aylacavebear · 3 months
Retribution Chapter 11
Summary: You had DID for most of your life, over forty years, since you were two. It wasn't until after you were forty-three that you were finally able to heal it and become a singular. You're a hunter and have been with Dean for a very long time. Once you become singular, you have to face the horrors that your mental illness subjected on those you cared about, loved. Can you get past seeing yourself as worse than any monster you've ever hunted down?
Pairing is Dean Winchester x Reader/You
Warnings: Talk of DID - Dissociation Identity Disorder (AKA MPD), Mental Health Issues, Angst, Healing (yes, this is a warning), DnD (Dungeons & Dragons), Alters being "dead" and grieving, depressed Dean.
Please, if you suffer from any mental illness, seek help. There are people out there who can help you get through it, no matter how alone you feel now or how hard it may seem.
A/N: This is going to be very dark, darker than anything I've written thus far. It will include many triggers - abuse both sexual and physical - in memories and what happens to the reader. I'm hoping it will have a happy ending but right now, I am not sure where this will go. This is your main warning before you begin reading. A/N: Dreams and Memories are indented in italics. Thoughts are in italics only.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 11 - A Peace You Didn’t Know Was Possible
I can’t believe it’s been six months, you thought while sipping a cup of coffee, still wrapped up in a blanket on the couch, watching the fire in the fireplace. The first few months had been hard, especially as the holidays came and went. You’d cried yourself to sleep often, but most of the tears had finally stopped nearly a month ago.
The brothers had even messaged you, Sam, more than Dean. When you and Dean texted back and forth, it usually ended with him upset in one form or another. At first, you blamed yourself for his pain but had learned how to heal that, so you were able to stop blaming yourself for his pain and heartbreak. 
What Dean had said that had hit you hard near the beginning when the two of you spoke, was that even with the forty years he had spent in hell, it was a walk in the park compared to the twenty years he’d been with them. That one stuck with you for months afterward.
On the other hand, Sam had actually begun talking to you, asking you questions, and trying to get to know you. You found it odd in the beginning, the way his curiosity came out in his texts, but you had made the choice just to be yourself now. You had nothing to hide from anyone anymore and always chose honesty, even if it would hurt.
As far as the cabin went, you’d packed away a lot of what had been there. Things like the toys, some of the clothes, decorations that were set about, and anything that reminded you of the relationship between them and Dean. The pictures were the hardest to look at, so those went as well.
All the holidays had been hard, but it was Dean’s birthday that hurt the most. The one thing he’d always wanted from your personalities was to get a blow job the morning of his birthday before ever getting out of bed. It was something that they never did due to the mean ones always taking over.
You’d spent a month working on coupons for him and writing something on the card you’d picked out at the store. These were the things you wanted to do with him, but then you felt stupid again that you loved him when you weren’t them. You even called Cas and asked him to deliver it for you. That way, even the postage of where it came from didn’t give away your location.
In the card, you included two of your favorite pictures of the two of you, from moments that brought happiness when you looked at them. The two of you talked after he’d gotten it, but the call ended with more tears from both of you, and you didn’t speak again for nearly two months.
Today, though, Charlie and Eileen were coming by. They had come by once before, and it was nice to have them over. When they kept your little retreat a secret, and the brothers didn’t show up, you knew you could fully trust them.
“You two turned off your GPS, right?” you asked as they sat down in the living room.
“Yup. Don’t need them finding this place. We promised, remember,” Charlie chuckled, “I brought the DnD stuff, if you’re still interested.”
You got them some water and sat down in the chair adjacent to the couch, “That could be fun. Eileen, are you gonna play too?”
“Sure. Charlie didn’t stop talking about it the whole drive,” Eileen laughed, rolling her eyes playfully.
“I’ll go get the books,” Charlied said excitedly.
That was her thing: games, role-playing, LARPing, and having a fantasy adventure. You wanted to at least try it out, DnD. She’d explained it to you through text, phone calls, and emphatically on her last visit.
Six hours later…
Charlie was laughing too hard to keep up being what she called the Dungeon Master. You and Eileen’s characters had tamed a young dragon, and due to botching rolls, the adolescent male dragon was now in love with both of you.
“Now what do we do with it?” Eileen asked, looking at you.
That only made Charlie lose it in another fit of laughter. This was her element, but you two were the best people she had ever been a DM for, as any and all seriousness had flown completely out the window.
“I don’t know,” you replied, grabbing the book off the floor that had the monster information in it and flipping through it until you found the one about the dragon. That was when your eyes went wide.
“What?” Eileen asked, only making Charlie laugh again.
“Charlie, next time, you could warn us before we do something this stupid,” you grumbled after reading the little warning under its stats.
“What?” Eileen asked again.
“You’re not gonna like it. Either we find it a mate, or, umm…” you trailed off, glancing up at Eileen as Charlie completely lost it in a fit of laughter, falling back on the couch and nearly falling on the floor.
“I’m not mating with a dragon,” Eileen said flatly, glaring at Charlie, who was still laughing so hard she was barely making any noise at this point.
“Charlie, if you don’t take a minute to breathe, you’re going to pass out,” you stated flatly, doing your best not to laugh at how funny she looked. Her laughter was infectious when she got like this.
The more the situation in the game played through your mind, and the more you saw Charlie laughing like she was, the more you couldn’t help laughing. Even Eileen joined in. It took the three of you nearly a half hour to gain any sort of composure. Every time any of you looked down at the DnD stuff on the table, laughter would erupt from one of you, then all of you, all over again.
“Why don’t we pick this up tomorrow,” you told them, still chuckling as you went to the kitchen to get some dinner going.
“It’ll give you two time to figure out what to do about that dragon,” Charlie chuckled as she began cleaning up the DnD stuff with Eileen’s help.
You pulled out the chicken you’d had marinating in the fridge, put it in the oven, and then got the sides ready to cook in a half hour. The girls joined you in the kitchen, with Charlie pulling three beers out of the fridge and handing them out. You leaned against the counter and popped the top while the girls sat at the table.
“Have you spoken to the boys?” Eileen asked.
You looked down at the beer in your hand and sighed, “About two weeks ago, I spoke with Dean through text. Sam messaged me yesterday.”
“Any headway on anything?” Charlie asked.
“Sam seems to be coming around the more we talk. He hasn’t gone off on me in a couple months now, and he’s asking me questions like he’s trying to get to know me,” you answered quietly, not really wanting to talk about Dean.
“What about Dean?” Eileen asked, and you sighed.
“I don’t know. Sometimes, we have great talks, and I feel like we might be getting somewhere, but…” you paused and took a swig of your beer, “...most times, we both cry, and it ends with him seeming more upset than before we started talking. Then, we don’t talk for a while. I probably won’t hear from Dean for at least another week with how our last conversation ended.”
“I wish there was something we could do to help,” Eileen told you sympathetically.
You shrugged, “He’s got to deal with his own stuff in his own way. I don’t know if anyone can help him through it.”
Charlie decided it was time to change the subject, “Any more monsters come through?”
