#A Wild Renesmee Mention
panlight · 2 years
Thinking again about how Bella mentions the stories she heard about the 'wild early days' of her new family in Breaking Dawn (okay thinking about it because I'm rereading the early chapters for KUWTC purposes) but how WE, as the READERS, didn't get to hear those stories.
Here was the thing, though. I knew a little about what I was going to be like when I wasn't human anymore. I'd seen newborn vampires firsthand, and I'd heard all my family-to-be's stories about those wild early days. For several years, my biggest personality trait was going to be thirsty, it would take some time before I could be me again.
The whole (flimsy) premise of this marriage-sex-vampirism compromise is that Bella thinks she's going to be a monster for a year and won't be interested in sex and romance, just blood, so gotta get that sex in while she's human (so Renesmee can happen). And while I still don't think like, anything else in canon supports that (C/Es and R/Em got together when the latter were newborns; Bree and Diego, Charlotte fell for Peter, etc . . . PLENTY of evidence newborns can experience love and desire), it would have HELPED to have heard the stories of the wild newborn days to justify the compromise.
Because based on what we know from canon backstories . . . they don't sound that wild? Carlisle starved himself for months in the forest and then killed some deer. Alice woke up and immediately saw Jasper and then Carlisle and started working toward that future. Edward had the First Cullen Christmas with Carlisle. Esme fell in love; Emmett fell in love. Rosalie got righteous revenge but it wasn't wild, it was very controlled.
I mean, Jasper's newborn year was certainly a nightmare but the rest of them seem like they were pretty tame by vampire standards.
What were the 'stories about those wild early days?!?!' I'm begging. It would help justify Bella's idea that she's not going to be herself for a year AND ALSO actually demonstrate relationships and closeness between herself and her 'family-to-be.' TELLING us they told her these stories but not SHOWING them bonding with her in that way AND not telling US those stories makes it fall flat.
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flowerslut · 17 days
Popped on to wish you a speedy and healthy recovery from your procedures 🖤
Also, thank you for updating Roots, and I hope it’s because you wanted to and not because you felt you had to. Please put yourself first right now 🖤
But since you updated…I wanted to say on first read this is my instinctive raw gut reaction without analysis…I was loving you having Jasper come back to himself so much…when he first recognises Edward, then when he sees Emmett - the burst of rage and regret and guilt he has! Remembering Alice, running to check on her… until a certain someone snapped him back into his automatic response and the thought he had….makes me feel sick. But I know he wouldn’t do that to Alice, and you mentioned something in your tags about infidelity not being a tag..
(I also hope Alice didn’t see that particular vision with her fragile state right now, would not be helpful for her)
I’m really hoping you let him come back to himself soon and see Alice even though it’ll rip our poor troubled Jasper’s heart out at seeing her like that/knowing what was done to her 💔
My heart is breaking for Rosalie!
And being the Peter/(Charlotte RIP) stan I am, I kind of lowkey love the fact he was stinking of venom and rot because that screams to me that he carried and held Alice all the way back home and we love that for his character 🖤
tldr; take care of yourself and Roots is better than the entire plot of The Twilight Saga altogether, sending positive vibes and all the Jalice love 🖤
Clara x
(PS, I may be back with a more in depth analysis once I’ve reread this chapter after some sleep after a 12 hour working day)
thank you so much!!!! I'm feeling better every day and I'm in good spirits so that's a huge plus!! and omfg lmfaooo don't worry!! every single time I've worked hard to squeeze in a roots update is because I'm fucking feral about this story and I LOVE thinking about it and posting it and talking about it etc etc!! 🥰 for as obsessed with roots as everyone says they are, just know that I'm over here also feeling the same stuff!!! sure there's a sense of obligation there since I like posting regular updates but it's 10000% percent because I love! to write!!! and I love! the fics!! I write!!!!
gonna reply to the rest under a cut bc of spoilers! ♡
don't worry, if jasper's disorientation/current mental state is making you feel sick or nervous or anxious then that means my job here is done 💀 this poor man is still trying to mesh the good (his current life) with the bad (his past life) in his brain and it's causing a full fracture to happen. we (jalice stans) often talk a lot about jasper's trauma because it's a really interesting subject to dive into, but being able to write and explore a traumatized character going through psychosis has always been something I like to explore in fanfic and with characters I like (who are all very traumatized individuals. hm. wonder what that says about me 💀)
anyways you'll have a better idea of what alice is and isn't seeing two chapters from now! but don't worry, I will give you one assurance and say that this past chapter (48) is as disoriented as jasper gets in the fic. he starts clearing up more little by little as the story progresses. unfortunately, I can't say the same about alice
and poor rosalie oh my godddd :( I think that whumping emmett (or renesmee, if we're being real here) is probably the best way to get rosalie to break down. and rosalie is interesting because she's so quick to anger. but when there's no immediate target for that anger, and when the person she loves more than anything is in such a state, you can only imagine what she's going through right now. (which is why edward's current job is keeping rosalie from trying to fight maria because she badly needs something to tear into) you definitely get a little more peter & alice content in the next alice chapter, but not a wild amount. peter's main job right now is 'keep alice alive' and if that means having to begrudgingly follow maria's orders...well, he'll do it, but he won't like it...
thank you again for always being so sweet!! I'm so happy you and other people love this story so much! it feels so good to have a fic that I was insane about for a year straight finally infect my readers in the same way that it did me 💀 I can't wait for you guys to have the full thing by the end of the year!!!!!!! thanks again! ♡
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lea-andres · 1 year
Aight I'm interested in all your OCs but I'mma limit myself to the three who took my interest the most with your short descriptions and one question each
For Cornelius I ask 22
For Happy 14
And for Maria uhhhh 2
22. How are they with technology?
*Wild laughter* He's an old ass man. His go to method of using technology is poke and prod the mad scientist teenager until he leaves the Prohibition Era wine cellar turned Secret Lab on the property and fixes the thing for him.
14. What makes them the happiest?
You picked this one just because her name's Happy, didn't you? LOL. Happy's a romantic that kinda deprogrammed herself out of her previous abusive relationship by realizing that if her life was a rom-com, her ex would be the guy you're rooting for the main girl to NOT get together with or to dump to be with the main guy. So I think having her dream come true rom-com romance with Brutus (even though he and his siblings are FUCKING CRAZY) might be it.
2. Powers/Abilities?
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I will answer this, with one warning prior: This question is a massive spoiler to my entire Chaos Specimen #91 Arc. All of my fics are going to lead to the creation of *this character*. There's foreshadowing of her in WtDMtN if you know what you're looking for. And there's no way to answer this question without spoilers.
So, if you STILL wanna know... Meet me in the Read More.
Okay, SO-
A little background. Shortly before my lore started, Commander Tower of GUN retired, and a new guy named Commander Wilson took his place. Wilson doesn't like Sonic, the Restoration, my OCs Team Cerberus, literally anybody that doesn't grovel at the feet of GUN and follow all of their orders without question. I have a fic literally called "the Catalyst" way later in my line up that the events of that fic make Wilson put his foot down and go "Fuck Sonic and his friends. We're gonna make our OWN SONIC!" (With blackjack and hookers! /ref)
Everyone reading WtDMtN, remember when Fang casually mentioned when we heard what happened to him during the Metal Virus that GUN forced him to hand over some of his blood? They had been doing that to EVERYONE that got through the Metal Virus without getting infected (or at least as many survivors as they could find). They were originally using that blood to see if there was some biological or medical reason THOSE people made it through the Virus. But Wilson figured hey, we have all this DNA AND THE ORIGINAL PLANS FOR PROJECT SHADOW LYING AROUND, LET'S MAKE A SUPERSOLDIER OUT OF THAT!!!
As you probably guessed by her name, Shadow's her dad. He's got the biggest percentage of DNA in her, he steals her from GUN and goes on the run for three years when he finds out about her, Shadow's her dad. She didn't get *everything* of his though.
Maria/CS91 can NOT use the Chaos Emeralds, because that ability is not hereditary. That's pretty much the big one she's lacking.
But the rest of her powers and abilities are as follows:
-Immortality* (She's got Renesmee aging rules... I should slap myself for saying that but you figure out a better way to explain that.)
-Super speed
-Super strength
-Super agility
-Super stamina/durability
-Military hand to hand combat training
-Military melee weapon training
-Military firearm training
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volterran-wine · 3 years
This is just general question so do what you want with it, but how do hybrids fit into your world building? Are they frowned upon? Does the Volturi harbor a few? Or how would they function as mates? Etc. I am really curious what you make of them 🖤🖤
Hello there Anonymous, what a question to ponder upon this fine Wednesday morning. This ended up being quite a long answer, so I hope you enjoy my thoughts and worldbuilding.
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢 & 𝐇𝐲𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐬
Nathalie's Opinion on Canon Personally, I have a hard time believing that The Volturi had never heard of Hybrids before the Renesmee Cullen Debacle. The author tried to sell me that these vampires who are 3000+ years old have never seen or heard of a hybrid? I do not buy it what so ever. I believe that a lot of the Volturi lore was butchered at the end of the saga and between Breaking Dawn, New Moon and The Illustrated Guide a lot of things simply do not add up.
I do not think hybrids is a widespread phenomenon, vampires cannot contain their natural instincts when it comes to humans, most of them do not even want to in my humble opinion. Therefore I believe there have been few vampires who have felt compelled to sleep with a human without the intention of feasting on them.
So, this is one of the instances where I throw Canon to the wayside entirely because I think it is bad worldbuilding from Stephenie's side. Without further ado, I present my take on this;
!Warnings! Below are some gory, bloody and violent depictions.
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The Horrific Tale of Hybrids In the 8th century tales of horror reached Volterra. A small village in what is now considered modern day Poland had seen a most gruesome birth, and hysteria was spreading through the surrounding countryside. Had Aro not seen the gory details first hand through the mind of the nomad who brought them the news, he wouldn't have believed it. A most rapid pregnancy that had resulted in an infant clawing itself through it's mothers stomach. Something twisted deep inside of Aro, uneasy and worried. The Volturi would have to intervene, Vampires had been in the area and judgement needed to be passed down. Him and his brothers gathered a large portion of The Coven at once.
Once at the village the situation was contained in a swift manner, every single person wether they be a vampire or human was rounded up in order to understand what had taken place. The infant had been killed, deemed a monstrous thing; a bad omen. It's unnatural strength and lust for blood gave the three kings a good idea of what could have happened, no matter how impossible it sounded. When Felix brought forth a male vampire, claiming he knew the origin of the child Aro wasted no time in diving into his mind.
The vampire had seduced a human, the act of conception a violent mockery of what should have been. Barely a month later he had witnessed a the so called love of his life have every bone in her body broken as their blood soaked offspring clawed its way into the world.
Aro had looked to his brothers, haunted; their grim expressions the only answer he needed before he ripped the vampires head off. The existence of such beings would have to be shrouded in mystery, their unnatural conception and birth too grotesque to make public. If it became common knowledge that vampires could father children with humans... Aro shivered at the thought of so much violence and pain.
Everyone privy to the incident was taken care of, the village burnt and destroyed; raids from the east were not uncommon after all. No one was left to tell the tale, and from then on The Volturi would pay attention to vampires who ventured too close to humanity.
Hybrids were encountered every now and then through the centuries, truly curious beings; but luckily rare.
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In Closing I do not believe The Volturi harbors any hybrids. It is my belief that they want to limit their existence to some extent, for they can be a major security risk when it comes to The Secret. That being said, the Renesmee Cullen Debacle has ruined any chance of keeping their existence under wraps. What the future holds? Well... I may answer some of those questions in my upcoming stories.
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steve0discusses · 2 years
S5 Ep 39 Part 2: Baby Pharaoh
My memory is something like tossed coleslaw at the moment with my on-and-off again long covid fatigue, but I’m pretty sure last we left off, Yugi and co were looking for Pharaoh, who as I’ve mentioned several times now, has fallen down a hole and can’t get up.
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Alongside the Nile they have stumbled into Mana (man I hope that’s her name, it’s been so long since I’ve done a regular update, if her name is like Arkansas or whatever, I will not know, that’s just where we are. Bro who fact checks and spell check’s this blog was like “I dunno, sounds right? I’m not looking it up.”)
Whatever her name is, Mana is living her best life on this background that is askew just enough to cause me pain.
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That horizon is killing me. I don’t recall exactly, but I’m pretty sure the bg was not supposed to be at an angle. Ugh, suffering.
(read more under the cut, assuming that tumblr still uses cuts? Pretty sure it auto-shortens my posts but I’ll still put cuts in for legacy users)
Anyway, this girl is a card as well as a magical person, so unlike all the other NPCs in Egypt, she gets the opportunity to set her eyes on 20th century people and be like “wtf are you assholes wearing?”
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Rather than convince Mana that Yugi is the Pharaoh and see where this plot line goes, Joey says, “Isn’t that Pharaohs’ royal purple cloak like right over there? This cloak that probably costs in today’s money like 5 billion dollars because he’s a literal Pharaoh and wears an entire dowry on his ear lobes?” and Mana is like--”Oh shoot. Weird I did not notice that when I was so fixated on the fish.”
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And so Mana has decided to join Yugi and Co because she is very much just here for the ride and also any information on how to run into her kind of sort of whatever the hell relationship is between her and Pharaoh. This makes sense to me, honestly, this was how I navigated all of college. You end up at a lot of weird parties doing this, but you’d be surprised how many people will ask you to just join their crew if you happen to be walking the same direction and know one person in common.
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Bro came up with that pun and he’s extremely proud of it.
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Again, rip the horse from last episode, at some point an alligator must’ve gotten to him (or the fall made him explode into little pieces, don’t worry about it). But we find Pharaoh in this cave, just out of sight of anyone who would actually be able to spot him.
Perhaps he’s doing this to stay out of the heat, but it’s also very likely that he’s just very embarrassed for that huge L he took falling down that hole and would like to just vibe out in a cave for a bit and contemplate his earliest memories.
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To go from the man who remembers nothing to remembering yourself as a baby who gets his ass wiped 7 times a day.
Memory is freakin wild to Pharaoh.
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I know this is a lot of caps of Pharaoh as a baby but that is a WEIRD ASS BABY. Also kinda cute but the baby is WEIRD.
Peak Renesmee energy, this old ass child.
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Covered in tears, a preteen Yami is dragged to a tomb somewhere in Egypt, as if to scope out his future abode that he absolutely will not be buried in because he does, in fact, get smooshed into a puzzle.
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And seeing a wonderful opportunity he immediately topples into it.
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name a more iconic duo than Yugioh and ledges.
