#and yes I did use Taylor Swift to fill in the blank space
djcarnationsblog · 4 months
So like-I made more Mystic Forest Fanart
and again, it's Leosagi
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@amevello-blue / @bluepeachstudios and @wondrous-art I done did another one of these things and I do NOT think this will be the last of them from me-
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castielsprostate · 1 year
WAIT WAIT WAIT.!!!! so edward bakes cakes and treats for garth right??? do you think garth makes edward like, blood pudding or something?????????????????? like in a heartshape????????/
OH MY GOD YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!! do. do you think it's.. it's his own blood? like he just. hes a dentist, he has tools. i can probably draw blood, right? what if he made it with his own blood 🥺🥺🥺
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my immediate thought is the concept of the taylor swift blank space cake!!!!! but he fills it with his own blood pudding🥺🥺🥺
And the thing is, Garth loved to bake and cook. He was very specific and particular in the ingredients he used, he had often spent hours researching what the best sorts of flour were for different types of bread, cakes and cookies or what different types of sugar do. When his college girlfriend, Bess, had gone through his laptop's internet search history she was fully prepared to find porn- not cooking websites.
Each site was a different recipe, ranging from simple toast dishes to salmon wellingtons and blueberry lemon key pies, mentioning spices she'd never even heard of and cooking utensils she'd never even seen. Bess had known Garth could cook, experienced it herself even, but this, this was beyond her imagination- especially considering the 74 tabs of recipes open in his browser.
(read more because this got. LONG)
So yes, Garth loved to cook- and bake. It was his main love language, even, one which he practiced with such care and consideration he'd often tune recipes to those he was cooking for. Like Bess' favourite pasta dish, a light lemon chicken with a hefty white alfredo sauce and spinach, he'd make for her birthday or Dean's favourite pie, crumbly and juicy apple with a hint of honey and vanilla, he'd always give as a thank you.
But those were all humans, well, mostly humans. Even after Bess had turned, she could never turn down her favourite pasta prepared exactly to her tastes. So rather, he had never made anything for anyone non-human that he hadn't known before- though Benny had eaten a piece of the cherry blossom pie that one time- he'd also been quick to expel it again.
But in walked Edward. All shrouded in mystery and . So Garth needed a peculiar dish for a very, very peculiar man. A superfluous challenge but man, did Garth love a challenge.
He plucked a few books he thought could prove useful from the modest shelf in his living room. Most of them were copies of Bobby's, hand bound on weekends he could squeeze it in during his dental program. Two of the books he grabbed had come from Carlisle Cullen, one of Garth's attendants during his residency rotations.
He waddled his way back into the kitchen, dropping the books onto the small island counters. Garth had some basic knowledge on vampires, for one that they could eat human food, but they'd have to expel it, mostly willingly as Benny had said. Other than that, he had come up empty.
He started to flip pages, indexing to the 'vampire' chapters. Much was the same, basic anatomical facts, how to kill a vamp, the weaknesses and strengths, but nothing useful. Sure, there were paragraphs filled with how a vampire feeds and drains- not nothing about how a vampire eats.
What started as a simple research sesh, had quickly turned into hours of dead ends and loose threads. Garth groaned, a headache blooming at his edges. He needed help. He needed someone with a greater arsenal of lore anyone's ever known and knew exactly where to find it in and instant. Someone that would leave no stone unturned and no leaf thoroughly examined- and he knew exactly who to call.
With a sigh hanging at the tip of his tongue he pressed the number saved under '🩸📚🤪🔪🫎', impatiently waiting as the ringing filled his kitchen, tapping his fingers on the wooden table.
It took three full rings before,
"Hey, Garth- why are you calling at... eleven AM?" the man that answered on the other side sounded a little far away, both physically and mentally, the sound of something Garth couldn't immediately make out was ringing in the background.
"Hiya Sam!" Garth chirped, despite his earlier annoyance it felt good to hear Sam's voice again, it'd been too long, really, "I was researching, er, something but I couldn't find anything conclusive,"
"Uhm, give me a moment-" Garth couldn't really make out the rest from what Sam was saying, the only bits being 'I told you to not-' also 'no, Dean-" and "he set the kitchen- fire-". Most of it was unintelligible, but he could fill in the blanks easily enough.
Garth skimmed some more of the pages he'd pulled out as the grumbling on the other side continued
"Okay, what do you need exactly?" the background noise had mostly faded, replaced by the occasional soft footstep of what Garth assumed to be Sam's.
"I'm-" Garth paused. He hadn't actually thought this far ahead, he hadn't even really thought this through at all when the realisation of what he was doing hit.
He was calling Sam Winchester, a fellow hunter not known for his kindness towards monsters and a disturbingly impressive kill count, on what a vampire would be able to eat.
Love made blind, or something like that.
"Garth?" Sam's voice boomed, "are you still there?"
Another beat of silence before a meek "yes," sounded with an added, "I'm just- figuring out how to word this without it sounding, hm, weird?"
"Hit me, I've heard worse,"
"Alright," Garth sighed, quickly tacking on, "what do you know about vampires and eating human food?"
Garth had predicted a silence, a long, achingly pressing beat of silence to befall upon them as Sam Winchester would study his words and grind them to a pulp in his head trying to make any sort of sense out of it.
He hadn't predicted the immediate hostility of, "Garth-" there was fight laced in Sam's tone, a cold lilt edging along.
"Sam, I- please? He's- he's a good one, and you know I can handle myself," Garth was rambling, his arms flailing, "and truthfully, I was skeptical at first as well but-" Garth hesitated, his heart pounding in his throat as the other side was deathly silent, "it's just a thank you, Sam,"
It was silent for a second too long, Garth felt his neck heating, his cheeks burning before a loud and loaded sigh rung through the air.
"Right, so," Sam grumbled, the slices of pages turning filling the dead air, "it says here- hold on-" a rattle and a fuss later, the man sighed, "right, vampires can usually hold their food, it gets rejected later, blah blah, hm- alright, it says here that 'if it's interlaced with blood the vamp will be able to hold it down and process it like regular blood'- there's nothing else except a few doodles of vampires eating,"
Garth nodded absentmindedly, knowing full well Sam wasn't able to see him, as he mulled over the words.
"So, I just- add blood? How much of it?"
Sam huffed a laugh, "This isn't a cookbook, man, I don't have measurements for you,"
"Okie dokie," Garth rubbed his temples between his thumb and index fingers, "well, thank you, Sam, I think I can actually get somewhere now,"
"Call us if- you know, just call us, yeah?"
"I will, tomorrow," Garth quickly added, "don't breathe a word of this to Dean,"
Sam was slow to agree, but did so in the end, something Garth was incredibly grateful for. He didn't need Dean to pester him about this or worse- show up and 'handle it' himself.
They gave their farewells, with a promise on Garth's end to call to say he was either alive or a cry for help, and a promise for Sam to keep quiet to his brother.
Garth allowed himself a moment of silence, staring at the books and papers in front of him before scooting his chair back and scavenging his home for whatever he had. He had needles around somewhere to practice injecting anesthetic to his dental patients, and he should have some sort of a tube to connect to it.
He grabbed some other things during his hunt, some bandages and a few vials, alcohol. The basics. His heart thumped in his throat as he put everything down on the counter, ranked from first to last needed.
He was doing this. Actually, really doing this. Garth gingerly grabbed the needle, denying himself the second thoughts niggling at the back of his mind, hissing as he slid it under his skin and into his brachial artery.
He drew three vials, filled to the brim with his blood.
He took a deep breath, setting them down next to the flour and sugar, and went to work. Carefully writing each step of the 'recipe' he winged down, next to every precisely weighed ingredient and where to acquire it.
His night went on with adrenaline buzzing in his veins.
Garth let out a grunt, wiping his forehead with a satisfied smirk lining the quirks of his mouth. The kitchen was surprisingly spotless- cleaning up along the way really was one of his most prized skills.
The sweet he baked sat proudly on the counter as he snapped a quick picture to send in the groupchat, and one for his baking Instagram, and one to print out for his booklet of personalised recipes he'd collected over the years.
With a sigh he began to clean the last out of place pans, carefully placing the cake in the refrigerator and wiping down the counters one last time before retreating upstairs.
It was morning, Garth thought it was at least, meaning he powered through the night without a second thought, and Edward wouldn't be over for another solid few hours.
So he took a nap, a well deserved and very much needed nap.
"I made you something," Garth fidgeted with the hem of his sleeve, "I researched a bit, even called someone with more knowledge about it,"
Edward eyed the man in front of him, how his jumper had a spot of white dust clinging to it, how his hair was slightly disheveled and unruly and how the rims around his fingernails were puffy and pink. He looked homely, utterly exhausted, but oh so sweet- like a drop of fresh honeydew, intoxicatingly addictive.
"It's," Garth gestured towards the small kitchen table, just below the south baywindow. He'd gotten some fresh flowers from his garden after his nap, lavenders- Edward's favourite- and even replaced the runner with a lilac floral trim white one, matching the colours of the vase, "not much, really, but I wanted to, well,"
A simple white cake sat atop a cutting board, heart shaped with perfectly imperfect piping lining the top and bottom edges. A black hilted knife laid next to it, glinting under the LED light kitchen light.
Garth pulled the hem of his jumper, the details that felt out of place sticking out like a sore thumb.
But Edward didn't seem to care about the creased table cloth, or the skewed chairs- his gaze was steadfast on the man in front of him, making Garth squirm.
"Go ahead,"
Edward took it as permission, almost, and grabbed the knife, raising it slowly, then down all at once, Garth's reflection getting caught as the knife plunged deep into the cake. You couldn't see it immediately, but you'd know- the scent of iron penetrating your very being as the thick, dark liquid oozed out little by little.
Garth really regretted putting down a white runner now.
"Is it- I didn't know where to get blood on short notice," Garth bit back his embarrassment, barely, as he replayed the events of the night before. Researching, calling Sam of all people, drawing his own blood like a sacrament. Was he losing it, he wondered, ghosting his fingers over his arm.
Edward's expression was unreadable, his eyes trailing the drips of blood. Garth bobbed on the balls of his feet, his fingernails softly digging into jis flesh as he carefully watched the vampire's every little twitch and stir. The crease on Edward's forehead smoothed over ever so slightly, barely a hint of it happening if it wasn't for the few millimetres his eyebrow dropped.
"Thank you," Edward said, the quirk of his mouth ticking up, "you don't comprehend what you just gave me,"
And that's when Garth Fitzgerald IV, a shoddy half edged werewolf, knew that he would give anything for and to Edward Cullen, a bloodthirsty, ice cold vampire. His home, his blood- his own heart freshly carved out of his brittle chest by his own hands and serve it on a platter.
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justice4harwin · 3 years
Darklina prompt
Inspired by Taylor Swift’s Champagne problems
A/N: TBH, I’m not sure this is the actual assigment, but the lines of the song that I choose are just too lovely for me and I could’t help it. It wrote itself, i swear
I don’t know if this is what you had in mind @mayatried but I hope you like it :)
Set during S&B
“Your Midas touch on the Chevy door
November flush and your flannel cure”
Alina treaded carefully through the dark. Night seemed to be abandoning its deepest cycle, but there was yet time before the sun arose. Everyone at the Little Palace slept, even Baghra in her hut -she suspected the woman slept, at least-, and Alina had begun to take advantage of such lonely hours to practice.
She walked around first, rounding part of the lake before taking a turn into a maze.
She liked the place. The polished bushes bloomed with flowers of various colors carefully planted within by the gardeners, and there were stone benches here and there.
A part of her wanted to get lost in there and never be found.
She shuddered and rubbed her arms, wishing she had taken a thicker kefta with her instead of the one currently upon her more rounded figure.
It was still strange, looking in the mirror and no longer seeing the bones of the ribs through the soft skin, or seeing her cheekbones softer and pink and full.
Her hands went up. She liked her new cheekbones. She felt pretty.
Deep into the maze, she shook her head to rid it of such frivolous thoughts and took a firm stand.
She closed her eyes and called the power inside of her. She had been able to summon after letting it all go at Baghras hut, but her progress was slow.
She supposed once couldn't heal a lifetime wound in a few weeks, but everyone had their eyes on her now, so maybe she'd have to suck it up.
A small bulb of light appeared in her hand, taking the shape of a sphere. She smiled softly, feeling its warmth.
Gently, she disentangled a hand and created another sphere of light.
Doing her best to ignore the cold and the sleepiness, she willed the spheres to stretch and join.
Trembling, they did.
It's a start.
She then forced them to unify into one long stick of light, flexible like a whip, and then she stretched her arms, elongating the light.
Next, she tried to grab a solid hold of the light with one hand and let the other drop.
To her surprise, it didn't burn her; it just filled her with a sense of power and surety.
Hesitant, lifted her arm, the light going with her, and slashed.
The flowers  on a big stone vase banished as if they had never existed, yet the stone remained practically untouched; a black, long spot its only scar.
She jumped, turning to see The Darkling stepping forward, that blank expression on his face making it hard for her to believe him.
"I thought it wasn't enough." She said, remembering his words.
"It's not." He said, matter-of-factly, and Alina felt a small sting on her chest. "But you managed to get a solid, physical hold of your power already, however short lived it was, and that was impressive. It should have taken you more time."
She felt herself blushing under his praise.
"How did you find me?"
He remained silent for a moment or two, calculating probably as he always seemed to do. She couldn't really distinguish his features that well in the dark.
"Sometimes I like to sit at the edge of the lake to think. I find the still water most calming."
"You have a lot on your plate, don't you?" She asked, genuinely concerned.
He seemed to have huffed a laugh.
"You don't have to worry about me. Your only job is to strengthen your power."
"But I do!" She hurried to say,cheeks red. "I-I mean, I worry about you."
She looked down, and barely felt him approach as his boots stepped on the grass.
"You do?" She wasn't sure what to make of his tone, but Alina felt the need to reach out and take his hand.
Instead, she took a step forward and summoned her light, delicately running it over his face. He looked perfect, as usual, yet she wondered…
"When was the last time you slept?"
He chuckled, not turning away from her light.
"Do I look tired to you, Summoner?"
"No, but Genya is a miracle worker."
His lips quirked up.
"She is, indeed."
"A pity her talents are wasted on the queen and king." Alina said before she could even think of holding her tongue.
She tensed, but The Darkling nodded slowly, a shadow passing over his face.
"It is. She looks like a candle with her white kefta, but she'd be a walking flame in red."
Alina couldn't hide her surprise. Would he dare to promote her?
The Darkling stretched his arm out.
"But no more talk about that. Come, I shall teach you something."
Learning from The Darkling himself? Alina would never miss the chance. 
She eagerly followed him deeper into the maze, into a spacious area occupied only by grass.
Gracefully, he sat down.
"Next to me."
Much less gracefully, she did as he commanded, trying not to get grass or mud on her kefta. She placed her legs underneath her body and her hands on her lap, more than ready to soak in all the information he had to give.
She looked at his profile and felt her breath caught. Even in the dark, his pale face seemed perfectly clear to her.
She leaned her back against the wall of bushes, wincing only slightly as some small sticks pinched her back.
“Now what?”
“Are you afraid of your powers?” he asked.
“No.” she was too quick to reply.
“Do not lie to me, miss Starkov. I don’t take kindly to deceit.” he spoke calmly, yet she felt a small flicker of fear roll over her body.
“I am.” she muttered, so quietly she herself almost didn’t hear the words. She bit down on her lip and then opened her mouth: “I’m scared to not be enough to destroy The Fold. I feel like I’m not advancing fast enough. I’m also scared of how powerful I could get if I,...if I unleash it, and I’m scared it’ll consume me and I’ll let it.”
And that was only part of it. What if she accidentally hurt someone innocent? What if she failed? Why did people keep watching her in such various ways?
“A power, a gift like ours, is not bestowed upon just anyone. We have it because we were meant to wield it; because we are the only ones strong enough.” he leaned towards her, his expression almost gentle. “You will be magnificent, miss Starkov. I am well aware of what you could accomplish, and if you do get too lost, I’ll be right there to pull you back.”
“Do you promise?” she felt silly asking, like a child, but she needed some reassurance.
Everyone was so expectant of her, of great achievements she was terrified of, that having someone who could understand her and seemed to genuinely believe in her capabilities -without making a fuss or calling her a Saint- sent a tidal wave of reassurance that could’ve dropped her on her ass if she hadn’t been already seated.
“I do.” he replied, his voice filling the entire space they occupied. He leaned back, face blank again. “Now, close your eyes.”
Alina did as he said.
“Deep breaths.”
She slowly took in a big gulp of cold, late-autumn air. She shivered.
“Now,” he said, and his voice sounded right by her ear, his beard brushing against her soft skin and threatening to ruin the whole process. “Feel the light.”
“It’s the middle of the night.”
“It’s inside you, miss Starkov.”
He said nothing, but she felt him tense. “Feel it.”
She reached down, deep within herself for that almost familiar warmth, and smiled softly when it answered her with an enthusiastic twinkle.
“Now, imagine it all over your body, every inch of it, warm and gold.”
That twinkle in her chest seemed to have steadied, and with the utmost focus, Alina began to picture it covering her chest, travelling down her arms and legs, all the way to the tips of her toes. 
She shivered again, the sudden change in temperature taking her body by surprise.
She opened her eyes and looked down, and found a faint glow on her hands. She felt the currents of wind but they didn’t affect her. She was as warm as if she were well sunked in a hot bath.
She looked up at The Darkling, who almost smirked; she was sure of it!
“Well, now I know I won’t freeze to death on the mountains.”
“You plan on going to the mountains?” he asked, almost amused.
She flushed.
“N-no, it was,...um, it was a joke.”
He chuckled silently, and Alina tilted her head as he shifted in his place.
“You’re cold.”
“I am perfectly fine;  thank you, Alina.” he answered, the perfect liar.
The use of her name made her falter, and after a second it made her feel more secure, however odd that may sound. She scooted closer to him and again, bought her hand up to his cheek. It was cold.
The Darkling almost seemed startled for a moment, but then, when Alina thought he might push her away, he slowly lifted his arm, bringing her to his side.
She looked up at the stars shining down on them, at the full moon, so beautiful and unreachable, just, or so she thought, as the man next to her.
“Can you feel the warmth too?” she asked softly.
