#921 words
glucosehighs · 2 years
Kiyoomi who’s completely clueless when it comes to adulting things because the only thing he’s learnt from his parents growing up is that if you throw money at a problem, you can hire people to solve it for you.
He grew up with a housekeeper who took care of his meals and who called the plumber and electrician when anything needed fixing, so he’s never learnt any basic skills. 
Did he finally pick some things up in university? Absolutely not, he refused to stay with those slobs in campus housing. Since his family home is in Tokyo anyway, he opts to take the train home everyday instead.
Moving to Osaka to join MSBY is a massive cultural shock. He eats takeout for a whole month before he finally has had enough of the MSG and preservatives going into his body and money leaking out of his wallet (takeout is expensive for Omi’s rich boy tastebuds) and buys a single knife and a chopping board. He then lives on salad every day until the team’s dietician notices he’s not been putting on much muscle mass and instructs him to include meat in every meal. 
That’s when he caves and asks, through gritted teeth, if any of his teammates knows how to cook and would be willing to show him. That brings a round of slow blinks from around the room. 
Hinata breaks the silence. “Y-you don’t know how to cook, Omi-san?”
“Don’t look so shocked,” he grumbles. “I’m doing the restaurants near my area a favour, you know.” 
“When you say you don’t know how to cook,” Atsumu ventures. “Do you mean like, you can’t cook nice fancy meals?”
He stares Atsumu dead in the eye when he replies. “I’ve never cooked an egg in my life.” 
This causes something of an uproar in the locker room. “Never cooked an egg in your life,” Bokuto, who snacks on at least a dozen boiled eggs a day, looks almost faint.
The team then decided unanimously, without consulting him whatsoever, that it is of paramount importance that he should learn how to cook. They assign Atsumu, Bokuto, and Hinata the task, and the three of them show up on his doorstep that Saturday, armed with bags of groceries.
“Where are all your pots and pans, Omi-san?” Hinata’s brow is furrowed as he pulls open empty drawer after empty drawer in the kitchen. 
“I don’t see the need to own them,” Kiyoomi sniffs. “Oh, and be careful going into the toilet. One of the light bulbs stopped working, so I’m going to have to move out soon.” 
“You’re going to move out,” Atsumu repeats in a monotone, “because one of your lightbulbs is blown.” 
Kiyoomi honestly does not see anything wrong with his logic. “Yes, the apartment is no longer functional, so I’ll have to move.”
“How are you still alive?” Bokuto wonders with complete sincerity. 
Kiyoomi shrugs. He doesn’t have a response to that. 
The three of them get started on Kiyoomi’s unofficial education, coming over every weekend to teach him a new life skill. Bokuto teaches him how to change a lightbulb. Hinata shares recipes for quick meals from his time in Brazil, and falls over from laughing when Kiyoomi admits that he doesn’t know how to operate a microwave. Atsumu, who has apparently spent much time helping his brother start his restaurant, patiently teaches Kiyoomi how to do his taxes. 
Slowly, Kiyoomi starts to pick up these skills. It takes him a whole weekend of trial and error and ten different youtube videos, but the MSBY group chat floods with congratulatory messages when Kiyoomi shares that he fixed a leaky pipe in the bathroom all by himself. He manages not to freak out at the sight of a cockroach in his house, and instead manages to gather the guts to trap it under a container and fling it out of the window. (Atsumu sheds tears of pride when he recounts that particular anecdote to him). Finally, seven months after joining the Black Jackals, he invites the team over to his house for a home-cooked meal.
“So how likely is it that I’m going to get food-poisoning from this?” Inunaki is only half-joking. “I mean, I still remember how Bokuto told us that your first fried egg was crunchy because of all the bits of egg shell he found in it.”
Kiyoomi keeps his expression as neutral as possible as he lays the dishes out on the dining table. “Only one way to find out,” he intones. 
He watches as the team tentatively goes to take a bite of the food, and watches as their shoulders relax in relief, and the expressions on their faces turn to pure delight. 
“Wow, Omi-kun!” Bokuto exclaims. “This is really, really good!” 
“Yeah,” Atsumu chips in. “What can I say, you might just give my brother a run for his money.” The team hums in agreement, and praises him for the meal. 
Kiyoomi smiles to himself, and tries not to eye the seemingly innocuous kitchen cupboard where he’d stashed the takeout containers just seconds before the team had piled in. After all, no one needs to know about the disaster of a burnt pile sitting at the bottom of his trash bin. 
Anyway, as far as Kiyoomi is concerned, he couldn’t care less about not being able to cook or do any of those adult things his peers did. Why would he? If he ever needs anything, he has his family right here to help him out.
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I really underestimated how many people on the internet just don't interact with things
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lydslovr · 1 year
is there anything you guys want to see in chapter 4 of the heart wants what it wants?
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risuola · 2 months
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ENTRY #4 ♡ F. READER X GOJO SATORU // Your fingertips brought me back from the death.
contents: arranged marriage!au, slight hurt-comfort — wc. 921
series masterlist
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„It hurts, Satoru.”
Pain. Agonizing, paralyzing pain was something Gojo had to teach himself to live with. He wouldn’t tell anyone, he’s the strongest, the honored one, he’s… a human. No matter how trained he was, how much control over his own body he had, how efficiently he managed his cursed energy, he never learned how to deal with the side effects of the cursed blessing he inherited.
It felt like he’s dying. Every time his six eyes were put to work for more than enough, a part of him was begging for an end to the suffering he had to endure. He felt like his head was splitting open from the inside out, like his brain was bleeding, his eyes were burning. He could feel the pounding of his heartbeat, fast and uneven, in his temples, ears and neck; he was sweating and frowning. He was miserable. Vulnerable. He couldn’t focus on anything and every move he made only made the anguish worse. It was a misery. Excruciation. But then–
“What do you think you’re doing?”
–then your soft, warm palms planted themselves on top of his closed lids oh so gently and Satoru realized that he held your wrist in an iron grip – a defense mechanism he couldn’t control whenever anyone got too close to his eyes. With his infinity turned off, he felt helpless against your touch, but submitted himself to your mercy and it tingled. An odd sensation that seemed to envelop his head in a protective hood of something he couldn’t understand slowly soothed the torment inside his skull. The pounding mellowed and the muscles between his brows and in his shoulders began to relax underneath the calming influence of your doing.
Satoru let out a shaky breath, one that he just noticed he was holding in, and his fingers that once wrapped around the fragile bones of your forearm now shifted to the top of your knuckles, greedy to hold your hands there longer. His senses were calming, coming to the sharpness he’s used to have and slowly he started registering more than just the balm of your hands. Slowly he became aware of you. The subtle, sweet scent of your perfume mixed with equally pleasant, slightly flowery note of washing detergent you bought recently – the one he had to carry for you the other day because you had enough bags in your hands and texted him for help. He felt the softness of your stomach against the top of his hair as you stood behind the couch on top of which he was sitting, with his head tilted back.
“You’re hurting. I’m helping you,” and the melody of your voice, quieted and gentle that now he was finally able to hear clearly once the echo of his own heartbeat stopped deafening his eardrums.
Satoru couldn’t tell what you were doing. He felt the very distinct signature of your cursed energy flowing through your palms but it wasn’t something he could recognize. He also couldn’t tell what gave away his suffering – was it the way he entered the house that day? After a week-long job outside the city, he dropped his coat and kicked off the shoes and then, without acknowledging you he nearly collapsed onto the couch. It wasn’t the first time he ignored you and surely it wasn’t the first time he was in pain in your presence. Maybe the grunt he let out when dropping his weight onto the cushions made it too obvious that he was in agony?
“How do you know I’m hurting?” He asked, too curious, too unsure to let the question go.
“You’re always hurting after those longer jobs,” you replied and he hummed, perplexed to realize that you’ve been seeing his misery before. “It’s the six eyes, right? Your head hurts when you overuse it.” Your words made him speechless; the tone you used – full of care and concern, it got him frozen for a moment or two. “You saved me many times, so I learned this to save you.”
“You learned this for me?”
