#A 2-15
[Anthos* S2V3 A 2-15] Hana-Doll 2nd Season INCOMPLICA:IT~ICON~ Translation
Translation below the cut.
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Project Archive: A 2-15
Chise: Everyone all ready for the photo? …Okay! (camera shutter goes off) Mm, perfect!
Haruta: Chise-nii, lemme see!
Ryoga: Oh, nice shot. 
Haruta: Yep. Hm? Hey, Sena-nii…
Setsuna: What is it, Haruta?
Haruta: You’re not mad here, are you?
Setsuna: I can’t say.
Haruta: What. You’re totally pissed. The heck happened?
Ryoga: …
Mahiro: Hey, Chi-san, could you send me the photo?
Kaoru: Me too.
Haruta: Me three!
Chise: Of course! I’ll send it to everyone. Litto, come take a look too.
Lihito: I’ll look later. More importantly, the rehearsal time.
Mahiro: Ah, you’re right! Let’s get going.
(Anthos* starts walking to rehearsal)
Haruta: Sena-nii, whatcha mad about?
Setsuna: Don’t know.
Mahiro: Sena-san, it’s okay, I’m fine.
Setsuna: …
Ryoga: (clears his throat)
Haruta: C’mon, something definitely happened!
Ryoga: Not at all, not at all!
Kaoru: Huh? Chise-san?
Lihito: Chise?
Chise: You guys go ahead first. I’m just gonna upload this to social media.
Lihito: … Catch up with us as soon as you can.
Chise: Mm!
Kaoru: It’s taking some time, isn’t it?
Haruta: Wonder when it’s our turn to be up.
Lihito: If you’re that curious, go look at the cast list.
Mahiro: Let’s see… (opens a screen from his ring) Maybe we’re right after this segment? They’ve been doing adjustments for a while and it looks like they still need some time.
Ryoga: …
Mahiro: (whispers) Ryo-san, do you want to find a place to sit?
Ryoga: I’m fine.
Mahiro: It’s okay to lean on me, okay?
Ryoga: …Thanks.
Haruta: Gah, I can’t stand still! (starts doing some footwork)
Kaoru: Haruta, those steps…!
Haruta: Hehe, it’s our part. First, I’ll go… here! (takes a step)
Kaoru: Then, I’ll go… like this. (takes a step)
Haruta: Yep, then the both of us will go, in three, two, one…
Kaoru/Haruta: Go!
(They both accidentally bump into Mahiro)
Kaoru: Oh, no, sorry, Yuuki-kun!
Mahiro: Eh? Kaoru, by ‘Yuuki-kun’...?
Kaoru: Um… I apologise.
Setsuna: Did you do something you were not supposed to just now?
Mahiro: No, it’s not anything wrong.
Ryoga: Been a while since I heard that name.
Haruta: Kinda feels nostalgic.
Kaoru: Sorry, it was the spur of the moment…
Mahiro: Don’t apologise! I wasn’t offended, just a little surprised too since it has been a while.
Haruta: Yep, yep! It’s cool to just play polite with the surnames once in a while. Better than all those corny nicknames Litto-nii comes up with all the time, anyway.
Lihito: Did you say something, munchkin?
Haruta: Quit calling me ‘munchkin’!
Ryoga: This guy’s about to completely overwrite my name as ‘Dad’ too.
Lihito: It’s simple to say from the tip of your tongue and there’s no other immediate person that qualifies for the same title, so it serves as a definite and easy identifier. It’s only logical.
Haruta: There he goes…
Mahiro: Li-san, give me a nickname too! And I mean outside of social media.
Lihito: If you insist.
Haruta: Oh, yeah, Hiro-nii is ‘Mahiro’ to you, right? Chise-nii too… huh, where’s Chise-nii?
Kaoru: Now that you’ve mentioned it…
Mahiro: He hasn’t come back. I wonder what’s the hold-up.
Ryoga: We still have time, so it should be okay.
Lihito: I’ll go get him.
(Door opens)
Chise: !!
(Lihito approaches)
Lihito: Chise.