A moment passed and she felt his lips ghost over her hair.
“I can feel you, Alina.”
She couldn’t help but smile and cuddle even closer, daring to press her front to his side and take a hold of his dark cloak.
Slowly, he placed his chin atop of her head.
Alina didn’t move, enjoying the moment. Cheeks red as they could be and her heart beating faster than a rabbit’s. She just enjoyed the silent environment, the quiet rustle of leaves and the voices of night.
Cuddling with the most powerful, dangerous man in all of Ravka, Alina felt the pressure set upon her shoulders since she arrived at the Little Palace fade away, like it didn’t matter. Yes, it was a tough task; but just like with anything that proved difficult, she’d advance little by little.
She dared to wrap an arm around his midsection, his own free arm engulfing her as well as he muttered something.
His breathing had slowed and steadied, his heart beat strong inside its cavity.
Carefully, she lifted her eyes as best she could without moving him, and realized he had fallen asleep.
With a contented sigh, she buried her face into his chest and closed her own eyes.
Somehow, the feel of his cloak around her, his frame against her, and her dim light keeping them warm felt far more comfortable than the luxurious bed all but forgotten in her bedroom.
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cotncandyboifics · 3 years
1989 [High School AU]: Chapter 1
AO3 Link
Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 5 ~ Chapter 6 ~ Chapter 7 ~ Chapter 8 ~ Chapter 9 ~
Pairings: slight Logince, eventual Prinxiety & Logicality
Word count: 1,780
Story summary: Roman Prince is your stereotypical Jock, with everyone swooning after him. Every day a crowd of people follow him around, only to disperse at his personal whim. In reality, he's lucky to have such good acting skills that help him cover up the disdain he has for his life. He only wishes he could use his skills properly.
Patton Whitelock's always there to lend a helping hand, no matter who you are. If you need a favor or just need someone to talk to, go to him. In reality, he's been taught from a young age that kindness should be held above all else. No one suspects that he took it the wrong way.
Logan Montgomery is the smartest boy in the Senior class. He's stern, and most people are too intimidated to speak to him. In reality, he despises most all of his fellow students. He sticks to his studies and doesn't stray, for fear of being stuck in his father's shadow his whole life.
Virgil Black is the most emo kid in school, let alone 12th grade; everyone knows to leave him be. In reality, he's very fortunate. He has two parents who love him dearly. But everything beyond his life, everything within his mind, is utter chaos and turmoil.
what will happen when they're assigned a biology project together?
General CW: food, swearing, implied s-lf h-rm, non-graphic descriptions of s-lf h-rm scars, graphic and non-graphic descriptions of anxiety attacks and panic attacks, drug abuse, minor character intoxicated on heroin, non-graphic drug overdose description, sickness/description of sickness, blood, non-graphic descriptions of needles, (will be added to as I write more)
Chapter CW: <none> (let me know if i missed anything please!)
Author notes: hook chapter go brr
Nice to meet you, where you been?
I can show you incredible things
Magic, madness, heaven, sin
Saw you there, and I thought
"Oh my god, look at that face
You look like my next mistake"
Love's a game, wanna play?
Roman checked his watch discreetly as he walked down the hall toward his first class. 7:58. He was almost late, but not quite. As he walked in, earning a glare from Mr. Berry and a few students, he glanced at the whiteboard. It read: "Tuesday, September 3 / Classwork: OT essay workday / Homework: OT Analysis and Essay due FRIDAY". The word "Friday" was written sloppily large and underlined. Roman just kept his sleepy poker face and walked to his desk, in the second-to-last row in the middle. He'd not noticed the shrunken figure at the desk next to him, whom everyone knew but no one liked. Virgil Black.
New money, suit and tie
I can read you like a magazine
Ain't it funny, rumors fly
And I know you've heard about me
So hey, let's be friends
I'm dying to see, how this one ends
Grab your passport, and my hand
I can make the bad guys good for a weekend.
Virgil shoved his hands in his hoodie pockets as he glared in Roman's general direction from behind bright purple bangs. His scowl deepened as Roman pulled out his notebook but didn't take his single earbud out, proceeding to doodle on the margins of his notebook.
Roman propped his head up on his right palm, tilting his head carelessly as he drew stars around a stick man's head. By this time, the plump red-faced man known as Mr. Berry, teacher of English 12, had taken his respected place at the front of the class for a quick lecture before they began classwork.
So it's gonna be forever,
Or it's gonna go down in flames
You can tell me when it's over,
If the high was worth the pain
Got a long list of ex-lovers,
They'll tell you I'm insane
'Cus you know I love the players,
And you love the game
"Good morning students," He said in a blubbering gritty voice, the sagging skin below his chin bouncing comically as he did so. "I trust you completed reading the rest of the book. Now, as I'm sure you've noticed, the Analysis and quotes along with your essay's final draft are due - both printed - on Friday. If you turn it in on Monday, it'll drop two letter grades, and any time after that is a zero. I should hope this first assignment will get you in the punctual mindset for my class." The large man was walking about the room, between desks checking for cheating or kids working ahead. He was strict, and didn't tolerate out-of-line behavior. As he completed his sentence, his eyes fell on Roman, who was still slouched apathetically, doodling, earbud in. The students watching Mr. Berry saw his face somehow achieve a deeper hue of red and his eyes bulge, as a bull does when it spots it's target. Roman however, didn't notice; a pale-faced Virgil tried to get his attention without the teacher noticing.
'Cus we're young and we're reckless,
We'll take this way too far
It'll leave you breathless,
Or with a nasty scar
Got a long list of ex-lovers,
They'll tell you I'm insane
But I've got a blank space baby...
And I'll write your name.
"Psst. Roman." he hissed in vain. Roman's earbud was in his right ear, the same side Virgil was sitting on, so quiet noises from that direction were inaudible to him. Despite the class's uneasiness as Mr. Berry made his way to Roman's seat, and though Roman was fully aware of the fat fuming man advancing on him, he made no change in expression or focus; merely, filled in the dark half of the yin yang he had sketched next to his name as he lightly mouthed the words of the song.
Mr. Berry stopped right in front of Roman's desk, looking down at him furiously. When Roman ignored him, he took further action. Just as Roman had completed the yin yang, a fat red hand came down loudly on his desk and a sudden "MR. PRINCE!!" Erupted from the old man's gullet.
Cherry lips, crystal skies
I can show you incredible things
Stolen kisses, pretty lies
You're the king baby I'm your queen
Find out what you want,
Be that girl for a month
Wait, the worst is yet to come... oh no.
Roman looked up at him slowly, but no trace of fear could be found on his face. Even, a slight smirk hinting at the corners of his mouth. But, not enough for the old man to notice.
"What sort of media is emitting from those... earphones?" Mr. Berry said, bug-eyed.
Roman held up the earbud that wasn't in his ear, looking at it. "You mean these?" He said.
Mr. Berry simply sighed and rolled his eyes frustratedly. "Yes, 'in those', Mr. Prince. You'd better have an adequate response."
Screaming, crying, perfect storms
I can make all the tables turn
Rose garden filled with thorns
Keep you second guessing, like
"Oh my god, who is she?"
I get drunk on jealousy
But you'll come back each time you leave
'Cus darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream.
Roman held the old man's gaze, as if searching for something within his grey-brown orbs. After a moment, he sighed quietly and said, "Taylor Swift."
His response earned a few snickers from other students, to which Mr. Berry scanned the room to see if he could bust two students in one go.
Most of the students thought he looked like Napoleon from the 1954 animated movie based on Animal Farm, a fair comparison. His balding head and fat body gave him an appearance that was quite comparable to a pig.
After a moment of glaring at a few of the known renegades of the class, he returned his focus to Roman. But, this time, he didn't appear as angry; rather, he was smiling gently, but his eyes still held an angry glow. "Since you see no point in listening to my lecture, I'm sure you wouldn't mind showing the class a sufficient outline for your first draft essay? Along with the requirements, of course," the senile man's smirk curled up into a grin as he spoke, tilting his head a bit. Roman merely smirked himself, and stood.
So it's gonna be forever,
Or it's gonna go down in flames
You can tell me when it's over,
If the high was worth the pain
Got a long list of ex-lovers,
They'll tell you I'm insane
'Cus you know I love the players,
And you love the game
Mr. Berry watched in moderate surprise as Roman walked swiftly past the rows of desks to the whiteboard, uncapped an expo marker, and began writing in neatly printed lettering. "Ok, so the final draft is due on Friday," He began, "So you should have your first draft completed by tonight. The essay must have at least five body paragraphs, a minimum of two quotes each-" Virgil watched, shocked, gripping his pencil so that his knuckles paled. "So I hope you've picked out your quotes already. The thesis needs to answer the prompt, obviously. Conclusion should be at least five sentences. So overall, about two or three pages. I'd recommend using this class time to create an outline in your notebook, and typing up a first draft. Have your second draft done tomorrow, and final details on Thursday. And because Mr. Berry is too... behind the times to use Google Classroom, you'll need to print it out and hand it in physically. I'm sure Mr. Berry isn't partial to the trees we're killing, so if you're in Environmental club, I'd not bother complaining." And with this final sentence, Roman touched up his writing on the board and walked back to his seat, never taking out his earbud.
'Cus we're young and we're reckless,
We'll take this way too far
It'll leave you breathless,
Or with a nasty scar
Got a long list of ex-lovers,
They'll tell you I'm insane
But I got a blank space baby...
And I'll write your name.
Mr. Berry was still standing over Roman's desk, now staring down at him with large eyes. He opened his mouth slightly to say something, but was interrupted by another student asking a question. From then on, Mr. Berry ignored Roman, which was an easy feat, as Roman did the same.
After a little over half an hour, the bell rang, and Roman slung his backpack over his shoulder and walked out. Mr. Berry considered asking him why he'd only doodled for the entirety of the class period and not worked on his essay, but his pride got the best of him, and he watched as the young man walked out of the room confidently.
Virgil had slipped out before Roman, and was now pretending to exchange things in his locker, which was unfortunately right next to Roman's. The tall jock walked up to his own locker, earning a scowl from the darker boy.
"What? Enjoy the show I put on in Mr. Diabetes' class?" Roman said, leaning against the lockers as Virgil shut his own. The dark boy just grunted and walked off, feeling Roman's eyes watching as he turned a corner. Roman smirked for the hundredth time that morning when he was gone and turned to open his own locker. When a few girls from the cheer team started to linger, flipping their hair and puffing out their chests, and Roman actively ignored them until he walked past close enough that a few of them let out squeals. He heard the usual murmurs from behind him, "he's so hot," and "I'd kill to be his date to Homecoming." He smirked to himself again, making his way to his Physics class.
Virgil spotted is best friend Patton in his usual seat as he walked into his second period Economics class. The boy smiled at Virgil up on seeing him, and waved happily.
"Hello Virgil!! how are you feeling this morning?" He said cheerily as Virgil took the seat next to him, sliding his backpack under the desk.
"Alright I guess." He thought about telling Patton about Roman, but thought better of it; Patton had enough on his plate to worry about as it was.
As for Patton, he had already taken to pulling out his notebook, preparing for a long class of note-taking. Economics was one of the most note-heavy classes either of the boys had, and usually required all their focus. As the teacher stood from his desk and turned on his projector, Virgil could've sworn he saw Patton staring at someone, but as soon as he looked, Patton focused on the teacher, readying his pencil. But, Virgil being the parano- vigilant person he was, followed what he thought was Patton's line of sight to... Logan Montgomery? What? Upon realizing who he had thought Patton was looking at, he brushed it off. There's no way Patton would be looking at him. is there?
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Big Time Rush X Singer! Female! Reader - Vocal Covers - Part 1 - * Not A Request *
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Disney/Cartoon Network/Nickelodeon Oneshots And Imagines
Nickelodeon X Reader
Big Time Rush X Reader
Entire Band X Singer! Female! Reader - Vocal Covers - Part 1 - * Not A Request *
Author's Note:
I don't own the series Big Time Rush hosted by Nickelodeon nor do I own any of the boys from the band BTR ( Wish I did though ;) ), I only own my creative writing skills.
Please enjoy this oneshot~!
Normal POV:
Logan, James, Kendall and Carlos walked into Rocque Records as they were called in by Kelly for vocal rehearsals. Kendall and James entered first through the doors and took a glance at the posters that were old and new.
" I still can't believe we finally have our own poster! " Carlos exclaimed excitedly.
" Yeah I know, maybe he should finally get rid of these older ones that have been dead to the music world for years, like Boys City for example. " James stated.
" And Boys In The-...Who's she? " Kendall asked glancing over to the direction of a powerful beautiful singing voice coming from the recording room. The boys then shot over quickly to the recording booth to see a beautiful dark haired beauty singing Blank Space by Taylor Swift.
So it's gonna be forever
Or it's gonna go down in flames
You can tell me when it's over
If the high was worth the pain
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
'Cause you know I love the players
And you love the game
The boys stared at the unknown female singer with mouths agape, completely dumbfounded as to who she is and why she was there.
'Cause we're young and we're reckless
We'll take this way too far
It'll leave you breathless
Or with a nasty scar
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
But I've got a blank space baby
And I'll write your name
Cherry lips, crystal skies
I could show you incredible things
Stolen kisses, pretty lies
You're the king baby I'm your Queen
Find out what you want
Be that girl for a month
Wait the worst is yet to come, oh no
Screaming, crying, perfect storm
I can make all the tables turn
Rose gardens filled with thorns
Keep you second guessing like
"Oh my God, who is she?"
I get drunk on jealousy
But you'll come back each time you leave
'Cause darling I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream
So it's gonna be forever
Or it's gonna go down in flames
You can tell me when it's over
If the high was worth the pain
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
'Cause you know I love the players
And you love the game
'Cause we're young and we're reckless
We'll take this way too far
It'll leave you breathless
Or with a nasty scar
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane (Insane)
But I've got a blank space baby
And I'll write your name
Boys only want love if it's torture
Don't say I didn't say I didn't warn ya
Boys only want love if it's torture
Don't say I didn't say I didn't warn ya
So it's gonna be forever
Or it's gonna go down in flames
You can tell me when it's over
If the high was worth the pain
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
'Cause you know I love the players
And you love the game
'Cause we're young and we're reckless
We'll take this way too far
It'll leave you breathless
Or with a nasty scar
Got a long list of ex-lovers
They'll tell you I'm insane
But I've got a blank space baby
And I'll write your name
Gustavo and Kelly clapped for her as she finished her last verse of the song, she then took her headphones off of her head and placed them on the microphone stand.
" That. Was. Brilliant ( Y/N___ )! You were amazing in there. " Gustavo said to her.
" Yeah, that's some talented pipes you have ( Y/N___ ). " Kelly added on.
" Gee thanks guys. Is there any more rehearsing and recording that I need to do for you two? " She asked them.
" No not at the moment ( Y/N___ ) but later we will do some more cover songs and experiment with some of BTR's songs and go from there. For now, take a lunch break. " Gustavo replied.
" Okie dokie then. Oh hey, is that them over there? " She asked. Gustavo turned around and gave them a look as in ' Get out now! '.
" Yes that is them but they'll be right back. Kelly, keep her here! " Gustavo turned back around to the female singer and smiled politely and then quickly raced them out of the recording booth. Kelly nodded and smiled as well.
In the hallway:
" Gustavo, what is going on and who is the new hot chick in the booth? " Kendall asked Gustavo.
" Yeah and why is she going to sing OUR songs? Is this Kat Krew all over again? " Carlos asked Gustavo as well.
" No Carlos this isn't Katz Krew all over again, thank god. That TALENTED young lady in that booth is Miss ( Y/N___ ) also known as Angela Rose, she's my newly signed female singer who is now an official member of Rocque Records and there is just one thing I would like to cover with you dogs about her. " Gustavo stated.
" And what's that? " James asked him.
" STAY AWAY FROM HER FROM NOW UNTIL THE END OF TIME! " He shouted his reply to the four boys from Minnesota.
" Why? " Carlos asked.
" Because she is actually one of the rare good considerate people who DO NOT give me a major headache and I want it to stay that way! " He spat back towards the boys.
" But Gustavo we are both from the same record label and managed by YOU, we are bound to run into her at some point in our lives and you can't keep us from meeting her. " James pointed out.
" Maybe not me but Freight Train can. " Gustavo snapped his fingers and out popped Freight Train looking muscular and strong as usual.
" Woah!! " The boys shouted as they fell backwards a little, losing their balance.
Your POV:
" Hey Kelly? Is everything okay back there? " I asked while placing my headphones on the microphone.
" What, you mean Gustavo? Yeah he and everything is fine, he just had to take care of something in the hallway. " Kelly reassured me in her reply.
" With the Big Time Rush Band? " I pointed at the exit.
" Yeah.... " She smiled nervously and I could only smile nervously as my reply.
Some time later because for some reason I'm being a lazy idiot right now:
At the Palm Woods:
Still Your POV:
I walked through the doors of the infamous Palm Woods where the home of the future famous was at, I could tell already that this would be a very magical journey from this moment forward.
As I gazed at my new surroundings I saw the check in counter. I walked over to it and placed my phone down on the counter for a minute while I tapped on the bell ring a couple times.
" Hello? " I called out.
" Hello, Welcome to the Palm Woods and how may I help you? " An older man in business attire came and greeted me.
" Yes hi, my name on the lease is Angela Rose and I'm here to check in to my apartment. " I said.
" Ah yes, Welcome Miss Rose. My name is Mr. Bitters and here is your room key, you will be staying in apartment J1. " Mr. Bitters handed me my apartment room key.
" Thank you, have a nice day Mr. Bitters. " I smiled at him and took my key card and headed for the elevator with my suitcases and other luggage.
As I pressed the up elevator button, I was then greeted by four very handsome young men that were trying to catch my attention. To say that I was surprised was a bit of an understatement.
" Hi! Hi! Hi! Hi! " They said in unison to me.
" Oh Hello. I'm guessing that you must be BTR, the group I've heard so much about and who I saw in the studio this morning. " I said while pointing at each member.
" You've heard of us?! She's heard of us! " Carlos exclaimed to Logan.
" Well heard as in everything I've seen from what the public teen news says on magazines and TV about the four of you. " I smiled.
" So Gustavo hasn't mentioned us at all? " Logan asked me.
