actualbird · 1 year
Hey zak!
Marius is a pansexual mess, how do you think the NXX is going to react when they realize he has a massive crush on Artem's frying pan?
jkjk fdhasjkfhdjaskf
Okay seriously: How do you think the NXX is going to react if they overhear Marius making a flirty comment about them?
For instance: Luke shows Marius a picture of Vyn and Marius makes a comment like "The worst thing about Vyn is how hot he is, it drives me insane."
Not knowing that Vyn was outside the room and heard that.
well first off, i want it known that everybody in the nxx actually probably has a crush on artem's frying pan, and FOR GOOD REASON. artem's kitchen utensils, tools, and appliances are of the Highest Quality and also theyre SEXY. actually, marius has a crush on the pan (artem looks really good flambe-ing stuff), luke has crush on the knives (he loves a good weapon....uh he meant kitchen apparatus, totally), mc has a crush on the pots (love is stored in the SOUP), and vyn has a crush on the stand mixer (NOT on artem, he would like to make that clear) (marius, luke, and mc dont believe him, they think this is vyn being a tsundere about how he secretly wants to hate-kiss artem into oblivion)
......sorry, what was this ask response about again? OH RIGHT
the nxx team's reactions to overhearing marius making flirty comments about them
i wont delve too much into mc because we already know how she'd react given we see it in-game whenever marius says flirty things right to her Face: she gets all blushy -> she gets unimpressed -> "MARIUS! VON!! HAGEN!!!"
and she is so cute for that. frankly, her overhearing comments like this instead of being told it outright (oftentimes with a teasing expression) would make her feel more flattered, because "oh, he really thinks im attractive? it's not just a tease to rile me up? O////O"
which brings me to
luke, who i think would have a reaction rather similar to mc's: he overhears -> he gets all blushy -> he mentally backpedals with "OH HES JUST TEASING, HE MUST JUST BE MESSING WITH ME, HAHA, OH MARIUS, YOU JOKER!!!"
but given that this is an Overheard Instance of Flirting, luke's logic would then say "but if hes messing with you, why is he telling someone else instead of You (the person he is allegedly messing with)", to which luke would internally reply with "i dont know!! but theres no way he actually thinks im cute because!! WHAT!!! i-im not cute, im just—not that i WISH he thought i was cute, it's just! yknow!!! //frantic and aimless gesticulating" and then
vyn, walking past where luke is in the nxx hallway: what on earth are you doing there just muttering to yourself and waving your hands around?
luke: NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS //pulls out a smoke bomb from nowhere, throws it on the ground, and runs away
meanwhile, it takes artem a While to even realize that marius was being flirty in the comment he overheard. like im imagining it was something that, if you were an Ace (as in asexual) Attorney like artem is, the comment was either innocuous or metaphorical enough that it TOTALLY flies over artem's head
until days later when artem mentions it to someone else and it's like
mc: artem. oh my god. that means he thinks youre SEXY
artem: What.
mc: like, marius was making an Innuendo
artem, ears going a bit red: W h a t.
and then he just goes silent as his brain bluescreens VKJHSFSD
vyn is the one who would take it most in stride, and also affectionately use this against marius whenever the situation and ambiance permits. like, he'll overhear that exact line u mention in your ask and then vyn will just
stride into the room with a shit-eating grin on his face
vyn: do not let my looks distract you too much, i do need your mind working at some sort of standard of quality during our sessions
marius, mocking vyn immediately bc hes not one to back down from a bitch-off: ohhhhh look at me im vynnn i know im hot shittt~ get over yourself!!
vyn: i dont have to, seeing as you definitely are not getting over me any time soon :)
luke, watching with metaphorical popcorn: ooh, that was a good burn. sorry, man
marius: //screeches into his hands because even when vyn is being a bitch, hes STILL hot to marius. probably even HOTTER
ahh, the trials and tribulations of marius von hagen, in a team of comprised of people who are so infuriating (in different ways) but also so so pretty. VLAKJFSFA
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janetbrown711 · 2 years
The World is Not a Nice Place (to those of us who breathe)
Pigsy has a pretty good gig for himself: a nice little restaurant, a cute regular customer (who's name he keeps forgetting to ask), and a place to call his own. However, his life changes forever when two orphans hide out in his storage closet to hide from the police.
AKA Pigsy adopts MK and Mei as kids AU <333 This will be a whole series, so prepare for a lot of cute dadsy content and lil Mei and MK (as well as some divine intervention bc why not).
Part 1 Part 2
Ao3 Link
Pigsy was the proud owner of a little noodle shop his grandma helped him set up called “Pigsy’s Noodles'' and it was his pride and joy. He’d been running it alone for two years now after a teenage and young twenties-hood of running around, getting into fights, and getting severely traumatized with his best friend. It was his grandmother’s suggestion when Sandy threw in the towel leaving Pigsy aimless, and he couldn’t thank her enough for it.
It was different without her around, certainly not any easier, but being a local business in a city that was only being more commercialized by the second gave his place an identity and authenticity no chain restaurant could ever replicate, so business was stable.
Sure, he didn’t exactly live a life of luxury, but his studio apartment above the restaurant was all he needed. He was a pig of the simple life, according to his grandma anyways.
That didn’t mean he didn’t miss the chaos and Sandy, whom he hadn’t seen since… well.. a while, but that didn’t mean he was completely alone. He had this one regular who came in to work on his capstone for his masters and applications for doctorate programs who was kinda funny and cute and smart. Granted, he rarely ever paid his tab, but Pigsy liked listening to him ramble about the Legends of Sun Wukong, so that kind of made up for it.
If only Pigsy could ever remember to actually ask for his name.
Today was going to be a slow day, Pigsy knew that. Grey storm clouds covered the sky, giving the city an almost haunted feeling. It would probably rain soon enough too, so any hopes of foot traffic were dashed. His regular was still there, of course, but something was off with him too. He was quiet, reading something on his laptop with a worried brow, which worried Pigsy too.
“You– uh– readin’ the news?” Pigsy asked, drying a glass off with a towel to mask his concern.
“Yeah– there was a huge fire last night. You know that ancient ancestral home to the descendants of the White Horse Dragon?”
Pigsy nodded.
“It burned down, as well as an apartment complex nearby,” The regular turned his laptop around to show the chef. Pigsy got a good glance at it before cringing.
“Yeesh– is everyone okay?” He asked. The semi-stranger shook his head.
“The owners are both confirmed to have died, but no one can find their daughter, and there are at least ten dead from the apartment fire,” he turned his laptop back around.
“Dang, how old is she?” Pigsy asked, setting the glass down.
“Seven, I think.”
“Hope the kid’s okay,” Pigsy looked out the window, staring at the neon glow of his sign against the dull gray sky.
He should probably close.
“Hey um– you got any more dissertation writing to do today? I’m thinkin’ about closing early” Pigsy asked.
The man sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, lifting his glasses up as he did. “I don’t know if I can focus on that, but I know I can’t really go home– it reeks of smoke since I live a block down from all that.”
“O-oh, right, yeah– uhm… feel free to stay as long as you need then, I won’t close til you’re all good,” Pigsy blushed, thinking about how stupid that idea was.
The stranger gave him a soft smile. “Thanks.”
“Ah, no problem– so long as you actually make a dent in that tab of yours,” Pigsy tried to tease but got something in his throat halfway through that made him cough and therefore sound like a flustered idiot.
The stranger laughed a little and went back to his laptop, while Pigsy went to clean the grill, desperate to scrape away his embarrassment.
Almost twenty eight and he was out here blushing like a piglet.
The pair were silent again for a while, except for the occasional siren or two as police drove down the street, which was hardly an unusual sound for Megapolis. However, after a bit of this, Pigsy and the customer both jumped when they heard pots and pans crash to the floor in the back.
“Was that a rat?” The man asked.
“No-! That’s ridiculous-!” Pigsy defended, his face red as a tomato. “I’ll go check it out– I swear this place is sanitary,” Pigsy quickly turned off the grill, grabbed a broom and prayed he was right.
He went back to the back of the restaurant, frowning when he saw the back door was open, though only a crack. With a sigh, he went and shut it, sure to click the lock this time and now really really praying there wasn’t a rat or any other pests.
“Anyone in here?” He called out. He wasn’t exactly shocked when there wasn’t a response, but as he got closer to the storage closet, he could swear he heard something shuffling– probably an animal like he suspected (he was usually so vigilant about the door dammit– this was so stupid). Now holding the broom like a weapon, he approached the closet door carefully and quietly, listening to more shuffling before quickly grabbing the doorknob and flinging the door open, causing two shrieks of children to ring out.
“Pleasepleaseplease dont’t hurt us-!”A little boy cried out, shielding his friend– a girl– with his arms and trembling.
Kids??? What the fuck were kids doing here???
Quickly, Pigsy flicked on the lightswitch and set the broom down.
“What’re you two doing here? This is a private business and I don’t–” Pigsy was going to lecture more but noticed the girl who was crying a lot and looked oddly familiar.
“S-sorry, Mister, w-we didn’t know– we’re sorry about the pot i-it’s just–” The boy apologized but the girl interrupted.
“I-i didn’t mean to do it, I-i was just trying to c-clean a-and– a-a-and n-n-now m-mom n’ d-dad are– a-a-are– a-and so we just– and then the cops– a-a-and–” The girl couldn’t get through her sentence before choking on her tears.
Wait a minute…
Holy shit.
“You’re the missing dragon girl, aren’t you?” Pigsy knelt down. The girl nodded her head as she hugged her knees close to her chest.
“D-don’t tell anyone, please,” The boy pleaded. “ ‘specially the cops, they’re spooky.”
Pigsy snorted. “Yeah I know that, but you can’t just hide here kiddo, people are looking for you– maybe even your family.”
“MK’s my family, I don’t have anyone else,” The girl sniffled. “A-and those guys are scary, th-their eyes are all red.”
“Red eyes? Kid, I know cops are bastards, but they don’t have–” Pigsy stopped to think for five seconds before suddenly getting very, very worried.
“Look, I won’t tell anyone you’re here, but how’s about you move to the kitchen where I can keep a better eye on you two, okay?” He said, looking over his shoulder at the backdoor. As the kids nodded and slowly stood up, he grabbed the padlock on the high shelf and put it around the back door for extra security, before going back to the kids, who were watching nervously.
“Look uh– just keep your heads low and stay behind the bar, there should be some room for you two if I shift some boxes around,” Pigsy scratched his head and went out to the kitchen, but the kids didn’t follow him.
“Everything okay back there?” His regular asked, lowering the lid of his laptop.
“Y-yeah-! Yeah, just– um… keep studying,” He smiled nervously. The semi-stranger gave him a curious look before raising the lid and getting back to work. He quickly went back and found the kids still standing in the doorway of the storage closet looking down.
“Hey, what’s the matter with you two?” Pigsy asked softly. The girl pulled on her long black hair nervously and sniffled.
“I-i’m scared they’ll see us,” She confessed.
Pigsy immediately got on one knee and placed a hand on her and the boy– MK–’s shoulder. “I promise I won’t let anything happen to you two, okay? You have my word.”
The kids exchanged weary glances before nodding. Pigsy gave them a weak smile before standing, reminding them to stay low before leading them out to the kitchen where they remained creeping low, but not before the regular saw them.
“Um… hi,” His customer gave a wave to MK and the girl, who froze.
“It’s okay kiddos, he’s a–” Pigsy glanced at him.
“A friend,” The man finished his sentence for him, which made Pigsy blush a little.
“Oh– hi-!” MK waved a little before getting on his knees and hiding under the bar like Pigsy instructed, which the girl shortly followed.
“Mind telling me why you have kids hiding under your bar?” The scholar teased a little.
“Ah– well uh–” he glanced down at the pair, who were having a silent conversation with hand signals he didn’t know.
“There’s some trouble stirring up right now and they needed somewhere safe to stay so I figured why not keep ‘em in my line of sight, you know?” He shrugged at the half-truth.
“Oh, that’s really sweet of you,” The man said with a smile, going back to his laptop so he didn’t notice Pigsy’s face turning dark red once more before he turned around and got back to cleaning.
After a while of casual silence, Pigsy heard the bell ring and muttered to himself when he heard them say “Megapolis Police, we’re here looking for a little girl, Mei Dragon. She’s long black hair and was last seen in a green jacket with white shorts and sneakers.”
“You see any kids here?” Pigsy scoffed as he scraped off the fond from a pot.
“Look here, wise guy, we’re gonna search this place whether you like it or not,” One of them snarled, but Pigsy just rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah,” He said, setting the pot down to dry while picking up an iron skillet. One of the cops– a slightly smaller but still plenty muscular one– eyed him.