“There was a couple vamps about a month ago. Boy were they surprised when they found out I was a hunter,” you chuckled, thankful for the topic change.
“Have you thought about going back to hunting, even part-time?” Eileen asked curiously.
Again, you shrugged and sipped your beer, “I don’t want to run into the brothers out there. I think that’s really the only thing stopping me from going back.”
“You could come with us, and Cas can let us know whether they know about the case we work or not. We could find a way so that we never crossed paths with them,” Charlie suggested.
“I’ll think about it, but I might need a couple more months before I’m ready,” you answered, letting her offer tickle its way through your mind.
They spent almost a week at your cabin. The three of you laughed a lot playing DnD, and luckily, your characters had found the dragon a mate. They didn’t bring up the brothers again, even when either of them messaged them. It was one of the happiest weeks you’d had around people. It was an emotional goodbye, but the three of you promised to stay in contact with each other.
When Sam’s birthday rolled around, you texted him a ‘Happy Birthday’ but left it at that. Neither of the brothers celebrated holidays or birthdays, but since Sam had been dating Eileen, he’d at least thought more about them. You hadn’t heard from Dean since before the girls had visited and you always refused to ask Sam about him.
It wasn’t until the small pack of werewolves passed through that you decided to go back to hunting. It was hard taking the five of them down on your own, but silver bullets from a distance had been the only thing that saved your life that night. An hour later, you were texting Charlie.
“I’m in. Where are you and Eileen?” 
“Oddly enough, Prison Farm, Montana. Your neck of the woods. We were tracking down some werewolves.”
You laughed so hard you had to take a moment to catch your breath before you returned a text to her.
“lol I just took down five of them outside my cabin.”
“So not fair. That was the pack we were tracking. You want to meet us at the motel, or should we pick you up?”
“Depends. Am I riding with you two or taking my car?”
“Good point. We’ll be there in an hour.”
You chuckled to yourself. “See you shortly.”
While waiting for them to arrive, you retrieved your hunting supplies, packing both your weapons and personal bag. There was some mild anxiety about getting back to hunting, but it was time. You’d done all the healing you could do in your sanctuary. This was the next thing you had to face.
The girls spent the night before the three of you headed out in the morning. The cabin now empty and quiet. Dark windows met your gaze as you looked back one last time before it disappeared behind the sea of trees.
The Brother’s POV
“When was the last time you talked to her?” Sam asked as he went through different newspapers online, looking for another case.
“Couple months, I think,” Dean answered plainly, “Find anything yet?”
“There was something in Montana, but Eileen told me she and Charlie handled it. There might be something in Nevada. Looks like a vengeful spirit,” he replied, scrolling the newspaper article.
“Well, if it turns out it is a case, let me know,” Dean said, then went to his room.
He’d moved your things to your room, and now his room felt empty, even though he’d filled those spaces with other things. He opened the night table drawer and pulled out the two pictures you’d sent him in his birthday card.
Why’d she have to send these? 
They were his favorite pictures, and he had thought they’d been lost in the transition from living out of the Impala and motels to living in the bunker. Tears slipped silently down his cheeks as he stared at them.
I miss them…
Dean knew they were gone, and they’d never come back. He’d wished he had a body to burn, to say goodbye to, but he didn’t. All he had was you now, in the body they’d inhabited since he’d met them. 
You were too much like her and too much not like the mean ones that it broke his heart to talk to you. He wanted to hate you for taking them away from him, for making his life feel empty again. 
I might have chosen to endure the abuse if I knew they’d all be gone like this.
He felt like there was a hole where his heart used to be now. The knock on his door pulled him from his thoughts as he wiped the tears quickly away, “Come in.”
Dean tried to hide the pictures, but Sam saw them and sighed, “It’s a case. We can leave whenever.”
Sam wanted to say something to his brother, but right now, there was nothing he could say that wouldn’t cause another fight. The last one had almost gotten physical, and he wasn’t in the mood to deal with it today.
“I’ll be out in five,” Dean replied as Sam left to get ready.
Sam sighed as he packed his things. He’d already apologized to you for how he’d treated you. The fact that you had forgiven him made his guilt eat at him these days, especially when Dean got like this. He wasn’t sure that taking this case was such a good idea, but Dean needed to get out of the bunker.
Your POV
You and the girls made it to the motel in a small, backwater town in Nevada shortly before sunset. It was hot, and you quickly learned that you weren’t a fan of the desert. When you got out of the car and stretched your legs, you tied your red flannel around your waist, thankful you were wearing a tank top.
“I hope this goes quickly. It’s fucking hot here,” you sighed when the three of you grabbed your bags.
“Should just be a simple salt and burn,” Eileen told you as Charlie went to check the three of you in.
“I hope so,” you remarked, looking around. 
The place looked practically deserted, and most of the buildings looked run down or boarded up. There weren’t even very many trees, and the ones that were there looked pitiful and in desperate need of water. 
“Got us a room,” Charlied piped in as she returned to the car.
“God, I hope the air conditioner works,” you groaned, then followed her to the room.
“Are you gonna complain the whole time we’re here?” Eileen teased you playfully.
“Just when we’re outside and away from the ac,” you chuckled.
The three of you got settled in and hopped on research. So far, no one had died, yet. It was just weird stuff, and it was all surrounding one of the houses on the edge of the small town. People there stayed away from it. It was tourists the locals were worried about.
“That house goes back to the eighteen hundreds. Says here that it was one of the first houses built for a wealthy family that owned the mine before the gold vein dried up,” Charlie told the two of you as she continued reading from her laptop.
“Does it say who died there?” Eileen asked before you could.
“A few people died there. The first one was the wife of the wealthy family. Then, if anyone moved in there, the husband died mysteriously. It’s been empty for over a hundred years,” Charlie answered, her eyes still scanning the screen.
“Sounds like a simple salt and burn. Does it say where she was buried?” you asked, and Eileen gave you a playful glare since you got the question in before she could. It had become a game for the two of you.
Charlie was quiet as she read, then her eyes lit up, “According to this, the cemetery behind the house. Let’s hope her spirit isn’t attached to anything else that we’d have to go looking for.”
“Let’s hope,” you sighed, “We should probably wait till after dark to head over there, though. Plus, we should be safe as long as we don’t go in the house.”
“So, what should we do for the next three hours before it gets dark here?” Eileen asked.
“There’s a bar. We could hang out there,” Charlie piped in with her mischievous smirk.
“You lookin’ to get lucky or something?” you teased her.
“Just because you two-” Charlie began, then quickly stopped herself and looked back at her laptop. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to.”
“If you wanna go, Eileen and I can always play some pool and have a beer or two. You can have some fun. Remember, that stuff doesn’t bother me. Dean’s gonna do what he’s gonna do. Just because I still see him as my boyfriend doesn’t mean you should stop yourself from having fun,” you told her softly.
You’d come to terms with a lot of things over the last almost year. Dean had never actually broken up with you or told you it was over. So, you conducted yourself as if the two of you were still a couple.
“I’d like to play pool. It would be fun,” Eileen added, giving you and Charlie a mischievous grin.