" Nope, not at all. I've only heard that you were signed to the same label and manager. " I replied back.
" Oh well that's no surprise. " Kendall chimed in.
" Why's that? " I asked cautiously.
" Gustavo Rocque has officially BANNED us from even getting anywhere near you. "
" Again why? "
" You see, he considers us to be somewhat of um......troublemakers. " Kendall replied.
" So you're walking trouble and after you cause some chaos by accident you usually spend the entire couple days trying to fix all of it. Am I right? " I placed my luggage down on the floor and pressed the up elevator button again and placed a hand on my right hip.
" Yes just about. " James said.
" Well, walking trouble is something I can handle. I grew up in a house with 2 VERY annoying sisters and 3 dumb clumsy brothers so I can fix anything in an instant. Also..... " I walked over to each of the boys and they stared at me nervously.
" Noooo one tells me who I can or cannot be with in my life. Not even a person who can destroy my career in 20 minutes flat. " I waved my finger back and forth to them as I made my statement.
I headed back to the elevator and heard a bell ring as the doors finally opened. I picked up my stuff and headed inside the elevator. The boys followed me a little and stood outside.
" I look forward to being your future friend and neighbor, perhaps something more lies in the future for us. Who knows? " I winked at them as the doors slowly closed.
This was going to be so much fun~
Maybe I should make a story out of this, let me know in the comments.
This fanfiction belongs to me so please don't steal it or I will report you.
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igotyoukth · 5 years
After a break up./ “Save me”
The boys were standing in formation, only Seokjin seemed lost. He didn't even know what song they were getting ready for. Not that he cared. The last hour, he had been fighting with his body more than usual, and with the boys as well. He bumped into Hoseok a few times, which was nearly impossible. But Hoseok and the other boys showed patience. Because they knew, that Seokjin was struggling with more than the choreography. It had been a few days since they witnessed you storm out of the dorm, leaving their oldest brother in anger and tears. No one had the guts to ask what was going on, not with their Hyung shooting flames with his eyes.
"Hyung, here," Taehyung gestured at the spot next to him, helping Seokjin with the formation. But this one wasn't ready to accept any help,
"Do you think I don't know?," he fought back, and Taehyung and the other boys next to him widened their eyes in shock over the sudden arguing.
"Yes, it seems like you don't know, at all, Hyung," Namjoon answered, who had enough of the weird and dangerous atmosphere,"We understand it's not an easy time for you, but the comeback is around the corner, so you better get yourself together?"
"Kim Namjoon, I'm older than you!"
"And I'm the leader, Hyung." Namjoon had been silent about the whole situation, giving his brother some space, but maybe it was the wrong approach.
"So I have to fight through work, with my head spinning like crazy?," Seokjin responded with a softer voice this time. He always respected Namjoon as the leader, trusted in his words blindly. He was the only one to wake him up a little.
"Work hard to forget about it for a while," Namjoon didn't dare to say 'forget about her' instead of 'it',"and afterwards we will have our talk in the evening."
"But first you have to tell me, which song is next."
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For the first time in his life, Yoongi was being a petty person. Since you two broke up, he was all about rolling eyes, talking back and correcting people. But this wasn’t that far from his usual character, the boys tried to believe. But then they saw Yoongi stacking boxes and boxes in the living room. Yoongi was juggling a seemingly heavy box on top of another, when his eyes met with Jimin. As the atmosphere was quite great in the living room apart from Yoongi’s mysterious actions, the younger didn’t think much and started talking.
“What are you doing, Hyung? Moving out?,” Jimin joked and the rest of the boys laughed with him. But not for long. Because Yoongi started to blush and exit the room. They exchanged curious looks, until Jin forced Jungkook to open one of the boxes. So Jungkook stood up, unsure if it was the right thing and also scared that Yoongi would come back and scold him. 
“Hyung,” Jungkook didn’t adress anyone especially,”Yoongi Hyung became weird.” The boxes were filled with everything and nothing at the same time. It was mostly junk from Yoongi’s studio they recognized, that seemed to be there forever. There were figures, old equipment and headphones. 
“At least he isn’t moving out,” Namjoon said as nothing seemed important. 
“But did he always have so much pink stuff?,” Jin asked, seeing the common trait of the content. 
“Oh, isn’t that what his girlfriend got him for his birthday?,” Taehyung asked and picked one of the action figures,”Yoongi Hyung made fun of it, because of how unpopular and poorly made it was.” “Put that back in,” Yoongi had entered the room,”I’m sending them back to their original owner.”
The boys had guessed that things weren’t going well with the two of you, when you stopped coming by and Yoongi didn’t run to his phone everytime it rang. 
“Did you two break up?,” Hoseok asked.
“Jungkook, come and pick up the last box, it’s too heavy,” Yoongi only responded. That was the only answer they would get, they knew that too well. So again, the youngest was forced to do something he hated. “It’s his fault for having a big body, but being a scaredy cat,” Jin whispered to Namjoon about Jungkook.
The studio seemed naked with all the stuff outside, the other boxes must’ve included more than old stuff then, Jungkook thought. “Did she gift you so much, Hyung?” “No, but I also don’t like to see the stuff, that she always touched or stuff, that smells like her.”
“But,” Jungkook saw little perfume bottles -almost empty- on the shelf,”Isn’t this-” He coulnd’t finish his question, not with Yoongi staring at him like that. 
“I bought them, so I am not returning them, do you know how expensive they were?”
“Of course, Hyung.”
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It was no secret, that even his own members feared Hoseok sometimes. The way his eyes caught every mistake and how he could hide criticism behind his smile. But now he was even sharper and didn’t bother smiling. Jimin had to admit, he had cursed at you a few times because of it. 
“Won’t you work harder?,” Hoseok yelled to be heard over the music. Or to simply let out some of his anger. Because he developed a lot of it lately. And working hard and yelling helped. 
“I’m done! One more routine and I’m dying!,” Jin dramatically said and laid down on the floor. “Me too!,” the rest of the boys joined, so that the floor was filled with the sweaty bodies of grown men. 
“Are you serious? The comeback is next month!”
“Really? I thought it was tomorrow by the way we were training!,” Taehyung said sarcastically. 
“Ya! It’s not time to joke around,” Hoseok yelled.
“It’s not time to joke, it’s not time to eat or laugh or breath,” Jungkook whined. 
“Maknae!,” Hoseok warned. 
“Hope-a, we did more than enough, let’s be understanding,” Namjoon tried to calm Hoseok down. 
“I saw you do the wrong moves around the two minute mark!” “Hyung, I start to hate your ex now, you know,” Jimin spoke without thinking. 
“It’s because of her, don’t deny it! Working helps you forget about her, am I wrong?,” Jimin spoke, even though knowing he would regret it afterewards. 
“Really, Hoseok, stop torturing yourself. Let’s go grab a drink, otherwise there won’t be any healthy men around for comeback next month,” Yoongi said. 
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It was so ironic, that Namjoon had to laugh out loud. In the past, when he wrote songs about heartbreak, breakups or love in general, it seemed easier. No, it was easier. It was easier to imagine the pain, lose himself in lyrics and melodies. But now his own abilities betrayed him. He was suffering from his breakup with you, so writing about it should heal him a little. But there he was, staring at the blank walls in the studio. 
“It’s so unfair,” he spoke to himself, something he did very often, since you left,”Am I not in great pain? I am. Am I not a musician? I am. So what’s the deal, Namjoon-a?” 
Telling the boys that you broke up had been easy for him, he had joked that they should look forward to a great album à la Taylor Swift. 
“You can do it,” he tried to make himself work one more time, with no success. It was the same wall, the same notebook, the same hole in his brain again. 
And nothing seemed to help, not the walk in parks, museums, not even the alcohol. It was even worse with it. Because he was reminded of you, and not in a good way to produce new songs. He couldn’t fit your smile or laugh into a song. 
He felt so lost, that he did something that seemed very, very dumb. To others at least, because it didn’t feel like a mistake to him to dial your number and wait for you to answer. 
“Namjoon,” you answered the phone only a second after Namjoon called. 
“Hi, how are you?,” Namjoon asked like it was any other day, before you broke up. A little small talk followed after that, until you noticed his urgency behind his voice. 
“What is it?,” you asked
“I can’t seem to write, I feel empty,” he confessed.
“It must be me then, the problem I mean.”
“Probably, I wrote only perfect songs, before you left me.” 
“Your fans will hate me.” “I think so.”
“Do you hate me?”
“You wish.” “There you have it, use it for the next song.”
“You are heartless, aren’t you?,” Namjoon laughed sadly.
“And there goes another song idea. I’m hanging up, call me after you finish.”
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He gave up. On everything. So it didn’t bother him, that the manager was announcing the departure time in a rather annoyed voice, or that Jungkook had threatened to kill him. Even though it didn’t seem like he joked. 
“Tell them, I broke my leg or something,” Jimin said, not moving from the couch. 
“The paparazzi saw you walk in just perfectly, but I can break it now, if you want,” Jungkook responded. Jin was holding onto his shoulders, as a precaution.
“Please do that,” Jimin answered back. 
“Manager, cancel the interview,” Namjoon finally announced. Everyone froze, even Jimin didn’t know what to do. The last few days, everyone either babied him or fought him for his behaviour. But the leader didn’t interfer at all.
“Ugh, okay I’ll come out, but don’t expect me to speak or smile.”
“No, I mean it, we gave you enough time,” Namjoon nodded to the manager to proceed with the cancelation,”We have to talk this out.”
“Why are you making such a big deal of it?,” Jimin stood up.
“Jimin, look at me,” Namjoon ignored Jimin’s question,”Did you start this because of her?,” he didn’t need to mention your name, Jimin still understood and shook his head,”Do you think of her when you perform? Or did we come this far because of her?” Again Jimin shook his head, growing smaller by each question. 
“Then why the hell are we suffering because of her?,” Namjoon was shouting now, so that Jin moved away from Jungkook to Namjoon, to hold him back now. 
“Hyung,” Jimin fell onto his knees,”I don’t want this either.” “Let’s go on stage, working always helped us in the past. And afterwards we’ll talk it out.”
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“Yoongi, stop biting your nails,” Jin repeated for the third time. 
“But he is making me nervous,” Yoongi answered, putting his hands on the table,”How can they- I mean how he stay so calm about this? Didn’t they almost print the wedding invitations?”
“We did and it’s better than ending it on the wedding day,” Taehyung’s voice made the two eldest members jump,”I’m okay, so don’t worry.” Taehyung patted on Yoongi’s back, and left the kitchen after grabbing some snacks. He didn’t act differently, he came out to eat, watch TV. Maybe he spent too much time gaming, but he argued that he did have the time now that you broke up. The situation was effortlessly natural, that Yoongi almost went crazy. He had to do something about it, as soon as possible.
It was the next day, after their schedule and usually they would drive back in groups of three or four. But when Taehyung entered the car, not only Jimin and Jin joind him, but the rest of the boys as well. Yoongi was sitting on th driver’s seat. 
“We’re going to the sea!,” Jungkook screamed and Jimin added sound effects to it.
“No, drive to the dorms I have a game tournament scheduled!,” Taehyung said, but the boys immediately pretended to fall asleep. “Hyung, please,” he tried once more, directed to Yoongi in the front. He only told him to sleep as well. 
“We arrived,” Yoongi yelled after a few hours, and everyone jumped up and opened the doors. Jungkook grabbed Taehyung’s hands and dragged him to the beach. It was late at night, noone there to see or hear them.
Jungkook didn’t stop until they reached the waves. He then turned around to Taehyung and suddenly looked very serious. 
“Now you talk, scream at the waves!”
“Why? What did they do?,” Taehyung tried to joke, not convincing anyone. 
“Let it all out,” Jimin whispered and patted Taehyung’s back,”we’ll be by the car, because it’s freaking cold, but you better return with teary eyes and your voice gone.” Before Taehyung could react, the boys already started walking back. He had to follow suit. So he kneeled into the moist sand, allowing his emotions to crawl out after a long time. 
“I’m sorry,” he spoke to the waves,”I’m so sorry,” he repeated, a little louder this time. “I’m so so so sorry.” And finally tears left his eyes, the first ones he allowed himself since you two broke up. 
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Maybe it should’ve been Hoseok or Namjoon, who saw Jungkook in the kitchen that night. This way noone would’ve cried or started a fight this weird and pointless. But of course, it was Jin who caught Jungkook, who was eating from the fridge like a starving animal. 
“JK! At least close the door, if you’re done eating!,” Jin yelled at Jungkook for leaving the fridge open for so long,”and get a glass for the juice!”
“It wasn’t even five seconds, let me breath!,” Jungkook yelled just as loudly.
“Breath? You let yourself breath, take a break from eating nonstop!” “Huh! I came back from the gym, I was starving- STARVING!”
“Whoa, how can you be so-,” Jin started, but stopped himself from talking, because of meaningless their discussion was. 
“Childish? You wanted to say childish, right? You are just like her!,” Jungkook suddenly started whining and slammed the door shut. 
The boys didn’t have to ask Jungkook about the breakup. He had made it very obvious what was going on. He became very sensitive to everything, overate most of the time and rushed to the gym afterwards. And it didn’t need a genius to understand, that Jungkook being childish had been the reason for the breakup. 
“No, I didn’t want to say -” “Childish? Sure, sure, I bet in your head it goes ‘Maknae JK, young JK, cute JK’, the fact that you call me JK and not Jungkook shows me no respect.” Jungkook was pouting with Nutella smeared on his face, so it was hard for Jin not to laugh then and there. 
“But you are the Maknae.”
“What’s wrong with acting like that? It’s part of you, and if someone has a problem with that, good thing that you broke up.”  “But Hyung, you should act your age sometimes,” Jungkook responded, a lot more calm now. 
“We should do a lot of things, like wipe off the Nutella from your face, but if that’s what makes you happy, forget about her.”
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theswiftarmy · 5 years
#6 - A Helicopter Ride To Oak Felder’s Spaceship
“Well, this is great, Taylor and that swift attorney of hers now have even more leverage to use against us to get Taylor’s masters.”  Scooter sneered.
           “I miss Sushi.”
           “You can get more when we land.”  Scooter said back.
           “My cat.  Scootsy B, not the food.  I’m actually pretty full, which is surprising, because usually sushi doesn’t always fill you up.  You know?”
           The Carlyle Lawyer met eyes with Justin.  I know exactly what you mean he thought. They mentally agreed.
“Why did you have your cat in the office anyway?”
           “It was bring your cat to the office day, Scooter! Remember?  Last time I brought Tuna, so this time, it was Sushi’s turn.” He sent a quick text to Hailey to give her the news on Sushi.  At least Tuna was still safe with Hailey.  For now…  
The moment Justin pushed the tiny icon to send his text message to Hailey he immediately received another.  It was a message from Ed Sheeran offering to take Tuna to a safe place.  “That’s weird.”
“What?” Scooter asked.
“Ed just asked if he could come get Tuna.”
“Maybe he’s just asking you for a can of tuna?”  Scooter shrugged.  “To make a tuna sandwich?”  He offered. Everyone but Scott shrugged.
“Don’t reply to him.”  Scott said in a very Jeff Goldblum-ish way.  Someone had to be that Jeff Goldblum voice of reason, and Jeff isn’t here at the moment, so Scott got the gig.
Justin looked up from his phone, “But why not?  Ed is totally cool with me I really don’t think—Whoa.  This is even weirder.  He just sent me a little heart, and a cat emoji out of the blue.”
“It’s a phish.” Scott said unsympathetically.  Again with the Jeff G voice.
“No, Tuna is my cat, not a fish.”  Bieber responded.  No one responded back.
“They’re trying to figure out where we plan to land.”  The Carlyle Group legal rep eventually added.  
Scott nodded in his direction.  “Precisely.”
Scooter lost his patience.  “This is ridiculous!  I mean, all this over, what… Some music?  Guys, IT is JUST music!  This is crazy.”
Scott turned and locked eyes with Scooter.
“You don’t know what you’ve bought, Scooter, do you?” He said in a very serious tone, a Jeff Goldblum serious tone.  The corporate helicopter engines and blades hummed away in the background as they flew through the air.  The cabin of the helicopter felt like a war room now.  The cutting edge modified Bell 525 Relentless was custom built, a boardroom like interior, extra long flight range with multiple tanks of gas.  They sat in fancy seating facing one another with wide views through the windows of the world outside, this big machine was a traveling fortress and a businessperson’s dream.  From up here, one could keep a whole company going, even if it were under siege.
“Well, I mean, is there something you’re not telling me, Scott?”
Scott closed his eyes, meditated for a moment, “It’s more than just music, it’s so much more than you even know, Big Machine is… something special…”
           “Spare me the story, you told me that when you sold me the label.  Remember? And I ran the numbers, liked what I saw… He was there.”  The legal rep nodded.
           Scott opened his eyes and his gaze became hypnotic. “Taylor’s catalog is… something special… Taylor Swift’s catalog is REALLY special.  More than you could even know.”
           “Yes.”  Scooter stared at Scott incredulously.  “It’s catchy music that sells!  It sells REALLY well, that’s WHY I bought your label.  That’s all it is!”  He threw his hands in the air, “Catchy songs!  That’s how we make a living, Scott.  We make fun little musical hooks that people can’t get enough of, catchy songs that people listen to and dance to over and over again… THEY have a good time and WE make money—”
           “Oh, Scooter, catchy songs?  That’s cute.  Yes, that’s cute, Scooter.  I’ll say it again.“  He paused to stress every word.  “You, don’t, know what you’ve bought, DO you?”
           “Okay Scott,” Scooter sat back in his chair, “Enlighten me.  Enlighten all of us here.  Because, to me, it was just a business transaction, I bought some catchy music recorded on hard disk; I bought ownership of melody, notes combined with chords that people enjoy. They listen to it in the morning at the gym, on their way to work or school, maybe afterwards to unwind, have a good time, or dance the night away! I bought MASTERS.  IT. IS. JUST. BUSINESS.  If I didn’t buy Taylor Swift’s masters, then what exactly did you sell me, Scott?”
           Scott smiled and sat back in his seat.
“You guys never figured it out, did you?  All those catchy Taylor Swift songs, every time you sang along, and you never figured it out?”
“Figured what out, Scott Borchetta, figured WHAT out?”  Scooter Braun grew impatient.  “WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO HAVE FIGURED OUT!?!?”
