#7th cosmic level
wayti-blog · 1 year
"The All is the destination of every human soul, the evolution stage which everyone is on their way to. It is the end of our cosmic evolution, and at the same time a beginning, because the soul is infinite working."
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 5 months
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Hello! Decided to dedicate this observation list to some pretty sensitive placements. If you have any of these placements or know someone that do, I hope you enjoy the list I've created !
Neptune 7th house people have a urgency to help others. Their compassionate healers who walk out into the world and people grasp on to their presence not knowing the reason why. In due time, they'll recognize that neptune 7th house person spirit is like no others. They have this Mother Theresa spirit to them. Very honest and vulnerable to the ones they love, they can almost certainly have a few tricksters walk amongst their path. Although they are incredibly sweet, they're discernment levels are to the T. Its unfortunate when they don't use it, they just want to see the good in you. They have a dreamy like quality to their presence that others notice right away. Captivating, but mysterious. People have no idea what they're getting into when being with them, but they know if they don't act right the cosmic forces in these people don't mind a cute lil revenge. ;)
Moon in Pisces see the beauty in everything. And it reflects back into their beautiful spirits. They're okay with being misunderstood, its just their empathetic bodies take on so many unwanted reactions and energy it's hard for them to feel accepted. They have a honest approach with life, and try their best not to belittle others with this truth. Their honest with themselves however can sugarcoat the truth a little to put less pressure on their wounds and others. therapeutic souls, they naturally attract others to tell them their deepest thoughts. It purifies them. Just being able to converse with moon pisces babes cleanses their auras and makes the skeletons feel a lil dance inside. No more hiding in their, they can take off their masks with them. Moon pisces babes can also be a little too generous with their funds, do not allow others sob stories to be the reason your wallets are being sucked dry. Tell them no. Boundaries are important with this group.
Venus in Pisces have this dreamy, ethereal nature to them its like a fairytale. Their desires tend to realize itself in practical realities more often then they think. When around others, they are like a dream come true. They have unreal personalities.Their gift in this lifetime is to share the joy and beauty of the inner child. They have a love for the universe and in return the universe gives them more than what they could of asked for. It's a beautiful placement. Venus in pisces must be careful because they attract a lot of narcissists in their corner. The narcs can see their beauty, power, and light and know that it can benefit them. Be smart about who you allow into your temple. You are literally a walking God/Goddess.
Mercury in the 1st House ; Believe it or not they have an innocence to them thats hard to ignore. Their like a youthful little child that never grows old. Their charm is impeccable. They can be little tricksters but in a way that it oozes a beautiful quality to it. Its funny. You can talk to them about anything and you can feel your mind soar because your mind gets to expand itself when your with them. They show you the way to relax and just be in the moment. Their a gift to this world when they're just being themselves.
Moon in the 3rd ; Natural healers. They connect with the community in a way that touches every soul they come in contact with. Very empathetic and need more alone time than most. They have to discern people way more than they would like. No matter how stand-offish they can appear, they still have a regal, likeable nature to them that attracts people like flies. We can naturally feel the sweetness off of them no matter what. Boundaries are something that's difficult for this placement, as their auric fields process information when they're not asking for it.
MOON IN THE 1ST are very likeable and are naturally open individuals. They can be secretive, but that mysterious charm is what pulls in others truest feelings towards them. People who do this to them just have a knowing that they will take what they say and not throw it in their face. They have a naturally sensitive personality so they can push others away easily. Its not by force it's just the way things flow. People with this placement can actually be pretty popular. Its the sweetness we feel off of them, and we just want more of it!
Neptune in the 3rd ; Its their voice. Their voice can soothe people. Its meditation for the spirit. They should consider doing asmr or even meditation videos using their voice! Oracles who learn to trust their gut at a young age, they use this gift to help guide others. They are attracted to the unknown, but this darkness is filled with so much light deep inside. The things that scare us can easily be heavenly to them. They walked that path in order to fight the light. It's just what they do.
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punkpandapatrixk · 3 months
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🪷Sacred Lotus Within You ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
‘If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than what you are now.’
‘I don’t wanna be more! I like who I am.’
‘You don’t even know who you are.’
‘What do you— Of course I do; I’m the Dragon Warrior!’
‘And what exactly does that mean—Dragon Warrior?’
—  Po and Shifu’s conversation from Kung Fu Panda 3
SONG: Pure Imagination by Gene Wilder
MOVIE: Kung Fu Panda 3 (2016)
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A hard Life is not always a divine punishment of sort⛈More often than not, the Universe’s most advanced Souls choose to be born—as Humans—into much sorrow and a perceived sense of limitation just for the joy of experiencing a personal breakthrough out of a cycle of—both—good and bad Karma🍄
Seen from a Soul’s perspective, all events in this mortal world are just drama. drama. drama~🎭It’s so exciting to co-Create massive stories with other Souls in this theatre of the Universe🎪This Play in itself, a spiritual evolution of sort for all beings of Love and Light🩰
This world is at best the dream of a Butterfly🦋Have fun; and have faith that in time all things bloom magnificently like a Sacred Lotus emerging from the mud🪷Ultimately, all of us, we bring with us only memories of our lifetimes when we are done playing our roles in this Grand Experiment of a Cosmic Drama💫
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Pile 1 – Peace Maker
VIBE: Master Shifu asking Po to teach him inner peace
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seeds of beauty in you – 10 of Pentacles Rx
Encoded in your DNA is the very gift of healing itself. You were born into this world of stupid carrying seeds of peace-making. Yup, you were the kid who was always able to tell when a grownup was lying. Like, OMG, so disrespectful…they think I can’t see through such obvious lies? In fact, too many things were obvious to you because you are gifted with a keen ability of observation. We’re talking superhuman-level observation, baby~
With that, the world around you was often terribly dull. You’re definitely the type that wants to travel and see the world for yourself. Wanting to see what other people of different nations and races, customs and cultures, even religions, have to share about what this Life is all about~ You had A LOT of questions!
Alas… You soon realised that most people’s perceptions, priorities, and overall ways of life are low-quality at best. Your interactions with people, your observations of them, gave you almost nothing but disdain. People…are not intelligent enough. But more disturbing still…people are not noble enough in their pursuits of a good Life.
