#also johnny horton. my love
Hi! Love your work.
I saw in your tags that you specified that post-9/11 pop country is terrible. I don't know hardly anything about country music: can you either tell me or point me in the direction of a resource where I can find out how/why 9/11 affected country music, please? Is it the white nationalism?
Thank you so much, have a great day.
I'm gonna put this under the cut bc I go on a rant
So, I'm mostly talking out of my ass with this however I do enjoy country music and in the 00's I discovered country pop and was really into it. As well, I've found articles which back up exactly what I'm talking about so I am going to link those at the end.
9/11 of course changed how Americans viewed themselves and of course triggered a rise of American nationalism, especially white nationalism as you've pointed out.
Music is an outlet for people and post 9/11, many American Patriotic songs were revived (think god bless the USA, etc). It also shifted pop country toward nationalism, religion, and a military-supporting standpoint. Song which discussed this, such as God Bless the USA, faced revival. Truly, just any song that mentioned America or USA suddenly become pro-American. There's a number of songs that came out in 2002 and 2003 which show this increase, me blaming Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue (the Angry American Song) is somewhat arbitrary but it does show examples of all of these as it was written in late 2001 and it came out in early 2002. It is a song of 'if you fuck with us, we will fuck right back with you' and it topped country music billboards in 2002. Compare this to prior country music, such as Born in the USA, which, despite the modern push for it being nationalist, tells the story of a Vietnam veteran returning home to nothing after he did horrific things for his country. There are other songs surrounding the United States which aren't nationalistic but, I would argue, some of them are patriotic. Including, Death to my Hometown, Independence Day (Is about an abusive relationship, but focused on the Fourth of July), and Battle of New Orleans (IMO the best song made).
More nationalist country that came out post 9/11 was stuff like American Soldier, Made in the USA, or Have you Forgotten?. This increase - which becomes a massive part of what people think of when they think of country music. There is still good modern country, think of Hell's Comin' With Me, which just made it big on Tiktok a few month ago and is a good song - good 2000's and 2010's country continues to exist! This white Christian nationalistic image is just what it is stereotyped as.
So, I'm totally going off but yes, this shift occurred because of 9/11 and what we now think of country as is because of that.
Some Sources
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folk-enjoyer · 20 days
Can you do "Hares on the mountain" by Shirley Collins and Davy Graham? Cheers!!
Suggested Song
(do you want the history of your favorite folk song? dm me or submit an ask, and I'll do a full rundown like here)
"Hares on the Mountain" Shirley Collins and Davy Graham, 1964
"Hares on the Mountain" is a traditional English and Irish folk song that was first mentioned in print in 1837 in "Rory O'More A National Lovestory" (vol. 1 p.234) as "blackbirds and thrishes"
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It's almost certain that the song has existed prior, and it could be incredibly old.
the first time it was collected in song was by George Petrie in "The Complete Collection of Irish Music" (1902)
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as "All the young maidens were blackbirds and Trushes" like the other book.
i remade this melody so you can hear what it could have sounded like
It was then later collected by Cecil sharp in 1903 and Publish 1904 in "Folk Songs of Somerset" as having two distinct versions
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i remade these into melodies as well
version 1
version 2
Around the same time, Cecil Sharp would also collect the song, "O Sally My Dear" but wouldn't publish it because of the sexual nature of this song and its relatives, "Pretty Polly" "Nancy and Johnny" and "The Knife in the Window"
This specific family of songs could also be the descendants of an even older folk song that has almost disappeared. except for verses in its descendants. : "The Twa Magicians," which is all over Europe in various forms.
For "Hares on the mountain" The earliest recording I could find of Hares on the Mountain was in 1942 in Somerset, but i don't have access to it. i just know it exists.
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The earliest recording I could find that is available publicly is by Horton Barker from just a couple of months later (in the USA), "To My Right", which is the same song as the original "Hares on the Mountain"
Shirley Collins' Version is particularly interesting for combining the lyrics of both "Hares on the mountain" and "Sally My Dear" and making it into a cohesive story. I also love how it seems that Sally is singing "Hares on the Mountain" *to* the young man.
Even though this song is old and has hundreds of versions with dozens of different names, this version is my favorite. It seems that in many versions, the lyrics are meant to be humorous or scandalous, but in Shirley Collins's version, they take on a different tone. They're sad, spooky, and tragic. I like the way that she renders the conversation between the two characters, and her voice is simply angelic. I'm glad that the traditional started to get more attention thanks to her version.
I actually didn't know anything about this song (or that it existed at all) when starting this project as my knowledge is focused on American folk, but as soon as I heard it I knew it was now one of my favorite songs ever. Also! as of last year, Shirley Collins has released another version of the song. Nothing can beat the '60s version, but this one is pretty nice too.
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thekrows-nest · 2 years
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(Anon) Apologies for the mangled previous ask. Tumblr kept eating paragraphs on my end so I continued pasting, and the final submitted result was unreadable. Those bands were Angry Johnny and the Killbillies (The Owl, Windchimes) The Creepshow (Sleep Tight) The Reverend Horton Heat (Right Now) The Cramps (I Want To Get In Your Pants, What’s Inside A Girl, Like A Bad Girl Should) and Necromantix (Trick or Treat, Return Of The Loving Dead, Murder For Breakfast, Dead Girls Don’t Cry).
I’d also like to suggest a few more.
Ministry - Jesus Built My Hotrod. I can just see him zooming home from work on his scooter with a little drag racing flag on the back. He has to quickly get ready to see Dove!
Psychedelic Furs - Love My Way. This is a queer/non-traditional love anthem that fits well with enby Krow x demiboy Fone, as well as… sigh… being a Yan. (The problematic little skrunkle.)
The Velvet Underground - Venus in Furs. Iykyk :3c
Ghost - Zombie Queen. Seems to fit with the favoured theme of undead girls and is an older 60s rock style (I don’t see Krow having a modern or mainstream music taste)
Zounds - Subvert. Don’t think I didn’t see that ‘eat the rich’ button. Krow also absolutely ‘redistributes’ through his job.
Zounds - Can’t Cheat Karma (“You don’t trust me and I don’t trust you/I bet you wish you did and I know I do” “Why have you got secrets because I know you have/If you’ve got something to hide then it must be bad!”)
The Misfits - Scream, Dig Up Her Bones
For songs that aren’t Krow’s preferred genre but on theme:
Florence and the Machine - Bird Song. This may fit with the brand new feelings emerging triggered by Dove, resulting in panic and unsuccessful attempts at suppressing them. There is also some really dark foreshadowing about taking the loudly singing bird into the house and trapping it so the neighbours won’t hear :O Also… at the end they are both “singing”. Ehehe
They Might Be Giants - Birdhouse In Your Soul. Canonically this is simply about a bird shaped nightlight in a child’s room but there are themes of birds, being watched over, a lighthouse that guides, a bluebird of friendliness, an only friend that isn’t really your friend… it could be interpreted as a wish to find home in a loved one. “Not to put too fine a point on it, say I’m the only bee in your bonnet/Make a little birdhouse in your soul.”
I hope you enjoy the little music headcanons. They’re not as good as the fan art or the drabbles but fun to make.
Anon I love you sending in me this music stuff. It helps a lot and maybe I can see of better creating a playlist of stuff Krow listens to, so thank you very much!
I appreciate and love and all fan content for Krow! It's all valid in my eyes!
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malbecmusings · 1 year
Departure Day
Hey Siri, play North To Alaska by Johnny Horton.
July 24, 2023: We left the desert for Alaska's Last Frontier this morning. Flying with a group of friends, the plan is to cover roughly 6,500 miles over the next 3 weeks. I'm not sure if I'll post all or some of my travel notes here or not, but I'll post updates and thoughts as time and a connection allows. I didn't take time to load the queue so this might be all that gets posted until we get home.
Nowhere is it hotter, or colder, than your local airfield. The thermometer hanging on the wall confirmed what the beads of sweat that fell off my face already told me. It was stupid hot at 5:49AM. 96° in the shade. Gooood fuck morning.
Our steed for this trip is Isa's sister from another mister, 1 Tango Sierra, a Cessna 185 we bought to explore off the grid locations that would be hard or next to impossible to access with anything else. She's a few years older than the last 185 Cessna produced in 1985. Thanks to the tender loving care taken by the former owners and significant upgrades we've made, she still turns heads everywhere we go. With continued regular maintenance she could easily still be airworthy long after we're not.
What took weeks to itemize, organize, and pack into totes in the garage was packed into the back of 1TS Tetris-style and secured in what felt like minutes. The Boy Scout def earned his organization and preparedness merit badges for this trip. Bags and totes loaded and the walk around complete, we pulled 1TS out and brought her to life. Like all Continental engines she doesn't have an inside voice. Instead she bellowed her distinctive, unapologetic good morning across the east ramp. A sound that never fails to put a smile on my face.
Friends flying 3CM, a spit polished C180 based in Phoenix, and 7NZ, an Aviat Husky based in Texas that flew in a couple of days ago, made the first leg to the remote hamlet of Winnemucca Nevada with us. Leaving PHX was a little bumpy until we got above 8,500' where the air was like glass. The tradeoff to being that high is, despite what the instruments say, it feels like you're standing still. We took turns monitoring the panel and the sky while the other rested or read. By a little after 11 we had covered nearly 600 miles and were entering the pattern for WMC.
The rest of 'the squadron' for this trip, 721, another C185, and 66E, an experimental, both based in Southern California, were already on the ground when we arrived. After refueling and stretching our legs for a few minutes, we departed north toward Bellingham. The ride for the second leg was a little more turbulent than from PHX to WMC but not terrible. We also had a dry ride until eastern, central Washington where, surprise, surprise, we ran into light rain that turned into not so light rain almost all the way into Bellingham.
By the time we were tied up on the ramp at BLI we were starving, and after nearly 10 hours of being still, felt like running to the hotel instead of riding in the 4 Ubers we needed to haul us to it. Except for two nights in transit and nights in Juneau, Fairbanks, Anchorage, and Seward we'll be "roughing it" on a gravel bar or an unimproved backcountry strip rather than staying in a hotel. What did I sign up for again? After 9 hours in the air today covering 1,236 miles I'm too tired to think about it.
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The Pentas Family Encyclopedia
So, if you’ve been reading my more recent fics, then you’ve probably noticed how I can’t seem to shut up about [The Future Mob Project]. Although this project is going to take a very, very, VERY long time to actually complete, that’s not going to stop me from fleshing out its characters, environment, and lore piece-by-piece. I’ve already written a few stories for this, and plenty more stories are on the way. 
(Except for Murdock—and, to an extent, Two-Toes Johnny—every character/ego on this list is MY creation. If any art or other stories happen to be inspired by them, PLEASE make sure to tag/credit me as the creator. I haven’t been this motivated to write in a long time, and I put a lot of time, thought, and effort into my work. If you have questions about the characters or lore, feel free to send me an ask or a DM. I love talking about creative stuff!)
This mob has a lot of growing/developing to do, and I will ABSOLUTELY be making updates/reblogs to this post as new characters are introduced and new ideas are implemented. Please keep in mind that updates may be sporadic, because adult life is complicated and exhausting and I’m ScaredTM.
(Also: @sammys-magical-au​, I can’t thank you enough for all the help/advice you’ve given me with certain plot-points so far. You’re an amazing friend, and I’m so excited to brainstorm about upcoming characters/stories with you.)
Now, without further adieu, let’s get on with the infodumping. . .
This mob consists of several contract-killers, spies/informants, and Black Market merchants. The Boss will often assign the mob’s members to dispatch specific targets, but the aforementioned members are still able to take on hit-jobs if they’re approached by outside clients. 
They’ve long-since claimed the Cove Port Inlets (a quaint seaside city) as their territory. The Inlets used to have an expansive subway system, but those underground tunnels were abandoned due to a bad flood; thus, the above-ground stations were repurposed into varying shops/houses. However, each of those former stations are still connected to the subway tunnels via concrete staircases (which are now carefully hidden). The former stations have all been purchased by The Pentas Family—now, the mob’s representatives either live in or work out of them. As a bonus, the abandoned security offices/subway platforms are used as underground dens/hidey-holes, and the tunnels offer discreet movement beneath the city. 
There’s no enforced dress-code, but it’s still advised that Pentas representatives wear red. The red garments in question can be any type of clothing so long as it’s visible, and they can vary from shade to shade. 
In the event that the mob gains an ally (not a new member), that ally will be provided with an enamel pin designed to look like a poison dart frog. This dart frog pin will act as an identification device for Pentas members who somehow may be unaware of the new alliance; that way, the ally won’t be mistaken for an intruder. (The dart frog pin can also be used as a warning sign for unallied outsiders—basically, This person is under Pentas protection; screw around with them and YOU WILL REGRET IT.) 
The Boss [NAME TBA]
Who She’s Based Off Of: Pamela Horton (PamelaHorton13)
Red Attire: Collarbone tattoo of Egyptian star flowers, aka Pentas lanceolata
Current Stories: [TBA]
Murdock Mallory
Who He’s Based Off Of: Mark Fischbach (Markiplier)
His Method of Work: Honestly, he’s a jack-of-all-trades. Oh sure, he has an unhealthy amount of knowledge on different types of blades, but that’s just the beginning. Pretty much anything can be a weapon, depending on how creative (read: insane) you are. He also knows his way around firearms, but for...personal reasons, he only uses them when there are no other options available.
Red Attire: Turtleneck sweater (Currant)
He has a rare case of eye-misalignment. Specifically speaking, his right eye is turned to the right (as though he’s looking at something sideways). His left eye can move around in its socket as intended, but his right eye never follows along with that movement. According to him, the misalignment was caused by a traumatic accident he experienced before he’d joined The Pentas Family (apparently, it’s a miracle he wasn’t rendered half-blind). When he’s working on underground business, he wears his sunglasses. But when he’s keeping up appearances in normal society, he wears a white medical eyepatch.