“This’ll be quick anyways,” The officer said.
“Better be, or else you’re gonna scare off my customers,” He crossed his arms and stood in front of the cupboard where the kids were hiding. He glanced at his regular, who seemed just as annoyed at the presence of police as he was.
The officers huffed and began snooping around, looking under tables and in the bathrooms, getting huffier the more and more they didn’t find the girl– Mei.
Man, Pigsy was really bad about asking for names.
When the cops went to the back, Pigsy heard the girl start crying again. Pigsy bit his cheek before crouching down again and asking what the matter was.
"S-sorry, Mr. Piggy, I-I don't know why– I-i just keep–"
"Hey, it's okay kid, you just gotta be quiet for a little bit longer and then the scary guys will leave and we can find you somewhere a lot safer to be, okay?"
The girl rubbed her eyes with her jacket sleeve and nodded, which was when Pigsy noticed her eyes were glowing emerald green.
So uh… that was interesting.
"Does she normally…?" He turned to MK who nodded.
Alrighty then.
“Hey– there’s the dragon brat-!” One of the cops shouted from the doorway to the back.
“Yeah well if you want her, you’re gonna have to go through me,” Pigsy huffed, gripping the pan and going into a fighting stance. Just like that, the cops shed their skins to reveal they were actually just a massive tiger and the larger one leapt towards Pigsy, who knocked him as hard as he could in the jaw with the skillet, sending him into the grill.
“Woah-!” The girl watched in awe, bringing Pigsy way back.
“Oh my stars– Are you okay-?!” The regular closed his laptop and shoved it into his bag frantically.
“You good at running?” Pigsy asked as the smaller one jumped to attack, but he whacked them away too.
“Can be under pressure-!” The man quickly slid his bag around his shoulder.
“Great– take the kids and run,” Pigsy said, taking MK’s arm and pulling him out of the hiding spot before placing him on top of the bar, then doing the same with Mei.
“Right uh– Let’s get going then-!” He said, helping the kids jump down as the bigger tiger demon got up and tried jumping towards Mei, but Pigsy got a hold of his neck and was able to hold him back and thankfully the kids and sexy customer were able to get out. However, he must not have hit the second guy hard enough because he was back and instantly tackled Pigsy to the ground and gave him a nasty gash in his shoulder with his claw, tearing through his chef’s shirt. Pigsy was able to kick the guy off of him, and when he saw the bigger guy was making a run for it, he grabbed the nearest bottle of rice vinegar and threw it at him, which shattered against his head on impact.
“Ha-! Take that ya bastard-!” Pigsy was pleasantly surprised his aim was still good, especially with his arm stinging severely from the previously mentioned gash.
“Alright, piggy, you wanna do this?” The tiger turned away from the entrance.
Ah, fuck– Where’s Sandy when you need him?
He hit the smaller in the face with the skillet again, before having to duck to avoid the bigger one leaping at him once again. Thankfully, his size and strength failed him when he overestimated how much power to put into that and he went crashing straight through the wall (which was not good for Pigsy’s bills, but priorities).
Jiangjun– we need the dragon, not the bacon,” The smaller tiger growled and stood.
“You were the ones pretending to be cops,” Pigsy growled and leaned against the bar, trying not to wince in pain.
“This is a mercy, Pig Man,” The big demon got up and snarled. “You can’t kill us, but we can kill you.”
Before Pigsy could protest again, the tigers bolted out of the restaurant, and Pigsy scrambled to keep up.
The street quickly turned into a mad panic as people bolted out of the way of the tiger demons, which was kind of good because there was a clear path for Pigsy to follow. Did he have a plan? No. Did his arm hurt with every attempt at running? Yes. Did he even know why he was sticking his neck this far out for these kids? Kind of– He wasn’t heartless– if kids are in danger he’ll protect them, that’s how normal people responded.
He also hoped his regular was okay– if they lived he was going to make sure he asked for his name.
When he caught sight of the trio, they were dashing around a corner, and the demons quickly followed. Pigsy was starting to fall behind and so said a quick prayer to whatever and picked up the pace, mortified when he turned that corner and found they got themselves backed into an alley.
“Nowhere to run, Little Dragon,” The bigger tiger licked his lips and got on all fours. Pigsy scrambled for something to grab, but the smaller tiger pounced on him and that quickly became a struggle of its own.
“Mr. Piggy!” Mei cried out, her eyes still glowing but flickering to a wine red. She balled her little hands into fists and stepped away from MK, who was forced to let go of her arm and so grabbed onto the man.
“Get away from him!” She shouted, and a rush of hot air flooded the alleyway, causing the tiger to stop fighting Pigsy, though he still had him pinned and with claws at his throat.
“B-boss, you said she was too young,” The small one said.
The bigger one growled, “She’s supposed to be, but something’s… different.”
“I saidget away!” She screamed, and Pigsy couldn’t believe his eyes– she was suddenly surrounded by an aura in the shape of a very, very large Jade Dragon, who’s eyes stared menacingly down at the two tiger demons. There was something else too– sparks of that red from before, but whatever that was it was clearly restrained, despite her anger.
“C-c’mon boss, let’s get out of here,” The small tiger let go of Pigsy and scrambled away. The larger remained, staring down the beast until it opened its massive jaws as if to spit fire or water, and then he ran.
“Wow-! That was so cool Mei-!” Her best friend cheered for her while Pigsy forced himself to stand.
“Yeah, not too bad– kid-!” In the middle of Pigsy’s compliment, all of the glow faded from Mei’s eyes and she passed out, thankfully caught by the regular.
“We should get you– you two– to a hospital,” The man said, his face going pale at Pigsy’s appearance.
“What? I’m not that roughed up,” Pigsy denied, despite feeling so dizzy from blood loss he had to rest a hand against the wall of the alley.
“C’mon, I’ll call a cab,” The man rolled his eyes playfully before calling the car and then they were off.
Once they were at the hospital, things quickly got awkward as it became more and more apparent to the staff that they had no relation to Mei and didn’t know any of her medical information. Thankfully her situation was a lot less serious and she was awake and had perfectly fine vitals in just a few minutes, whereas Pigsy had to get stitches and a blood transfusion, and was put under observation for a while.
The observation period was boring, of course, and it had him wondering just what the hell he was doing with his life. He didn’t know these kids– he didn’t even know that customer’s name– why was he out here destroying his very livelihood and fighting for them like they’re his own kids?
“Are you doing alright there? You're almost done” The nurse, “Ming-Hoa” according to his lotus-shaped name tag, suddenly spoke up. Pigsy blinked and shook his head.
“Yeah, yeah, just… thoughts,” He shrugged.
“Getting into life threatening situations often does that to a person,” The nurse laughed a little, checking all of the monitors and writing something down on his clipboard. “What you did was very brave. That girl could very easily be dead, her family is indebted to you.”
Pigsy sighed and closed his eyes. “That’s the problem– the kid doesn’t have a family.”
The nurse nodded a little. “Well… I’m sure they’re happy wherever they are.”
“What’s– uh–” Pigsy looked down at his hands. “What’s going to happen to the kid now?”
The nurse had a small smile on his face. “Well, custody of her will be decided by her parent’s will and the boy will undergo a similar process, though if there’s no will, he’ll be placed into foster care.”
“Wait– him too?” Pigsy tried to sit up.
“Oh, you didn’t know? He was also orphaned in the fire the other night, though he was in the apartment buildings.”
“But they can’t split those two up, they’re practically siblings– joined at the hip and apparently all they have." An expression of sad realization washed over the chef's face.
"Yes, yes, but unfortunately that is how it goes unless the person taking in the girl was willing to take the boy too," Ming-Hoa explained.
"How could anyone not? I know I sure would," Pigsy huffed as the nurse checked the monitors once more and started unhooking all of the devices.
"Well that's what we like to hear," He said as he took off the heart monitor from Pigsy.
"Sure..?" Pigsy raised an eyebrow as he stretched. The nurse continued to type something into his computer as Pigsy stood and gathered his things, which was really just his torn up chef’s shirt.
“The Dragon Family Lawyer will meet you just outside to discuss a few things, Mr. Zhu,” He said. Why exactly the nurse knew about Mei’s lawyer when he wasn't even her nurse was something Pigsy didn’t have the energy to question.
“Uh… thanks,” He nodded, throwing on the torn shirt over his white tank top and bandages before heading out to the waiting area, which was strangely cleared out except for Mei, MK, his customer, and a woman wearing a white pantsuit and high heels with lotuses on them– the lawyer, most likely.
“Ah, Mr. Zhu, I’m Gatita, the lawyer for the Dragon Family Estate,” The woman stood, but before he could go to shake her hand, Mei jumped from her seat and gave Pigsy a hug.
“I’m sorry you got hurt, Mr. Piggy,” She apologized profusely.
“Hey, I’m just glad you’re okay kiddo,” Pigsy patted her back before she let go and joined MK back by the bead maze.
“I’m glad to see Miss Mei likes you already,” The woman smiled fondly before going once more to shake Pigsy’s hand, which he did before taking his seat next to the regular.
“So… what exactly do you need to talk to me about?” Pigsy asked.
The lawyer reached into her bag and pulled out a large manilla folder. “Well, there was a peculiarity in Mr. and Mrs. Dragon’s last will and testament, which says that if no one remains of her immediate family, then it would be up to The Dragon King of the East, and it appears he has chosen you,” she said, pulling out the document that stated just that.
Pigsy blinked.
“Mr. Zhu?”
“S-sorry there, i just– what???” Pigsy shook his head. “I-i’ve never met any Dragon King and I know damn– dang well that I am not better for her than any king in an actual castle would be.”
“Well, mystical beings often have their ways of looking around. Plus, Mei is merely a descendant of Ao Lie, she’s not as draconic as her great uncle and his family. It would be better for her to be raised in a more humanoid environment,” Gatita said, pointing to a specific paragraph of the paper Pigsy still couldn’t hope to read.
“You know I ain’t exactly human myself, right?” Pigsy snorted.
“I suppose you truly haven’t spent any time with dragons then,” The lawyer laughed to herself like Pigsy didn’t literally just say that.
“Well, either way, you wouldn’t be alone. You’d have my number for any emergencies, and plus your husband here will be of great help,” She smiled at the man next to Pigsy and both of their faces turned red.
“Woah– wait now– we’re– I’m not–” The man protested.
“Oh! My apologies, I just assumed because both of you were present– it doesn’t matter. Custody would primarily be given to Pigsy for both the boy and the girl–”
“Both of them? I didn’t think you were in charge of both of them,” Pigsy sat back in his seat, his head beginning to spin.
“Are you suggesting you’d want to split the two up?” The woman frowned a little, glancing back at the two seven-year-olds.
“N-no! I just–” Pigsy rubbed his forehead. “It’s… a lot. I’m not exactly rolling in money here and I just–”
“There is a sum of money set aside for Mei and the boy’s childcare, as well as Mei’s inheritance, but that won’t be available until she is eighteen for safekeeping, and as far the academy goes, her and the boys admission has been paid in full for the next eleven years already so that’s not a concern either,” She said, pulling out more documents and Pigsy was still not going to read any one of them– though it didn’t matter because it seemed like his customer was doing it for him (probably because he actually understood them because he was smart and stuff).
“I understand it’s a lot, Mr. Zhu, and if you truly feel uncomfortable, you can turn the offer down. However, if you do, they will without a doubt be separated and live very, very different lives,” The lawyer said with an earnestness the chef didn’t expect.
Pigsy glanced back at the kids, seeing how happy they were in each other's company, and then thinking back to how fiercely they protected each other and– hell, even him.
He’d have to be heartless to tear that apart.
“I… I’ll take them,” Pigsy said.
“Are you certain?” Gatita asked seriously. Pigsy nodded.
“I am.”
“That’s what we like to hear,” She smiled, taking out a pen from her bag and handing it over to the chef.
“Wait, that’s it? No evaluation, no checking bank accounts or backgrounds or anything?” Pigsy took the pen nervously.
Gatita laughed. “We did all of that beforehand; you’re all clear Mr. Zhu.”
Pigsy blinked again. He glanced at the man to his left.
“I’m no lawyer, but everything looks legit and–... and I can help a bit too, if you’d want that– like around the restaurant and stuff,” His customer said, his hands pulling on his scarf nervously.
Pigsy smiled a bit, probably like an idiot, before glancing at the lawyer and covering his mouth and mouthing “I don’t even know your name.”
His customer laughed a little before copying his motion and mouthing, “it’s Tang.”
It was perfect for him.
“Right,” He smiled more, lowering his hand and turning back to the documents.
He had no idea what it took to raise a kid– let alone two.
