torture having to hide away from your family because you’re ashamed. Ashamed to face your sister for loving her soon-to-be husband. Ashamed at the fact that I couldn't even be vocal about how much I loved you– how much I do love you.”
You move to cup his cheeks, your thumbs caressing his face in ways that you can only hope to express how much affection you still hold for him. “What are we to do? What am I to do?”
Donghyuck swears this is like a dead game of go, several stones are already stuck. Defeat is imminent. Perhaps he is going soft and becoming vulnerable. He had heard this is what love does to a person. He had warned those who learned from him that placing too much focus on one objective would be their downfall. Yet here he is, doing everything in his power to keep you safe and by his side. 
Even if he meant betraying his loyalty. 
It would be simple; avoid the engagement and wedding as long as he could. Then, when your brother Jaemin takes the throne, he could annul the engagement. It would have to work; it was the only way. For this to work, the King must die.
He could do it in five years, maybe even four. An illness, or a coup. Something like that could work, right? The thought alone makes his heart race. Someone with an undying loyalty to the crown, thinking such treasonous thoughts.  
He looked at you, the love of his life. He could see the pain that flickered in your eyes. Were you worth committing high treason for? To go against the crown and country? To go against everything he had ever known?
The answer was blatantly yes. 
Would your love survive if he was the one to end the life of your father? Even if it was a perfect crime, would his own soul survive dealing with the guilt?
“I love you.” He whispered, pulling you into him once again. Donghyuck closed his eyes, willing away the demons forming in his mind. When someone you love more than life is in pain, it is a very simple decision to make on the spot. 
Donghyuck lies.
“It will all be fine,” he says. “I will find a way for us. Can you wait?”
One look into his eyes, and you know he’s planning something. You can hear the cogwheels turning in his brain. Like a true General, or to-be Grand General– you know he wastes no time in making plans. You know him too well, after all, he was once your Donghyuck. 
Being in his arms was where you belonged, where you would happily spend the rest of your days. But that was not so easy anymore. You could no longer hold the affection you once held for him. 
Logically, it’s not right. You know it’s not. It's your loyalty to your sister that reminds you of this every single day. Miyoung was a princess, and you would not allow your sister’s reputation to be tarnished. There were just some things that were above you. Anyone with a brain knows that this is not just some easy mistake to be fixed. 
But you have always followed your heart. 
So you allow yourself to fall into Donghyuck once more. “I love you as well,” you breathe out, your voice barely above a whisper. You can hear his steady heartbeat as you place your head on his chest; it calms your aching soul. Donghyuck is your sun, your moon, and all your stars. You know that he is someone you’re willing to fight for. 
“I will wait for you until the end of time, you know that.” The words slip past your lips effortlessly, a white lie in its purest form. You know that Donghyuck will always be in your heart, but you also know how the world works. It works in cruel and unfortunate ways. 
A princess as soft-spoken as you will never get what you want. You are a pawn to others. You know soon enough that you will be married off– just as your sister was. And when the time comes, will you still be able to put Donghyuck above all else? 
“But are you able to wait for me?”
He leans away from you to look at your face, his hands not leaving your waist. “I fought death for you,” he thinks to himself, feeling his heart swell at the image of you. 
“Is this doubt I hear?” He gazes at you with false anger, a playful smirk decorating his features. “You dare doubt the hero, the Grand General Lee Donghyuck?”
“I will wait for you until the end of time,” He says, leaning in and stealing several small kisses between each word. You allow yourself to be showered in his love, and you enjoy the feeling wholeheartedly. You carve the feeling of his lips against your skin into your mind. You won’t ever allow yourself to forget it; you won’t allow yourself to forget your love. Separating himself from you, Donghyuck takes a step backward, his hands gently holding both of yours.
“I’m not good with words,” he begins, looking down at your intertwined hands. “But since I’ve already broken my own vow to stay away from you, I might as well speak freely now. I had prepared for months to say this, hoping that I would get to say it when I received your hand from the King.”
He takes a breath, his gaze meeting yours. 
“Once, as a young boy, my father told me to never stare at royalty. We should keep our heads bowed. And I took that to heart until you. How could I not look at the most beautiful person in the palace? For the first time in my life, I took a gamble. I asked Jaemin to introduce me to you. I was just his sparring partner then, and I thought I would have been executed for that.” 
Donghyuck thinks back to that day, smiling fondly at the reactions he remembered receiving from Jaemin. Why was his sparring partner interested in his sister? It hadn’t made sense to Jaemin then, and a part of Donghyuck almost wishes he never asked. 
“Jaemin introduced us, and when you smiled at me… I was never able to look away. If not for you, I don’t think I would have ever known a love so deeply in my life. I fell in love with you when I was ten, just a young boy,” he smiles, giving your hands a gentle squeeze. 
