#AGAIN i did the best i could with ffxiv's clothing options......
magefeathers · 2 years
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Hae-won’s ‘canon’ story involves the prologue bad end - she refuses to go into the apartment, and Unknown abducts her. But in another timeline, another little AU I’ve thought about writing, she does go in... and she still ends up with Unknown anyway.
0 notes
autumnslance · 3 years
FFXIV Write 2021 #12: Freebie - Strained
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((Welp, I’ve done it. Watch it get brought up finally in canon because that’s how it works and if this is what it frickin’ takes...Anyway, picks up right after yesterday’s “Preaching to the Choir” prompt.))
“C’mon; time to go inside,” Estinien said.
Aeryn started to grumble, which quickly turned into a squeak as Estinien scooped her up into his arms to Jump them both off the tower and to the ground.
“I could’ve gotten myself down you know!”
Estinien shrugged, just as a familiar--and relieved--voice said, “Ah, you did find her.”
Estinien turned, still holding Aeryn, and he nodded at Thancred. “Just had to look up.”
“Yes, you’re very clever,” Aeryn huffed. “You can also put me down now.”
Estinien and Thancred exchanged a look.
“Oh don’t you dare—”
“Your problem now,” Estinien said, transferring Aeryn into Thancred’s arms despite her blustering.
“I suppose I shall have to deal with that,” Thancred quipped, easily taking her.
The worst,” Aeryn muttered, even as she slipped an arm around Thancred’s neck. “Both of you.”
“And yet you love us anyway,” Thancred said cheerfully. His smile faded only slightly as he nodded up to Estinien. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” he answered, watching as Thancred carried Aeryn into the Seventh Heaven, an amused regular holding the doors open while their Warrior of Light pretended to grouse at being held by her lover. Estinein’s own smile faded as he turned on his heel and stalked through the markets, seeking a girl in a red coat.
Arya Gastaurknan was at the Splendors’ primary booth, weighing her options as she traded in tomestones when Estinien found her. “Do you know how to contact X’rhun?” He demanded without preamble. He perhaps should have been gentler, given how the girl jumped, and even Rowena’s girl--he couldn’t keep any of their similar names straight--looked startled.
“Gods’ bless,” Arya said, regaining her composure. “Good evening to you, too, Scion.”
“My apologies. Your mentor’s spending time with my old mentor and I’d like to have a few words.”
“This is about what ever’s sent Aeryn into a tizzy?” She asked, thanking the woman behind the counter and turning her attention fully up at Estinien.
“You could say that. I just want to know where they've gotten to, so I can meet with them and talk about what’s going on.”
Arya’s eyes narrowed and she studied him for a long moment. Estinien stayed completely still and did his best to keep his face neutral despite his growing impatience with the girl. Finally she nodded. “All right. Last I knew, X’rhun mentioned something about Tailfeather; you can perhaps start there. He also has connections in Idyllshire who might know more if that doesn’t pan out.”
Estinien nodded. “My thanks.”
As he turned away she called out again. “Ser Estinien...they’re going to be alright, won’t they? Aeryn too?”
He glanced back at her. “If I have aught to say about it,” he answered, giving her a small smile. She nodded, and he continued on to where his manacutter was berthed.
The flight to Tailfeather took the night, though was uneventful, and finding X’rhun Tia in the hunting village was not difficult--the man stood out in his garishly stylish red clothing, speaking to Marcechamp near the Aetheryte as Estinien landed. The camp master hailed Estinien, causing X’rhun to turn, tail lashing.
Estinien leapt out of the ‘cutter and nodded to Marcechamp. “All well here with you and yours?” He asked. Ysayle had called this place home once, and he hadn’t checked in for a while to make sure they were doing all right.
“Very well indeed, between our partnership with the Vath and the goods following through the restored Firmament. We’ve an influx of new hunters to go along with it, as there’s quite a bit less fear of dragon attacks these days.”
“Though the attacks haven’t stopped entirely,” Estinien said, noting the strain around Marcechamp’s eyes.
“No,” the camp master admitted, glancing over at the Seeker watching them both. “Though there are some already working on that.”
“You would be X’rhun Tia,” Estinien said as the miqo’te joined them.
“I am. Though I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage.”
X’rhun drew in a breath. “I see.” He paused a moment, tail still lashing. “Is Aeryn all right?”
“Angry, but I left her with her man and I’m sure he shall do his best to distract and care for her.” Estinien took a moment, the words difficult to push past his teeth. “How’s Alberic?”
“I think he’d have preferred her to hit him,” X’rhun said dryly. He turned to Marcechamp. “We can continue our discussion another time; I believe I’ll be taking this fellow to see my companion.”
Marcechamp nodded. “Catch me up later. Estinien,” he hesitated.
“I hope to all the gods your lance isn’t needed,” Marcechamp said quietly. “But I fear it may be.”
He walked away, leaving Estinien frowning after him.
“I hope he isn’t right, but--well. I left Alberic at the northwest camp,” Xrhun said. Then, gently, “Are you sure you’re up for this?”
“No,” Estinien answered honestly. “But I’ve put it off more than long enough.”
It was strange, seeing his foster father sitting at the campfire, prodding the burning logs to crumble before adding more. Strange in that it was very familiar, making Estinien’s heart ache with memories of his youth and training with Alberic. Strange in how some things never changed, aside from the lines on Alberic’s face and the amount of grey in his hair and beard.
He looked up as they approached, the greeting on his lips fading as he saw Estinien walking with X’rhun, leaving him staring with his mouth hanging open.
X’rhun broke off, heading to another fire in another part of the camp. Nearby if needed, still watching, but giving the pair their privacy.
Estinien took a deep breath and walked forward, sitting at one of the other log benches around the fire. He stared at the flames, aware of Alberic’s eyes on him, trying to figure out what to say.
Alberic broke the silence first. “Hello, Estinien,” he said, breathless.
“Hello, Alberic,” he answered, smiling. Just that simple then.
“Is she alright?” Alberic asked next.
“As I told X’rhun, angry and hurt, but,” Estinien chuckled. “She’s safe at home for now, and it won’t surprise me if once her anger’s spent, she forgives you completely. She’s too softhearted to do aught else.”
Alberic nodded, though he didn’t seem to quite believe it. After another breath, he asked. “Are you all right?”
“I’m well,” Estinien said. “And...better than I was. Much has happened since that day in the Steel Vigil.”
“You won’t ask if I’ve forgiven you?”
Alberic smiled sadly. “I don’t know that I deserve it, and if you have, I trust you’ll tell me.”
Estinien nodded. “I...think so. Still working out a number of things,” he admitted. He pushed a loose stone back into the fire pit’s barrier ring with the toe of his boot. “Have you forgiven me?” He nearly whispered when he could no longer avoid speaking.
Alberic let go of his tension to laugh helplessly, running a hand down his face. “My dear boy,” he said. “There’s naught to forgive.”
“I only tried to kill you. If it hadn’t been for her—”
Alberic shook his head. “Doesn’t matter now. I knew the consequences, and...I would have paid the dues, if it gave you any measure of peace.”
“It wouldn’t have,” Estinien said.
“I know that now. But then...I wasn’t much better, concerning Nidhogg, the war...everything.”
“Some might argue you’re still not. Given everything.”
Alberic sighed. “I never expected to see her again. She was five when it all happened, and I ensured the Inquisition left them alone so they could leave for Thavnair. They would be safe and far away, the war never touching them again. They never needed to know what Corran had done, had become.
“Then, suddenly, twenty years later this woman shows up and I can’t figure out why she’s so damned familiar. It took awhile for me to even remember, to realize. And then when I did, and realized who she had become…” Alberic shook his head. “I told myself I was protecting her from potential enemies; I don't have to tell you about our fair city’s politics, and the Scions were vulnerable. If anyone had learned about her family history, the Inquisition and Halone knows who else would have had a field day.”
He threw another log onto the fire. “In the end, though, I’m just a coward. As I was about telling you the truth, so it was with her. The longer time went, the harder it was to speak up.”
“Until the choice was made for you, again,” Estinien said. “It’s a right mess.”
“It is. Of my own making. So I shall clean it up.”
“You’re not going to keep her out of it.”
“She can’t get near Avengret,” Alberic said. “As I feared, the dragon has a measure of power over her, thanks to her father’s tainted blood.”
“Alberic. Have you ever tried to tell Aeryn she can’t do something?” Estinien asked.
Alberic opened his mouth to reply, and then facepalmed and laughed, a bit desperately. Estinien grinned. “We’ll simply have to find another way,” Estinien said.
Alberic calmed himself. “We’ll have to figure that out soon enough,” he said, voicing Estinien’s own thoughts. “But in the meantime...Tell me how you’ve been? I’ve learned what I can through news and rumors, mutual friends, but,” he shook his head. “I understand you’ve actually joined the Scions now.”
Estinien nodded. There was much to tell, after all, and for now at least, the time to tell it.
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allycryz · 4 years
Nerys Eluned: Canon Jobs
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Nerys spent her childhood with a community of Duskwight in the South Shroud until she was twelve. Her parents moved first to the Central Shroud, later to the East. Prior to ARR, she had never left the Shroud.
Her father handled her academic education with a bent towards reading and history. Her mother took on the more practical subjects: how to hunt, forage, stay out of trouble; where the Duskwight could move freely and where they should avoid. 
There were always chores and odd jobs for children, especially needed when they left the relative safety net of The Cavern in the South. By her fifteenth nameday, this turned into steady work. She excelled in mostly physical jobs for merchants, farms, and outposts.
Nerys off-and-on entertained the idea of becoming a soldier, but never felt called enough to take steps. Once she reached her 20s, she had two main goals: make enough gil to live and to have fun when she wasn’t working. Nerys broke up her share of bar fights and dealt with fending bandits off merchant caravans, so again the idea of being a soldier or Adventurer came up.
The catalyst is a rough break-up that also ends a lot of her friendships. It is not that becoming an adventurer is a solution to any of the problems she faced. But in the wake of this big change, she took a long look at everything and decided she wanted something new. That leads her to Gridania and the Lancer’s Guild.
Disciple of War and Magic
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Meta Note
FFXIV is my first MMORPG. Prior, I have always been primarily a “solo play on my own at my own pace” kinda gal. But my friend said it was really fun and I love the FF franchise, so there I went. I wasn’t sure what class to do, was thinking Fighter until I learned it was a tank class. 
My only other major online game experience was Overwatch where I was a Lucio main. That was a rarity for me: I tend to have a tougher time with caster/support classes and prefer playing as a rogue or sniper in most games. As rogue wasn’t an option, I asked my friend what she thought and she suggested Dragoon.
There were three options in Gridania: Conjurer, Archer, Lancer. Although Nerys later tried her hand at the other two, Lancer appealed her as someone who wasn’t afraid to get into the thick of things. 
She ended up taking well to it and her fellow guild members. The guild was very much “here are a few techniques, go out there and figure it out” which matched up with her way of doing things.
Nerys is still processing everything that happened with Foulques of the Mist; angry with his choices while also understanding what he went through as a fellow Duskwight. It is a bit of a relief when Alberic becomes her new mentor and she can get away from everything. Not to mention: Coerthas is a place she has always wanted to go to. Her father’s lessons included their sweeping history as well as their poetry and stories. 
Of course, things go sideways almost immediately. The Eye chooses her as the second Azure Dragoon and her first encounter with Estinien is anything but friendly. Things settle on that front for awhile and her primary concerns become the Primals and Garlemald. And having a small foothold in Coerthas is a boon when she, Cid, and Alphinaud travel there in search of the airship.
When Estinien suggest they partner together, she is hesitant given their previous encounters but feels drawn to help him. She agrees. That all comes crashing down after Nidhogg reveals to Estinien how Alberic’s actions lead to the loss of his family. Nerys has to step in to fend him off. The next time she sees him is in the Intercessory with Aymeric. Though he assures her he is not there to fight, she is on her guard.
She never expects that Ishgard will become the place she calls home. Nor that she and Estinien will become friends and then something more, eventually becoming lovers after he rescues her from Elidibus-Zenos. But it does and they do, and even when they both give up the title of Azure Dragoon, she feels called to protect and serve her adopted homeland. For the sake of the Fortemps and Aymeric and Lucia and Hilda and Ysayle, but also for people like Alberic, Estinien, and Heustienne who made her the warrior she is today.
Note About Armor: Nerys has her preferred aesthetics and the traditional Dragoon armor doesn’t quite fit. She prefers her own style and her concession is armor that pays tribute to the heritage of the position without being an exact copy (pictured, not her only armor set in canon or meta-wise).
That said, she is aware of when statements need to be made. Nerys isn’t a political creature in the way Aymeric and Alphinaud are but she understands that politics are a part of everything. 
For certain missions and meetings she garbs herself in the traditional manner: needing to remind the Alliance of her strong ties to Ishgard, making the Heaven’s Ward realise how badly they erred in imprisoning Aymeric when both Azure Dragoons show up.
Meta Note: 
Once I got to Level 15, I joined...all the Guilds in Gridania. And for a while worked on leveling Archer, Conjurer, and Rogue while also making progress with Lancer/Dragoon and MSQ. Eventually I switched gears because I wasn’t progressing fast enough in the story and focused almost exclusively on Dragoon. 
For story purposes, Rogue doesn’t quite fit into Nerys’ story though I think Thancred has definitely introduced her to that crew.
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Archer never quite suited Nerys, as someone who prefers to get close to the action. She does have a great deal of respect for her fellow guild members and Lewin; and she remembers what she learned when ranged combat is needed.