Then again, he’d have to be an idiot to turn down what was probably a small fortune.
But he shouldn’t just be doing this for money.
And he wasn’t– he cared about those kids and couldn’t imagine forgiving himself for separating them.
Plus it was technically her family’s wants, and who was he to say he knew better than literal celestial dragons?
With a breath, Pigsy gripped the pen tighter and signed his name across every dashed line Gatita pointed to, and then it was official.
Pigsy just adopted two kids he barely knew, one who was a descendant of a literal dragon.
He hoped he had even a clue of what he just got himself into.
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lfc21 · 2 years
Pick me a pumpkin
Tumblr media
Autumn was one of your favourite times of the year. The sound of the hard leaves crunching under your leather boots held memories in your heart for as long as time, the cold morning breeze with the bright sun awoken you every day with the sound of delicate birds singing. Living in England gave you the perfect chance to experience autumn and everything it brought along, you constantly had herds of pumpkins, perfectly cool evening conditions and the chance to get the most amazing seasonal drinks. You had never had an autumn spent with a loved one - you wished that one day you would be sat under a fluffy blanket with warm drinks and a cosy film to laugh and enjoy with.
It was the peak of the season and the one thing you urged to do most was slipping away. Since being a little girl picking pumpkins was the one thing you ached to do every year. All of your friends had become what you liked to call as boring - they all decided that getting married and having babies was the be all and end all, yet it wasn't. You had been single for three years - you had men come and go yet none would stick. The idea of pumpkin picking was sad but it was realistic and the reality was infact sad, not sad enough though.
"Mum I've just parked up now, do you want me to get you a pumpkin?" You asked through your phone as you sat aimlessly in your parking space.
"Oh yes love that would be great! A big one! But not too big, make sure it will fit on the steps outside the front door!" You heard your mum reply back with aimless rambles and a laugh fall from her mouth. You agreed with her long winded answer and decided to head for the orange shapes calling your name. Your boots hit the crunchy leaf filled floor and your nose took hold of the autumnal smell.
"Hiya love, would you like a basket?" The man at the large gates said. You politely complied and took the woven basket around your arm and followed along the tracks. It wasn't too busy - the evening air was falling in and most families had arrived early morning. To your surprise there was plenty of people bobbing around the field all alone. Your eyes fell onto the little pumpkins sat along the muddy floor together.
"Oooo" you said to yourself with a laugh as you where utterly impressed with what you where seeing. You crouched down pulling the small pumpkin and placing it into your basket. You where sure it needed friends and thats exactly what you did - you filled your basket with the small cute pumpkins and made a beeline straight to the ones you hated the most. Being a 5ft5 girl with no strength to your name was never easy as tasks like picking up a heavy pumpkin often ended up with a pulled back or worst - a broken nail! You finally made it to the deadliest part of the field and took your eyes along the many piles of pumpkins. You bent down trying to lift the first one you saw.
"Fucking hell" you mumbled to yourself as you realised just how heavy it actually was.
"Do you need some help?" You heard from behind you. You carefully looked up noticing a young man with an inviting smile on his face.
"O-Oh y-yeah please if that's ok?" You nervously said as his surprising appearance took your breath. You stood up as you watched the tall man take hold of the heavy pumpkin.
"Is this the one you wanted?" He asked with an accent you couldn't quite point out.
"Yes thank you so much" you happily said as you placed your basket down on the floor and ushered the pumpkin over to you. "Don't be stupid! I'll carry it over to your car for you" he politely said to you with a laugh as he started to notice how weak and little you where compared to him.
"Are you sure? What about your pumpkins?" You asked with suspicion as to what he was going to do without his perfect pumpkins.
"Oh don't worry I'm not here to buy any" he simply said with a giggle as you both started to walk towards the exit.
"So what are you here for? Murdering an innocent person in a dark field?" You asked with a laugh as he started to seem slightly creepy. You looked up from your feet and diverted your eyes to his perfectly shaped jaw and long eyelashes. Your breathe was held in your mouth as you werent sure if you had ever seen such a perfect human.
"My mum is visiting me at the moment and wanted me to come here with her, I hate pumpkins I think they smell weird" he explained with a giggle as he looked at the big orange thing in his hands.
"Oh that makes sence then" you said with a smile and nodding to his explanation. "Does your mum not live near here then?" You asked trying to make conversation without getting to personal.
"No she lives in greece, I moved here in 2020" he said as you both greeted the staff members and walked into the car park. His footsteps where closely followed by yours as he had no idea where your car was.
"Woow! I bet you miss her when your apart" you said with a smile as you thought about all the time you wanted to pack your stuff away and move to another country.
"I do" he admitted as you stopped abruptly at your car. "Is this you?" He asked with a smile and raised eyebrows.
"Yeah" you said with a laugh acknowledging the car infront of you both.
"Its nice" the man admitted looking at the vehicle that layed infront of his eyes. Your mind was the furthest away from human sence. Your eyes where captivated by the orbs that where the ever so clear windows to his soul. He seemed so delicate, so gentle, so loveable.
"I'm sorry I didn't quite get your name" you quickly said trying to break away your gaze from one another.
"Kostas" he answered with a tight lip smile. "Yours?" The man asked with his international accent making home inside your ears.
"Y/n." You replied "it was really nice to meet you and thank you for carrying my pumpkin" you added back with a laugh as your hands quickly took the large orange pumpkin as you felt your skin brush against one another.
"No problem! The next time you need me to carry something just let me know" he said with a laugh as he politely opened your car door for you. His eyes watched you as you placed the pumpkin onto the passenger seat of your car following the small ones that you where actually happy with.
"And how will I let you know?" You softly asked as you looked up at him. His hands where resting on the top of your car door as you stood the other side of it. Your eyes connected with his and your heart started to bang against the walls of your chest.
"By doing this" he confidently replied back. His hand fell onto your cheek as he cautiously brought his lips to yours. The feeling off his soft wet lips lingered on yours until the crashing came down like a tone of bricks. Your fingers raised to his soft skin on his neck as your lips fell in sync dancing as the music in your minds took control. You had never kissed someone the first day you met them - you always thought it was to strong and full on but this felt right, it felt like you where supposed to take his lips on yours and feel every inch of them he had to offer.
"I-im sorry" he quickly said as he broke away the kiss. Your eyes locked with his as you noticed his taken back look.
"What for?" You asked with amusement at his frantic speech and scared expression.
"I was far to much then wasn't I?" He asked with a laugh. He thought he was wrong - he knew it was right but he urged to know if you felt the same. He saw something in you that he wanted.
"No you where fine" you reassured him as you lent your chin on the top of the car door frame with a smile. Your cheeks where heating up with every breathe you let go from your body.
"I'll see you again yeah?" He asked as he pulled his large hands through his hair.
"I don't have your number" you acknowledge with furrowed eyebrows and a wondering mind.
"I have socials" he replied back with a laugh as he started to walk back to his mum in the pumpkin field.
"There's millions of people on socials" you shouted back with a laugh.
"Oh you will find me! It's kostas tsimikas" he shouted back before disappearing through the large gates and into the assorted field. Your eyes went wide and your mouth seemed to fall down with every second.
"Oh. My. God." You mumbled as you got into your car. You just kissed a footballer, a Premier league footballer, one of your dads favourite players. What are you going to do?
Hello! I really hope you enjoyed reading this imagine, I thought it would be fitting to write some autumnal/Halloween imagines as the season is among us. I'm not sure when I will be starting my Christmas ones but I'll be sure to take requests. Thank you so much for your ongoing support It means the world. Please leave comments as I love to know your feedback and my requests are always open. MASTERLIST
@prettylittletrent @cornertakenquicklyyyy @trentskis @trentalexanderarnold @robbo38 @robbothegoat @kostasstsimikass @chelseamount @chloereddy @tsimikasfamily @avenirdelight @blueathens @jordanhendersunshine @mrs-henderson @thatonesexycancerian @hendersons1truelover @nyctophilic0vitnir @peekapeaches @tsimikxs @tsimikostas @trentalexarnofan @leddows @moneymasnn @superkittywonderland @virgilvansike @virgilvandickmedown @hopefulromantic1 @robbo-trent-fanfiction26
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fishylife · 10 months
Alright last two episodes of the Creation of the Gods Training Camp Cvariety show (Episode 6) (Episode 7)
Episode 6
Hou Wenyuan supervising Chen Muchi's singing
This is an ongoing thing, but the narrator in the edited clips has been purposely speaking in a Western accent to mimic Kris Phillips' accent. But it's obvious that they are fluent and just putting on an accent.
Hou Wnyuan wearing the sheer because there apparently wasn't anything else
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Historical etiquette class
According to the teacher, if you're kneeling properly, your knees don't even touch the floor and you're leaning entirely on your calves.
First lesson, kneel for 5 minutes
Hell yeah Ci Sha and Li Yunrui also rocking the sheer
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Planning mannerisms for the patricide scene and Su Quanxiao's death scene to reflect the characters' states of mind
Practising walking and holding posture in court too. This is pretty interesting.
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Now the war dance!!!!
While the hostage sons were practising the war dance, Yu Shi was in Xinjiang filming his scene so he only had a few days to practise the war dance and had to ask for extra help.
The war dance was the hostage sons' first scene filmed. And they got it done in one go.
Now preparation for the first battle scenes.
Yu Shi's horse kept avoiding the hurdles. The first step was to lead the horse to the hurdle and have the horse kick it to go past. And then afterwards they would get the horse to jump over the hurdle.
Hello Mr. Krabbs
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The original dance choreographed for the feast was a more typical celebratory dance by female dancers. But Wuershan liked the war dance so much that he wanted to add it in. I agree that it was a great idea. The war dance with the topless hostage sons has kind of become iconic. As Wuershan said, most other movies and TV shows will have a rather generic dance. Giving the hostage sons a chance to dance gives the hostage son characters an added dimension too.
Yu Shi had to go to Xinjiang to film at the time of the war dance practice because it was August and it would soon be harvest time for the wheat fields.
LOL Wuershan laughing at the reaction meme game
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Naran can even understand ancient texts in Chinese now :o She's come so far. I wish I could read ancient Chinese texts!!!
熊孩子 >3
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Yu Shi tearing up as he talks about this being his first film and how he'll continue to work hard but that his first film will be special
All the actors on set talking about how much they appreciated this filming experience ;_;
Nana had wanted to be an actress from a young age. When she was a model, she felt a little aimless, but now that she's back on the acting route her goal is clearer to her <3
Naxi teared up too. I would imagine that as an "older" person at the camp, it must be such a positive and moving experience to find a new path for yourself.
In addition to the super cute scroll, Wuershan also got some new swag
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Height comparison
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Episode 7
Lore quiz!!!! This is kinda fun lol
Ji Fa and Deng Chanyu have a battle in water in the second movie :o I wonder if it's combat or like, an actual war with soldiers and horses.
Oh no they have to practise holding their breath ToT That's so anxiety inducing to me
Looks like they're learning breaststroke
Scuba time
Wu Hankun talking big about how handsome he is and then Hou Wenyuan one-upping him with the narcissism which amuses the teachers so much XD
Now they need Hou Wenyuan to make an ugly face and act silly (presumably because to be a good actor you have to pull faces and not always be thinking about your appearance).
The hostage sons discussing why their characters would not kill Daji in the scene where they discover her in the snow
When Hou Wenyuan was practising a part where Chong Yingbiao was boasting, the Jing Niansong was like "guys nobody is hyping up your beifang da-ge and he's feeling very awkward rn" lol
Ji Fa and Chong Yingbiao play fighting XD And then "fighting for real" during rehearsal
Naran dance performance!
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Hell yeah girls' fight
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Now horseback riding skills demonstration
The group horseback riding skills are pretty cool. I remember when they were practising their formations before, the instructor was telling them that their circle wasn't round enough, etc. which isn't something I'd normally think about but we see now how good their formations are.
Hell yeah group demonstration WITH WEAPONS now. The spear wielders always look so cool to me
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Several drum performances (y)
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I noticed that Zhang Xuehan (on the far left) has a smaller drum
Doggo on set
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WHAT Hou Wenyuan just found the dog and brought it to camp ^^;; They went around town looking for the dog's owner and also all chipped in some money to get the dog to the vet
Hou Wenyuan and Huang Xiyan were kind of in charge of the dog. And they were both considered for Yang Jian so they were like "is this Xiaotianquan" (Yang Jian's dog in mythological canon)
LMAO Kun-babi 坤爸比 (Like Kun-papa)
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Apparently the dog is quite a young one
I guess they found an owner to adopt the dog in the end
Tug of war again, but indoors. They're all super competitive about it.
