#A world of duplicates
inamindfarfaraway · 2 months
I imagine Raven becoming a professional musician when she’s older, getting her start writing and performing protest songs against the legacy system (like when she rewrote the Legacy Day song off the cuff in the first book). She diversifies as she grows more comfortable with the spotlight and expressing vulnerability to the public. She sings about her love, her doubts and fears, her friends, her family. It’s very cathartic to be seen and heard, truly listened to, and shown empathy as well as admiration for being sincere and sentimental and silly and, well, human, in front of a huge crowd. Not just the next Evil Queen or the brave Rebel leader. She hones her wit, craftsmanship and patience too, the hobby teaching her the value of time management and disciplined study far more than school, though she’ll never be as organized as Apple. It feels good creating wonderful things through hard work, no magic required. Every Queen has had magic. This is all her own. The more royal responsibilities she takes on over the years, the less free time she has for her music. But she still releases new songs every now and then and enjoys performing when the chance arises.
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floydleart · 6 months
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Here's a Lalna, there's a Lalna...
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tenspontaneite · 10 days
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One of my iterator OCs, Chiral Dalliance. She wears the hat always, (almost) no exceptions.
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bleaksqueak · 4 months
Did you know that Procreate doesn't have a lot of the standard filter/effects tools that Photoshop and Clip Studio have? For the most part I'm A-OK fine living without those, but the one that boggles my mind is that Procreate doesn't have a stroke feature. I bring this up because I use stroke a lot for subtle things, and I use it a lot for graphic things (like comic binding boxes, lettering, etc.)... and, for the current illustration, I used it for almost the entire background. So do you want to know the stupid way to simulate the stroke effect in Procreate? SURE YOU DO. You have to duplicate the item, or lines, you want to have a stroke effect on... You then move it below your object/lines, gausian blur the duplicate beneath to 2 - 3%, then keep duplicating that blurred copy and merging it with itself until the extra selection of pixels created by the blur are, once more, solid. It's a lot of duplicating and merging. PROCREATE, PLEASE, THIS IS YOUR ONLY TRUE FLAW. Please add a stroke tool my family is starving.
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cissa-calls · 8 months
Countdown to Agatha: Darkhold Diaries: Day 701
Agatha: “We’re back from the vet!”
Y/N: “How was the appointment? Did Señor Scratchy bite off anyone’s finger again?”
Agatha: “He was so good! No injury or fear in any of the staff!”
Wanda, walking and in holding an identical bunny: “You’re back! I thought you were taking Señor Scratchy to the vet though?”
Agatha: “I was, and I did”
Y/N: “Then who is-?” *looks between bunnies* “ah shit-“
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malwarechips · 1 year
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Introducing, Grimm's Slugcats!!! My sprites for the scugs! Currently only has Monk, Spearmaster, and Saint, but I'm hoping to finish everyone sometime. Nightcat included, they just didn't fit in the art gwehehe. I'll be chipping away at the sprites for this for as long as my rain world fixation lasts!! I enjoy making the custom sprites.
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 month
Who made Hunter Bean’s bandana and Tech Bean’s goggles? Would Echo Bean get something to help him walk since he’s missing a limb?
Do the batch’s beans accept hugs and pets?
It was Wrecker who made Hunter Bean his little bandanna, and later Omega found a tiny skull shaped button that she added to it to better match Hunter.
Tech Bean's goggles were a joint effort between Tech and Crosshair, with Crosshair creating molds for them, and Tech casting and assembling them.
Echo and Fives have both tried to make a variety of little prosthetics for Echo Bean to help him get around more easily, but the little fella doesn't seem to like the feel of them at all. So much so that he'd get frustrated and destroy them to make a point.
It seems he has no real issue walking on three nubs.
The CF99 Beans adore physical contact! They're very cuddly, which comes in handy when they have a rowdy bunch of commandos with trust issues to deal with. Their mellow nature and friendliness was a much needed staple of their short childhood.
And Wrecker Bean even has a habit of making himself bigger just to hug people.
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max--phillips · 1 month
Combat log, for the 15th time in the last 10 seconds: Tav received condition: Encumbered.
Me, knowing full well my wizard Tav with 8 STR is carrying ninety (90) (yes I counted) scrolls: well why the hell am I encumbered AGAIN?
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asexualbookbird · 1 year
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Goodbye June! I'm six books ahead of my arbitrary reading goal! I also bought I think as much as I read whoops. I also did a lot, art wise, and turns out Project DIVA has a display tap mode and I'm kicking ass at that game. I can complete extreme mode songs! Even managed to not fail out of an extra extreme song! I am miserable, healthwise, but my hobbies have never been more productive.
Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim ⭐⭐⭐⭐Fun! Exciting! Well done! Wanted more! Excited that there was a second one! Adorable love interest! Deffo recommend!
Wake the Bones by Elizabeth Kilcoyne ⭐⭐Fine? I guess? I expected something like House With Good Bones but it was mostly forgettable and too focused on romance.
Seraphina by Rachel Hartman ⭐⭐⭐⭐Delightful! Actually glad I waited so long, because I don't think I would have appreciated it ten years ago
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke ⭐⭐⭐⭐ I spent the whole time trying to figure everything out and had a wonderful time about it
The Dragon's Promise by Elizabeth Lim⭐⭐⭐Disappointing, characters I loved before were annoying here, the dragons were Mean and not the focus at all, still enjoyable in it's own right but Crimson Cranes could have been a beautiful standalone
The Keeper of the Night by Kylie Lee Baker DNF Sad I didn't enjoy this, I was looking forward to it, but it just. Was not good. Seraphina dealt with similar themes and executed it better (I didn't know they dealt with similar themes, but it was kind of fun to compare!) Most notable complaint was wordlbuilding said the reapers could hear a whisper across a noisy room and then Ren was eavesdropping on them, and talking, in an airvent above them and no one noticed lol
I'm such a mood reader, but I think I'm going to try to put together a stack of books I want to read this month and do my best to stick to it! It might make me get through my shelves quicker. Somehow, the floor stacks keep multiplying. Send help, I'm being buried.
