#A whole bunch of tricks on Castiel
sastielsfandom · 1 year
Okay, so maybe it's not that I'm struggling to write in general, I'm just struggling with happier stories... Huh.
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Hey if we’re talking about Dean and angels, entirely in good faith I’m sure, you wanna see one of my most personally loathed Dean transgressions?
It’s this bit from season 9:
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[IMG: Dean Winchester with a phone to his ear, facing left, Sam is out of focus in the background of the shot. The captions read “Well, trust me, they’re just monsters with good PR.”]
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[IMG: A man leaning against his car on the side of the road with his phone to his ear, the other side of the conversation. The captions, continued from the previous image, read: “So, if you run into one, torch his ass with holy oil.”]
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[IMG: Later in the same conversation, Dean, leaning back and facing slightly right speaking into his phone. The captions read “And, uh, spread the word.”]
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[IMG: The same as above, Dean continues speaking, the captions now read: “The more hunters that know, the better.”]
I’ve cut for the relevant stuff but that’s Dean’s solution to the problem of a bunch of fallen angels being on earth. Warning hunters about them I get, but this? To Dean angels are monsters with good pr, helping them or even sparing them isn’t in the equation, the solution is to burn them alive with holy oil.
Just to be clear, these are the last words exchanged with Cas on the matter:
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[IMG: Castiel in the foreground looks back at another angel, Hael, who is looking around with concern, holding her harms to her chest and stomach. They are outside, framed next to a dumpster and an outhouse, Castiel is speaking into a payphone. The Captions read “Some are just looking for direction.”]
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[IMG: Dean Winchester holds a cellphone to his ear, listening and looking perturbed, he is in a hospital hallway. The captions, continued from the previous image, read: “Some are just lost.”]
Cas expresses that some of the angels are just lost and confused, that he met one and wants to help her.
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[IMG: Dean in the left half of the frame, looking down, speaking into the phone. The captions read “No Cass, I know you want to help, okay, I do.”]
Dean warns him not to, and I actually like and understand Dean’s point of view here. Dean might understand that Cas cares about the other angels, but he cares a lot more about Cas not getting hurt, and he’s personally seen that some angels are out for his blood, and considering Cas just finished getting tricked by an angel that caused this whole mess I don’t think it’s unreasonable for him to be skeptical of Cas’ judgment here. I mean, no more than his own considering what he’s about to do and also considering, oh yeah, it was Sam and Dean going to Metatron for help that put him back into play in the first place, but this is like understandable and in character. Dean wants Cas to prioritize his own safety, that’s cool.
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[IMG: Castiel, centre frame, looking off to the right, speaking into a payphone, he looks upset. The captions read: “And do what? Just abandon them all?”]
Cas for his part views not helping the angels that he can as wrong, not fighting against them or hurting him, but just not doing everything he can to help. The conversation gets cut off before they can really get into an argument about it, and Cas ultimately takes Dean’s advice and tries to leave Hael and go to the bunker alone.
Now you know and I know that Cas ends up having to kill Hael when she backs him into a corner, despite his attempts to leave peacefully. Dean doesn’t know about that, his last word from Cas is that he wants to help the angels.
Cas has done plenty wrong by heaven, and a lot of what motivates him to help is the weight of that guilt, but his desire to reconcile and repent for his mistakes, and to help the other angels is a well established and consistent trait of his. Dean knows about this, he literally says “I know you want to help.” He just doesn’t care.
Because angels are “monsters with good PR”
anyway this is why I can’t stand it when people claim Cas should’ve trusted Dean with the angel tablet back in season 8. Forget the fact that Kevin literally got kidnapped from the place they were keeping him (and planning to take the angel tablet) two episodes later, Dean himself is not someone who can be trusted with information about angels, not if Cas cares about the well-being of his species, and he does.
Anyway that’s my take on it you’re welcome to disagree obviously, but Imo just because Cas is the poster child for angel massacres doesn’t mean the fact that his best friend seems to consider him and everyone like him to be sub-human isn’t like. An issue.
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spnbangbang · 1 year
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Title: Trick Shot
Author: tiamatv
Artist: keziahrain
Primary Ship: Dean/Castiel
Other Ships: N/A
Length: 18000
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Tags: AU - Modern, Billiards and Pool, Strip Games, Strangers to Lovers, Public Sex, Exhibitionism, Identity Porn, Bisexual Dean Winchester
Posting Date: September 11, 2023
So here's the thing. Dean can put on a show like no one's damned business--mug for the cameras set up around the underground club, wink and smile and wave at the people putting up stupidly high bets as he sets himself into position behind the cue ball.
That's why this whole business of strip billiards works, obviously, and why Dean gets the big bucks for it. Who doesn't like watching a pretty girl taking off a piece of clothing for every ball Dean pockets? Especially when their job is to distract him from pocketing the next one. By any means necessary.
Except today?
Today, there's a dude staring at Dean from across the meeting room.
Tall, Dark and Trenchcoated doesn’t smile back at Dean. He doesn’t stop examining Dean, either, though—those tired blue eyes boring hard into Dean’s, sweeping down his cheekbones, the bridge of his nose, flicking down to his hands. Dark eyebrows bunch into a slight frown as he studies Dean’s cue stick, still disassembled in its beat-up plastic case.
It’s kind of intimidating, actually, the intensity of the stare, the focus: he’s stern, that’s what he is. Like someone who’s here to play, not to *play.*
Dean’s not used to seeing that directed at anything but a billiards table, even with some of the eager ball bunnies they’ve brought in to feel up Dean on camera on light weeks (most of them hold the cue, all right, but playing billiards isn’t exactly what they’re doing with it).
It's been a while—it’s been a long while—since someone came in here just planning to win, and Dean’ll put money on that being this guy’s deal. No distractions, no games, no waggling titties or surprise sex toys or leaning on Dean’s back and rubbing the front of Dean’s thighs when he’s bent over and addressing the ball, his cue stick lined up.
Then, almost imperceptibly, those intense, narrowed eyes tick downwards again—towards Dean’s mouth. And stay there for a beat of one. Two. The tip of the dude's tongue wets a plush bottom lip and then darts back in.
Then the blue eyes jerk back upwards, the expression turning frowny and stern again so quickly that Dean almost misses it.
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Castiel & Crowley or Crowstiel Stackednatural viewing order
Disclaimer: This is only episodes where I remember they interacted
In this viewing order their relationship is uh up and down
Day 6: 7x01 Meet the New Boss
Cas as God makes a deal with Crowley. What a strong beginning of the Crowstiel journey!
Day 31: 10x03 Soul Survivor
Crowley feeds grace to Cas to save his life
Day 37: 12x03 The Foundry
Crowley and Cas work together to track down Lucifer who has escaped the cage
Day 52: 11x06 Our Little World
Cas has this distressing vision where he almost kills Crowley. Unfortunately many episodes later the vision is reality and so in the Cracked watch version is a prophetic vision
Day 55: 8x07 Another Slice of Kevin
Cas in a way warns Crowley that he will smite him if he doesn't leave Kevin be. Glowing eyes and wings unleashed etc
Day 70: 12x07 Rock Never Dies
Crowley stands by Cas' side in the battle against Lucifer
Day 72: 6x10 Caged Heat
Cas pretends to kill Crowley and Sam & Dean are fooled by that
Day 76: 12x08 Lotus
One Crowstiel episode later Dean walks in on a scene where Crowley is meant to be dead but instead sees Cas and Crowley pretending to be FBI agents together. Dean is in a public place so he tries not to go off on a rant
Day 85: 9x10 Road Trip
Cas distrusts Crowley and Crowley looks at Cas with adoration. They ride in the backseat of the car together
Day 96: 12x09 First Blood
Crowley tells Cas he can't help Sam and Dean but reassures Cas that they will escape. They always do
Day 116: 12x12 Stuck in the Middle with You
Crowley saves Cas' life by breaking the weapon he would have loved to have used on Lucifer
Day 117: 10x14 The Executioner's Song
Cas looks at Crowley sympathetically when he realizes Dean tricked Crowley
Day 152: 11x18 Hell's Angel
Whilst 11x10, 11x14 have some Cas in it I feel like those episodes have been tainted by the Lucifer and Crowley dynamic
In this episode Crowley tries to free Cas from Lucifer's possession
Day 167: 6x19 Mommy Dearest
Crowley admonishes Cas for leaving a whole bunch of monster bodies he needs to clean up
Day 169: 8x21 The Great Escapist
Crowley looks at Cas fondly, shoots him in the stomach and then digs the angel tablet out of him. Meanwhile Cas looks at Crowley defiant the entire time
Day 172: 5x21 Two Minutes to Midnight
Cas asks Crowley in a surprised tone how he was able to get an item. Crowley made sure to remind his crush that he's king of the crossroads
Day 172: 6x20 The Man Who Would Be King
Crowley goes up to Cas and makes a deal with him to partner up to get the Purgatory souls. Cas agrees
Day 179: 8x23 Sacrifice
okay so idr any Cas & Crowley here but Stackednatural means in this crack watch everything after this is human blood Crowley
Day 181: 7x23 Survival of the Fittest
Basically Crowley gets mad at Cas over something? It's hard to know what that something is because "The Man Who Knew Too Much" hasn't been seen yet if your first ever rewatch is like this. But Cas thought it was bad enough to apologize for that
Day 182: 6x21 Let it Bleed
Cas gets mad at Crowley for kidnapping a mum and her child
Day 182: 6x22 The Man Who Knew Too Much
Cas doesn't give Crowley the Purgatory souls but warns Crowley to flee or die so he does give Crowley the chance to live
Day 182: 10x23 Brother's Keeper
Cas looks at Crowley sympathetically for the way Crowley's mum treats him. Cas gives Crowley an empty threat no glowing eyes no wings to try and get Crowley to help with the mark. Crowley says not until Cas begs. Rowena uses the attack dog spell on Cas to try and kill Crowley
Day 183: 11x23 Alpha and Omega
Crowley and Cas are alive and interact in a pretty normal way. No tension iirc?
The final Castiel episode with or without Crowley is Alpha and Omega. Same goes for Crowley with or without Castiel
It is also the ending episode for Stackednatural
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choco-cherry-chunk · 1 year
I’m the potion anon. Writing would be amazing. Or anything you’re comfortable with.
Oh, no prob! Typically, I prefer just to write fan content unless I’m commissioned for fan art, as my art doesn’t really perform well. For original characters or ideas, I’ll write or draw; I don’t mind either way. 😊
But as for the idea of big triplet eggs, I’m soft on it going one of two ways. If it’s Castiel, I think he would hide away to birth them, being very quiet about the whole process. Or hell, I can imagine him hiding in an unknown room in the bunker because it’s the place he feels safest but figures the Winchesters won’t find beforehand so he can nest. Only when the eggs have arrived but not hatched do Dean and Sam find him.
As for OC’s, I think this would be Cricket and Maurice, a la a magic trick. I think Cricket would be the one to do it so they can make horrible jokes that don’t land with Maurice like “What came first - the bunny or the eggs?”. But they would click their teeth as their tummy sticks out of their magician suits and the huge eggs make their belly look a little lumpy. But for the sake of weirdness and general Cricket and Maurice vibes, the eggs that are laid end up being like those plastic Easter egg hunt eggs and inside is a bunch of those prank spring toy snakes. But trust me, they’re still huge eggs that give Conjuring Cricket quite the impressive tummy to work around.
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 137
The Hungry Earth/Hello, Cruel World
“The Hungry Earth”
Plot Description: It’s 2020, and the most ambitious drilling project in history has reached deeper beneath the Earth’s crust than man has ever gone before - but now the ground itself is fighting back
Hey…guess this is kind of the weird thing about setting your story juuuuuuuuust a little bit in the future. Like. SURE, we would never know if Lady Cassandra was really there for the end of Earth, but plenty of us were here for 2020 and it was not like this
Man. I’m really starting to feel like I’m being tricked into watching spn twice. Maybe I should be putting the would I survive question here since we’re mostly dealing with the main characters’ interpersonal relationships in spn these days. They’re not really out hunting like they used to. Anyway, some guy got swallowed up by the ground
And now the Doctor has brought them to somewhere in England instead of Rio. Aw, it’s actually quite cute that future Amy and Rory would come to see them from a distance
What a convenient way to separate them. Surely this won’t play into the plot at all. Oh look it’s the other half of the plot come to get Rory to investigate
Amy did kind of give up really quickly. I mean, I have no idea how hard she was being pulled underground but dang
It’s kind of funny to hear this kid quote Sherlock Holmes as this is I think roughly the time Sherlock also started.
I like it better when the scientists follow the Doctor’s lead (I’m sure he does too), but it is kind of funny to see these two negate everything he says
Oh good. Now we know that there are also beings drilling up
These angles are doing Karen Gilan dirty…
Interesting that the beings drilling up are automatically a threat. Not even a second thought about it
If I ever redo this or put out a revised calendar to do this, all Doctor Who two parters will be on the same day. They don’t really know how to split episodes
The Doctor did get really careless with this kid’s life, but also why are these beings (I can’t remember what they’re called) not going for a more direct route to him??
These reptilian people really are quite beautiful
Mmmmm, human curiosity getting this whole place in trouble again, I see. The drilling they’ve been doing has been perceived as an attack
Ugh. Scared people are the worst. I know they’re gonna fuck up what the Doctor is trying to do
Ooooo, the underground civilization looks really cool
“Hello, Cruel World”
Plot Description: While Castiel struggles with the burdens of his absolute power, the broken psychological wall in Sam’s mind leaves him unable to discern what’s real
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: we’re picking up right where we left off, so unless we’re talking about having a bunch of leviathan in me or being choked by lucifer in a hallucination, I’m good.
Well that can’t be good. The leviathan look like they’ve just been released into the water supply. Cool cool cool
The trench coat just washing up to the shore. And Dean takes it. He’s really broken up about it 😭😭😭
Dean taking care of Sam while still trying to remain cool and distant 🥺
Let Bobby take care of you, Deannnn!!!
Oh. Sure. A high school swim team just got fuckin mauled
I was hoping nothing was too wrong with Jody, good to see it was just an appendectomy
Who’s the leviathans’ boss????
Oh poor Jody. The actual doctor told her to take it easy tonight, but the one who got hijacked by the leviathan isn’t making that easy
Girl, you are not well (Jody)
Boy, you are not well (Sam)
Oh no. We’re leaving Sam all on his own??
Cool cool cool. We’re replacing medical personnel with leviathan 😎👍👍 Nothing wrong with that
That’s excellent timing, Dean, coming back right after Bobby left so Sam’s not alone for too long. How long til this blows up?
I miss Castiel…things haven’t been the same since he walked into that river and disappeared
Ouch, Dean. Telling Sam he’ll never be okay is a little harsh……oh. Oh no. That….wasn’t Dean. FUCK. FUUUCK. It was the hallucination of Lucifer pretending to be Dean. No, Sam, don’t.
I don’t like the implication that the only thing that can get rid of the hallucinations is continued physical harm
Did…Bobby’s house just get burned down?? Well, damn.
You know a monster is gonna be tough to take down when not even a shotgun shot to the head will take it down
Man, tomorrow’s gonna be like…part four of this? We just keep picking up right after the other one left off? Hey…since it’s almost midnight. What if I did watch it once it turns over?
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alloftheimaginess · 4 years
Halloween Night
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Word count: 1162
"Okay okay, we worked really hard in figuring this out" I say as Sam and Dean, are sitting around.
"It was between two but we eventually figured it out" I say.
"Come on, I'm excited" Dean says and I laugh.
"Deanna come on out" I say and she runs out the kitchen into the living room.
"Son of a bitch" she says in gruff voice and Sam and Dean start cracking up and I shake my head, a big smile on my face.
"Deanna that is not what you were supposed to say" I say.
"What? You said I'm supposed to say something that daddy always says and he always says that" she says giggling.
"Well she's not wrong. But look at you Dj" Sam says and Dean stands up.
"Where's Dj? All I see is a mirror" Dean says pretending to look around.
"I'm right here daddy" Dj says giggling and Dean kneels down.
"Dj?" He asks and she nods.
"You look so much like me I couldn't tell the difference" he says and Dj giggles even harder.
"Mommy did a good job" she says.
"She did an amazing job, you look just like me" Dean says ruffling her curly hair and my phone goes off and I pull it out and I sigh.
"What's going on?" Dean asks and I look up.
"Are you still good with taking her out tonight?" I ask.
"You have to work?" He asks and I nod.
"Yeah, Spencer just texted and told me that we have a case so I have to head in" I say and he nods.
"Yeah, we can handle it" he says smiling at me and I smile at him.
"Are you sure? I can tell them that I can fly out to meet them in the morning" I say.
"I'm sure, we'll be alright. Plus I'm pretty sure single dad Dean with mini Dean will get us so much more candy" he says and Dj nods and I laugh.
"If you're sure, I'm going to go get packed" I say and Castiel shows up.
"Dean, Sam, miniature Dean" he says nodding at everyone and Dj giggles and I go up the stairs.
I run down the stairs and I go into the living room where they are all at and Dj jumps up "I have to go right now but I promise to call you when I'm on the plane" I say and my phone starts ringing.
"This is agent Ln" I say tucking the phone in between my shoulder and ear and I knell down grabbing Dj's face with both of my hands and I kiss her forehead.
"Yeah I'm headed into the office now, I had to get my bag packed" I say kissing Dean and he kisses me back and I pull the handle up on my suitcase waving bye to Castiel and Sam who wave back and I pull the phone away.
"Love you guys" I say quickly putting the phone back up to my ear.
"Yes agent Morgan and I were the arresting agents, if you have a problem with that you can call agent Hotch and he will answer any questions you might have but I have to go so I will have to continue this conversation later" I say hanging up and I close the door behind me.
"Glad you made it" Hotch says when I join them on the jet.
"Sorry, I was on my way out and Strauss called trying to ask me a bunch of questions about the last arrest Morgan and I did" I say.
"What did you tell her?" Morgan asks.
"I told her that if she has anymore questions she can call Hotch" I say giving him a sheepish smile.
"She'll definitely call me" he says and his phone starts ringing and he stands up and everyone breaks off as usual and Garcia gets on board and we prepare for take off.
I pull out my phone to call Dj and it starts ringing and everyone looks at me "sorry" I say laughing as I stand up and I walk away from everyone.
"Hey baby" I say.