Chise: Sorry! Did rehearsals start already?
Lihito: (sighs) You saw what was on social media?
Chise: ….Mm.
Lihito: Three minutes is more than enough to upload a photo online. Let me see your phone.
Chise: Ah…
Lihito: Chise.
(Chise hands over his phone for Lihito to take a look)
Lihito: (sighs) There’s no need to look. This is just superficial gossip, nothing on the level of libel and slander.
Chise: Still… It’s a fact that I had to take a break from work, and I really might be lacking in professionalism, so… It can’t be helped.
Lihito: You were injured. While it is unfair to have your reputation take a hit for a reason as vague as an accident, that’s not for the outsiders to know. There’s nothing against saying whatever you want based on sheer speculation.
Chise: Even so…
Lihito: I was with you the whole time. I know better than anyone how much work you put in for your comeback. Between me and the outsiders, who would you rather believe?
Chise: That’s… but…
Lihito: Are you still afraid of standing on stage?
Chise: I…
Lihito: Then what’s with the habit of coming up with an excuse to hang around in the green room right up until it’s time?
Chise: It’s because…
Lihito: Chise, calm down and listen to me. I’m not angry with you. You don’t have to push yourself. It’s okay to say that you’re scared when you’re scared. And if stage performances are too much, you could always refuse and take a break– 
Chise: No way! If I did something like that, then… things will start happening again… not just to me, but to everyone–
Lihito: Don’t mind the others. Of course, that’s including myself.
Chise: But, I’m already aware that our performances are being cut or cancelled altogether. Things like that aren’t happening to the regular talents at the company. All of it is just happening to Anthos*.
Lihito: You’re overthinking it.
Chise: Our green room for today is tiny. The music program that was scheduled for us recently also bailed out. And it’s not just them–
Lihito: Even if that were the case, they’re not your troubles for today. This program has connections to our company. They are aware of your accident and have increased the security. As for the other programs you mentioned, we can just bring it up to the company for them to investigate. If we’re really being pinpointed then it’s the company they’ll make an enemy out of. What do you say? Feel a little more assured?
Chise: Litto…
Lihito: Don’t cry. You’ll ruin your makeup. It’ll be a waste after all that effort you put into it.
Chise: But…
Lihito: There’s not a single thing for you to cry over.
Chise: But it was all because I was injured that the other members who were fine got told that they’re not suited to win a music award… and I thought that Anthos*, everyone, turned their backs on me and left me behind… that’s why…
Lihito: Nothing like that happened.
Chise: Besides, there’s definitely still people who think I stick out like a sore thumb, and that I’m just a hindrance…
Lihito: Don’t let yourself get hurt by people that don’t know you or treasure you.
Chise: (sobbing)
Lihito: That being said, if you find yourself being tormented by such words, it’s alright for you to direct them back to me. Just like what you did just now.
Chise: Litto…
Lihito: As much as I told you not to worry, I understand that you’re still uncertain, so I’ll be here to hear you out. No matter what happens, I’ll be by your side, Chitose.
Chise: …Mm.
Chise: Litto, are you sure it’s okay? Won’t everyone notice that I’ve been crying?
Lihito: It’s fine. Your makeup was fixed properly. All that’s left is for you to hold your head up.
Chise: Mm, got it.
Staff Member A: Crap, I can’t seem to find that card key.
Staff Member B: For real, for real, we had to up all this security just ‘cause of one dime-a-dozen idol and his accident.
Chise: …Eh? Litto, that was–
Lihito: Shh.
Staff Member A: Talk about making a big deal out of nothing. They’re the guests for today too, right? Uh, what were they called again?
Staff Member B: Anthos*.
Lihito: !!
Staff Member A: Yep, yep, them. I know jack about the Hana-Doll Project, but they can gas themselves up all they like and we small guys can still see through all their bullshit.
Staff Member B: Exactly. Just like that other group Louloudi*, raking in figures just can’t cover up how screwed-up they are.
Staff Member A: Something about not wanting to take in anymore greenhorns?