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Nerys’ aether control as a Dragoon is excellent. But for whatever reason, she could not quite translate those skills to conjury.
She kept on for some time because in her mind, a good warrior would have healing skills at her disposal. Eventually, a conversation with E-Sumi-Yan brought her to accept that she might better serve others in a different way.
What she did gain was an affinity for the element of air, likely tied to her role as a Lancer/Dragoon. This becomes vital when she saves Haurchefant at The Vault, although it does not go as well as she would have liked.
(She also had a foray with the Arcanist’s Guild that was about as long as Tataru’s.)
Meta Note: 
Disciple of Hand/Land: I have levels unlocked in all the DoH/DoL, the following four make the most canon sense and are the ones I have progressed in the most. 
That said, canonically she dabbles in everything because she is naturally curious and wants to be self-sufficient in all things. Most of the guilds know her. The following four know her the best and it’s where most of her focus has gone.
Disciple of the Land
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Nerys was drawn to the Botanists’ Guild because of her upbringing. She knew much of the Shroud and its treasures already. What she found–as she became an adventurer–was that these skills help immensely on the road.
It’s also a centering profession. Nerys needs activity to bring her out of her own mind, especially as responsibilities and dangers pile on. She can go lose herself in nature, either for her own needs or on commission (and often both).
Having grown up foraging ingredients to cook with, her Botanist career also ties into Culinarian role.
Disciple of the Hand
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Nerys grew up cooking alongside her mother, so she had a base of knowledge going into the guild. Still, through Lyngsath and the rest she discovers a whole world of new ingredients, recipes, and techniques.
As a hunter and a Botanist, there is no end to the new ingredients she find to experiment with.
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Nerys fell into leatherworking when she was scoping out all the guilds in Gridania (around the time she took up with the Archers and Conjurers).  
It stuck for a few reasons: the resources were fairly easy to come by from her hunts; it is another centering activity; and she is a bit of a clotheshorse. If she has to wear specific gear as a Dragoon, she can add her own pretty details to the leather pieces.
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This is a culmination of the other jobs: uses resources from other things she does (botany, hunting, and leatherworking), a craft that pulls all her focus into one thing, and satisfies her clotheshorse desires. She knows she can put pretty details into her everyday armor/gear and make more formal clothes that make her feel good.
(Whenever she is dealing with A Thing, she will get her hair done. Of course she needs clothes that work with the new look, even if it’s a temporary updo.)
When it comes to leatherworking and weaving, there a plus to taking guild commissions: it has to be perfect and meticulous and good quality but it is not on the level of say...if you fail this task, a primal will temper all these innocents. Nerys is drawn to help people but it's nice to do that for something that is not saving the world. (Of course when she makes any type of armor or working clothes, she is sure to make them well so they protect the wearer.)
She is not advanced enough to make her own gowns for formal events held by the city-states or the Ishgardian High Houses. One day she would like to be able to do so. Until then, Eorzea has plenty of dressmakers ready to help.
Outfit Note: I ended up choosing a mix of the Scion and Best Man’s clothing, thinking of how you can never go wrong with a suit. It’s crisp, always in style, and she looks great in it! 
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cerezawrites · 3 years
FFXIV Writes 2021 Prompt 1: Foster
The morning sun in Limsa Lominsa took longer to be visible than it did to change the tapestry of the sky, thanks to the mountains to the east, and that suited Cereza fine as she sipped her morning tea on the porch of the Bismarck, reading over new tome she’d recently acquired - a work of Eastern creation, imported through the House of Splendors.  Though grimoires and codices were prized for their aetherial properties, Cereza had little need for improvement in that regard at the moment - the leather bound tome at her hip was far more potent in that regard, as were at least five others in her possession.  For her, the foreign tome was far more valuable for the secrets written within, the philosophies behind its creation and the legends that inspired the shapes the magicks took.  And, even beyond that, the stories within made for a good way to get the mind working up to speed, alongside a good breakfast and a cup of well-made tea.  
As she finished the current legend and considered which to try next, however, she spotted a figure approaching the host stand - one she recognized, and was pleasantly surprised to find here in Limsa, at least at this hour.  The porch was filling up, and there seemed to be a misunderstanding between the figure and the hostess - the latter assuming the former wanted a table that wasn’t currently available, and the former trying to impress that he was here to see someone specifically.  
Had it been anyone else, Cereza wouldn’t have paid much mind.  But, he was someone she knew, and well at that, and the only reasonable person he’d come here to visit would be her.  She caught the waiter’s eye, and asked him to clear up the confusion and bring the newcomer to her table, and made a specific order on his behalf to be cooked immediately afterwards.  The waiter nodded, well used to the odd meetings the gentlewoman had on this balcony, and went about the requested tasks, bringing the young man to Cereza’s table before heading to the kitchen to put in her new order.  
“I’m glad you were able to see the stand,” the man said as he came over, a smile of relief on his face.  He was dressed in a fine set of clothes, clearly a gentleman himself, and carried himself as one, but stiffly, not quite having grown into it yet.  
Cereza sighed inwardly at that.  Ten years, and it still doesn’t feel right to him; he needs to relax.  But she didn’t let her feelings show as she responded.  “Well, it is prudent to keep an eye on the easiest exit - as well as the easiest entrance for anyone looking to stir up trouble.  The waters behind me offer an alternative to the former, and pose an impediment to the latter.”  She then smiled and stood, embracing the young man, who finally let some of the tension out of his shoulders and embraced back.  As the broke and sat again, she said, “But tell me, Jacob, my dear brother, what brings you here this morning?  And all the way from Gridania?  You didn’t send word ahead, so I’m assuming you used the aethernet, if it was me you were coming to visit.”  She didn’t need to wonder HOW he found her - the family linkshell would have let him know the general area, and when she was staying here she generally took breakfast at the Bismarck - but the “why” of such a sudden visit eluded her.  
The waiter came and poured tea for Jacob, and bowed slightly, to which Jacob nodded his head.  He took a sip, and his brows rose in delight at the flavor before he composed himself and spoke.  “Well… your parents have decided to name me the heir to the firm.”  
“Ah, finally!” Cereza exclaimed.  “You’ve pretty much run the damn business for the last two years.  I’m glad they finally came around and actually made it official.”  But her excitement was met by surprise and… hesitation?  Was that it?  On Jacob’s face.  She returned this with a puzzled look, and then asked.  “...are you… upset by this?”  
Jacob was quick to shake his head. “Oh… no, not at all!  I’m… I’m very honored!  But… all the same… it does have me a bit… worried… I mean…”  He seemed to be unsure of what he was trying to say.  
Cereza was puzzled by this at first, trying to put pieces together.  Jacob had been taken in by her parents after the Battle of Silvertear Skies.  His parents had been in the area, prospecting for a mining operation, and were believed killed by the Garlean assault and the events that transpired after.  He’d often stayed with Cereza’s family whenever his parents went abroad, and had grown up with her and her siblings, so it was natural that they foster him, but never been formally adopted into the family, in part because her parents held out hope that HIS, a couple they were great friends with, were still alive, and in part because of his budding relationship with Cereza’s sister, which they didn’t want to interfere with.  Despite that, he’d been all but integrated into the family, and became family through marriage to Yvette just before the Calamity, and had been like a brother to her in fact if not in name.  
Ah.  And that was the rub.  
“You’re upset… because you think *I’d* be upset that they didn’t give the firm to me?  Or upset on my behalf because I was… what, passed over?”  
“Well… yes!  Even when they took me in, when you were only, what, sixteen, seventeen? you were working for the firm.  You were a genius at the alchemy of the dyes and the logistics, and I thought… I mean… isn’t it your birthright?  I love your parents, and I’m glad they trust me… but yet… I’m not their son.  You’re their daughter, and eldest child at that.  Shouldn’t be yours?”  
Her puzzled look remained for a moment before she closed her eyes and set her face to a neutral expression, closing the tome in front of her as she did.  She opened her eyes again, looked at Jacob, and lightly smacked the top of his head with the spine of the book.  
“Brother.  Quit being a moron about this.”  
He shook his head.  “Did… did you just hit me wit-”
“With my book, yes.  Like I did when you were being an idiot as a child at lessons, and then when you were unsure of Yvette’s feelings when she flirted with you and you were an idiot in love.  Because right now, you are being an idiot.”  She shook her head and sipped her tea before continuing.  “In case you somehow don’t recall, I spent five years - five whole damn years - lost after the Calamity.  I didn’t see our family for five years, and they heard nothing from me because I had no way to get a message to them.  In that time, from what my parents told me after, you were a dutiful son.  You helped run the firm when they were stricken with grief, both at the Calamity AND at my presumed demise.  You did your best to be a rock for them - ALL of them, my sisters and my parents and all - in the troubles that followed.  And when it came to the business, you were amazing at it.  Yes, I could run the damn firm, and had the skills to do so, but I never had INTEREST in it.  I worked at it for a bit because it was something to try, and I had a share in the company and wanted to know what it was about - not because it was expected of me, and not because it was a responsibility.  Father always made it clear I was free to do what I wanted.  And then I found out I hated the monotony of the work, regardless of my talents, and became an adventurer.  YOU were the one who took to it, who learned all the aspects, who fell in love with the work as much as with Yvette.  Why in the name of the Twelve would I begrudge you OR my parents for you taking over?”  
“But…”  He stammered a bit. “I’m..  I”m not their son.”  
“The seventh hell you’re not.  By blood, you’re not related to us, but damn it Jacob, you’re their son in every other way that matters.  My brother.  They took you in.  They didn’t have to.  Your parent’s estate could have paid for a carer for you.  And they didn’t do it to get AT that estate either, you may well recall.  They did it because you were someone they cared about.  And in the time since then, you became a son to them.  And then you married my sister and became a son in law, making it as complete and true as they could.”  She stopped, inhaling and exhaling to calm down.  Jacob was speechless, and recognizing that, she continued.  
“Besides that, they’re hardly traditionalists, especially by Gridanian standard.  I suppose that goes without saying for Father, but even so.  They’d have made you marry me as the eldest if they had been… or shipped me off to some Ishgardian convent so you COULD marry Yvette.  But they never cared about things like that.  You are the one who loves the business.  You carried the family through the darkness of the Seventh Umbral Era, and when I FINALLY returned, when everyone thought I was a ghost of a dead woman, you were the one who came to me and embraced me and welcomed me home.  You’re as much a son as I’m their daughter, and you ARE my brother in any way that matters.  And I couldn’t be happier that they named you heir.”  
Jacob’s eyes were a bit misty, but he held himself together.  “I… I didn’t realize.”  He stopped, breathing in and out as well, before saying.  “Well.  Thank you.  I’m… glad to hear you’re happy.  But… to be sure… do you want a bigger share, for all you’ve done in the pa-”  He cut himself off as her hand went for her book.  
“Jacob, they could cut me off from my funds tomorrow and I’d not have to change a thing.  I have the share all the children got when they came of age, and I’ll be damned if I take a single gil from you for work you’re doing.  Besides that, I have my own ventures now, and that brings in more than enough to enjoy myself.  You take what you have earned, brother, and don’t dare try to be charitable with it to me out of misplaced guilt.”  She smiled and shook her head.  “Besides, Yvette told me you have another on the way,  Save for the children.  They’re the ones who need it.  And congratulations on the third child, by the way.  If it’s a girl, please don’t name her after me.”
Jacob laughed at that.  “Don’t worry.  I think Yvette cut that option off the list in fear that you’d know if she CONSIDERED it.”  His laughs subsided, but he still smiled… and seemed to be a bit less stiff.  Well, finally the part starts to fit him.  “Well… I guess that settles all my business then.  I should be of-”  
“Not before you have the breakfast I ordered for you and we talk about other things,” she said, holding up a hand.  As she did, the waiter brought over the plate of food, a breakfast she knew Jacob loved.  “You’re taking the aethernet back anyways, and there’s no business THIS early, even on Gridanian time.  Eat, and let’s just talk.”  The waiter poured her another cup of tea, and she sipped it as she caught up with her brother.  Foster or not, he was family, and no matter what other adventures called, she always had time for family.  
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kunstpause-archive · 4 years
FFXIV Write Prompt #22 - Argy-bargy
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“What did you find out?” Cassia asked immediately as soon as Layanna came into view. From the dejected look on her cousin's face she could only assume that her talk did not go as well as they had hoped.
“The trial is a farce,” Lay said, full of disdain. “I tried to negotiate a compromise, but Ser Grinnaux wouldn’t have it. Refused to even discuss it further.” Her shoulders sank. “Maybe you should try,” she said finally, her voice lingering with disappointment. “You’re usually better at this anyway.”
Cassia swallowed. She had her doubts about that. At least when it came to diplomacy, she was quite certain that Layanna was actually the more talented one of them. But as bleak as the situation looked, it might call for something else than diplomacy right now. And that was not something she ever wanted to burden her cousin with.
“I’ll try,” she said simply. “Might take some time, tell the others it will be a while when they show up, will you?” Cassia added before making her way to the office of the Temple Knights. 
When she returned more than an hour later, she was greeted with a tense mood and expectant faces. Nayan, Adriene, Saran and Layanna were all collectively waiting for her, accompanied by Haurchefant and Cassia tried her best to smile. She put great effort into looking light-hearted and optimistic, not letting anything show that could give away what she had been doing. And certainly not the consequences it had.
“The trial is still going to take place,” she informed their group as she closed up to them, “But Ser Grinnaux gave me his personal assurance that the fight would be fair and the outcome will be accepted, no matter what.”