“I did,” you let out a soft chuckle, the kind that flows on top of a breath without much sound to it. You moved your hands a little, resting your thumbs on top of his skin and moving them in little circles, rubbing the tension away from his forehead and temples. It felt intimate in a way and Satoru wasn’t used to stripping his infinity off to connect with other humans in such private level. “I wasn’t sure if it’s even going to work. I couldn’t test it before because it only applies to you.”
“A technique that works only on me?” He repeated the words that didn’t make sense in his mind. Why would you go so far for him? He wasn’t a man you chose to spend your life with, he wasn’t even good to you. “How?”
“Well, it’s a little mix of my cursed technique and yours and subconsciously you allowed my energy to enter your head and release the tension that built up after you overused your eyes. It’s not really reversed cursed technique, I don’t know how to explain this… but all that matter is that it works,” you concluded with a soft sigh of relief.
“Because I’m your wife, Satoru. Because you carry enough weight on your shoulders to pay the price of saving the world. Because you don’t have to be the strongest all the time and you don’t have to do this alone.”
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taglist: @kinny-away, @anan-baban, @lotomber, @netflix-imagines, @kawliflo, @nishloves, @ghostfacefricker6969, @thejujvtsupost, @yozora7154, @cherrycolabarbedwirebedpost @ae-mius
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kana-de · 8 months
Could I pretty please have a fluffy wanderer smut with a cuddly reader 😢 u write him so well 🥰
★ summary: wanderer x fem!reader. cuddly smut w soft wanderer.
☆ cw: nsfw. fluffy smut. cuddling. a lot of cuddling. soft touchy wanderer my love. sleepy sex. sex with feelings. wanderer is called 'kuni' in some replicas. 921 words.
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you snuggle up closer to wanderer while you're both laying on the bed - so close to each other it even seems there's not much room for the air itself. his breath is on your forehead as your hands find themselves tightening around his body, your face just near his collarbones.
if it'd be someone other than you, he'd break every and each one of their bones.
but it's you.
you whine as a tip of his finger starts to gently, slowly rub your clit through your already wet panties. "mmn... wande-"
"sshhh... i know what you need right now." wanderer coos into your ear gently, and you let out a soft mewl yet again at how his soft, sleepy and raspy voice never fails to make you shudder.
you can't help all the sleepy whimpers that escape your lips as he continues his doings, fin hand now slipping inside your panties to slide the tips of his fingers over your folds, smearing your slick on them.
"inside... please..." you mumble, fingers tugging at the cloth of his bodysuit on his back. "mmm, c'mon.."
wanderer chuckles. "impatient, aren't we? but fine, i won't make you wait too long." he says, his fingertips gliding past your folds, slowly inserting his middle and ring finger inside your cunt - he wouldn't want to overwhelm you right now due to your sleepiness, so he's taking it slow, his digits moving along your clamping walls sensually, so you'll have the time to feel everything.
you bite your lower lip to suppress the need to let out a long whine, instead converting it into a muffled mewl that ends up being with a shaky exhale as his fingers curl up against that sweet spot inside you.
"love my fingers that much, huh?" he grins, laughing quietly as he picks up the pace of his fingers' movements. you nod, humming something inaudible in the crook of his neck.
you, involuntarily, but stop him, grabbing him gently by his wrist and - as much as you didn't want to - pulling his digits out. "mmmn- wait. let me just..."
you quickly make your way out of your undergarments, pushing wanderer to lay on his back as you straddle him, pulling his shorts and boxers in a few swift motions.
"oh, feeling needy now, aren't you?" wanderer taunts, a small chuckle interrupted with how you grind your cunt's folds against his cock, making him exhale shakily. "how greedy of you..." he mumbles in the end.
his hands make their way from your hips to your shoulders, bringing your upper body closer to him, basically hugging you while you're getting ready to ride him. close and tight - just how you like it.
slowly, adjusting yourself, you start putting in his cock inch by inch, biting your lower lip yet again until it's fully settled within you, and you can't help a whine that leaves your mouth. "k-kuni..." you breathe out, voice nearly breaking into a moan from how good it all feels - being so close to him, both you holding eachother in your arms and having him inside at the same time truly is the best compilation to you.
wanderer nearly moans at the feeling of your walls clenching tight around his length as you start moving your hips up and down - how he missed these sloppy, sleepy little sessions of yours.
he holds you close to him, closer than ever before, his hands rubbing gentle circles on your back, and he senses you pressing your forehead into his shoulder, trying to suppress a moan - but failing miserably.
"w-wanderer... kuni, h-hah-" you mutter, voice so weak it even surprises you. wanderer plants a gentle kiss to the crown of your head, on your hair, a subtle attempt to calm you, before one of his hands comes to rest on your hip, guiding your rhythm and making it more fast, with sounds of skin slapping against skin echoing through the dimly lit room.
"[name], f-fuck- go faster." he whispers, biting at your neck after talking, instantly hearing you whimpering and speeding up your movements. the knot of pleasure that forms in the pit of your stomach is basically going to explode in the next minute if you'll keep up with the pace.
"g-g'nna cum, nghh- i'm gonna-"
he hums quietly in agreement to your words, interrupting you when he feels your cunt tightening around his cock. "i know, i know, just cum with me... you can do it." wanderer mutters encouragingly, hand slightly squeezing your butt to add more to the pleasure.
your hand grips the bedsheets beside him more firmly now, another hand resting behind his back tugs on his clothing too, as you whimper in desperation.
"k-kuni, kuni- ngh- aah!.." you both cum in the same moment, and wanderer unintentionally pulls you even closer to him, his hands hugging you tighter as he hears you moan out loud into his shoulder, biting lightly. he whimpers as he feels his cum shooting deep inside you, the warm sensation spreading within you.
you mentally debate if you should pull him out of you or stay like this for a while longer, and your sleepy self decides on the latter, as you let yourself relax on top of him.
"was this what you needed?.." wanderer whisper-asks quietly, not wanting to startle your peaceful, sleepy state. "did i guess it right, huh?" he smirks.
you hum in agreement, nodding subtly, too sleepy to speak.
he smiles, making a note to clean you up in the morning as he pulls a blanket over both of you.
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jennifer-jeong · 10 days
[Fluff + Angst] [Boothill x GN!Reader] Homecoming
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SUMMARY He thought he lost everything, but you were always here, waiting for him to come home
CONTENT Angst to fluff, happy ending implied basically, mentions of past traumas, ALL CHARACTERS ARE 18+
AUTHOUR NOTES Just read Boothill’s character stories… I am unwell… So I wrote this LMAOO enjoyyy GUH I just started playing the game but alas the hyperfixation is already here Also, Boothill, please actually come home please I have soft pity soon
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Boothill was visiting the Aeragan-Epharshel reserves, seeing what was left of his tribe, his distant family, and because honestly it was just one of those times where he was really missing home. It just hurt because home no longer existed for him. The memories still pop up sometimes. How he searched the entire burnt house for anyone, anything to rescue. It was years ago, but still haunts him, it always will. So that’s why he’s here. Just visiting because why not. No one quite knew him here, but it felt fairly cozy. The few buildings around the area were lively with families and they had farmland and livestock like he always did when he was younger. The sun was setting, lighting everything in golden and orange hues. He enjoyed the warmth on his skin, well, the skin on his face at least. A few of the townsfolk offered him some food since he was just passing by and because the town was so small, everyone knew when there was an unfamiliar face. They also wanted to help him because he helped where he could during the day, just helping people lift and move things, even catching a loose chicken. It was actually pretty nice and for the first time in a while, he smiled, just genuinely enjoying life, watching the sunset, sitting on a bench, eating his food.
It was peaceful and the warm breeze tousled his hair and brushed his face. But he also heard something insane, the name he hadn’t heard in years. It felt like it wasn’t even his name anymore but rather from a previous life in a different body. Worst or maybe best of all, it was your voice.
His eyes were blown wide, mechanical heart somehow racing. Was the robot body driving him insane? The doctor was pretty shady honestly, he wouldn’t have been surprised if she fudged his brain up too.
But still, curiosity made him look around for the source of the voice, even if it didn’t exist.
You watched him look around before shifting on the bench to fully turn to see you. Both your hands were hovering over your mouth, eyebrows upturned as your eyes couldn’t believe it.
