#AGAIN FIRST DRAFT LMAO im still writing these
hijackalx · 5 months
how has no one asked for the magistrate Astarion wip snippet?
oh i fucking GOT u bestie 💪🏻💯 here u go !!!! 💗💗💗💗
(also feel like i should mention that this is CORRUPT magistrate astarion lol. just to give u an idea of whats under the cut)
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blindedguilt · 8 months
🔁 |[HIT ME. ♥]|
"You're going to get us killed." - Interaction Rewrite Prompts!
For Leonard, the weight of a child's blood upon his weapon was heavier than anything else he had handled before in his lifetime.
He hadn't the honour to have even called it the first, but different from his brothers, who had found their end directly by the blades of the Empire, there was no hope for the blame of responsibility to be lifted off his shoulders now that he had wielded that same blade himself.
Leonard's breathing was panicked and uneven. A cold sweat ran down his back as the sensation of the light body being flung backwards shot once more through his arms - he felt ill. Had he died? Had he done away with his life in that forest and been sentenced to hell? Perhaps it was all a punishment, an eternity spent in war, ending the lives of children just as he had his brothers. The screams had sounded too familiar for comfort.
He couldn't, couldn't bring himself to fight. The stakes didn't come to him. The seal didn't exist to him. The usually tranquil forest had roared with the sounds of the clashing steel, the hurried footsteps, the cries and mockery of the faerie - something like the dragon's voice had called his name in harsh rebuke, and whether it truly was her or Caim, Leonard didn't understand and stumbled blindly back to the garrisons in a piteous attempt to flee.
Too cowardly to die, and too starved to survive.
All that was clear to him against the roar of noise was his own breathing, the feeling of his heart pounding in its chest, and the crushing weight of the guilt from that thought repeating itself in his head like a mantra. Leonard struggled to break out of it - do or say something that could stop this madness. Anything. A sickened cry sounded at the sound of the mercenary's own cold reproach, and the hermit struggled to respond.
"Caim, please...!"
He had tried to utter words, either protest or a plea, but his throat had grown tight and left only a quiet whimper. Was that all he could do? Beg...? Leonard's weapon trembled in his hands. He was truly weak... He could have done more than beg. Just like his brothers, there was a thought that told him that he could have saved them. But, it was all the same. His family murdered for the sake of shameful pleasure. The blood of children spilled only for his own protection - his own cowardice to even die correctly. All for himself, a pathetic existence unable to even lift a finger against the slaughter of children.
Some wretched noise, a ragged fight for strained breath against the pounding heart in his chest, could be heard against the armoured thumps of bodies against the ground. Even from a distance, Leonard's frozen body could be seen trembling uncontrollably. The polearm dangled limply from his hands.
"They are only mere children...!"
The last uttered words before the hermit collapsed to his knees were a heart-wrenching sob.
Not a voice of disgust, but a cry in horror.
#||Reply||:Caim#{/without you i lose my mind.... GIVE ME A CAAAA~IIIIMMMM}#{/the way i JUMPED when i got this though!!! ! bri! caim!!! hello!!!!! that's my fucking guy right there!}#{/dreams DO come true!!}#{/BUT LIKE; LISTEN.}#{/THIS IS E X T R A SPECIAL BECAUSE YOU KNOW WHAT??? IT'S NOT JUST THE FIRST LEONARD-CAIM INTERACTION}#{/BUT LIKE}#{/LITERALLY HIS FIRST INTERACTION EVER!!!! this was the first ask i got on this blog!!!}#{/so that made it VERY hard to read lmao BUT I WAS SO HAPPY TO REDO THIS ONE IN PARTICULAR GOD BLESS}#{/both for its personal significance and ALSO as i mentioned}#{/the old ask makes me cringeeeeee.....}#{/this still could be better but here's the thing: it IS better compared to that lmao}#{/i really do wanna dive into leonard's likely trauma post-leonard's regret regarding that... <w<}#{/i would also KILL to see caim's whole retrospective on that someday as well omg}#{/BUT SERIOUSLY BRI TYSM FOR THE CAIMMMMM I MISS THAT NASTY LITTLE SHITGOBLIN SO MUCHHHHH <3333 it really brought me back QwQ}#{<- may or may not have taken so long on this because i was busy reading through old asks/replies and reminiscing}#{/i mean it when i say it now: leonard will be back in full swing SOON. after i get this last ask figured out and his DS1 verse established#{/im sending in the memes i have in my.......... 90 saved drafts folder lmao}#{/i keep PANICKING over all my drafts and literally a majority of it is just misc writing things that aren't even for this blog and memes}#{/either way; AGAIN; thank you so much for the ask!! i hope its at least better than the old one lmao}#{/and im so happy to write for caim again!!!! give him all my well wishes dhfbdfkjhbdkfj}
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starry-bi-sky · 4 months
Hello Starry! I just had a thought about your Danyal al Ghul AU, and didn't have anyone else to share it with, so here we go:
If in this universe Bruce is Jewish, and Danny knows this(probably from a google search), he may wear a Star of David necklace to have a piece of his father with him at all times, since he knows he will never get to meet him. Or maybe the necklace sits in a box under a floorboard, because he can't stand the constant reminder of the father he'll never get to have. Maybe he observes Sam and her family celebrate Jewish holidays, or he learns how to by himself, but uses the time to mourn, instead of celebrate.
Anyways, hope all is well, and thank you for sharing your writing!
AAHHHH??? YOUR BRAIN??? Thank you!! I love sharing my writing, it soothes my need for attention lol. lmao, even. (Also how did you know i was thinking of my danyal al ghul au today -- i have an unfinished draft that i was thinking of delving into after my work meeting) also aahh!!!!!!!! im so happy that you wanted to share your thoughts with me about it &lt;333
But dude BOTH of these ideas are soo?? GOOD and ANGSTY. I love angsty. Danny would for sure know if Bruce was Jewish, lil guy did an obsessive amount of research on his dad the moment he got his hands on a computer and figured out how they worked. Danny has like, a three inch thick folder almost on his father alone. Anything he could get his hands on, he's got it. That thickness is almost exclusively from his first like, six months in Amity Park. He keeps it in a box in his closet, along with his growing-folder on Damian and his achievements as Damian Wayne. He pages through it when he's feeling like mourning.
First off: him wearing a Star of David necklace to feel connected to Bruce. That is SO sad and I love it so much. He bought it with an allowance he'd been given when he first started living with the Fentons, he keeps it tucked under his shirt so nobody even knows he has it. Sam and Tucker don't until it slips out while he's hanging out with them and when they ask him about it, Danny very reluctantly tells them that his father is Jewish. When he's distracted, nervous, or sad, he fidgets with it. How this looks is that he looks like he's kinda rubbing his chest, like ungrasping and grasping something.