A breath of relief went through most of them. “Then we just have to kick some Knight’s asses? We can do that!” Nayan said grimly and a moment later he was already in a deep discussion with Adriene and Saran about how to plan for that fight.
Cassia didn’t imagine the brief look of frustration flickering over Layanna’s face before her cousin smiled as well. “We are lucky you could make him see reason,” Lay said softly. “Good job.” 
Haurchefant meanwhile did not smile. Nor did he look relieved in any way and one look into his eyes told Cassia that he knew exactly how she had gotten to this result. He cleared his throat. “Cassia, a word in private?” 
Her smile didn’t falter as she inclined her head in a nod. “Of course, lead the way.” With a look at Lay she added, “I’ll be right back,” before slowly following him outside, trying her best to move in a way that didn’t strain her too much as the fabric of her clothes brushed over injuries with every step she took. Injuries that hadn’t been there an hour earlier. When they left the entrance hall, Haurchefant led her around a corner of the building, until they were in a small, empty alley between the houses, away from the prying eyes along the main entrance.
“What were you even thinking?” The words burst forward from him as soon as they came to a halt and Cassia’s smile disappeared instantly.
“I was thinking I needed to find a way to save my friends. And I needed to do it as quickly as possible,” she answered, taking a small step back as she suddenly felt defensive under his accusing look.
“I understand that endeavour, Cassia, but this…” Haurchefant seemed at a loss for words for a moment, a situation Cassia wouldn’t have thought possible even and she felt the dread in her rising at what this most likely meant. Maybe she should have seen this coming. That despite all their talks, despite all the understanding, the reality of it would not be something he wanted to deal with.
“You are angry that I slept with someone  else…” she said slowly, trying her best to keep her composure. “This isn’t what you had in mind and I can understand if you want nothing to do with it all. Or with me anymore. I can only promise you I did not do this lightly or on a whim, I really felt like it was the only option.”
Something on his face fell. “What?” Haurchefant said softly, all traces of the earlier anger gone. A moment later he closed the distance between them, both of his hands clasping her shoulders until she looked up at him. “Cassia, I am not angry,” he said with a seriousness in his tone that left no doubt about his sincerity. “Or jealous or whatever else you may think I am. I know who you are and why you do what you do - and I am not trying to change you.”
Confusion spread through Cassia at the unexpected reassurance. “Then I don't understand...”
“I am worried,” he said and his eyes were filled to the brim with concern. “I wouldn't care if you slept with half of Ishgard on a whim, because I know where your heart lies. But I want you to be safe first and foremost!”
Cassia blinked, trying to digest what he just said. “You were worried?”
Haurchefant let out a deep breath. “Ser Grinnaux has a certain… reputation. Among the Temple Knights, among the Nobility, Fury, even among the people in the Brume,” he said.
Cassia felt a wave of guilt running through her as she saw his earlier anger for what it really was - pure concern for her safety. “I actually knew about that,” she admitted softly. 
Haurchefant’s eyes widened. “And still you went to him?”
As Cassia shrugged she winced in pain, unable to disguise her reaction.  “I survived five years of this in Garlemald, one Temple Knight with acquired tastes didn’t seem that much of a concern to me,” she said honestly. 
“By the Fury,” Haurchefant breathed out, obviously having realised by now that she was putting on a brave face. “What did he actually do to you?”
“You probably don’t want to know,” Cassia mumbled before shaking her head. “Nothing that Eos can’t fix once I get home.” When she saw the pained look in his eyes she sighed again. “Alright, maybe you were right to worry.”
One of his hands cupped her face, his thumb brushing gently over her cheek. “Fury help me, what am I going to do with you?” Haurchefant murmured before dipping his head and kissing her softly. When he drew back, the smile on Cassia’s face was genuine.
“Tell me you love me, even though I sometimes do stupidly reckless things?” she asked hopefully and his resounding chuckle at her words chased her own worries away.
“I love you,” Haurchefant said with an earnest smile. “I doubt there is something you could do to change that.” He drew her into his warm embrace but as much as Cassia simply wanted to enjoy the feeling of being in his arms, her bruised back had other ideas, and she let out a small hiss of pain. Immediately he let go of her again, the concern back in his eyes.
“We are going to let the others deal with the rest of the trial,” he declared firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument. “They can do this without you. I’ll join them later to see if I can help but first we are going home and you will let me take care of you.”
Cassia fought down her first instinct to argue that she should stay with their friends and see this through. He was right. They would probably do fine without her. “Alright,” she agreed with a relieved sigh. “I think I would like to go home actually.”
“Good,” Haurchefant smiled at her before carefully taking her arm so as to not make her flinch again. “And tonight, when all of this is hopefully over, you and I are going to have a talk about your absolutely terrible risk assessment.”
Cassia chuckled softly as she let her head rest against his shoulder for a moment. “Fair point,” she mumbled, feeling strangely warm at the thought of letting him take her away from it all for a while at least.
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crystalsexarch · 4 years
Argy-bargy - E
“You are so beautiful,” he said. “I could...I could eat you.”
“Please do not.”
“I would not. But I could.”
Explicit. Specific male WoL Bas'ir Bahani. Takes place before ARR, when G'raha Tia and the future Warrior of Light studied together. Tonight, though, they attend a party and quickly go from making a scene to making ugly, drunken love.
Also on AO3.
Part of the 2020 FFXIV Writing Challenge
It began at a relaxed gathering of young academics and ended exactly where you’d expect.
After exams. Before the next semester. A smattering of departments coalescing in leisure with what would likely be the most decadent meal of the entire year, and all but certainly the most libatious. Bas’ir Bahani and G’raha Tia had emptied more than a few bottles by the time mouths started flapping with accusations and insults and—
“You delusional buffoon!” Bas’ir said, landing his index finger beneath Raha’s chin. The Keeper was one of those people who never slurred in his cups, even if the cups had him grounded and seeing gods. A trio of historians watched on with wary eyes. Bas’ir knew none of them by name, but even if he had...who is to say he’d have remembered? “As if arms are the only component, the only factor to weigh here! Why, you’ve not—”
Raha pulled his head away and laughed into his palm. “You think…? You think this is about arms? Ha!” He rolled his right sleeve up and flexed. “Remember, you, whence these muscles came. Archery. With archery, I would sooner prevail over...over...well, over you in any case.”
Bas'ir reared forward and shook his open palm before his eyes. “Menphina, you can’t even remember who we’re on about. This is precisely why the likes of you could never hope to overcome a true poet-lord of Allag. My ‘storybooks’ have done me well, I say.”
“Bas’ir Bahani!” Raha said, throwing his arms into the air. A few more heads turned, including an important one stationed near the back of the common room. “Bas’ir Bahani, I will lift you from the ground and toss you into beddle. Bat. Battle, that is. Then we shall see how you fare.”
Krile Baldesion approached the quarrel and tugged at Raha’s shirt. “What has gotten into you two?” she said, exchanging urgent glances with the onlookers. They looked every which way, as if denying responsibility.
Bas’ir leaned forward with his hands on his hips, swaying like the scarf that dangled at his neck. “This man...this insufferable man is decrying that noble order of Allag. Besmirching those poet-lords who came before by insinuating he—” Bas’ir jabbed the Seeker’s belly with his index. “—could best one in battle. Why, he hardly understands the—”
“You are doing any and all besmirching,” Raha said, grabbing the hand that jabbed. Its owner lurched forward onto one knee, hissing. “Your idea of combat is beyond juvenile.” Raha turned to Krile, unphased by Bas’ir’s squirming. “See how he flounders at the slightest physical inconvenience. A mockery of his own creed. I say, this much is clear to each observer.”
Krile’s eyes danced between their faces and the stabler folks watching with mild reproach. “The only thing that’s clear here is that the two of you want for supervision,” she said. Sighing mightily for one so small, she took them both by the hand and tugged. Bas’ir scrambled to a standing position. “I am making the executive decision to remove you both from this celebration.”
The pair protested—loudly and repeatedly—but ultimately followed the Lalafell out of the room, shamefully slouching as if she’d grabbed them by their ears.
Krile walked ahead of the drunken fools, who’d apparently overcome their differences at some point on their journey down the hallway.
Bas’ir had his arm around Raha. “You are so beautiful,” he said. “I could...I could eat you.”
“Please do not.”
“I would not. But I could.”
Somehow, their drunken swaying evened out, so they could amble in a relatively straight line when linked. Krile checked every now and then over her shoulder. “Do you know where you are?”
“We’re missing the party,” Bas’ir said.
“The party, I am certain, is not missing you.” Krile set her gaze forward again. “Though I am proud of you two for carrying on this far without collapsing. My room is closer to the common room, but I have a feeling I would regret leaving you there on your lonesome…”
“Ah! This is my room!” Raha said, pointing at a door not too far in the distance.
It was Bas’ir’s room. Krile rubbed her forehead. “Close enough. If I leave you here, will you stay and drink water?”
Both Miqo’te mumbled in agreement.
“Excellent.” A sinister thought painted her eyebrows. “And...and I trust you’ll get along?”
“All too well,” Bas’ir said.
Raha nodded. “Best of friends.”
Thus, Krile wrangled Bas’ir’s room key from him and opened the door. Her friends waddled in smelling absolutely toxic. She made sure they each had a full complement of Lalafell-approved beverages at the ready, helped them take their boots off, and urged them both onto the bed. Whatever happened next, she did not particularly want to be around for.
Silence, it turns out, is what happened next. A long bout of silence, spare the creaking of wood, cricket-song, and heavy breathing. The bed was large enough for both of them to spread their limbs without making contact, but sooner or later someone’s arm ended up on someone’s chest, someone’s ear flopped over another’s. And then:
Bas’ir’s voice was husky and grave, so Raha answered in kind. “Yes?”
“How come...how come you’re such a right bastard?”
Raha groaned, tossed and turned himself to a kneeling position. He held a blanket like bat wings at his back. “Well, Bas’ir? Do you love me or do you not?”
The Keeper blinked and drunkenly wondered what kind of insect was trying to come up through his throat. “Yes.”
“That’s no proper answer. I’ve given you two options, old fool.”
“You’ve given me none.” This room was too tight, to say nothing of the clothes suffocating Bas’ir’s body. He ripped the scarf off, threw it who knows where. “The truth is I despissssse you.”
“Oh, is that right?” Raha’s hand moved to the first button of his shirt.
“That’s right.” Bas’ir squinted and gestured with his chin. “Well, keep going, then. Let me see that chest I loathe so completely.”
With a sneer, he unbuttoned. “So completely.”
“So utterly. Your form, your face...everything about you enrages me.” He leaned up and pulled his sweater over his head, shook out his ears. “The thought of being with you makes my heart flutter like the wings of some tiny, ugly bird.”
“Your words. Like the poetry you so admire.” The shirt fell off his shoulders. “Behold!”
“Gods! My eyes!” Bas’ir shielded himself with his forearm. His other hand fiddled at his belt, but couldn’t manage. “See, I’m shaking with rage.”
Raha lost his trousers. “Erotic rage!”
“Erotic enragement, yes, heavens!” Steadying both hands now, he unbuckled, unzipped, and shimmied his pants down to his knees. “The idea of spending my days, my life with you...how it makes me shudder.”
“Roll over, will you?” He held the band of his smallclothes down and let his cock bob free.
“Ah yes.” Bas’ir turned himself around and clawed preemptively at the pillows. “That thing you wield at the hip. How it wounds me.”
“Let me.” He clapped his hands on Bas’ir’s ass and shifted closer, cornered his tongue at his lips.
“Oh I will. Only because of all men in this world, you’re the only one who makes me feel this way.” He buried his face in the pillow. “Disgusted, of course. Since I despise you so veritably.”
“Yes, of course.” He started pressing with his finger.
“Ah ta ta ta ta! By the gods, oil me, or I’ll tell you how I really feel.”
Raha paused and thought about where he was, where he could find what he needed. The nightstand. Dick absentmindedly in hand, he shuffled over and retrieved the bottle. “Bas’ir,” he said.
The Keeper turned his head on the pillow, let himself breathe. “Yes?”
“I think I know how you really feel.” He slicked his fingers, smirking, before plunging the first digit inside. Bas’ir tensed around him with a whimper. “I just don’t think you can look me in the eye and say it.”
The Keeper tried to focus on being stretched, tried to ignore the heat beneath his eyes. “Please, I beg you. Act less sober.”
Raha’s eyes felt heavy. “Liquid courage, so they say…” He yanked the base of Bas’ir’s tail before slipping another finger inside, toying with the embarrassing idea about slipping a ring on his finger someday instead.
The sex they had was ugly. Clumsy. For all their precise verbal dances, the drink helped them forget the steps to lovemaking and gave them opportunity to learn them all over again, this time in the wrong order. Hands ended up in strange places. Legs flopped everywhere. More clothes came off. They flipped each other and gave up words for growls and grunts. Bas’ir managed to come eventually, stroking himself when Raha rolled his hips against him fast enough. He shook and helplessly sullied his chest, the bed, his friend. It wasn’t a particularly good orgasm—alcohol always numbed him—but it lasted for a long time. Not long enough for his companion, however, who fucked him ever faster before finally collapsing onto his wet chest, cackling.
I can’t come!” Raha said. “ Gods, I can’t come!”
Bas’ir threw his head back and yelled. “You have to, or I’m going to explode!”
“I swear I can’t!” He spoke through fits of laughter, rubbing nose over sternum, missing the mess by luck alone. “I’ve tried everything...I’m...I’m going to die like this...”
“My poor, miserable creature. My poor quivering coil of love. Lust. Of lust.”
