#9 9s gay
eternagender · 1 year
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9/9s pronoun flags!
in order they are:
lesbian - gay - bi
ace - aro - trans
nb - agender - genderfluid
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absolutebl · 15 days
Hello, do you mind if I ask your top 24 fav BL media (tv series, manga, manhwa, books, etc)? Thanks.....
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Although I consume a lot of yaoi and gay romances I would say my top BLs still beat all those out. It's my favorite way to consumes this kind of content, and why I have this blog.
Right now I only have 9 10/10 rated BLs. So I just picked a few 9s I'm feeling the jive of right now (to augment and get to 24).
My Top 24 BLs Right NOW
(top 9 = my absolute favorites, otherwise in no particular order)
Seven Days
I Cannot Reach You
Color Rush
Light On Me
To My Star
Semantic Error
Our Dating Sim
We Best Love 1 & 2
Until We Meet Again
My Beautiful Man
Old Fashion Cupcake
Takara & Amagi
A First Love Story (short)
Cherry Blossoms After Winter
Jun and Jun
The Eighth Sense
Unintentional Love Story
Love For Love's Sake
HIStory 2: Crossing the Line
Be Loved In House: I Do
A Tale of Thousand Stars
I Feel You Linger in the Air
My School President
The Sign
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zomeszone · 2 years
Elle walked into the classroom where she felt as if she had spent all her free time working on an art piece that‌ ‌contributed‌ ‌to‌ ‌her‌ ‌final‌ ‌GCSE‌ ‌grade. ‌ Taking a break from her work during lunch again, she sat back in her chair. Her piece was nowhere near completion, but her motivation had gone and she was mentally exhausted. 
She looked round to the year 9, sat in the corner, eating his lunch, hoping to try and talk to him. It was a regular occurrence for the year 9 to sit in the corner of the classroom at lunch. Elle knew he was being bullied, she hoped to talk to him- at least get his name so he’d feel less alone at lunch.
It was common for 6th formers to fight the year 10s, the students who picked on him, trying to protect the 13-year-old. There were weekly fights that the whole school witnessed, happening during break and occasionally during lunch.
Elle‌ ‌knew why he was being bullied- he was gay, which caused some of the popular kids, mainly Harry Greene, to show their darker side. Even though she barely knew the year 9, Elle felt somewhat protective over him. Was it because she knew him better or was she a couple of inches taller?
It was a usual lunchtime, walking into the art classroom, working on the same piece but something felt off. Elle was getting the materials needed for her artwork when she saw the year 9 upset, and close to tears. She placed everything she had in her hands down and approached the younger student. “Hey, are you ok?” she asked him.
He responded “I’m fine” but Elle could see the very opposite in his face. She sat down next to him, keeping a slight distance, “What’s wrong” she asked him. Tears then started forming in his eyes as he braced himself on Elle's shoulder.
After crying on her shoulder, the younger student apologised, saying while simultaneously sobbing "I'm sorry for crying on your shoulder, it must've been so embarrassing for you" She responded saying, "It's alright, I'm Elle" "Charlie" he replied. 
"What happened?" She asked. Charlie explained what had happened during the previous lesson which was PE while simultaneously crying. "Had PE at the same time as the bullies and their friends" he sniffed "all but one of them called me the f-slur but he seemed relatively embarrassed by them". She responded, quite concerned "Have you told anyone"
"No, but my friends saw it all happen, one of them was trying to tell the teacher about it. Both teachers didn’t see it happen.” Charlie said while sniffling.
“Do you want me to tell anyone” she answered reassuringly. 
“No, the teachers probably wouldn’t care and I’ll just waste their time; I’m probably wasting yours,” Charlie said, choking back tears.
“Look, Charlie, you’re not wasting mine, I want to be there for you- they’ve picked on me as well because” She took a deep breath “I’m trans”
After that, things got a lot better for both Elle and Charlie. Charlie decided to introduce her to his friends Tao and Aled.
Borderline Outcasts
(Tao, Aled, Charlie)
Tao: I got a major role in the school play
Aled: Well Done
Charlie: Well Done, fam
Tao: Thx
Charlie: I kind of want you to meet someone at school, you don’t have to meet her if you don’t want to but I think she’ll fit in with us
Tao: Who??? Is it anyone associated with the bullies
Charlie: No, her name’s Elle, she’s an art student
Aled: Win-Win situation, Tao you wanna do art GCSE right?
Tao: Yea
Charlie: I’ll invite her to have lunch with us when I next see her
Tao: OK
Aled: Cool
Year 9s were on break, having just finished maths and heading out on the field to chill for 30 mins before Science with Mr Hutchins -- the man who reeked of coffee and cat food, nearly making students throw up during their first encounter with him. Tao, Aled and Charlie sat on the field, talking amongst themselves when Harry Greene got down to their level, saying “Alright, mate”, loud enough for his friend group and many onlookers to hear. The trio were far from stupid; they knew exactly what was going to happen. 
“Oh look, the fag is hanging out with his friends, one could potentially be his boyfriend!” Harry yelled then along with his 4 closest friends started yelling homophobic abuse at them. The same person who seemed disappointed in them during the PE incident looked more horrified than ever before. He gave the trio an expression of wanting to help them but with uncertainty.
The bell rang, signalling the end of break time, and Tao, Aled and Charlie prepared to help each other in science to dodge their teacher's stench without compromising their grades. On their way there, they ran into Elle and invited her for lunch at the picnic tables. Accepting, she explained that she would need a break from the art room for at least one lunchtime.
The four friends were eating lunch together at a picnic table while chatting. The group talked like they had been friends for years, despite having just met Elle minutes before. Additionally, Elle joined their group chat and planned a movie night at Taos for the weekend. 
When some rugby players walked past their table to play rugby, Harry chose to annoy the group of 4, specifically Elle and Charlie. "You guys are so gross for hanging out together!", laughing.
Elle responded in full defence “Fuck off Harry!”. 
"Well, we know one thing, queers stick together," he mocked. There is no denying that gays tend to stick together. Harry made a good point about that without realising it.
