jazinedraws · 2 years
For this year's, ADHD awareness month.
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Process of finding things with ADHD:
1. Check directly in front of your face, extensively, minimum 3 times, in a futile attempt to avoid steps 2-9
2. Decide it is absolutely not directly in front of your face and swear on god himself that you will not find it there in 2 minutes
3. Check Every Other Place (TM) you think it reasonably could be
4. Check all the places it absolutely should not be
5. Check the fridge/oven/washing machine/microwave
6. Panic
7. Accept defeat and return to where you were sitting (approx 2 minutes later)
8. Find the item directly in front of your face
9. Gaslight yourself into believing in magic/god/house elves/anything to convince yourself this isn't your fault
10. Repeat
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I have surfed for a *long* while through ADHD content and always, always when I came across stuff like undiagnosed people being called 'lazy' for their executive dysfunction I would relate but always in a distant 'ha ha! That happens! ' kind of way.
It has only occured to me recently (from recent forceful reminders) that /maybe/ people don't actually realize that it's a little deeper than that?
Cause when someone calls you lazy after you quote ADHD at them, they don't mean in it in a 'oh, it's a one time thing' way. They are literally saying that all your life, all the things you've struggled in silence with like regular chores, personal hygiene, lack of concentration,etc. Is a personal choice that you make and continue to make and could stop at any time if you wanted to. It's someone making up their mind about your intelligence, commitment, abilities and character and seeing your challenges as something that could be overcome easily and that you are choosing not to do so when you so clearly have the ability to.
And can I say that it sucks.
Because how are you to begin asking for help when everyone believes you can help yourself?
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m-pennanti · 2 years
ADHD be like “oh that reminds me!” And bring up something that isn’t related to the topic in the slightest
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Takes five hours to motivate myself to complete a 15 minute task
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adhd-brat · 2 years
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timeisanelephant · 2 years
Hi yes anyone who told you infodumping about your special interest or current hyperfixiation is annoying was wrong. talking about something your passionate about and you love is beautiful and amazing. Please please reblog this and infodump about your special interest, I love learning new things, especially when the people teaching me are so passionate about it
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alyssoid · 2 years
In the most ADHD move ever I got diagnosed when I was 9, went off meds at 10, then simply forgot that I had ADHD for 20 YEARS until I was filling out an ADHD diagnostic questionnaire for a friend.
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rhyolight · 2 years
Do you ever get that feeling where someone interacts in the way you didn’t expect and now they clearly hate you and yours scared to do anything ever again?
Asking for a friend
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6catsandanerdo · 2 years
My ADHD self whenever I have to do a task I dislike: I'll treat myself to coffee and donuts after this emotional abuse.
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adhdcognizant · 1 year
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🙂🙃 mAskInG
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majnundrawings · 2 months
can you relate? i used to do that since i was in school days, i couldn't focus in the classes that i didn't like, so i start to draw and doodle around..
follow me for more art 🎨
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letstalkbeautyuk · 3 months
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🧠 💚 New ADHD awareness badges in the shop >>
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cowboylikeghost · 5 months
Being neurodivergent and low energy is so tiring. Like Yesterday, we went out with my whole fam to the mall (worst place on earth) and only AFTER that we had to go to Ikea, very nice place if you didn't use all your energy before. Because when i tell you i walked around like a fucking zombie, i'm not kidding. My sister told me "why do you always look dead whenever we take you anywhere?" and all i can do is ☺️👍🏻 bc i don't want to fucking talk. And after all that, i get a tummy aches, then a headaches and it feels like my legs will betray me at any seconds.
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kidcorekk · 2 years
Started to make my own version of the chore bracelets. I find this way is more easier to carry around and I use them as reminders rather than taking them off the keychain. I still need to add more chores though!
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adhd-soul · 2 years
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Yea we may make it look fun but it’s not.😭
I guess it can appear that way bc some of us have bubbly /goofy personalities, along with feeling emotions more intensely, and then mix that with inattentiveness and or hyperactivity.
It can also appear that way because our highs can be really high..🚀 Like sometimes you’re happy and then there’s just in a really good ass mood. You might light up the whole room or draw attention to yourself because you’re in that good of a mood.
-You may laugh at something for minutes or for days till your tummy muscles aches
-You might be telling everyone and their mom about the fact that 🗣👥👥👥 :
-Maybe you accomplished something that your proud of
-Started a new hobby
- Have a new bf or gf
-Bought something new
^the oversharing struggle 🗣👥👥👥
-You could just be in a good mood and accidentally talking too loud or maybe laughing too loud. 🤫😥Or just being a chatterbox ( I got my name written on the board in class for that one )
- or just passionately talking about something your very passionate about like you could have your own talk show lol and maybe dump a lot of info to others bc you’re an expert on the topic
Then our lows can be really low..⚓️😓🤬Like when you’re mad you’re mad. Can go from 0-10 real quick. Something that may not bother a regular pupil may feel like a slap in the face. Then there’s the struggle with emotional regulation…😭
-Might take me more time to get over something than your regular pupil would 🙃
-Easy to make me cry😓 ( sometimes especially when I was younger )
-argumentative ass that has to have the last word 😆
-Being short tempered
- If I have a plan and it all goes to shit I might huff and puff 😆😤
- might be a little sassy on the road 🚘 ( I try to think now it as it’s not worth it and too many accidents happen everyday or what if someone’s just having a bad day or are spacey soul like me and didn’t mean to drive like crap lol ( also if I leave earlier and not running late there’s a less chance of road rage and sassiness 😭 )
Back to the goofy and bubbly personality thing I had an someone very close to me once tell me to “never change “ so at least one positive thing about the ADD/ADHD is having a unique personality. I think I also me laughing a lot sometimes or trying to be funny, make others laugh or smile is one of my ways of coping and just trying to make life and more fun and positive because some days are really tough.
(Might add more to this later my original post I didn’t save as a draft and it got deleted and I didn’t remember everything I wrote 😭 )
Thanks for reading. Hope you all are having a nice weekend.
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