“Help me, won’t you?” Raha looked like a lost animal. “You must have a secret somewhere.”
It turns out he had several, but he thought one particular treatment would do in their place. The Keeper groaned and pushed his lover back, shuddering when Raha's dick slipped out. “I will try my best. Because of how I feel about you.”
“Yes.” Raha flattened himself upon the bed and tensed his legs. “Show me how you feel.”
Blushing, Bas’ir positioned himself over the throbbing point at Raha’s thighs and lowered himself upon it. It still felt good. Always would, he figured, to let his favorite person fill him. Once he’d taken everything in, he started moving. Though it burned his thighs, the reaction was immediate. The Seeker was all songs and hisses, gasps and groans. Every now and then he’d raise his head in a frenzy, like he was trying not to come, and then he’d stare drunkenly at Bas’ir’s hard work before flopping back onto the bed and pressing his hips up.
Bas’ir wanted so badly to deliver. Whatever it took. He could not give this man the truth, but he knew how to be useful. That must have been the reason—the only reason—he leaned forward and took Raha’s ear between his teeth. “What do you want to hear from me?” He kept riding. His dick, by now half-hard again, rubbed against Raha’s formidable abdomen.
“The truth,” Raha said. “Once, at least. We’re drunk. I could very well forget.”
“Hmm.” He trailed from his ear to his neck and sucked. “This truth is unforgettable.” Then he bit.
Raha clasped his arms around the Keeper and held him hard, fucked him harder, before finally uncoiling inside. Beat by beat, pent up energy poured inside. It was a happy feeling, a feeling of relief for both of them. And it was a lot. Before Raha even pulled out, Bas’ir’s prize was dripping from his ass onto the covers.
Yes, Bas'ir was thankful Krile had taken them to his room instead of stowing them in hers.
But he was even more thankful he hadn’t had to say it.
"I have never come while drunk before," Raha said, sweeping his hands over Bas'ir's back. "You are a man of many talents."
The comment took the Keeper by surprise. He blinked and blinked, until he remembered Raha would be able to feel the nervous lashes on his chest. "Cleaning up will...be less than ideal."
"You will be okay." He held tighter. Held in a wholesome way with a wholesome smile on his face. The lust had been sucked out of him. The drunkenness had not. "You will be okay, Bas'ir."
"Hmm. Er..." Why wouldn't his heartbeat just shut. Up. Could hardly think with it blaring throughout his drunken body. Alcohol amplified each hit, but it couldn't drown out his affection. Not entirely. Nothing could. Never would. "You...you too?"
"I mean it." Straining, his pulled his head up and kissed the tip of Bas'ir's ear. "You're going to be okay."
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My Arguments for Viera
I have personally seen a lot of arguments against adding Viera to the game, so this is a long post with my counter-arguments. Because I totally haven’t been seething about it all day.
1. There’s no lore reason for them to be in-game / We have no Viera NPCs
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We'll get this one right out of the way. As of patch 4.3, during the unlock quest for the second of the Return to Ivalice raids, it is said Viera could be found living in Dalmasca. Therefore, they exist in the world of Hydaelyn, rendering this argument moot. 
As for NPCs, we don't have one yet. We still have patches 4.4 and 4.5 to get through, story-wise, leading us up to the MSQ of the next expansion. We may get an NPC for the third Return to Ivalice raid.
2. It's weird to have them appear in the game without any mention of them before
If you've been playing the game for 5+ years? Yea. It can be weird to wrap your head around there suddenly being a new race of people you've never heard of before just showing up in Eorzea. 
However, as a new player? They don't know. It's not strange to them at all, it's just another race choice that they have to buy an expansion for before they can play it. The same thing happened with Au Ra. I personally know people who bought Heavensward solely to make an Au Ra when they started playing the game and saw them as an option.
3. Please no more Hyurs with animal parts / I want a playable Beast Tribe / Give me Bangaa/Seeq/Nu Moa/[Insert Race Here]
Sorry, friendo. "Hyur with animal parts" is our best chance for another race due to the way they model the clothing for the characters. For Viera, yea, they want to redo footwear to accomodate the higher heel, but that's all they'd really have to do. With headwear, they can do what they do with Miqo'te and Au Ra, and just have the ears clip. The rest of their body would likely be easily scaled from one of the other races. 
For any other Beast Tribe, they’d have to redo the footwear. The gloves. The torso. The legs. Everything.
Also. If they took the time to do it now, rather than waiting another expansion or two, they would then later be able to introduce other races and characters with the same styled foot without having to alter more items.
4. But clipping! I hate ear clipping!
Yea, I would love for there to be no clipping, either. Longer hairstyles drive me insane with some of the collars. But, it's just easier than remodeling literally everything you put on your head for every race and hairstyle. Making the physics more sophisticated would likely be a nightmare and a half, both for the servers, and for the computers trying to run it.
5. It says they're a 'minor race' - so they're a Beast Tribe, so we can't play them
Okay. Look at number three. People want to play a Beast Tribe, so that's not really a valid argument. Also, it say's they're 'minor', not 'beast' - for all we know, that simply means they're less populous in Dalmasca than other races. Like the Au Ra could be considered 'minor' in Kugane simply because there's not as many of them in the city as Hyurs. 
I would love to get the statement analyzed by folks who are able to read other languages to see if there's any more information to be gleaned from the statement.
6. Okay, but, men won't be able to play Viera, males aren't lore-friendly
Yea no. There's always been male Viera. They lived separate the females for a few reasons. They'll likely change that in FFXIV - they did the same thing when they added the Miqo'te. In-game, it says the Mithra are ancestors of the Miqo'te, and in FFXI, they were female-only. Though, if I recall correctly, there were still males, you just couldn't play one.
7. There's going to be a flood of people making Viera, or fantasia-ing characters to Viera!
Yep. I will be one of them! You're under no obligation to join them, you'll live. Also, the same thing happened with Au Ra, and there's still a healthy mix of races in the game. For proof, let’s check the FFXIV Census.
Comparison between A Realm Reborn and Heavensward:
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(Experienced players were ones with at least one class at level 50.)
Census as of May 2018:
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(Active Characters are those who have aquired the Yol mount.)
8. They're going to be overly sexualized and I don't want that in my game
... have... have you been playing the same game I've been playing? Everything can be overly sexualized in FFXIV. People are going to ERP what they want to ERP, and I'm not going to share the horror stories and nightmarish search information I've come across. RP with who you want to RP with. Wear what you want to wear. Ignore the people you don't want to play with.
9. The Devs haven’t said whether or not they’re actually going to be added.
Yoshi-P himself has said not to give up hope. So I’m not.
I admit, it’s stressful as hell not knowing. But I’m still going to hope. Mainly because they’ve been entirely avoiding the issue. I would be 110% okay with them saying “we can’t”, or “not at the moment, but maybe we’ll look at it again in the future”, but we haven’t even gotten that much.
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a-gert-lush-holiday · 5 years
Day 1 continued, and Day 2
I eventually woke Lucy up at 7pm and advised her that we had two options. 1, she could go back to sleep, however we would be unable to pick up the tickets needed for the Final Fantasy Eorzea Cafe as they had to be collected today, and we would lose the reservation. Or option 2, which was go to Lawson, pick up the tickets and food, come back, eat and sleep.
Needless to say we went for option 2. I cannot tell you how much of a faff getting tickets to Eorzea Cafe has been. I tried to pre-book a few weeks ago, but for holding a reservation for more than 3 days, you need to pay upfront with a credit card. Let me tell you now, upon research online and trying it myself, it seems the only card that will work is AMEX as it can’t be linked to a foreign country. Therefore, I had to hope that 3 days before our trip there were spaces left, go through the booking site in Japanese, and then use the Loppi machine at Lawson also in Japanese. I lucked out on a space near the end of our trip, but trying to find out where to pay for the tickets was even more of a faff.
Sure, I know they’re collected at a Loppi machine in Lawsons, but did you know there are multiple types of Lawson combini in Japan? I was about to say 2, but having just googled it to find out why, apparently it’s 4. 4 shops, same name, different focuses and slightly different products. There’s a Lawson 100 (or as the clerk put it, Green Lawson), and then there’s normal Lawson (Pink and Blue Lawson). And no, Google will not tell you which is which (otherwise I really wouldn’t mind, as it didn’t for us) as it just calls all of the combini Lawson. We had so much trouble, that honestly I would check where the Lawsons are in relation to you, and then use street view to determine whether it had a pink and blue striped sign or not.
Once I had found the right type of Lawson, operating the Loppi machine was fairly straightforward as I had read a few walkthroughs beforehand, and seemed to remember most of the instructions.
Essentially, when you make a reservation you receive a QR code by email. On the machine, you want to hit the middle button with ‘Loppi QR’ on it, scan the QR code, and then it will ask you for the phone number used when making the booking.
What you need to remember then is to basically press the orange button (yes/continue), apart from on the screen where you’re asked about Ponta cards (hit the grey button). You then get to inputting your name, which looks confusing with all the buttons and no English language button, but you can input the name in the Roman alphabet by pressing the third button down in the list to the right of the characters. Input the first name, press the second button in the list for a space, enter last name, then hit orange ok buttons to confirm until the machine spits out a receipt at you.
I’d love to say that’s the whole process, but no. Almost there though. Take the receipt to the counter within 30 minutes (you can pay for shopping at the same time too), pay, sign the receipt as prompted, and the Pink and Blue clerk will kindly hand you the tickets.
Gotta love that bureaucracy! I’m sure there are things at home just as convoluted, but honestly if Lucy hadn’t been bugging me about this for weeks and I myself getting into the game in the past month or so, I probably would have stopped somewhere around my card not working online.
If you’d like to know how to make the reservation, my recommendation would be to follow this excellent guide: https://riikorinkoko.wordpress.com/2017/05/15/riikos-eorzea-cafe-reservation-guide-and-how-to-use-s-loppi-machines-at-lawson-ffxiv-final-fantasy-xiv/amp/
Only addition to this would be to open the page in Chrome if possible, so it can be automatically translated.
Back at the hotel, we ate the snacks we’d purchased, called home (or tried to, in any case), before finally heading off to bed.
I woke up again at 9am on our first full day, after setting my alarm. I spent an hour checking things like emails and trying to trace our bags, of which there was currently no news, before I woke Lucy up. Over the next hour or so we got ready as best we could with a mishmash of clothes, no makeup, and no deodorant (as that’s...kind of not a thing here due to Asian genetics?), before heading out the door around 11:15.
On our way along to Kaminarimon Gate and Asakusa shrine and temple we spotted a shop that essentially was a bit like a Superdrug back home, where Lucy managed to find some basic makeup.
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I really enjoyed walking round the shrine and temple; despite the insane amount of people in places the atmosphere was very serene. We both pulled a fortune, and as per usual with me, I get bad luck xD As is traditional, I tied it on the special rack and hopefully that means our bags won’t get even more delayed >.<
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We also both got these wooden sticks you write your name and date of birth on which have a wish, and somehow this is supposed to bring you closer to that wish? Nothing particularly special for this, get wooden stick, write on stick, hand back stick to guy you just brought from, done. I mean, when in Rome, but somehow I feel like I just got conned into paying 200 yen to scribble on a stick.
We both picked up a drink at this point from one of the vending machines as the weather had heated up considerably, and then headed to the incense counter where you can buy incense, light it, and then waft it on yourself before putting it in the big burner so that it can be shared with others wafting the incense onto themselves. Wafting incense is believed to cleanse you.
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After this we wandered round the local shopping streets and found a nice cafe for lunch. Lucy went for a cola and sandwich toastie with pizza filling; I went for a melon soda float, and spaghetti neapolitan. Both of us enjoyed the food; the soda float was the perfect thing after being in the heat.
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After lunch, we headed out to the Tokyo Skytree for our prebooked tickets. We were also fortunate that prebooking allowed us to jump the long queue for the elevator and zoom right to the 350m deck to enjoy the sights of Tokyo from above. However somewhere along our travels the weather turned overcast, and therefore whilst still a decent view of Tokyo, we were unable to see Fuji-san at this point. As we also had galleria tickets, we then went up again to 450m, which again was very impressive. They also had a a barbie exhibition for some reason up at this level and a little pop up barbie themed shop. A browse around later and we both ended up buying a compact mirror each with a pretty illustration on the front.
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On the way back down, we went in the main Skytree gift shop where I got a fridge magnet with a stained glass effect for our fridge back home :) At this point, we felt kind of done with crowds and queues, so it was back on the subway to the hotel for us. Unfortunately, our luggage had still not arrived >.< I had received a message earlier in the day advising me that the bags had arrived at the airport, and that they would therefore be passed to the delivery company.
I had to take a break at this point as not long after we got back to the hotel I developed a thumping headache, for which I honestly have to praise past me, who usually forgets everything but her electronics, for packing paracetamol in the hand luggage. I took one of these and lay down for a bit, and by around 7pm this had died down considerably.
At this point I decided to get a drink, so I hit up the 12th floor as the details we were given stated there is a vending machine up there; there very well might be. However, the 12th floor turned out to be the roof, and as it was raining considerably we went down to the ground floor where another one was supposedly located. And there was, only it was outside the back of the hotel, in the street past the parking lot, after going down a flight of stairs 😣 The only upside of this is that I ended up teaching the front desk clerk who helped us the words ‘vending machine’ as he did not know the phrase in English.
At this point we also needed food, so we went back upstairs to grab our coats before making a mad dash across the road to Family Mart. I have to say, combini food in Japan is honestly as amazing as everyone makes out.