Scott stared through the window of the hovering helicopter moving slowly away from the Big Machine offices, a giant Taylor Swift banner had been dropped over the front hanging from the roof and extending all the way to the street, the same concerned facial expression he had just a short time ago looking out that now covered office window returned.
“Have either of you ever heard of a Porter Pyramid?”  he looked over at the Carlyle lawer and then back to Justin and Scooter.
“What on earth are you talking about Scott!  A pyramid?  Like, Egypt? What does that have to do with anything? You’ve lost your mind.  Heck, I feel like I’VE lost MY mind.  What on Earth is going on right now, you know? We’re flying through the air in what might as well be a military grade corporate helicopter after nearly having lost our lives at the hands of a bunch of obsessed Taylor Swift fans!”
“Bill Porter.”  Scott repeated, again in that smooth Jeff Goldblum voice.  “He worked in RCA Studio B, in Nashville, Tennessee from 1959 to 1964.”
“Are you even listening to me Scott?  What does this have to do with anything?”  Braun turned to Bieber.  “I’m talking about a life or death situation here, and he’s talking about pyramids.”  
Justin shrugged.
Scott laughed.  “Do you want to know what you’ve bought, or not?”
Scooter fell silent.  “Fine.” He shook his head, “Sure, whatever.”
“Bill Porter.  He created something called a Porter Pyramid. ”
Scooter rolled his eyes then nodded begrudgingly.  “Annnd…”
“It was nothing more than a piece of fiberglass cut in the shape of a triangle, and hung from the ceiling using a string.  He made a bunch of these and put them around the studio.  They changed the resonant modes the room naturally created.  He was a true audio engineer pioneer.”  Scott paused for a moment to make sure he had Scooter and Justin’s full attention before he continued, “Basically, they SHAPED sound.  Frequencies captured by the microphone were different with the Porter Pyramids installed.  Bill Porter considered the studio's acoustics problematic, with resonant room modes creating an uneven frequency response.  Through careful experimentation he found spots in the room where resonant modes were minimal—”
“Wait, wait, stop, stop, okay?”  Scooter interrupted.  He sat a little closer to the edge of his cabin seat, intrigued. “Interesting stuff and all with the music history lesson, but can we skip ahead to the part where Taylor’s masters come in to all of this?”
Scott waited a few seconds, and continued unfazed, “What he didn’t tell anyone, was that shortly after he took the job in June of 1959, he was mixing a song called The Three Bells.  While editing the master to be sent to New York for pressing, Porter accidentally hit the wrong controls on the tape recorder and stretched the tape at the beginning of the song, this distorted the pitch.  Without telling anyone, he spliced in a different take with a good intro at the beginning, and sent that version instead.”
“Oh snap!”  Justin exclaimed.
           “What he ALSO didn’t tell anyone, was that he made recordings during his resonant room modes experiments.  One of those recording contained nothing more than silence in the empty room.  The sound of a blank space.  He didn’t note on the recording where the microphone was placed, or the arrangement of the Porter Pyramids within the room.  All we know, is it was recorded at RCA Studio B at some point between 1959 and 1964. We have strong suspicion it was actually recorded the same morning that Elvis recorded the song ‘Are You Lonesome Tonight?’  Elvis recorded the song at the request of his manager Colonel Tom Parker, at Four AM on April Fourth, the studio was completely dark while the recording took place. This recording may have been made right after that.  It may not have been his first, though, we have reason to believe he made a secret earlier recording for Elvis when RCA acquired his recording contract.” He looked over at the legal rep, “He might have been experimenting as early as maybe 1950? He graduated high school in 1949, studied electronics at the University of Tennessee and served in the US army reserves in the early part of the 1950s.  Chuck Berry, Alan Freed… Rock and Roll, it was all about to happen—”
“Okay.  Wait hold up, why would someone keep a recording of an empty room?”  Justin asked. “If it was for experimenting with microphone placement to record at Four in the morning, then why would you keep it? If you figured out how to make the recordings sound right, why keep a recording… of nothing?”
Scott looked around the interior of the flying boardroom aboard the Bell 525 helicopter cabin, first at Scooter, and then back to Justin, his face very serious, “I wondered that too.  I found the tape I’m referring to at the bottom of a box of used studio equipment that I had purchased from a close friend when I first founded Big Machine Label Group.  Not having the proper equipment to play it back on, I set it aside.  During Taylor’s first recording session, she saw it and inquired about it.  It had Bill Porter’s name on it and was simply labeled ‘Easter Egg’.  Taylor was obsessed with knowing what was on the old tape, so I made a few calls, and was able to borrow a machine to play it back on. We went personally to pick the machine up.  We brought it back to the studio and set it up.  She was more excited than a kid on Christmas morning.  Of course, when we finally played the tape back… Nothing. Just the sound of a empty room.”
“Weird.”  Scooter and Justin commented in unison from the edge of their seats.
“We sat there in the studio at Big Machine and listened to the whole tape, ready to hear a piece of Nashville history.  But Taylor and I heard nothing, a whole lot of nothing.  When it finished, we rewound the tape, and listened to it again. A little way into our second listen we forgot we were even listening and felt… Strange.  You remember that scene in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, when Grandpa Joe and Charlie sampled the Fizzy Lifting Drinks?  It’s just before the ‘Goose with the Golden Egg’ scene.”
Scooter and Justin shook their heads yes, completely captivated.  “It was THAT feeling.  Floating, almost drunk on something.  Drunk on something stronger than drinks at the bar. That’s how I describe it, and it’s what Taylor would probably say now if you asked her. Her word for it then was ‘wonky’… It reminded me of something out of the Willy Wonka movie.  Right after that feeling, came another, all of a sudden—and this is going to sound odd, but the best way I can describe it is that my ears had… hunger pangs.  As though, you want to hear a sound or melody SO BAD, that ‘Easter Egg’ sound made you WANT sound, NEED to hear music.  Almost, like, as you listened to it, you longed for a melody, for notes to hear anything in your ear—And as soon as you heard music, you would then feel relaxed, hypnotic. Satiated.  Some kind of sonic fullness is the best I could guess at the time—Like the end of Thanksgiving dinner.  Taylor shouted out, ‘I NEED to play something.  ANYTHING.  I NEED to hear music!’.  I shook my head swiftly yes… The craving for music was undeniable, absolutely unbearable. We couldn’t take it any longer.  Taylor dove for her guitar and began to strum a few chords and sing a few notes, she then sang a song she had recently written, Tim McGraw.”
Scott wiped his eye, the beginning of a tear.  “I couldn’t take it.  It was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard.  It sent shivers down my spine.  Taylor actually started to cry and teardrops fell on her guitar.  We wouldn’t know at the time, but it was that Bill Porter sound that did it to us.  And I immediately said it sounded like the best song I’d ever heard, so I hit record on the studio system and she played and sang.  What we didn’t realize until after we finished recording Taylor’s song was that the Bill Porter Easter Egg tape had been playing in the background the whole time.  That old recording was now in the background of her new take.  The Porter tape eventually ended—it wasn’t until the old reel-to-reel tape ran out with a startling sputtering noise, we had completely forgotten it was even there.  When Taylor finished her take we played back the impromptu recording.  Then we listened to it again and another time. We both almost cried as we listened to that very first recording of her song ‘Tim McGraw’.  It was just, good.  I mean, it sounded like heaven was opening the gates for our ears, for just a moment, to give us a glimpse.  Then Taylor looked at me and said, ‘I don’t know who this Bill Porter guy is but he's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar, the only thing that keeps me wishing on a star, he's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do.’ That’s how it felt to me too. Taylor just kept saying that over and over again. How it was the song in the car, the one you can’t stop singing and don’t know why.”
Scott stopped for a moment, he was transported back to where it all began, before all of this fighting, “After playing the song for a few friends, they too became… Oddly obsessed with it as well.  And then, we all did.  I think we listened to it—my God, maybe a hundred times in a row?  It completely took me off guard; I’d never seen, or heard, anything like this in all my years in the music industry.  So, we recorded another song, but this time, it didn’t get quite the same reaction.  We recorded a third, it too was good, but still missing something.  Taylor went back and listened to that first take, she listened to it again and again, finally, it clicked what we did different, she was the first to figure it out.  She said, ‘I think it has something to do with that mysterious room noise tape that was playing in the background… The Easter Egg noise.’  She was right, I don’t know how she figured that out, but she was spot on. Whatever it was, it added something special to the mix, it was like something out of Willy Wonka’s factory. Candy for your ears.  We promptly hooked up the borrowed antique reel-to-reel tape machine to a direct input recording device that was connected to the high end pro audio studio equipment, hit record on the digital studio recording system, and pushed play on the small machine, the tape spun up, and the meters went off the charts, just as Taylor’s music soon would.  I mean, the VU meter kept slamming against the peg!  Something was definitely there.  The meters kept peaking, I tried to turn the signal level down, I was thinking it would distort or overload, but it’s hard to engineer a sound you can’t hear.  
Every time I fiddled, the signal changed itself, so I just let Bill Porter take the wheel and drive.  When it finished, we had ourselves the only high-resolution isolated pristine copy of that track. Whatever this Easter Egg gift from Bill Porter was, it was ours now, it was Taylor’s, it was no longer part of that small machine, it was part of Big Machine Records.  We played the song back, and waited for the wonky feeling to kick in, unsure if we would feel it again, but we sure as heck did, the feeling kicked in with the digital master, just the same as the vintage tape recording. Taylor recorded her songs again. She re-recorded the songs that didn’t get quite the response that the first song did.  When we mastered the tracks, we added Porter’s sound to the master track in the background, you couldn't hear it, but it was there. Presto!  They couldn’t get enough of it.  Taylor and I had struck gold.  We felt like the Elvis was back!  Like we were sitting there that night on the Fourth of April at Four AM in the morning, we were back in the 60s, 1960 to be eact, RCA Studio B with Bill Porter himself at the controls and Elvis in the studio.  The man with the golden ear, Bill Porter, was here.”
“Wow.  This is unbelievable.”  Justin said in disbelief.  
“Yeah, I have to agree with Bieber.  That can’t be real.”  Scooter remarked after struggling for words. “That’s a lot to take in.  Basically, you’re telling me that Taylor Swift’s music has a secret undetectable sound added to the mix, like some kind of catnip for your ears, that you found on some obscure old studio tape labeled ‘Easter Egg’ and that’s the reason why all her Swifties are obsessed with her music—and with her?”
“But is it so hard to believe?  Look what happened with Elvis fans… How about Beatlemania?”  Scott offered.
“But how does it even work?” Justin asked.
“Your guess is as good as mine.”  Scott replied.
“It just doesn’t seem plausible.” Justin said, still skeptical. “Like, cool story bro, you know? But…  Sonically laced tunes that turn you into a Taylor Swift addict? Like she’s dealing pop songs to junkies who just can’t get enough and do whatever she wants to get more?  The sugar candy high of riding a Taylor Swift music ride.”
“Let me ask you this, Justin, let’s say it was plausible, let’s say for the sake of argument, that you had the ability to command your fans at your will? They would follow your every word—do anything you asked.  What would you do with that?  Humor me.”
“Well, I mean, my fans already do that.  But, you’re talking if I could steal fans at will, through some kind of mind altering way?  Like they wouldn’t have a choice but to listen to my music? As soon as they heard one of my fresh hot beats?  It would be stuck in their head, on repeat?”
“Exactly.”  Scott confirmed.
“Well” Justin thought.  “If I’ve got three wishes, the first wish would be to get more wishes.  Right?  So, I’d go on some nationally televised program and play my stuff to as many people as I possibly could that would listen to…”  He trailed off. “…listen to It.” He finished saying in a quiet voice.
“Nail.  On. The. Head.” Scott said.
“The American Music Awards!”  Bieber shouted out.
Scott said nothing, his reply was a single nod.
Justin continued his thought, “She wants to play her whole back catalogue, so people will go back and listen to it all again.  And then they’ll hear that Wonka thing and go on a Porter Pyramid trip! Pyramids… She’s like a modern day Pharaoh.  So THAT is why she was playing one of her old songs on the live stream earlier and singing over it!”
“Precisely.”  Scott leaned forward in his seat,  “Her new stuff, Lover, doesn’t have the Easter Egg in it.  She needs as many people as possible to listen to her old stuff in order to keep them under her… control, for lack of a better term.  The more followers she has, the easier it will be to get the old masters from us and obtain the Easter Egg track for use in new material.  It’s a war of numbers.  If everyone is on her side, we won’t have anyone on ours.  Those masters are as good as hers.  She will be Pharaoh, if we can’t stop her.”
“Wow.  This is unbelievable.  And not like that song ‘Unbelievable’ from the 90s, which is actually a pretty cool song. This is just, unbelievable.”
“Ed Sullivan show!”  Scooter interjected.  “The Beatles made their first appearance as a nationally televised event.”
“But what’s the connection?  Did The Beatles ever record with Porter?”
“That part is somewhat hazy.  We know that Porter was connected to Elvis and RCA.  But just before Elvis worked with Porter, he was in Germany for 2 years in the army.  Right around the same time as Elvis, The Beatles were playing clubs in Germany too. It’s entirely possible we don’t have things exactly right.  From the research, it seems as though perhaps somehow the sound initially came from some early recording Elvis did and Bill simply reconstructed it.  A cleaner, better, much more potent version—But we just keep coming back to that night, April Fourth, at Four Am, when they recorded in the dark with the studio pitch black.”
“You keep saying WE.  How many people know about this?”
“Well…” He pointed to the Carlyle guy.
“Okay.  Who else?”
“We think Max Martin may have figured out a variation of it.  It’s not nearly as effective as Porter’s though.”
“That would explain Britney Spears.” Scooter thought for a second. “And the Swiftian alliance with Kesha’s Animals and Katy Perry’s KatyCats.”
“That’s what I was thinking too.”  Scott confirmed.
“So that’s why Katy Perry’s version of Dark Horse went to the top of the charts, while the other one remained virtually unknown.”
Scooter nodded again.
“This is real.  I mean, like, REALLY real.”  Scooter said. His face turned pale.  “We’re being manipulated through music!”
Bieber sat up in his seat, “You know it’s only a matter of time until this gets out there.  You know that right?  I mean, Harry Potter was only able to keep his stuff secret for so long before everyone was all, LOOK, he’s a wizard!”
“Really Bieber?”  Scooter said.
“What?  I’m a Harry Potter fan!”  Scott and Scooter tossed Bieber a look. “Okay, from the guy who just said ‘Really real’ just… whatever.  Listen, you two keep discussing what to do about Hermione Granger gone rouge while I check in with the captain and lieutenants of my Beliebers to see where those masters are…”  He pulled out his phone and between tapping buttons.
“So what happened between you two anyway?  I mean, why are you here, on this helicopter with me, while Taylor’s out there assembling an army?  Why are we even having this conversation, why did you even sell Big Machine?  Why not just keep things the way they were, keep turning out Taylor hits, keep the Swiftie train on track.  Take over the world…”
Scott sighed.  He said nothing.   He looked out the window, Big Machine Label Group now a speck in the distance. Lovers, haters, and art all have the ability to betray you.
“That army isn’t for me, Scooter.”
“Then who is it for?”
“You.”  Scott narrowed his eyes.  “It’s your blood she wants.  As long as you’re master of her masters, she won’t stop coming after you, she’ll never stop.”
“Why am I the bad guy here?”  He clinched his fists.  “No, I know what this is, I’m the fall guy for this!  That’s what this is!  This is a setup.”
“No.”  The Carlyle lawyer added flatly.
Scott looked down to the floor.  “You were just more… Able to handle our situation with Taylor.”
“Situation?”  Scooter asked, his voice becoming shaky.  “What situation?  You mean there’s more to this?”
Scott shifted his gaze to the Carlyle lawyer then back to Scooter. “Have you heard the lyrics to her song ‘Look What You Made Me Do?’  ‘I’m sorry, the old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now. Why?  Oh, because she’s…’”
“Speaking of situations, guys—” Justin interrupted.  “I’ve kind of got a situation here myself.”
“What’s going on?  Are her masters safe?”  Scooter said worriedly shifting nervously in his seat.
“I don’t know—Wait, my chats are jammed, I can’t send a message back!”
The cabin occupants inside the sophisticatedly elegant interior of the flashy corporate helicopter shared simultaneous shivers down their spines.
“I’m being spammed!  It’s all hearts and cat emojies.”
“Swifties.”  Scott surmised.
“Where are the masters?!?!” Scooter howled.
“I don’t know.  It was an ambush!  My Beliebers captain and his two lieutenants had them safely stowed in a military grade stainless steel carrying case.  We were on a secure private group chat just discussing the situation.  They indicated that they were on their way to a new location because the original location was crawling with Swiftie scouts—the next message said they had been sneak attacked!  Without any other option Taylor’s masters were handed off to two undercover Arianators acting as spotters.  The last message said he thinks the Arinators have them.  Then the Swiftie spammers took over the group chat and he went offline.”
Scott spoke smoothly.  “If the Swifties have them, it’s over.  But… If the Arianators managed to take possession we might still have a chance here.”
“Okay, so where do we go from here?”  Scooter sat, palms sweaty.  His heart beating fast—This was not what he signed up for when he agreed to purchase Big machine Label Group.
“Wait.  I think I know. “  Justin said coolly.  “Ariana Grande wouldn’t risk keeping them.  But there is someone else she would trust.  Someone of reason, and sound mind, someone who truly wouldn’t take sides until he had all the facts, and could make a sound moral choice.”
“Who?”  Scooter asked.
“Oak.  Oak Felder.”
“Oak Felder.  Of course!“ Scott opened a small seatbelt cover beside him pulling the seatbelt over him and clicking in.  “Boys… Buckle up!  We’re going to find Felder.  With any luck, Taylor’s masters are safely on their way to Oak’s studio.  Roads?  Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.  Because we’re in a helicopter!”
Everyone shook their heads.
“Great Scott.  That’s great.”  Scooter said. He was not amused.
“Oh come on, that was gold!”
“Let’s just get to Oak Felder, before Taylor’s Swifties do.  Okay?”  Scooter’s stomach was doing back flips.
The helicopter accelerated to full flight speed onwards and upwards, to Oak Felder’s studio—The Spaceship.
