#86 operation high school
silvercrane14 · 10 months
*alarm bells go off* wake up everyone it's national kippy day!!!
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[Image ID: An alcohol marker drawing of Theoto Rikka from 86: Operation High School. He is a boy with blond hair that goes to his chin. He wears a black gakuran style uniform, buttoned up all the way, with a yellow sweater peeking out from underneath. The sweater is a little long, and completely covers his right hand, which his holds up in front of his face as he laughs, as if he just heard a joke. His eyes are closed and he grins with an open mouth. Behind him is a messy dark green block background. /End ID]
@code-jolteon happy birthday :]
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choujinx · 2 months
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86: EIGHTY SIX - OPERATION HIGH SCHOOL (2020-2021) by somemiya suzume
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empty-dream · 9 months
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Haruto Keats in 86 -Eighty Six- Operation High-School
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yumkorange · 2 years
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like a baby
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jackiequick · 7 months
TOP GUN OCs Part 3 ✈️
-> Click here to see the other parts
Nurse Jordana "Echo" Walker 🩺
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Callsign: Echo
Age: 38
Relationship status: Divorced, Single
Background: Jordana, known as "Echo," is a skilled medical doctor in the squadron. She earned her callsign due to her exceptional diagnostic skills and the ability to provide vital medical support during missions. Her father was a renowned military surgeon, which inspired her to pursue a career in medicine.
Personality: Compassionate, charming, level-headed, and dedicated to her patients' well-being.
Lifestyle: Echo leads a fulfilling life, both personally and professionally, and is committed to her role as a doctor.
Nicknames: Her colleagues often refer to her as "Jor” or “Jordan”
Extra information: What she loves the most is getting get nails dirty and behind the wheel of a car or plane, ever since she was a child she was fancied by the way Navy pilots took the skies and feel like nothing even better once they’re above the clouds. That feeling of watching the world spin around while your frozen to your seat in the air and the adrenaline you get afterwards. 
She was flying for a while in the late 90s—early 2000s, when she saw plenty of pilots become jet washed and she didn’t like it one bit, hearing stories about plenty being injured on the job and not a lot of staff on board, so that resulted in her taking up a medical exam. A few short months later, she started working alongside nurses and doctors to help nurse pilots back to health. Which is where she met Captain Maverick Mitchell, as he was injured after flight testing and sent to the medical wing of the North Islands to get check up, he was charming and thanked her for cleaning up his wounds.
With a smile Jor told Mav, “You gotta be more careful next time, Captain.” Maverick just grinned and nodding, saying he’ll try to best more cautious even though sometimes tells him, he will be back in this medical wing a few short months later. And he was right, meeting Jor again as she was sewing his wounds near his eyebrow. That time, he brought a friend who got hurt with him. Wraith. So she had two patients to nurse back to health, thankfully they weren’t that badly affected from the crash. Just a few cuts, bumps and bruises.
It didn’t take long for Jor to meet the rest of the 86 crew members, as Hollywood, Wolfman and Slider would make appearances at the hospital along with their friends Iceman, Buzz, Valkyrie, Sunset and others. Sometimes it was for checkups, other times to see some of their friends at the clinic but sometimes they just liked hanging out with the staff. Mainly because they were good people.
Captain Apollo "Mack" McCleary🔐
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Callsign: Mack
Age: 42
Background: Mack, known simply as "Mack," is a control room operator. He earned his callsign due to his impeccable skills in managing communications and mission coordination. His precision and reliability make him an essential part of the squadron.
Personality: Analytical, total sweetheart, humorous, reliable, and a natural problem-solver.
Lifestyle: Mack has a steady and disciplined lifestyle, often working long hours in the control room.
Relationship Status: Mack is married to his high school sweetheart.
Nicknames: His colleagues affectionately call him "Mac."
Extra information: Apollo has been in the multiple square areas and has been working ever since he started back in 2005 in the Navy, wanting to be apart of Blue Angels and be behind the controls. He has always been one to have honest honor and respect towards everyone around him, putting his trust and thoughts into pilots he believes who can take the heat as he navigates them from the operations center. Such as Iceman, he would give all his attention and follow his leadership, as he stands back in the frontline of the control room sending up to the skies.
But it also gets him into a lot of trouble, due to him listening to Maverick during the Darkstar Project for Mach 10! Apollo knew it was supposed to be canceled that day, but a part of him though they gone so far into the process of making a jet that can go hypersonic it was worth a final flight according to Maverick. So Mack and his team got to quick work setting everything up in the control room launching Maverick into the air as he commuted with him from the ground reaching Mach 10–but it cost him and Hondo in some trouble with Admiral Cain afterwards. Even though, Apollo got into some trouble he was secretly grinning due to the fact that they achieved that purpose for the project, running home to his high school sweetheart to tell them to the good news.
Afterwards, Hondo gave him a call telling Mack he would be sent to Top Gun to help manage communication and mission coordinations. He was humorous about the fact that he would be returning back to North Island. But he always knew that he would never have a bad reputation there, since one of his friends/lieutenants Fanboy Garcia and Payback Fitch would be sent out the same mission too. So let’s just say things got interesting when he saw how The Dagger Squad decided to challenge Maverick, because Mack was waiting for every single one of them for their push-ups with a smirk.
Mack had his arms crossed and said, “It was all shits and giggles, huh? Drop down and start giving me 10 then we’ll raise it to 20.” All the Daggers glared at him, dropping down giving him 20 push ups as Hondo grinned counting them.
Naomi "Nova" Reynolds🍻
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Callsign: Nova
Age: 28
Relationship Status: Single
Background: Naomi, known as "Nova," is a bartender who owns a popular bar near the naval base. Her callsign reflects her vibrant and outgoing personality, which lights up the atmosphere in her establishment. She serves as a source of support and encouragement for the Navy personnel and fighter pilots who frequent her bar.
Personality: Charismatic, welcoming, and known for her sense of humor.
Lifestyle: Nova enjoys a social and active lifestyle, always looking to bring joy to those around her. But she also sassy, knowledgeable due to being a bartender so she knows secrets, and loves karaoke.
Nicknames: She's often referred to as "No" by her regular customers. The women know the rules for the bar set by Penny Benjamin, so she doesn’t have a problem telling people “No”, or “No roughhousing, take it outside.”
Extra information: Naomi never really knew what she wanted to do in (still doesn’t to be honest), as she always has dreams and aspirations for things but as time files so quickly it feels like those ideals weren’t coming as fast as she wanted. As Naomi always said she wanted to be a writer, a musician of some kind finding herself making stories and music, then posting them on social media for some sort of attraction. One afternoon, at The Hard Deck she decided to take a chance singing on the small stage with her old guitar and caught a few eyes.
Penny, the owner of the bar saw how nice of an impression she made on the crowd and offered her a chance to sing whenever she wants. She even asked if she was open to working at the bar as well, Naomi didn’t mind it at all and agreed to Penny’s offer. Training under her and practicing bartending. And to be honest, Naomi loved it!
