#AND I won't be able to pronounce it properly
willowcrowned · 2 years
for your language: what are your thoughts on having a difference between inclusive and exclusive we (first person plural)?
honestly I haven't even figured out the phonetic inventory yet and I think the plan is to do grammar after phonology so I haven't actually given it much thought but it IS intriguing
I guess my one hesitation is that I'm not particularly familiar with any language that uses them, and therefore I don't have a great idea of how they fit into the grammatical landscape. I wouldn't mind doing a bit of research, but since I'm already venturing into the unknown with consonant palatalization (the nightsisters had to get those russian accents from somewhere, and it really sounds to me like Merrin's /doθomir/ (as opposed to Cal's /dæθəmiɹ/) has a palatalized r at the end), I'm fairly loath to commit to something else new on the spot just because it sounds interesting to add.
That said—it WOULD be interesting to explore given the fact that the nighsisters have different clans and would likely want a word to express "we" as Dathomir vs "we" as the Nightsisters vs "we" as [insert clan here], and it would definitely be useful for worldbuilding to add that and then explore the origins of those words as tied to the making/breaking of clans and the additions of the zabrak nightbrothers.......... hm.
So I guess my answer is ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
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rin-fukuroi · 2 months
𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐩𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐞𝐧
Please do not translate or publish my works without my permission.
If you want to support me and read my other works that won't be on Tumblr, you can always do it on my Boosty~
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Pairings: Ayato, Kaeya, Thoma, Neuvillete, Tartaglia x fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW, modern AU, established relationships, intimate photos, masturbation.
▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. P1Harmony - Do It Like This
Note: English is not my native language, so I apologize if there are errors in the text qq
Hey! I think you all miss the dick pic. Although no one asked me to do this, but you don't need to ask me even once to bring you something to eat! Enjoy your meal ( ˘▽˘)っ♨
✦ Ayato
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You'll have to try very hard, having endured all the cunning tricks of this man, in order to get a response photo from him immediately after he asks you to do your own.
Initially, it sounded like another joke, very typical for Ayato, but he was very surprised when you took it for a real request, pleasing the man with your piquant photo at perhaps not the most appropriate moment when he was at an important meeting. Fortunately for him, Ayato has enough self-control not to show how aroused he was by the image of your seductive body in front of strangers, but unfortunately for you, he just couldn't resist taking advantage of this opportunity.
It's always fun to play on your guilt, but when adding to your favorite collection of photos is at stake, a special excitement wakes up in Ayato. Of course, although you continue to play along with your lover from time to time, you yourself begin to get a taste. How much longer will he last, continuing to read your dirty messages and looking at the new photos that you took for him, before he snaps and just leaves work only to come home and fuck you to a state in which you'll not be able to not only type, but even pronounce his name? Ayato knows perfectly well what you are doing, so he staunchly withstands your attacks, believing that you yourself don't realize what you have just signed up for.
When he gets home, you better immediately wait for him on your knees without extra clothes, hoping that this will at least smooth out your future punishment a little, because if you think that Ayato will let you cum as fast as you want, then you're damn wrong.
As for his photo for you… Perhaps you still don't deserve to get them enough, but he'll definitely choose the most unfortunate moment for you to put you in an awkward position when one day a charming and insanely seductive photo of his naked body and an excited dick appears in your dialogue, to which you'll not have access. Next time you'll think twice before playing along with this scheming man, but isn't that why you fell in love with him?
✦ Kaeya
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art by @cheng25598
Kaeya doesn't even know what would be better, to discourage you with his unexpectedly racy photo or to start by forcing you to do it? But he's so carefree and lazy that he doesn't think long before just sending you a photo of his horny cock while he's dying of boredom waiting for you at home on his day off. Of course, he doesn't care at all that you at work and how, perhaps, all the colleagues around you heard your surprised squeak when you opened a dialogue with your lover.
This is the first time Kaeya has decided to have fun with something like this, expecting you to be embarrassed for sure. It pisses you off that he's right, and your face is inevitably blushing now, while you, trying to look as non-suspicious as possible, run out of your office, hastily closing yourself in the bathroom.
[Y/N]: Wtf, Kaeya?! I'm at work!
[Kaeya]: I just missed you;)
His carelessness will drive you to your grave someday, but you bite your lower lip, suddenly meeting the reflection of your flushed face in the mirror. You'd be lying if you said you didn't want to be at home right now, punishing your annoying lover properly, which is so obvious from the way moisture begins to accumulate between your thighs, settling on the fabric of your underwear. There are still a few hours until the end of the working day, but you're so infuriated by the ease with which Kaeya manipulates you once again, involving you in his dishonest game when you nervously glance at the door, taking a photo in the mirror, as close as possible to the concept of «sexy» in such an environment.
You were about to put your phone in your pocket, sending your reply photo with the indifferent caption: «Glad for you. See ya in two hours», expecting it to calm him down for a while, but didn't even expect to instantly hear the notification sound.
[Kaeya]: I don't think a photo in underwear will be enough to compare to what I sent u:( Or are u afraid that one of your colleagues will see what we doing?
[Kaeya]: If I were wit u right now, you'd have to hide a lot more obscene things.
[Y/N]: Huh? Do u really think u'd make me undress in front of u in the bathroom at my job?
You really don't know how Kaeya do it, but for some reason you fall for his provocations every time, now feeling the heat that you can no longer ignore burning your lower abdomen more and more, while your eyes slide over the most obscene lines that you've ever read, even considering that what kind of person you decided to connect your life with.
But one thing is for sure — now Kaeya's goal is no longer to dispel his own boredom, but to make you cum in one of the cramped booths while he enjoys driving you crazy with his unsurpassed talent for eloquence, describing in detail how he would fuck you in each in the corner of a small bathroom.
Next time, perhaps Kaeya should pay you a personal visit.
✦ Thoma
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art by @sonomi_rap5
Poor Thoma almost dropped out of his hands all the groceries that he decided to buy before returning home when he felt the vibration of the phone in his pocket, almost sure that this notification was from your message. You often write to him, knowing what time his working day ends, and asking him to grab something from the store, but this…
The confused man hastily turns away from all the people passing by, huddled in the corner of one of the shelves, when an attachment to your playful message appeared in front of his astonished green eyes, which said that you were looking forward to him at home. Is that new underwear?.. Thoma feels his cheeks flush with a bright blush, and his heart is pounding so wildly in his chest as he desperately tries to put aside all obscene thoughts. But this is hardly possible. You are so charming, adorable, divine in this photo, which he instantly saves before fixing his mesmerized gaze on him for a few more moments, feeling his cock harden and rest against his thigh.
«I'll be home soon!», — is the only message you get before Thoma disappears from the online, and you can't help but chuckle softly, imagining with what excitement and embarrassment he'll pay at the checkout.
As for him… Your gallery has been filled with his photos, perhaps not as soon as you would like. On the one hand, teasing a nice guy like Thoma is very funny, but on the other hand, you didn't want to embarrass him by luring him into your entertainment, which is not even the fact that he'll like it. But still, at some point you think that your relationship is strong enough not to collapse from one of your innocent… okay, obscene requests.
You'd like to see the look on Thoma's face when he saw the message with your dirty request. After a couple of minutes of silence, you were about to say that it was all just a joke, before you hear the notification sound, hurriedly grabbing your phone.
You have no idea where he hid to quickly take a cute photo for you, in which you can barely see anything because of the darkness in the room that Thoma chose for the photo shoot, but it's so charming that such a modest guy like him went to such obscenities for you, even at the risk to be noticed at your own work.
