#911 lone star fandom asks
strandnreyes · 1 month
9-1-1: Lone Star Ask Game
I’ve noticed that a lot of ask games are about personal things or content creation, but one of my favorite things about being on here is talking about the show!! so I’ve created a list of questions that anyone can participate in by reblogging and having people send asks, or just answering directly if you’d like! feel free to also reblog and add more questions!! or make a separate post and I can link them all to a master post! 🤍
🗓️ When did you start watching the show?
👀 What made you keep watching the show?
❤️ Favorite part of your favorite ship?
🫂 Favorite platonic pairing and why?
🚨Emergency most likely to make you sob
😶 Unpopular opinion, respectfully
🔀 If you could transfer one storyline to someone else’s character, who and what would it be?
🦋Give us a headcanon about (insert character)!
🐠Give us a headcanon about (insert ship)!
💓 Here’s yours chance! Pour your heart about that one storyline/scene you passionately love
🧥Whose fashion do you like the best?
✨If you could change any detail of any storyline, what would it be?
🤹‍♀️ Give a hidden talent to all the main characters (or those of your choosing)!
🍪 What if Nancy had to quit after the DNR storyline? What does she do instead of being a paramedic?
💍Describe what you think Grace and Judd’s wedding was like
🙄Pettiest thing tarlos has ever gotten into an old married couple fight about?
🚒 Quick! You’re suddenly a part of the universe! What do you do?
🤡 What’s your biggest clown moment in the fandom? Or what are you clowning over that you know will never happen?
🦎 Real talk, do Carlos and Lou ever become friends?
💭Dream season 5 storyline?
📦Character most likely to move away from Austin
👨🏻‍🚒Favorite out of Owen’s (many) love interests?
👩‍💻Time to get meta. Which character secretly has a tumblr blog and writes the best fanfiction you’ve ever read?
📺 Duo most likely to dominate on a tv game show?
🔪 What character are you defending with your life?
⛰️What’s one hill you’ll die on regarding this show? (the more trivial, the better)
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welcometololaland · 11 months
Hi! So I’m new to the Tarlos fandom and you seem to be really nice… so if you could help me navigate this space I would be very grateful. So how’s the fandom what can I expect ? What are the accounts to follow?
I understand if you’re not available to answer and if it’s not your thing but thank you anyway.
HELLO! Welcome <3 This certainly is my thing - I'm always available and happy to answer any and all questions when it comes to Tarlos content.
First up, a warm welcome to the Tarlos fandom - we are happy to have you here! I expect that from your ask you have only recently watched the show. I hope you enjoyed :) Usual caveats apply - check tags, warnings, ratings etc. Not all blogs/fics/content is going to be for everyone, and that's totally okay!
Before I get into my rambling/screaming about how much I love other people and their work, I should also say that I never have enough time to consume all the Tarlos content that I would like to, and so this list can never capture every amazing person on this site. If you check out the #fic rec friday tag on my blog, you should find all the round ups for all past Fic Rec Fridays, where people from all over the fandom (and other fandoms!) recommended some truly amazing content.
Also shout out to @rmd-writes for letting me appropriate some of your own recs on a similar ask.
Fic Blogs:
I am, first and foremost, a fic writer and I will never be able to rec all of the talent in this fandom all by myself, but here are some of the people I have turned to on Ao3 over my last year or so of being here:
@liminalmemories21 @goodways @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @reyescarlos @sunshinestrand @iboatedhere @beautifulhigh @heartstringsduet @carlos-in-glasses @alrightbuckaroo @freneticfloetry @rmd-writes @bellakitse @howtosingit @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @catanisspicy @basilsunrise @chaotictarlos @thebumblecee @noxsoulmate @marjansmarwani @morganaspendragonss. THAT BEING SAID there are a lot of newer people in the fandom that I haven't yet had the chance to dive into and I'm SO sorry for that, but I look forward to reading nonetheless!!! Again, I'd recommend looking up the Fic Rec Friday round ups because they are much more fulsome than what I've got here, and I'm so sure I've forgotten people accidentally!