Both his black-tinted sunglasses and brass necklace are trophies from his earliest kills. (Yes, I will try to go more in-depth with this idea in the future.)
He was the first official member of The Pentas Family, and has since earned a reputation for being The Boss’ right-hand-man. (Notice: I don’t have the backstory/relationship between the two of them completely nailed down yet. But what I do know for sure is that THEY ARE NOT ROMANTICALLY INVOLVED WHATSOEVER. NOBODY IN THIS MOB IS.)
He's a legit bird-whisperer. I’ve seen plenty other people post about him chilling with crows or ravens, and that’s already perfect, but I think adding more birds in general to the mix would make it even better. Chickens, ducks, sparrows, cockatiels, parakeets, pigeons, etc. Even GEESE tend to be calm around him (which could count as a sign of something being wrong with him). It’s not uncommon for him to spend his off-time at the park feeding the birds he claims to have technically adopted.
He lives out of a houseboat docked near the quiet part of the beach. He’s not above driving it long distances across the water when he needs to travel for his work.
If his scene in ISWM Part 2 was anything to go by, he enjoys making morbid jokes/puns. Ironically, he tends to get dissapointed or annoyed whenever other people make morbid jokes/puns. He and Caliban have gotten into arguments (with varying degrees of violence) over puns on at least three separate occasions.
He’s currently acting as a mentor to The Newcomer. It’s his responsibility to teach them and introduce them to the other Pentas members.
Current Stories: (Goretober 2022) Day 2: Cannibalism, Running on Empty, God, Being an Accessory to Murder is Exhausting, Update the Letter Board!, (Goretober 2023) Day 3: Broken Bones, (Goretober 2023) Day 4: Amputation, (Goretober 2023) Day 7: Needles, Bloody Tricks and Even Bloodier Treats
The Newcomer
Who They’re Based Off Of: The Reader (Y/N)
Their Method of Work: They haven’t developed a personal signature quite yet. As of right now, they’re content with just assisting Murdock and the rest of The Pentas Family. They’ve got a surprising/disturbing amount of competence, but they’re still a rookie; therefore, they still have some things to learn.
Red Attire: Leather gloves (Scarlet)
Current Stories: (Goretober 2022) Day 2: Cannibalism, Toxic Tutorials
Caliban Crawford
Who He’s Based Off Of: Matthew Patrick/MatPat (Game/Film/Food/Style Theory)
His Method of Work: He acts as one of The Pentas Family’s many body-disposal resources (if they disposed of bodies in just one way, they’d risk gathering concentrated amounts of evidence). His particular technique for disposal is good ol’ fashioned cannibalism.
Red Attire: Leather jacket (Crimson)
Aside from the body-disposal stuff, he’ll often help other Pentas members navigate the Black Market. He’s also invaluable when it comes to organizing certain trading events. He’s a cannibal, sure, but he also knows just how much of a pretty penny human organs can make. (Besides, not all body parts are safe for consumption; brains, eyeballs, intestines, and bones for example.)
Cannibal puns 24/7. The subtlety—or lack thereof—with which he delivers these puns can vary, depending on the situation he’s in. (“I’ve been told I have a great taste in people.” “If anyone’s a humanitarian, it’s me!” “I am what I eat, after all. . .” etc.) 
He has a pet leucistic hare named Snare (somewhat inspired by Matt’s childhood pet bunny, Sunny). As hares are proven omnivores/scavengers, it just makes sense for Caliban to spoil Snare by feeding him human fingers as treats (highly inspired by Monty Python’s Killer Rabbit).
He has an ENORMOUS collection of butcher knives and medical blades, because of course he does. His favorite of them all is a damascus steel cleaver, which he frequently carries in his jacket pocket as his primary weapon.
There’s a silver tooth cap in the place of his upper left canine. He lost said canine when one of his victims surprised him by grabbing his tenderizing hammer and hitting him in the mouth with it as they tried to escape (this also left a small, jagged scar on the left side of his upper lip). Obviously, Caliban recovered from this. But the person who knocked his tooth out? Not so much. . .
His house is located in the downtown area, and is connected to the abandoned subway tunnels. He’s basically turned the old security office into a basement-kitchen setup.
(If you’d like to see some awesome artwork of this character, please go here and show the artist some appreciation!)
Current Stories: (Goretober 2022) Day 2: Cannibalism, Running on Empty, God, Being an Accessory to Murder is Exhausting,  What’s That Saying About Cinnamon Rolls. . ?, (Goretober 2023) Day 3: Broken Bones, (Goretober 2023) Day 4: Amputation, (Goretober 2023) Day 7: Needles, Bloody Tricks and Even Bloodier Treats
Azalea Crawford
Who She’s Based Off Of: Rosanna Pansino (Nerdy Nummies)
Her Method of Work: She knows pretty much everything there is to know about poison. Toxic plants, venomous animals, man-made chemicals, you name it. The collection she keeps for hit-jobs and the like goes way, way beyond your typical arsenic. She even has a greenhouse full of deadly plants (including her namesake, obviously) in her backyard. When she’s on the clock, she’ll usually take care of targets by slipping poisons into a nice little baked goodie. Azalea’s not squeamish about needles, but this is easier and more discreet.
Red Attire: Headband (Cherry)
This lovely lady is Caliban’s sister, and shares a strong sibling bond with him. (In fact, she actually taught Caliban a lot of what he knows about cooking. Sure, it took a bit of trial-and-error for some recipes to work with human flesh, but it just be like that sometimes.)
She has a pet scarlet kingsnake named Cuddles. Scarlet kingsnakes are harmless, but they specifically evolved to mimic the coloration of coral snakes, which are infamously venomous. Azalea understands the irony of this perfectly. She also understands how easy it is for people to mix up the color patterns, so, of course, she’ll occasionally handle Cuddles purely for confusion/intimidation.
She’s the owner/head chef of Aftertaste, a popular restaurant/bar, in order to help keep up appearances for The Pentas Family. The building is connected to the abandoned subway tunnels. 
If any Pentas members decide to use poison for a hit-job, then they need to go to Azalea for help. She’s one of very, very few people who can be trusted to use such dangerous substances properly. (But sometimes, even mobsters aren’t immune to hubris. So, Azalea keeps a stockpile of antidotes/painkillers in order to fix certain mistakes.)
She’s the reason Caliban was able to adopt Snare. She found the hare in the basement of one of her past targets (who was the leader of an exotic animal trafficking ring); he reminded her of her brother, so she ended up giving him to Caliban as a present.
(If you’d like to see some awesome artwork of this character, please go here and show the artist some appreciation!)
Current Stories: What’s That Saying About Cinnamon Rolls. . ?, Update the Letter Board!,  Toxic Tutorials, (Goretober 2023) Day 3: Broken Bones, (Goretober 2023) Day 7: Needles, Bloody Tricks and Even Bloodier Treats
K.O. [Kaiser Oasis]
Who He’s Based Off Of: Ethan Nestor (CrankGamePlays)
His Method of Work: Whether he’s in the arena, defending himself and his peers, or extracting information from enemies, K.O. packs a major wallop. Not only that, but his stamina is roughly on-par with that of a mongoose fueled by a few too many Pixie Sticks. . . He was discovered by The Pentas Family shortly after The Boss decided to branch out into the underground fighting business.
Red Attire: Fluctuates between jeans for when he’s out of the arena, and boxing shorts for when he’s in the arena (Amaranth)
Despite being a mobster, he’s a surprisingly courteous fighter. Yeah, he pummels his opponents, but that’s literally what career-fighting is all about. Now, on the other hand: if you’ve personally wronged him or someone he cares about, or if he catches wind that you’re going to try and cheat your way through a match with him. . .well, I wouldn’t count on him having too much self-restraint. 
Ironically, K.O. also serves as a medic for The Pentas Family. It took some time and practice, of course, but he’s gotten pretty damn good at patching up stab/bullet wounds and resetting broken bones. (It’s not uncommon to get bumps and bruises in the underground business, and going to a normal hospital is typically a big no-no, since the staff there would likely ask too many questions about certain injuries.) 
While he only wraps his hands for his fighting matches, he’s still not above occasionally using brass knuckles—which he has affectionately named Francis and J.P.—for interrogation or message-sending assignments. 
Though he’ll sometimes travel for certain assignments, K.O. usually represents The Pentas Family at a place called The WormRoll: roller skating rink by day, hidden-in-plain-sight fighting arena by night. The building is connected to the abandoned subway tunnels, and K.O. has made his personal platform-office-den into a training room.
Before and after his matches, he wears a black robe with a picture of a peacock mantis shrimp embroidered on the back. (When K.O. first joined The Pentas Family, Murdock commissioned a sewing artist to make said robe as a welcoming gift for him. Yes, Francis and J.P. were included in that gift.)
He’s multilingual; he can speak English, French, Portuguese, and Italian on a conversational level. This obviously means a lot of foreign swearing when he’s frustrated/angry. He has no trace of an accent from any of those languages, and none of his peers know why or how he picked them up in the first place. K.O., being the gremlin he is, doesn’t plan to explain anytime soon. (Plus, he can’t not be a little smug about being the only Italian-speaking member of a mob. Just like how he can't not use that to tease Murdock.)
Y’know creepy-crawly lollipops? Yes, the ones that have a cricket or some other insect frozen inside. Those are K.O.’s favorite candy. Unless he’s in the ring, he’s almost always got one in his pocket. (On a slightly more humorous note: sometimes he’ll make a small show of pretending that the lollipop sticks are cigarettes.)
Current Stories: (Goretober 2023) Day 3: Broken Bones, (Goretober 2023) Day 7: Needles, Bloody Tricks and Even Bloodier Treats
Garret Wyre
Who He’s Based Off Of: Mick Lauer 
His Method of Work: If there’s two things to be said about Garret, it’s that he has a pair of big, strong hands, and he knows how to use them. You could argue that “Everyone knows how to use their hands, idiot.” To which I say. . .first of all, chill out. Words can hurt. Second of all, not everyone can make a career out of strangling people. But Garret most certainly has. That being said, he knows when to use other tools  (ropes, scarves, cords, stuff like that) to get the job done. He knows he can’t realistically rely on his hands for each and every one of his assignments. In any case, the day his grip isn’t firm is the day he’s not Garret.
Red Attire: Scarf (Maroon)
Garret brings a complex vibe to The Pentas Family. His disposition is stern, but he knows to be patient with the other members. Despite this, he’s always a bit. . .fidgety. Restless. He has a hard time sitting still, and an even harder time not giving people the side-eye or glancing over his shoulder. In fact, the only times he seems genuinely calm and self-assured is when he’s choking the life out of his targets. Sure, he still acts aggressively toward said targets, but there’s no denying just how soft and quiet his voice becomes when he taunts them.
His hobbies outside of mob work include knitting and sewing. It just seems to ease his nerves a bit. He even made the very scarf he wears whenever he’s working on Pentas business. This also bleeds into the fact that Garret is on the superstitious side. Half of his sewing/knitting projects involve making voodoo dolls of those who screw around with The Pentas Family. He treats said dolls a lot like stress toys, often patching them up after bashing their stuffing out only to do it all over again sooner or later.
He very much believes in the concept of luck. Quite ironic, considering he was born on a Tuesday The 13th (look it up; apparently those are even worse than Friday The 13ths). He doesn’t bother with all the chakra-crystal-incense stuff, but he does keep a glass Evil Eye charm in one pocket, as well a miniature horseshoe in the other. He never goes directly home right after taking care of a target. He avoids the number four like the plague. He makes sure his right foot is leading whenever he enters a room. Et cetera, et cetera. 
One of the few superstitions he doesn’t believe in is black cats being harbingers of doom. In fact, he adores black cats. Particularly Juju, a stray black kitten he adopted after a very last-minute, impromptu hit-job.
He’s the manager of Itchy Palms, a popular casino on the edge of The Cove Port Inlet’s uptown area. The building is connected to the abandoned subway tunnels. And it’s safe to say that Garret knows. His. Business. He knows how to play each and every game, as well as several ways to cheat at each and every game without giving said cheating away. His outlook on fairness is. . .unconventional.
Current Stories: [TBA]
Parker Thenope
Who He’s Based Off Of: Nathan Sharp (NateWantsToBattle/Give Heart Records)
His Method of Work: There are several ways to be adept in water. Such as holding a person under it until they stop moving, or drenching a person over and over again until they give up the information you need. Which is exactly how Parker earns his keep. His assignments often involve haunting the local beach—or, more precisely, the cluster of shallow sea-caves along the beach’s edges. But in a pinch, he’s willing to use pools/hot tubs/etc. to his advantage (it just means he’ll have to be clever with how he goes about the job). 
Red Attire: Face-mask (Carmine) 
Parker is the personification of “it’s always the quiet ones who snap the loudest.” Sure, he’s cooperative and understanding toward his peers in The Pentas Family, but underneath his chill, humorous, nonchalant veil lurks a bit of a ticking time-bomb. As a child, it was constantly drilled into him to camouflage his real emotions, to always appear calm and collected on the outside. If you’ve done something to majorly piss him off, then really, your only chance is to hide and hope he doesn’t find you. 
Fittingly enough, his hobbies include swimming. He learned at a very young age, so, it’s safe to say that he’s excellent at following the flow of water, holding his breath for generous periods of time, etc. And who can blame him? It’s a lot of fun, it’s great exercise, and it allows him to have the upper hand whenever he happens to also be in the water while taking care of a target.
When it comes to anything music-related, he’s incredibly skilled. Not only does he have a lovely singing voice, but he’s an expert on playing guitar, drums, and even the piano on occasion. Music is a very effective form of stress-relief, and he’s been using it as such long before he entered the underground business. 