Second Off: him keeping it in a box under the floorboards. That is also so, so good. He's got it in the box along with a few other things that remind him of his father and Damian and his mother. He takes it out when he's feeling particularly lonely and homesick, it's a feeling that never really goes away even after five years of living in Amity Park. It's like a longing for something you'll never see again, but isn't that just how grief works? i can just imagine him sitting against the bed, late at night and back from patrol. He's still in his ghost form, his katana laid on the ground next to him, and his almost bird-like cape pooling down beside him as he cups the necklace in his hand like he's cradling an egg. Maybe he's bleeding from somewhere, and he's telling the necklace about patrol, murmured soft in Arabic.
When he finds out Sam is Jewish he probably, after much consideration, asks if he can observe their holidays -- after all, researching Jewish holidays only does so much. Sam agrees when he explains why, much to her parents chagrin, and he sometimes tags along. But once he gets an understanding of how they go, he starts doing it on his own. Somewhat. He celebrates with Sam for most of it, and then has some time to himself where he celebrates it on his own. So it's a little bit of both.
^^^ which brings me to thinking about my danyal snippet here where Sam is at a Wayne gala and tears into her parents over Danny in front of Bruce. And it's making me think of, with this idea in mind, Sam in a moment of emotional impulsivity, saying "I know that he wears a Star of David because his father is Jewish and he wants to be closer to him, because he loves him so very fucking much." And while saying that, briefly makes direct eye contact with Bruce as a way to tell him "I know you're his fucking dad. Look at the son you have left behind."
If only for the emotional gut punch that can leave Bruce with. 🥰
Thank you for the ask! I had a lot of fun responding to it, have a fantastic evening/day/night.
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jesuistrestriste · 8 days
As much as i adore our sweet little art, and his moans and whimpers, im still waiting for our dilfy dodge… i love him so much 😭😭
i definitely have been thinking about writing for dodge again b/c its been sooo long?
i think if i do, i'll make sure to write smth up for dilf dodge bc i still have that draft set up lmao :,,)
i think he'd definitely be such a girl dad. you'd think he'd be built for being a boy dad, but noooo. he loves his girls <3 he loves teaching them how to ride horses (lil ponies at first, and then grown horses when they're a bit older); like holding their backs as they sit in the tiny saddles UGHH ! and he'd give them his cowboy hat when they play pretend ! and he cuddles with them before bed + reads them stories ! i love u dodge mason
(i know this was a smut related ask but.. im soft rn for dilf dodge.)
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yO omg i just found ur page and i love it so hi im requesting : )
can i get izuku x male reader (or gn! idrc) where the reader is pretty stoic, like todoroki times a billion, and is only friends (boyfriends LMAO, i should mention id prefer if they r already in a relationship) with izuku, like mutters to him to talk, n just follows him around most of the time, n is kinda insecure since he has a bunch of scars and his arms are messed up because of his quirk (like discoloured skin and such) and because him n izuku are childhood friends hes kinda clingy, and is only soft with izuku
but then one day izuku is kinda havin a tough time, and snaps at the reader by accident (the reader kept clinging to him cause he didn't know where else to go and couldn't read the social cues of izuku being frustrated) and just the most heartbreaking angst with a nice fluffy ending of izuku after like a day of realizing the reader hasn't been clinging to him or talking to him and him going to see the reader in his dorms and just walking in on him curled up with a plushie or smth that izuku bought him n trying to sleep and izuku just breaking
you dont have to do this!! have a great day/night and stay hydrated!! im gonna go stalk ur bnha masterlist now ;)
ndsjafbiw i love angst sm
And feel free to stalk my masterlist lmfao i get really happy when i put more and more stuff on there and it gets longer and longer...
brheupqbufverpw also i was listening to bad habits by steve lacy and i llove you so by the walters and bjhsbafw it set the scene so good yall omg.
Whew this has been sitting in my drafts collecting dust since I lost the motivation to write when my account was nuked, but it's back, so I'm back and you guys can have this as your peace offering :D
Masterlist <3
Warning: Scarring, mentions of vomit...
Izuku x Male!Reader - Quiet
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You were practically Izuku's shadow. Everywhere he went, you went too. At the beginning of the year you were incredibly quiet and didn't really react to much. You just kept to yourself, really. You had been suffering with some pretty damn crippling anxiety at the time, and it almost had you staying home and ghosting the entrance exam because you couldn't stop thinking about what could go wrong.
You had nearly forfeited your dream because you were scared.
What if you're too weak? What if they reject you? What if you humiliate yourself?
What if somebody sees the horrible scarring on your arms and says something? It's not your fault you're so hideous, but that doesn't stop you from feeling like it is.
Things stayed that way until Izuku spoke to you again for the first time in a few years, making your little heart thud in your chest as he mumbles and mutters hypotheses about your quirk and about how glad he was to have seen how you'd grown. The boy is so open and friendly, and so talkative that it more than makes up for your lack of input in the conversation. It had been that way before as well.
You both had been childhood friendsat some point, but for some reason you'd grown apart. It broke your heart, but lo and behold the quirkless boy is entering the exam too. Who knows, when you both fail maybe you could be friends again.
At least that was what you'd thought.
Except, you didn't fail. And neither did he.
You had stuck around him after that, following him to class and for lunch until he started to get a little freaked out when leaving for the dorms only to see you still trailing behind. He confronted you and bashfully asked why you've been shadowing him the whole day with an awkward smile, unknowingly hurting your little guarded heart as you realised that your company was apparently unwanted. Of course it was. What were you thinking?
When he saw your dejected face, and felt you practically deflate in front of him, speaking up quietly for the first time the whole day, he immediately felt bad and invited you to his dorm room to talk at you some more, since he knew you wouldn't be replying much.
"S- sorry... i'll go. 'didn't mean to bother you. I just felt safe..."
His poor little (gay, but he doesn't know that yet) heart melted on the spot.
It was from then on that the two of you stayed as close friends again, and Izuku became your safety net. Every time you would panic or cry and cower away in your dorm room he was there, ready to help you challenge your negative thoughts and give you the confidence to step outside again. You had grown even closer than before despite the rift that had previously grown between you.
When he had gained the patchy, discoloured scarring on his arms from abusing them so much with his quirk, he had smiled, and held your arms close together with his.
"We match! ... You still think we're so hideous?..."
Your heart had skipped a beat when he said "we", implying that he would share this burden with you.
Over time, you started to grow closer and closer, until one day, you cleared your throat to speak while sitting in Izuku's bed with him, some random hero documentary playing on his TV. He immediately shut up at the time, listening to you speak because it's so rare that you'd break your silence unless you were with him and he was honoured that he was the one to make you feel that comfortable, and you would never forget how his cheeks started to glow when you confessed to him that day. He was so proud that you were able to tell him, and immediately accepted your confession of love.
Ever since then you had hung around him at all times, clinging to his blazer with an outstretched hand when the halls got busy and even following him to the bathroom, his blush ever present every time you did. He didn't truly mind though.
But today, he had been in a rather sour fight with Bakugou, and he was reeling. You had never really been privvy to social cues, so when he let out frustrated sighs and huffs, and held his head in his hands during break, you just thought he was feeling a little off today.