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After walking down this long pit, we come to take part in some sort of Ancient Egyptian gods ceremony. Which is fascinating, because it’s not too, too often in this show that we reference the Egyptian gods outside of what is in the cards that Marik plays. But these are like the literal gods, not the fancy cards.
I have no idea if this is referencing an actual ceremony we know about or an actual mural that we have in some tomb in Egypt in real life. but I’m gonna guess this is probably not 100% historically accurate.
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I have since been informed it is Kul Elna and not Kel Elna but I am not bothered enough to fix the cap.
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Or this one.
Death count according to my google doc is 7,805,847,571 by the way. Originally I thought there were 700 people in Kul Elna. But thousands infer at least 1300 more so lets add another 2K just to round it off.
Says a lot when I’m like “eh give or take 700 deaths it makes like no difference to the number.”
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A nice shot for anyone that wants to do an anime panel redraw for that meme (do people still do that meme? I have avoided art twitter rather successfully lately so I’m blessed to no longer have to draw memes. Unfortunately I’m still on webcomic twitter but that’s just a place where people get viral by complaining, so I don’t have to draw nearly as much promotional material. It kinda rocks.)
I really should not have laughed while watching this part of the episode but that realization that Pharaoh was trapped in a necklace anyway, and then this immediately following it was quite a funny jump cut.
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And then he was gone.
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so like.........
.......no backstory on Hassad, I guess? He’s just a guy who is wearing/is literally a millennium item and is currently depicted in a tablet?
I don’t even know where that backstory would go, it would have to be between Dartz and when the millennium items were forged out of the millennium stone. Or maybe he’s just a card? I dunno. But that guy jumped out of no where, just a brand new millennium item and now he’s gone.
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My brother cannot tell the difference between Tahoma and Papyrus so hopefully it’s clear that Tea talks in Tahoma and Mana in Papyrus fonts. Unfortunately, they...have the same font color because I never initially thought they’d be on the same screen.
At this point, they run into Pharaoh, and Mana pretended like she knew that Pharaoh fell down a hole the whole time and that she didn’t spend half her day fishing.
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Bro was like “Can you imagine trying to explain America to Mana?” and it sure was food for thought.
So, that’s all for this episode, in the next we shall find out how many more holes we can throw all our characters down. Which honestly is just Writing 101 when you think about it. As in Writing 101 the class, not 101 holes. Sorry I have a hard time reading and writing with long covid, although I still like to do it, so if parts of this are like incomprehensible, I’ll fix it in post. Like that joke just now. No idea if it made sense but we’re going to print it because I want to move on to the next episode.
And as always, to read these in chrono order from the very beginning when I had more than 3 operating brain cells, you can use this link here:
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lis-likes-fics · 2 years
A Witch Life | Chapter 14
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Warnings: Mentions of trauma and abuse, violence...
Y/N paused. The last time he had seen inside her head, he was only shown figments of a creation she made, a false story to sell her lie of being a vampire. He had never seen her. He had never seen her life or her real story. Doing it now would be too much for her, after everything she had been through in her short but all too long life.
She glanced back at Romina, who gave an encouraging nod to show her support. Y/N let out a slow breath, her heart pounding loudly in her chest as she raised her hand. Aro listened to her thumping heart with great joy, her trepidation amusing him to no end.
He scooped up her hand like she was giving him candy—and to him, she was. His eyes seemed to glaze over and Y/N seemed to watch him as he viewed her entire life, everything she could remember. His smile had fallen all too quickly at even the first glimpse of her past.
Aro saw the fear and anxiety she lived in with her magic-fearing parents before they were slaughtered. He saw the fear and panic she lived in constantly with her nomadic vampires before the Cullens, the trauma and abuse she experienced with them under the pretense of real family. Then he saw the Cullens' faces, fresh in her mind from just meeting these new people. He could almost feel the relief and elation she felt when they took her in.
He saw the inevitable fall for Jasper as they recognized each other as mates. Her anxieties were calmed, some of her trauma healed as she began to grow into herself. Then he witnessed her first encounter with a witch coven, Romina's coven in New Orleans, and her meeting of Freya—a fox that Aro hated personally. Then, of course, the first time the two of them met in Italy to save Edward's life. He saw her become a coven leader, and he saw her marry her love, then have their daughter.
The fleeting moments of joy took a wild turn at an old "friend"'s return. He saw her kidnapped and abused once more by Victoria as she tried to get back at Bella, kept from her family and friends. Then when she was finally reunited, she was battered and beaten but returned to health by her family. Soon after, as if to make up for the horrors, Emrys—a son Aro had no knowledge of until Althea's memories—was born. Then Bella and Edward's wedding passed and she met more of those who would become her coven. He saw the three witches rescued and, without missing a beat...he saw a son lost.
Aro dropped her hand suddenly, his eyes searching her face as he took this in. The pain that practically blossomed in Y/N's chest as she relived that moment in her head was overwhelming. She had to bite her tongue to avoid the tears, but even still he could see the agony in her eyes. Aro felt pings of emotion in his own chest as he went through only a sliver of the pain she did when she lost Emrys. He could have sworn he felt his dead heart beat just once.
He picked up her hand once more, continuing his venture into her mind. He saw the depression, the anxieties and fears came back with a vengeance as all of her healing came crashing down in nightmares and episodes of trauma.
The drama around Bella's pregnancy with Renesmee unfolded, and Y/N had been holding on by a thread. But, like a miracle, she learned of some possibility that her baby was still alive, only to be greeted with him as their villain returned for Althea. What intrigued Aro most about that moment was the power Emrys held with his vampiric gift alone. He saw as Emrys flushed so much pain and regret into Tristan's body as a child growing his first tooth that Tristan and his magic turned against himself and destroyed everything about him. That power alone was already so strong and there was still more to come.
From there, there was nothing but the result of Irina's discovery of Renesmee. Now they were standing here as he let go of her hand. She felt vulnerable as she stood in front of him, taking a step back to be closer within the warmth of a small section of her coven. Cole's hand grabbed her gently, reminding her that they were there. She gave a slight nod to him, but her eyes continued to stare at a very silent Aro.
When he spoke again, his voice was almost hesitant, almost silent as no one but those close enough heard him. "Such a poor creature..." his voice fell off at the end as he continued to watch her. After a moment, he let out a breath before his voice came out stronger for others to hear.
"A powerful witch with a powerful coven...children, a daughter and a son." he turned his gaze from her, which was their cue to walk away as they returned swiftly to the others. Althea's hand tapped on her mother's shoulder and Y/N looked up, almost flinching from the suddenness. She was still recovering from being slapped in the face by her own trauma.
"Are you okay?" she whispered, a slight twang in her voice that she picked up from her father. Y/N gave a shaky nod, offering a half-hearted smile as she took her daughter's hand. She began to feel some of her sadness slip away from her body and grew afraid that Althea may have dumped it on herself again. Those fears were calmed when she saw Althea's eyes land on Aro's back.
Aro kept talking, although a slight waver in his voice could have been heard if you listened closely enough. "Children who may possess powers far greater than anything we have ever seen. Powerful abilities, indeed..."
When he fell silent again, Carlisle spoke up, "Aro, you can see that no laws have been broken." He glanced over at Y/N as she passed by him and gave a gentle nod to make sure she was alright, which she returned. They retook their spots and awaited Aro's next words.
"Agreed," he said, although there was something in his voice that remained unsettling to everyone. His next words almost frightened everyone, including the witches. "But does it then follow that there is no danger?"
Everyone watched him, brows furrowing at his insinuations as even the witches at his side became put off by his words. He spoke in a louder voice to announce his speech, "For the first time in our history, humans pose a threat to our kind. Their modern technology has given birth to weapons that could destroy us..." He turned quickly as his eyes fell on Y/N and the witches gathered on her side. "And, once again, in another endless chapter of our...disagreements, the witches pose a threat to our very existence."
Veda's eyes turned to Aro as her lips parted. She had anticipated some kind of betrayal on his end, but his words were something that were beginning to frustrate her with each letter. Mary-Ann's disdain came next as her eyes found Mariah and Eileen, and then Acacius, but they did not move.
"Maintaining our secret has never been more imperative." Caius' lips stretched into an evil smirk, one that made them shudder as he thoroughly enjoyed Aro's intent. "In such perilous times," he continued, "only the known is safe. Only the known is tolerable-and, we know nothing of what these...children will become."
That was a lie. Althea was not the first of her kind, and the witches were bound to have something on what Renesmee's kind was, they just had not found it yet. But they could not move, not when Alec stood so close with his paralyzing gift. Aro's dramatic voice cut through again and Y/N's earlier anxieties turned to something a little more wicked in her chest as her child's life was threatened.
"Can we live with such uncertainty?" Aro wondered, his gaze sweeping over the witnesses on his behalf. He was winning them over to ensure stories of that day always came out with him on top. "Spare ourselves a fight today," he sighed, his voice dropping into somewhat of a low threat, "only to die tomorrow."
Some within Aro's group shook their heads as they muttered under their breaths about their fears of this uncertainty he raised. Anger and panic rose silently among Carlisle's side, his words mixing different reactions among those that listened. Growls and snarls from the familiars spread through them. Y/N noticed how Freya's paws dug into the snow, her anger beginning to seep through their magical bond.
Then Y/N's anger stopped as she felt a shift in the air, a familiarity, a hope she had been trying to feel since it had left her. Edward was next to hear the presence as his eyes went wide. Y/N turned around quickly at the quiet shuffles of snow under heavy boots.
A smile that Y/N could not help came to her face at the sight of the two vampires walking forward. They came in from the trees quite a distance away from both sides. She puffed out a breath that formed in the air as she saw him, "Jasper."
Althea was just as happy to see him as a smile stretched over her own lips. She even pointed in his direction, excitement seeping into her as she nudged Y/N's shoulder. She spoke in a small voice that was just a whisper, "Daddy!" Ferra chittered once again, her tiny hands gripping Freya's fur as she practically pet the animal.
Jasper's attention was caught by the quiet exclamation. He knew his wife and daughter's voice when he heard it, and he was so happy to hear it. His head turned for a moment, a smile that slipped through for a fraction of a second as he saw his girls. He turned his gaze away sooner than he landed it as Alice's fingers brushing his hand got his attention again.
They walked closer to the Volturi before they were quickly stopped by the guard, who shoved them back roughly to keep them away. Aro's happiness was poorly hidden. "My dear, dear Alice, we're so glad to see you here, after all."
"I have evidence the child won't be a risk to our kind," she spoke quickly, avoiding the foreplay Aro was always so insistent on. "Let me show you."
Aro looked more than intrigued by this as he considered her words. "Brother?" Caius asked, curious to see if he would take it. Aro's eyes lingered on Alice before finding Jasper, a blood red gaze flickering to Y/N in response. His grin spread as he held up a hand, "One moment, dear..." He turned his hand so his palm faced up toward Jasper.
"I wish to speak with the father of this...vampire witch first," he said. Jasper's head turned and his gaze found Y/N. When he turned back around, it was because the guard had let him go so he could pass. He took cautious steps forward, raising a hand just as slowly to be engulfed by Aro's.
Aro held onto Jasper's hand for less than ten seconds, taking in what he wanted to know with a satisfied grin that had faltered for a moment toward the end. As soon as he let go, his smile was perfectly intact. "Such a terrific family..." His words were open-ended, like he was ready to contradict his own statement, a double meaning waiting to be expressed. He simply sighed and waved his hand, leaving Jasper to be forcefully shoved back to where Alice was waiting.
Alice was let forward next so he could take her hand. There was a moment as he held her hold in his gripping palm where everything was still before Alice's next words cut through like a knife. "It doesn't matter what I show you... Even when you see, you still won't change your decision."
Y/N was instantly put on edge by this. When Alice turned around and mouthed a single word, Y/N's heart ached like she had been stabbed a million times. She looked up at Althea at the same time Bella had looked at Renesmee. She kissed the girl's forehead and gave her a long look as she forced a smile. She turned her gaze to Freya. "Keep her safe."
Freya whined before obeying what was a clear order. In a flurry of magic, they were gone, only invisible to their eyes. Y/N swallowed down her choked sob before it could even try to erupt from her throat. Jacob was gone just as quick, a special shield around himself and Renesmee that would not fade until they were safe as they got a headstart and rushed away, invisible witch and fox at their side before being cloaked by them as well.
Just as they ran, so did one of the Volturi guards, by order of Caius. He could not get far, Romina's magic did not allow it. He would not even be able to begin to pick up on a trail.
Y/N barely had time to register Alice's kick to Aro's face as he was sent flying. Her magic activated like a powerful switch as her defense became offense. As Aro landed, the look on his face was nothing short of furious.
More guards moved to capture Alice, keeping her from rushing away as she fought them. Tensions rose and people stepped forward as the fight moved just around the corner. "Take her away," Aro ordered.
Carlisle's shout had everyone snapping their heads in his direction. "Let her go!" he yelled as he began running.
Everything kicked into gear.
Carlisle had not gotten far before he was caught by Y/N's magic, her hands rising in the air and tearing through with a firm sweep. Her magic wrapped around him, Jasper, and Alice, strong enough to penetrate through their barriers just long enough to grasp them. In the next second, the three were standing back on their side in the safety of their covens.
Y/N stepped forward, standing before everyone as she called the other witch leaders to her side. A fight was breaking out whether they liked it or not, but she would handle it so no one truly got hurt. When she spoke, her words were not in English, but in Latin speech that caught every witches attention.
Coven battle of the mother and father. An old but effective way to end a fight. Against the commands of Caius, Acacius, Mary-Ann, and Veda took steps forward, calling their seconds in with them as they stood. Aro tried to stop them but Veda spoke first. "She's invoked a battle of the leaders. We have to fight or we forfeit and lose our titles."
Y/N looked back at Jia, "Stay with the shields." Jia nodded once and Y/N stepped forward with Alaric, Romina, and Zyana, familiars left behind-they were not allowed to fight. They chose two members from each of their covens to join-Levi and Eileen were chosen for Y/N as they barred their magic like weapons.
Aro released two of his vampires to join the others and even it out a little more. They did not argue, he would need to get some of his way if this were to happen. They stared at each other before Y/N's voice carried strong like a battle cry in a commandment to begin. She invoked the fight, she had to demand its beginning. They rushed to each other as magical barriers were held up to avoid anyone else from joining the fight. It was an automatic forfeit otherwise.
Magic clashed against magic as they fought, but those watching were very quick to point out that no one moved to kill-except for the vampires sent by Aro. It was almost like a lightshow, brilliant rays of magic and streaks of color filled the air, along with other more lethal-looking moves that still proved to still be non-lethal.