In your eye, most of the time, people don’t have enough integrity, character, or personality🤷🏻‍♀️
blooming in spite of muddy water – 7 of Pentacles Rx
If you’re often distressed by the state of Humanity, it is because you possess this divine ability to pierce through bullshit and reveal the true essence of all things. You’re a deep diver. You truly are a scholar. You’re the type that seeks to bridge between differences and clashes, so that people find a common ground upon which they could build a harmonious society. You most likely have a significant placement in the 7th House or blessed with a strong Libra/Venus aenergy~⚖️
Essentially, you’ve come into this world with an almost specific purpose of bridging differences between generations. All because your Oversoul was sick of watching Humans being fools amongst themselves. So you plunged into this world of illusions in the hopes of elevating people’s spiritual intelligence. Your unique gift of observation is piercing and high-vibrational and the reason it can bridge generations is that the wisdom you will develop as a person is both universal and timeless💎
You are an Ascended Master, you know. Like Po returning to the mortal world after defeating Kai. Like Gandalf the Grey returning as Gandalf the White after defeating the Balrog. All because you’ve got shit to do in this world of stupid—your wisdom is gravely needed! I’m not teaching you to be conceited or anything, but by means of technicality, you’re not here to learn anymore; you’re here to…teach🤣
tulips of happiness – Knight of Cups
No matter your age or their age, you’re here to teach the infantile Humans about inner peace and true, everlasting, sustainable, manageable, actually reasonable sense of Harmony🌷You do that by setting an example; by first bridging confusions and calming down chaos within yourself; then you talk about the walk to anybody interested enough to listen to you🌾
In this lifetime, as an Ascended Master playing Human, there’s probably a lot of heartache you’ve needed to learn to forgive. If you’re in your early or mid-20s when reading this, you’re most likely just beginning to learn it. You don’t have to act perfectly though. Healing and forgiveness are not about being or doing perfect. It’s perfectly OK, too, not to forgive—certain cruelties in this world are simply beyond absolution, ya know?🤬
What does truly matter is that you forgive yourself. Just yourself. You can forgive the situation. You can forgive the fact you fucked your way into this or that mess. Where applicable, you can give thanks to the experience and then move on to the next thing. Be glad about the fact that you’re still alive after all of the fuckery, and that you’ve enough self-awareness, and how that self-awareness has grown you as a person. It is such a beautiful thing to have grown up in the mental and spiritual~🦉
the script you chose – Silver Alchemist (Ramon Llull)
path of self-transcendence – Priestess of Healing
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Pile 2 – Pink Radiance
VIBE: Master Oogway sending universe mail to Li Shan
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seeds of beauty in you – III The Empress Rx
Oooh~ You’re pretty~ That much I can tell🙊You probably are blessed with some significant Aries, Aquarius, or any Cardinal aenergy in your birth chart; could also have Venus/Moon in the 1st or 11th House~ And do you know why you’re bestowed with an outer appearance that’s easily considered attractive in this realm? Because you’re meant to have an audience🎙
You’re meant to be heard; to have a platform and be some sort of a leader. And since being pretty in this world brings a lot of privileges, your Soul chose to be born with this specific setting in your birth chart wHoA~ A pretty face gets attention more effortlessly and that’s just how it is with this world~🙈
So, you see that there’s meaning in having some forms of privilege whether it’s your face or your family/economic background, or even heritage or some special lineage thing going on in your Life🎰And yet, it seems you could’ve been blind to all this ‘upper hand’ and not see much value in your existence.
None of this has felt all that special…well, because you were born with it. It’s not special; it’s normal to you; and you definitely want to feel special…not really grasping others would kill to have what you were born with…🐞
blooming in spite of muddy water – XVI The Tower
In spite of all of the privileges that seem obvious and enviable to others, you yourself have not felt all that blessed most of your Life. There is this thing that people don’t understand about you: EXPECTAFUCKINTION. Expectation could kill, depending on situation, and depending on where you are in Life. In many ways, you haven’t really ever felt FREE in your beingness. You don’t really know how FREE truly would feel like. You can imagine it, but you don’t really know if that’s even real🤷🏻‍♀️
Whether it’s status, prestige, or simply beauty, sometimes you’ve felt victimised by the very things other people wish they had. They literally don’t know how suffocating it is to be wearing your crown~ You often feel like you don’t have autonomy over your own Life. In some instances, you may even have experienced your autonomy getting violated. And it’s so heartbreaking.
At some point in Life, you will suddenly and gradually lose access to all of these beauties and privileges, maybe even some of your talents, babe. All these things that came ever so naturally to you, once you’ve lost ‘em, you will die in spirit, and be reborn with a renewed sense of appreciation for the fact you have always, ALWAYS, been extraordinary👿
tulips of happiness – King of Swords
Whether you are a girl or a boy or straight or gay or whatever, you are an ally of the world’s Divine Feminine aenergy. Do not worry about losing your glory; it will aaalll come back stronger and sparklier once you’ve graduated the University of Hell a.k.a Saturn Return🪐
It is part of your Soul’s Blueprint to experience losing privileges, perhaps money, talents, friends, freedom, hair, weight, and everything else, momentarily. This period of your Life—whether it’s your first or second Saturn Return—can be likened to a pregnant woman who’s now restricted from drinking, eating, doing, or even being near certain things. She’s not so free, but for all the right reasons; she’s protecting her foetus.
This Saturn Return period of your Life where you’re experiencing losing yourself is like a pregnancy where you’re gestating a newer, stronger, clearer, more confident version of yourself. The restrictions put around you are meant to suffocate you further, enough for you to want a breakthrough. All so you can become a pure Pink Radiance of a miracle this miserable world needs, for that is your purpose for being born🌷
Shine on, Pink Diamond~
the script you chose – Green Historian (Herodotus)
path of self-transcendence – Priestess of Prosperity
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Pile 3 – Magic Worker
VIBE: Po teaching the tribe to be THEMSELVES
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seeds of beauty in you – 9 of Cups Rx
Within you are seeds of a luxurious lifestyle that you ought to nurture slowly throughout the course of your Life. You may have come from a background of lack just to make this whole scenario more exciting (to us as Souls contrasts are exceedingly attractive when thinking of a spiritual breakthrough). With that, you could’ve grown up with lots of daydreaming about feeling fulfilled—emotionally fulfilled.
Though you may have daydreamed about luxurious environments and things and situations, at the core of everything, all you yearn for is a feeling of safety; stability; of having just enough…of being enough, in fact…all because you weren’t emotionally nurtured as a child. You were the kid who were neglected by everybody, both the adults and your peers.
You felt unseen most of your Life. But even those who acted like they saw you, somehow the view was inaccurate. You felt this way because you didn’t understand yourself either. Children learn about themselves through the feedback of their environment; so the ones who were mostly neglected…how could such children even begin to learn to comprehend their identity?
Because you didn’t really understand yourself, it was difficult to manifest properly. In your psyche, there are way too many threads of wishes that are tangled up, causing you to manifest clashing Realities…and then disappoint you…
blooming in spite of muddy water – XXI The World
The reason for this difficulty is that you needed to learn and discover for yourself the true Essence of being alive. You are essentially God’s messenger to help Humans overcome their addiction to material possessions. Omaigosh if you know how TikTok shopping culture is making people poorer and more miserable in the emotional, I’m sure this will ring a bell in your Soul Memory.
People who grew up poor are the main target of evil marketing because they crave that feeling of ‘having’. Sometimes, it’s a feeling of having things—trendy things; some other times, it’s a feeling of having friends—cool friends; and some tragical times, of having someone to love—which usually only translates to ONS or casual hookups without any real emotional connection.