"Why are you whispering?" She asks.
"I have to, I'm in a crowded plane. Are you all ready to go out?" I ask.
"What's a leash?" She asks randomly ignoring my question and I laugh.
"A leash?" I ask.
"Yeah, daddy said he's going to need one for when he takes me out trick or treating" she says.
"Deanna it was a joke" I can hear Dean say in the back.
"It was a joke Yn, I wasn't serious, I was only kidding" he says and I laugh.
"You might actually need one if I'm being honest" I say and he laughs with me.
"Hey make sure she puts on her good boots because I know there will be a lot of walking and I don't think her other ones can handle that walk" I say and I feel a hand on my shoulder and it's Emily and she nods to the bathroom and I step back so she can slip through.
"Hey I'll call you tonight" I say.
"I'll be waiting" he says.
"Tell Dj I love her" I say.
"Will do" he says.
"I love you too you know" I say.
"I know, and I love you too" he says.
"Good" I say smiling and when I look up Morgan and Penelope are watching me and I hang up and I smile at them going back over.
"Secret bae?" Penelope asks.
"Maybe she has a whole secret life we don't know about" Morgan says and I laugh shaking my head.
"Imagine" I say.
"For all we know you could be married" Morgan says laughing and Penelope grabs my hand.
"There's no tan marks so it's not like she wears it and then takes it off around us" she says and I shake my head my hand absentmindedly going to the back of my neck to play with the necklace around it.
"I think we'd know if Yn was married" JJ says.
"She's a terrible lie" Rossi says and I feign offense.
"I am not an terrible liar" I say.
"Okay then what's one thing you hate about all of us?" Emily asks laughing
"What? I hate nothing, I love everything about you by all. But moving on" I say and they all laugh.
"Shut up" I say covering up my burning ears.
"She figured out her tale but still makes it obvious" Morgan teases and I flip him off picking up my phone.
"Probably texting the husband now" Penelope says and I giggle sending Dean a quick message letting him know what time we're supposed to be landing and I set my phone down and it goes off immediately and they all try to look and I laugh sticking it in my pocket.
"Can't a girl have some privacy?" I ask and Hotch laughs shaking his head.
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incarnateirony · 4 years
15.15: The Absent Mother
I’ve had to take a great deal of time to pull my thoughts together on this episode because it was so MUCH. I’ve said in the past that I wasn’t a fan of Davy; he often layered his things very thinly. But today was a masterfully interwoven piece to the point I literally watched another show for an hour while thinking about it, went and took a shower for half an hour to scrub my head clean, and came back to this and STILL sat to write about it.
So if you’re new to my meta, I’m going to break the ice. You need to read my The Generational Family post to dip your toes in. It speaks in plain english things that will be less-plain english in this post.
If you’re less-new to my meta, but often floating in the occult references, I’m going to try to drop links to posts or tag folders of references.
But what a fantastic salute to the Empress this entire episode is.
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Now let’s dive in.
It’s no secret my blog bangs on about arcana on the regular. I have spoken of the four colors (represented in the above gif but also frequenting the #hues of involution tag). 
Frankly, I consider it invariable that the brother focused episode will summon forth The Emperor as a key focus. Somewhere in that chaos binder of tags I even predicted that much when I saw the color themes of the episode, but that’s a whole other aside--just something to put a pin in the idea of while I speak of the Empress, and the Generational Family.
(15.16 update: hahahahah)
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I’ve gone feral
Some time back I had made a post about Castiel’s tie to this path; be that his frequent association with Mary over time (be it storyline parallels in general arc, John and Mary’s meeting, mixtapes or whatever else); that he and Rowena served as mirror and foil from her earliest conception, back when his parental storylines hovered more in regret over Claire; that Amara and her forced bond were associations of the profound bond and many lines directly mirrored while other motions challenged each other (Eg, heart tie, profound bond>mark bond);
I even made a joke at one point that Castiel should wear a pink trenchcoat to match Rowena’s dress.
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This, of course, I joked equally was absurd, and that we would probably have to settle for the violet-pink light of Death on both him and Dean in 15.13′s alchemical Marriage of the Minds.
This Marriage of the Minds you’ll find plenty of topic on for my blog, and all in association with the Art arcana, from which the Occultum is drawn to begin with in its concept. This may seem like a long drift aside from the episode itself, but is more a preface of discussion based reminders.
Either way, @meta-mania-spn​ outright trolled in to my trenchcoat joke with this when it was released, saying “here’s your pink trenchcoat.”
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And how on point you were!
But I’m going to have to ask fandom to do me a favor before we continue any further in this discussion.
I’m going to need you to stop trying to shove everything in singular boxes applicable to one and only-one storyline. Go back to the Generational Family post. Make sure that’s anchored like, in your subconscious at this point. Know it, feel it. 
Okay, now we can continue.
Hah hah “You’re standing in The Trap zone.” Okay.
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So obviously, we have two major story ends going on right now: On the one hand, Sam and Dean go have a discussion to Amara where they plan to lie to her to pull off a stunt against Chuck; on the other hand, we have Castiel and Jack working a case. This seems simple enough in our structure.
Amara’s face of this ends up being entirely reflection. Of her cosmogenic origins (”We are the same.”), We Are Twins (I point to Thoth’s use of the twins in generational storytelling), etc. Of her history with Dean. Of her reasons of bringing Mary back.
Fandom may not like her reasons for bringing Mary back. They may even hate them. And we’ll get back to this later, but this is the sum of this.
On the other hand, Cas and Jack think a demon is involved. They even summon one. Turns out Rowena, in taking over hell, has adopted a new system. No more tricking and damning souls. People end up where they belong. The demon is bored (which has a funny shout out at the end on him trying to find a new purpose--as a cop, which is about six levels of commentary but I digress), but the continued path of Rowena renovating hell from welcome meetings for damned souls to lack of intentionally dragging others down is made clear, while evoked.
I point back to Rowena’s own history: at one point she aspired for power, but after Funeralia, she was stricken with guilt and grief over feeling like she abandoned her son. This is a thread that I have tried to put in videos over time as a still-binding tie; Castiel staring into Belphegor’s husked out eyes at one point, even if it wasn’t really his fault, just as we lost Rowena who went to essentially reclaim her son’s legacy and throne since she couldn’t atone for his loss.
But then we get to the case. It’s a whole long adventure, much of which has some bog-standard casework; we do have Castiel coming to speak that he found new meaning in becoming a parent (rolling back to the parental thread), and there’s a bunch of great imagery we’ll cover below. But before we get to that, let’s focus on the resolution.
It reveals a broken family structure: Mother was sick and felt shoved away, Father Changed Things, and the child ended up on a destructive path about following god.
Now when I talk about not boxing things in on one level, I’m going to break down this family a bit.  We’ll also just totes ignore the Joseph-the-Carpenter tattoo on the pastor that clearly has NOTHING to do with Joseph behind Dean only an episode ago and the entire Emperor theme with the sun behind his head. After the whole Mary behind Cas thing. Nope, nothing to see here. Has NOTHING to do with the generational stuff I’m about to talk below. That’d be silly right?
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You also have to think of it this way. If Pastor Joe (yes that’s his FKING name) a parallel, so is his dead wife. There are levels where it was felt she was mocked, and pushed away, which tied into Amara this episode. You have your Chuck and Amara level parallel. However, on the emotional level, the mother figure that Castiel actually ends up representing is also coming due to be absent. And this is about the father's atonement with that just as much as it is with Dean having his dialogue with Amara.
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On many levels. Dean and Amara’s dialogue trades of old grudges, old motivations, but also current events and learning to live in the now. 
The child, however, was still stuck in the past--a past the mother who told her to believe in God seemed to want, but the same kind of duty Castiel became aware of needing to change in the past. But she got stuck in it.
While she judged people by their sins, Jack and Castiel end up finding the poor unfortunate man judged by Lust, after an entire aside Castiel had with the pastor about one of the victims struggling as a gay man and what-not; For Reasons(TM). But this is an arcana post, not a “point out the obvious fucking screaming queer text and subtext being put in blinker lights this episode” post, so I’m going to generally show that the misguided and wrathful child thought she was carrying out God’s will.
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And then I direct you to my Lust tag.
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I have far longer stuff on it, but if you skim, you’ll find the loudest message is about not letting a wrathful god judge or punish you for sins. It involves the Whore of Babylon as a symbol of power riding a beast that represented (Aleister) Crowley; or in this case, Rowena riding Crowley to power, but also birthing and rearranging a new world. I point back to the demon in question, and then I gesture to the stuff about Castiel’s impending storyline overlap.
Did other sins get punished, sure; the one girl got greed, for example. If you check my posts on the Lust topic, there are other forms of debauch actually associated with lust beyond just carnal lovers, but the message about ignoring god’s wrath and making the new world remains in-tact.
This is the kind of wrath enacted by the girl. Who is furious about how the aeon changed. Because you changed everything, dad. They don’t worship God, they worship You.
So here’s the fun question: Is this a child of man furious that man is no longer the true god because Chuck in the corrupted Emperor path has changed the world to his whims, just flipped? That is to say, that they no longer see the Shadow as The One True God? Or is this someone throwing a tantrum on Chuck’s behest that the world of man is being reclaimed? Or is it a generalized moral of all of these things contingent on the choices The Ones -- Sam and Dean -- make moving forward? And what of Jack inevitably feeling like he has to do Dean’s commands, with the task laid out to destroy God as mapped by Death, in the inevitable absence of Castiel?
Now this has drifted a wide-berth from speaking of the Empress herself, which I’ll roll back to. I had mentioned, for example, the pink. So let’s talk about why that is.
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The Empress is the Matron. While she goes through many forms, this is sort of the central or individualized one. She represents a fertility in preparing to birth the new world. She holds a blossom, she takes a pose I’m not gonna bother breaking down in this post, and she is crowned in a sphere that is passed to her from the Emperor which she will wear until the next aeon from their union is born.
She is represented by the moon, and though her child will eventually become the new sun it must first be the earth, her emperor is her current sun; the son is the reflection of the father in the eyes of the mother; the Empress Moon lets the Emperor Sun shine on her face and brings life to the earth in their union, and again, I point back to the Marriage of the Minds post.
Now, see that bird in the corner? That’s a pelican. It’s frequently associated in old alchemy as the mother giving her life, as part of the birthing process is also death, for her next generation. I have spoken in the past that Byzantium itself is an ideal example of that. The pelican has intensive alchemical implications, but it was believed she “fed her child from her own heart.”
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Okay cool so there’s just a bleeding heart right there while Jack struggles with feeling like he has to deal with this alone, while Castiel tries to insist he doesn’t, with the renegade child taking it upon herself to carry out god’s work and essentially going mad/bad. Castiel not wanting to let that all fall on Jack.
There’s also giant posters about THE WORLD and a mirror shadow Safe Place poster which I’m not even going to talk on much beyond gesturing vaguely at my Shadow tag and Universe tag and move on, but I will take particular note of the hands reaching out to Cas and the world as a vague gesture to once again stick a pin in.
I mean there’s a few other themes I’m going to point out for general notes: hearts everywhere,
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Some stuff on Day and Night and hands all over/handholding, which I’ll point to my talk on Absence for false dichotomies
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And an admittedly offtopical “lmao fuck this news screen”
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But with that, I move forward:
The child here was dressed almost EERILY like Mrs Butters, for the record. And uh-- /wore her cross upside down/
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They both kind of represent the same thing of misguided ideals, though Mrs Butters proved able to be reasoned with at the end and went to go return to nature where she belonged, just as man should return to his place some day free of god’s machinations; but she didn’t break her cycle and her fate is to be decided after this by court and what-not, which.. you know, fine.
But that’s a note worth passing re: Mrs Butters, but again, it needs to fall to generational; child vs parent, with Mrs Butters being the lightly lamia-associated elder who lost her sons and went mad trying to protect them according to how she had been commanded, just like this story, too, comes to misguided commands in absence.
Add in of course that Butters pointed out Jack was “too much like his father”. This, of course, was a shot at Lucifer in a way, but the serpent she evoked isn’t truly symbolic of Lucifer in our show, it’s about humanity. And uh, who is synonymous synced to in SPN? Even ignoring the relevance of the serpent to the Emperor? 
Throughout this episode, Jack waltzes around imprinted on habits from Dean, taking on the weight of the world, sacrifice, doing it alone, and inevitably, small bursts of anger.
While... Amara tracks and polka dances sideways across the Mary issue of idealizations vs realities, of the Now being more important than the Then. Fandom gets stuck on how unfair it was to Dean and considers it torture which, human perspective, fair. But Amara isn’t thinking on your human level. In fact she very loudly flags around how Dean (and frankly, the audience) doesn’t properly perceive the scope of what she even is. 
Castiel, driving home, continues to try to be an improved parent. He talks with Jack, and tries to tell him he doesn’t have to do this alone. But Jack is stuck in that rut, and it’s a rut Castiel knows too well. He’s walked these paths and the audience has walked these paths and he can’t let the child handle this alone, though Jack declares it isn’t his choice. Jack has surrendered to what he believes Death commands of him, what the job is.
It’s going to be about choice.
But right now, Jack is too much like his father. And I point back to the Moon, who lets the Sun shine on her face, perceiving the world as a reflection of the Father, of Soul in the eyes of the Mind. This is the path to teach their son to avoid just as much.
Meanwhile, Castiel is punched in the FACE basically by Jack saying not to tell Sam and Dean he’s turning into Soul Bomb Take 2. He doesn’t want to worry them over something he can’t do anything about. Congratulations, Castiel is now living the mirror of Jack knowing the Empty deal and Sam and Dean not being told, and you can SEE the reality of it ALL slam him in the face. Not just because Jack blowing up would negate the point of his sacrifice; I don’t know if that even really plinks his mental armor; but the actual magnitude of that kind of secret.
Burying my clown brain’s fierce desire to talk at length of small details like Cas opting not to wake Dean up in the room, we see a recursion-yet-subversion at the end. 
We cut off, here, abruptly. In context of the episode, we know Castiel has at least learned one lesson and is going to try to tell Dean about his deal. But on some level, this all enmeshes thoroughly to Castiel’s Empty deal. Do I think Cas is going to tell the Empty deal in 16? No, I’m gonna guess on some level Sam gets his hands on it around 17 maybe, or nobody at all finds out--or at least Dean himself doesn’t find out--until 18.
In that time they *still* will not have stopped Chuck, that won’t be until 19. So I really wish this arm flailing about “oh god they’re making it all about Cas saving Jack and then dropping it!” would stop because man guys, I’m tired, I’ve been writing you the roadmap on this for two years and haven’t failed yet, pls listen.
Even after episode 18, Castiel’s role is inevitably going to be to take the burden from Jack. ...And Dean will too, but you won’t really even start to wrap your heads around the how and the why until at *least* 16 covers the Emperor path better in scale of the generational family. That’s going to be a joint thing.
Yes, I’m saying that’s going to be a joint thing after the Empty.
The show has taken a highlighter repeatedly to the fact that Jack was neither ready to rule or remove Chuck and that it was all a bad idea. Like “Then who?!” yes HMMM WHO. 
Who is sitting here following the path of all of these individuals in this very episode? Do I need to gesture people to literal years of Castiel being associated with every one of these women’s central stories in my meta, make everyone read literal compendiums of it to get the where and why, or is it at least enough in the collective subconscious to be recognized?
What is Rowena doing? What is Rowena doing, right now? She unbirthed an entire realm and is restructuring it; where people go only where they deserve to go, where they aren’t as boxed in but certainly aren’t out there being shitheads for the sake of being shitheads. But man, if only there was SOME ONE ELSE lined up on this whole lunar path, somewhere, with these women.
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(For more on the blossom, see my Albedo tag)
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For the full context and, frankly, mental breakdowns about 15.13 and what all that amounted to, I point you to the tags I linked above in discussion and lead-in to this post, because I’m not going to re-tread that ground right now.
But Castiel’s deal has always been about saving Jack. Castiel has been the Empress all year and before it. He will continue to be the empress, symbolized as feeding her young from her own heart, and--well, like that above gif (and also like 15.09, but with Sam in that generational rotation), receiving the sphere from the Emperor (Dean) and passing it to the new aeon to be reborn. Jack is the new Aeon. the mother will protect this at any cost.
But I don’t know why fandom pole vaults into assuming then that the Emperor suddenly has no place in this fascinatingly interwoven play. They are part of this cooperative birthing process together. Even in and beyond Death. As it is, there’s parts of Jack’s resignation that will inevitably tie to Castiel with Dean in 18.
As always, the case is a warning tale, but just what side of it you take really depends on where the characters choose to step. Is it a warning of man stepping away from god or god changing the rules on man? 
Even Amara’s message is multifaceted: Knowing when to walk away on your own path is not the same as betraying someone. And it’s only going to be by Dean’s manipulation that she would consider it, while he is in fact lying to her; but that’s NOT going to come without a long term price. And frankly, is itself a message for the endgame of this show, with some people thinking taking ones’ own path is tantamount to betrayal. It is not. But what matters it the truth. And the choice. And remembering that we all have a choice.
And what of Cas, after the Empty then?
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My soul went to heaven, big surprise.
In order to be in the Occultum, the Occultum must be in you.
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To know what he, himself, is also worth, Castiel will have to make that place within himself. And that will also be the place for his child, and his family, and humankind as he has come to adopt as his people.
...But there was a two step phase to that spell and I remind you Rowena wasn’t alone in that image.
The pink of fertile rebirth.
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For more on the Empress, click here. 
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StackedNatural Day 161: 5x19, 6x18, 9x19, 10x19
StackedNatural Masterpost: [x]
April 22, 2022
5x19: Hammer of the Gods
Written by: Andrew Dabb & Daniel Loflin
Directed by: Rick Bota
Original air date: April 22, 2010
Plot Synopsis:
The Winchesters are abducted by a group of renegade gods who want to use them as a bargaining tool to stop the apocalypse.
The Elysian Fields Hotel, an ominous concierge, the elephant in the room, a conference of Gods, Gabriel and Kali’s steamy past, Gabriel’s secret identity is revealed to a bunch of Gods, Gabriel is “killed” (for the second time, if I’m counting correctly), Gabriel is miraculously revived, Lucifer kills Ganesh & co, Gabriel is "killed” again and shows up in porn, the rings of the horsemen as keys, pestilence arriving. 