Working at The Hard Deck made her smile, let her have some fixable schedules since she had an active lifestyle and socialize with brand new people everyday. It resulted in her meeting some friends such as Lucky Kenner, who she already met before she started working there, and the rest of the Daggers. Anyone who walks into the bar, she’s always the first one to greet them at the counter with a smile pouring drinks and taking orders. They would say she’s a sight for sore eyes with an encouraging enough smile.
Jeremy "Renegade" Turner 🗃
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Callsign: Renegade
Age: 47
Background: Jeremy, known as "Renegade," grew up in a family with a military tradition. His father was a Navy pilot, and he followed in his footsteps. His callsign reflects his tendency to sometimes push boundaries and sometimes take unconventional approaches during missions, often against orders. Makes sense how he ended up with Maverick as a friend.
Personality: Adventurous, sarcastic and snarky, witty, a bit rebellious, and unafraid to take risks depending on the situation.
Lifestyle: Renegade is a single pilot who leads an adventurous and sometimes unpredictable life, as he’s always sent on missionary work to go undercover and investigate tasks for the Navy. Sometimes it makes him question his line of work and wonder when’s retirement for him again.
Relationship Status: Single
Nicknames: His fellow aviators often call him "Ren" for short.
Extra information: Due to him messing around with Maverick and his gang so much, it makes wonder if he needs new friends, then he remembers Iceman and Wraith are there then he feels a little better. He thinks he’s sarcastic, stubborn as hell and snarky until he met Iceman’s wife Daredevil also known as Hazel, who nicknames him Hawkeye as a joke.
Ren has been working on and off duty for years, everytime he thinks he’s off the hook or thinking retirement is on his way—BAM! He’s given new duties to watch over new records and recruits for TOP GUN, which in his opinion ain’t so bad. He actually liked the new fresh faced students at TOP GUN, being so young and spirited in the way they fly. Some are way cocky for their own good where they get in trouble with their superior officers meanwhile others are trying to keep an low profile and just learn from their own actions.
Ren being well..Ren, always try to get under their skin and see what they’re made of, in small manners. Like let’s say he’s talking to another person and a student is running in the halls, he tells them to not do that but they won’t listen. So in result, Ren would lean a foot outwards causing the student to trip and learn to not run in the hallway. “Oops..i said watch where your going!” Ren said with a little smirk.
Sometimes Ren gets dragged into the craziness of Maverick Mitchell and the others plan. Such as when he was given the role to return to Top Gun as an independent counsel with Hondo and Hazel, having to watch over the team of returning recruits for the highly competitive mission. A few of them, he trained himself being their co-instructor years back, being Payback, Phoenix, Yale and Harvard. Even met Halo once during her classes.
Ren was in charge of being the one up in the far skies and taking notes of the crews flying skills, measuring their speeding length as they went along. Having everything ready for pre and landing as well! Like said beforehand, Ren has a tendency to not always follow orders and end up regularly regretting it later depending on what it is, pushing a few boundaries when it came to Admirals. So in result, he was the one to open the hard deck without Admiral Cyclone’s permission for Maverick to fly and even a few other things.
Thanks for reading! Who are your favorites of the 4? Let me know in the comments below
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junk-heart · 1 year
do you have any creepypasta headcanons for some of them? And are there any ideas for them or versions of the characters around the fandom that you like?
I have so many headcanons, it's not even funny:''')
Had so much time to get attached to these characters ( 10 years to be precise ಥ_ಥ ) , so I like multiple interpretations of them
Mainly 3 universes: found family of weirdos, "realistic" version and something in between
In this post I'll be talking about the headcanons connected to the versions I drew on this blog
I'll separate them by characters, and I won't talk about all of them or this post is gonna be so long:'''')
ALSO: feel free to comment your headcanons, I love hearing other people talk about these bozos
he's emo for sure
has attempted giving himself piercings on multiple occasions, most of them failed and got infected
og story is an urban legend in his universe, the incident went down differently
his current look came about during a manic episode, he regrets what he has done to his body
he also regrets what he did to his family, although he doesn't remember much from that night
homeless, currently on the run, has been living like this since he was a teen
among other things, he's on the run because of the Operator, doesn't want to be under it's control again
16 during the case, currently 23
(I mean, I already have a post going in depth about my headcanons for him)
ex med student that got possessed by a Slavic deity (Chernobog)
he sees things in a way different way than us, something between echolocation or the way Toph sees in atla
is forced to eat people cause the deity he's possessed by finds his reaction amusing (it also prefers human flesh cause it sees people as most of us see farm animals whose products are meat and fear)
that's the reason why he lives away from any human contact, deep in the woods
when Chernobog takes control of their body, Jack is either forced to look at what happens, or he blacks out
he used to like cats, now is too scared to have any pets
after some time they start getting along (as much as a human and an eldritch horror can)
he isn't having a fun time in this version, sorry:'''/
21 during the incident, currently 25
mostly the same as in his original story personality wise
he was sheltered while growing up (homescooled until high school) and for the time he wasn't he was bullied, so he doesn't know how to interact with other people normally
malicious twards most people upon meeting them, took a long time to even start talking to Tim and Brian
once he warms up to someone, he's willing to die for them
often gets too close when talking, even when he isn't trying to intimidate people
second tallest proxy (I do count Tim and Brian in this story, yes I know they're from mh, but I grew up with them as crp so ssssh)
scrawny, built for running
big mood swings
has tics from time to time, they're more intense when he's exited, but they stop completely when he's under the Operator's influence
doesn't remember anything from his life prior to the giant fire "thanks" to the Operator
works in the interest of it cause that's all he knows, but he would disobey it if that meant helping people close to him
is interested in internet, but since he doesn't have a phone/computer he learns about it via stolen phones from people who have passed
17 during the incident, currently 21 give or take
Brian died in entry #86 of mh, but got revived (??) as a puppet to the Operator cause it likes tormenting Tim (idk how to explain, unlike characters who experience being influenced by it during the arg, he ends up being completely tied to it after death, even though he wasn't under it's control while alive)
so he's basically a zombie, but not really
the brains of the group
also the tallest
doesn't remember what happened during the duration of Marble Hornets, but does remember he was close friends with Tim
still, he feels uneasy around Tim, like he (Tim) has done something that can't be forgiven, but tries to brush it off
can cook, but doesn't
under his winning smile he's plotting everyone's demise
if you looked at him, you'd probably think that he's the one who's got everything under control, but that's not the case, he's just a tad bit fake
I'm basically trying to say that he's mostly a persona, and that he has no idea of who he really is or what his goals should be
very good at any ranged attacks and scouting (more like stalking)
the one who tied Toby down to a chair for a week until his brainscrambles got a bit more bearable
has a computer at one of their hideouts, doesn't let anyone near it
idk how old he is tbh, I guess his mid to late twenties
please give this man a rest already aksdhadklaj
watched all his friends die, and now works for the thing that caused that + tremendous amount of mental strain and horror
why you may ask? well it's very complicated, let's just say it promised to bring someone else back if he did what it wanted
shortest U_U
common sense of the group, and the leader
he's the only one that kept most of his memories (cause it's easier for the Operator to control him like that)
when Toby joined them as the new hire, he was the one to insist that they try and deal with him, cause he saw himself in Toby
has a hard time getting out of bed
only drinks coffee, has no idea what water is
very much old man energy
grumpy for most of the time
can(?) cook canned food (that's what they eat anyways, so it doesn't really matter)
wants to have a normal life so bad it's not even funny
really hates what he's stuck doing
again, no idea what age he is, but I'm guessing he's a year or so older than Brian
monochromatic clown who's trying to find his passion again
I don't like how the whole Isaac thing went down in the original, I think it could have been more scary, not just gore:///
he isn't connected to the whole Operator plotline so idk how to put him in the same place and time as other crp
to me he's off to the side with Candy Pop, Jason and other imaginary friends/fiends
who knows how old he is???