Anyway, back to talking about material possessions though, there’s this:
‘Trying to be happy by accumulating possessions is like trying to satisfy hunger by taping sandwiches all over your body.’ – George Carlin
This, is a concept, a Reality, you’ve needed to learn and fully comprehend, and then unravel by means of your personal spiritual transformation. That way you can be an example and a guide to others. Reminiscent of Uncle George himself, you’re somebody who holds an Elder Archetype aenergy about you. You’re ‘worldly’ in the sense that you’re based, well-thinking, and most of all, you can embrace perspectives that are UNIQUE. You’re able to hold a knowledge that encompasses the whole of the Universe itself.
tulips of happiness – 4 of Pentacles
In a sense, know that you are a born leader. Though I sense, you may be more interested in being a thought leader🧠You don’t seem that interested in leading an envoy or a movement of any sort hahaha You’re a loner; you like being in your own company. After all, people are stupid and it’s exhausting to have to interact with them. And that’s all fine~
In the future, when everything’s said and done, you’ll meet your Soul Tribe—people who are just as weird, misunderstood, deep, sombre (probably), wholesome, complex, and loyal such as yourself🫀Your Spirit Guides are really saying: it’s perfectly fine for you not to extend too much compassion for those who aren’t worth your while; hoping you’d calm down some clashing ideas about your personality.
It sounds cruel? No, really; not everybody is worth paying attention to or share affection with. If you do that you’re only going to be sucked dry of Life Force. It’s a similar principal with money spending. Just because you see a lot of items being displayed with attractive, persuasive DISCOUNT signs, doesn’t mean you have to give your attention, or money least of all, to ALL of that. Got it?🤪
‘Even if something is on discount, if you don’t need it, it’s too expensive.’ – Love Marie Escudero’s husband, Govt. Chiz
the script you chose – Green Physician (Paracelsus)
path of self-transcendence – Priestess of Intuition
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astroa3h · 4 months
❤️‍🔥 asteroid valentine through the houses ❤️‍🔥
Asteroid Valentine (447) isn't just another mundane space rock orbiting the Sun 🌞; it was discovered on October 27, 1899, by the eagle-eyed French astronomer Auguste Charlois 👀🇫🇷. Standing out from the crowd of generic asteroids adrift in the cosmic expanse, this one boasts some serious pizzazz, seemingly nodding to Saint Valentine himself—the icon of all things mushy and romantic 💘, immortalized by legends and the gooey celebrations of Valentine's Day. Bearing the name Valentine, it's no shocker this asteroid has turned into the cosmic hotspot 🔥 for unraveling the enigmas of pulse racing obsession. It's like the universe's own twisted cupid 🏹💖, laying bare the types of swooners you magnetize and their lovestruck shenanigans when they're utterly smitten with you.
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❤️‍🔥 1st House: In the 1st house, you attract the “Shadow Follower”. This individual is mesmerized by your very presence and seems to be wherever you are, blending into the background but always watching. They admire everything about you, from the way you walk to the way you talk, often mimicking your style or interests in an attempt to close the gap between you. Be aware you may attract narcissists.
❤️‍🔥 2nd House: When Valentine graces your 2nd house, it brings the “Lavish Obsessor” into your life. This person showers you with gifts and material symbols of affection, believing that the key to your heart is through extravagant displays of wealth. Their obsession lies in owning the best, and that includes their relationship with you. They see you as a prize to be won, a luxury to be possessed. You are the ultimate trophy.
❤️‍🔥 3rd House: In the 3rd house, the “Conversation Hacker” is drawn to you. This individual hangs on your every word, obsessively analyzing texts and conversations for hidden meanings. They're likely to deep dive into your social media history, bringing up topics or inside jokes you barely remember, demonstrating an unsettling level of interest in your thoughts and communications. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a lot of weirdos in your DM’s.
❤️‍🔥 4th House: With Valentine in the 4th house, you attract the “Home Invasion Romantic”. This partner wants to be so involved in your life that they overstep boundaries, wanting to move in too soon or redecorate your space to suit what they believe is best for "us." They're fixated on creating a domestic bliss that you didn't sign up for, insisting on being your ultimate comfort but in a way that feels more invasive than nurturing. 
❤️‍🔥 5th House:  When Valentine visits your 5th house, it brings the “Jealous Admirer” into your love life. This type is intoxicated by your creativity and zest for life but is also fiercely envious of anyone else who shares your attention. They want to be your muse and your audience, the only one you perform for, often leading to dramatic displays of jealousy that can turn any romantic scene into a thriller. Fatal Attraction VIBES.
❤️‍🔥 6th House: In the 6th house, you draw the “Routine Stalker”. This individual is obsessed with your daily routines and habits, often rearranging their schedule to "coincidentally" bump into you. They take note of your likes, dislikes, and even your coffee order, using this information to craft themselves into the perfect partner, always just one step away from being too much in sync with your life. This placement can turn dangerous, watch your back.
❤️‍🔥 7th House: Valentine in the 7th house attracts the “Binding Contract Lover”. This person sees your relationship as a deal that's been sealed, treating every interaction like a contractual obligation forever. They're intensely committed to the idea of "us against the world," often pushing for commitments or declarations of love that feel more like chains than choices. Those with this placement are likely to cheat on long-term partners, unsure how to escape unhappy relationships.
❤️‍🔥 8th House: With Valentine in the 8th house, the “Soul Chain Romantic” is drawn to you. This lover believes in a connection that transcends the physical, claiming a depth of bond that feels more like a possession. They're drawn to your darkness and secrets, wanting to merge in ways that erase individual boundaries, but this is a placement that also draws sexually deviant partners your way.
❤️‍🔥 9th House: In the 9th house, you attract the “Obsessive Quester”. This partner is obsessed with the idea of you as their ultimate quest, an adventure to be conquered. They're drawn to your beliefs and philosophies but twist them to fit their narrative of a grand love story, often pushing you into roles and situations that feel more epic in their head than in reality. Expect a lot of love bombing followed by ghosting with this placement. 
❤️‍🔥 10th House: Valentine in the 10th house brings the “Public Claimer” into your orbit. This individual is obsessed with how the relationship looks to the outside world, constantly posting, tagging, and declaring their love for you in very public ways. They're more interested in the status of being with you than the actual connection, often putting on a show of affection that feels performative rather than genuine.
❤️‍🔥 11th House: In the 11th house, Valentine attracts the “Ideological Chameleon”, someone who obsessively aligns with your hopes, dreams, and social circles. They seamlessly adopt your interests and ideologies, aiming to become your perfect match. This partner integrates so deeply into your world that they begin to mirror you, losing their individuality in the process. They are harmless though, usually truly loving you. Just don’t break their heart, they might end up dating your BFF out of revenge.
❤️‍🔥 12th House: With Valentine in the 12th house, you draw in the “Phantom Soulmate”. This partner feels a deep, unseen connection to you, believing they knew you in a past life. They love from the shadows, perhaps through anonymous gestures or silent admiration, convinced of a spiritual link between you. This is actually my favorite Valentine placement, think of the Gomez Adams to Morticia.
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ezekiel-krishna · 2 months
Jupiter in Taurus ♉ Transit 2024 (Part 1)
💰💎Luck ,Abundance ,Fortune & Spirituality
{Vedic Astrology}[From May 2024 - May 2025]
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In General for All Ascendant
Under the celestial guidance of Jupiter's aspiration for progress and Taurus' resilient and determined character, motivating us to have confidence in the process and achieve a concrete, substantial level of success.
Life can be exceptionally prosperous when Jupiter transits through Taurus. Jupiter signifies good fortune and prosperity, while Taurus embodies wealth and financial stability. When these cosmic forces combine harmoniously, the possibilities for significant monetary rewards are endless.
