clownsuu · 1 year
Howdy My Beloved
(I’m so down bad for him it’s horrifying)
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LMAOOO mostly mutual howdy love
speaking of howdy iv been seein cowboy/Wild West aus for welcome home and I decided to dip my toes in it a lil while I was hyper KXHDGDH
cw poorly drawn guns and messy sketches
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I was just gunna make Home a sheriff’s buildin’, but I thought it would be cooler if he was a big bad spooki
also howdy’s lil bugdega is both a convenient store and a restaurant/bar (same building, all shopping stuff at the front while the restaurant is in the back) howdy can make a mean beef n cheddar KDHHFH
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djcarnationsblog · 25 days
So like-I made more Mystic Forest Fanart
and again, it's Leosagi
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@amevello-blue / @bluepeachstudios and @wondrous-art I done did another one of these things and I do NOT think this will be the last of them from me-
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gallonwghost · 6 days
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Art development, 2023-2024 (left is from 2024 and right is from 2023)
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1930sdarlin · 5 months
GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS- (@ primarily my twst moots)
I drew Silver with fluffy hair...
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Aka he's just in more of my personal style.
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kurosstuff · 2 years
Soulmate au donna x gardener reader
Notes: reader doesnt even know who their boss/lord is. Never gave a shit, I was debating on making a short series with a similar plot?(so ima leave it to them meeting for the first time?) Like soulmate au, but idk if you all like to read that??? Also I'm sorry this is super fucking late
Also this is short as hell cause idk how to write a proper soulmate au very confusing-so if someone can give some pointers that'd be appreciated?
Warning(s): none? Maybe just Angie being a shit
Donna beneviento x gardener!Reader: soulmates
The letters plastered on your wrist, small inked, almost gently writing on as if they were spoken appeared one day, the talk of turning 18, words, or phrases appeared on the left inner wrist of every person around, excitment crossed you over the first letter.
Then came the confusion.
The words "are you ok?" Was displayed on you, for all to see. Your friend Elena looked over "seems like you really are clumsy" she teased you each time she saw it. Scuffing in response you turned back to your cake. Taking a bite- the flavor exploding in your mouth, a rare opportunity to have such a rare treat in this run down town. Thankfully from knowing The Duke it helped. A gift from him after all.
Moving back to the flower pot infront of you "yeah yeah whatever Elena, what about your "I choked on a salad sorry?" You teased back, elena scuffed pushing you gently,
"It does not say that!"
"Might as well-"
Donna Beneviento a prized and feared lord, someone everyone sought to avoid no matter what, yet again brushed her delicate finger across the words on her wrist. The crude, vulgar words made her sigh. Was her soulmate really this inappropriate? What sought them to say such a thing?
"Ya looking at it again" Angie teased waddling over to the dollmaker "wonder if this is a kink of theirs?" Angie spoke aloud, making the veiled women snap her head where she was. Cackling at her reaction
"Angie! Bad" Donna scolding sending the doll to the corner again- who in response cackled loudly but complied. Not before making another crude joke of course "Angie!"
It's been a while since you begin this new gardening job, don't know who your doing it for but you don't care. The flowers need to be cared for and the way they have been. The original planter obviously loves their plants. The way their always hydrated when you accidentally forget to make a quick visit from the times you have- after all you weren't just whoever the unknown boss was gardener.
You helped out with practically everyone's garden. Sighing you finished up your next door neighbors garden. Looking at the time you rushed up. You were gonna be late- you knew couldn't be late this time. You got a letter asking to make sure you made it. Something about them being busy or whatever you didn't actually read the letter your boss gave you. Just skimmed it and gave it a day before passing out.
Rushing out the gate with your stuff you locked it for the old man who gave a weak wave which you gave back. Running along the trail towards the isolated house from everyone else's you rushed towards the garden. Panting happily once you realized you made it. All you had to do now was take care of them real fast
Kneeling down to the plants. You took care on removing the wilting ones and the weeds first, before replanting new seeds in their place. Then moved on to redoing the soul on the blooming ones. Humming as you took gentle care in them you failed to notice the low cackled behind you, watering the ones farthest then closest next you placed it down-
"Your the gardener?" A shrilly voice scratched behind you. Standing upright hitting the bottom of branch on your head, cursing softly a laugh startled you, looking up a women in all black head to toe stood stiffly in front of you.
Is this Donna Beneviento?
"Are you ok?" Donna spoke, voice hoarse, yet so soft if you werent paying attention you would miss it, opening your mouth you were about to speak until-
"Fuck a doll!" You yelled jumping back, wincing on your rolled ankle,Angie popped up beside the lady, embarrassed from what you said you missed the way Donna froze in realization. But angie did not have the same reaction
Of all things to say and you syaye that- and now the doll thinks its- a kink. That's embarrassing- you could just die, you hopped the Lord wasn't offended. Looking up you saw Lord Beneviento holding a hand where her mouth would be- holding a laugh in.
Scratch that- cliff diving sounds fun right now. And way less embarrassing.
As if sensing your embarrassment. Lord Beneviento sighed, gesturing towards Angie to help you up. Which she promptly did. With surpsing strength for a doll, almost knocked you down again for a third time. Pushing you forward the Lord lead you towards the house. Leaning on Angie a bit for support you wobbled your way after her, thanking the doll as you wobbled.
"Let Donna take care of your ankle. Then you two will talk about what you said" Angie spoke making you sit down.
