#ALSO springsteen is country rock
Hi! Love your work.
I saw in your tags that you specified that post-9/11 pop country is terrible. I don't know hardly anything about country music: can you either tell me or point me in the direction of a resource where I can find out how/why 9/11 affected country music, please? Is it the white nationalism?
Thank you so much, have a great day.
I'm gonna put this under the cut bc I go on a rant
So, I'm mostly talking out of my ass with this however I do enjoy country music and in the 00's I discovered country pop and was really into it. As well, I've found articles which back up exactly what I'm talking about so I am going to link those at the end.
9/11 of course changed how Americans viewed themselves and of course triggered a rise of American nationalism, especially white nationalism as you've pointed out.
Music is an outlet for people and post 9/11, many American Patriotic songs were revived (think god bless the USA, etc). It also shifted pop country toward nationalism, religion, and a military-supporting standpoint. Song which discussed this, such as God Bless the USA, faced revival. Truly, just any song that mentioned America or USA suddenly become pro-American. There's a number of songs that came out in 2002 and 2003 which show this increase, me blaming Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue (the Angry American Song) is somewhat arbitrary but it does show examples of all of these as it was written in late 2001 and it came out in early 2002. It is a song of 'if you fuck with us, we will fuck right back with you' and it topped country music billboards in 2002. Compare this to prior country music, such as Born in the USA, which, despite the modern push for it being nationalist, tells the story of a Vietnam veteran returning home to nothing after he did horrific things for his country. There are other songs surrounding the United States which aren't nationalistic but, I would argue, some of them are patriotic. Including, Death to my Hometown, Independence Day (Is about an abusive relationship, but focused on the Fourth of July), and Battle of New Orleans (IMO the best song made).
More nationalist country that came out post 9/11 was stuff like American Soldier, Made in the USA, or Have you Forgotten?. This increase - which becomes a massive part of what people think of when they think of country music. There is still good modern country, think of Hell's Comin' With Me, which just made it big on Tiktok a few month ago and is a good song - good 2000's and 2010's country continues to exist! This white Christian nationalistic image is just what it is stereotyped as.
So, I'm totally going off but yes, this shift occurred because of 9/11 and what we now think of country as is because of that.
Some Sources
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graves headcanons
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he makes me patriotic for a nation i don't even belong to that's the philip graves effect AMEN. lil general post before i start getting specific (thank u lovely anon for suggesting this). taking this as an opportunity to also plug the fact i make character playlists sometimes and graves has one !!
⤷ despite being outwardly easy-to-talk-to, he finds it difficult to maintain long-term friendships due to an inability to be consistent. - this is directly related to his work. graves is a career-man first and foremost. he considers his interests and how people can further his goals first, and who they are as people second. most friendships are short-lived as a result.
⤷ textbook type A personality- finds it difficult to cope with not having some measure of control, or ability to direct a situation. on company teambuilding days, graves' team always wins.
⤷ likely a divorcee. was raised on the idea of a stereotypical, american nuclear family, and a white-picket-fence existence. settled down right out of highschool with a girl who was nice enough. arguments over his lack of effort in the relationship due to work were a major precursor to the divorce. - graves had wanted a family one day- kids, a house, the whole nine yards. after the divorce, and his relationship with his own father, he isn't sure if he's fit for it.
⤷ lived in a traditionally southern baptist, "spare the rod, spoil the child" household, where physical discipline was commonplace. he doesn't talk to his father, who was the primary perpetrator of the discipline (graves will still call it discipline, not abuse) often, as a result. - graves was raised actively in the church until his dad deemed he was old enough to stay home (12-14 years old). doesn't much believe in god anymore, but he misses the revival cookouts.
⤷ has a difficult relationship with his parents for a multitude of reasons. his parents are still married, having stayed together for philip, and because while philip was growing up, divorce wasn't looked kindly upon by their church. his father regularly works long hours most weekdays, and isn't often present. he feels guilty he isn't there more for his mother, who he genuinely feels some obligation to look after unlike his dad. visiting when he can is his way of dispelling the guilt in the back of his mind that he's a bad son.
⤷ not tortured with religious guilt, but due to where he was raised and the culture surrounding queer people in the deep south in the eighties and nineties (when graves would've been growing up, if we take his age at an approximate 40-42), likely didn't acknowledge any same-sex attraction he felt until he was well into his mid to late twenties atleast. was likely one of the boys picking on others in highschool for being queer. it took him a long time to come to terms with the fact he could be anything but straight, and he doesn't discuss it openly.
⤷ his music taste likely revolves around old americana, country, rock and gospel (you can take the boy out of the gospel choir but you'll never take the gospel choir out of the boy). - artists he'd frequently listen to might include johnny cash, ralph stanley, hank williams, willie nelson, marty robbins, bruce springsteen, elvis presley, guns n roses, ac/dc.
there's more graves content coming so look out for that yall :3
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romanarose · 7 months
Hey, I love your HCs of the Triple Frontier boys <3 I was thinking about what are some of their hobbies/interests and what kind of music they like to listen to. What do you think?
excellant question nonnie!!! I have LOTS of hc's, thanks for asking!!!
Santiago Garcia
We know Santi loves Metallica
And the sountrack to TF has Fleetwood Mac and Bob Dylan
I think Santi just loves music! He flies a lot so he spends time listening to full albums.
He doesn't have a lot of free time
Despite everyones teasing, he's not here to fuck pretty women. He's here to work.
Still, despite onl a few personal items he does have his guitar. Plays it a lot.
It does help with women
When he was a kid he thought he'd become a singer, he loves Vicente Ferdanez and Juan Gabriel
Alas, for a poor immigrant family Santi couldn't abandon them to persu wishy-washy dreams, he needed to work. Hence the military.
Still, it makes him happy when he sit and play guitar, watching people smile.
He learns songs from all his friends and families favorite bands.
William Miller
Will hates modern country.
Growing up in the yee haw south I think he hates what it's become
Was not upset when Tobey Keith died at all, think he ruined the genre in the post-9/11 nationalism
He enjoys thegrassroots rock movement (springsteen, melloncamp, petty) and the blues.
Him and Santiago both love Fleetwood Mac. It combines Santi's love of rock and Will's love of the blues.