My Thoughts:
We’re gonna make the blurbs short today because I have 4 episodes to get through. 
I like this episode mainly for the last few scenes of it. Despite myself, and despite how much I hate Pellegrino in the late seasons, I think Lucifer is an extremely cool villain in season 5. There’s none of the unnecessary snark that Buckleming love to write in, just dispassionate cold fury. Super metal the way he put his hand through Baldur’s entire body. The scene between him and Gabriel is very strong writing, I love seeing the emotional stakes and it’s rare that we get that in a scene that doesn’t feature either brother. 
I don’t love Dean calling a room full of people of colour animals, that sucks to watch, and it’s a bummer that the gods of other cultures are so much weaker than Lucifer. I wish there was a canon explanation for that, even if it was an American Gods style thing where they’re weaker in American because there isn’t as much active worship for them there. 
Also, the pestilence scene is so gross I actually gagged. Bad to watch. 
Notable Lines:
“I'll cut off your hands.” “Well then, people are gonna be asking, ‘Why are you guys running around with no hands?’"
“I see right through you, you know that? The smart-ass shell, the whole “I could give a crap” thing? Believe me, it takes one to know one.”
“Westerners, I swear. The sheer arrogance. You think you're the only ones on earth? You pillage and you butcher in your God's name.”
“Lucifer, you're my brother. And I love you. But you are a great big bag of dicks.”
“Damn right they're flawed. But a lot of them try. To do better, to forgive.”
“You learned all your tricks from me, little brother.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 8.4
IMdB Rating: 9.1
6x18: Frontierland
Written by: Andrew Dabb & Daniel Loflin
Directed by: Guy Bee
Original air date: April 22, 2011
Plot Synopsis:
Castiel sends Sam and Dean back in time to 1861 to collect the ashes of a phoenix.
A classic cowboy showdown, Dean’s cowboy fetish, Cas’ dirty little secret, time travel shenanigans, Dean becoming Sheriff, Samuel Colt, Cas fisting Bobby’s soul, a package from the past.
My Thoughts:
SO much of this episode made me say “babygirl” out loud. I love Dean having so much fun getting to live his special interest. He spends the entire episode getting negged and it fully works, he throws his sarape away and buys a new coat and hat. The setting is well designed and I love the shift in the colour palette. 
I really liked the exchange between the brothers when Dean found Colt’s journal, it’s nice to see them both being nerds about the same thing for once.
I was watching this with my brother-in-law and we were talking about how irrelevant the Eve plotline ends up being - in my head it’s to give the brothers something to do while Cas fights his war in Heaven, but Cas’ war in Heaven gets so little screentime in comparison. It’s definitely the thing I’m more excited about watching, although I do think if it had had more time dedicated to it than The Man Who Would Be King wouldn’t have hit as hard. They used to really make the angel deaths dramatic, and I appreciated that about this episode. 
Here’s a Lyall (brother-in-law) quote: “It’s great for their budget, but you know, it would be nice if everything interesting wasn’t just a guy.” 
Also, Andrew Dabb had a premonition of Jared Padalecki and Walker. Yikes.
Notable Lines:
“We'll ‘Star Trek IV’ this bitch.”
“Well, the answer to your question can best be expressed as a series of partial differential equations.”
“This here is, uh, Walker. He's a Texas Ranger.”
“I'll stay here, hook up with the posse. 'Cause you know me -- I'm a posse magnet. I mean, I love posse. Make that into a t-shirt.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 8.9
IMdB Rating: 9.0
9x19: Alex Annie Alexis Ann
Written by: Robert Berens
Directed by: Stefan Pleszczynski
Original air date: April 22, 2014
Plot Synopsis:
Sheriff Mills calls Sam and Dean for help when she finds a young girl running from a vampire pack.
The Alex intro, Vampiric Stockholm Syndrome, Jody my beloved, woodchippering of bodies, honey trapping barflies for vampires, conceptions of motherhood, 
My Thoughts:
I think I might have never seen this episode before? Which doesn’t make sense because I was watching religiously at this point in the series and I KNOW I saw the next episode in season 9 because it’s Bloodlines and I hated it. But I didn’t remember a single thing that was going to happen, and I was RIVETED. 
I think every emotional beat between Jody and Alex hits really hard. I believe Alex’s whole arc, and I think Berens really has a nuanced understanding of her as a child of abuse. I love that Jody’s ability to connect with Alex on an emotional level, and to trust that she was worth saving, is what saved her life. 
It’s a great contrast with Dean just brutally killing the vampire upstairs, showing how the Mark is controlling his ability to connect with his emotions. 
I loved the directing too, especially how the shot of her bringing food to her brothers is mirrored by the shot of Jody killing her “mother”. 
Notable Lines:
“Like she's somehow above it, like she's better than us 'cause she don't feed on people.” “She is better than you, dumbass.”
“What you've been through the last 48 alone, losing your entire family, everything you've ever known or loved – no one can understand that.” “You can.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 9.9
IMdB Rating: 7.7
10x19: The Werther Project
Written by: Robert Berens
Directed by: Stefan Pleszczynski
Original air date: April 22, 2015
Plot Synopsis:
Sam looks for a magical box built by former Men of Letters, Magnus, hoping it will cure Dean, but is surprised by a deadly alarm system.
A house full of suicides, Sam and Rowena bargaining, Dean clearing a nest alone, a codex for the Book of the Damned, imaginary Benny, Men of Letters hubris, what happens in Purgatory stays in Purgatory.
My Thoughts:
Holy shit? I was expecting this to not be great because season 10 is a weaker season but. Whoa. Robert Berens/Stefan Pleszczynski dream team. Both this and the season 9 episode today were by them and they were both GREAT for me. 
Often in this show the directing being decent means that I don’t notice it for better or for worse (and there are a lot of episodes that I notice it for worse - looking at you, Singer). This episode had some really really cool scenes, and awesome transitions that I just don’t expect from an episode of Supernatural that isn’t a season premiere or finale. A really subtle example is the scene when Dean appears in the car after Sam has just failed to get into the house. The framing of each shot paired with Sam’s reactions makes Dean look really intimidating and ominous, but once Sam establishes that Dean doesn’t know why he’s really here and his cover hasn’t been blown, it reverts to a neutral shot. The transitions back and forth between Dean in Purgatory and Dean in the house are so smooth I almost want to watch it again right now. And not to mention that when Dean appears in the basement to stop Sam dying, Rowena is only visible in the shots over Sam’s shoulder and not in the shots from Dean’s point of view. Delicious. 
In terms of the writing, God. Berens might be my favourite writer right now. There’s none of this “A Plot and B Plot are so disconnected that they might as well be from different episodes” nonsense that happens a lot in the series. He does a beautiful job of setting up Witch Sam - it’s just a shame that the rest of the writers dropped the ball so hard in the rest of the late seasons. I’m obsessed with Dean hallucinating Benny while Sam hallucinates Rowena. Great for Deanbenny truthers and Samwena truthers. 
The twist with Rowena being a hallucination is so well done, I truly didn’t realize it until she disappeared. I even wrote that she was a freak in this episode and didn’t question it. 
Notable Lines:
“What's another human life to you? Anything’s worth it, as long as you two make it out alive.”
“This place you don’t have to go looking for a fight. All you have to do is be still for one moment, and that fight will come to you. That’s why you’re here, Dean. That’s the purity you crave – killing with no consequence.”
“You gonna get Sam and Cas to put you down? You really think that they’re gonna keep that agreement? Come on. Dean, let’s say they do. Do you think they will ever recover from that? It will ruin them.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 9.9
IMdB Rating: 8.6
In Conclusion: Fun Stack that we had two Dabb/Loflin episodes and then two Berens/Pleszczynski episodes today - and they started decent and got better and better, imo.
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ms-rampage · 4 years
Eden’s Gate: Aftermath Chapter 4 - Into The Bliss
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Drug trip (Bliss). Kate and Wheaty being an adorable couple.
Word count: 3.6k
This is a short follow up series to Kidnapped leading up to the nuclear holcaust, and the beginning of New Dawn. 
Summary: Kate tries to get over John and gets a surprising visitor. Paige still suffers with the symptoms from Jacob Seed’s classical conditioning despite being dead. Faith/Rachel learns the truth and secrets about the Winchester family. 
Guest OCs: Joel Winchester [mentioned], Daenerys Winchester [as a infant in Bliss trip]
Guest Characters: Castiel [Supernatural: mentioned], Jacob Seed [mentioned], John Seed [mentioned, and in Bliss trip].
A few weeks have passed, mid September is finally here, and the search for Joseph Seed continues. The lead Paige found turned out to be false, and was just an abandoned, small village with a bunch of mannequins and some druggie. Goddamn cops. Damn pigs with their false leads. 
Kenny, Mark, Nate, Cody, Adrian and a few other locals are putting up 2 more houses on the property. They've been putting them up for almost a month now. Since both Paige and Kate are pregnant, Mark, Nate, Adrian, Marty, and Cody’s families are coming to live with them. 
So building 2 more houses will help with the expanding family of hunters.
Kate and Wheaty have gotten a lot closer, finally making their relationship official, despite them making out several times already. Him learning some things about his new girlfriend, like her knowing how to ride a skateboard. 
"I didn't know you skate!" he tells her. She laughs softly, "Yeah, I've been skating for years now" she tells him. 
She rides around the driveway of her house, showing him some tricks. Landing a kickflip, an ollie and all other basic skating tricks and techniques. 
"Even though I'm pregnant I can still skate!" she jokes. Stops in front of him, while standing on the board. Wraps her arms around his neck, and kisses him. He breaks the kiss after a several seconds. 
"So!" he says, "How did you know that I liked you?". 
She chuckles, "It was quite obvious. You were always nervous around me. Very awkward". 
He laughs, "Well isn't that how most people act when they're around someone they like?. You're a psychologist so you should know!". 
She gives him a quick peck on the lips, "It's a very common sign". 
As they're making out like a couple of teenagers. 
The guys are putting the foundation of the houses, cutting up wood to build the walls.
“Paige!!!” Kenny calls out for his wife, as he looks around for his extra tools and other materials. 
“Yeah?!?” she responds, standing by the back door.
“Can you get me a hammer, electric saw and the jar of nails from the shed. Please” he asks.
She looks down at the 9 month old infant in her baby wrap.
“Umm” she points to their infant daughter, “I’m a little preoccupied here!!”. 
“Please. They’re not on the top shelf” he says.
She rolls her eyes, “Okay, I’ll be back”.
“Thank you!!” he responds, measuring the pieces of wood. 
Paige walks to the shed they have in the back of their property.
“The stuff your daddy makes me do” she says to Cristina, “You’re gonna be a big sister!. A brother? A little sister?”.
She opens the shed door, a radio on the metal table making an annoying static sound.
“Damn, old ass radio” she mutters as she looks around the jar of nails, and hammer.
Sighing, as she looks around for the hardware tools, “Okay where are you?!?”.
She finds the hammer in a tool box a few inches above her head. As she reaches for the hammer, and grabs it. She bumps into the metal table with the radio on it. The static goes away, becoming clear and an old nightmare of hers comes back.
Only you can make all this world seem right
Only you can make the darkness bright
Paige gasps loudly, drops the hammer, bumping into the shelves knocking over jars, and boxes of tools, grabbing her head. The song plays distortedly, flashbacks from when she was locked in a cage, being tortured by Jacob and going through his trials. Killing those innocent people. His words replaying over, and over in her head.
Her vision turns red, and black. She starts to hyperventilate. Her screams get trapped in her throat.  
Flashing images of dead carcusses of people and animals. The wolves. The Judges. That stupid music box Jacob had to fuck up his victims minds.
Kenny, Adrian, Mandy, Mark, Nate, Kate, Wheaty and everyone else on the property hear Paige’s panicked screams, and Cristina’s cries. They all run to the shed, and find her on the ground screaming, clenching her head.
Cristina crying, and wailing. Only You playing on the radio.
Kate goes to turn off the radio. 
“Paige!!!” Kenny yells, shaking her shoulders, “Paige!!”. She stops screaming, her voice turning hoarse and raspy. Tears streaming down her face, and hyperventilating. 
He takes Cristina from the wrap, and hands her to Mandy, and takes her inside.
“Hey, are you okay?!” Kenny asks, comforting his wife.
She shakes her head, crying into her husband's chest, “No, No. Jacob may be dead but he still lurks in my head”.  He holds his wife, closely, comforting her. Stroking her hair. He, and Mark help her up, and take her inside the house. Sitting at the kitchen table with her mom, sister and Rachel.
“What happened?!” Kate asks.
Stammers over her words, “I-I went to go get a hammer, saw and nails for Kenny. I bumped into the table with the old radio. Then I heard “Only You” play, and I had flashbacks from St. Francis, when I was locked in that cage”. 
Crying softly. Thinking of all that would go away when she killed Jacob a month earlier, but apparently it looks like his spirit is sticking around for a while to torment Paige.
“The images from his stupid slideshow, the trials. Me killing those innocent people under his control with that fucking music box”.
Mandy places her hand on her eldest daughter's hand, “It’ll go away. We’ll work on it”.
Kate clears her throat, “Speaking of Jacob. That day when you kill him, and uh- and I killed John, when we were sent on that Bliss trip. What did you see?”.
Looking down at her hands, Paige says, her voice shaken, “The night dad was killed”.
She turns to Kate, “I saw everything, the whole house went up in flames, and I woke up”.
“I saw the same thing” Mandy says, “Then it was the day I lost both of you”.
“What did you see?!” Paige asks Kate.
“It was from that day Morgan and I exorcised the demon out of John”.
Rachel turns to Kate in confusion, “John got possessed by a demon?!?”.
She nods her head, “Yeah, the demon that was possessing him. Saleos. He had John kill me”.
All 3 of their eyes widened, “You were dead?!?” Mandy exclaims.
Nodding her head, “Yeah, I was strangled by “John”. He couldn’t stop him. I was dead for an hour then Castiel brought me-”
“Cas was there!?!?!” Paige interrupts her, “I don’t mean to interrupt but he was there?!?”. 
Kate exhales, “Yeah he was there, he told me I met an untimely death that wasn’t supposed to happen, and that I wasn’t supposed to die. Where I was, was the final stop before getting into Heaven, like a plane of existence. The Other Side is what he called it. Then he brought me back to Earth, and I went back into my body. He wiped John’s memory of being possessed, me being dead and all that shit. But the memory of him being possessed can be restored by me, and only me. If I were to bring it up to him”.
Rachel looks at all three of them, confused and asks “So you said you were dead?!?”.
“Yes” Kate answers.
“Castiel? Like the Angel?!” she asks, trying to keep up with what’s going on.
“Yeah, the Angel” Paige answers. 
“I also want to mention that same day when demon John killed me, and I was in The Other Side. I finally met dad” she says, her voice going soft.
Mandy and Paige look at each other, then back at Kate.
“You- you met dad?!?” Paige asks in disbelief. 
Kate nods, shedding a single tear, “Yeah, Cas brought him there. I saw that exact same thing when I was on my bliss trip at St. Francis”. 
Paige narrows her eyes at her, and looks around in disbelief, “Wait, so on your Bliss trip. You saw demon John killing you via strangulation, then you were taken to The Other Side or Limbo basically, where you saw yourself talk to our dead dad?! And Castiel was there?”.
Trying to process all that she said, “Yeah, pretty much” she chuckles. 
“Bliss-ception” Paige jokes, “Or death-ception”.
“So what did you and your dad talk about?!” Mandy asks.
Trying to hold back her tears, “I asked him what happened to me, what happened that night when he was killed. Azazel killed him, and that same demon did it to our cousin's mom, Mary, several years earlier in the same way, and that's how most of us Winchester’s go out. I told him that I never got to know him, and he said in these exact words, “I know you didn’t. That’s why you’re here, it was a chance for you to finally meet me”.”
Mandy starts to tear up. Holding her head up with her fists placed underneath her chin.
“Then he asked me “How’s your mother and Paige?”, and the final words he said to me before he disappeared. They still play in my head to this day, they were “I’m always watching over you”.”
All of them crying, softly sobbing uncontrollably. Rachel started to get teary eyed just by hearing all of this. 
“So. So all of you have died, and came back?!?” she asks.
All three of them nod, “I’ve died 9 times” Paige says.
“I’ve died 4 times” Kate says, lifting her hand up a bit. 
“3 times” Mandy says.
Learning about what this family does for a living. Traveling across the country, killing monsters. 
Later that night, Rachel is in her room, sitting on her bed reading.
She gets a knock at her door, “Yes?” she responds.
The door opens, and Kate steps inside, “Hey”, she says.
“Hi” she responds looking up from her book.
“You okay?” she asks, concern in her voice. 
Rachel nods her head, “Yeah, I’m fine”
Nodding her head, “Okay, good. Because umm you looked a bit shaken up from what we were talking about earlier” Kate says, sitting down on a chair by the bed.
Rachel closes her book, setting it down on her nightstand.
“Have you ever met God?” she asks.
Kate nods her head, “Chuck is his name. He’s a writer”
She sits up in her bed, “So when Paige said “We’re all just a part of his story” that wasn’t a metaphor, or anything?”.
She shakes her head, “No. It wasn’t a metaphor or anything. We’re all just a book. We’re all a part of his story”.
Rachel looks down at the floor for a few moments. Kate clears her throat, and says.
“I know Paige, and pretty much everyone living here would be completely against this, but is there anyway, or a chance you can get a hold of some Bliss?!” 
She looks at her with a head tilt, “I may have a vial. Why?”.
Embarrassed, and ashamed to even think about why she wants it. She takes a deep breath, and says.
“Because I, and I hate to admit it, but I want to see John again. Even if it’s an old memory of us happy together”.
Kate starts to tear up, “I don’t know why he still has this affect on me!!. It’s like I can’t let him go. Like he’s entwined with me, a part of me. That day when he died, he looked me in the eye before taking his last breath. I’m with Wheaty now, I can’t be having these feelings for an ex partner of mine that is dead!!”.
“He took your virginity, didn’t he?” she asks, looking at her with soft puppy like eyes. 
Nodding her head while tears stream down her cheeks. 
“Yeah, yeah he was my first time. I wanted to lose it to someone who was worthy enough to take it. John, at the time was worthy enough, to me, to take it, but now I'm starting to think I wished someone else took it". 
Rachel places her hand on Kate’s hand. 