He’s very familiar with Ear Caffeine, a music studio in the Cove Port Inlets. He works there as a songwriter/lyricist, as well as a session musician, though he’s now basically in charge of the place ever since its former owners disappeared into thin air. (The building is connected to the abandoned subway tunnels, and Parker was instrumental—pun vERY MUCH INTENDED—to The Pentas Family claiming it as part of their territory.)  
On top of that, Parker also owns Chord Craft, a combination of record store and instrument-repair shop on the side. He was the head-honcho over there before he was welcomed into the mob, and while he’s since hired more people to run it, he still cares for it. 
Even before he joined The Pentas Family, he made a point to wear a face mask every day (he sees the red one he wears now as an upgrade). He only ever takes it off when he’s swimming or sleeping. He doesn’t have any scars to cover up; he just finds comfort in personal anonymity. 
He’s learned to consider all the different ways decomposition can work in watery areas. Just because his signature is to drown targets doesn’t mean he can always afford to just leave their bodies floating. It’s not uncommon for him to seek out Murdock, arranging to take a ride on the hitman’s houseboat in order to dump certain bodies far out from the Inlets’ boundaries. 
Current Stories: [TBA]
Val Ocitie 
Who They’re Based Off Of: Lio Tipton
Their Method of Work: Tommy guns may be rare nowadays, but that isn’t a problem for Val. Their hidden arsenal is already impressive enough; you could say they have many, many neutral specials. Sure, they can see the appeal of blades and other deadly stuff, but guns are fast, efficient, and most importantly of all, devastating. (Especially if a silencer is involved. Ooh, does that help thicken the plot.) Don’t screw around with them or their family unless you want to cosplay as swiss cheese. 
Red Attire: Chainmail bracelet (Vermillion) 
Val has long-since learned to thrive in chaos, to the point of outright craving it. Sometimes they see underground business as a game. While their attitude is usually excitable around those they trust, their energy can turn aggressive in a heartbeat. They’re the type to get up in an enemy’s face, wearing a false, icy grin all the while.
Along with the hit-jobs they're assigned, Val is responsible for supplying The Pentas Family's firepower. Similar to how Caliban is an expert in organ-trafficking, Val knows the ins and outs of the illegal weapons trade. They've rearranged their personal gun collection several times now, selling and exchanging certain models to avoid leaving any patterns in their work.
Once upon a time, Val worked for a different mob; one that wasn’t exactly on good terms with The Pentas Family. Well, things ended up falling apart, and Val found themself at the mercy of Murdock and his peers. Of course, things were rocky at first. . .but somehow, Val eventually realized that they felt some kind of kinship with them. It took some time, but they were welcomed in, and are now following Pentas operations with strong loyalty.
They grew up somewhat rural, learning how to handle guns at a pretty young age. Though their family wasn’t poor, hunting game animals for food was still a big tradition that they helped to carry on. They don’t really do that kind of hunting anymore, but they still take monthly trips to shooting ranges in order to practice with clay pigeons. 
They’re the only Pentas member who doesn’t live in/work out of a building that’s connected to the abandoned subway tunnels. Instead, they live in a tidy cabin located in Reilpi Woods, a huge forest about a fifteen-minute drive from the Cove Port Inlet’s city limits. Not that Val minds, though; the area gives them nostalgia. While they can appreciate all the conveniences of more urban environments, they’ve always enjoyed being surrounded by trees. Besides, it’s not like they don’t know where all the secret entrances to the underground dens are.
They’re a natural when it comes to evaluating another person’s character. It’s an important skill to have in this line of work, especially considering how the work is question is very much illegal. Despite their uncertain start in The Pentas Family, it hasn’t taken much time at all for Val to learn each of the other members inside and out. . .well, except for The Newcomer. (For now, at least.)
Current Stories: [TBA]
Two-Toes Johnny [Johnathan Shine]
Who He’s Based Off Of: Bob Muyskens (Muyskerm)
His Method of Work: Though he’s not really a hitman, he still knows his way around interrogation and message-sending. His weapon/tool of choice is a baseball bat that was apparently an heirloom he just so happened to inherit as a teenager. It might not look like much, but neither will those who anger The Pentas Family (or their clients) after Johnny uses it to beat them black and blue.
Red Attire: Belt (Tawny Port)
Now, to address the elephant in the room: yes, he actually does only have two toes. The right big-toe and the left middle-toe, to be specific. All that’s left of the other eight are scars, and exactly how he lost them is a total mystery. Sure, he might vaguely rant about the incident(. . .s?) from time to time—usually after he’s had a few too many drinks—but it just seems impossible for anyone to figure out what the hell happened, as well as why the hell it happened. 
While he’s able to get tipsy or wasted, Two-Toes Johnny is nothing if not an experienced drinker. Working in the illegal alcohol trade will do that to you. When he’s not overseeing illicit spirits, he’s The Pentas Family’s primary bookkeeper, organizing all the money he and his peers rake in.
He’s the owner/manager of Liquorty Splitz, a (what else?) popular liquor store in the Cove Port Inlets. It currently supplies alcohol to Aftertaste, Itchy Palms, and several other joints. The building is connected to the abandoned subway tunnels. (He also has a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend type link to a place called The Robe. It doesn't fall under Pentas control—it’s basically an open secret in the criminal underground as a whole—but ever since Johnny entered the mob, he’s sort of paved the way for Murdock and the others to occasionally use their free-time to pay it a visit.)
He carries a very rough-around-the-edges demeanor. Sarcastic, blunt, quick to make snappy remarks or roll his eyes. It’s one of many survival mechanisms he’s learned over the years. Despite this, he still knows how respect and basic decency work. Earn his trust, and you’ll have an invaluable friend for life. (In such cases, the term “aggressive motivation/positivity” is an understatement.)
He’s a bookworm. His collection of novels is almost constantly threatening to grow bigger than his collection of vintage alcohol. He appreciates a lot of modern stuff, but he’s always had a soft spot for the classics. In fact, he always keeps a few books in his desk at Liquorty Splitz to read on slower nights. 
He has two tattoos on his face: a silvery little star just below his right temple, and the branch of a cherry blossom tree stretching along his jawline and ending near his left eyebrow. It’s not uncommon for him to trace the linework of either of them with his fingertips while he’s thinking. He claims that there’s no symbolism behind either of them, that they were the results of a couple drunken nights that took place a long time ago. (There’s a decent chance that’s true. . .but then, why does his expression occasionally turn soft and unreadable when he looks at these tattoos in the mirror?)
Standing at 6’4, Johnny is the biggest/tallest member of The Pentas Family. And he obviously knows how to use this to his advantage. As in, if he and his peers are in a violent situation, he’ll barely hesitate to pick said peers up by the waist/collar/legs and just. . .swing them in the direction of the enemy. Since the peers in question often have weapons on-hand, this method is shockingly efficient. It’s typically not appreciated, of course.
Current Stories: [TBA]
Phoenix Rhong 
Who She’s Based Off Of: Safiya Nygaard 
Her Method of Work: Playing with fire can be hard (depending on your perspective, at least), but getting burned is quite easy. Not so for someone who’s had as much practice as Phoenix. Where there’s smoke, there’s her. Pretty much a pro-gamer when it comes to plotting and coordinating, she’s the one to look for when riskier jobs need to be taken. After all, find an empty building in a very specific part of town, and voila! Instant Distraction—Just Add Fuel and Sparks! 
Red Attire: Ring (Garnet)
Phoenix serves as a semi-dirty lawyer. As thorough and calculating as The Pentas Family is, mistakes can still be made. Bad timing and unlucky coincidences are still a factor. In such cases, Phoenix is invaluable for keeping her peers safe and their work hidden. On top of that, it never hurts to frame or expose an enemy or two; that just means less attention on her family, as well as less competition to deal with. She knows how to discreetly sow discord among enemies, how to tamper with evidence (whether planting it elsewhere or outright destroying it). 
Yes, she’s addicted to watching flames dance and hearing them crackle, but she still understands that they’re much more brutal than they are pretty. To be clear, she’s made her peace with reducing the corpses of certain targets to ash, but. . .well, they’re corpses. Like paper or clothing or many other flammable things, they can’t scream or feel pain when they’re being disposed of. (Not anymore, at least.) Whatever her peers did to those targets beforehand is just how they earn their own keep.
She’s responsible for the ironically legal parts of underground business. Negotiating prices/terms, relaying important messages, that kind of stuff. She helps form the contracts that the other Pentas representatives use, and she’s almost always in the room when those contracts are being discussed with outsiders (clients, allies, etc.). 
She’s very savvy when it comes to flammable chemicals. How exactly they burn, what to mix them with for the best results, how long it takes for them to reach their peak. Sure, matches and gasoline can be pretty damn effective, but an inferno often has to be handled very specifically. Sometimes the flames have to burn slower or faster. Sometimes they need to snuff themselves out at a quick rate. Sometimes they have to leave burned imprints behind rather than devour everything they touch. It all just depends on the job at hand. 
As part of an under-the-table agreement, she’s the owner of Scattered Wishes, the one and only crematorium the Cove Port Inlets has to offer. The building is connected to the abandoned subway tunnels, and she uses her personal den to hide various forms of evidence until they’re ready to be loaded into one of the ovens. 
“Phoenix Rhong” is NOT her original name. It’s not a fake identity, either. How she managed to take the name for herself. . .well, I'll go into more detail about that later. 
Current Stories: [TBA] 
Miles C. Peyote and Howie Thetaxi
Who They’re Based Off Of: Lewis Dawkins (Dawko) and Ryan (8-BitRyan), respectively 
Their Methods of Work: When your reputation precedes you from all the way across the pond, you’ve definitely done something right! (Unless that was never your intention, in which case you’ve done something horribly, horribly wrong.) Remember the board game Mouse Trap? Well, Miles probably played it a few too many times in his youth, if the booby traps he sets up nowadays are anything to go by. Whether the goal is to kill or simply capture someone, his designs never fail to be. . .elaborate. Howie, meanwhile, doubles as a mechanic and driver. From ditching cops to running enemies off the road, he has more than enough skill to make professional racers envious. Never, NEVER forget the importance of seatbelts if you’re getting into a car with him. (Also, never put your feet on the dash. It’s rude.)
Red Attire: For Miles, a pair of leather boots (Oxblood). For Howie, a pair of gauge earrings (Carnelian)
These two got their start in The Marble Hummingbirds, a different mob based in the UK that  has had a strong alliance with The Pentas Family for years now. As part of standard underground affairs, Miles and Howie volunteered to relocate to the US and work more closely with Murdock and the others. The adjustment was a bit difficult (especially for Howie), but they both understand that it makes several aspects of business more efficient. They both retain a good balance of loyalty between their original crew and their new one. 
Miles is selective when it comes to speaking. He’ll talk freely when he’s among people he trusts or is in a place that he’s deemed safe/comfortable, but when he’s out in public, he’s just. . .very quiet. He’ll still talk a little for the sake of politeness or formality, but only a little. If an area is open or unfamiliar, he’ll usually prefer to use body language and the like. (This does absolutely NOT stop him from cackling like a maniac over his traps.)
Howie has no qualms about reckless driving. Swerving, speeding, staging accidents; he can do it all without batting an eye. Whatever it takes to get himself and his buddies (plus their cargo) from Point A to Point B without getting stopped or caught. However, this mindset only applies to his personal driving. When he’s casually out and about, he can’t stand other drivers who tailgate, block lanes, cut others off, etc. If you act rude toward him in traffic, he can and will make a side-quest out of finding a way to get back at you. And yes, this extends to when he’s on the job. It’s not at all uncommon for him to go back and forth between chatting with his passengers and yelling at idiots on the road in the middle of a high-stakes-chase.
Miles has a habit of collecting plushies; especially odd-looking ones. (For example: the creepy-yet-cute stuff you might find on Etsy.) But his plushies aren’t just for aesthetic or decoration. He’s modified each and every one of them to be soft little storage units. Some have well-hidden zippers in their backs, while others have their heads function as the lids to jars stuffed inside their stomachs. Miles uses this strategy to hide valuables, such as varying sums of money or the odd piece of jewelry taken from a target. 
Howie is miraculously conscious of animals on the road. That’s one of few exceptions to his typical stance on getaway driving. He will always, ALWAYS make sure to avoid hitting cats, dogs, raccoons, deer. . .or squirrels. As a matter of fact, one squirrel that he managed to spare back in the day seems to have pledged a life-debt to him. Seriously, he avoided hitting it while he was still working in the UK, and by now it’s followed him to the US. Wherever Howie is, the squirrel always seems to be somewhere in the background, just watching and waiting.
Along with all the getaway driving stuff, Howie has helped The Pentas Family to form its very own chop-shop. Whenever cars are stolen from targets or enemies, Howie will be there to dismantle or sabotage said cars. Legitimate parts are sold, and certain jobs involve filling a vehicle with counterfeit parts in order to frame its owner.  
Ever since relocating, both Miles and Howie live out of The Five Seasons, a hotel near the Cove Port Inlet’s city entrance. The building is connected to the abandoned subway tunnels, and the duo rotates between sharing the hidden den; Miles will use it to build/test his traps, and Howie will use it simply to store/tamper with various car parts. The hotel just so happens to be right across the street from the car repair garage (Oh, for God’s Brake!) that Howie uses for his day-job.
Current Stories: [TBA]
Jay Aienyouess
Who He’s Based Off Of: Thomas Sanders
His Method of Work: The Pentas Family can be thought of as many things. Well, if you were to think of it as, say, an anglerfish, then Jay would play the role of that bright, shiny lure. He can put on a Grammy-worthy act in the blink of an eye, whether to lead a target to their doom or to keep any potential witnesses away from a soon-to-be crime scene. 
Red Attire: Nail polish (Cochineal)
On top of con-games, Jay can also be quite stealthy if the job calls for it. Sneaking around enemy turf, setting up a sabotage or two, gathering information, spying on those who give off weird vibes during business negotiations. . .