When he turned, his eyes locked on your figure. Maybe you were just a hallucination, but hallucinations don’t age, don’t get more mature or taller. You look the same but different, and maybe that was enough evidence for him to believe he wasn’t psychotic.
He stood up slowly, taking careful steps towards you as your hands shook, adrenaline pumping through your body. It felt like it took hours for him to close the few meters between you but once you saw his eyes, you knew. It was him.
“Lord… It really is you,” you breathed out as you reached out slowly, not wanting to spook him but also barely believing that he was actually there. Your hands slowly cupped his face and he forgot how warm things like this felt. Tears pricked at his eyes. At this point he didn’t care if this was a hallucination or not, he just wanted to indulge himself for once. Just believe that he didn’t lose everything. That maybe he could still have you, one of his only friends outside of his family that he had while growing up. His first love that he never had enough time with, not even enough time to confess.
It was almost cruel how you felt the same and how much your heart ached upon seeing his teary eyes, frozen in disbelief, staring into yours. You brushed your thumbs over his cheeks trying to comfort him and show him you really were here.
He started to question himself. Why did he never check out the towns whenever he came back to investigate the IPC on Aeragan-Epharshel? Your house had been destroyed but he never confirmed your corpses, only those of his own family. It was too much, he just assumed the worst at the time.
But now here you are, tears streaming down your face, looking as beautiful as the day he first laid eyes on you.
“Darlin’… what happened to ya fer all these years?” You asked, questioning where he had been but also what happened to his body. You closed your eyes as your eyebrows scrunched together, unable to control your emotions and crying at this point. You quickly pulled him into a hug, arms wrapped around his neck. Reflexively, his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you in tight. Your chests flush against each other.
God how he wished he wasn’t cold metal right now. He wanted to feel you with his own skin, feel your warmth, how soft you were. But he could only barely make it out with the sensors on his body. Maybe he could get some upgrades? Link some more things to his brain?
He quickly snapped himself out of his own thoughts to finally respond to you. You shivered hearing his voice again.
“It don’t matter now sweetheart. All that matters is that I’m home,” he said slowly and shaky. You squeezed him harder as you started to sob into his shoulder. It made his own tears fall as he started to stroke your back.
“I thought I’d never see ya again,” you choked out.
“Same here darlin’,” he said, voice cracking.
“I’ll tell ya all about it, and ya tell me about yerself too,” he says between breathes, his throat closing from needing to cry. “I ain’t goin’ anywhere this time…
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Thank you for reading!
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blackhairedjjun · 2 months
the yearning club - c.bg
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pairing: choi beomgyu x gn reader | genre / tropes: fluff, only a little bit of angst, misunderstanding trope, implied university au (if you squint), best friends to lovers, kissing in the rain | word count: 921 | warnings: none, this is just unbelievably cheesy lmao
part of my 300 followers event (event masterlist)
prompt - RAIN: sender reveals their love for the receiver while they’re both standing outside in the pouring rain. (requested by @boba-beom: “a misunderstanding(?) trope where you and gyu were becoming distant because you thought he was seeing someone but it was just a friend and he confesses to you outside your house in the rain”)
author's notes: hi smiles! this request is so classic romance aaaa sdklfjksldf i got a little carried away w this! but this was very fun to write, i hope you like it <3
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the rain pours unceasingly outside your bedroom window, the sound like white noise. it nearly drowns out the playlist you’re listening to through cheap earbuds, the music itself already muffled from the duvet you wrapped around yourself in bed. still, the noise doesn’t drown out the thoughts you’re trying to distract yourself from. 
it’s useless to worry, your rational side says. beomgyu and yui would have canceled their plans anyway because of the rain. 
but what if they decided to move their date indoors? your heart objects. or they could be dancing in the rain together...
you curl up into yourself and screw your eyes shut, listening to the playlist beomgyu made for you. though you try not to imagine your best friend 一 the same best friend you’ve been in love with for as long as you can remember 一 dancing in the rain with the friend who said she would ask him out, the mental image is hard to erase. it feels more real than anything you’ve imagined. even as you shut your eyes more tightly, you can practically hear beomgyu’s voice.
the voice is a little too real...
you jolt up from your bed when you realize that you can, in fact, hear beomgyu screaming your name through the downpour. you rush out of your room, forgetting to grab an umbrella, and throw your door open to find him indeed out in the street, so drenched that his hair and clothes cling to his form.
“y/n! you heard me!” despite being soaked and shivering in the rain, beomgyu looks radiant. his smile spreads across his whole face, his eyes lighting up at the sight of you.
“are you crazy?! it’s raining! you’re drenched, gyu!”
“i’m sorry, y/n! i couldn’t wait any longer! i 一 i have to tell you something!”
“you couldn’t just call me?!”
“no, this is important!”
you run out into the street yourself, not caring about the rain soaking every inch of your skin and clothes, and grab beomgyu by the shoulders. “whatever it is, you can do it insi一”
“i love you!”
he’s still smiling like a lovestruck fool. the rainfall does nothing to hide the shine in his eyes, nor the blush that starts to spread across his face. somehow he’s shimmering in the rain, and despite the wet locks of hair clinging to his forehead he looks beautiful. 
“i love you,” he says again. his voice is quieter but somehow louder that the torrent pouring down on the both of you.
you blink and your eyes go wide. you’re so stunned that his confession doesn’t even register in your mind properly. you hear i love you, i love you, i love you echoing in your head, but it takes a few moments for its meaning to sink in.
“b-but... yui... your date...”
“date?” beomgyu tilts his head at you.
“i heard her say she would finally ask out the guy she’s in love with. i thought that guy... was you...”
he tilts his head back in a long laugh, not mocking but relieved. your heart stops for a moment at the sound. the rain soaks his hair and face even more.
“no, she asked out that guy in her sociology class. y’know, the one she’s actually in love with.”
“so she doesn’t...”
“of course not, y/n.” beomgyu steps closer to your and pushes away a wet lock of hair clinging to your face. your heart stops again, and you find yourself gazing into his eyes. “yui and i, we called ourselves the yearning club. we made a bet that we would confess to the ones we loved at the end of this week, so today’s the last day.” he pauses and takes a deep breath. “and the one i loved... is you.”
you let out a giggle that turns into laughter, then just as quickly turns into sobs of relief. your tears mix with the raindrops, nearly blurring out your vision. “gyu... i really thought...”
“sorry i was too shy to tell you.” his smile is smaller now, reminding you of the shy smile he had when you first met. “i didn’t know if you一”
“i love you too.”
you wipe your tears away with the back of your hand, useless as the gesture is, and meet beomgyu’s eyes again. at that moment it becomes clear to you: the shine in his eyes is his affection.
your best friend’s eyes go wide and he takes another step towards you. his forehead rests on yours. “you love me...?”
“i love you.”
you can do nothing more but nod and lean towards him.
your lips part and he takes the invitation to kiss you. his lips are soft, and you taste both his lip balm and something saltier 一 is it the rain, or did he cry too? 一 and you feel firm hands bringing you closer still. despite the rain soaking both of you, you feel warm, both from his body enveloping yours and the new feeling blooming in your chest.
he pulls apart from you just to gaze at you, and you feel your face grow warm at the way he admires your every feature. then he pulls you back into his embrace and the two of you sway in the rain, with you smiling into the crook of his neck. each raindrop now seems like a blessing from the heavens themselves.
you’ve never loved the rain more than you did at that moment.
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
Imagine, sub!catboy scaramouche who's obsessed with Dom! female reader's breasts. He loves playing with reader breasts, there just so soft in his hands as he plays with them, while in your lap. Dom! Female reader riding his cock as he's playing with her breasts and sucking on them. Then after catboy scaramouche ends up being the one on top of you now. (It could be either a mean Dom or a soft Dom female reader if you'd like and sorry if it's a weird request to make)
the first thing I thought: BREED HIM but u said female reader. Don't be sorry anon. This is a open space!
921 words
Art credits!
Scara masterlist
Sub wanderer
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Catboy scara who always cuddles on you while you rest. Sometimes he'd even take it farther depending on his mood to rub and rest on your breasts as if it resembled a soft pillow. Scara stressed out? He wants to lay and play with your breasts and he'd purr at how comfortable it felt.