similar to Jeff, her story is mostly an urban legend
although she did suffer major burns and lost her family
she used to be obsessed with finding Jeff and making him suffer, but she's mostly over it now
found out about the Operator stuff and quickly noped out of there
probably attending group therapy with Liu and Nina/j
very much a goth
I think her and Clocky would be a great pair, and if not that, at least best friends
I can see her turning around in a spinning chair while petting a cat and saying something ominous
currently 23
survived his brother's frenzy
after all Jeff couldn't bring himself to finish him
no nurse, thanks
Sully developed after the event cause of the trauma, but he isn't a demon or whatever, he's just an alter that can't forgive his brother, and who's there in place to protect Liu
he actually saw the Operator that night, and again from the hospital bed, but by having Jeff run far away, it didn't stick to Liu properly
after years in therapy and meeting other people connected to the incident, he decided to try and find his brother, so he's currently following closely behind Jeff
like in the og story he's very kindhearted
he hasn't found Jeff in person yet cause every time Sully is in charge he tries to sabotage his plans
has a sweet tooth, and is always chewing on something
his current worry is that his brother hasn't eaten any fruits in years
14 during the case, currently 21
oh boy, this character has so much untapped potential
she was probably a true crime obsessed girl, and was very much into the Woods case
she thought he was just like her, and so she started to idolize him, or should I say, the version of him that was sensationalized
as the time went on she got more and more wrapped up in a fictional world she made in her head, to escape her everyday life, so she started plotting how to find and meet him
basically imagine a cyberstalker, but for someone living off grid
made and executed her plan (aka a copycat murder) right after she found his location
Nina is like 2-3 years younger than Jeff, and she was expecting an emo prince charming who will accept her as she is and whisk her away to a manor full of weird kids who live together
she just got an emaciated guy who hates everything he's done (and himself), and has literally 0 interest in her
you can just imagine how that conversation went down...
he was very brutal, laughed at her, told her she was an absolute idiot (was overly harsh cause of all the guilt of what he did in the past)
scene, even on her jtk e-blogs
used to get into heated arguments, cause drama and then block everyone involved
she was 13 when the Woods case happened, 15 when she met Jeff, and she's currently 21(?)
Don't feel like writing any more, sorry:'''')
I mean, this is already too long, and I haven't even explained all the characters in this universe
It's even funnier when I remember I have at least 3x as many different interpretations of these characters in my head, if anyone's interested feel free to ask me about them
Really sorry it took me so long to answer this, I didn't even know where to start
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threeais · 7 months
AU MAZTERLIZT [zighz...]
thiz wil be in order of oldezt to newezt [THIZ WILL BE UPDATED IN THE FUTURE!!]
[Mozt of the namez/plotz are ztupid ok blame me in 2020/2021/2022/2023- itz juzt the namez but ZTILL.]
zome auz may NOT be here due to me either forgetting about their exiztance or not writing it in my ACTUAL au lizt.
feel free to zend an azk abour ANY of theze auz to know them!!
alzo i zhall be adding extra noted abt the auz... maybee
1. Betrayed au
2. Future au
3. AAIS au [Angie And Iroha's Swap]
4. TalentSwap au
5. NTPYW/Not The Participant You Wanted au
6. Disaster au [aka the au where my zdra2 oc came from!]
7. Yoruko and Emma swap au
8. idk au [thiz auz name iz litreally called idk im not joking here)
8. RealSwap au [uzed to be called irl zwap!]
10. Dearest "Mistake" au
11. Voided au
12. The Fuck? [2020 kiv waz bad at naming auz dont blame him]
13. Huh? [i wanna quit doing thiz already😔]
14. Gun au [ZIGHZ...]
15. Nikei Survives au [YAHHOO]
16. Necklace au [ZIGH oh well i ztarted thiz time to not complain]
17. Past Travel au
18.. No More [Voids] au
19. They Lived au
20. If You Seek Nikkei au
21. Betrayal au
22. Your Little Mistake au
23. Operation V.O.I.D au
24. Protagonist-Swap au
25. DanganLab au [the lab [oratory] au, but mikadoz a lab expirement too /j]
26. Turkish au
27. Yamatsuro Swap au
28. Uh bad?? au [ZIGHZ...]
29. OMORI X SDRA2 au
30. Your NextDoor Voids au
31. Biki's Realization au
32. Mr Kasai au
33. Void's Mistake au
34. What if, Taira? [Orginally uzed to be called "what if"]
35. Spy's in Disguse au
36. Innocence au/TWI au
37. Never Wanted au
38. Sora's Plan au
39. Utsuro's Curse au
40. what au [zobbjng rn]