Discoloured, scarred fingers reach out to hold onto his blazer sleeve when you start to feel a little unsettled, huddling close to him and showing him your affection, but he does not take kindly to it.
A sharp smack fills the silence of the room as Izuku swats your hand away harshly, growing irritated with and overstimulated by everything around him. You know he must have been having a bad day, but it must've been you. You didn't realise that you had ruined his day and part of you almost thinks of this as his way of breaking up with you, but you don't have much time to think on it before your boyfriend is yelling at you.
He had never yelled at you before.
"What's is it now?! Can't you see i'm not in the mood?! I can't do this right now. You don't have to cling to me every second of the day!"
Everything feels numb when, for the first time ever, Izuku raises his voice at you. He definately wants to break up. Didn't you hear, idiot? He said he doesn't want you near him anymore. He doesn't like you anymore.
It doesn't even take a second for the overwhelmingly depressing and intrusive thoughts to infiltrate your mind and swarm you, and you freeze up as he walks away from you, your throat suddenly closing up as your eyes sting from the salt in your tears.
For hours you sit alone in your bedroom, curled up under your sheets and crying so hard you almost vomit. Of course he doesn't want to be with you anymore, look at you. Your face is bright red and your skin is raw and sore from all of the tears and the wiping of your face. It hurts. And it looks like it does too.
You curl up into a large dragon plush that Izuku had won for you at an arcade date the two of you went on. It was one of your first dates and still remains one of the best memories of your life. The fur of the plush is absolutely ruined with snot and tears, and your voice is hoarse and it carries in your cries how torn apart you are. It's sad, the first time you've used your voice this much in such a short space of time is when your crying into a plush over your boyfriend. Or your ex.
Your hair is slick with sweat and tears and a few strands cling to your face as you cry, and you're completely exhausted by the time midday rolls around.
The next day, you skip school and stay in your room, your head pounding from the dehydration of crying out all the fluids in your body. You're only brought out of your trance as you hear a tentative knock on your door. Is the school day over already? Oh...
You didn't even bother to go to dinner, and you haven't eaten all day because you hadn't the guts to come out and face everyone after sonething like that. You may be a strong hero, but without Izuku, your crutch, you felt like nothing.
The last thing you expect to see is Izuku walking in to find you curled up in your bed, in a state worse than any he's ever seen you in. Considering that he's seen every one of your panics attacks since you had grown close, that's saying something.
Immidiately he's by yourside, relising how bedly he had fucked up. You were still cradling your hand close to your chest in an effort to stay close to the last place he touched you.
The freckled boy had come to apologise for snapping at you the way he did, but he never expected it to be this bad, and he truly worried when he didn't see you in class this morning. He felt unsettled not having you there beside him since you were both a package deal, and everywhere you went, you went with Izuku in tow.
His heart just about shatters as you look up at him with confused eyes, the colour in them appearing so much more intense with the flood of emotion and the redness of your sclera. your eyelashes are dark and bunched together with little tear droplets and the image is so etherial to him. He's so in love with you that it hurts, and there's an uncomfortable tightness in his chest and a lump in his throat at the sight of you like this. The second he saw you curled up and crying into his plush his heart had dropped to the floor and he had physically felt it.
In seconds he's apologising and tearing up, crying with you while he gets under the covers to cuddle.
"Baby, I- i'm so, so sorry! I never meant to hurt you like that, I swear! I was stressed and I took it out on you- i'm sorry! I've been a horrible partner- but i'll make it up to you, I promise..."
You didn't doubt him. The boy was torn up about how he treated you and the relief and comfort of finally being back in his arms again, coupled with the realisation that he didn't break up with you had your heart stuttering and racing and a hundred miles an hour while you cuddle the fluffy haired boy.
Your hands are already buried into his hair and he practically whines as you press your forehead against his under the sheets. As he rambles about how sorry he is you just scratch his scalp, still recovering from the heartbreak of what you thought was a split between the two of you, and you say nothing back.
Izuku knows you though, and he knows your silence isn't one of rejection. He holds you close with surprisingly strong arms, holding the hand he slapped away in his and trailing his thumbs over the discoloured scarring there. As much as you see Izuku breaking every record with his astounding strength, he's still just that squishy baby in your mind, with hamster cheeks and big, beady eyes that are like glass windows to his soul.
It brings a smile to your face and fresh tears to your eyes. You're so in love that it hurts.
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voidclrx · 4 months
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— pairing : valeria 'el sin nombre' garza x fem!reader
— cw : wlw, a little bit of angst, arguments, suggestive situation,
— a/n : hi guys, i know its been a while since i post writings here and this one was sleeping in my draft... first of all, this fic is small lmao but im so bad at writing smut. and sorry for any mistakes, i just forgot how to properly write a fic💀 i dont know if i will continue to write due to my heavy schedule as im now enlisted in the army but maybe i'll try sometimes just to improve my english. im completely open to some suggestions/tips !
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being a cartel leader’s girlfriend is obviously not an easy task for anyone, and you were no exception. in fact, you spend a lot of your time alone since valeria is on mission. she leave you in her penthouse with some of her men to keep you safe.
“i’ll be back in around 1 month, princesa" is what she tells you before going on a new mission, and it was again a lie. you were waiting for her for 3 weeks now and there is no valeria. and this situation was annoying for you because you needed her with you ; not somewhere, risking her life.
right now, you were on the couch of the living room, watching some stupid tv show you found while zapping. you couldn’t stop thinking about valeria, what is she doing ? when the fuck is she going to come back ? this situation made you think that you weren’t that important to her, you knew what it would be like when you started to date her but you didn’t know it could be that hard.
after 1 hour of watching tv, you heard noises coming from the entry of your house. you knew it was her just by hearing the footsteps. but for once, you weren’t going to get up and happily hugging her as if she wasn’t gone for 2 months. this time you decided to talk with her about it.
"hello, sweetheart. i'm home" shit. you'd be lying to yourself if hearing her voice didn't affect you because you missed her. but for once, you didn't want to do her the favor of not telling her about her tardiness, which by the way, is one of the many others when she's away on mission.
"mmh hello? is someone here? baby?" you know she was searching for you.
"yeah yeah. i'm in the living room". you said.
you heard her almost running to you. she enters the living room, only to open her arms wanting a hug. but you didn't move, you arms were crossed and you looked at her with a raised eyebrow. valeria look at you, confused. she didn't know why you refused her hug.
"princesa? are you ok?". she asked confuse.
this time you decided to let it out.
"yeah, i have a problem actually. 2 months. 2 fucking months without knowing where you were, if you were okay. i was almost asking myself if you weren't dead." you snapped.
valeria was still looking at you, this time she seems shocked. it was the first time since you both met that you speak to her like this.
she retorted. "really? the first thing you do when you saw me is saying that? like you couldn't just wait tomorrow for telling me this? we didn't saw each other since 2 months and you attack me. i-"
she couldn't end her sentence that you cut her off.