“That’s why. He took something from you that you can never get back, and he left his spawn inside you. Growing”.
Kate’s breathing turns shakey, that ball in her throat making it hard for her to speak.
“I think maybe, seeing him again, maybe it’ll help me get him out of my head” she was able to speak up.
Rachel gets up from her bed, and goes to her closet. Going through one of her bags, and pulls out a small vial of the pale green drug.
“Here” she says, handing her the small vial, “If you concentrate hard enough. You will be able to communicate with John even if he’s dead”.
She looks at the vial, examining it. “So do I drink it? Or?”
“You can drink a little bit of it, or you can inhale it” she answers. 
“Okay, thank you” she says, getting up from the chair, and leaves her room.
An hour later everyone is asleep, Kate is getting ready for bed. She looks over at the vial of bliss Rachel gave her an hour ago. Contemplating whether or not to take a sip, or sniff of it, or just not use it at all.
She locks her bedroom door, grabs the vial, opens it, and takes a long, deep inhale of the hallucinogenic drug. Quickly closing the bottle, setting it down on her desk.
Concentrating hard on seeing John again, and maybe tell him to get out of her head. She’s ashamed to say to herself. Let alone think of it. Her vision starts to get blurry, white, green, red, and disoriented. Everything is tripping out.
Sparks flying, she falls back on her bed. Letting the drug do it’s thing. After a few minutes have passed, feeling like she’s falling. Feeling light as a feather.
*Into the Bliss*
She wakes up in a white, and green wonderland.
The sky green, the clouds a whitish pale green. The sun shining down on her, warming her up.
“Holy fuck" she whispers, “That shit worked”.
A jackalope rabbit sitting at her feet. It hops away when she moves, and sits up.
Her clothes are different from what she was wearing earlier. 
A plain white, knee length flannel dress, and no shoes on. Her hair in a clean well done braid. 
A princess cut diamond ring on her left ring finger.
She looks around, and sees that she’s laying in a field by a huge tree with a tire swing attached to it. 
"What the fuck?!?!" she mutters to herself. 
She continues to look around the blissed out wasteland. 
“Kate!?!” a distorted male voice echos. 
She looks behind her, and sees a figure approaching her through the cloud of bliss 30 feet away. The clouds of bliss as the figure approaches her give off a wing like shape behind them. She stands up, and slowly approaches them.
“Kate!?!” the voice says again slightly clearer but still distorted. 
“John?” she mutters confused, as she slowly approaches the other person. 
“Kate!?” they say again.
It takes her a moment to realize it’s John’s voice. 
“John!?!” she yells out. Slight hope in her voice.
The figure gets closer, and she is immediately brought to shameful tears when she sees that it’s really John.
“John?!” she says again, tears streaming down her face. A huge smile on her face. Just by seeing him she forgets why she wanted the drug in the first place. To tell his ass off. 
“I’m here darlin” he says, smiling, his voice echoing throughout the hallucination.
Those perfect blue eyes staring back at her. Placing his hands on her waist, pulling her closer to him. She places her hands on his shoulders. They stare at each other for what felt like years. Decades. Centuries. A Millennium. Their foreheads touching. 
He looks down at her stomach, his hands placed where her baby bump would be.
“She’s gonna be so beautiful” he tells her.
Confused, Kate looks down, and sees that her stomach had grown bigger. Telling herself it's all part of the hallucination, and that she doesn’t have to go in panic mode.
John kneels down, and kisses her baby bump. 
Feeling the baby kick. Tears running down her cheeks, this is what she wanted, but she knows she'll never have it. This is the closest she’ll ever get to having a family with John. He stands up, and kisses Kate on the lips. Holding her close in his arms. Her arms wrapped around his neck. 
One of his hands on her lower back, the other holding the back of her head. 
He lifts her up, his arms wrapped around her lower half. He slowly spins in a circle with the love of his life in his arms. Kissing her. 
Even though this is all a hallucination and John is most likely buried 6 feet underground. Everything felt so real. Kate buries her face in the crook of his neck as he slowly spins her around. 
It doesn't dawn on her that she wanted to tell John to leave her alone and get out of her head because she's with someone else. Looking like a total clown. 
The sound of a baby cooing, catches her attention. She looks over to her right, and sees a white crib in the middle of the field.  John puts her down, taking her hand in his, and they walk towards the crib.
Looking down at her stomach, seeing it had shrunk back to its normal size from before.
"Okay this trip is getting way too personal" she thinks to herself, "And I hate it!". 
They approach the crib, and see a baby girl who looks about 6 months old in a pink, and white onesie. 
Black hair like Kate’s, and blue eyes like John. 
The name above her on the headboard of the crib says “Daenerys A.B. Seed”.
John picks her up from the crib, cradling her in his arms. Smiling down at his infant daughter.
“She looks just like you” he says, turning to Kate. 
“She has your eyes” she says to him, holding her tiny foot. 
He hands her to Kate. Baby Daenerys looks so much like her with John’s blue eyes. Cradling her in her arms, they look down at their beautiful little girl. Trying her best not to cry again. 
She puts her back in the crib, and turns to John. Cupping his cheeks, and kisses him. Embracing her tightly. She closes her eyes, resting her head on his shoulder. 
He rocks her slowly in his arms. Hoping for this to never ever end. If she could stay here forever with him, and their daughter she would. She would have no problem with that. 
“Kate!!” another voice speaks out from behind her. She pulls away from John and looks behind her. Looking around and seeing no one, just the hallucinations of the Bliss, and it's weird, mutant animals. Thinking it's her father since he was there in her Bliss trip back at St. Francis. 
She turns back to face him and sees another man's face looking back at her. Holding her. 
“Hello sweet-cheeks!!!” Gabriel greets her with a huge smile.
She can literally hear a record scratch in her head as he says this. Eyes widened, mouth falling slightly open.
“Gabriel?!? What are you doing here?!?” she exclaims, trying to release herself from his hold.
“You shouldn’t be here” he tells her, “You need to get out". 
Confused to why her guardian Archangel is here. In her Bliss hallucination, “What?!? Why?!?”. 
“You need to leave, and forget about John” he tells her, “He’s no good and you know that. I'd tell you, but you'll find out in the weeks to come". 
Still confused, and stumped “I-I don’t. What? Tell me what?!!?". 
“It’s important that you get out of here!” he tells her. Cupping her cheeks. 
Shaking her head, “This isn’t real. This isn’t real, you’re a hallucination!!” she yells out.
"You're a hallucination!" he sasses her. 
“Where’s John?!?” she orders him to tell her.
“He was never here. It was all me. I’m more real than your psychedelic drug trip” the Archangel tells her, “I’m real. This isn’t. You need to leave. John is dead. That's it, you can't save him!”.  
Before she could protest against him, Gabriel snaps his fingers and makes a cloud-like portal appear behind her. She looks back, sees the cloud rift portal, and turns back to him. 
"You might hate me for this" he tells her and aggressively pushes her through the rift portal back to her universe.
Kate wakes up in a cold sweat, confused. Not sure how long she was out, she looks out her window and sees the sun rising up from behind the mountains. 
Her hallucination happened throughout the whole night? Even though it felt like it was 10 minutes. Trickster making himself known by pretending to be John and telling her to get over him, move on with her life. What the actual fuck Gabriel?!?.
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wormstacheangel · 4 years
Day 3: Demonic
Word Count: 1888
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Rowena had someone coming for her crown and while the Winchesters aren’t for hire, having his Aunty Rowena on the throne has been a big help. They didn’t close the gates of hell or heaven but instead run them. Jack and Cas upstairs while Rowena ran hell with a little help from Sam. Dean was mostly on call from whoever needed him. Also, Sam likes to point out that Purgatory was all his for the taking according to the rumors.
Right now though Rowena needed him to find the demon making a secret army to overtake the crown. Simple enough that he said he’ll do it himself. It was just one demon and his dumb army. He just fought God and won, he’s surprised they’re any monsters still willing to pick a fight with them.
The thing was that nobody said this damn demon was going to be so annoying.
“Buddy, I know you got those kamikaze bombers going for the Queen so you might as well call them off,” Dean says as he leans against the desk in their dungeon with the demon trapped in the, well the damn demon trap. 
The demon hasn’t said a damn word since he brought him down here. Only smiled because he thought he was being a cocky son of a bitch but Dean was too tired to deal with regular demon crap. He wished they would just tell him what he wants to hear so he could be on his way but they never made it easy for him.
Dean sighed as he twirled the angel blade in his hands as he sat up and took the few steps towards him. To stand just at the edge of the trap. “You know, if you ain’t talking I don’t have to keep you alive. Shit, I would have killed you even though you were talking but I guess you aren’t useful to me after all. Probably not even the right demon. They said this demon was smart and he’s a leader demons can depend on or whatever but you…” Dean looked the demon up and down before shrugging. “Meh. You look like any other basic bitch. Nothing special.”
“I am the future of hell!” The demon hissed at him and Dean found his weak spot. His pride. Not really a surprise. “I will be a leader that will not roll over for the Winchesters or anybody for that matter! My army would kill that red-headed bit-Ah!”
Dean squirted the demon with holy water from Jack’s tiny water gun. He chuckled when he got him right in the eye but then glared back at the demon. “Now, let’s be civil and keep from the name-calling. Just tell me where your army is. I mean, don’t you wanna see how strong they are? If they can defeat me then damn I’m sure all of hell will follow you with no hesitation. Since, you know, I killed Hitler.”
“I don’t need my army to kill you. I can do it myself.” The demon laughed and it was darker, clearly knows something Dean doesn’t. “I forgot to tell you. We also captured a little leverage not that long ago. Why do you think I let you take me so easily?”
“Cause you suck?”
The demon, clearly not amused, continued his evil person speech that made Dean roll his eyes and groan as he paced around the trap. 
“Do you think we didn’t know Rowena would call on you two for help? We couldn’t stand by and let a Winchester rule alongside the Queen! What an embarrassment to be taking ordered from that overgrown son of a-” Dean waved the water gun around again. “So I took matters into my own hands. I figured we couldn’t get to your brother but sometimes the new God sends one of his Daddy’s to do some work here on Earth without supervision. Without back up.”
“Oh, we have your precious little Angel somewhere hidden away from you and your God.”
Dean walked into the devil’s trap and held the blade to the demon’s throat. “You have five seconds to tell me where he is or I’ll kill you.”
“You will never find him without me and I will never reveal him until after my bomb-Ahh!”
“Time’s up.” Dean finally pulls the blade out of the demon’s chest as soon as his screams die out. Then he was on the phone calling the dumb angel that let himself be jumped again.
 After the third ring, Cas answers with a tired, “Hello Dean.”
“You’re a dumbass you know that.”
“I figured you will say something like that but I’m fine they just wa-oof!” Dean can hear Cas groan out in pain and Dean was already out of the dungeon with his keys in his hands. “Where the hell are you?”
“Dean Winchester.” Someone says and Dean was too mad to deal with another speech from demonic asshats. “What a nice-”
“Just tell me where to meet you and quick. I would like to kill you before dinner.”
A short laugh from the demon as she said, “Funny.” 
“Well I try my-” Dean started but then he heard a groan from Cas before a coughing fit started. That alone made Dean tense up as his boy heated up in anger that really should scare just about anyone who dared mess with family. 
The demon then quickly told him their location, an obvious trap but who cares now. The only problem was that they wanted a trade. The dead demon, that he was positive they didn’t know was dead, for Cas. Well, he hopes they like surprises cause the only thing they are going to get from Dean is a one-way ticket to the damn Empty for laying a damn finger on his husband.
The trip went just as expected. Dean pretended the demon was in the trunk of his Baby and killed the first few that came to check it out. Then he was walking inside the old-looking house with the angel blade in hand hoping that Cas hasn’t prayed to their son yet because then he’ll start to worry again.
Jack wasn’t the biggest fan of Cas going fully human, to be honest, Dean wasn’t either, for the same reason as Cas not being able to heal himself. Now they were constantly worried that the new fully human Cas scraped his knee somewhere. Or worse, made himself into bait by a bunch of demons who thought was a great idea to kidnap one of God’s dads.
As soon as he walked into the house he called out for Cas. He got some lady, probably the demon from the phone, answer from upstairs. While he made his way upstairs he noticed a couple of demons standing sideline downstairs but he can deal with those later. It’s not like he was in a hurry or anything. 
“Okay,” Dean walked over to the wide-open door where he could already see Cas tied up to a chair and unconscious. He knew this was a clear trap but he didn’t care as he ran over to his husband. Taking his head in his hands he quietly whispered, “Cas, honey, you okay?”
He found a pulse at least but Cas was bleeding from his nose and his cheek was starting to swell under the rag they were using as a gag. There were bruises along his wrist along with rope burns from trying to escape probably because of course Cas wouldn’t just stay put to wait for Dean to come.
“Now that you have your angel back or ex angel. A surprise that made it a lot easier for all of us actually,” Dean didn’t even turn around to face the talking demon as he started to untie Cas. “Let’s discuss our fair trade. I will ignore that you killed our people as long as you let our leader go.”
“Yeah, your leader is dead.”
“Gone. Fin. Rotting in my dungeon at home as we speak.”
“But we had a deal!”
“What you got me here, didn’t you? I’m sure there was something else that was supposed to happen.” Dean says as finally unties Cas and then removes the dirty gag rag. “Oh man, he’ll have to get some shots after having that in his mouth. You know how long it took me to convince him to get a flu shot.”
Dean was then thrown against the wall because of course, he was. The angry demon stalked towards him and Dean realized he left the blade by Cas’s side. He reached for the gun in his pocket only to be pinned to the wall now, a not so new trick he was also tired of. 
“I’m gonna guess that you’re not happy,” Dean said between his teeth as the woman stood in front of him. Her fingers reaching to caress his cheek, not creepy at all but most importantly he didn’t know where her hands have been. Everything in this dump was dirty. Dean’s gonna have to burn their clothes after this. “So, you wanna share your big overthrow the government plan or…?”
Of course, she did. Dean was only really half-listening as other demons started to walk in and make a beeline for Cas, who still rested unconsciously on the dirty chair. Dean delivered a threat to them to not touch his husband but of course, that was ignored as they reached to throw Cas over one of their shoulders. 
Then he heard the demon lady’s words, “Wait, Cas’s the bomb?”
“Who else can get close to the Queen?” She smiled with her black coal eyes sparkling. “Don’t worry you’ll work for us too. Get that brother of yours out of the way.”
“That’s a terrible plan.” Dean tried to turn his head towards the voice of his husband who must have hidden the blade somewhere because the next thing he knows he hears screaming then another scream and one more for good measure. “You should pick me up like that more often, Dean.”
Dean smiled as he rolled his eyes fondly. “I’ll do that now but I’m kind of preoccupied with the whole being stuck to the wall thing.”
“You suck at rescue missions.” Cas teased him as the demon waved her hand to try to push Cas against his own wall but Cas was quicker as he threw the blade across the room to be buried into the demon’s chest. 
Cas was by his side at once as he kneeled down beside Dean and took his face in his hands now, giving him a once over. He rested his forehead against Dean’s own and for a second they just sat still like that, letting the relief of the other being okay run through them but the demons running up the stairs had terrible timing. They also angered the scariest human in heaven and Dean loved seeing how badass Cas looked in a fight.
They called Sam after it was all over to let him know what happened and it was a quick call because his husband was being too grabby now.
“Don’t you dare kiss me until you brush your teeth!”
“Then let’s go home and take a hot shower together.”
“Fine but it won’t be sexy cause I’m scrubbing you clean.”
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simsadventures · 5 years
Another Day on the Job
Summary: You hunt with the Winchesters, while dating the older brother. When you get another werewolf case, it seems like it will be just another day hunting. But what if it turns out to be a literal nightmare?
Warnings: fluff, werewolves, angst, character’s death, swearing
Pairing: Dean Winchester x huntress!Reader
Word Count: 2077
A/N: This story has been requested by the special @flamencodiva​. Hopefully this story is something you guys will enjoy, despite the angst, or maybe because of it? ;) . Let me know what you guys thought :) xx Full request: May I request A Dean Winchester x Reader where the reader dives in front of him to protect him from a monsters attack?
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Dean Winchester Masterlist __ Masterlist
Dean looked around him and saw a familiar surrounding. A crappy motel room, with two queen-sized beds, faded yellow-green wallpaper with what probably used to be a floral design, one old and a shabby table with two different chairs sitting opposite each other, and a door ajar to the bathroom, which looked more like a scene from a shitty horror movie than anything else.
He sat up on the bed, and looked towards the table where you and Sam were sitting, both on your notebooks, clicking furiously, trying to find what killed those two couples.
Dean knew what killed them, it was fairly evident from the way the victims were mutilated, but the two of you just wanted to be 100% sure before you went on a hunt.
He slumped back on the bed and put his arms behind his head, just watching you work. He was fairly sure that if you saw him awake, you’d be pissed at him for not helping the two of you, but he really couldn’t be less bothered. It was a werewolf or a pack of them, and all you had to do was to take your silver bullets and get hunting.
You scrunched your nose at something you were reading, and Dean had to smile. He loved those little wrinkles around your eyes and nose from your grimaces. You always complained about them, but to Dean, there wasn’t a single thing he would change on you. You were perfect just the way you were.
From the way, your hair was all over the place when you woke up because you turned left and right the whole night, or the way you snorted when Dean said something really funny or stupid, he loved it all.
He was quite sure he was daydreaming when he heard a cough from the table, and when he looked back at you, he saw you staring at him with your brow raised. He smiled apologetically and got up to kiss your forehead, which made Sam roll his eyes at the two of you.
“Alright, so we know it was at least two different werewolves from the scarred tissue on the second and third victim, so we gotta prepare. There may be more, we can’t be sure, so just be ready, ok?” Sam said sternly, getting up from the table and going to get his bag full of handguns.
You looked at Dean, and you both rolled your eyes at Sammy’s behaviour. Sure, werewolves could be bitches, but it wasn’t anything you couldn’t handle. You’ve been through much worse than a bunch of crazy beasts, and so it seemed a little unnecessary for Sam to act so tough. But you weren’t about to protest, because you knew you’d get a lecture on safety and whatnot, and you weren’t in the mood, not that you ever were.