41. Utopia au
42. Welcome To The Show au/ WTTS au
43. Be More Chill x SDRA2 au [wanna know the funny thing? my BMC hyperfixation ended after thiz au.]
44. GameSwap au
45. Our Lives au
46. Yuki's Future au
47. Ais Never Forget au
48. Loop au
49. Dream au
50. 16 Years au
51. Three and Thirteen au
52. Kindergarden au [lizten i needed at leazt ONE wholezome au back then]
53. Revived And Loved au
54. Beta au
54. Fake Foundation au
56. The Ghost Of Utsuroshima au
57. RoleSwap au
58. MindSwap au
59. Lab [Oratory] au/Lab au
60. Swapped Au
61. Fake Fantasy au
62. Survival au
63. Perfction au
64. Simulation au
64. Mistake au
66. Roleplay au
67. DreamCatcher au
68. One Wish au
69. Safe But Free au
70. SDA:RH [Super Dangan Another: Revived Hope] au
71. YTWUL [Your Turn With Utsuro's Luck] au
72. Old Friends au
73. Forever Utopia au
74. Your Safe Now au
75. VocalSwap au
76. False Hope au
77. Fatal Insanity au
78. Expirement au
79. Infinite Life au
80. Inverted au
81. Puppeteer au
82. DOF/Deal Of Fate au
[ 82.5 Beta!DOF au ]
83. Elemental Guardians au
84. ABINH [ A Body I Never Had ] au
85. ADUMC au/A Day Under My Control au
86. Angel's Luck au
87. Silent Murder au
88. Not My Voice au
89. Scarf Of Evil au
90. Choice au
91. Wiped au
92. YTTD X SDRA2 au
93. Protect Your Fate au
94. Memory Control au
95. Weird Party au [thiz au waz zuppozed to be a joke back then😔]
96. Actor Au
97. CandyMaker au
98. DeRealization au
99. Merchant's Despair au
100. Nikkei's Safety au
101. Apocolypse au
102. Dark Renaissance au
103. Trapped au
104. Isolate au
105. Voidination au
106. Akane's Roulette au
107. Closed Love au
108. Broken fate au
109. Safe Place au
110. LoveStruck au
111. DollMaker au
112. RedCult au
113. Guardian au
114. Survived Guilt au
115. Time Keeper au
116. Despaired Trust au
117. Royal Au
118. Despaired Disaster au
119. Survived Love au
120. Portrait Of The Future au
121. Shadow Trust au
122. Combo au
123. Holy Room au
124. Future Line au/Futuristic TimeLine au
125. Pixel Ghost au
126. Gone au
127. Broken and Controlled au
128. Secret Fortune au
129. Uninvitation au
130. Nightmare Hour au
131. Hacker au
132. High School au
133. Model au
134. Fears Of The Future au
135. Criminal au
136. Scene au
137. Faceless Mikado au [ itz an inside joke i guezz ?]
138. Minecraft au [ayo tehyre in the craft game]
139. Discord au [i dont wanna talk abt thiz one /neg]
140. Guilt au
141. Ais Mistake au
142. LC x SDRA2 au
143. Masked au
144. Vintaged au
145. Island Of Pleasure au [thiz iz not nzfw btw the "leazure" part iz zuppozed to be happinezz- wow i actually have alot of wholezome auz what]
146. Dark Town au
147. Ringleader au
148. Plush au
149. Regretted Luck au
150. VAFO [Voidless and Fearless Otonokoji] au
151. Dark Prom au
152. Fake News au
153. TFOF [TalentSwap Future Or Fate ] au
154. Safe Death au
155. Mikado's Utopia au
156. Shape Of Life au
157. Bought for Enjoyment au
158. TalentSwap: Scene Of Stars au
159. Kavra au
160. Test au
161. FolkLore au
162. Safe and Perfect au
163. TalentSwap: Money Or Luck au
164. Alcoholics Dream au
165. Fable au
166. SCP au
167. Hell Parade au
168. Fixtionate au
169. OtherWordly Investagations au
170. DoodleVerse au
171. WonderLand au
172. ColorSwap au
173. Flower Meaning au
174. Denial au
175. Personal au
176. Alter [ Ego ] au
177. WizardCorp au
178. Demon Rizings au
179. Object Show au [yup]
180. Disaster TimeLine au
181. UnDead au
182. God au
183. Controlled Deceit au
184. The Dark Manor au
185. Kingdom Of The Heart au
186. Forceful Love au
187. Truth au
188. Quiet Replacement au
189. Effortless au
189. Bloom au
190. Planted Trust au
191. SuperNatural au
192. Corrupt Future au
193. Sacred Reality au
194. Voidful Revenge au
195. Fault au
196. Tasty Despair au
197. Swim For Escape au
198. divorce lawyer tsurugi au [THIZ WAZ AN INZIDE JOKE]
199. TalentSwap: Revival Of The Cards au
200. Expiremented Fantasy au
201. Lived UnFortunate Luck au
202. Granted For Who/You au
203. Witchism au
204. Wheel Of Despair au
[Thiz au iz a joke but itz in the au lizt zo-] 205. Weed au
206. Mikako Medicine au
207. RoleSwap/TalentSwap: Broken Despair au
208. Project Voidifacation au
209. Au: Crossover Mania/Alternate Connection Multiverse [BAZICALLY juzt a au to make au crozzoverz ok]
210. Angelic Human au
211. Hunted Trusters au
212. FreakShow au
213. AC au
214. Town Of Divine Eternity [TODE] au
215. MemoryWipe Otonokoji-San au
216. RoboNikei Lives au
217. Phantom of The Hashimoto au
218. Goodbye Mikako, Hello Mikado au
219. Future's Deceit au
220. TalentSwap: Past's And Fortune's au
221. Sea Creatures au
222. Nameless [<-for now lol] au
222. Lost And Found au
223. Relaxation For Our Mind au
224. Royal au
225. Yargı au
226. Lobotomy Archives au
227. Talentswap: Souls For Undeemed Holyness / Talentswap: Saints Unseen
228. Talentswap: Guilt Or Love
229. Luckless Magic
230. Risk au
231. Talentswap: Blood On Our Hands
232. Solace au
233. Facade au
234. Ignominy au
235. Virtuoso au
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rabbitcruiser · 8 months
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Vancouver Seawall (No. 8)
The False Creek area was the industrial heartland of Vancouver through to the 1950s, and was home to many sawmills and small port operations. As industry shifted to other areas, the vicinity around False Creek started to deteriorate. In 1960, BC Forest Products plant and lumber storage facility on the south side of False Creek caught fire in Vancouver's first-ever five-alarm blaze. Every piece of firefighting equipment and all of Vancouver's firefighters fought the blaze for hours, but the facility was totally destroyed.
Walter Hardwick, a geography professor at UBC, first elected to City Council in 1968, led the City's redevelopment team and helped secure the participation of the Federal Government, which owned Granville Island. A major public involvement and co-design process followed which established public priorities for an accessible waterfront seawall; mixed-tenure housing including market condominiums, co-op and low-income housing and live-aboard marinas; and a vibrant waterfront market. These plans were formalized in a 1972 Official Development Plan. The form and mix of development were revolutionary for Vancouver at the time. A third of the site was set aside for 40 units/acre housing with the balance converted to park, waterfront and community uses.
The North Shore of False Creek (NFC) was further transformed in the 1980s, as it took centre stage during Expo 86. Following Expo, the Province sold the NFC site to Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing whose company Concord Pacific successfully marketed Vancouver in Asia, as a place for investment and migration. With the province enabling strata titles, a high-rise condominium boom soon followed, with Downtown Vancouver's population soaring from around 6,000 throughout the 1970s and 1980s to over 43,000 in 2006.
The 1991 Official Development Plan enabled significant new density commensurate with the provision of significant public amenities including street front shops and services, parks, school sites, community centres, daycares, co-op and low-income housing. Since then, most of the north shore has become a new neighbourhood of dense housing (about 100 units/acre), adding some 50 000 new residents to Vancouver's downtown peninsula.
On December 1, 1998, Vancouver City Council adopted a set of Blue ways policies and guidelines stating the vision of a waterfront city where land and water combine to meet the environmental, cultural and economic needs of the City and its people in a sustainable, equitable, high quality manner.