You gulped nervously. You couldn't help but be nervous on what could possibly be said
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devil-acid · 1 year
Ty anon, im aroace so I dont need bitches B)
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lilacwriter07 · 8 months
I am in the fandom and fanfiction since 2008 ( I had 9 accounts mostly out of spite) does it make me a granny in the fanfiction?
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ciryze · 2 years
Small personal rambling:
I love that the day before I update any FF on ao3, the hit-counter kinda goes "Oh shit there's gonna be a new one tomorrow!" and just casually leaps up.
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applestruda · 5 months
do you have a sona ref sheet or anything? what i’ve seen of it is cool and i love seeing people’s full designs
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tbh this is the only thing i got of my sona, i dont draw her too much
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this is my skin tho (i tried my best but ive never made a skin before,, also the flowercrown was done by @/thatcoyperson bc he made me a skin and i used it as a base to make this one)
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cosmicwhoreo · 5 months
I love you and your art!!
And if you don’t mind can you explain Gold Choco’s lil eye thing? Looks neat.
bokay why not-
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Gold's monocle serves a couple functions, acting more like a monitor screwed into Gold's face than just a regular eye. He mostly uses it to take notes, discreetly research random things and (his personal favorite) hack into cameras around Earthbread and be a little nosey nancy. He doesn't need it to have control over his extra limbs or workshop, but it is vital for him to always be watching and always be listening. which is why he hates going without it, he HATES the idea of not knowing everything.
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His "tell" on what emotions are more genuine than others is if the monocle is sparking or not. He also can't actually blink with that "eye", even if it makes it seem like a cheeky wink or whatever, it's always perceiving. (unless of course he's going through to many thoughts, then it becomes staticky and fuzzy-)
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sad-leon · 7 months
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Something about a big leo hugging a little leo in the mindscape just hits different
this time flavored with @remedyturtles's Death Wish boys!
i care about them so much lakdjfalsdjflskd if i had the spoons, there would be a second animatic made already, but alas, school >:(
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clownsuu · 1 year
I think my ask on the other blog got eaten by tumblr so I'm just re-ask it here. Can we get more lore on Douglas, Jack, Fytó, and Mayor Ignis?
O shid??
*proceeds to break all my bones*
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So they are all part of this lil item head world iv created where depending on what kind of head you have will determine your status in their society. Like Jack the poker chip owns a family passed down casino, Douglas has a cash register-ppphhhhone thing-????, Fytó is a pitcher that uses his head as a vase, and Mayor Ignis is a chandelier.
Ignis is, to put it lightly, a horrible father and Mayor. He hasn’t stepped into his office for years besides to do his mandatory speeches and conferences. Instead, he spends majority of his time at the casino livin’ it up and getting absolutely wasted. His son (Phoenix) is heavily disappointed in his father and refuses to associate with him, living with his mother in a different city.
Also not only did Ignis basically abandoned his family and job, he has also given finance and power to the CEO of the country’s most used and morally corrupt banker.
Nobody really knows of Douglas’s origins- the bank has existed far before the birth of Ignis and mysteriously has been seen as the most intimidating and powerful bank out there. He has destroyed countless of businesses and ruined lives of millions for his own profit. He’s a disgusting man. Anyone who even utters anything about having money is said to be cursed by a mail the next day saying they owe millions to the bank even if they only have pennies. Douglas is cruel, and thrives watching people suffer and beg underneath his foot as he laughs maniacally. One of those people being Jack.
Jack is a skilled player in the ages of poker and gambling in general. He knows when to quit, and he knows when to move forward. He’s a really smart man who cherished and loved his family’s casino with all of his heart to a point he is willing to make sacrifices to keep the place afloat. However one year he has been fed up with the threats the bank has been making to their casino and has decided to fight it. Douglas has told them that he could be completely free from the threats and money issues as long as he could defeat Douglas in a single game. At first Jack thought that would be a easy win due to his skills and knowledge, however after losing aggressively to a cheated hand, they were forced to give ownership to Douglas.
In the poorer side of town, there is a little flower shop just barely outside of the bustling streets. Another family owned business of kettles, pitchers and tiny little tea cups. However due to their heads not being wealthy enough and not having enough history, they have no choice but to replace the meaning of their heads from drinks to flower pots. Fytó, the eldest brother of all of his 6 sisters has been keeping the place running with his grandmother after his mother and father went missing after ignoring too many bank statements for years. Fytó has always done his best to take care of his grandmother and little sisters as he does most of the chores and work- it kept him busy from his racing thoughts and fears of being discovered again and taking him away. His remaining family means the world to him and he has no doubt in his mind that his mother and father are either slaving away to make up for the money or were merely killed to be sold. He’s terrified- but his sisters and grandmother as always there to fix him up just when he was about to completely shatter.
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Humans, completely forget I spelt Ignis’s name wrong JDHGDGDGD
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ferrarisbabygirl · 1 month
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ayrton senna and alain prost during pre-season testings of the MP4/3 in jacarepaguá, rio de janeiro - brazil
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popcrackalackin · 2 months
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evil yaoi panel edits
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guys wheres the part in hsbc when dirk and john have an ULTIMATE bloody anime battle whilst also PASSIONATELY and HATEFULLY making out mid fight and then after they lick the blood off each other!!!!
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jessenitrogen · 3 months
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the bride and the ugly ass groom
(designs by @spiritshaydra I've been wanting to draw something megasound and thought this meme fit them perfectly and even more perfect was they made mlp designs for the two THE STARS ALIGNED)
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amnesia was her name. she had beautiful eyes.
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