Source Blogs:
Here's a few places I go to for Tarlos/Rafa/Ronen news/content:
@911lsbts @rafaelsilvasource @ronenrubinsteinsource
GIF/video makers are gods on this earth and here are just a few I adore (PLS I KNOW I'VE MISSED PEOPLE I'M SO SORRY):
@lutavero @guardian-angle22 @danieljradcliffe @maxbegone @strandtk @/tailoredshirt @angeltk @velvet-lnk @whattarush @chaotictarlos @tylerkennedys @rafael-silva @3416 @lonestardust
Fan Art:
Incredible talent I eat up:
@ambiguouspenny @fitzherbertssmolder @heartstringsduet (tagged above) @thebumblecee (tagged above) @angeltarlos @rafascosmic @fckingyrs @watmalik @birdclowns @thevenstar @reyeslonestar @thisbuildinghasfeelings
ANYWAY! I'm so sure I have accidentally omitted people because I'm doing this on the fly, so PLEASE don't feel bad if I didn't include you here (especially if you're a newer fandom member because I have been falling behind recently!) If you would like to drop some recs in the comments for this anon, that would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your ask, anon! Any opportunity I get to rave about the amazing creators in this fandom, I will take it!
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neverevan · 2 months
tim saying he's not releasing the karaoke scene because lone star fans were nasty to him :( that sucks, I get it, but it shouldn't have anything to do with us or the work ryan and oliver did? would've loved to see and hear that moment that they had so much fun with
I'm pretty sure that the thousands of dollars it would cost while also risking fans being bitchy about the cut not making it, even after he released it, is a good enough reason to not do so... it was just a small scene. it didn't further the plot so it was cut, and as Tim said, there are a lot of things we don't know about that gets cut from each episode.
I also feel like people don't appreciate that Tim literally pulled that whole sequence together for the buddie stans... but you know, asking for stuff politely and getting all up in the cast's and crew's business are very different things and unfortunately this fandom can't be trusted to make the right choice, so we just have to move on from stuff like this.
Oliver shared some bts videos which is more than what we usually get, I think we should just be happy that Tim only used the f word once.
also if we're going to talk about Oliver's and Ryan's hard work, we might wanna mention the other 30 minutes being cut that wasn't just them tipsy singing, because I'm pretty sure that Lou, Anirudh, Tracie and Brain (Safi and Hallisay both) and probably some other recurring characters also have been heavily edited out for time reasons. their work is just as important and I don't see anyone talking about that so, maybe we just stop getting hung up on 20 second lost scenes and try to enjoy the show as is?
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actuallysara · 12 days
I can believe Sierra won't be there anymore...
me neither and I'm so pissed on her behalf. GOOD ON HER for standing up for herself and knowing her worth, I'm surprised she was the only one not buying fox's bs tbch. I guess the others maybe did on the premises that this would have (possibly) been the last season.
I'm so sad to see her go, especially considering what a wonderful person and actor she is and considering how essential she was to the show. grace was literally the backbone and soul of the show and the glue keeping it together and I don't mean it only in the way that she was THE dispatcher. It's very sad news, personally, even more sad than season 5 possibly being the last one. I'm glad we're getting another season and I'll always want to get more but at this point a small part of me low-key wishes the show ended last season with the wedding cause this is gonna be a very hard pill to swallow for me.
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unstatedmartini · 1 year
to me it's really absurd that rafa is like 'wow he was a shitty friend to iris and he has to come to terms with that' my dude you've been a shitty partner and fiance for hiding this? and tk doens't even get to be angry about it?
i don't know what to tell you! you are absolutely welcome to your opinion, you're not going to catch me arguing that people don't have the right to feel however they feel about soap opera twists on the wee woo show. i just...i get it. from a character perspective i totally get it. i get why carlos lied, i get why he kept lying, i get why his focus is more on being a shitty friend (not maintaining the relationship with iris which could have hurt her) than being a shitty partner (keeping this secret which in his head was only hurting him). i get it!
that being said tk would have been well within his rights to be pissed, but he chooses to be forgiving instead because he loves carlos and he understands what a deeply generous and loving and sweet and also insecure and anxious and occasionally dishonest person he's marrying, and he chooses to love ALL of him not just the nice shiny parts
and i just love that!! i love stories about messy imperfect people choosing to love and forgive and grow with one another more than pretty much any other kind!!!!!