"no i couldn't just wait tomorrow for telling you this". you imitated her. "i'm tired of your lies, you told me before leaving that you were going to be back 1 month later. but what was my surprise when you weren't there the following month. as if i'm not used to you lying about when you'll be back."
valeria took a deep breath, relaxing herself before talking, she wanted to stay calm for once because she knew this time she was in the wrong
"okay listen. i'm sorry but let me exp-". you cut her off again.
"not you're not sorry, you're sorry i'm arguing with you"
"for fuck sake, y/n stop cutting me off. stop being immature and let me talk". valeria reposted.
the tension between you started to rise. someone outside the scene could even notice the sexual tension that was building up too.
"being immature for what? for telling you about the problem? and maybe finding a solution? or because i tell about that problem right now and not tomorrow, huh?".
valeria didn’t even know what to answer. the only thing she has done at that moment was to instinctively kiss you to shut you up. the kiss was kinda rough but still full of caring.
"it’s not going to solve our problem". you said between a break.
"i know babe, we both know that arguing right now is not going to help us. so let me just taste these lips that i missed. i promise you that we're going to talk about it tomorrow" valeria said while trapping you against the wall and going down on your neck. she perfectly know it is your weak spot.
you wanted to say something but you couldn't, and once again the hold she has on you erases anger to give a way to desire
"p-please val". you moaned slightly.
your moans give valeria butterflies, it’s been a long time since she heard them, so she wants to enjoy them for the night.
hearing your moans gives valeria butterflies
her body is tense and kinda screaming for you. for the moment, she just want to feel you, she need it. she knows she’s in wrong for not telling you that the mission was gonna take much longer but she just want to forget this at this moment and just be near you.
you both headed to the shared room and valeria lay you down on the bed and put herself on the top of you. she bend down and just stop near your lips, only a few inches are separating them. at this moment, you could feel your heart rate pretty fast as you feel valeria’s breath against your lips.
"tonight is going to be your night amor, so let me make it up to you" she said, as she finally press her lips against yours.
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ballblender · 11 months
Hey hey. Im here to put in my rq, can I get a Kise and aomine from Knb(if you don't write for two character, Kise will be fine) with a femreader who is like Nagi from blue lock. Like they are pretty good at a certain sports(you can choose any sports) and is very lazy to do things. I hope it's not too long :D. Feel free to decline, tq and have a nice day.
i assume that they're dating, but if you meant platonic, just send me another ask! (i also haven't watched blue lock in a while so my Nagi personality is mostly based off of what i remember from his first few appearances) (she acts more like murasakibara oops)
Kise and Aomine with a Sporty!Lazy!Fem!Reader
content: just fluff, use of 'babe' (aomine), tennis (kise), volleyball (aomine) both of them haul your lazy ass, use of Y/N
Kise Ryōta
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It always surprises Kise whenever he sees you on the tennis court. You're always laser-focused, especially on days where you face difficult opponents. However, your stoicism and general demeanour always comes through.
"Come on Y/N-cchi! Don't you have an important match today?"
He sighs. This isn't the first time. He knows full well that you know that you can't miss this match, even if your opponent's school is rated one of the worst in the region.
"...I don't even have to play...I already know I'm gonna win..."
Kise knows you're right. In fact, every time you're about to play, he gathers DVD's of your opponent, so you can study the both of them together while cuddling.
He decides it's enough. Lord knows that your coach is already tolerating you the best she can, and every day, Kise fears for your position in the club.
Kise yanks off the covers, and faces a nice surprise. Not that kind of surprise.
"You're already in uniform?"
"Mmmphh...I was late training last night..."
He smiles warmly, feeling less urgency, and scoops you into his arms.
Kidding, he flips you over and hangs you over his shoulder, while crouching down to zip up the racket bag you left on the floor, and takes it with him.
He swears that he can feel your body relax, as if you're about to sleep again, flipped on his shoulder.
"Hey, hey! You can't just fall asleep! Your muscles are gonna be tired!"
Don't worry though, he still carried you all the way to the match.
Aomine Daiki
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The two of you would often rest on the roof together. sleeping your troubles away. Honestly, you were one in the same. That is, until Aomine's loss at the Winter Cup.
"Babe, get up, you got practice today right?"
You grumble in turn.
Suddenly, you feel yourself being hoisted up, and thrown over is shoulders.
"Daiki...i'm tired..."
"You won't be tired when you start moving your feet around."
He carries you all the way down to the volleyball courts, letting you slip off of his shoulders and into his arms, carrying you bridal style.
"Y/N. We're here."
He sets you down on the floor, before you promptly spin and bury your face into his chest, digging your nails into his shirt.
He notes how you look like a needy cat.
"Y/N!! Finally you're here!!"
Your captain walks over, and you fall into her arms as she laughs, hauling you over to the rest of the team for practice.
You found your groove quickly, sprinting across the court as if you hadn't been acting like a sloth a few minutes prior.
Aomine knew he hated losing; he also knew you hated it all the same.
this ask is probably 2 months old lmfao im sorry and i still have a kumatani one i'm halfway through but im writing again
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astrababyy · 1 year
The mating bond is trash. You’d have think that with true mates they’d have some similar interests besides like very bare minimum. But then again Rhysand said so himself, it’s just putting the two physically fit matches to create better and stronger fae. What if Feyre never got all the abilities she got???? Would she still be the best mate choice for Rhys? Some eugenics shit SJM writes and it doesn’t help that she is a white lady. Ick
you're so right anon the mating bond is SO BAD
like??? it's so questionable lmao. think about it too hard, and it really does read like magical eugenics. the two main mating bonds we have from this series (nessian and feysand) have both proven to be incredibly toxic relationships, and the men in these relationships probably never would've given af about the women in them without that bond leading them around.
the thing that probably bothers me the most about these bonds in particular is that there's like this innate attraction to it on the men's end so it ends up being really icky like idk man. it's fucking gross how these things are created lmao.
it is JUST survival of the fittest, and the fae fall for it hook line and sinker 😞
the entire thing with the fae just reeks of eugenics and who’s better bullshit. you can just tell from how it’s worded, yk?
and the way the mating bonds are portrayed doesn’t help matters. out of every example we have in the acotar universe, there is all of ONE healthy, official relationship between mates — and even then, vivienne and kallias barely count since we know like nothing about them lmao. every other example — feysand, tamlin’s parents, rhysand’s parents, nessian, etc. — are all terrible, particularly to the women involved. even a lot of the theory mating pairs are toxic asf lmao, like even the fandom has the unconscious realization that these bonds tend not to be healthy.
it’s just… *waves hands maniacally* bad, anon. that’s all i can really say abt it. it’s such an icky thing to think about, really. imagine forcing two random strangers into such a bond, and then artificially crafting a near-obsessive attraction on the male’s side. and for what? for some shallow wish fulfillment? yk what, there’s nothing wrong with a wish fulfillment book, but please market said book as such instead of being the holier-than-thou gospel of modern feminism. i mean, ffs.
if y'all ever wanna read how bad i am at answering asks, just check out the first draft of this response 🙃
yeah, that was such an icky line to put in the books — "sometimes the bond is just shoving together the ones that'd make the best offspring". like??
okay, in fairness, a dichotomy of a near-sentient magic with a mindset of survival of the fitness facing off against a faerie society that's evolved past that could be so interesting. but that's a convo for another day.