Even with no strike to kill, cuts and bruises arose as they fought. A swarm of magic, of energy and light and elemental manipulation. Everyone who watched was itching to join, if not to see what fighting with witches was like, than just because of the instinct to not just sit out as action was happening.
Blasts were shot as people were shoved back and others were wounded to keep them down. But no one backed down, no matter how many cuts or bruises they got, the fight kept coming. No one was willing to make a fatal move against their own people, so it would go until a death by the vampires or a surrender of the witches.
But it seemed like the first would happen.
Y/N had not been watching, she had been focused on Acacius' magic coming for her as she tried to defend herself. No one saw it coming.
Zyana was grabbed from behind by one of the vampires, caught off guard by the sudden change in fighting styles. She moved to defend herself, but the vampire's crushing hold on her arm did not allow it. Her arm felt like fire as his grip tightened and she knew her wrist would break soon.
But that would not matter. In the next second, the vampire's teeth sunk into her neck as a cutting pain through her body. She screamed at the intensity of the feeling, but her cries were overlapped, overpowered, by a roar so loud that the ground shook underneath everyone's feet.
Everything stopped, everyone stopped. The vampire dropped Zyana to the ground and she tried to get her bearings, left with enough fight in her to at least stay steady. Her blood stained the snow underneath her, but no one was focused on her-not even Y/N-as their eyes focused on the source of that bellowing cry.
There, standing behind the mass of the Cullen's army, was a sight no one had seen in hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years. Zion, that little thing of a dragon with his little puffs of smoke, was no longer a little thing. He towered over everyone and everything with impressive height, his wings and underbelly red like the fire that was now brewing in his chest and throat. His wings stretched out at his sides, just as large and intimidating as him as another ear-splitting rumble filled the air with trembles of power.
Zyana sat up from where she had collapsed, her wounds slowly healing as she knelt. Her eyes were glossed over as she looked at the dragon, beginning to mutter something under her breath.
Her condition seemed to spread like the plague as the coven leaders all followed suit, even Jia as her shields came crashing down. They were all on their knees, a unison chant mumbled in whispers. Everyone watched with more than confusion at what was happening. No one understood anything, it was all moving so quickly.
The rest of the witches, taken in groups, fell to their knees as their voices carried as one. They moved to the ground, as if they were bowing to Zion now as they chanted in overlapping Latin voices.
"Draco regnandi...ignis nati...fortuna numquid amicus suus...pugna cum ea aut pugnare ad morte."
The chant repeated at least two more times as the vampires and wolves watched in both confusion and utter intrigue. "What are they saying?" Bella asked, looking around at everyone.
As Edward looked into their minds, he was able to get a rough translation as he spoke. "Dragons are like gods to witches. They're the most powerful things to ever exist. It's a prophecy mostly about Zyana, but it's talking about him. Roughly... 'Dragon ruling, fire born, fate's friend, fight with her or fight for death'."
When they were finally released from their trance, Zyana stood first as she saw her towering dragon looking down at her. She walked-ran to him, amazed by what he had become as she took in this new side of her creature.
Y/N's eyes widened as she looked up at Zion. The others followed suit as Alaric and Romina moved with their covens back to their side. The others lingered, eyes stuck on the dragon with total disbelief marking their faces. They exchanged looks with one another before turning their gazes to the Volturi and their awaiting witches and warlocks.
Veda was the first to hold her hand out, motioning for her coven to move. They did so with no fight or hesitation. She and her coven crossed the field and added to the Cullen's mass. Then came Acacius with his coven, and Mary-Ann with hers, until the Volturi were left with nothing but their own vampires.
"How dare you!" Caius yelled. "You would turn against us because of some overgrown reptile?"
Heads turned all at once at the insult toward Zion. He was surprised by the response as they all sent him looks that could not be described as anything other than a death glare. They continued their trek to join the other side, joining the dragon and the witches on his side.
Aro was obviously upset and threatened by this but...he was also ever fascinated by their magic. He had always been taken by their magic, by their power...and it was why he had tried to extinguish witches all those years ago.
They were simply too powerful.
Y/N stood by Jasper, taking his hand quickly and tightly as she leaned into his side for comfort. He pulled her closer, pressing the side of his face to the top of her head for a moment before turning his attention back to the Volturi.
They were quiet for a very long time as Aro tried to think of his options. He did not have very many. All of the witches were against him now-and they now had a dragon the size of Mt. Everest ready to kill them. What was he meant to do? It did not help that Caius kept nagging at his ear, talking about how something had to be done. They could not simply let them go free, especially with the power they just asserted with a fucking dragon!
In his silence, Edward took an opportunity to speak up, as if their side was not already secure in their safety, "What if you were sure they could remain concealed from the human world? Could we live in peace?"
Aro's head snapped to Edward as he spoke, eyes wide as he remained very clearly shaken. Caius spoke up for him, "Of course, but that could not be known."
"Actually, it can," Edward said, sending a smile Alice's way, which she passed onto Jasper. Y/N looked up at her husband, seeing the grin on his face and furrowing her brow.
"This is why we left," he whispered to her, looking out in the distance of some trees as they saw two figures walking out. A man and a woman, one dressed without a shirt and the other with long hair that fell down her back. The woman had red eyes but the man's eyes were hazel brown, and they were covered with jewelry, accessories, and clothes that held true to older traditions.
As they walked through the coven, marveling at the dragon for a moment before they continued passing through, Alice and Cole joined them. When they arrived before the Volturi again, Alice smiled, "We've been searching for witnesses of our own...among the Ticuna tribes of Brazil."
"We have enough witnesses," Caius tried.
Aro quickly shut him up, tired of his incessant muttering in his ear so he could have some time to think. "Let him speak, brother," Aro said.
And so he did, his voice laced with an accent, "I am half human, half vampire like the child. A vampire seduced my mother, who died giving birth to me. My aunt, Huilen, raised me as her own. I made her immortal."
Bella stepped forward, "How old are you?"
They turned to face her, slow to answer the question as they found Bella's gaze. "A hundred and fifty years," he said. Relief washed over Bella as she took in his words.
"At what age did you reach maturity?" Aro asked.
"I became full-grown seven years after my birth. I have not changed since then."
Aro tilted his head as he continued his questioning, "And your diet?"
"Blood, human food," he answered. "I can survive on either."
Marcus' weak voice spoke up as he listened, amazement in his strangled tone. "These children are much like us."
"Regardless, the Cullens have been consorting with werewolves and witches. Our natural enemies," Caius argued. The witches rolled their eyes at his words. Was he truly still attempting to fight when he had a dragon against him?
Aro turned to face Caius, giving him a look as he set his hand on his shoulder. Caius gave an incredulous look, frustration at the silent decision in Aro's eyes. "Dear ones," he began as he turned to the vampires, "There is no danger here. We will not fight today."
Caius huffed and turned as he began walking away, some of the others joining him. Alice smiled at Cole and began walking away with him, their arms swinging as they went. By the time they rejoined their mass, the vampires had finally run in a rush of wind. Aro lingered, eyes finding each member of their coven he deemed valuable with a regrettable sigh. He muttered something under his breath before leaving, disappearing finally.
Relief washed over everyone...everyone but the Romanians.
"We have them on the run, now is the time to attack!" Vladimir exclaimed.
Carlisle turned to him and shook his head, "Not today..."
Anger stewed between the two as they looked around at everyone with disdain. Stefan erupted in anger, "You're all fools! The Volturi might be gone...but they will never forgive what happened here."
Y/N rolled her eyes and looked at the two, her hands grasping Jasper's tightly as she smirked. "Let 'em cry about it." The Romanians sneered before disappearing as well.
Y/N turned to Jasper, wrapping her arms around him as she brought him close. She inhaled his scent and buried her face in his chest as she smiled, her cheeks quickly burning with the sensation. "I missed you so much," she told him, hands balling in his shirt.
His smile widened, "You have no idea." He cradled her head in his hands before crashing his lips down on her own, taking her in for the first time in what felt like years. Her breath was knocked from her lungs as she gladly kissed him back. Her fingers curled in his hair and her head spun. Finally, she was beginning to feel back at home.
He only pulled away when he knew she needed air, her breath coming out in puffs in the air as she set her forehead against his. She then chuckled as she spoke suddenly, "Freya, I know you're hiding."
As if on cue, the large fox suddenly unveiled herself and the witch she was carrying. The said witch had her hand in the air, balled into a fist as she held Jacob by his tail with golden magic. He was being dragged by her, insistent on getting away because he was blind to the disappeared threat. When he saw that everything was fine though-although Renesmee herself had to smack his head to get him to pay attention-he calmed down and returned to Bella and Edward.
Althea jumped down from Freya's back and rushed to her father, her heightened speed helping her in crashing into his chest excitedly. "Daddy, you're back!" she beamed as he bent down and picked up his girl.
"I'm back!" Jasper agreed, kissing her forehead, "I could never leave my best girls." He ruffled her hair as she giggled at him. He pulled Y/N closer into his side, pulling most of his family into him before he gave them a content smile.
"Are we going home now?" Althea asked.
Y/N nodded, kissing her cheek, "Yeah, we're going home."
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humans4vampires · 3 years
I caught some of your meta on your posts and I peeped around and saw a little Hardin Scott commentary. I saw you unpack this a bit in a chat but I want to hear more so I’ll ask again: If we sub out Jacob for Hardin, who would Bella pick? Edward or Hardin?
Wow, okay. Let's unpack!
I'd say it really depends on the situation; whether or not we're merging plot lines from both series or if we're just hard-swapping Hardin for Jacob in the Twilight Saga. I have so much to say about the two universes colliding, which I would dare say would have a different outcome and a much more compelling storyline, but since you asked this question specifically, I'll just cover what I think would happen if we swapped Jacob Black for Hardin Scott, cold-turkey, without any other peripheral character changes or introductions.
Edward Cullen versus Hardin Black (neé Scott)
Hardin Black is angsty, a little aggressive, and very popular amongst his friends and peers. He's charming, enough so that he's charmed the pants off of most of the girls his age, so he's quite sexually experienced by the time he meets his childhood friend, Bella Swan when she returns to Forks to live with her father.
Charlie Swan knows Hardin well enough to know he doesn't want him hanging around his teenage daughter, but his dear friend, Billy Black hopes that Bella might be a good influence on his gruff son. Charlie keeps a close watch on them when they're together, though he quickly assures himself that Hardin won't be pulling any tricks on his daughter.
Bella and Hardin were a volatile pair together, and both had no issue telling the other what they thought of them. Hardin found Bella to be a boring, plain-Jane, goody-goody, which only was made more apparent in her choice of a boyfriend; the incredibly tame and aggravatingly perfect, Edward Cullen. Over a fish-fry dinner with Billy and Hardin, Bella made a passing comment about Edward to Charlie, to which Hardin's response was, "Even worse than the Newton kid."
Bella saw Hardin as a fuck-boy, to be entirely honest. To her, he was rude and crass, spent too much of his time looking for destructive things to do. And once Edward came into the picture, she saw all of Hardin's flaws in direct comparison to her perfect gentleman in Edward.
Things changed, though, when Edward left Bella in the time during New Moon. Bella spent months essentially catatonic before discovering her new-found passion for adrenaline charging adventurism. Who better to create chaos with than Hardin?
Now, here's where some things take a turn. Hardin isn't interested in wholesome 'fun' like our sweetie pie, Jacob Black. Hardin drinks and parties and stirs up trouble. Bella falls in with Hardin, but does a good job of leveling him out a bit. They bond over their shared love of classic literature and spend their days recovering from their wild teenage nights by reading passages to each other on an old quilt on the beach in La Push.
Eventually, the two build a strong and trusting relationship, full of witty teasing and more balanced joy. They spend less and less of their time with friends at parties and more and more time alone. Bella proves to be a good equalizer for Hardin and Hardin a good measure of happiness for Bella. The two do end up having sex and continue to have a sexual relationship leading up to the time Hardin transforms into a werewolf.
Both Bella and Hardin manage to help each other with a lot of their varying emotional baggage, and in many ways, they are able to supplement each other well. Hardin's fear of abandonment is well cared for in Bella's over-attentiveness and need to be the "parent," while this quality in Bella is better balanced by Hardin's more carefree and narcissistic tendencies. In this, I mean to say that Hardin encourages Bella to let loose and think of herself first - which becomes even more liberating for Bella when the two begin their sexual relationship.
I'll pause here to unpack this more: I'm not just putting in this saucy tad-bit for your reading pleasure. You cannot have Hardin as a character without the sexual chemistry with the female protagonist. At his core, he's still an adaptation of Christian Grey and Harry Styles. This is not a comment on Harry Styles' sexual prowess, just to be clear - but Christian Grey is sex personified, and thus, is Hardin Scott (or Black, in this case). Which is so interesting to think about, considering Christian Grey is just an adaptation of Edward Cullen, thus, Hardin has enough at his core to be a strong contender for Bella. And, Bella Swan, at her core, is very in-tune with her sexuality. Stephenie Meyer may not be overly colorful with Bella's lustfulness, but it's obvious and apparent throughout the series. Bella and Hardin would have sex eventually and this would complicated things for the both of them, especially when Edward returns.
Now, as the whole werewolf thing unfolds and Bella is forced, by Hardin, to separate from him, the gravity of their relationship and their sexual encounters pushes Bella to another breaking point. She feels rejected and isolated with Hardin distancing himself and the feeling that she loses Edward the more she let's Hardin in hits her harder in Hardin's absence. Not to mention, her relationship with Hardin isn't exactly as easy-breezy beautiful, Cover Girl, like her relationship with the subbed-out Jacob was. Jacob, remember, is very go-with-the-flow, sunshine with a candy-coating sweet - and Hardin is very much not. All of those character flaws that make Hardin who he is are still there. Their relationship is tumultuous, which makes Bella question herself and exacerbates her insecurities.
There's not much time between the two reuniting after the werewolf is out of the bag -Get it? like the 'cat out of the bag?'- and when Bella leaves for Italy to save Edward. This moment triggers Hardin's abandonment issues big time and this is the moment Bella spends the next three books trying to overcome with Hardin. She does come back with Edward and she does continue her relationship as she did in Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, but with the added layer of sexual history and intense chemistry with Hardin throughout the rest of the saga, Bella struggles much more with her feelings for both men. Sex complicates things in a big way and definitely proved her feelings for Hardin very early on in the saga.
This also adds so much more complexity to her relationship with Edward, who very much knows what happened while he was away and very much blames himself for how Bella and Hardin's relationship developed - as he did with Bella and Jacob.