If he was being your goodboy you'd even let him climb up on you and suck on your nipples. Moaning to let him milk your boobs. Catboy scara would fantasy while he's at work of the day you'd finally let him cum on your titts. Desperately waiting for you at home. Poor scara was at home in a rut all by himself :( He'd pull up a picture he snuck on his phone of you naked in your room taking off your bra and stroke his cock to it over a pillow. Begging and pleading to cum on your boobs. "MOMMY i- Oh shit~ Fuck- I- i wanna be your good boy mommy, I wanna cum f' You~ Please let me cum~"
Catboy scara who gets on top of you and begins sucking on your tits eagerly. Drooling and moaning out how good you taste and how much he loves your boobs but you start rubbing on his cock. "aH~ y/n d-dont touch their-" Your hand made him feel so good. "Y/n...Please mommy i..." you pushed his face into your chest. "shh shh its okay baby. Cum on mommys hand. You've been so good f' me. Been such a goodboy."
Cat scara who would travel with you in your bag or purse to places he couldnt go with you as catboy scara. For example, work! Scara isnt home so you assume he went to go 'find better things to do' instead of waiting for you at the door for hours to come home. little did you know while your on a lunch break you go to open your bag and all of your snacks are half eaten. "what the.. where's all my food?"
Cat scara who runs around the cafe hopping off of tables and scaring customers, some even allergic to cats and falling head first off their chairs. It was funny at first, Until you realize that was your pet Causing so many problems.
Cat scara who enjoys as you chase after him through the cafe, Your breasts bouncing up and down through your suit as you move past table after table. You end up retrieving your devious little pet and get kicked out of the cafe. 'whoops'
Cat boy scara who you lead home after he acts like a brat. You order him to sit on the bed and he does without a second thought. You then lockup and get infront of scara. "Do you have anything to fucking say for yourself scara?" Ooo you we're 100% mad. Scara wanted you mad. "Mmm what? That im sorry?~" Scara got a kick out of you getting mad. Because he knew you'd punish him and you did. You pushed him and caged him in between your arms on the bed. "You like gettin me mad scara? Getting me all worked up like this?" He didnt reply, Just kept looking at your breasts in his vision. You pulled him into a sloppy kiss and scara let out a moan from your aggression. "Hmm? You wanna touch them? Does my little pet wanna touch mommy?" you said while rubbing your hand against your boobs. "Y-yes..Fuck yes. Wanna touch your tits mommy." You smirked "Then help mommy take of her clothes." And he did. His nails we're a little sharp and tugged at you a little bit. In a matter of seconds you were undressed and scara desperately reached for your beautiful tits on full display. But you grabbed his hand and he purred at you. "Nu-uh baby. You need to get punished for earlier. Take off your clothes too for mommy." He roughly took of his clothes and threw them on the floor. "Now lay down." You commanded and he did. "Stay like that for me baby." You climbed ontop of him, Scara's body started burning up as you slowly sat down on his cock. "S-shit mommy~ your so warm, Wanna cum inside of you~" He went to put his hands against your waist but you patted them away. "Uh uh uh scara~ brats dont get to cum." He whined "N-no mommy. please let me AH~" you began bouncing on his cock "aH~ fuck mommy"
Catboy scara moaning and begging for you to let him cum and milk his cock "Y-YES MOMMY F-FUCK IM SO CLOSE- PLEASE. PLEASE LET ME CUM. ILL BE GOOD F' YOU. I PROMISEE~" at this point he's just flat out yelling and moaning for you, "Oh yeah? T-then be my good boy scara and cum for mommy~ Cum inside of me scara~"
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(astarion / acebard!tav)
Astarion never received any gifts before - and if he did, he forgot - but he would have loved for the first giver to be his lover, although they seemed pretty occupied with Gale and an object that suspiciously looked like a present.
(not native in english. so sorry if the wording is clusmy in some parts, i wan't sure how to write this xD)
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A/N: I made a few adjustments, but I think I know what you're getting at. Hopefully it still works. Also, this turned out way more than five sentences because I have no self control.
Astarion x AsexualBard!Tav Masterlist
Word Count: 921
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Astarion couldn't remember the last time he received a gift. The idea of being gifted anything was down right laughable. Nobody truly gave anything without expecting something in return. Some way, some how a price would be paid. He didn't need that hanging over his head, along with everything else. So why did seeing you hand Gale a wrapped parcel sting so much?
He watched as the wizard pulled apart the paper, his brows furrowed with curiosity clearing into a bright smile.
"Oh this is perfect!" he exclaimed. "How did you get it?"
"Do you really want to know?" you challenged, grinning yourself.
Gale opened his mouth as if to say something, but stopped himself with a guilty look. "Perhaps it's best I say thank you and leave it at that."
"What do you know, intelligent and wise," you teased. "Just make sure to pace yourself. Don't read it all in one night."
"I've made a point never to make promises I can't keep."
You laughed, giving Gale a light squeeze on the arm before turning in Astarion's direction.
He schooled his features into a casual expression, trying and failing to ignore the burning in his chest. Admittedly the fond look in your eyes did quell the fires, at least a little.
"Successful day?" he asked.
"More or less," you said, taking a seat beside him. "We've got a map. No way to read it just yet, but it's a start."
Astarion humphed, nodding in Gale's direction. "And that?"
"Just some petty thief," you explained. "Gale expressed an interest in it last time we were in town. Couldn't for the life of me explain why, but the bookseller refused to sell. Terrible way to run a business if you ask me."
This was normally when he would laugh or at least grant you an approving smile. Truly, he did love your casual relationship thievery, but it only made him more frustrated. He'd almost preferred you'd paid for it. If you had, he could dismiss the whole thing as a simple errand and not something more.
You frowned slightly, clearly taking notice of his mood.
"Alright, what's got you pouting?"
"I'm not pouting," he said, indignantly. "I'm brooding. There's a difference."
"My apologizes," you said, dryly. "What's got you brooding, oh mysterious one?"
He narrowed his eyes at you, his lips pressing into a hard line.
"I'm just surprised you would go so out of your way for a book. It's not as if you'd be able to understand it anyway."
A flash of hurt struck across your face, but you pushed it down in a way that made him sick to his stomach. What in the hells was wrong with him?
"Well, it's a good thing it wasn't for me then," you said, stiffly. "Now are you done being childish or are you actually going to tell me what's going on?"
Astarion tried to maintain eye contact in some vain attempt to hold onto his pride, but it was no use. He ducked his head down, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides.
"I...I don't see why you think Gale is worth the effort is all," he admitted. "It's just a stupid book. It's not as if it's useful to the rest of us. So...why bother?"
He chanced a glance in your direction. You just stared at him, your lips slightly parted as you took him in.
"Astarion, are you jealous?" you finally asked.
"No," he said, a little too quickly, even to his ears.
"So what else would you call being upset over the fact I stole something specifically for Gale and not you?"
"I'm not upset," Astarion objected. "I'm just..."
He very much wanted to say something devastating in that moment, that would shut you up and let him walk away from this with some kind of dignity; but, he couldn't think of a damned thing.
"Fine, I'm jealous," he spat. "Happy?"
"Not really."
He closed his eyes, letting out a short sigh. He deserved that.
"I'm sorry," he said, softly. "You're right, it's...petty and I shouldn't have said that to you. Gods know if it were anyone else I would have torn their throat out."
He looked to you then, hoping you would see the honest truth in his words.
"I wish I was better at this. I know you care about me and I don't need you to commit robbery to prove it. Although, I wouldn't be opposed to it."
To his relief, a small crack of a smile turned at the corner of your mouth.
"I'll keep that in mind," you said, some of the teasing coming back into your voice.
"Does that mean I'm forgiven?" he asked.
"Only if you mean it."
He didn't have an answer for that. At least, not right away.
With deliberate care, he slipped his hand into yours, raising it to his lips.
He watched as your eyes widened in surprise, only to soften as he pressed a gentle kiss to your fingers. His eyes never strayed from yours. He needed you to see him too.
"I mean it," he said.