There's definitely this underlying level of gross implications to it. You'd think it'd be like the people who can help each other become the best versions of themselves. and maybe that could tie into fate and how these mating bonds significantly impact the lives of these pairs and how they later go on to impact the world as a whole. that'd be interesting. if the mating bonds were rare and considered to be like an omen promising great change. actually, wait, that's cool. i like that idea lmao.
i'm getting so side-tracked in this ask im sorry anon lol.
ANYWAY, since it's NOT that, instead it's based off, like you said, what is essentially magical eugenics. there's actually something so dystopian about it. like, even rhysand who is the most powerful high lord is the son of a mated pair. the fact that faeries aren't discriminated based on whether they're a child of a mated pair or not, with the comment rhysand made in mind, is pretty interesting. (it's also probably just a side effect of poor worldbuilding but yk).
going back to what you said about what'd happen if feyre hadn't gotten the high lord powers. i think, if we go in universe and try to make sense of it, it depends on the way the mating bonds work and how much sway they have over fate, etc. if feyre didn't get those powers, would the mating bond use other methods to make her powerful enough to be "worthy" of ending up with rhys? because the bond's already snapped in place at this point lmao so what then? is a genuine concern.
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this may be too much to ask for but
could we get the album name that the wip jongho fic's title is in (im so bad w words but like yk how guerrilla is in ep.1: movement, one day at a time is in fever pt.3) (i honestly wouldnt understand my own words if i tried reading this lmao)
please and thank you :>
haha omggg i may have kept this a secret but since you asked so nicely... it's from the same album as guerrilla :D if you guess what it's called i'll answer any question you have LOLLL you don't even have to look far quite literally, you don't even have to search for the album lmao it'srighthere
(let's hope the fic does not get jinxed again bc this one has been a challenge it's literally my 3rd draft and this is my first time writing a 3rd version of a fic oops but i have high hopes still) (i hope i don't disappoint when it comes out) (if it comes out bruh i'm taking a break bc i'm busy i have no idea when it will finish)
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dckweed · 2 years
BABES! HI! can you please write a fic where you and max are bsfs and you’re also billy’s girlfriend and she’s like reacting to reader calling billy mullet daddy? 😭 idky but it sounds funny.
hello love! lmao i fuckin love this idea so much this is gonna be so good ! def a light hearted change of pace compared to the drafts i have going right now.
ngl girls talk boys was on my mind the whole fucking time lmao (please i love my aussie bby boys so so much i had such a blast seeing them on tour this year)
warnings: MINOR SAFE ! basically reader and billy being dopey messes just for pure joy of embarrassing max, max dying of embarassment in front of her friends + her friends also dying of second hand embarassment (but secretly they all think you're adorable).
"..WHEN YOU'RE TALKING TO YOUR GIRLS, DO TALK ABOUT ME?.." billy hargrove x reader
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"Please, he's so pretty you don't understand-" You say, giggling with your group of girlfriends as you sit in a small circle together outside of the school, it was summer still but you guys had been trying out for Volleyball, at least two of you hellbent on making the team, the other two were just here for support. After having spent the entire summer not seeing each other you were excited to finally see your girls again, the camaraderie was light an airy as usual as they grilled you over Billy, whom everyone had noticed a change in lately. You were about to continue on when you heard his Camaro pull into the parking lot. He stopped a little ways away, close to the doors, honking once he saw you. "Speak of the devil, I'll see you guys tomorrow for a sleep over okay?"
Quickly you rise to your feet, slinging your duffle bag over your shoulder as you ran, last year's Volleyball uniform clinging to your body. You see him give a small smirk as he helps push Max into the backseat, you see her feet go over, dangling in the air and you see his shoulders move up and down in laughter.
You roll your eyes, opening the passenger door. "Stop laughing at her it's not funny!" You say, pulling the passenger seat down to help her, she was stuck on her skateboard. "You going to the mall too, Max?" You ask, helping put her upright as you say your bag down on the seat next to her.
"Yeah, I'm meeting El and the guys." She says, settling in. She gives you a happy smile, always happy to see one of her favorite people. You were so kind and sweet, too sweet to be with someone like Billy, but she had also noticed that he had done a complete 180 spin on his personality, and at first she thought it was just to show off for you, but then she realized that he was doing it when you weren't even around too. She thought it was amazing.
You put your seat back up, sliding in. "Good, I wanted to ask you something," You say, closing your door as you settle. You look up when you notice the car hasn't moved, going to give Billy an odd look only to realize he's already staring at you. "What?"
He raises an eyebrow, lips quirking into what looked like a heartfelt pout. "You're forgetting something." He says, leaning back in the driver's seat as he waits for you to realize.
You cock your head, rolling your eyes as you finally realize what has hinting to you. "You poor baby, im so sorry i forgot to tell you hello," You say, mocking him as you lift yourself slightly off the seat and lean over to him, giving him his clearly long awaited kiss. You pull away after a moment, not wanting it to get too heated with Max in the back, the girl was already gagging at the sight of her brother sticking his tongue down your throat. "Better, big boy?" You ask, looking up at him playfully.
He rolls his eyes at you this time. "Much." He says, his hand going automatically to your thigh as he finally pulled away from the school. "You girls seemed like you were having fun.."
You smirked, looking at him with a chuckle. "Oh, we sure were.." You say, he raises an eyebrow, curious. "And the fun continues tomorrow night, would you like to join us, Max? The girls can't wait to meet you." You look back at her, a smile on your face. Sure, she was your boyfriend's little sister but she was cool to hang out with, and who didn't love cool new friends.
She seems flustered at first, surprised that you would even ask her. "Um, yeah, that'd be cool..can El come too?" She asks, perking up in the seat excitedly.
You grin. "Of course she can!"
The rest of the ride is in silence, Billy squeezing your thigh occasionally as he focused on the road ahead of him. He couldn't believe how genuinely kind you were to everyone you met, especially him, who he knew didn't deserve it or you for that matter. It was something always on his mind, and he always wanted to ask but he always chickened out, too afraid of your answer.
Once he finds a parking space in the malls parking lot, you get out, lowering the seat for Max. Billy walks around the side of the car, his arm going around your shoulder immediately. You guys walk to the doors of the mall, listening to Max talk about what she and her friends were going to do.
You saw her friends once you neared the doors, and Billy pulls you in tighter. "So," His voice is in your ear, a sultry sound to it almost. "when you're talking to your girls like that..do you talk about me, baby?" You can practically feel the cheesey smirk sliding across his lips.
Max looks back, stunned that she had even heard the question. You chuckle, turning to look up at him. You bat your eyes, giving him a shit eating look. "You wanna hear all about how we talk about how cute your ass is?" You say, and you notice Max tense as she tries to walk faster. "Or do you wanna hear about how we all call you mullet daddy, because you really do look beautiful with that hair baby."