The movie night was great; they watched a film neither of them had seen- Call Me by Your Name, which was adapted from a book Charlie had read. It was loved by all and later Tao wrote a review of it on his blog. On that evening, Elle officially joined the Borderline Outcasts and felt like a part of a family with some of the best of friends that she could’ve ever asked for.
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Name: Mr. Darl Clarke Color: Tan #E6dbac Symbol: diamond Strife Specibus: flashlightkind Handle: thankfulGallicide Animal: koala Pronouns: 9/9/9s/9s/9self and she/sheer/sheers/sheers/sheerself and she/her and it/its and he/him Age: 16 Birthday: 21th day of the year Sexuality: gay Interests: watching documentaries and fly tying Dream Moon: derse Classpect: Prince of Breath Land: Land of Signs and Monsoon, an ill place, with clean Box Turtle consorts. It is a place full of twisting mazes and canals. Themis seeks rest. Instrument: kit
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drmaqazi · 9 months
JUST A FRIENDLY REMINDER! Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala says in the Holy Qur’an:, قُلِ ٱللَّهُمَّ مَٰلِكَ ٱلۡمُلۡكِ تُؤۡتِي ٱلۡمُلۡكَ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتَنزِعُ ٱلۡمُلۡكَ مِمَّن تَشَآءُ وَتُعِزُّ مَن تَشَآءُ وَتُذِلُّ مَن تَشَآءُۖ بِيَدِكَ ٱلۡخَيۡرُۖ إِنَّكَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَيۡءٖ قَدِيرٞ Qulillaahumma Maalikal Mulki tu’til mulka man tashaaa’u wa tanzi’ul mulka mimman tashhaaa’u wa tu’izzu man tashaaa’u wa tuzillu man tashaaa’u biYadikal khairu innaka ‘alaa kulli shai’in Qadeer, SURAH AL-IMRAN 3, AYAT 26 ENGLISH TRANSLATION Here you can read translations of Verse 26, read it again and again: Say, “O Allah, Owner of Sovereignty, You give sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty away from whom You will. You honor whom You will and You humble whom You will. In Your hand is [all] good. Indeed, You are over all things competent. Hamm Daikhain Ge, Laazim Hay Keh Hamm Bhee Daikhain Ge, written by Late FaizAhmad Faiz and sung beautifully by Iqbal Bano and other Indo-Pak singers In shaa Allah ہر فرعونے را موسی Harr Fir’aun-e-raa Musa وہ صبح ضرور آئے گی Woh subha zaroor aayay gee, لازم ہے کہ ہم بھی دیکھیں گے Laazim hai keh hamm bhee daikhain gay ، ان شاء اللہ WATCH THIS SONG OF YOUR CHOICE FROM THE FOLLOWING LINKS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unOqa2tnzSM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMKMOFr7eR0&spfreload=10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlJrY_gDgiY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYwNNKV5NpU https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x12nh9h https://www.youtube.com/watch?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IYbSVlCS0-g&t=9s Lastly, yet importantly, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala.has told the TRUTH, the whole TRUTH, and nothing but the TRUTH, as this is a Book (Holy Qur’an) in which there is no doubt, whatsoever. So I beg you God Almighty to please help the needy, the poor, and the simple people of Pakistan with a new leader, H. E. IMRAN KHAN, who was declared Al-SADIQ and Al-AMIN by the people of Pakistan and loved by the majority of them, as the Future Prime Minister of Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Ameen, Thumma Ameen. With your active help and support in absentia, he will be able to get them out of this MESS created by CORRUPT POLITICIANS, In shaa Allah, since Independence of Pakistan in August 1947, when I was Nine (9) years old and recited the famous SLOGAN of Imran Khan in Karachi and Lahore during 1947-1948, “Pakistan Kaa Matlab Kiyaa, LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAH” meaning What does Pakistan mean, Laa Ilaaha IllAllah.”
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Edgy dudes (and yes it is ALWAYS dudes) who don’t understand 8 beyond the stereotype are like “Omg this character showed compassion and idealism about forgiveness and love, must be 9 over 8 fix!”
Well… I’ve known 8s. Definite 8s who’ve been in jail and killed people. No matter how bad and hypocritical they are, 8s always have this idealism of 2-ish compassion and heavenly love. the same way 9s always have this idealism of 3s and tend to be extremely impressed and proud when they see 3-ish virtues.
8s are angry with the world because they feel the world was too mean to allow them to become 2s, their true wonder child. so you are not going to find an 8 who thinks unconditional love and forgiveness are values for gay hippies. if they're heavily disintegrated they'll be vengeful towards specific people, but once they feel the rage has been released they will be back to being idealistic hippie 2s who want to love and forgive everyone unconditionally uwu. You will find 8s who are irrationally hateful to the point of being murderous, towards people that tell them what to do, including gay hippies who may share their values. If you tell an 8 what to do, they don’t give a fuck whether or not you share their values. They care that you’re telling them what to do; this in their eyes makes you as a threat who does not respect their right to individualism or other people’s, therefore anything you tell them to do even if it is sensible should be treated with conspiracy and rejected.
But as for the 8’s values: 8s are always looking for someone or something to dump all of their 2-ish love and compassion onto, it is their ideal to be this. 8s must learn that there is more to pride than being in lust with someone who validates us whilst we kill others and tear the world apart. We can ascend beyond just finding someone to use as motivation for murdering and torturing others “protect”. We can spread our love and pride to the world and deal with all those annoying superego people instead of being selfish and seeing ourselves as victims of them. That’s the only way to set our souls free
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twonines · 2 years
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alert : temperature in unit 2B and unit 9S's cores rising
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that-soccer-guru · 4 years
you were being gay as fuck last weekend??? uhhh what does that entail?
Hmm see I know you expect it to be like...... Not PG stuff. But the level of wholesome gay I was at last weekend cannot be overstated. Truly, the most wholesome of all wholesome. With a sprinkling of PG-13 in it I'm ngl but it was mostly the gayest date with the cutest girl.
