#A L I V E Emoji set
tatatale · 5 months
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Here you have! A free A L I V E emoji set. Perfect for discord :3
Download the rar file here!
Happy Aliversary! 🎉🎉🎉
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crappymixtape · 2 months
summer mix // blurb request party
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L E F T O U R L O V E I N O U R S U M M E R S K I N 🎶 drive over me, BETWEEN FRIENDS
REQUESTS OPEN • 4 OF 5 TAKEN // the sky is glittering with stars and the moon hangs lazy over steve's pool, the heat of the day still lingering on your skin as you sit down and dip your feet in. you can see steve's figure slipping through the turquoise water, just under the surface, trunks hung low on his hips and muscles pulled taut as he swims over to you. when he surfaces, he shakes his hair of the pool water, the ends stuck messy across his forehead and a grin tugging at his lips, "you gonna get in or what?" ( PARTY UNDER THE CUT! )
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MIXTAPE INSTRUCTIONS keep in mind, these are steve-only asks! choose an emoji option below and send me the emoji in an ask here along with what details you want on each option! in order to make sure i don't leave any asks hanging i'm going to close my requests after i receive 5 of them – requesters will be tagged in their post when the ask is filled! xoxo *NOTE: please make sure you check each of the items i'll need for your ask! they're outlined below each prompt :) and let me know if you have questions! ♥️
🌘 BECAUSE OF YOU -> this ask is centered around my because of you series where reader ( eddie’s bff ) and steve start out enemies, but unite for eddie and fight upside down scaries then end up dating – my favorite series to date! 📝 PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR CHOICES FOR THE BELOW IN YOUR ASK: 1. timeline – when does this take place? ( are they a. enemies, b. angsty in between, or c. post-series / dating? ) 2. location or setting ( examples: first date? at steve’s post-upside down fight? makin’ out and robin or eddie cockblocks? whatever you cook up is great! 🤣 ) 3. any other details you want included! 💬 CHOOSE A PROMPT -> this ask is centered around you choosing a prompt from the linked list and i'll write up a little blurb about you and stevie boy! 📝 PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR CHOICES FOR THE BELOW IN YOUR ASK: 1. your prompt # from the linked list above 2. desired trope / genre ( smut, fluff, angst, enemies or bffs -> lovers, etc, etc! ) 3. any other details you want included! 💿 HIT SHUFFLE -> when you choose this emoji you'll get a song recommendation from me along with a little fic blurb inspired by the song featuring you and stevie ;) 📝 PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR CHOICES FOR THE BELOW IN YOUR ASK: 1. desired trope / genre ( smut, fluff, angst, enemies or bffs -> lovers, etc, etc! ) 2. any other details you want included!
i can't wait to get after a few lil blurby requests while i'm working on my manuscript ( and of course my tangled au ) – y'all are just the best 😩 i love writing for you and getting to read all your reactions and reblogs and unhinged tags 🤩🤩 so get in there and submit an ask! ♥️ ilysm!
xoxo, kate
xoxo, divider love to @cafekitsune!
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taevayu · 2 years
hey omg i beg u, could you please do matching bios for four people? Like lyrics or som. 🫶😭
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── ◜✧◞  matching bios for 4! ﹕ᶻz
sun rise – sun down – sun set – sun burn… types of suns
*wheezes* – *coughs* – *screams* – *moans* help idk tbh questionable behavior
good – bad – ugly – i love me inspired by rv's good, bad, ugly
put my sneakers on! – hana dul ready, get set, go – put my sneakers on – put 'em up, put 'em up sneakers by itzy
one! my name is billy – two! my name is poco – three! my name is max – four! my name is chris billy poco by enhypen
#⠀mood feel so perfect – shut up l-u-v – l-o-v-e is 쉿! – i'm feeling good as hell love is shhh! by jo yuri (replace the spacing in front of the "#" of the first part with a regular space because of tumblr formatting smh)
[how] 1) candy canes – [to] 2) hot chocolate – [have] 3) peppermint bark – [christmas] 4) gingerbread man inspired from a piece im playing at school~
spring flowers – summer heat – autumn leaves – winter snow feel 4 seasons :0 free to put emojis too! im just very lazy
watch me go rule the world – know you never doubted, baby – i'ma go run the whole universe – baby, i was born to rule queen of hearts by twice <3
could be a cheese or caramel – could be vit-c – could be lemon – could be everything you want it sunflower (p.e.l) by choi yoojung, i love this chill song sm
3 o'clock – 6 o'clock – 9 o'clock – 12 o'clock idk time tbh
im sorry i was just really excited when i got this request so i held off a bit because it wasnt fair... i hope you will see this! tysm :DD i was so happy to do it heheheheh
-- this is just a ton of lyrics btw, but lmk if you need any more
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bigmack2go · 7 months
My mother complained to me about how my generation sometimes uses single letters for whole words especially in English and i cannot hahahaha😭
I decided that imma do a list and explain what they mean
A: Obviously: a
B: to be
C: to see
D: i dont think thats a short cut but „D:“ is a emoji
E: i think its an emote bjt im not sure tbh
F: F in the chat
G: gee
H: age
I: obv: i
J: i dont think
K: (o) kay
L: looser
M: am
N: and
O: i dont think thats a shortcut
P: i dont think thats a shortcut either
Q: neither is this but in combination with t its cutie
R: are
S: i dont think thats a shortcut
T: I don’t think that’s a shortcut
U: you
V: I don’t think that’s a shortcut
W: if its without context its like „you’re a looser but thats okay“ but also „with“
X: I don’t think that’s a shortcut
Y: why
Z: set
Conclusion: we can and will take every single opportunity we can get to use one letter only if it sounds like a word.
Some other shortcuts include:
Yk: you know
Idk: i dont know
Imo: in my opinion
Lmao: laugh my ass off
Lol (even tho she was literally part of the generation that invented that): laugh out loud
Ydek: you dont even know
Cya: see you!
Smt: something
Typo (but im not sure u can call that a shortcut): like when u misstype
And more!
Edit number two: feel free to use this for ur parents and anything else under this tag 💀💀
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lilimariposawrites · 2 years
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outline for ch2 of one week
I spent more time picking the emojis and formatting this than I did actually writing the outline lmao. if you're not having fun writing.... y'ain't doing it right!
anyways, since ch1&3 take place over the course of one week, I thought it would be cool if ch2 took place over 2 weeks and also ten months lol. it was SO satisfying to me when I realized the school terms made it so I could fit two weeks in exactly! (not counting weekends)
hence, Monday in September, Tuesday in October, etc.
curious which month was y'all's favorite? I think my favorite to write was January (bc yknow me, love some dialogue, and the kātali thing was a lot of fun. Edwina is E V I L), or May (yes even w/the panic attack, bc Kate setting up the appt on her own was what made Anthony be like, oh my god this woman is everything. and yet he still doesn't figure his shit out until Tom tells him! in October!!!)
also I hope y'all caught the bit in June where Tom covers for Kate when she leaves for London. Anthony might have been his friend first, but Tom 1) figures out she's lying about having to leave and doesn't call her out on it, and 2) backs her up w/o hesitation when he tells Anthony she had to leave. he is precious to me.
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haptureratch · 7 months
some delirious ramblings (emotional)
It's just hitting this week. F in the chat for Jess in her teens and 20s who had literally no idea what was going on and every month thought her life and every single relationship in it was falling apart. She had no fucking idea what was happening or how to help it. The speeding, the Vicar, the promiscuity. Fucking ANYTHING to escape that hell.
It's still hard but I can hold space for it now.
I literally want to go meditate in Rothko before or after work tomorrow. Jesus christ. It is not a want it is a need. Fuming nostrils emoji.
Also, just now, I thought I was slipping back into my fever dream until I realized my house temp had risen to 76. I set that hoe to 74. Jesus christ.