Staff Member B: Well, today’s gonna be no sweat, just gotta half-ass the camera and then whack together some edits in the software.
Staff Member A: Hey now, say that a bit louder and the higher-ups are gonna get mad at you.
Staff Member B: But seriously, must be a nice job if all you need to do is grin a bit and have people fawn over you.
Staff Member A: You said it, man. Wonder if I’ve got a shot at joining in. With Anthos*, that is.
(Both the staff members laugh)
Lihito: (fuming, about to walk over and fuck them up)
Setsuna: You won’t be able to join Anthos*.
Lihito: Yashiro-san?
Staff Member A: Huh? The hell are you?
Staff Member B: Idiot! That’s one of Anthos*.
Setsuna: Say, could I ask you something?
Staff Member B: A-and what might that be…?
Setsuna: Does hating Anthos* and doing your job properly have anything to do with each other?
Staff Member A/Staff Member B: (uncomfortable noises)
Setsuna: What is it about ‘half-assing’ it?
Staff Member A: Um… about what we said earlier…
Setsuna: It is a given that we will give our all. We’re not a special case. This is our job, after all. I’ll do it. So will everyone else. So why is it alright for you to not do your best?
Staff Member A: That’s…
Setsuna: Is not liking someone a reason for you to not put in any effort?
Staff Member B: Well, that’s… uh… Sorry, it’s about time for us to get back to work so we gotta go!
Staff Member A: Please excuse us!
(Both the staff members leave)
Setsuna: …They left. Even though I wanted to hear it from them. (footsteps approaching) Ah, Lihito. Chise.
Lihito: Hello.
Setsuna: What were you doing over there? Chise too, you didn’t come back with Lihito so everyone’s worried.
Chise: I apologise.
Setsuna: Hm? Chise, why are you apologising?
Chise: It’s my fault for troubling you to come all the way here for me.
Setsuna: It’s not Chise’s fault. I wanted to come, so I came.
Lihito: You wanted to come?
Setsuna: When everyone was back there together, Mahiro… kept looking worried. I prefer to see Mahiro smiling. So, let’s quickly return.
Chise: …Sena, you’re pretty tough. You were so cool back there!
Lihito: If you had just been a minute late, I would have stepped in and said the same thing.
Chise: (chuckles)
Lihito: Hang on, what are you laughing about?
Chise: Litto, you’re so cute.
Lihito: !! There he goes…
Chise: I’ve gotta give my all too!
Haruta: There they are!
Mahiro: Li-san! Chi-san!
Kaoru: Welcome back.
Ryoga: Right on time, we’re about to go on.
Haruta: Hurry up, you two!
Lihito: Chise, let’s go.
Chise: Mm!
(End of Anthos* Icon)
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cidnangarlond · 2 months
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hinamie · 1 month
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Because you and Mr. Fell don't ever talk to each other. We talk all the time. We've been talking for millions of years. Bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla-bla. I say something brilliant, and he says something unintentionally funny back. It's great. You never say what you're really thinking.
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beerok23 · 6 months
BAFTA: Let's nominate David Tennant for "Male performance in a comedy"
The Comedy:
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Never heard of an actor who got his nominee for The Perfect Grunt™.
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ncoley · 5 months
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televised-eyes · 6 months
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reunitedinterlude · 2 months
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dan: can you say anything and then say “gays,” as if that's a type of gay
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koobiie · 1 month
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this is prompto and noct coded to me
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the-geeky-fangirl · 1 year
yes i know heartstopper is "cringe" and yes I know you think it's not that deep but you've endured years of cringe oversexualized shows about high schoolers where the gays are delegated to sub plots I'm sure a few hours of queer people being safe and happy and loved won't kill you so please shut the fuck up
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samwwise · 1 year
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I didn’t get a chance to say what I was gonna say. I think I better say it now. Right. Okay, yes. So.
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itsscottiesstark · 4 months
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beerok23 · 5 months
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I'm so sorry for this...😅😅😅
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yokyoaaa · 8 months
Happy Valentine's day!! Ft. Kirby the worse wingman out there
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