@taylorswift @justinbieber
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polaroidofus-89 · 5 years
‘Lover’ song-by-song breakdown [part 1]:
Long before @taylorswift joined Tumblr (and a billion thousand of Swifties with her), when this website was still unknown to most of mankind, I always made a post about my first thoughts on the album, writing down my opinion and rating each song at the end of release week. The first time I did this was with Speak Now and I created a chart to rate Lyrics, Chorus, Bridge and whether the song is a Skip or not. The only time I skipped this post was during the reputation era because of reasons I explained back then - if you want, I’ll send you the link to that post. 
This time, however, I must make this a two-part post because a) I just came back from my holiday today, b) I always listen to it three times before writing this post (right now I am on number 2) and c) this album is freaking long! 
So here’s the charts (chorus and bridge rated 1-5; lyrics rated 1-3): 
Chorus: 1- meh, nice; 2- good; 3- very good; 4- just magic; 5- PERFECTION
Bridge: 1- good, did better; 2- good; 3- quite perfect; 4- RIP ME. DEAD.; 5- BRIDGE CITY ALERT!!! (was previously BRIDGE HEAVEN... guess why it changed? lol)
 Lyrics: 1- good; 2- great; 3- AMAZING 
Also, since I have been more active lately and some very cute and amazing blogs started following me, I want you all to take part in this breakdown because I would love to read your thoughts and your ratings on each song!
So please, please, please join me in this adventure. Six months from this date (when we will all know the songs by heart), I’ll bring it back to see if anything has changed.
Anyway, here’s the first part of my breakdown... hope you enjoy it!
1. I Forgot That You Existed
Chorus: very good Bridge: good, did better Lyrics: good Skip? No Favorite lyrics: none in particular
Alright, say what you want but I am a sucker for sarcastic and provocative songs from Taylor; they always are filled with such irony and smart remarks… I just can’t help adoring them and memorize them from the first listen, going around humming the rhythm all day long. It happened with Mean, WANEGBT, Blank Space, Shake It Off, IDSB and TIWWCHNT… so it was obviously going to happen with this one too. I also think it would’ve made one hell of promo single – just sayin’. I am in awe of Taylor’s attitude towards people that hurt or badmouth her after being in some kind of relationship with her: she does not comment at first, letting them rant and have their little moment of glory. Then, when everything seems over and forgotten, she strikes back and I enjoy EVERY. SINGLE. MINUTE. OF. IT. This one I had been waiting for a long time because a certain someone DEFINITELY deserved it. The way a person behaves towards somebody AFTER their relationship ends says a lot about them and this particular individual proved to be childish, petty, arrogant and very immature – not to mention awfully mean. You can’t act that way about someone you’ve been with for ONE ENTIRE YEAR, someone you were supposed to be in love with. I hate this post-breakup kind of behavior and I had hoped so freaking hard that reputation would’ve had a song like this. But we have it now and secret sessioners were right: it is the most amazing way to start an album. What I love most about this song is the entire second verse: got out some popcorns as soon as my rep started going down, down, down/laughed in the schoolyard as soon as I tripped and hit the ground, ground, ground/ and I would’ve stuck around for ya/ would’ve fought the whole town for ya/would’ve been right there front row, even if nobody came to your show. I just know that it will make feel the person who inspired this song ashamed and won’t allow them any kind of response because it isn't hate, it isn’t love… IT’S JUST INDIFFERENCE. And I’m so proud of her for this.
2. Cruel Summer***
10/10 Chorus: PERFECT Bridge: BRIDGE CITY ALERT!!!!! Lyrics: great Skip? HARD NO Favorite lyrics: “Devils roll their dice; Angels roll their eyes” “what doesn’t kill me makes me want you more” “I don’t want to keep secrets just to keep you”
Secret sessioners were onto something again: Out of The Woods stans would be suckers for Cruel Summer… I can confirm that is, indeed, true. This track feels like summer sunsets, road trips and a sequence of lovey-dovey moments straight out of a rom-com. I absolutely adored the lyrics on this one! I mean “what doesn’t kill me makes me want you more”, “no rules in breakable heaven”, “devils roll their dices, Angels roll their eyes”, “and if I bleed you’ll be the last to know” … what are we even talking about here? And don’t even get me started on the bridge: once again the Swift-Antonoff combination proved to be a winning choice. It’s Taylor Swift at her best and I have nothing more to add. This track is one of my favorites of the entire album and I am hoping it’ll be her next single.
3. Lover*****
10/10 Chorus: magic Bridge: RIP ME. I DIED. DEAD. Lyrics: AMAZING Skip? NEVER IN ANY LIFETIME Favorite lyrics: “have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?” “I’ve loved you three summers now honey but I want them all” “My heart’s been borrowed, yours has been blue all’s well that ends well to end up with you”
When Lover first came out, I asked my boyfriend ‘do you think this will be my favorite off of the album?’ and he said ‘no’. He was not wrong at all: Lover and Cornelia Street are battling in my head and in my heart for ‘favorite song’ on the album - I swear it has never been so difficult for me to decide! This track is just pure magic; every time I listen to it, I have a picture in my head of slow dancing during my wedding day and it always (always!) makes me emotional enough to shed a few tears. Honestly, it just gives me poetry vibes – it is that beautiful to me. I absolutely adore this one. This track is also one of my favorite songs – if not my favorite at all.
4. The Man***
10/10 Chorus: PERFECTION Bridge: very good Lyrics: AMAZING Skip? NEVER IN ANY LIFETIME Favorite Lyrics: “I’m so sick of running as fast as I can wondering if I’d get there quicker if I was a man”
When I read the interview in which Taylor played this song and explained it to the journalist, my excitement multiplied infinite times. Whoever said Taylor Swift is not a feminist should now go and sit in the corner, thinking about how idiotic such a statement is. This track perfectly summarized what a woman pursuing her goals in life has to go through daily and how hard it is when the world thinks you were born with the wrong attribute in the lower part of your body. It is very provocative and sarcastic, a real national anthem for women. I’m so very proud of her for writing this song, you have no idea. Of course, it has quickly earned a spot on my ‘top favorites’.
5. The Archer***
10/10 Chorus: good (pre-chorus is what I really love) Bridge: BRIDGE CITY ALERT!!! Lyrics: AMAZING Skip? NEVER IN ANY LIFETIME Favorite Lyrics: “All the king’s horses, all the king’s men couldn’t put me together again” “awake in the night, I pace like a ghost, the room is on fire, invisible ghosts”
Ah, the power of number 5! This song is life! The thing I love the most about this track is the way it speaks so much on an emotional level, using very little actual words. With track 5 we always got a very descriptive song: she wanted to tell us about an extremely delicate, heartbreaking moment in her life and walked us through the entire story with the lyrics. The Archer doesn’t give us a story, doesn’t talk to us about a distressing moment in her life… it tells us about a feeling – more than that, it gives us that feeling. The anxiety you have when you suffered one too many bad knockouts in life and you are always ready for something bad to happen, always ready for someone to betray you or leave you alone again. It’s a paralyzing fear, almost like you can’t breathe and the fact that Taylor was capable of putting it all into words… I just love her so much, you guys! Though not my favorite Track 5, it does get both a spot on my top three Track 5 (All Too Well and White Horse are number 1 and 2) and on my ‘top favorites’ for this album.
6. I Think He Knows
Chorus: meh Bridge: good, did better Lyrics: AMAZING Skip? Sadly, yes.
Ugh, this is a moment I hate very much. This is one of the only two songs I didn’t particularly like on this album. It breaks my heart to say this because I love both the lyrics (which I think are some of the best on the entire record) and the concept behind this song. But the rhythm just doesn’t feel right, it doesn’t speak to me like all the other songs do… something is just off. That being said, it is still a very good song. Let’s just say, I wouldn’t mind at all if it didn’t make it on the Lover Tour setlist. I know a lot of you love this song and I tried very hard to change my mind about it, but I just know it will be a skip for me.
7. Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince
Chorus: very good
Bridge: magic
Lyrics: great
Skip? No
Favorite Lyrics:
“I’ll never let you (go), ‘cause I know this is a (fight), that someday we’re gonna (win)”
This one is absolutely incredible - also, my boyfriend’s favorite. It’s You belong with me older, more mature and melancholic sister. The bridge is what really made me fall in love with this track: one of the best she has ever written.
8. Paper Rings
Chorus: PERFECTION Bridge: quite perfect Lyrics: AMAZING Skip? Definitely no Favorite Lyrics: “I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this” “I like shiny things, but I’d marry you with paper rings”
OMG THIS SONG! This song is so so so cute! I love it! It’s fun and catchy and makes you want to dance so hard! I’m really looking forward to seeing this song performed live. And don’t even get me started on the chorus: I like shiny things, but I’d marry you with paper rings… are you kidding me? Tell me this is not the most amazing declaration of love you have ever heard! Once again, I agree with secret sessioners: it does give Stay, Stay, Stay vibes and I’m totally here for it. These are the kind of songs that I missed the most during rep era and I’m so happy that we got Paper Rings, you have no idea!
9. Cornelia Street*****
10/10 Chorus: PERFECTION Bridge: quite perfect Lyrics: AMAZING Skip? NEVER IN ANY LIFETIME Favorite Lyrics: (too many to count) “I rent a place on Cornelia Street I say casually in the bar” “that’s the kind of heartbreak time could never mend” “as if the streetlights pointed in an arrowhead leading us home”
When the tracklist came out and we found out about the Cornelia flowers Easter eggs I just knew that this song was going to hit very hard in the feelings: it was the only Easter egg she has repeated plenty of times, ever since Me! Came out. When we found out that she had written this one by herself, my expectation flew to the moon and back. It did not disappoint in any way: I LOVE THIS SONG! It’s so soft and romantic, my heart can’t take it! I also very much liked the production on this one. Seriously, one of Taylor’s best song for me. The reason I can’t decide which one between this and Lover is my ultimate favorite is that whenever I am finally convinced about one being it, I listen to the other and I’m stuck again. I don’t know if that was clear enough for everyone to understand but… yeah, I’ll let you know if I ever make up my mind.
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tassium · 5 years
PART 6 - reputation
(part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5)
Listen. This was by far the hardest review for me to get going into properly. I love every single track on this album without exception, and it was SO HARD for me to come up with coherent comments to make on all of them.
But I think I managed alright, and we’re finally about to embark on the wild ride that is @taylorswift‘s 6th studio album, reputation.
Hang on tight, and please keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times.
1. ...Ready For It?
No, Taylor, none of us were ready for this, not even a little bit.
Can we just talk about that introduction? like. What a way to kick off an album. This track grabs you by the hand and just pulls you along for the ride, like “get in losers”. That little throat clear at the beginning! the beat that drops off and lets her voice go all light and ethereal! This song is a wild ride from start to finish, and I love it. “Let the games begin” indeed.
And that MUSIC VIDEO!!! I want the rest of that movie, please.
I made a reaction video to this track/video and if you wanna check it out, click here
2. End Game
I love the synths at the beginning of this song, but I’ll be honest that Future’s verse took some time to grow on me. Ed’s verse and Taylor’s on the other hand? Boy. Those grabbed me from the start, as did the harmonies that are laced all through this track.
Is it just me or was this the first time she used the word enemies for the people she’s clashed with? I feel like that’s a new thing. 
I also reacted to this one when the video dropped, click here to watch
3. I Did Something Bad
Okay so first and foremost. Taylor Alison Swift, in the year of our lord 2017, swearing on a track out there in front of god and everybody. I feel like if there was any remaining ‘oh she’s just a sweet young thing’ attitude from anyone, this album shattered it to pieces in the best way.
The production on this track, I can’t even. This is an explosive track, it just hits you like a train and drags you along for the ride. There’s a bit on the way out of the track where she says “I did something bad” in a straight spoken voice and it is. Too much for this weak swiftie!
4. Don’t Blame Me
This sacrilegious hymn of a track. I swear. That almost broken electronic wavering synth behind the chorus. The choir effect on her voice. The stripped down beat-driven verse. The lyrics in general? My dude. I can’t. Also anyone who still thinks she has no range can physically fight me after that note after the bridge. That’s power is what that is.
Also can we talk about that behind the scenes clip of her filming the angry distant vocals for the chorus? I’m weak.
5. Delicate
Another thing I’m weak for is use of vocoder. And that beat that comes in for the verse! AND THAT LITTLE ‘delicate’ IN THE CHORUS!! kills me every single time. I’ll be honest here and say that the video for Delicate didn’t really grab me as much as some of the others, but the song itself certainly did.
Can we just. Talk for a second about how sad it is to think about that concept of ‘wow. you must really actually like me if you’re hanging around through all this mess.’ 
One of my favorite things in this track is the descending harmony behind “sometimes when I look into your eyes”. I always want to sing along with the harmony instead of the melody on that part because I find it so compelling.
6. Look What You Made Me Do
WHERE IT ALL BEGAN! that building drumline is absolutely gorgeous and I can’t not air drum to it - I don’t even play drums!
Also, yes, I am fully aware that I JUST SAID on the 1989 review that Out of the Woods was too repetitive for me, and here I am raving about this song which... honestly. Is just as repetitive if not more so. But this song just grabs me so much more and so instantly that I really get into the repetition (And maybe that has something to do with the familiarity because of the sampled melody).
That plinking lead line thing, and oh my god, the percussion on the second chorus. I can’t.
The old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now CAUSE SHE’S DEAD. And I feel like with lover about to come out, maybe we’re killing off yet another “old taylor”
click here for my reaction video
7. So It Goes...
I read somewhere that the tracks with the ellipses on them mark out the edges of the “side A” part of the album, and it’s the spot where things shift over to a different feeling, and I believe it.
Again, this track has absolutely outstanding production on it, the softness dropping into the driving beats, and the bridge. Oh my god. I’m still not over that whispered “1 2 3″. And that line “i’m not a bad girl but I do bad things with you’ reminds me of blank space and that “I can make the bad guys good for a weekend” it’s like the inverse of it.
Also welcome to the first track on this album that I refuse to let my dad listen to - “scratches down your back” indeed t a y l o r
8. Gorgeous
Adorable baby voice!! This song is so great, I love it to pieces. I love the sort of bitter quality about it and the way she’s taken how tumblr and twitter fandom talks about celebrities and made it just a mainstream piece of her song.
Also is that a bell like the kind they put on counters to get the attention of the person working? because I can’t help but hit the bell (air bell!) when it comes in and that’s what I always picture when I do so.
I can’t come up with anything more coherent so .... guess I’ll just stumble on home to my cats.... ;)
9. Getaway Car
More vocoder! I love. The wording in this song is so evocative and brings up such perfect, crisp mental images for me, and she applied that to perfect metaphors for the situation in question. I love the idea of how.... like. It’s a rebound relationship, right? but it’s the getaway car from the previous relationship. And really, you can’t be surprised when something like that doesn’t last as long.
Also that outro beat? Be still my heart!
10. King of My Heart
THIS SONG!!!! More gorgeous vocoder use, of course, but then also. So many little things about the lyrics that get me! “Salute to me, I’m your American queen” and “jag-u-ars” and the way she sings “luxury” and just!!! so much!
As for the musical side of things, I absolutely adore that really subtle acoustic guitar in the chorus, and the DRUMS in the post-chorus (or whatever you want to call that bit). They’re so full and almost feel-it-in-your-chest even just in headphones! (I’m still not sure I survived that concert)
11. Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Early on I had a half-baked theory that this song is about John Mayer, but the timeline doesn’t work at all, so... definitely not. Still though, think about it. “slow dancing in a burning room”/”swaying as the room burned down”
That aside, though, this song makes me think of the Halsey track Bad at Love if ONLY because of the theme of melancholy looking back at relationships that felt doomed from the start (or didn’t, as the case may be, I don’t know)
But also just. Taylor’s vocal performance on this song. Those ‘ad libs’ in the background of the final chorus have so much power in them.
12. Dress
And here we have the other Taylor song I won’t let my dad listen to. He would be scandalized to death by this song.
I love that lyric about the golden tattoo. I can’t really explain what it is about that line that gets me so much.
More beautiful production - something about the tracks on this album feels so grand for lack of better word. Plus there’s that moment in this song “say my name and everything just STOPS” and the whole thing goes silent... I will never forget the feeling of that line coming out and the way the whole stadium went dark.
13. This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
Ahhhhh I love this song. Gotta love a nice sassy Taylor style clapback, right? Beautiful.
“Feeling so Gatsby” is the best line for getting her point across. You don’t even have to be particularly familiar with the work that references, it just brings the opulence to mind effortlessly.
That laugh in the bridge though, and the tumbling low piano crash afterward, I love it so much. Again to reference the tour, it was such a great extended moment of laughter. So great.
14. Call It What You Want
This... Is probably my favorite track on the album, if I were pressed to name one. I adore this song so completely. I still get just emotionally overcome if I take the time to really pay attention to this song when it comes on. I love it so much, and it’s such a beautiful hopeful song. Like, yeah, my life’s been a right mess but it’s better now with you in it, and just.... this song fills me with feelings like that one animation in the lizzie mcguire movie. 90s kids, you know the one I mean. (lover, the song, gives me those same feelings, just amplified like 30x)
The smile in her voice on “yes” can almost bring me to tears all by itself.
my reaction video can be found here
15. New Year’s Day
Speaking of beautiful mushy-feelings-bringing tracks... The fact that these two are paired back to back like this is just bringing both barrels to my emotions. Gosh.
At the show, I’d taken my shoes off literally two songs prior - I was the girl carrying her shoes in the lobby.
I love so much that it’s just her with a piano and then a little bit of guitar, and those soft self-harmonies on some parts - “please don’t ever become a stranger” reminds me of Enchanted.
This song will without fail make me cry because it’s just so soft and I’m so happy for her. I can’t believe how long it’s been and she’s so happy and in love and. Even when this song came out. Gosh.
We did it, yall. We’ve made it up to date, and it’s almost time for Lover to come out! I don’t know about you, but I’m not ready. My emotions aren’t ready. Gosh.
Anyway, thanks for coming along with me on this ride. See you on the other side of the release!