And I think of him... again.... of course.
I think he's giving me what I asked for. I never asked for anything in particular. But I did, from the end of my wits, lament all the lost sleep and pounds (6 of them lol) and declare I had to get back to a routine. He probably heard that as "fuck off my guy I have had too much of you" -- maybe. I hope not. But he's probably giving me the space he thought I asked for. What did I even ask for? I don't know. But I don't like this. But just in case he is having 2nd thoughts and pulling away, I don't want to chase after him and make it worse. So I will suffer in silence and simply pass away.
I had a moment in the shower (as I often do), I think before I sang out "Into the Ocean" by Blue October completely unassisted (I let my phone die with gratitude and did not have shower jams tonight), and I was like "Steven wouldn't do that. Even though I get scared he's just another of THEM, he's not. He wouldn't ignore me on purpose." I felt a little better but still cried to my own rendition of "Into the Ocean" because that shit just hits every time. It hits without end. Amen.
He did ask what he could do to help me during this time when I first brought up PMDD. I said I didn't know. I'm so dumb. I just loooooooooooooove to sabotage myself as much as I love microplastics and red 40 lake mmmmmmmm delicious . d i v i n e d a r l i n g . [ me to me: CAN U NOT DO THAT-- CAN YOU JUST LET SOMEONE BOTH SEE AND HELP YOU ]
Maybe I'll finally do the online course I bought for like $118 about core negative beliefs when I quit residency. The content is still there. I definitely mapped out the lessons and time commitment (long before I met Steven).
Look at me journaling again, though. I would have had a good meal and worked out too but that god damn CLINIC ugh. As much as I want to take a pill (AND RUN ! JUST AS FAST AS I CAN ! TO THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE ! TO MIDDLE OF MY FRUSTRATED FEARS AND I SWEAR !) and go to sleep right now, I should try to eat something. I just wish it wasn't fucking TEN PM WTF
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PRIDEFALL UPDATE: real or fake?
What is Pridefall?
Operation Pridefall, also known as Project Pridefall or simply Pridefall, refers to an attack planned by /pol/ (a political discussion board on the anonymous website 4chan) for all of June, AKA Pride month. The original 4chan thread, which has since been deleted, was primarily focused on “redpilling,” i.e. spreading queerphobic propaganda to make people question the LGBTQ+ community. However, now that it has spread outside 4chan, there are threats of harassing, doxxing, and outing queer people (especially minors) on social media, spamming gore and rape videos in private messages and Pride tags, and even kidnapping, assaulting, or killing queer people in real life.
Specific targets include Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and dating apps. The goal is to go after smaller accounts so the queerphobia isn’t lost in the comments.
Is Pridefall real?
Yes and no.
I searched “pridefall” on 4chan last night. Apparently any new threads on it are being deleted, and anytime someone mentions it, everyone calls them slurs and says no one is doing it.
However, Pridefall is gaining some traction on Instagram--I have seen it for myself. I don’t have TikTok or any dating apps, but I’ve heard that some people are spamming homophobia on TikTok. As for Twitter, I only looked briefly, but I saw some Pridefall accounts there, as well as a lot of warnings and blocklists from people who are worried about it.
I’ve also heard that there have been a few Reddit and Discord raids, and that there is an Operation Pridefall Discord server (someone who spied on them says they have been banned on Discord as well as a platform called Riot before, so very few people are left on the Discord server now).
What do you think, Lia?
This is not coming from 4chan. No one on 4chan is interested anymore.
Most likely, people outside of 4chan heard about it and decided to take matters into their own hands.
The original 4chan thread wanted to make Pridefall “normie-palatable” by avoiding Nazi imagery or other overt unpleasantness, but I have seen a LOT of both on Instagram. This reinforces my belief that 4chan isn’t doing this.
A lot of the people behind this are young, or at least unsophisticated. Most of the Pridefall accounts on Instagram engage in very childish trolling, and one of them said they were a minor. Some of the threats I’ve seen are so outlandish that I can only imagine they came from a fairly young person.
My guess? Most of these people are around 13-19.
There are also very few of them and some of them probably have multiple accounts. Anti-Pridefall accounts outnumber them by far.
However, on Instagram I’ve seen Pridefall accounts following each other and commenting on each other’s posts, so there may be a few groups working together.
A lot of this shit is going to get deleted. I know Instagram is working through reports very slowly right now because they have fewer people available due to COVID-19, but most of the worst accounts I saw last night were deleted by this morning. I saw some more accounts deleted today.
Most, if not all, of these Pridefallers are just trying to scare us. Because they’re probably quite young, there’s very few of them, their accounts keep getting deleted, and law enforcement can track online activity, there is no way they have the balls or resources needed to coordinate major attacks.
There is a very, very slight chance this could spill over into real life, but as long as you practice basic online safety, you will be fine.
That being said, if you are threatened or doxxed by a Pridefall account, PLEASE contact the police. Better safe than sorry.
I do think that the threat of being doxxed or outed is more real than the threat of being attacked. I have already seen one Pridefall account who posted a trans boy’s address on Instagram (he is okay, he posted recently) and another who posted someone else’s address.
There is little chance this will last throughout Pride month. Apparently the goal is for Pridefall to worsen until the end of June, but given that this is most likely just some vastly outnumbered teenage trolls who are bored in quarantine, I seriously doubt they’ll be able to stay interested for a whole month.
This might not be as big on Tumblr. Tumblr is a lot more anonymous than, say, Instagram, which will hopefully deter would-be doxxers. It’s also known to be a highly liberal and queer-friendly site, so any Pridefaller with half a brain cell should know that A) their content is sure to be outnumbered and reported (only us Tumblr users know how bad staff is at deleting questionable stuff), and B) anyone with the original goal of “redpilling” is sure to fail here. Plus, I only remember seeing few, if any, mentions of Tumblr on Pridefall planning threads.
Still, expect to see some Pridefall activity here. Unsurprisingly, not all of these Pridefallers have half a brain cell. Some of them will definitely be unable to resist the lure of a community as openly queer as Tumblr, and we’ve all seen or heard about doxxing, harassment, gore, Nazis, and queerphobes on here. Also, 4chan has historically had some beef with Tumblr, so young teenage boys who idolize 4chan may target us for that reason.
How can I stay safe?
If you have any social media accounts where you A) have posted identifying personal information, and B) are openly supportive of the LGBTQ+ community (especially if you’re queer yourself), put them on private for June. Any other accounts are probably fine to stay public.
If you need a private Tumblr, you can make a password-protected secondary account and only share the password with mutuals you trust.
It is probably okay to be openly queer on a private account (e.g. have pronouns/rainbow emojis in your Instagram bio), since a private account is not likely to be doxxed. But if you want to be extra careful, remove queer identifiers from anything that is publicly visible.
Use Pridefall blocklists. They’re all over Instagram and Twitter. I may repost some here.
Report any Pridefall accounts you see. This is VERY important because this is how we can actually get rid of Pridefall content.
DON’T RESPOND TO ANY PRIDEFALLERS WHO PERSONALLY INTERACT WITH YOU. I know it’s tempting to give a snarky reply, but if they message you, comment on your post, etc, just block them. Seriously, don’t feed the trolls. It's exactly what they want.
Make sure your password game is strong. Use a different password for every site (I know, I know, it sucks), and use passwordmeter.com to test their strength. Write them all down on a piece of paper.
Make sure your username game is strong. Don’t use the same username for multiple sites, and avoid putting personal information in your username, such as your name or birthday.
Do NOT open random links!! Pridefallers could message you links that will give you viruses or track your IP address.
Don’t accept DMs or follows from people you don’t know. Pridefall accounts don’t always look like Pridefall accounts. Some of them are undercover.
