teenwolf · 1 year
... is this thing on? 👀
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bericas · 2 years
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I don’t know anything. But you feel something, don’t you?
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imtryingandtired · 8 months
Petopher related, but I just imagine pre relationship the two having their realization of their feelings and simultaneously being like ‘oh fuck’ and having a I won’t say I’m in love moment while the pack are telling them to get it over with already and talk to each other.
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camxloe · 4 months
lol does anyone else ever get annoyed when they’re on Wattpad looking for Derek Hale fanfic, and almost every time you see one he’s with a minor? I get my hopes up every time! I see one that sounds good based on the description, then I read the first chapter and a few sentences in it says the oc is either the twin of Scott or Stiles, or she’s best friends with the duo or Lydia…………….. like I get it, he’s only ( supposed to be) 19 in season one(but his age was always changing 🙄 which is another weird reason to pair him with a high schooler), but they were sophomores then. What in the hell does a 19 yr old want with someone who’s 15? And why do the parents never have an issue!!! Like I get it’s fanfiction, but come on………..
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kvtnisseverdeen · 2 years
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joshdiaz · 1 year
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— clementine von radics
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groveofsouls · 3 months
tag dump seven ft. general charas part two !!
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biastrid · 2 years
teen wolf movie spoilers ahead!!
jeff davis really said:
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Idc what anyone says, if there's no body, there's not death
yes this is even about 89% more accurate if there's a explosion
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lvcygraybaird · 2 years
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– to die by your side, well, the pleasure, the privilege is mine
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msginnymalfoy · 2 years
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"I'll tell you one thing however....
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if there is a nogitsune among you,
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Let The Oni Destroy It.
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Even if it's...
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...your own daughter"
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"Allison.. she's alive! she's back!!"
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prophetofnothing · 9 months
like do you ever think about how kate argent, as rotten and as disgusting of a person as she is, was given a chance moments before her death to save her niece. peter had his claws on her neck and he didnt offer her an opening to grovel for her own life, they both knew he was going to kill her, only a chance to spare allison's. all he wanted was an apology from kate. and a character like kate, who is not only heartless, but actively takes enjoyment in the suffering she inflicts on others, could easily have been too petty to apologise for the pain shes caused. but the last thing she does in the minutes she has left is apologise, not gloat, or laugh. she apologises, ultimately prioritises the life of her niece over her sadism, in a final, singularly unselfish act before peter slashes her throat out.
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i am. still just so glad i got out of teen wolf when the cast started falling apart. like season three was such a shitshow from day one and made me INSANE as it was airing and i just could not continue to watch for season four after they killed off or wrote off essentially half the cast and killed all the found family potential and i will admit!!! that seeing crystal reed herself on a new teen wolf story DID tempt me!!!! i am only human!!!! i am not immune to allison argent!!!! but truly i know myself and i know that the show died a horrible death for me over the course of s3 and there’s a lot of good reasons i stopped watching it and those reasons will sustain me through my decision to not watch this new movie
all that said. @ my loyal six followers. please do not be alarmed if i end up temporarily in a teen wolf revival moment. i am not immune to allison argent and the nostalgia of it all DOES make me want to go back and reread all the old classic pack fics from before davis decided to start killing kids left and right !!! i am not immune to the powerful energy of sterek writers, nor to the call of pack-fics!!!!
#d speaks#teen wolf#god. teen fucking wolf#y’all know that when they killed erica i was mad but was like whatever that’s not a REAL death she can come back. i can ignore it. and then#they massacred my boy(d)…….. and i was in PAIN. but i thought to myself. it’s okay. i need to see what theyre doing. where they are going#and then. then they kicked motherfucking allison argent#and i KNOW! i know okay that it was crystal’s choice to leave!!! and yes i loved kira!!! but!!!!!#i was seventeen okay!!!! and they killed off one of the three MAIN CGARACTERS !!!!! in a stupid little mtv show!!!!!#i was not emotionally or mentally equipped to deal with that!!!! i genuinely MOURNED in the realest way y’all!!!!#my high school friends were concerned because i spent a week in like. a fugue state. like a zombie as if someone i actually knew had died#(yes i was mentally ill in high school and WHAT ABOUT IT?!?)#and at that point the show died for me. i couldn’t handle it#and some of the tw blogs i followed kept watching and going and i sort of peripherally experienced some of the new pack shit but just#could not make myself care for new baby characters when they Massacred My Boys………#so i stepped out!!! cause i was happy for a while there to continue to just exist in that happy part of the fandom that said ‘nah fuck it.’#‘solely post s2 aus here’. that shit was great#but then the more time passed the less fics like that came out and the more the fandom moved on….. onto the NEW plot…… and i Could Not Hang#and so teen wolf in my eyes was laid to rest like all the teenagers of color in the show#and now you come to me paramount plus. years later. when i am an ADULT with a fully developed prefrontal cortex#and you tell me. that allison argent is alive????? that you gave derek hale a child????? no#no you cannot and will not trick me into this. i will not watch it. i pretend i do not see it#however. i MAY end up rereading some of my classic fave fics. reblogging some old art. i am but a mere mortal#hearing tyler posey say ‘allison???’ DID hit me in my stomach. it did. i am weak#tw
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It’s the freaking nogitsune.
He’s back.
And I have a sneaking suspicion he’s using Allison for his “game of chaos, strife, and pain”.
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mikereads · 2 years
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Allison Argent. S3 poster/ Movie trailer.
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everardentarchived · 2 years
tag dump eight ft. more chara tags !!
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