“The bar it is, then,” Charlie said excitedly, closing her laptop.
There was one bar, and although it was a Friday night, it wasn’t packed, but it was decently busy for a small town. The three of you got beer and then headed over to play pool. The three of you were laughing and having a grand ol’ time. You all even got hit on by a few different men there. 
Charlie had found that hilarious, especially when they hit on her, and she informed them that she was into the waitress. You and Eileen were a little nicer about it than that, simply telling them that you two already had boyfriends.
The Brother’s POV
“This place sucks, Sam,” Dean groaned, sipping whiskey at a table near the back of the bar.
“Why?” Sam asked, enjoying his beer.
“It’s hot, and all they play on the jukebox is country music,” he grumbled.
“You could always hustle some pool. You used to have fun doing that,” Sam suggested, chuckling to himself.
“Pretty sure nobody here is drunk enough to get hustled,” he complained, downing his drink.
“Fine. If you were going to be this grumpy, I could have just given the case to someone else,” Sam teased him. He’d been trying to get Dean in a better mood for months, but it was always the same with him, and Sam was having a hard time dealing with it. 
Dean grumbled again before going to the bar for a refill. Then he glanced over at the pool tables, raising an eyebrow. He noticed the woman bent over the pool table, taking a shot, and he liked what he saw. He hadn’t flirted with anyone since you’d left, and this woman’s ass, in those jeans, reminded him of you, and he couldn’t help himself.
“Hey there, Sweetheart. Need some help handling that stick of yours,” he asked the woman.
He noticed her freeze and not turn to look at him, “I have a boyfriend,” she told him quietly.
“Well, where is this boyfriend of yours?” he asked playfully, not even recognizing your voice.
The woman stiffened as she stood up and slowly turned around, “He’s standing in front of me, but apparently, he thinks differently.” she said coldly before throwing the pool stick on the table and walking out of the bar.
Dean was dumbfounded. The first time, he figured he’d try to perhaps move on, and he ends up flirting with you, of all people. The thing that hit him the hardest was that you said you had a boyfriend. When you had DID, you wouldn’t have given that answer, as some of your personalities had been up for just about anything, with just about anyone. He quickly snapped out of his shock, setting his drink down and running after you, finding you heading toward the only motel in the small town.
“Y/N, wait. It’s not… Damnit!” he grumbled before finally catching up with you and grabbing your arm so you’d stop and look at him.
You spun around, and Dean saw the hurt in your eyes. You didn’t even look angry, just hurt. “Just tell me you don’t want me, and you’ll never have to see me again,” you told him sadly, as the tears had already started falling.
Neither of you noticed Sam, Eileen, and Charlie watching the two of you from a safe, hidden distance, praying that things would go well.
“I can’t,” Dean sighed, letting go of your arm and looking down at the ground.
“Why?” you asked quietly.
“Can we do this somewhere else?” he asked, just as quietly as you had been.
He looked up long enough to see you shrug your shoulders and start walking down the road, “Sure,” you told him sadly.
He watched you pull out your phone and text someone, so he texted his brother to handle the ghost by himself and that if Sam had planned this, he was going to kill him. It was an empty threat, and his brother knew that.
Your POV
Hearing him behind you at the pool table, flirting with you like you were some stranger, had hurt more than the conversations with him had. And now, he said he couldn’t let you go. You texted the group chat you had with Eileen and Charlie and told them that if they set this whole thing up, you’d be hunting alone after this.
You didn’t wait to get a text back before shoving your phone into your back pocket. This wasn’t how you’d wanted things to go if you ever saw him again. You’d hoped he would ask you to come back to the bunker, that he wanted to get to know you now that you were healed. But that hadn’t happened, and now this.
The last thing you wanted to do was end up in a bad conversation in the middle of the street, so you were leading him to an abandoned building you had noticed earlier in the day. He silently followed you, staying a few feet behind you. 
You walked around back, finding a door missing from the hinges, so you went inside that way. You found a mostly clean spot in one of the rooms to sit down and lean against the wall. Dean sat next to you, but not too close.
There was a tense silence between the two of you while Dean collected his thoughts, attempting to figure out how to answer the question you had asked him earlier. 
“You remind me of them. I miss them. If I have to be honest, it’s not fair. They’re gone, but at the same time, they’re not. You’re like them. Hell, it’s the same body,” he finally answered you quietly, barely keeping his emotions in check.
“You’re right. It’s not fair,” you began quietly, staring at the floor, “It’s not fair that I have their memories, that I fell in love with you harder than I even have words for. It’s not fair that all I want to do is love you, but all you see is them, not me.”
There was a lot more you wanted to say. You wanted to remind him how your personalities and he had talked about celebrating if you ever managed to heal from the DID. The plans the two of you had made if that ever happened. 
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly.
There was a long silence again, and it wasn’t helping your thoughts from overthinking. You fidgeted with a piece of paper on the floor, trying to find something to distract you through the deafening silence that had filled the room.
“I don’t know how to do this. See you and not them. I don’t know how to be around you because of how I want to be around them. I just…” he sighed and leaned his head against the wall, staring off at nothing in particular.
You wanted to give him suggestions, but you’d done that through calls and texts, and he hadn’t seemed to like any of them or want to do them. Your mind wandered back to the bar earlier, and if you had to admit it to yourself, you were thankful it went the way it did. The worst case would have been if you’d seen him with another woman, and you knew that.
“I don’t even know how to talk to you,” he finally added quietly.
For a while, you thought about how to help with the situation that you hadn’t suggested already, and that’s when an idea struck you. “What if we treat each other the way we want to?”
You barely glanced over at him, only enough to see him out of the corner of your eye. It had been the only thing you hadn’t suggested before. But this was almost like a compromise. He saw them and you. You wanted to love him, treat him the way they should have from day one.
“Are you really okay with that?” he asked, sounding almost nervous.
A sigh left your lips as your gaze returned to the other side of the room, knowing you had to be completely honest with him. “Dean, if you were okay with it, I’d move back into the bunker. I wouldn’t even argue or complain if you were to kiss me right now. It’s a place to start.”
Even if you weren’t looking at him, you heard him shift where he’d been sitting, “Are you sure you’re okay with that?” he asked again, still sounding unsure of your words.
You rolled your eyes, trying not to look as frustrated as you felt, but the moment you turned to face him so that you could be far blunter with him, you realized just how close he had gotten. The look in his eyes took your breath away and made you speechless as your lips opened to say something, but no words came out.
You quickly closed your mouth, taking a slow, deep breath. 
Why does he have to be so damn handsome? Let alone look at me like he wants to eat me alive.
“Yes, I’m-,” you began, but you couldn’t finish that sentence before Dean’s lips were on yours. 
He’d also cupped your cheek, holding you close so that you couldn’t pull away, but you had no plans of doing that. This wasn’t an intimate, I love you, kind of kiss. No, this was more like, where the hell have you been for the last almost year, kind of kiss. It was needy, hungry, and you matched it with your own.