Enjoys jazz but also classical music. He has more interest in the instruments than the lyrics of music anyway.
Him and Frankie both love love love Johnny Cash (who doesn't?)
Will loves suduko
He loves things that calm his mind.
Will likes sports, it was how him and Ben spent a lot of time on the farm.
To this day he likes going out to play ball with Ben. It helps Benny with his ADHD.
Benjamin Miller
Benny does not find tossing a ball around or playing basketball helps his ADHD at all
What he does find is that is helps Will's obbsessive obsessive worrying about him.
So, in that sense, Ben likes it because 1. it's fun and 2. it's a rare chance where he can help Will. Will doesn't let people help him much
Benny looooooves trash TV
The Bachelor, Love after Lockup, Love is Blind
He likes shows he doesn'thave to pay a whole lot of attentionto.
Not that Benny isn't smart bc I haaaaate when people act like he isn't.
But with his ADHD (which I hc he has) he tends to have a lot of things going at once. He's not going to be able to sit down and fully commit to something like The Handmaid's Tale.
Will go head to head on country music with Will and Frankie
he likes the bro country like Florida Goergia Line, Jason Aldean
No one ever accussed him of great taste, okay?
He's here for a good time, not a long time.
He doesn't like the racist or anti-lgbt artists and won't give them his money for concerts
But you can't fauly him for getting don to Red Solo Cup
Also loves classic hair metal (wore an AC/DC shirt most of the movie)
Francisco Morales
Frankie loves country music and grunge
His favorite Benny singing tho
Favorite is anything Chris Cornell and I'll stand by that!!!
Soundgarden, Audioslave, Temple of the Dog, his solo work
Frankie is a busy man, but I like to think he likes lego's
He's an enginier, so you know he's a smart man. I bet he loves making lego sets come together
Frankie has very strong opinions on children's television.
Bubble Guppies > Paw Patrol
Hates Paw Patrol but his daughter likes Skye becuase she's a hellicopter/pilot dog so he allows it.
Loves being out in nature. He's trying ot instill a love of the outdoors in his daughter, but also loves pending time with the guy, or even by himself
When he's overwhelmed, Frankie likes to go for a walks in the woods.
Will fuck up a farmers market all DAY
Oddly enjoys mowing the lawn
My man is Hank Hill
"Why would anyone do drugs hen they could just mow their lawn."
Now that he's sober, he finds lawncare is a great way to distract himself while still being a present father. He can do that while his daughter plays.
thank you so much for the ask!!!! i love chatting about my boys <3
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months
Country Romps Prompt List
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Please check the updated character list on my pinned post to see who I am writing for before submitting a prompt!
Also read the rules and do not forget to put the entire prompt into your ask!
Well, we were sittin' on a truck bed When it started rainin', she said, "I don't mind"
Gettin' down on one knee on her mama's porch Just prayin' she don't say, "No"
Moonlight on the back seat, Breeze through the wires, Springsteen on the speakers, Girl, I'm on fire
Got her dancin' in a white sundress
There's a rumor going 'round about me and you
You weren't really tryin', next thing you know There's a test on the counter, 
'Cause a girl like her on a night like this Make a man wanna stay right where he is
Or the road's too muddy to drive
And your left hand's gettin' used to that ring
You're wearin' scrubs and a funny white hat And the doctor's sayin', "How you doin' there, dad?"
I'm racing through the desert Thinking I can catch her But losing ground in this Chevrolet
Next thing I know I had my blue jeans hangin' on a tree limb
So tell me why we even trying to deny this feeling I feel it, don't you feel it too?
You get to know your wife again And you're more in love than you've ever been
Well, it was four in the mornin' when the storm quit stormin'
We didn't have a towel, didn't have dry clothes She was smilin' and sayin', "Hold me, I'm cold"
We made a blanket out of that sundress
You swear that you're stayin' single, next thing you know You meet a girl at a bar
Cold walk in December Warming up your hands
Blanket down in the backyard
Ask me if I'm staying and I say that I'm sleeping on the floor
I wonder if she sat there stirring vodka with a straw Was she counting down the seconds, or maybe having second thoughts?
I awoke to kitchen smoke, you dancin' like God's moved in you before
Sweet hearts kiss in the dark
I can do whatever you want me to do, baby
He's just a boy in working boots It didn't work, so you cut him loose
Remember jumping in the pool when we was fully clothed in August
The wine always affects you in beautiful kind ways
Grab me by the hands Just as callused as I am Say you're proud
I didn't know if we were over, or just on the rocks
'Cause lately I've been needing someone to remind me I'm worth more than just an evening
I met somebody and he's got blue eyes, He opens the door and he don't make me cry
And you've got flames all in your eyes As they reflect the sparkler And you say we'll never die
You were nappin' on my arms on a Sunday afternoon
He's an asshole from back home
Girl, you just don't get it I'd fall right back with one slip
He'd take you home but he's too drunk to drive
Then he meets one that's hurting too While he's kissing her, he's missing you
We buried him out in the wind 'neath the West Coast stars
Go on and put on that dress that all the bad boys like
Well, look in my eyes, I don't wan' to hide I've been waiting for you all damn night
Mama, I'm callin', I've got some news, Don't ya tell daddy, he'll blow a fuse
And oh, they said he hit that guardrail at half past three
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krispyweiss · 5 months
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“Rock and Roll Guitar God” Duane Eddy Dies at 86
Duane Eddy, whose string of instrumental hits in the 1950s and ’60s had an “incalculable” impact on the music that followed has died, the Arizona Republic reported.
The guitarist, 86, died April 30 in Tennessee of unspecified causes.
“Rest in peace, Duane Eddy,” Joe Bonamossa said. “A true pioneer and bonafide legend.”
Mick Fleetwood called Eddy a “very understated, sweet man who had talents way more than most ever knew,” while former Mac guitarist Rick Vito called Eddy “my friend and guitar hero.”
“Thanks for your influence on the world and for providing us with so much joy and inspiration,” Vito wrote on social media.
“Well done, Duane.”
Eddy scored more than 15 top-40 singles, most notably “Peter Gunn” and “Rabble Rouser.” He was a “rock and roll guitar god who invented twang,” the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame said in an online eulogy.