“I’m twenty-three now, and I’ve been loving you more and more each and every day since I was ten. I regret not a second of it.”
You know that your end is coming soon. 
But with every word, Donghyuck makes it so much harder for you to give him up. His words cause your mind to run; it runs to a place where the two of you are free to love each other.
However, that place is not here.
You two are but a small chapter in the novel of this country, a small insignificant chapter. And you realize that now.
Yet your heart still races at his words. You know that you are Donghyuck’s weakness. So it leaves you no choice but to be the strong one in your situation. 
“Every second I've spent with you, there is not a single regret that plagues them. You have given me the love I never knew I needed.” You raise your intertwined hands, placing a gentle on the back of his hand.
“And for that, I thank you. The first time I laid my eyes on you, I knew you would be more than just a man to me. I've given you my whole heart, and I can only hope you keep it safe.” Your words pain you. You know this is your goodbye, the last time you will ever see Donghyuck with these feelings of love dancing in your heart. 
So you press one last soft kiss against his lips before you speak again: “I should head back to my quarters, as should you. It's quite late. Be safe.” 
With these last words, you let go of your first love and quickly turn for your room. The farther you get, the more tears fall. You wonder if it’s really better this way.
. . .
It is a good thing that Donghyuck had not spoken of his treasonous thoughts to you because they fall through so quickly. 
The silence in the air becomes a newfound friend to you. Something you once detested before now brings you endless comfort. The day is coming sooner than you hoped. You must congratulate your sister. You must congratulate the love of your life, Lee Donghyuck, for getting married to your dear sister.
It hurts. It hurts like hell. There are so many things you wish you would have done differently. You wish that you didn’t meet Lee Donghyuck– that you never fell in love with him. You shouldn’t have given everything away so easily. Because now, you’ve become a fool, a pawn in this game of chess. All of you have.
You’ll be okay. It's a mantra that repeats in your head like a broken record. He's not worth it. Nobody should have control over your life like Donghyuck does. It’s time for you to let go. 
And so you try.
The moon supplies no light in the dark garden. Yet, you are there. Your canvas is set– Donghyuck’s unfinished painting there. The dark sky is displayed on the once white canvas, small stars littered sparsely amongst the space. Two figures bask in the glow provided by the white paint. Figures that were once Donghyuck and you have been completely remade into Donghyuck and Miyoung.
It ignites anger in your faint heart once again. But the healing scar on the palm of your hand reminds you to never take the anger out on yourself, never again.
So you take your anger out on the painting.
With a heavy grip, you stab your paintbrush into the canvas. Before your eyes, the painting becomes two pieces. Something you wish their marriage would become.
But it hurts you to even think these ill thoughts. You care for your sister so much. And you care for Donghyuck even more. Yet there’s this new evil that rests in your heart. Suddenly, becoming bitter seems easier than letting go. And it definitely looks more attractive with every second that passes.
It takes a few days of peaceful meditation, but you find yourself in the garden again. Your muse this time, a budding flower. A representation of the new relationship that will bud between the two. A representation of the new take on life you have.
The color blue stains your fingers. A color for freedom and peace. This painting is made with Donghyuck in mind. The words “I forgive you," are woven throughout the flower. And you only hope that Donghyuck is able to understand it.
The nights following your breakdown instilled a resolve that you could have never found yourself following. A path laced thoroughly with bitterness and hatred. A path completely unfamiliar to you. But it’s a path you will now call your own. For you have learned that those with a faint heart can’t survive. They won’t survive. And now you will do whatever it takes to survive.
You spend the night before the wedding in the garden again. It is foolish for you to hope that Donghyuck will arrive. You know that it is wishful thinking. As you walk the path engraved in the ground made by the two of you, you know it is the last time.
. . .
The morning brings signs of your new beginning. A new you. This is your chance at a new life. You will create a new path for yourself, a path you will now travel alone. You no longer need Donghyuck. All you need is yourself.
Your resilience is stronger than ever before. But you know that your weakness rests in your heart; you would be foolish to lie to yourself and say it doesn’t. You have always been someone who loves wholeheartedly. From a young age, you gave everything you had to offer to those you love. You had given your heart to Lee Donghyuck, and now you had to give him to your sister. 
You arrive at the wedding on time. But the happiness in the air has no effect on your mood. You’re sad and heartbroken– it’s inevitable. But you don't let it show. 
Sitting through the ceremony hurts. It’s expected, but you begin your healing process quickly. You lower your expectations for Donghyuck. You no longer expect anything from him. Not even a glance.
And so, your eyes stray from him. They only stay on Miyoung. Your heart hurts for the younger princess. You know that she wants nothing more than to not be married to Donghyuck. You know that someone else resides in the heart of your sister. Yet you hope she is able to find happiness. You don't wish for darkness to form in her sister’s heart.
. . .
“Your Highness, your sister comes bearing gifts.”