Ultimately, do I think that Bella would choose Hardin over Edward in the end? No. But Hardin does present a compelling swap that I'd say could keep you truly wondering if she was going to change her mind at any point.
I would like to assert here that Renesmee should never have happened like that and I will not even discuss the repercussions.
In the end, Bella would choose Edward for all the things that Hardin is not and cannot be; a perfect God-like creature that shifted her entire perspective of what life was and what life could be. Hardin, or Jacob, could never compete with that.
But the saga would have been so much more dynamic with the tension and the complexity that sex brings to a love story. Imagine Bella tossing and turning at night, Edward agonizing over hearing Hardin's name on her lips. Imagine Edward being tormented by Hardin's mental replays of his nights with Bella every time he looks at her. Imagine how much more conflicted Edward would be about his sexual relationship with Bella! The added complexity of his feelings of her being with Hardin and being nervous!! Oh, I can't even go into that right now...
It would make so much more sense for him to want to commit to her in marriage too! He'd want to solidify their love in a new and different way than she had with Hardin. And it would probably be the reason Bella would agree to it.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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mccoyyy · 4 years
moving this to my new blog so I can pin it again lol
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@stregoni-benefici you are completely correct but I just wanted to expand on this a little bit - also i’m putting this under a read more cause this got a lot longer than i originally thought it would be
sexism: smeyers treatment of female characters throughout the entire series is extremely problematic. like you don’t even need to read deep into the books to see that. the backstories of all her female characters all involve some form of trauma and are significantly more violent than the male vampires (Rosalie and Esme enduring physical/sexual assault meanwhile Edward dies of the flu and Emmett gets vibe checked by a bear).
she also creates the idea that a woman isn’t complete without children/being a mother. every female vampire in the series is desperate for children yet can’t, its mentioned in pretty much every book and extreme emphasis is placed on how tragic this is. a female character wanting children isn’t wrong or sexist at all but the way its written in twilight makes it seem like its something a woman has to do in order to be happy and smeyer pretty much cements this idea by making Bella suddenly desperate to have Renesmee despite showing no interest in children/audibly voicing her thoughts against having children in eclipse and the start of breaking dawn (i’m pretty sure Bella has a line of dialogue in the books where she says something like she didn’t realise it was something she wanted/needed until it happened bit I’m not sure I try not to read/think about breaking dawn)
there’s also the way she writes female characters, specifically Rosalie. its mentioned throughout the series that Rosalie has extreme mechanical skills and multiple degrees in STEM fields but its barely ever shown, and instead her characterisation focuses on being obsessed with her looks (first couple pages of this, written by smeyer for new moon), and being a ‘stereotypical bitch’. for the first three books most of her character/dialogue is based on being cold and rude to Bella. She is unnecessarily painted as the villain for having different views on Bella (quite literally) giving up her life and future to be with a man (which is a whole other can of worms). the same is done to the character of Leah in eclipse/breaking dawn. Leah is a woman in the Quileute Tribe, she has been severely affected by the Cullen’s presence in the area and is painted as a character that the reader is supposed to dislike simply because she doesn’t like Bella/the Cullen’s despite having extremely valid reasons not to
anti-Native - smeyers treatment of native tribes is horrendous. she has profited fr years off of of native american culture for years and has done so without any acknowledgements. furthermore, she also demonises native american teens (especially in new moon) by calling them wild, violent, dangerous and out of control and then uses these stereotypes to create a contrast between the self control and patience of the Cullen’s and make them seem more like the good guys, and the wolf pack being lesser. She does this again with the treatment of Jacobs character in new moon and especially eclipse.
Jacob starts off in new moon as Bella’s best friend. he helps Bella come out of a severe depression caused when Edward left at the start of the book. however in eclipse his character makes a complete flip and he becomes moody, temperamental, argumentative and disrespectful of Bella’s boundaries. his character becomes unrecognisable and despite smeyers claims of a love triangle, it is obvious what the outcome will be. I have seen countless instances of people on this site claiming they hate Jacob because he is a dick/disrespectful/just as unhealthy as Edward. this was done on purpose by smeyer as she uses Jacob to make Edward seem like the obvious and correct choice for Bella. if you need more proof of this, take the scene where Jacob kisses Bella without her consent and she breaks her hand when punching him, Edward swoops in and almost gets into a fight with Jacob for touching Bella without her consent. this is an obvious attempt to make Jacob seem like the villain and Edward the white saviour
there’s also the treatment of the native characters by the white characters in the books. multiple times in the series, the native characters are called/compared to dogs/brutes and have a distinct unpleasant smell. I don’t think I need to explain how this is racist. the pack also helps the Cullen’s/saves Bella’s lives and never receive any acknowledgement/are treated any better by the Cullen’s/anyone really. the pack are only ever used as a way to make the Cullen’s look better.
there’s also some pretty obvious similarities to colonisation with the Cullen’s entering Quiluete lands which then forces them to start phasing into wolves (and I’m pretty sure none of the pack actually want to start phasing). also, remember Leah? the only female member of the wolf pack? because of the change she effectively can’t have children? that has implications.
and to top it all off, after doing all that, smeyer has never once addressed this or even acknowledged the Quileute Tribe.
pedophilic - I mean even without mentioning breaking dawn its pretty awful. first of all you’ve got the blatant sexualisation of minors throughout the entire series. Edward is 17 throughout the series and smeyer is writing literal paragraphs about his chiselled abs. Jacob is 16/17 when she has him running about forks topless with a 6 pack. this is way more apparent in the movies but its still a huge issue in the books and lead to Taylor Lautner being confronted by adult fans trying to get him to sign their underwear, and being forced into being shirtless for most of the movies which made him extremely uncomfortable (Elizabeth Reaser (Esme) briefly talks about this in the ID10T podcast on spotify). and just as a reminder, Taylor was 16 when the first one was filmed and 17 for the second.
Breaking Dawn is a whole other can of worms. the glaringly obvious issue is Jacob imprinting on a literal newborn baby. now the concept of imprinting itself has racist elements to it, but its heavily implied in the series that imprinting will inevitably lead to a romantic relationship. Jacob imprinting on Renesmee and waiting until she is old enough to enter into a romantic relationship (never mind the fact that shes ‘old enough’ she will still technically be 5) is pretty much grooming. The same happens with Quil and his imprint, Claire (a two year old) where I’m pretty sure there’s a scene in breaking dawn where Jacob and Leah are watching Quil play with Claire and talking about how Quil isn’t going to date anyone because he and Claire are ‘pretty much inevitable’ (i might be wrong though, like I said I try not to read/think about breaking dawn)
smeyer has also written a spin off book (its like 250 odd pages) called the short second life of Bree Tanner (Bree is that newborn vampire killed after the battle in eclipse by the Volturi btw). In this book, Bree is 15 almost 16, and another character Diego is 18 which is definitely pushing the boundaries of ok. (also as a side note, funny how Bree and Jacob are literally the same age and smeyer states multiple times how Bree deserved better and is only a child (who straight up kills people), yet when it comes to Jacob he has to be a responsible adult and is vilified for every mistake he makes)
racist - smeyer refused to let Catherine Hardwicke (director of the first twilight) have a diverse cast because she ‘imagined them a certain way’ (white) and it was a fight to get Edi Gathegi cast as Laurent and had to compromise with smeyer to make Bella’s friend group more diverse. this woman straight up refused to hire more diverse actors and only agreed to when they were side characters/villains.
Also in the official companion book/guide to twilight, smeyer literally writes that vampire venom makes you white
‘the venom leeches all pigmentation from the skin into a more indestructable vampire form…regardless of original ethnicity a vampires skin will be exceptionally pale’ (official illustrated guide pg.69)
this is a whole lot of bullshit cause she is literally whitewashing characters, but when you pair this with the idea that vampires possess inhuman levels of beauty it becomes extremely problematic and implies that being pale/white is more beautiful than darker skin tones.
also, if we go back to Laurent’s character for a second. so Laurent is one of the only characters who isn’t described as white (in the books he is described as having a pale olive skin tone) and in the first book he comes across as pretty reasonable (warning carlisle about James/Victoria, travels up to Denali and tries out the veggie lifestyle) but in new moon, his characterisation pulls a 180° (sensing a theme here) and is suddenly trying to kill Bella as a favour to Victoria and is Evil™ despite in the first book he literally says to Carlisle he didn’t particularly like travelling with James/Victoria and was only really doing it for convenience. where did this undying loyalty come from? yet again, smeyer is completely disregarding established characterisation in POC characters specifically to villainise them.
and finally, we have Jasper. for some reason (that reason being that she is racist) smeyer decides to make Jasper a confederate soldier in his human life. if you don’t have a lot of knowledge on the american civil war, the confederacy were the side of the US that seceded from the union in order to keep their slaves. Jasper was a confederate soldier, and not just any soldier, but a major. Jasper was a major in an army that fought for 4 years to keep the existence of slavery (and don’t even try to say that slavery wasn’t the root cause of the civil war. states rights aye? states rights to do what). now there’s an argument out there made by certain fans that a lot of people joined the confederate army out of pride/were forced into it cause of conscription to try and head canon the racism away but like that doesn’t matter. there was literally no need to make jasper a confederate in the first place. if she was so desperate to have a civil war vampire then she could have made him a member of the union. its been common knowledge that the confederacy was racist for a long time now, smeyer has absolutely no excuses here.
a lot of these issues overlap and I have probably missed heaps of issues (so feel free to add on) but hope this helps explain why smeyer can *ahem* get tae absolute fuck
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gisellelx · 3 years
Hi! Saw you mention Carlisle, Esme, and Rose display signs of PTSD, and Jasper is sociopathic. I agree on Esme, but was stumped by the others. Could you explain what you meant?
So I admit this is mostly coming from that fateful dinner table conversation we see in Midnight Sun. A lot of the Cullen family dynamics get revealed in that conversation. Having read the draft dozens of times years ago, I noticed every single tweak SM made in the final published version. And she brought all of these aspects even more to the fore in the final version than were present in the original.
Mind you, I tend to disregard a lot of this because I read the characters as presented in canon as cardboard. Meyer needed them as props to Edward and Bella's epic love story and so she gave them these very rigid personalities so that they didn't affect the story in ways she didn't want them to. So I tend to assume they are more complex people than they are presented as when I write them. However, the way they are presented is consistent with major issues, and that, too, can be fruitful to think about and explore.
Let's start with sociopathy. First, let me acknowledge that this is not a term that gets applied by psychologists. It's antisocial personality disorder. Sometimes, people who have it are described as not having a conscience. Now, Jasper's gift makes that kind of impossible--by the time we meet him in canon, he's suffering from the weight of the feelings he feels. But we don't get remorse from Jasper. He's not spending a lot of time thinking about what he's done in his lifetime before Alice (directly contrary to how I have written him in the past). His solution to the Bella situation is just...let her not wake up some morning.
Jasper's entire approach, throughout the saga, is pure strategy. Fighting James? Do what is necessary, including splitting everyone else's mate off from them. Fighting the newborns? Train everyone, recruit the wolves at whatever cost to them. And the only reason we don't get his take on His focus is singular: Alice. Whatever the safest outcome is for Alice, that's the one, no matter who else is implicated.
One might think that an empath might approach this all differently--that someone who is forced to suffer the heartbreak of all the other people around him might choose paths which mitigate his own suffering, at least a little. But he never takes this road. Even Carlisle, who by all accounts, seems to be able to sway all the other members of the family, is powerless against Jasper. It's only Alice who can keep him in check.
Psychopathy and sociopathy are sometimes described as being the difference between whether someone has a conscience or not. Sociopaths have a conscience but are theoretically willing to sidestep it when the outcome is favorable. This is canon Jasper to a t, and the fact that he remains this way, after gaining his vampire curse gift, just says all the more about him.
Rosalie, in canon, has mostly disassociated. She is absolutely singular in her pursuit of the only thing that matters to her--making everyone else pay for the fact that Carlisle robbed her of her humanity. The reason I'm willing to armchair psychologist this as PTSD rather than sociopathy like Jasper is that this is not about winning or having a particular outcome. She is acting out of woundedness. We see this in the way she acts at the dinner table--mostly concerned with the effects on her personally, if the Cullens have to move, on the way she handles Bella's humanity, taking until almost a year of elapsed time, even without the New Moon separation, to explain to Bella what what her issues are, and then her hyperfixation on Renesmee, which was not at all about Bella, of course. She responds to the world out of the pain of the worst moment of her existence. Some other PTSD symptoms that Rose exhibits is a general sense of hopelessness, difficulty maintaining close relationships--even with Emmett, we get the impression that their relationship is based on his adoration of her beauty and their wild sex, not on their intimacy. And of course, of all the Cullens, she's the one most prone to angry outbursts, yet another symptom. I happen to think those are usually justified, but they could be read as pathology just as easily.
Ah and Carlisle. This might veer into my headcanon a bit too much, but I'll try to stick to what's on the page. He is constantly, constantly reacting to Edward’s rebellion. I don't think that Rosalie was turned to be Edward's mate. But I do think she was turned because Carlisle was thinking of Edward. He has spent three hundred sixty years running from who he is. There are some theological reasons for this, but there's a perfectly valid worldly explanation for a lot of his behavior in the saga that he's constantly acting out of trauma to keep his family together by hook or by crook. Turning someone into a vampire just because his daughter, who hates him, asked? Drugging a woman by the side of a Phoenix freeway? As a writer, I find several of his actions to be just bad, uninspired writing. But if we take them at face value, you have someone who is constantly trying to patch together things that won't patch. The part where my headcanon comes in is that I read everything that happens after 1931 as a desperate attempt to keep Edward from ever rebelling again. We don't get a sense in canon of exactly how Carlisle felt about that, except for the intense feelings Edward has about Carlisle. If one assumes those feelings are mirrored even a little, Carlisle was undoubtedly traumatized by what Edward did (and, by extension, what that means for his own neediness and loneliness to have turned Edward in the first place), and his every choice after then is about keeping Edward from ever doing that again. Perfectionism, unwillingness to let down one's façade, ineffable optimism--as weird as it seems, these are also very classic trauma responses and Carlisle has them all.
This post is long enough already but there's another layer here in SM's canon that vampires can't change and what that means for the way they respond to trauma. Suffice it to say that I don't think Twipires experience mental health the same way humans do, and that some aspects of what is canon about who they are results in people who must, by definition, be quite effed up.
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bogusavathepit · 3 years
Zafrina, Senna, and Kachiri--Why are They the “Wild” Ones?