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tvandenneagram · 4 years
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The Mortal Instruments Enneagram Types - Type Descriptions and Tri-types under the cut
Clary Fray: 4w5 - 6w5 - 1w2
Clary is brave, creative and stubborn. She will always try to do what she believes is right and will follow her heart when she makes decisions.
Clary is very artistic and has a talent for creating runes. She expresses herself through her art and and carries her sketchbook with her everywhere she goes, using it like a diary.
Clary will fight for what she believes in and will often put herself in danger if it means protecting those she cares about. She is stubborn and it is difficult to change her mind once she has made a decision
Clary is very romantic and is preoccupied with her relationship with Jace. She has extremely strong feelings for Jace and somewhat idealises their relationship. Type 4s are often very attached to their romantic partners and search for an ideal partner, which I think is what we see Clary doing with Jace.
I considered typing Clary as a 6 because she is very loyal, however I think that she is more preoccupied with finding out who she is in the world than her safety. I also think she does not make her decisions based on fear and that she doesn’t really plan out her actions very much. While this could indicate that she is counterphobic I think it is more likely that she is a type 4.
Clary has a wing 5 because she is more introverted and withdrawn than a wing 3 would be.
Jace Herondale/Wayland/Morgenstern/Lightwood/whatever name he has this week: - 6w7 (cp) - 8w7 - 3w4
Jace is independent, headstrong and sarcastic. He presents himself as haughty and arrogant, but uses this attitude as a defense mechanism for his insecurites.
Despite Jace’s flippant attitude he has a strong moral core and is very dutiful. He is a very skilled fighter and takes his training seriously. Underneath his pompus exterior, Jace is hiding distinct feelings of inferiority. He is extremely self-loathing in the original trilogy and often purports things to be his fault when they are not. Jace believes that he has been fed demon blood and attributes his conflicts with this. He hates the feelings he has for Clary and blames it on being part demon. Even when all this is disproven, Jace still carries his mistakes like a burden and believes that he is defective. Some type 6s (especially counterphobic 6s, like Jace) feel like the world is ‘against’ them and I think this attitude comes across from Jace, especially earlier in the series.
Jace has very complicated feelings towards Valentine. While Valentine was abusive and is known to be evil, he is also the man who raised Jace. Jace holds onto his positive memories of Valentine, despite all the lies and abuse he suffered upon him. 6s often have complex relationships with their parental figures and they seek their support. 
Jace will fight for his issues head on and often runs straight into battle to protect the people he cares about. I think Jace is the counterphobic variant of 6, as he is more likely to show his aggression and put themselves in dangerous situations. Counterphobic 6s are also often rebellious and defiant to authority (because they don’t trust it), which is something we see in Jace. 
I considered typing Jace as an 8 because he is very assertive and values strength. However I believe that Jace is assertive and acerbic because he doesn’t trust easily. He puts walls up because he is scared of letting people in because he doesn’t want his trust to be broken. When Jace lets someone in he is very loyal and will do anything for them. 
Jace has a wing 7 becomes he is more emotionally expressive and more likely to react than a wing 5 would be.
Alec Lightwood: 1w9 - 2w1 - 6w5
Alec is principled, caring and brave. He is straightforward and doesn’t care much for pretenses.
Alec is serious and responsible. As the oldest member of his family, Alec put it upon himself to be the protector of his family. He felt that he had to be the most responsible and as a result became very dependable. Alec is extremely compliant and concerned with the rules of the Clave. 
Alec is very concerned with what others think of him. He is so scared of what his parents and friends would think of him if they found out he were gay so he kept it secret from everyone except Izzy. Alec knew since a young age he was gay, but bottled his feelings up, because the Clave said it was wrong. He was scared to go against the Clave’s laws and was worried of losing his family’s respect. 
Alec can sometimes come across as judgmental, rigid and condescending, which are common flaws of Type 1s. Underneath all that, Alec is the harshest critic on himself and he holds himself to impossible standards. Despite being very accomplished, he never thought he was good enough and would discount his successes. Alec is often afraid to make a mistake, which results in him being very careful and practical when making his decisions. 
Alec initially had a snobbish attitude and prejudice towards Downworlders, but opens up more as he interacts with them. In his relationship with Magnus, Alec becomes more carefree and loosens up a bit. He still shows insecurities within this relationship, but is able to overcome them. 
Alec has a wing 9 as he is more guarded with his emotions than a wing 2 would be. 
Magnus Bane: 7w6 - 4w3 - 9w8
Magnus is eccentric, worldly and kind. He really wants to find love and acceptance in the world.
Magnus is very flamboyant and whimsical. His personality contrasts quite distinctly with Alec’s more serious and reserved demeanour. Magnus is very open and does not compromise himself for anyone. He is inclusive and accepting of all people, having friends of all different walks of life.
Magnus enjoys a good party and seeks out experiences. As an immortal, he has had quite a storied life and has been all over the world. At times, it can seem like he doesn’t take situations very seriously and will make snarky jokes about them.
Deep down, Magnus yearns for the love and acceptance he never got from his parents. He had a difficult childhood and was not accepted by his family because he was a Downworlder. Due to this trauma, Magnus tries to repress his negative feelings and numb them with more ‘fun’ experiences. While he appears to be very open, he is actually deceptively guarded and is very hesitant to share deep and honest experiences with others. Magnus appears lively and jovial but is hiding a jaded and cynical worldview.
In his relationship with Alec, Magnus is initally the much more active party. 7s are assertive types and if they want to do something they will do it. We often see Magnus being the one to act first whereas Alec was too scared to act on his feelings for a long time. However, as time passes and their relationship becomes more public we see issues begin to form and Magnus is the one to pull away. When Magnus hears about Alec’s idea to turn him mortal, Magnus feels betrayed and breaks up with him. After their break up, Magnus is very avoidant of Alec and ignores him. This is quite typical of 7s, who hate to confront feelings. 
Magnus has a wing 6 as he is more relationship focused and personable than a 7w8.
Isabelle Lightwood: 3w2 - 6w7 - 1w2
Izzy is fierce, passionate and confident. She can come across as vain or narcissistic, but is actually very insecure and vulnerable.