Basketball time. Huang Xiyan was like "we have to take Lin Yunrui out to play basketball or else he'll grow mould" lol
I forgot to mention this before but one of the guys said that they were all growing their hair out for the movie (i.e. so that they could tie up their own hair as opposed to using a wig like in dramas). So that's why all the guys are wearing headbands and sporting buns/ponytails.
Yu Shi is wearing a basketball jersey with "YU" on the back so presumably it was an old jersey that he actually wore when he was still a basketball player
Yu Shi dunk
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Yu Shi was helping Ci Shi to get high up enough
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And I'm done! Overall it was really fun watching the behind the scenes of the training camp and to finally get to meet some of the cast members. Some of the games were better than others, and the audio quality was bad. But this was still fun.
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visualtaehyun · 1 year
Wa & Rine
Let's talk about my favorite girls:
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I've been excited for this show ever since it was first announced and we found out it would have both BL and GL. Then at some point I happened to catch Aya and Kate live on MMY's IG and fell right in love with these two! Even though we only caught a glimpse of them in the trailer, the amount of outfits they were wearing in the Fitting Day video had me assured that we'd be seeing more of them in the actual series so now here we are. Let's get into it!
Disclaimer: I'm still learning Thai so feel free to correct me on anything 🙏
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The matching necklaces
Ever since spotting Yiwa's necklace in episode 1, I was sure that Marine had to have a matching one - I just wasn't sure if Yiwa's was supposed to be a W for Wa (which is what Lom, her mom, and she herself call her) or a sneaky upside down M for Marine. So when Marine showed up on screen wearing a matching R for Rine and we hear how they talk to each other- 🥹 Here's the breakdown:
Yiwa calls her Rine and refers to herself as Phi (พี่)
Imagine my delight at finding out she's the older one (Phi is a polite pronoun for someone older) when she's this adorable, just look at her pouty little face up there! I totally didn't screenshot it because of that or anything... solely for the necklaces...
Marine calls her Ter (เธอ) and refers to herself as Rine
The fact that she doesn't refer to Yiwa as Phi Wa/Phi but as Ter (a friendly but not really respectful/formal 2nd pers. pronoun that you hear in Thai songs all the time) could indicate that they are on equal footing and disregard seniority, to a point, or that Ter might just be more personal and romantic to them. They have probably talked about how they want to talk to each other at some point (if you've seen a few Thai QLs, you've probably seen these 'pronoun negotiations/ changes' before).
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The matching slippers
The domesticity of it all, be still my beating heart! I also love their shared color palette of beige, soft pink, and neutrals.
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The height difference
This is right on the heels of Marine calling Yiwa คุณหนูยี่หวา (Khun Noo Yiwa, = young miss, can imply Rich kid/Spoiled kid, as is the case here, hence it being subbed as "Princess Yiwa"), which is interesting to me. In the Makeover VLOG P'May described the look she envisioned for Kate/Marine as Khun Noo but from what we've seen so far Yiwa seems to be the one to come from a rich family. A family that she-
is not out to
has been faking a relationship with Sailom for
doesn't seem close to (compare her meddling mother snagging her phone to talk to Namnuea vs. Yiwa telling Marine that she's the one who understands her the best)
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The cheek™ or: weaponized cuteness
Before I get into this, let me just point out how easily Yiwa shares Sailom's well-guarded secret with Marine - loud and clear, no secrets between these two.
So! Throughout this episode Yiwa is called:
คนขี้โกง (by Marine) = trickster, tricky person, subbed as "Sneaky"
นิสัยไม่ดี (by Marine) = bad behavior/habit, subbed as "Meanie"
เอาแต่ใจ (by Marine) = selfish/self-centered, subbed as "Stubborn"
...all of these in one breath, mind you, hence Yiwa's cute pouting (you may want to scroll back up, just to see that adorable expression again~) and subsequent flip of who ngon's (งอน = sulk) and who ngaw's (ง้อ = coax, make up with)!
นิสัยเจ้าเล่ห์ (by Marine) = cunning/sly/wily behavior, subbed as "Your Slyness"
ตัวแสบ (by Sailom) = troublemaker, akin to You Little Devil, subbed as "This cheeky girl"
ติงต๊อง/ติ๊งต๊อง (by Marine who lightly knocks her on the head) = silly, crazy, subbed as "Don't be silly"
...which is directly followed by:
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Affection :)
Just look at Marine's fond smile and Yiwa cutely touching her forehead!
...That's it for my aimless ramble about these characters and their dynamic. There's so much to love about this show, it's such a fun romp. But these two make me want to bang pots and pans together for everyone to go and look at how cute they are! Hopefully, we'll find out more about Marine as well in the next episodes. And fingers crossed that Marine's wish of seeing Yiwa in a wedding dress ("But not like this") is gonna come true in the end. 💕
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fugafromtheworld · 2 years
À L'infini translation practice to english and portuguese
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Last song from the movie! Laisse-moi entrer is cute but didn't stick with me
This time i'll try a different format for the post! and i'll take some liberties with the translation as well
For anyone seeing this for the first time, i'm still a begginer in french so take this with a grain of salt and pls leave me suggestions in the comments if you have any!
À l'infini
To the infinity
Ao infinito
Une fleur scintille en couleur, comme un diamant qui brille L'amour est là, beau et fragile Moi j'ai parfois perdu la route L'éclat, la lueur du phare Le cœur arrimé aux doutes J'allais au hasard Le soleil viendra réchauffer ma vie Mais s'il brille sans joie Sans amour pourquoi vivre?
À l'infini Plus haut que l'oiseau Plus loin que la nuit Reste dans ma vie Et malgrés la distance, les différences Pour un million d'années, nos vies sont liées J'ai le cœur qui bat, ne me quitte pas Même les yeux fermés, tu es dans ma vie À l'infini
Pour un million d'annés, à mes côtés
La la la la~ La la la la~ La la la la~ La la la la~
Pour chanter la vie, même debout En harmonie Ensemble, on peut voler Toucher les étoiles, les yeux fermés Car maintenant j'irais où mon cœur veut aller Du son de ma voix, et ferme avec toi Une mélodie Qui rends la vie si belle
Et chante Chante Chante!
Tant que l'amour sera là Je continuerais, et je chanterais Je chanterais toujours
Uma flor cintila em cor, como um diamante que brilha
O amor esta lá, lindo e frágil
Eu me perdi as vezes do caminho
Do brilho, da luz do farol
Com o coração cheio de duvidas
Eu estava indo sem rumo.
O sol então chega para re-aquecer minha vida
Mas se ele brilha sem felicidade
Sem amor por que viver?
Ao infinito
Mais alto que os pássaros
Mais longe que a noite
Você continua em minha vida
E diminui a distância, as diferenças
Por um milhão de anos, nossas vidas estão conectadas
Eu tenho o coração que bate, não desiste de mim
Mesmo com os olhos fechados, você esta em minha vida
Ao infinito
Por um milhão de anos, ao meu lado
La la la la~ La la la la~ La la la la~ La la la la~
Para cantar a vida, mesmo de pé
Em harmonia
Juntos, podemos voar
Tocar as estrelas, com os olhos fechados
Porque agora eu irei aonde meu coração quer ir
O som da minha voz, e firme ao seu lado
Uma melodia
Que torna a vida tão bela
E cante
Tanto que o amor estará la
Eu continuarei, e eu cantarei
Eu cantarei para sempre
A flower sparkles in color, like a diamond that shines
Love is there, beautiful and fragile
I lost my way sometimes
From the brightness, the light from the beacon
With the heart full of doubts
I wander aimless
Then the sun comes to warm my life again
But if it shines without joy
Without love, why live?
To the infinity
Higher than the birds
Farther than the night
You're still in my life
And you shorten the distance, the differences
For a million years, our lives are connected
I have the heart that beats, doesn't give up on me
Even with my eyes closed, you're in my life
To the infinity
For a million years, by my side
La la la la~ La la la la~ La la la la~ La la la la~
To sing life, even standing up
In harmony
Together we can take flight
Touch the stars with the eyes closed
Because now I'll go where my heart wants to
From the sound of my voice, and firm by your side
A melody
That turns life so beautiful
And sing
So much that love will be there
I'll continue, and I'll sing
I'll sing forever
0 notes
mellarkisa · 3 years
rules (were made to be broken)
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This is part 2 of I Got a Man (but o want you), it didn't get out of my head, so...
Every job has rules. Of course, it varies from one to the other, or to the type of role you perform.  Don't be late; dress appropriately; meet deadlines and goals.
Definitely DON'T fuck your boss's wife.
JJ was surprisingly good with the first rules, this was an easy job. He liked cars and he loved driving, and Rafe didn't need him that much.  He liked having a driver better than using one. The hard part of his job had a first and last name: Kiara Cameron.
Beautiful tanned legs, curly hair that was JJ's weakness, full cherry lips, and a goddamn sculpted body. She was her personal hell and JJ knew he couldn't touch her, talk to her, or dream about her.  But nothing stopped him from looking at her. After all, she didn't rip off a piece, and if he was discreet, no one would notice.
He thought he'd go unnoticed, at the end of the day he was a shit driver, and Kiara was the island's fucking Kook princess.
But she knew.
She knew and dumped all the shit on him at a random bar he'd taken her to. He thought it was the end of her, but Kiara dragged her nails across her legs and asked him to dance with her. And fuck, you just wouldn't turn down a request like that.
Since then it had been two months of an unforgettable fuck in her husband's car. Which JJ didn't regret at all. Two months of something, whatever they were doing. Well, they were fucking. Anywhere, whenever they could, whenever they found a loophole. JJ wasn't complaining.  It was casual and mostly sexual.  They didn't date and didn't talk much. But his gaze always met hers across a room, and JJ always seemed to know exactly what each smile meant;  a compliment, a thank you, or just when she was happy to see him.  And he loved it.
That is, until one particularly hot summer morning.  The mansion looked empty and he'd just arrived, even though Rafe was out - he came every day, because in addition to getting paid, he had to always be available to Kiara - in a professional manner, of course.  She showed up early, wearing sunglasses and simpler clothes than she used to wear, and asked him to take her to a relatively distant beach.
From there, everything got fucking messier.
Kiara fucking Cameron surfed. JJ was so surprised when she asked him to help her with a board she'd rented that he stood there for several seconds in shock. After saying that he surfed too, he couldn't - once again - deny her request that he join her on her little adventure.
And God, if he figured she couldn't get any hotter, he was dead wrong.
But it was more than that.
That day, on the beach, he saw several other pieces of Kiara. They talked on the sea and on the sand. He found out that she was a marine biologist.  He heard her laugh for the first time and noticed how her nose wrinkled whenever she laughed.  It was kind of cute.  He liked making her laugh. JJ couldn't help but notice how she seemed to glisten outside the shitty mansion.  He thought she was kind of lonely, and something in her chest twisted, wanting to take care of her.
They kissed against the car, skins full of salt, smothered smiles and an absurd desire for each other.
It was different.
They returned just before sunset, listening to a JJ playlist that Kiara seemed to enjoy.  He couldn't help but steal glances at the laid-back woman with her feet on the dashboard humming her favorite songs.
And at night, something fell apart.
JJ was about to leave, some kind of important dinner was making his presence useless. Rafe released him and he would be off the next day.  He couldn't wait to get home, get the salt off his body, and sleep after a grueling day of surfing.
He was looking for his car keys when Kiara appeared in the staff pantry, eyes bloodshot and huge teary. Tears that were reluctant to fall and she looked completely aimless when she asked:
"Jage, get me out of here?"  And like every other time, he was unable to deny it.  And he wanted to help.
He took her to his own car, and drove in silence to the nearest beach. Kiara didn't say a word. He parked and she got out, heading out onto the cold sand, sitting on it in her expensive dress. JJ pondered whether to leave her alone or not. And he ended up sitting silently beside her, letting the sound of waves flood the space. It felt like an eternity before she said anything.
"I'm sorry." She sniffled, eyes focused on the dark sea. "God, what am I doing? You were on your way home, I'm so sorry." she asked nervously.
"Hey Kie, it's okay. Really. I… just want to help you." he interrupted her flow, trying to calm her. There was some silence before she spoke again.
"I'm just so… tired. I gave them everything they wanted, I did everything they wanted. I still do. It's never enough." She traced random designs in the sand, and JJ watched as two tears dripped onto the ground, but didn't stop her. "I threw my plans into the sea. I went to places I didn't want to, I married who they thought was right, I was the perfect daughter. I pretended to be who I wasn't, I tried to be who I wasn't and I still pretend to be that person. I only asked for one thing in exchange, a remnant of freedom and that makes me the worst of people!? I don't know what I'm doing with my life anymore." she sighed, pouring it out and finally looking at him.