Dean pecked your lips lovingly, and you caressed his cheek, revelling at the feeling of his stubble under your fingertips. Dean loved it when you touched him, whether it was his cheek, his back, or little Dean, it didn’t matter to him. Your touch was like a remedy for him, and he sought it all the time.
You got up from the table and went to get your things, Dean hot on your heels, slapping your ass cheek in the process. You had to giggle at his childishness, and the sound was music to Dean’s ears.
He remembered the first time he heard your laugh and even then he thought it was the cutest sound he’s ever heard. It was at Jody’s party, which you attended because you have been Jody’s friend for years. When Dean saw you, he thought you were totally out of his league. You looked like a badass even from afar, and he knew that his regular moves wouldn’t be enough to get you where he wanted you.
Safe to say, it took him almost 6 months to even ask you out, and even then he was a stuttering mess, and you had to try really hard not to laugh at his adorably flushed face. But you went out with him, and he made sure you didn’t get away.
Five years later, you were still by his side, and you two were stronger than ever. Hunting together, eating junk food and drinking together, having so much sex even Dean had a hard time walking some days, this relationship was everything Dean ever dreamt of.
Dean snapped out of it when he realised you were walking out of the door to join Sammy by the Baby, and Dean rushed to get his own things, and he sprinted out of the door to get to the driving seat before Sam got any ideas.
The drive towards the place where you supposed the werewolves were hiding was filled with light chatter between you and Dean, talking about what you’d have for dinner, and what movie you wanted to see. There was one particular with Chris Evans that you were super excited about, and even though Dean knew it was most probably just to stare at Chris Evans for 2 hours straight, he agreed to watch it with you. At least then he could be there to cover your eyes if Evans was to put down his shirt… Dean wouldn’t want you to think of any other man in bed, and he would make sure that it never happened!
When you got to the abandoned cottage on the outskirts of the town, you both shut up and turned on your hunters’ modes. The ones where you were alert to any sound around you, listening to your instinct like it was speaking directly in your ear.
You squeezed Dean’s hand, something you always did before the actual hunt, and he squeezed back, telling you that the three of you got this. He was sure that it would be one of the easier hunts, and the three of you could be home by the next afternoon.
You crept towards the cottage, each brother taking a different side so that you had most of the ground covered, and when you saw the first werewolf, already turned into the monster, you hollered at the boys and attacked him.
What you thought would be a pack of three wolves at most, turned out to be one with 10 of them. There was a lot of yelling and guns firing, screeching and gurgling and whatnot, from the dying monsters in front of you.
From the corner of his eye, Dean saw that there were people in the cottage, tied up to chairs, probably waiting for slow deaths, and he felt pretty great to have come at that particular moment. He could be proud of all that hard work later when the man and the woman inside were actually free, and they could live their lives happily, even if probably traumatised for the rest of their lives.
Dean was lunging at his third werewolf because the guns just weren’t enough and he had to use his knife. Dean fought off the monster, only to have it lunge at him again, this time with much more strength. Still, it didn’t faze Dean, and so when the werewolf tried to attack his right side, Dean ducked and coming back up, he pierced the knife through its throat, slicing a clean line.
While he was busy doing that, he forgot to look around himself.
He thought all the werewolves were dead and so it came as a surprise when he heard a grave howl from somewhere behind him, and when he turned around, a werewolf was running straight to him. But because he was relatively close, Dean didn’t have the time to move, and so he just stood there, waiting for the inevitable.
He heard a pained scream, and when he looked down, he saw you in front of him, with a werewolf’s claw wedged deep inside your chest.
Dean heard himself yell, and he took the knife he was holding and shoved it deep inside the beast’s heart. He didn’t care what happened after that because he was too busy inspecting your injuries. And boy, were they bad.
“Stay with me, Y/N! You hear me? You’re gonna be alright, we just gotta call Cas real fast, baby,” Dean sobbed, not even realising he was crying until he felt something hot coming down his cheeks.
“‘M fine, babe! I’m always fine. It’s just a little scratch,” you whispered, your voice raspy and shaky.
Dean could see your eyes closing and the way you tried to fight their weight, but it was obviously stronger than you. He was praying like crazy for Castiel to come, to heal the love of his life because he couldn’t even begin to imagine what life would be like without you in it.
Your chest was now bleeding heavier and heavier, and when he looked around, he could see a bunch of dead werewolves, but not Sammy. Dean only hoped Sam was also praying to whoever was listening to come and help his girl.
“I love you, Dean, and I-“
“NO!” Dean yelled, hugging you to his chest tightly. “Don’t make it sound like you’re saying goodbye. You’re not going anywhere, you’ll be fine, you’ll be-“
When Dean looked down into his arms, he saw your lifeless body slumped against his chest, your eyes closed, and your mouth ajar.
Dean closed his eyes and chanted your name like a prayer, trying to think of something to do just to get you back. He could hear somebody calling his name, but it felt like it was too far away, and frankly, Dean didn’t care. He couldn’t concentrate on anything else but your dead form in his arms.
Something or someone was shaking his whole body, and when he opened his eyes, Dean saw your worried face staring down at him. He sat up so fast he almost hit your forehead.
He was breathing heavily, and he tried to remember where he was and what was happening. Was it Gabriel playing tricks again? Did he go to some kind of fantasy land to be able to be with you?
“Baby, what is going on? You were crying out my name while you were sleeping. Are you alright?” You asked him worriedly, touching his cheek in the process. This small move and the feeling in Dean’s stomach told him that this was very much real, that you were actually there with him, and that it wasn’t any trick or joke.
“We- we were on a werewolf hunt in Tacoma, and, and you jumped in front of me to save me and the beast got you and you fucking died in my arms!” Dean said, his breathing still shallow and heavy from all the panic he felt not moments ago.
You smiled at him and brought him to your chest, patting his head and letting your fingers wove into his hair to massage his scalp. When you finally felt his shoulders relax, and his breathing got back to normal, you pushed him away slightly, only to grab his face in your hands, making him face you.
“That hunt happened two weeks ago, Dean. And while I did try to get between you and the werewolf, Sammy was faster, and he shot it before it could actually hurt me. It scratched me, sure, but I’ve been through worse,” you smiled at him, and let him connect all the dots.
Dean suddenly realised that what you were saying was true. You had a little scar between your breast from the werewolf’s claw, but that was it. You didn’t die in his arms, nor did you even bleed that bad.
He sighed heavily, and let you draw him near you once again. Making your scent and your voice calm and soothe him enough that he could fall asleep again. It was all just a bad dream. But deep down, Dean knew that it could happen any day in this line of work, and he had to make sure you knew just how much you meant to him.
He would drive to the city tomorrow and buy you a ring. You deserved a fucking diamond for all you had to go through with him. He would make you his wife to show fate his middle finger. You two would survive this shit-show of a world. Or you would go down kicking. Both of you.
Supernatural Taglist
@voltage-my2dlove​ @defenderrosetyler​
Dean Taglist
Forever Tag:
@eileenalone​ @sasbb23​ @p8tn0lish​ @coffeebooksandfandom​ @waiting4inspiration​ @caswinchester2000​ @mogaruke​ @justthatfangirloverthere​ @mushyjellybeans​ @livsheph​ @sebbbystaaan​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @itsunclebucky​
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The Hunter, The Demon, And The Halfblood
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Crowley x Original Female Character
Chapters: One | Two | Three | Four
Series Warnings: A/B/O series, some Alpha/Beta/Omega dynamics, Alpha x Omega, obligatory smut warning here (as usual, no under 18′s please, specifics will be within chapter warnings as needed), violence, blood, fluff, angst, major character death, possession, swearing
Chapter 5
Words: 2,556
Crowley was glad to finally get Madelyn alone properly for a moment, knowing that none of them would come upstairs in a hurry.  He was still wishing it hadn't come to this, but neither of them had a choice now.
It was clear Madelyn was relieved to be alone as well, holding tightly to him as he led her to the bedroom door.
“You are far from alright,” Crowley said softly, allowing her to rest against the wall so he can get a proper look at her.  “Whatever am I going to do with you?”
Madelyn, despite the pain, grinned.  “I can think of several things.”
Crowley returned it, stepping in close so he can rest his forehead against hers.  “Don't let your brothers hear that, they're high strung enough about this as it is.”
“They'll get over it,” Madelyn closed her eyes, just allowing the two of them to be still. “Besides, once they find out the next part, they won't have a choice in the matter anyway.”
“They don't have a choice now,” Crowley growled, his hand hovering over the wound in her side.  “Nor, do I believe, did they ever have a choice.”
Madelyn sighs, her arms looping around his neck.  “I'm glad you're okay Crowley.”
Crowley relaxes and dips his head, placing a chaste kiss to her lips.  “I'm glad you're okay too love.”
She nudges his nose slightly with hers.  “You probably shouldn't stay up here too long, they'll start to wonder what happened.”
“Let them wonder,” Crowley's lips hovered over hers.  “There's something I have to do first.”
Madelyn hums as he pressed his lips back to hers, pressing her a little firmly against the wall, one hand just over the wound on her stomach.  The kiss is deep and slow, but it had more purpose than to just rile the other up.
A small trickle of blood ran down the corner of Madelyn’s lips, a small shudder going through her, her hands bunching in his jacket, trying to keep him close.
She had to break off, allowing herself to breath, both their lips stained red.
Crowley kissed her softly. “Does that feel better?”
“A little,” She breathes, her tongue sweeping over his bottom lip.  “You know they aren't going to like this.”
His thumb cleans the blood that had trickled down and presses it against her lips, allowing her to take it into her mouth.  “It doesn't have to come up.”
“They'll figure it out,” Madelyn said softly.  “And they are upset enough as it is without trying to hide that too.  Not to mention, if there is an…incident.”
Crowley thinks for a moment, clearly concerned, but sighs, pressing another soft kiss to her lips. “Go and get some rest love, I'm sure I can manage for a little while, as much as they probably don’t want me to.”
Madelyn smiles softly. “At least Casey won't come down, she loves curling up next to me still.”
“Something I hope she never grows out of.”  Crowley opened the door quietly for her, Casey still fast asleep in the bed.  “At least she seems to be resting easily.”
There was no hiding the worry in Madelyn's expression.  “I hope we've done what's right for her Crowley, I really do.”
Crowley nods and gently leads her in.  “Get some rest love.”
Madelyn blows him a kiss, letting Crowley smile as he closes the door.
She quietly gets herself comfortable on the bed, a soft smile coming to her as Casey stirs a little and instinctively curls into her side.  Madelyn couldn't tell her brothers yet, but she wouldn't trade Casey in for anything in the world, no matter what had happened in between all that.
Downstairs, Crowley had taken up Madelyn’s seat, aware, but ignoring, the three slightly impatient and uncomfortable glares from the three other men in the room.
“You're lucky you're getting this much,” Crowley said lightly.  “If I had it my way, details would be kept far more to a minimum.”
“Come on Crowley,” Dean growled.  “Just get on with it.”
Crowley shoots Dean a grin. “Well, as I was saying, your sister was far more intelligent than you two, and actually managed to finally track me down in all that pre-purgatory mess.  I wasn't too pleased about it, but I have to give credit where it’s due.”
Madelyn glared at Crowley, her arms folded across her chest.  “A compliment?  That's really what you're offering me?”
Crowley shrugs easily. “What would you prefer? A blade to your throat?  A gun to your head?  A compliment is far more entertaining.”
He wasn't a fool, he knew that she could reach for her gun quickly, and he also knew that there was a chance she could've learnt a new trick or two.  Madelyn was incredibly, and infuriatingly, resourceful.
For what it was worth though, Madelyn didn't seem to be there to fight.
She rolled her eyes, doing her best to hide her irritation.  “Right.  Look, you're the one in charge downstairs now, right?  So can you do anything about Sam's soul or not?”
“Why? Is he having performance issues?”
“Cut the shit Crowley,” Her eyes flashed dangerously at him.  “I'm not in the mood.  I know full well that you know what’s going on with those two.”
Crowley chuckled. “Always straight to it, makes a nice change.  To answer you honestly, no, I can't do anything for little Moose’s soul.  It's trapped in a little cage with a big bad Lucifer, and I have very little interest in that being opened again.  I'm sure you can understand why.”
Madelyn observes him, her mind thinking.  “And here I was thinking that the King of Hell would have access to all the perks.”
He knew her well enough by now to know that she was now just buying herself time, trying to get the information she needed.  “Don’t underestimate me darling, it wouldn’t be a wise decision considering just how vulnerable you are here.  Considering what you were going through last time as well…”
“Vulnerable?”  She raises an eyebrow, ignoring the second comment. “And here I was thinking that we’d built up enough of a rapport with each other to discuss things civilly.  Or did I actually make an error on that?”
Crowley chuckles, unable to help it.  “Oh, you are far too interesting for that Madelyn, unlike those brothers of yours, but if you actually stay here much longer, then I will have to take action.”
Madelyn’s eyes narrow on him, her eyes doing a quick scan of the room.  “What are you up to Crowley?  You’re being far too cautious and calm for your own good.  Especially around me.”
He smirks.  “Would you care to handle this one Feathers?”
The sigh from Castiel made her jump, quickly taking several steps back from the angel, eyeing between the two of them cautiously.
“I warned you not to go looking,” Castiel said, a little firmly to her.  “To stay with Sam and Dean.  It would’ve been far safer.”
“Like I’m going to listen to you, I barely listen to them.”  She said flatly.  “And the fact that you’re working with him, really doesn’t improve my opinion of you.”
Castiel sighed.  “This is an awkward enough situation as it is Crowley, why did you call me here?  Sam and Dean will be on us quicker than anything if something happens to her.”
“Have you currently seen Sam?”  Madelyn asked bitterly, cutting off Crowley.  “He’s just a little bit of an arsehole, which is the only reason I even ended up here. Discovering you two are up to something, however, is far more interesting, as here I thought not long having one apocalypse would’ve been more than enough for both of you, or am I reading that wrong?”
Castiel flinched, but Crowley held her gaze, amused.  “You’re acting like it’s not going to be beneficial.”
“And you’re acting like I’m going to trust the word of a demon and a renegade angel,” She replied. “Why don’t you both just cut the shit? Surely it must be tiring?”
Crowley smirks and his gaze moves to Castiel.  “I’m sure we can keep her out of the way somewhere, at least enough so the boy wonders won’t worry?”
Castiel sighed.  “It’s bad enough lying to them, let alone doing that as well.”
“What’s a few more lies?” Crowley shrugs.  “Besides, it’s one less hunter to work around.  A rather painful one at that.”
“Oh, I don’t think-” Madelyn collapses, a simple touch from Castiel rendering her unconscious.
Dean stares at Crowley.  “So who the hell was texting us throughout all that?”
Crowley smirks.  “Who do you think Dean?  Feathers lacked the imagination and I have to admit, it was a lot of fun.”
Dean pursed his lips, looking less than impressed.
Sam was frowning.  “So what, you just kept her aside somewhere?   I can’t imagine Maddie standing for that, nor do I remember her ever mentioning it.”
There was no missing the slight unease in Crowley’s expression.  “Well, there may have been a good reason for that, and before you all start saying something, it was unintentional on both our parts.”
They stared at him, Bobby sighing heavily.  “Let me guess, you underestimated her.”
“A little,” He admitted.  “I wasn’t quite expecting the determination she would have in trying to get herself out of the situation, no matter how comfortable I made it for her.”
“Comfortable?”  Dean growled. “Like you would ever make something comfortable for one of us.”
“You need to understand,” Crowley said.  “At that time, I was still intending to get her onside.  One can hardly do that through torture, especially to a Winchester, not to mention Feathers was more than determined to keep her whole.  So yes, we tried to make her comfortable, as much as I’m sure that seems strange to you.”
“But you both forgot that it was Mads,” Bobby shook his head. “The only time she is comfortable is out on the road hunting.”
“Yes, or at least making my life a living hell,” Crowley said. “Which is exactly what she did once she learnt the…routine of things.  See, Castiel and I were hardly going to let anyone else near her, and as Castiel was usually strongly invested in keeping you three occupied, especially after Sam got his soul back, then it left me to keep things as civil and normal as possible.”
“Unfortunately,” He continued.  “She quickly made other plans.  Managed to construct herself a devils trap for me.  I thought we could’ve avoided the whole situation by not giving her anything to write or hurt herself with, however, as usual with you Winchester’s, you are more resourceful than that.  She crafted herself a small weapon, one that would go unnoticed, and slowly, I would imagine quiet painfully, constructed herself a devils trap out of her own blood.”
Sam sighed.  “Of course she did, and judging by the way this is going, you walked straight into it?”
Crowley looks less than pleased.  “It wasn’t my finest moment.  I had gotten…complacent…with her.  I had figured that I had her exactly where I wanted her.”
“Just another wonderful day in paradise,” Crowley said as he enters the room, barely even glancing at Madelyn, who was leaning against the headboard of a large, bare bed, glaring at him.  “Don’t worry, I’m sure your brothers will notice you missing eventually.  Although, their returning messages give zero indication of suspecting anything.”
“Funny,” She said thickly, not moving from the bed.  “I wasn’t aware that I had to rely on them for rescue.”
He places some food and drink down at the table, casting her a smirk.  “I never said you did darling, but you do seem to be taking this all rather well, all things considered.”
If he’d been paying proper attention, he would’ve seen the small makeshift blade she was spinning in her hand.
“Like I’ve had much of a choice,” She clipped.  “But don’t worry, I promise I’m coming up with all sorts of plans for you.”
Crowley chuckles. “Now that I like to hear.  Only good plans I hope?”
Her eyes flash. “You’ll just have to wait and find out.”
To Crowley, the interaction had been no different to normal, however, as he went to leave, still chuckling, he found himself suddenly frozen in his steps, unable to move any further.
He glances down and discovers that it hadn’t been the carpet he’d been walking on, that the sheets from the bed were covering what was clearly made beneath it.
Madelyn smirks. “Getting a little out of touch, are we?”
Crowley glares at her. “And just what is it you intend to do here, darling?  You still can’t leave this room, and if you keep me locked up like this, then there’s going to be no more food and drink coming in.”
“Guess we’re at a bit of an impasse then,” She said lightly.  “Because you’re not getting out of that trap unless I say so.”
“It’s on carpet-”
“And I’ve been here for a while now,” She said.  “Don’t think I haven’t thought this through Crowley, you’ve given me more than enough for that.  I would’ve thought you’d know by now, never let a woman, especially a hunter, think too long, you never know what she’s going to come up with.”