Izzy is charming and magnetic. She has a quality about her which draws people in. Izzy is comfortable with her looks and will often use them as a means to get what she wants. Despite her outgoing demeanour, she is actually very distrustful and fragile. Izzy is guarded with her true feelings and is hesitant to let people know the real her. 
Izzy has a bit of an image that she has crafted of being rebellious and promiscuous to protect herself. She dated a lot and many of these dates were people her parents wouldn’t approve of. Izzy would form meaningless relationships so that she wouldn’t have to worry about forming real feelings or being hurt. She also did this in part to detract attention from Alec so her parents wouldn’t be suspicious of him.
Izzy is very protective and loyal to her friends. She loves them very deeply and is devastated whenever something bad happens to them. Izzy always tries to be there for her family and defends them with everything she has. She is particularly depressed when her brother Max dies as she blames herself for the death. She thinks that she failed him because she didn’t listen to him when he tried to tell her something was wrong. Izzy holds onto this guilt and even skipped the funeral because she felt she did not deserve to be there.
Izzy desperately wants love, but is hesitant to trust any man. Her mother confided in her when she was younger about her father’s infidelities and told her never to trust a man. As a result, Izzy is the character who takes the longest to open herself up to love. She is passionate about Simon, but is scared to love him because she thinks it will only bring her pain. 
Izzy has a wing 2 because she is more grandiose and showy than a wing 4 would be. 3w2s are generally more concerned with their outward appearances and appearing desirable compared to 3w4s.
Simon Lewis: 9w1 - 4w5 - 6w5
Simon is calm, nerdy and accepting. He is a great friend and is courageous when he needs to be.
Type 9s look for normalcy and struggle with change, which is something we see in spades with Simon. When we first meet Simon he is the only mundane character. He is the ‘normal’ one surrounded by all the magical creatures in the TMI universe. Later on, Simon is transformed into a vampire (well first he’s a rat, then he’s a Daylighter and then he’s a Shadowhunter) and longs to be normal. He resists his vampiric urges and refuses to drink from humans for an extremely long time. Simon struggled for a long time to accept this change and was worried about how it would affect his relationships with his loved ones. He desperately craved a normal life and once he became a Daylighter he tried as best as he could to lead as normal a life as possible.
Simon is non-confrontational and is afraid to share his true feelings for the fear that it might change his relationships. At the beginning of the series, he had been in love with Clary for years but never mustered up the courage to say so. He is initially very jealous of Jace and tries to get Clary not to like him. When he is dating Clary he realises her true feelings lie with Jace and ends the relationship. At his core, Simon truly cares for his friends and just wants them to be happy.
Simon is a great listener and genuinely cares about his friends feelings. He is something of a sounding board and both Clary and Izzy with both feeling very comfortable talking about their problems with him. When Max died, Izzy was able to find comfort in Simon. He listened to her and was able to give her solace and understanding. 
Simon is a people pleaser and is scared to hurt other’s feelings. Sometimes, this can lead to him making some mistakes. 9s fear conflict and will try to avoid it at all costs. They avoid saying negative things because they don’t want people to react badly or hurt their feelings. We see this in the whole mess with Maia and Izzy. I actually hate this storyline but I feel it is a good example of Simon’s general 9-ness. When Simon was dating both girls he showed the 9s indecisiveness, people-pleasing and fear of conflict. I feel that Simon wasn’t honest with either girl because he was scared of their reaction and scared of hurting their feelings. I also feel like Simon was confused in his feelings and couldn’t decide which girl was actually the one for him. 
Simon has a wing 1 because he is more repressed and uptight than a 9w8 would be. His 1 wing also influences him to want to be a ‘good’ person, which is part of why he is so upset when he becomes a vampire (which he feels is turning him into a ‘monster’). 
Images adapted from Google
The Infernal Devices Types (x)
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Kent and Bianca 👨🏻‍🦲👩🏽
gotta love the Veronaville Gays. I see both of them as Type 9s but with different wings/fixes.
this got longer than expected so I placed them under a cut.
Kent: 9w8 SP/SO 953 - double attachment (9 + 3), double competency (3 + 5), double withdrawn (9 + 5)
I initially typed him as a 5 prior to studying the Enneagram a bit more, but ended up deciding on a 9 for him with 5 and 3 being fixes. 9s tend to be asleep and quite dissociated to the world around them. an 8 wing gives the 9 the license to just “be” a 9 without the superego influence that tells them “I should be more X because Y”. 
With the 5 and 3 fix, this is further amplified and you end up with someone who will likely not budge unless really pushed. these fixes also give him an intellectual quality (seeing as he’s a knowledge sim and all that).
I’m actually undecided of his stacking, but leaning towards SP/SO as he seems pretty closed off as long as he has his needs met, etc.
Bianca: 9w9 SO/SX 999 9w1 SO/SX 962 - double attachment (9 + 3), double compliant (2 + 6), double positive outlook (2 + 9)
The attachment types of 3, 6, and 9 have some sort of chameleon-like quality to them, but this is especially apparent with 9s. 9w1s like Bianca to have this thing where they will fret about being “too 9″ and are especially sensitive to their environment and the people around them
She unconsciously merges with anyone she interacts with and take their views and characteristics as if it’s her own. Because she wants to maintain the harmony, she ends up accomodating too much even to the point of secretly being resentful without even thinking she’s resenting someone.
On top of that, she has 2 and 6 fixes, which are among the most relationship-oriented types. the 962 tritype is one of the most accomodating and passive types - choosing to keep the peace instead of making waves. Among the premades, another example I see of this tritype (with a core 2w1) is Jenny Smith.
Re. her instincts, there’s a misconception that the Sexual (SX) instinct = 1-to-1 intimacy. this isn’t the case. SX is more like putting up a display to attract mates and locking in a target “hooking someone in” as if getting a drug fix. 
Intimacy, within the context of forming close bonds, is more within the domain of Social (SO). In Bianca’s case, SX is a “play” area - she uses SX mechanics like sexual display to get her SO needs met, but it isn’t a point of preoccupation the way it works for her SO.