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doublel27 · 1 year
I don't really understand why you think that Carlos didn't outwardly blame TK in 4x03. He spent most of the episode being angry and glaring at him (even after Iris was rescued) - not to mention the "bad relationship" comment. He also basically confirmed it when TK asked if he thought it was his fault. It was all pretty pointedly directed at TK, no one else (except, you know, a suspect).
Okay, nonny, gonna be totally honest, I have not gone and rewatched the episode more than the times I watched it a week and a half ago now, so I'm going to go off of my memory and my theory of Carlos as a character as he's been expressed to us thus far. I'm also gonna need you to remind me of the "bad relationship" comment because I don't remember it. Was it in the car? It might have been in the car. I'm going to rewatch.
Carlos DID spend most of the episode angry, but he was really glaring at everyone that wasn't Iris IMO, from what I saw. He was skeptical of Detective Grier except when she played on his worst fears.
And let's talk about Carlos and what was happening in 4x03 and how it relates to his past and his present and his future.
So, several things:
One: This is not the first time Iris has gone missing, this is the second time. The first time Carlos thought she was dead for three years. She wasn't dead, she'd had a mental break due to schitzophrenia and was missing in Austin for three years, during which Carlos told Michelle to give up. There's a big wound that exists here with how Carlos accepted that she was in her right mind when she went missing and it (IMO part of the reason he didn't see her afterwards) because they'd already drifted apart by this point. Carlos didn't know her friends, he didn't know her life, he didn't know how odd things had gotten.
NOW, he's finally gotten back in touch with her, after guilt and other things likely kept him away and she's disappeared again. In fact, she's disappeared again IMMEDIATELY AFTER Carlos asked for something he needed. Carlos tends not to ask for his needs, like ever. And he asked Iris for this thing, and she's now missing. The level of guilt I am sure he felt after the detective told him that his wife went missing after he handed her divorce papers would have been massive.
We could see it on his face, weighing on him. It weighed on him in the interview with Grier in the apartment, and when TK admits that actually, he had gone to talk to Iris, but it was fine-- we would have hit another level of Carlos spiral.
Carlos is very used to handling everything himself. There is a level of perfectionism and control issues that cause Carlos to do everything himself. Like, this is a man who bought a whole ass house without telling TK as a surprise. He's also a man who has tried to finagle things. It was entirely growth to tell TK about Iris before the divorce was complete. I am certain there's a part of Carlos that immediately worried that by involving TK he had set off a chain of events that had inadvertently caused her to have another break.
Doesn't matter that Iris thought she was fine. Doesn't matter that TK thought she was fine. Last time Carlos and Michelle thought she was fine and she was found under a bridge.
We are also looking at a man who any time HE messes up for real, gets petty and starts projecting. Do I think he actually blamed TK? No. I think he blamed himself for involving a free radical like TK to offset the balance. I think he was so caught up in his own fears and his own decisions that he couldn't think past it.
And it's not the first time we've seen this from Carlos.
In 3.13, which is perhapse one of the most egregious levels of Carlos petty bitch moods, Carlos isn't mad at TK having a relationship with Cooper. Carlos is mad that someone else is able to provide acts of service to TK that are making him better and Carlos can't. Carlos's main act of things is acts of service. And he keeps trying to provide the services Cooper is providing and TK doesn't want them from him and Carlos feels not enough. So he's a petty fucking bitch to TK to the point that he doesn't make him food and is like "I thought Coop would feed you."
He does a similar move in 2x04 after the incident with his parents where he tries to gaslight TK into thinking the interaction WASN"T WEIRD. It was weird, you were talking about not being able to hold out for sex that long and how you and your boyfriend had sex in a honky tonk bathroom and then had a "This is my friend from work, TJ, who actually isn't a cop but a firefighter, Dad, don't be mad."
And TK wasn't wrong. But Carlos is both terrified that he's upset his parents with the existence of TK and that he's upset TK to the point of leaving. When TK does come back, Carlos has a very petty bitch moment of "Or did we break up already, because it felt like we did?" Because he's scared.