⇝ Your Guide to Check Your Placement (Vedic Astrology)
1st Step ⇨ Go to Vedic Astrology Calculator
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2nd Step ➚ Enter Your Birth Info & Press { Calculate Sidereal Chart }
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3rd Step ⇨ Find Your Rising Sign.
"Example here , this sign belong to Taurus "
Remember This is a General Analysis , Whole Chart is to be Considered for Accurate Personalized Predictions.
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Aries ♈
During this phase, Jupiter will be moving into your second house and will have an impact on your sixth, eighth, and tenth houses. For Aries individuals, Jupiter governs the twelfth house which is associated with expenses, losses, spirituality, and also the ninth house representing Dharma, luck, religion, gurus, teachers, and your father.
This particular phase brings positive energy for your career growth and success. You can expect great opportunities for advancement, growth, and an increase in your status. However, it is important to keep your ego in check and avoid imposing your opinions on others unless they seek your advice.
In terms of finances, this transit is favorable for accumulating wealth and experiencing financial gains. Your savings are likely to grow during this time. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that Rahu (North Node) is positioned in your twelfth house of expenses. This may tempt you to spend excessively, so it is crucial to be mindful of your spending habits and resist the urge to overspend. Throughout this transit, luck is on your side, so take proactive steps to boost your income and add to your savings.
During this period, Aries Ascendent Singles have a high chance of finding love and possibly getting married. For married couples looking to expand their family, this is a favorable time. Family dynamics will see growth and expansion, with your communication becoming more mature. Respect from family members will also be abundant.Be cautious with loans and debts during this time, as the temptation for large purchases may arise. It's advisable to think carefully before taking on any financial commitments. This is also a good time to pay off any existing debts.
This Transit presents an opportunity to excel in competitive tasks, but effort is required. Health issues can be resolved with proper medical advice. You may find yourself drawn to religion and spirituality, which can be beneficial. Engaging in spiritual practices like yoga or meditation is recommended. Manage your relationships with father figures, coaches, and teachers, and avoid letting ego disrupt these connections.
Taurus ♉
Get ready for a major transformation, Taurus! With Jupiter moving into your 1st house, it will have a powerful influence on your 5th, 7th, and 9th houses. Jupiter rules over your eighth house, which signifies sudden changes and personal transformation, as well as your 11th house, which represents financial gains, wishes, desires, and your social network. This transit will bring about a complete personality change, making you wiser, more mature, and thoughtful.
You may notice a newfound sense of happiness and tranquility in your physical being. It's possible that you might even experience some weight gains, so be prepared for various changes in your mental, emotional, and physical state. Don't be surprised if you develop a preference for the color yellow, which is associated with Jupiter.
Financially, Jupiter will expand your resources, prompting you to focus on your financial planning. It's a great time to seek out the best investment opportunities and increase your savings for future stability. Additionally, you will acquire a wealth of wisdom and education, earning you respect from others who may even seek your advice and guidance.
If you're currently single, this is an incredibly powerful time for you to find a potential partner and even take the next step towards engagement or marriage. The placement of Jupiter in your chart is highly favorable for these kinds of life-changing events, including starting a family or welcoming a new member into your existing one. Additionally, some of you may have the opportunity to embark on journeys for spiritual, religious, or educational purposes. I strongly encourage you to seize these opportunities as they can bring long-term benefits and immense happiness. So go ahead and embrace the adventure of travel!
For students, this period holds great promise for academic success and pursuing higher education. It's a time when you'll truly shine in your studies and have the chance to expand your social and professional networks. By meeting new people, you'll forge lasting friendships that will enrich your life for years to come. So make the most of this positive phase by stepping out of your comfort zone, connecting with others, and expanding your circle of contacts.
Furthermore, this is a period where your influence on others can be truly impactful. However, it's important to avoid overconfidence and the belief that you already know everything. Instead, embrace a mindset of openness and willingness to learn from others. The more you educate yourself and absorb knowledge during this transit, the greater the benefits you'll reap in the long run. So stay curious, listen attentively, and let this be a time of personal growth and development.
Gemini ♊
For those with Gemini Ascendant, Jupiter will be moving through your 12th house, casting its influence on your fourth, sixth, and eighth houses. Jupiter governs your seventh and tenth houses, which are associated with partnerships, marriage, business, and your career. With Jupiter's transit, the focus shifts towards your career, business ventures, and material desires. During this year, many of you may consider relocating, either to a distant place or even a foreign country. This period also indicates the possibility of purchasing or investing in real estate. If you or your spouse are planning to change jobs or professions that involve working with foreign companies or in foreign countries, this is an incredibly favorable time to do so.
The desire to start your own business may be strong during this period, as the urge to make investments will be high. However, it's important to note that expenses may also be significant. These expenses could be related to travel, health, religious activities, investments, or even the purchase of real estate or vehicles. As Jupiter moves through this transitional phase, you may find yourself becoming more spiritually inclined. Some of you may even seek out a spiritual guru to deepen your understanding of religion and spirituality. You might also make changes in your living space, incorporating religious or spiritual items such as pictures, books, or other related objects to enhance your connection to the divine during this period.
It is crucial to maintain peaceful relationships and avoid conflicts with others, especially because the transit of Ketu in your 4th house may disrupt your mental peace due to domestic issues and concerns related to your home or real estate matters. However, with Jupiter now influencing your 4th house, you can expect improvements in your domestic situation, leading to a reduction in stress. Nevertheless, it is important to prioritize your health as there may be unexpected or hidden health issues that could arise. Consider scheduling a general checkup to ensure your well-being.
To support your overall well-being, focus on maintaining a healthy diet and incorporating exercise into your routine. Activities like light yoga, walking, running, or going to the gym can be beneficial. Keep in mind that this period may involve higher expenses, but it will also provide valuable lessons on investing wisely and growing your savings. Use this transit as an opportunity to enhance your financial knowledge and secure your future.
Cancer ♋
Jupiter's transit in your 11th house brings forth a promising time for Cancer. Its influence extends to your second, fifth, and seventh houses, impacting various aspects of your life. Notably, Jupiter governs your sixth and ninth houses, representing health, finances, and spirituality. With Jupiter's entry into Taurus, a fortunate period commences for you. Any previous disputes or conflicts may find resolution in a harmonious manner. Moreover, health issues that plagued you before will now begin to heal and recover. This phase holds immense potential for your income and career growth, with some of you witnessing a long-awaited increase in both financial status and earnings.
Opportunities for job promotions are also on the horizon, and if you're seeking new employment, this is an exceptionally favorable time to secure a well-paying position. Like other rising signs, those in relationships will find this period highly conducive to tying the knot. Additionally, your wisdom and insight will earn you the admiration and respect of your friends and colleagues. It's even possible that you may be entrusted with a training role within your job. Embrace this transformative phase and make the most of the positive energy surrounding you.
If you work in the fields of Health Care, financial planning, Investments, Education, Spirituality, or religion, you are in for a prosperous time ahead. There will be numerous opportunities that can bring you substantial financial gains. For students, this phase is particularly advantageous in terms of academic performance and competitive exams. Your relationship with your siblings will also flourish, and they may seek your advice, which will earn you respect.