“Eddy was one of the musicians most responsible for popularizing the electric guitar in America, and his impact on artists like the Beatles, Creedence Clearwater Revival and Bruce Springsteen is incalculable,” the Rock Hall said.
The Country Music Hall of Fame also cited Eddy’s influence in remembering the guitarist.
“His style inspired thousands of hillbilly cats and downtown rockers … to learn how to rumble and move people to their core,” it said in a statement. “The Duane Eddy sound will forever be stitched into the fabric of country and rock and roll.”
Said Slash: “RIP, Duane Eddy.”
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cherrylng · 3 months
Meet the new boss - Bruce Springsteen Interview [ROCKIN'ON (April 2009)]
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2009 with a New President, a New America, and a New Boss Springsteen talks about his dream for his new album "Working on a Dream."
Bruce Springsteen has already boasted a long career spanning 36 years since his debut, but even for Bruce Springsteen, the year 2008 was probably one of the most rewarding years of his career. This is because the new album, "Working on a Dream," is an extraordinary revival of the E Street Band, surpassing even the previous album, "Magic," which was welcomed with joy by the fans.
If "Magic" was the E Street Band's greatest revival, this new album is a power-packed masterpiece that tells listeners that the E Street Band is back at full throttle, just as they ran with the blues in the 1970s and '80s. In some ways, Bruce's rock is an extreme purification of the meaning of American rock and roll, so it is not that Bruce's solo work is not accessible or hard to get into. However, when playing with the E Street Band, Bruce's rock explodes with such clarity, which was confirmed again at the E Street show that had been back since 1999 and at the halftime show at the Super Bowl in February. And the new album showed us this in the recording. It is no wonder that this new album was the first blues album in a long time to reach No. 1 across the board in many countries.
It is also striking that the resurgence of the E Street bands is strangely linked to the political climate in the United States. The blues' chapter of rock music and the happy days of youth came to an end and the E Street Band parted ways in 1983, when the Reagan administration's neo-conservatism in politics and neoliberalism in the economy were in full swing. The fact that "Born in the USA," a song about the emotional struggles of a Vietnam War veteran, was used as a patriotic song in President Reagan's campaign and completely re-contextualized, also triggered a change of course for the Blues. Twenty-five years later, the new President Obama, whom Bruce has openly supported in his campaign and inaugural shows, is expected to bring about a major shift in the American political landscape over the past two decades. It is in this season that the E Street Band is back in full swing.
In this issue, we present Bruce's latest words, in which he explains his current state of mind and mood, as well as his own thoughts on the current American mood. -Takami Nobuaki
For the original interview article, you can find it on The Guardian under this text:
Meet the new boss - Interview by Mark Hagen
Translator's Note: Originally, I was planning on translating the text of the interview in the magazine, but then I saw that this was from The Guardian, and knowing that The Guardian's contents are basically free, I checked for it and, lo and behold, the article is still there after all.
I know that both Deepl and Google Translate will translate something completely different from the original text source compared to the Japanese translation that I have. So I decided that the best course of action, is to link the original source instead.
"But Cherry, why did you scan and translate this? Are you suddenly a Bruce Springsteen fan or have secretly been one this whole time?"
Nah, I just happen to have a mutual whom I've followed for a lot of years now on Tumblr who will love this. I've seen them grow up and gone to University, their hobbies and love of life and nature, the highs and lows that they've gone through. But most of all, their honest and unshamed love for Bruce Springsteen, House MD, Russell Crowe, and U2. In that order. Not sure if they still like Coldplay, but I like to think that they still do a little bit :)
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Alright you asked for it lol
The Main Cast of LOTR and their Music Tastes
Grateful Dead, prog rock stuff, especially Rush, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, and some Metallica. Basically he digs pensive country and rock/metal.
The Beatles, Oasis, the Beach Boys, and Neil Young (I can’t explain but I know I’m right 💀).
Abba, Bruce Springsteen, Toto, and Asia (I’m gonna fight him).
Bob Dylan, Frank Sinatra, Simon and Garfunkel, and Joan Baez. He’s in with the crooners and the feelers. He also likes some Coldplay, Mazzy Star, and U2. Bless him.
The Dubliners, The Pogues, Sinead O’conner, and the Clash (let him fight England).
About the same as Pippin but leaning less towards the punk side of things, so Clannad, The Chieftains, Loreena McKennitt and Celtic Woman.
Leonard Cohen, Jeff Buckley, The Doors, The Who, Lou Reed, Nick Cave, Tom Waits, and Townes Van Zant. Bit of a mix in spots, but it’s about the wandering soul innit.
Oh man, he’s a mix between listening to straight up new age stuff like Yanni and Secret Garden, or else he’s straight up listening to Led Zeppelin and Rush, especially for the more famous ballads. Maybe a bit of The Rolling Stones and John Lennon too.
Gimli listens to dwarven chant and all the black/death metal shit like Amon Amarth, Gorgoroth, and Burzum. Obviously. Sometimez he secretly listens to Enya and gets emotional.
The Police, Nirvana, Radiohead, Kings of Leon, and Green Day. He’s a little confused but he’s got the spirit.
Ok, I said the main cast, but I guess I meant the Fellowship. I COULD KEEP GOING. But this ask would get too long lmao.
All of this is objectively right and I will not argue any of this.
Also, the fact me and Gandalf listen to the same things is both extremely surprising and not surprising at all.
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dustedmagazine · 1 month
Fancy Gap — Fancy Gap (Ghost Choir)
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Fancy Gap’s self-titled debut is a confluence of rock and country. Lead singer Stuart McLamb’s voice retains a twang, and there is a country aesthetic in songs like “Little Heart Racer” and the pedal steel adorned “How to Dance.” Elsewhere, arrangements featuring Charles Crossingham’s electric guitar solos suggest that rock is hardly adjacent to their approach. McLamb’s previous gig, as frontman for The Love Language, also plays a role in their sound. The name of the band and recording are taken from Fancy Gap, Virginia, where McLamb lives.
“Strawberry Moon” was originally written more than a decade ago by McLamb, its demo arranged like an eighties pop song. For Fancy Gap, he has revived it as a duet with Sharon Van Etten. With guitars front and center, and Van Etten’s soulful voice exchanging verses with McLamb, it is one of the most memorable of the album’s songs. Another guest turn is by Taking Back Sunday’s Adam Lazzara on “Filthy Habits.” Tight vocal harmonies between McLamb and Lazzara are buoyed by an enormous sounding Hammond organ and Crossingham’s rhythm guitar. There is a sense of Springsteen in the song, particularly the “sha-la-la’s” in the chorus.