And fuck. His brown eyes were wet, filled with emotion and pain. She was hurting and he wanted to help, but that wasn't their relationship.  JJ was the fucking other guy. He didn't know what she wanted and what he should do. One, two, three seconds passed and she looked away, looking embarrassed.
"Sorry" she told her again.
Something in her voice sounded so sad, and JJ barely thought before taking her delicate hand between his, stroking her knuckles. Kiara looked at him in surprise, and it felt good because she smiled slightly, biting her lip.
"I'm sorry you feel that way. I think you're super cool and awesome, if you must know." her eyes sparkled and Kiara laced her fingers with his still focused on what he was saying "I'm sorry they don't see you like that. I mean what a bunch of assholes" she huffed a laugh and so did he.
She lifted her hand laced with his a little, and watched the two of them together. JJ barely breathed when she pressed her lips to the skin of his hand before leaning closer, leaning against his shoulder.
"Thank you, J." She replied and his chest warmed in a very strange way. A very big warning in neon letters telling him it could end very badly, and he decided to ignore it for now.
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sickybubbies · 3 years
A/n: Y'all I realised there's really not enough pregnant Jungkook on here with Jikook ofc I'm a sucker for them lately. Anyway, sorry for the crappy ending, enjoy!
TW: Emeto, Mpreg
"You alright babe?" Jimin rasps, leaning up so he was perching on his elbow as he squints his eyes where he could make out a faint figure of Jungkook half climbing; hauling himself onto the bed under the early greys of the morning. 
"Mhmm," Jungkook hums quietly for a response, grimacing at the acid like texture in his throat that he was left with after throwing up. It was raw and strained, and Jungkook didn't like it one bit. He huffs and slips a hand under his shirt to hold on to his pudgy stomach, for two reasons. It was pushing past the waistline of his sweats from how bloated he was, after expelling the contents of his stomach routinely which tires him out endlessly and he wants to rip his insides out. 
But Jungkook decides to be forgiving, because he's a few weeks into carrying the beautiful baby that he and Jimin had always dreamed about having. The pair had spent days and nights, with Jimin's head on Jungkook's torso as they both squabbled about how they'd raise their child way back in the boyfriend phase. (“One baby with your short genes, one with my tall genes and my good looks, how's that sound?" "Yah!") Jungkook reminds himself that it was all gonna be worth it in the end, it's always worth it. He imagines just how bright Jimin's eyes were to get once their baby was here, if it wasn't bright enough when Jungkook told him the news of his pregnancy; he fears he'd metaphorically go blind from his joy. 
"I've just been sick." He murmurs, leaning back onto the headboard. Jungkook slouches, the energy sucked out of his bones as he shuts his eyes to hopefully regroup himself.
Jimin hums in acknowledgement, more awake now that he was aware of his husband's strife and leans over to press a generous kiss to his forehead. He wasn't going to let the younger deal with it alone, though the ones he accidentally sleeps through he's always up and at his service when needed and to smother him in love for afterwards. 
"I thought you were gonna. I could hear your tummy all night going squelch squelch" He mumbles playfully, hoping it would lighten the dreadful atmosphere. Jimin places a hand on Jungkook's stomach and begins to rub circles into it, hoping it would ease him some.
 The latter's abs had begun to disappear and his stomach was slightly dome shaped from the swell he had, his skin was softer and squishier the closer he gets to the second trimester and Jimin couldn't keep his hands off of Jungkook. In his defense, his husband looked adorable pregnant, he adored the sight so much and loved the tiny being to bits already. 
"Shut up Chim, listening to you is making me wanna vomit again" Jungkook groans, shifting on the mattress so he could get comfortable and pressing a fist to his lips as he feels his stomach fizzle up and an airy burp escape from his lips. 
Jimin pouts, he begins carding through Jungkook's soft purple hair. "Still feel bad? Aren't you supposed to feel better after bringing everything up?" He questions, his heart clenching as he watches Jungkook's face begin to pale and paint a tinge of green. 
Jungkook shrugs. "Dunno about that hyung, I don't feel better at all. I feel queasy" He admits, he'd learnt to vocalize to the older about how he felt; if he doesn't it's gonna end up with another one of Jimin's shirts in the wash, trust he's been there and learnt his lesson. 
"My baby…" Jimin coos softly, propping up next to him and wrapping an arm around his shoulders. He keeps his fingers in Jungkook's hair, looking down at him and kissing the crown of his head as he slowly scratches his scalp. He holds the younger tighter when he stiffens and moans, his brows furrowing from the pain and havoc the nausea was causing in Jungkook's stomach from how he nuzzles his nose into Jimin's chest. "It's one of those days huh? Crackers and water, maybe some ginger ale if we feel less stubborn. How long does lil' bean plan to keep you sick for anyways?" 
"That feels nice..." Jungkook mumbles out, relaxing a little. Jimin's soft yet aimless conversations helped keep him distracted, and so were his gentle touches they did a great job in lulling him to sleep. 
Speaking of which, Jungkook is just about to drift into dreamland in the comfort of Jimin's arms when his stomach churns again. He feels a splash of bitter bile in the back of his throat, almost like the residue of sick that was still sitting at his throat from earlier. He almost sits upright, clenching his throat and covering his mouth as he belches. It catches Jimin's attention. 
"Jungkookie, Jungkookie" Jimin says in a haste, cursing under his breath as he looks around for anything Jungkook to spew in without jostling his stomach too much. His eyes drawing back to the younger one in worry when he next hears a wet gag which meant he couldn't hold on any longer now that his hand was leaving his mouth. 
Jimin looks around and finds the glass bowl he had on his side table which Jungkook had brought him months back, he sighs in relief. It was stashed with a bunch of sweets and random bits that he's quickly dumping out. He snags it up and under Jungkook's chin, straightening up with him and clicking his tongue when Jungkook whines and protests. 
"It's okay, Jungkookie it's okay, do it here. In here babe, I'll clean it don't worry. It's just a bowl" He assures softly, lowering it slightly so it wasn't right in his face as he slowly massages the back of his neck. 
Jungkook whimpers, feeling his stomach slosh and his muscles tense as he wraps an arm around his middle. He barely registers Jimin turning the lamp on before he's disgorging a stream of vomit into the bowl. 
He pants and grunts, jolting with a hiccup. His breath gets caught in his throat and he gags, coughing and spluttering before more chunky liquid is brought up which splashes into the bowl. Jungkook squeezes his eyes shut, just the fact that it looked so much like his dinner still sent his stomach into another wheel. 
"That's it, let it out Kookie, my sweet boy." Jimin hums, digging under the sick man's shirt and rubbing up and down his arched back. He grimaces when Jungkook retches again, throwing up even more which makes his heart ache.
"You're doing well bun, I'm so proud of you. Keep going until you feel like you've finished" He encourages, kissing his shoulder and pulling him closer before pausing when Jungkook sobs. 
"H-hyung…" Jungkook chokes out, hiccuping as fat tears roll down his rosy and embarrassed cheeks. Usually, he's never one to cry so easily but pregnancy hormones had him spiralling into a pouty and emotional wreckage in a flash. Something was gnawing at him. 
"Jungkookie" Jimin whispers so he didn't startle him, stroking his hair back as he listened. 
"W-why this bowl… I got you it f-for our anniversary!" Jungkook cries out making Jimin flinch, his mouth wide in realisation now that Jungkook's refusal to puke earlier was because he didn't want to do it in such a meaningful, meaningful bowl. He forgot Jungkook was so peculiar about the little things. 
"Y-you could've gotten-" Jungkook hiccups. "A-another bowl o-or the trashcan. I w-worked so hard to get you this. Do you know how much it cost me on our holiday? N-now I've been sick in it i-it's all ruined I fucking h-hate you" He rambles, in the spur of his overriding emotions he misses Jimin's amused expression.
"Cute" He murmurs under his breath with a quiet chuckle, wiping his tears with his sleeve. "I'm sorry. I'll clean it up, squeaky clean and good as new. You won't even remember that you've been sick in it. I'm serious!" Jimin's voice raises a pitch as Jungkook looks at him unconvinced, his doe eyes still holding tears.
"Gimmie a kiss" He giggles, crawling forward while moving the bowl away as Jungkook groans loudly and scrunches his nose and tilts his head back. "A-ah ew no I've literally- Jimin I just puke-" He stammers, pursing his lips as Jimin eventually steals a kiss from him.
His tears were dry now, the fit subsided and it was only laughter and giggles together even if Jungkook's morning was off to a rough start Jimin always made it better. 
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deerixiie · 4 years
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synopsis: headcanons where you go on aimless road-trips with the boys.
warnings: suggestive themes (in atsumu because he’s atsumu), mentions of drinking (in terushima because he’s terushima)
pairings: atsumu x gen!reader, yamaguchi x gen!reader, terushima x gen!reader, oikawa x gen!reader (i think, please tell me if i have any implications of fem!reader!)
a/n: i hate how my headcanon style changed dramatically through each of these. also, new banner and layout style! hehe <3
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atsumu was looking stressed so you planned a getaway
he thought it would be some fancy hotel with jacuzzis and like king-sized beds but no
you are in the car. together. driving to nowhere in particular
anyway atsumu is a little grumpy at first but then he warms up to it
if he's driving he has one hand on your thigh and if there is a song playing he taps the beat on it
he has a very interesting music taste 
you guys play games like i spy or twenty questions 
okay but atsumu treats i spy like its a major league sport but he just teases you when it comes to twenty questions
you: is it an event? atsumu: yep *smirks aggressively* you: is it an event done commonly? atsumu: hopefully *more aggressive smirking* you: is it a fun event? atsumu: definitely you: .... you: shut up you horny pisshead
(if you don't understand that you're too young bye)
you guys argue about the most random things 
(guess who said what)
you know those annoying songs like "100 bottles of beer on the wall" yeah atsumu is singing that
the entire trip is just him being annoying or being soft 
he talks to you if you're alseep it's the cutest thing ever
when you drive atsumu just looks at you
he has his head resting on the dashboard and his head is turned towards yours with a small smile on his face
"yer beautiful, y'know. i love ya so much <3" (i can't he makes me so soft)
it catches you off guard so the car swerves a lil and you're just like "'tsumu you're going to kill us keep to compliments to-"
"the bedroom?"
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its literally so cute
you and yams are just going nowhere in particular, exploring the back roads and stuff
its for the ✨adventure✨ 
you blast the radio and coax him into singing along with you and its literally so cool because yamaguchi lowkey sounds amazing??
he likes holding your hand as he drives, he traces little patterns into your palm (it calms him down)
he's literally always asking if you're okay because he doesn't want you to be miserable and ruin the whole trip
hes saying stuff like "are you thirsty, baby? should we stop somewhere? do you want to rest your legs?" 
you have to reassure him that you're okay, but just because he cares about you 🤧💗 im so soft
you guys have nice conversations as you drive, sometimes you point out the scenery or just listen to the music
if you fall asleep he'll just look at you, if he can he might just stop the car and admire you because he loves you so much
when you're tired you stop in a relatively safe place and go in the backseat to just cuddle and fall asleep together with a weighted blanket, it's not too comfortable but it's good nevertheless
you guys find this empty field on a really clear night, and you drive out and just sit in the field and look at all the stars
yams tells you he loves you over and over again 🥺💗
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the summer coming-of-age movie vibes y'all give off-
terushima somehow has a jeep, it's one of those convertible ones yknow
the top is always off. no matter how cloudy or sunny or how dark it is the top is always. off.
you guys scream song lyrics at the top of your lungs, even if you're on the highway (terushima listens to five seconds of summer fight me)
you're drinking pop and eating chips and popcorn the entire time
terushima literally has no idea where he's going but he doesn't care
you guys found a cliff 😳 you drove up to it and just hung out there for a while (terushima wanted to cliff-dive, but you said no 💔)
teru is always making jokes and laughing and having the best time of his life
he puts his arm behind the back of your chair but sometimes snakes his hand through the headboard to play with your hair or tickle your neck
he's literally always looking at you, his eyes are NEVER on the road wHO GAVE THIS MAN A DRIVERS LICENCE
you guys play truth or dare 💔 it doesn't go well-
(you can decide who said what ❤️)
terushima always wants to drive even though every time he's behind the wheel you end up fearing for your life
but the one time you drive is when terushima gets really drunk drowsy and you're driving at night on this really empty road
terushima is looking at you and he's quiet for once, and all of the sudden he's like "babe, i love you so much" and you're just like "i love you too, dork"
but then he's like "no really you're amazing, im so lucky to have you" and you just 💘🥰💓🥺💗❣️❣️
and then you start making out
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he'd be driving and then he'd see a place and he'd be like "omg y/n let's stop over there and take a few pictures"
at first it was good, you stopped in a sunflower field and an abandoned road and took some really good photos, but then it just got annoying 💔
 like yams, oikawa holds your hand while he drives. sometimes when he's driving and you're just chilling you'd randomly feel him squeeze your hand
he also does the thing where he kisses the back of your hand as he holds it 😳💗💗
he's always stealing your food 😔👊🏾 like he'd have a full container of fries sitting in his lap and he'd reach over to take yours
and then he'd have the audacity to give you that little wink and tongue thing afterwards
you guys fight over the aux... it gets heated but you guys still love each other <3
he vlogged like the first two days of the trip before it got boring and just took random videos of the two of you instead
basically the whole time you're usually just talking about random things (sometimes you'd have really deep conversations about the future or aliens) or just sitting in a comfortable silence as he holds your hand. it's just really relaxing
if its your turn to drive he's sneaking pictures of you (and himself) or taking naps (he'd complain about neck cramps as soon as he wakes up)
you guys find a really good place to watch the sunrise and you sit on the front of your car and just watch in silence
oikawa rests his head on your shoulder and places a tiny kiss on your cheek. "you know what's beautiful?"