Southeast False Creek (SEFC) is the neighbourhood designated by Cambie, Main, West 2nd Avenue, and False Creek. The 2010 Olympic Village, for athlete housing and logistics of the Winter Olympics, is found in Southeast False Creek. As of 2021, the population exceeded 3,000.
Source: Wikipedia
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nevermeyers · 1 year
Hi! (ofc i have to ask you something because you're cool): 19, 20, 43, 51, 86 and 87. Have a great night and take care of yourself!
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I went to sleep 😭 Am I cool? oh you're making me blush <3 have a great day ❤️
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19. In general, is there any historical event you desperately want to witness?
Oh yes, there are some I would love to witness. Not only because it would be interesting, but also because people deserve peace.
The reunification of Korea. They have been apart for so many years that now the accent and culture are different, and I have read that it would also be complicated by the currency (North Korean currency is worth very little compared to South Korean). Many families were separated, but now I'm sure it's not something important anymore because many people of that generation are dead and they are gradually being forgotten. It would also be difficult because in North Korea there are many peasants and people without studies who would not be able to access the competitive and internationalized job market that reunification would entail. Still, with all these difficulties, it would be wonderful to see a reunification
The death of several leaders like Putin. That man has been in power since before I was born lmao, I don't know what will happen after his death or how the country will be. Russian people are very peculiar.
The recovery of Eastern European countries. This is simpler and more passive than the rest of the points. I would like to see how countries like Albania, which until very recently was closed to the outside world, are progressing economically.
Advances in human rights in Middle Eastern countries. Dreaming is free, right?
There are also things that I would like to witness, but they aren't very specific. I would like to know if Cuba and Venezuela will ever change, how certain criminal organizations will operate in the future, or which ones will cause more uproar than others...
What a time to be alive lmao
20. Do you think about your past or future more?
I have a bad habit of thinking too much about the past. In the bad things, especially :') I would like to change and think about the future but I can't know for sure what will happen
43. How do you express affection? How do you like to receive affection?
I'm not an affectionate person and I also don't know in what ways I express affection. I think I like to spend quality time and that's one of my love languages, or something like that.
I also don't know how I like to receive affection lmao I know I don't like pet names or hugs. I only like to talk with the people I love about things they/we love, about whatever, about the day to day, about what they think, I like having conversations.
51. What can make you dislike someone very quickly?
Anything 😭🤌🏻 I'm not an open person with anyone. I would rather choose to meet someone (for example, on the Internet) than to be introduced to someone. If I'm introduced to someone there's a 99% chance I'll dislike them. 100% of the time it's because of my own instinct, and also because I don't like having too many people in my life.
Also, I tend to get tired of people very quickly. No matter how long I know someone or how we get along, in the end I'll always choose to stay with my three old friends. During my time in high school, I only stayed with one person whom I met in elementary school because the rest were pitiful. Worst of all, people (my mother) don't get it.
People don't understand that high school friendships aren't chosen, they just happen almost out of obligation. I didn't like that shitty people. When I met them to do work, I always thought we didn't share any taste, that they were uneducated and that they didn't contribute anything to me. I'm not going to stay next to who isn't useful and who I don't even like.
I'll give an example.
I knew a girl in second grade who desperately clung to me because she had no friends. We ended up being the inseparable duo, we did work together, we met for a drink in cafeterias or to do our homework. In fourth grade she didn't get in my class and I think it was my best year lmao. We did the same bachiller so we ended up together again.
After high school I stopped talking to her and everyone else I met in high school (except the girl I met in elementary school who I mentioned earlier, who also went to class with me in high school). Why? Simple, she gave me absolutely nothing.
[Also, this person literally took over my birthdays to be the 'main character', left me alone in lunchtime to hang out with guys, and made fun of me on a couple occasions. She was a typical pick me girl]
For me cutting ties is very easy. In high school, moreover, I didn't talk about my tastes with anyone, even though they talked all the time. I didn't share hobbies with anyone. They were idiots, to tell the truth. I need mental stimulation to be with someone and have a friendly relationship.
That doesn't apply to my internet friends. After all, we have gotten closer precisely because we are similar and we share tastes and hobbies. I still have friendships with people I met through internet when I was 13
I'll attach a screenshot of a tiktok which I think expresses this quite well ✨
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I'd also like to add here that I hate it when you're getting to know someone and they suddenly blurt out something out of place. Something sexist, something like that. It happened to me with the homophobic guy I talked about in other posts.
I'll put here a message he sent while we were talking about drug-addicted people: I seriously think that this happens because people don't have an interesting life and they get bored
What the actual fuck was that.
I told him it had to do with personal issues and a lot of factors like things like self harm and he said something like "that's their problem"
The lack of empathy here??????? Damn.
So this kind of things make me dislike someone at ultra sonic speed.
86. What could you talk about for hours?
I could talk for hours on almost any subject. Of books, manga, psychology, politics, history. I could talk for hours about how Attack on Titan's narrative style is unique, how Tokyo Revengers is a sociological study of crime and people, I could talk for hours about the Holocaust, young adult books and a whole bunch of other things I like :')
87. What do you wish people would stop asking you?
Several things here.
What are your plans for the future? Karen, I don't even know what the fuck I'm eating today.
Why are you so quiet? Or, why are you so serious? It's my resting bitch face and I don't like you, shut up.
People stress me out
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kitchenisking · 2 years
July Fic Rec 😇
Yo Yo Yo! Sorry I'm late with this one🙈 but on the bright side it can brighten up our Monday! 😘
Losing Control by StaciNadia - (Rating: G, Words: 2932, sterek)
Derek wasn't expecting to lose control during the three consecutive supermoons and start courting Stiles.
Uh, Safeword? by whentheywrite - (Rating: T, Words: 1041, sterek)
“Jackson is my safeword!”
"... What?"
“Jackson is my safeword,” Stiles said, wincing internally. “Nothing turns the sexytimes off like mentioning him in bed.”
Boyd gave him an incredulous look. Stiles just grinned over at where Derek stood.
“Isn’t that right, Der-bear?”
Chocolate & Pomegranates byDexterous_Sinistrous - (Rating: T, Words: 9695, sterek)
Derek has been an Omega for what feels like centuries. He is constantly hounded by Alphas and Betas who can't control their hormones. He's thankful for Laura defending his honor, but there is one person he's always dreamed of giving himself to.
Too bad Derek is certain Stiles doesn't know he exists.
Prompt: "Hey can you write a fic where Derek is like this little super adorable omega that every body is competing for but he only wants Alpha Stiles, even though stiles couldn't care less about him until one day Stiles realizes they're mates and tries to woo Derek into forgiving him! I know that's probably a terrible prompt but soothing along those line??? Also it'd be super amazing if the Hale family was alive and they all tried to like shelter Derek???"
Hale Construction by Mynuet - (Rating: G, Words: 8342, sterek)
Derek gets a business and a home. Stiles gets his own Batman. The sheriff gets hash browns. The Stilinski household is expanded without anyone quite talking about it.