This is a common occurance all the way back to 1x02 when he calls TK crazy, but we know he knows he's being weird in 1x02 when he's like "I KNOW IT LOOKS LIKE A LOT BUT IT"S NOT BUT IT"S SUPER EASY IT"S JUST A FISH FROM THE FARMERS MARKET NO WORRIES< CHAMPAGNE?" and then when TK is like "This is a booty call. I am only up for booty calls right now" and Carlos then knows he's gone too far but he freaks out and tells TK he's acting crazy but he later tells Michelle he didn't ask TK out because he was worried about him running.
Whenever Carlos fucks up, or is worried he fucked up, he gets defensive and he gets petty and it's SO COMMON. It's just never been so glaringly projection until 3x13 and 4x03.
Also, narratively, the writers set TK up to feel guilty and worried so he didn't worry too much when Carlos didn't come home at first but wasn't immediately terrified when Carlos never respond. TK thinking Carlos is furious with him and isn't responding is the whole reason TK is wondering if he's over reacting with his worry or if he's thinking of doing the right thing in the ways he wants to make it up to Carlos or demand Carlos comes home.
Here's the thing. Carlos didn't leave the apartment in 4x03 or didn't come home later in 4x03 because he was mad at TK. He left the apartment and then didn't come home because he was searching for Iris. We saw it on the call where he showed up to the woman over the cliff fearing it was Iris and was immediately in a panic. When he tells TK he's staing with Iris, he's actually investigating the house again, and lets be real, he knows TK will tell him not to. He's so focused on uncovering what's going on with Iris, he's not paying attention to TK.
He's so lazer focused in the phone call with TK. He's just staring at the house the whole time and is distracted. I've got to rewatch it for the bad relationship comment. That's the one part I don't remember and I'll go back.
And I think, there is a justifiable thing to worry about your childhood best friend who is missing and maybe having another mental break and try and solve what's going on.
I do not feel that how TK was made to feel was fully intentional but it doesn't make it okay any more than his behavior in 3x13 was okay, or in 2x04 was okay or that 1x02 was okay. However, Carlos DOES fix it and change when he is wrong. He asks TK out on a real date. In 2x04 he apologizes and then gets to the point where he sets up a dinner with their families so that he can be boldly out after his dad confirms they know in 2x08. He calls Cooper and makes TK dinner and refuses to let TK say no in 3x13. In this case, Carlos was held captive by murderers, but his focus was still on keeping TK safe every time TK got close.
I think we'll see some progress from here, but that's my take. I understood if people took it other ways. I think we were supposed to be unsure, but I'd love to ask Rafa. He'd know.
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matan4il · 1 year
twitter. com/ RonenRubinstein/status/1645845230065942528 clip from tonight's Lone Star episode.
Hi darling! Thank you so much for sending me this clip! I really appreciate your kindness and that you thought of me! *HUGS*
TBH, I'm... a bit unsurprised, but still disappointed. This very much looks like a montage meant to explain to the viewers why none of these officiants is a viable one. So it's already kind of disheartening to see the option of the rabbi presented in this context. But it's also upsetting to see that a rabbi who is fully accepting of Tarlos as a gay couple is sort of implied to be just as unacceptable as a priest who is telling them they're going to hell. I also feel like there MUST be more accepting priests in Austin, so the choice to present one like this should probably also be upsetting. Not to mention that I'm not sure why a man with that POV would even agree to meet with Tarlos to discuss being their officiant. Like, nothing about this little bit works for me (the one part that does is the lady who wants them to have the difficult conversations before marriage, because actually? Yes. THAT is sound advice). But yeah, as a Jew in a permanent state of deprivation when it comes to actually good Jewish rep, my gut tells me this ep doesn't look like what I was hoping for.