Use a VPN. This is probably a little overkill unless you’re particularly at risk of being doxxed, but it will hide your IP address.
Be careful who you interact with. A lot of queer people on Instagram are DMing Pridefall accounts or commenting on their posts, but this could make you a target. As helpful as anti-Pridefall accounts are, you might even be targeted for following those.
Be wary of Pride tags. Unfortunately, a lot of Pridefall accounts plan to infiltrate tags commonly used by queer creators during Pride month. Use discretion when looking for queer content.
Be safe IRL. Lock your doors, lock your windows, be aware of your surroundings, don’t walk alone in poorly lit places, know basic self-defense, etc. Again, I absolutely do not think people will be attacked in real life, but you should be doing this shit all the time, not just in June. Thanks to COVID-19, you’re safer inside anyway!!
Make yourself hard to dox. Even though I have a very unusual first name (it's not really Lia), I am extremely hard to find online. I just went into an incognito browser window and searched my first and last name in quotation marks, but I didn’t find myself until page 4 of Google (and that result wasn’t even posted by me). I’m only half as careful as I could be, but here’s some of the things I do:
-I never use a picture of myself as my profile pic, except for Facebook and Instagram, which are both on the highest privacy settings possible.
-If I post identifying information on a public account (my college, my age, etc), I use a pseudonym or my first name only.
-On Instagram, I only use my first name, and I used special characters to type it, so you won’t find me if you search my name.
-On Facebook, I only accept friend requests from people I know. Most, if not all, of my Instagram followers are IRL friends, friends of IRL friends, and trusted Internet friends.
-If I’m really being paranoid, I’ll make a brand-new email account to sign up for a site. That way, my accounts aren’t all linked through one email address.
-Before I post a picture online, I delete the EXIF data with verexif.com, since EXIF data can hold GPS coordinates.
🌈 Stay safe, everyone.
You will not be harmed. You will be okay. Like cockroaches, we are survivors, and we will get through this!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
-Mod Lia
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The counts of users for letter that a set of pronouns starts with. The letters H, S, and T are divided into two categories- pronouns overall and neopronouns only. The list is in order from most common to least common, and the graph is in alphabetical order.
T (all): 498
H (all): 426
S (all): 405
emojis: 302
I: 297
F: 284
S (neos): 269
X: 261
C: 259
V: 255
A: 219
B: 217
E: 212
P: 178
Z: 167
M: 162
R: 141
T (neos): 139
D: 136
H (neos): 118
N: 115
L: 77
K: 71
W: 67
symbols: 58
O: 34
U: 14
J: 11
Q: 11
Y: 8
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[id: a bar graph displaying the information above]
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felicitysmoaksx · 3 years
FelicitySmoaksx Creator Shoutout February 2022!
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Note: these are creations I’ve seen in the month of February and while I try to include content that was created in the month of February, I’m not 100 sure these were but I adored them endlessly this month!
🎥 + One Tree Hill | Brulian ( @andrewgrfields​ )
Hella’s Valentine’s Day Countdown ‘22 Nico and Karolina ( @ryanswilders)
stydia + taylor swift songs ( @swiftiestiles )
@creatorsofcolornet event 5: team colors ( @sith-maul )
The Amazing Spider-Man Rainbow Gif Set ( @william-byers ) 
No Body No Crime Hawkeye Gif Set ( @imacreepygirl )
Greg “Mouse” Gerwitz Gif Set ( @leopardprinthearts )
This Was a Mistake ( @thereigning-lorelai​ )
drea’s 2k celebration • 🦕 + blue ( @zjm ) 
FEMALE AWESOME MEME ♥ 3/20 females in a movie: ( @rizahawkais )
INFINITE FLYNN GIFS: 13/∞ ( @pearlcaddy )
FINALKRU CHARACTERS ( @doortotomorrow ) 
Adam Ruzek Gif Set ( @adamruz )
marvel cinematic universe - Captain America: Civil War (2016) ( @lois-lane )
all this time we always walked a v e r y t h i n l i n e ( @amycurtismarchs ) 
Andrew Garfield + Personality Study ( @petersmaximoff​ )
ELSBETH’S 2K CELEBRATION ( @bettycoops )
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tatatale · 4 years
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'A L I V E' is a fan comic based on the videogame 'Undertale' by Toby Fox and inspired by the AU Community. Please, play the game before reading it, because there are a lot of spoilers and you wouldn’t understand most of it (you’ll enjoy the game, it’s AWESOME).
There’s no profit intention in this, just having fun with a game that I like and an incredibly creative community. This story is obviously FICTION. All characters are FICTIONAL, they do NOT exist in real life in any way.
Sometimes the comic is interrupted by the ASK section, but it’s part of the story so it’s recommended to read them, the order is listed below.
You can find the comics and everything under the cut!
Thank you for reading!! ♥
Warning: This comic is SFW (PG-13 for violence), but sometimes there's angst, so when things are hard I use the tag #ANGST just in case someone is more sensitive and wanted to mute the tag. There's also blood and swearing (sometimes I’ll use the tags #BLOOD and even #NSFW when things are really bloody), but mostly it’s just idiots having fun and learning about friendship.
A L I V E main comic (FINISHED): Season 1
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - (Ask 1, 2, 3) - Part 5 - Part 6 - (Ask 4) - Ask 5/Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - (Ask 6) - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - (Ask 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17) - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - (Ask 18, 19, 20, 21)
Season 2
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Part 23 - Part 24 - (Promise Part 1 - Part 2) - Part 25 - Part 26 - Part 27 - Part 28 - Part 29 - Part 30 - Part 31 - (Ask 22, 23, 24, 25, EXTRA) - Part 32 - Part 33 - Part 34 - Part 35 - Part 36 - Part 37 - Part 38 - Part 39 - Part 40 - Part 41 - Part 42 - Lytta’s notes - Part 43 - Part 44 - Part 45 - Part 46 - Part 47 - Part 48 - Part 49 -
Extras: Part 50 - Part 51 - Part 52 - (Ask 26, Ask 27, Ask 28, Ask 29, Ask 30, Ask 31, Ask 32, Ask 33, Ask 34)
Season 3
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Part 53 - Part 54 - Part 55 - Part 56 - Part 57 - Part 58 - Part 59 - Part 60 - Part 61 - Part 62 - Part 63 - Part 64 - Part 65 - Part 66 - Part 67 - Part 68 - Part 69 - Part 70 - Part 71 - Part 72 - Part 73 THE END
Epilogues: Epilogue 1 - Epilogue 2
A L I V E side stories and variants:
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Promise (FINISHED): Part 1 - Extra - Part 2 - Part 3 - PROMISE TAG Unforgiving soul (FINISHED): Oneshot Encounter (FINISHED): Oneshot Grey (FINISHED): Oneshot Sunny story (FINISHED): Prologue: Part 01 - Part 02 - Part 03 - Part 04 Horns and Natic (WIP): Part 0 - Part 1 -
Halloween's special 2020: Oneshot Valentine's special 2021: Oneshot New year's special 2021: Oneshot
A L I V E emoji set April fools Event
AU Sans Polls tag
Main Tags:
A L I V E | #A L I V E Comic | #A L I V E Ask | #A L I V E Illustration | #A L I V E Video | #A L I V E Doodle | #A L I V E Minicomic | #A L I V E Fanart | #O L I V E | #Reference sheet | #Meme | #Promise | #Collab | #Reblog |
Collabs: Meeting Abysstale (with metakazkz): Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 Meeting Online!Sans (with industrial menace): Part 1 - Deal - VS Bad Sanses - A gift - Hacker Duo tag Christmas party event: Part 1 - Part 2 - (Discontinued) Meeting Condoriano (with Zirkkun and Murmur): Oh no - (Discontinued) Spring Show (with NekoJAF) - Part 1 - Part 2 - Spring show tag
(I'm sorry for all the collabs I couldn't finish. I got too overwhelmed in the past with so many at the same time, I'll try my best next time!)