You laugh at his shocked face, and then at Max's initial reaction, which is to gag heavily just as she reaches her friends, who all in turn gag at overhearing your conversation. "Oh you poor babies, believe me, we spend our time talking about alot more than his hair.." You say, you look back at him, grabbing his hand to tug him along, leaning the kids to gag over you guys. "come along, mullet daddy."
"Please never say that word again!" You heard max, and a chorus of noises made in agreeance.
"You're lucky you're so fucking cute, you know that?" Billy says in your ear, wrapping his arms around you from behind. "...they really think my ass is cute?"
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anotherhellchild · 2 years
soo I know I havent been active in like forever BUT! I've slowly been getting back into bnha :)) ... I finally watched the latest movie and im almost up to date on the manga
anyways I had this idea for a fic like two years ago and I've decided its time I share it cause I don't think ill ever actually write it lol (mostly cause im just not motivated but also cause I lost the draft I had for it) keep in mind that I thought about this like two years ago tho so all the recent manga/anime developments never happend (also mentions of bad parent Mitsuki ahead)
it was gonna be a kid Katsuki fic where Bakugou got hit by a quirk that basically made him 10 years younger (so he’d be 6). And the ‘rules’ to this quirk were the following:
- whoever gets hit by the quirk instantly turns into themselves from 10 years ago
- but like. exactly themselves from exactly 10 years ago. so they'd have the exact memories and body they had at the exact time of day just 10 years in the past.
- so for example if u got hit with the quirk at 3:23pm on the 10th of august 2022 you’d turn into the version of yourself from 3:23pm on the 10th of august 2012 and if you were hungry or thirsty at that time in 2012 you'd still be hungry or thirsty when you appear in 2022 (this is rlly vague but hopefully it makes some sense lmao)
-also say you were playing outside at that time, you'd suddenly be super confused as to where you were and what was happening etc.
- its kinda like the person hit by the quirk rewinds exactly 10 years. does that make sense(?). 
- after exactly 24 hours the person hit with the quirk ‘ages’ (or I guess ‘fasts forward’) exactly a year. so 3:23pm august 10th 2012 kid turns into 3:23pm august 11th 2013 kid. cause its a day later.
- they age by exactly a year every 24 hours until they reach they're actual age again. so it takes exactly 10 days for the quirk to wear off.
- whenever they age up again, they have no memory of the day before
those were the basic rules to the quirk and I can't remember if there was anything else to it but yeah (lmk if it made no sense ill try to explain better)
so in my fic I was gonna have Katsuki get hit by the quirk (obviously). and it was gonna be part of my Bakugou Katsuki is class 1a’s big brother - change my mind series which means that id have Katsuki already adopted by Aizawa and part of the Aizawa-yamada household. (Hitoshi, Shoto and Eri also part of the fam of course) but the adoption process was gonna either not be over yet or at least super recent and the extent of Katsuki’s past and abuse was not gonna be known by anyone. also I like hawks so I think I had Baku as hawks’ intern in this 
I believe I had already written the first scene where I was gonna have Miruko, hawks and Bakugou out on patrol fighting some villains and then Bakugou getting hit by the quirk. (I forgot the password I need to get to the draft tho💀, so I can't share it with you guys at the moment)
anyways, I thought the idea had a lot of potential cause I was gonna have everyone see how Katsuki aged from a 6yo to a 16yo over the course of 10 days. and I was gonna make it that his ‘past selves’ that ‘appear’ had just been kidnapped or something or had a lot of buises or hadn't eaten in however long and then all of a sudden they find themselves in a room full of (to them) strangers who he obviously doesn't trust. everyone was gonna see first hand how messed up Katsuki’s childhood was. and in the meantime Katsuki was just gonna be trying to figure out whether he could trust these people or how he could escape them.
it was gonna be a lot of trauma and fun!
oh and I was gonna make it that when he initially got attacked by the quirk, it would've coincidentally be exactly 9 days away from the anniversary of when the sludge villain attacked him. meaning that his 14yo self (that would've showed up on day 9 of the quirk) was gonna happen to be in the middle of being choked by sludge whilst the quirk hit which would make it that (to him) it'd feel like he’d be fighting sludge one second and then he’d suddenly be in front of a whole class of UA students the next. 
I had all these ideas for the fic that I can elaborate on if anyones interested! but I mostly just wanted to share this cause I started thinking about my old WIPs recently and thought it'd be fun to talk about them!
feel free to send me any asks about this if you want! maybe ill try to look for my old headcanons and wips if anybody’s interested
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rinbowaman · 1 year
the everyday sex yeah....im waiting for yn to do another prank on hee (lmao yeah another one) like imposing sex ban with some lame excuse he would die (not really unless) but the pouty baby mode would be activated man would go crazy "can u at tleast watch me while i jerk off?"
lol sorryyyyyyy
i've thought about this concept before, back when i drafted a chapter (i think it was the beginning of MRE...maybe mid?) where y/n had to get a break because she was too sore. THat was when i thought of "what if she told him no more for like a month?" but heethan has his own personality in my head, its like he lives in my mind rent free so when I write, i write the first thing that pops into my head on what he would do....and this is how it went down:
Hint of SMUT, SMUT implied, but not descriptive or mentioned in detail. Slight MDNI below:
PS: Just imagine the image with black hair instead of the blonde...i'm not photoshop inclined one bit. lol
His eyes grew wide the moment he took in your words.
'DId she just say ....what i think she just said?'
You stood there remaining steadfast, wanting to see how much grasp you had on this man, considering it was obvious that he was into you beyond what was considered normal obsession, yet you didn't mind, you felt safe, protected, loved, and nurtured because of it.
"Heeseung, i mean it. No more until the end of the month."
you giggled internally, he looked so cute standing before you with his mouth slightly parted, his eyes wide under the shadow of his cap, and his hands at his side, palms facing you as he was presenting total confusion and shock nonverbally.
"And....what makes you think that it's going to happen?" he asks.
"Because i said so."
Little did you know, you made a grave mistake that moment when his head was taken aback by your statement, and the look of shock and confusion was replaced with a laconic one.
"Oh....because YOU said so...hmm....interesting." he remarked.
Walking towards you, you remained still with your arms crossed, wondering why the tension was growing, also...where was the sense of animosity coming from? it was as if the room grew dark.
"Pretty baby....let me explain something for a second..." he states, his eyes dissappeared underneath the hovering of his cap. Step by step, he stands right before you...actually he was too close. His chest grazing against your breasts as his chin faintly rests atop your head as he places both hands on the wall behind you, caging you in on his broad frame.
"You....are so beautiful. You're so dazzling and you're remarkable. You're like nothing I've ever seen before...." he softly issues out as he leans into your ear, softly vocalizing his words up against your hair, your neck, and your helix.
"BUT...." the harshness of the sudden change in his tone as he continued shocked you.
"If you think that you're going to call the shots to anything....think again....think LONG and HARD...babydoll."