Again, thank you for sharing with me! Even if I'm unhappy, at least I'm prepared and know what to expect once I do watch the ep. And just know that I am ALWAYS happy to hear from you! Have a great day, my love! As always, my ask tag. xoxox
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scattered-winter · 9 months
wait hang on who are the hot gay boys in that gif set you reblogged
HGLHSIERGLSJDGALKSHGLK i was gonna put the [do you have any idea how little that narrows it down] meme but im pretty sure u mean this one <3 and in any case i will always be down to ramble about the Sillies(tm)
ok so those guys in particular are from the fox procedural called 9-1-1 Lone Star, which is a spinoff of the original 9-1-1 (which just got moved to abc after some Drama that went down so my tag for it is 911 (not fox) lmaoo). but both shows are about first responders (firefighters, paramedics, dispatchers, police) with a particular focus on firefighters. 9-1-1 (the og) is set in LA, and primarily focuses on the 118 firehouse and the firefighters/paramedics there with some other characters in the main cast who work as dispatchers/police officers (the police storylines are more often than not FULL of copaganda which sucks but the main focus is on the firefighters so i'm able to enjoy the rest of the show). 9-1-1 Lone Star is pretty much the same except it's set in austin texas, and is about the 126 firehouse. there are onscreen queer characters in both (in the og there's a married lesbian couple raising a kid, and in lone star there's the aforementioned hot gay boys [one of whom is unfortunately a cop but i swear to GOD i will get him out of there. one day.] and in lone star there's also a trans man and wlw woman in the main cast.) and my favorite thing about these shows is the found family !!! like these are the shows that have endeared firefighter aus to me because they live together and eat meals together and just. the familial/platonic love is So Powerful and it legiterally makes me cry to watch. like there's romance ofc but genuinely it's one of my favorite found family medias to ever exist. its So.
of the two the og is my favorite for a LOT of reasons, but they're both pretty enjoyable !! lone star definitely has more of a comedic tone than og (theyre BOTH funny but lone star doesn't have as many somber intense moments as og does, and they're much more spread out so there's a lot more room for goofy shenanigans. but og still definitely has plenty of those) and the team dynamics in them both are just...ughhh <3333
HOWEVER. lone star has ..... Him...(derogatory)...he's the fire captain and (despite lone star SUPPOSEDLY being an ensemble show with no Main Character) is in fact. the Main Character. and he's the blandest most obnoxious crustiest white man to ever LIVE. he gets most of the storylines and he's constantly propped up by the writing as The Coolest Guy Ever when he's just . not . i hate him so much it's unreal it's soo so unreal (<- biting the bars of my cage) BUT the rest of the team ??? absolutely love them. like i DO love lone star a lot its a great show with great characters and dynamics but it just has. the most annoying guy to ever live front and center when ITS SUPPOSED TO BE AN ENSEMBLE SHOW FEATURING EVERYONE EQUALLY. grr. anyway. og does a much better job of being an ensemble show, and i could not choose a favorite character of the main cast if you held me at gunpoint. angela bassett is there. i am gay. jennifer love hewitt is there. i am very gay. etcetera.
so one of them is tk strand (firefighter/paramedic, also the son of the Main Character (derogatory). i have many many many thoughts about that. i would probably get gunned down in this fandom if i ever said them aloud.) and the other one is carlos reyes (a private detective TO MEEEEEEEEEEEE but unfortunately fox is full of cowards who refuse to see the truth. they wanna have a gay cop in their show sooo bad </3) and they're kind of the main romance of the show (there Are others ofc but theyre like. The Focus. which is fine ig but i do wish there was more focus on other relationships because in general lone star isnt as good as the ensemble thing as og. but i already complained about that so i digress.)
now they're a fun pair because one of them has been shot, frozen almost to death, and otherwise put into a coma on MULTIPLE occasions. and it's not the guy whose entire job is to get shot at. (the whump in both of these shows.....................absolutely effervescent. im thriving here.) and they have a very fascinating relationship because their personalities fit together really well but they have different ways of coping with shit that kind of tear each other apart a little bit. which is of course terrible for them but incredible for me. and the writing is at times ridiculous. soap opera-esque, even. they're ridiculous. i adore them. they cannot catch a god damn break and i love that for them even more. <3
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alright, i have slept, i have thought, i have done my normal wednesday stuff. so here it is.
firstly, thank you all the anons who sent me messages. i'm really sorry but i can't reply to them all individually, and many of them are along the same themes anyway, so consider this my reply to all of you. there may be some asks i do reply to separately because they're about a slightly different topic, but on the whole i can't.