Married individuals can expect improvements in their spouse's health, resolving any existing issues and bringing happiness to their marital life.
Overall, this transit is highly favorable for your income and financial situation, allowing you to increase your savings. This long-awaited transit will finally bring relief from past sufferings caused by the recent Saturn transit.
Stay Tuned for Part 2..
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fruit-sy · 1 year
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Honkai Star Rail's train (left) and the train from the video/trailer thing (right) is similar
OK update, after a bit of reading, the train from the video might be the "Cosmic Juggernaut" which is used to "look across the Imaginary Tree into other universes" ... which also looks similar to Akivili's train in Star Rail so uhh,
The comments are very contradictive, some say it is a Star Rail teaser while newer comments say it is non-canon now, as it was just a "concept animated short"
I barely know who Carole is apart from some glimpses I caught while skipping through the APHO1 story
But, hypothetically, if Carole WAS indeed in Star Rail with Welt, then the mysterious girl character mentioned in Welt's character story might be her...?
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The names are just speculations, for all I know I could've completely missed the mark lol
OK, after giving it more thought, combinations for the names might be
March 7th, ???, Dan Heng, Himeko, Trailblazer
???, March 7th, Dan Heng, Himeko, Trailblazer
Pom-pom(?), March 7th, Dan Heng, Himeko, Trailblazer
Trailblazer(?), March 7th, Dan Heng, Himeko, Pom-pom(?)
For combination #3 : Why I put pom-pom in question mark is bc they don't seem very prominent in the story, thus I'm not sure if they fit the "protagonist" label.
For combination #4 : My brother proposed the fifth was Pompom because they look so much like a mascot character in cartoons and thus is a "common character in cartoons". Also the character is referred to as a "creature", not a human/person. Also, I guess the trailblazer's personality may be seen as "sparkling"? maybe? And there is no reference to gender
None of my brothers who have Welt have reached level 80, and Idk anyone who reached that level already so I can't like, double check it
Also why is it "[blank]'s relationship"?
I'm assuming since it's Welt's own character story and Welt's OWN LOG, it would be talking about himself. Is he referring to his old name, Joachim? Or is it from another character's POV?
Also 2, why are the names redacted? I assumed it was the Astral Express because he mentioned "protagonists", since he refers to the trailblazer as the "protagonist". But could it be with some other characters from other games?
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gretchensinister · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you @marypsue for tagging me! (I didn’t lose the post! You just alerted me in October and in October I wrestle with poetry.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
WELL. 734.
2. What’s your total word count?
1,407,987 oh that’s a much more normal number. (The question then becomes the reason for the amount of fics under 1000 words.)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The vast majority of my fics are for Rise of the Guardians. I have a significant-length fic for Venom and another for Thor. I have recently used Ao3 for an original work that I think fits with Ao3’s vibe and is like, 1000 levels of AU down and sideways from blacksand; an intensely explicit 2nd-person fic involving Moder, the monster from The Ritual; and, what I am still very excited about, a 150k foray into The Dark Crystal.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
The first is Give You Everything, which is the Venom fic. This doesn’t surprise me, as I posted it fairly soon after the first movie came out and I’m pretty sure of everything I’ve written it has the greatest number of people who would be likely to see it. The others, though! “Single Snowflakes” “How Old?” “What It Means To Ask” and “Down and Dirty”: These are all Jack Frost/Bunnymund short fics that I wrote in response to prompts! Furries rule the Earth I guess!
5. Do you respond to comments?
For the past several years, I try to respond to all of them. But on my earliest fics I didn’t (though I did print them out and put them on my refrigerator to help me through grad school).
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
“Warmer Than I Thought”-Jack is going to die and he’s not going to come back the way he was. (I love seeing this in my daily kudos email because it is just plain angst. That was the vibe yesterday, huh, Guest or Username?)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
“His Time”- The Guardian polycule has essentially become the pantheon of a new earth, and they’re in love and they’re making it good this time.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
The closest I got was a person who appeared to be crabby about me a) having the characters talk to each other too much and b) enjoying the praise other commenters had given me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
9. Do you write smut?
All the time, and probably more extensively than is useful for people who want to get off. I do want what I write to be hot, but it’s also about intensifying the connection and vulnerability between characters, and explore whatever emotional weirdness they’re dealing with.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I think I’ve only written one crossover that wasn’t for a prompt, so basically no.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Once someone talked to me about translating one of my fics into Spanish. I was very excited and gave permission, and then I never heard anything else, so I don’t know what came of that.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I was going to say no...but on the table beside me is a DBZ fic that my friend and I wrote passing a small notebook back and forth in 7th grade. (I do plan to put this on Ao3 to, you know, archive it. :D)
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Pitch Black/Sanderson Mansnoozie, pretty obviously, but the vital thing for me to lose it about a ship is for the people involved to be opposites/opposed in some cosmic/fundamental way.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I have a mostly-canonverse post-movie getting-together blacksand fic where the big change is that both Pitch and Sandy change their bodies and pronouns after the events of the movie so that they’re both women (to have a clean slate?) but I lost steam for it because my ideas for it weren’t distinct enough from ground I’d already covered in Without Contraries There Is No Progression.
16. What are your writing strengths?
With a little input from others, I will say dialogue, the use of different registers of language, and sensory descriptions.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I’ll tell you what, plot does not come naturally to me. So of course I want to write one of those big political space empire stories.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I wouldn’t do it for more than a few words or like, one of those stock Latin phrases that can be easily looked up or that I just know thanks to my milieu. I’m more curious about this question being here at all. Is this common enough to go in a list of general questions about fic? It’s not something I see often enough in published fiction or in fic to even remember if I have.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Probably a dead tie between Sailor Moon and DBZ. A very popular genre among my friends when we were in middle school was having a hapless reporter interview anime characters. Not a clue why! But we thought it was hilarious.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
I’m super hype about Incarnation, as you probably know if you’re on my blog reading this post, but the ultimate favorite still goes to A Draught of Light, aka how I tricked myself into writing an original epic fantasy novel by telling myself it was going to be a 10,000 word blacksand AU. The thing is though, the version that’s really my favorite is the one I privately revised to streamline a few things and change it so it was even less related to Rise of the Guardians than it already was. So it goes. I still love the one on Ao3.