Thoma gets incredibly nervous when he doesn't get an answer from you for a long time, but he frantically looks at the inscription that you are typing something. Oh, should he have taken a better photo, or was it just a joke that he took seriously? But all his doubts and worries fade into the background, giving way to even greater embarrassment than what Thoma experienced when he received such a piquant request from you, when you send him a photo in response, but this time without clothes. The accompanying message contains detailed descriptions of how much you miss him and that you can't cope with how you miss your beloved boyfriend next to you to quench your thirst to feel his cock from that cute photo that he sent you, inside yourself.
What are you doing with him?.. It should be illegal to corrupt such an innocent guy in this way, but Thoma is really happy that he got the most beautiful girl in the world who is able to make him commit follies, just like he is now locking the door of some dark storeroom in his office, unable to cope with the desire that has captured him body and mind.
He doesn't know why you like to embarrass him like that, but… maybe he's starting to like it.
✦ Neuvillette
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It's not that Neuvillette didn't know how to use a phone at all, but let's be honest, this skill wasn't even necessary for him until the day you appeared in his life. Making the necessary calls and occasionally using banal SMS was all he was capable of, so using messengers was something new for him, which, of course, Neuvillette needed your help to figure out.
At first, both of you just exchanged innocent short messages, because, you knew, he couldn't often be distracted from his work due to an increased sense of responsibility, but one day a fleeting thought came to your bright head, which you managed to grasp and even decide that it would really be funny to just send Neuvillette your candid photo in the middle of the working day.
And really, what will he do about it?
Neuvillette is so sweet in his seriousness and responsible approach to literally everything in this world, which makes him a wonderful partner, but your hands have always itched so irrepressibly to throw something like that, knocking a stoically calm man out of his rut.
When you saw that Neuvillette had read the message, but had been silent for ten minutes, you almost thought that he had just decided to ignore your prank, but you had no idea what was really going on. After opening your message, Neuvillette just froze, not understanding what he should reply or do. It's the first time this has happened to him, and he's really discouraged.
The most respected and responsible judge doesn't say a word, just staring at his phone for ten minutes? This definitely doesn't go unnoticed. Although he is not particularly sociable, worried colleagues still wonder if everything is all right with him, finally bringing the poor confused Neuvillette out of his stupor. His head really had thoughts of consulting with someone on this topic, but he decides that this question is still too intimate to ask it to an insufficiently close person, so he has no choice but to solve this puzzle on his own and briefly unsubscribe to you that he'll be at home soon, before silently leaving the office.
To say that you were shocked to see Neuvillette on the doorstep of your shared house as soon as possible after receiving his message is to say nothing. But what struck you even more was when he hurriedly threw off his suit, with all the seriousness that only he is capable of, silently climbing onto your bed.
— Neuvi, what are you doing? Why aren't you at work? — you interrupt the man when he was about to throw off the rest of his clothes, before pausing, giving you a puzzled look.
— I got your photo.
— Yes… and?
— I thought you wanted to have sex, so I came home.
— Is that all?..
— Yes. Isn't that what you wanted? Why are you laughing?
p.s. After half an hour of an embarrassing but laugh-provoking conversation in which you explained to Neuvillette that couples sometimes exchange intimate photos while away from each other, it seems that the man finally realized for what purpose you committed such an uncharacteristic act for you.
Well… everyone learns from their mistakes. Next time, you might be lucky to see his inept first intimate photo if you tell him how to switch to the front camera before that.
✦ Tartaglia
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art by @eriimyon
For both of you, sharing any photos when you are away from each other is quite common, but Childe was still the first to dilute your usual correspondence, accompanied by cute and funny photos of your dog and what you cooked for dinner, with something more piquant.
Your lover, without any hesitation, asked you to take a photo for him when, on another of his long business trips, he felt too lonely away from you, and didn't even think about what he might receive a refusal to his request. You can say that you are both on some kind of your common comfortable wave, so you are happy to approach the task set before you even with some degree of creativity, making a photo of your breasts covered with whipped cream for Childe.
«This could be your dessert after dinner;)», — Childe is both touched, excited and saddened by your funny photo caption. He would like to be next to you to enjoy such a tempting dessert, but all he can do is take a photo for you in return.
[Childe]: Unfortunately, i didn't have cream next to me, so this is all the dessert u can count on!
You would have laughed at his joke if the dick on his photo that Childe took for you didn't look even more attractive than any sweet thing you can imagine. This is the first time that you have to describe in words all the things that you would do with this amazing cock, but it also had its own charm.
Your correspondence eventually ended in a rather heated conversation on the phone, which also came to naught as soon as the degree of tension between the two of you was so high that the only thing coming from the speakers of your phones was only moans and heavy sighs, while you were already in complete disarray, too lost in your own obscene fantasies. Perhaps Childe has never in his life masturbated with such pleasure as to the sounds of your sweet voice, holding in his head that image of you that was captured in a racy photo taken especially for him, just as you have never experienced an orgasm from how damn sexy his muffled moans sound in the speaker of your phone.
Of course, this is still so insanely little, but since then you both have a new common entertainment that you can do on lonely evenings to get over the separation. On the other hand, you have seriously opened a real Pandora's Box, now putting the idea in Childe's head that he can tease you in this way, so be prepared for the fact that one day you will receive a dirty message from him or even just a photo at the most inopportune moment (although no one said that you can't return the favor).
p.s. if u know the author of the rest of the art, write me their nicknames in private messages, and i'll add them in the post, because I have been saving these arts for a long time ago and now cannot find their owners:(
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sexydoffyman · 3 months
Could I maybe get an NSFW alphabet plz with male reader? Thanks!
genre: smut
characters: König
A/n: a friend pf mine pronounces his name like qwajnk.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Oh boy. He doesn't really seem like it but he really fucking likes cuddles. He definitely uses his height to his advantage. (You're getting grounded, literary) He is a little self-conscious after sex. He knows he's big. He also knows he could hurt you pretty badly. Thoughts of you hating him or losing interest fill his head. He just has to grab you and make sure you stay there with him.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He loves his arms. You can grab on them, and it makes them seem even bigger than they already are. He likes putting you in a chokehold.
What he favours the most in you are your legs. Thighs specifically. He doesn't really have a reason for it. He just likes them. Let the man get some thighs.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Average texture, not super thick, but also not watery. Hex - f3f5e6 Big man big load. Usually pulls out and catches it in his hand. (He doesn't want to add work by having to clean anything up) He also doesn't really want you to swallow it. He is mature he doesn't need a porn actor who will do anything to satisfy a dude. He'd rather have real sex.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He doesn't fit in a fleshlight. He's pretty embarrassed about the whole thing.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's over 40. Definitely has a pretty big body count. About 27 I'd say. (counting one-night stands) He finally found someone on whom he can use his knowledge on.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Spooning or the seashell.
When he spoons you he can put you in a chokehold, making you fight back a little. On the other hand, when he bends your legs you won't be able to fucking move.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Serious but not a nerd kinda serious. He just doesn't speak much.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps a solid bush on there. (He does make sure to clean it properly) It is not messy. He's got a little thicker happy trail. And he's a pretty brunet down there.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He can be pretty brutal both with his actions and with his words. Or he can be soft with both. It depends on both of your moods.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
This testosterone-filled man definitely jerks off. Even when you are around (Doesn't try to hide it)
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Being in control. I mean, can you blame him. He has the perfect body and occupation for it. Speaking of body.