i'm not mad anymore. i don't have the mental space, time, or energy to be mad about fiction right now. that being sad, i can't pretend to like this plotline and i am extremely uncomfortable with it. tarlos has always been presented as a strong couple who do have their flaws, yes, and they fight and they fuck up - but overall they have a good, healthy relationship
this has blown that to pieces.
tim says this has been in the work since season 1? well, maybe so. but they didn't lay any groundwork - they even cut that scene with carlos talking about iris in 1.05 - and the way they have developed these characters over the past three years does not match up with carlos being secretly married. i mean, we've also been told that carlos knew as soon as he saw tk in the pilot that he was going to marry him. sure, he thought iris was dead at the time, but that was revealed as wrong before tk and carlos properly began their relationship.
i'm actually fine with the marriage. i can even get past carlos staying married. usamerican healthcare sucks, it was the only way he could help her, fine.
what is upsetting me is that tk didn't know.
and you know what? maybe i do see the point about characterisation, because carlos has been proven to be somebody who doesn't fully think his actions through when it comes to helping the people he loves and he will do things that aren't particularly morally correct. but there is a huge difference between buying the loft and hiding a whole marriage from his literal fiancé.
by the start of s4, tk and carlos have presumably been engaged for several weeks, if not several months (and tim tends to work on a real life timeline so it's probably a safe enough bet that it's been seven months). even if you thought you had over a year to sort the issue out, that is a disgusting amount of time to hide an existing marriage from YOUR FIANCÉ and it's deeply unfair, not only to tk but also to iris.
(mostly to tk though)
there's literally no getting around that he deserved to know from the very beginning of their relationship. or at least from when it started to get properly serious. definitely from when they moved in together and by the time they were engaged......far, far overdue.
so, i guess i lied. i am mad. and i'm mad that tk didn't get to be mad, but after everything.... look, it's hard to parallel between this and the breakup or between this and 3.13 because they're all very different situations. so all i'm going to say is that tk has shouldered the blame (from both fandom and show) for basically everything, and carlos has been allowed to be angry and passive aggressive - in 3.13 it was even played off as comedic which honestly boils my blood because i've been in that situation on tk's side and, believe me, it's not fun.
i don't want tk to yell at carlos. i don't want another blow up. all i want is for tk to get to say - what you've done has hurt me deeply and i need some time to think. we will get through this and i know your heart was in (more or less) the right place, but you have fucked up and this does change things between us.
i will keep watching the show; i know i said i might quit should this happen but that was when i was sure it wouldn't. i'm in too deep to quit, we all know that. we'll see how they handle this. but it has certainly changed how i view carlos and the tarlos relationship, because now we have to look back over three full seasons, knowing carlos was lying to tk the entire time
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guardian-angle22 · 1 year
It feels like they’ve ruined Carlos (if not as my comfort character, but by simply seeing everyone else’s reactions) and the show a little bit. This is sad.
Ooof. I'm so sorry you feel this way, anon!
I definitely don't want to tell anyone how to feel or how to react so I would never say that you're wrong for feeling that way or that anyone else in the fandom is, but I personally don't feel like that? 
This might be controversial to say, but I think Carlos has always been a little too perfect in canon. I think that status of being the perfect boyfriend or perfect character with only minimal flaws makes the fall from something like this feel even worse than it would have been otherwise.
I also personally just love the show for so many more reasons than just Carlos, or even Tarlos... Maybe I should re-brand myself with a Paul icon or something so people know, but Paul Strickland is my number ONE always, and I love so many other characters on this show other than just Tarlos. As much as I don’t really care for their storyline in this current moment, I’m excited for so many other things outside of them (and also them in the future! The wedding planning that we already know is going to happen is going to be SO GOOD!). My excitement for those things means the show isn’t ruined for me. I hope you can find some other parts of the show to be excited about for now until this story blows over. And then my advice is to ignore it for the rest of the series run if that makes your fandom experience better!