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fbi: don’t move
hOwDy hO, hErE wE gO
Ivan is a completely ordinary, totally unassuming, simple meme-loving guy, and Alfred is the FBI agent who secretly lives in his camera. Governments and grudges are thrown aside as chance encounters in Washington D.C. bring them closer and closer together.
read it with your own eyes on fanfiction.net!
read it with your own eyes on archive of our own!
or, just scroll down a bit and read the first chapter right here! (with stolen eyes)
fbi: don’t move
Ivan laughed, which was to say he snorted very, very lightly. Even snorting was an overstatement; a silent wisp of breath escaped him as he swiped away at his screen, liking the photo and commenting: LOLOKOLKOLOLOL1!1! He switched gears to search up the hashtag under the meme, something he almost never did, and found a semi-sorted collection of posts following the same theme. He wasted no time screenshotting a few of his favorites to pirate for himself later.
Soon. Soon he would break 999K followers. And then, and then. Then he would have a million followers. A million was a lot, depending on who you asked. Beyoncé only had fifteen million—at least on Twitter. (On Instagram she had eleven hundred million.) He wanted to rule the Internet.
Ivan turned his phone off and threw it across the bed, forcing himself to get up and move if he wanted to retrieve it. Stretching languidly, he rolled out of the warmth of the covers and faced the day.
He dressed in comfortable, durable clothes; Ivan had recently secured a position as a horticulturist for the Smithsonian Gardens along the National Mall, which was a fancy way of saying he cut grass and trimmed hedges all day, except it was really nice grass and they were really nice hedges. Obviously, wearing his favorite scarf was less than ideal for the sweaty work, but Ivan would never and could never take it off. He slipped into his boots and thrust a spare pair of gloves into his pocket. Sadly, he couldn't use his phone on the job, but he could use headphones. He began to hum to himself, imagining the songs he would listen to on his first shift.
Before shoving his phone into his bag, Ivan took a glance at the blank screen. A strange feeling overcame him as his eyes drifted upwards, making contact with the minuscule blue dots of light inside his camera lens. He held its gaze for a brief, piqued interest that lasted about two seconds, then giggled. "Goodbye, Mr. FBI," he sang to himself.
It was silly. He dropped the phone into his bag and left his apartment with haste.
Alfred grabbed street food on the way to work, washing it down with a hefty Starbucks to go. Whipping the shades off from overtop his regular glasses, he strode into headquarters. Immediately, he had to give up his meal so it could be scanned for toxins while he himself was stripped and searched. Elizabeta Héderváry, chief of the gray division, took an eternity to scrutinize Alfred's badge. Alfred tapped his toes and fidgeted to himself. Predictably, Ivan would be online in seven minutes. "Alright, Jones." She handed back Alfred's ID. "You're clear. But don't let me catch you in here again, or it's straight to the slammer." She drew a line across her throat.
Alfred gratefully collected his food and his badge. "Wait, what the? Dude, I work here!"
She stared him down.
Alfred, without hesitation, steadied himself and stared back.
After a few seconds of silence, Chief Héderváry burst into hearty laughter. "I'm only testing you, kid! I guess it's very Gilbert of me. But gosh, you would have thought I had just admitted to you that the tooth fairy isn't real, or that Santa is Illuminati propaganda, or that JFK is still alive up on a secret moon base in space...oops." She covered her mouth. "I've said too much."
Alfred blinked slowly. "Okay. I'll just...get to work then, um, before you zap me and wipe my memory."
The agent nodded. "Better bolt. Gotta keep you on your feet." She then began drawing her stun gun, but Alfred had already disappeared down the hall. He frantically dove into an arriving elevator and jammed a finger down on the button to close the doors as the clunky boots of the Héderváry's footsteps came closer. Alfred hugged his food to his chest and pressed into the corner of the tiny metal box. He had had his memory wiped before, he was certain, and had even had to do it to others once or twice—it was a ghastly, abominable experience. The chief's image appeared between the elevator's two closing doors and Alfred screamed, but when the shot was fired the elevator had already begun its descent.
Alfred shivered, cradling himself. He was safe for now. He dug into his food and snuck out a bite of greasy fry. It would be two hundred more dings of the elevator before he arrived at the secret underground black zone where all the FBI agents monitored their respecting, (un)suspecting citizens.
Alfred had finished half of his coffee before he made it to the negative two hundredth floor. It was pretty swampy down there, due to the thick consistency of cubicles, the heat coming off of so much compressed technology, and also due to the government having concealed the fact that, yes, Washington D.C. had really been built atop a swamp. He had his semi-greasy fingerprints scanned a second time and then navigated the maze toward his cubicle. He only had two minutes at best before Ivan came home.
Ivan was Alfred's monitor man, Alfred's subject of spy. Alfred had Ivan's schedule practically burned into his brain: he woke up at six-thirty, dabbled on his phone for fifteen minutes, then put it in his pocket and didn't use it again until four, when he got off work. Ivan did not have a computer, making Alfred's hacking tasks both easier and harder by reserving everything to Ivan's cell phone. Alfred would transfer Ivan's morning visuals to Alfred's own laptop to monitor in the morning, and Alfred usually came to headquarters to watch Ivan during the rest of his day. Sometimes he took shifts with another agent, but lately Alfred had been finding himself at headquarters more and more. After all, it was important to develop a deep understanding of your subject, even if your subject had no idea you even existed.
Alfred fired up his special, government-issued laptop, opening the monitor. Just in time, too; Ivan's face soon filled the screen. Alfred sighed. It was on.
Alfred knew almost everything about Ivan. His names (Ivan "Vanya" Braginsky), his family (one older sister and one younger sister), and even the songs he sang in the shower (surprisingly a lot of Taylor Swift). Alfred knew Ivan was the head of a semi-famous online meme domain. Alfred knew Ivan watered the sunflowers in his window every day as soon as he came home. Alfred knew Ivan didn't have many friends. Alfred knew Ivan had long, red scars circling around his neck, hidden under that huge off-white scarf he always wore. Alfred knew Ivan liked soft things and had five blankets on his bed. Alfred also knew that Ivan was at the top of the FBI's list of suspected dangerous Russian intelligence agents, and it was Alfred's duty to report any fishy activity. So far, Alfred had observed none.
Other than the fact that Alfred had to be constantly alert in his job, monitoring Ivan was pretty easy. Ivan had a cute face, and often made little childish noises and expressions whenever he saw something that grabbed his attention. Alfred had trained in the Russian language for years and still couldn't capture the melodiousness of Ivan's murmurs to himself. Sometimes Ivan would be scrolling through social media at night and fall asleep on his phone, which was annoying but undeniably adorable. And he was an immigrant; Alfred could damn well appreciate the hard work it must have taken Ivan to leave his homeland and adjust to life here.
However, this morning, Ivan had addressed Alfred personally, saying "Goodbye, Mr. FBI" before he put his phone away, and that had been hella creepy.
Ivan wasn't saying anything now, just staring at the screen, his eyelids half-shut, eyes moving in line formation over whatever he was reading. Alfred took a sip of his Starbucks and tapped into Ivan's phone display, bringing up a rectangle of white with a thick block of Helvetica text. Alfred's eyes scanned it himself, knowing it was another online post, and Alfred had read thousands of Ivan's. They were quality. When he finished laughing, he switched focus back to Ivan's camera visual; the ceiling behind Ivan was moving as Ivan sat down at his kitchen table. Ivan picked at his lip, snorting a little. The sound of his bags hitting the floor echoed to Alfred, and soon Ivan began humming a sweet song.
Alfred kicked back in his ultra-comfort wheely chair and popped in another fry, enjoying the music. He had no reason to feel so comfortable in the artificial presence of a creepy Russian, yet his wariness was drowned out by tribute for the memes. And Ivan's face. Thank god Ivan at least had a nice face that Alfred got to stare at all evening.
There was a knock on the wall of Alfred's cubicle. He spun around too quickly in the wheely chair and had to overcorrect, graciously spilling a couple of fries into his lap. "Whaddya want?"
It was Toris. A fellow FBI monitor, the long-haired Lithuanian stood stiff in the doorway to Alfred's workspace, making more eye contact with Alfred's inspirational NASA star map poster than with Alfred. "Hi. Um, Felicks went to the bathroom, so I was going to be taking break, and if I remember correctly, you told me to 'mosey on over when you get a chance, because I got the goods?'"
"Aw yeah!" Alfred pushed down his laptop screen so it was at a forty-five degree angle. Toris knew who Ivan was, and sometimes covered Alfred's shifts when Alfred stayed up too late playing video games or reading Marvel fanfiction, but Alfred still didn't want to be interrupted on the job. After all, both Ivan's screen and his camera were blank and black; he must have gone to take his daily shower. "Right here, man. Check it out. They were handin' them out all down the Mall, and I managed to snag a few extras!"
Toris took the item in his hand and inspected it cautiously. "This is a…a SAVE THE WHALES sticker?"
"No, a SAVE THE WHALES magnet!" Alfred corrected, spinning it over. "I thought you might want one, since your space is so plain and boring and all. It'd give you something to look at other than Felicks's fancy skirt collection, or whatever."
The tips of Toris's ears turned red. "They're designer." Yet he didn't refuse the magnet.
Not every FBI monitor happened to be stationed in the vicinity of their subject; Felicks lived halfway across the world from Toris, and was an alleged underground market weapons dealer, with emphasis on alleged. Mostly he just took selfies in the bathtub and embarrassed Toris to no end. Alfred considered himself lucky that Ivan was only half a city away, though they had yet to cross paths in public.
Toris drifted out with the magnet in hand and Alfred was left to finish dinner in peace. He flipped his screen back up and found that Ivan was at the stove, cooking his own meal while watching a Vine compilation. Alfred grinned, keeping up both the front camera and screen views as he dug in so he could laugh along with Ivan. "I smell like beef." A long time passed. They finished eating their dinners at the same time; Alfred imagined the noodle casserole thing Ivan had cooked tasted better than Alfred's weak Starbucks.
Now Ivan had set his phone against the wall to rest while he washed the dishes. He was mumbling peacefully to himself again, but Alfred couldn't tell if he was singing or talking over the sound of swishing water and clinking silverware. After a couple more plates, Ivan's movements slowed, and his gaze slowly climbed back up to the phone screen. The phone camera. "Are you there, Mr. FBI?" he whispered.
Alfred jolted in his seat. It was just like this morning! No warning, no nothing. In English! There was no way Ivan could ever know, of course, that he was being monitored, so the sudden unprompted conversations with a seemingly inanimate object had to stem from Ivan's latest meme obsession. Alfred knew about it.
He was onto them.
"How was your day?" Ivan asked, redirecting his gaze towards the skillet he was scrubbing. "Mine was well. I planted flowers today, and I had a nice conversation with a policeman. Do you talk to police often, Mr. FBI?"
Alfred let his shoulders relax, his mind wandering unintentionally, following Ivan's statements. Coincidentally, his brother Matthew was a DC police officer and friend of the division, but sadly, they didn't have many chances to talk. "What are you doing, man?" Alfred blurted out. "You know this is weird, right?"
Alas, Ivan would never be able to hear Alfred. He had already begun saying something else by the time Alfred was done speaking: "...and work around the people, because it is so fun inside, and there's AC! People are scared to talk to me when I am working outside. But at least I don't have to stand all day." Ivan's voice had gotten quieter, forcing Alfred to pay closer attention. "Do you stand all day when you work, Mr. FBI?"
"Hell no." Alfred kicked the wheels of his chair. "But don't get excited—it's a curse, dude. I would choose a nice garden with fresh air over this stuffy old garage any day."
Ivan was silent and complacent, as if he was really listening, Dora the Explorer-like, and Alfred still couldn't discern if it was endearing or eerie. Ivan's eyelids were halfway shut, a tiny smile gracing his lips. He waited a second more, then nodded. "Is your work boring, Mr. FBI?"
He considered. "Yeah. Not that you're that boring, but…" Alfred let the sentence hang. It wasn't as if it mattered if he finished it, anyway. And the fact was that Ivan was pretty boring. He was the only one ever in his apartment, and went to bed early on Friday nights. On Saturdays he did laundry and cleaned, and every Sunday he napped and called his sisters! "I'm just glad you work so much so I don't have to. Wow, I did not mean for that to sound mean. Um, it's true, though. If you had a computer, things would be differen—"
"Agent Jones?" a recognizable accented voice peeped around the doorway. "Whom are you talking to?"
For the second time that day, Alfred jumped and pushed down his screen, muting Ivan. "No one, good golly, don't scare me like that!"
Chief Arthur Kirkland, Alfred's boss and the head of the black division, didn't appear to notice or care. He stood stiffer than Toris had, clipboard and pencil in hand. "Okay, so, listen. You're mates with Agent Beilschmidt, right? He never checked in with Chief Héderváry and she wanted me to ask—"
Alfred adjusted his glasses, scrunching up his nose. "Which Beilschmidt?"
"The elder." Arthur steeled himself, putting a perplexed finger to his temple. "Apparently, Gilbert's gone MIA."
Alfred crossed his arms. "I haven't seen him since office bowling on Friday. He got his arm stuck in the ball return. Today Héderváry tried to stun me when I checked in! What is up with the gray division?"
Kirkland shook his head to himself, beginning to pace in place. His eyes were as wide as quarters, staring unforgivably at his clipboard as if it held all the answers. "With Carriedo missing already, I'm sure there's foul play to suspect, or even worse—the Mafia. They're on the same team; it's too much of a coincidence. It also means—" He gasped suddenly, raising his crazy blond head in epiphany. Then his voice lowered to a whisper. "It means someone else will be next."
Alfred sat up straighter, suddenly excited. "Whoa, really? Can I help? What case were they working on before they disappeared? Who saw them last? Where—"
"No." Arthur Kirkland was cross. "Not your division. Just let them handle it. Who are you monitoring, again?"
He hesitated. "Ivan. I mean, Braginsky. The...the guy—"
"The Russian spy, right." Arthur stuck his pen behind his ear. "Well. I'll be off, then. Remember to record any—"
"I know, I know." Alfred waved his hand. He felt more and more antsy the longer the Chief was in his space. "Just get on with it. It's fine."
"Right." Arthur frowned and touched his headpiece, half-turned away. "Good day, then. Do your work."
Alfred swiveled back to Ivan, groaning loudly as Arthur departed. Sometimes he felt like he was never taken seriously, but then again, he did sit at a desk and watch a famous memer's life all day. He wasn't sure if such a job should be taken seriously or not.
"I wish I was in a different division," Alfred blurted out. While he had been distracted by Arthur, Ivan had finished washing dishes and was now wiping down his stove and countertops. "I want to do more field agent stuff. My job would be a lot less boring if, instead of hacking all your gadgets and watching you from behind this screen, I could actually go out and spy on you. You know, like, shadow you from around street corners, hiding in the bushes with binoculars, open up the refrigerator door and BAM I'm there!" Alfred slapped his hands on his knees, grinning. "Eat all your food. Make you drop your croissant."
Ivan was still smiling to himself in that charming, unnerving way as he strangled the last drops of water from his rag and hung it over the faucet to dry. "What do you like to do when you're not working, Mr. FBI? Or do you work all the time? I imagine you taking shifts with someone else. Which FBI do I speak to now?"
"Nope, just me. I mean, other black division monitors like Toris sometimes, or Ludwig Beilschmidt if I can convince him, but mostly just me. They all have other guys to watch; y'all suspected criminals are weird. If I wasn't here I would be at NASA." Alfred glanced wistfully at the star chart above his head. "But they wanted me to work on computers, and I wanted to go to space. Diddly darn dang, I love space."
Ivan waited five more seconds before responding. "That's nice."
Alfred nodded fervently. "Damn right it is. Arthur—what a mom—says I waste my talents—"
"I hope you are having an good day, wherever you are," Ivan mused. "I assume you work at FBI headquarters. I walked by that place today. Tomorrow I work in the butterfly garden. It is very close, and my favorite place to work."
"That's rad. I've been there. It's right next to the Museum of Natural—"
"It is next to the Museum of Natural History." Ivan was staring directly at the camera. For the many months Alfred had been Ivan's monitor, he hadn't noticed the purple hue his eyes took on in this dim kitchen glow. "Very beautiful, da? Convenient that most of the Smithsonian buildings are close to each other, all in the same place. I can look at prize artifacts and arrange flowers at the same time."
Alfred was silent. A vision of Ivan with a butterfly perched atop his big nose entered Alfred's mind. He wished Ivan used his phone on the job, wondering what Ivan actually looked like while working. The phone was harder to hack when it was turned completely off; Ivan normally kept it like that during the day while Alfred was away.
"Oh. That reminds me. One moment, Mr. FBI." Ivan walked off out of view.
An idea began to take shape in Alfred's mind, replacing the image of Ivan and the butterfly. Really, allowing Ivan to go that whole slot of time without documentation was a bad strategy, especially if Ivan really was a dangerous Russian intelligence agent. Who knew what he could be up to? And with all the gray division field agents being abducted by the Mafia, apparently, there would be less people to go out and make sure Ivan wasn't, like, putting poison into the plants or something. Alfred could step up and ask. Alfred wanted to see Ivan irl.
And speaking of Ivan, where the heck was he?
Alfred instinctively leaned forward before forgetting it was impossible to see around the kitchen through Ivan's phone. He was positioned so he was staring at Ivan's undecorated refrigerator. He couldn't even hear Ivan, though he remembered Ivan had excused himself.
Ivan never did this. After dishes he would always make himself a lunch for the next day, spend another thirty minutes online, read a little of the book he was slowly working through, check his phone again, and then get ready for bed. Alfred stared frustratedly at the screen, willing it to shift. "Hey, get back over here!" he protested. "You can't just leave me hanging like this!"
From the other room came a thump and a crinkle of plastic that sounded like an empty Doritos bag.
"Ivan!" Alfred huffed. "Don't make me do it!" He brought up a tab of the phone's controls. His finger hovered over the mouse. "Alright, you asked for it. Hear that? I'm doing it, Braginsky!" He pressed a button, making the phone burst into a frantic buzzing.
A few seconds later Ivan reentered the kitchen, his soft boi face appearing innocent and concerned through the screen. Alfred shut the phone's buzzing off, crossing his arms smugly. "Explain yourself."