Who's writing that I haven't seen tagged recently... @linddzz, @bowlingforgerbils, @queerpyracy, @sylphidine
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
Hiya! I’m not sure if you’ve been asked this but are you playing honkai star rail? I remember you saying that genshin was hefty enough for you so you would stick to that as the only gacha game you have
i stuck to my scruples for about one week before breaking. it actually seems relatively f2p friendly ?? i suppose most gacha games are at launch, but my beginning genshin memories are hazy. my thoughts on the game from about 12 days of playing are:
the combat is fun (i love turn based RPGs like dragon quest, pokémon, divinity original sin, darkest dungeon, slay the spire, etc etc)
the writing is enjoyable, i especially like how the characters have different reactions depending on what dialogue you pick. especially since the MC has a wide variety of things to say, ranging from RPG Hero Speech to the most unhinged stuff. idk i just find it neat.
love the space concept . i adore sci-fi and seeing other people's takes on it. there's so much mihoyo can do with it if they want. infinite worlds and possibilities, all with different laws and levels of technological/arcane advancement... it's exciting to see where they might take the idea.
the aeons/concept of paths stemming from what philosophy you align with??? very interesting. kinda reminds me of planescape torment. some of the aeons almost have this cosmic horror element to them, they're these enigmatic beings who act in accordance to some will we can't even hope to comprehend. i like how the game handles this, especially the xianzhou luofu storyline depicting the aeon of abundance as a curse to humanity rather than a blessing, highlighting the horrors of immortality... every culture we encounter is bound to have different thoughts on the aeons and a reason for them, which makes for some fascinating storytelling.
lots of pretty girls.
my favorite characters so far are kafka, asta, herta, march 7th, and clara. i want to adopt clara. she is my daughter
also, here is who i've accumulated so far:
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astoldbytode · 2 months
🌟 Upgrading Your Venus Placement: A Zodiac & House Guide 🌟
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Hey cosmic fam! Ever wondered how to level up your Venus placement in your birth chart? Look no further! Here's a quick guide based on the zodiac sign and house placement:
1. **Aries Venus**: To enhance your Aries Venus, embrace spontaneity in love! Take the lead, be bold, and don't be afraid to pursue what you want. In the 1st house, focus on self-love and self-expression. Show off your unique style and let your passion shine through! 🔥💃
2. **Taurus Venus**: Cultivate stability and sensuality in your relationships. Enjoy the finer things in life and indulge in luxurious experiences. In the 2nd house, prioritize security and comfort. Build a strong foundation for love and cherish the beauty around you. 🌹💰
3. **Gemini Venus**: Keep things fresh and exciting by stimulating your mind and intellect. Embrace communication and variety in relationships. In the 3rd house, explore different ways to connect with others through conversation, learning, and shared interests. 🗣️📚
4. **Cancer Venus**: Nurture and protect your loved ones with care and compassion. Create a cozy and supportive environment where emotions can flow freely. In the 4th house, prioritize family and emotional security. Build a loving home where you can retreat and recharge. 🏡💞
5. **Leo Venus**: Celebrate love with passion, romance, and drama! Express yourself boldly and generously, and don't be afraid to take center stage. In the 5th house, embrace creativity and playfulness. Infuse your relationships with joy, laughter, and plenty of fun adventures! 🎭🎉
6. **Virgo Venus**: Pay attention to the details and strive for perfection in your relationships. Show your love through acts of service and practical gestures. In the 6th house, focus on health and routine. Cultivate harmony through a balanced and organized approach to love. 🧹✨
7. **Libra Venus**: Seek harmony, balance, and beauty in your relationships. Prioritize cooperation, diplomacy, and fairness. In the 7th house, focus on partnerships and collaboration. Cultivate equality and mutual respect in all your connections. ⚖️💖
8. **Scorpio Venus**: Dive deep into the depths of passion, intensity, and transformation. Embrace vulnerability and authenticity in your relationships. In the 8th house, explore the mysteries of love and intimacy. Embrace transformation and embrace the power of emotional depth. 🌌🔮
9. **Sagittarius Venus**: Embrace freedom, adventure, and expansion in love. Seek growth and learning through new experiences and perspectives. In the 9th house, prioritize exploration and discovery. Expand your horizons and embrace different cultures, philosophies, and belief systems. 🌍🚀
10. **Capricorn Venus**: Build a strong and enduring foundation for your relationships. Focus on responsibility, commitment, and long-term goals. In the 10th house, prioritize ambition and achievement. Strive for success in your love life and create a legacy of love and respect. 🏔️👑
11. **Aquarius Venus**: Embrace individuality, innovation, and unconventionality in your relationships. Celebrate diversity and embrace the unique qualities of each person. In the 11th house, prioritize friendship and community. Cultivate connections with like-minded individuals who share your vision for a better world. 🌈🤝
12. **Pisces Venus**: Dive into the depths of empathy, compassion, and spirituality in love. Embrace sensitivity and intuition, and allow yourself to merge with the divine. In the 12th house, prioritize introspection and transcendence. Connect with the universal love that flows through all things. 🌊🙏
Remember, these are just starting points! Your birth chart is unique, so feel free to explore and experiment with different ways to enhance your Venus placement.
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lily-valley-cc · 8 months
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Embarking on the celestial journey to become an Angel in Heaven is an invitation to partake in a grand narrative that intertwines the divine with the earthly. It's a call to a higher service, where each day unfolds a new page in the ineffable script, resplendent with divine mysteries, earthly curiosities, and a melody of cosmic humour that resonates through the dance between the celestial and the corporeal. You will be privy to the ethereal elegance of Heaven while embracing the charming unpredictability of Earth, orchestrating a symphony of divine duties amidst a theatre of human whimsies. Becoming an angel is not merely a call to divine service, but a voyage into the heart of existence, exploring the tender seams where the heavenly grandeur meets the earthly quaint.
This career was created after a request from Aethellyn on Tumblr to look at updating Ambular's Angel and Demon career. This career was for the Sims 2 and has not been updated for some time. I've split this career into two parts - Infernal and Celestial and expanded on the work of Ambular. This career is inspired by one of my favourite books and shows of all time - Good Omens!
Celestial (Angel) includes 1 main track with 10 levels.
More career information about career levels can be found HERE!
Two week early access for patrons. Public release on the 7th October.
Any issues please get in touch via DM.
Enjoy! ❤
TOU: Please do not put my cc behind paywalls or reupload. Link back to my Tumblr if you use my CC; I’d love to see it!
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intoamity · 2 years
A Thousand Centuries
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43184328
Please Reblog
The Ancients were a peculiar form of Ghost. In some views, they were closer to gods, nearly as old as the Infinite Realms themselves. However, each and every one of them refuted that title, even the most megalomaniacal. They knew there were beings greater, older, and more mind-numbingly powerful than even them. Clockwork was the Master Of Time, but what that meant to a being beyond time was comparable to a beaver being master of his creek. So no, the ancients were not gods, but they were the most powerful beings one could reasonably expect to interact with- for a certain definition of “reasonably expect.” Very few encountered one Ancient. Fewer encountered any of the others. Regardless, the Ancients were immensely powerful. They were easily the strongest beings that could be with a given core. In some respects, they personified their cores in ways no other ghost could.No other ghost would ever have such command over Flora as Overgrowth, for he was the ultimate in plant matter. No other being could conceive of the influence that Nocturne lorded over Night and darkness. The Ancients were all capable of full shapeshifting, but both of these Ghosts favored their… well, it would be inaccurate to refer to it as their “true form,” but they both felt their chosen appearances showed their nature well enough.
There were several Ancients. The oldest was Clockwork, born with the first moment in the infinite realms. Then came Kosmos, the personification of Space, who manifested with Space. Or perhaps it’s the other way around, or the two were twins. Neither had ever been certain. Clockwork distinctly recalls wandering the Void before the Realms, while Kosmos had roamed the world before anything could change. In most respects, they considered themselves twins, and it was a peculiar situation for all involved. There had once been a third Ancient on the same level as these two- Aethra, their younger sister who had ruled over all Energy, but she had faded shortly after giving birth to several Ancients.