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melyaliz · 4 years
Past loves and future babies pt. 9
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Fandom: Marvel (MCU) 
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OC 
Notes: I suck at action. that’s all I have to say about that 
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​​
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest
Trigger warning: Coming out and abusive parents 
Family Dinner was a bit later than normally tonight. 7’oclock. Carol North hated eating late, she had read somewhere it wasn’t good for your digestive system to eat after 8 so dinner was normally around 5:30 or 6. However the head of the house Richard had worked late so dinner had run a bit later. 
It had worked in Dixie and Mac’s favor since they had more time to get their stuff together before they dropped the bomb. Next to her Mac fidgeted with his food unable to look at anyone else. Leaning over Dixie’s foot bumped her brother. Their eyes met for a moment and she nodded. 
You can do this
“Dad I need to tell you something.” 
“Of course what’s up?” his father looked up at his son and Dixie felt sick. She wanted to run away. A weird feeling of dread and fear flooding her system. She wanted to protect her brother from this while also wanting to run away and hide. Hide like she used to when she was a kid and her dad would blow up at their mom. Hide like she used to when her parents would fight, screaming at the tops of their lungs ending with her mother leaving for days on end. 
Dixie was good at hiding. 
“Dad, I’m gay.” Mac said, Dixie wasn’t sure why Mac wanted to leave like this. They had planed their escape for years now. Waiting until she was 18 so it wouldn’t be considered child napping. Part part made sense to her. But when Mac had told her how he planned on doing things she wasn’t sure why. Why couldn’t he just hide like she did?
But regardless she supported him no matter what. 
“What?” Richard burst out laughing, “Are you trying to get some kind of reaction out of me?” 
“No dad, I just. I wanted to be honest with you.” Mac’s face was impartial. No emotion at all. Dixie wasn’t sure how he could be so calm while her heart was racing so fast in her chest she thought she might throw up. 
“Why are you trying to do this to us?” their father’s voice was so just as calm. So dangerously calm. As if he didn’t believe him. As if he was talking to a small child who just didn’t understand that dinosaurs were dead. That Santa Clause wasn’t real. “Honestly Macklin, what have I done to make you think this is ok?” 
“Nothing dad, there is nothing you did. This is about me.” his leg was jittering under the table the only sign that he was even nervous. Only Dixie could see it. Only Dixie could feel the nerves radiating from him. 
“Like hell it is.” Richard said slamming his hand on the table, “You are just upset that I won’t pay for you to dorm at college isn’t it? Well this is clearly why you can't. Gay my ass!” 
Dixie couldn’t deal with it anymore, that was her brother Richard was talking about. This was Mac he was accusing of throwing a fit when all he was doing was telling the truth. 
“Fuck you!” She snapped jumping up. They had agreed she wouldn't speak. That Mac would handle this but… she couldn't stop herself as the words spilled out. “He’s being open and honest and all you can do is focus on you.”  
“Dixie!” her mother snapped glaring at her, “Language.” 
They still weren’t listening. It was all about appearances. Don’t swear, don’t be out of the normal. Don't do anything we don't approve of. 
“Oh please you agree with this?” Richard said to his daughter. “You're my good girl.” 
“I love Mac. What is there to agree or disagree with?” Dixie whispered slowly sitting back down, her voice breaking. Mac’s hand found her’s under the table holding it tightly. 
“You love Mac,” Richard laughed, “If you loved him you would be telling him he’s being an idiot.” 
“And how is being gay being an idout?” 
“Because it’s wrong! It’s not normal!” Richard snapped his anger focusing back on his son, “Just because you want attention or whatever doesn’t mean you should do something so… so” leaning back in his chair their father took a deep breath before cutting some meat. “Dixie go to your room. Mac if you keep spouting this nonsense you can forget college. In fact, give me your phone.” 
“Dad, I pay for my phone.” Mac chocked out a bitter laugh. 
“My house, my rules.” 
“Yeah” Mac said standing up, “see that’s the thing. I’m moving out.” 
“M… Me too” Dixie said following her brother.
“Young lady! Don’t you move!” Richard roared. Dixie flinched that feeling of fear rushing over her. She glanced up at her brother who just smiled down at her. 
“Just keep walking” he whispered, pushing her in front of him. As if he could block her from their father. 
“What? Are you punishing me now?” Richard said standing up, “What happened to my perfect little girl Dixie. My little princess.” 
Dixie felt sick. Her stomach twisting in knots. Even now, even knowing for years what her dad really was. What kind of man he was. It still hurt. 
Because a part of her wanted to be his little princess. 
But her dad had always been right about her, she was unlovable. 
Because even her own father didn’t really love her unless she was his little princess. 
And she couldn't pretend anymore. 
They both couldn’t. 
“No dad, I am going with Mac.” 
“Don’t… if you two walk out that door you are dead to me!” Richard screamed, “Try me! Just try. You will never get a cent from me. Never get anything. I’m your father. I have done everything for you. Give you everything! And you just want to rip this family apart!” 
His endless screaming continued as they walked out. A stream of consciousness that held a sting that would echo in both their brains for much longer than either of them wanted to admit. Lie that his words meant nothing while it cut deeper than any scar they would ever receive from their future life on the streets. 
The white van Mac had gotten a few weeks ago was parked a block away. Already loaded up with all their belongings. Only the ones they personally owned. They had agreed to only bring what was truly theirs. 
So that they didn’t owe him anything. 
Because they didn’t owe him anything. 
“Shit” Sam mumbled fumbling with his gun as he stood next to Bucky pinned against a wall. The soldiers or whatever they were came barreling down the hall. Four of them dressed to the 9s in armor ready for a fight. Where did these people come from? Why were they here?
“Bucky?” at the sound of his name Buck felt dread fill his stomach. Turning he saw Dixie walking up to him eyes wide in a cute little black dress. Her hair in a soft curl, make up done. 
The date. 
Steve was going to take her on a date. And now she was standing there in the middle of a war zone.
“Stay back” Bucky hissed holding a strong arm out trying to keep her away from the onslaught of fire that was raining down on them. His eyes shifting from her to Sam who was trying to stop the bleeding from the gunshot wound in his side. However Dixie didn’t seem to notice as she took a few steps forward. Her hands ghosting over his arm pushing it out of the way. 