Size difference. Again it just feels right.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He could fuck anywhere. Even tho he likes it the most from the safety of your bedroom he wouldn't mind a public bathroom or a friend's bedroom. He likes to be sneaky. Has never been caught once.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Do anything he's hard instantly. That's why he jerks off so much.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
If you want it he wants it. Except threesomes. He wants you for himself. Who could blame him when he has such a pretty thing only for him. Why would he share
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Receiving. He isn't bad at giving but he can use his hands and dick way better than his mought.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast and rough all the way. He loves to be in control and he's got all this raw strength and energy. Why not use it?
He also likes the slow and sensual. Both of you need a break sometimes.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He'd go for them more often, but he doesn't really want to bother you. Another reason for him jerking off a lot.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He’s always pulling you to the side, finding a place to make you take him. He is obsessed of holding the door to make sure no one gets in.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
This dude. Bruv can go as long as you can go. He will take you to the stars and back and it’ll take him only a minute to catch his breath.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Not a fan of them. He’d rather have you on his dick not some plastic. He doesn’t find much pleasure in them either.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Based on his mood.
He could play with you as he holds you down.
Or he could be quick about it.
He for sure doesn’t mind teasing you. Touching your thigh is his favourite way to do so.
V = Volume (how loud are they, what sounds they make, etc.)
He is dead silent. Sometimes it freaks you out. But if he finds out you enjoy the sounds he makes he will definitely try to add more of ‘em
Slight sighing when he lays his body on yours, little grunts and the occasional “fuck”
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He’s into stalking. It doesn’t matter of it’s you stalking him or the other way around. He loves the thrill.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
7.5 inches abnormaly thick. #e0ae82 base #ba7f68 tip. Slightly curved to the left.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Boy can go anywhere anytime. Public bathroom, bed, a random fucking room. He’s always thinking of it. Hard 24/7
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He likes to talk a bit afterwards but he will fall asleep like a baby right after he’s done.
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kana-de · 9 months
★ summary: scaramouche x fatui!fem!reader. you lost some important documents, and now he's giving you a punishment.
☆ cw: nsfw(?). drabble. this is either nsfw or really, really suggestive. spanking. mention of reader wearing a skirt. scara's a bit rough. idk what else to write, there's not much of anything else. 717 words.
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"speak." scaramouche's stern voice can be heard behind you.
you don't think you're able to talk right now.
you're settled ass up and bent over his knees, your skirt slid down to your ankles, your lacy panties still on - as if upon seeing the garment he decided that he'll keep it on for his advantage. your flushed face was hidden in the crook of your folded hands that rested on the bedhseets. you didn't have the strength to look back at him even once.
"i thought i said something." scaramouche spoke again, firmly spanking your red buttcheek once more - is this... fifth ot sixth time? you forgot to even count. you barely hold back a mewling gasp from the sharp pain that muffles by your position.
you knew your mistake, you know you did something wrong, and this was the punishment.
a perfect punishment, in fact. but an embarrassing one.
"i-i'm sorry!..." you mutter, head slightly tilting to the side for him to, at least, be able to hear you. "you know i really a- ah!.."
"i've heard that already." he hisses, his palm hitting another one of your asscheeks yet again to shut you up, hearing another small yelp that you couldn't hold back in time, his palm now rubbing the skin he had just hit. to prepare you for more or to comfort you - you couldn't know exactly. "didn't you say you'd be more responsible?"
"i- i did, but it was-"
"no buts." he cuts you off, and another skin slapping sound is heard as he speaks. you whine, starting to writhe, but his other hand grabs you under your belly and steadies your hip with a frim grip on it.
your face buries even more in the crook of your hands as you understand just how damp is the cloth of your panties. embarrassing.
"i only asked you to deliver some documents to pantalone. it's been two days. where are the documents, [name]?" he pronounces every word in a serious tone and with pauses, emphasizing every and each one.
he frowns when you don't reply.
"i. slap can't. slap hear. slap you. slap." scaramouche smacks your buttcheeks one by one, one spank after each word.
oh, how scara loves seeing the pink and irritated flesh on your ass go ripple after each time his palm spanks you. and gods he loves hearing your cute little mewls, whimpers and yelps every times he smacks your sensitive skin. and he doesn't even try to deny that now that he thinks about it, it's not a punishment anymore - he's doing all of this just for your reactions. and he damn well knows from the damp cloth of your panties you're enjoying this too, a little too much.
"i- i lost them, okay?!.. i just lost them!..." you raise your high-pitched voice a bit for him to be able to hear you properly, your head doesn't move from its position, your flushed face remains hidden in your hands and hair.
scaramouche goes silent. this is when you tense up.
"...repeat yourself." he says after a small pause, taking a deep breath and exhaling slowly. his palm laid flat on one of your rosy buttcheeks, as if warning you. you swallow.
"i... i lost the documents.." you mumble, now a bit more quietly. "l-look, they might be somewhere in my drawe- aah-!..mmn-"
"you little minx," he growls, grabbing a handful of your hair and yanking your head back to see your face. you yelp, hands coming to grab the bedsheets to keep steady, eyes focused on him, lips slightly parted. "i thought we've already talked about that, [name]."
"i know, i know, i-i'm sorry, scara!.." you say, eyebrows knit together in a sympathetic look. he knows damn well you absolutely love it when he pulls on your hair, so he tugs on your hair once more, making you face him and let out a small, shaky whimper.
"a simple "sorry" won't do it, and you know it." scaramouche leans in, lips hovering dangerously close to your ear, sending shivers down your spine immediately. he slaps his palm across your buttcheek again, reminding you who's in charge here.
"i hope those pretty lips of yours still remember how to beg properly, because you'll definitely need that knowledge right now."
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Can we get *ahem* anatomy (dick) headcanons? Like, bad dragon, inhuman vibes because we stan monster fuckers? I'm thirsty for everyone, so do your faves or something haha.
Yes, yes we do stan monster fuckers in this house. My faves you say? Have all the brothers because I'm feeling generous today.
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What their anatomy is like [AKA dick HCs]
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor
Genre: NSFW
Pronouns: GN [You/Your] for the most part. There are some sections that have headcanons that mention female anatomy, but they are marked with [AFAB], so you can avoid it if it makes you uncomfortable. 💕
CW: | Teratophilia | Explicit sexual content | Implied Poly!Reader in some sections |
Notes: This turned into an odd mixture of what their dicks look like and other general NSFW headcanons because I didn’t just want to plaster a link and go ‘this is what it looks like.’ It’s still centred around their anatomy, but there are other HCs mixed in. ☺️
Minors, DNI. NSFW content.
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Based off the Demogorgon dildo.
• Lucifer's cock is as gorgeous as it is intimidating. It's a pretty dark red colour that has a highlight of black over it, and with the pronounced curve and lovely texture, you'll get some very pleasant G-spot stimulation.
• The tip of his cock is rather large, so it will take quite a bit of preparation to properly take, but if you thought it would be smooth sailing from there, well you're just naive, huh? If you thought the tip was hard to take, you'll be in for a nasty surprise when you suddenly find yourself having a white-knuckle grip on the sheets when Lucifer bottoms out.
• Because holy fuck, the base of Lucifer's cock is huge, and at 9.5 inches and being amongst the largest of the seven brothers, you're going to be filled to the brim and won't be able to form a single coherent thought.