Your translations! ✨✨✨ Spanish by me: @aliveesp Portuguese by tztraducoes: Chronological order. Russian by fandom-ghost: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3, 4 and ALIVE!Alphys / Part 5 and 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 and 9 / Part 10 and 11 / Part 12 / Part 13 / Part 14 / Part 15 / Ask 6-8 / Ask 9-11 / Ask 12-14 / Ask 15-17 / Part 16 / Chinese by luckyfishi:  Main page / A L I V E Masterpost /
Your dubs! ✨✨✨ Portuguese by neosandy: Episode 1 / Episode 2 / Episode 3 / Episode 4 / Episode 5 / Episode 6 / Episode 7 /
(If you have something that I didn't add here, please send me a message so I can add your link! Thank you everyone for all your love and support! (/ω\)♥♥♥ )
Frequently asked questions.
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That ask about Joe has me thinking now. What's the main love language for each hermit?
i don’t watch all the hermits so here is my list:
Joe: quality time (you thought it was gonna be words? FOOL. Also maybe you’re correct)
Cleo: Words of affirmation - evidence? Mean words are still words and they are also full of love.
Tango: acts of service, he will donate his entire storage system if you mention you’re in need of a block, this sounds like a gift but it is not the giving that is the point, it is the helping, as evidenced by the fact he will insist on getting it himself, in this essay i wil- (also he spends multiple hours a week working on his friends projects rather than his own)
Impulse: Gifts, hi can i interest you in a huge discount at my shop because we’re friends also yes i can give you some emeralds i will set up a farm for it and you cane have 20 boxes. You needed 3? Well, here is more. Yes i did spent 20 000 hours mining obsidian but you can have all of it :)
Zedaph: Physical touch - demands high fives, does the thing where he runs up to someone, ducks down and then jumps at them, will shoot you out of the sky for fun
Beef: Acts of service. One time tango saved his stuff so he spent like 8 hours making an entirely blank poster just so Tango could use it once (1) in his base.
Ren: All of them all the time, please give him love.
Etho: ... acts of service but e v i l (and not evil he did the shop with beef and did the 4 MINUTE song for keralis)
Bdubs: Words of affirmation. If you say a single nice thing to him he will commit extortion for you. Compliments are basically crack
Scar: Gifts, he is a man whomst likes his resources and bribery can get you a long way and bribery, if you think about it, is just love. (Also he has a habit of saving things people gave him and getting sad if he loses them)
Doc: as far as i can tell either feuding or going into business with someone.... i think he just wants human connection in any form tbh
Mumbo: Quality time. He just, he just wants to hang out guys,,, the hermit challenges is just an intricate ritual so he can hang out with his friends,,,,
Grian: Attention
Iskall: Similar to Ren in that he will take whatever but i think he favours acts of service, gifts and words (stealing your friends language patterns is actually something that can be so special sometimes)
Stress: this emoji <3 but also gifts and touch
Cub: Listen its either acts of service or gifts and i can’t tell.
Please add on with the hermits I’ve missed
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writersofdestiel · 4 years
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Recently, we did a little reboot of our Weekly Words. You will find the details on our Discord Server. Meanwhile, we rounded up all the amazing fics that were created for Weekly Words in the year and a half since the challenge was created.
Time Flies by @deansrightfulangerissue, prompt: time flies
It's been ten years since Cas went to fight Heaven's war. Today, he's coming back. (Rated T, 0.5k)
Ash by @deansrightfulangerissue, prompt: rise from the ashes
Dean's shoulders tremble as they watch the flames devour everything he and Cas have built together. (Rated T, 1.1k)
Fate by @galaxystiel, prompt: rise from the ashes
“C’mon, it’ll be fun,” Dean tugged Castiel towards the storefront. “Don’t you want to find out who your soulmate is? Who you’re fated to be with?” (Rated T, 1.3k)
Equals by @galaxystiel, prompt: white wings
Castiel has one shot, and if it involves punching Crowley in the face? All the better. (Rated T, 1.3k)
Naps for Dogs and Men by @envydean, prompt: white wings
The golden retriever has been coming to Castiel's house for several weeks, taking a nap and then going back on his way and Castiel finally sends a note to his owner. (Rated T, 1.5k)
Runs in the Family by @deansrightfulangerissue, prompt: white wings
Dean's new boyfriend, Cas, has been wary about him meeting his child, Claire. Dean gets it, they've only been seeing each other for a few weeks. What Dean doesn't know is that Cas might have more reasons for worry than just a premature attachment. (Rated G, 1.4k)
The End and the Beginning by @deansrightfulangerissue, prompt: shooting star
There is only one way for Cas to escape The Empty's reach. (Rated T, 1.0k)
What Do You Wish For? by @envydean, prompt: shooting star
Dean, Cas, and their senior high school friends are on their annual camping trip. The sun has set and Cas wants some space to reset himself after a lot of socialising and Dean joins him. (Rated E, 1.5k)
Fearful by @deansrightfulangerissue, prompt: maze
It comes for children, it feeds on their fears. Dean and Cas arrive to end its reign of terror. (Rated T, 1.4k)
All Those Summer Nights by @deansrightfulangerissue, prompt: tell me more
It was the best summer of Dean's life - spent on relaxing, parties and fun. And most importantly, spent with a blue-eyed boy he met one day on a beach. But the summer's over now, the school year begins, and Dean's left with the memories of his first summer love. (Rated T, 1.4k)
Tell Me More by @thunderthighsmish, prompt: tell me more
“Good night, Dean. I’ll see you in 2 days. Be a good boy for me?” “I will,” Dean promised. ��I love you.” (Rated E, 0.8k)
For Better Or Worse by @deansrightfulangerissue, prompt: through the fire
When they first meet, Cas saves Dean from school bullies. Over the years, their friendship only grows stronger. (Rated T, 1.4k)
Missing Piece by @fangirlingtodeath513, prompt: missing piece
Castiel and his garrison are given the assignment to rescue the Righteous Man from Hell. (Rated T, 0.8k)
Look What The Cas Dragged In by @deansrightfulangerissue, prompt: flowing teardrops
There’s a guest in the bunker. Dean’s nose is not a fan. (Rated G, 1.0k)
Teardrops For You by @envydean, prompt: flowing teardrops
The accident killed her and left Dean alive and emotionally broken. He's a disgrace. His best friend is dead and he can't even cry for her. (Rated T, 1.5k)
Christmas Sweaters In June by @envydean, prompt: ugly sweater
“Love,” Cas says suddenly in his ear. It makes Dean’s heart jump and his lungs constrict. “Wha-what?” Dean stutters, head turning to Cas whose eyes are still fixated on the screen. “L-O-V-E. Love, it’s the one you’re missing from this round.” Dean looks back down at his screen and sees Cas’ finger linking the letters together. “Oh,” Dean breathes. (Rated T, 1.5k)
Will You Bee my Valentine? by @gii-heylittleangel, prompt: ugly sweater
Dean's tradition on Valentine's Day was always to go out and look for someone to spend the night, but this year he decided to stay home, which was his best decision. (Rated G, 1.1k)
I've Never Wished for Anything more than You by @gii-heylittleangel, prompt: i wish
Dean has lost many people before—it’s practically a normal thing in his line of work—but none of them hurt as much as Castiel’s death. Especially because Dean is sure there’s no possible way for the angel to come back again. Or so he thought. (Rated G, 3.0k)
A Drive Under the Moonlight by @gii-heylittleangel, prompt: moonlight
Dean has had a lot of fights with Sam—growing up so close together can do that—but sometimes he just can’t stand being near his brother, so he just takes Baby for a drive until his head gets clear. (Rated G, 2.5k)
Cas Loves Emoticons, Burgers, and Dean by @gii-heylittleangel, prompt: emoji