You stand tall, a soft smile on your lips. “For her highness, an embroidered scroll.” The scroll your maid hands over tells the tale of sorrow you feel for your younger sister. An arrangement of flowers decorates the fabric, a single daisy being the star of the show. A flower to represent hope and innocence. You pray that Miyoung is able to keep her hope throughout this marriage and that her innocence never fades.
“And a painting for you, General Lee.” The bitterness that dances on your tongue makes it hard for you to keep your composure, but you do your best. The blue carnation decorating the canvas is not something that you have ever laid your eyes upon. Rather something you have created for Donghyuck himself. The last thing you will ever create for him.
“I wish you both a prosperous marriage.'' Those are your final words as you bow. Your eyes avoid Donghyuck's as you leave, disappearing from his sight once the door is closed. You only wish that all involved can find happiness. For this is the last time you will allow yourself to be heartbroken like this. 
. . .
King Jaehyun gathers everyone’s attention with a clear voice that rings out clearly in the chilly night air. He motions to the tables set around a fire that blazes in the middle to warm the guests against a biting winter breeze. 
Daughters sit with fathers, quietly gazing away from the king out of politeness. Sons sit with their mothers, quiet and attentive, ready to hang upon the King’s every word.  Here marks the start of a toast: from a father wishing the best to his daughter in her married life, from a king looking proudly on his son in law who’s already achieved so much in such a short amount of time. There is a moment when the mantle of the king is laid down and instead, the wishes of a father ring out into the night.
It's obvious that the princess is unhappy sitting next to her now husband. It's obvious that her husband looks as if he wants to be anywhere else, beaten down already as he is by the rumors and the whispers about his wife and their marriage bed. 
The King can see it all clearly, but to them, he wishes them lifelong happiness. He hopes that in the end, they’ll find it. And he expects that they will. 
No one notices the looks that are shared slyly behind his back between certain members of the court. Everyone is far too interested in the married couple at the head of their table, seated close to the King. They’re far too invested in the King’s words, and the gleam of pride in his eyes when he looks over at the married couple as he is ready to put the cup to his lips. It’s a signal for everyone else to do the same, and so they do.  
It's a shame, really, that no one notices. This all could have been avoided if they had.
The toast ends with a sip of alcohol in the King’s presence, all members of the party turning away from him to drink from their cups. It doesn’t start right away– people put down their cups, and there’s once again a dull chatter that bubbles through the crowd. After all, no one is expecting a red wedding.
It takes a few minutes to settle in the system. Most poisons do. First, it’s the princess who coughs up blood, staining her hanbok a dark shade of crimson. That’s when the panic begins, her coughing not stopping; she continues to cough and bleed, unable to breathe from the poison that’s boiling hot in her system.
It's not just the princess though.
Several members of the court are clutching at their robes, heaving and clawing in fevered desperation to cling to their lives. The poison is fast acting. And it leaves the princess, the Minister of Defense, and a General as cold as the night air.
In the blink of an eye, two sons become the head of their family, forced to take on the mantle of their dead fathers. In the blink of an eye, a princess is stolen from the world. And in the blink of an eye, three families are torn apart and heartbroken. For a long moment, there’s silence. The King is pale. 
And then all you can hear is the wailing of the groom.
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halfagone · 3 months
Celebrating DPxDC Ships
Since I missed out on DPxDC Ship Week this year (I promised myself I would focus on my multi-chapter fics more and I already have so many birthday gift fics to work on, forgive me-), I thought what better way to celebrate the event than looking back on a variety of ships!
I'll try my best to showcase as many ships as possible, but if I miss out on any y'all think should get some love, please do add it in a reblog and spread the celebration! Please keep in mind that all these figures are sourced from Ao3.
Jazz Fenton/Jason Todd (Hardcover Ship) (F/M)
First Fic Posted:
Crash Course by Carmic (Published: March 29th, 2020.)
As of February 21st, 2024: 173 total.
Danny Fenton/Jason Todd (Dead On Main) (M/M)
First Fic Posted:
I Don't? Work Alone by DomesticatedOpossum (Published: June 17th, 2020.)
As of February 21st, 2024: 277 total.
Danny Fenton/Dick Grayson (Death Defying) (M/M)
First Fic Posted:
The Ghost of a Robin by MaxineWolf (Published: August 5th, 2015.)
As of February 21st, 2024: 93 total.
Cassandra Cain/Jazz Fenton (Quiet Time (better known as Cazz)) (F/F)
First Fic Posted:
Hit me with your sweet love (Steal me with a kiss) by coolerdazai (Published: February 9th, 2023.) @bum-bum-bakudan
As of February 21st, 2024: 21 total.
Cassandra Cain/Danny Fenton (Deathly Silent) (F/M)
First Fic Posted:
El retorno de Sentry by RocKzAr77 (Published: January 24th, 2022.)