• And Lucifer can only smirk at your reactions because he knows. He knows that he looks good, he knows that he's big, and he knows that he's bruising you from the inside, and sadistic as he is, he loves watching you struggle to take him.
• Lucifer's cock practically throbs with excitement every time you scream out how much you love his cock, how big he is. It's his sin at work, but he will slow down and edge you until he can get you begging and whimpering those sweet words. He'll make sure you fuel his pride before he resumes fucking into you, and he's a very patient man, so he can do it all night if you want to be difficult.
• Lucifer is very warm. There's no particular reason or explanation as to why he's got this particular quirk with his anatomy, but his cock runs warmer than the rest of his body, and his pre-cum and cum even warmer — somewhat comparable to molten wax. It's actually great for stimulation, and it'll feel all the nicer if you're blindfolded to heighten your senses.
• And you best believe that Lucifer greatly enjoys depriving you of your senses, so he'll be using this part of him to his advantage.
• Another quirk of his is that when he's aroused, he shifts into his demon form. Lucifer doesn't necessarily mean to do it, but his instincts scream at him to do it. It has something to do with being at his most elegant-looking because the prideful demon in him wants him to make sure you'll be seduced. Kind of like his symbolic animal.
• He has quite the strong and imposing scent, so you best believe that other demons will know who fucked you so good that you can barely walk a straight line.
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Based off the Demon Dick dildo.
• In of itself, the shape of Mammon's cock is pretty standard when it comes to demons — mainly with the elongated, pointed and spade-like tip — but that doesn't make it any less impressive, being a good 8 inches in length with a pretty generous shaft in terms of girth, but all without being too uncomfortably large. His cock isn’t too odd of a colour when compared to his brothers. It follows his tan skin, though the tip is a faint, dark red colour, and his veins are pitch black.
• He’d rather kiss Lucifer’s shoes before admitting this out loud, but Mammon is actually rather insecure about his dick. He’s not overly fond of how seemingly… plain it is. Especially if you’ve been intimate with any of his brothers prior to him, he’ll worry that he won’t be able to live up to your expectations and seem mediocre in comparison. So, please praise and worship him — make Mammon understand that he’s perfect just the way he is.
• After he sees just how good he’s fucking you, how you’re drooling about how good his cock feels, his ego soars. He slides in so wonderfully, and you wrap around him so nicely that it feels like your hole was meant to take his, and only his cock. And as your first man, it drives him absolutely over the edge — of course you're meant for him.
• The thing is, being a higher-ranking demon, Mammon's anatomy does differ in a way that makes a huge difference in the pleasure you'll be receiving with him versus a regular demon. What he has that lessers don't, are tantalizing, scale-like ridges, running from the underside of his tip all the way to the base, as well as smooth yet prominent bumps running down his shaft.
• I can guarantee that Mammon will have no problem pulling orgasm after orgasm from you; the texture of his cock just hits all of the right spots. And honey, it’s a promise that he’ll make a mess out of you. It’s his mission to make sure you’re both covered in a mixture of both his and your cum.
• The ridges on the underside of his cock are very sensitive, so get on your knees for him and tease the scales with your tongue. He’ll come undone so beautifully for you. 💕
• [AFAB] Similarly, he loves getting a pussy job from you. Straddle his lap and let him grip your hips so that he can slowly guide your movements. He lives for the feeling of your slick pussy rubbing against the ridges, and on the flip side, having them glide against your clit will threaten to make you double over in pleasure.
• It won’t take too long for his insecurities to diminish, and you’ll be sure that he’s gonna be bragging about how much you love his cock.
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Based on the Orochi dildo.
• Oh, Levi. Sweet, awkward, easily-flustered, shy little Leviathan.
• Yeah, he's fucking hung. He's the perfect example of the shy, nerdy boy who's secretly got a monster cock trope — figuratively and literally.
• Out of the seven brothers, Levi is actually the second largest in terms of girth, beating Lucifer by just a bit. Sitting at a respectable 7 inches, no, he doesn't have the most length, but does he really need it when he has a thick, scaly and heavily textured cock as he does?
• Or two.
• No, you're not hallucinating, (Y/N), Levi has two cocks. Huh? But he only had one a few days ago? You'd be correct, but Levi will let you in on a little secret: he has a second cock sheathed beneath a little slit hidden within the pretty scales lining his pelvic area. He is a sea monster and a demon, after all.
• So, what are you in the mood for? Do you want a smooth ride? Maybe you're feeling a little lazy or worn out from your day and think you only have the energy to handle one cock? No problem. Or maybe you're feeling like an utter monster-fucking whore and want to be stuffed to the brim with two, fat demon cocks? Leviathan's got you.
• It did take a lot of courage for him to show you this part of him; he was pretty awkward about it and was persuaded that it’d scare you off and that you’d break up with this gross, worthless shut-in of an otaku with weird-looking di—
• Please don't tease him about his reptile-like anatomy. He's super insecure about it, but he does — slowly but surely — come to appreciate it more when he realizes just how much of a monster-fucker you are.
• What's not to love? His shaft is covered in smooth scales and lined with mouth-watering bends and curves, and add the thick, textured tip, and you've got one of the most unique monster-cocks you'll take. From the head to the base, he's a really pretty orange that fades into a gold colour.
• When you want to take both of his cocks, Levi is in a bit of a mental limbo. On one hand, can a human even take two at once? Especially if it's in the same hole?? He doesn't want to hurt you! But on the other hand... fuck, that's hot.
• He's come to realize that he has a huge kink for interspecies sex. So, seeing his human stuffed full of serpentine cock brings out the unhinged Grand Admiral of Hell's Navy in him.
• Loves having you suck on one while he jerks off the other. Getting to cum both in your mouth and on your face? Fuck yes. But be warned that Leviathan cums a lot. He has the heaviest loads among his brothers.
• One thing he loathes about his anatomy is that the scales on his cock(s) do shed every other month. You'll know when he's preparing to shed because he's constantly shifting uncomfortably because of how itchy he is, and he refuses to let you see him naked when in this state. The scales are so dull and ugly-looking — to him — and he doesn't want to gross you out.
• Eventually — with a lot of reassurance — he does let you see him while in shed, and yes, the scales are dull-looking, but that doesn't really matter, because you've both come to discover that being surrounded by your warmth helps calm the itch until the old scales are ready to come off.
• So, cockwarming the sea demon becomes a regular when he's in shed. It's a really intimate thing between the two of you, and it's honestly quite sweet, especially knowing that it's a really vulnerable moment for Levi.
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Based off the Austin dildo.
• At first glance, Satan’s cock seems pretty normal. Hell, it almost looks like humanoid anatomy, and if you’ve been intimate with any of his brothers before, this might make you raise a bit of an eyebrow. Like, it’s very nice looking and definitely looks like it’ll fit so nicely inside of you. After all, it is a good 8.5 inches with just the right amount of girth to feel amazing without causing any initial discomfort.
• Sure, he’s got some very nice ripples at the underside of his tip, but that was about the only non-human thing you could make out. Even in terms of colour, it’s the same colour as his skin tone.
• He fits inside of you so perfectly, so there’s really no reason to complain. Besides, are you really going to bitch to Satan that his cock isn’t ‘demonic’ enough for you? Just lay back, spread your legs and let him bottom out so that he can—
• Oh… oh he has a fucking knot.
• Surprise! Among the brothers, Satan is one to have a more animalistic type of anatomy, having the canine-like feature of a knot — a thick one at that. It’s a bit of a challenge to fit; it’ll stretch you quite a bit, and Satan will have to gently ease it into you to avoid too much discomfort.