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paperstorm · 2 years
I'll just say, it's definitely trauma though. Carlos does not seem like someone who would insensitively claim that TK's proposal would be a "dramatic" move, and the week they had was very traumatic, which would be compounded by the amount of trauma that TK had already faced in season 3. Also, Ronen had a direct quote in an interview about 3x13 in which he said that this episode and TK's journey leading up to it was trauma-focused, so it was intentional that he declare that the proposal was not a trauma response, but centered around the love he feels for Carlos and the love that he knows Carlos has for him.
I still think it’s dramatic because I don’t think Carlos is using the word in the way you’re saying tbh. Like I understand that the word “drama” has kind of a modern colloquial meaning like someone is overreacting, or being petty or getting all worked up over nothing. But when we use the word drama to describe a literally genre, it means a story that’s very heavy and serious, and the word “dramatic” can have that same meaning. Saying “we’ve had a pretty dramatic week” is Carlos saying “a bunch of really crazy, awful things happened this week.” Dramatic as an adjective has a different definition than the sort of judgmental connotation of the word “drama” that you’re assuming. (Not that you’re being judgmental, but to say someone is being dramatic has judgmental implications. And Carlos doesn’t say tk is being dramatic. He says the week was dramatic. That changes the meaning significantly). And TK definitely says drama, I think there is a bit of ambiguity over what Carlos says but TK says it clearly. To my ears, anyway. That’s my two cents 🤷🏻‍♀️
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welcometololaland · 7 months
26 🩷
SHANNON! how are you, girl? I haven't seen you around the traps! I answered some headcanons before I remembered you sent this so please strap in for some unhinged headcanons:
1. Both TK and Owen have 932874 step skincare routines and they both have those little plastic string headband things you use to keep your hair out of your face while you do it.
2. TK gives Lou spa days. During shedding time beardies sometimes need a little bit of help and I feel like TK whips out a spare wound bath from work, fills it up and puts Lou in it.
3. I think Carlos relented and let TK dress Lou up in a non-denominational, holiday appropriate costume and reluctantly posed for a family photo.
4. Paul does that thing where he tries to get Asha to tell him HR work gossip and - consummate professional she is - she doesn't tell him, but then Paul asks little probing questions and before you know it, he's worked out the tea anyway.
5. Mateo def hit up that douchebag guy Marjan went on a date with and had $500 bucks in a Ponzi scheme before Nancy talked him out of it.
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ramblingdisaster73 · 1 year
It’s a sad time to be a Tarlos fan. I’ve seen so many people jump on TK over and over again when he messed up, are now doing the same to Carlos. And the same people who defended TK because he was human and made mistakes are now the very same ones who continue to drag Carlos and Rafa through the mud.
I think the storyline could be better, but I also think calling their relationship suddenly unhealthy because of Carlos is a bit… too far.
Both of them have made big mistakes in their relationship, but it’s not up to us to decide how they should feel about it. Carlos swept TK fire house explosion under the rug, TK swept Carlos’ secret under the rug. They both have missed stepped, but it’s clear they love each other.
But for some reason the fandom continues to grow in toxicity… attacking both actors for whatever reason… I’m quickly loosing my love of this ship because of it.
I can’t control the fandom and what how they feel. I am a firm supporter and defender of both characters, but can see when they are in the wrong.
I haven’t seen anyone drag Rafa through the mud, I have seen some valid points against what was released in an article from a interview with him. Equating an AA sponsor and a secret legal relationship was bound to bring out some opinions.
I have really not seen people drag Carlos through the mud, in fact, I have mostly seen the opposite. I have seen a lot of “He is too pretty to be mad at.”, “Carlos baby does nothing wrong, ever.”, and a whole host of other excuses for why he didn’t tell TK (a lot of them blaming TK) other than the first couple of days after the 1st ep. Even then, I didn’t see anything like the hate TK got in 2x12 or 3x13 (or several others).
The first 48 hours or so after 4x01 aired was probably the most and really only time Carlos has gotten any real heavy fandom wide criticism to date (even then there were still the people that refused to see that he is human, not perfection). Since then, people started processing their thoughts and emotions, more critical, but not as angrily. Since Carlos’ storyline is technically 4 episodes, people are going to continue to be critical of him. Just like they have been of TK since the beginning.