Cas has always known that his husband can be a real pain most of the times, but he brings burgers so Cas always forgives him. (Rated G, 1.1k)
Dean + Alcohol = Loose Lips by @gii-heylittleangel, prompt: too many beers
Dean has done some pretty stupid things while being drunk—there are some he would even rather not think about. But when he wakes up that morning, he’s pretty sure that what he did last night will be on his Top 3: after almost a decade of hiding his feelings from Cas, he just practically wrote them on a brick and threw it on his best friend’s face—or maybe that would’ve been a little more subtle than what he did. (Rated T, 4.3k)
Intoxicated by @envydean, prompt: too many beers
Cas finds Dean drunk in the fourth bar he searches after Dean sends some worrying texts to him. Dean has surpassed his flirty, chatty self and fallen headfirst into feeling utter desolation. It leaves Castiel to pick up the pieces. (Rated T, 1.4k)
The Case of the Missing Paper by @gii-heylittleangel, prompt: origami
Dean has always been sure the bunker is haunted, even when everything pointed to the fact that it’s not. But when all of the paper in the bunker starts to go missing, Dean starts to think that maybe he’s right or there’s someone messing with him. (Rated G, 3.6k)
A Lost Teddy Bear and a New Found Love by @gii-heylittleangel, prompt: stuffed animal
Dean has always been very responsible, especially when he needs to take care of his niece, Mary. But when they can't find her stuffed animal (a Stitch that's a few years younger than Sam), Dean starts to panic, not knowing what to do. Good thing the hot neighbor comes to save the day. (Rated G, 4.7k)
Meeting Emma by @deansrightfulangerissue, prompt: stuffed animal
Dean’s pacing the hospital corridor like some nervous expecting father. After all, that’s who he is right now. And the daughter he didn’t know he had will be here any moment. (Rated G, 1.9k)
Ambiguitatis Error Est by @fangirlingtodeath513, prompt: i miss how you were here
Dean's pulling away from his close-knit friend group and Castiel is determined to find out why. If he finds some other things out along the way, he won't complain. (Rated G, 1.6k)
Up On The Rooftop Greenhouse by @envydean, prompt: fighting destiny
Michael Shurley is Dean Winchester's true mate. Except, Dean has been in love and dating the Winchester house gardener, Castiel Novak, for nearly three years and Dean doesn't want that to stop. He needs to find a way out of the impending wedding before it's too late, especially when Michael shows his true colours. (Rated T, 5.0k)
With Eyes Wide Open by @gii-heylittleangel, prompt: insomnia
Insomnia wasn’t one of Castiel’s favourite parts about humanity, but he loved what he could do in that free time—which, most of the time, involved Dean. (Rated G, 0.9k)
Cheer-Up Food by @gii-heylittleangel, prompt: baking
Cas and Sam decide to make a pie for a grumpy Dean. (Rated G, 1.4k)
If Castiel Was A Cake by @envydean, prompt: baking
Castiel comes home to a stressed Dean baking a lot of cakes. So, he decides that a gathering of friends is the best way to keep Dean's mind off everything and it comes with a bonus extra Castiel has been waiting on for years. (Rated T, 2.0k)
As Many Kisses As You Want by @gii-heylittleangel, prompt: kiss me
Dean gets really hurt in a hunt and Castiel has no idea what he's supposed to do. He really doesn't. (Rated T, 4.4k)
Kiss Me by @peanutbutterjelly-pie (Aleakim), prompt: kiss me
Dean’s spur-of-the-moment ideas aren’t always the best, as lots of people are able to attest. And his last one really took the cake. Because now he’s unable to forget the taste of Castiel’s lips and he’s got no freaking clue how to deal with this. (Rated T, 4.2k)
The Dare On Your Lips by @envydean, prompt: kiss me
Dean Winchester has had the biggest crush on Castiel, but believes that Castiel isn't interested. Then on one drunken night, Dean is dared to kiss Castiel. (Rated T, 1.5k)
Not According To Plan by @peanutbutterjelly-pie (Aleakim), prompt: proposal gone wrong
A fire truck, a smoky kitchen and an unexpected surprise are awaiting Dean after coming back home from work. (Rated G, 1.7k)
Proposal Gone... Right? by @fangirlingtodeath513, prompt: proposal gone wrong
Dean's been planning this proposal for a long time, but on the day he's actually supposed to propose, nothing seems to go his way. Will he actually manage to propose without everything falling apart? (Rated G, 1.1k)
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eiiskonigin-a · 3 years
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@fortuniis​ asked: 🤍 + tough luck / winter x clover mayhaps? 🤔
SEND ME 🤍 + A SHIP AND I’LL TELL YOU… [ VOL. 3 ] // accepting !!
Who cooks meals for the other?
Winter doesn't have the heart to reveal to Clover that she cannot cook, so he tends to cook while she orders in.
Who spams the other with memes? 
Clover. Winter understands... maybe 35% of them. Occasionally she needs Weiss to translate for her.
Who likes to tidy around the house?
I don’t think either of them necessarily enjoy cleaning, but that military life is beaten into them so they both tend to pick up after themselves.
Who likes to play pranks on the other?
Neither. Clover’s wise enough to know that it wouldn’t end well.
Who asked the other to move in with them?
Winter. She mentioned it offhandedly and made it out as if it were nothing more than a logical convenience, desperately trying to hide just how nervous inviting someone in like that made her.
Who is in charge of the music during a car ride?
Clover. Winter’s music puts him to sleep, and she’d rather have his company.
Who is more likely to tickle the other mercilessly?
C l o v e r . He’s more of a tease and it’s amusing to see Winter try to keep her composure and quickly fail.
Who needs to hold the other during scary movies?
Neither of them necessarily need it -- they don’t tend to get frightened by movies, because the fiction is usually ridiculous -- but Winter tends to be the first to start cuddling during movies.
Who has to help the other when it comes to technology?
They’re both fairly well versed when it comes to technology. Winter will occasionally need to help Clover on a practical basis, and Clover consistently needs to explain social media ins and outs to Winter. She doesn’t understand most emojis.
Who likes to get a bit frisky in public / an inappropriate setting?
Winter is more likely to tease / bait Clover in inappropriate settings, but they never cross a line.
Who wakes up first, and do they wake up the other or let them rest?
They both wake up at the asscrack of dawn but Winter will ( try ) to let Clover keep sleeping. Usually, if Clover wakes up first, Winter isn’t far behind.
Who is always taking pictures of the other when they aren’t looking?
Clover... though Winter’s more likely to sneak pictures on the rare occasions he falls asleep.
Who always forgets their wallet and never ends up paying for anything?
Neither one forgets their wallet, but Winter rarely lets Clover pay for her. He has to go out of his way to do it, if he wants to.
Who can’t sleep because the other snores or moves too much at night?
Neither. These two either sleep like the dead or both can’t sleep. No in-between.
Who is better at video games, and do they let the other win or show no mercy?
Clover. He tries to let her win but she’s really bad at this. He ususally still winds up winning.
Who always gets up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and accidentally wakes up the other?
Winter. She only seems to sleep in like... 2/3 hour bursts and always gets restless. Clover wakes Winter up if he gets up, but she fakes as if she’s still asleep so he won’t feel badly.
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trikxx · 4 years
Song for this chapter
•just might - summer walker
• rehab winter in paris - brent faiyaz
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"𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 shows canceled in a row what am I supposed to do Ceaira?!" Y/n said through the phone.
"Idk bubs i'd help you if I could but I can't this time we made a promise." "I just need ideas on another way of income Cee thats it." Y/n responded
"What about OnlyFans."