A true smile came to your lips, as you nodded. "Then you are forgiven."
He returned your smile, feeling a lightness in his chest only you seemed to grant him.
Perhaps he was wrong in his assessment. He had been given many gifts since meeting you. You practically showered him with them every single day, and damn him for taking any of them for granted.
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firelordsfirelady · 2 months
V. Ocean and Moon
Author: @firelordsfirelady
Imagine: When Y/N—a princess of one of the Water Tribes—is told she’s leaving her tribe, she never expects that she’s to be betrothed to the Fire Lord’s son, nor was she prepared to be exiled the very day she arrived at the Fire Nation. With her life in the hands of her new fiancée, how will life change for the princess? 
Pairing: Zuko x F!Reader
Trigger warnings: arranged marriage, feelings of fear, banishment, mentions of burns/abuse, frustration, violence, betrayal
Word Count: 921
Destined to be Yin and Yang
I own no rights to any of the Avatar Last Air Bender characters. 
Author’s Notes
The characters as all aged up so Zuko’s banishment happens when he’s 16 
Keep in mind I am bringing a unique world with inspiration from ATLA in their characters, some of the events that happen, bending, etc. Not many things may align or occur with what happened in the show. It’s intended that way, so I hope you enjoy it regardless.
See Y/N’s inspiration here. 
Destined to be Yin and Yang Soundtrack (YouTube)
For two days, I did not leave my room nor did I open my door to anyone. Several times someone knocked at the door to bring me food or ask if I needed anything, but I assured everyone that I needed nothing. By noon of the third day, I was starting to feel better, but I still did not want to deal with Zuko and his attitude. I was busy working on my third drawing since I had sequestered away to my room when three harsh knocks sounded on my door.
“Gentle now.” Iroh’s muffled voice came from the other side of the door that was followed by three softer knocks on my door.
“Unless you have jasmine tea, go away.” I smiled to myself as I continued my sketch, knowing damn good and well that Zuko did not have any jasmine tea with him.
“I told you this was pointless.” Zuko grumbled before I heard footsteps walk away from the door. A few minutes later, however, a set of gentle knocks sounded on my door.
“I have jasmine tea this time.” Zuko grumbled from the other side of the door.
“Tell her you have cookies too.” Iroh’s softer voice said, and Zuko sighed heavily. 
“And cookies.” He said. “I brought jasmine tea and cookies.” Sighing heavily, I set my pencil down and walked to the door.
“I hope the cookies and tea are better than you have been to me.” I said as I opened the door to find Zuko standing there with a tea tray and a small plate of cookies with Iroh standing off to the side behind him. “The tea certainly smells divine.” Stepping to the side, I motioned for Zuko to enter. Iroh gave Zuko a small push forward before he turned and walked away. “You can place the tray on the desk. I won’t ask you to do anything more than that.”
Moving to stand by the bed, I watched Zuko set the tray down before he paused at the sight of the paper laying on the desk. Curiosity was evident on his face as he gently picked up the drawing I was working on. I felt my face heat up as I watched the prince look over my art before I took a seat on my bed.
“Go ahead and say that it is so improper of a princess to have such a hobby.” A humorless chuckle left my lips as I played with a strand of hair.
“I wasn’t going to say such a thing.” Zuko said quietly, which caused me to look at him through my lashes. I had drawn two koi fish—one black and one white—to represent the moon and the ocean spirits, and Zuko was studying the picture with curiosity. “What is the story behind the drawing?”
“I’ll tell you on one condition.” Zuko looked at me with a raised eyebrow. “Make me a cup of that jasmine tea?” Zuko set the drawing on the table before he set to work pouring a cup of jasmine tea. I smiled at him as he handed me a warm cup of tea. “Thank you.” 
Inhaling the vapor from the tea, I sighed with contentment before I took a sip and let the warm liquid wash over my insides.
“The two koi represent the two most important spirits to the waterbenders—the moon spirit and the ocean spirit.” I motioned to the picture. “The black one with the white dot is the ocean because we believe the ocean gives us life. The white koi with the black dot represents the spirit of the moon, and our ancestors learned to waterbend by watching the moon’s pull on the ocean.” Zuko took a seat on the chair by the desk as I continued my story.
“The spirits come to our plane once a year to be mortals for a night. Though I have never seen them in person, I’ve had visions of these two koi fish since I was a young child.” I motioned to the picture. “I’m not sure what form the spirits take when they come to visit us, but I cannot help but think that koi fish is fitting for them.” Zuko looked at the picture for a moment before he shifted his gaze back to me. There was a slight upward curve to his lips as he looked at the picture again.
“You can have it.” I said as he looked at the picture, which made him turn to look at me. “You can have the picture. I’ve drawn them more times than I can count. Plus, I have other pictures to keep.” I smiled at the firebender. “If you don’t want it, that’s fine too. My feelings won’t be hurt if you don’t.” I shrugged before I sipped my tea. “Thank you for the tea and cookies. I appreciate it.”
Zuko slowly stood up and gave me a nod. He looked at the picture for another second before he stood up and delicately grabbed the art off of the desk.
“…Thank you for sharing your story…and for the art.” He awkwardly said before he bowed and turned to leave the room. He paused as he reached the threshold of the door. “I am sorry about what I said to you the other day.” With that, he left the room and closed the door behind him. 
I stared at the closed door Zuko left through, and my cheeks felt warm.
Perhaps there was still some kindness left in the Prince after all.
Tag List @chevysstuffs @puttyly @ginger24880 @night-fall-moon @junieshohoho @0kauy @coolgirl458 @hypnoticbeing @angelruinz
195 notes · View notes
harveys-mustache · 1 month
Pretty Eyes
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Pairing(s): Harvey x GN!Farmer / Harvey x GN!Reader
Word Count: 921
Summary: You get hurt in the mines, and you don’t want to go bother a certain doctor for help over a silly little injury. But too bad Harvey doesn’t care. He’s gonna help you anyways.
Warning(s): mention of injury, mention of sex, both the Farmer and Harvey being oblivious, idiots to lovers, Clint (he’s a creep in my opinion), disgustingly fluffy.
A/N: here’s a cute little imagine of my husband, Harvey. I LITERALLY LOVE THIS MAN SO MUCH!!! anyways… enjoy ;)
Main Masterlist
||| Do NOT plagiarize, repost, or translate any of my work in any way. Thank you. |||
“I don’t know why you do this to yourself!”
Here we go again.
Harvey is currently cleaning the wound on your leg. It was a nasty gash, you had to admit. But it was already pretty late and you didn’t want to bother him for help. You fully planned on just fixing yourself up with your first aid kit at home, until you bumped into the doctor himself. He offered to help clean it up. You hesitantly accepted. So, that’s exactly what he did. But not without scolding you, of course.
“I mean, come on,” Harvey said, still disinfecting your wound. “You went down forty-eight levels in the mines! For just some little pieces of amethyst??!”
You rolled your eyes at Harvey’s little lecture. He looks at you, scowling. “And don’t even think I didn’t see that.”
“Okay, fine,” You finally speak. “I see where you are thinking here. And I get where it could sound a little stupid. I just needed the amethyst, okay?”
“Why?” Harvey asks. He’s staring at you with so much intensity that you almost don’t want to say anything. As if he can sense this sudden anxiety, he says it again, softly this time. “Why?”
“Because…” Oh god, maybe this does sound stupid. “Because Clint needed it. He said if I get it for him, he’ll pay me back.”
Everyone in town knows that Harvey doesn’t have a bad bone in his body. He is just an overall sweet man.
So, when you see him quite literally turn red with rage, it comes as a shock to you.
Harvey gets up from his position next to your legs and starts to pace around, trying to get all this anger out of him through his steps. He looks furious.
“Um…Doc?” You say, hesitant. He starts to laugh to himself. “Are you-“
“I know you’re not about to ask me if I’m ‘okay’ right now.” He speaks harshly. “Because I’m not.”
“Why!?” He laughs a humorless type of laugh. “Because you put all that effort in to getting some stupid stone from the mines just for that- that creep to say that he’ll ‘pay you back.’”