They Don't Know How Long It Takes (Waiting For a Love Like This) by crossroadswrite - (Rating: T, Words: 6986, sterek)
Everyone knows that soulmates have a 86% rate of successful marriages, but everyone also knows that for you to find your soulmate you'll need an incredible amount of luck and to go through the hardest, most marking moment of your life for the bond to kick in and call them to you.
If you're a werewolf, then you won't need to wait that long. Some people will say you just know, others will call bullshit.
Derek is four when he meets his soulmate and he doesn't know because no one will tell him. Not until he's older. And it'll be a bit of an unprecedent case given that he met his soulmate even before he was born.
Here's to You, Kiddo by loserchildhotpants - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 6776, sterek)
My beautiful Silvana sent me this prompt on tumblr; "A high school Sterek au with basketball star Derek and artist Stiles! And if you can incorporate Stiles having a tattoo related to his mom that'd be great but if not I love you anyways!!"
I'd catch a grenade for you (you'd do the same)by akitron - (Rating: T, Words: 4845, sterek)
Stiles takes a silver bullet aimed at Derek. It’s all very strangely light hearted after that.
More Than What You're Feeling Now bylissa_bear - (Rating: Mature, Words: 3865, sterek)
That’s why he should probably be less surprised when Derek starts showing up places. Stiles may be fooling everyone else--and that’s another awful thing in a long list of awful things that are making his life easier, that everyone else is too consumed with their own grief and guilt to notice his--but he can’t fool Derek.
A Story To Tell The Grandcubs byagoldenblackbird (mass_hipgnosis) - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3625, sterek)
Stiles asks the stranger standing next to him at the bar for help avoiding his creepy ex boyfriend. Written for a prompt at teenwolfkink.
Sparkle Motion Speaking by coffeeinallcaps - (Rating: Mature, Words: 6818, sterek)
"Stiles. For the last time, we’re in witness protection, not part of some FBI undercover operation. There’s no code names involved. Capiche?" In which Derek and Stiles pretend to be married for the sake of everyone’s wolvelihood.
(“We – you and I – are going on an official date this Friday.” “We went on an official date last weekend.” “We went grocery shopping, Derek,” Stiles says. “We went grocery shopping and you managed to hold my hand for an incredibly unimpressive total of two seconds before freaking out and spending the rest of the trip bitchfacing at everyone. If I remember correctly you actually made the checkout girl cry.” “Did not,” Derek says, scowling.)
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silvercrane14 · 1 year
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[Image ID: A screenshot of the 86: Operation High School manga. It depicts Haruto Keats and Theoto Rikka in a chibi style. Haru stands on the left, smiling with his eyes closed. A box with an arrow points to him, reading "Didn't put his shirt on" in all caps. Theo stands on the right, staring at Haru's hoodie. Theo wears a buttoned up school gakuran, while Haru wears his gakuran unbuttoned, with a hoodie underneath. /End ID]
If you even care
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choujinx · 14 days
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86: EIGHTY SIX - OPERATION HIGH SCHOOL (2020-2021) by somemiya suzume
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snail-eggs · 1 year
Boss Intro: Xixi
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forgive me if this seems like I don't know what I'm doing. Its because I indeed do not.
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Xiomara "Xixi" Rosario
dob: 01/18/86
Personality: It is very hard to describe Xixi's personality in such a brief way. Growing up, she was labelled as difficult by adults around her due to her violent outbursts but she was also insanely academically intelligent. This created confusion with her and she still does not know how to live with both sides of herself and finds herself thinking that she still has to choose. In adulthood, she seems to be relatively well-adjusted though it is a front for her incredible impulsivity and self-destructive tendencies. Xixi finds herself often not caring about what happens to her until she's hit rock bottom for a situation. In more casual situations though, she can be very charismatic and even border on flirtatious. Xixi doesn't care much about strangers' opinions though she values the approval of those she holds close.
Life Before Saints:
Xixi was born and raised in Stilwater - though not raised in a particularly happy home. She grew up with a lot of resentment in her home life, particularly from her mother; a washed-up Cuban actress whose dreams and promise of stardom in the States was crushed by her pregnancy with Xixi. Her mother was never outwardly abusive or neglectful but Xixi could never shake the feeling that her mother did not love her.
Her relationship with her father was a little better but not by much. He spent most of her childhood concerned with his store which he operated with Xixi's godfather and had inherited from his father. Her father was never bad to her, just absent.
Xixi's grandmother is probably the only relationships he had with an adult in which she can say that she was properly parented. She spent a lot of time at her grandma's house - sometimes more than she spent at her own. She also became very close with her cousins, so close that she began imagining that her aunt and uncle were her parents when she'd spend afternoons there.
When Xixi was 10-years-old, her mother gave birth to her sister Vanessa.
At school and in her every day life, she is often regarded as a problem. Her impulsivity and violent outbursts make her a target for teachers despite her intelligence and Xixi doesn't quite know how to deal with it. All she gets is punishment and is never taught how to cope with the way she feels.
Adolescence/Cousin's death:
When Xixi is 13, her cousin Louis is shot by rogue Vice Kings and bleeds out in front of her. On the same day, her eldest cousin Frank (who unbeknownst to her is a Saint) puts her into his truck and forces her to tell him who killed Louis. This severs the close brother-sister relationship she had with Frank for several years.
In high school, Xixi fairs a bit better. Though not fully in control of her impulses she has begun to learn to pick her fights and pick them wisely.
During this time she has two close friends: Charlie Anderson and Helena Davis. She begins a strange homoerotic-leaning friendship with Helena and things do get physical a couple times, though Xixi does not understand it and does not like that she does not understand it. She has not yet come to terms with the fact that she is bisexual - she doesn't even really know that its a thing yet.
Because of her confusion with her feelings and unwillingness to confront them, Helena and Xixi have a massive falling out. This leaves Charlie as her only friend.
The summer after her high school graduation, Charlie and Xixi decide to take a road trip with no destination in mind. This road trip forces them to confront many things about themselves and Charlie decides to confront his romantic feelings towards Xixi. She doesn't really reciprocate the feelings at first but as the trip gets more and more out of control, she begins to believe that she does.
The trip ends with them getting married at a courthouse in the middle of nowhere and Xixi remarking how she wishes they could have made it to Vegas. The marriage between the two doesn't last very long though and well into October, Xixi asks him for an annulment. This puts a rift in their relationship but things aren't soured forever.
A month after the annulment, in November, Xixi drops out of her freshman year at Stilwater University.
Summer '06:
During the summer of 2006, Xixi is at a very unsteady period in her life. She is working part-time at her father's store and selling shoes out of Charlie's trunk with him when she can. She is also living with her grandmother, barely pulling her weight in bills.
It all changes though, on one warm night in June, when she meets Johnny Gat on a rooftop during a block party. A night where her cousin Demetrius is shot by Vice Kings and she is one of the first on the scene.