The moment he said 'babydoll' you knew....he switched to his other face. Leaning your head back slightly, you looked up and saw the sinister glare and smirk of Ethan staring down at you, biting down on his lower lip looking as if he was deviously planning on something.
"You should learn...to ask first...babydoll." he softly speaks as he peers his smirk down at you with his eyes stabbing into yours.
"...oh...okay. well it was just a joke. i just wanted to see your reaction." you stared at the ground, nervously chuckling as you felt the weight of his stare on you.
"Oh....a joke huh? well i got one for you then."
"w-what is it?"
"Knock-knock. "
"W-whose there?"
"mmmm-Ethan > : ) "
You displayed a look of confusion as he stated his own name, yet he only raised his brows at you, ushering for you to continue.
".....Ethan who?"
"I havent Ethan all day and i'm hungry. Come here and....."
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Before you could process the joke, which much later on you realize that despite how lame and corny it may have initially came off....you had to admit....it was quite clever and creative, considering he came up with it right on the spot.
As far as how that night went, you couldn't remember much of what happened after he yanked you by the waist and devoured you with his kisses....ALL OVER YOUR ENTIRE BODY.....
You knew it had to been heated and that he may have taken out some level of frustration or irritation out on you because you felt a bit of the stretch in between your legs as you were getting ready for classes the next morning. Which all Heeseung did was admire you with a devilish smile.
"Ah...that's too bad. ;) "
The lesson to get from all this, is as follows...
Nothing isn't so....unless Heethan says so.
"How am I doing?" - Smau/Timeline Drabble
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rainslices · 2 years
long time no update!! (what i've been up to, new project, etc)
hellaur tumblr people... it has been a while since i've written a proper update on things I MEAN, WELL, if you follow me on twitter, you would probably already have heard! but before i get into that, i first want to welcome all ye who recently followed. congrats for finding my tumblr!!! either that or you probably came from twitter. whichever route you took, be careful... because once you check in, you can never check out muahahahaha!!!
first, look at this, i recently made a placeholder icon for jackham's itch io page!!! (it's currently an unpublished draft though)
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this isn't even the final thing, but it still somehow slaps. why did i make a placeholder icon? it's to replace the old one, which was this
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BLEGGH. i went ahead and made a better one, even if i'm the only person who can see it in its unpublished state LMAO. anyways. where am i now with [JACKHAMMERED], you may ask! good question over these past couple months, i've managed to draft a bunch of documents consisting mostly of worldbuilding and character essays. the jackham google drive has a total of (counts my fingers and toes) twelve docs, that's right, TWELVE, currently marinating in the drive. i didn't even know i had it in me! though here lies the problem- out of all these charming character profiles and location docs, only two of them are a 'plot doc'. two, 'cause the first one became half-finished and the vibes were just off whenever i came back to it, and the second one went a lil farther than half, but still suffered a similar fate.
in shorter words, i'm stumped. and i can certainly pinpoint it to not being able to narrow down jackham's scope. i know i want this game to be something great, something that is a culmination of all its wonderful inspirations, but my mind is in a constant tug of war between wanting it to be a chapter-by-chapter thing, or just one full game. it leaves me feeling scatterbrained and unfocused. and even if i DID know what i want, it still feels... well, big. my general plans for jackham feel ambitious for someone who's swan diving into renpy with 0 knowledge. im just one guy ! and so my solution to that is...
i'm making [In The Middle]
NOW I KNOW HOW IT LOOKS LIKE "another VN? but chaurchey ur already stumped writing for jackhammered, how can you possibly write for this one?!" the difference is that i feel comfortable in narrowing things down if i start fresh. i still want to work with the initial ideas i have for jackhammered, but i'm putting it away for now until i feel ready. at least with In The Middle, i hope to apply the experience i've gained and tackle jackham again. i'm sure boel, olned, and kade can wait for me in a couple of months. maybe more. so what exactly is [In The Middle]? picture this: the sun is slowly sinking, with you finally reaching the gate of your house after a long day. your plans upon touchdown consist of only two things: microwave dinner, and a well-deserved nap. but you would quickly forget them when a flash of light temporary blinds you- and now there’s a hooded stranger on your lawn; you have but four days to find out who they are and where they came from, before the inert copper megaminx in their possession becomes active once more. a newfound friend, a stranger, or perhaps something more; only you get to decide. "In The Middle" is a test game that's precedent to the production of [JACKHAMMERED]. the story will be separate, short, and non-canon (maybe! who knows!). it's mostly for me to test the waters so i can properly bite off what i can chew for jackham, while also having the freedom of experimenting! two characters and one outcome, but the choices you make affect the way it's delivered (nods nods). this feels like a scale i can work with, and i've already pumped out a bunch of concepts in a separate drive which makes me really excited to do this!! it just occurred to me how much the isekai concept keeps bouncing around in my head rent free, but with In The Middle, the opposite more or less happens. Pieve gets isekai'd to you
who the hell is Pieve
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TADAAAA!!! meet Pieve, that very stranger whom that portal puked out into your lawn. naked and afraid, so to speak. and oh, the beauty of concept art... i take pride in the fact that their design isn't even final yet as i've got more things in mind i want to tweak before i give this chochi spawn the Chochi Seal of Approval. aaaaand i'm gonna leave it at that so i don't spoil stuff. after all, learning about them is the goal. writing sure is HARD. but god, so is reading. so if you sped-run and skimmed through the entire update post up to here, well done!!! i would've done the same!!! this took hours to write but i'm glad to just get this out of the way because my followers on here deserve an update too. in closing, i'd like to mention just how much i am proud of myself. not just with the progress i've made for this idea so far, but with just. everything. if you told the me from 11 months ago that i would all of a sudden be into making games, i would have not believed you. but here we are, trajectory of life changed and all! i hope you can look forward to [In The Middle], and soon enough, [JACKHAMMERED].
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peachdues · 7 months
for the fanfic ask game:
1. my favorite fic of yours is probably phantasmagoria (with sanemi’s “bundle of joy” and rengoku’s “tell me to stop” being very close second and third places). i loved the complexity of the characters, the unreliable narration, how there was no “black and white” so to speak, everyone in the story in some way or another wasn’t completely good or completely horrible (except d*uma ofc), everyone fucked up somewhat along the way (some more than others lmao); however i am also super excited as well for the great war and vow between man and star, and ofc the completion of netherwood lolol, and have no doubt you’ll crush those fics too!!