Since you brought up 2x12, We see on screen what doesn’t really sound like Carlos brushing off the scene in the firehouse – but a confirmation that they had a conversation about it already, offscreen. TK literally says “About that other blow up at the firehouse” with Carlos replying “TK, we agreed. No one needs to apologize.” – That is in canon & we got to see it on screen.
We haven’t yet gotten any acknowledgement that Carlos even thinks what he did was wrong in the first place. We haven’t gotten any kind of in canon acknowledgement of it – it doesn’t even need to be an apology – just something that SHOWS us that Carlos realizes that his method of not talking about shit, just pretending it doesn’t exist until it blows up in his face isn’t healthy. Not for him, not for his relationships. Notice, I said not for him 1st. Carlos needs to show that he knows he is hurting himself with his actions – only then can he really see how his actions impact, TK, his parents, Iris.
This could be done in a scene of him talking to one or both of his parents, talking to TK, talking to a wall, I don’t care – but this man needs to talk to someone, preferably on screen.
Honestly, I find this a great time to be a Tarlos fan. We are getting a lot of them – we still have 16 more episodes left of the season, and while Tarlos won’t be the center of them all, we are getting so much more of them than we ever had. Ronen and Rafa have been pretty clear that TK and Carlos are a unit, that all roads lead to the wedding.
Maybe it is just Carlos’ time to be human, to have storylines that fans will be critical of, like they have with TK’s since season 1. In Tim’s world, if we want more Carlos, it will come with some things we might not like about him. Just like it has with the other characters.
I am here to enjoy the ride, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t question it, won’t call it out. I love TK and Carlos, equally and will continue to do so, even if I think they fuck up.
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actuallysara · 1 year
They're trying really hard to make Carlos the villain this season uh
see this is interesting cause what you see as them making carlos a villain, I see as them making him imperfect, real and relatable.
also general words of advice to live a show better:
let's not jump to conclusions before having even watched an episode
let's not put characters on pedestals and then be disappointed when they obviously don't meet up our ridiculously high expectations
remember that this all fiction
That being said I think carlos' reasoning from that 2 minutes clip is totally and absolutely valid. It felt like a not yet not a hard no and even if it was, it would still be as valid. But knowing him, it definitely feels like his reasoning goes deeper and is more rooted to how he is as a person, his insecurities, his fears of not being enough and of becoming like his father and also to the example of parenthood he had. All things that can be traced to what his first mechanism of defense is: deflecting and not communicating. Let alone the fact this man thought of himself as a project and as someone who would never find real love until like yesterday so his motivation is very understandable to me. He's just imperfect, not a villain.
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unstatedmartini · 1 year
hey all, i appreciate that fandom sprawls across a lot of different platforms and you probably don't pay much attention to which platforms other fans happen to be active on. totally understandable! so please don't feel bad if this remark resembles you, but let me be really clear: if I wanted to be exposed to the toxicity of twitter, either of the fandom drama variety or the genuine bigotry variety (and as we all know they often go hand in hand), then I'd be on twitter. I'm not, because I don't want that to be part of my life
so if you bring that toxicity into my ask box it will be deleted, and if you make posts about it in the main tag you'll be blocked. you're all free to engage with social media however you want, on whatever platform(s) you want, but that's a boundary I choose to enforce for my own mental health as well as my enjoyment of fandom <3
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doublel27 · 1 year
I really doubt iris lived with him in the townhouse, I don’t think they lived together for that long since she then started dating Dustin, like the fact that they were married wasn’t an obstacle after they realized the mistake they made. But this is us trying to make sense over things Tim will never tell us.
Oh, I don't think they lived together in the townhouse. That house was entirely Carlos from start to finish. The decor screamed bachelor. The townhouse was pretty good sized and wouldn't be the first place you lived alone after moving out of your parents house.
I think they maybe had a crappy apartment near wherever Iris was going to school. We know she made it to med school before she disappeared, so she was at least 22-24 by the time she disappeared. So Iris would have at least done undergrad, Carlos might have too, or he might have gone straight into police work.
Either way, there was time for them to live together for a little bit before it fell apart and she moved in with Dustin and Carlos eventually got the townhouse.
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