Unlike most of his peers, Jay was raised in a comfortable, pleasant environment. . .or, that environment was comfortable and pleasant while he was a kid. Things changed pretty drastically after he became an adult; more specifically, after he came out. He ended up leaving his hometown behind, hopping from one motel to another. Though he worked various odd-jobs, he also quickly learned to pick pockets in order to survive. 
By the time he had a chance-meeting with a few Pentas representatives, Jay had already somewhat dipped his toes into the criminal underground. Mainly via listening to the hurried whispers of passersby, and then trading those memorized details for cash.
Despite what happened to him, Jay has never once questioned himself or felt ashamed of who he is. Even when he was offered a place in The Pentas Family, he was still very much intimidated by them at first. But the support and open-mindedness they showed was quick to seal the deal for him. This in turn led to him (along with Val) having a hand in making sure that any Pentas-owned businesses are clearly marked as safe spaces for queer people.
He is most certainly NOT immune to morbid fascination. True, he doesn’t do any actual killing himself, but. . .well, I wouldn’t put it past him to look over the carnage left after a hit-job, all curious and thoughtful. The cleanup crew has gotten pretty used to him hanging around while they work. 
He works at Bullskit, a theater/auditorium that serves as one of the oldest buildings in the Cove Port Inlets (it’s still in business; it was even freshly remodeled when Jay joined the mob). It’s connected to the abandoned subway tunnels, and Jay kinda just lives there after hours. During hours, however, he dabbles in a bit of everything: stagehand, greenroom tech, assistant to the directors, you name it. If a target or enemy happens to get on the stage, Jay isn’t exactly above looking the other way when his peers sneak in to drop sandbags, switch out prop weapons for real ones, rig the special effects, etc.
Current Stories: [TBA]
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Jason Aldean’s Publicity Stunt
(Is This a Manufactured Agitprop?)
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
            If I seem mordacious, it’s because I like being a dick to an asshole. Like other critics, I refuse to write epigrams to up and coming artists so to get some free coke from an A&R guy. Sorry! Let us get to the subject at hand.
            It’s no secret that, politically speaking, I am way to the left of Bernie Sanders—I am on the extreme Left. How extreme am I? I would call the FBI and have myself arrested!
At any rate, when I judge a song, I objectively critique it by its music. Believe it or not, the lyrics are meaningless to me. If you, the songwriter, are reliant on lyrics and the music is mediocre at best, then you have a major problem. Maybe you should consider being a slam poet instead of a musician.
            Meet Jason Aldean. He sings country songs about the usual subjects:  heartbreak, hard work, and family. The usual, shit-kicking music, subjects. Country music used to be about struggling in a capitalist society, such as featured in Johnny Paycheck’s song, “Take This Job and Shove It.” In this song, he tells his boss to piss off. It would take over 200 pages to list all of those songs.
Jason has done pretty well in the country gendre. Also, he has a cool name. It sounds a lot like James Dean. No, he is not Hollywood handsome, nor does he look like some rugged character from a Spaghetti Western. He looks like a guy who does people’s taxes. He wears cowboy costumes from the stereotypical closet of central casting. Well, this is entertainment and I suppose you’ve got to dress the part.
                        What I’ve always hated about modern country music is its fake populism. You know—the “common folk!” The “salt of the earth” white people with two blue eyes, crying in the rain. One problem with that designation is that not all families are pure of heart. Some have racist views, others are dysfunctional. People label them with all sorts of epitaphs. “Trailer Trash” is my favorite. Many cannot afford to pay rent, so they become homeless and go dumpster diving to find food. Whenever some outlaw, country, bad boy writes about white pride, he, she, or they don’t speak for the White working class. (I love using pronouns, it drives CHUDS insane!)
            One remarkable thing I can say concerns Aaron Lewis—the tattooed, heavy metal, Jewish guy that recorded a country/blues song called, “I Am the Only One.” He presented it in such a way that it sounded like it came from the heart. That is the essence of agitprop songs. They sound personal, but they are merely cheap talking points from Right wing groups. Aaron’s songs had all the rhetoric of the political Right at the height of the Trump administration, in 2021. One thing I admire about him, though, is that he owned up to his song and couldn’t care less about what people thought of it. Even though he suffered from misology, he was honest.
            There are many types of racism. There is blunt racism. There is passive/aggressive racism. The latter has been utilized over ten decades. In 1988, Bush senior ran for president. There was a campaign poster with a photo of an African-American criminal. The text read, “AL GORE furloughed dangerous criminals! Make Bush president and he will lock these criminals up and throw away the keys!”  That criminal was Willie Horton. The defender of this poster said it was not about racism, it was about crime. Well, No. The poster depicted racism through visual association. You could get accused of racism because you thought that what you saw was racist. It was just a coincidence that the featured subject happened to be Black. Visual racism is a loophole in latent racism.
That is what Jason Aldean did in his video for his song, “Try That in a Small Town.” It contains news reels of Black Lives Matter protests and coincidental images. At best, this video is advocating vigilantism, or at worst, a race war.
            The song? Yeah, what about the song? The music is lackluster, country rock music, the likes of which we all heard in the early 70’s. Like from the Almond Brothers. It is just repetitive chorus/verse shit, where a bridge is way too far. The music is pedestrian and bland, so you fall asleep and do not even hear the words. Perhaps, that is intentional.
            Now, let’s talk about the message. There isn’t any. if I really push the issue, I guess the message is: (Drum roll please! Tat a tat tat!) “Don’t come to our town and express your free speech here, cause me and my buddies will beat the shit out of you! Or if crime is your bag, get out those AR 15s and shoot to kill!” Here’s is a suggestion: Start a neighborhood watch!  May you should do what Jesus suggested and turn the other cheek! And I am not talking about butt cheeks. Is the NRA financing your recording sessions?
            Ever since Merle Haggard released that conservative pile of shit song, “Okie From Muskogee,” back in 1969, he regretted it. It turned out that the song was a satire about Rednecks. Modern Country music has become the gendre of reactionary messages. Remember Toby Keith’s song, “Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue���? Yeah, kick those Arabs asses! Every time you release a jingoistic song, you regret it.
So, what happened to all these guys? Luckily, Merle Haggard overcome that novelty song and released personal songs that made him legendary. Toby Keith has cancer and has tried very hard to make a comeback. How about Aaron Lewis? He might be in rehab.
            So, Jason, what about you? If you are lucky, you might be a one hit wonder and, like Ted Nugent, play at Klan rallies. That tweet you put out; did you write it yourself? Are you trying to sound like a Boy Scout? You say you wrote the song for small town communities. Why, in your video, were there only white guys holding guns in front of a Tennessee courthouse? The courthouse where the heinous lynching of a Black teenager took place in 1927?
Come on, dude! You are full of shit! If you think you are going to disambiguate the whole conservative movement, you are wrong!!! Are you doing incurvations for Trump? Be a real American and stop it! Our grandfathers fought foreign enemies in the 40’s. What have you done to fight America’s domestic enemies? Nothing! That video has given you 15 minutes of fame. That was the whole idea, right? When it’s all over, your label will dump you and, this time next year, no one will remember your name! My advice to you is invest your money and watch it grow. Try buying stocks in fossil fuel!
Later, dude!
0 notes
Here are some of the best companies in the industry that i would love to see myself working in 
Animal logic - It is also a well-known animation studio with offices in Sydney, Australia's Fox Studios, and Los Angeles, California, the United States' Bros Studios. Happy Feet, Legend of the Guardians, The Owls of Ga'Hoole, Walking with Dinosaurs 3D, The Lego Movie, and Peter Rabbit are just a few of the animated films made by this studio. 
Disney - Since the debut of the most popular animated pictures, including Seven Dwarfs and Snow White, in 1937, disney has been in operation. The VFX market then started to decline. Nevertheless, they've lately made a comeback with movies like Frozen, Wreck-It Ralph, and Big Hero 6.
pixar - This business was founded by Steve Jobs and eventually acquired by Walt Disney. It is based in Emeryville, California. The Toy Story Films, WALL-E, Brave, Ratatouille, and Inside Out were just a few of the amazing and commercially successful movies it had made.
Dream works - This is one of my favourite studios and where i wanna see my self working in the future. This studios based in Glendale, California, it. It has won 33 Emmys, Animation Awards, three Academy Awards, and numerous BAFTA since it was founded. It was frequently put forward for Golden Glebe awards. Their top animated movies include Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda, How to Train Your Dragon, and Shrek.
Framestore - It was founded in 1986 and has offices in London, England. Their most notable projects include the Harry Potter films: Age, Avengers, and Guardians of the Galaxy, along with some work on Avatar. hey have treceived multiple Oscar and BAFTA honors for her work in the animation sector.
Cartoon network - this mompany mainly located  in Burbank, California, and it has created a number of popular animated films. They became well-known in America through to projects like Johnny Bravo, Dexter's Laboratory, The Powerpuff Girls, and Samurai Jack. Clarence, Regular Show, We Bare Bears, Adventure Time, Uncle Grandpa, and Steven Universe are some of their currently well-liked productions.
Blue sky - With its headquarters in Greenwich, Connecticut, it was established in 1987. It has been owned by 20th Century Fox since 1997. The Ice Ages, Rio and Rio 2, instructional games, and Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who are some of the best animated films. They published. the years 2002 and 2014.
Weta digital - The company is owned by the renowned Peter Jackson. He has five Academy Awards for outstanding VFX. The Lord of the Ring, The Hobbit, King Kong, and Avatar trilogies from 2005 are a part of this significant endeavor in New Zealand.
WB animation - It was established in the early 1970s. With the help of Looney Tunes, they started to compete with Disney. They also created enduring DC Comics television programs, such as the cartoon Batman and Superman. They were responsible for such blockbusters as The Iron Giant, Space Jam, and The Lego Movie.
Marvel studios - A subsidiary of Walt Disney Studios, a division of the Walt Disney Business, Marvel Studios, LLC is an American film and television production company. It was previously known as Marvel Films from 1993 to 1996. Based on characters from Marvel Comics magazines, Marvel Studios creates the motion pictures that make up the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
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retropopcult · 2 years
"North to Alaska" is a 1960 hit recorded by American singer Johnny Horton that was featured in the movie of the same name. The song was written by Horton, along with Tillman Franks. Though Horton had sung several popular movie tie-in songs, this was the first one that was sung over the opening titles. 
Recorded on August 9, 1960, the song was given to radio stations less than two weeks later to get in front of the film release.  It quickly climbed the charts, peaking at #4 on the Billboard Hot 100.  Seen as a “novelty single” by most critics, Western Writers of America eventually chose it as one of the Top 100 Western songs of all time.
The song's lyrics during the opening titles of the film provide a back story for the point where the film begins: Sam McCord left Seattle in 1892 with George and Billy Pratt, "crossed the Yukon river" and "found the bonanza gold below that old white mountain just a little southeast of Nome." By "1901" Sam was known as "a mighty man", and his partner George then tells him, "I'd trade all the gold that's buried in this land for one small band of gold to place on sweet little Jenny's hand." George feels that Jenny is his "true love", and he declares he will "build for my Jenny a honeymoon home" below the same mountain where gold was discovered. An instrumental of the song is also played at the saloon on a piano when Sam and Angel arrive in Nome. The bass singing portion is done by Rusty Goodman.
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sophie-i-guess13 · 2 years
Give me some basics on Buck! What's his favorite color, birthday, does he like cake or ice cream better? Does he have a crush on anyone/love interest? Sexuality? What are his favorite musicians?
thank you bunny <3
- favourite colour is red! Not only bc it’s the colour of his father’s bandana, but also for its historical significance with coal miners, unions, and the original term for Redneck!
- as for birthday I think I said August 5th of 1944 :)
- he prefers cake (angel food cake) but ice cream at DQ is always cheaper and Buck is on a Budget
- Cowboy in the sixties, so he’s tucked so far in the closet he’ll find Narnia before he finds his way out, but I know in my soul he knew Darry looked damn good in his football uniform. (Eventually he settles down with an old girlfriend named Jackie.)
- fav artists include what he calls the greats; Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, Hank Williams, Loretta Lynn and Johnny Horton :))
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scraregenrecs · 3 years
SC Tropefest Fest Rareships/Gen Roundup!
There were so many rare and gen fics in @sctropefest – 26 to be exact, or 31.91% of the total works! We've compiled them here for your reading pleasure, and also spotlighted some honorable mentions at the very end that were primarily David/Patrick, but featured rare sideplots. Happy reading!
A Whole Lot To Gain by yourbuttervoicedbeau, Ted/Alexis, Alexis & David, Patrick & Alexis (background David/Patrick), G, 1,721 words
A story about identity, gender, and coming out.
and my task’s but begun by treepyful, Twyla & her mother, T, 16,109 words
Twyla was seven years old and missing a front tooth when her father left.
A look into Twyla's stories.
Budd is a dud! Vote Sands. by samwhambam, Stevie/Twyla, T, 7,718 words
Her and Twyla are friends. Not great friends. But friends who get high together at parties and have known each other for a long time. And up until right now, she thought they were better friends than a shitty, mean campaign slogan.
The enemies to lovers fic where Stevie and Twyla are both running for the same seat on town council.
(but if baby, i'm the bottom) you're the top by doingthemost, Alexis/Twyla, E, 3,681 words
Alexis knows what people assume about them.
They see Twyla's bright café smile at work, and listen to how readily she agrees to whatever her customers want. They watch how Twyla hangs back during get-togethers, freeing up room for Alexis to take the spotlight and captivate the crowd. They notice how Alexis towers over Twyla in her heels, and how she's always one step ahead of her steady, cautious girlfriend.
But they don't know what it's like when they're together.
OR: Five times Twyla tops Alexis, and one time she lets Alexis top her.