This is the inciting incident that leads her on the path to joining the Saints.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Teach For America (TFA), the staffing organization that selectively recruits recent college graduates and midcareer professionals to teach in high-need schools for a two-year commitment period, has shrunk by nearly two thirds from its peak just 10 years ago. TFA has long attracted its share of criticism for its operational model, with allegations that it reinforces disadvantaged students’ low access to qualified teachers and accelerates staff turnover in settings that need stability. On the other hand, the organization has also been praised for bringing individuals from elite backgrounds into the classroom, filling critical vacancies, and even initiating a new cadre of leaders in the nation’s education system.
In light of the pandemic and warnings of crises among the teacher workforce, how should we view TFA’s shrinking footprint? In this post, we update the evidence on TFA’s impact in public schools and situate the organization in the context of broader trends in the teacher workforce. We also include discussion of our own study of TFA in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. We argue that TFA has clearly had a positive impact on students and worry that its diminished stature creates space for less-rigorous and less-tested alternative certification programs to expand, possibly undermining teacher quality.
Reviewing TFA’s record
TFA’s history spans more than 30 years, famously born out of founder Wendy Kopp’s senior thesis at Princeton. From its founding cohort of nearly 500 corps members in 1990 to its peak at nearly 6,000 in 2013, the organization had only experienced meteoric growth. Since then, TFA’s retreat is hard to overlook.
These declines are happening despite the plethora of evidence documenting TFA’s efficacy. Multiple random assignment evaluations have been done on the program, showing TFA corps members are at least as good as—and in math, often better than—peer teachers in the same high-need schools. Several other studies have used rigorous empirical methods on administrative data across many different settings (and subjects). They all tell a similar story.
Our own study in Miami showed similar TFA performance advantages against peer teachers in the same schools in math and in English Language Arts, the latter of which is atypical in the TFA literature. TFA corps members also showed a modest improvement in other outcomes beyond test scores, such as students of TFA teachers being less likely to miss school from absences and suspensions. These improvements persisted one year after exposure to TFA, showing students may benefit in a variety of ways.
Principals in schools employing TFA corps members consistently report satisfaction at 80% or higher in recent waves of national surveys, including during the pandemic. Also, one survey found that 86% of these principals would hire another TFA corps member if they had a vacancy at their school. This squares with findings from our interviews of school administrators in Miami, where all expressed satisfaction and most would consider hiring TFA corps members again.
Some scholars have tried to open the black box of TFA’s operations to better understand what might be driving their performance advantage and concluded that it is primarily a story about the selection process. One examination found TFA’s highly selective screening process did a good job of selecting candidates prepared for both teaching in challenging settings and future leadership. Another found that much of the TFA advantage in math can be explained by measures such as college selectivity and teacher licensure scores. Another recent study found that a revamp of TFA’s selection process in 2005 created a stronger performance advantage among later cohorts.
Retention is still TFA’s Achilles Heel
The primary drawback to TFA is the limited two-year commitment. National estimates indicate just over half of TFA corps members leave their placement school once it’s fulfilled and about 15% remain in place at the five-year mark.
This low retention brings two disadvantages. First, teachers improve rapidly in the initial years of their careers, and the two-year commitment means that being in a TFA classroom is strongly associated with being exposed to a novice teacher. However, several different studies have found that the TFA advantage is large enough to offset the lack of experience, including ours in Miami, where post-commitment retention rates among corps members (around 25%) was significantly lower than national rates. Additionally, our analysis showed that corps members who stay beyond the two-year commitment were especially effective in their first two years.
Second, high turnover rates burden school administrators and students. Turnover imposes costs on schools both in the form of searching for replacements and in disrupted instruction, exacerbating inequalities. TFA’s retention rates are also lower than other teachers in high-poverty settings, though turnover in these settings is high even without TFA. New teachers also require support from school leaders and peer teachers, though TFA’s local offices provide considerable induction support to mitigate the burden on school personnel. Indeed, in our interviews, administrators did frequently cite low retention as the primary drawback of hiring TFA. However, this did not prevent these same administrators from reporting satisfaction with their overall TFA experience. Further, not all corps members leave after two years, with those who are older when they start being more likely to stay in schools long term, often eventually moving into school leadership roles.
Caution warranted for programs filling TFA’s void
Many principals have struggled to hire teachers in recent years, as schools have gone into overdrive to counter pandemic learning losses. Those in low-income schools have disproportionately experienced the most trouble filling vacancies–and especially in the STEM subjects in which TFA teachers appear to excel. The circumstances might be expected to represent a growth opportunity for TFA, but instead it is shrinking.
Why is that? Recent reporting on TFA points to recruiting challenges being the primary drag, with fewer candidates willing to undergo the selection process for a position in a relatively low-paying occupation in a high-need setting. Reports of stress and burnout during the pandemic have likely stymied interest, too. The article also notes TFA’s recruiting struggles are not unique, as other teacher residency and university-based alternative teacher preparation programs have faced similar drops in interest during recent years. Traditional university-based training programs have seen enrollment declines for more than a decade.
Who is filling the gap in teacher preparation if TFA and other legacy preparation programs are faltering? Often, a principal’s alternative to hiring from TFA is not a fully credentialed, traditionally trained teacher but rather one from a different (and much less selective) alternative route. Indeed, other alternative certification programs, especially for-profit programs, have been scaling to meet schools’ staffing demands, even as TFA has been shrinking (see figure 1). This is an important development, foreshadowing what may become a permanent shift in the workforce’s composition.
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In contrast to TFA, however, many of these other programs are only minimally selective in their recruitment, and there is little evidence on how effective graduates are once they reach the classroom. For example, the rapidly expanding Teachers of Tomorrow program is the country’s largest for-profit alternative certification provider. Its growth accounts for most of the surge observed in Figure 1, and it has continued to expand in recent years (though the Title II data in Figure 1 do not extend beyond 2018 to provide exact figures). It is completely online and has received criticism for low program completion rates and academic rigor. We know of no evidence on how graduates of this program fare once they reach the classroom.
The experience of for-profit college students offers a cautionary, if imperfect, parallel to the rise of for-profit alternative certification. Leading up to and during the pandemic, for-profit college enrollments similarly surged even while more traditional institutions faced enrollment declines. These increases came despite the lower documented student outcomes for the sector, including lower graduation rates, lower employment outcomes, and higher student debt.
A warning sign that should prompt a policy response
Is the news of TFA’s diminished stature something that should be celebrated or dreaded? Many critics have long wished for TFA’s downfall, in favor of increasing professionalism among the teacher workforce. Though we, too, wish for a different teacher policy environment that would increase professional and financial rewards for those who lead our nation’s classrooms, we worry that TFA’s retreat may signal a turn for the worse as untested providers rush in.
Public perceptions of and young people’s interest in the teaching profession are near or at historic lows (spanning five decades). We suspect these new developments among alternative certification providers will only further these trends. Despite its drawbacks, TFA is an alternative certification model with an impressive record that we should be learning from, not shunning.