“Why did you say ‘pay me back’ like that?!” You mimic quotation marks with your hands like Harvey did. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“Like, is this some sort of joke or-“
“He means sex!!!”
There is a pause in the room. You stare at Harvey, mortified over what you just heard. He sighs.
“Clint basically meant that he wants to sex. With you.” Harvey can’t even look at you. “I don’t know if you knew that but…”
How could you not have seen it? With all those suggestive comments. And the not-so-subtle winks. You just thought he was joking! You didn’t think he was serious!?
“Oh, God!” You now have your head in your hands. This has to be some sort of sick nightmare. This can’t be real. “I think I might be sick.”
You feel a hand placed on your back. You look up to see Harvey looking at you softly. You would be lying if you said that you didn’t have a small crush on him. Because you did. Just a little though. Because nothing could really happen. Right?
“Don’t worry, the bucket will be right here with you.” He says. “And me. If that even helps.”
“It does.” You maintain eye contact. He looks into your eyes, almost as though he can see everything about you. You don’t know how many seconds go by, but you don’t care. He doesn’t seem to either.
“You have really pretty eyes,” He states, in a daze. Your mind goes wild. You have no idea what is happening right now. All you can do is smile up at him. Realizing what he just said, he snaps out of it. “Oh my god, I’m sorry. I-“
“Doc, It’s okay.” You laugh softly, but that doesn’t make him stop talking.
“I can’t believe I just said that. Out loud too!”
“I mean you probably don’t even like me like that! And you’re my patient too! I really-
“I’m so sorry. I should-“ Before he can run away, you kiss him. You kiss him with such passion, that he never wants to let go. So he doesn’t. Instead, he responds with the same intensity you gave him. He grabs you by the waist, tugging you closer. You let out a gasp of surprise, in which Harvey hears. He smiles into the kiss. You both pull away slowly, the only noises being you and Harvey catching each other’s breath. You both stay like this, forehead to forehead, letting everything sink in.
“Well,” You look up and whisper to him. “In case you didn’t already know, I think you have pretty eyes too.”
“Yeah?” He chuckles softly, looking at you. You nod. “Will these ‘pretty eyes’ help me get a date with you?”
You can’t help but giggle.
“Okay! That wasn’t the best way to put it.” He laughs shyly. “But do you think you would let me take you out on a date? It’s okay if you don’t want to.”
“Oh no! You are not backing out of this one, Doc.” You say, trying to look as serious as possible. But failing. “You are taking me out on that date whether you like it or not!”
“Noted.” He chuckled, smiling at you so much that his face hurts. How did he get so lucky to have a person like you?
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fictionalwh0ree · 8 months
I SAW UR POST!! I GOT U!!! so i was thinking… maybe like a actress reader who has been filming non-stop and finally comes home and billies like “rough day?” AND LIKE COMFORTS HER AND AWH. Maybe a smut if ur comfortable 🦄😜. Anywho that’s all love ya!
bubble bath- billie eilish
summary: after a long and frustrating day at work, billie knows exactly how to help you relax.
word count: 921
warnings: smut; fingering
billie eilish masterlist | main masterlist
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rain was pelting down, banging loudly on your windshield as you sat in your car. you ran your hands through your hair and sighed, everything around you seeming to only add to your bad mood. the rain was too loud. the car was too warm, but turning on the air had made it too cold. the pitch black sky made it harder to drive. there was an accident on the road, causing a delay. working long hours and filming non-stop had finally gotten to you and you were almost at your breaking point.
you picked up your umbrella and bag, leaving the car and beginning the short walk to your front door, but after a couple steps, the wind blew your umbrella inside out. you muttered swear words to yourself as you tried to fix it, but it wouldn’t budge. resisting the urge to throw it to the ground as hard as you could, you walked in the rain to your door. the lights were mostly off, except the living room lights which you could see had been dimmed down. you unlocked the door and stepped in, water dripping onto the mat. you took off your shoes and miserably walked to the living room, your feet dragging.
you saw billie sitting comfortably on the couch, a blanket wrapped around her and shark sitting next to her. as you approached, he jumped off the couch and ran to you. your mood improved a little as you pet the eager dog.
“hi baby,” billie said, peeling her eyes off the tv to look at you, a confused look on her face when she noticed your wet clothes and the wet hair dripping onto your face.
“hi,” you greeted.
“rough day?” she asked sympathetically, to which you nodded.
she got off the couch and gave you a kiss, making sure not to hug you so her clothes would stay dry.
“why don’t i go run you a bath? go throw your wet clothes in the dryer,” she offered.
you nodded again, words not wanting to come to you at that moment. you stripped into your underwear and billie gave you her blanket. you wrapped it around yourself to protect you from the cool house. you thanked her and headed towards the laundry room. once you finished in there, you headed upstairs. your master bathroom featured a large bathtub with jets, and despite your exhaustion, all you wanted was to step into the hot water. as you opened the door, you saw billie there, her back facing you. the mirrors had already fogged up and she had a speaker playing soft jazz in the background, the pitter-patter of the rain also audible. she had also lit a couple candles, though the smell in the room led you to think she had also added some of your favourite bath salts to the water. the fragrances alone had managed to calm you down tremendously from your earlier state. as the water rose, so did the bubbles. you stripped again, folding the blanket up and leaving it on the counter. billie shut the water off and turned on the jets. you stepped inside, the warmth enveloping you. the bubbles covered almost up to your collarbone and you let yourself to the water. billie was still sat on the ledge so you moved towards her and put your hands on either side of her face before kissing her.
“thank you,” you said.
she smiled back sweetly and got up to leave, but you grabbed her wrist.
“stay?” you pleaded softly.
“okay,” she gave in.
she stripped too, stepping into the tub so she was behind you. you sat between her legs and sunk down enough so that your head was rested on her chest. she caressed your legs tenderly and you let your eyes close for a moment, appreciating the environment you were in.
“this is nice,” you said, breaking the silence.
“mhm,” she hummed.
you looked up at her, you thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world.
“what is it?” she laughed.
“i love you,” you said, smiling cheesily.
“i love you too,” she smiled back, planting a kiss on your lips.
she kissed you once, but neither of you looked away, so you kissed her again. as you continued, you went from pecks, to almost making out. you grabbed her wrist, which was still under water, and placed her hand right above your clit. she smirked into the kiss, immediately knowing what you wanted. she teased your entrance, sliding her fingers across it a couple times before pushing in. she began to curl them to hit your g-spot, pumping in and out slightly. her other hand crawled its way up to your chest and she began to play with your nipple. your hands were placed right above her wrists and your head was thrown back so it was against her chest while moans slipped your lips.
the knot in your stomach began to build as she accelerated and by the way you were clenching around her fingers, she could tell you were close to finishing.
“fuck,” you moaned loudly, finally releasing into the water.
billie kissed you hard as she pulled her fingers out and the two of you stepped out of the now dirty bath water. now, you were even more tired than you had been before, but also much happier. it was safe to say that you slept better than you’d ever slept before that night.
taglist: @lizziecuervo1996 | @vickycarvalhoo | @mulof | @estrellarimar | @ready-4-fanfiction | @caitlink26 | @augustvandyne | @l0nlyl0ve | @billiestitties | @count-orlok | @juliettexco | @nataliasknife | @mywlwwriting | @thenazwife | @h1ppieth1ngs | @shxwty43 | @lovellydolly | @niaaalovesfiction | @starskyshasmith18 | @onlyperc | @lovelyy-moonlight | @Geed3 | @blondetxxz | @mxqdii |
756 notes · View notes
luvhughes43 · 4 months
how does it make you feel | mat barzal
[luvhughes43 masterlist🌙]
face claim: 3x grammy winner victoria monét <3
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liked by ynuser, and 457 others
barzalsource mat at ynuser album party last night!
tagged: barzal97
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user01 thats so strange why would he perform at yns album party?
user02 a bunch of her close friends, musicians, etc all performed! i just didnt know they knew each other lol omfg
user04 he's a jaguar stan.. ohh i knew it!
user05 yn liking this?? since whennn
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liked by barzal97, arianagrande, tyla, and 439 002 others
ynuser thank u all for the love last night <3 remember to pre-save jaguar II which will be out next friday🐆🤎
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arianagrande in love with you !!!!!
arianagrande im screaming!! nobody is ready for this album
barzal97 you killed it last night!❤️‍🔥
liked by ynuser
user06 how tf does he know yn? im so confused...
user07 I LOVE YOU SM!!!