“You’re toast” all three heroes (well two heroes and one guest of the avengers) looked up to see the bad guy said holding up a gun. Eyes hard ready to shot the first person who dared to move 
Dixie raised her hands up so they were visible in front of her taking another slow step forward positioning her body between the two men. “Sir, please, he’s hurt.” her voice cracked slightly, obviously frightened by what was going on. Bucky’s body grew tense, his hand slowly snaking toward the knife he had strapped to his back. If he could grab her arm and pull her back he would be able to disarm this man with minimal damage to them.  
“We are just here for the time machine.”
“We don’t have any…” Sam started but the man snarled aiming the gun at him, 
“Was I talking to you?” turning to Dixie he smiled, “Now pretty lady…”   
Bucky’s fingers gripped the knife body tense, Dixie’s shifted slightly just a bit further out of his grasp but if he was just able to-- 
His thoughts were cut off when the man’s eyes grew wide at Dixie’s face, “Wait… you’re one of them!” There was a blast of purple light causing Bucky and Sam to blink. The sound of a gun going off and the smell of burning melted metal filled the air. Dixie’s right hand fell to her side, something that looked like a glowing purple fire saber burned in her hand. Moving forward she spun into the main hallway where the other men were. Bucky runs after her only to see her wing the blades in both hands stopping the bullets before slicing through one of the guys arm and another’s other’s leg. 
Standing up she pressed her hand toward her ear “Mac, can you see Steve?” she asked as she ran down the hall leaving the two men alone. 
“She’s not just some little human is she.” Sam mumbled as Bucky shook his head. He needed to find his best friend and soon. Or the time machine. Not that it was working, but that was probably where the goons had gone. 
Steve was in the hanger bay with Wanda. They had seen several men barging in through the open bay doors. It was hard to keep track of the soldiers, they seemed to fade in and out. When they had first arrived it looked to be about fifteen and now there was four. Two twins and a woman with a whip and a large man with two kusarigamas. Steve wasn’t sure how it was possible but he was also preoccupied with the large man advancing toward him. The chains from his kusarigamas screeching like a warning against the concrete.  
“Steve” Wanda gasped trying to block the twins that were attacking her. They seemed to be fading in and out as if ghosts. Turning Steve was about to help her when he felt a pain shoot through his back. 
Turning he saw the large man grinning at him. His silver plated teeth glistened in the light that streamed from the glass ceiling of the hanger. His blades glistening red.Next to him the woman smiled cracking her large steel whip.
“Get him lover” she hissed, licking her lips, her bloodshot eyes bright with excitement.
Some guy with a Mohawk and these huge kusarigama let out a snarling laugh bearing his silver plated teeth. Next to him a woman with a whip crackled it at Steve’s legs. 
“Come at me Mr America!” he hissed slashing at Steve again barely missing Steve’s ribs as the super soldier twisted out of large man’s way. Steve’s gaze drifted toward Wanda who was holding off the twins. It was hard to tell if she was gaining the advantage or not from where he was. 
The black steel of the Kusarigama smashed into Steve’s shield making Steve’s arms ring from the aftershock bringing him back to the fight in front of him. Before he could fight back, the man kicked him with a thick boot making Steve fall onto his back.
This wasn’t good. 
The man smiled holding up the blade bridging them down hard on Steve’s shield causing sparks to ignite against the shield. 
“I'm going to cut you open like a fish” the man howled , raising his hands again. A few feet away the woman laughed cracking her whip in a rhythmic crack, crack, crack. 
Steve braced himself as the large man lifted up his blades above his head ready to crash them back down. 
And then a bright purple light burst from the man’s chest. Burning through his sternum the smell of burning flesh filled Steve’s nose. Letting out a cough the man looked down at in shock. Blood dripped from his mouth before he stumbled backwards off Steve. Choking a few times before  he crumbled onto the floor. The life leaving his eyes
Steve sat up to see Dixie standing there, panting slightly. Blood splattered across her hands and over her chest and neck. Her eyes hard as she met him. He couldn't see any wounds so Steve could only assume the blood wasn’t hers. Another purple blade like the one that was glowing out of the man’s chest was in her left hand. 
The woman with the whip, seeing her comrade, out a screamed scream running toward Dixie. Turning Dixie held out her hand, the blade from the man’s chest faded away before appearing back in her hand. Taking a defense stance with both blades she stood over Steve. 
“DIE BITCH!” the woman screamed, swinging her whip. It was no match for the blades Dixie cut through the steel coil as if it was a hot knife through butter. Pulling out a gun the woman shot a few bullets toward Dixie but she quickly deflected them continuing to walk toward the woman. 
“Stand down” Dixie said, “and I won’t cut your arms off.” her voice filled with venom. Steve had never heard that tone before. Commanding, meaning every word. It wasn’t a threat, it was a promise. 
Something the woman didn’t seem to realize as she let out a snarl, tears in her eyes. “I’m going to kill you!” she cried grabbing a rocket launcher that was strapped to her back. As she pulled the trigger Dixie threw one of her glowing blades forward slicing the woman’s shoulder making the women scream falling to her knees. 
Moving quickly ignoring the pain in his back Steve bolted up grabbing Dixie by the arm pulling her back flush to his chest. Swinging his shield he hit the rocket up sending it spinning through the glass ceiling. 
Dixie looked up at him as shards of glass showered down around them. His blue eyes meeting her own as he held his shield up over them protecting them.
“Are you ok?” she asked, her expression softening and something in Steve shifted. He should be asking her that. He should have been rushing to save his little -not- wife. Yet here she was barging into the fight covered in who knows what’s blood checking on him making sure he was ok.
“I… yes” he said, a feeling of relief washing over him so strong he bent over gently kissing her forehead.
“Y… you weren’t supposed to be..” 
The couple turned to see one of the twins standing there with a gun in his hand. Wanda behind him, her powers holding the other, her eyes glowing as she reached up to grab the other when there was a whirring sound and a net flew out of nowhere tangling the man before electrifying him.