As of February 21st, 2024: 31 total.
Danny Fenton/Damian Wayne (Dead Serious) (M/M)
First Fic Posted:
Incision by DizzlyPuzzled (Published: January 29th, 2018.) @dizzlypuzzled
As of February 21st, 2024: 123 total.
Danny Fenton/Bruce Wayne (Spirit Halloween) (M/M)
First Fic Posted:
You Got The Feels by happy_alligator (Published: July 14th, 2022.)
As of February 21st, 2024: 45 total.
Tim Drake/Danny Fenton (Dead Tired) (M/M)
First Fic Posted:
Vertical Limit by hppjmxrgosg (Published: January 6th, 2022.) @hppjmxrgosg
As of February 21st, 2024: 206 total.
As always, please read any tags and warnings before you continue further with a story. I haven't gotten the chance to read all of these myself, but it is very curious to see what ships have endured the test of time and what have bloomed at surprising speed.
And this isn't even including all the platonic relationships we've explored! We've grown a lot as a niche crossover, and that deserves some love too. Look out, world, we ain't stopping any time soon. Happy reading! 📖✨❤️
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2-dsimp · 1 month
When is some of your ocs' birthdays? How old are they all? How do they celebrate their birthdays And? And do they like to celebrate their birthdays or not really?
Lovely question o(≧v≦)o
Time to draw my second general draft list!
Most of them are generally within their 20s
Yandere Spin-offs
Icha- Age: 19
『January 13th』 【♑️】
Evon- Age: 20
『BD: December 10th』 【♐️】
Temothy-Age: 21
『March 12th』 【♓️】
Nokka- Age: 22
『April 19th』 【♈️】
Quio- Age: 22
『BD: July 4th』 【♋️】
Covu- Age: 24
『BD: May 2nd』【♉️】
Adonis- Age: 25
『BD: August 3rd』 【♌️】
Zebad- Age: 28
『BD: February 7th』 【♒️】
Yandere Monster gang
Lynx- Age: 21
『BD: May 26th』 【♊️】
Uriel-Age: 25
『BD: February 14th』 【♓️】
Fredrico-Age: 200 (20 in human terms)
『BD:October 18th』 【♎️】
The poltergeist- Age: 23 (actual years ???)
『BD: November 6th 』 【♏️】
Rivius-Age: 2,900 (29 in human terms)
『BD: April 1st』 【♈️】
Yandere Hitman team
Ossian- Age: 20
『BD: March 10th』 【♓️】
Yujin- Age: 21
『BD: December 15th』 【♐️】
Dan/Danny-Age: 23
『October 23rd』 【♏️】
The Enforcer- Age: 24
『BD: August 8th』 【♌️】
Moros- Age: 26
『BD: June 5th』 【♋️】
Bjorn- Age: 27
『BD: September 9th』 【♍️】
Koji- Age: 29
『BD: January 17th』 【♒️】
Since this is just a general age draft so I am open to any age change suggestions (^◇^;)/ I will answer the other questions in a later date
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splatoonreblogger · 5 months
Happy holidays from all of us at the SRL! Our chief scientific illustrator whipped up a greeting card showing the town and its VIPs all decked out for a winter celebration. We hope you're enjoying Chill Season!
思い思いのChill Seasonを楽しんでいただけると幸いだ。
Happy Holidays!
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SRL Fresh Start Division with Frosty Fest details! Who do you spend the holidays with? Do you whoop it up with friends, settle in with family, or kick back for some alone time?
Weigh in from 4 PM PT on January 12th until 4 PM PT on January 14th. Voting begins on January 5th!
「休みの日は? 仲間とわいわい vs 家族でほっこり vs ひとりでのんびり」だ。
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Happy New Year! I hope you all had a good December! These were my contributions to the @welcomehomefanzine winter zine! I managed to do more art this time too! For my contributions I wanted to draw art on various Winter traditions from different cultures, such as also my own! If you decide to colour in any of these, please @ me!!
Also keep in mind, we are not affiliated with Clown or the team behind WH, we are just fans who love the work!!
I wrote more on all the artworks under the cut! Including the traditions they were based on!
First one was a little visual pun on the first verse of '12 Days of Christmas', Poppy is the partridge in the pear tree! Not much to say about this one, it's my only Christmas related thing! Second one was based on the Southern Welsh winter tradition of the Mari Lwyd. The Mari Lwyd is a hobby horse made from a horse's skull and is then decorated. It is puppeteered to go to the doors of various houses where its handlers will sing verses on letting it in to the home, you are supposed to sing back excuses on why you can't let it in, and if you relent, you invite the Mari Lwyd and its handlers in your home, where it will eat your food and alcohol and terrorise your children! The tradition and its true origins and meaning and even etymology is unknown, but it's thought to have ancient Pagan roots! It seems here, Eddie relented in his songs to it and regretted everything immediately after!