He grits his teeth. “So, what is your suggestion then?”
Madelyn shrugs. “Honestly, at the moment, this is more than amusing for me.  The oh so powerful King of Hell, trapped and powerless, and the only one that can come and save him is off somewhere, more than likely, looking after my brothers.” She grins.  “Who’s the damsel in distress now?”
Crowley wasn’t impressed, although he could applaud her tenacity.  His eyes narrowed her for a moment, a sudden thought occurring to him, a slow grin coming to him, one she doesn’t notice, preoccupied with the blade in her hand.  “Oh darling, I do believe that that is still you.”
“Oh?” She said, only half interested.  “And what makes you come to that conclusion?”
“Your heat,” He said casually, making the knife stop in her hand as she glances at him.  “Just how many tablets do you have left?  No doubt you got a stern warning from the doctors about it after our last encounter.”
Madelyn scoffs and keeps spinning the knife, but her voice wasn’t as convincing as she wanted it to be.  “Keep dreaming.  I have myself well and truly within control.”
“We’ll see,” Crowley said lightly, deciding to play her game pulling up a chair and sitting down. “I seem to remember the last time I found you that you were almost wild with it.  This time, I can promise, I won’t be so generous as to get you to a hospital.”
She makes an indignant noise as she gets up from the bed.  “Hoping to put me in my place Crowley?  Fat chance.”
He shrugs.  “I won’t have to do anything.  You’re going to beg me for it.”
Madelyn makes a disgusted noise and strides past him, heading to the bathroom.  “Good luck winning this one.  We’ll see who cracks first.”
Crowley smirks as the door closes behind her.  “Oh, we’ll definitely see love, but it’s not going to go the way you want it too.”
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
9x01: I Think I’m Gonna Like it Here
Errm, we forgot a season opener episode...so here’s 9x01 for your enjoyment :)
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Heaven’s doors closed, kinda
Sam and Dean are on the road discussing the fallen angels, and how they’re going to tackle this new situation. Well, Sam is. Dean keeps driving until he tells Sam they have a far more pressing matter than that, or Metatron, or Cas. “You’re dying, Sam.” 
Indeed he is. They’re not in the Impala. They’re in a hospital and Sam’s attached to a bunch of wires and machines. 
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The doctor gives Dean the bad news that Sam has severe internal injuries and his recovery is “in God’s hands.” Lol, it REALLY is. And ol’ Chuck isn’t going to let one of his favorite characters die! He does like to see them tortured though. Dean loses his shit, because, at this stage in the game, God isn’t playing. 
He goes to the chapel AND PRAYS TO CAS. 
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He tells Cas that whatever happened, they’ll work it out. “Please man, I need you here.” Dean looks up and is shocked that Cas isn’t there. AND I’M EMOTIONAL. He has so far to go. But also, I feel so bad for him right now. Anyway, he gives it about 5 seconds before he puts out an open call to any angel willing to help.   
Business angel, Tractor angel, and Helo all take the call. 
Memory Lane Alert:
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Sam continues to have a mental conversation with Dean in the Impala. Dean has a plan, and Sam just needs to hang on. Sam thinks he’s lying (and LIKE, is this his brain trying to rationalize death? Bobby shows up to argue yes.)
In Longmont, Colorado, on a lonely stretch of road, we find Cas. He’s walking and is overwhelmed with angel radio whitenoise. 
For Cas Looks So Fucking Good In This Episode Science:
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Also, a crazy driver that nearly kills him. The guy offers to give him a lift to a phone. Cas agrees, adding, “I would fly but I have no wings, not anymore.” 
I need a  moment.
Sam continues to deteriorate. I enjoy the snark in Sam’s mind that he saved Bobby from Hell. Anyway, Bobby and Dean continue to argue about whether Sam should or shouldn’t live. Bobby pulls Sam from the car and they land in a forest. 
Cas’s ride drops him off at a filling station and gives him some money. Cas accepts it reluctantly, insisting he does eat. Meanwhile, a woman watches Cas from a car.
Cas reaches the pay phone, currently in use.
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He doesn’t want to hurt the guy, but this is an emergency. The guy is very polite when he tells Cas to try and hurt him. Cas tries the old fingers to the forehead trick. Nothing happens. He tries the old whole hand to the forehead trick (isn’t that usually a smiting move? <nervous side-eye emoji>) The guy brushes Cas’s hand away and tells him that he’s going to finish his call, and then stab Cas. Cas walks away in a daze. 
The woman from the car approaches him. She knows Castiel. She’s an angel named Hael. 
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A grief counselor comes to talk to Dean, but he’s not done fighting. 
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He realizes that he has the King of Hell in his trunk (not yet you don't ...I think I’ve used that joke before, but it never gets old.) Before he can get Crowley out of the Impala’s trunk, Business angel attacks. He’s looking for Castiel. Dean isn’t talking. Helo pops up and gets into fisticuffs with Business angel. He distracts him enough for Dean to stab Business angel in the back. Helo assures Dean that he’s here to help him, and then passes out. 
Hael and Cas talk about the angels falling and life in Heaven. So many angels are afraid of this unknown new order. 
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Cas assures her there is nothing to be afraid of, and there is something better on Earth. Oh, you poor Humanity loving fool, Cas. He makes a case for Free Will. 
Dean puts Helo in a ring of fire to interrogate him. His name is Ezekiel. And he is not here to hurt Dean or Cas. He’s here to help. 
Sam and Bobby take a nature walk while Bobby chips away and Sam’s uncertainty of dying. 
Dean brings Ezekiel to Sam. 
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Dean’s phone rings while Gadreel examines Sam. It’s CAS! Insert EXTREME HEART EYES HERE. 
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Cas briefly explains that Metatron tricked him, but Dean overrides Cas’s discussion of the angel apocalypse for a more pressing matter: Sam’s dying. Cas explains that he can’t heal him without his grace, but that also doesn’t matter! Ezekiel is a “good soldier,” according to Cas, so Sam’s in good hands. Dean warns Cas that angels are after him and he needs to get to the bunker, do not pass GO, do not trust anybody else. 
The hospital shakes as another angel circles a vessel. Dean grabs a dry erase marker and starts scrawling angel warding all over Sam’s hospital room. He leaves Ezekiel there to heal Sam while he races through the hospital trying to clear it out. 
Cas tries to extricate himself from Hael’s company. “This is your chance to help people. Help yourself.” Cas, you altruistic sunflower! Hael rewards this by whacking him across the head with a plank.
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When he wakes up, Hael explains that she couldn’t let Cas go. She blames Cas for the fall but she can use Cas…
Dean confronts angels in the hospital, including the now-possessed grief counselor. 
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In Sam’s head, he arrives outside a cabin. Bobby tells him that the cabin will end his life and wishes him well when suddenly he is STABBED! Sam’s projection of Dean killed him. “Bobby was the part of you that wants to die,” Dean explains...uh...reasonably? He starts to punch Sam in rage, trying to get him to fight for his life. “I can’t help you if you ain’t willing to fight for yourself!” Sam...knows that. And...he’s not willing to fight anymore. 
Sam heads for the cabin.
Real Dean is in his own pickle. Grief counselor angel hauls him around, demanding to know where Cas is or Sam’s gonna die bloody. Dean refuses to give up Cas. He’s bloody and exhausted, but blasts the angels out with a banishing sigil. He heads in to check on Sam. Ezekiel sits slumped in a chair. Between the banishing sigil and the warding, he’s incredibly weak and can’t heal Sam. There are “no good ways” to save Sam so Dean, being Dean, asks about the bad ones. 
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Ezekiel thinks he can save Sam by possessing him, but Dean knows that Sam would rather die than be possessed. Ezekiel brings Dean into Sam’s head so he can see how bad it is. 
Dean witnesses Death talking to Sam. Death tells Sam that he played a good game! Sam asks for a boon from Death: he doesn’t want to come back. At. All. He doesn’t want anybody else to get hurt because they tried to save him. SAM BBY!
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Dean “There’s Another Way” Winchester is appalled. 
Cas is still trapped with an angel Heaven-bent on possessing him. He looks around at the tools at hand. An angel blade. An angel new to cars and driving. He puts on his seat belt. (Side bar: is this the first time any of our heroes has EVER put on a seat belt???) Cas hauls at the wheel, steering the car towards concrete barriers. 
At the hospital, Dean unpacks the proposal. Ezekiel possesses Sam and they both heal together. When Sam’s better, Ezekiel leaves. 
In a wrecked car, Cas wakes up from his second head injury in an hour or so. He unbuckles his seatbelt and stumbles out. Sprawled ahead of the car is Hael. She’s looking...really bad with her body snapped in some really unfortunate ways. Cas swears to help her - and all the angels. It’ll be his life’s work! “I’m one of you. I will never stop being one of you!” She tells him all the angels despise him. BRB weeping!
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He tries to walk away, but she vows to reveal him to the rest of the angels if he leaves her. Cas kills her to save himself. So…...first day as a human? Not going super great. 
Sam prepares to die. Dean stops him from leaving the cabin! (Dean apologizes to Death for not bringing cronuts. I forgot those were a thing!) Sam wants to know why Dean is even there. “You gotta let me in, man. You gotta let me help! There ain’t no me if there ain’t no you.” 
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Sam says….yes to being saved. Dean transforms into Ezekiel and light fills Sam’s head.
Outside the hospital, Dean and Ezekiel walk and talk. Ezekiel reports that Sam’s in super rough shape. He also suggests that Sam not be told he’s possessing him. If Sam knows he’s possessed, he’ll expel Ezekiel and then die. Dean’s not happy with that plan, but he agrees to hide the truth from Sam. Adding icing to the cupcake of betrayal, Ezekiel promises to erase Sam’s memories of almost dying in the hospital. Oh dear. 
Cas winds up at a laundromat. He’s bloodied and injured, and I guess these are just...normal laundromat experiences? It’s really sad! Unlucky Cas!
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But I’m getting ahead of myself because the laundromat experience is also THIS. Lucky us!
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Cas loads his clothing into the washer, but he has very little money. He steals clothing and uses his change to buy something to eat and drink instead. 
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In the car, Sam wakes up slowly. Dean asks him how he feels. Sam gets the dollar recap of the angels falling and NOTHING ELSE PERTINENT. Sam’s ready to jump back into the fight and Dean feels G R E A T about it.
Shirtless Quotey:
This one goes out to any angel with their ears on. This is Dean Winchester and I need your help
I would fly, but I have no wings
Let's go see the Grand Canyon, then
Anybody ever tell you you hit like an angel?
There ain't no me if there ain't no you
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chipper9906 · 4 years
And Then You Were Gone, In A Rush Of Colors
Pairing: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 6105
WARNINGS: Major Character Death (Temporarily), Violence, Blood
Status: Oneshot- Complete
Summary: He hadn't noticed, at first. Not until he stumbled back slightly away from Castiels body, eyes fixating on the open wound from the angel blade, and realising with a sickening horror that it was no longer a dark gray.
It was striking, so vibrant that it demanded his attention.
'This is red.'
Set during Episode 3 of Season 9, "I'm No Angel", in an alternate universe where you see colors the first time you touch your soulmate.
* * *
Dean never really liked the concept of having a soulmate. Except, that wasn't entirely true. He ate that shit up as a kid, seeing the happiness that radiated off his parents whenever they were together, his mom ensuring him that "Someday, you'll have that with your soulmate. And you'll be so happy to have found them, that you probably won't even notice the colors."
The colors...
How could he not notice them, if they were to appear? Nearly forty years of living on an Earth that consisted solely of different shades of a muted gray, he was fairly certain he'd take notice of seeing everything in a completely different way, no matter how happy he was feeling.
When he had asked a hunter that had found his soulmate what it was like out of plain curiosity, it was hard not to get frustrated at his attempts at explaining it. It wasn't his fault, of course. How do you describe something that the other person has never seen?
Obviously, it's not all about the colors. No, that was just a side part of what was really happening.
Meeting your soulmate, for the very first time.
Two souls destined to become entwined, finally being joined together. Like the final piece of a puzzle, where everything falls into place.
In his teenage years, the idea didn't appeal to him all that much. Despite being told countless times how his soulmate would be the perfect person for him, the idea that the person he is to spend the rest of his whole life with was already chosen for him seemed completely unfair. It would become such a huge part of his life, shouldn't he get to decide who he loves?
That wasn't the biggest problem, though. The problem was, as much as he hated to admit it, the thought of having a soulmate was terrifying to him. Not when he finds them, but when he loses them.
Because in their line of work, it's inevitable. Getting close to someone is a risky game that almost always ends in death and suffering.
The first time he had seen the effects of losing your soulmate was with his dad. He barely has any memories of his father before Mary was so untimely ripped away from him. He does remember how different his dad felt after. It became a rarity to see him smile, and he became cold and distant, even to his own sons. He no longer had the comforting touch of a loving wife, and now the only respite he found was at the bottom of a bottle.
Dean has already lost people he cared about, was keenly aware of the pain that brought on. But he knew that it wouldn't even begin to compare to the pain he would feel in losing his soulmate, and he just doesn't think he would have the emotional capacity to deal with it. He would fall right into the steps of his father; a bitter, ageing man who no longer had a purpose in his life than that of revenge.
Sometimes, he isn't sure whether seeing what happened to Sam with Jess validated his opinion more, or made him see the other side to having a soulmate. After all, he'd be blind not to see just how happy Jessica made Sam. He could feel it radiating off of his little brother the second he introduced him to Jess, and it had pained Dean slightly to see how happy Sam had been without him.
Once, and only once, when they had both had a bit too much to drink, Dean had asked Sam what it was like to have a soulmate.
"It was kind of like... I don't know, like being with them was as natural as breathing. Like you had already known them your whole life."
Dean had never regretted asking a question as much as when he asked Sam if he had a favorite color, as the smile on his face as he reminisced about his time with Jess dropped from his face.
"Yellow. It was the first color I noticed. It was bright and just... there. Screaming at you to notice. It was..." Sam trailed off slightly, bringing the bottle of beer up to his lips and drinking deeply from it. "It was the last color to go, faded with all the others not long after..."
Dean didn't need to hear the rest.
Seeing other people, strangers, out on the streets with their soulmate, seeing how blissfully happy they were would always ignite a deeply buried part of Dean that yearned for that kind of connection. But it was buried down for a reason, as he had come to accept that the negatives far outweighed the positives, especially for a hunter.
Now, every fleeting touch from a stranger that passed by, every accidental brush of a hand from a witness or an officer, every person he fell into bed with, he hoped that there would be no flash of color, no sudden spark of realization. He hoped that he would live the rest of his life in gray.
Then again, he is Dean Winchester. It seemed that God himself had it out for him, because his worst nightmare came true in the cruelest way that even he couldn't have seen coming.
To say that the past few weeks had been an emotional roller-coaster would be an understatement. First, finding out that the trials of heaven were going to kill Sammy, trying to stop Sam before he finished the last trial, only to realize the damage had already been done. And all at the same time, seeing the angels be cast down from heaven onto earth, feeling the dread in the pit of his stomach that one of them could be Cas.
As it turned out, it would have been easier. It felt like he was being pulled apart by fear. The fear of knowing that without some sort of miracle, that Sam wasn't going to make it. Then there was the other overwhelming fear, the fear that there was a reason that Castiel wasn't responding to his prayers.
Just... Not the reason he was expecting. Human. Castiel was human now. Human, and very alone. He wouldn't be able to zap on over to them in a millisecond as he once did. Metatron had spat him out in the middle of nowhere, and it killed Dean that he couldn't just drop everything to go find him and bring him home. No, he couldn't do that to Sammy. Not when he was hanging onto life by a thread.
If he was being honest with himself, he wasn't sure why he was praying to Castiel in the first place. It had become a sort of reflex to him how, whenever facing something that seemed out of his control.
Castiel was an angel. A soldier of God. He had fought tooth and nail through hell, to drag Dean's soul out of there. He had patched Dean's soul back together, knitted his ripped apart body back together, and placed his soul back where it belonged.
Castiel was pure power. Almost like a 'fix it' button, where having him nearby automatically made him feel safer, knowing that an angel had his back.
Then again, even if Castiel was still an angel, would he have been able to heal Sam? Castiel had said it himself, the trials were damaging Sam in a way that even he couldn't fix. So if that was the case, what was there left to do? What could he possibly do, to save the life of his little brother?
As he had said, only a miracle could save Sam now. Praying to the other angels was a risky move, considering he had managed to single-handedly piss nearly all of them off by putting a stop to the apocalypse. Who knew that putting a wrench in God's plan would anger a bunch of all-mighty beings whose only purpose was to serve God?
But then, the miracle was received, his prayer had been answered. An angel; Ezekiel, had taken pity on him. Knowing how angels actually were (Especially when he thought back to the way Castiel was the first few months he knew him), having an angel willing to help was... Very un-angel like.
Still, he wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth. If this angel said he would be able to save Sam, he had to take that chance, right? Even if it meant tricking his little brother into letting Ezekiel in, that was just a sacrifice that had to be made. He would take a pissed off Sam over a dead Sam any day.
For the first time in a long time, things were looking up. There was still the stress and worry in the back of his mind that Castiel had yet to find his way to the bunker, especially considering he had no way of contacting Cas. Despite that, Sam was getting better. Sam's coughing fits were now far and few between, and he no longer saw that dark stain on Sam's tissues that he knew to be blood. Once Sam was well enough again, they'd finally be able to go and find Cas, no problem.
Except, it doesn't work that way. Not when Ezekiel is telling him that Castiel is now a wanted man. That now the angels on earth, filled with fury at being kicked from their home, are pinning the blame solely on Castiel. They want their revenge, and Dean would be scared for him even if he was still an angel.
But he's not. Castiel is out God knows where, as mortal as they are, possibly with no idea that there are a group of seriously ruffled angels after him.
So that's how they find themselves where they are now, racing towards the room they had been told where Castiel is, with no clue if they were too late. If the reaper had gotten to him before they could.
There's no time to lose. The two of them come to a skidding halt in front of the door, and Dean brings up a foot to kick harshly at the weak spot beside the handle to the door. The wood splinters and shrieks from the force, flinging open and nearly rebounding into the both of them as they charge through.