Of this new generation, the first was Stelar, the King of the Light. He was powerful and wise, known for his honest character and his immense power. He lit the sun on the human plane, and would go onto father Fire and Lightning. Stelar was not alone, however, and had two siblings. The first was Nocturne, his far weaker- but still immense- twin, the Nightmaker. Nocturne has long been considered the weaker of the ancients, only regarded as the absence of another, but this is not quite correct. At first, he was by far the strongest of his siblings but found that he was stagnant and reactionary compared to their dynamic growth. Third- as with their uncles- was a sister, Terra, who would spawn the lords of Metal, Flora, and many others.
While the existence of three generations of Ancients to this point might make one believe this was happening on an immense timeframe and the Ancients as understood are not that old compared to the modern Infinite Realms, one must consider that on a time frame of 13.7 Billion years, even a hundred centuries is nothing. And even so, the Ancients did not spawn their children in the same way mortals or even other ghosts do, they instead simply will them into being, albeit at an immense drain on their energy. Regardless, by the 7th Generation of Ancients, the Infinite Realms as some might recognize it has begun to take shape. Fire has been tempered by her cousin Ice, while Lightning and Terra embrace each other. More complicated beings, what would come to be called Ghosts, have formed. The earliest civilizations were emerging. Not the earliest on Earth, or some cosmic exoplanet infinite lightyears away. No, the first civilizations at all. The earliest known civilization was born from Terra’s heart, as she longed for beings to tend to and admire her art. They manifested in a land now forgotten, home to countless empires and civilizations that none would ever know the name of. But it started a chain reaction, as the other Ancients were curious about Terra’s pet project, and summoned many of their own. Nocturne was one of the ones most interested in this, and his own beings were more influenced by him, used as tools to spread his power, and keep himself relevant longer.
However, so long as there are sentient beings with limited resources, there will be conflict and power. As a result, it did not take long for the young civilizations to come to blows. As a result of this came the birth of the next several ancients, crafted from the minds of Ghosts and Men. However, because of this, they were far weaker, not typically referred to as Ancients. Instead, the moniker of Great One was brought into being, as they were of great strength, and could easily defeat many of the strongest warriors, but they were not of the same caliber as the Ancients.
The Ancients, for their part, were unconcerned with the petty politics of their playthings. They were so immense in comparison they rarely noticed any fluctuation in power that might come from the worship, creation, death, or anything else that might come from these small beings. So they let them be, acting only when it amused them… or would annoy another Ancient. However, there was one exception to this rule that got even the Ancients to notice. Pariah. Pariah Dark started out as one of the Great Ones. Nothing too grand for the Ancients to notice, but certainly a powerful force in his own right. However, Pariah was crafty. He quickly began amassing artifacts. Both were created by the Ancients and other civilizations. As he conquered more and more, his power grew rapidly. Eventually, he was the King of Twenty Kings, with great influence over all other such civilizations in his area. He was synonymous with rulership. He did what many had considered impossible before that and effectively became an Ancient.
And so, a thousand centuries before Sargon of Akkad would unite Mesopotamia and create the First Empire in Earth’s history, the Infinite Realms bowed to only one man. That man was Pariah Dark, and in his willpower, he forged the Crown of the Infinite Realms. However, for all his brilliance, Pariah hardly considered the strength of his Crown, or what his Ascension meant. He frightened the other Ancients, who saw that if he could do it, why couldn’t the other little pawns and playthings? As a result, he was ambushed and locked away. The great war devastated countless civilizations, wounding even some of the Ancients due to Pariahs’ great artifacts. Stelar arose from a deep slumber to create one more thing- the Observants, who would supervise the Infinite Realms and were powerful enough to enforce peace. Even Clockwork heeded their commands, though that was always a matter of respect and lending them legitimacy. After that, the Ancients returned to their negligence, with only a few glancing at the little beings below who could defy the natural order. When Pariah awoke again, some of them stirred, but just as quickly as the demon king awoke, he was locked away, distracting them again.
Speaking of the natural order, Daniel Fenton was a peculiarity. The Halfa, like Pariah, was an upstart, and in this case, one whose power was a defiling of the Infinite Realms themselves. Like Pariah, the reverence he commands has given him great power beyond his station. However, he is very different. He never chose to command or be admired, it was thrust upon him for the mistakes of his parents. He does not see the Kingdom of the Infinite Realms as a toy set to play with or abuse as his right, but as a responsibility to keep peace and respect. He has already defeated two Ancients- Nocturne, and Undergrowth, but he does not destroy them or siphon at their power, like a power-hungry child. He released them so long as they respect his claim. The Boy King is powerful beyond his station and wise beyond his years. Or perhaps, he is just where he must be?
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docgold13 · 1 year
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
December 7th - Johnny Storm, The Human Torch
Jonathan Spencer ‘Johnny’ Storm had been a high school student and amateur daredevil when exposure to high levels of strange cosmic radiation bestowed him super human powers.  Johnny was imbued with the ability to transform his body into a fiery, plasma form possessing pyrokinesis.  He can generate and control fire, enabling high speed flight, energy blasts and the capacity to create temporary constructs composed of fire.  In times of great peril, Johnny can also release a huge burst of energy, a nova blast that can decimate anything around him, yet also exhaust all of his power requiring him to rest for a period of time before he can once again flame on.   
Johnny and his older sister, Susan, grew up on Long Island until their mother, Mary Storm, died in an automobile accident. Their father, Franklin Storm, a once acclaimed physician, fell on hard times.  Dr. Storm gambled his family fortune away and ended up incarcerated for the accidental murder of his loanshark.  Thereafter, Johnny and his sister went to live with their aunt who ran a boarding house in the suburban outskirts of New York City.  There, Susan fell in love with one of her aunt's boarders, Reed Richards, who was a doctoral student at Empire State University.  Sue and Reed becoming a couple ultimately led to Johnny joining them and pilot Ben Grimm on the foursome’s fateful mission to outer space.  Their spacecraft passed through the belt of cosmic radiation resulting in each of them being bestowed super powers.  Upon returning to earth, the quartet decided to use these powers to become the team of superhero adventurers known as The Fantastic Four.  Herein, Johnny took on the superhero name of ‘The Human Torch’ (an homage to the hero of the same name who had battled the Axis Forces during World War II).  
Johnny loved being a superhero and basked in the fame and adulation it offered him.  He was a critical member of the team and his quick thinking and bravery has saved the day on countless occasions, although it often seemed that Johnny was more interested in the thrills and action of being a superhero and his status as a celebrity.  
Along with countless adventures alongside the Fantastic Four, The Human Torch has also embarked on numerous solo exploits and team ups with other heroes, especially The Amazing Spider-Man whom Johnny became great friends with.  Johnny would ultimately become a bit more serious in his role as a hero, acting as a member of the Avengers Unity Squad, The Fantastic Force and a close alley to the Inhumans of New Attilan.  
Just as exciting and tumultuous as Johnny’s career as a super hero has been his love life and he has had numerous, torrid affairs.  These relationships have included romances with Prince Crystal of the Inhuman Royal Family,  Lorrie Melton, Frankie Raye, the extraterrestrial Zsaji, Namorita, Zora Vukovic. Queen Medusa, and many others.  At one point, Johnny fell in love with the Skrull agent, Lyja, while she was posing as Alicia Masters.  The two married yet soon there after her secret identity as a Skrull was found out.  Heartbroken, the marriage was annulled but Johnny and Lyja would eventually rekindle their romance for a brief time.   