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In England you go to the ‘to go’ section of ASDA and maybe get a mayonnaise sandwich with a small bit of ham on soggy bread if you’re lucky. Here, you can go to the corner shop, get a meal made with fresh ingredients, have it heated up for you, and then if you really want you can eat it at the counter provided. Buy a pot noodle and want it now? Use the hot water machine to soak your noodles. Not about that life? Have freshly baked proper pastries, or warm chicken instead.
I would go on, but I’m too busy thinking about the hot royal milk tea I had out of a bottle, which was perfect in the drizzle this evening on the way home, the bacon wrapped onigiri, and caramel pudding parfait I had for dinner. And of course, I brought a few packets of kitkats to take home too whilst I was at it.
The rest of the evening was spent resting, as we needed to be up early the next day for our Mt. Fuji trip.
0 notes
hezroudhiaga · 7 years
Impurity in Kugane
Warning: This is an RP Between myself and a fellow guildie of the Red Dragon Syndicate <<KAIJU>> FFXIV Mateus NA Server. A mature theme is applied here so those who are triggered/tilted about sex trafficking, rape, torture, blood, gore or anything of a mature theme then please stop reading here. Thank you. Enjoy.
True to her word, it did not take long for Yukihana to return home and gather which of her few belongings would be needed on such a trip as the one the duo were about to embark upon. Her attire was the first thing she changed, opting for a rather simple Eorzean traveling cloak  with a draping hood that would conceal her delicate features deep within its shadows. Her boots were soft and supple, capable of remaining comfortable after many miles walked. Like  everything she owned, they were a bit worse for the wear and most likely second hand. The bag she packed with the rest of her supplies - a few changes of gear, medical supplies, and the like - was simple and lightweight, easily slung over a shoulder.
As the Raen slipped out the front door, a hand lifted to activate her link pearl and softly she spoke. "I am ready whenever you are."
Hezrou had read the contents later that night, and true to his nature, he wasn't sleeping that night. In fact, he was twitching with anger on how much he wanted to butcher this man. He thought it was disgusting what was happening in Kugane and knew they'd do the realm a favor by riding it of this man. His ears perked and his anger was forgotten briefly when he heard her voice softly in his ear from the pearl in his earring. Lifting his hand up he touched it to respond. "I'll be there as soon as possible. I'll meet you at the docks."
When Yukihana would arrive, Hezrou was there waiting and talking to the captain of the ship they were going to board. At first the pirate didn't want to help them but was immediately sold when Hezrou passed over a nice sum of gil to quiet is refusal. The Miqo'te looked over his shoulder as Yukihana arrived and smiled. "Ah, just in time. I had just secured us a fair passage to Kugane." He said. He was wearing a robe over himself with a hood of his own, but his armor was slightly seeable under the folds. His sword's hilt was poking out of an opening of the cloak in it's sheath.
The trip took three days. Hezrou choose to stay below deck as the sea bothered him. It wasn't that he hated water, but he actually got rather seasick if he were to look at the water from the deck. He thought it might of been the air. Either way, he wouldn't leave until they were docked in the eastern part of the Realm. Once docked, he left with her to look around and get a feel of the area. He knew their getup wouldn't survive a day out here. "Yuki...we'll need better clothing if we want to remain hidden. I suggest we invest in a kimono or something." He already felt the odd stares from the natives. It was obvious they were outsiders to this city already. He hated having attention to himself.
As she made her way down to the docks, Yuki's hood was already pulled high over her multi-hued hair, adding a good few inches to her diminutive height. Though her head was kept down, it would seem that she had no difficulty in finding her target there upon the docks. Spying him with a belligerent Captain, she kept her distance even more so than usual, watching the exchange from the shadows of her hood. It wasn't until she saw coin change hands that she allowed herself to inch forward and offer a nod of greeting to Hezrou.
"Thank you," she murmured quietly as her hands slipped from the cloak's pockets to clutch at the strap of her satchel. The Raen's gaze traveled up and down his form, taking note of both the armor and the exposed hilt of his blade. Without so much as an ounce of hesitation, Yukihana turned and made her way up the gangplank.
No time was wasted in acquainting herself with the ship, at least from a distance. In the first few hours of their time aboard, careful attention was paid to those manning the vessel. From beneath the safety of her cowl, she learned the features and apparent duties of those moving about both above and below deck. It would seem as if the woman utterly refused to permit herself to rest or relax until she was satisfied with her learnings.
Throughout the three days they traveled, Yuki was back and forth between Hezrou's quarters, her own, and the deck of the ship. While he may have been bothered by the sea, it was the exact opposite for her. In fact, it seemed to bring a bright spark of life to her - at least until the final day of their voyage, when the quiet overtook her once more.
"You mean.. Give up our cloaks?" The question was nervous, almost shaky. She loathed the idea of being so exposed in the city. For her it was as if they were asking for... No, those thoughts would lead them no where worthwhile. Best not to dwell upon it. "Perhaps that would be for the best.. There is a shopping district where we should be able to find all that we need. We should have enough left in our allowance as well."
"We have plenty for our allowance." Hezrou replied. "Sufficient to resupply, find an inn to stay in for the time being and prepare." The Miqo'te looked around a moment before finding his bearings on where they were and heading for the shopping district. It was crowded and he hated it quite a bit. He hadn't really been in a crowd of people for a while now so it was almost overwhelming at first.
But once he was collected he found themselves a quiet little shop and spent some time browsing the wears. He got himself a silken white Kimono with red and gold designs along the sleeves and bottom. The tie around his waist was a deep red and he eased his katana with the strap so that it hung snug at his side again. He bought a hat to go with it, but he didn't like how it was mostly made for those without Miqo'te ears. He had to settle for buying it and figure out how to cut holes for his ears later if he felt like keeping it.
He waited around the front for her after changing, having already paid for both of their outfits once he was sure his fit. He still wore his blindfold, but he knew eventually he'd have to remove it. Or else it'd be easier to recognize him if the group they planned to attack would seek him out.
Moving through the city with Yuki for a companion was... Well, perhaps a unique experience. She picked her way through the crowds in a slow but steady manner, taking care with each move to prevent bumping into another. Arriving in the shop seemed to be the most treasured thing they had managed throughout the day's trek. Several deep breaths were taken upon their entry and what looked like the faintest hint of a tremble raced down the woman's spine.
Like Hezrou, she took her time in perusing the goods on display, dismissing several garments seemingly without any complaint other than the very feel of the fabric. Each article of clothing was inspected with care - the color, the texture, even the weight of the garment all seemed to matter a great deal. In the end she selected an elegant pink kimono with white and gold stitching. To match she selected a pin adorned with pink cherry blossom spray.
After changing she emerged, head down. For once her hair was fully drawn back from her features revealing pale, clear blue eyes surrounded by an oddly pink limbral ring. Unlike many of her kind, the scaling over her nose did not dare to traverse down the bridge, remaining squarely between her eyes. "So on to an inn now or is there more you would prefer from the shops?"
"I think we're set." Hezrou chuckled softly. He guided them to the inns and he found one close to a window and not too high from the ground so that he could go in and out on his own at night for what he planned for. He wanted to investigate this group and see what he had to look out for. If she couldn't fight, then it was just him. And he felt that those bastards would risk the lives of the women just to get what they wanted so he had to be quick and clean about it.
Looking about the room they chose he nodded in approval. "Alright...You read what we had to do right? This is going to be difficult..." He sighed deeply, crossing his arms across his chest. "I think playing it safe is the best option here. Going in slashing people's throats would just draw the attention of the Sekiseigumi. And THAT we cannot have. And I fear for the women should they get desperate..." He looked back at her. "You need anything for your side of things?"
Yuki was like a silent shadow following along behind him throughout the city's districts. Once in a room to suit him, she inspected everything twice over, even going so far as to run her hands along the bottoms of drawers in the room. "I read, yes," she said from a crouched position on the floor near one of the beds.
From deep within the sleeve of her kimono came a knife, which was promptly use to slash a small gash in the flooring. A small pouch that jingled as if filled with just enough Gil to provide for another two nights in the inn was then slid flat beneath hole she'd created. Reaching into her satchel, Yuki pulled free a palm sized sewing kit which was then used to neatly repair the damage she'd caused. Her work was as precise and neat as if she'd been stitching a wound and when she was done, the blankets that covered the bed hung just so as to cover any imperfection that might possibly be noticed. "Just in case," she murmured before straightening.
"I agree. I would rather cause as little loss of life here as possible. Fearing for the women is all well and good, as many are innocent but there are some who will potentially be loyal to the men in charge - foolishly, but still. There was no Intel on any markings that the brothel might use, but keep an eye out.
Generally they will bear a tattoo that stands as an obvious mark to which house they belong. The more elaborate the tattoo... The more they are valued by the owners." She paused, looking over to him with somewhat wide eyes.
"...Typically speaking that is. There is nothing that I can think of now that I need, but once we grow closer to time, it might be wise to have a few extra garments on hand to change the ladies into."
Hezrou didn't even think of that. He put his hand to his chin in thought, his ears drawing back a bit as he paced a bit. "The ones that would be able to be saved...I'm sure we can find someone willing to alter the tattoos to mask them." He replied. The Miqo'te paused in his pace and looked towards her. "I think it is best you stay here for a bit. I'll do all the lurking and hunting." He smiled a small bit. "That was a good idea you had, by the way. About the tattoos." He looked over his shoulder towards the window. He'd have to wait until nightfall to do his hunting. "I was thinking of once I know their routes I'll section one off and steal their gear. Posing as one of them just to get inside. Hopefully there's enough of them that they won't know who's who." He then paused and reached up to feel his ears. "Hmm...I should hide these. And my tail...You think they'd stand out? I didn't see too many Miqo'te in Kugane while we were here. I'd stand out as an outsider, you think?"
"We can find that in Ul'dah or Limsa Lominsa, so that we are not here as long. The longer we remain in the city walls, the harder it will be to make our escape. Just the garments to cover them will be enough until we make our way out of Kugane."  As she spoke she moved throughout the room, setting up the medicines and supplies she'd brought in a sort of makeshift infirmary. Her arrangements practically created a rainbow of colored potions. "I will not complain about remaining here if that is what you think is best. This place is... That they could even call it 'pure'..." She trailed off with a most unladylike snort. "That or you could simply claim to be the cousin of a cousin, fresh to the city... It would not hurt to have a ready made excuse, just in case. And yes, we should hide your ears and tails. They do make you easily identifiable here. Are you certain there is naught I can do to be of help outside of hiding here?"
Hezrou thought a moment. "Perhaps get to know the area? We can probably find a back way somewhere. Or see if there are any allies out here for us to use as a distraction against them." He suggested. He felt along his ears, trying to think how he could hide them. They were so big...He looked at the hat and had an idea after a moment. As much as he hated to do it, he removed the cloth he had wrapped around his eye and moved it to wrap around the top of his head to press down his ears. The eye itself was fine, but there were two nasty scars across it. It was like either a claw or blade of some kind had slashed into his face some time in the past. It didn't look too bad on him, actually, but he hated it himself. He felt it was ugly as well as a sore thumb if it came to his dirty work. He put on the hat he had bought earlier which hid the covered ears nicely, as well as the black cloth itself.
"There..." He murmured more so to himself. He then looked back at his tail and had to think a moment. He couldn't just put it under the clothes. "Maybe...I can tie it around my waist, tuck it under itself and hold it there with the wrap around my waist?" He offered curiously, taking his tail and then looked down at the wrap around his waist holding the kimono together. He never thought he'd ever have to hide his tail or ears in his whole life. How embarrassing...
"I shall learn the area - we can ill  afford to risk making allies out of the wrong sort," she said, shooting a glance in his direction. For a moment she watched him run his hands along his ears, curious as to just what he could possibly do to hide them... Did they even fold down for longer than a few moments? Oh, there were questions aplenty but whatever they might have been, they died on her lips as the cloth over his eye was removed to reveal those scars. While not at all unexpected, she still furrowed her brows before looking away once more. By the time he had himself settled, she had finished her work and stood, watching him from across the inn room. "I could sew a sort of pocket into your kimono if you would like. It might be a bit less painful than tying it around your waist or tucking it."
"Nah." Hezrou shook his head. "It'd move around when I would and might flip the cloth around. Can't be having that..." He turned his back to her to untie the wrap and tried to situate his tail how he thought. It was difficult, since his tail wanted to just move back but he eventually had a good snag on it and wrapped it up. It felt...really weird. Extremely weird. All of this was weird. It felt like his balance was just completely gone and he was going to learn to walk all over again. He moved over to the bathroom - if a bit of an odd step at first - and looked it all over. He never hated himself more than he did then. He looked like a damn highlander with face paint! Then it hit him. The face paint!
"Yukihana! Do you have any make up?" He called from the bathroom. "I totally forgot about these tattoos..." He didn't think they would be a bother, but the design was rather obvious. It was kind of a tribe thing. "I think after that I should be good to go out once it gets dark. After....After I can walk a straight line." He chuckled a bit. "I feel like I had one too many drinks but without the haze in my mind."
Yukihana could not help but stop and stare as the man worked to arrange his tail. Not so sneakily she even reached a hand back to touch her own tail but... alas, there was no way she was going to even attempt to manage all of that. Nope. To keep from daring to laugh at the way he took that odd first step, the Raen drew her lower lip between her teeth and simply took a step back to keep from blocking his way to the restroom in any sense of the way.