Ivan, however, didn't say anything. He picked up the phone, opened it, and went straight to his meme account. Alfred felt betrayed when Ivan didn't speak any more, just swiped through his feeds. "So close," he mumbled to himself, having switched back to Russian. Alfred was a bit startled by this, as well; if Ivan knew (or thought he knew) that no one was going to hear and respond to him, why had he been using English when he spoke to "Mr. FBI?" Alfred accepted it was just another of his quirks that made Alfred's job easier. But it signified that their conversation was now over.
"Okay, whatever, it's chill, then." Alfred glanced at the time. He still had a few long hours to go before Ivan clocked in for the night. He had been caught off-guard by the unprompted half-conversation, and now was embarrassed at how he had whined about being ignored. Deep down, Alfred didn't really believe Ivan was a criminal or a spy. Criminals didn't get drunk on vodka home alone and laugh so pleasantly. Spies didn't jump on their beds in excitement whenever it snowed and knit their own oven mitts. Ivan was as ordinary and unassuming and simple as one could be, and immigrant or otherwise he had absolutely no reason to be on the FBI black list.
So Alfred sighed and settled into his cubicle for another evening of memes, same as always. He waited, watched and waited, stole food from Toris and waited, but it turned out that Mr. FBI didn't even get a "Goodnight."
Ivan had no intention of telling his phone goodnight. In fact, he had been reading (and posting) so many FBI memes lately that he left his phone on his bed under the covers in paranoia while he went to the bathroom. But not because it was gross to have someone watching him do his business, which it was. It was because under his sink, squeezed behind the water pipe, was a laptop computer no one knew about but himself and an invisible faction of Russian hackers. Stored on that computer was vital information he had been slowly leeching from the Smithsonian Institute. He didn't know what the circle would do with the info when he sent it, wrapped up with ribbons and bows over a deep web email provider, but he knew if he didn't do his job there would be consequences. He made sure to flush the toilet and run the water on his way out.
Ivan hopped into bed and picked his phone back up, humming as if nothing had happened. He refused to look at the camera lens again, but chided himself. If someone really was watching him, he would know. He distracted himself by checking his meme account once more.
Ivan buried his body under the massive pile of blankets, turning off the lamp and letting his phone screen be the only source of light in the room. He had read that blue light before bed destroyed the eyes, but figured he was already too far gone in that direction to fix anything now. Someone had commented "Congratulations! Heart emoji, fireworks emoji, clapping hands emoji," on his most recent post. Ivan's breaths picked up as he doubled back to check his follower count, gasping when he saw it.
He had broken one million.
I have nothing to say for myself.
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pindaleng · 7 years
Asks Part 2 - 150 asks
blackdowning asked:
all of the taylor asks please and also all of the 150 asks from a couple days ago thanks
Get ready for a ride
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
Teasingly with my friend Holly
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Shy af
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
My bestie @blackdowning :’)
4. Are you easy to get along with?
I think so! Unless we’re good enough friends that all I do is find ways to antagonize you
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Romantic “like”? Hope so but don’t know them that well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
People with really nice smiles and laughs and have a great sense of humor because help me if I have to explain memes or can’t make them laugh (because I’m hilarious)
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
Lol no way
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Thinking of what to text @blackdowning
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
My roommates!
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
"New year old me my bed is probs gross now“
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
King of My Heart - Taylor Swift
Bad At Love (Stripped) - Halsey
Over You - Miranda Lambert
Over You - Ingrid Michaelson, A Great Big World
Can I Be Him - James Arthur
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Um idk, if I’m comfortable with them?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Yupperdoodles :)
15. What good thing happened this summer?
Discovered Wynonna Earp and Carmilla :’)
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Yikes nope
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
LOL nope but he likes my Facebook roasts to our mutual friend sometimes
19. Do you like bubble baths?
What kind of person doesn’t??
20. Do you like your neighbors?
Don’t know my apartment neighbors but maybe the ones across the hall could smoke less weed that’d be great
21. What are you bad habits?
Scratching my head and releasing dandruff, rubbing my face as it’s peeling, shaking my leg, staying up late doing nothing, procrastinating, etc.
22. Where would you like to travel?
Want to go to Japan one day! But otherwise not sure. Europe in general, Australia, Canada? Places with good food and comfortable living arrangements.
23. Do you have trust issues?
Why is this question in so many asks yes I do move on what a clingy question jeez
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Going on tumblr
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
...all of it? :’)
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Grumble about being awake
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Uhhh I think I’m pretty okay with how it is rn
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My besties
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
Yikes no thank goodness
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Probably! #TaxBenefits
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Um threesome friendship? Elise Bauman and Natasha Negovanlis cuz I’d be a third party observer as they forget about me and just get to watch them be super great all the time 
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
In a badminton class rn! I’ve also played sports for funzies like tennis, volleyball, swimming, and basketball
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
Heck that’s hard. Without TV? Especially if they couldn’t have music in them. But like I’m such tv fandom trash it would be so hard.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
Hahha yes
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
Um nothing or how’s it going or 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Super funny. Great listener. Eye crinkles when they smile/laugh. Bright smile. Laugh that makes flowers grow. Driven.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
There was a store in Epcot Japan that I could spend like my entire life in. Craft stores, and department stores with plaid/button ups/dressy clothes
40. What do you want to do after high school?
Um in college rn so... college?
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
I’m either super exhausted or irritated or uninterested
43. Do you smile at strangers?
Yess’m because I get unreasonably bothered when people don’t smile at me cuz then I think I did something wrong lmao
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Um bottom of the ocean like under a bajillion pounds of water how cool is that
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Responsibility and food
46. What are you paranoid about?
47. Have you ever been high?
Tried but didn’t work
48. Have you ever been drunk?
Erp yep
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Um secret projects
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
All the time??
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
Me? :’)
53. Favourite makeup brand?
Uh covergirl? Don’t really wear makeup 
54. Favourite store?
Teeturtle (online store) has pretty nifty stuff
55. Favourite blog?
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food? 
58. Last thing you ate?
White Cheddar Cheez-its
59. First thing you ate this morning?
Milk with instant coffee, but first actual food PB&J
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Once was a winner of a letter to santa competition my local newspaper hosted when I was a kiddo and got a stuffed bear
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
Nope I’m too much of a goody two shoes
62. Been arrested? For what?
For stealing people’s hearts ;) jk never been arrested
63. Ever been in love? 
Don’t think so
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
Was leaving their house and then awkwardly talked for forty minutes by their door then fill in the blank
65. Are you hungry right now?
I literally always am so
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
Um tumblr friends r real friends
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
70. Names of your bestfriends? 
Internet and Food
71. Craving something? What?
Sushi and love
72. What colour are your towels?
Red and pink
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Just one
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
I have some on my bed!
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
Ummm 15-20?
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear?
Wouldn’t you like to know ;)
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Mint Chocolate Chip
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
Blue jeans
81. Favourite tv show?
82. Favourite movie?
Ugh hard one I don’t really have a fave. I really like Now You See Me1 and 2, the Pitch Perfects, The Carmilla Movie, Almost Adults, The Big Short, Polar Express, and I’m sure I’m messing some
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Who tf likes Mean Girls 2 better??????????
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Mean Girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
87. First person you talked to today?
My roommate Holly
88. Last person you talked to today?
So far, my other roommates Hope and Victoria
89. Name a person you hate?
Nick St. Clair
90. Name a person you love?
Betty Cooper
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Anybody I want to fite sum1
92. In a fight with someone?
Don’t think so
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
Many many
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
Also many lots love sweaters and hoodies
95. Last movie you watched?
How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
96. Favourite actress?
Just one??? 
97. Favourite actor?
uhhh Chris Wood maybe? Tom Hanks?
98. Do you tan a lot?
Did when I played tennis in high school
99. Have any pets?
No :(
100. How are you feeling?
Great B)
101. Do you type fast?
Decently quick!
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
SO MANY but also trying to just accept it instead of feel bad about it
103. Can you spell well?
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
Um not like super cool burning couches and ten feet tall fires but just chill roasting marshmallows ones yeah
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
Yes! It was fun
108. What should you be doing?
Studying for exams stop attacking me
109. Is something irritating you right now?
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
Hm I don’t think so
111. Do you have trust issues?
I'm against monopolies so you could say I have issues with trust (anti-trust get it haha I’m hilarious give me money)
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
113. What was your childhood nickname?
Awk didn’t really have one
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
Uh duh it’s great
116. Are you listening to music right now?
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
Who doesn’t?
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
121. Are you mean?
Average ye
122. Is cheating ever okay?
I use google all the time for my hws so I hope so
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Lol no my white shoes rn are getting pretty dirty
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Yes <3
125. Do you believe in true love?
Yes <3 <3
126. Are you currently bored?
Yes but I also have a heck ton of stuff I need to do oop
127. What makes you happy?
Making other people laugh/smile
128. Would you change your name?
If it would make it sound cooler yah
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
Delish I might get some soon
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Literally this was already a question who made this
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
London girl with an attitude We never told no one but we look so cute Both got way better things to do But I always think about it when I'm riding through - Bad at Love by Halsey
134. Can you count to one million?
Is that before or after seven
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
Idk if it’s the dumbest but in an interview I said I knew what a company did and then said it wrong but they hired me anyways so who rly won
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
138. Curly or Straight hair?
Straight in reference to hair
139. Brunette or Blonde?
Brunette? Closer to black hair
140. Summer or Winter?
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
Dark chocolate ftw
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
Yeah :)
147. Mars or Snickers?
Um Milky Way should count under Mars right
148. What’s your favourite quote?
“No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind”
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
How else do u explain how a russian nesting doll ended up in my apartment freezer when neither me nor my roommates did it.
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
Uh literally don’t have a book near me rn might update later when I find one
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dontbethatshank · 7 years
Little Lies
Request:  “And the request is for Newt, of course, based on the song I'd Lie by Taylor Swift. Have you heard that one? It's about her loving him while being his best friend and never saying how she feels but at the end can you make the reader and Newt confess their feelings and get together? Because that'd be wonderful. I want you to write it along the lyrics of it actually :) so if you can do it it'd be really great♡”
A/N: Again, whatever you have read or watched, ignore for this imagine. I had to use some creativeness to get the lyrics involved. So I created some of my own plot holes which are similar to parts of the movies and such but not exactly. SO just imagine creatively and enjoy!
Tumblr media
“Y/N!” the young, 12-year-old boy yelled, grinning wildly. I looked over curiously, my own 11-year-old self-confused as to what was going on. “What?” I asked, defensive almost. “Why did the chicken cross the road?” Newt asked, leaning on his hands, looking at me as I finished my self-test/survey. “I don’t know,” I shrugged. “To get to the other side!” Newt exclaimed, grinning at his own joke. I faltered but laughed, smiling widely at him. Whenever he tells me a joke, I fake a smile and laugh; even if it isn’t funny.
“Y/N,” Sonya looked at me and I hummed in response. We were in our shared room. We had come to what many call Paradise not too long ago, and everyone soon fell into their own spots. It was like a better functioning maze, everyone having a spot and what not. It was a comforting system to me. “What’s up, Sonny?” I hummed, sitting up and looking at her from across the small, shared room. “Newt is working here in the gardens since it’s what he knows best... and, well, I don’t know. It’s just been so long since I’ve seen him, you know? And it’s almost like seeing a stranger, I barely remember anything he likes. But, any ways, I wanted to make him another panga blade, for gardening. But I was going to wrap it in rope since the handle is really rough and to make it personal. But I don’t even know his favorite color anymore,” Sonya sighed. 
And indeed, a long blade laid before her, sharpened herself, with a thick, rough looking handle that could probably give a few good splinters. “His favorite color is green,” I hummed, without thinking,” It’s a dark forest green. Like... this.” I told her, pulling a long piece of thin, tightly woven rope from the small bundle she had on her bed. Sonya gave me an odd look but mumbled a thank you, grabbing the rope and beginning to wrap the handle. She sharpened the blade against one of her rocks, the sound almost melodic at this point, and I quietly sighed, thinking of her brother. God, out of everyone and everything I could have remembered, why did I have to remember only him? And why, in such great detail?
Walking through the night, a pack on my back and a blade in hand, everything was qiet. The buzzing of the crickets and the small noises of insects and animals roaming about were heard, but no one talked.The others and I had set up camp, a small fire and decent shelter were set up between a small group of thick trees. Two of us were always up, on guard, every couple hours. Tonight, at this time, it was Newt and I. We sat against a tree, Newt facing the rest of the woods and I facing towards the camp. We both watched our part of the area, randomly moving around to get better views. 
Neither of us had talked in awhile, but then Newt let out a gentle sigh.  “I wish I could remember what life was like...” Newt mumbled. Several people from my own group had run and escaped with Newt and the other boys, trying to escape WCKD and their stupid trials. All of us were in the same boat; lost, confused, and scared. “Me too, bud, me too...” I mumbled. The truth was, I remembered Newt. I truly did. I could list off random facts about him that I couldn’t even remember about myself. It was terrifying, but also... reassuring. “Like... my birthday. I know I have one, we all have a bloody birthday, but... I couldn’t tell you mine even if my life depended on it right this second,” Newt sighed, rubbing a hand over his face as he turned to look at me a bit more clearly.
And without missing a beat, I replied. “You were born on the seventeenth. The seventeenth of October,” I mumbled in response, my eyes falling to my hands. Newt got quiet and looked at me curiously. “How do you know that?” he finally asked, and all I could do was manage a shrug in response. “I remember us being close, being good friends... I guess, some things just... stuck. Like that, I remember small details, but nothing much else,” I replied. Lies. But only a little lie. I did remember small details... but I remembered many small details about the boy in front of me. Including the fact that I loved that boy.
“Thank God, I finally found you, I need your advice,” Newt said, grabbing my shoulder as he ran up behind me. Turning around I saw the boy, a sheet of sweat on his face, his brand new blade from his sister tucked under a strap on his back. “What’s up, kidd?” I asked, smiling at him. He always came to me for questions. I’m not really sure why, but I happily gave him my advice freely and my honest opinions. I tended to be that way for most of our friends. Everyone used me as their faucet of advice, and it always comes to them freely when they ask.
“Well, you’re the most honest person I know. Hell, I don’t even think you are physically able to lie. Anyways... I have some, girl.. questions,” Newt began, scratching his neck awkwardly. I forced a smile. It was only time. Being in Paradise meant more people; more girls; more possibilities. Of course, he would finally find one to set his eye on. And I truly was happy for him. “Go ahead, shoot away with your questions,” I laughed, walking with him as we headed to get some water in between our work. “Alright well, you see, this girl is really... not into normal girl stuff I guess? Like, she really likes to make blades and I’m pretty sure the idea of romance is probably sickening to her-” Newt began, and Istopped him, laughing. “Newt! No. Any girl, no matter who she is or who she likes, likes romance,” I laughed. He would never tell anyone, but he could play guitar; and if this mystery girl of his meant that much to him, I’m sure he could find the romance and talent up his sleeve to play her a little song to tell her just how he feels...
“No, not this one,” he argued, a frown on his lips. “No, trust me, she does. Everyone likes a bit of romance. It’s... sweet,” I replied and smiled. “No, no. Like she really isn’t into relationships or romance stuff or-” Newt began, the frown on his face deepening and becoming more confused. With a roll of my eyes I walked ahead of him, chuckling. “God, you love to argue,” you muttered, grabbing a canteen and filling it with water as I did so. Newt pouted gently at me, huffing as he did so. “Come on! I really need some honest advice! You would never lie, not to me anyway, I just... I really need help,” he groaned out.
“Fine, fine, I’ll help you. There are so many things you could do, ya’know? A secret picnic, maybe play her a song, or...” And it was true. I would never tell a lie. I praised myself on my high morals. I hated lying. I especially hated lying to Newt - I could never knowingly tell him an untruth. But if you asked me if I love him, I’d lie.
It was hot. I was tired. And no matter what I did, everything seemed to go wrong. I had messed up a building I was working on with Gally, Kiana, and the others. I had honestly ruined a weeks worth of effort, which pissed Gally off, but Kiana reassured me and so did Brenda when I saw her earlier. But the one thing I did that I didn’t even know how I did, was I pissed off Newt.
I was walking back to my shared room with Sonya, mumbling to myself and toying with my dirty hair as per usual, when Newt came up. I was tired and wasn’t in the mood to help with his mystery girl for the day, so I did my best to kindly brush him off. “Hey! Y/N! Wait up,” I heard from next to me, and then suddenly the tall, lanky boy named Newt was magically by my side. I smiled weakly up at him as I continued to walk sluggishly, and he smiled, rubbing the back of his neck as he let out a breath.
“So, uhm... this girl. I really want to just, ya know, tell her that I like her. I was going to do a big reveal or take her on a small, surprise date but... I think just saying it will be the best way. So... how should I do that?” Newt asked, looking down at me hopefully. With a small, inward groan, I stopped and looked at him. I didn’t have the self-esteem nor the patience to do this today. Not to watch and listen as he talked about this girl he loved so dearly. “Just, tell her. No wording it oddly or anything, just yanno... say it, blunt and clear. It’s the best way, otherwise, things may get messed up,” I nodded, affirming my opinion on it.
“I like you,” Newt said, letting out a breath as he looked down at me. I hummed and nodded, turning back to continue walking. “Yes, exactly like that. Now go on, go tell her,” I sighed. Newt grabbed my wrist, stopping me. “No, Y/N, wait-” he began, but I was too tired to listen to it. “Seriously, just go tell her, alright? I’m not in the mood to really listen to you drone on about her. It’s hot, I’m tired, and it’s just not a good day,” I replied, sighing. Newt dropped my wrist, a blank look on his face before he nodded and walekd away, silence following him and filling the space between us.
“I’m holding every breath for you... making sure I never tell you how I feel,” I whispered quietly to him as he walked away. And I was. Every time I heard him speak about his mystery girl, I smiled. As his best friend, I was proud of him and wanted him so, so happy... but I bit my lip and held my breath, afriad I might say just how I feel if I didn’t watch my tongue. And oh my God, it hurt so bad.
It was the next day, the day after I exploded on Newt, and I felt like utter crap. I wanted to apologize. To beg for his forgiveness. I couldn’t lose my best friend over some stupid jealousy that Ive kept hidden for what feels like a lifetime. No, that wouldn’t be fair to him. I had to talk to him. To apologize. To make it up to him. And I was going to... as soon as I could find my damn pants.