July I'm definitely finishing my Name of the Wind reread, even though I missed book club, and I'd like to get through a stack of graphic novels I got for my birthday! Other than that, who knows! Lets go!
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tastycitrus · 3 months
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based on this screenshot i posted before:
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mishy-mashy · 9 months
I got a BNHA fic about the OC who worked in a coffee shop and joined the Resistance, but there are three other BNHA fics right now
This one also takes place during the Resistance, but joining Kudo's cause was not exactly willingly
Bruce concussing the new recruit prospect upon first meeting
"You're - annoying!"
Kudo is no better with his knife
His hand was pushed back by a small knife nailing his hand to the wall, flung too fast to be humanly possible.
"Your bedside manners are appalling," Bruce snarked, getting up from his chair.
"Shut up."
Bruce's Christmas gift is knowing the recruit is barely an adult
".. It's too sweet."
"Yeah, but you're a kid. You should be drinking sugary sodas and getting in trouble at school."
"How old do you think I am?"
"I was a university student, and you're younger than me," Bruce shot back without heat. "Not even 21, by my guess."
"I'm 19. I was studying to be an optician until Japan went to shit."
"Oh my god you're a fetus."
Bruce now bullies him even more (affectionate)
"Ah, Ray-kun- or would you prefer Ray-chan? Ray-tan?"
"I will shank you."
"With what? A plastic knife from a Playdoh set?"
Feeling like the only person here who's trying to take things seriously
"We're taking him with us."
Ray squinted at Leader. Then at the skinny white-haired man they just found inside the vault. Then at Leader again. Then at the tall, skinny shadow of a man.
"... Why?" he finally croaked. "He's our enemy."
"Wha- Leader!!"
Bruce put a hand on his shoulder from behind him. "Give it up, Ray-kun."
"Leader's got a crush," he said blandly, recognizing the signs immediately and already folding. "Let the man have his summer romance. We literally cannot change his mind right now."
"A summer ro- LEADER!!!!"
Having his Meta Ability be a pain even after death (thanks AFO)
"Third-senpai," En began, "if you passed on One For All to whoever owned that Quirk, and they were here right now, I'd punch them."
"Choke 'em out," Banjo confirmed.
"Cry," Shinomori decided.
"Castrate them," Nana muttered stormily, a glare on her face to match.
A big pain.
"... Hey, Leader."
"What is it, Third."
"Am I going crazy or do the High-Ends have Ray-kun's eyes?"
Second took one look at the haunting eyes that ran up the back of one High-End and summarily went, "Shit."
Shinomori screamed.
Banjo laughed. "Well, it was nice knowing you guys!"
En started crying.
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iiryoku · 7 months
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-> starter for ( @dupliciti )
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It had almost felt like an out of body experience, the moment he had seen the guy named Sampo. It had felt as if something had triggered within him and everything around him had stood still, only it hadn't, things seemly just slowed down for him mentally as their eyes had met. The words "do I know you?" had almost left fair lips as they stood there while Caelus had been uncharacteristically quiet. One could have blamed it on the shock that someone had willingly buried themself in snow, but that had not been the truth, for it wasn't the most surprising thing that Caelus had ever seen. It was the man himself and the feelings that suddenly blossomed within his entire chest, that had left the silver-haired male quiet and yet, he hadn't recognized this Sampo guy at all. So why... why did he feel like he did? Why had - why did, it feel like something was suddenly missing? Something important that left him feeling sad as if something had been taken from him.
Thinking back on the moments, as he walked through the snow, where Sampo had appeared, Caelus could clearly recall the feeling - it was even there now just less intense, less invading. Having been so confused by, what he was feeling, the trailblazer had accepted a mission to find a missing item near the Snow Plains. It was freezing and it was in such a moment that Caelus realized that he really needed to buy some better clothes. Despite the stellaron within being a source of warmth, he still needed more, even more so, now that the wind seemed to pick up. Quite a lot actually- without a warning, a snowstorm rolled in, resulting Caelus to wrap his arms around himself and look frantically for shelter, something that he saw as he spotted one of the abandoned houses, buried slightly in snow. It was better than nothing.
Shivers wrecked through his body as he forced his way in. There was no way, he could get back in this weather, it was already so bad that he could barely see three meters in front of himself. Finally inside, breaths, mirroring his shivering body, escaped as he curled in on himself in a corner; furthest from the entrance. Suddenly hearing something, golden depths shot up, only to spot someone he hadn't expected here at all, despite all his earlier thoughts and despite the feelings within.
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❝ Y-y-you... ❞
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chambers003 · 10 months
they shoulda put david in the waistcoat no shirt so ncuti's shirt made sense. he wouldve slayed too
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dreambigwithastro · 2 months
"Oh, astro!!"
oh, hi Shelly.. hope youre doing well..
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Migrations Box: Winter 2024.
I really enjoyed this subscription last year, so I'm participating again! Of the lot, I'm actually most excited for VERDIGRIS (I know, right: wild, given that cover). I love getting surprise books I'd never pick out myself hand selected and shipped directly to me.
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sigh. i caved.
meet the lovingly named 'finance jimmy', everyone. or, as he likes to call himself, 'james houlton'. because he's a buzzkill like that.
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