Johnny Storm,The Human Torch has appeared in a number of cinematic features, portrayed by actors Jay Underwood, Chris Evans and Michael B Jordan.  The hero first appeared in the pages of Fantastic Four Vol. 1 #1 (1961).   
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Take a deep breath, let it out slowly, say this prayer and then keep reading: “Thank you angels for revealing to me what I need to know!”
You are being guided to stop trying to micromanage the Universe. Sometimes events are beyond human comprehension and thus trying to figure out the finer details of your life may be holding you back rather than taking you forward. When the Divine Director comes to you, you are being invited to trust that there is a purpose behind what is unfolding. The choices and circumstances and challenges you are facing will lead you to know and trust yourself at a deeper level.
If you find yourself not knowing where to go from here, there’s a good chance that there’s an aspect of your life that you have refrained from dealing with, healing, or sharing. In order for the next step to be revealed to you, you are encouraged to address the aspects of your life that you have overlooked, for when you do so, you allow the energetic wheels of the Universe to take you forward.
The Divine Director is an advanced cosmic light being from the heart of Source who is dedicated to helping Earth and all her inhabitants align with divine purpose. He is one of the more elusive Divine Masters. Part‑extraterrestrial, part‑angel, he can take many forms, but in most cases looks like a character from Star Trek. He works closely with the angels to ensure they are fulfilling their duties and helping the humans they are charged with protecting.
DECK: Divine Masters Oracle
ARTIST: Jennifer Hawkyard
Pre-orders now available for my Divine Masters Oracle. Release date November 7th, 2023.
Kyle Gray
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sebastianinjapan · 1 year
June 19 - Nara Day Trip
I’m tired of talking about my morning so I’ll just jump into the meat. We took a train to Nara today, the old old capital of Japan. Nara had the same vibe as Kyoto, filled equally with museums and temple/shrines showing the history that resides within the place. Before we went on any excursion we are in the city. Vishnu and I ate some yummy ramen, with a different type of broth that I had never seen before (it was thick and brown). I also ate some fried rice for the first time in Japan and it was wonderful. After we ate, we went to Todai-ji a massive temple housing multiple large statues housed within. In the center was the biggest metal work I think I’ve ever seen, with insane precision and attention to detail throughout the whole work. On both sides were slightly smaller wooden figures. The wood crafting of Japan must have been next level and to think these were made in the Nara period (while they are remade since the structure has suffered destruction it’s meant to mirror the past constructions). After we went to the museum on site, and here we were able to see actual statues from the 7th century. I really loved this museum as it exclusively had items from the Nara period, and the craftsmanship is really awe inspiring. After we went to a shrine (the name is lost on me). This shrine had a 1000 year old tree, and it is built into a structure. However, the coolest part of this shrine was a long hallway only lit by lanterns. The walls were mirrors giving the illusion of infinite lanterns. Once we finished with the excursion the boys and I left back home. We hit the onsen together and it was a beautiful experience (I missed it so much). After we went to Shake Shack and grubbed like absolute kings.
Oh man how could I forget. Before any temple we went to a park filled with sacred deer! These deer were quite friendly and hungry. You could buy crackers for about 200¥ and they would flock to you demanding snacks. While everyone was dumb enough to have the snack in hand I put them in my pockets and fed only those that I deemed worthy. I found a cool stag, who’s name is Cole and feed him a majority of my crackers. After our interaction he proceeded to rub his antlers on my legs, which I found out is how deer mark so he must have accepted me into his deer clan. Cole was sick as fuck and let me pet him for a while.
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Academic Reflection
The many sects of Buddhism in Japan honestly make the religion even more daunting to jump into. Before I came to Japan I was thinking about purchasing a book and diving in but I quickly found out no central text exists for Buddhism (like there is for Christianity). After coming to Japan it has become clear why, and Japan isn’t even the originating country of Buddhism. I couldn’t imagine how many more different sects exist from Korea, to China, and finally to India (only going linearly). While I still have an interest in jumping into Buddhism, it will take some more research to find the proper book to start off with.
I for sure won’t be getting into the type of Buddhism as described in the readings today. I am much more concerned with spirituality as it deals with the real tangible world, and not with whatever cosmic powers esoteric Buddhism dives into. That’s why I’ve really appreciated the majority of temples we’ve gone to as they are dedicated to Kannon, who is meant to help in this current life. Heaven, or reincarnations don’t particularly concern me.
What I did find interesting was the exacting detail for Kokui life from early youth to the end. I’ve noticed that the reverence held for high ranking priests/monks almost falls into idolatry, but then I have to remind myself that the faiths of the West and the East are very different. Individuals practicing Buddhism can achieve godhood through worship alone, and that provides other potential slip falls in my personal opinion.
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yourlawn · 7 months
So I decided to ask an AI to make a tumblr post because of another post I had just seen, and this is how they turned out.
"Me: I need to start eating healthier.
Also me: *opens a bag of chips* These are made from potatoes, right? So basically, I'm having a salad."
"Me: *tries to be productive*
My brain: Hey, remember that embarrassing thing you did in 7th grade?
Me: No, brain, not now.
Brain: Well, let's relive it in vivid detail anyway!
Me: Thanks, brain. You're the worst personal assistant ever."
"🌟 Manifesting Level: Expert 🌟
Me: *sits on the couch, envisioning success*
Universe: Oh, you want success? Here's a pile of laundry, a sink full of dishes, and a broken Wi-Fi router.
Me: ....universe, you have a peculiar sense of humor."
"🦄 Cosmic Pancakes and Quantum Socks 🧦✨
Me: *stares at a toaster*
Toaster: I sense your existential ponderings, mortal.
Me: Oh, great toaster, reveal the mysteries of the universe!
Toaster: First, wear mismatched socks on odd-numbered days and recite the alphabet backward under a full moon.
Me: Ah, the path to enlightenment is truly peculiar."
This was my personal favorite
“Sparkles ✨”
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allsonicgames · 1 year
Sonic the Hedgehog Pocket Adventure
Original Platform: Neo Geo Pocket
Original release: 7th December 1999
Available to buy: No
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A Sonic adventure that was made for the Neo Geo Pocket, this game is essentially another 8-bit version of Sonic 2 (with a couple of elements from Sonic 1) like the Master System/Game Gear version of Sonic 2, except that the Neo Geo Pocket was a much more advanced console, resulting in a far better conversion.
The Zones in Pocket Adventure are based on levels from Sonic 2, but renamed slightly (Cosmic Casino Zone instead of Casino Night Zone, for example), with a few taking some graphic design from Green Hill Zone and Scrap Brain Zone from Sonic 1. While the themes are the same, and the layouts are loosely based on the originals, to me these felt like “new” levels in terms of how they played, making it feel more like a remix of Sonic 2 more than a port.
The gameplay in this is also great, feeling close to the original Mega Drive games in terms of physics and speed. It’s a ton of fun to play and I think this one definitely deserves a re-release as it’s well worth playing, even if it is derivative of Sonic 2.
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