"Make up? I ah.. Well..." From within the room she could be heard to rummage around in her bag. "I do not typically wear it any longer but I do have a bit of powder from my last trip that might work...It is rather old though. You can wear this tonight and I can go out tomorrow morning and pick up something a bit more.... fresh." The powder was brought to her nose for a sniff and she nodded while stepping towards the bathroom. "It still smells pretty."  Yes, because every man wanted to 'smell pretty'. "You can always pretend to be drunk too, if you go out late enough that is."
Hezrou chuckled. "I think if I acted drunk that's just blow our cover more." He teased back and took it. "Smelling pretty...Well, I suppose I can just tell 'em i'm gay if I want to smell feminine. Or that I had some time with a lovely lady." He rolled his eyes and smelt it. It did smell like a lot of pretty flowers in a meadow. Kind of reminded him of his old home when he was still a child. He applied the make up and took some time to blend it in to match his skin. He tilted and turned his head to inspect himself before he felt he was good and hidden away. He hated it, but it would work. He felt so....Highlander. "I miss my ears already." He commented.
Yuki actually allowed a laugh to escape, a sound that was quickly muffled by the raising of her hand. "Either works," she said through the giggles. The Raen waited patiently for the make up to be applied and blended before she stepped forward and peeked at his face closely. "I shall get something a bit more suited to you in the morning. Perhaps grab a quick bite of breakfast to bring back - or well, if you are to be out all night, it would more be your dinner." A thought pause came before she smiled up at him. "They will be back soon. Or you could set them free until time to leave?"
Hezrou chuckled. "I'll probably let them loose again when the mission is over. That's if we can manage a one night sting." He looked over at her from the reflection in the mirror. "Shouldn't be too hard to break into a brothel and kill a fat bastard." He chuckled and headed out of the bathroom, taking slow steps to practice so he could walk by the time the sun fell. "I'll try to sneak in while he's not paying attention...cut his head clean from his shoulders or something quick. There won't be no sound..." He stretched his arms out from his sides to help balance for a bit. "Shall I bring that bundle of sticks they mentioned as a show of the kill? Or his head? ...I think Akuma would enjoy seeing that bastard's dead eyes."
"Just... be careful alright? We cannot save anyone if we get ourselves caught." Worry crept into her gaze then, but she was swift to find another place to direct her eyes. What if it wasn't easy to break into the brothel and kill the monster? It certainly wasn't... No, no... She had promised herself that she wouldn't permit herself to get lost while they were here. That could come once they were home, once others weren't depending on her...
"I ah... I did not think to ask him what we should bring back. I thought the girls might be enough, but then we could always just free them and not handle the rest... Perhaps we can call him quickly, though then it might look as if we are not capable of handling this ourselves..."
"I'm going to bring back his sword." Hezrou said suddenly after she spoke. "That will be Akuma's reward." It would be easier to smuggle that then a head. He turned on his heel so he could face her, his hands still outstretched and his body still a bit wobbly as he kept his balance. This was harder than it looked. His tail was pulling at the sash but it didn't budge and his back muscles felt so tight picking up the slack in trying to balance himself out. His expression, however, was a bit dark. He was ready for this. He wanted to murder this man in cold blood for the corruption he's helping pool into Kogane. "We'll succeed...I know we can." He added after a moment, taking a few slow steps, almost a straight line. "We'll make it through and back to the Syndicate and we'll get those women out of Kogane and Doma and to Eorzea...give them a new life. A free life."
Watching him with an intent gaze, Yuki nodded slowly. "I am sure he would appreciate having the man's blade and knowing that he can do no more evil with it at his side." Were she capable of such, she would've offered out her hands to help steady him as he learned this new way of balancing himself, but alas... "We will, you are right. They will get all new lives and while it may not be the easiest life, it will be their own and free. That... that is a miracle in and of itself."
Hezrou nodded in agreement to her words. It took several hours of nonstop practice for Hezrou to finally walk straight and mostly normal. Maybe with a bit of a odd movement here and there. He even tried crouching and moving quickly to see if he could handle it. The first few times in the beginning would land him face first to the floor or even bumping into a wall or two. But by the time the sun was set, he was mostly ready.
"Alright...I'm going to go and find a way in. Feel free to talk to me through the pearl if something comes up or you need to check on me." Hezrou said as he moved to the window to use it as a easy escape outside rather than using the door to avoid people seeing him leave the public way.
Each topple or bump had earned the man a wince from the healer, though she'd not once criticized the way he learned. In fact, she seemed rather impressed. Mastering a new way to walk in less than twenty four hours was a feat she didn't think she could manage. By the time he was ready, she'd already placed the 'do not disturb' placard on the door to discourage any visits from the inn staff and stood waiting for him to depart.
"Just.. keep in contact as you can, alright? If you get into any trouble, just call." Moving into the Rakuza district of Kugane as the long shadows of night wrapped themselves around the bustling city, it became obvious that the streets belonged to Miyazaki and his swine. Stores that were considered their own had one or two members lurking outside as both protection and enforcer. This only grew worse the closer Hezrou grew to their target. Not only were Miyazaki's men lingering outside of the brothel, but more could be seen mingling with the women inside.
Hezrou stuck to the shadows and rooftops as he traveled. His eyes wide as he looked out into the darkness into the lit streets below. He kept going deeper and deeper until security was so tight that he knew he had to be close to their headquarters. His crimson eyes could see everything with the lamps reflecting the light for him. He would move about the area, counting guards, seeing their interactions with customers and finding out which women were brothel women. This task definitely wasn't an easy one and he knew then that not all of the women could be saved. He remained perched behind the top of a building until he saw Miyazaki finally making his rounds in the area. Smoking that cigar as described.
The man was indeed heavy, his face round and puffy but no doubt intimidating. His size could easily crush either of them if he wanted. Hezrou felt like that katana of his was a simple sword at his side. It disgusted him. The man would get a drink here, a meal there...yell at some other businesses and even cause a scene where he shot a man for not paying a debt to the brothel. He tailed the man until he found new girls coming in being carried by his goons. Drugged and completely out of it. It was busy enough and so many goons that it should be easy to blend.
Dropping into an alley he landed on his hands and feet but tumbled sideways into a wall since his tail wasn't there to counteract the landing. Pushing himself up he crept behind a guard standing watch to keep visitors from going in and wrapped an arm around his neck, his hand over their nose and mouth to keep him silent and quickly dragged him into the darkness. he slammed their head into the floor with a small thud and didn't even care if it was a little too hard to do more than knock him out. Looking towards the crowd outside nobody seemed to notice the guard missing. Good.
He stood and begun to undo his kimono and set his sword against the wall quietly before stripping the man down to nothing and donning the goon's uniform. He would wrap his ears down again and his tail in the sash around his waist once more when he was done. Hezrou then took his clothes and wrapped them up neatly and setting them hidden behind some wooden crates for when he'd make his escape later. "Took down a single guard. Got the uniform. I'm going undercover." He whispered over the pearl to update her on his situation. "Miyazaki spotted investigating the new shipment of women. I'm going to use this time to head to the HQ and find a hiding place for when he returns." He headed out of the alley and replaced the guard 'on watch' for a moment before walking towards the HQ as casually as he could to blend in.
As painful and sad as it might be to bear witness, some of those women trapped within that house remained willingly and had perhaps even came of their own accord rather than being abducted off the streets. For the most part there were subtle ways to tell the difference in the women. Those who were there willingly had a light in their eyes as they worked the floor. Their laughs came easily and freely, not forced or restrained like those whose gaze were haunted or dim. Those there against their wills had a certain caged look, like their backs were against the wall and there was nowhere left to run, no hope left in the whole of the world. Even if Hezrou and Yukihana could somehow pull off the impossible and free them all, a part of them would remain trapped in this house until they found some way to mend that which had been broken. And the path of the broken was never an easy one to walk....
Back in the inn room, Yukihana paced the floor anxiously, already imagining all the potential ways this could go wrong. Though she swore to do no harm, one dagger had been returned to its place within her kimono sleeve while another was strapped to her thigh. Another yet lay upon the bedding, a simple arm's reach away should any threat come through either the open window or dared to take down the door she'd locked and bolted earlier.
"Still whole?" Came the immediate question when Hezrou spoke of taking down the guard. To the window she went, taking up a perch in the open and allowing the breeze to wash over her features. "If you think we can get this in one night, I shall head out now... Find our path out rather than wait for morning. I have knives, can make myself... unappealing for the take."
Perhaps the lovely lady luck was on their side, for by the time Hezrou made his return the numbers had thinned out by a few. Some had wandered off to the back of the house, a lady (or two) in tow. Others had heard word of the arrival of the new 'goods' and had slunk off to try for first dibs. Those still milling about didn't speak of the man's arrival, but rather nodded in greeting. If they thought anything was off about his presence or even the way he walked, they held their gossip until he'd passed them by.
"Still whole." He whispered as he walked. "Go ahead and go to the extraction point. I'll see what I can get while I'm making my way there." He went quiet once he got near the guards as to not arouse their attention. Hezrou was surprised how easy it was to slip in. He would return the nod and keep moving. He even posed to bring a girl or two back himself once he saw the dimmed and broken look in their eyes. That dissatisfaction of yet another man greeding and drooling over them. The Miqo'te hated to act like a pig, but it worked. He got at least two with him and once he was out of sight of the guards he dropped the mask completely. He told them he wasn't going to touch them and he was here to help. He could see it right then and there the hope in their eyes. But they didn't speak as to blow his cover and merely nodded their heads.
He'd quietly lead them to a safe room before getting a few more girls from different areas of the building. He had close to twelve and would guide them one by one through the back way once it was clear to where Yukihana would likely be waiting. The whole process took at least an hour so it left her plenty of time to arrive. The girls were all together, holding each other and dead silent as they traveled for fear of getting caught. Hezrou himself was nervous as hell, but didn't let it show. His face was straight, eyes determined and steeled.
They'd at least save some...which was good enough for him. Maybe weakening this operation could give the Sekiseigumi to finally investigate and shut it down after tonight.
"On my way now." Her bag was snatched from the floor and slung over a shoulder, though the rest of what she'd set out and hidden away was left precisely as she'd set it. Out the window she went, dropping down to the grass and giving a look both ways before she turned to head to their meeting place.
Getting near the extraction point meant going deeper into the heart of the Rakuza district, meant moving back towards a corner of the world she'd sworn never to set foot in again... Emotions threatened to consume, fear and bile rising high in her throat. Why did her feet continue to carry her onward when her mind screamed out in agony for her to run, to flee. It was her heart that kept one foot moving silently before the other. The need to do right by these girls who were trapped in a life they did not want eased all of the rest and made it possible for her to carry on to meet Hezrou.
True to her word, Yuki was already there waiting when Hezrou arrived with the rescued girls. Fear mingled with hope in each of the girls the Miqo'te had collected. Could this really be it? Were they getting out? Could they go home? See their families again? Well, those who hadn't been sold into this life by their families that is... Seeing them all there, standing side by side, holding one another was damn near enough to bring the healer to tears, but she held them back. For the first time in years, Yuki crossed the distance to willingly offer physical contact to another, wrapping an arm around one of the younger victims of Miyazaki's cruelty.
"There is a back alley we can take them down, but I saw a guard wander close as I made my way here... With this many of us, we are bound to draw his attention. It is the safest way but... Still not without risk."
Hezrou watched in quiet awe as she willingly touched one of the girls and begun to comfort them as they started to go to her side. He couldn't help the small smile cross his lips to see it. Without a word he went back, gripping his sword's sheath and begun to run back before anyone grew suspicious of him. "I'm going to hide for the ambush. I'm going silent for a while. I'll leave the girls up to you." He said over the com after a minute or two.
Getting back inside the numbers were still very thin. Good. He quietly went down the halls and had no idea where his room could be. All the hallways looked the same. Looking in each would just look suspicious. After a while he managed to find a solo guard and approached him. He bowed his head in greeting. "Excuse me, brother...I'm new and I haven't quite learned the lay of the castle." He remained low as if he was deeply apologetic for interrupting this man's time. "Lord Miyazaki sent me back here to retrieve something of his from his room but I don't remember where it is...I was too afraid to ask him." His hand was still tight around the sheath of his sword, ready to attack him should this risky move fail. He would kill him anyway after.
Yuki did not hesitate to nod in understanding as she took over the shepherding of the girls. It took her some bit to get them to accept and recognize that the man who had been their golden ticket out of the brothel, was now leaving them in the care of this little waif of a woman. What was she supposed to be able to do to keep them safe? And just what would happen if they were caught out like this? For a moment it was easy to see the collective thought of taking the easy route and returning to the brothel. After all, better to deal with the devil you know than the devil you don't...
Something soft and low was whispered, a quiet internal exchange between the women of Kugane and sentiments shifted. Once more the gaggle of women grouped around one another, becoming the strength and shelter of the woman next to them. Slowly Yuki set off with them, keeping a sharp eye out for the guard she already knew would give them grief...
Meanwhile, back in the winding maze of the Brothel....
The guard arched a brow as he stared at this supposed 'new' member. A hard stare sized Hezrou up before he grunted and took a single step forward in an effort to intimidate the Miqo'te. "Yer new and they've already got you here..."
The corner of his upper lip lifted and he leaned down as if he could scent the lie on the trespasser or perhaps it was another scent entire that caught his attention... He was wearing Yukihana's make up still...
Suddenly, the guard gave a great belly-laugh. "Already been dipping your hand in the Lord's honey pot have you?" A heavy hand came down in the attempt to pat Hezrou on the shoulder. "Word of advice, keep your mind on the job and your head out from between the trick's legs and you might actually start to remember what you're told." Another leering grin was given. What a creep.