Third image is another Poppy centric piece because I love her. Here she is dressed up as a figure from Schnabelperchten! This is a tradition seen only in Rauris Valley in Austria and is a manifestation of Perchta, a goddess from Alpine Paganism that took the form of a old woman who'd punish misbehaving children by slitting their bellies. For Schnabelperchten, on the 5th of January, figures dressed in smocks, jackets, and a beak-like mask will visit various homes to check their upkeep and cleanliness all while emitting a soft 'ga ga ga', in more ancient versions of the legend, if you did not keep your living quarters in good enough conditions, the Schnabelperchten would slit open your belly and dump all the rubbish inside! Poppy would never do that though! No one tell her about that part!! Last but not least is one based on a tradition from my culture! Here you see the entire neighbourhood celebrating Yalda Night and spending time with one anotherThis is a Persian/Iranian festival with Zoroastrian roots held on the Winter Solstice. This day was traditionally seen as ill omened as being the darkest day of the year, the forces of Ahriman and his Deevs were most active, and so much of the day entailed family and friends getting together in good company. They would read stories and poems (especially the Shahnameh or poems by Hafez) with nuts and various fruits from previous harvests being served, watermelon and pomegranates being the most prominent! It was also encouraged to stay well up after midnight lest misfortune befall you! Due to it also being the longest night, it was also seen as the birthdate of the sun deity Mehr (or Mithra), as the subsequent days would get longer.
This was all fun to do and I hope I did all these traditons justice!! I am most likely missing out a lot on my explanations for them, so I hope I at least peaked your interest in these different Winter festivities enough to look into them on your own!
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hooked-on-elvis · 5 months
ELVIS' DEBUT ON TV — 📺 [CBS] The Dorsey Brothers 'Stage Show'
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Elvis with Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey at CBS Studio 50, New York, March 17, 1956 [that would be Elvis' 5th appearance on their TV show, out of 6 total.].
By December 1955 Elvis had still not made an appearance on national television. His manager Colonel Tom Parker negotiated a deal through Steve Yates with CBS's "Stage Show" for four appearances on the show in January 1956 at $1,250 each and an option for two more at $1,500 each.
On the January 28, 1956, Elvis was broadcast for the nation for the very first time, performing "Shake, Rattle and Roll", "Flip, Flop and Fly" and "I Got a Woman".
[ABOVE: the January 28th 1956 FULL PERFORMANCE]
On Elvis' first appearance on American television, Bill Randle, one of the most influential disc jockeys of the time, was the man who actually presented Elvis Presley to the nation. He said:
"We'd like at this time to introduce to you a young fellow, who like many performers, Johnnie Ray among them, come up out of nowhere to be overnight very big stars. This young fellow we met for the first time while making a movie short*. We think tonight that he's going to make television history for you. We'd like you to meet him now - Elvis Presley. And here he is!" — Bill Randle, Disc Jockey, the man presenting Elvis Presley to America for the first time. January 28, 1956.
After this, things would never be the same, specially the society. Such a good beginning for a year, that special day in a January month! ♥
🎞️THE SHORT-FILM THAT NEVER SAW THE LIGHT OF DAY (for the general public... at least until now...)
The movie short Bill Randle referred to during his introduction to Elvis was "The Pied Piper Of Cleveland - A Day In The Life Of A Famous Disc Jockey" a short film made by Universal pictures about Bill Randle himself. Filmed on October 20th, 1955, at a concert in Brooklyn High School, Cleveland, it featured the stars Bill Haley & The Comets, The Four Lads, Pat Boone, plus the addition of a little-known Elvis Presley.
The original forty-eight-minute film was supposed to be cut down to a twenty-minute "short" for national distribution, but never made it that far. We're in 2024... 69 years went by since this shortcut was produced but the movie remains unreleased.
There is some dispute over whether or not this film actually exists, although it's said it was shown publicly, albeit only once in Cleveland, and excerpts were also aired on a Cleveland television station in 1956. Marshall Lytle, bass player for Bill Haley's Comets, corroborates the existence of the film in his memoir, "Still Rockin' Around the Clock", but he makes the unsubstantiated claim that Colonel Tom Parker, Presley's manager, bought the film and destroyed the existing copies. According to historians, tho, DJ Bill Randle, before his death in 2004, sold the rights to the film to PolyGram (it has been reported that Universal Studios has the negatives of the film in its vaults).
Much uncertainty about this short film, but can you imagine this film being release in Elvis' birthday centenary celebration? We watched, and listened, on Elvis' 89th birthday a few days earlier this year, to them playing during his birthday celebration at Graceland the original "That's All Right" record as it was cut at Sun Records studio in 1954, so who knows? There's always rare things surfacing here and there, so... we better keep our hopes this Bill Randle's 1955 movie, with some new 'baby Elvis' footage, will be release any day now [such as we know there's 'Elvis On Tour' and 'Elvis: That's the Way It Is' never seen before footage coming our way, as confirmed by the "Elvis" 2022 biopic's film director, Baz Luhrmann — finally! We hope it will be released soon].