“Magnolias” features piano on the first verse, followed by a rock rhythm section playing big beats. Here and elsewhere, McLamb and Crossingham perform duet vocals, with a variety of spacings between the two singers. The penultimate chorus has the drums and bass drop out, leaving rhythm guitar and piano to play underneath close-part vocal harmonies. The end of the song brings the entire band back for a rousing conclusion. “40,000 Miles” is another standout, with a spare first verse sung by McLamb, followed by duet vocals and then an explosive guitar solo. Guitar and vocal overdubs build up the song’s texture until its conclusion. Another one of the album’s best songs is “Whispering Winds,” where the duo adopts the Laurel Canyon sound with a rustic arrangement and honeyed vocals.
Fancy Gap may be where McLamb is based, but the band is far-flung and fluent in their influences.
Christian Carey
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justforbooks · 2 years
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When Ry Cooder famously made his debut appearance at Glastonbury, playing on the Pyramid stage on a damp day in June 1990, he chose not to be backed by a band but by a second guitarist who came on sporting bright red trousers, and hair and sideburns that were very long, even by rock music standards. The duo perched on stools, surrounded by a dozen guitars, mandolins or bouzoukis, and proceeded to prove that they were both virtuoso players who could sound as thrilling as any amplified band as they switched from the atmospheric Paris, Texas to songs made famous by Woody Guthrie, Lead Belly or Jerry Lee Lewis.
Cooder’s companion, David Lindley, who has died aged 78, was a musicians’ musician. He may never have been as well known as those he played with, but he was one of the most sought-after session players in the US. Best known for his collaborations with Cooder and Jackson Browne, he also recorded with an astonishing list of musicians that included Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, James Taylor, Iggy Pop, Linda Ronstadt, Dolly Parton, John Prine, David Crosby, Graham Nash, Ben Harper, Rickie Lee Jones and Bruce Springsteen. They wanted to work with Lindley not just because he was a great musician who could play almost any stringed instrument, from guitar and fiddle to slide guitar and mandolin through to oud and bouzouki, but because he knew how to interpret the mood of a song, adding texture and emotion without ever dominating.
His own musical taste was far more varied than the rock or singer-songwriter styles of the stars for whom he acted as sideman. When leading his own band, El Rayo-X, he was able to branch out and demonstrate his sense of humour as he explored blues, funk and reggae. Like Cooder, he was fascinated by musical styles from around the world, and some of his most original recordings were with musicians from Madagascar, Hawaii, Norway and Jordan.
Born in San Marino, Los Angeles, he was the son of Margaret (nee Wells) and Jack Lindley, a lawyer and music fan. He grew up listening to his father’s eclectic record collection, which included music from the Middle East and Asia, and he learned to play his father’s ukulele, then the banjo. While at La Salle high school in Pasadena he formed a bluegrass band, the Mad Mountain Ramblers, and then the Dry City Scat Band, which played around the Los Angeles folk clubs and at Disneyland. He was still a teenager when he first won the annual Topanga Canyon banjo and fiddle contest, but was asked to stop competing after he had won it five times.
Lindley’s reputation was growing fast, and in 1967 he landed his first major session, playing on Cohen’s debut, Songs of Leonard Cohen. By then he had formed his first electric band, Kaleidoscope, along with Chris Darrow, with whom he had played in the Scat Band. They released their first, wildly experimental album, Side Trips, in 1967, mixing Middle Eastern music with rock, cajun, country and bluegrass, but, though they were praised by Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin, their unique brand of “psychedelic folk” didn’t sell records. They broke up in 1970, after recording four albums, and Lindley moved to England to work with the singer-guitarist Terry Reid, who had famously turned down Led Zeppelin.
Moving back to the US, Lindley teamed up with Browne, with whom he spent the rest of the 1970s, touring and recording as a key member of his band, playing acoustic and electric guitar, slide guitar and fiddle. He perfectly complemented many of Browne’s best-loved songs, playing lap steel on Running on Empty and fiddle on Before the Deluge. Browne called him “my hero”, and other musicians asked him to play on their records when Browne did not require his services. His recordings during that period included three albums for Ronstadt, including her first No 1 album, the exquisite Heart Like a Wheel (1974), two with Rod Stewart, including his bestselling Atlantic Crossing (1975), along with albums with Crosby & Nash, Taylor, Warren Zevon and Parton.
He first recorded with Cooder on Jazz (1978) and Bop Till You Drop (1979), after which the duo began performing live together, touring in Australia and Japan. A 1979 live radio recording from Osaka was released on CD in 2021. On their tour in 1995 they were joined onstage by Cooder’s son, Joachim, and Lindley’s folksinger daughter, Rosanne, and released the album Cooder/Lindley Family Live at the Vienna Opera House.
After leaving Browne’s band in 1980, Lindley moved from sideman to band leader with El Rayo-X, which he called “more or less a party band”, and in which he matched his own songs along with a bravely varied assortment of old favourites. The band’s self-titled debut set in 1981 included a glorious, furious treatment of KC Douglas’s Mercury Blues, while Win This Record, released the following year, included the Toots and the Maytals song Premature. Mr Dave (1985) included his own reggae composition Alien Invasion, and the band’s final album Very Greasy (1988) continued to demonstrate his fascination with the Caribbean. Produced by Ronstadt, it included Ronstadt adding harmony vocals on Lord Kitchener’s calypso classic Gimme da Ting (on which Lindley played guitar and kora) and a reggae reworking of Zevon’s Werewolves of London.
While running the band, he still managed time to visit London to play alongside Richard Thompson and Rory Gallagher, and revive his love of flamenco with Juan Martin, at a Guitarists Night concert in March 1984. And he continued his session work, including albums for Browne, and for Emmylou Harris, Ronstadt and Parton on Trio (1987). In 1990 he worked with Dylan on Under the Red Sky.