"OnlyFans. You can use your old skills and do only fans."
"Bitch the only old skill I have is stripping-" y/n stopped to think. "Boom. There you have it. And you have everything you need already so whats the issue?" Cearia said.
"What if my manager finds out?" Y/n asked. "Well lets ask him." Cearia says.
My manager. Carlos Cre. Cearia's boyfriend. Im mean yea he probably wouldn't give two fucks about me having a OnlyFans. Its mostly my rep thats on the line.
"Yoo!" Carlos said. "So Y/n wants to know if she can have a OnlyFans since ya know the income is getting low." Cearia says. " i mean yea its her life."
"Really?" "Yea, do you just don't ya know get hurt."
"Ok, wait thats it? That was quick." I say to my self. I walk to my room I used to practice in but now use to relieve stress. "What should I put on for my first post?" I ended up putting on a bunny outfit.
And some clear heels. I set my camera up, started recording and started my music.
Y/n slow walked to the pole grabbing it and walking around it. Then she jumped a little putting one leg the pole and leaning back while turning one leg and one arm holding onto the pole.
Y/n ended in a split at the bottom of the pole. She the paused the music and stopped the recording.
*Incoming call from Taleé*
Heyyy Y/n!
Hey Tal
Im good what about you?
Good just a little stressed about work.
We all are right now. With no shows there's not really a lot of income for us.
Yea. Cee told me about that one site called OnlyFans.
Are you gonna do it?
I might im still debating tho and Carlos said it was ok.
Hey Tal im gonna call you back.
Ok talk to you later babe.
*call ended*
I threw on some sweats and a white tee and walked to my door slightly opening it to a red haired male standing outside heavily breath. "Dud- oh shit im sorry i think have the wrong apartment." He said. I noticed that he was bleeding from his side. "Its o- hey are you ok?" I yelled as the male fell to the ground.
Not having enough time to pull him into the apartment. I quickly knelt down next to him and hovered my hands over his wound.
White speckles formed around us forming a shield. Making us invisible to the human eye.
The male's eye fluttered open realizing he was in a unknown room. He was laying in a soft bed under a weighted cover. "Wait my clothes." He whispered.
The boy got from under the cover noticing he had on some black sweat pants that fit perfectly. He walked out the dark room with his guard up not knowing where he was. He heard music coming from a room which had colorful lights beaming out of it.
As he got closer to the door he could clearly hear what the song was saying "yea, I just might be a hoe." He heard a voice sing along with the music.
"Oh Hey, your woke." The girl said before he could get close to the door. "I know that your a hero red riot but can I get your actual name since ya know...I saved your life."
"You did? And is this your house?" He said. "Yes now name?" "Ok it's Ejirou Kirishima. Just call me Kirishima though." Kirishima says. Y/n nodded her head "My name is y/n." She continued and walked past him to the kitchen. "Hungry?"
"Uh yes kinda." Kirishima continued to look around the apartment. "Want a tour?" "Huh?" "I said do you want a tour of the apartment." Y/n repeated.
"Uh sure but did you happen to see my phone in my hero suit?" Kirishima asked "Yes its in the room you were in."
"Thanks." Kirishima said walking to go get his phone.
*10 missed calls*
5 unread messages
Kirishima: Sorry Bakubro I went to the wrong place and passed out from blood loss but when I woke up I was healed and in someone's house.
Bakubro: Its about time you answered. Send me your location im coming to you.
Kirishima: ok *location*
*Two unread messages*
Karma.: Kiri are you ok. Bakugo told me you weren't answering.
Karma.: Kirishima. This is serious just answer me this one time. for bakugo.
Kirishima❤️: im ok and i already texted Bakugo
Karma.: ok thank you babe💗.
Kirishima scoffs. "was she really his last resort or did she just know because of her quirk." He said to himself before coming out of the room. "Ok you can start." " ok this is the kitchen..obviously."
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"This is nice." Kirishima said. "Thank you. Now heres the living room."
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"Mmm." "Ok, so of course the room you were in."
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"Mhm." "Guest bathroom."
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"When we are done you can shower and have not there is clothes the will probably fit you in the closet in the room. Follow me up the stairs."
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Kirishima makes a "o" with his mouth as we go up the stairs to my room and bathroom. "My room."
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"And you live by yourself?" Kirishima asked. "Kinda. My friend stays over a lot so the guest room is kind of her room." "Mhm." "My bathroom."
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"You must really love marble walls." Kirishima said with a small chuckle. "Yea."
"What about the room you were in earlier?" He asked. "Oh that, its nothing just chill room." "Can i see it?" "He Uhh.."
Y/n looked a Kirishima with an irritated look. "Do you know who that is?" Y/n said walking down the stairs. "Uh yea thats my best friend he's also a hero."
"He seems like a fucking hothead. He got issues?" Y/n said. Kirishima nodded "ok" y/n says swinging the front door open. "Would you keep it the fuck down other people live in this fucking building." Y/n said. The man looked in amusement. "W-WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU TALKING TO!" He yelled again. Y/n look him in his eyes and shut the door.
She turn to a surprised Kirishima. "I'll show the room if you tell your guard dog to back down." Y/n said. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY EXTRA!" The male yelled through the door.
Kirishima opens the door. "Bakugo calm down. She saved my life." Bakugo rolled his eyes and walked in taking his shoes off. "Need some water or tea after all that yelling?" The girl said. "I'll take some water." Bakugo said. "There's some room temp waters in the counter and cold ones in the fridge. I recommend the warm ones to ease the pain."
Y/n motioned for Kirishima to follow her. "Ok. I don't really care if you judge me it's just a at home hobbie.
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(I depth about the room. Its like this but smaller and it has more lights and a pole i front of a mirror. There are silks and the hoops but its only one of each. Also theres a curtain in between that side and a side with a small couch and a desk with a computer and etc.)
"don't apologize. just leave. Kirishima you hero outfit is in the closet in the guest room." Y/n said in a calm voice.
"Hey y/n can i get you number before I-" Kirishima was cut off by a piece of paper being shoved at his chest. "Here."
"Thank you." Kirishima said walking to the door. "Thank you for saving me."
1437 words
Yooo. Next chapter date is TBD.
•Y/n doesn't want many people to know her past. Only Cearia, Carlos, and Santana know.
•When Bakugo saw y/n his heart kinda fluttered but he didn't know what to do so he kept yelling.
•y/n has a second quirk that almost lost control after what Bakugo did.
Fav emoji? Heres mine 😗.
✰L O V E Y A B E B E S✰
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my-fanfic-library · 5 years
Hello lovely!! Would you mind doing headcanons for Professor!Claes x reader? Maybe he teaches history or something like that and you both have a nice lil affair going on after a while. I saw your tags on that one gif set and now that's all I can think about 👀
This is gonna be the only ask I answer today but holy shit I haven’t stopped thinking about this in like 24 hours
K so
Claes is most definitely a history lecturer
I don’t know why but I imagine his entire class to be similar to Indiana Jones’
Just a bunch of girls looking at him like the heart eyes emoji
Anywho, Claes is like the coolest lecturer in the world
He’s really laid back and he likes to take the piss out of people
He also handles a lot of seminar groups as well
Which is how you meet
He saw you in the first lecture and was kinda like “wow cute” but obviously nothing could happen
But when you come to his seminar group
And start bombarding him with question after question and disproving the content he had taught you so far,
L o v e
And obviously you are totally in love with him too
This tall, handsome man teaching your favourite subject, with the loveliest accent in the world
You stay after the seminar to talk to him
And he’s blown away by how much you actually know
“I’m looking forward to teaching you, Miss [Last], I think we’re going to get into a few heated moments if you keep attempting to disprove my work.”