As soon as I was dressed, I checked myself in the dirty mirror and fixed my hair. I used to put on my make up and hope for a miracle that maybe Newt would notice, and he would see a beautiful girl. But now, after he’s talked about this girl he likes for the past three weeks, I just gave up. So as long as my clothes didn’t smell too bad and my hair looked like I at least tried to fix it this morning, then I looked good enough for whoever saw me today.
“Newt!” I called, seeing the boy sitting on a small wooden stool. “My God, he’s beautiful,” I thought to myself. He was wearing fresh, clean, new clothes. They were simple grey jeans and a light blue button down. They definetely weren’t work clothes, so I had no idea why he was dressed so... nicely. “Y/N,” Newt responded, smiling at me. “Hey, look, I really need to-” I began, raking fingers through my hair as I sighed, looking up at him. “No, no. Here, I need to show you something first. Come with me,” Newt butted in, grabbing my wrist and pulling me with me.
Obediently, I followed, confused. We walked for awhile, quietly. He held my hand, guiding me. We walked into the thin, small gathering of trees outside the small city that we had built up here in paradise. The day was cooler than before, and the shade of the trees made it nice and cool. I could hear the faint sound of running water, and Newt finally pulled me into a clearing. It was a small waterfall, water cascading down a piling of rocks into a small pond, and beside it on the grassy area, was a small, thin blanket. On the blanket was a basket and some food was laid out. I looked at Newt, confused; bewildered was more like it.
“You said to directly say it, so there were no mix ups... but, there was a mix up. So I decided to say it and show it,” he explained, guiding me to the blanket and sitting us down. As we sat down he grabbed my hands, looking me in the eye. “Y/N, I like you. No, a better phrase I suppose would be, I love you,” Newt began, gulping down a big breathe. “I remember us before the Maze. I remember us being friends. I remember all these little quirks of yours that you still have... like how you only like crunchy peanut butter, or how you will only ever eat grapes if they’re cut up and mixed with another fruit. I remember your birthday, and your favorite colors, I remember that you love to argue with me just as much as I love to argue with you... and I remember that you are still the most beautiful girl I have ever seen,” Newt mumbled, looking down into my eyes.
“Newt, I... I love you. God, I love you so much. I’m sorry for snapping at you and just... I thought you were talking about another girl and it hurt and just... I love you,” I stuttered, trying to find the ight words and ultimately still failing. Newt laughed, his hand coming up and two fingers laid under my chin, pulling my face closer to his. “I love you, Y/N. So much,” he whispered, before pressing a kiss to my lips and gently pulling me closer to him. And my world was on fire and I felt like a thousand fireworks were going off inside of me.
“I’d never lie about loving you. Never again,” I mumbled, then leaned in closer to kiss him again. No more little lies. Because if you asked me if I love him, I’d never lie.
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puckgoodfaggot · 7 years
evens pls?
Oh geez. Throwing this under a readmore. Thanks, anon!
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
Not today, but I do talk to Carson pretty often.
4. Is trust a big issue for you?Not really. I trust really easily lmao. Maybe too easily.
6. What are you excited for?Going to France this December!!
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?No and also nice sexism, OP.
10. What is the last beverage you had?Water. Gotta stay hydrated, motherfucker.
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?They’re the only kind of jeans I own.
14. What are you going to spend money on next?Probably gas. I need to fill up.
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?I mean, not dramatically, no, but I hope I never stop changing altogether. 
18. The last time you felt broken?Like this morning lmao. I had a minor anxiety attack.
20. Are you starting to realize anything?Not really?
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?Sure!
24. What do you want right this second?My boyfriend in my bed with me so we can cuddle.
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?Nope.
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?A photo my boyfriend just showed me of him with his ex.
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?I want to be able to say yes, but no.
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?Yeah, it would be weird if he didn’t cause we’ve been dating for over two years.
34. Listening to?My boyfriend talking to me on videochat.
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?He’s on his bed in his apartment in Hyéres.
38. Who did you last call?My mom, I think.
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?Because he was leaving for France and I love him so much.
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?Sadly, no. We live in different states.
44. Do you tan in the nude?No, lmao. I also don’t tan at all. I just slather myself in sunscreen and still get burned.
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?Nah.
48. Do you sing in the shower?Yes. My showers are often longer than necessary just so I can sing more.
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?YES! It’s so fun! I want to do it more!
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?Yes, but I still love them.
54. Ever eat a pierogi?Fuck yeah. Those things are SO good.
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?Astronaut, rockstar, restaurant owner, model, fashion designer, wedding planner, etc.
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?All the fucking time. It’s very weird. Like I’m in a moment and I go “I’ve seen this before. I’ve been here before,” and it feels like remembering a dream.
60. Wear slippers?No, my feet would be on fire.
62. What do you wear to bed?Usually a tank top and basketball shorts in the summer, and a t-shirt and sweats in the winter. A hoodie too if it’s really cold.
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?TARGET. I live for Target.
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?Cheetos all the way.
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?Blank Space, I guess? Not really a fan of her, though.
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?Animation.
72. Ever won a spelling bee?No, I am really good at spelling, and was extremely gifted as a kid, but I am very nervous about public speaking so I choked in one of the first rounds.
74. What is your favorite book?The Hobbit.
76. Regularly burn incense?All the time!! I love it. We have a whole big box in the living room full of different incense.
78. Who would you like to see in concert?Radiosepia. Also Mika.
80. Hot tea or cold tea?Hot tea in the winter. Iced tea in the summer.
82. Favorite type of cookie?Oooh, my mom makes some really good chocolate ones with maraschino cherries on them. But I love peanut-butter blossoms and chocolate chip cookies too?? I love all cookies.
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?Yes.
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?I don’t know, actually. Probably a DJ?
88. Ever have plastic surgery?I mean, kind of? I had top surgery.
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?It’s great lmao.
And I already did 92!
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LWYMMD: Review
It’s been roughly three years since Taylor Swift told us she had a blank space, baby, and that she’d write your name. It was a line delivered with a wink, a silly warning that if you weren’t careful you too might fall victim to the man-eating serial dater on the cover of tabloids. The intention, however, wasn’t exclusively lighthearted. “I hear what you’re saying about me,” Taylor seemed to be whispering - granted over this. sick. beat. 
Since then, Taylor has kept listening, though the news stories have grown increasingly vindictive. In the years since Blank Space hit #1 on the Billboard Hot 100, Taylor has been accused of planning a fake relationship, was “exposed” as a snake by Kimye, and branded a drama-seeking liar by a bitter ex. She still has her list though, and yes, she’s written your name. And it’s in red. And it’s underlined. She’s not offering a warning; she’s delivering a threat.
Much like “Blank Space,” Taylor’s new single showcases an artist keenly aware of the narratives that have been spun around her, narratives that are so daunting and obtrusive that they cannot go unaddressed within her art itself. In 2014 Taylor couldn’t release another love song without addressing the overwhelming criticism that she was a relationship fiend obsessed with romance. Instead, she crafted a bitingly sarcastic, witty, and heightened banger written from the perspective of that very character the media had written. Through speaking in the voice of this absurd tabloid creation, this boy-crazy jet-setter crying in her mansion, she underlined how ridiculous (and sexist) that narrative was in the first place.  In 2017, her role, however, has changed and her tactics have adjusted accordingly, but the general intent remains similar. “Oh, you think I’m a snake?” Taylor asks, “oh, I will show you a snake.” 
And so she does. 
The Taylor of “Look What You Made Me Do” is the villain of your bad dreams. She’s harder, smarter, filled with venom, and a notably far cry from the country singer with teardrops on her guitar. While Blank Space Taylor was a heightened caricature of a lovelorn ex-girlfriend, LWYMMD Taylor is a different type of cartoon: a Disney villain with an axe to grind. This Evil Queen was once the ruler of her kingdom, she tells us, before a handful of unforeseen mistakes and betrayals banished her to some haunted forest to lick her wounds.  Now, like a witch cackling over her cauldron and lamenting her latest defeat, she swears that though she may have gotten her just desserts, you will too - and soon. It’s over the top and it’s ridiculous - underscoring the fact that for all of your snake emojis and think pieces, your image of Taylor in 2017 is also over the top and ridiculous . 
One might be forgiven though for asking what exactly we (and yes, I think the song is directed at WE, the public, more than it is at any individual with whom she may have “feuded” recently) made Taylor do. She repeats the line in the chorus over and over and to the tune of Right Said Fred’s “I’m Too Sexy,” but she doesn’t give us an exact answer. Not until the song reaches its climax in what is easily its most infamous moment before the final chorus. “The old Taylor,” we are told, “can’t come to the phone right now. Why? Oh! ...’cuz she’s dead!” 
Now, Taylor is no stranger to the spoken word bridge before bursting into a final, jubilant explosion of a chorus. On “Shake it Off” she deadpanned her reaction to her ex-man walking in with his new girlfriend and on WANEGBT she explained when she would likely get back together with an exhausting ex that still loves her (answer: never... like ever). Whereas those songs offered sassy codas to their respective songs, LWYMMD’s mock phone call clarifies the entire songs intent, bringing everything we’ve heard up until that point into focus. What did we make Taylor do? We made her draw the curtain on the Old Taylor, seemingly disowning her legacy in the process and replacing it with this cartoonish villain. While we had provided plenty of the nails in Old Taylor’s coffin, this New Taylor provided the last one. 
If you don’t think this disavowal is significant, I’d point you toward an interview Taylor gave during the rollout of her album 1989 in 2014. Tavi Gevinson asked on behalf of Elle Magazine whether Taylor had ever felt pressure to rebel against her youthful image much like the Mileys, Britneys, and Lindasys of the world had done before her. Taylor’s response is one for the ages and it’s one of my favorite quotes of hers ever, so I will reproduce it in full: “I feel no need to burn down the house I built by hand. I can make additions to it. I can redecorate. But I built this. And so I'm not going to sit there and say, "Oh, I wish I hadn't had corkscrew-curly hair and worn cowboy boots and sundresses to awards shows when I was 17; I wish I hadn't gone through that fairy-tale phase where I just wanted to wear princess dresses to awards shows every single time." Because I made those choices. I did that. It was part of me growing up. It wasn't some committee going, "You know what Taylor needs to be this year?" And so with 1989, I feel like we gave the entire metaphorical house I built a complete renovation and it made me love the house even more—but still keeping the foundation of what I've always been.” 
With LWYMMD, Taylor holds a match to that house she built. Why? Because we enjoyed watching a successful woman struggle. We cheered for her demise and laughed while she was ridiculed. When she offered us sincerity, we damned her for being calculated. When she strove for success, we hated her for her ambition. We vandalized her house, smashing its windows and graffitiing its walls with snakes. 
Now, I don’t think the house is gone forever. I’m confident that it is undergoing a new phase of renovations that will be revealed on November 10th. But as several of its wings go up in flames, Taylor is holding our hands to the fire and reminding us that it is, in part, of our making. 
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lovetheplayers · 6 years
Concert review: Taylor Swift's Reputation tour in Toronto one of the year's best shows
RATING: **** out of four
The Swifties were more than ready for it as Taylor Swift kicked off two sold-out nights at Rogers Centre this weekend.
The Grammy-winning singer’s Reputation Stadium tour had everything, including snakes (some of them inflated to the size of a small building), girl power (thanks to her fabulous backing singers and openers Charlie XCX and Camila Cabello), fireworks, a fountain (yes, a fountain), gigantic screens, stage balloons, a seesaw, a throne, pyro and confetti. Lots of confetti.
Like all the great artists that have come before her, Swift has demonstrated she’s not just going to repeat herself. So everything here was bigger, better, bolder and yet more intimate. She worked hard to convey a feeling that even though there was 50,000 people in the building, she wanted to forge a connection with the person in the very last row. There have been plenty of stadium shows that have come through Toronto already this year, but this was a redefinition of that that experience can — and should — be. It was a wild extravaganza built around great music and it was one of the best concerts I’ve seen in 2018.
The theme of the show, particularly owing to the repeated use of snakes, also addressed Swift’s attempt on Reputation to reconcile her private life and public persona. “You definitely see the ups and downs that I’ve gone through,” she remarked during one of the several instances she broke from the song and dance to really connect with the audience.
Swift has been playing stadiums in Toronto since her 2013 tour behind Red, but as she told the crowd this is her first full stadium tour. She also reminded fans that Friday night was her 10th time playing in the city.
“We’re now into double digits.”
Leaning heavily on last year’s Reputation LP (her sixth), and coming on to the stage to the sounds of Joan Jett’s Bad Reputation, Swift’s 19-song set list covered a musical career that’s seen her go from country wunderkind to pop princess.
Starting with a splashy bang of …Ready for It? and I Did Something Bad, she segued into a medley that included Gorgeous, We Never Go Out of Style and two of her deeper cuts, 2008’s Love Story and You Belong With Me. There was a funny cameo from Tiffany Haddish, appearing onscreen to to advise fans the Old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now (“Because she’s dead!”) before she launched into a glitzy, over-the-top rendition of Look What You Made Me Do.
But the real highlight came partway through the show. After a fun-filled rendition of Shake It Off, accompanied by Charlie XCX and Camila Cabello on a side stage in the middle of the crowd, Swift stood with just her acoustic guitar and recounted how people tried to steer her away from shifting genres as she started to transition her sound on Red and then 2014’s 1989. People wouldn’t understand it, she said. “I remember saying, ‘I think (my fans) are like me’… so because of you, I’ve been able to play around.”
She then reimagined two of her more heavily produced songs — Dancing With Our Hands Tied and Out of the Woods — by herself and proved that she has one of the best voices in modern music. It actually left me thinking that she she should do an entire solo acoustic tour.
Running through the crowd, she moved over to another side stage where she played Blank Space and Dress before a serpent contraption whisked her back to the main stage as she sang a blistering version of Bad Blood that featured her dancers suspended in mid-air.
Plunking herself in front of a piano, Swift made one of the night’s strongest connections as she drew a line between herself and her fans before playing a medley of Long Live and Reputation’s closing track New Year’s Day.
“I understand how time works. I understand calendars. I understand people get older… Over the years, I’ve gotten to see people go through the phases of their lives… but it’s a pretty public life that I’ve got going on, so you’ve definitely seen ups and downs I’ve gone through and yet, here we are in this stadium all singing together and it makes me feel so, so… supported.”
Ending the concert there would have provided a nice emotional coda, but this tour is all about partying and having fun.
Desert scenery breezed by during a closing run of runes that kicked off with Getaway Car. Then on Call It What You Want and the show closers We Are Never Getting Back Together and This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things, Swift and her dancers frolicked around a fountain while images of a Gatsby-like mansion were projected on the screen and fireworks blazed off the side of the stage
It was opulent and a fitting end to such an extravagant stage production.
The show ended — no encore — with the words “And in the death of her reputation, she felt truly alive” emblazoned on the screen.
It was again a reminder of how Swift used Reputation to reconcile her public image.
But now, the only reputation she has to worry about is being one of the best live acts playing today. I can’t wait to see what she does next.
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Yes, another tale is interwoven with the wonder and magical properties of hash cookies. It's almost the two-year anniversary and I figured, 'What have I got to lose? Let's do it today!' This also goes back to when I was living in LA. I was in my flat, just listening to YouTube one afternoon after having some pizza and eating a few hash cookies. Then the song came on.'So it's gonna be forever, or it's gonna go down in flames.' That's fucking genius. And it's a Taylor Swift song! Fuck me! I didn't expect this. (Now, however, I enjoy many of her songs. Hey, we all have skeletons in our closets. This just happens to be one of mine.)It fit everything I was feeling in that moment. I kept playing it over and over and pretty soon I was thinking that I needed those words on me forever. I needed that reminder. I wanted that passion. It was simple, yet so creative. I rang my mate who's an uber driver and I was like mate, "I just wanna get out of here, take in the city and I've gotta show you this song!" He only lived a few minutes away and was over in no time. We drove around Hollywood and Beverly Hills with Taylor Swift's album 1989 on repeat, always replaying "Blank Space" a few times before we continued the album. It wasn't just me. He loved the song too. I looked at the time on the dash. It was 10 minutes to midday. "Take me to High Voltage. I need to get this on me!" We'd been there before so he knew just where to go.We arrived about 10 minutes after the shop opened and I was happy to see that Adrian was free. He's my go-to guy when I go there. He's got great personality and is an amazing artist. I told him that I wanted some lyrics and I pulled up the ones to show them. I was flying high and my pupils were rather dilated, but he didn't say anything about it. I'm sure had he noticed, he wouldn't have tattooed me. You can't tattoo people under the influence, or rather you shouldn't. I've seen both happen at shops all across Europe and North America. He was down to do the piece. He'd seen some of her writing and did the lettering in a girlish script that reminded me what I'd seen of Taylor's handwriting. "Is this what you want?" "Fuck yeah!" I filled out the paperwork and signed things while he set up his station and made the stencil. I thought it would be ironic if I got it next to my fuck you tattoo. Just add another layer of flavour. He told me to come on back and we could start. He put the stencil on and left room at the top of my thigh so I could tattoo there if I wanted to. "Perfect." I told him before laying on the body table so he could get to work. The rock that played through the stereo in the shop just upped the ante. I lulled into a state of musical madness, exhilarated by the beats and the vibrations of the needle. It didn't take Adrian long to do the tattoo at all. Maybe 20-30 minutes. Master of the craft. He wiped it down and I took a look before he bandaged it. I thanked him paid and danced on out of the shop to my mate who was waiting for me. "Where are we off to now?" "I'm thinking everywhere." The rest of the day is blurred shots of Venice, Burbank, West Hollywood and Marina Del Ray.I woke up the next morning with a bit of a headache and a leg ache. I remembered how many hash cookies I ate that day and then remembered the few tablets that I had dropped. I looked down to see if I'd cut myself or if it was all in my mind and there I saw the lyrics of Taylor Swift implanted in my skin. "What the fuck?" was the only sentence that came to mind. I couldn't believe I did it. The things I thought were dreams happened. And I just laid there and laughed. To this day I laugh at it. It's a great story and the tattoo still has the same meaning if not more. Embrace it all-the start, the end. And sometimes those we love the most give us the worst wounds. Read the original content on Blogger!  https://thespacebetweenloveandlies.blogspot.com/2017/01/tattoo-talk-thursdays-taylor-swift.html
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