But enough daydreaming... Back to Elvis' 1st television appearances.
After the premiere on America's television on January 28th, 1956, Elvis would do five more appearances on 'The Dorsey Brothers Stage Show" for the next eight weeks. Those would take place on February 4, February 11, February 18, March 17 and March 24th, 1956.
February 4th, 1956 | "Baby Let's Play House" and "Tutti Frutti"
February 11th, 1956 | "Blue Suede Shoes" and "Heartbreak Hotel" *
* This is a special arrangement for 'Heartbreak Hotel', so good! Jazzy, dramatic, really rarity. I loved this! ♥
February 18th, 1956 | "Tutti Frutti" and "I Was The One"
March 17th, 1956 | "Blue Suede Shoes" and "Heartbreak Hotel" *
* This is the usual arrangement for the "Heartbreak Hotel" song. On February 11th, 1956, Elvis performed this same song onstage of 'The Dorsey Brothers Show' but it sounded something more… dramatic (I guess it matched the lyrics after all, but I love the usual arrangement better yet).
And the last one... the 6th appearance on 'Dorsey Brothers Stage Show':
March 24th, 1956 | "Money Honey" and "Heartbreak Hotel" | [FULL PERFORMANCE]
We can see how on those first TV shows Elvis still looks quite shy. Although he moves the usual lot, he doesn't flirt with his audience as much as he would on the upcoming TV appearances (and throughout his life, actually). It's funny how he grew comfortable with being in front of the cameras so fast tho. As his photographer Wiliam Speer said, "I guess you must really like being photographed."
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Elvis with Tommy and Jimmy Dorsey at CBS Studio 50 in New York, on March 17, 1956. That would be Elvis' 5th appearance on their TV show. 'The Dorsey Brothers Stage Show' (CBS) was the place Elvis debut in his TV appearances, on January 28th 1956. He would appear on the show for 6 times total, from January to March 1956. ♥
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Performing on the 'Dorsey Brothers Stage Show' at the CBS Studio 50, New York City, on March 24th, 1956. His 6th and final appearance on the show.
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I hate it when I forget to mention such important, trivial, facts — and this shouldn't be footnote info and I feel guilty it is now but I forgot mentioning — The Blue Moon Boys. I love them so much! I watch those footage looking at them as much as I look at Elvis.
Like, I love Bill Black's energy onstage! I love him hollering, vibing to their sound, as loud as Elvis (on occasion). I love how he seem to love chewing gum (Bill is chewing gum in some of those footage), because it makes me look at the Blue Moon Boys and Elvis as a unit, real close friend who look alike, just how it should be. We know although EP for obvious reasons can't chew gum while singing, he loooooved gum and kept this - should I say "habit?" - throughout his life. It's sounding silly what I'm saying, I know, but I think this Elvis habit in fact date from back when he was rocking onstage with Bill, Scotty and DJ Fontana and it makes my heart warm how close and similar they seem to be, as friends, real friends. Bill is actually said to be the one cheering the crowds onstage when they first begun performing, when Elvis was still learning how to be the great leading man he became. When EP was still learning how to act onstage, how to manipulate the audience, creating the mad passionate reactions he learned to create whenever he wanted, Bill was the one heating things up, joking with the audience, cheering, hollering. Bill is amazing! His energy is intoxicating, and we can see it clearly on those first TV appearances performances. ♥
I also love how hot Scotty Moore looks! I kinda laughed thinking 'Oh my goodness' ... So this thing about rock and roll bands always having hot vocalists and hot guitar players as a rule, it looks like it all started from the 50s with EP and Scotty! (really, at least the singer and guitar player in most rock bands are hot AF, am I lying? *lol*). I have a thing for Scotty... When he smiles at times on those footage, I'm like: 🤤🥹🥴🫠 And I also love how he's elegant but at the same time menacing looking holding and playing his guitar like the guitar hero he was. Really, if you haven't yet, do yourself a favor and read Scotty's book "THAT'S ALL RIGHT, ELVIS: The Untold Story of Elvis' First Guitarist and Manager, Scotty Moore", by Scotty as told to James Dickerson (1997). Scotty's life story is fascinating and as interesting as Elvis'. ♥
And last, but never least, I love how together, calm and concentrated DJ Fontana looks. Ok, unfortunately being the drummer has it's disadvantages. We can't see DJ Fontana as much as we see the other boys onstage, but I listen to the songs until the very last minute and it's amazing how the music always has the closing, the important and dramatic ending, done by DJ's talented hands. I love that guy. ♥
Elvis Presley and The Blue Moon Boys were the best rock and rollers! I love their energy together. As much as I adore 70s Elvis onstage, the TCB Band, the Sweets Inspirations and all, if I only had one performance of Elvis' I could attend, just one to choose, I would go for - undoubtedly - the 50s ones, when those guys, The Blue Moon Boys and Elvis, were playing together.