"The Lord's chambers are on the upper floor, boy. Best scamper off now..." As they went, Yukihana was right to run into some sort of snag in their plan. A pair of guards were on their way to the back way to make sure nothing weird was going on, having caught some strange events in the past between a brothel girl and a stray guard. Or the occasional napping one, only to see a dozen young women and a Raen between them. They were a bit shocked before they drew their weapons.
"Hey! What in Kami's name is going on here?!" One hissed. "Plannin' an escape, eh?" The other chuckled, smirking disgustingly. "Ye' ought to know what the boss'll do to you when you flee!" The girls were already showing fear that they were spotted. They didn't even know if Yukihana could even take them. They didn't even want to see her get hurt. The two guards begun to creep ever closer to them, hoping to get close enough to grab them or herd them back like the cattle they treated them.
Hezrou tensed a bit when he heard him get closer. His grip was tight on the sheath, just in case but before he could finish that thought to strike him, his nearly jerked muscle was halted when the man suddenly burst into laughter. He was surprised by this and sat up to look up at the larger man, just in time for the large hand to pat his shoulder. Then it hit him. The make up on his face! Oh, how he could hug Yukihana right now for the unintentional save of his ass right now. He played along, starting to laugh with him a moment before adding to that lie and playing along. "I couldn't help myself! Don't tell the boss?" He chuckled. He hated this man. Such a creep. "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you!" He bowed his head again. He started to run off and then went quiet when he rounded the corner as if he had indeed taken off for the stairs. However, he merely took the slippers off so his footsteps were silent as he moved back to him, slipping a door open quietly behind him before wrapping his katana's hilt tightly around  the man's neck and jerking him back into the opened room.
It was quick. Once he was in the room he pressed his knee into the man's back and pulled hard to cut the man's breathing with the weapon pressed hard into his neck. He  was a large man, and he was small. Hiding into the blind spots of his back was all it took to keep him from being taken down. It only took seconds for the oxygen loss to knock the man out. Standing over the man Hezrou narrowed his eyes. Dragging his body to a closet he shoved the man in before stepping back a moment to draw his sword slowly from it's sheath. "May your Kami have mercy on you." He hissed under his breath and plunged the sword through he man's throat to end his life. He used the man's kimono to wipe the blade clean and he sheathed it just as slowly to not be loud and shut the sliders. He even piled a few of the boxes in the room against the blood he knew would pool under the door for at least a little while before leaving.
He headed upstairs and found the Lord's chambers. It disgusted him how lavishly this man lived while enslaving so many women. Looking around, he would find a place to hide to ambush the man when he'd return.
She should have known it was all going too easy for this all to work. Why did she even think they could manage this? That she could manage this...? Her eyes were wide as she began to back away from the approaching guards. Both arms reached out to protectively shield all the women behind her. "You should... just let us go. Let us go and the others will not come for you," Yukihana bluffed. Even as she spoke, her mind ran down the list of spells she could use to keep true to her vows while still keeping herself and the others safe.
The Lord's chambers were a lavish display of his power and wealth. Decorated in deep crimson, brilliant golds and the darkest of blacks, every bit of furniture was plush and screamed of vast expense. Silk covered the tables, the bedding, and even the walls. Mixed in with the typical weapon or sculpture were smaller trophies, ones far more intimate and personal. A good deal of these lesser keepsakes had quite likely come from the women currently in Yukihana's care.
There were several pillars used throughout the room to break up living space from work space from.... pleasure space. Each pillar was easily wide enough to provide some cover for Hezrou to hide behind. A few screen partitions also sat about, though they were thin and could potentially reveal shadows if the lights in the room were brightened at all.
They both laughed. She looked so terrified. "What are ye' talkin' about, missy..." The guard grinned. "I bet you ladies worked together to try and run off." The other added. "You can't fool us!" They even tauntingly poked their spears out at the girls, making some of them jerk back in fear before attempting the same at Yukihana.
It was clear these two were just harassing thugs. They all were. They liked seeing women beneath them and trembling in fear. "When we're done getting you girls back where you belong we'll figure out who the ringleader is in your little lot of whores and make her pay! Maybe the boss'll enjoy reminding you not to act out next time." They taunted sickeningly. "He loves his girls when they need to be punished!"
Hezrou looked about the room quietly before going to the back of the room and pressing his back to one of the pillars away from the door. He'd wait as long as it took to kill him. He reached up to respond to Yukihana. "I'm in his office...I hope things are going well for you." He really hoped everything was clear for her. he was sure things were going to be busy in the next hour or so when the boss would return. He had no idea of her situation.
A hand shot out, sending a burst of boiling hot aetheric energies at their feet. It wasn't close enough to hurt either of them, but certainly enough to make them second guess coming any closer. Or so she hoped. "Back. Off!" Another burst of energy. "Touch any of them again and I swear to you, I will rip out your rib cage and wear it for a vest." Big words from such a small woman. Was she shaking? Certainly looked like it.
Silence was the only answer that came to Hezrou from his partner's end, which was perhaps odd in and of itself. She'd always been certain to respond when he'd spoken.. Now? Nothing, not even static or the frantic sounds of what was going on. It was as if she'd simply vanished.
The walls of the brothel weren't thin, at least not on this level. There was no sound warning of any of the Lord's men moving towards their boss' chambers... No sign that the man himself might well be on his way up with a few new pieces of his more stubborn merchandise. The mouthiest of the new girls always had to be taught their place, reminded who called the shots now.
The guards were caught by surprise at the aether blast before them. They'd never seen anything like it. They were just common folk that never left the city. Those threats of hers didn't even seem all that false now, either. They hesitated, looking at each other a moment. Neither wanted a taste of that. But one finally got ballsy and tried to rush her anyway with a cry.
Hezrou was quiet a moment as he waited on in worry. "Yukihana?" He asked over the com. But when nothing would come again he was worried. Shit. He shouldn't have left her behind. He should of escorted them! He felt like the walls in the room weren't as big as before now. That the air was thicker. That the weight of failure was looming over him now. Did she get caught? Was the boss about to be aware of his presence and capture him? So many thoughts came to mind and before he knew it he had a flashback of his beloved. About how he failed her. That she'd forgotten him after her disappearance and how he should of gone with her on that duty but didn't.
He didn't even feel his own hands trembling. His eyes wide at the realization that he had made a mistake. He didn't even hear the man enter the room with his guards and when there was talking suddenly he tensed and pressed his back hard against he pillars. Fuck. He couldn't abort now! Miyazaki  had observed the girls and had even had his guard bring up at least four of them as they were tied up in ropes to ensure they couldn't escape. "Leave them." He said sharply. "Go outside and keep watch. I got work I need to attend to." He shrugged them off and walked toward his desk. His hand was in the open sleeve of his kimono across his large stomach, holding tightly to the bundle of sticks he was so attached to. In the other hand, he held his nearly used up cigar. Standing in front of his table he set the sticks down, exactly as Akuma's letter described - stacked right on the flat table.
The guards left and he was alone with the girls, who were trying to pull their hands free and whimpering or crying. The overly fat man stared at the sticks a moment before taking the last long drag from the cigar and setting it out in the ash tray on the table and taking up the sticks again. He put them back in his kimono and walked to the girls. He found the most defiant one of the four and grabbed her roughly by her hair, causing her to cry out and try to pull from the man but it was of no use. He grinned wickedly and begun to drag her by her hair towards his little section to have his way with her.
Hezrou glanced over his shoulder around the corner to the scene, horrified when he grabbed the young Domen girl by her hair and begun to forcefully drag her towards the bed that he knew bedded many drugged young women.
Rage boiled in Hezrou's chest. So much that he couldn't bare it. He had to find Yukihana. But he had to kill this bastard! Taking this chance, he rushed forward and with a flick of his thumb he pushed the blade up a bit from the sheath, gripping the hilt so tight with the other hand that his claws dug into his palms and his knuckles were white.
Tsutomu heard heavy footfalls suddenly and with a audible hum he turned while reaching into his sash with the other hand just in time to come eye-to-eye with a angry Miqo'te, feeling a blade sink into his large gullet. The man cried out, blood coming up from his throat and flecks of it spraying across Hezrou's face. But the Miqo'te didn't even flinch. There was a loud metallic click between them and a bang, but Hezrou didn't even hear it. All he heard was a loud ringing in his ears from all the adrenaline and hatred he felt for this man. The sword was clean through the man's stomach, poking out of his back and blood pouring from the wound.
Shocked that the Miqo'te didn't even flinch, knowing full well that the pistol in his hand was pressed against the attacker's stomach made Tsutomu speechless. He just made small pained sounds before his trembling hand dropped the gun and the pain begun to take over. "W-Why you...!" Miyazaki struggled to say as more blood dribbled from his mouth. "Rot in hell." Hezrou hissed and twisted the blade, pressing it so the hilt dug against the man before pushing it out the side and spraying blood across the bed and floor as the blade tore through flesh and sliced right through the man's abdomen. With a garbled cry of pain the fat man collapsed backwards, the girls screaming in horror at what just happened. Hezrou could barely breathe. The man's odor was indeed unbearable. But the smell of blood made it a bit more bearable. He put the blade to his inner arm and cleaned the blade on the uniform before sheathing it. With labored breaths from his anger and the foul odor he looked to the girls. "I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to save you..." He said, trying to quiet them down.
They were too petrified. The girl that had been grabbed by the now butchered man before them was covered in his blood and panicking the worst. Hezrou was quiet as he stared at them a moment before he took the gun and walked to the door. He knew there were guards waiting, but unsure of how many. He grabbed the handle and flung open the door and quickly exited to shoot the two guards standing nearby. Thankfully no one else was there. The walls were still thick here so no one would of heard the shots, either. He went back into the room and it took him a good few minutes to calm them, kneeling down to them and working to get them ready to leave.
However, it wasn't until he stood that he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. The adrenaline rush of the kill had worn off and he didn't even know he had been shot until now. He looked down and saw just how heavily he was bleeding, mixed in with the blood from stabbing the fat bastard earlier. "Oh, bloody hells..." He mumbled. There was no way he could save these girls now...Not like this. He walked over to Miyazaki and leaned over slowly to pull his kitana from his side and slipped the strap over his shoulder so it hung across his back.
"look...I'll come back for you guys with help." He told them. "The Sekiseigumi will know of this operation...They'll come before morning. I promise..." He breathed. He moved to a window and opened it, climbing out and working his way along the edges of the ledge to escape undetected. The pain made it difficult, and he eventually gave up to open his sash and allow his tail out for better balance.
How could he have forgotten that damned gun. He let his ears out as well and touched the pearl to link again. "Yuki...Please respond. Miyazaki is dead. I'm coming back but...I'm not in a good position right now." He wasn't even sure if she'd even respond.
Triumph flared victorious in her eyes as Yukihana watched the pair second guess their decision to mess with her and the girls she was determined to save. Up came her chin as she tried her best to not let the remnants of her fear show. She'd done it, shown the bastards she wasn't one to be toyed with.... Or so she had thought. The instant the foolish one dared to rush her, she realized just how foolish she'd been to even try. Her response was one of pure survival instinct, but one that would come back to haunt her nightmares later.
A flash of aether snapped from her fingertips and suddenly the attacker went down as blood gushed from both his nose and the corner of his mouth. "Bitch!" He shouted as he struggled to rise and lunge again while his partner looked on in horror. Both of his hands rose  as if to wipe debris from his eyes but nothing came away. "I can't see! My eyes!" Back down on his knees he went while clawing furiously at his head. The more timid of the two guards looked up to Yukihana with fear in his eyes as he slowly began to back away before turning on a heel and all but fleeing the scene, leaving his partner at Yukihana's mercy.
"Go," Yuki managed to whisper to the girls in her shocked state. "We have to go..." Her hands turned to gesture them down the alley, though her hands remained locked on the whimpering man who had now curled into a sobbing ball on the ground. The same girl that Yuki had comforted earlier now reached to wrap her own shaking arm about the woman who was meant to save her.
"Lead us out of here, my Lady," she offered a gentle reminder to which Yukihana could merely nod. Slowly she turned to steer the group down the escape route she'd planned for them. They moved more slowly now as the entire group was frightened beyond belief. What if there were more guards? What if they were caught... What if? What if? It was all they could think.
Before Yuki could get too far gone in her own head Hezrou's voice broke through the silence to save her from her own fears. "Lord Hezrou? I.. I... Where are you? Are you hurt? Surrounded? What should I do?"
There was a moment's pause from the com before Hezrou's voice responded. "I'm coming down from the rooftops...eventually." He sounded short on breath. In pain. "The mission is complete...but not without mistakes." He slowly worked his way down the side of the building, and nearly lost his footing at least twice along the way. He grabbed onto a ledge of a nearby building and begun to climb himself up, even crying out when doing so out of sheer pain of tensing his body to pull himself up. He groaned in pain and held a hand to the wound in his stomach once he was up. "I-I...I will need your assistance once I arrive." He whispered. "Are the girls safe?"
He slowly got to his feet and made his way back to the alleyway where he left his clothing. He switched out from the guard's attire and used the sash from it to wrap his wound as tightly as he could. Just to keep the blood out of sight so he could leave. The white kimono was a bad idea...At least the second wrap helped the first under it with the blood. He made his way out of the district but by the time he made it to the more safer parts of Kugane his vision was already starting to cross over and unfocused. "We need...to gather our things and leave tonight. With the girls..."
"Just... be careful. I left one in the alley, but he should not be able to see you.. Not yet, anyways. I will see to you as soon as you arrive.. I... Just make sure you get here, alright?" The worry was evident in the strain of her voice, mingling with the fear that still burned bright within. "The girls are all still with me. We are... whole." It was the easiest way she could answer the question without causing him more concern.