3. best character you’ve written for: honestly, i’m just gonna straight up say i love how you write ALL your characters. however (and i’ve talked about this to you before) i have never loved how someone writes kyojuro more than how you write him. i am not the biggest kyo girlie (gasp i know) BUT the way you write him??? god i’d marry your version of kyo in an instant. you make him so much more than just the over-enthusiastic characteristics that he possesses, and i love that about your writing of him.
of course, i loveeee how you write sanemi and giyuu as well (your sanemi is what turned me from thinking “oh this guy is kinda cute” to being a victim of sanemi brainrot), and ofc your characterization of giyuu is so on-point and ugh (can you tell that i love your writing LOL)
8. what i like the most about your writing: it’s so difficult to pick just a single thing lmao (i love your descriptions, your dialogue, your storytelling/plot delivery, everything really) but i think what i like most is your creativity. you think of the most interesting premises (take vow between man and star, i still don’t know how you thought up the storyline for that, and yet it’s one of my favorite premises that i’ve seen come out of that beautiful brain of yours; same with phantasmagoria, i loved how you wrote the story and the dynamics between characters and how you took into consideration how certain plot points would cause internal changes within the reader and sanemi, the foreshadowing, the narration, everything really.) your creativity is astounding to me, and i love every single idea you think up and share with us<3
9. fics i’m excited for you updating/posting include the great war, man and star, coalescence, and ofc netherwood lolol. i love the concepts behind each one (and have loved the snippets you’ve sent me in our dms hehehe).
10. i know this is gonna sound crazy but u made me love sanekana so much more with your mirror, mirror snippets! i love those two so much haha
13. lolol i have definitely talked about how amazing your writing is with my other moots. we will be talking about fanfic and i swear i’ll say smth where i bring you up and how amazing your writing is and then will proceed to discuss details about it if the other person has also read whatever fic i’ve decided to bring up/just talk about your writing in general and how beautiful it is
14. a fanfic i didn’t think i’d like as much as i did was again, phantasmagoria. i think at first the idea of it being so centered around drug use was a lil bit of a turn off for me at first, BUT i’m so glad i read it because the way you incorporated those sensitive topics into your fic was incredible, and, with the reasons i mentioned above, is my favorite fic of yours (and is one of the few fics that have ever made me actually cry, and i’ve been around tumblr and ao3 for a while LMAO) so i’m glad i decided to read it because again i think you nailed the entire fic and, as angsty as it is, i still truly enjoyed reading it<3
(this is from an ask game and I’m so sorry I’m not answering until now)
I just —-
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I love you. So much.
I like, genuinely don’t know how to respond to this (and I’ve REALLY tried), but I’m just so grateful for you. Thank for for letting me spam your DMs with random snippets and giving me feedback, and thank you for helping me aboard the Levi and Nanami trains.
I’ll get back to the Giyuu fics after Netherwood is done, so be prepared for me to spam you even more 😭 thank you for being such a wonderful, amazing moot and I absolutely fucking adore your writing??? Our mutual Sanemi brain rot gives me life
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sungbeam · 5 days
no your Eric is sososo well written you're one of the few writers that's putting me back on reading!! I literally had to send several of your works to my bestie even tho she analyzes writing a lot more and is p strict about stuff she reads (who btw said, and I quote "if this person wrote a novel, I would read it"!!^)
I feel like the fact you understand Eric's mannerisms is the reason I like it a lot; you really make a good distinction between characters and the way they act! particularly enjoyed swing my way, esp with all the other members involved!! like it's perfect, if anything I wish I could see more of what happens with them down the road because it's so cute 🥺🥺
ty for writing well~ hehe
also either of the names is fine! I mostly used ducky on tumblr but use moon more as of recently ^🫶 I also remember seeing you on tumblr when I still had an account and being like omgg another duck!! but I was too shy to say hi and then sadly went inactive and ended up deactivating LMAO if I come back I'll let you know so we can actually be moots 🫶 honestly you're inspiring me to write again/go through my old drafts but we'll see!!
- ducky/moon
awh im so happy i could help u get back into reading 😭 and raaaah ur friend's praise is much appreciated as well!! i always feel a little nervous abt my writing in fanfic just cuz i have a bad habit of not extensively editing/proofreading TT but glad she would read a book of mine 🙇🏻‍♀️
omg swing my way eric was so sjfbdjfnnf i personally think that if he wasn't a kpop idol, that's the kind of eric he would turn out to be LOL but ACTUALLY i really wanted to make a mini series w the other boyz at the country club too !! so like a fic for changmin as a dance instructor, chanhee at the spa, haknyeon in dining, jacob on the courts, and maybe the lee cousins just in general haha and then you'd see a returning cast of characters, kind of similar to love in unity!
PLS ITS OKAY 😭😭 im always super shy to say hi first as well :'))) interacting and initiating convos is scary @@ but thank u for sending that first ask anyway; hope to chat w u even more in the future !!! and i really hope u do come back, but ofc no pressure <3
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fairyhaos · 1 year
"if anyone else wants to come and discuss the colours i put for the members in my inbox.... yall can RUN here i wanna talk about it so bad" all you had to do was ask, yena <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)>
i actually don't know if i have synesthesia (but when i was a kid i would associate personalities(?) with the letters of the alphabet as well as numbers ? ? idk how to explain it but 3 would be this rly sweet character whereas the number 4 would be a bit on the shyer/quieter side,,, does that make sense ? bye where is this going O⁠_⁠o) but when i first saw ur post about cheol being burgundy it was just so,,, aaa idk it just made so much sense ? it was so intriguing that my mind had already associated certain colors w some of them and idk you gave me something really interesting to think about ! ! i even ended up writing something for the 95line bcs i was so inspired !!
i chose wine red for cheol (i was so close to picking burgundy lmao), pastel pink for hannie and silver for shua <3 i made some of my irls even read that stuff and they liked it so will it be ok if i share it w you too ? ? i don't mind sending it to you on anon bcs i just wrote that for fun and quite frankly i don't think it's worth stealing anyway lmao ⊙⁠.⁠☉ but yeah !! pls lmk if you'd like to read those bcs this already got so long and i spoke nothing of value here rip,, and oh do you have any emoji anons ? i would like to be 🎐 anon if that's okay ? if not, then that's fine too >:) i hope ur day has been treating you well so far !! <3
hii omg let's talk colours!!
ive never seen someone associate numbers w personalities before (then again i literally know NO ONE else with synaesthesia lmao) but that's really interesting! all i know is that the even numbers are some form of orange/brown/yellow/red for me
i think synaesthesia is So intriguing and when i was a child i didn't even realize it was not normal to see colours for people and words until i told it to others and they were like "wait what, that's not normal" so yeah, im glad it gave you something to think about too!
wine red and burgundy omg you and me 🫶🫶🫶 that really is so close! the jihan colours are also vv interesting,, jeonghan as pink is something i can definitely see haha but for me jeonghan is literally everything colour and also transparent and clear at the same time so
and joshua! i have shua's synaesthesia just sitting in my drafts basically BEGGING for someone to request it bc i. i love his colour so much and it's so strong and even though i can't find any colour on earth that looks like the colour in my head perfectly i still love it so much. i think you'll love it too when i post it bc... again there's a crazy similarity here (but kinda in a different way,,, you'll have to see what i mean later on HAHA)
i would LOVE to see your writing for the 95 line! seeing the reasoning/ the feelings of the colours and how you describe it interests me so much. ive always wanted someone to share colours and reasoning of colours with, so of course!!!
this is such a long answer haha but also yes you can definitely be 🎐anon! i have a couple of named anons i think? but i haven't heard from any of them apart from the first ask they sent me so im not too sure <3
hope you're doing well too!
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