That's Rock and Roll royalty. ✨👑 ♥
There you go. All the videos together so you can watch of them easily. ♥
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impromptu-sketches · 5 months
Happy Buddy Daddies 1 Year Anniversary!!!!
To celebrate 1 year Buddy Daddies, I've created this master post featuring the english sub episode list and all of the extra content in chronological order for new and re-watchers to enjoy! Plus, my commentary 🩵💁🏻‍♀️
✨ If you're about to watch Buddy Daddies for the first time, I recommend going in blind except for reading my little blurb below.
Buddy Daddies is a 12 episode original anime from P.A. WORKS that aired from January 7th to April 1st, 2023 about two assassin partners who somehow end up taking in a four-year-old girl. You can watch it in sub or dub on Crunchyroll. I personally recommend watching it in sub especially for the first watch.
Tags: action | comedy | found family to the MAX | family life | character development | wholesome adult characters | hilarious and emotional | red character x blue character
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Dec. 9, 2022 | Before the series aired, there was a short preview from Kazuki's POV.
December 31st, 2022 | Also before the series began, they debuted Kazuki's instagram account - fantastic_sweeper0516 - which has real life photos of Fukuoka, Japan, the city where the anime takes place and photos of food that they (mostly Kazuki) makes in the show. I don't think many people knew about his instagram account until later into the series. Kazuki's 1st instagram post: fantastic_sweeper051 - street photo
January 2nd, 2023 | Kazuki's 2nd instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - street photo
January 5th, 2023 | Kazuki's 3rd instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - grocery shopping
January 5th, 2023 | Kazuki's 4th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - cooking
January 6th, 2023 | Kazuki's 5th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - work outfit
January 6th, 2023 | Kazuki's 6th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - cooking
January 7th, 2023 | Episode 1: Piece of Cake
January 7th, 2023 | Kazuki's 7th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - cooking
January 7th, 2023 | Kazuki's 8th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - dinner
January 11th, 2023 | Kazuki's 9th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - street photo
January 12th, 2023 | Kazuki's 10th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - apartment photo
January 14th, 2023 | Episode 2: The Kiss of Death
January 15th, 2023 | Kazuki's 11th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - cooking
January 16th, 2023 | Kazuki's 12th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - food
January 18th, 2023 | Kazuki's 13th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - food
January 19th, 2023 | Kazuki's 14th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - playground photo
January 20th, 2023 | Kazuki's 15th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - food
January 21st, 2023 | Episode 3: Spice of Life
January 22nd, 2023 | Kazuki's 16th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - food
January 22nd, 2023 | Kazuki's 17th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - banana note
January 24th, 2023 | Kazuki's 18th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - breakfast
January 28th, 2023 | Episode 4: What Will Be, Will Be
January 29th, 2023 | Kazuki's 19th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - clothing store
January 31st, 2023 | Kazuki's 20th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - sewing
February 1st, 2023 | Kazuki's 21st instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - journal
February 4th, 2023 | Episode 5: Crunch Time
February 5th, 2023 | Kazuki's 22nd instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - financial planning
February 11th, 2023 | Episode 6: Love is Blind
February 11th, 2023 | Kazuki's 23rd instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - food
February 12th, 2023 | Kazuki's 24rd instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - food
February 15th, 2023 | Kazuki's 25th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - food
February 18th, 2023 | Episode 7: After Rain Comes Fair Weather
February 18th, 2023 | Kazuki's 26th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - note
February 20th, 2023 | Kazuki's 27th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - cooking attempt
February 22nd, 2023 | Kazuki's 28th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - after dinner
February 23rd, 2023 | Kazuki's 29th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - new umbrella
February 25th, 2023 | Episode 8: Nothing Seek, Nothing Find
February 25th, 2023 | Kazuki's 30th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - Rei's birthday cake (Rei's birthday is August 10th which is when this takes place in the show)
March 4th, 2023 | Episode 8.5: Recap episode that summarizes episodes 1-8 with Kazuki and Rei's narration (mostly Kazuki's).
I personally recommend watching this because I enjoyed their voice overs, it added even more cuteness.
March 11th, 2023 | Episode 9: No Sweet Without Sweat
March 11th, 2023 | Kazuki's 31st instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - Rei cooking
March 11th, 2023 | Kazuki's 32nd instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - Rei's cooking
March 18th, 2023 | Episode 10: Lost At Sea
March 18th, 2023 | Kazuki's 33rd instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - Ferris wheel :'(
March 21, 2023 | Dangle on YouTube posts an English cover of the opening song, SHOCK! by Ayase.