----------------------------------------- Chapter 12 - Hope
Retribution Master List
Tag List: @jc-winchester @nancymcl @xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx
18 notes · View notes
kddsaudi · 2 years
1 note · View note
suuchii-tart · 5 years
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27 notes · View notes
affectionforbangtan · 7 years
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mochi’s dna
204 notes · View notes
I guess the new Genshin livestream for the future update proves why they made a big deal of separating Ei from the Shogun. Because despite how Beelzebul took over from Baal who was the real Electro Archon and the original Raiden, Ei decided to make the puppet and have it take over the duties as the Shogun so she could meditate in peace.
She refers to it as 'the Shogun' even and says it isn't designed to make mistakes. And apparently in her character profile, Ei and the Shogun have different speaking bits. Both wish you a happy birthday for example, but obviously Ei's is more sweet and emotional, and the Shogun is robotic and kind of dull.
The devs very obviously working to separate the god from the robot was what made me annoyed with people saying that Ei has Multiple Personalities and that Mihoyo were 'poorly representing a mental illness'. Like, how many more words do you need to understand that the body isn't a living being? Yae calls it a puppet. Ei says it's been programmed. We found out that Scaramouche was a prototype of the Shogun. In Ei's little background tale, we see cogs and gears sticking out of the Shogun's back. Ei placed her consciousness in her sword, and the Shogun holds the sword.
This isn't MPD/DID. It's a damn robot that has gained a level of sentience ffs.
Anyway, I'm excited to see what's going on in the update cuz we see Ei and the Shogun facing off, one with a sword and the other with a polearm.
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vi i have been on a "craving tender dukeceit" kick this entire week and their dynamic in the mpd verse is EXACTLY what i like best, you write them so well. AND it is my birthday and wiio's law was a FANTASTIC first fic to read at 20, thank you very much they are beautiful just like all your work aaaaa <333
i am ALWAYS craving tender dukeceit and im happy to have helped with yours!!!!!
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klurvswag30 · 5 years
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Happy birthday to our precious Shownu 🎉 Since today is a special day, you've had a lot of delicious things to eat, right? A memory of the om nyom cake picture as a bonus heh heh #especiallymissing #nunumore #ontuesdaynightsat10pm #MPD hyung @OfficialMonstaX
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plloo2013 · 6 years
MPD - Their daughter tie their daddy’s hair with ribbon
 It’s been 6 years of marriage to your guy and today is your second child, Emiko’s 3 years old birthday. You and your guy invited everyone to celebrate her birthday this evening. While waiting for the guests to arrive, you are busy in the kitchen preparing food and your guy entertains the two kids. Emiko wanted to tie Tadaaki’s hair but he simply refuse. Your guy does not wanting Emiko to cry on her big day and decide to let her tie his hair instead.
 Just then the doorbell rang and Tadaaki ran to open the door excitedly. “It must be the misfit uncles.” He exclaimed.
 Your guy tried to stop him but the door is wide open before he can stop him. Truth to Tadaaki’s prediction, they arrived early than anticipated time and saw the ribbon on your guy’s hair.
The guys look at Hiroshi and trying very hard to suppress their laughter.
 “Stop staring and forget what you see.” Hiroshi ordered with his face turning red, while trying to remove the ribbon.
 The guys simply burst out laughing after not able to contain anymore.
 “So that how cute our Hiroshi is.” Nomura smiled.
 “I can’t believe our boss has another boss above him.” Tennoji teased while holding his stomach for laughing too hard.
 “Imagine boss with ribbon on his bike.” Kyobashi laugh.
 “Funny imagine that.” Asano is laughing hard as well.
 “Maybe we should spare him.” Eiki trying to help but can’t stop laughing too.
 “But its such a rare opportunity to see boss in such state.” Kimura laugh.
 “That is why I hate woman.” Himuro exclaimed while trying to hide his laughter as well.
 “Good job, Emiko!” Hanai praised her while laughing nonstop.
 “______, a little help to remove the ribbon please.” Hiroshi pleaded and you help to remove while giggling nonstop.
The guys burst out laughing loud the moment they saw Hanai.
 “Why are you guys so early?” Hanai complained while trying to remove the ribbon on his head.
 “What happen to our bossy Hanai?” Tennoji teases while laughing.
 “We should take a photo to remember this moment.” Hiroshi laughs.
 “We sure need to take the photo.” Kimura supported the idea and getting ready his camera.
 “You sure Emiko won’t be upset if you remove it now?” Eiki reminded him while laughing hard.
 “Will she cry?” Asano asked innocently and that make Hanai hesitating about removing the ribbon.
 “Women are so troublesome!” Himuro sighed after laughing enough.
 “Want to make your daddy more beautiful?” Nomura asked Emiko with his smiling face.
 “You know where your mummy keeps his makeup set.” Kyobashi added and Emiko’s eyes start blinking.
 “Don’t you two dare to poison her mind.” Hanai snapped and cover her ears. All you can do is standing at the side, trying to hold back your giggle.
The guys are basically laughing and teasing him nonstop.
 “Stop laughing! What is wrong for me to please my daughter?” Tennoji defended himself, while his face turned bright red.
 “Nothing wrong!” Eiki laughs.
 “It’s just that you really look funny.” Kimura laughs.
 “Weird!” Asano teases.
 “We definitely can’t send Tennoji to disguise in woman.” Kyobashi laughs.
 “It will sure blow off the cover.” Nomura laughs.
 “I will keep that in mind.” Hiroshi teases.
 “We definitely need to record it down.” Hanai added, while laughing out loud.
 “I can’t believe you are beaten by woman.” Himuro giggled.
 You end up laughing out loud with them and give Tennoji an apology look.
Asano remains quiet but his face is bright red while the guys are laughing nonstop.
 “Emiko, you need to remove the ribbon now.” Asano pleaded.
 “Emiko, just leave the ribbon there.” Eiki laughs.
 “It’s rare to see your daddy blushing.” Kimura added while laughing.
 “Our quiet Asano has soft spot for his daughter as well.” Hanai laughs.
 “Are you sure ____ won’t be jealous of her own daughter?” Tennoji laughs.
 “Aren’t they of the same kind?” Kyobashi laughs.
 “How are they the same?” Hiroshi asked but still laughing nonstop.
 “At least Asano looks happy.” Nomura teases.
 “I definitely won’t be happy.” Himuro giggled.
 “Emiko, you can have permission to tie uncles’ hair.” Asano said calmly, while her eyes blink in happiness.
 The guys all stop laughing and immediately trying to avoid Emiko coming near to them. You just giggle at the scene in front of you.
Eiki sighs as everyone is laughing nonstop.
 “I can’t believe you guys caught me in such a embracing moment.” Eiki sighs.
 “Its just show you are a lovely father.” Hiroshi laughs.
 “Boss, you are too kind to him.” Hanai laughs.
 “You look cute.” Kimura laughs at Eiki.
 “And adorable.” Asano added, while giggling.
 “We need to give him a new nickname.” Tennoji laughs.
 “How about manly cute Eiki?” Kyobashi teases.
 “It does not make any logic to me.” Himuro laughs at Kyobashi’s comment.