“Stay the FUCK away from my sister!” 
A curly haired man cried walking into the hanger, dressed in jeans and a black button up shirt, he had a pair of clear green glasses and was holding up a weird silver bracelet around his left arm. An army of drones followed him. 
“MAC!” Dixie let out a squeal pushing away from Steve crawling under his shield that was in front of both of them before dashing toward the man. Throwing herself into his arms she hugged him tightly. 
Steve knew the name. He had caught Dixie several times on the phone talking to a Mac. Her face lit up in pure joy and comfort. She had mentioned him before too. Her brother. The only person who she seemed to mention from her previous life. The one before this. 
“It’s always just been me and Mac” she would say with that look on her face. One he knew very well. It was the one reserved for those who were your family. Your most trusted. The ones you would go to the end of the world for. 
It was the feeling he had for Bucky. 
“What are you doing here?” she was asking him as Tony and a few other avengers walked into the hanger. 
“Who’s this?” 
“This is my brother.” Dixie said turning, the look on her face told Steve all he needed to know. She was worried they were going to rip them apart again. 
“He’s staying.” Steve said to Tony, “I need a shower.” 
“I… ok whatever” Tony shrugged knowing he would get all the information later. They had bigger issues to deal with right now. Like all the bleeding intruders. 
Steve winced as the warm water hit his back stinging the deep cuts that were slashed across his back. They were going to be a pain (in the back) to fix up. Maybe he should go down to the infirmary… or maybe.
“Want some help hansom?” 
The sound that came out of him was that of a small child and a cat that just had it’s tail stepped on. Dixie stood there, eyebrows raised trying to fight back a laugh as she stood in front of the glass walk in shower. 
“Ok boys count chill I’m not going to jump you.” she said, “Can I come in?”
Forever tag:  @the-shadow-of-atlantis​​​ @coffee-randomness​​​ @0hmydeku​ @xx3fsxx​ @daisyboobear​​​  @jason-redhood​​ @hello-i-lovespiderman-blr​  @pinkwitch21 @tomhncharliep  @cdwmtjb8​ @thespacebuns​​
@itsmeeluciie​ @thefemalethatwrites​ @little-dark-empress​ @idk123906​ @evansgirl7​ @otomegamer101​
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firstginger · 4 years
I'm not familiar with this website, sorry. I feel like I'm barging onto a stage mid-concert. I'm asking for daemon form suggestions. My daemon's name is Paskel, rhymes with rascal. I'm introverted. I enjoy spending time with people I trust because I can act naturally. The general human population confuses me, and it takes energy to make sure all my words and actions won't be taken as being overly blunt. I'm creative. I like to come up with stories and draw. 1/4
I can come up with outside the box solutions to problems. I'm curious. I like knowing how things work. I detest being given "just because" as an answer. Everything has a reason behind it and it's so much easier for me to understand things if I know why it is that way. I'm loyal to my friends and parents. I'm not good at making new friends so I'm rather determined to keep the ones I have. Losing everyone and being completely alone is a worst-case scenario for me. 2/4
I'm passive. I don't like people looking at me and I don't stick my neck out unless it directly affects me or someone I care about. I have no problem letting other people make most of the decisions. Humor is my defense mechanism. You can bet I'm always the one cracking a joke in the middle of a depressing conversation or if I'm embarrassed. My Myers-Briggs type is solidly INTP-T. On Enneagram, I 98% match with type 5 and 95% match with type 9. I'm looking for a starting point 3/4
whether that's a specific species or not. Only preference is that I'm scared of house cats and bees and I'd rather not have one in my mind. Also I have a few questions about daemon gender. Is it something that will settle with time? Does it mean anything? Right now Paskel is male, but sometimes he's female and sometimes he doesn't have a gender. I'm a trans guy and I'm not sure if that's affecting it. Thank you so much for any help you can give. 4/4
you sound incredibly INTP! between enneagram 9 and 5 (9s often misidentify themselves as 5s too, i think less so than vice versa?), think primarily about level of detail: enneagram 5s are detail-oriented and become very focused on the thing that interests them, while enneagram 9s, while still profound, are typically more imaginative, idealistic, and generalists. they’re less focused on consequences and tend to be more nonjudgmental than 5s. in short, enneagram 9 is the dreamer while enneagram 5 is the pragmatist.
with your daemon’s gender, honestly i toss that out the window. the source material was written with little consideration for gender theory and some indication that gay people would have a same-sex daemon. this of course introduces questions about bi and pansexuality, and moreover if someone is trans does their daemon transition, or if they’re agender or genderfluid what does that mean for their daemon’s gender. in short i find the opposite sex thing to be a bit archaic and for people to just call their daemon whatever gender they want! they’re manifestations of the soul after all, and can really go by whatever pronouns you feel is good for them.
when we’re talking about human social behavior, i tend to think it’s more relevant to know how much one depends on their friends versus whether one has friends (not having any social support in humans is very detrimental and i would argue a sign of an unhealthy individual; it would really skew typing to only type unhealthily isolated people as extremely solitary animals). you say you’re loyal to your friends, but do you find yourself in frequent need of their company, emotional support, or physical support? do you do most of your projects independently, or do you appreciate assistance or need encouragement to see things through?
i think eupleridaes strike a good balance between your introversion and passivity, and your social tolerance and loyalty. in particular i was looking at species such as the ring-tailed mongoose, malagasy civet, and grandidier's mongoose. all of these species are going to be socially tolerant and attached to a specific group, but have a need to recharge alone. they’re all solitary hunters, which i would expect indicates that you have a private inner world and most prefer pursuing your goals alone. guarded and polite people, definitely more passive and not prone to conflict. considering they all have a very restricted habitat, i’d consider all of these species more habitual and not inclined towards change or spontaneity. in a few short words, the ring-tailed mongoose would be a capable and efficient person within their niche, humorous and playful, and happy to be together with others or alone; the malagasy civet would be more introverted but still passive and polite, a private person who plans ahead; and the grandidier’s mongoose someone who is intensely loyal, and more interested in new experiences and capable of being adaptable so long as they have their companions.