Still keen to expand his musical range, he travelled to Madagascar with the guitarist Henry Kaiser to record the musicians and unique instruments of the vast island off the east coast of Africa. The aim was to present local stars to an international audience, but Lindley and Kaiser joined in several of the sessions. The resulting albums, A World Out of Time, Vols 1 and 2 (1992-93), included Lindley playing slide guitar with the traditional band Tarika Sammy and joining guitarist Rossy on a reworking of I Fought the Law, the Crickets song popularised by the Clash.
Moving on to Hawaii, this time in the company of Cooder, he recorded with the Pahinui Bros (1992) on a set that included a Hawaiian reggae treatment of John Lennon’s Jealous Guy. Further musical travels included recordings in Norway with Kaiser for The Sweet Sunny North (1994). In 1994-95 he also recorded with the Jordanian oud player Hani Naser, and between 2000 and 2004 with the reggae percussionist Wally Ingram. Their third album together, Twango Bango III (2003) included When a Guy Gets Boobs, a comment on the American diet. “I have always liked songwriters like Warren Zevon who could write something goofy and also really serious,” he explained.
In 2006 he was reunited with Browne for a short Spanish tour on which they were backed by a flamenco percussionist. Love Is Strange, a live album recorded on that tour, was released in 2010, when Browne and Lindley toured Europe and the US, and played at Glastonbury, with a set that included Running On Empty and Mercury Blues. In the same year Lindley also worked with Bruce Springsteen on The Promise. His own final solo album, Big Twang, was released in 2007.
Lindley had a wild stage image, thanks to his colourful clothes and long hair, but he never favoured a rock’n’roll lifestyle, and would often retreat to his hotel room to rehearse after a show. He hated being disturbed in the morning by hotel workers, and would imitate a dog, scratching at the door and barking, to keep them away.
He lived in Claremont, California, in a house filled with musical instruments, and was married to Joan Darrow, the sister of his Kaleidoscope colleague Chris Darrow. He is survived by Joan and Rosanne.
🔔 David Lindley, musician, born 21 March 1944; died 3 March 2023
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gerogerigaogaigar · 1 year
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The Pretenders - s/t
No one sounds as dismissively cool as Chryssie Hynde. Somehow the blend of new wave, power pop, and punk manages to be catchy and aggressive. On the first half of the album the lyrics are confident, often sexual sung in a matter of fact way. She wants to fuck, and you'll do, but you're not special baby. By the second half the music calms down a bit and we get a few new wavier tracks. It's a tight little snapshot of the unique change that rock music was going through in 1980.
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George Michael - Faith
Whenever I listen to this album I really wanna like it. And I do like it! Sorta. It opens with three extremely strong tracks. Faith and Father Figure are bangers and I Want Your Sex is the nine minute funk jam of my dreams. But I kinda lose interest over the course of the whole thing. It always loses me on side two for some reason and by the time Kissing A Fool starts I really just want it to be over. The good bits are just bursting with sensual vanity though so it's obviously worth a listen. And who knows maybe this one will grow on me if I listen to it a few more times.
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Bruce Springsteen - Nebraska
I can't describe this album in any way that would do it justice. Nebraska will pick away at your brain until it unearths an emotional scab that you thought was long healed. Its stripped down lo fi acoustic songs are so personal yet so universal. I think I put on Nebraska hoping that this time it will tell me everything is going to be ok. It never does, but I listen to it anyway. Because at the end of every hard earned day people find some reason to believe.
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John Prine - s/t
John Prine is so unassuming at first glance. Oh a few cheeky folksy tunes some sorrowful country ones yes that will fit in nicely with the 70 adult contemporary scene. But it's impossible to really listen without realizing just how biting the cheek is, just how genuinely sorrowful those tunes are. You notice that he isn't just someone cobbling together popular musical styles. That mix of folk rock, country, and Appalachia is so uniquely Prine's. He can turn a phrase with the sophistication of a poet, but without a hint of self satisfaction or irony. And the disarming humor of songs like Illegal Smile or You Flag Decal Won't Get You Into Heaven Anymore make the tragic songs like Sam Stone or Six O'Clock News hit even harder. He's unfortunately overlooked everywhere except for on lists like this and in other musicians record collections.
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Frank Ocean - Channel Orange
This album is what the entire neo soul genre was building up to. A sorrowful meditation on love, fame, and money with intensely introspective and personal lyrics. Ocean battles with his feelings over some of the most perfect instrumentals ever created. There's a little funkiness here and there, some strings at times, but mostly stark emptiness accentuated by cold synths and distant drums. This production is what makes it all come together. The way that Thinin Bout You is almost acapella pushes the tenderness to it's extreme. The church organ sound on Forrest Gump evokes Motown in a way that is fitting for his ode to his first love. Super rich kids plods along, with a constant thump as it dispassionately reaches its tragic conclusion. Pyramids is a nine minute prog soul epic that describes the diminishing of black women's role in society using Cleopatra as a metaphor. Every song has some particular quirk that makes it perfect while also feeling like a cohesive part of the album. Channel Orange might be the best album of the 2010s. Channel Orange might be my favorite soul record (top 5 at least). This is required listening for all humans and probably some other animals if they're into music.
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Jeff Buckley - Grace
Jeff Buckley is primarily known for his cover of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah. And the sweeping beauty of that song is just a sampling of what the album Grace has to offer. There is no end to the flowery flourishes, falsetto'd vocals, and fiery guitar that inhabit these songs. Some, like Hallelujah itself stay well within the confines of delicate art rock. But much of the album lulls you into a dreamlike state before crescendoing into soaring electric guitar solos. It's an extremely dramatic album filled with excesses both emotional and musical. Buckley's only fault as an artist is that he died before he could record another album.