When the 2 Amazon coven members appear in BD to be “witnesses” for the Cullens, they brought with them another depiction of spoilt thrills.
I’m prefacing this to say that I am a Twilight fan.
I also happen to be a critic of it.
Descriptors of the Amazon Women
Here is a physical/vibe description of the Amazon coven from the Twilight fandom site, based on the description from the Breaking Dawn:
Both of them seemed as if they’d been stretched--long arms and legs, long fingers, long black braids, and long faces with long noses. They wore nothing but animal skins--hide vests and tight-fitting pants that laced on the sides with leather ties. It wasn’t just their eccentric clothes that made them seem wild but everything about them, from their restless crimson eyes to their sudden, darting movements. I’d never met any vampires less civilized (Breaking Dawn, pgs. 612-613).
BD/Bella makes it a point to set the three women apart from all the other mentioned vampires with images of “hyperanimality” (a word I just made up) and freakish unruliness.
With descriptions as “restless crimson eyes” and “darting”, we get the impression that the women have an energy or give off a certain aura/vibe that disturbs the viewer/Bella.
By the word “stretched”--as in their faces, legs and arms--we understand that they have bodies that are distorted. Specifically, their bodies are exaggerations of a “normal” body. The same goes for their height and musculature, which seems to be emphasized by the “stretch” of their limbs. 
And with descriptors like “wild looking” and “less civilized”, the book makes it a point that out of all the vampires Bella has personally met, these women are by far the most intimidating and strange.
Too strange. Too foreign. And as if they are a constant threat. Bella avoids the sisters whenever she can in BD  and tries to minimize their time with Renensmee due to this impression.
Finally, we note that the it isn’t just that these women are too strange, but that they don’t wear modern human clothes. Which are taken to be the “right” sort of clothes a vampire could wear. 
We may take this to mean that modern human clothes are just meant to be representative of what is “familiar” to Bella (who used to be a modern human and is very used to seeing all the vampires she knows as wearing modern human clothing no matter if they drink animal or human blood). Most of the vampires she interacted with were still relatively close enough to human populations to steal/buy articles of human clothing to clothe themselves. 
However, how Zafrina and Senna are dressed factors into how dangerous and not “right” or trustworthy they are in Bella’s eyes, the latter who still doesn’t calm down after that first impression.
Here’s more from Breaking Dawn:
Despite their fierce appearance, they listened very calmly to our story, and then allowed Renesmee to prove the point. They were every bit as taken with Renesmee as any of the other vampires, but I couldn’t help worrying as I watched their swift, jerky movements so close beside her (pg. 613)
Reminds me a lot of how some parents are cautious of how their kids interact with animals that should be domesticated enough to trust a three-year old around, but has those damn big horns.....
Bella is also supposed to be the person we are supposed to view the entire Twilight universe, not just as the chose POV, but she is thematically on the side of the “good” people and the “good cause” (vegetarian vampires). The entire plot of Twilight positions the Cullens and people resembling them and their actions in the highest esteem and the moral standard. And there is little castigating the Cullens and their actions aside from how their presence affects the Quileute tribe, and even then the books didn’t give enough attention to it-- compared to the Cullens’ individual plights...or we get most of the images of their suffering through second-hand accounts. 
So we, as the readers, are supposed to view Bella’s POV as the perspective that is “correct”. Or if not that, we are supposed to be emotionally guided by her POV. Which can be dangerous since people/fictional characters see things differently for different cultural, philosophical, and psychological reasons. Bella has a very particular way of viewing things that arguably makes her a sometimes unreliable narrator. 
We’d have to remember that she is still a person and not omniscient or all-knowing.
Some Visuals
So in the books, the coven sisters kind of look like this below. 
(Ignore the smiles and inaccurate clothing, I’m making a point here please!!):
Left to Right: Kachiri-Senna-Zafrina 
Closer to real-world clothing (except the fur)
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Clothing closer to that described in the book Breaking Dawn
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Not the movies’ depiction below (clothes are closer than first sim version, though):
Left to Right: Zafrina-Senna
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The Patanal Wetlands (Markus Mauthe @Greenpeace)
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Colonization and Globalization
All of this visual information, plus the fact they had darker skin than European descended/white vampires, leads me to believe that there’s something racist going on here.
Spoiler Alert: There is.
Why would Meyer uses such adjectives as “civilized” and “savage” along with distorted physical features to define, describe, and emphasize the sisters’ weirdness if not to point out how freakish they are for being so different from the vampires that Bella’s used to seeing/meeting? Who all happen to be white/European? 
The Egyptian coven aren’t an exception, even though some people would argue that Egyptians are “white” and not POCs (saying that North Africans are white or Middle Eastern). Firstly, the Egyptian coven, at least Amun and Kebi, are ancient Egyptians and the ancient Egyptians....who the heck knows if we can even apply modern racial categories to a territory that has had its borders and rulers and its very people experience multiple intermarriages, expansions, conquests, and contractions? Please. Which then lends to modern Egyptians....
Why suggest and repeat the danger of these women to the point where we don’t really get a hint of their actual personalities, like we do with Siobhan? Why use such words that reflect the same terms that imperialists and colonizing Europeans used to describe various native peoples to discredit their worth for their own political and economic interests? 
Say someone were to argue that the sisters are very violent. This quote disproves that notion:
Despite their fierce appearance, they listened very calmly to our story, and then allowed Renesmee to prove the point (pg. 613)
And further on,
the argument ignores that they didn’t fight anyone at any time/they are not and never were confrontational
they were very gentle with Renesmee--the only biological and emotional “child” and the most vulnerable “innocent” of the group present--when they did interact with her
both Siobhan and the Denali sisters, especially Kate, are supposedly the female vampires with both the preference for violence/full acceptance of doling out physical pain AND the ones with the most militaristic experience. At least with the explicit demonstrations the book gives. Siobhan is a strong-assed, tall-assed woman (muscled and 6′2′’) who easily killed her rapist/ “sire”/creator as a newborn, and Kate is very much proud of being able to disable others with the pain she can inflict with her gift.
The Amazons’ supposed unrestrained aggressiveness suggests that the seeming of the Amazon vampire women equals their being.
Say they were “violent”. 
Most vampires in the novels see fighting as, if not exactly natural or pleasurable, then inevitable to participate in.
Though there are many vampires that don’t want to fight or aren’t usually looking for one (Renata, Carlisle, Esme, Bella, etc.), we are told/shown that vampires usually begin and end conflicts through intimidation and outright attacks. 
We see it with Kate, Victoria, Emmett, and Jasper, Maria, Felix, Cauis, Emmett-- the list goes on (to name a few who aren’t psychotic like James). 
Plus Twilight conceives vampires as being unable to handle being around other vampires for long because of instinctive compulsions to ward other vampires from their claimed territory/close companions/authority.
Thus most Twilight vampires were already shown to be “unrestrained” and very willing to fight other vampires in the mind of defense and or pursuit of power. Unless the vampires they were facing were the Volturi or a bigger coven they faced. 
Why would the Amazons be any different? Yet the Amazon women are the only one vampires the Bella thinks is threatening?
Without race being mentioned, it’s shallow and shortsighted. And it is so absurdly shortsighted it is racist. Of both Meyer and Bella, who we see also being unreasonably anxious while driving through a “dangerous” area, heading to J.Jenks.
Of course they’re wearing animal skins!
What else would they wear? Being a group of self-isolated vampires who live out in the utter wilderness for miles around?
They’re not likely going to sit around and weave clothes out of fabrics that won’t either last as long as leather or would require them to visit human dwellings more often than they would like. Since the Amazon coven members only travel out of the Patanals to feed. 
They could even go totally nude if they wanted. Who will see and judge? Their other two best friends who long ago learned not to care? (Or--for some of us who think that them being in a polyamorous relationship-- their maybe lover?)
Various pre-historic and ancient European peoples also wore animal skins alone or with other fabrics. The Patanal sisters are assumedly ancient vampires, so they’d adopt the wear of whatever human society they previously were a part of. Why would they feel they need to look human when, unlike the European vampires, the geographical situation they are in has humans not urbanizing the deeper pockets of South American wildlife? They’d also don’t currently interact with humans just like other vampires don’t unless it’s to feed.
Just on the economic principle alone, using most of the animal’s carcass is actually economically sound and a traditionally indigenous practice that shows an awareness of how they survive on the materials from the earth and know they need to curb/organize how they use those resources. I’d call this rather civilized.
So they are not absurd or abnormal for wearing animal skins and the fact the book tries to make it evidence of their monstrousness is exasperating.
It is very reminiscent of the European/white anxiety of non European landscapes and the control they want to exert over them. 
A theme that was heavily supported in Joseph Conrad’s novel Heart of Darkness, which posits that it is the greed and delusions of the conquerors (European imperialists) that will destroy themselves and the natural things around them. The book itself still degrades the intelligence of the native Africans who are featured in it. At the same time, it reveals the anxiety that develops from European and white U.S. imperialists’ desire to utterly control those with the nonwhite bodies and the resources they wish to use/possess. 
Thus, there is a fear of those entities and the very landscapes they use to survive and live, coupled with the “harshness” of the environment (more intense climates and dense with diverse lifeforms than the cooler regions of the middle-north North America and northern Europe) presents an ever-present threat to those that wish to control it. A fear that presents itself as a fear of the landscapes being “too unexplored” or not explored “enough” (unknown), hiding “fantastic” or “monstrous” things that also pose a sort of threat to the control/order to be imposed on that land. 
The same land that is, on some level, understood to not be the Europeans in the first place, yet justified as supposed to be theirs.
Why do the Amazon Coven Sisters Even Have a Name From an Arguably EU Myth When They Are (Ancient?) Brazilian Vampires? 
The Amazon/Patanal vampire women are not white--the “white” that some people or eugenicists would classify the Amazon women of ancient Greek myth. 
I recognize why Meyer would think to call them “Amazons”--aside from the fact they travel/live near the Amazon rainforest. 
They are women with no external contact (with men, the Volturi specifically, and all other vampires aside from Carlisle just a few times) 
They are described as “fierce”--suggesting that they are fighters and that violence is a central part of their existence and habits.
If you’re going to lay it on that heavy--calling them the “Amazon” coven and describing them as “fierce” as if they are “special” warriors/violence-dealers--isn’t it weird to do that to women who wouldn’t necessarily call themselves that? 
If you’re going to say these are actual people that live in your created, mirrored to the real-world universe?
Most likely, if the sisters had to have a coven name that is derived from their home region’s name (like the “Alaskan”/“Irish”/”Egyptian”/”Romanian” covens), they’d call themselves by whatever word in whatever language for that region they had prior to becoming vampires. 
Cause the ancient natives of the Patanals, the Amazon forest, south America in general definitely didn’t name their lands “Amazon” anything.
Or after learning English, they’d call themselves the “Brazilian” coven. Or better yet, the “Patanal” Coven. Because they don’t interact with humans and haven’t done so since they were turned except to hunt and feed on them.
So who is naming these covens? (Answer: Meyer) Do the vampires themselves refer to covens by these names? If it’s mostly just Meyer naming covens for us as readers to easily identify them (because there doesn’t seem to be evidence of vampires actually referring to each other as “[...] Coven”), it didn’t make sense to call a nonwhite group of women a white/EU moniker because these women aren’t white and are not European/Mediterranean.
For all the emphasis she places on these women being not white, you’d think she’d just let them be not white and give them a not white name at least.
The elongated features of the sisters don’t make sense when we compare them to the real world natives of the regions. 
This matters because Meyer’s universe is an exact copy of the real world in which we live, and she uses actual groups that exist in real life (ex. the Quileutes) for her story. This universe isn’t another planet, fictional or otherwise, and it’s doesn’t seem to take place in another dimension.
The sisters, when they were human, were natives of the Amazon rainforest or those living near the Patanal wetlands. They’re supposed to look like the natives of those places. And the natives, of most tribes and groups, are usually shorter and stockier than modern Europeans--with wider, but not longer facial features.
Meanwhile, Nahuel (who is what we’d call mixed-race, with a 1600s European father and an 1800s native mother) and Huilen (another S. American native) are shorter than most of the vampires present. 
Huilen is canonically 5′0′’ while Nahuel is 5′7′’.
Zafrina is 6′1′’; Senna is 5′11′’; Kachiri is 6′4′’. Canonically.
Why weren’t the sisters as short as Huilen or Nahuel were described to be? 
Answer: It looks like that Meyer was trying to emphasize how physically intimidating and how not “normal” the Amazon women were. To do that, she sacrificed/dismissed/ignored accuracy for a particular, unnecessary and disrespectful, superficial vision of otherness.
Some Visuals
The Yudja Tribe (Ricardo Moraes @Reuters)
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The Wayapi People (Alan Tormaid Campbell @Guardian)
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What is so Crazily “Different” or “Bad” about their Isolation?
The descriptors of them being too strange and distorted takes over their entire characterization. The implication of the description also suggests that their looks and vibes are they are just too frightening for them to interact with other vampires peacefully or appropriately.
As if the women would seek that out or wanted to be a part of the grand vampire society. As if the prospect is itself is desirable.
Along with the description of how “weird” the sisters are, the book suggests that they are “wild” because they have lived by themselves without any other interaction with a vampire for who knows how long (before Carlisle) and continue to not have those interactions with other vampires after meeting Carlisle (except for him and the Cullens, and even then, very infrequently). 
Unlike the Denali sisters, the Amazon/Patanal sisters enjoy a sort of liberty and peace in being so isolated, which I do think that Meyer is trying to suggest.
Repetition: The sisters don’t leave their home in the Patanal wetlands except to hunt humans. The Volturi and every single vampire other than the Cullens who appeared in BD didn’t even know they even existed until then. The Amazon coven didn’t bother to look for romantic/sexual connections (what’s shown and implied anyway) as the Denali sisters do. The sisters enjoy each other’s company only and are perfectly fine with that.
Meyer suggests that because the sisters don’t interact with other vampires or humans, they don’t have to actively face whatever social/territorial pressures the nomadic vampires of the northern regions face. They do what they want when they want and they don’t want/need much. There are no fierce power struggles or searches for more power among the three or towards other covens (of what we know/is given). 
A Long Note
But the way Meyer shows vampires generally socializing or being in covens and yet tells us that most vampires are either alone or run around life with just their mates seems to contradict her claim that her vampires are usually solitary or in mated pairs. The claim that vampire covens only get bigger than 2 or 1 is because of power and temporary protection becomes belied when we notice that vampires like Laurent still seek out covens to be protected even though vampires are supposed to generally avoid bigger vampire covens for safety.