 “We should take a photo and send it over to NYPD.” Nomura suggested.
 “Please don’t.” Eiki pleaded.
 You giggled at him while he pleaded you to come save him.
The guys are laughing and teasing him nonstop but Kyobashi allows the ribbon to remain longer to prevent upsetting Emiko.
 “Never expect our Pervert Kyobashi is so cute.” Tennoji is laughing loud.
 “What is pervert?” Emiko asked innocently.
 “You don’t have to know that, my dear.” Kyobashi smiles at her.
 “Our Kyobashi is serious now?” Nomura pretend to ask in surprise while giggling nonstop.
 “And such a protective father.” Hanai teases.
 “Can’t believe this is the Kyobashi we know.” Eiki laughs.
 “Am I dreaming?” Asano laughs.
 “Maybe we should stop teasing him since he is such a lovely father.” Hiroshi laughs.
 “Plus we need to consider that there are kids around.” Himuro added but can’t stop giggles.
 “But we don’t have such opportunity next time.” Kimura added, while laughing hard.
 “______, remind me not to hold me back when it my turn to tease them back.” Kyobashi smiles reluctantly while blushing nonstop at their teasing.
 All you can do is trying to hold your laughter.
Kimura is blushing nonstop while Emiko happily showing her work to the rest of the guys, who have been laughing nonstop.
 “Yes, Emiko is sure talented.” Eiki smiles while trying to suppress his laugher.
 “So is she supposed to help in Kimura costume if he ever went back acting?”
 Tennoji laughs.
 “We should ask her to give him some makeup as well.” Kyobashi suggested while laughing nonstop.
 “That would be perfect.” Hanai added while laughing.
 “Guys, when are you going to stop laughing?” Kimura sighs as he trying to remove the ribbon from his hair.
 “Difficult to that request” Asano replied while giggling.
 “What if the press get hold of this photo?” Nomura asked while laughing.
 “That will be a disaster.” Hiroshi laughs.
 “I don’t know what to say to comfort you.” Himuro giggles.
 Kimura sighs further with his blushing face, and you can’t help but giggles as well.
Everyone is shocked to see how Emiko tie Himuro’s hair but can’t stop laughing loud as well.
 “This is instead a surprise.” Eiki laughs while holding his stomach.
 “I never expecting as well.” Kimura laughs.
 “A woman hater doctor has another woman who can handle him.” Hanai giggles.
 “Emiko is cute after all. Everyone will have soft spot for her.” Hiroshi smiled.
 “Now I am going to remember this sight whenever I see Dr Himuro.” Tennoji laughs.
 “You should bribe us to keep our mouth zip.” Kyobashi laughs.
 “You really become softer than before.” Nomura laughs.
 “Shut up! Did we even invite you?” Himuro rebuke at Nomura.
 “Daddy, are you angry? I can tie another ribbon for you?” Emiko asked worryingly.
 Everyone burst out laughing even louder and you can’t stop giggling anymore.
 “Emiko, one will do.” Himuro sighs.
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myeongchokrp · 5 years
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“On the surface, JEON WONWOO is a twenty-two-year-old BOOKSTORE OWNER at FAMOUS LAST WORDS. Dig a little deeper and you’ll discover that he’s also a HITMAN that goes by the alias SHADOW. His allegiance lies with PHOENIX.”
once upon a time, he’d have answered with unfounded pride. this city’s greatest hitman, the best in the business. he’d have told you about each way he could end a life; which would take the longest, where to stab, where to hold, where to tease the outer layer of their skin. he’d tell you all the things he learns when people are desperate, using their last breaths to confess their sins and plead for a second chance — how they make promises they both know they’d never keep. they’ll tell their wife about all those late night ‘business meetings’ that ‘ran over schedule’. they’ll tell their bosses about the money they’ve secretly been pocketing from the accounts. but they won’t. because before the sun rises, they’ve slowly bled out, their soul leaving their body behind to serve as a message to anyone else who dares cross phoenix or shadow. he’d tell you about his trademarks, his favourite blades. 
out loud, moments later as he’s brought back to reality, he’d tell you he’s just jeon wonwoo, a cafe busybody that hates everything about coffee and steals food from the kitchens even if someone’s looking. he’d tell you about how he likes to read, how he knows the meaning of the flowers on the counter. the life he leads at night firmly locked behind closed doors, he’d tell you he’s nothing special, that all he’ll ever be known for is his incredible hospitality. 
“jeon wonwoo,” he’ll tell you now, “co-owner of famous last words bookshop with my boyfriend, mingyu, and proud dad of a maltese dog named noodle.” he’ll smile, just ever so slightly and add, “just a regular guy. a really obscenely handsome regular guy, but a regular guy nonetheless.” 
when he’s seventeen, his oldest brother dies suddenly just six days before christmas in a case the mpd believe to be suicide. he doesn’t leave any indication behind as to why, but the jeons know the truth and just after the turn of the new year, the murderer is exiled from what was once masqueraded as a family home and onto the streets. he finds refuge in a cheap apartment nearby, the current occupant looking for a roommate and generously accepting the young flickering flame without much more than a glance. over time, he grows, begins to burn everything and everyone around him as he joins phoenix and begins to truly cope with the cards he’d so far been dealt. 
there, he meets people far worse than his family; people that lie and cheat and scam innocent people. people he’s taught how to kill, how to refine and duplicate the blissful adrenaline rush he’d felt the first time he watched life slowly drain from someone’s eyes. phoenix give him a purpose, a chance to offload the anger and the hatred he’s held in for almost eighteen long years and he enjoys it. his regard to life as weak as his family’s had been for his, he’s an unstoppable machine once he takes off his stabilisers. once he’s settled, there’s nothing that will stop him from killing whoever whenever he likes— is needed to. 
but it’s in phoenix that he also meets mingyu. taller, established, built, talented kim mingyu that bests him in every way possible. the hitman he should be but isn’t quite yet, only a single accidental kill to his name and hair years overdue a cut. what starts as a desperate need to better him, to know his rival as well as possible, eventually develops into a friendship— and soon, beyond. mingyu’s twentieth birthday, wonwoo calms him down after a traumatising nightmare, the older sleeping beside him for the first time. seven months later, mingyu kisses him after taking time to heal after a dark, terrifying time and wonwoo’s heart that had shielded itself for so long finally completely lets someone in. he lets mingyu see the sides of him that no one else ever has or ever will and he grows to be the better man mingyu has always made him permanently, rather than only when they’re curled up with a book or sharing takeout food in their pyjamas after working late. he mellows, still dreams of the future he always wanted but now it’s all in colour, it’s moulded to the life he and mingyu lead because it’s plausible now. he could have his white picket fence and his sweet pet dog and his happy relationship. he could have the world. finally, he could live without the storm cloud of his childhood hanging over him. at least, not on most days. 
ever private, ever whimsical, he’d answer, “dumb luck,” with another ghost of a smile, a breathy chuckle passing his lips. “a chain of traumatic events and my boyfriend’s flashy sports car, but— regardless of how I got anywhere, everything happens for a reason. I am where I am at any given point in time for a reason, whether I know that reason at the time or not. but, my reason for being here right now is that I need milk and you’re in my way, if that’s what you’re asking. are you ever going to move?”