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liked by arianagrande, ynuser, titobeauvi91, and 41 125 others
barzal97 we look good 🐆
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taylaparx hottest couple
user09 YN???????
user10 i wishhh
user09 ariana liked and thats her bff it must be yn
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liked by barzal97, titobeauvi91, hallebailey, and 571 237 others
ynuser 2 more days till jaguar II is yours 🐆🤎🤎
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barzal97 counting down🐆
user14 she posted a soft launch too%#^@*^^@&*
user14 mat and yn... he really won!
user15 mats comments on all her posts?? hes so down bad as he should be!
barzal97 just posted !
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liked by ynuser, barzalsource13, and 378 912 others
barzal97 my baby released an album! everyone go stream jaguar II out on all platforms now!🐆🤎
tagged: ynuser
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ynuser love youu 🤎🤎
barzal97 im so fcking proud of you. this is your moment!! love you always!
titiobeauvi91 albums on repeat!
user18 hottest couple omggggggg
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liked by barzal97, arianagrande, normani, and 421 091 others
ynuser how does it make you feel? to be loved for real? 🎶
tagged: barzal97
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barzal97 we were by design ❤️‍🔥
ynuser were aligned!🤎
hallebailey love you guys!!!
user19 best song off the album
user20 this album is insane. its been on repeat !
user21 my parents omfg i love them so bad
user22 my husband has a gf
user23 most unlikely but best couple🙏
5 months later...
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liked by trevorzegras, and 574 others
barzalsource13 mat seen leaving the beverly hilton hotel just in time for the grammy red carpet! we love a bf showing up for his girl!
tagged: barzal97
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user24 oh he looks so good
user25 yn will win all her awards tonight🕯🕯
user26 ohh thats boyfriendism right there!
ynuser just posted !
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liked by barzal97, adutakech, alexialuria, and 671 921 others
ynuser words cant even describe this feeling... grammys 2024🏆🤎
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arianagrande tonights yours!🤍🫧
barzal97 my god... ❤️‍🔥
user28 grammy nominated and future winner yn!
ynuser reposted !
barzal97 just posted !
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liked by ynuser, barzalsource13, trevorzegras, and 239 781 others
barzal97 do i even need a caption? it was my girls motherfucking moment ❤️‍🔥
tagged: ynuser
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ynuser tonight is just unreal
barzal97 you deserve it all! tonights for you🥂
titobeauvi91 deserved every award 🔥
ny_islanders our shinning star💙✨
user29 barz dating a 3 grammy winning artist.. so real
user30 loveeee this and them
user31 im sobbing this is the best thing to ever happen to me
261 notes · View notes
jj3llyfsh · 3 months
Between Duty and Love
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pairing: Kate Bishop x fem! reader
warnings: angst, arguing(?) reader gets mad, fluff at the end (I think that’s it? let me know if I missed something! This is my first time posting here</3)
word count: 921
summary: Kate has been spending all her time at work and has been accidentally ignoring y/n.
Kate Bishop sat at her desk, surrounded by the remnants of her latest mission. Papers scattered, her laptop screen glowed with reports, and her phone buzzed incessantly with notifications. Kate took a moment to rub her tired eyes before diving back into the pile of paper work on her desk. It was another late night of fighting off random criminals, and going back to the compound to finish up stacks of paperwork.
Meanwhile, in the shared apartment that she and her girlfriend shared, the air hung heavy with tension. The clock struck midnight, and the front door slowly creaked open, revealing her girlfriend on the other side of the door, Y/N, with a look of frustration etched on her face.
"Kate," Y/N said, her voice tight with anger.
"You promised you'd be home hours ago. What happened?" Kate looked up, guilt written across her features. "I know, I know. I'm sorry, babe. There was just this last-minute thing I had to take care of but this is important, Y/N.” Kate breathed in. “There's been a surge in criminal activity, and the team needs me—"
Y/N interrupted, her voice rising, frustration boiled over, the pent-up emotions finally bursting forth. "The team always needs you, Kate! But what about us? What about our plans? Every time we try to spend time together, you're off on some mission or buried in work."
Kate's heart sank as she realized the toll her actions were taking on their relationship. "I'm trying to keep the city safe, Y/N. You know that." Her eyebrows furrowed as she huffed out.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you stood still, the anger and hurt swirling inside you like a tempest. "I need someone who's here for me, not somebody who’s constantly gone. I can't keep living like this. I’m going to stay with a friend for awhile."
Kate's heart sank as she watched you turn away, the pain in your voice cutting through her like a knife. "Wait, Y/N, please. Let's talk about this."
But you were already halfway to the door, your footsteps echoing in the empty apartment. With a heavy heart, Kate sank back into her chair, the weight of your words bearing down on her like a crushing weight.
Days turned into weeks, the silence between you and Kate stretching on like an endless abyss. Each passing moment only served to deepen the rift between you, the pain of your separation a constant ache in both your hearts.
Alone in your friends apartment, you couldn't shake the memories of your time together. The laughter, the shared moments of intimacy, the feeling of being truly seen and understood. But alongside those memories lurked the pain of feeling abandoned.
Unable to bear the weight of your emotions any longer, you made a decision.
You made your way to the Avengers headquarters, where Kate had been spending most of her time lately. The familiar sight of the towering building filled you with a sense of apprehension, but you pushed forward anyways. As you approached a familiar office, you could hear the muffled sound of voices from within. With a hesitant knock, you pushed open the door, stepping into the dimly lit room.
Kate's eyes widened in surprise as she caught sight of you, her expression a mix of hope and trepidation as she quickly shot up from her seat and made her way towards you. “Y/N? What are you doing here?”
Taking a deep breath, you squared your shoulders, steeling yourself for the conversation ahead. "I came to talk, Kate. I’m sorry." For a moment, silence hung heavy in the air. You continued speaking. “I know this job means a lot to you, I know what I signed up for when we started dating..”
Then, with a resigned sigh, Kate gestured for you to take a seat next to her.
The words poured from your lips like a rushing river, the pent-up emotions finally finding release. You spoke of your hurt and your anger, of feeling neglected and unimportant in Kate's life. But beneath it all, there was a thread of love and longing, a desperate hope that things could still be salvaged between you.
Kate listened in silence, her expression pained as she took in your words. And when you were finally spent, she reached out, taking your hand in hers.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I never meant to ignore you. I've been so caught up with work that I didn’t realize I was hurting you.” Tears welled up in Kate's eyes as she spoke, the weight of her words hanging heavy in the air.
With a shaky breath, you reached out, cupping Kate's face in your hands. "I love you, Kate. But we can't keep living like this. We need to find a balance to make time for each other."
A flicker of hope lit up Kate's eyes as she leaned in, pressing her forehead against yours. "I promise, Y/N. From now on, I'll make sure to balance my job and to spend time with you.”
You smiled softly and pressed your lips against Kate’s, which she happily accepted.
As the days passed, Kate kept true to her promise. She made a conscious effort to prioritize your relationship, carving out time in her busy schedule for you. Whether it was a quiet dinner at home, a simple stroll in the park, or simply curling up together on the couch to watch a movie. Kate made sure that you felt loved and cherished.