You thought he meant arguments
He did not
You always make sure to ask a question if he invites the class to, because it makes things less awkward
And you always have a question or two at the end of the lecture
He can’t believe he’s got this golden student
And he uses you as an example all the time
“Why can’t you guys be as enthusiastic as [First]?”
Stuff like that
It kinda becomes obvious to both yourself and everyone else that Professor Bang has quite a soft spot for you
Some girls, despite being in their early 20s give you nasty looks
You respond by sitting next to Claes in your seminar the next day
And doing no work and getting into no trouble for it
Instead you talk about Denmark
Because you’re curious about his home country
It is this seminar
During the middle of your first year
That Claes just falls head over heels for you
But it’s
Which makes it all the sweeter
Later that year, about two weeks before the exam, you show up at his office just as he’s about to leave
“What’s the matter?”
Immediately you just burst into tears and he has no clue what to do
So he does what he thinks best
He pulls you into him and you just stand there sobbing into him for like a solid five minutes unable to make a coherent sentence in your sudden outburst
When you’re calming down, he brings you into his office and sits you down and is all “ok so what the fuck is going on?”
You explain that you’re just too overwhelmed with everything and that you don’t feel ready for the exam
So he offers one to one tutoring up until the exam (so for two weeks, you’d visit him after class and you’d sit for like an hour and go through everything you didn’t get)
Turns out you knew a lot more than what you thought
The more time that Claes spends with you, the more he wants.
So. Much. Tension.
Because you want it, and so does he, but you’re both oblivious and thinking about how wrong it is
So nothing happens except for a few gazes, a few lingering touches
He’s actually pretty gutted the day of the exam when he realises you won’t be coming back for some secret time with him
He spends his entire summer thinking about you
Wondering if you’ll make it into his class
When he finds out you are, booyyyyy is so happy
He doesn’t know why but on the first day of classes, he finds himself dressing up a bit. Styling his hair, throwing on his glasses, a soft scarf, leaving the first two buttons of his shirt undone
He doesn’t even know if he’ll see you today but fuck
And he does
Your complexion is glowing after so many months in the sun and the heat
Your hair grew out a bit
You look angelic
He finds himself unable to concentrate and keeps fumbling over his words for the whole lecture
Because you decided to sit at the front and
He keeps looking at you
And your eyes never leave him
Because he looks so good?
You couldn’t remember when he looked so fucking delicious
After the lecture, he asks you to stay and wait for a moment and the room clears out
He doesn’t know why he’s doing this but
“Did you have a good summer?”
“Yeah, I guess. We went to Majorca for four weeks and-“
“I missed you.”
“Oh, that’s... Professor Bang-“
“It’s Claes.”
You literally have 0 clue how to answer that
Your mind is spinning
He missed you?
He wants you to call him by his first name?
Your heart is doing leaps and bounds by this point
He’s looking at you differently, licking his lips
And then they’re on yours
It’s hungry - it’s different
Your hands are in his hair, on his neck, you’re leaping into his arms, wrapping your legs around him and he’s driving you into the desk
The next day, you keep looking at that spot, where someone’s notebook is
You’re smirking, trying not to laugh because that poor person is writing right on the spot where you fucked your professor last night
Claes keeps looking at you and you know by his eyes that he wants you to stay after class
It ends and everyone leaves and the second the door shuts, you’re in his arms again
It’s a frenzy
Clothes off, and this time he’s got you arched over the desk, hands gripping into the chair behind it, ramming into you from behind.
And that is how it started
School nights, weekends, you’d find each other one way or another and you couldn’t get your hands off of each other
Post-sex cuddles
Where you just talk
He usually runs his hands through your hair, with the fondest smile on his face
It starts to get hard when other guys start to get interested in you
Because you can’t exactly tell anyone that you’re with someone - you’d get thrown out and Claes would lose his job
So, you have to play
You have to flirt back
Claes loses it
The sex gets rougher
The hickeys grow darker and bigger
One time, he got so frustrated that he sat you on the podium after a lecture and ate you out
He finds himself realising that he doesn’t just want to fuck you - he’s actually fallen in love with you
And you’re fairly sure that you’re in love with him
That summer, he whisks you off to Denmark
Best trip of your life???
He loves teaching you all the history of his home country, taking you everywhere he possibly can
Car sex
Sex on the beach
And even in a hidden corner of a museum
It’s like the honeymoon phase doesn’t end
And then the worst thing happens
One of your classmates is in Copenhagen for their own little trip
They see you with Claes in a cafe, kissing his cheek, holding his hand
They immediately report it (literally out of spite because who tf wouldn’t want to date Claes, come on, and they were high key jealous)
And when uni starts up again, a huge inquiry is undergoing
Both you and Claes are pretty much interrogated - they check your phones, they see if you have each other on social media, they check your emails, trying to find a n y t h i n g
And you agree afterwards that this can’t go on
It’s too risky to visit him outside of the university
And so it all has to stop
You’re a wreck
Because being with Claes was the happiest you had been in so long
You start dating someone new
And Claes almost quits
Your final year drags
Because you have to sit there
Looking at him
Being so close to him
But feeling the eyes of the other lecturer sent to sit in and watch and make sure no funny business was happening
One night, you go out and get just a little tipsy and find yourself at his home, throwing rocks at his bedroom window
He comes out and tells you to leave as much as it pains him to do so
You tell him you feel like dropping out, of you can’t have him then nothing matters
And he brings you inside
You don’t get any sleep, he fucks you over and over until your body is numb and your brain is nothing but a swirling mess of him
He ignores you after that
You find yourself transferred out of his classes and instead, you’re placed into professor Wells’ classes
You’re livid with him
How could he move you out of his classes after everything you’ve been through together?