Dean was certain he had never had a feeling of relief taken from him as quickly as he had. The few seconds he caught a glimpse of Castiel, admittedly looking a little worse for wear, but alive. Then, his gaze had slipped over to the red-headed reaper crouched over him, angel-blade still firmly grasped in her hand.
The relief was yanked away before the blade had even pierced Castiel’s abdomen.
Charging at her doesn't get him far. Well, not towards her, anyway. Her hand is in the air, and then so is he, catching himself on the top of the kitchen counter before slamming into the wall, sliding back down to the floor. Through his disorientation, he sees a flash of movement where Sam tries the exact same thing as him, only to get the same treatment. Sam sails through the air, crashing into the closet on the other side and disappearing into a pile of neatly hung clothes and shattered wood panels.
The reaper kicks away the angel blade he had dropped, and he knows she's saying something, but he isn't listening. He's solely focused on being as quiet as he can, sneaking closer and closer and as she moves towards Sam.
Something shiny glints out of the corner of his eye, and he sees the handle of the angel blade sticking out from Cas. His heart constricts painfully at the sight, but now is not the time.
Now, this bitch has to die.
He yanks the blade out of Cas, holding it tightly in his hand as he approaches. Watching her strike Sam in the face once he struggles to his feet only adds fuel to the fire, making it all too satisfying to see the shock in her face when he pushes that blade right through her stomach, watching the bright flash of light pour from her entire slowly fade away.
He can barely hear anything through the sound of his blood pounding in his ears, staring down at the reaper's body with complete disdain. It's like a painful electric shock when he remembers why they're there, head snapping over to Castiel, hanging onto the foolish hope that he might have survived.
"Cas?" Dean asks, the blade slipping from his fingers and dropping to the floor, racing over to Castiel’s side.
"Cas?" He tries again, this time louder, as if calling his name louder might wake him up. He lifts his arms up, splaying out his hands on Castiel’s shoulders before moving them up to grasp desperately at his face, searching for any sign of life. A twitch of a muscle, the rise and fall of his chest, anything.
His voice breaks as his throat tightens, the realization he had tried so hard to force away beginning to sink in.
That's when it happens.
He hadn't noticed, at first. Not until he stumbled back slightly away from Castiel’s body, eyes fixating on the open wound from the angel blade, and realizing with a sickening horror that it was no longer a dark gray.
It was striking, so vibrant that it demanded his attention. 'This is red' his mind helpfully supplies as he stared down at Castiel, dumbstruck by what he was seeing.
Castiel’s skin was no longer a light shade of white, now replaced by a tan color that, as he looks down at his own hands in shock, realizes it is nearly the same as his own, if not slightly darker.
In normal circumstances, he would be taking in his surroundings, drinking in all the new pleasing visuals, matching names to colors for the first time in his life.
That's not what he's thinking about right now. Right now, it's the gut-wrenching, heart punching fact that for the past five years, his soulmate was standing right in front of him, unbeknownst to the both of them.
Angels were never assigned a soulmate because, well, they don't have souls. But then Cas became human, and he must have developed his own soul. Or perhaps this was God's plan all along, for Cas to be the exception? The one angel to be given a soul.
After all this time, it was his best friend he was destined to spend the rest of his life with.
And now, Cas was gone.
He had always told himself that he didn't want a soulmate. That it simply wasn't worth the pain. Now, he wished he had known sooner. He wished the world had bloomed into color the second he pushed that blade into Castiel’s heart, the first time they met. Even if it made losing him all the more painful, what hurt more was knowing that all this time, he could have been with his soulmate.
It was too cruel, for him to find out the truth after Castiel had already been taken away from him.
"No..." Dean whispers in disbelief, standing up and taking a few unsteady steps backwards.
Already, the colors were beginning to fade. He hadn't had them for long, and yet, he could still see that his vision had begun to change. They were still there, but not as... Demanding. Not as there, in your face. They were beginning to dull, and Dean knew it wouldn't be long before everything returned to the murky shades of gray, black and white.
Something shuffles around over to the side, and he glances over to see that Sam had managed to get to his feet, staring down at Castiel’s body, laid out on the armchair. Dean's vision is brought back to Castiel, such a painful thing to see, yet he can't find it in himself to look away.
"Sam, he's gone," Dean tells him, and saying it out loud only seems to make it feel all the more real, does nothing but make the heartache in his chest grow stronger.
Sam moves forward, towards Castiel’s body, and drops down to his knees as Dean had, earlier before. Dean briefly wonders if Sam needs the time to mourn as he does, but then looks to Sam in utter confusion when he gently holds a hand over Castiel’s body.
In the commotion of everything, he had somehow almost forgotten that there was an angel taking shelter inside his brother. Watching an angel heal is still such a miraculous sight as it was the first time he saw it, the cuts and open stab wounds seemingly being erased, replaced by smooth, untouched skin.
As the last of the cuts disappear from Castiel’s body, Sam suddenly bolts up to his feet, stumbling backward at the movement and crashing back into the wall, collapsing down to the floor. There's a few seconds where he watches Sam in complete bewilderment before the concern for his brother wins out, taking a few steps towards him with his arms outstretched.
So many times he had heard that deep, gravelly voice calling his name. He had heard it yelled in fury or in panic, heard it muttered in frustration, and heard it spoken in the most uninterested, monotone angel tone, back when Cas still followed the rules to a tee.
Hearing Cas his soulmate call his name now, had never sounded better.
"Hey... Hey! Yeah..." He spluttered out, rushing back over to Cas side and placing his hand on Cas side once again, letting it slide down to his leg as he takes in Castiel’s confused expression.
Castiel’s eyes go wide as he stares up at Dean, then snapping over to Sam's unconscious form on the floor nearby.
"And Sam." Castiel finishes, looking back to Dean, still with the wide-eyed expression on his face.
It suddenly hits Dean that maybe, Castiel was seeing everything in color for the first time, and he can't even begin to imagine how confused Castiel must be feeling right now, not only having no idea why he's suddenly seeing in color, but also how in the hell he's even alive right now.
Though, judging by the way he's looking at Dean, eyes darting down to the hand resting on his leg, he seems to be starting to figure the former out.
"Cas...? " Sam says in confusion, his expression matching his voice. "You're okay?"
Castiel doesn't seem to know how to answer that, remaining silent as he looks up to Dean, trying to figure out how he was okay after being stabbed through the stomach by April. It happened, he knew it had happened. He felt the agonizing, fiery pain as it pierced through his body, and within seconds, it was gone. Everything was gone.
Castiel couldn't help but feel slightly puzzled when Dean pushes up and away from him, his worried expression changing into a hardened, much more familiar guarded expression he was used to seeing from Dean.
As it turns out, Dean was right. Losing his soulmate had been one of the more incredibly painful moments of his life. And now that he had gone through it, he never, ever wanted to experience it again.
"Never do that again!" He demands, keeping his voice low and scratchy as not to reveal how vulnerable he was feeling right now.
Castiel blinks up at him in bewilderment before answering with a somewhat unsure sounding "Alright."
Not exactly the answer Dean was hoping for, but at this point, he was way too relieved to care all that much. He takes a slight step back, wiping a hand down his face as if he could wipe away the leftover adrenaline with it. There was a lot they were going to have to talk about, especially considering Castiel might not even know that he is his soulmate. It must be quite a shock to Castiel, both coming back to life and suddenly seeing everything in color, especially since no angel had ever had a soulmate before.
Once he drops his hand back down from his face, Dean notices that Castiel is still staring at him, as if he's seeing him for the first time in his life. It was starting to make Dean feel uncomfortable, seeing the way Castiel seemed to be analyzing every inch of him, his eyes frequently darting back to study his face.
"Cas, you... Stupid question, but you alright buddy?"
Castiel keeps staring at him for a few more seconds before he opens his mouth to answer. He doesn't speak right away, instead closing his mouth again and swallowing deeply, not taking his eyes off Dean's face as he finally responds.
"Your eyes..." Castiel murmurs in amazement, the faintest of a smile twitching at the corner of his lips. "They're green..."
A bark of laughter escapes Dean, relief bubbling from him after all that tension, all that terror. He shakes his head slightly, chuckling fondly at the gobsmacked sounding tone of Castiel’s voice.
His laughter slowly begins to die off, though he still has a small smile on his face, matching the one Castiel was giving him in return. At the same time, he racked his brain to figure out a way to bring up, well, this.
He wasn't sure if it had always been there between the two of them, if he had never noticed or perhaps, pretended not to notice it. But now, knowing that Castiel was his soulmate, it felt impossible to ignore. He wondered if Castiel felt it too, struggling to imagine any kind of situation where Castiel had felt it in the past.
But now, seeing the way Castiel was looking at him, he knew something had changed.
'Screw words' is what briefly flutters through his mind as he drops back down in front of Castiel, grasping the sides of his face in his hands and kissing him for all he's got. He's well aware of the fact that Sam is still in the room, having seen him struggle back to his feet a few moments before.
Castiel’s eyes briefly widen at this as his hands shoot up to grab at Dean's arms that were still holding his face, feeling quite dumbstruck by what was happening. Something that he never thought could happen between him and Dean.
His fingers loosen their death grip in Dean's jacket, knuckles no longer as tight and wound up, relaxing into a softer hold. He can feel the slight tremor of Dean's muscles under his skin, still shaking from everything that had happened.
A somewhat awkward-sounding cough breaks them apart, and they both look over to a red-faced Sam, who is staring down at the floor as if there was nothing more important right now than the state of his shoes.
"Apologies, Sam." Castiel is first to break the silence, seeing that Dean was trying his best not to laugh at the unapologetic sounding apology, even though he was feeling a little bit embarrassed himself.
"Yeah, uh, sorry Sammy." Dean adds onto the apology.
"It's just uh..." Dean looks out to the window, a new color catching his eye. Almost immediately, he realizes which one it is, and turns back to his brother with a grin. "I can see why yellow was your favorite color"
Dean wished he had a camera on him right at that time to record Sam's reaction. First, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion along with his tilted head, and Dean could physically see the gears turning in his head. Better yet was when it all clicked into place, mouth dropping open slightly, eyebrows no longer furrowed but instead raised up near to his hairline, eyes following his own finger which was switching between pointing at Dean, and then Castiel.
"You... Cas... Is he your..."
"You know Sam, it quite interesting how similar, yet also so different your eyes are to Dean’s. The base color is the same, and yet... I can see Dean’s in them, but at the same time, they're very much your own." Castiel notes, always the observant one.
"Huh," is all Sam can say to that, huffing out a laugh, looking up at the ceiling in exasperation. "Guess I owe Charlie twenty bucks now."
Before Dean even has a chance to ask what that even meant, Sam began to sway on the spot, quickly shooting a hand to steady himself on the wall behind. Dean was up from his crouched position in a flash, holding out his own arm for support if Sam needed it. It's only a few seconds before Castiel is by his side, concern on his face as he watches Sam try to blink away his incoming unconsciousness.
"Sammy?" Dean asks worriedly, ready to catch Sam if he was to drop to the floor.
"I'm okay. I'm okay... Just... A little wiped out. Think I hit my head pretty hard when that reaper threw me." Sam reassured them, raising a hand to his throbbing head as he spoke.
"C'mon, shake it off man. Cas got stabbed and he walked it off." Dean attempted to joke, though fails to deliver the line as well as he usually would through his concern.
"Yeah... How did you walk that off?" Sam asked, pushing himself back up and away from the wall, keeping one arm pressed against the wall, just in case. "We both saw it. You looked... You looked pretty dead to me."
"I don't know what happened," Castiel answered honestly, glancing down at his own bare chest and stomach, which was no longer littered with cuts.
"I felt April stab me, and then... Then I was awake."
"Hey, as long as you're alive, and you're you, I'm not going to question it too much," Dean deflected their questions, resting a hand on Castiel’s shoulders and giving it a fond squeeze. "You have no idea how glad I am to have you back."
Sam's pained groan snaps the two of them out of their gaze, gentle smiles replaced with worried frowns as Sam rubs at his painful head.
"I think... I think I need to go lie down for a while. I'm not feeling too hot." Sam mumbles to them, already stumbling past them and towards the door.
"Sammy," Dean calls after him, pulling Baby's keys out of his pocket and tossing them to Sam, who had stopped and turned in the doorway.
"Get yourself settled. Me 'n Cas need to talk for a bit." Dean instructs, gesturing at the dead body of April and the mess they had made in the scuffle.
Sam gives him a thankful, but weak smile in response, tucking the keys away in his pocket before making his way out of the room, heavy footsteps leading away through the hall before becoming too quiet to hear.
Now, it was just the two of them. Castiel has a hand on his own arm as he shuffled somewhat awkwardly on his feet, trying to figure out how best to approach the subject and break the silence they had found themselves in. Dean meanwhile was stuck between looking at Castiel and the dead reaper on the ground, a million questions in his head, no idea which one he should ask first.
"So, uh... We gonna talk about this?" Dean asked, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck.
"We probably should."
"You're gonna have to give me a minute here. It’s... A lot to take in."
"I don't really understand what's happening myself. Angels were never supposed to have soulmates."
"But you're not-"
"Not an angel anymore. But Dean, I'm not the first angel to lose their grace and turn mortal. It’s rare, and usually kept quiet, but it's happened. Never, in any of those times, has the angel been given a soulmate. It just... Doesn't happen."
"So, what does this mean? Do you have a soul now? Can that even happen?"
"I... I suppose I do. After all, it's not possible to have a soulmate without one." Cas summarised, placing a hand on his chest as if he might be able to feel his soul residing inside him.
"Wow. First angel to have a soulmate," Dean said with a small huff of laughter, giving Castiel a teasing shove on his shoulder. "Sorry I was the one chosen for you."
Castiel looked up to Dean with a confused frown, rearing his head back slightly at the insult Dean had just given to himself.
"Why would you be sorry?" Castiel asked
"Eh, well," Dean began awkwardly, shrugging his shoulders. "It's not exactly like you were expecting a soulmate, y'know? Must be kinda disappointing to find out it's me."
"Dean... What are you talking about?" Castiel asked, stepping slightly closer to Dean. "I wish you could see your soul as I once could. To see how bright it shines, how beautiful it is. If you could see it, you would know you’re wrong. You're a good man, Dean. I couldn't have asked for a better soulmate."
Dean looked taken aback by Castiel’s words, head snapping up from the ground to lock eyes with Castiel, looking to see how sincere Castiel was being with his words.
"If anything, I should be the one apologizing." Castiel added.
"Dean, we both know you never wanted a soulmate. You were quite vocal about it. I'm not an idiot Dean, I know I don't fit into the category of your usual romantic endeavors, so I'm sure I wasn't what you were expecting. Besides, I..."
Castiel trailed off, an ashamed and infuriated look appearing on his face.
"I'm no use to you now. To either of you. My powers are gone, and now... I can barely take care of myself. I've only been human for a few weeks, and I already managed to get tricked and tortured by a reaper.
I suppose what I'm trying to say is... I understand. If you're not interested in... If you don't want me as your soulmate, I'll understand."
Castiel was expecting Dean to look relieved at this, perhaps even happy to hear he didn't have to be pressured into anything. To his surprise, Dean actually looked pained at his words. He could see his jaw shifting in place, and wondered if he was trying to work up the courage to say something, or if he was perhaps grinding his teeth.
The last thing he was expecting was for Dean to tug at his arms, pulling him forward into his chest. Dean wrapped his arms tight around Castiel’s back, knowing he wouldn't be ready to let go for a while. Castiel was warm against him, and he could feel the faint beat of his heart through his chest. A heart that, not too long ago, had stopped beating. The thought makes him tighten his hold.
It takes Castiel a few shell shocked moments to remember it was customary in these kinds of moments to hug back. He uncertainty lifts his arms up, deciding to match Dean's position and wrap them around Dean's back. He can feel the tightness of Dean's back muscles under his fingers, but they seem to soften a little once Castiel places his hands over them. Cas can't help but smile a little at this, feeling as if he still had a bit of the healing touch he once had as an angel.
"I don't care if you're an angel, or if you're human. I don't care if you can't do all the things you did for us before. That's not what I care about. I care about you, Cas. Not what you can do for us." Dean tells him, letting his hands slide from Castiel’s back to his arms as he pulls away from the hug, keeping a light hold on his hands. "I don't need you because of your power. I need you. I need you in that stupid trench coat and tie. I need you and your crazy obsession with bees. I need you and your compassion for humans. I need you and your rebellious nature. I need my best friend. I need my soulmate."
And before Castiel can get anything out in response, Dean gives him a warm smile, tugging him towards the door of the room.
"C'mon, Cas. Let's go home."
- - -
It wasn't all smooth sailing from there, as it never is. Dean knew the angels were still out there, still angry, searching high and low for Cas. Ezekiel knew it too, and it wasn't all that surprising that he brought it up one morning, demanding that Castiel had to leave for all of their safety.
Dean knew there was a time when he would have caved in. Ezekiel may have been the only thing holding his brother together right now, and there was no way he was going to gamble on his brother's life.
Things were different now, though. Dean had a soulmate now, how could he possibly abandon Cas to face the angels on his own? Ezekiel always sort of seemed like a no-nonsense kind of angel, so Dean had thought the best approach would be to present as much evidence as possible in Cas' defense. Even Ezekiel couldn't deny that it had been impossible for him to locate Castiel with his Enochian warding tattoo, and Dean brought up how impossible it would be to find Castiel, combining that with, not only how difficult it was to find the bunker, but also how damn near impenetrable the thing was.
That wasn't what swayed him, though. He had never really thought to bring up the whole soulmate thing with Ezekiel, and Ezekiel looked just as confused as they did when they found out, citing that it was impossible and that it had never happened before.
But as Dean began to explain further, he could have sworn he could see a flash of hope in Sam’s Ezekiel's eyes, the first sort of emotion he had ever seen from the angel. He wasn't too sure why until Ezekiel began talking about how it must have been a sign of God, how else would an angel have miraculously developed their own soul, then been given a soulmate?
Dean wasn't all that sold on the idea, finding it hard to believe that the big man upstairs had any interest in the two of them, let alone the fact that he was fairly certain God wasn't even home anymore.
Then again, Ezekiel had a point. If God is the only being that can create a soul, as the angels claimed, then how else did Cas get his soul? And if God did, how far back did this go? If he had been destined a soulmate since birth, was he also Castiel’s since creation? Did God pair them together, billions of years before he was even born? Was it part of God's plan all along, for Castiel to lose his grace, and to become human?