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kristian-do · 6 years
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[MPD(엠피디)] SVT클럽의 공식 댕댕이 세븐틴 민규의 생일을 진심으로 축하합니다🐶🎉
(trans.) SVTClub’s official daengdaengie (cutie/puppy) mingyu, sincerely happy birthday🐶🎉 
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xtruss · 3 years
TWO More DC Police Officers Involved in Capitol Riot Response Die By Suicide, Bringing Total to at Least 4
— August 3, 2021 | RT
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FILE PHOTO: Police officers try to fend off a mob of rioters as they stormed the US Capitol Building in Washington, DC, January 6, 2021. © Reuters / Leah Millis
Two Washington, DC police officers who took part in the response to the riot in the US Capitol have taken their own lives, their department confirmed, bringing the total number of police suicides in the wake of the unrest to four.
Officer Gunther Hashida was found dead in his home by suicide on July 29, the DC Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) told media outlets on Monday, adding “We are grieving as a Department as our thoughts and prayers are with Officer Hashida’s family and friends.” He died one week before his 44th birthday, according to his obituary.
The officer’s wife, Romelia, also spoke of his passing in a Facebook post on Sunday night.
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“A thousand words couldn’t bring you back… I know this because I tried, neither could a thousand tears… I know this because I cried, you left behind a broken heart and happy memories too… but I never wanted memories… I only wanted you.” 💔😢💔 — Romelia Hashida on Sunday
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US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hailed Hashida as a “hero” who “risked his life to save our Capitol, the Congressional community and our very Democracy” in a written statement, adding “May Officer Hashida’s life be an inspiration to all.”
Just hours after the MPD confirmed Hashida’s death, the department told a local CBS affiliate that another officer, 26-year-old Kyle DeFreytag, had also taken his own life on July 10. The suicide was not reported until Monday.
“I am writing to share tragic news that Officer Kyle DeFreytag of the 5th District was found deceased last evening,” MPD chief Robert Contee wrote in a message to the department last month. “This is incredibly hard news for us all, and for those that knew him best.”
Twitter: (Mike Valerio@MikevWUSA): Terrible Update >> Confirmed a *4th* officer who responded to Capitol Insurrection died by suicide. Officer Kyle DeFreytag of 5th District was found deceased in mid-July, Metropolitan Police said. • Officer Liebengood • Officer Smith • Officer Hashida • Officer DeFreytag — August 2, 2021 from Washington, DC
Hashida and DeFreytag, who joined the department in 2003 and 2016, respectively, are the third and fourth officers present for the incident on January 6 to die by their own hands. Capitol Police officer Howard Liebengood and MPD officer Jeffrey Smith also committed suicide in the days after the riot.
A fifth officer, Brian Sicknick, also died soon after the unrest. While media reports repeatedly suggested he succumbed to injuries inflicted by rioters, medical examiners later determined he died of natural causes following a pair of strokes.
Four others, all protesters, lost their lives during the riot, including two related to natural causes and one fatal drug overdose, while 35-year-old Ashli Babbitt was shot dead by police near the House chamber inside the Capitol.
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nitelotus · 7 years
Just Right (MPD: Hiroshi Kirisawa x Narumi) Birthday Drabble
Author’s note: @destinywanted was one of my followers that I recently got into chatting with. We may not chat often but a little birdie told me it is your birthday today! I’m sick but I hope you still enjoy this little drabble I wrote for you. Happy birthday!
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He hasn’t texted you. Or called you. 
Not one single message.
And it was your birthday.
Sure, your boyfriend was the Lieutenant of the famous 2nd Unit. Hiroshi Kirisawa. You wouldn’t have even met him if he did not come into your brother’s shop for his bike’s tune up. It took months before he got the courage to actually ask you out on a date. Another month before he professed his love for you. After that, the easy days of going out on dates and sleep over became more rare than a blue moon. 
Narumi loved what he did for society but sometimes she wished they had more time together. 
30 minutes before midnight.
“Are you still awake?” The text said. 
A smile spread across her face. Finally!
“Yeah. What’s up?” she replied back. 
“I’m going to call you,” was his response. 
Before she could reply back, her phone rang. 
“Took you long enough,” was her soft response. She wanted to give him a hard time. 
“Sorry, hun. This case is tough. I really do want to be there.” Hiroshi’s voice sounded gruff and tired. 
That tone still sent shivers down her spine. 
“Really?” she teased back. He was always the fun one to tease. “What would you do if you were here?”
The smile in his tone was evident. “Hmm...I’ve got some ideas. You’re the birthday girl after all.”
He didn’t forget! But how could she even doubt for a moment he did? Hiroshi wasn’t that kind of a guy.
“Tell your birthday girl then,” she whispered. Her tone was soft and enticed him to whisper back.
He coughed at the other side. Cleared his throat once. 
“I’d sing happy birthday to you in my birthday suit.” His voice only cracked once. He wasn’t that open with his affections but that’s what she loved about him.
She sighed audibly on the phone. “I wish you were here, Hiroshi.”
“I am, Narumi.”
That voice didn’t sound like it came from the phone. She turned around on her bed only in time for Hiroshi’s body to cover hers. There was a startled gasp followed by a small shriek of surprise and happiness.
“You’re here!”
He bent down and nuzzled the side of her neck. 
“I am not going to miss my girl’s birthday. Happy birthday, Narumi.” His lips softly touched hers. It was sweet and warm. 
“But what about the....”
He shook his head and smiled. “That finished early. So I rushed back here but...” A frown marked his face. “I didn’t bring anything so I can be with you on time. I’m sorry.”
Narumi shook her head. “No, Hiroshi. You’re all the present I need. You were just right on time!” She gently tugged at his collar. “Actually...somebody told me that he’d sing happy birthday to me in his birthday suit. That sounds like a good birthday present, don’t ya think?”
The smile back on his face. 
“That I can do.”
The light from her cellphone turned into 12 midnight but both of them were too busy to even notice. 
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hotcocosharing · 7 years
Lose To Win Chapter 17: Left In The Past
Title: Lose To Win Chapter 17 Fandom: Kiss By The Baddest Bidder & Her Love In The Force Rated: Drama, Thriller, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Mystery? MPD’s MC: Mika HIJIKATA KBTBB’s MC: Mia SAKATA Characters: Goto, Kaga, Shuichi, Eisuke, Soryu, Mamoru, Baba, Ota
Summary: More Revance- Kyohei & Iori with Mika & Mamo (Ota) on a case, rather short. This originally was two parts of 1 solving case 2 Revance reader character fluff with Mamo but meh … the story leads me to this so here it is Background: Mika went to the Tres Spades Hotel under Eisuke’s request. (Order) and led to seeing her ex- Hyogo Kaga. With Namba’s persuasion, Eisuke agrees to work with Public Safety, going on an eight days cruise trip with Kaga, Goto and Mika. What kind of mystery and danger await? You have no idea!