• But once it’s in, and you’re properly stretched, well… let’s just say that Satan’s demon instincts will be getting the best of him, so prepare for a long night of screaming and climaxing.
• And yes, his knot does swell when he cums, so you’ll be locked in some cockwarming sessions between rounds. These will probably be the more romantic and intimate moments of sex with Satan because otherwise, Satan’s cock was meant to breed and fuck senseless.
• You’ll be walking — crawling — out of his room with bite marks and deep scratches littering your body, and maybe even bruises from areas that he gripped too hard. Whenever his knot swells, his claws and fangs just… come out — it’s an instinct. But don’t worry, Satan is so good, gentle and attentive with aftercare. You won’t hurt at all when he’s done with you. 💕
• Satan’s scent is the strongest amongst the brothers, and it’s a highly territorial scent. He doesn’t do it on purpose, it’s just how his body is during intercourse.
• Even if you’ve fully cleaned yourself, even days after you’ve had sex with him, everybody will be able to smell him on you. Everybody will know that you’ve been fucked by Satan. For a good two to three days, none of the brothers will fuck you because they can still smell the scent of Satan’s cum between your legs, even when you’re clothed, and they know better than to try anything. Seriously: Asmo got growled at, Mammon’s arm was nearly mauled one time, and he nearly jumped Belphegor. Even Lucifer doesn’t try anything until Satan’s smell naturally starts to dim.
• You know it’s intense when Lucifer won’t even bother. That’s enough to make Satan’s ego hit the ceiling.
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Based off the Lenneth dildo.
• One would think that a sex demon like Asmo would be well-endowed, but surprisingly, Asmo is the smallest of all the brothers. He’s sitting at 6.5 inches, and although his girth is above average for a human, by demon standards he’s rather average.
• But don’t worry about that, because that shit doesn’t matter. The Avatar of Lust can do things with his cock, so lacking in size in comparison to his brothers does not hinder his confidence whatsoever. He’s gorgeous, and he knows what he’s doing, so why would he be bothered?
• First, let’s establish just how pretty he is. He has a nice, long and pronounced head, and although his shaft is slim, it curves very nicely and can hit some amazing spots, and he’s very textured. He doesn’t have as many ridges as Mammon does at the underside, but Asmo does have a few of them. They’re less scale-like than Mammon and feel more like flesh. The tip is pink and fades into a very light purple at the base.
• What’s the most interesting about Asmo is that he has a lot of… perks. You see, he has extra glands in his system that allows him to secrete fluids similar to pre-cum of various effects during intercourse
• For example, he can secrete a type of pleasure-enhancing aphrodisiac. Doing so will make sure that all of your sweet spots become even more sensitive. The more of the aphrodisiac he secretes, the more sensitive you’ll become, and it can get to a point where it can be so torturous that the slightest puff of air between your legs will have you pulsing and whimpering.
• [AFAB] He loves leaking little drops of his aphrodisiac onto your clit and watch with a sly grin as you cum over and over from the slightest little movement before even getting to the main event. Whether it’s with slow strokes of his fingertips or tongues — yes, he has multiple — or by lightly tapping you with his cock, you’ll be fucked out before you even know what hit you.
• Other things he can do include increasing his or your fertility, but on the flip side, he can also produce a contraceptive liquid, making it safe for him to cum inside of you should it be a potential issue.
• With another type of aphrodisiac, he can make your sex drive go absolutely insane, meaning that you’ll be able to go for multiple earth-shattering orgasms without feeling your energy drop. In fact, the effects are so potent that you’ll be begging for him to make you cum on his cock over and over because ‘Asmo, it hurts, I need to cum so bad.’ He’ll get you so bothered that you’ll feel like you may die if he doesn’t rail you with that pretty cock of his.
• And in general, Asmo has the best technique of all his brothers, so he doesn’t need a monster-sized cock to have you fucked stupid. His cock just seemingly hits all of the right spots so effortlessly, and he’ll make sure that you’ll come crawling back to him after he’s done with you.
• Asmo can and will ruin everybody else for you. You’ll understand one of the core reasons why his fans love him so much.
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Based off the Hunter dildo.
• Oh boy. It's no secret that Beelzebub is a big guy, and yes, the same goes for his cock. The man doesn't even need to be naked or even hard for you to notice the sizable bulge in his pants. It's as if nothing can properly contain him.
• Being the largest of all the brothers — and can rival Diavolo himself — Beel is packing 10.5 inches of thick, heavy cock. Unless you have very large hands, you'll barely be able to wrap both of your hands around him. He really was crafted by God himself — muscular and absolutely blessed in every way possible.
• He's intimidating, that's for sure. Don't worry too much though, Beel is a gentle giant and will take his time making sure you're comfortable, relaxed and properly ready for him. He won't be mad at you if you can't fit all of him, because he's happy to be inside you, even if it's just the tip.
• Mention how big he is compared to you, and you'll have him flustered, because fuck, you look just so cute and tiny. Compare parts of yourself to his cock: your face, your forearms, your hands, etc — the size difference is actually insane, and he's all for it. As gentle as he is, he can't deny that he's eager to see the small, fragile human get destroyed.
• He loves seeing you suck on the tip of his cock, eagerly and desperately trying to fit more of him in your mouth. Watching you struggle just stirs something in his gut.
• Starting at the tip, Beel's cock is a light bronze but fades into a darker brown from the middle all the way down to the base. He's got it all, really — a nicely pointed and slightly curved tip, plates lining the top, curves in all the right places and breathtaking, large bumps lining his frenulum and base.
• He'll make sure that you cum multiple times before he even thinks of sliding inside of you — with his fingers, his mouth and even various dildos, using one larger than the last with every orgasm you have.
• Beel always uses extra lube, but no matter how much he does for you, the stretch is unavoidable. He'll take his time, and admittedly, Beel basks in the way merely entering you has your tongue lolling out and your eyes rolling back.
• He starts slow, but with his size, even with the slowest of thrusts you feel like your insides are getting pulverized, but fuck, he hits all the right spots so well. He's so large and perfectly textured that there's no area getting neglected.
• But when you're properly adjusted and begging him to go harder, you can pay your respects to your legs, because sweet baby Beel is gone, and demon lord Beelzebub is here.
• He'll make you grip the sheets so hard your knuckles will turn white, and you'll either be screaming or struggling to find your breath from the sheer size of him. No in between
• There's always a bulge in your stomach from his cock, and his palm will always be pressed up right against it.
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Based off the Chance dildo.
• Belphegor, along with Satan, has one of the more animalistic-looking dicks amongst the brothers and takes the expression of 'having a horse cock' to dangerously literal levels. The first time you were intimate, Belphie was admittedly worried that his anatomy would turn you off, frighten or gross you out. Even for demon standards, Belphie's anatomy was uncommon, so he couldn't even begin to imagine what you — a human — would think.
• Good thing that you're a monster fucker and absolutely fucking drooled when he shed his clothes, huh? That certainly helped his ego.
• Firstly, let’s establish that his cock, from the tip all the way down to his balls, is pitch black, except for a small group of splotches — similar to his cow-like spots on his shoulder — at the middle that are dark purple
• If his twin is the largest, then on the flip side, Belphegor has the most impressive length amongst the seven demon brothers, being a jaw-dropping 12.5 inches which actually makes him bigger than Beelzebub in terms of length. Just looking at the outline of his bulge trailing down his thigh is telling enough of what you're in for.