He didn't really know what to think. It was almost too much to think, and quite frankly, he didn't want to argue with Ezekiel about it. Not if it meant that Cas got to stay, here, at home, with Dean, where he should be.
One of the reasons why Dean was so unsure about having a soul mate was that he feared everything would change. He thought that the moment he saw his soulmate, he would be desperate to get out of the hunter's life and settle down like all the others, to go and find that white picket fence, apple pie slice of domestic life.
It's not what happened, however. Everything is pretty much as it was. But now, now there's one more addition to the bunker. Now, he has a second person to help fret over Sam with. Now, there's another voice, this one much gravelier, humming along to whatever song is playing on the old, crackly radio in the kitchen as he cooks. Now, there are warm touches and fond smiles whenever they see each other. Life is as it always is, but now, he has his soulmate. Now, he's happier.
One night, after a filling meal of burgers, as they lazed around the bunkers table with beers in their hands and their stomachs, Sam had asked him that now he could see them, what his favorite color was.
There was barely any hesitation for him, barely any time he needed to think. He simply looked over to Castiel, reaching out for his hand under the table, smiling affectionately at the man next to him before answering.
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gii-heylittleangel · 5 years
What Bare Eyes Can’t See
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Summary: One of the first things Dean learned when he first met Cas was that he couldn’t see all the planes that Cas exists at outside of his vessel, so when they’re on a hunt for a hellhound and Dean looks at Cas with his scorched with holy fire glasses, he can’t believe his own eyes.
Pairing: Dean Winchester&Castiel (Gen)
Word Count: 3543 words
Warnings/Tags: No Warnings; Cas with wings; hunt for hellhound; Dean gets a pretty bad cut; Dean and Cas play Ghost; Dean can see Cas’s wings; and he loves it; Dean touches Cas’s wing; mid-season 8 
Square Filled: Case Fic
A/N: Hey peeps! How are y’all? I’m back with another fic for @spngenrebingo and I’ve been wanting to write something like this for quite a while now. I have a thing for Cas with wings haha. @babybluecas beta’ed this for me because she’s an awesome person.  ❤ I hope y’all like it!
Read it on AO3 or keep reading here!
Sighing for what must be the hundredth time in the course of half an hour, Dean throws his head back and stares at the ceiling, wishing he had the power to make time pass faster. Cas has been happily focused on a random show on the TV for an hour now, legs crossed under him as he rests his back on the headboard.
Dean wishes he could get entertained so easily as Cas does because that way, maybe, time would pass faster, and they would be able to go out and kill the hellhound they're supposed to kill. He starts to tap his fingers on the table and bounce his leg up and down, moving his eyes to stare at the clock on the wall. The seconds hand seems to be making fun of him as he watches it make its way slowly, as if each second took five to get to the next number.
He lets his breath come out through his mouth, putting his arms on top of the table and resting his head on them, turned to the right towards Cas. Dean starts to get lost in thoughts while he stares at Cas, just watching the little humanly things he started to do after spending a few years on Earth.
Dean recognizes some tics that Cas probably got from watching him—like a creep. Cas also has some of Sam’s tics, but not as many as the ones he got from Dean. Cas frowns at the TV a bunch of times as Sam does, especially when something that he doesn’t understand happens; he sometimes talks at the TV as Dean does—especially when Dean's watching horror movies—, though Dean doesn't understand what Cas is saying at the moment.
Cas turns to him after Dean doesn't know how many minutes, tilting his head when he sees Dean staring at him. "Are you okay, Dean?"
Dean blinks a few times, raising his head. "Huh?" He shakes his head, plastering a smile on his face. "Yeah, yeah. I'm bored, that's all. Time ain’t passing fast enough."
Cas chuckles as he turns the TV off, and stands up, walking to Dean. "Do you want to do something to pass the time? I recall that you and Sam often do that when you hunt together."
"That's true. We used to play games sometimes, especially when Sam was younger and that would keep him entertained for hours." Dean shrugs as he straightens his back and stretches it, some bones cracking. He rubs his hand on his face, sighing. "I'm getting too old for this shit. What do you wanna do, Cas?"
Cas shrugs, putting one of his arms on the chair next to Dean. "I'm not familiar with games but we could play one. If you want."
"We could play Ghost."
Cas frowns at him. "Do you really know a game called Ghost?"
Dean smiles. "Yep. It goes like this: I'm gonna say a letter and then you have to say another, then it’s me again and we go until we complete a word. But it needs to be a real word and we can't use two and three-letter words, or it's cheating. If I complete a word, I lose and I get a G. If you complete a word, you lose and get a G. The first person to spell G-H-O-S-T loses the game. What do you think?"
"I like it."
"Alright, then, let's play. And no big, different, intelligent words, alright? That's playing low, especially because you probably know all of them."
Cas chuckles but nods. He sits on the chair in front of Dean, who grabs a sheet of paper and a pen for them. "Do you wanna go first, Cas?"
He nods and squints his eyes as he thinks. "W."
Dean shakes his head in disapproving. "Already with a weird word, huh? Alright.” He bites his lips before answering, “H."
Dean squints at Cas with an angry expression. "Y."
Cas smiles happily, grabbing the pen. He writes his and Dean's name, putting a 'G' under Dean's name. "This game is fun."
"Just because you're winning. Alright, I'll start now." Dean taps his finger on his lips as he thinks. "G."
Cas bites his lower lip before replying, "M."
"Damn it, Cas, how are you so good at this game?"
Cas only smiles at him, pen tapping at the paper. "What's your next letter, Dean?"
"E," Dean mutters under his breath, crossing his arms over his chest.
Cas writes an 'H' beside the 'G' under Dean's name. "Did you use to win when you played with Sam?"
"Nah, the kid was too smart, he always used those big words to confuse me, even when he was little. It was annoying, really. That's why I have the rule of no big, weird words."
Cas chuckles, placing the pen on top of the paper. "Do you want to go again?"
Dean steals a glance at the clock on the wall, shrugging when he sees they have time. "Why not? Maybe I can still beat you." Dean waves at him. "It's your turn to start."
Cas nods. "O."
Dean smiles triumphantly, eyebrows waggling. "U."
Cas tilts his head. "P."
"Ha!" Dean yells happily. "See? Told ya I could beat you." Dean takes the pen to write a 'G' under Cas's name.
Cas rolls his eyes with a smile. "I'm sure you can, Dean."
Dean puts the pen down. "Alright, my turn. D," Dean says the first letter that comes to his mind.
Cas bites his nail as he thinks, staring intently at Dean. "I."
Dean smiles as he already grabs the pen. "N." 
Cas's shoulders slump slightly. "T."
"Looks like it’s a tie," Dean brags as he puts the 'H' under Cas's name.
Cas rolls his eyes softly, giving Dean a fond smile. "I'm letting you win so you're happy, Dean."
"Yeah, yeah, sure, buddy, whatever you have to say to make yourself feel better." He looks at the clock and then through the window. "I think we can go now. It's about to get dark and I would very much rather see what we're doing as we put our plan into action."
Cas nods as he stands up. "We can play more when we come back."
Dean smiles at him, nudging Cas with his elbow. "You liked it, huh?"
"I just don't like to leave things in a tie, that's all."
"Mhm, right," Dean says as he grabs his jacket and his duffel, walking towards the door. "If we manage to survive the hellhound, we can play when we come back. It'll be cool to brag to Sam about beating an angel of the Lord."
Cas opens the door as he replies, "If you do manage to beat me, Dean. We're tied so far."
"Which means I can still beat you. Just wait and see, Cas."
They walk towards the Impala, Dean putting his duffel on the backseat as he climbs to the driver seat and Cas on the passenger seat. Dean starts the car, driving to the house where all the attacks have happened so far.
The drive is silent, filled mostly with the sounds of the cars passing by them. Dean sees Cas gazes through the window with curiosity in his eyes, making him chuckle lowly. Cas turns to him with his head tilted, but Dean just shakes his head with a smile and returns to watching the road. He feels Cas still staring at him, probably wondering what could've made Dean laugh, but Dean keeps his eyes focused on the road, fighting the smile that keeps coming back to his lips.
It doesn't take long for them to arrive in the woods where all the deaths have happened, the sun starting to set on the horizon, giving the sky a pinkish colour. Cas stares at it while Dean takes his duffel from the car and walks towards him. Dean stops by his side, watching the lower part of the sun start to slowly disappear.
"C'mon, Cas. We should get going if we wanna set everything up before the sun goes down."
Cas nods, eyes lingering on the horizon for five more seconds, before following Dean to the abandoned house on the top of the hill. They try to be as quiet as possible as they set everything up, not wanting to make the hellhound appear while they’re not ready. Dean pours goofer dust and salt around the whole house, just in case they don't manage to kill the hound, so that they’ll have a space to escape to in order not to get themselves killed.
Cas slides his angel blade out from his sleeve—which amazes Dean until this day, doesn't matter how many times he has seen it—as he starts to walk around the perimeter. Dean takes holy oil and a pair of glasses from his duffel, pours some of the oil on the ground and lights it with his lighter. He passes the glasses through the fire a few times as Cas walks closer to him with furrowed brows.
"What are you doing, Dean?"
Dean raises his eyes to him. "We learned a new trick that lets us see the hounds, which makes it a hell of a lot easier to hunt them."
"It's a nice strategy. Where did you learn it?"
"Kevin read it on the angel tablet."
Cas nods before turning to the woods on the right side of the house, eyes squinted as he turns his head slightly to the side. "I think I hear something from there."
Dean stands up, putting the fire out with his foot. "Alright, you go there, I'm gonna go take a walk around, maybe I'll find something."
Cas nods again and walks away as Dean takes his angel blade from the duffel and rolls it around in his hand to get a better grip. He puts the glasses on, blinking a few times as his eyes adjust to his new view of things—everything seems bluer than usual but everything has more details than without the glasses. He looks at the angel blade on his hand, eyes widening when he sees it glowing with a blue, ethereal light.
He shakes his head, taking his eyes from the blade and looking around him. He walks slowly around the house, keeping himself behind the goofer dust and salt line, trying to see or hear anything that could let him know that the hound is there. He can’t make out anything in the forest, not even the glasses help him see anything in the dark, and he also doesn’t hear anything, so he turns to his right to look at Cas and ask if he saw something.
He stops dead on his tracks when he sees them—two gigantic things right at Cas's back. 
"Cas! Behind you!" Dean screams before he can make his legs work. He forces his mind out of its stupor, pushing his legs to start working so he can run to Cas.
Cas turns to him with a stance to fight, eyes darting around him to see what Dean’s talking about and Dean's eyes widen when he sees the things turn with him. He almost trips, stopping a few feet from Cas, mouth hanging open as his mind starts to comprehend what he’s looking at.
Not seeing anything, Cas looks at Dean with a confused expression. "What is it, Dean?"
"Th—, behi—" Dean stutters, not quite knowing what he wants to say. He stares amazed as the things tense the same way Cas's shoulders do, and Dean finally realizes what they are—they're Cas's wings.
They extend large around Cas, probably fifteen or more feet to each side and six or seven feet up and down. They look nearly tangible, but still transparent enough to let Dean to see through them, as if they're trapped between two different planes. They are dark blue with a few black spots. The same ethereal light comes from them, giving it a clearer outline as Dean stares in wonder. They seem to express Cas's emotions, changing along with his expression—tensed when Cas looks afraid or worried, anxious while he stares at Dean, waiting for him to say something.
"Your... Your wings," Dean says in a low voice as he moves his gaze to Cas's face, eyes widening even more as he sees Cas's entire body covered on the ethereal light.
Cas frowns. "What about my wings, Dean?" He takes a few steps towards Dean. "Are you okay?"
Dean points to Cas's wings inertly. "I—I can see your wings."
"That's, that's not possible, Dean." Cas squints at Dean. Understanding takes the place of confusion. "The glasses. You put the glasses on holy fire to be able to see the hound, so they probably let you see anything that human eyes can’t."
Dean only nods amazed, too caught up on watching Cas's wings stretch out as Cas walks closer to him. Dean raises one hand, moving it closer to the wings. He looks into Cas's eyes in search of permission. Cas tips his head in agreement, his right wing moving closer to Dean's hand.
The wing gives a tickling sensation and radiates heat that warms Dean's hand almost instantly. Dean runs his fingers through the feathers, speechless when they feel so soft under them as if they are bird feathers, feeling almost like fur. He moves his hand up and down the wing until he sees Cas shiver and close his eyes.
Dean retreats his hand instantly. "Does it hurt?"
Cas shakes his head softly, giving Dean a smile as he opens his eyes. "No, it feels good. I just, no one has ever touched them. It's different."
"They're beautiful, Cas. Almost like the colour of your eyes, just a little darker."
"They actually have more colours than just blue, but you probably relate blue to me, that's why you see them like that."
Dean frowns. "So each person would see them in a different colour?"
"Each person would see what they think relates to me, so they would see part of my wings. Can you see them fully or do they seem a little transparent?"
"They do, which is weird. Like I see them and don’t see them at the same time."
Cas smiles. "Because they're not actually on this plane and you can't quite see all of the planes they are on."
Dean opens his mouth to speak, but closes it as soon as he hears a growl. Cas also hears it, turning to the source of the sound, angel blade in position to attack. Dean positions himself by his side, trying not to stare at Cas's wings, instead, keeping his focus on the woods, narrowing his eyes to make the hound's outline on the low light.
He sees one come from between the woods, a messy form and its red eyes glowing in the dark. He opens his mouth to tell Cas but stops when he sees where Cas is looking. There's another hound a few feet away, larger than the first one. 
“Damn, I thought we had only one hound to deal with. How do those demons not realize they lost track of two hellhounds?”
Cas shakes his head softly, his wings tensing around him. “We’ll have to each deal with one, Dean.”
“Alright, I’ll get ugly number one,” he points at the first hound, “and you deal with ugly number two.”
Cas nods once more and moves towards the hound. Dean adjusts his grip on the angel blade and steps out of the line of goofer dust and salt. The hound snarls at him and Dean can almost see its big, pointy teeth. Memories from another hellhound, from years ago, start to come up to his mind, and Dean shakes his head to get rid of the mental image. The last thing he needs right now is getting too caught up on that memory and get killed by a hound again. 
He comes closer, only close enough for it to try and attack him, but giving Dean enough time to turn and run if he needs to. He smirks at it. “Damn, aren’t you an ugly-looking sonuvabitch, huh? C’mon, come get a piece of me.”
Slowly stepping backwards, he tries to lure it out from the woods. He definitely doesn’t want to start a fight with it among the trees, where it’ll be harder for him to escape. The hound growls and starts to run towards him, paws stomping the ground under it, the sound almost too loud for Dean to bear. He turns and starts to run closer to the house.
It’s not long before his calves start burning from the running and he’s close to the line around the house. He sees Cas fighting against the other hound, wings moving him around so swiftly that makes Dean wonder if Cas isn’t actually flying around. He shakes his head, tearing his gaze from the angel. He needs to keep his focus. 
He turns his head slightly to look at the hound, noticing he’s starting to lose his advantage, so he makes a decision. He throws himself on the ground, body slightly turned so he’ll fall on his back, but the hound gets to him faster than he predicted. It scratches Dean’s calve, making him scream and lose any control over his fall.
Pain explodes on his leg. He hits the ground, his back hurting with the impact. The hound throws itself on top of him, claws piercing through his chest. Dean screams again and uses the last of his strength to raise his hand and stab the hound right on its neck. Black blood pours down on him, the hound mewls as it drops heavy on Dean’s chest. Dean loses his breath under the weight, hand falling limply on his side. 
He turns his head slightly to see Cas kill the other hound with a finesse Dean could never master. He tries to speak, Cas’s name coming out as a whimper for the lack of air in his lungs, leaving Dean to gasp for breath.
But it’s enough to make Cas turn to him, eyes widening and wings stretching by his sides when he sees Dean. Oddly enough, what goes through Dean’s mind is that he’ll at least be able to die with such a beautiful view in his eyes.
His eyes start to fall close just as Cas runs towards him—and from how Cas’s wings are moving, Dean assumes he must be flying. Dean hears the thud on his right side when Cas falls to his knees, and the weight on top of im disappears. He takes in a deep breath, mind clearing slightly as the oxygen starts to flow through his veins again, but it hurts to breath. A soft hand touches his neck, making him raise his head.
“Dean, can you hear me?” Cas gives a few pats on Dean’s cheek, urging him to react.
Dean groans slightly, eyes opening just enough for him to see Cas’s worried expression above him. Cas lets out a relieved sigh, shoulders relaxing. He places Dean’s head on his lap and puts a hand on Dean’s chest. The feeling of Cas’s grace inside his body relaxes and warms Dean up, his chest stoping to hurt as Cas heals it, allowing Dean to breath freely.
Cas takes his hand from Dean’s chest and places it on his thigh. Cas heals the cuts that the hound made on Dean’s calve, and takes his hand to put it on Dean’s cheek. The feeling of Cas’s grace stays with him as Dean opens his eyes to stare at the angel.
“Y’know, people normally buy me at least a drink before moving to touching, Cas.”
Cas chuckles as he shakes his head slowly. “Well, I saved your life so I guess that makes us way past the ‘buying a drink’ point, doesn’t it?”
Dean smiles fondly at him. “You make some good points. Alright, let me up.”
Cas helps Dean stand up. Dean wobbles slightly but catches his balance in seconds. Cas bents down to grab the glasses that fell off from Dean’s face, and hands them to Dean.
“You look good in glasses, Dean.” 
Dean can feel the heat coming up his neck and to his cheeks, so he takes the glasses from Cas’s hands, keeping his gaze down to hide his blush. “Yeah, yeah. We should go.”
He starts walking to where he left his duffel, but he can still feel Cas’s gaze on his back. He doesn’t give it too much attention, kneeling down to put the glasses and the holy oil back in the bag. He stands up and makes his way to where they parked the car. He doesn’t hear Cas’s footsteps following and he’s almost turning to hurry Cas up, but the angel shows up suddenly by his side, making Dean jump.
“Dude, you can’t just magically appear out of nowhere. Wanna give me a heart attack?”
“My apologies, Dean,” he doesn’t even have to turn to know that Cas has a smile on his lips.
Dean suppresses a smile of his own, bumping his shoulder with Cas’s. “Jackass.”
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