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★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Chapter 1: The Reunion Chapter 2: RSVP Chapter 3: Recharge Chapter 4: Welcome Back Chapter 5: Decision Of A Lifetime Chapter 6: Our Story Chapter 7: Stress Release Chapter 8: Play Thing Chapter 9: What The Three Words Mean Chapter 10: A Real Man Chapter 11: The CEO Chapter 12: Boarding Chapter 13: What Did You Wish For? Chapter 14: Don’t Tease Me Chapter 15: One Hell Of A Night Chapter 16: Feeling Lucky?
Chapter 17: Left In The Past
“Why am I here, Mamo?!” Glaring at the slacker with his unlit cigarette bobbing up and down as he casually suggests it’d be a good idea to work this case with you. “What case?!” Now you avert your gazes to the left and see the one particular smirk that you hate more than The Great Eisuke’s.
The man walks down from the stairs nonchalantly to join the rest of his team. “Oh, why are you invited on this cruise?”
“Oh trust me, I would never come if I knew you’re gonna be here.” Just seeing a glimpse of his annoying face is enough to set the fire inside you, let alone his arrogant attitude.
“Please, dummy. Like you’d ever have another chance to experience such luxury.”
“Don’t call me dummy, you dick head.”
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“Enough!” Another slender figure with his hot pink sweater interrupts, “When will you two ever quit?”
“When dummy grows up?”
“When dick head stops being an ass!”
“Okay, seriously, stop already.”
Mamoru’s surprised at your “friendly” conversation with the pop stars but at least he’s right to drag you along.
“Why am I here, Kyohei?”
The producer gives a quick glance at Mamoru then Iori before turning around and heads to the open kitchen. “We believe some fans must have stolen our phones last night.” The way he averts his gaze is screaming that there’s much more to the story.
“Last night? How is that even possible?” You figure they probably don’t want Mamoru to hear but you couldn’t care, you’d just walk out the door if they choose to protect whatever secret over your help.
“They’re invited here,” Kyohei begins as he slowly opens a can of energy drink and with the sunglasses, while he’s indoor is enough hit that they must have had a crazy party. “as part of the exclusive tour. We signed the contract with Saji Cooperation when we accepted the deal, it was really good money AND they pulled some string for us to meet with a Hollywood director.”
Mamoru remains at the lounge, finally lighting his cigarette while Iori joins you and Kyohei in the kitchen. “Why don’t we cut to the chase! Whose phone did they steal?”
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There are only two possible trouble makers in the group who’d be stupid enough to have their phones stolen and the fact that Nagito isn’t around only confirms your suspicion.
Kyohei looks Iori’s way and lets out a long sigh, “Could you just find his phone please?” The Prince hasn’t got a chance to cut in as Kyohei uses his charm on you, “You are the one I trust, Mika. We need this done discretely.”
You’d sense there’s something more but you’d rather not know, you send Iori the evil while you receive the details of the target guest from Kyohei and gesture Mamoru to leave.
“Room 708.” You state and hand Mamo the small piece of paper, “They asked for me, didn’t they?”
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Mamoru shrugs and puts out the rest of his cigarette, “Something like that. You can solve this all by yourself if you like but you are here as Eisuke’s personal assistant.” Instead of knocking on the door and accuse a guest of theft, the two of you head back to Eisuke’s suite and do a little homework- The female guest is no other than the same overexcited lady who almost had an organsm when Kyohei greeted her Happy Birthday at the concert.
It could be a lot worse than you imagined, given the previous celebrities parties you’ve had the “luck” to attend, they almost always get out of hand. She has something on them or else Kyohei wouldn’t get you personally to retrieve Iori’s phone. You groan in annoyance, the mission itself is hard enough and now a side task from an ex-fling isn’t exactly romantic either.
As much as you hate dealing with Ota, he does comes in handy though you now officially owe him one. Fortunately, the lady’s alone and it’s a piece of cake to have Ota distract her while you play the housekeeper and search for phones. You and Ota agree it’d be way easier to drug the rich and lonesome woman than to have Ota keeps her occupied the whole time.
You’ve copied all the content on her phone and wiped it clean during her beauty sleep. To your surprise, Iori’s phone is simply lying around on her nightstand though it’s probably a risk without the chance to handle her husband’s phone.
You return to Kyohei after parting with Ota, “Here, dick head’s phone.”
“Thank you.” The producer sighs in relief, you look around and realize how quiet the place is. “They’re at the gym, have it privately booked for another two hours.”
Here you are, finally alone with a man who you once shared such intimacy and you couldn’t even remember how long it last and how long it’s been but it sure doesn’t feel like a happy reunion.
“Thank you again, honestly, you save us, big time.”
You couldn’t determine whether smile or nod as response since you don’t even know why you agree to help them in the first place. The very person who should be thanking you isn’t even here although you never like seeing Iori, not up on stage and certainly not off stage.
“He’ll always do something like this, you know that right, Kyohei?”
The producer takes off his sunglasses and reveals his tiring eyes to you, “Yeah, I know.”
You gently shake your head and get ready to leave when he asks you the obvious question, “You aren’t going to ask what he’s done?”
Shrugging with your brows raised, you steal a glance at Iori’s phone that’s now lying on the coffee table. “He fucked her, didn’t he? Got pictures taken and she’s blackmailing him or you’re scared she’s going to SHARE with her friends?”
Kyohei’s eyes widen for a second at how close you’re to the truth, “The husband is blackmailing us.” You tilt your head sideways in confusion while he continues the ridiculous situation. “The husband was watching the entire time, Iori had no idea he was being filmed.”
The both of you let out a long sigh and Kyohei closes the distance, yeah you really don’t want to know. From the moment you stepped into their share house and you knew, it would never work out with Kyohei. The band was above all, his career was above all and you- the girl he went on few dates and slept with stood no chance though he did introduce you to them. You knew back then, it wouldn’t go anywhere. You didn’t want to hide in the dark, only be able to hold hands and watch a movie at his place and sneaked out like a burglar so you stopped returning his calls and out of each other lives fairly quickly like it never happened.
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“Mika,” Kyohei’s warm hand on your waist bring you back to reality, “It’s good to see you.” He says softly and pulls you into a familiar embrace with his sweet scent that you once adored.
Planting a light peck on his cheek as you pull away, you smile and wish him luck. “Bye, Kyohei. Take care.”
Some people are best left in the past, Kyohei Rikudoh is one of them.