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divorcedes · 3 months
eons ago @nolansiegels tagged me to answer these questions and i've finally gotten around to it!!
tagging @gayferrari @catboyseb @rosberggp @97leclrc @kissingwalls @darlingnemesis @raikkonenslay and anyone else who wants to do it
do you make your bed? yes but very poorly. hate the idea of dust on my sheets however i simply don't enjoy making the bed
favorite number? hmmmm i like 9 very much. nice little triangles ect
what's your job? i'm a uni student double majoring in linguistics and anthropology with a minor in arabic and i'm an archival intern
if you could go back to school, would you? i'd go back to elementary school in a heartbeat. also i fear i enjoy uni too much and will try and stick around for some time.....
can you parallel park? as of literally one week ago i've magically been able to reliable parallel park. idk how or why but i'm not complaining
do you think aliens are real? welll maybe there's Something out there but probably we'll never meet which is for the best
can you drive a manual car? no but i do want to learn (that being said i pretty much hate driving in general and will continue to avoid it whenever possible)
guilty pleasure? british white boy rock music (think catfish and the bottlemen circa waves sam fender the wombats ect) and this very particular green tea mochi danish from a bakery near me
tattoos? none rn, although i follow a ton of tattoo artist and have a couple from whom i definitely want to get something. unfortunately i can't make up my mind and stick with it for longer than 5 seconds so !! tattoo plans on indefinite hold
favorite color? dark greens.....olive emerald forest ect. however i weirdly tend to both accumulate items and clothes in various shades of blue so like. people irl tend to associate me with that apparently
favorite type of music? uhhhhhhhhh. it oscillates wildly but artists i can p much always listen to are jeff buckley tamino springsteen z berg u know the sort. also mika. (i was gonna put him as my guilty pleasure unfortunately i do not feel guilty in the least. everyone go listen to coke studio stardust)
do you like puzzles? yesss always !!! physical puzzles are very dear to me bc my family is insane abt them in a good way but i also love puzzle games!
favorite childhood sport? figure skating <3 og dramatic bitch sport that i have been following religiously since early childhood
do you talk to yourself? mmm sometimes i narrate in m head but rarely out loud
tea or coffee? so. tea forever and always HOWEVER this is largeley bc american coffee is kinda ass and i'm reminded of this whenever i leave the country. bought some fun coffee stuff in italy which i'm very excited to use !!
first thing you wanted to be when growing up? a librarian and then a tech/business girlie (dark time in my life) and then a stage manager. kind of come full circle now !!
what movies do you adore? taking a minute to say tal u have incredible taste thoroughbreds 2017 is so near and dear to me. also and then we danced !!! i remember watching that in the shittiest quality with a russian dub over the georgian with english subs....excellent film also got me very into georgian food. and man from u.n.c.l.e is the only action film ever. okay actually gonna answer now here are some of the all time favorites (i warn u these are not all Good they're just Good To Me): the decoy bride, amelie, roman holiday, the blue caftan, the social network (sorry), matthias et maxime, jab we met, yeh jawani hai deewani, ek main aur ekk tu (2000's bollwood is sooo important to me)
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userblaney · 5 months
khadizah i promise i am not ignoring your country song of the day i am just in an environment that required headphones but i am Headphoneless
here’s a random song from me in the mean time x
being headphoneless sucks also i forgot what song i sent and also i dont mind if you ignore me
okay listening after i play springsteen by eric church 12 times in a row ly xx
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universitypenguin · 2 years
Hi Alice!! Hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself 💜
I had some random thoughts pop in my head: what kind of music do u think Lloyd would listen to? Like what would he listen to running errands or working out
Another random thought: what’s his self care routine like? We all know how much our boy loves to pamper himself and keep his appearance up 😝 you don’t have to answer if u don’t want! I also just want to say I love your work and you have a gift for writing 💓💓 keep up the amazing work
Lloyd's self care routine beings with his skin. He's not particularly spendy in this department, but he always prioritizes his routine. Lloyd Hansen does not miss a day of skin care - ever. He uses Cetaphil for a cleanser because it's hypoallergenic. This is purely for practical purposes, since he goes through a lot of it. He washes his face every morning, again after his workout, and double cleanses with an oil, and then Cetaphil to rinse it off, at night.
With moisturizer, he's more picky. He likes the Blu Atlas because of the woodsy scent and their high quality ingredients. Unlike the cleanser, which is basically fancy soap, his moisturizer is going to stay on and permeate his skin for hours. So, this is where he spends his money. He uses an eye cream from Blu Atlas, and wishes he'd have started using it earlier.
Lloyd wears facial sunscreen every single day, and makes sure to reapply on the days he golfs. He keeps regular spray on sunscreen in the golf cart for the rest of his body.
He also uses a Niacinamide serum and vitamin C serum in the morning. In the evening, he applies the AlphaRet overnight cream before bed. Lloyd has no intention of wrinkling early, particularly not when he's dating someone so much younger than him.
Also, he's not hesitant to do some dermaplaning, microneedling, or a facial peel now and then. Lloyd sees his dermatologist twice a year for a skin check and preventative care.
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Lloyd’s taste in music is as follows:
Rhythm & Blues
Hip Hop / Rap
First is rock music. He grew up listening to R.E.M., Guns N’ Roses, Nirvana, KISS, and the Beastie Boys. This is the genre he gravitates towards the most. 90s rock is his favorite era, followed closely by 80s rock. For that decade, his favorites are: Queen, Lover Boy, Depeche Mode, and Bruce Springsteen. In the genre, his taste spans a wide variety of artists from ZZ Top to the Rolling Stones and all the way into more pop influenced bands like Cheap Trick and The Outfield. 
Lloyd is also a huge fan of classical music.
He’d never willingly share this fact, but it’s been a coping mechanism of his for a long time. His study hall teacher used to play it during class and he found it really helped him calm down and concentrate. The softer sounds of composers like Bach, Mozart, and Debussy are among his favorites. With time, his taste expanded into underrated composers like Erich Korngold, Alexander Scriabin, and Ottorino Respighi. In terms of minutes listened, classical music is one of Lloyd’s core genres. 
He also enjoys country music. Like his taste for classical music, he sometimes prefers to hide this one. Being around Zach, who also loves country music, tends to bring it out more. His favorites are George Strait, Reba McEntire, Tim McGraw, Garth Brooks, LeAnn Rimes, and Alan Jackson. He also likes some of the older artists like Ronnie Milsap, Charley Pride, Glen Campbell, Merle Haggard and Eddy Arnold. 
Another genre he listens to is R&B. This stems from being alive in the 90’s. Boys II Men released bangers, okay? Once you heard them on the radio you went looking for more. He likes Alicia Keys, Montell Jordan, Rihanna and Marvin Gaye. His taste in Rap and Hip Hop was developed more in college. It was the popular workout soundtrack of the time and his college football program played it in the weights room. He mostly likes artists like DMX, Eminem, Nas, OutKast, Ice Cube, and Tupac.