All of the shown vampire covens have gotten together/were created due to the creator/leader wanting protection, power, companionship, or love---a few of those things or all of them simutaneously, as Meyer has written/retconned in her Illustrated Guide.
However, Meyer also claims that nonveggie vampires that get together into 2/3+ covens usually get together and stay together for only socio-political domination and not emotional intimacy or companionship, like the Romanian and Egyptian covens before the Volturi came and rocked them. She then suggests the Volturi aren’t exempt from that pattern. We can argue that with Charles and Makenna & James and Victoria and the later pair’s continuous cycling of third members that vampire social groups exist as Meyer said they do because Charles and Makenna are alone and James and Victoria never have a third member for long.
But James was a psycho who sometimes actively killed several other vampires for fun with Victoria’s help, including some of those third members, as  how the baseball scene in Midnight Sun has me thinking. James and Victoria are a pair that can’t be used as the rule or example for how presumably average-thinking vampires get together and stay together in covens.
Charles and Makenna are just one shown portrayal of how mated pairs do not have hanger-ons and we don’t have a shown history of them not having hanger-ons. It’s suggested that they never had another vampire join them in the  Guide since there’s no mention but again, it’s not shown against the idea. POlus those two also interact with Makenna’s infinity-great uncle Luca and presumably her human family and the Volturi even though the underlying reasons for that is due to Luca possibly doing this to sexually abuse his female relatives and the Volturi wanting to keep tabs on this family. In fact, it is because of the  distinct weirdness of Makenna’s background that we can’t use her and Charles as a example of the vampire norm.
And Meyer’s only portrayal of nonveggie vampire covens in the entire series has us seeing more than vampire mate pairs and lone vampires: the Egyptian coven has 4, the Denalis have had up to 5 members at a time and even as nonveggies there were 4, and the coven I’m writing about now has 3 members. Though Charlotte didn’t like it, at one point she, Peter, Alice, and Jasper were in a 4-person coven. Since we have no scene showing us how much Charlotte wanted Jasper out (but not Alice, she liked her) and how much Peter was willing to actually kick Jasper out even though we are told he alos grew tired of Jasper’s moodiness, there’s a capacity for us to believe that it wasn’t enough for Meyer to just say that these 4 could have compromised and lived in emotional peace with each other for as long as humans do.
But what’s also weird is that most, if not all, vampires are supposed to be already very emotionally isolated and capable of being very violent, as I’ve already said. Most are solitary and nomadic, only forming bonds through wary interactions because of that violent territorialism. As Meyer says in her website.
Example: In a flashback in Midnight Sun, a young vampiric Edward immediately pondered whether he could take on Siobhan the first time they met and then realized that he’d have a very hard time--supportive of how vampires have the instinct (or learn to have one) to fight each other.
So what about “normal” vampires’ interaction is “civilized”? If anything it’s the opposite of “civilized”, if we think being civilized is living with other in peace and trying to solve differences through discussions.
And if anything, Carlisle and Esme are the “weird” ones for not being as aggressive and confrontational as most vampires! (As a matter of perspective.)
Funny, since Meyer already came with the sense that the Cullens are the weirdos for not thinking or acting that humans are just food, like other vampires do.
The sisters seem not to bother restricting their behavior in order to comfort others’ sensibilities if it’s not in their own interests. Except w/Renesmee, and that suggests they aren’t savage, brainless, and more bestial than other vampires or play human in any way, shape, or form--except for choosing to clothe themselves at all. 
That one scene in BD where Zafrina tested Bella out and Renesmee accidentally saw the frightening vision Zafrina made for all the other grown vampire adults. How did that happen? Bella wasn’t able to keep her shield up.
And if we argue that the Amazon women should have known to not create such visions for Renesmee to even encounter....
Alice & Edward were all for Renesmee getting aborted to save Bella even though Bella herself didn’t want that---these two, more Ed than Al as well as Jacob, were at one point the enemies of Renesmee, no matter their reason. Understandably, since this offspring was ripping Bella apart and they all love her, but that doesn’t erase the fact that they wanted to go against Bella/the mother’s wishes and remove something/someone she loved. Even if Renesmee had inadvertedly influenced her the way hybrid vamps seem able to do even while in the womb.
Zafrina did know; it’s just that she’s not going to consider absolutely everything because she isn’t a mom and is not Renesmee’s mom. She has never had a deep stake in another person’s psychological development the way a parent does, and her gesture for making non-scary images for Renesmee to enjoy before this incident shows that she isn’t clueless.
Someone could argue that the sisters shouldn’t be so aggressive since they are so isolated and free from typical vampire conflicts that they shouldn’t feel compelled to be ready to fight so often. 
Aside from the fact that I just explained that 
they aren’t more aggressive than other, usually white, vampires who constantly fight amongst themselves
that they didn’t fight anyone at any time, and that they were very gentle with Renesmee
I also think this is also a misunderstanding of them being witnesses in BD versus who they are apart from being witnesses in BD.  
As witnesses, many of the vampires there were expecting that the Volturi would be at least a bit physically confrontational. Likely, would that not put any smaller group of vampires on edge, having a larger group of vampires come towards them? Such a huge and disproportionately gifted group of vampires with the intent to kill? Especially ones that they never interacted with? Even if not it wasn’t the Volturi, they are meeting vampires other than the Cullens, for the very first time. 
Again as a rule, Twilight vampires don’t gather together for spontaneous hangouts without there being a tense, near violent atmosphere or if they became friends. Which itself uncommon enough to be noticeable. 
Aside from Edward and Siobhan, we know that Victoria had to evade the vampires in the American South even though she never met them personally because she knew she wouldn’t be asked questions before she’d be attacked. Aside from the deep history of newborn wars and Victoria’s anxious nature. Victoria didn’t know about newborn wars until she got to the South and observed. Garrett, despite being more easygoing than other vampires, hasn’t either been able to join a coven or maintain another friend like Carlisle (that we know/were shown). 
The Amazon sisters, after all, are also only in the BD confrontation for the charismatic Carlisle.
These other vampires? Who they? 
Even if the sisters have the potential to be bad asses/praise-worthy fighters or scary and crazy violence-dealers, opposing numbers are a variable that can still be intimidating or be pause-worthy situations for any seasoned warrior. 
Last Thoughts
A Quick Note to Pros and Antis:
Yes, it is the responsibility of the reader to be learn how to separate questionable behavior/ideas from the story’s goal/the author and to focus more on changing real life so people don’t feel entitled to treat others certain ways.
However, it’s also important to consider that many people, throughout human history, have both independently learned or analyzed situations through the media they have. There is a reason why riots occurred after political theater productions.
This doesn’t mean we should censor and prevent people from reading or writing questionable content or content that makes us uncomfortable--actually it’s the exact opposite. We must also learn how our entertainment tries to encourage us to focus on, forget, devalue, and value certain things at certain times and in certain situations.
You can enjoy a product and think of how it affects you or has gotten you to love all or some of it and/or hate a few things about it. You can find deep emotional satisfaction in a story while also grieve over its failures or concerning patterns.
But you need to interact with the thing before you go crazy.
Two things can happen or be true simultaneously.
Looking at Twilight as a Black Person:
The obviousness of the racism in Twilight intimidated me as Black girl. How was I supposed to find relation to anything in the series when there’s detailed discriminatory fictions right in my face, when I have found many before? What did it say about me that I was so taken with the characters when this depiction exists? For me there was a cognitive dissonance that was surreally jabbed at by the several racist moments in Breaking Dawn, when (as a teenager) wanting melodramatic and a simplified plot with a “love-is-forever” story--to diminish the days’ pressures--found so much more. 
As a Black girl, you’re forced to either absorb the imagery either as an intellectual “note” (which you struggle to do because it’s personal and there’s a risk of your just internalizing so you may avoid what’s happening) or you’re forced to stop altogether and point out every racist feature and how it is racist to yourself (justifiably) as you read, in real time, to fight against the tempting compulsion to ignore the moment and deny the observation of racist implications. Again, as a teenager.
Sometimes, you feel as if you are the crazy or difficult person for seeing racism. Which in itself then compels many people, I imagine, to just either ignore the racism to enjoy everything “else” in near-delusion/delusion--very bad, because the racism is an accepted device to structure the story-- or you sit there angry and resentful because the fantasy has excluded you for being Black and you were literally just looking for a good time and other people refuse to accommodate you, intimidated by the “race card”.
Twilight has the weird and dangerous phenomenon of ignoring its own racist developments/plot structure, so when I remember certain details and scenes like these, it now makes me eager to confront them. I don’t feel “crazy” for immediately sensing racism when I was a first-time reader.
A strange condition of thought, but one that’s come from trying to keep track of why and how the present allows such conflictions the books brought to me as a teenager reading the books for the first time. At least, that’s what I think.
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Amnesia (Bonus chapter)
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Alright, so before we begin, I'd like to tell you guys that this chapter is in no way influencing the story. However, I just really wanted to add the battle scene from the movie, because it is my favourite scene in the whole series and I just wanted to do this for once. So I hope you enjoy it.
"Let us vote, then," he said with apparent reluctance. Caius spoke with eager haste. "The child is an unknown quantity. There is no reason to allow such a risk to exist. It must be destroyed, along with all who protect it." He smiled in expectation. Maeryn smiled, knowing very well that if this was going to keep on going, the battle was only mere minutes away, and she couldn’t wait. Marcus lifted his uncaring eyes, seeming to look through the foes' eyes as he voted. "I see no immediate danger. The child is safe enough for now. We can always reevaluate later. Let us leave in peace." His voice was even fainter than his brothers' feathery sighs. None of the guard relaxed their ready positions at his disagreeing words. Caius's anticipatory grin did not falter. It was as if Marcus hadn't spoken at all. "I must make the deciding vote, it seems," Aro mused. Suddenly, Edward stiffened at Bella’s side. "Yes!" he hissed. Bella risked a glance at him. His face glowed with an expression of triumph that almost no one seemed to understand - it was the expression an angel of destruction might wear while the world burned. Beautiful and terrifying. There was a low reaction from the guard, an uneasy murmur. Including Maeryn’s, as she could smell two familiar and three unfamiliar scents. Four vampires, and one like the child on the chocolate brown wolf’s back. "Aro?" Edward called, nearly shouted, undisguised victory in his voice. Aro hesitated for a second, assessing this new mood warily before he answered. "Yes, Edward? You have something further... ?" "Perhaps," Edward said pleasantly, controlling his unexplained excitement. "First, if I could clarify one point?" "Certainly," Aro said, raising his eyebrows, nothing now but polite interest in his tone. "The danger you foresee from my daughter - this stems entirely from our inability to guess how she will develop? That is the crux of the matter?" "Yes, friend Edward," Aro agreed. "If we could but be positive... be sure that, as she grows, she will be able to stay concealed from the human world - not endanger the safety of our obscurity . . ." He trailed off, shrugging. "So, if we could only know for sure," Edward suggested, "exactly what she will become... then there would be no need for a council at all?" "If there was some way to be absolutely sure," Aro agreed, his feathery voice slightly more shrill. He couldn't see where Edward was leading him. Neither could Maeryn, nor Jane nor Alec. "Then, yes, there would be no question to debate." "And we would part in peace, good friends once again?" Edward asked with a hint of irony. Even more shrill. "Of course, my young friend. Nothing would please me more." Edward chuckled exultantly. "Then I do have something more to offer." Aro's eyes narrowed. "She is absolutely unique. Her future can only be guessed at." "Not absolutely unique," Edward disagreed. "Rare, certainly, but not one of a kind." Maeryn fought the shock, where there more creatures like Renesmee? The sickly-looking mist still swirled around the edges of Bella’s shield. And, as she struggled to focus, she felt again the sharp, stabbing pressure against her protective hold. But Maeryn wasn’t helping this time. She had grown curious to their soon joining guests, her curiosity winning it over her bloodlust. "Aro, would you ask Jane to stop attacking my wife?" Edward asked courteously. "We are still discussing evidence." Aro raised one hand. "Peace, dear ones. Let us hear him out." Jane bared her teeth at Bella; and she couldn't help but to grin back at her. "Why don't you join us, Alice?" Edward called loudly. "Alice," Esme whispered in shock. "Alice!" "Alice!" other voices murmured around the meadow. "Alice," Aro breathed. Alec's mist still tested, seeking a weakness - Jane would see if Bella would left any holes. And then Maeryn heard them running through the forest, flying, closing the distance as quickly as they could with no slowing effort at silence. Both sides were motionless in expectation. The Volturi witnesses scowled in fresh confusion. Then Alice
danced into the clearing from the southwest, Jasper was only inches behind her, his sharp eyes fierce. Close after them ran three strangers; the first was a tall, muscular female with wild dark hair - obviously Kachiri. She had the same elongated limbs and features as the other Amazons, even more pronounced in her case. The next was a small olive-toned female vampire with a long braid of black hair bobbing against her back. Her deep burgundy eyes flitted nervously around the confrontation before her. And the last was a young man... not quite as fast nor quite as fluid in his run. His skin was an impossible rich, dark brown. His wary eyes flashed across the gathering, and they were the color of warm teak. His hair was black and braided, too, like the woman's, though not as long. He was beautiful. As he neared the vampires in the meadow, a new sound sent shock waves through the watching crowd - the sound of another heartbeat, accelerated with exertion. Alice leaped lightly over the edges of the dissipating mist that lapped at Bella’s shield and came to a sinuous stop at Edward's side. Bella reached out to touch her arm, and so did Edward, Esme, Carlisle. There wasn't time for any other welcome. Jasper and the others followed her through the shield. All the guard watched, speculation in their eyes, as the latecomers crossed the invisible border without difficulty. The brawny ones, Felix and the others like him, focused their suddenly hopeful eyes on Bella. They had not been sure of what her shield repelled, but it was clear now that it would not stop a physical attack. As soon as Aro gave the order, the blitz would ensue her. Edward, despite his absorption in the coup he was directing, stiffened furiously in response to their thoughts. He controlled himself and spoke to Aro again. "Alice has been searching for her own witnesses these last weeks," he said to the ancient. "And she does not come back empty-handed. Alice, why don't you introduce the witnesses you've brought?" Caius snarled. "The time for witnesses is past! Cast your vote, Aro!" Aro raised one finger to silence his brother, his eyes glued to Alice's face. Alice stepped forward towards the Volturi, Jasper following close behind her. Demetri, followed by two other guards walked towards them to stop them. “I have evidence that the child won’t be a risk to our kind. Let me show you.” Alice said as she held out her hand towards Aro. Aro mentions for her to step foreward. Alice slaps away the guards arms and walks towards Aro, while Demetri slaps Japer in return of Alice being so overly confident. Maeryn was cautious of this vampire, wondering what she is up too. Aro takes Alice’s hand and sees what the others cannot see. After a short while, Alice frowns and pulls her hand back from Aro’s. “It doesn’t matter what I show you.” She said accusing him. “Even when you see. You still won’t change your decision.” She turned around towards the foes and looked Bella in the eye. “Now.” She mouthed. Bella looked pained but did what she was told. “Take care of my daughter.” she whispered in Jacob’s ear, whom in return whined shortly before taking off into the woods behind them. Maeryn bit her lip. This was it, the big moment. “Get them.” Carlisle said to some guards, but Alice turned her head back, facing Aro. She bend down and kicked him right under his chin, sending him flying behind his guard. Maeryn and Jane looked up shocked and worried at their Master, while Alec glared at Alice, no longer using his gift against Bella’s shield. Aro landed on his feet and stopped himself by putting his hand in the snow, sliding down just alittle further. As Alice tried to run away, two other guards grabbed her and pulled her back, while Jasper was struggling against his own guards. “Take her away.” Aro said as he stepped forward in front of his guards once more. “Let her go!” Carlisle screamed as he started to run towards the guard. Two different guard members ran up to him, put Carlisle pushed them away. He took one jump into the air and Aro followed. Aro landed on his feet while