"the sunrise?"
"no :3"
"yes, but no :3"
"tooru, if this is a-"
"you are! :3"
he's too cute so you don't say anything else
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sugakuns · 4 years
[hc] ❤︎ kageyama as your boyfriend
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omg this baby is so so so shy at the start
like he blushes so hard that you can feel the heat radiating from his cheeks
tbh he’s probably worse than tadashi and that’s saying something
like even if you do that cute clinging to his arm hug thing, he will tense up
baby wants all the hugs and kisses in the world but he can’t bring himself to initiate anything other that hand holding - and even that’s hard for him
the first time he kissed you was when you two were chilling on his bed and you had your eyes closed while laying down
he thought you were sleeping 🥺
he was feeling a little brave and placed a butterfly kiss on your lips
you couldn’t help the smile and he literally screeched
just kiss him again and he’ll chill lmao
he likes it when you wear his hoodies or shirts cause it’s so baggy on you and you’re his small little baby
deffo calls you [y/n]-chan, but if he’s around the other guys it’s just [y/n] cause he’s little tsundere
when you guys get closer/ further in the relationship he does some stupid shit with you lol
like he’ll try yoga poses that both of you CANNOT do
or he’ll let you do some stupid tiktok trends on him
okay putting this out there, both of you have definitely hurt each other on accident and it’s mostly Kags not knowing his strength
but it’s never bad!! like he’ll elbow you in the boob/gut sometimes on accident
or he’ll put you in a joke headlock and accidentally pull on an earring or your hair lmao
pls act like you really were hurt cause he’ll treat you like royalty after BAHAH
omg the two of you deffo have weekly sleepovers, mostly at his
kags is in charge of nails, you do face masks, kags is in charge of the food, you’re in charge of the movie/shows
one time hinata, tsuki and yamaguchi walked past kags house and the both of you were leaving the house looking a little disheveled but it was bc the both of you were play fighting
the two of you will never live it down
I have a strong hc that the whole vbc is on kags’ private story and one time he posted a video of him surprise flipping you on the bed and sugawara scolded him the next day bc your scream scated tf out of him BAHAH but twas all good hahas
since kageyama is a teenage boy, you have to tell him to take care of his skin
that means when you go over you give him the full treatment and tell him that he has to clip his fringe up to stop acne from appearing on his forehead
so when you go over he’s already got his hair clipped up and he’s ready for him royalty treatment
baby loves it when your massaging the product into his skin and lean down to kiss his cheeks
he has such a cute giggle 🥺
i strongly hc that he giggles when you kiss him suddenly 🥺 he’s a babie
every friday after school, he takes you to a local cafe where lots of teenagers go and he treats you to frozen yogurt or ice cream
it’s his way to say thank you 🥺
he loves kissing and i mean loves it!
kissing can convey your emotions and he really enjoys that
but also when he’s feeling needy and y’all are alone he’ll literally just grab the back of your head and kiss you
he’s sloppy guys 💀 he’ll stick his tongue in there and soon enough there’s a string of saliva connecting your lips when he finally lets you breath
i have a feeling he likes to leave hickies all over your collarbones so be prepared for that
okay before i get to far into that 😳
he enjoys going to the park with you, or taking aimless walks
he also tried to teach you a little bit about volleyball (if you didn’t already play) and tbh - you’re pretty good
omg i need to stop
10/10 recommend this little blueberry
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shinsouskitten · 4 years
Heyo! This is my first time requesting so I hope this isn't a bad request. So lately I've been watching these TikTok compilations of people getting naked infront of their bf/gf on YT and I just had this AMAZING idea. How would Shoto, Shinso, Kaminari, Bakugo, and Hawks react to their s/o doing that? (I also heard you're a Yagami Yato fan!!! Yay!)
Honestly I’ve been dying to do some tiktok pranks, but I didn’t know if anyone would actually enjoy them, so your request certainly isn’t a bad one. I kinda did a mix of the towel dropping trend and straight up stripping cause I wanted to do a bit of both so I hope that’s okay
And yeah, I’m a huge Yagami fan. I really want to get her patreon but I’m a broke bitch 😣 
I’m so happy I was able to finish this in time to post it today
Anyway… Time to get naked! 
All characters are aged up (except Hawks)
Warnings: suggestive themes, implied nudity (does it count as implied or is it just straight up nakedness?), Bakugou
❄️🔥 Shōto Todoroki: 
The two of you sat on the sofa, your phones held in your hands as you navigated through app after app to find something to do. You saw a tiktok pop up on your page, of someone recording their partner’s reaction to the stripping, and Shōto’s current aimless scrolling made it the perfect situation. 
You took your phone, resting it against a glass on the coffee table in front of you as nonchalantly as possible. You set the timer to record, turning off the volume so Shōto wouldn’t hear it, before beginning to take your shirt off. 
When he didn’t turn you sighed, standing up to take off your pants to hopefully gauge a better reaction. This time he turned his head slightly, his eyes taking a quick glance over your body before returning to look at your face. 
“Oh hi y/n.” He said, turning back to his phone.
“Shōto.” You whined, ending the recording on your phone. “You’re meant to react more.”
He turned to look at you again, a small smile on his face. “Sorry, baby.”
You sighed, placing your phone face down on the coffee table before flopping down on the sofa, your head falling in his lap as you stared up at him. He leant forward to put his phone next to yours, before twirling a hand in your hair softly. 
“I’ve seen you naked before.” He said simply.
You rolled your eyes. He could say those kinds of things with such a monotone expression, but you still found yourself flushing each time he did so. 
“Yeah but it was for tiktok.” You frowned.
Shōto smiled softly. “We can try again if you want.”
“Is this your way of saying you want me to strip for you?” You asked with a laugh.
“Perhaps.” He replied, and you felt yourself smiling as he stared down at you.
He might be a bit clueless, but he’s still cute.
💜 Hitoshi Shinsou:
Just one more game. That’s what he’d said two hours ago. You’d lost track of the amount of rounds he’d been playing, but by now your eyes were tired of the blue light illuminating your bedroom. You knew how difficult it was to convince Shinsou to go to sleep, but it was practically impossible when Kaminari messaged him asking to play some games online with him. 
You would both be tired and grumpy in the morning, so you decided to try and convince Shinsou another way. 
As he stared at the screen, you grabbed your phone from beside your bed, placing it in front of you as you called out to Shinsou. He turned for a moment, but his attention was quickly drawn back to the tv as Kaminari’s voice flooded the speakers.
“C’mon man I wanna win for once.”
Rolling your eyes, you decided to elevate your persuasion. You waited until the round he had been playing ended, pressing record as the next one began to load. Calling for him again, he turned, and you began to slowly peel your shirt (well, it was technically his shirt) up your body. When it passed your head you tossed it to the side.
Shinsou smiled, tongue darting out to wet his lips as his eyes trailed up and down your torso, now naked before his eyes. 
“Hey Kami.” He said, eyes never leaving yours. “You’re gonna have to play the next game on your own.”
“Is it y/n again? I wanted to wi-”
You chuckled as he ended the call, turning off his console before strolling to join you on your bed. You picked up your phone before he got to you, ending the recording and placing it back on your bedside table.
“Was that for Tiktok?” He asked.
You nodded silently.
“Of course it was.” He chuckled.
You pouted. “I was tired of you playing.”
“Well unfortunately I’ve got some more to play.” 
You frowned, thinking he was going to return to his games again, until Shinsou leant closer, cupping your face with one hand while the other began to trail down your chest. 
I guess there’s more than one way to get him to sleep.
⚡ Denki Kaminari:
To be honest, Denki’s probably done the exact same prank on you (Denki is a tiktoker change my mind).
You were determined to get him back. And Lady Luck had decided to shine on you today, because you had the perfect opportunity. He was playing a game, headphones blocking his ears from you as he spoke with the rest of the Bakusquad. 
You tapped his shoulder to tell him you were going to take a quick shower. He turned to look at you for a moment, opening his mouth as if to speak, before his attention was pulled back to the game at Bakugou’s insistent yells of ‘pay attention you damn extra’. 
After your shower, you wrapped your towel around your body loosely, one hand gripping the fabric while the other grabbed your phone to begin recording. You slipped back into the room, mildly annoyed when Denki didn’t even turn to greet you. You let your towel fall away, before tossing it across to land on Denki’s head. 
He pulled the towel from his head and threw it to the ground, throwing you a quick frown before he turned back to the tv. Mere seconds after he faced the screen he turned to look at you again, eyes widening as he took in your naked figure with a bright smile.
You heard a yell from his headset, presuming it was Bakugou when the screen flashed game over in bright red letters. 
“I gotta go.” Denki said into the mic.
You laughed, stopping the recording as he stood up to walk over to you.
“I was wondering when you’d get me back.” He smiled, his hands resting on your hips as he pressed a kiss to your head. “But you know, it’d be a shame to waste this opportunity.”
“Do you think about anything other than sex?” You chuckled.
“Of course.” He replied. “I think about you. But how can you blame me with this beautiful sight.”
You smiled, tossing your phone to the side as you wrapped your arms around Denki’s shoulders.
“You’re not saying it’s a bad idea.” He said, raising an eyebrow at your silence. “That clearly means you think it’s a great one.”
You rolled your eyes, but leant forward to kiss him. 
“It’s an okay idea.” You murmured against his lips.
You yelped as he pinched your hip, opening your mouth to scold him, but your words failed you as his hands began to trail to where you wanted them most.
“Just okay?” He asked.
You nodded, head falling against his neck as he continued to trail his fingers across your skin.
A great ending to a great prank.
💥 Katsuki Bakugou:
You sighed in your bed, blankets wrapped around you as you waited for your boyfriend to come home. He’d been swarmed with work recently, so you hadn’t seen as much of him as you would’ve liked. 
When you heard the click of your door, you jumped up, racing through your apartment to see Bakugou taking off his shoes with a sour expression.
“Hey.” You smiled, walking over to drape your arms around his shoulders. 
He grunted in response, brushing your arms off as he plopped down on the sofa. He lay his head back, eyes falling shut as he muttered something about stupid villains thinking they own the place.
As you watched him the idea came into your mind. You felt in your pockets for your phone, relieved to find it there. Careful not to disturb your boyfriend, you placed it so only Bakugou would be seen by the camera. As you pressed record, you cleared your throat, annoyed when he didn’t even react.
With a sigh you pulled your shirt over your head, throwing it across the room where it landed in Bakugou’s lap. His eyes shot open, noticing the clothing in front of him, before his head snapped to look at you.
“Oi dumbass what are you doing?!” He shouted, but you could see the blush spreading across his face. 
“Something wrong?” You asked innocently.
Bakugou let out a low growl, before his gaze fell to the phone propped up next to you. 
“Is this for tiktok?!” He screamed, leaping towards you to rip the phone away before you could stop him.
You pouted as he glared down at the screen, ending the recording and tossing your phone to the other end of the room.
“If you’ve broke that-” You began, but you were interrupted by a finger on your lips.
“You shouldn’t be worried about the phone.” Bakugou said, red eyes boring into yours. 
Your mouth fell open in a silent ‘o’ as his hands slipped around your waist, letting out a scream as he threw you over his shoulder.
Suffice to say your phone wasn’t the only thing he broke that night.
🍗 Keigo Takami (Hawks):
There was something droning on in the background, some boring show you couldn’t be bothered to pay attention to. Instead, your attention was fixed on your boyfriend, who was laying back on your sofa, wings splayed out behind him as one arm sat curled around your waist. 