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togetdown · 5 years
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TODAY * Opening of BIG APPLE BRUNCH * La CUBANA * 408 W. 15th St{9th & 10th} MPD | 12pm - 6pm{Brunch} | 6pm - 10pm{Day Party} | $45 - 90 MINUTES UNLIMITED MIMOSA'S, SANGRIA or RUM PUNCH + ENTREE | HAPPY HOUR 12pm - 4pm | DJ | NFL GAMES | NO COVER B4 6PM W/RSVP | For More Info, Birthday Celebration, Table RSVP or Bottle Service 917.902.2537 | #brunch #unlimited #dayparty #happyhour #meatpackingdistrict #dj #mimosa #rumpunch #sangria #mixer #networking #bottleservice (at La Cubana nyc) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3SGVwHh6d4/?igshid=1q96xxsifnec9
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tarnishedhalo · 7 years
FULL NAME. Andrew Michael Riley NICKNAME. Andy {super selective}, Riley, Snarky, Duck {do not ask}, Six, Falcon 2, Drewski, “Morning” “T-Rex” “DTTAH” {pro: DATA} BIRTHDAY. 4 April ETHNIC GROUP.  Caucasian NATIONALITY.  American (Irish Descent) LANGUAGE.  English, Gaelic, Latin, Russian, select phrases in Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, Swahili, French,  Farsi, Farsi Dari, Arabic, Pushtu  {and can cheat} SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Heterosexual, Heteroromantic {+That one time} RELATIONSHIP STATUS. {Verse dependent} Married/Engaged/Committed CLASS. Upper Middle Class HOME TOWN / AREA. Brooklyn, New York City, New York. CURRENT HOME. {verse dependent} House in Tennessee, Apartment in Brooklyn PROFESSION. {verse dependent} Retired USAF PJ, NYPD Detective, MPD Detective, SHIELD Strike Leader, LAPD SWAT, Professional Alcoholic
HAIR. Coffee Brown (occasionally leaning blonde depending on the sun exposure) EYES. Hazel Green NOSE. short, pointy FACE. Triangle/Heart shaped like his sister LIPS. thin upper, full lower COMPLEXION.  Often Tan because of being outdoorsy, freckled, and sometimes pasty as fuck (Irish) BLEMISHES. Mole on right cheek near his nose, mole just above his right eyebrow, mole above left eyebrow. Missing: One 3/4th Leg. If Found, Please Return To Owner., Crows Feet, Laugh lines. SCARS. –Knife wound, left pec just below shoulder – Right Leg from amputation – Mid back to hips: Surgical scars  – Left knee – Left Bicep Knife Scar TATTOOS. Unit Insignia right bicep, heart ring finger of left hand, Hawaiian Islands right back shoulder, Inside left wrist “SPQR” and Laurel Leafs PIERCINGS. Closed over. HEIGHT. 6ft3 WEIGHT: 195-205 lbs BUILD.  Athletic/Muscular, 18 inch biceps, 45 inch chest, 34 inch waist, 36 inch inseam ALLERGIES.  Rye Bread USUAL HAIR STYLE. High and Tight, spikey, too much hair product USUAL CLOTHING. Jeans, tanker boots, tee shirts and flannel for casual, tailored suits and ties for work
FEAR. Becoming wheel-chair bound, losing a loved one, intimacy ASPIRATION. Growing old and happy: being a good husband, being a good father, finally winning King’s Tourney POSITIVE TRAITS. Loyal af, Courageous, Energetic, Independent, Romantic, Generous, Adventurous NEGATIVE TRAITS. Bitter, Cynical, Possessive, Impatient, Egotistic, Jealous, Impulsive, Anger management issues VICE HABIT.  Professional Alcoholic, Drug-Addict, Adrenaline Junkie FAITH.  Roman Catholic {lapse} GHOSTS? Sure. AFTERLIFE?  Yep REINCARNATION? Unfortunately ALIENS? I’ve met them. Like us, they’re Dicks. POLITICAL ALIGNMENT. Libertarian (Constitutionalist, Classic Conservative) ECONOMIC PREFERENCE. Free Market Capitalism SOCIOPOLITICAL POSITION. Classic Libertarianism EDUCATION LEVEL.  High School Graduate, Associates Degree in Criminal Justice
FATHER.  Rear-Admiral Brian Riley MOTHER.  Kimberly Gallagher-Riley  SIBLINGS. Elizabeth Riley EXTENDED  FAMILY.  Seren Taylor {Riley}, Noah Taylor {Riley}, Baz Barton, Jay Morgan {Specter}, Aspen Gauthier, Brian Gamble, Darcy Lewis, Julian Brassard NAME MEANING.   Andrew: English form of the Greek name Ανδρεας (Andreas), which was derived from ανδρειος (andreios) "manly, masculine"
Michael: From the Hebrew name מִיכָאֵל (Mikha'el) meaning "who is like God?".
BOOKS.  The Prince by Machiavelli, Anything by Edgar Rice Burroughs, Golden Age Scifi, Adventure and Fantasy, Comic Books {mun here. Truth be told, and if I am dead by tomorrow you know who to blame, but Riley actually reads and has an extensive collection of Historical, Cop and Soldier themed trashy romance novels} MUSIC. Blues, Folk, Country, Classic Rock DEITY. The Judeo-Christian God HOLIDAY.  Independence Day, Thanksgiving MONTH. June SEASON.  Summer PLACE.  Free-Fall WEATHER. I will take anything that isn’t snow SOUND.  "I love you”, “Daddy.”  and in certain circumstances, “Andrew” SCENT.  Motor or gun Oil, Leather. Green Growing things, the air right before rain.  TASTE.  Whiskey, Coffee, Rare Steak, Dark Chocolate and Salted Caramel {Turtle Again: He insists that I put this so we’ll just leave it at, the results of Oral Gratification and I am now firing myself as his mun} FEEL. Wound Steel or Nickle Strings under his fingertips. The soft feel of hot skin.  The memory of not being in constant pain. ANIMAL. Dog are nice.  Number.  1330, 7, 2, 3 Colour:  Blue, Sunsets, Her Eyes
TALENTS. Music, Trouble, Literal Mind Reading, Cooking BAD AT. Relationships, People, Intimacy, Self-control TURN ONS. Intelligence, Long Legs, That Spot on the Back of His Neck TURN OFFS.   His ex Wife HOBBIES. Singing/playing guitar, shade-tree mechanics, fixing things, cooking, Shooting at the Gun Range, Medieval Recreationism, Comic Books, Scifi Conventions TROPES. The Snark Knight, Mr Vice Guy AESTHETICS. Blue Skies. Wings. Hawks. Guns. Guitars, Cigarettes burning in ashtrays and half-drank tumblers of whiskey, 
MAIN  FC. Karl Urban ALT  FC. none OLDER  FC.   none YOUNGER  FC.     VOICE  CLAIM.  Speaking: Karl Urban, Singing: Ryan Adams
Tagged by: @lilxlionxman Tagging: @multi-mused {the usual suspects}, @morgansmornings, @therealgamble, @thedarcydichotomy, @handcfhealing, @bloodcnmyname, @all-of-the-muses, @fullrangeofemotions, @vamptrampbamf
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fainttwinkling · 8 years
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Annnd the award for the most belated birthday present goes to me (I have excuses). @mslead, you shiny soul, I hope you are fine and all, and wish you all the nice stuff in the world :D Happy Birthday!
It’s something like a quiet “thank you” when he (and MPD) helped solve the problem and she realizes there’s no more need to stay so strong. But it can be whatever comes to mind. I’m still a fan of this au x3
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