I didn't know about this until JUNE!!! And then I analyzed the lyrics of both the original and the cover. Absolutely LOVE both the opening and credits songs + this english version.
March 25th, 2023 | Episode 11: Everyone Will Be Hypocrites
March 29th, 2023 | Kazuki's 34th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - breakfast
March 31st, 2023 | Kazuki's 35th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - french toast
April 1st, 2023 | Episode 12: Daughter Daddies (series finale)
The end! And then I cried for three days straight ☠️ But fear not! We've been blessed with more content all year! The lovely @Lily_20210401 on Twitter, one of the animators who worked on Buddy Daddies (so I consider these canon-ish), has posted many drawings of the characters throughout the year. We also got four drama CDs which were AMAZING!!!! And Kazuki's instagram has continued! These and more are listed below.
May 16th, 2023 | Kazuki's 36th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - Kazuki's birthday cake! (Kazuki's birthday is indeed on May 16th)
May 24th, 2023 | Kazuki's 37th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - nighttime street photo
June 29th, 2023 | Kazuki's 38th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - hydrangea garden
June 2023 | Special Drama CD Volume 1 Audio on Soundcloud & English translation by kudouusagi on Tumblr. Thank you kudouusagi!!! ♡♡♡ We appreciate you!!
Also for the Drama CD Volume 1, the angel known as gandoon on Youtube posted the Special Drama CD Volume 1 with English subtitles and images from the anime. (ノ ˘_˘)ノ thank you gandoon.
Summer 2023 | Special Drama CD Volume 2 Audio on Soundcloud & English translation by kudouusagi on. Tumblr. Thank you, kudouusagi ♡ Drama CD photo thanks to @moriokart ♡
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Summer 2023 | Special Drama CD Volume 3 Audio on Soundcloud & English translation by kudouusagi on Tumblr. Thank you, kudouusagi ♡ Drama CD photo thanks to @moriokart ♡
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Summer 2023 | Special Drama CD Volume 4 Audio on Soundcloud & English translation by kudouusagi on Tumblr. Thank you, kudouusagi ♡ you're the best! Drama CD photo thanks to @moriokart ♡
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August 11th, 2023 | Kazuki's 39th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - Rei's birthday cake! (a day late) (Rei's birthday is August 10th)
November 8th, 2023 | Kazuki's 40th instagram post: fantastic_sweeper0516 - Miri's Birthday cake! (Miri's birthday is indeed November 8th)
This is currently the most recent post. More to come?
Throughout 2023 | The amazing Lily on Twitter has posted drawings of the characters throughout the year and will continue to post them in 2024!! Her latest has them celebrating the holidays and the new year!
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I plan on adding all of her drawings to this master list, but since there's so many that will take a while longer.
I also plan on adding to this list as new content comes out!
Official Website
Official Twitter
Even more news & content on their official platforms including the full soundtrack and an 'on air' radio show.
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yurimother · 1 year
'Whisper Me a Love Song' Anime Adaptation Announced
On Friday, Ichijinsha announced that Yuri romance manga Whisper Me a Love Song (Sasayaku You ni Koi o Utau) will be adapted into a television anime. The manga is written and illustrated by Eku Takeshima.
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According to the newly launched website for the anime adaptation, Xin Ya Cai is directing the anime at Cloud Hearts with animation production supervision by Yokohama Animation Lab. Additional staff includes series composer Hiroki Uchida and character designer Minami Yoshida.
It will star Hana Shimano and Asami Seto as Himari and Yori, respectively.
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The announcement means that Whisper me a Love Song will join a long list of new and upcoming Yuri anime, including the likes of The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genus Young Lady, Yuri is My Job!, I'm in Love with the Villainess, and The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess.
Whisper Me a Love Song is a school Yuri romance series following first-year student Himari Kino, who “falls” for her senior, Yori Asanagi, after watching her sing at the new student opening celebration. Enamored with the older girl’s talent and demeanor, Himari confesses her “love” to Yori, who misinterprets her feelings as romantic and responds that she has fallen in love at first sight as well. Throughout of the series, both girls explore their feelings for each other and consider what it means to love someone.
The manga, which began serialization in Comic Yuri Hime in February 2019, is incredibly popular. It won the top spot in the 5th Yuri Manga Sousenkyo, a popularity poll among Japanese Yuri readers held annually by Yuri Navi, beating out the widely beloved Bloom Into You for the first time since the poll’s inception. It also won 18th out of 50 nominees in Niconico and Davci’s Next Manga Awards in 2020.
Whisper Me a Love Song has also received positive reviews from critics. YuriMother awarded the first three volumes a combined score of 8/10, praising the art and the compelling characters and relationships.
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Ichijinsha published Whisper Me a Love Song in Japanese and will release the seventh volume on January 18, 2023. Kodansha publishes six volumes of the series in English.
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