"We will, as soon as I have seen to you and your injuries, I will venture out and see to the arrangements for a ship out of here. Just get yourself here." As she spoke, she continued to shepherd the girls towards the inn, keeping a sharp eye out for further trouble along the way. Once they arrived, the Raen rushed to slide the window open so the girls could climb in one by one, with her climbing through last. The little inn room was full to bursting with women as Yuki raised a finger to her lips to keep them all quiet.
"Right..." Hezrou acknowledged and made his way to the inn. By the time he got there, though, he was surprised he was conscious at all. He climbed in and collapsed into the room. His strength had given out on him knowing now that he was mostly safe. There was a tinge of crimson pushing up from the sash tied tightly around his waist. His ears were pressed back and his face didn't hide his pain. There was sweat on his brow and his breaths were labored. The sword from their target rested against his back.
Yuki stood by the window anxiously awaiting the Miqo'te's arrival. Her hands were swift to reach out to help him through the window, offering aid without fear for contact... At least for now. "I have you, just breathe, Lord Hezrou." The girls of the room seemed to step back as one, the show and horror obvious upon their varied features.
Yuki's hands looped under his and she began to drag him back towards the little infirmary she'd set up earlier. For one so small her adrenaline gave her a surprising amount of strength to be capable of such. "Help me get him onto the bed," she said to no one girl in particular. Two stepped forward at her call, lifting the man's legs and helping to slide him onto the bedding. No time was wasted in offering the male privacy from the watchful eyes of the women they had saved, for her hands made swift work of the garments that hid the wound from her eyes. Unable to help herself, a soft gasp sounded at the sight of the wound but that was all. From that second on, the woman was nothing but a confident, skilled mender.
A small metal bowl was filled with clean water poured from a marked canteen followed by no more than three drops of a clear, soft blue liquid. With a delicate hand she slipped a cleansing cloth into the water and worked to clean away the blood and gore so that she might get a better look at the wound itself.
Wherever the cloth touched his skin came a cold, tingling sensation that worked to ease the pain. Once this was done, the Raen leaned forward and carefully inspect the gunshot wound to ensure none of the man's vital organs had been hit.
Hezrou groaned in pain when he was lifted onto a bed but he remained still as Yuki worked. Luckily for him, he might as well had been blessed. At such a close range it barely missed his organs, the bullet just merely lodged in a muscle past the organs. He focused on her word, having tried to settle his breathing. He's had worse wounds before, but it still hurt like hell. "I was careless..." He strained out as she worked. "I was...reckless." It was the best way he could describe what he did to that man. He knew of the gun, but he was so twisted with anger that it didn't matter to him.
"It is fine, you are going to be fine. Do not worry, I have you now," she murmured softly to reassure the man. "Just keep breathing for me and I shall do the rest." A potion was grabbed from the table and lifted to his lips. "Drink this and it will ease the pain." Patiently she waited until he had drank the vial dry before moving to set it aside so that she could turn her attention back to the task at hand. The potion should work quickly, dulling Hezrou's senses and providing a rather nice floating sensation.
Her movements were gentle but firm and she moved with the full confidence who had handled far worse wounds than this. Sterile gauze was pressed into the hands of one of the girls who was then directed to keep the field of surgery clean and clear. Rather than lifting so much as an instrument, Yukihana moved her hand to hover over the entry sight. Eyes fluttered to a close as, with a few softly mumbled incantations, aether began to dance around her fingertips.
Delicate and of lavender coloring, the tendrils of energy seemed eager to be guided by the gentle movements of the healers fingers. Slowly, she shifted her fingers about as if she were a puppeteer, leading the energies down into the damaged muscle where the bullet now resided.
With a curl her wrist, the energies worked to envelope the bullet so that she could oh so gently guide it free of the muscle and damaged flesh. Each motion she made was slow and steady, painfully deliberate. It felt like a lifetime that she stood at Hezrou's bedside and worked but Yuki was well aware of just what it took to ensure the Miqo'te came out of this whole. A faint sheen of sweat appeared on her forehead as she watched the bullet appear and then exit in the reverse. It wasn't until the bullet was free and dropped into a tin that the Raen dared to breathe easily.
Blood bubbled immediately from the wound as the bullet came free and the girl aiding her, damn near set herself into a panic. "Lady, lady!" At least she had the sense to apply pressure with the gauze she'd been given.
"Shh. All is perfectly fine. Just breathe." Her voice was so soft, so soothing...
One might have thought it was a sort of magic all its own. The girls could only nod and watch as she worked to save Hezrou. More aether swirled about her fingertips, answering her summons without fail. This time the full brunt of the spell was directed towards the male. Those delicate tendrils danced forth, seeping into the wound and slowly knitting the injury closed from the inside out. First the damaged muscle and vein, then the layers of skin. Full attention was paid to every last detail of her work, not a thing was missed.
If Hezrou had managed to hold consciousness throughout the ordeal, there was one more aspect of her healing that was meant to provide the man some additional manner of comfort - she hummed. Her voice was just as soft and sweet as it so often was when she spoke, but the way she hummed her lullaby was almost tender. The melody would continue on as she moved to place bandages over the freshly mended skin, stopping only once she stepped to view her work.
Lifting a cloth from the table, Yuki gently wiped away any lingering sweat from Hezrou's brow as she spoke softly. "Hezrou? Still with me?"
Throughout it all, Hezrou did slip in and out of consciousness. He had lost a fair amount of blood on the way back and it was hard to focus. But he kept his breathing as steady as he could, if taking sharp inhales on rare occasion when the pain grew too much. He even gripped the sheets he laid upon at some point with a grasp that made his knuckles white and tremble slightly before releasing just as quickly.
The potion helped greatly, leaving him like he was barely floating on the surface of a lake, but the pain made him almost sink into it's depths. As the wound was being healed, he felt that pain stop tugging at his senses and he begun to relax as it begun to slowly be over. He would of nearly drifted into unconsciousness had her voice not broken the silence. "Yes..." He whispered back. "If barely..." He smiled tiredly. His vision was all but color now. Odd shapes and colors. He couldn't focus for a bit. "Just tired now. Thank you." He held his hand up, as if to try and reach for her but he couldn't see where she was. So it just lingered there. His ears were in a lax position, his tail just limp off the side of the table. "Was it bad?" He asked. "I smell a fair amount of blood..."
Her lips curved in a small smile of relief as he spoke back to her. By the twelve, that had been nearly as terrifying as facing down the two guards outside. "You came through with flying colors," she murmured as she sat the cloth down.
"There was...  It was bad and you did lose a lot of blood, yes. He did not hit an artery, so I believe it was all of the adrenaline mixed with your moving around to get here. I do not... I do not think moving you immediately would be wise."
When he lifted his hand up for her, she raised her hand and gently took his in hers to offer comfort. "I think, with it being so close to dawn now, they would not dare to come after us this far from their own turf. It would be too great of a risk for the Sekiseigumi to be called."
"I...couldn't save the four girls that bastard had brought in..." Hezrou said softly. "Not with this injury. The Sekiseigumi...I'll plant the bread crumbs for them." He smiled a bit. "I'll get the other girls free. Somehow..." He closed his eyes, his smile laxing after that. "We'll rest I suppose. It's your turn to cleanse the of their poisons. Then...all we need then is to escape. Before they hunt us down."  He was concerned if he had left a trail of blood on the way. He had hoped the double sash around him kept the blood from going on the floor to mask his trail. "I'll inform...Akuma that we killed him. After I rest a bit."
"I will handle all of it while you rest. The Sekiseigumi will not permit such to stand if they can find proof. Sleep now and let me handle the girls and all the rest." Her thumb brushed gently over the back of his palm before she gently laid his hand down at his side and she slipped back to permit him rest and herself space.
Without further ado she quietly moved about the room with a small bit of paper, taking down the girls names and making a list of any ailments that she could possibly treat with the supplies she'd brought. In no time at all she had the inn room working as a near silent makeshift clinic so as to not disturb his rest. From time to time she hovered back close to monitor his vitals and check the bandages, but for the most part she permitted him to do precisely as he needed - rest.
Hezrou had been asleep for most of the day. Not moving an inch safe for a rare instance of shift. His tail begun to show more life as the day went on, often twitching along with his ears while he dreamed, much like an animal's ears would. Even long after she had finished, he was resting. He woke a bit before the evening and slowly sat up. He almost forgot where he was until he remembered what had happened and quickly shot his hand back to feel the blade still pressed against his back. He sighed in relief and looked about the room. The girls were calmer now and sitting throughout the room. Chatting quietly between each other or resting. At least two were reading.
He smiled a little and looked towards Yukihana. "Morning." He said, well aware that it was not the case at all. "How are things? What else do we need to do?" He wasn't sure what happened after he got back to the Inn. Much of it was a blur now. He looked down at his stomach and was glad there wasn't anything left of the wound.
True to her word, Yukihana had been a busy little thing in the later hours that he had rested. A few trips had been made out the window to gather food, fresh clothing for the girls, and make the arrangements as she had promised.
Scattered throughout the room on nearly every surface was small containers of food - a variety of rices, meats, cheeses, and breads. There were pasta and ramen boxes, even a few containers that might well have contained soups. The Raen had to have made at least three trips out to have carried back that much food.
Each girl sat now in attire that they could be comfortable moving throughout the city in and all of their old 'clothing' had been disposed of somewhere or another. Writing utensils still lay upon the desk from where she'd written the anonymous tip to the Sekiseigumi. Alongside them lay another envelope, this one marked with the stamp of the port authority.
Hezrou's smile was met with one of her own as she looked over from where she'd been sitting on the opposite side of the bed. "Good evening," she replied with a wry smile. "All we have left to do is to get your bandages changed, get you into your new clothing, clean up our mess and head to the docks. Oh, and inform Akuma, of course. You performed the actual... task. So, I thought you deserved to be the one to inform him. Everything else is done, just as I promised."
Hezrou chuckled softly. "We both performed the task." He corrected. "As he said...He needed a delicate hand as well as a rough one. You handled the delicate tasks exceptionally well. I would of never been able to do it. And I performed the dirty work. We both pulled each other through." He stood up and stretched a little, if a bit gentle for the remainder of his injury. "I'm going to shower real fast so wipe off this make up and whatever else stinking me up." He knew he still had blood on his face from butchering that man. "Oh, speaking of make up...it saved my ass back there. Let me tell you!" He laughed a bit, heading for the bathroom.
He took a quick shower, washing the most vital areas and cleaning the blood away. He washed his face a bit to make sure all the make up was removed and missed his tattoos. Drying off, he had a towel around his waist as he went out just briefly to grab the new gear she had gotten and went back inside the bathroom. Some of the girls did giggle at what they saw and made cute little comments before quieting down again when he'd come back out fully dressed for the exception of his top. He took the bandages and offered them out towards her. "Do the honors of redressing the wound?" He smiled. "You'll do a better job than me." He sat down on the bed. He had lost his blindfold during his escape when he ditched the hat to keep his balance...so he knew he'd have to expose his scar to the rest of the syndicate. No matter...He'd live.
Ever the worrywart, Yuki's eyes flew to the bandage as the man stretched, watching to ensure that her work didn't come undone. Even magic wasn't without it's limits, after all. "Careful," she said gently before raising her gaze to meet his. "If you say we both did, then we did but you did the worst of it. Even if you had to do it with make up on your face. When you are out you will have to explain that one."
While he showered, Yuki and the girls gathered up the remaining items floating around the room, even going so far as to strip the soiled linens and replace them with fresh ones the Raen had picked up while she was out. By the time he reappeared Yuki was on her hands and knees pulling free the coins she'd hidden the night before so that they could be returned to the rest of the funds they'd been given. The giggling of the other girls drew her attention, leaving her peeking over the top of the bed at Hezrou for a moment before she flushed a faint shade of pink and vanished once more.
Once he was actually dressed and out in the room once more, Yuki stood and took the bandages by the tips of her fingers. "Hopefully, but you let me worry about that, hmm?" A salve was pulled from her bag and spread over the area before she positioned the embroidered bandages and tied them off. "How is that? Not too tight, I hope?"
"It's fine." Hezrou chuckled. "You worry so much." He added in as he watched her bandage the wound. When she would finish he'd finally put on the kimono top and tied the sash around his waste a bit more loosely so it wouldn't irritate the wound or bandages any. "When we get to the ship i'll inform Akuma of the status."
"Worrying is part of the job description," she said lightly as she stepped back and moved to toss her bag over her shoulder. Once he was fully ready to go, Yuki turned to the girls and offered a warm smile. "It is all almost over. One final step and you are all free of this nightmare. Keep your eyes peeled as we make our way to the docks, but try not to look suspicious."
Most of the girls nodded at her words, while a few seemed a bit too scared at the prospect of leaving this safe haven to do much more than stare at the pair who had rescued them. One by one they climbed through the window and stood watch for the others to follow. Yuki was the last one out the window, ensuring Hezrou was able to make it through without upsetting his injury.
Stepping to the front of the group, Yuki guided the group through the back alleys down to the docks. From there she went to second to last slip before passing the envelope with the port authority's stamp over to a rather burly man waiting at the end of the gangplank. The man eyed the group suspiciously before grunting. "Rather large family ye got there, lass."
Yuki merely shrugged a shoulder and waved for the others to begin moving up the gangplank. Like a mother hen, she ensured all were settled into one of the three cabins she'd secured below decks before she found a place to collapse into for rest. All they had left was three days on the sea. They could make it now and so they would.
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