as far as birds go, i was thinking that frogmouths might be a good option for you. these species are going to be intensely loyal to their loved ones, but not so much interested in making new friends and have boundaries they don’t like strangers to cross. very and patient people, not terribly ambitious and prefer to let opportunities come to them. so, so dedicated and caring to their friends and family; they get expressive around those they love, while they tend to be quiet otherwise. the tawny frogmouth is going to be pretty stereotypical of this; the marbled frogmouth more shy, private, and conflict-averse; and the sri lanka frogmouth very passive, avoids attention, and often can be doormattish.
you said you were scared of house cats so i won’t go into too much detail in this section unless requested, but i could also see some smaller and more social breeds of felinaes for you... though usually i’d associate them more with INTJ, in particular i was thinking the jaguarundi (socially tolerant but also retains an essential degree of privacy, very passive and unassertive and tactful, cautious and intuitive and looks before they leap). the serval also came to mind, but i think is too private and not loyal enough for you.
and finally, if you’re open to an unconventional daemon, i just have to suggest the seahorse. these people would live very much in their own heads but like to be around those they’re close to, are generally very easy-going and cooperative, and tend to be rather passive people who are just happy to go with the flow and do what the group wants. ultimately very socially aware and group-bonding, but not pushy and tend to be on the anxious side. incredibly observant, watchful, and good at planning ahead and being opportune, but not the type to be spontaneous at all. they come in a delightful array of species with small distinctions, such as the lined seahorse being someone more adaptable, and the cape seahorse being someone much more shy.
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eitheror1997 · 4 years
already did 9s for katia so making u do math. perfect squares.
athank you sarah! i love math!
1.  Animated character that was your gay awakening?
tie between colette from ratatouille and uhh ginger from chicken run. i do not have a satisfactory explanation for the latter but it was a thing.
4. Your go-to bar order, if you drink?
n/a! i can’t legally drink yet!
9.  Look up. What’s directly across from you?
a bulletin board, my cd player, colored pencils, and a half empty thing of bath and body works hand sanitizer!
16.  Pick a song lyric to describe your current mood (and drop the name and artist!
“try not to get caught, try to think like a machine, focus in on the task, try not think about what it means” - half dead - the mountain goats
 25.  Puzzles?
right now in the dining room there’s a 1000 piece puzzle of van gogh’s starry night and we have been doing it for over a week and there is very little progress that has been made! it’s hard!
36. Pick a superhero sidekick to hang out with
groot would be chill, i guess.
49.  What’s something that you don’t have a picture of that you wish you did?
probably just like. general memories of times spent with some of my friends i don��t really get to see very much anymore due to life taking us in different directions. there’s not even a specific moment i want, i just wish i had more of them. also i was too chicken to take a picture with elijah wood the time my family saw him in the lax airport. cool guy though.
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lyssmacktrolls · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
this is idiot boy. his name is kikioh valeur and he makes parkour and blogging youtube videos of them doing absolutely stupid shit/internet challenges/memes with my other troll emmitt. rly just two bros chilling with a camera five feet apart cause they’re not gay
stuff i know about him so far:
-his quirk replaces G with 9 and capitalizes “pet” names like Bro and Dude, which he uses very often. to emphasize certain words, he’ll draw out the letters 9 times. ex: “woah Dude holy fuckin9 shiiiiiiiiit”
-his horns are Not going to stay like that. gunna redesign them soon.
-his sign is just three 9s
-luvs his cat dad with all his heart
-cat dad does not love him back
-blue/purple cusp
-Tall (6’9 😎)
-stupid fucking clout goggles
-dumbass energy bigger than his dick
-eats like a garbage disposal
-can he stand still for three seconds? no
-weed socks.....
-quads filled: nah
-.......cactus head
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Name: Mr. Rory Delaney Color: Blood #710c04 Symbol: atom Strife Specibus: ironkind Handle: acerbicGlossographer Animal: ape Pronouns: ae/aet/aet/aetself and 9/9/9s/9s/9self and one/one/one’s/ones/oneself Age: 34 Birthday: 97th day of the year Sexuality: gay Interests: snowshoeing and pyrography Dream Moon: prospit Classpect: Witch of Blood Land: Land of Rest and Reflections, a lovely place, with enchanting Green Sea Turtle consorts. It is a place full of seas and plastic. Atlas hungers. Instrument: se
0 notes
ohxromeoxromeo · 6 years
all the 9s
{All of this has to be answered OOC because my soft baby is a fricken prude
9: Have you ever had sex in a public place?
Nope, he’s a virgin
19: Would you prefer sex in the bath or sex in the shower?
It would depend on his mood and partner, I think. But I’d definitely say he’d prefer sex in the bath. It’s more sensual 
29: Favourite body part on the same sex?
 Honestly, cheesy as it sounds, probably their smile. Either that or their chest. He kind of has a fascination with guy’s chests and really just wants to touch? Sexual or not. He just likes feeling how masculine his partners are.
39: Favorite foreplay activities:
AIjdjdjadja body worship. Both giving and receiving. Again, he’s a virgin, so I’m just speculating. Make out with him and kiss his neck, too. Or play with his hair. Good ways to make him mewl
49: How do you feel about tattoos on someone you are interested in?
He thinks they’re hot but they’re also slightly intimidating if the person is covered in them. He likes them, though
59: Have you ever cheated on someone? (Why?)
Nope and I don’t think he ever would. He’s a very moral child and when he likes someone, his feelings are strong. He’s kind of ride or die.
69. When was the last time you watched porn?
Months ago. He doesn’t exactly watch it regularly and it just looks painful to him. Not to mention he didn’t really realize being gay was an option until he moved so...
79. Is there a celebrity/character you would willingly have sex with?
He had the BIGGEST crush on Shawn Mendes. So him.
89. Have you ever masturbated because your sexual partner wasn’t there when you needed them?
Well, he’s masturbated once or twice in general? But he’s never really had a sexual partner. So nah, not exactly
Romeo would be COMPLETELY scandalized by these questions, my dumbass son}
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