• If you catch this demon wearing only sweats and no boxers, well... try not to stare between his legs too much. Or do. Belphie doesn't mind. He'll put on a little show for you if he's feeling generous. Or he'll call you out for being a little whore, especially if his brothers are nearby.
• He may not have the most girth, but Belphegor doesn't even need it to make an incoherent mess out of you. You're in for a lot of depth play, and it will take quite the effort for you to take all of him. And honestly? Seeing you squirm and whimpering how 'it's too deep, Belphie,' as he bottoms out? That just makes him harder.
• The tip of his cock is naturally rather wide, but when aroused, it flares and grows in size, and the shape of it will assure that every single little sweet spot of yours gets abused — every single spot, at every angle, over and over again. It's definitely the hardest part of him to fit inside of you, and you may need extra lube and prep to lessen the initial discomfort, but once it's in, and you're properly adjusted, it's a pretty smooth ride.
• He's veiny from top to bottom, and they are prominent, adding all the more texture that will never fail to have you wonderfully fucked out. Add the bulging ring in the middle of his shaft, and you can only imagine the myriad of sensations he'll be providing. So yeah, girth? Doesn't need it.
• Belphie loves having you ride him — whether you're front facing so that he can play with your chest, or in reverse so that he can smack your ass as you bounce, he doesn't care. While this does stem from his laziness, it's also to let you get comfortable at your own pace; taking a monster-length cock can be uncomfortable, so unless you explicitly state you want him to pound into you, he'll let you take him as you please.
• But be warned, if you do ask Belphegor to do so, be prepared to feel his cock rail the deepest parts of you. He’ll push your legs against your chest and fuck you like a sadistic demon in heat. He'll rearrange your insides with no mercy shown unless you yell out a safe word, and he will knock the wind out of you with every single thrust and pull streams of tears from you. That's a promise.
• [AFAB] Although it's not physically possible for a human, Belphie can and will fuck so deep into you that it'll feel like he's gonna breach and breed your womb.
• Now, who wants to get double-stuffed by the twins? Belphie might just share with Beel.
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I hope you liked these!
Also, what do you think of Levi’s section? I know some like him with one, and some like him with two. I know I like reading fics with either option, so I said ‘fuck it, I’m grabbing those two HCs, mashing them up together, and this is their love child.’
I struggled the most to find ideas for Satan and Lucifer, but I think they came out alright?
Who’s your favourite? I know my bias tends to come through for Belphie and Levi, so I don’t think I need to say it haha.
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omegalomania · 1 year
OKAY SO for the record store listening parties there was some prerecorded commentary by patrick and i don't remember all of what he said but i'm gonna try and list everything i can remember for those who didn't/couldn't make it! there will be NO ALBUM SPOILERS in this post other than to say it's really really really fucking good and i can't wait to shove the whole thing down my facehole properly when it comes out next week.
it wasn't a track by track commentary but there were a couple breaks between songs for him to talk and this is what i recall best:
when introducing the album patrick did the whole "so like, i know we're supposed to say we're proud of it. but we ARE. it was a group effort and i hope you guys like it :)"
before "hold me like a grudge" he said went on a big long ramble about "okay so i KNOW i said that other side was the last song we wrote before the record was done but that was actually wrong. this song was the last one to be added because i was driving home and i got a text of some lyrics from pete and i started writing the song at stoplights DONT DO THIS BY THE WAY and by the time i got home the song was done in my head DO NOT DO THIS DO NOT WRITE WHILE YOU DRIVE and then i called neal and said can we please please please add this one please and he said sure"
the point is that hold me like a grudge was the last song to make the album though
there was one track, i won't spoil which one, where he said he worked super hard to play all the brass parts in the studio and then after he got done doing that they got an Actual Orchestra to play the brass parts and it was like professionals doing this at their studio and patrick was like "well. all right then!!!!"
another track (again, not saying which) had a piano part that he played and was really nervous about but he said neal got the best possible performance out of him!
there was one track he called his baby that he fought extra hard to keep on the record and i DON'T remember which one EDIT: It was "what a time to be alive"!!
during one song (i can't recall which) he talks about how andy had to switch drumkits mid-song specifically to go harder on certain sections
there was one song where he talked about how it was written before the pandemic but it ended up being weirdly clairvoyant lyrically. only he says that it was very "prescient" and then stumbles over the word "prescient" and confesses he doesn't know how it's pronounced because he's only seen and read it in print.
after the record was done he was like "so that was the record! and i hope you guys liked it. and if you didn't then um we have other records that you can listen to. instead. if you want to."
also a long ramble about how grateful he was for the fans and how it means the world that they can inspire anyone at all. he said that pete says it all the time but it's still true that the fans are everything to them. he mentioned not ever getting used to being a real big band like this and if he can do it then anyone can. "if my stupid face can make it on a teen magazine then so can yours!"
anyway bottom line patrick is a fucking nerd and it was so so so endearing to hear him talk about this record
if anyone remembers anything else that he said that i left out feel free to add but please no spoilers for the album itself! you can make your own posts for that and i just wanted to give a rundown for people who weren't able to attend a listening party <3
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ilovebokutokoutaro · 1 year
Hyunjin x reader
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Warnings: blood, angst, addiction, drinking, abusive, not proofread and angst
Overview: as hyunjin's addiction to alcohol grow so did the space between him and his girlfriend.
"y/nnnnn" he slurred barely able to keep his eyes open as he was dragged home by his friend....again. He drank..again after promising you with his life not to. But here you were standing with the door wide open as his friend dragged your half asleep boyfriend and put him on the couch with a loud oof.
"babbyyyy" he whined loud and you sighed, the dull ache that has settled in you heart ever since his addiction became worse increasing to the point your breathing naturally turned into silent gasps of air and loud puffs of exhale.
"thank you chan.." you smiled and he gave you a pained smile having encountered hyunjin crying a lot more times over your fights about his addiction than he had realised, the exhaustion was so visible in your eyes at this point that you couldn't even try to hide it anymore.
And as you watched chan driving his way out again...the 4th time this week you feared this was almost all you could endure, confirming it when hyunjin dropped his weight on you with a backhug.
"i love drinkingg~ it takes all the pain away y/nn" he confessed and you sucked in a sharp breathe tears bubbling up in your eyes for the nth time when you realised nothing you could ever do would ever be enough for him to try to leave his unhealthy obsession with drinking.
You looked up trying to stop the tears as if looking up would suck them right in and gasped softly with every breathe as he mumbled how he'd never stop drinking and how good he felt when he drank how NOTHING could compare to the relief he feels with his drinks, failing to suck the tears in as they fell right through your eyes.
"you need to sleep hyunjin" you muttered trying to keep the tremble in your voice to the bare minimum and hyunjin froze behind you. "No." He uttered sounding completely sober all of a sudden. "Please" you whimpered as his words pierced right through your chest.
"why are you like this?!" He asked rather aggressively as he pushed himself off of you, stumbling a few steps back and you shut your eyes trying to stop your brain from registering anything because you could feel the rage bubbling up rather soon.
"why....why am i like what?" You asked pretending to be as calm as you could. "Like this! Ruining everything for me....you- i- y/n you make my life so miserable i was so happy but you just had to mention i need to sleep so i could get those terrible nightmares so i won't be happy anymore. You want me to always be- upset don't you?!" He accused and you chuckled turning to face him.