Carlisle fell down. Aro stood up with a sadistic smile as he held Carlisle’s head in his hand. A heart-breaking scream could be heard from Esme as she watched her mate’s body set flames due Caius’ flame. All of the foes faces looked shocked, but the shock was soon over and turned into Bloodlust as they started to run towards the Volturi. Revenge. That was the only thing on their mind. They finally wanted to be free of the reign from the Volturi. Maeryn wanted nothing more than to jump right in, and that is exactly what she did when Aro gave the sign. He opened his arms straight forward and that was it. The guards and even some witnesses ran past him towards the foes. Edward jumped up into the air and hit a guard, while the other bashed into one another, fighting their own battles. Ripping off as many limbs as they could. Little Jane and Maeryn walked through the battles, picking out foes who were trouble for their own guard. Tia ran up to Maeryn, but Maeryn was fast. She opened her hand towards Tia and as quickly as she could closed it, causing cracks to form on Tia’s skin. Once Maeryn opened her hand again, Tia fell down into a pile of dust. Benjamin noticed this and screamed in pain. He tried to run to Maeryn to attack but was pushed aside by a guard. Maeryn made sure to get away quickly and keep her guard up the whole time. Demetri was fighting his battle with Jasper when Jane used her gift on him. Bella saw this and interfered, using her gift to protect him. Jane looked at Bella and Maeryn was ready to break her shield when Alec ran up to Bella, fury in his eyes. Now that Jasper was without Bella’s protective shield, Jane could use her gift once more. Jasper, no longer able to fight Demetri, fell down to his knees by one single push from Demetri. Felix held back his arms while Demetri ripped his head off. Another heart-breaking scream could be heard from across the field, only this time it was Alice’s. Bella kicked Alec off of her and Maeryn growled, she got ready to attack Bella and protect her mate when Esme ripped her backwards by her cloak. Maeryn fought Esme while trying to use her gift, but Esme kept distracting her, making sure Maeryn’s hands where kept open. Meanwhile, Emmett had seen that Bella was struggling with Alec in their fight and ran up to him. Emmett grabbed Alec by the neck and pushed him down into the snow. Alec tried to fight back but Emmett had pushed his foot onto Alec’s neck while pulling his body away from his head, throwing it infront of Jane and Maeryn. Maeryn had kicked Esme away and had seen everything. Jane’s eyes filled with pain while another heart-breaking scream could be heard from all over the field. But this time, it was Maeryn’s. Her world was gone. The ground beneath her feet was no more. She looked at the decapitated head of her mate as she gently took it into her hands, stroking his cheek lovingly.  Peter came up to her but Maeryn was filled with rage. She grabbed Peter’s brown locks and ripped his head from his body with her teeth. Red. That was all Maeryn could see. A burning red right in front of her eyes. She would vengeance the loss of her mate. She looked carefully and found Rosalie. Maeryn ran up to her and tackled her down while Felix and Jane held Emmett down. Slowly, Maeryn used her gift on Rosalie, making her beautiful, porcelain skin crack slowly, and painfully while her mate was struggling against the tight grip of Felix. Emmett was forced to watch while his mate slowly turned to dust. He screamed in agony before his head was ripped off by Felix. But Maeryn’s vengeance was far from over. Every last one of the foes had to die. And she would make sure of it. Or at least she would battle until the very end. Alice had ripped herself loose from the guards and made a run for Jane. In the meantime, Jane attacked a wolf with her gift, making it whine in pain. Felix ran up to the wolf and wrapped his arms around it, shattering his rips. The wolf fell down and took his final breath. A beautiful white wolf saw this and howled for her little brother. Benjamin, who still was
broken by the loss of his mate, saw that his side was losing, so he cracked the ground open and many vampires fell into the pit that was forming. Esme fell down into the pit with a Volturi guard clinging onto her while she digged her nails into the rocks. The white wolf saw she was struggling and jumped, pulling the vampire away from Esme but falling down into the pit herself. Esme looked down with sorrowful eyes as the wolf fell down. “Leah!” she screamed but it was too late, but Esme had no moment left to mourn. In the meantime, Edward seemed to have fallen down into the pit too, until he jumped out of it and over Demetri, Edward pulled Demetri’s head over his shoulder until it ripped off. Jane watched in disbelief as yet another member of her coven was beheaded, but the distraction didn’t last long. Alice had regained her concentration and made her way once more towards little Jane. Jane tried to stop Alice by using her gift but it was to no avail as Bella’s shield protected her. Alice took out Jane’s bodyguards and made a run for it. Maeryn tried to take Bella’s shield down but was once again held back by Esme, who too felt a burning rage for the loss of her mate. Alice grabbed Jane by her cloak and dragged her towards a huge black wolf. Alice threw little Jane infront of the wolf’s awaiting fangs and the wolf left no moment to spare. He sank his fangs into the little vampire’s neck and ripped the head off like it was a toy before throwing it away. Maeryn looked at disbelief as Jane’s head fell in front of her feet, and was distracted for just a second. But that second was enough time for Esme to rip little Maeryn’s head off and tossed it next to Alec’s. She was still alive and could see a flame from the torch coming her way. The last thing she could see and feel was the heat of the flames licking at her porcelain skin, turning her into ashes. The three ancients and their wives were shocked to see their most prized possessions now laying ripped to pieces on the ground. Aro was furious and ripped his cloak open, a sign that it was time for the ancients to interfere with the battle. Caius smirked and ran up to Tanya, ready to attack, but Tanya pushed him off and Garrett kicked him towards Kate. Kate caught him and used her gift of electricity to keep him grounded. Tanya slowly walked up to Caius and put on hand in his mouth and she grabbed his hair with her other. Slowly she ripped his head in half leaving him dead. Athenodora screamed in pain and fell down to her knees, mourning the loss of her mate. Stephan and Vladimir ran up to Marcus. Marcus smiled and opened his arms welcoming. “Finally.” Was all he said before the two Romanian vampires ripped off his arms and head. Now Aro stepped onto the battlefield, he wanted revenge, for the loss of his brothers and the loss of his beloved coven members. He made a run for Bella and pushed her away and into Edward. He ran for the two vampires once more, but Edward pulled his wife up and Bella kicked Aro in the face, making him stumble down slightly. Edward came up behind Aro and tried to pull his head off, but Aro managed to get away from his grip and now tried to do the same thing to Edward. Bella climbed into of Aro’s back, trying to pull his head off and making him releasing Edward. Aro loses his grip and Edward kicks Aro’s knees, making him bend down. And finally, Edward jumps up and kicks Aro’s body down, allowing Bella to rip his head off in the process. Bella grabbed the torch and set fire to the final ancient vampire while his mate, Sulpicia, falls down onto the ground, letting the foes rip herself and Athenodora to pieces, as neither of them had the strength to fight against it.
Aro released Alice’s hand and looked at her in shock, followed by looking at everyone he saw die and kill in the vision. “Now you know.” Alice started, venom in her voice. “That’s your future. Unless you decide on another course.” And Edward knew, Aro was convinced and would listen to what these new witnesses had to say.
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panlight · 4 years
Your point about Meyer wanting the car chase reminded me of what you(?) said about her working backwards. She wants these SPECIFIC moments and so has to justify them. Meyer had to have the Cullens in Forks because that was her vision, so she worked backwards to justify their presence. Or how Nessie is no doubt fertile so Meyer worked backwards with her wonky science to justify why Jacob/Nessie are able to procreate. I guess that's a way to write stories, but that just makes so many plotholes.
Yes, or like how she envisioned them as a family and in high school and so she wrote this convoluted explanation of why they live this way, instead of being like “okay, I have a group of vampires roughly the same age [17-26], what is the most logical way for them to present themselves in public?” because starting from there, “foster siblings who are all dating each other in high school with adoptive parents barely visually older than them” would . . . probably not be the answer. 
Or New Moon! I’m willing to bet cash money she wanted this Romeo and Juliet miscommunication and dramatic moment in Volterra with the sun at high noon on the Volturi’s big public holiday but then you think . . . is that really the best way for Edward to try and destroy himself, logically speaking? He’s putting his whole family at risk going to the Volturi, since both he and Aro are mind readers, so Aro’s going to get WAY MORE info reading Edward’s mind that he would anyone else. It’s a lot of travel time to get to Italy, too, and he was seriously considering murdering people to get the Volturi’s attention and incur their wrath and didn’t because he didn’t want to disappoint Carlisle. (AND WHY DID ALICE NOT TELL ANYONE BELLA WAS ALIVE FOR TWO WHOLE DAYS?!). And the miscommunication necessitates Edward-pretending-to-be-Carlisle on the phone and Jacob answering the phone at Bella’s house which is in itself quite strange. Not to mention killing off poor Harry Clearwater so there can be a reference to a funeral that Edward can mistake to be Bella’s and then like . . . never really dealing with the loss of Harry at all until pairing Charlie off with newly single Sue. She writes how antagonistic the pack is to Leah and it’s like, her dad literally just died! But it never seems to be a factor. 
And just . . . Renesmee. Literally everything about Renesmee. She obviously had this idea that E/B should have a child and stretched her own canon to the breaking point to make it happen. And it makes no sense that the housekeeper on Isle Esme just so happens to know exactly what’s going on but Carlisle Cullen, curious vampire doctor with a wife and daughter who long for children, never looked into any vampire procreation myths. I would get that he (and Esme, and Rosalie and Emmett) looked into them and just decided they were myth, but everyone just being all “I’ve never heard of this before!” and then finding info when they google (or bing. . .) it is just . . . what. 
And the wild thing about Midnight Sun, which other people have already said, is that she seems to double down and try to explain all the strange choices she makes and often just . . . makes them worse? The tear moment was weird in Twilight, it’s even more bizarre in MS. The Cullens coming back never made sense (partly because originally she wrote it with them there and the wolves didn’t exist and then added the wolves later) and she tries to make it better by having them politely inform Billy they’re coming but it just makes it worse. She goes out of her way to explain why the nomads didn’t hear Bella’s heartbeat by having Jasper manifest a brand new aspect of his gift that even Edward didn’t know about (and is never mentioned in the original books or the guide), and also Edward tapping his foot to cover the sound.
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Paul x Reader: Thanksgiving
Warning: Child Protective Services (CPS) and Adult Protective Services (APS) involvement mentioned. Death of elderly, and implication of abuse and neglect are written
Takes place LONG after the war with the Volturi; Renesmee is 16 and Jake JUST imprinted on her. Not when she was a baby. Let’s just act like Bella didn’t almost die when she had her and they just moved away until recently, okay? Cool.
Also like I said before, all the imprints are the same age as the guys. No pedophilia bs is EVER in my stories.
I met Leah in my Sophomore year at Washington State. I was going into Development and Family Structure whereas she was going in to be an RN like her mother. We met in a Health and Sex class that was considered as an elective course. Because we had to travel across campus to make it to this class, we always ended up sitting in the back of the class together. Eventually creating a friendship that you’d rarely see develop and stick together. Now, we’re Juniors and I am currently packing to head to La Push with her and her boyfriend Lajohn for Thanksgiving since I didn’t have a family.
I was lucky if I’m honest. I was given to the state at 12 after CPS finally indicated that my parents weren’t fit to take care of me and my grandmother. Unfortunately, it took the death of my grandmother for anyone to do anything. Although I was given to the state at 12, I didn’t leave until I was 18. The likelihood of getting adopted after 10 is slim. I was happy for those who did, but it hurt to see some of them come back. You realize through others that just because the idea of parenting is wonderful, being a parent is completely different. I was lucky enough to take advantage of resources that were provided for me and some of the other kids that lead me to this point.
I got my first job at 16 and worked from then onward. I applied to college and financial aid as fast as I was able to so that I wouldn’t be alone. I receive enough grants and scholarships for my associates and now working on my bachelor's. My previous roommates were, well, trash; which motivated me to get a job and move into the nearby apartments. My roommates now are chill, we all just don’t talk to one another. Which lead me back to this moment at my apartment.
“I don’t know what to wear!” I said looking in my closet for a perfect outfit to bring to Thanksgiving.
“I don’t know why you’re stressing about it. I told you, no one is going to care. But, if you’re that worried, wear the ripped jeans and the black off the shoulder sweater shirt. Oh! And the booties!” Leah said going through my closet. Even though she says and acts like she doesn’t care about fashion and appearance, I know deep down in the pits of hell that we call her soul, that she really and truly still doesn’t, but she has a soft spot for it.  
“Thank you! Oh, and I’m mad at you, you bitch.” I said packing up the outfit.
“What, why?”
“You got your eyebrows done without me! You see mine looking like Chewbacca over here!”
“I’d say more like baby Chewbacca…”
“That’s not the point!”
“Sorry, look, it should be around 12:30 or 1 by the time we get to Seattle, we’ll stop there. I promise.” She says smiling while hugging me. Bitch.
“Fine. Now let’s go before Lajohn comes up here like a brat crying.” We laugh and start heading towards the door. We have a long seven and a half hours to get to La Push. Let’s see how this goes.
We stop to get something to eat, fill up, and get my eyebrows done. Lajohn took that time to fall asleep in the car because knowing us, we’d get sidetracked and find some shit for everyone. But we resisted! Mainly because our paychecks don’t come in until next week and I’m barking on this dinner and the leftovers (if there is any based on what Leah tells me about her brothers) to last me until then.