Coming up with an idea, you excused yourself from his grip, and his head turned to look at you as you propped your phone up to face him. 
He raised an eyebrow, his golden eyes following your every movement as you began to peel off each layer of your clothes. By the time you were in your underwear, Keigo had grown impatient, and he stood up, appearing next to you within seconds.
“Well hello there.” He smirked.
You rolled your eyes with a laugh, holding up a finger to press pause on the scene as you retrieved your phone, checking that you hadn't been visible on the screen. When you were satisfied, you placed it down again, this time ensuring it wasn’t recording, before turning back to Keigo.
“You know if you were into recording stuff you could’ve just said so.” He said, his eyes still not leaving your body.
You laughed again, but leant forward to press a kiss to his lips, your hands tangling in his hair as he returned the affection. His hands trailed across your body, at one point stopping to pinch your hip. Keigo used your shock as an excuse to slip his tongue into your mouth, and his grip tightened on your waist.
You groaned as he pulled away, but your breath caught in your throat as you felt his hand slip in between your thighs. 
Maybe you should prank him more often.
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abbieestudia · 3 years
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오늘도 나는 한국어를 배운다.
Last week there was a huge vtube Apex tournament with matches every day for 3-4 hours so I spent a lot of time watching that and doing not much else... So this week I'm going to actually be productive! However since I've graduated from uni and am still waiting on the pandemic situation in Japan to get better so that I can do JET, there isn't really anything to do... And so I feel a bit aimless and stuck at the moment. I'd like to find some sort of short online internship or something (since I don't know when I will suddenly be told I need to sort out a load of documents and go to Japan) just to spend my time doing something and gain some experience but I don't know what I want to do, so for now I've just been studying Korean and doing a TEFL course, but other than that I don't really know what I'm doing with my life at the moment. Also today you get a pic of my cute hamster stretching!
La semana pasada había un torneo grande de vtubers de Apex con partidos de 3-4horas, así que pasé casi todo mi tiempo viendo eso y no hice nada productivo. Así que esta semana quiero hacer algo! Sin embargo, ahora que me he graduado de la universidad, y estoy esperando para que mejore la situación de corona en japón así que puedo ir para enseñar inglés, no tengo nada de hacer.... Y siento un poco sin objeto... Me gustaría encontrar algún tipo de prácticas o algo así para pasar el tiempo y obtener experiencia, pero no sé lo que quiero hacer para el trabajo, así que por ahora estoy solo aprendiendo coreano y haciendo un curso de enseñar inglés como lengua extranjera.
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sagemoderocklee · 3 years
The vowels
oh boy, this is gonna take a while XD but thank you for giving me such a long, distracting ask! <3 Much appreciated.
A: How did you come up with the title to [It Eats Your Heart]?
Oh boy. I’m trying remember exactly how I came up with this... So I’ve been binging horror for the last year+. Like ever since the pandemic started pretty much. And one piece of horror that really impacted me was The Haunting of Hill House. I think horror as a genre is great, but often gets misused and turned into something that’s just gratuitous. I’ve watched my fair share of gratuitous horror films in the last year--largely because i have watched so much that im just picking at random, but also it’s good to look at things you DON’T like to figure out why... anyways I’m not a fan of like slashers necessarily--I enjoy the Scream franchise but that’s an exception.
Anyways, I like horror that’s thoughtful. And like maybe it really isn’t thoughtful in a “this is so deep and there’s so much metaphor” way. Just. I want thought and care put into it. I’m not in it for violence. I’m a big fan of hauntings and supernatural elements in horror, but finding GOOD supernatural horror is hard--especially since so much of that particular subgenre is just over-saturated with like exorcism films. Like Catholicism and Xtianity have been used and used to death in horror, like I get it. I’m bored. I want other perspectives...
But anyways Im rambling.
So, my influence started with Hill House. I wanted the story I wrote to reflect specific things, to be a metaphor for specific things, and so on, and I think one of the things that’s so successful about Hill House is the house itself is its own entity in a way. And I like the idea of like something that’s hungry. I think the idea of a house being haunted but it’s not because of ghosts but because of the house itself is so interesting. Which none of this is spoilers because I’m not saying I’m doing that with IEYH just talking through my process....
Anyways, I started with the concept of hunger and something having teeth that shouldn’t essentially. And what I want to say with this fic is particularly related to trauma from parental abuse among some other things. And I was thinking about like “if you’re haunted by something hungry, what does it want from you? what is it trying to eat? what’s the part of you that will give it the most?” and so that really fell into place with all of it and that’s kind of how I came up with the title. though i cannot tell you how much of that was like conscious and how much of it was just me sitting in my chair like “what would be a really cool, chilling horror title”
E:  If you wrote a sequel to [Flyweight Love], what would it be about?
fffff....this is actually a really hard one because as much as I LOVE that fic, it feels so... Complete, ya know? I think sometimes stories are just Done, and a sequel won’t do anything for it. I’m not like a huge fan of just like aimless stories and I think I’d feel a lil aimless with any sort of full on sequel to Flyweight Love. However, that being said I COULD see doing like a lil one-shot of Gaara and Lee taking a trip somewhere, and using that trip as a marriage proposal. Maybe like in the terminal or on the plane itself because that’s where they met. Maybe one of them puts a ring in taiyaki or maybe one of them puts the ring in the top of the other’s carry on so when they ask them to grab something they find it. It would definitely be short, but I could see writing something like that. Still like aimless in a way, but cute enough that I think it’d keep an audiences’ attention (and mine).
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
Not really!
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
I guess that really depends on if we’re talking original or fanfiction.
I mean, overall I think I generally start with plot, not characters, even when I am doing original stuff, but there are times where with original works I start with characters but it’s always harder to build a story around them--at least for me.
With fanfiction, so much of the material is already provided for us and I already know what characters I’m gonna be focusing on since I write exclusively for GaaLee. I don’t really need to like worry about the who so much as the hows and the whats and the whys. Usually, for me, when I come up with a new fic idea it’s always the plot first--sometimes it’s really small and i have to build on it, sometimes it’s fully fledged (and I still have to build on it, obviously because nothing comes out perfect the first time), but i’m always starting with a plot. Sometimes the plots themselves revolve around like a specific headcanon like The Ballad of the Dragon and the Phoenix revolves around “Who are Rock Lee’s parents? Where does he come from?” but the actual story/plot is a lot larger in scope than just those questions.
So like, it varies, but I’d say 99.9999% of the time i’m starting with plot.
U:  Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
Oh gosh, I feel terrible because i have not been super active in fandom and when i have been i have NOT been doing nearly enough reading. So like that all being said off the top of my head i can think of @ghoste-catte and @lilac-writes but there are also lots of fics I fully have on my docket as “to read” by other writers. im just bad at focusing and when i do find the time to focus on fandom im usually focusing as a “im gonna write” thing.
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/kicks down the door AY YO JO! May I please get some headcanons for Akihiko from Persona 3 with a pregnant s/o and maybe some general Akihiko Dadcanons too?
Dad Akihiko,,,,,,,,, Dadkihiko,,,,,,,,,,,,,
While you’re pregnant, Akihiko’s definitely a mess; he likes to consider himself a tough man, but god, you’re scary when you’re craving obscure foods at three in the morning. Thankfully, he’s pretty knowledgeable when it comes to nutrition, and while he’s not the best cook, he’s at least able to guide you through the mess that is what you can and can’t eat. And of course, he knows quite a bit about health in general— even as you change through your pregnancy, he remains just as in-tune with your body as he was beforehand.
He’s more worried about you than you’d thought he would be. Even if you’re in pretty good shape, he’s quietly pushing for you to take a leave from your job just to rest; when the two of you are home together, he insists that you just relax, he’ll take care of the housework. He’s always hovering over you, vaguely terrified that the moment he looks away, something will happen.
Despite his protective nature and how much he loves you, Akihiko never really thought of himself as possibly becoming a father; his failures with his own family continue weighing heavily on him, and he doesn’t entirely believe he deserves a second chance. That said, once he’s got a baby in his arms, gripping at his hands with its tiny fingers— what an incredible second chance this is.
Before having children, the two of you had discussed things like responsibilities and routines; taking turns feeding the babies, or checking on them in the middle of the night, or who watches them during the day. Even though he’s a pretty impulsive man, Akihiko thinks something like parenthood needs at least a vague plan before you’re caught in the middle. But once you have kids, all those plans are out the window— not because your children are particularly difficult, but because Akihiko adores them and is constantly rushing to be there when they need anything.
Unsurprisingly, your kids are a bit rough-and-tumble; even that cute lil daughter of yours knows how to hold her own against her brothers. You step into the kitchen one day only to find that she’s got one in a headlock because he ate her snacks— instead of stopping her, Akihiko’s coaching her on proper techniques, planting the idea of a suplex in her head. They were all banned from the kitchen on that day.
And of course, your man is incredibly protective— even though he makes a point of teaching your kids to take care of themselves, he’s also always quick to swoop in and do things for them when they’re clearly struggling. It’s not too big a deal if they just need to reach something off a top shelf, but when he’s considering doing their homework for them because it made them cry? Akihiko please. And oh man let’s not even think about when the kids hit dating age.
Once you point his helicopter tendencies out to him, though, Akihiko does his best to hold back; he had to grow up far too fast, and he doesn’t want anything similar happening with his own children, so it’s just his instinct. He didn’t have people to love him for a very long time— he wants to make sure all his kids know he loves them more than anything.
Also. You’re gonna have to be the one helping the kids with school events because. He’s just a few steps shy of a soccer mom. Gets in arguments at bake sales because one of the mothers said your cookies weren’t very good. Listen, he means well, okay.
In general, having kids around is even more life-changing for Akihiko than it is for most people. Even with you at his side, he still felt somewhat aimless in his life— but now, with a family of his own, he’s got so much more to live for than he ever dreamed of.
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lettalady · 4 years
Alphabet Soup - D is for Dancing
[ ahaha was anybody going to point out that today is Thursday? Just gonna let me sit here and goof around and possibly not remember to post? ]
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     Option A: aimlessly wander while you wait for your friend’s dance class to end so the pair of you can go get dinner. Option B: sit and observe. You choose the latter. It’s summer, and honestly you didn’t wear the right shoes for aimless wandering.
You settle in as everyone pairs off, letting your attention drift over the varied individuals that had signed up for the class – some are clearly couples, some simply friends, some look to be strangers who have only just met and are testing out this common interest. Maybe you should try something similar… or rather, you might if you thought you could make more than one in five classes. Your schedule is too up in the air to commit to anything.
“Excuse me.”
Shit. You’re about to be told you’ve got to move. You start readying yourself for the adventure of finding something to do for the next hour and change, moving your focus to the man that seems to be in charge. Oh, yes, it’s the teacher that your friend has been going on and on about. Cuteness personified. Shame – it would have been nice to watch him wiggle around the room…
“We’re missing a student,” he indicates the rest of the room, his focus still on you. “Mind helping me out?”
“Uh…” You freeze halfway to standing. No? Can you say no without risking getting kicked out?
He scrunches up his face, rearranging his features quickly back to his pleasant smile, “It’s just so I don’t have to break up a pair, leave someone partnerless.”
“I’m… really just here to watch.”
“A quick demonstration.” He holds his hand up to flash you Scouts Honor, “And I’ll release you to the chairs to supervise once more. Promise.”
“Loosen up.”
“What?” You’ve been listening to his instruction – that low timbre stream of words that is in such close proximity. You thought his attention had gone elsewhere, around the room to the other students, so you’d let your mind wander as he led the pair of you – stepping with practiced motions – through the couples.
He isn’t supposed to be focusing on you. You’re not a paying student.
“Your hips. Loosen them up.” He releases your hand – the only contact that he’d initiated until now – and drops his hand down to settle on the curve of your hip, guiding your body along with the steps. “And stop trying to lead. That’s my job.”
“You should come back next month. Or signup, rather.”
Your friend has paused to change her shoes, so the pair of you are stationary when he pops over to bid you both goodnight. You end up responding over your shoulder at first, then turning to follow him as he keeps moving. “Oh? Am I that bad at waltzing?”
He stutters out a laugh, his cheeks going a bit pink, “No. No. It’s just that – we’ll be moving on to the salsa.”
“Oooooh!” Your friend chirps with excitement.
Well, he’s got one student at least.
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[ Find more from the Alphabet Soup Challenge here ]
[ Also posting to Wattpad and AO3 if you prefer reading there ]
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berrymascarpone · 4 years
For the last few months, I’ve been rereading the Earthsea trilogy by Ursula K Le Guin, and has very beautiful descriptions of idyllic mountain towns and different landscapes. And, of course, being a huge fanfic nerd, I immediately thought of writing a fic like that. So yeah, here’s the result:
Title: Hope Like a Sword, Intolerable
There is no death, there is the Force. The Force is an endless ocean that crashes its unresting waves on all the shores across time and space and eternity, and each life merely an instant of foam on the crest.