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IceCube neutrinos provide new view of active galaxy An international team of scientists, including researchers at the University of Adelaide, have gathered new evidence about the energetic core of an active galaxy millions of lights years away by detecting neutrino particles emitted by it. The scientists have found that NGC 1068, also known as Messier 77, in the constellation of Cetus, is a high-energy neutrino emitter. They have observed the particles using the IceCube Neutrino Observatory in Antarctica. “We are peering inside active regions of the NGC 1068 galaxy 47 million light years away,” says Associate Professor Gary Hill, from the University of Adelaide’s Department of Physics, School of Physical Sciences and member of the international IceCube Collaboration. “As we observe neutrinos emitted by it we will be able to learn more about the extreme particle acceleration and production processes occurring inside the galaxy, which hasn’t been possible up to now as other high energy emissions can’t escape from it.” Neutrinos are subatomic particles that normally pass, by the trillion, through our bodies and every part of the Earth every second, but they rarely interact with matter – a fact that makes them difficult to detect. The observations were made by the IceCube Neutrino Observatory at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, which was completed in late 2010. NGC 1068 is visible with large binoculars and has been the subject of many astronomical observations. In 2018, IceCube found the first ever source of neutrinos emitted by TXS 0506+056, a very distant blazar, from which super-massive black hole-powered particle jets, pointing straight at Earth, emit neutrinos. This led to the joint observations over a short time period of neutrinos and gamma-rays. The NGC 1068 galaxy is about 100 times closer and around 80 neutrino events have so far been identified from the active galaxy. In contrast to the TXS 0506+056 blazar, NGC 1068 is oriented relative to Earth in such a way that a direct view of the central emitting region is obscured by dust. Gamma-rays are absorbed but the neutrinos can escape uninhibited from these regions. “After the excitement in 2018 of the discovery of neutrinos from TXS 0506+056, it’s even more thrilling to find a source producing a steady stream of neutrinos that we can see with IceCube,” says Associate Professor Hill. “The fact that neutrinos can escape from within these otherwise-obscured regions of the universe means they are also hard to detect. This requires large detectors like IceCube, which is the current leader in the field with an instrumented volume of a cubic kilometre of deep South Pole ice.” Many neutrinos pass clear through the Earth, but some interact in the ice near the detector and create muons, which emit flashes of light that are picked up by IceCube’s more than 5000 basketball-sized optical sensors spread over 86 strings, deployed into holes drilled to nearly 2500 metres depth and now permanently frozen into the deep ice. The patterns of light are used to infer the arrival directions and energies of the particles. “One of the best aspects of my research journey so far has been the time I have spent at the South Pole over many summer seasons working on the installation teams deploying the detector strings into the ice” says Associate Professor Hill. “The enormous size of IceCube required many years of effort from hundreds of people around the world to complete construction and understand the response to high energy particles. In a few years we’ll be back to the South Pole to put more instruments into the ice, as part of an effort to further improve the detector.” A future expansion of the detector, dubbed IceCube-Gen2, would be able to detect many more neutrinos, resolve more of these sources and make observations at even higher energies. The IceCube Neutrino Observatory is operated by the IceCube Collaboration, consisting of over 350 scientists at 58 institutions around the world: https://icecube.wisc.edu/collaboration/institutions Major funding comes from the US National Science Foundation, and from funding agencies in all other participating countries. The University of Adelaide IceCube research is supported by the Australian Research Council. The team’s results are published in the journal Science. TOP IMAGE....When a neutrino interacts with molecules in the clear Antarctic ice, it produces secondary particles that leave a trace of blue light as they travel through the IceCube detector. CREDIT Image: Nicolle R. Fuller, IceCube/NSF LOWER IMAGE....IceCube detector schematic showing the layout of the strings across the ice cap at the South Pole, and the active detection array of light sensors filling a cubic kilometre volume of deep ice
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ysbnews · 2 years
Nuclear Power Plant Staff in Ukraine Preparing For Incident ‘Worse Then Chernobyl
🎬  BBC News  |  8/17/2022  |  ⏱️ 5’06”span / 320K views  
Staff at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP) in Ukraine are holding drills in case of an incident some feel could be worse than Chernobyl. 
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The ZNPP site in southeastern Ukraine is home to Europe's biggest nuclear plant and has been occupied by Russian forces since early March. The site has been the target of shelling in recent weeks with both Ukrainian and Russian forces denying their involvement in the attacks. 
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Comment By Thomas Parkin:  One of the disturbing things is that the men at the station may not even understand the danger of being there, from reports of their occupation of the Chernobyl site the regular soldiers had no idea of Chernobyl or what happened there.  Unsurprising if the Russians feeding poor and uneducated rural conscripts into this horrible war are true. 
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Comment By About What:   @Limedick Andrew « Ask 10 Americans or Europeans on the street about Chernobyl and at least half will remember the basics (Soviet nuclear disaster) from hearing about it and at least one will be able to tell you a fair bit more about it (uneducated operators caused it, the forced evacuations, worldwide radiation and health concerns, the Sarcophagus, etc). Being able to point it out on a map is an entirely different issue. I went to a public high school and had several Science classes that discussed Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, and several early testing mishaps like the so-called Demon Core.
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Owool:  While a Nuclear Reactor is actually one of the safest places on Earth, the MOMENT the highly trained staff and nuclear physicists onsite start to prepare, not plan, but prepare for something worse than the Chernobyl Accident is a cause for concern.  I dont think I am being overdramatic for this concern. 
Lalo:  When I see what's happening worldwide my heart and soul feels so heavy I don't have the words to describe the feeling. If you have loved ones, hold them tight. 
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Melissa Gallinetti:  My father in law is a retired Nuclear engineer and he said that his biggest immediate fear is that they cut what is left of the power lines and the reactor chokes because it can't release energy. 
Atlantic Ocean:  This is truly terrifying if someone is stupid enough to attack or damage the reactor.
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Niels kjær:  It's 10 times the size of Chernobyl.  Could be dangerous!  I was working outdoors on an Island between Poland and Sweden, when Chernobyl blew up in '86.  It was Sweden ringing the alarm bells.  No word from the USSR.
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Mike Horn:  This absolutely baffles me 🤦🏻‍♂️. We are in the 21st century and should be working as a species, looking to the stars for opportunities. Instead, we squabble over long lost corners of old empires and risk the lives of over 1/2 the global population to fallout.  Seeing as we are already past seeing sense though...  I don’t care who’s shelling who. Any and all parties bringing nuclear threat (ballistic or otherwise) have no place in the future of our species. 
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Mike Horn:  I believe an independent European task force needs to remove both Russian and Ukrainian forces from the vicinity regardless of what either side says.  “You might be scared of what the bully’s might do to you, but does that mean you let them continue?”.....if nuclear threat is on the table, then there is nothing more to loose. Remove them in fear of retaliation, or let them continue in fear of the consequence.
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Watch BBC News on YouTube  ▶️  https://youtu.be/6xjyte7DBgU 
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