#AMORA IS SYLVIE?!?!?!!?!?
blazethecheeto · 7 months
is this a good time to bring up that loki: where mischief lies basically has the plot of loki being in a love triangle between a trickster enchantress that's toxic for him and wants to cause chaos and a human man in a strange society that's made him a better person and it shows him being genderfluid and bi and has all the themes the season 2 finale led up to including the angstiest ending that made me cry?
it has him saying this, canonically:
“do you have a preference between men or women”
“i'm perfectly comfortable as either”
it's basically the show, but like, if they made it as queer as it should have been.
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grimlinateacup · 10 months
Sylvie stans being the biggest misogynists in existence and then calling us misogynists because we don't like Sylvie is unbelievably hilarious. Like, you can't just call a woman a useless whore while also calling someone a misogynist. Make it make sense baby girl.
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I just think if they had to give loki a romance arc, it would’ve been soo much better with someone who wasn’t a variant of him.
And it’s not even bc of the selfcest angle, it’s just.. he has so few people he positively connects to outside of his own circle. Giving him friends and love interests and allies who aren’t just himself from another universe would’ve made more of an impact.
And hey if they had to make it a woman, that would’ve been the perfect opportunity to slyly sprinkle in some actual genderfluid confirmation. Just have whoever the lady is (I vote Lorelei or Amora) be pretending to be a loki variant to throw off the TVA, and when she meets him she could be like “yeah it’s easy, I didn’t even have to change my gender since you guys are women sometimes.”
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pinktwingirl · 2 years
For anyone who’s confused…
This is Amora the Enchantress:
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This is Sylvie Lushton:
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This is Lady Loki:
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This is sh*t:
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morgangalaxy43 · 4 days
There’s a lot that could’ve been in this show
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damgoodninja · 2 months
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lokittystuckinatree · 7 months
“If they introduce Amora the Enchantress as a new love interest for Loki, the Sylkis will perish”
As if Sylvie/Amora/Loki wouldn’t be the epic iconic ot3 to end all ot3s and I wouldn’t lay down my life upon that hill
As if I wouldn’t thrive
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therese-lokidottir · 9 months
You know laly from moon Knight tv series, she basically like Sylvie (an oc and mixed characters from comics) but layla more likeable and she had personalities and her own story, her existence not just for make main male character look weak and pathetic and she look awsome. No, she had flaws and well written than Sylvie. More important she not taking spotlight from the main character
she and Marc are equal and help each other
And more importantly that she exist inside comics (even just moon Knight comics). Comics writer finding her more interesting than Sylvie. Sylvie is not popular and bland to be written inside comics. HA TAKE THAT
It's all about looking at the background and intent around the creation and writing of these characters. Layla just takes the place of the character Marlene Alraune from the comics. Layla was written to be a supporting character. Layla was created and made Egyptian because the creators wanted to add diversity and also avoid the problems that come with white archaeologist characters. They also wanted a character that had agency and was proactive as to make her more than just shallow love interest, but it's never so much the story stops being about Mark/Steven.
So like a huge problem with Sylvie is actually with the very script of the series. It's no secret at this point that the Loki2021 story was bases was on Waldron unproduced screenplay Worst Guy Of All Time and Sylvie is just the character Dixie. When rewriting they just hodgepodged a bunch of characters together to fit.
That's the difference Layla was created to be Moon Knight character. Sylvie is a square peg shoved in a round hole. No offence to fans of Marlene from the comics but Amora is much more important and popular so having an OC take Amora is far more disappointing.
As you said Loki being dragged to make their OC look better results in Sylvie coming of as more obnoxious. The fact they seem more focused on their OC than the title character is obnoxious. But I do find it hilarious ironic that it's Layla that has been incorporated into mainstream marvel comics while no one the least bit interested in using Sylvie.
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justarandomgirly · 2 years
The fact now i cant search for Lady Loki,Amora nor Sylvie Lushton cos she you know who appears under all tags
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scarlet--wiccan · 9 months
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Fantastic Four (2023) #11
A girl died Johnny, have some respect.
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worstloki · 2 years
Literally feeling so bad for the Enchantress rn like some random female Thor??/Loki variant was introduced only knowing the 1 type of magic which was literally her signature thing, with the name of an Enchantress knockoff Loki made for fun one time in the comics (Sylvie) and her natural hair isn’t even blonde and now she’s got a backstory without her being a powerful studied sorceress or having her own signature style and helmet and is not only befriending Loki with limited scruples but kissing manipulatively like I’m sorry MCU Sylvie but you could never be Amora ✋😤
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Every time I see sylvie I’m reminded that there’s officially no hope for Lorelei returning/Amora being introduced and I just
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zombie4life92 · 2 years
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This is what happens when you let unskilled/bad writers/directors in charge of your best Character (Loki and Amora deserves better!!!)
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morgangalaxy43 · 4 days
Sylvie shouldn’t have been a Loki variant
She should have either been Sylvie Lushton who is a young creation of Loki or Amora the Enchantress who is Loki’s friend and sometimes girlfriend
It would’ve made a lot more sense if Sylvie was either extension of Loki that he could see as a cracked mirror version of himself, like they tried to do with Sylvie in the show
There also would’ve been arguably a better and more charismatic romance if they went with the Amora because of how much history she and Loki have in the comics
Don’t get me wrong, I like Sylvie a lot I just feel like she could’ve had better writing and more development like a lot of various aspects of the show instead of just being a boring love interest
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doctor-disc0 · 1 year
Loki season 2 better have Sylvie be revealed to be Amora
Amora/Sylvie: it was me all along!
Loki: why were you pretending to be me?
Amora: this was a long play to get Thor to fall in love with me
Loki: again, why pretend to be me?
Amora: because your brother loves you, dipshit
Loki: okay, but why change your name and keep your blonde hair? That's not me at all
Amora: LISTEN I had to make sure that when I revealed myself he would still like me!
Loki: dude he's not even here
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enchantricksbot · 2 years
A lot of people are fleeing twitter and coming here, firstly welcome, secondly regarding ship tags it’s considered bad etiquette to flood tags. An example of what that means..
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Sylvie shouldn’t not show up in the Amora or Enchantress tags and as vice versa Amora should not show up in the Sylvie tag.
Sylki Should not show up in the Enchantricks tags, and Enachantricks should not show up in the Sylki tag.
Comic panels should not be tagged with Sylki, Sylki Gifs should not be tagged as Enchantricks.
Very simple stuff but I’ve seen issues with this before and it makes it difficult for everyone involved who just wants to see their content. This blog is and will be welcome to everyone whether you ship Enchantricks or not. so I don’t want scuffling here.
I’m tagging as both ships because I see a lot of shared tags, I’m not sure by accident or on purpose. Let’s not be petty please. If asked to remove your tags, be polite and do it. Don’t tag things knowingly that it will show up to someone who isn’t looking for it. Just because you see other people doing it doesn’t mean it ok, reach out to your own fandom. Thx and I’m sorry this has to be said. But it’s early on and it’s already happening from both sides. Be nice and have fun
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