One man falls into the Force and tries to keep himself from splintering into foam. He has the knowledge of the Whills behind him, and the clawing desperation of a lifetime. The Force takes, it takes his brother’s betrayal like a red-hot blade between his ribs, the scouring, lonely years in the desert, the candlelight flicker of hope in the war that had no end. The Force takes it all, and leaves the man, clinging, desperate. He thinks he can swim the currents, stay the tide, but the ocean drags him under, into the deep undertow. It draws him in, inexorable, and when it has taken enough, brined the years and sun-bleached distances from his bones, it spits him out like all the beached whales and floating debris on a strange shore.
He stumbles, unsteady, and, with a final crash, he wakes.
Obi-Wan Kenobi is born crying.
This is not unusual, but after his first gulps of air, after being cleaned and swaddled and rocked, he continues to wail, thin and reedy, and refuses to stop, except to drink from his mother’s breast and sleep in fits and starts. But his parents, Druma and San-Mai Kenobi, are an older couple who have four other children they’ve raised through sleepless nights and more crying than a Chandrilian tragedy. They are worried, but not overly so. They soothe him with lullabies and gentle rocking, and sometimes a bit of sweet sleep-grass for him to chew on. It’s just a touch of colic, they argue, nothing unusual. He will grow out of it.
He does, eventually, and though he still wakes to his own cries occasionally, he quickly stops as soon as one of his parents comes into the room, staring with wide eyes at Druma’s sleepy face, or San-Mai’s tired smile.
He’s the perfect child, all big eyes and quiet curiosity, and very little fussing. His parents are grateful for a calm child at last, especially because they are busy with the farm and the Shaak herds, and the many things that must be done in a small Stewjoni village around harvest time. Perhaps that is why they don’t notice the way he stares at them sometimes, at his own hands and at the small blue-painted room he shares with his toddler sister Nerva, and the way he reaches out to things with just a bit of hesitation, like he’s reaching for a soap bubble that will disappear once he touches it.
He grows.
In his first two years, Obi-Wan is a quiet, somber child. He plays with his toys quietly, moves his little stuffed nexu toy around with a faraway look on his face, though he doesn’t touch the toy soldiers his older brothers give him. He tolerates the antics of his older siblings with an unending patience, letting them tote him around the house and dress him in their too-large clothes. He doesn’t cry much, even when Ric, his second oldest brother, drops him accidentally and he hits his head on the side of the dining room table. He stares at the blood on his hands like it’s the strangest thing he’s ever seen, and Ric is the one who starts bawling, drawing their parents over like concerned hens. He doesn’t fuss, doesn’t do anything to cause worry, and his parents are grateful. They have four other children to chase after and placate, including a toddler girl who is just learning to run, a pair of preteen twins, and a teenage son who is just starting to assert his independence, and they are happy for a little peace from him.
His parents do worry when he does not speak for his first year, does not babble and coo like the other infants, though he masters crawling and his first wobbly steps with apparent ease.
“There’s nothing wrong with him, physically,” the village pediatrician says, “He’s hit all the growth milestones, and there isn’t any sign of physical or neurological issues. Maybe he just needs a bit more time.”
His mother sighs and frets and smooths his hair as he sits quietly on her lap, but his father shrugs. A quiet boy is not the worst thing in the world, especially not after the first few months of non-stop crying. They know his vocal cords work, at least. And his sister Nerva only started speaking real words at eight months, he reasons, though he does not mention she had chattered endlessly in nonsense syllables since she could make sound.
And perhaps their worries are heard by some higher power, because Obi-Wan speaks the next day, a quiet, “Mama,” just before dinner.
Then, he looks at his father sitting in the next chair over, and tilts his head, and says, “Papa.”
His mother cries, and envelops him in a hug. His father is proud, of course, but there is a niggling sense in the back of his mind, that says this is not how the rest of your children learned to talk. He ignores it, because what does he care of the proper order of things, now that his youngest child is calling him papa?
It’s a cause for celebration in the house, and they spend the evening trying to teach them their names. Nerva, already four and speaking in full if not always grammatically correct sentences, laughs happily as he murmurs quiet syllables to her. Ric and Mari point and name every object they can find and try to get him to repeat the words. Even Owen, deep in his sulky teenage phase, musters up a smile for his cute littlest brother, who says his name with a frown, stumbling over the syllables with adorable frustration.
Obi-Wan wanders.
He starts wandering as soon as his legs are strong enough to hold his weight, with the aimless curiosity of a child, peering into every burrow and hole around their farm. His father, who has grown up in this town and knows the fields and hills as well the back of his own eyelids, sends him out to the pasture with the goose flock and a long switch made of rushes with which to herd them, as he sent all of his children before, and was sent himself as a toddling child. There is nothing in these hills that can hurt him, and the boy should learn some independence. They sent their akk-hound Maruma with him, though. Just in case.
His siblings sometimes catch him sitting on a rock in the hills, swinging his feet into the air and singing little nonsense songs with a marching cadence. Druma hears him once, and he’s reminded of the songs soldiers sing in the capital, ones he’s heard once in his boyhood years, when his father took him to see a military parade of crisply-uniformed militia members singing their way down the cramped streets, feet pounding a rhythm into the cobblestone.
Once, and only once, Obi-Wan wanders off the farm, past the fences and pastures, and into the forests of tall, dark conifers, and does not come back with the geese at dinner time. His parents are frantic, and send word out to the neighbors, who quickly organize into a search party, combing through the trees.
They find him in a field of vetch and clover, face blotched with crying and buried in Maruma’s soft scales. When they ask what happened, he shakes his head and says, “I can’t find him. He’s gone, gone.” And bursts into fresh tears.
They never do figure out who he meant, who was missing. No one in the village has left or died recently, and even the animals have been safe from predators and disease. No travelers in the summer, or visitors from the city. Druma remembers suddenly the old stories, of ghosts and barrows full of ancestors’ bones, and he wonders. But he does not speak these thoughts aloud.
Occasionally, when Obi-Wan stays up late enough to see the dawning stars, his mother notices a shift in his expression, a yearning, bereft look too old for his face, like he is searching for something loved and lost out amidst the black.
San-Mai feels something almost like fear in those moments, because her youngest, her little ember child, seems so far away, seems poised to leap up and join the cold stars in the heavens. Perhaps he belongs out there—far away among the stars and nebulae. Perhaps he is only here on borrowed time, and one day something will tug on the hook already buried in his heart and call him back.
But the next morning, he is in his bed again, sleeping. San-Mai’s heart is still once more, reassured that he is still here, still theirs.
He relearns things he has forgotten.
When he is three, his siblings teach him to fish in the cold mountain streams, how to stomp on the ground to make the worms come to the surface, to bait a hook and to lay on his stomach at the riverbank, holding the fishing line, and to jerk the string back quickly when he feels the faint tremble that indicates a bite. The first time he hooks a fish, everyone cheers even though the wriggling silverfish at the end of his line is only as big as his tiny palm. Owen cleans and cooks the fish over a crackling fire regardless, and Mari, his older sister, blows the crisping skin until he can eat it without burning himself.
His mother teaches him the songs of Stewjon, the lullabies, lays and ballads in the high lilting Stewjoni language that they speak in addition to Galactic Basic, and he mimics her in a wobbly voice, singing of fey creatures in the hills, brave heroes on the mountain slopes, maidens lost and maidens found, and maidens who find themselves. His favorite songs, however, are the ones about the old adventurers coming home, the hero returning after years of toil and war to his ploughshare and his scythe, to sing and rest before the crackling hearth fire, warming his old bones. He listens to those songs, which are not at all popular except in the cold winter months when all people long for warm hearths and friendly voices raised in song, and there is something of heartbreak in his face.
Obi-Wan dreams.
He sometimes wishes he could stay here forever, grow up again tall and weedy in the cradle of the valley of his birth, away from all power and darkness, forgetting all hope and horror. Live a farmer’s life, herding shaak and nauga, singing the joyful mountain songs, worrying only for the next season’s rains and the next year’s harvest.
But that is his wish, not his fate.
Stewjon is an agrarian planet, full of farmers and shaak herders with their mundane problems, solved by the local villagers’ collective experience and rugged determination. They do not, as a rule, receive foreign diplomats or visitors, except perhaps the buyers of nauga wool and local herbs, or an occasional wanderer looking for some peace. So it is with surprise and not a bit of nervousness that the small village cradled in the valley like a hundred other valleys gets word that a Jedi contingent is arriving the next week. It’s only for an Agricorps project, collecting samples from the buckwheat fields, and collecting information on livestock breeding and rainfall and harvest yields.
San-Mai mentions this fact casually to her husband, a bit of village gossip. She does not realize that Obi-Wan is listening, as he always is. She does notice when he drops the bowl of nauga wool he’s combing and looks up at them.
“Jedi?” He says, wide-eyed, “They’re coming here?”
“Yes dear,” Druma says, picking up the bowl and pressing a large, calloused hand over Obi-Wan’s head, ruffling the fine-gold hair. “They are big, strong warriors, like the ones that fight monsters in the songs, you remember?”
Obi-Wan nods, but there is something different in his eyes. It is a look that sets Druma’s nerves on edge with a sudden foreboding. His child looks so far away. Though he’s looking at Druma, he stares also at something beyond his father, beyond the house and the valley, and his gaze is full of longing.
“Are they here to stop a—a monster?” Obi-Wan asks.
“They’re here to help with the fields,” Druma says, “They are scholars too, you see. Wise men and women, who can feel the crops and the animals and tell if they are sick. They are here to make sure that ours are healthy and hale.”
Obi-Wan hums, kicks his feet as they dangle over the countertop where he’s seated.
“Can I go see them?” He asks, quietly.
“Of course,” San-Mai says. The whole village is likely to be out to see the Jedi. It’s not often that such exciting guests arrive. And though it is hard to remember that Obi-Wan is only four, with how serious he seems, it is not unusual for their youngest to grow excited over new things.
But Obi-Wan does not look excited. His face is drawn and thoughtful, and very distant.
Obi-Wan leaves.
The Jedi arrive in town, a tall bear of a Master and his sullen, dark-haired apprentice. They visit the required farms, take the samples they need, all the while trailed by a gaggle of curious village children, brave enough to follow but too shy to approach. Master Jinn smiles indulgently at them, and produces candies from the city from his voluminous sleeves. Padawan du Crion scowls, but when his Master is busy talking to Druma about the rainfalls and Shaak births, he entertains them with a magic trick—juggling rocks without use of his hands, and preens as they gasp and giggle with every little leap of stone and wave of his hand.
Obi-Wan does not laugh, but he smiles, reaches out and—the stones fall, but do not hit the ground. The apprentice gapes, his hands still, and he points at Obi-Wan and says, like an accusation, “You’re Force-sensitive!”
The children scatter, like startled birds, leaving Obi-Wan alone unperturbed.
Master Jinn comes over in two long strides. Druma follows closely behind, and he pales when he sees his youngest son, palms upward, and the stones floating about his head like planets orbiting a star.
“Obi-Wan?” He murmurs, more acceptance than surprise because he has always known, somewhere deep in his marrow where the old stories are rooted, that his child has never been his, has always belonged to another world, another fate. That eventually the day would come to let him go.
From the look on his child’s face, he knows that time has come.
He has four other children, but it is still so hard to give this one up.
“There is no death, there is the Force,” Obi-Wan says, and Qui-Gon freezes, looks down at the child with the old man’s eyes.
“All life and years and distances,” Obi-Wan says, “All stars and sunlight, all will and hope. That is what one must give, and that is what the Force demands. We are not saints, but seekers, Master Jinn.”
Qui-Gon Jinn kneels down before the child. Whatever expression his face might hold is obscured by the curtain of his hair, to all except the boy.
“Where did you learn that?” He says, softly. He remembers the words, has read them in ancient texts of Force-ghosts and spiritual presences, as no more than rumors and references in historical accounts. He thinks he might delve deeper to satisfy his esoteric curiosity, one day, when he has finished training his apprentice and has more time on his hands. He wonders, now, if there is some kernel of truth to those whispers.
“From you,” the boy says, quietly enough that no one else can hear, “From life and from loss.”
Qui-Gon is silent for a long time. He says, “What do you want to do, now?”
Obi-Wan’s lip trembles, and Qui-Gon is reminded suddenly that this is still a child in body, despite what his spirit remembers.
He says, “I want to go home.”
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