 Paul’s POV
“Alright guys, now Leah is bringing her friend Y/n. can we please not repeat what happened when she brought Lajohn over to meet us.” Sam said, looking directly at Quil, Collin, and me.
“I swear I didn’t start it!” Collin tried to defend himself.
“It doesn’t matter who did or didn’t start it! We can’t have y/g knowing what we are. Lajohn is Leah’s imprint, she’s just her friend. Got it!” Jacob stated. I rolled my eyes but said nothing. I won’t lie though, I haven’t seen someone run as fast as he did, especially when he is almost as big as us and just as human as the next person.
“We won’t, I promise. Scouts honor.” Making a joke about this situation.
“You weren’t in boy-scouts Paul,” Jared said.
“That’s beside the point. Look, we’re not going to do anything to out us again.” I said with a smile. Not one person believed a damn thing I said, hell I don’t think I did either. But it’s worth a shot.
“Well now that we have that settled, we have to meet up with the Cullen’s. There’s going to be some unwelcome visitors stopping by in a few days, and the last thing we need is to deal with this on Thanksgiving.” Jacob said. We all got up and begrudgingly met up with the leeches. Can’t they give us a break?
We pull up to this cozy small house with a swing set on the porch. A lady who I’ve seen in Leah’s room steps out of the house to greet us. I can positively assume she’s Leah’s mom.
“Lajohn! How are you!” She says, ready to embrace the giant man twice her size. Compared to Ms. Clearwater, he was a good foot and a half above her. Compared to Leah, a half a foot maybe. He was “6’7”, black hair in a fade, soft brown eyes, mocha skin, slim yet buff, and a complete gentle giant. He and Leah met in their anatomy class. She said she walked into class late after getting lost and the only seat available was in the front. The bad news was, she had one of those teachers who was a stickler and a petty asshole. He made it hell for her. The good news was, she met Lajohn who was good at the class and had no problem tutoring her. It was “Love at first sight” for both of them.
“Sounds like some hallmark bullshit. Let me guess, it was raining, you were soaking wet, and by the end of class he gave you his jacket and you looked into each other eyes and BAM! Instant connection.” I laughed. She rolled her eyes and smiled.
“Yeah, yeah, shut up Bunny. One day, it’ll happen to you. $20 says it will”
“What, falling in love or love at first constipation?” she gives me a look, and I just smile.
“Love you too Leah-bird” I laugh.
I snap back to reality to Leah joking around with another person coming out of the house. He looked just as big as Lajohn but resembled Leah and her mom. I can assume this was Seth. I step out and walk over to everyone as Lajohn goes to the car to get our luggage.
“Mom, this is my best friend-”
“Holy shit, Leah can make friends!?” Said the babyface giant.
“Will you shut up Seth! Yes, I can. Can you get a girlfriend? No, you can’t. So, hush.”
“Ouch Leah. That hurt.” He says folding his arms over his heart and rolling his eyes with a sad look on his face. I just want to make him cookies and tell him its okay.
“Anyways, this is my best friend Y/n. Y/n/n, this my mother Sue and my annoying-”
“Yet handsome.”
“-Little brother, Seth.” She says, ignoring him completely.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you guys. I’ve seen pictures of you guys back at Leah’s apartment and she talks about home all the time.”
“It's nice to meet you too Y/n. Come on in and let the guys get your stuff.”
“Yeah, Seth, chop-chop little puppy,” Leah says clapping her hands to rush him. He just looks at her and gives her the finger when their mom isn’t looking and walks towards the back of the car. I can hear him and Lajohn talking about some pack of cold ones. I don’t think Seth is old enough to drink…
The next day: Thanksgiving
For the rest of yesterday evening, Leah and Ms. Sue (who keeps on insisting I drop the Ms. Part; I will not, my grandmother taught me to always say Mr., Ms., and Mrs.,) showed me around town and I was able to meet Emily and Sam, and Jacob and Billy. They seemed welcoming. Emily especially, although, Sam, Jacob, and Billy seemed on edge with me. I told that to Leah and she reassured me that their faces and attitudes are always like that with everyone. Lajohn eased my worrying saying they were worse with him because he was dating Leah. He was more scared of Seth and their mom out of everyone though.
Currently, Leah, Ms. Sue, Lajohn, and I are on our way to Emily and Sam’s place. When we pull up, we’re greeted by her and a few other girls from the reservation. We walk up and I’m automatically hugged by this small “5’8” girl with wild layered hair with streaks of color in it.
“Hey everyone! Y/n, this is my niece Clair. Sorry, she just gets excited about meeting new people. And this is Halulah and Kim, Embry and Jared’s girlfriends. Come one inside, the guys will be back in an hour or so. That should give us enough time to finish the turkey and dessert.” I waved at them and we all went inside. That time was short-lived until we heard wolves howling in the distance and Sam and Lajohn were out the door. I was about to ask what that was about but was cut off by Leah shoving plates in my hands to set up the table.
A little while later, we hear laughter and thumping of footsteps coming from the front door.
“HONEY I’M HOME! Ouch! Jared! What was that for?!” one voice said.
“For being a dumbass, that’s why.” I assume is Jared’s voice.
“Language!” said Seth followed by a loud punch and a yelp from him.
“Ouch, damnit Paul! That hurt!” said Seth.
“LaNgUaGe!” said, who I can assume is Paul with a bolstering laugh. Emily rolled her eyes and looked at Sam, who looked at them before they turned the corner. A choir of “sorry” and “my bad” was said before they showed themselves.
“Y/n, I’d like you to meet my children for all intended purposes. The boy who is giving Clair a piggyback ride to is Quil; the boy hugging Halulah is Embry—the one I told you about. This is Jared, Kim’s—godforsaken—boyfriend.”
“Hey! I’m not that bad!” she ignores him.
“Jake should be here with his girlfriend Nessie in a little bit, and the one behind us thinking I CAN’T SEE HIM STEALING THE TURKEY! Is Paul.” I looked behind her and catch a red-handed guilty-looking, Paul.
“Hey, at least I tri-” he stops mid-sentence as our eyes connect. I felt like I was in my apartment room reaching cloud 9. Everything around me blurred and all I saw was him. I felt my heart skip a beat and was knocked the air out of me. I couldn’t move, didn’t hear a sound, and kind of dizzy. I snap back when I hear laughter.
“Aww! Bunny! See! I told you it would happen!” Leah says laughing. I look at her confused then looked back at everyone else who was laughing too. Paul coughed and I looked at him. His expression went from being shocked, angry, sad, then content and surprised. He looked at Sam then walked over to me. Standing in front of me, he smiles and introduces himself.
“Hey, I’m Paul. What’s your name beautiful?” Damn, I guess I owe Leah $20.
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shecrumbled · 4 years
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( devery jacobs, 25, cisfemale, she/her ) Well if it isn't LEAH CLEARWATER. Rumor is that they’re a(n) SHAPESHIFTER from TWILIGHT and they found their way to Devil Hills, KS 7 DAYS AGO. They can be a bit ANGRY & COMPETITIVE, but some of that is made up by their tendency to be LOYAL & PROTECTIVE. One of their top played songs is SHE’S SO MEAN by MATCHBOX TWENTY. Some sights and sounds that embody them are DARK HAIR SWEPT BACK IN A TANGLED MESSY BUN, FRAYED CUT OFF JEAN SHORTS, A GUTTERAL GROWL TO REMIND YOU OF YOUR PLACE, AND THE QUIET STILL AIR BESIDE A BODY OF WATER. Hopefully they pick the right side of things or stay out of the way.
leah clearwater was born in la push, washington. her childhood was filled with fishing and hunting with her father, swimming, and hanging out with her cousin emily from neah bay, washington. leah was generally well liked and had many friends, but she was especially close with the black twins because of the close knit relationship between their fathers. as a freshman in high school, she started dating sam uley and it wasn’t long before she was smitten with him.
their relationship flourished over the next three years and the couple felt that despite not having a perfect relationship, that they had a solid one. plans of their future together started to develop and leah was excited to graduate and start her life with him. however, this near picture perfect existence would soon come crashing down around her when the cullens moved back to forks, washington.
their existence triggered sam’s transformation into a werewolf, something he knew virtually nothing of since his father had abandoned him as a child. he hadn’t heard the legends as much as the kids of the tribal council members had. it took him nearly two weeks to figure out how to get back into his human form. during this time of him missing, leah skipped school and scouted the forest day and night herself when police efforts were lacking.
when he came back, he was a lot more distant and his skin was burning hot. he wouldn’t answer any questions about where he had been and he steadily grew taller and a lot more muscular, starting rumors about gangs and drugs through the reservation. shortly after, paul and jared started hanging around him a lot more, perpetuating the rumors.
then she introduced sam to emily, finally getting the two most important people in her life to meet. strangely, she noted that he instantly started to give emily looks that were usually reserved for her. not long after that, sam broke up with her. this was beyond devastating and was only worsened when emily was attacked by an animal and soon started to see sam herself. feeling completely betrayed, leah closed herself off from everyone, which wasn’t too hard considering the annoyance many held for how she acted during sam’s disappearance.
an argument of leah barely being able to pull her grades up after missing so much school turned into leah angrily lashing out at her father about how someone should do something about sam since he had gotten three more kids to join his group. they did dangerous things and often lurked in the woods. when her father told her she should be easier on sam something snapped in her. leah turned into a wolf herself. the shock and harry’s bad heart lead to a heart attack and his death.
leah’s transformation and his father being rushed off to the hospital triggered leah’s little brother seth’s transformation. it took hours for sam to calm leah down enough to get her to learn how to phase back and he took her to the hospital. too late, she had to say goodbye to her father. after that, the theories about why she was the first female shifter in history along with hearing sam’s thoughts about imprinting turned leah sour. why hadn’t she been enough for him to imprint on? she had the gene and a pure bloodline.
begrudgingly, she helped with the pack against the newborn army. more often than not, she snapped at the other members of the pack to get them to leave her alone. she didn’t want to get close to anyone. not after losing her boyfriend, emily, and her father. the guilt of harry’s death weighed heavily and she tried to hide that from her fellow packmates. some comfort was found when she was able to leave sam’s pack and his thoughts and jacob eventually accepted her as beta to his own pack as the true alpha.
upon resolution of the volturi coming after the cullens, leah didn’t stop phasing as she had always touted that she would. it was easier for her to go back and forth between home and seattle where she was accepted into university of washington’s prelaw program. she planned on becoming a lawyer for her tribe until she nearly became victim to a demon on the streets of seattle. instead, she dropped out and used the money that esme and carlisle refused to let the shapeshifters that helped them with the renesmee situation to help fund her new career as a hunter.
picking up on the activity looming in devil hills, she ran there and started renting out a cabin at rock creek. she knows that her ability would make some hunters leery so she saves phasing as a last ditch effort unless she is positive that nobody is around. not to mention her enormous wolf form would make any of the wild coyotes in the state look like puppies in comparison. for the most part, she keeps to herself and occasionally hustles for money rather than settling down with a job, though her bank account is still looking pretty nice.
leah still has a lot of snark and attitude and a bit of an explosive temper, but it takes a lot more to provoke it now that she has had some time away from sam’s thoughts and seeing sam and emily together every day. she has allowed herself to care about her pack members and a few others, but keeps a lot of her walls up, still terrified of getting hurt or losing anyone. she is loyal to and protective of those she cares about, especially seth. she is honest and practical and loves to give advicee even when others don’t ask for it. she doesn’t know how to handle emotions so don’t expect much past a pat on the back if anyone cries around her.
wanted connections.
obviously need the boys from the packs. friends, this girl needs friends. open to any sort of bond formed before or after her arrival to devil hills to be honest. i would love to see how she and nahuel get on.
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volterran-wine · 2 years
What do you think would happen if a hybrid vampire had a baby with a human? Do you think the baby still be half-human-half-vampire, or would they be 1/4 vampire and 3/4 human? Do you think that a hybrid would even be able to have children? Would the volturi get involved if it did somehow happen 👀?
• — 𝐻𝑦𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑑𝑠 & ... 𝑅𝑒𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑔
At the moment there is no definite clarification about Hybrids and their abilities to reproduce. I will wager and say male hybrids definitely can seeing as though male vampires are able to, but the female hybrids? That is a bit up in the air. And personally I hope they are just as sterile as female vampires (for Renesmee’s sake).
If they were to have a child with a human I imagine that their genetics would be diluted further. Meaning that we would have a person who is quarter vampire... and I can only picture them as quite human with some vampiric qualities.
For what it is worth; I fully believe that The Volturi are aware of hybrids and has actively been trying to keep their existence a secret as best as they can. The ramifications of vampires, hybrids and humans reproducing can be fatal at best and a catastrophic at the worst. And I would imagine that The Volturi are exceptionally interested in passing laws that limits vampires abilities to have children with any human of their choosing. But after The Renesmee Debacle I imagine that is not the easiest feat seeing as though they decided on her existence being legal with no repercussions. 
In short; The Volturi find themselves between a rock and a hard place when it comes to this issue.
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kyilliki · 6 years
Wait how did I only just now notice that all of the Cullen and most of the other couples in the series have one persons name start with a consonant and the others start with a vowel? (ed and Bella, rose and em, Alice and jasper, Carlisle and Esme, elezear and Carmen, irina and laurent, aro and sulpicia, athenodora and caius, sam and Emily, maybe more) like that’s kinda weird that the majority of the couples share these type of initials? Or do you think it was purely coincidental?
Because I am an unstoppable dork, I tried listing all the couples I could think of by Consonant/Vowel Initials and Non-Consonant/Vowel Initials: 
Consonant-vowel couples are extremely likely to be vampires (10/12) and important to the plot. (5/12 drive the books’ events.)
Only one of these couples could honestly be called a big deal, narratively-speaking (and that’s Jake/Nessie, ugh.) Moreover, we’ve got a much broader range of species on this list. Lots of human and human-shifter pairings; only 5/15 couples are vampires. 
I think this is weird and kind of cool! Personally, I’d speculate that when SM actually researches, she’s drawn to vowel names. (She definitely mentions deliberating over what she’d call the Cullens. And I refuse to believe that she just arrived at ‘Aro’ and ‘Athenodora’ and ‘Amun’ and ‘Afton’ without a little help from Google.) Meanwhile, when she’s naming her more mundane characters, she uses names she knows, and those start with consonants. 
I dunno. Anyone else want to try and attach deeper meaning to this? I welcome all the wild hypotheses!
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