Captive on the carousel of time by designatedgrape, Stevie/Twyla, Gwen & Twyla (background David/Patrick), T, 11,156 words
The predictability of Schitt’s Creek and the routines of the people who live here have always been a comfort to Twyla. In a life that has been full of uncertainty, she appreciates that there are things she can always count on. So when Jocelyn walks in at 3:07, it isn’t a surprise. At least, not at first.
“What can I get for you, Jocelyn?”
“Oh, I think I’m going to need an extra-large coffee to get through the rest of the day, Twyla. I’m headed right back over to the school to set up for tonight.”
Twyla nods and turns to start making Jocelyn’s coffee. “What’s tonight?”
Twyla pauses and looks back at Jocelyn. “Um, I think you might be a little confused. Graduation was last night.”
come home to my heart by davidbrewer, Ted/Alexis, G, 1,822 words
“Oh, my god — Ted?”
Her own voice echoes in her ears and she’s suddenly standing, dumbfounded, outside Cafe Tropical almost seven years ago. Watching Ted step into the bistro felt eerily similar to watching him step off that motorcycle for the first time. It’s the kind of shock that makes the sparkling restaurant tile quake under her Louboutins.
Except, this time, the feelings bubbling to her chest are now far more nuanced than she knows how to process — no amount of personal growth or number of self-care retreats with Oprah could’ve prepared her to suddenly come face-to-face with the first person she ever loved more than herself.
OR: Alexis has a blind date. It's not what she EX-pected.
Deadpool Strikes Back! How One Merc For Hire Sticks It to an Army of Goons, One Annoying Narrator, and The Worst Villain of All: Self-Doubt by doingthemost, Stevie/Ruth, T, 1,340 words
WAZZUP!?@ 🤯 If you're reading this, you're probably thinking, "What the hell? Stevie's Deadpool?!"
The answer's YES! 🤗 And she's pissed, and not just 'cause a bunch of goons hijacked her girlfriend. 🤬 No: the worst thing of all is the narrator she has to deal with all along the way. 🤡 Buckle up, buckos, it's a bumpy ride!
didn’t ask for this--you freely gave it (so now i watch your mouth for both of us) by Yellow_Bird_On_Richland, Alexis/Twyla, T, 6,371 words
Alexis chops her name down to three letters like it's nothing.
Twyla thinks about it a lot.
everyday the hold is getting tighter (and it troubles me so) by budd, Stevie/Ruth, M, 1,228 words
Stevie and Ruth end up sharing the last bed at the newest addition to Rosebud Motel Group.
Gonna Watch You Shine by yourbuttervoicedbeau, Johnny & Stevie, G, 1,127 words
Found Family Feelings: The Johnny & Stevie edition.
heaven is a place not too far away by doingthemost, Alexis/Twyla, Ted/Alexis (Previous), Alexis/Mutt (Previous), Alexis & David, Alexis & Moira (background David/Patrick), T, 8,267 words
"Oh, but soulmate marks are real." Her mother's expression softens. "Always one-sided, unfortunately. So difficult to know when you've truly met your soulmate without a matching indicator on the part of the other person, or other persons, if you're following." Her mother winks, and Alexis makes a face. "Your father was the exact same way. The poor little lamb couldn't carry a tune until he met me!"
"So you and Dad..." Alexis' head is spinning. "You guys are, like, actual soulmates."
"Very much so." Her mother appraises her carefully. "And you must have met yours, too."
"Yeah." Alexis blinks, stunned to find that she's short of breath. "I guess so."
OR: Alexis' soulmate mark – the ability to sing – triggers when she moves to Schitt's Creek.
i always felt i must look better in the rear view by davidbrewer, Alexis & David, Alexis/Twyla, David/Patrick, Alexis & David & Johnny & Moira, T, 13,152 words
“I have everything I need right here,” Twyla says, and something very fond stirs in Alexis’s chest. “I don’t need to wish for anything else. But you… You have big dreams, Alexis, and… If anyone deserves to have their wishes come true, it’s you. I want you to have it.”
OR: When her family's past stands in the way of a career opportunity, Alexis makes a wish that completely upends their lives all over again... but is it really what she wants?
If Hell Had a Creek by High-Seas-Swan, sonlali, sunlightsymphony, Gen, T, 9,139 words
After losing everything, the Roses are forced to move to their only remaining asset, the town of Schitt's Creek. Also, the town is on the Hellmouth, and Alexis is the Slayer.
If You Could See The Other Side Of Me by yourbuttervoicedbeau, Stevie/Alexis, Stevie & David (background David/Patrick) T, 3,473 words
Stevie has a teeny, tiny little celebrity crush.
It doesn't mean anything.
In The Running by floosilver8, Stevie/Twyla, M, 3,587 words
Stevie and Twyla run against each other for Town Council.
No Dress Rehearsals by kindofspecificstore, Patrick & Ted, Patrick/Rachel, Miguel/Ted, Patrick/David, G, 3,770 words
Life Happens to Ted and Patrick, and music is one of the things that helps them through it. Discovering a mutual love for the Tragically Hip forges a kind of friendship neither of them had before.
Or, just two boys talking about their feelings in a Tim Horton's parking lot.
putting roots in my dreamland by lilythesilly, Alexis/Twyla, G, 4,078 words
“Are roses your favorite flower?” Twyla asks, setting it down.
“Mm, no, but they’re kind of my brand?” she says, picking it up to snap a picture on her phone. “And as cute as it would be to have a peony in my logo, my company isn’t named ‘Alexis Peony Communications.”
“So, Alexis...Rose?” Twyla puts together, the name sounding vaguely familiar. Alexis nods, taking a photo at a different angle. “Well, I’m Twyla. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Twyla,” Alexis says slowly. Twyla loves the sound of her name in Alexis’s voice. “Nice to meet you.”
a twylexis flowershop au
Rollin’ With the Homies by doingthemost, Alexis/Twyla, Stevie/Ruth, Ted/Miguel (background David/Patrick), T, 9,917 words
So I know it seems like I live in this, like, super privileged world. Or maybe, like, a rip-off of The O.C. – or even worse, Laguna Beach, ugh! But I swear, I have a totally normal life!
Alexis Rose is just your totally average 16 year old with two annoying older siblings, David and Stevie, and a totally normal crush on her best friend, Twyla Sands. It's completely chill. She isn't, like, totally buggin'.
AKA: the Clueless AU.
Taste of a Poison Paradise by lilythesilly, Alexis/Twyla, M, 15,107 words
“Where have you been?” Stevie yells, kicking someone in the face and sending them over the railing.
“Stealing fireworks,” Rachel grunts, grabbing a stray piece of pipe off of the floor and bringing another one of them to their knees before delivering a swift roundhouse kick to their face.
“Oooh, these are fireworks?” Alexis grins with a small shimmy. “Love that for us.”
Green vines encircle the railings and Twyla jumps over it a second later. “I got the cane plus some other stuff,” she says, tossing it and another bag to Alexis and wrapping one of the ones around a guy trying to climb the railing to get up to them, dropping him onto the floor. “Let’s go.”
Be gay, do crimes but make it a Harley Quinn AU
The Blouse Barn Divorce Ranch by Amanita_Fierce, dairaliz, danieljradcliffe, DelilahMcMuffin, doingthemost, fairmanor, fishyspots, foxtails, GodOfLaundryBaskets, hagface, High-Seas-Swan (FangLang), hullomoon, Januarium, KiwianaPods (kiwiana), middyblue (daisyblaine), nontoxic, RhetoricalQuestions, roguebaby, schittposting, ships_to_sail, singsongsung, SparklesMagicLightLove, sunlightsymphony, thetomkatwholived, yourbuttervoicedbeau (kiwiana), Alexis/Twyla, Jake/Rachel, Ted/Miguel, Stevie/Ruth, David/Patrick, M, 26,226 words
Hello, I am Wendy Kurtz, proprietor of the Blouse Barn Divorce Ranch, the world’s premier spot for couples looking to get a speedy divorce and connect with other soon-to-be divorcees.
I’d like to highlight the stories of five couples, who rearranged into five other couples, from some past summer. These ten people came to the Blouse Barn Divorce Ranch with the intention of ending a marriage, and got that and so much more.
I could recount their journeys with 100% accuracy, but where’s the fun in that? Let’s let them tell us themselves.
OR: One crazy summer in Las Vegas brings the heat and then some.
The Devil’s Work is Never Done by doingthemost and schittposting, Alexis or Stevie or Twyla/Reader, Gen, 68 words
If you were faced with temptation, what would you do?
The Guestbook of David and Patrick Rose-Brewer, by sonlali, Gen, T, 900 words
“A home isn't always the house we live in. It's also the people we choose to surround ourselves with.” — The House in the Cerulean Sea
A look through the entries in David and Patrick's wedding guestbook
Through Someone Else’s Eyes by yourbuttervoicedbeau, Alexis & David, T, 1,351 words
It's all Mr Hockley's fault.
The tea was supposed to get him high, not make him wake up in his sister's body.
To the end of the reckoning by dinnfameron, Patrick & Ronnie, T, 1,308 words
He should get David a coffee. He could deliver it to the motel, see how he’s doing. His arm is raised halfway to flag Twyla down when he catches himself. David doesn’t want to see him right now. He may never want to see Patrick ever again. The thought makes him sick.
“Brewer.” Patrick turns at the sound of his name. There aren’t many people in this town who call him that, and sure enough, there’s Ronnie Lee at a table near the front. He’d missed her, somehow.
“You look like shit,” she says.
[art] you know what they say: better late than never by budd, Alexis/Twyla, G, 274 words
While unpacking her boxes to move into Alexis' apartment in New York City, Twyla finds a stash of her old business cards from when she wrote a column for young members of the LGBTQIA+ community in The Advocate.
You’d be the love of my life by doingthemost and sonlali, Alexis/Twyla, M, 6,650 words
Alexis needs a date to a last-minute Interflix party on Valentine's Day so she can make Zac Efron jealous. Naturally, she asks her best friend and crush, Twyla, to pretend to be her girlfriend for the event. What could possibly go wrong?
We wanted to also highlight some fics that are David/Patrick centric, but also include a rarepair side plot! These could be a great place to start for those who haven’t dipped their toe into rarepairs yet, but are intrigued by the idea.
I Waited My Whole Life by agoodperson, David/Patrick and Stevie/Twyla, T, 23,402 words
David is just going to have to come up with something, because there is just no way that he can let Patrick Brewer catch him going to another of the town's many weddings on his own.
Wheel of Fortune: New York Edition! by middyblue, David/Patrick and Alexis/Twyla, T, 10,521 words
Patrick spends his evenings with his new roommate Stevie watching NY1's Wheel of Fortune spin-off hosted by Johnny and David Rose, until one day he accidentally bumps into David Rose himself on the train and starts to fill in some of the blank spaces in his life.
You Happened by lilythesilly, David/Patrick and Stevie/Twyla, T, 54,271 words
David Rose is many things: talented, creative, fashion-forward, well read—the list can go on, but at the very top of that list is Extremely Rich. So he doesn’t understand why his father is making him work at Rose Video—or why Patrick Brewer, a boy he's had virtually no interaction with since they were twelve, is suddenly always around.
An enemies-to-coworkers-to-friends-to-lovers high school au.
You Look Like a Movie, You Sound Like a Song by fishyspots, E, David/Patrick and Stevie/Twyla, 18,683 words
David has often wished, at first seriously and then more cynically as he grew older, that his life was a rom com. It takes longer than he'd like, frankly, but the universe calls his bluff.
You’re the star at the top of my tree by schittposting, T, David/Patrick and Alexis/Twyla, 10,392 words
Patrick Brewer comes to Schitt's Creek with a goal: drive Rose Apothecary out of business so Christmas World can take over its space. He's not counting on falling for its owner.