"you don't realise what you're saying hyunj-" you started but he let put a loud yell, "NO! No i get it i get it you're- you want me to always be sad so I'll be with you- so I'll follow you around like a abused puppy SO YOU CAN KEEP ME ALL TO YOURSELF- YOU'RE SO SO SELFISH Y/N" he yelled and you couldn't stop the way your vision suddenly got blurry, how the wetness on your cheeks increased to the point you couldn't see even if you blinked all the tears away.
"how could you-" you sobbed "HOW AM I SELFISH WHEN ALL YOU DO IS DROWN IN ALCOHOL WHEN I GET TO SEE YOU ONLY AT NIGHT WHEN YOU'RE SO HIGH YOU CAN'T EVEN PRONOUNCE MY NAME PROPERLY OR WHEN- OR WHEN YOU'RE SO SOUND ASLEEP STINKING OF ALCOHOL ON THE COUCH EVERY OTHER DAY, WHEN ALL YOU DO IS TELL ME HOW I'LL...never be enough..how hyunjin how the actual fuck am i the selfish one!?" You sobbed and it agitated hyunjin more than it should've.
"that's what i said, you only want me to leave the only escape I've because you only want me to yourself!!" He cried and you felt your knees getting weaker but he didn't stop, he didn't stop as he uttered the cruelest words you've ever encountered, how he told you "i was not happy ever untill i found how to get myself high! And you want to take that away too...you YOU WANT TO TAKE THAT AWAY TOO!" he screamed, punching the glass of the small table that he gifted you for your 2nd anniversary, knowing how much you liked home decor.
And he continued shattering everything in his sight along with your heart. Pieces that won't join together with the sorry's you know he'll utter the next morning.
Your heart felt like it had been ripped out as the only thing you did for his 2 hour tantrum was sob into your hands, trying to fix yourself enough to at least walk out of the house.
And before you knew, your sobs were the only thing echoing in the house, the room scattered with broken pieces of everything you collected and he gifted to you, with him passed out near the couch with bloody hands.
And you couldn't help as you walked slowly to your room grabbing your phone to call your best friend. "Please come pick me up" your voice was hoarse and she didn't ask for anything else as she sucked in a sharp breathe and answered a small okay.
With the time you had as she came you grabbed a first aid box, patching up your lovers bloody hands as you kissed him a last goodbye with a small note before walking out of his life for good.
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The light blinded hyunjin as a splitting headache that he was too used to made him feel too dizzy to sit up. And as he took in the fact that he was in fact drowing with the stench of alcohol again suddenly all the hangover rushed down panic settling in his heart as he remembered the way he had promised you not 2 days ago to quit it for good when you had sobbed out all the insecurities in his arms.
"Shit! Shit! Fucking hell!" He cussed as he tried to stand up, hands burning the moment he settled them down to push himself up, "ugh!" He groaned as he sat up, looking at his hands then the mess the room was in and a the haunting reality of yesterday slowly burned up in his mind, hazy but enough to make him realise he has fucked all of it up.
"Y/N!" He cried hoping he'd get an answer back but the silence was more haunting than he had realised. "No no please" he cried, the anxiety making him want to throw up, "no!" He cried as he read the small note you had left for him.
"I'll come back to get my stuff soon, if you're wondering why because you can't remember anything i hope your hands and the mess in the room explains it all. Thank you for everything hyunjin...."
And the way a few words were smudged he could tell you had cried and the sudden blurred vision had him realising he too was in fact crying, hard.
The reality of everything sinking in fast as he came to terms with everything he had ruined, said the worst things he could to you after promising to love you till the end of world. And here he was sobbing loud because he knew you wouldn't come back again...he did not deserve it either way. The only hope he held in his life walked right out because he made her believe she was the worst person he could have. It was all his fault and he realised he had a knack for drowning in damaging liquid, first alcohol, now tears.
Why am i so obsessed with break up ff nowadays😭😭 anyway hope you enjoy....the tears hahahahahaha.
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abiiors · 1 year
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for someone who adores hurt/comfort i don't write nearly enough of them.
vague descriptions of anxiety and panic attacks
wc: 2.2k
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You’re stuck in a liminal space. 
The airport is bustling and empty at the same time, people are loud and quiet. The lights around you are too strong, too bright. Spanish conversations fly all around you and right through you.
Your stay in Mexico has come to an end. 
Stay…as if it was any more than 24 hours. 
You don’t know how long you haven’t blinked in; your eyes burn, your head throbs in rhythm with the bouncing of your knees. Everything is too much and not enough at the same time. 
‘Coffee, love?’ Adam towers over you, extending the second styrofoam cup in his hands toward you. He looks just as exhausted as you feel; the bags under his eyes are purple and pronounced, his shoulders look droopy like he can’t wait to just crumble into himself. And it makes sense. The boys (and you by extension) have travelled practically all across South America in a matter of days. And between all the performances and the heat, you feel like you haven’t gotten any real sleep in at least a month.
‘Thanks,’ you accept it gratefully. Your third cup for the evening, should you even be drinking it? It doesn’t matter because it’s nice to have your hands and mouth occupied. If nothing else, the coffee might make the pounding headache go away. 
Unfortunately, it does no such thing because it’s just weak bean water. Both you and Adam sit side by side, not talking and barely even interacting. You want to ask him where your boyfriend is along with the rest of your friends. Matty and Polly have long since curled up on some of the reclining chairs, you suspect Ross and George are off for a smoke with the others. And that leaves you with Adam who’s on the brink of falling asleep himself. 
One more hour till boarding starts.
You try to close your eyes, try to get at least an hour of broken sleep but the weird rhythm of your heart won't let you relax. So instead you go back to staring at nothing and bouncing your knee up and down. The ebb and flow of the pounding in your head is the only constant companion.
Ross’s hand is warm on your back as he guides you to your seat. Your entire body feels heavy; heavier than it has felt all day. There’s pressure on your chest and the out-of-rhythm beat of your heart doesn’t help matters. 
His eyes are already fluttering shut even while he stands upright. The rest of the boys are in no different state and your heart breaks for them. So you can’t exactly blame Ross when he passes out as soon as he gets into his sit. His massive body is sprawled out, legs stretched out as much as his seat allows him to. There are tired lines on his face; it has been a long month, longer still for you because you haven’t been able to sleep properly in the last few days and now as you prepare yourself for a 38 hour long journey, you regret not getting proper rest. 
Nothing that can be done now, unfortunately. 
The cabin crew do their usual safety demonstrations that barely anyone pays attention to and the plane starts to taxi. 
The thought of being stuck in the air like this for hours upon hours before going through the whole process all over again for the connecting flight is absolutely terrifying. Just thinking about it deepens the pit in your gut and now with almost everyone around you passed out from exhaustion, there’s no one who will stay up with you to calm you down. 
The plane tilts as the front wheels lift up. You’ve never been one to be scared of flying, it’s usually a very normal, generic experience but the shit combination of exhaustion and anxiety and panic has your stomach churning. 
So you dash to the bathroom as soon as the seatbelt sign is off. 
The weak, disgusting coffee from before sloshes in your stomach along with the remnants of whatever pathetic dinner you had the night before (a panini? Some pasta? You can’t exactly remember). You kneel in front of the toilet, waiting for something to come up but the only thing that’s constant is the hum of the plane and the thudding of your heart. And then the tears begin. 
This is so pathetic, so so childish and immature. Everyone has had the same rough few days, the band more so than the others. And yet the only person currently crying in the bathroom is you. 