Finally, here are some of Lloyd’s favorite songs.
Rock Music
All the Love in the World - The Outfield 
Imitation of Life - R.E.M.
Civil War - Guns N’ Roses
Lake of Fire - Nirvana
Can’t You Hear Me Knocking - Rolling Stones 
I Love It Loud - KISS 
No Sleep Til Brooklyn - Beastie Boys 
Under Pressure - Queen 
Out of Time - Rolling Stones 
The Ballad of T.V. Violence - Cheap Trick 
Take Me to the Top - LoverBoy
Policy of Truth - Depeche Mode
Born in the U.S.A - Bruce Springsteen
Legs - ZZ Top
Get Off of My Cloud - Rolling Stones
Something to Talk About - Bonnie Raitt 
Ain’t That a Shame - Cheap Trick
Voodoo Child - Jimi Hendrix 
Rosanna - Toto
Radio Free Europe - R.E.M. 
Love Bites - Def Leppard 
Poison - Alice Cooper 
You Can’t Always Get What You Want - Rolling Stones
Surrender - Cheap Trick 
Won’t Get Fooled Again - The Who 
Enter Sandman - Metallica 
Green River - Clearwater Revival 
Come As You Are - Nirvana 
I’m the Only One - Melissa Etheridge 
Sympathy For the Devil - Rolling Stones
I Can’t Drive 55 - Sammy Hagar  
Love Hate Love - Alice In Chains 
Fire Woman - The Cult 
Country Music 
I Don’t Think She’s in Love Anymore - Charley Pride 
Ocean Front Property - George Strait
The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia - Reba McEntire
Just to See You Smile - Tim McGraw
Rodeo - Garth Brooks
Hooked on an 8 Second Ride - Chris LeDoux 
Easy Come, Easy Go - George Strait 
Can’t Fight the Moonlight - LeAnn Rimes
Summertime Blues - Alan Jackson
Don’t Your Memory Ever Sleep - Ronnie Milsap
 Why Haven’t I Heard From You - Reba McEntire 
Tulsa Time - Don Williams 
Papa Loved Mama - Garth Brooks 
Is Anyone Going to San Antone - Charley Pride
Nobody - Sylvia 
A Country Boy Can Survive - Hank Williams, Jr. 
Chattahoochee - Alan Jackson 
All My Ex’s Live in Texas - George Strait 
Rhinestone Cowboy - Glen Campbell
Mama Tried - Merle Haggard 
Wild Horses - Garth Brooks
Stranger in My House - Ronnie Milsap 
Right Kind of Wrong - LeAnn Rimes 
Real Good Man - Tim McGraw 
Make the World Go Away - Eddy Arnold
Call of the Wild - Chris LeDoux
Mountain of Love - Charley Pride 
Good Ole Boys Like Me - Don Williams 
One Promise Too Late - Reba McEntire 
Give It Away - George Strait 
Southern Nights - Glen Campbell 
What She’s Doing Now - Garth Brooks 
Family Tradition - Hank Williams, Jr. 
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one-album-wonders · 2 years
Welcome to March Madness of American Rock Bands
This March, we will determine the greatest American rock bands of all times through Tumblr polls! Over the course of the month, you will get to choose among 256 bands to decide which one is best!
So how do bands qualify?
All of the bands in this competition are from the 50 United States and the District of Columbia. I actually tried (and failed) to have a band representing each state, but I believe that the country overall is well-represented.
I've allowed the broadest definition of the term "rock" to include bands that have recorded popular music in the US from the 1950s to today. Genres and subgenres represented will include acid rock, alternative rock, art rock, blues rock, country rock, dance music, electronic music, folk rock, funk, glam rock, grunge, heavy metal, industrial, new wave, pop, power pop, punk, reggae, r&b, rock and roll, rockabilly, ska, soft rock, soul, surf music, yacht rock, and more!
Every contestant must have two or more permanent members and a band name to qualify as a band. Some of the bands may have an individual who is more recognized (such as Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band) but are included because the band is recognized by name. While no artists truly works alone, any artist (such as Billy Joel) who recorded only under an individual's name are not included, even if they had a regular band that they toured and recorded with.
As noted above, I tried to find the most famous bands from each state. I also included every American band inducted or nominated for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Most bands that had a number one song on the Billboard Hot 100 were also included. I also included some of my personal favorites, but nothing too obscure, I hope.
The bands have been grouped together into four regions: CENTRAL, NORTHEAST, SOUTH, and WEST. Because California and New York/New Jersey have so many bands, you'll find a few of them competing outside of their logical region. Just consider them on tour.
The bands will compete in groups of four with the top two vote recipients advancing to the next round. There will be 8 polls per day for a total of 64 in this round.
The bands will compete in groups of four with the top two vote recipients advancing to the next round. There will be 8 polls per day for a total of 32 in this round.
The top 64 bands will advance to the National competition which is head to head knockout polls.
March 15-18: NATIONALS ROUND ONE (64 contestants)
March 19-20: NATIONALS ROUND TWO (32 contestants)
March 22-23: SWEET SIXTEEN
March 24-25: ELITE EIGHT
March 27-28: FINAL FOUR
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thelastdj · 9 months
Do you have any album recommendations? I've been listening to the same 5 albums for a few months and finally got bored of them.
hiiii sorry this took so long but here are some recs:
• pictures for pleasure by charlie sexton (80s rock ish. his voice vaguely reminds me of springsteen. upbeat and very vibes. hold me and beats so lonely are my favorites)
• john dawson winter III by johnny winter (he does mostly blues stuff but did like 3 rock records and this is one of them. it’s a little bluesy still and ‘love song to me’ is country)
• ooh la la by the faces (kinda sounds like rod stewarts solo stuff but more rock. i want to eat the guitars on this album they sound so good. the title track is rly good and so is borstal boys)
pearl by janis joplin (loveee this album and all janis’s stuff in general. it’s a blues rock album and all the songs are sooo good especially me and bobby mcgee,, one of The Best Songs Ever Made)
• exile on mainstreet by the rolling stones (perfect rock n roll record. to me. i love the sound so much and the arrangement is loose and the saxophones is beautiful. i have so much love for this album. especially torn and frayed and happy <333)
• the velvet underground & nico by the velvet underground & nico (honestly this album changed by brain chemistry. the velvet underground is awesome and i really love their first one. it’s a little experimental but i hope you like it)
• waylon sings hank williams by waylon jennings (i love hank williams and waylon does a rly great job covering them. it’s a country album obviously lol)
not a album recommendation, but waylon jennings also covered im on fire and i rly love his version.
also im curious: what albums have you had on repeat??