Happy reading friends! x
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f4liveblogarchives · 4 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #238
Tues May 05 2020 [02:04 AM] Wack'd: Have some Wolverine publicity
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[02:05 AM] maxwellelvis: It BEGINS [02:06 AM] maxwellelvis: THERE's the John Byrne we know and... sigh because the guy who comes up with great covers like these is still the guy who sabotaged Jean Grey's spinoff attempt. [02:06 AM] Wack'd: John Bryne: fun dude but still a friggin dude [02:07 AM] Wack'd: So here we go. The secret story of Frankie Raye [02:08 AM] Wack'd: Turns out this is naturally what she looks like naked, plus a spiffy pair of elbow-length gold gloves
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[02:08 AM] Bocaj: He didn't notice the gold gloves at any point? [02:08 AM] Wack'd: All this stuff just...vanishes when she puts clothes on [02:08 AM] Wack'd: Yeah no Johnny is like "I've seen you in a bikini" and she puts her robe back on and the gold clothes vanish [02:09 AM] Bocaj: "My terrible secret is that I'm a never nude" [02:09 AM] Bocaj: "There are dozens of us. Dozens" [02:09 AM] Wack'd: I understood that reference [02:09 AM] Wack'd: So anyway Frankie has been somehow psychologically conditioned to never notice that a superhero outfit appears on her whenever she's naked [02:10 AM] Wack'd: As well as not to think too hard about the fact that she has no memories before age 14 [02:10 AM] Bocaj: Uh. [02:10 AM] Bocaj: Well y'know what fair enough. I try not to think about that stretch of time either [02:11 AM] Wack'd: Her earliest memory is waking up in a dingy warehouse under an old labcoat [02:11 AM] Wack'd: She lived alone in a deserted apartment and got checks for a thousand bucks in the mail every week [02:11 AM] Wack'd: And was psychologically conditioned not to think about how off-spec that was for a teenager as well [02:12 AM] Wack'd: A lot of nonsense here resting on, essentially, a Somebody Else's Problem Field [02:12 AM] Wack'd: Whoever set all this up probably would've had a lot easier of a time if they just...gave her a normal life? [02:12 AM] Bocaj: I feel that however this explains her fear of fire from earlier on, this cannot have been what the original plan was even a little [02:13 AM] Wack'd: Anyway somehow meeting Johnny started to make the conditioning decay [02:13 AM] Wack'd: She freaked out when Johnny flamed on because it made her think too hard about things, but she was attracted to him in part because of that [02:14 AM] Bocaj: uh [02:14 AM] Wack'd: Anyway Johnny pushes her to explore this whole ordeal further, because she feels like the dam is finally about to break [02:14 AM] Bocaj: I have a dumb thought [02:14 AM] Wack'd: And break it does
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[02:14 AM] Bocaj: She was completely naked in that- HOLY BEANS [02:15 AM] Bocaj: she was completely naked in that scene where she had the breakdown in that other issue and she didn't get the gold booties there [02:15 AM] Wack'd: She didn't but also because up until that point she was Somebody Else's Probemed into not seeing them, remember? [02:15 AM] Wack'd: And so we the audience didn't either [02:16 AM] maxwellelvis: Like the clown graffiti all over John's house [02:16 AM] Wack'd: Johnny uses his fire absorption powers to keep the building from burning down and gives chase [02:18 AM] Wack'd: He catches up to Frankie and gives her a crash course in steering and pacing herself before she and her new ecstasy for life burns down New York [02:18 AM] Wack'd: And she explains Frankie Backstory 2.0 [02:19 AM] Wack'd: She was raised by a simple repairman, a good man, who suddenly lost his friggin composure when the Fantastic Four arrived [02:19 AM] Wack'd: Ranting about how dare Johnny call himself the Human Torch, he dragged her to an old warehouse and began raving about old experiments [02:20 AM] Wack'd: Frankie humors him for a bit but while carrying an old oil drum it bursts into flames, leaving her miraculously unharmed [02:20 AM] Bocaj: Simple repairman has a point. Kind of rude, Johnny [02:20 AM] Bocaj: Jim was a war hero, ya dink [02:21 AM] Wack'd: And then dear old stepdad hypnotized her and abandoned her [02:21 AM] Bocaj: 😐 [02:22 AM] Wack'd: A year later a package arrived with a tape recorder and a gold costume. The tape recorder hypnotized her into putting on the costume and then erased her memories [02:22 AM] maxwellelvis: What a drip [02:22 AM] Wack'd: Anyway from all this Johnny deduces her stepdad was Phineas Horton [02:22 AM] Wack'd: But you guys already figured that out, I bet [02:23 AM] maxwellelvis: I forgot who he was. [02:23 AM] Wack'd: Jim Hammond's dad [02:23 AM] maxwellelvis: Oh [02:24 AM] Wack'd: Anyway Johnny decides to become her mentor and, after she tries to fly as high as possible and runs into that pesky atmosphere problem, takes her back to the Baxter to have Reed run some tests and figure out what her limits are [02:24 AM] Bocaj: I'm for once not sad that Ultron killed him after forcing him to turn the original human torch into the Vision [02:25 AM] Bocaj: Until Byrne retcons that to not be the case because dude loves him some jim hammond [02:26 AM] Wack'd: Anyway I misremembered what Frankie's deal was. I assumed android [02:26 AM] Wack'd: But Reed thinks that whatever was in that fateful oil drum was some sort of superscience chemical that mutated her [02:26 AM] Wack'd: Not sure what the point of her being a nevernude was [02:27 AM] Wack'd: Or why Phineas Horton brainwashed his fourteen year old daughter into wearing a strapless bathing suit at all times [02:28 AM] maxwellelvis: The guy labeled Jim a renegade when he showed the first signs of not being completely under his command [02:28 AM] Wack'd: It sure is a good thing this teenager with no parental guidance never did anything where that bathing suit might've become a problem! [02:28 AM] maxwellelvis: guy's a drip [02:29 AM] Wack'd: Reed has proven his hypothesis that biological sex determines how flame powers work I guess??!?!?
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[02:29 AM] Wack'd: What sort of cis nonsense is this [02:30 AM] maxwellelvis: Johnny speaks for us all [02:30 AM] Wack'd: What all that means is "after a period of suitable training, we may be calling our friends at Marvel Comics and telling them to start publishing the Fantastic Five!" [02:31 AM] Bocaj: This is a thing that marvel does sometimes [02:31 AM] Wack'd: Good news for all those Spider-Girl fans I guess [02:31 AM] Bocaj: They've decided that Laura Kinney's foot claw is what girl wolverines be like [02:31 AM] Wack'd: *sigh* [02:33 AM] Bocaj: I'll say that Spider-Girl did it better by not saying, as far as I recall, that the difference was because man vs woman. [02:34 AM] Wack'd: Okay so we have another story in this issue [02:34 AM] Wack'd: Well, two, kind of [02:35 AM] Wack'd: First a brief interlude in which it is established at some point the Four will be going to the tiny town of Benson, Arizona to investigate cases of people being "frightened to death" [02:36 AM] maxwellelvis: @Wack'd My primary suspect is this man [02:37 AM] Bocaj: Put those tingles away [02:37 AM] Wack'd: Here's a Sue pinup which I'm mostly crossposting to see if I can wrangle a coherent set of interests out of her bookshelf
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[02:38 AM] Wack'd: Pogo's on there. Sue has good taste in comics [02:38 AM] Bocaj: I was about to say [02:38 AM] Wack'd: And now on to our second feature [02:38 AM] maxwellelvis: She's got a copy of Shogun in there [02:39 AM] maxwellelvis: Dangerous Visions, a sci-fi anthology [02:39 AM] Wack'd: Meet Crow T. Rob--I mean, HERBIE 2.0
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[02:40 AM] maxwellelvis: "You listen to me, 'Mr. Fantastic', you are NOT my real father!" [02:40 AM] Wack'd: "I want to decide who lives and who dies!" "So long as Franklin is in the 'lives' category I'm strangely okay with that" [02:41 AM] maxwellelvis: "Hey, Franklin, the secret word for today is 'booger'! Booger booger booger booger-AAAUGH!" [02:41 AM] Wack'd: Anyway this is not the only surprise Reed has in store today! [02:42 AM] Wack'd: He also has A Cure for Being the Thing Number Fucktillion [02:42 AM] Bocaj: Panel 2 Franklin does not look like a child [02:42 AM] Wack'd: He looks like a 1950s Western bit player [02:43 AM] maxwellelvis: "Oh great, another cure! How does this one work, and where can I hide when it backfires?" [02:43 AM] Wack'd: Ben is skeptical but as Reed points out science is always marching on [02:44 AM] Wack'd: He has more data than he's ever had [02:44 AM] Wack'd: Ben you've never asked her that before because it's literally never come up before. Fuck she's dated you while you were cured! Remember when you were riding around in that robot suit?
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[02:45 AM] Wack'd: Anyway [02:45 AM] Wack'd: The machine blows up [02:46 AM] Wack'd: Welp
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[02:47 AM] Bocaj: Could be worse [02:47 AM] Bocaj: At least its not pinecone grimm [02:47 AM] maxwellelvis: Oh that's coming [02:47 AM] Wack'd: Could be covered in bees. That'd be pretty bad [02:47 AM] maxwellelvis: Not for Ben it wouldn't. [02:47 AM] maxwellelvis: Unless they flew into his mouth. [02:47 AM] Bocaj: "Hahah sting you fuckers" [02:48 AM] Bocaj: "This time it is permanent!" Reed shut up [02:48 AM] Wack'd: Anyway this sure is weird nostalgia baiting [02:49 AM] Wack'd: Folks have done plenty of Lee/Kirby throwback stuff but was anyone nostalgic for this, like, at all [02:50 AM] Wack'd: Also like. C'mon Bryne, integrate your story developments naturally. You shouldn't need an entire issue where all that happens is status quo changes [02:50 AM] maxwellelvis: @Bocaj You might know, had Byrne ever written a comic book before his FF run? [02:51 AM] Wack'd: I guess Frankie was integrated a little naturally (even if she went from recent love interest to team member in no time flat) but the Ben is fairly hamfisted [02:51 AM] Wack'd: You can just check Marvel Wiki [02:51 AM] Bocaj: He co-plotted with Claremont I know [02:51 AM] Bocaj: And Claremont was big on the idea of co-plotting. [02:51 AM] maxwellelvis: But this would be his first, like, his first time flying solo? [02:52 AM] Wack'd: Dude has a lot of X-Men credits and some Captain Americas [02:52 AM] Bocaj: His first writing credit was on Iron Fist apparently [02:52 AM] Bocaj: at Marvel [02:54 AM] Bocaj: But from a skim of wikipedia fantastic four was his first extended solo writing thing
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nerianasims · 4 years
Billboard #1s 1959
My biased and subjective opinion of 15 songs under the cut.
The Platters – “Smoke Gets In Your Eyes” -- January 19, 1959
What a relief, after the last eight songs. Music, talent, emotion, lyrical complexity: Oh yes. How do you answer when someone asks if your love is true? Smoke gets in your eyes. This is also only the third song I’ve covered on the list that I know, after Volare and of course The Chipmunk Song. A song by and for grown-ups. That soaring ending is wonderful, too.
Lloyd Price – “Stagger Lee” -- February 9, 1959
Another song about a murderer, and this one is weirdly cheerful. Sort of a precursor to Mack the Knife. It's a total jam and I'm dancing in my chair listening to it. Price knows what he's singing and how to do it. Also belongs in Fallout: New Vegas.
Frankie Avalon – “Venus” -- March 9, 1959
There have been worse overly-scrubbed pop idols than Frankie Avalon. He was still an overly-scrubbed pop idol. There's no getting past that this is a song about Venus, and Frankie Avalon sounds like the most clueless nerd on the planet. Do you really think Venus cares that you'll be true, little boy? You have no idea what you're wishing for.
The Fleetwoods – “Come Softly To Me” -- April 13, 1959
I rather like this one. It's a soft almost a cappella doo-wop. The narrator asks his love to come softly to him and stay with him all through the night. It's way sexier than the previous song. This guy knows what he's asking for, and he's wildly in love while asking it, while also being gentle. Very sweet.
Dave “Baby” Cortez – “The Happy Organ” -- May 11, 1959
I'm pretty sure the title is an intentional double entendre. Anyway, it's an instrumental with an organ. No not that one. It's cute enough, but once you know it's an upbeat pop organ instrumental, you pretty much know everything you need to. I have nothing bad to say about it, but it's not for me.
Wilbert Harrison – “Kansas City” -- May 18, 1959
A twangy R&B ditty about the narrator going to Kansas City to pick himself out a "crazy little woman" after a breakup. The bassline is the same exact couple of notes for two and a half minutes. I find it painfully boring.
Johnny Horton – “The Battle Of New Orleans” -- June 1, 1959
Um. An attempted fun romp about a real battle. Nope nope nope. Also, the beat is incredibly repetitive, being just the military snare drum thing constantly. It's so light. Go ahead and write a triumphal pop song about the Battle of New Orleans if you must, but why is it so damn fluffy? Because it was 1959, that's why.
Paul Anka – “Lonely Boy” -- July 13, 1959
Ugh Paul Anka. This was obviously years before he sung the worst #1 hit of all time, but that doesn't mean he was any good when he was young either. He was one of those pop idols worse than Frankie Avalon. Avalon sounded like a clueless nerd; Anka sounds like a creep. "I'm just a lonely boy" yeah right. The line he uses on all the girls, I'm sure. And he's so whiny. This song makes my skin crawl.
Elvis Presley – “A Big Hunk O’ Love” -- August 10, 1959
I've never really been that into Elvis. The way he sings has always sounded cartoonish to me. I'm obviously the wrong age. He doesn't sound creepy at all (probable reality notwithstanding), and he also sounds like he probably knows where babies come from. Mostly though it's just a pretty good dance song with a good beat, but I've already forgotten it.
The Browns – “The Three Bells” -- August 24, 1959
Glop. Pure unadulterated glop. One bell when this guy's born, one when he's married, one at his funeral. It's the kind of thing that's making me look forward to The Rolling Stones.
Santo & Johnny – “Sleep Walk” -- September 21, 1959
It's a steel guitar instrumental, so that's neat. You have heard this song often, though you probably don't recognize the title. It's been used in soundtracks a lot. So much that I can't really evaluate it on its own, though since it's an instrumental, I probably wouldn't be able to anyway.
Bobby Darin – “Mack The Knife” -- October 5, 1959
I never really understood the appeal of this song until I undertook this list. After most of the songs here, especially "The Three Bells," I am very ready for it. So many songs in the day were utterly bloodless, so one this bloody is a welcome respite. Also, you do realize this also belongs in Fallout: New Vegas. Though maybe it's too well-known. I want it in there anyway. I consider it the consummate Vegas song.
The Fleetwoods – “Mr. Blue” -- November 16, 1959
Man I can't wait till Fleetwood Mac. Anyway, this band's last song was nice. This one is also super soft, and it's about a breakup, and it's incredibly dull. It sounds like they're trying to sing a baby to sleep. With the lack of emotion in the lead singer's voice, you could replace the lyrics with just about anything. A grocery list. Bleh. Too bad, because their previous song was quite good.
Guy Mitchell – “Heartaches By The Number” -- December 14, 1959
I'd say this one belongs in Fallout: New Vegas but they beat me to it. Which means I've heard this song an awful lot for someone born in 1976. It's pretty okay. Jaunty, which is an odd word to use for a song about a man whose woman keeps leaving him over and over.
Frankie Avalon – “Why” -- December 28, 1959
You have got to be kidding me. Actually it does sort of sound like he's kidding me -- the unbearable repetitive lilt sounds like a schoolyard taunt. He says to his girlfriend that they've found the perfect love, and I hope she's banging his sister. Dear lord this song is unbearable.