AAAA sorry this was short 🙏
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cinnamostar · 6 months
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pairing : seungmin x gn!reader
summary : how do you save a failing relationship?
wc : 921
cw : established relationships, angst, sadness, a touch of fluff, not proof read
a/n : hehehe ok i ended up getting inspired again! let me know what you guys think!!!! also hehe lotus flowers can represent rebirth/new beginnings btw >:3
wilted petals laid across the counter, the color they once held greying out as the dried edges chipped away over time. the flowers that once blossomed beautifully in its porcelain vase had long died out, the life that once coursed through it left without a trace, leaving behind the depressing, unsightly death of a flower. the few petals that remained clung onto the stem of the flower in a desperate attempt to hold onto life, yet their grip would eventually loosen as it weathered its painstakingly slow demise, signifying the end of its life cycle. their reluctance to let go was pitiful, yet it felt like the bouquet of dying flowers now only mocked you and served as a cruel metaphor of the state of your relationship.
months had gone by, the fiery passion that once ignited the love story you and seungmin wrote had been put out, leaving behind only a trail of ash and soot that covered every inch of your hands. the pages of this novel was slowly ripping at its seams, the book thinning out as you desperately thumbed through it, praying to find a clue on how to rekindle this dying romance. except your touch would leave behind cinders on each page, the words you hopelessly searched through now becoming illegible.
you both had become complacent, completely forgoing the smallest details of maintaining a healthy relationship which ultimately whittled down the foundation of your love. the cracks had become more apparent, the soullessness behind each action was undeniable, and you were both becoming exasperated as you tried to keep up appearances to one another, not willing to admit there was a growing issue that needed to be addressed. they say ignorance is bliss, but the tension between you two hung heavily and was gradually drowning you, and it was about time for one of you break to the surface to catch your breath.
tonight, you and seungmin were sitting across each other at the dinner table, quietly eating the take out food you ordered. it was upsettingly silent, not a single exchange of words and only the sound of your utensils scrapping against your plates could be heard.
what was the point of this anymore? why had you both accepted this new norm without a fight? had you both become use to each others presence? were you both too afraid to face the possibility of loneliness? did he even still love you?
these questions had occupied your mind for months, the number of them growing as the aching feeling your heart once suffered from had slowly become numbing.
should you say something? right now? interrupt the faux peace that you two had become accustomed to?
maybe, maybe not. it was all too daunting to not know where that conversation would leave, but you also no longer wanted to live with never ending misery. something had to be done.
“do you still love me?” you whisper, your voice quivering with trepidation, bracing yourself for his response.
seungmin looks up from his meal, his piercing gaze meeting yours, uncertainty and fear in hiding behind his stoic expression. he lets out a heavy huff, nodding his head as he took in your words, “of course i do. do you still love me?”
“yes, always,” you respond, your face softening at his confirmation, “but… what happened to us?”
he didn’t need you to further explain yourself, the few words you spoke carried the weight of your sadness as he reflected on the state of your deteriorating relationship. “im not sure,” he sighs, “im sorry.”
you swallow thickly as a lump of your emotions manifests in your throat, “im sorry too,” tears begin to prick your eyes, “what do we do?”
“i don’t know.”
“i don’t know either.”
the uncomfortable, familiar silence returns in its place as you each gaze longingly at the other. what was there to do? there was no guide book on how to salvage the skeleton of a relationship, the tendrils of love thinning out as they weakly held your hearts together.
seungmin clears his throat, as if to disperse the tensity in the atmosphere, “do you want to keep trying?”
you bit the inside of your cheek anxiously, “i do, but what if it doesn’t work out?”
“then at least we can say we tried our best,” he hums, mindlessly poking his food with his fork, “i wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if i didn’t try.”
“okay,” you nod meekly, “let’s try again.”
“when was the last time i took you out on a date?” he asks, pain evident in his voice upon making this realization.
“i don’t even remember,” you tearfully answer, looking away from seungmin’s eyes as his began to glaze over with anguish.
“i see,” he whispers to himself with a sniffle, “let’s start there then.” he forces a weak smile, feebly holding onto the bit of hope he rediscovered, “let’s remember why we fell in love in the first place, okay? let’s go to the ice cream shop we went on for our first date tomorrow. how does that sound?”
you look back at him, a touched smile that sent butterflies down seungmin’s abdomen, a smile he didn’t realize how much he missed, “i’d like that very much.”
the very next day, when you woke up to get ready for your date, the withering flowers had be replaced with flourishing lotus flowers. a small note scrawled with seungmin’s handwriting laid next to it:
here’s to a new beginning. i love you.
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aerynwrites · 6 months
Peaceful Moments
Halsin x gn!Reader
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A/N: based on a request sent in by the lovely @chaoticlicense thank you for this request friend! I had such a blast writing it!
Word Count: 921
Warnings: none
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The small glade near the river is peaceful today. Not that it’s ever not peaceful, but today feels more…Serene than usual. 
You and Halsin had managed to get away from the sanctuary unnoticed in order to take the short walk to the river to bathe and just take a moment for yourselves. 
Despite the solution of the brain and the absolute and you and Halsin creating a sanctuary for those in need, it seems rare you actually get time alone with your partner. So, you plan to cherish this time, even if it’s nothing over the top or exciting.
You relish in it. 
Both of you had gotten clean in the river, toweling off and redressing before choosing a sunny spot against a felled tree to rest against. The light is dappled as it shines through the forest canopy, and the warmth that kisses your skin makes you feel satiated, like a cat basking in the sun. 
Your back rests against the trunk of the fallen tree, a thin coating of moss protecting you from the rough bark. Halsin sits between your legs, upper half bare as he lets the sun dry the last of the water from his tanned skin. 
Your fingers work slowly at the strands of his damp honey colored hair, detangling before moving to twist them into small braids. The only sound that permeates the still air is that of the gurgling river, your soft humming, and the gentle scraping of a blade on wood. 
You watch as muscles ripple beneath the skin of Halsin’s back as he works on a whittling project, only stopping every now and again to toss shavings off to the side. 
The quiet is only broken when Halsin decides to speak up, but still not stopping his task. 
“What tune do you sing, my heart?” He asks. “I do not believe I’ve heard it before.”
You pause your humming, brought from your rivière as your fingers stall in the midst of another braid. You’d never really thought about the song you were humming, the tune just coming naturally to you. Your fingers continue their work as you reply. 
“It was a song my mother used to hum when she…Well, when she did my hair,” you reveal, fond memories surfacing in your mind. 
“She loved to sing. Although I never quite picked up her talent in that regard I…I suppose it’s a way for me to keep her with me.”
Halsin lets out a soft hum of his own, pausing his whittling just as you finish up your current braid, tying the end off before adding a small golden cuff at the end. You move to grab another section of hair, but Halsin is turning to face you before you can.
“Hey! I wasn’t done-“ 
Your words are cut off as Halsin picks you up effortlessly in order to place you in his lap, your legs straddling his hips as his eyes meet your own. 
“You sing beautifully,” Halsin says softly, his whittling set aside in favor of taking your face in his hands. “More beautifully than even the loudest song birds.”
You can’t help but roll your eyes, cheeks warm as your avoid his gaze. “Halsin…” you say quietly.
But the druid doesn’t relent, instead he turns your face towards his once more, his lips a hair's breadth from your own. 
“I speak the truth,” he says firmly. “I love you, all of you and the gifts nature bestowed upon you.”
For a moment, you’re lost for words - something that happens more often than not with Halsin’s pretty poetic way with words. Thankfully, his lips meet yours before you have to speak, and you hope he can sense your love for him.
His lips are soft, gentle as they move against you, and you relish in the proximity of your two bodies. His chest is warm and solid beneath your palms as your hands slide up the vast expanse of him, the hair there scratching delightfully against your fingertips. 
Before you realize it, Halsin has moved you both, your back against the soft grass as he hovers over you, his lips never leaving yours. Only when his hair falls over his shoulders does he pull away, the gentle tinkling of the metal hair adornments drawing his attention. 
He pauses for a moment, bringing one hand up to pull a braid into his line of sight, brows furrowing as he takes in the delicate golden cuff around the end of this particular braid. 
His eyes flick to you, and you bite your lip shyly. 
“I…I saw them when we were back in the city. I thought they were pretty and then thought about you wearing them and well…” you trail off for a moment. “Do you not like them?”
For a moment, you fear a small rebuke. Halsin barely likes clothing, would he really appreciate such trivial baubles?
But any and all worries fall away as Halsin smiles down at you, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to your lips.
“Anything that pleases you is a pleasure to me, my heart,” he laughs. “Perhaps now I won’t sneak up on you so often.”
A giggle of your own slips past your lips at his words. 
“Oh no, you’ve figured out my whole plan!” You tease.
Haslin only smiles before descending on you once more with a kiss. 
You may not get many moments like these, but you will always cherish the ones you do.
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