You purposefully have him find you in public spaces with your new partner, a little closer than what would be accepted
He’s going stir crazy. He can’t stop thinking about the last night you spent together and how badly he needs to be with you again even if it costs him a job
Your graduation is suddenly upon you and it’s so bittersweet
You have finally gotten what you worked so hard for, but you will most likely never see Claes again now
As you’re making your way off vampire for the last time, clutching your diploma, laughing with your friends, a voice calls your name
You turn, and he’s pushing past people to get to you
He reaches you and he has this dumb smile on his face, and then he says the stupidest yet most romantic thing
“Technically you’re not my student”
And he kisses you
In front of all of your friends, family, all of your former classmates, other teachers, everyone
He doesn’t even care
His hands are holding your face, pulling you close and you have to go on your tiptoes, in your damn heels, just to be able to wrap your arms around his neck
He promptly gets fired
But he doesn’t care because he’s waking up the next morning with you sleeping beside him and he feels like he’s won at life
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des-draws · 5 years
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it's officially July but I'm still on pride mode!!! can't stop won't stop
Here are my lgbt+/queer hcs for class 1(g)A(y)!!! Here's what they are in case you don't recognize all of the flags (bc let's be real before I started coloring this I wouldn't recognize at least a few of them either ;^; ), strap in bc it's going to get l o n g:
(also they’re listed in the order they’re shown in the deviantart post rather than this one oop)
- Ojiro is trans!! I feel like he prefers being stealth but still celebrates with all his classmates because it's such a special occasion :') - Tooru is pan and a demigirl!!! It's her first pride and she's hyped!!!! And full of love!!!!! Love Is Stored In The Tooru!!! - Todoroki is a gay demiboy!! His trauma has made his experience with gender rather vague and blurry but he's still happy to have a label to somehow describe himself!! He's using End*vor's credit card to buy all of his friends pride merch!! - Midoriya is bi and trans!! He's been so happy to see his friends discover themselves and even more so to see them celebrating :') - Iida is bi!! As the second of the three members of the Rich Kids Club, he also wants to support and reaffirm his friends by buying them pride stuff!! - Kirishima is gay and trans!! I hc that he's been basically the class' go-to for gender identity/sexuality stuff bc he's been out-and-proud since Day 1 until pretty much everyone had a big coming-out ("I'm gay!" "Cool! I think I might be bi! :0c" "I...might...not be a girl???" "I'm pretty sure I'm [ace/genderfluid/etc.]" "What's that?" "Oh, it's [...]" "...might have to look into that. I think it might fit me too?" " :'D !!!!! " ) (he probably cried bc he was so proud of everyone) and then things calmed down a bit . He's a tinsy bit sad ppl no longer come to him for it but he pushes it down because he's just so!!!!!! happy to be surrounded by so many ppl like him!! - Bakugou is gay, trans and demisexual!! The last part was the hardest for him to figure out and he spent a lot of time being confused at other people, it was when Sero shared his own orientations that he thought maybe he wasn't as alone as he had thought :') - Uraraka is bi!! She's spent years thinking her crushes on girls were just her being jealous/wanting to be friends with them/not as important/stong as the crushes she's had on boys. She's getting over that internalized stuff now and I'm proud of her!! - Tsuyu is a trans girl and a lesbian!! She's been very open about wanting people to call her "Tsuyu-chan" because she chose that name herself!! And she's so happy that everyone here is supportive of her and each other!! - Yaomomo is also a lesbian!! This is her first pride, she's so excited to see all these people with different identities and experiences come together, and while she could easily create pride merch herself she much rather prefers supporing the indepentent LGBT+/Queer creators selling their own! (Hence why she bought two different variations of the lesbian flag for both her and Jirou!) (and probably many more of the stuff you see everyone wearing lol) - (Speaking of,) Jirou is also also a lesbian and also nonbinary!! Her only connection to girlhood is her love for other girls, but other than maybe updating her wardrobe a little she doesn't mind presenting femininely. - Sero is asexual, demiromantic and genderflux!! He's v. chill about everything, he probably found out and was like "Oh. Ok cool. I'm hungy" like he has a very laid-back attitude abt his identity/orientation but he Will defend his friends' to hell and back. Group mom heck yea - Kaminari is bi and nonbinary!! He was scared shitless to the point of losing sleep when he started figuring out that he miiiight like boys too, and even more so when he realised he might not even be a boy?? Thankfully being surrounded by so many supportive people (and having Kirishima as one of his closest and more trustworthy friends) helped him accept himself :') - Mina is pan and trans!! She's always been very open about being a Romantic™ but rather than being the Disaster Pan that gets flustered around everyone, she's the Disaster Pan that flirts shamelessly using Terrible pick up lines ("If we were dating...heh.....let's just say horses wouldn't be called horses anymore ;) " was the first ever thing she said to Kirishima, which earned her an extremely confused and somewhat flustered "I'm????ga y???? ???????" (it was the first time he'd admitted it out loud so he kinda thanks her for that) ) - Tokoyami is bi and trans!! A while back I read a fic that happened to have trans Tokoyami in it and was like "You know what. Yeah I can see it!" Emo culture is probably what helped him realize, with it playing around with and disregarding gender stereotypes and everything. - Aoyama is transmasculine, genderfluid and aromantic!! For the longest time he'd much rather have people mistake him for a feminine/gnc boy rather than a girl. It took him a while to come to terms with his aromanticism, since pretty much everyone expected him to be gay- he kinda expected it himself too, since he never liked girls that way, so?? But when he found out about the term "aromantic" it was like a weight lift off his shoulders. - Shoji is netrois and androsexual!! He knew he liked boys early but he's avoided dealing with figuring out his gender out of fear that he'd be disappointed- he's only ever seen nonbinary/genderqueer people depicted as androgynous and much smaller in stature than himself, so he thought he'd never fit. Seeing everyone else come out (especially the other nonbinary classmates of his), he stopped hesitating and starting working on coming to terms with himself!! - Satou is asexual and panromantic!! I don't really have much reasoning for this, I never really thought about it (or Satou himself) but when the time came to draw this I was like "Satou likes baking.....and puns are ace culture......FOOD PUNS!!! OF COURSE!!!" I'm sorry glkjhklhfdlkhj; - Koda is a trans boy!! He's had trouble recognizing it at the start because he's always been soft-spoken (almost nonverbal) and timid and kind, and """"those aren't traits of a boy""""" but he was so happy when he hit puberty and started growing So Much in stature due to his genes and people started "mistaking" him for a boy!! He came out to his parents almost immediately bc compassion and kindness seems to run in the family and he knew he'd be accepted even if they didn't completely understand!! He was more scared to come out to his classmates but when two, three, four of them come out and are accepted for being trans boys, he knows he'll be safe with them too. - And finally, last but not least, Aizawa is gay and trans!! He might act somewhat aloof about this stuff, but secretly he's very happy that his kids students all have eachother's support, and most of them their families'. Part of him is a little bitter and wishes he had the same kind of support system in their age, but he's going to be there for them if they need him nonetheless. He has his own support system now, and that matters a lot, too.
But wait!! There's M O R E !!!!! - I always love love LOVE how fanartists/editors give some of the characters more animal-like features, so I did that too!!! I went Full-on-Frog with Tsuyu (and I'm rather proud of how she came out (lol) ), but also I gave Mina some Sharp Chompers and a Fluffy lil' tail bc It's What She Deserves, and Ojiro a lil' toof poking out and ears that sharpen a lil bit at the tips? I hc that as he grows, other than his tail he'll start growing more animal features like that- sharper teeth, longer ears, claws and also, get ready.....pawbeans........the last ones give him Heck when they start growing out, and he needs his palms massaged at least once a day while they do :'( His legs get weird too and they end up looking more like a wolf's back legs :0c - I gave a lot of them freckles!!!! bc I Love Freckles!!!!!! also, as my sister very eloquently pointed out, I gave Uraraka "A R M S,,,,," bc. let's be honest. the girl got martial training she's not a twig - Sero is holding the polyamorous flag behind himself, Kaminari and Mina bc.. u guessed it,, they're all dating each other,,,,, lotsa smooches and cuddling and shenanigans bc there's only maybe one(1) braincell between the three of them and most of the time sero has it - Todoroki, Midoriya, Iida, Kirishima, Bakugou, Tsuyu, Yaomomo, Koda and Aizawa are also autistic. Yes all of them. No I won't explain. (unless you ask in good faith and want to share your own hcs pls ask me then I'll explain everything and you can expect it to be as long as this description!!!!!) (I might draw something about it when it's April again maybe *thinking emoji* ) - Oh!!! and Tooru, Kaminari and Mina are ADHD. Kirishima is also dyslexic. - Bakugou has been losing his hearing ever since he entered U.A.- sure he's always used his quirk but never freely to that extend and with so much power behind it, so getting into fight after fight with such close proximity to explosions that big really did a number on his ears. He can hear a little better with the right one than the left, so Kirishima has gotten used to walking by his right side before his custom hearing aids came in, and then just stuck to that. Bakugou's custom hearing aids block out any noise above a certain volume bc let's assume technology has advanced to do that. When he and Kirishima started thinking about working together as heroes even after they graduate, Bakugou requested custom ear protectors with similar block-out features as his hearing aids for Kirishima so his ears aren't damaged by working so close to Bakugou (Kirishima cried). - I'm actually quite flexible on which of the two I hc as trans, or if I hc both of them to be. The "both gay + demi Bkg" is pretty set in my interpretation of them, but I find it interesting how their friendship/relationship could manifest and grow somewhat differently depending on if both of them are trans or if only one of them (and depending on which one of them it is). They're still the same loud rowdy boyes we know and love but there's different conversations to have and difficulties to tackle between them based on that factor alone, and frankly? I Adore It.
Okay that's all!!!! I think. Thanks for reading, if you did!! And if not, I completely understand lol
I hope you had a great pride month!!
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