BEST OF 1959: Mack the Knife. WORST OF 1959: The Three Bells
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thekrows-nest · 2 years
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I see Krow likes rockabilly. For his consideration Angry Johnny And The Killbillies - The Owl (CW: Alcoholism, Sui) Angry Johnny And The Killbillies - Windchimes (CW: Stalking, graphic murder)
I've his eccentric little enby character. I almost wish he wasn't a yan for Dove's sake because this will not end well. Also Pigeon City? *wheeze* Is Krow allowed to have his music on at work? As he likes punk and rockabilly these are for his consideration. (Some are very morbid or suggestive so won't be insulted if you or others don't want to listen) Angry Johnny And The Killbillies - The Owl (CW: Alcoholism, Suicide)/Windchimes (CW: Stalking, graphic murder)I've got
(Anon pls 👉👈) Pigeon City... *wheeze* Anyway. Is Krow allowed to listen to his music at work? Since he likes punk and rockabilly try these on for size. (Some of them are very morbid or suggestive in the lyrics so it's totally ok if you or others prefer not to listen.) Angry Johnny And The Killbillies - The Owl (CW: Alcoholism, suicide)/Windchimes (CW: Stalking, graphic murder) The Creepshow - Sleep Tight (CW: Murder, haunting)
The Reverend Horton Heat - Now, Right Now
The Cramps - I Want To Get Into Your Pants/What's Inside A Girl/Like A Bad Girl Should (CW: Kinda obvious)
Nekromantix - Trick or Treat/Return Of The Loving Dead/Murder For Breakfast
Please amend one of those Nekromantix songs to Dead Girls Don't Cry. Because holy heck. Krow... Stop it! "There was a time When you wouldn't even look my way You left me behind Turned my life into darkness and gray
This time I know she will stay No more running away
Now you're mine for eternity My love for you will never die A peaceful perfect harmony No more sorrow or tears 'cause Dead girls don't cry
You wanted to be free Said I made you feel Kept restrained in a cage I begged you to stay with me You said you couldn't deal With anger and rage
This time I know she will stay No more running away"
So I fucked up and submitted an ask not on anon so I deleted it and have resubmitted it! I am so sorry nonnie I had glazed over your anon request! Forgive me! Imma just gonna repost my response.
Holy shit I've been wanting more music samples for Krow gimmeeeeeeeee. *grabby hands* I will totally listen to all of these thank youuuuu.
Yeah, sadly for Dove (and him honestly) he is very much a yandere still. Sometimes others (and even me lol) forget that fact. And yes. LMAO. I was talking to friends and it was suggested as a joke but I liked it too much so it stuck.
And he is! His boss is okay with it so Krow will be listening to tunes while cleaning up the most gruesome messes.
Once again, thank you very much for the suggestions. I'm gonna listen to these now nyeheehheehehe
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alediazpizarro · 4 years
Senior Soundtrack
Music is a love language. Lo he tuiteado, lo he dicho, y —con ustedes— lo he vivido. Parte de mis 7 años en ASF ha sido la música que he compartido: canciones que son intereses en común, recomendaciones, o hasta tracks de obras de teatro que nunca voy a borrar de mi memoria. After all, de eso se trata la música en parte: de acordarse. Y sepan que cada vez que oiga una de las canciones en esta lista, va junto con su recuerdo. A todos ustedes, de todo corazón, gracias. No sé que sería de mi vida sin ustedes.
Les dejo la playlist que construyeron conmigo, whether you knew it or not, de 2014 para acá.
PS: si no aparece su nombre en esta lista de canciones, lo único que quiere decir es que we have yet to share a song. Los adoro a todos. 
Burn · Lin Manuel Miranda You have the voice of an angel, and every time I think of this song I no longer hear it in Philippa Soo’s voice, but in yours.
Tuyo · Rodrigo Amarante Dancing Kermit.
"Eungenio” Salvador Dalí · Mecano We love the music, hate the lyrics.
Na Na Na · My Chemical Romance Debate bus trips. Blasting it from the backseat, with Nesquik and cold pasta at hand.
I’m Not Okay · My Chemical Romance “¿Estos son los Rolling Stones?”
Being Alive · Stephen Sondheim Life’s dream: be Bobby. Not literally. That would suck.
If I Could Tell Her · Benj Pasek & Justin Paul You once said this is the song you would dedicate to me. Though I think we’ve grown past that, I will always remember how warm it made me feel when you said it.
Isle of Flightless Birds · Twenty One Pilots Ya sé que me odias, pero DARARAAAARAAA
I’m Low on Gas and You Need a Jacket · Pierce The Veil El concierto que más he disfrutado en mi vida (and that’s saying a lot), y parte de por qué fue porque fui contigo. Lloramos en esta canción y en el video que grabé con mi horrible teléfono se oye lo feo que cantamos. 
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea · Neutral Milk Hotel De un Tiktok (de miles) que me mandaste pero de los pocos que sí abrí.
Numb · Linkin Park WAWAWAWAWAWA 
Fashionista · Jimmy James Really obscure pre-middle school memory, pero every time it gets stuck in my head me acuerdo de ver el lyrics video en el ballet y la miss Celia regañándonos.
Life Itself · Glass Animals It slaps. Plus, concert.
Remember When · Wallows My favorite song in my “Drive” playlist, cada vez que sale I remember sitting in the backseat of your dad’s car and you turning the volume up so we could drive over the Reforma speed limit with this blasting.
The Cave of Two Lovers · That LSD guy from Avatar SECRET TUNNEL!!!!!!!! SECRET TUNNEL!!!! THROUGH THE MOUNTAIN!!!! SECRET SECRET SECRET SECRET TUNNEEEEEEEL!!!! (No Spotify version, so here’s the surf rock cover.)
Toxic · A Static Lullaby Flashbacks a clase de Ms. Miranda en 7º.
Back to Black · Amy Winehouse No puedo oír esta canción sin acordarme de tu audición para Grease. Rizzo could-have-been?
The Adults Are Talking · The Strokes Es chill yet vaguely nostalgic Diana vibes to the max.
Stuck on the Puzzle · Alex Turner Thank you for liking Alex Turner. :`)
Dark Red · Steve Lacy Memorias de una tarde que pasamos armando Repentinos con una mini guillotina y pláticas de Dinamarca.
Thinking of a Place · The War on Drugs La primera que me recomendaste, y la mejor para manejar de noche.
Vissi d’Arte · Giacomo Puccini No creo que hubiera visto Tosca si no me la hubieras recomendado. Qué bueno que lo hiciste, porque esta aria se volvió de mis favoritas. 
Money · Pink Floyd Alguna vez jugamos music trivia en el salón de Stearns y me acuerdo de que yo todavía no la ubicaba pero tú la adivinaste sin problema. Years later, eres la persona que sé que le gusta Pink Floyd tanto como a mí. Lástima de Roger. :(
Layla · Derek & The Dominoes Este año tuve un classic rock renaissance que empezó, you guessed it, cuando me recomendaste esta. Clapton no falla.
Klavierkonzert Nr. 21, No. 2 “Andante” · Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart También me hiciste escuchar mucha más música clásica de la que conocía, y aprendí a disfrutarla. Esta sigue siendo mi favorita.
Sara · Fleetwood Mac De las pocas de Fleetwood Mac que no conocía pero que me recomendaste en uno de esos exchanges a las 12 am y que oí con audífonos in the dark.
Resguardum Ether · León Larregui También de las pocas de este cuate que nunca había oído pero que se volvió de mis favoritas.
Good Life · OneRepublic Buenas vibes.
Can’t Fight This Feeling · REO Speedwagon Horton --> improvised conciertos en el baño.
What the Heck I Gotta Do · Lin Manuel Miranda Más conciertos de regadera/vestidor en lo que nos arreglamos juntas.
Beth · KISS El club Glee y el karaoke en el Wii.
Miss Jackson · Panic! At The Disco No lo vas a admitir, pero te gusta mi música y lo sabes. Anytime que dudas, sólo es cuestión de ponerte esta.
The Man · The Killers Nada como nuestros buenos trips manejando de noche.
The Bad Touch · Bloodhound Gang You and me, baby, we ain’t nothing but mammals...
This Life · Vampire Weekend Siempre que la oigo pienso en ti.
I Wear Glasses · Mating Ritual Me la recomendaste en alguna de mis countless Close Friends stories.
I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) · The Proclaimers Picture it: a gaggle of eight or so kids marching around Cumbres de Santa Fe loudly screaming this in a terrible Scottish accent after watching a horror movie.
Somebody Else · Clones of Clones A bop!
Ocean Man · Ween I will only say four words: Lord of the Flies.
Desencuentro · Residente ft. Soko Clases de Domínguez contigo were always lovely. Plus, who could forget the iconic “NO HAY SEÑAL”?
I Don’t Know How to Love · The Drums Otra de cuando we were still developing our own music tastes.
Papaoutai · Stromae De cuando estábamos haciendo Haiti research and really wanted to get into the francophone mindset.
Moonlight Sonata · Ludwig Van Beethoven Those Knowledge Bowl kids never saw it coming.
Beware of the Boys (Mundian To Bach Ke) · Panjabi MC Memoria tangible de Vancouver: cuando pusiste esta en el restaurante indio al que fuimos.
I Know Things Now · Stephen Sondheim No sé cuántas veces me ayudaste a ensayar esta canción. Me ayudaste muchísimo todo Into the Woods, y desde ahí en 6º sé que te tengo como amiga.
Rumour Has It · Adele ¿Te acuerdas del proyecto que hicimos de Mr. Kamm en 7º estilo “fleas on rats”? Literal después de que usamos esta canción ya no puedo cantar las lyrics de la original.
Bitter Sweet Symphony · The Verve La oíamos dizque “para concentrarnos” en el salón de Austin.
Pas de Quatre from Swan Lake · Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky De cuando te fui a ver bailar ballet con Fran. :)
Tú y Yo Somos Uno Mismo · Timbiriche EL SOL
Fly Away · Laid Back The moment you played this at Montero’s party you literally made everyone be vibing. It’s like the Fairy Godmother of Chill. That was also the day you stopped being “Manu from TEDx” and were just “Manu” there on. Probably ‘cause you appreciated my ability to drive a stick. :`)
Choke · I Don’t Know How But They Found Me I wouldn’t like this Dallon spinoff as much as I do without you. It’s like emo, but evolved, mature— like you. In a good, compliment-y way.
Oceans · Frank Iero Remember when we were gonna see him in concert? :( Thanks for being the only person with whom I can enjoy weird throaty emo screamy shit. At least the guitar is good.
House of Wolves · My Chemical Romance Something about the aggressive guitar and fast pace of this song has always reminded me of you.
Tear in my Heart · Twenty One Pilots Your Koreaboo initiation before you even knew it.
The Kids Aren’t Alright · Fall Out Boy Remember the lyrics from this I wrote as a dedication in your eighth grade yearbook? I meant them. 
I Write Sins Not Tragedies · Panic! At The Disco I CHIME IN—
She’s My Winona · Fall Out Boy Something about Folie à Deux, and especially about this song, always carries a you vibe.
Perfect · Simple Plan From when you got angsty and Montes called you out on it. Then it became a bit of a joke.
One of THOSE Nights · The Cab Back in seventh grade, this was the most ambitious crossover ever attempted. 
I Want To Hold Your Hand · The Beatles De cuando saturamos la rockola del Johnny Rocket’s con 15 canciones y pensaron que no servía. But we knew. Plus, a really fun Snapchat video de nosotras bajando las escaleras a tambos y aplausos con esta canción.
Something · The Beatles Too bad Eric Clapton stole George Harrison’s wife.
I Am the Walrus · The Beatles Want to feel what it’s like to do acid without actually doing it? Play this song on Rock Band!
Don’t You (Forget About Me) · Simple Minds De la única pijamada que me han dejado hacer, donde vimos tu película favorita. An unforgettable night with an unforgettable person.
Hit the Back · King Princess The best experience of my life was one I’m glad I shared with you. Still want to murder those Rock Lobster loiterers though— blocked us from KP. >:(
Just the Same · Bruno Major I had never heard of him, but to be next to you enjoying him, with our KP t-shirts in my bag and just-refilled water bottles, was one of the highlights of my night.
The Louvre · Lorde Remember when we played Melodrama in your bedroom? This is the song that I feel best captivates that: shoes on the floor, laying softly on the bed, sunlight streaming in through the window, the vinyl spinning, and a general feeling of levity.
No You Girls · Franz Ferdinand Friendly reminder of literally the worst physical experience of our lives. :))))
The Other Side of Paradise · Glass Animals The first GA song I ever showed you, which is a nice chain thing because it’s the first GA song I ever listened to that Jordan showed me. And a birthday vinyl we played in your room.
The Only Thing · Sufjan Stevens This entire album is your personality. Sorry, I don’t make the rules.
Futile Devices · Sufjan Stevens Same as above. It’s not your fault you’re a Sufjan Suf-stan. But every time I listen to Sufjan I remember you playing him at the Open Mic. That’s a very nice feeling.
Mama · My Chemical Romance Indisputably goes HARD and hey what are mommy issues without a little angst/general gender confusion?
Goodie Bag · Still Woozy El día del college fair que estuvimos juntas al principio y conocimos a la USC rep que nos cagó traías tu camisa de Still Woozy. Since then, el grupo me recuerda a ti.
Heart of Glass · Miley Cyrus Tú viviste esta out-of-body transcendental experience al mismo tiempo que yo, el día de mi cena. 
Don’t Stop · Fleetwood Mac Espero que ya te guste Rumours completo. :)
Chiquitita · ABBA I didn’t know you could sing. After listening to you sing this one (and almost crying), I wondered why you didn’t do it more often.
Beauty School Dropout · Frankie Avalon I am sorry pero literal I can only think of this song in your voice. Iconic!