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briamichellewrites · 7 months
1998. Bria Michelle Johnson was the adopted daughter of investor, Chris Johnson and makeup designer, Rita Johnson. Together, their net worth was in the multi-billions. They spoiled their daughter with whatever she wanted growing up. She went to a boarding school in Switzerland where she was able to participate in their theatre program. They also paid for voice lessons, acting classes, piano and guitar lessons; and dance lessons. She learned ballet, jazz, and hip-hop.
With only three hundred students, the school was quite small. They knew that if given a chance, she would be on stage performing. Whether it was dancing during talent shows or performing in one of their plays or musicals. She often had the lead role because of her talents. Her parents tried to see her performances whenever they could.
At eighteen years old, she learned that her parents were killed in a car accident. A driver under the influence of drugs and alcohol crashed into their car at over a hundred miles an hour. They both died on impact. Because of their deaths, she was given everything. That included their house in Los Angeles, their apartment in Waldorf-Astoria, their car collection, a private plane, a house in the Hamptons, and a house in Middletown, New Jersey.
After graduating, she returned home to LA. She had nothing, as everything had to go through the probate court before it legally became hers. Her family’s attorney allowed her to live in the house until everything was settled. She could then sell or keep whatever she wanted. The house was her childhood home, so she wanted to keep it.
She was introduced to Brad Delson and Mike Shinoda by Jeff Blue, an A&R guy for Warner Music. He heard her demo and he had her come in for an audition. Once she was signed, he had her meet them. They introduced themselves to her. It’s nice to meet you. What kind of music was she looking to play? Indie folk or country. She wanted to tell stories like Bruce Springsteen. Even though she had grown up in Switzerland and LA.
Jeff had her play something for them, so she got a guitar that was lying around and picked it up. When she sang, they heard her voice. It sounded like nineteen-sixties folk rock. Maybe a little Johnny Cash or Joan Baez. When she was done, they clapped for her. Where did she learn how to sing? She had voice lessons in school. What school did she go to? She went to Saint George’s Boarding School in Switzerland. They had a performing arts program.
Boarding school? What was that like? It was an interesting experience. She guessed it was like college, except with more adult supervision. They laughed. What else did she learn? Did she take any music lessons or classes? She took piano lessons, dance classes, and acting classes. For dance, she took jazz, hip-hop, and ballet. It was a great way to work out.
She had to be on stage performing, even when she fell on her ass. They laughed. That happened once during a ballet recital. She got up, bowed, and then went back to the choreography. They wanted to help her with her album, so they invited her to join them. At the moment, they were using Mike’s in-home studio to make demos. They thought she would get along well with their band members. She thought it sounded like a cool idea, so she accepted their invitation.
Mike lived in a rented house with his college roommate, Joe Hahn. Together, they formed a band with Brad, Rob Bourdon, and Dave ‘Phoenix’ Farrell. They were currently looking for a lead singer after firing Mark Wakefield. He and Brad introduced her when she came over. The guys thought she was beautiful! Joe offered her a coke.
Yeah, thanks. They found she fit in perfectly with them. She could tolerate their sense of humor and she wasn’t afraid of being the only girl. Her long brown hair had been dyed black and cut short to her chin. It was hidden underneath a beanie. She had tights underneath shorts with an oversized Bon Jovi t-shirt and a plaid long-sleeve top. Dave asked if she was going grunge. She was feeling a little Seattle rock at the moment.
She was thinking of piercing the cartilage in her nose and getting a tattoo to honor her parents. What happened to them? They were killed by a driver under the influence of drugs and alcohol. I’m sorry. Thank you. She also wanted to adopt a kitten.
“Decisions. Decisions. What will you decide to do”, Rob joked.
“I don’t know. I’m indecisive. I’ve always wanted a cat but I’ve never been able to. It wouldn’t have been fair because I was at school.”
“Bria, get the cat”, Joe said.
“I might have to give into peer pressure.”
They laughed. Did she get the cat? She did! Woody was an eight-week-old brown and white domestic shorthair kitten. Everything about him was adorable! He meowed at her and pawed at her leg, making her crouch down to him. Hi, human! She said hello to him and scratched his little head. He got excited when he saw he was getting adopted. I’m going home! Meow. Meow.
They went to Petsmart to get everything he needed. He had a collar and a leash, which were required in the store. As they walked around, he looked at everything while in the cart. He was curious about everything! There was so much to see and smell and hear! There were humans everywhere! He wanted to say hello to them. Meow. Meow. Some of the workers stopped to say hello to him. Hi, human! I’m Woody! I got adopted today!
He wanted to play on the belt at the register, but Bria picked him up. She didn’t want his little paws getting smashed. When they got to the car, she put him back into his carrier before putting the purchases in the backseat. Yes, she had an assistant who usually did the shopping for her, but she wanted to do this herself. Nicole was hired by her mother to take over the day-to-day responsibilities.
She was a woman in her twenties who had recently moved to LA from New York. They also had a long-time housekeeper named, Rosita. She and her husband, Miguel immigrated from Mexico in 1990. They both loved Bria and her parents because they were so kind to them. Her parents gave them money when they needed help paying bills or expensive gifts. They were considered family to them. Bria was not a spoiled brat, despite her immense wealth.
She was taught to never look down on anyone and to always be thankful for what she had. Everything could be taken away from her at any moment. Woody had zero knowledge of that. He was involved in watching his human put everything together for him. His water and food bowls went into the kitchen. She filled up the bowl with water before setting it down. His litter box went into the laundry room.
His toys, bed, and cat tree went into the living room. He had everything a kitten could need and want. For the moment, he wanted to play. Bria went into the kitchen and found the takeout menus. She looked through them as she thought about where she wanted to order from. As she made up her mind, the phone rang. It was Dave. She invited him over and gave him her address. After hanging up, she ordered pizza to be delivered. She then went to the living room to play with Woody.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia
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