Gracias por todo. Los quiero. Los voy a extrañar.
0 notes
danrdarrenc · 5 years
5 Christmases + 1 Christmas Eve
Will blinked awake to the early morning sun streaming through their window. Sonny’s arm was draped over his waist, his body a warm weight against Will’s back. Will turned carefully so as not to wake Sonny and smiled softly at his sleeping husband.
“Morning,” Sonny mumbled, half-asleep.
“I didn’t mean to wake you,” Will whispered.
Sonny smiled slowly and opened his eyes to look at Will. “I’m certain a little monster is going to wake us any second.”
Will huffed out a laugh and brushed his lips against Sonny’s before snuggling closer so they were nose-to-nose.
Sure enough, a minute later, the door opened and the bed bounced with the weight of a seven year-old.
“Daddies, wake up! It’s Christmas!” 
Will and Sonny laughed together and let Ari drag them out of bed and downstairs to see what Santa brought her.
* * * * * * 
Sonny woke to the first rays of sunlight peeking through the slats in their bedroom shades. Will was sleeping peacefully next to him, their faces a breath away. Their legs were twined under the sheets and the hands in between them were brushing. Sonny lifted his other hand to trace lightly over Will’s face. 
This past year had been nothing short of a roller-coaster of emotions: the divorce; finding out Maggie had been the one responsible for Adrienne’s death and that Victor had framed Will for it; Will being released from prison; Will insisting that Sonny be happy with Evan (”What happened will never go away, Sonny! It doesn’t matter that I didn’t do it!”); Sonny insisting that Will not being responsible did make a difference (”Of course it matters, Will!  All the reasons you gave me for not being together don’t exist anymore!”); them getting back together on their anniversary (”Husbands for life, remember?” Sonny asked before kissing Will senseless); their third - and final! (or so Sonny hoped) - wedding in August on the anniversary of Will getting his memories back. 
And now they were here, in their own apartment, settled again, and happy.
“I can hear you thinking,” Will said, popping open an eye to look at Sonny.
“Sorry,” Sonny said with a cheeky grin. “I didn’t mean to wake you. You looked so peaceful.”
“What were you thinking about?” 
“Everything that happened this year.”
Will blinked fully awake and his hand found Sonny’s under the sheets. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
They kissed lazily for a long time.
“It’s so quiet,” Will whispered.
“That’s what happens when there’s no almost nine-year old monster in the house on Christmas.”
Will grinned.  They had dropped Ari (and all the presents for her) off with Gabi and Stefan after the Horton tree trimming the night before. She had spent Christmas with them for the past few years (just Sonny, last year); she had asked to be with her mom this year and they readily obliged. 
“What do you want to do today?” Sonny asked. 
“Can we stay in? Or do we have go to your family?”
“Staying in sounds like the best Christmas ever,” Sonny answered, kissing Will again.
After sleeping another couple of hours, Sonny made them pancakes and they exchanged their gifts for each other (a new watch [Will’s was lost in the accident] and journal for Will, and new gloves [Sonny’s were hopelessly worn out] and new pages for their photo album for Sonny). 
Together they opened their families’ presents: from Eric and Nicole they received a framed photo of a quiet moment between them from their wedding that they hadn’t known he’d captured; Sami, Lucas, and EJ had jointly sent them Italian chocolates and two expensive bottles of wine; Justin had bought them season tickets to the Cubs home games; John and Marlena had bought them the stereo system they were missing; Kate gifted them a weekend at the Green Mountain Lodge; and Arianna had drawn them a picture of the three of them and a puppy (her way of telling them she wanted a dog) and bought each of them matching pens with her allowance money.
When they finished with all their presents, they settled on the couch under a fuzzy, warm blanket, with cups of hot chocolate in their hands, and spent the rest of the day watching silly Christmas movies and snacking on the Italian chocolate and popcorn.
* * * * * * *
Will, Sonny, and Ari strolled through the Christmas market in Switzerland, Ari carefully cradling a cup of hot chocolate as she perused the stalls.  They’d already purchased three bags full of jewelry, tchotchkies, and various gifts for Gabi, her grandparents, and great-grandparents.
This Christmas they had decided to take Ari to visit Sami, Lucas, EJ, the twins, and Sydney, and follow through on visiting the European markets they had talked about so long ago. They were also going to stop by Carrie and Austin (who had reunited) and Noah while they were in Switzerland.  It was to be their last trip out of Salem for a while, with the babies due to be born in February.
“Daddy! Can I go on the carousel?!” Ari asked, looking up at Will. At almost eleven, she was in ways both very much a teenager and still a kid.
“Sure, Little Lady,” Will said. He still used the old endearment whenever possible, certain she wouldn’t tolerate it much longer.
She grinned, handed Sonny her empty cup, and ran to the carousel.
Sonny laughed, linked his fingers with Will’s, and together they followed Ari to the carousel to pay for her ride. 
* * * * * * * 
Their first Christmas with the twins was chaotic.  It started when Ari grumbled to get out of bed early, even though she was excited to open presents (although she would never let on that she was, she was too old now).  Then it took them an extra hour to get out of the house with two ten-month olds and a pre-teen than it normally would have and they had four different places to hit before they could collapse back home.
Their first stop was the Kiriakis mansion to visit Justin, Maggie, Victor, and Sonny’s brothers who had surprised them all for coming to Salem for Christmas this year. They had planned on only staying an hour but Maggie had insisted they stay for tea.
So an hour behind schedule, they headed to the Brady Pub to visit Roman, Kayla and Steve, Stephanie, who had also come to Salem for the holidays, Hope, and Shawn, Belle, and Claire, who had been released from Bayview the previous year.  At the Pub, they ate lunch, and the twins fell asleep in their carriage.
With the twins still asleep, and bellies full, they made a pit stop at Kate’s apartment, where they made up some time, managing to stay only a half an hour with the excuse that they had dinner plans and still needed to see John and Marlena. It wasn’t a complete lie as their dinner plans were with John and Marlena, but Kate didn’t need to know that.
The babies woke up crying somewhere between Kate’s apartment and John and Marlena’s townhouse, so they lost time again as they had to stop to soothe them.  Eventually, with one baby in Ari’s arms and one in Sonny’s, and Will pushing the now empty carriage, they rang the doorbell to the townhouse.
Brady greeted them with his four-year old daughter on his hip. 
As they were pulling off their coats and scarves, Paul appeared from the kitchen with his new husband, followed by Claire, Belle, and Shawn, who had beaten them to the townhouse from the Pub.  John and Marlena appeared shortly after, hugging Will and Sonny and Ari and cooing at the babies.
An hour later, they sat down to dinner, Ari chattering away about the presents she received and loudly and pointedly about the ones she hadn’t. 
* * * * * * * *
The Christmas before Ari’s nineteenth birthday she didn’t spend in Salem. Johnny, Allie, and Sydney had decided to spend the two weeks covering Christmas and New Year’s in Aruba and Ari had cajoled Will, Sonny, and Gabi into letting her go with them. Allie had promised Will that they wouldn’t let Ari drink (”Will, Dad is an alcoholic and I’ve had more than my share of days clinging to a toilet bowl.”), but he knew in his bones that Ari would have a drink at some point during the trip. 
“I have to give Ari credit though,” Sonny said after getting off the phone with her on Christmas morning.  “In all the times we’ve spoken to her, she’s never sounded even tipsy.”
“Should that worry us?” Will asked on a laugh. 
“No. I don’t think so. Ari’s a good girl. She’s not a partier,” Sonny said seriously. “I think I’m more concerned about her switching a paternity test or something.”
Will howled with laughter and the twins appeared from their bedroom to see what the commotion was.
* * * * * * * *
+ 1
After Julie passed away earlier in the year, Doug already passed two years before, Jennifer had offered the Horton house to Will and Sonny. With Chad, Abby, Thomas, and Charlotte permanently living in Paris, and JJ in London, Jack and Jennifer had decided to relocate to Paris to be closer to their family.  Because the apartment was feeling crowded with two teenage boys, and because Arianna was now married with a baby on the way, Will and Sonny thanked Jennifer profusely and accepted the deed to the Horton house.
And so it was their first year hosting the annual Horton tree trimming. 
“Adam! Make sure the boxes of ornaments are down from the attic!” Will called from the kitchen where he was checking on Sonny’s cookies. 
Adam huffed and begrudgingly put down his book to trudge up the stairs to the attic.
“Chris, can you help me with the tree?” Sonny asked, struggling. Chris jumped off the couch to help position the tree in front of the window.
“How does it look?” Sonny asked Will who appeared from the kitchen. 
“Looks great,” Will said with a smile.
Chris and Sonny high-fived as Adam came back downstairs, the two boxes of ornaments in his arms.
“Thank you,” Will said, as the doorbell rang. 
“I’ll get it!” Chris announced. A minute later he came back into the room with Ari and her husband, Jake.
“Ari!” “Sweetpea!” Will and Sonny exclaimed at the same time. 
“Merry Christmas, Dads,” Ari said, enveloping them both in a hug. “Merry Christmas, squirt,” she said to Adam, ruffling his hair as she passed behind the couch where he was sitting, reading again.
Ari giggled as he fixed his hair. 
“Who else is coming?” Ari asked Sonny as the doorbell announced another group of Hortons.
“Where are my favorite grandchildren?” Lucas called from the foyer. He, Sami, EJ, Johnny, Allie, and Sydney had all come in for Christmas. They were seeing Sami, EJ, Johnny, Sydney and their respective wives (Sydney had come out to the family as bisexual three years ago) at the Brady Pub tomorrow for Christmas. 
“Hi, Grandpa,” Ari said softly, who was the first to reach Lucas. “Merry Christmas, Aunt Allie.” 
“Merry Christmas,” Adam mumbled into Lucas’ hug. Allie laughed under her breath as she received the quickest hug in existence from Adam.
“Merry Christmas, Grandpa, Aunt Allie,” Chris said cheerily.
Jennifer, Jack, Abby, Chad, and the kids were the next to arrive, followed closely by Hope and Ciara.  Eli and Lani came next, toting their baby daughter, Violet, who was named for Eli’s mother who had passed away last year. Maggie and Sarah were the last to arrive just as Will was passing around Sonny’s cookies fresh out of the oven, and eggnog. 
“Before we hang the ornaments, I just want to thank everyone for coming,” Will said. “I know this year has been rough for some of us, but it’s also brought us some joy, I hope. I, um, I know living here, and hosting this party has a long tradition and is a lot to live up to. But I hope that we can do justice to Gran and to Doug and Julie, and Aunt Jennifer, of course.  So Merry Christmas and let’s decorate this tree!”
They all cheered and clinked glasses, and Will started the tree trimming by hanging Tom and Alice’s ornaments right at the top of the tree under the star.
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marchyslove · 5 years
1-20, all of theeeem
I love this thank you so much (this deadass took me a really long time cause I had to really think about it but I loved doing it so much)
1. favourite hockey jersey number- 87
2. favourite dressing (clothing) style of a player- Patrice Bergeron
3. favourite player voice- Henrik Lundqvist or Erik Karlsson
4. favourite hockey family/couple- either Matt & Sydney Martin or Claude and Ryanne Giroux, love them!
5. favourite hockey best friends- Crosby & MacKinnon, Bergeron & Marchand, and Benn & Seguin
6. favourite hockey video- oh boy I have A COUPLE of these: i’ll put the links in so you can all enjoy them too (full credit to whoever made the videos) (i also realize these aren’t all necessarily hockey being played but i figured that’s fine)
- any of the Weird NHL videos
-I love shootouts so this one
- Anything with Sid and Nate from Tim Hortons but especially these two: The Away Game and Gary from Belleville
-the Spittin’ Chiclets Sandbagger Invitational with Sid and Nate
-Oshbabe being the sweetest human on the planet
-Don’t like Binnington, but this had me dead 
-And of course the greatest of all (sorry Flyers fans)
7. favourite line- I know they kinda sucked towards the end of last season but Bergy-Marchy-Pasta is still a beautiful line
8. favourite off-ice bonding time- I spent forever trying to find the video and I couldn't but the Bruins went to an escape room and it was incredible, if anyone finds the video I know it was in a Behind the B episode and I would love if you could send it to me!
 9. favourite hockey player baby- the Giroux’s new baby looks adorable but Beau Duchene is also so cute
10. favourite hockey hair- Erik Karlsson, second to none
11. favourite jersey style- ok I don't know about jersey style but my favorite jersey from this last season was definitely the Flames third jerseys and my favorite jerseys of all time were the Penguins winter classic jerseys from the 2008 winter classic
12. favourite weird and rarely known fact about a hockey player- Brad Marchand and Tyler Seguin got “matching” tattoos after the ‘11 cup win but Marchy’s was spelled as “Starley Cup Champions” as opposed to “Stanley Cup Champions” 
13. favourite player that’s dad af- Zdeno Chara
14. favourite player that’s son af- Jake Guentzel
15. favourite soft hockey player- Jeff Skinner? Johnny Gaudreau? Marc-Andre Fleury? the list goes on
16. favourite sexy hockey player- although he’s an absolute smoke show, I feel like Seguin is everybody’s first pick so I’ll switch it up and go Gabe Landeskog, he’s pretty common too but I feel like he’s more underrated just cause he’s not the first to come to mind
17. favourite underrated hockey player- I will scream these names from every rooftop in the country: John Klingberg (stars) and Sean Kuraly (bruins)
18. favourite overrated hockey player- I was gonna say PK Subban, but then I realized it said “favorite,” so definitely not him... I’ll go with Drew Doughty, I love him and his stupid laugh so much 
19. favourite hockey chirp of all time- the mic’d up videos always kill me but “go dye your hair” -Matt Martin is legendary
20. funniest thing you’ve ever heard a hockey player say- ok I have a million of these but the first one that comes to mind is “what is violence anyway” -James Neal
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