With renewed annoyance, you roughly wipe at your eyes and your nose with your sleeve. You just need to wash your face and get some sleep. You just need to suck it up and deal with it. Yet the panic and nausea don’t subside. 
After a while the disgusting reality of being sat on the floor hits and you scramble fast to close the lid and sit on it. There’s no way you can face your friends right now and on the off chance that anyone is awake at this point, you don’t want to explain why you can’t seem to get a deep enough breath. So you just grip the sink tightly and fight to get things under control. 
Which is how Adam walks in on you in the bathroom sobbing your eyes out. 
There’s the initial shock and the apologies that follow when he thinks he’s just walked in on you on the toilet. But it only takes him a second to realise that’s not the case. That you’re in here hiding from the rest of them. 
‘Hey…’ he speaks gently and tries to crouch in front of you but the bathroom barely has space for it. ‘Love, what’s the matter?’
‘I don’t—sorry,’ you sob out as you try to maintain some control, ‘sorry, I’m okay, I’m fine. Just give me a minute.’
He buys none of it. Mostly because he’s not stupid enough to believe you’re fine while you’re sobbing your eyes out right in front of him. 
‘Do you want me to call Ross—’
‘No, don’t!’ you burst out, startling him a little bit. ‘I mean…he’s tired, you’re all tired. Don’t wake him up…’
Adam tuts in pity as your voice breaks on the last word. It’s so clear to him that you need your boyfriend but he knows you won’t put your needs before anyone else’s. That’s always been your best and your worst quality. 
‘You’re tired too,’ he points out and you can only shrug your shoulders. 
‘I just need to relax. I’ll get over it, Adam, I promise.’
He doesn’t look like he believes your watery smile for one minute but he nods once and closes the door on his way out. 
Left alone in the silence of the bathroom, your heart squeezes once again. You would have liked the company and now surrounded by the faint whirring of the plane, you can’t help but let more tears slip. Your breath comes out in sharp, short bursts as you try to get things under control. It’s only fourteen more hours, only fourteen more…if you could just breathe through it and close your eyes and just sleep a little…
Ross’s voice is soft and sleepy as he dwarfs the entrance to the bathroom. In his disoriented state, it takes him a good second to figure out the sight in front of him. Even after Adam woke him up and asked him to check on you, he didn’t realise it would be his bad. He didn’t expect to find you on the verge of a panic attack. 
He almost goes through the motions on autopilot; running to you and scooping you up in his arms while shushing you. If Adam couldn’t fit into the bathroom with you then there’s no way Ross can…and the door stays awkwardly open. Fortunately, your cries are a bit muffled by his shirt. 
Even his hand rubbing your back in soothing circles only does so much to calm you down until eventually, you feel Ross breathing deeply next to you. You know it’s his way of getting you to mirror him and it has worked countless times in the past. So you force yourself to try and match him. 
It goes just as expected at first; deep breaths that turn into panicked and choked gasps halfway through. And yet every time there’s a setback he shushes you and patiently starts all over again. His grip on your shoulders is gentle yet firm each time he takes an exaggerated breath and slowly but surely, your blurry vision starts to clear and the fist around your heart loosens its hold. 
‘Should we try going back to the seat?’ he searches your eyes for any more signs of an impending panic attack while he waits for an answer. When you nod, he wraps an arm around you and gently ushers you back to your seats. 
Once again you’re aware of how warm and loving his hand feels on your back, something that grounds you further before he hands you a bottle of water to sip on. 
‘Why didn’t you wake me up, love?’ his hand rests on your knee, fingers moving in soothing shapes that tickle and distract you from the headache that’s intensifying. ‘Come on, talk to me.’
‘You were so tired…’ you confess in a small voice, ‘I didn’t want to be a bother…’
All he has to do is tut and give you a look before everything else comes spilling out. 
‘I don’t feel well,’ you admit to him like a child; shaking your head and biting your lip to stop it from wobbling. ‘I feel so anxious and tired and nauseous. Everything feels off, it’s like I’m so exhausted but I can’t sleep,’ another small sniffle, ‘I just want to sleep.’
He listens patiently until you’re done listing off everything that’s wrong. And at the moment, thirty thousand feet above in the air, it does rather seem like everything is wrong with the world. 
Except…except maybe when Ross moves his hands to gently comb your hair back. The last thing you see is a frown on his tired face before your eyes flutter shut. His fingers move through your hair again and again, nails gently scraping on your scalp, applying just the perfect amount of pressure. And for the first time in days, a sense of calm descends over you. 
‘That looks like it feels good, love,’ he whispers softly after a bit and you reply with a small hmm. Because it does feel absolutely magical. 
Maybe it’s not the ultimate cure for the anxiety you have been feeling but it’s certainly the best thing you’ve felt in the last few days. 
‘How about we try to sleep, yeah? I know you said you can’t but I'll play with your hair for a bit. Does that sound good?’
‘It does. But…’ you hesitate a bit, ‘you’re tired too. I don’t want you staying up for me.’
‘Who says I’m staying up?’ he replies instantly and pulls you into him as much as the reclining seat allows, ‘we are both taking a nap.’
He laughs a little at that. ‘Now unfortunately I can’t serenade you without getting dirty looks,’ he jokes, ‘but we can cuddle…well, as much as these seats allow us to.’
‘Oh you were planning on serenading me?’ you giggle lightly and immediately get shushed by someone in the back. That however makes you both erupt into silent laughter; shoulders shaking and hands pressed tightly to your mouths like children who have sneakily stayed up way past their bedtime. 
‘Okay okay,’ he takes a deep breath and presses a small kiss to the crown of your hair, ‘close your eyes and take a deep breath for me.’
You do as he says, relaxing a little more when a whiff of his (somehow still fresh) cologne hits you. The pressure of your chest lingers still but it’s nowhere near as prevalent as before and now you just feel stupid for not telling him sooner. 
But now is not the time to overthink and dwell on that as you finally, finally feel yourself getting sleepier and starting to yawn. You could cry with relief at how good it feels to have him play with your hair and to have him lull you to sleep. 
‘Hmm?’ he answers sleepily. 
‘Thank you. So so much.’
He’s quiet for a whole minute and if it weren’t for his moving fingers, you would have been sure that he’s fallen asleep. ‘I can think of a few ways you can thank me,’ he replies in a quiet, suggestive voice, ‘tomorrow.’
‘Oh my god, ROSS!’ you slap at his thigh which makes him burst out laughing for three whole seconds before you’re slapping your hand on his mouth. 
Another annoyed grumble. This time it’s undeniably George. 
‘I meant you could buy me dinner. It’s not my fault your mind’s in the gutter!’
You roll your eyes at him and snuggle into his chest once again. ‘Sure you did love, sure you did.’
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dairy-farmer · 4 months
Based off that ask about multiverse shenanigans, I can't help but wonder: what IF Tim got pregnant during those encounters?
I can see either Tim popping out babies like clockwork with no idea which version of Bruce/Dick/Kon/Jason/Clark/whoever is the father
OR, for a more BruTim focus:
I can easily see Tim getting knocked up after a gangbang consisting of multiple Bruce's. He comes out of it pregnant and his Bruce tries to stay professional, tries to be the adult, the parent in this situation (bc Tim is still so small, his 14th birthday still a few months away and he already has a little bump that's just making him bigger and more ungainly ~~and more beautiful~~ as time goes by) and be concerned for Tim in a practical /familial/ way, but he can't help it. Tim is getting rounded and heavier bc he's full of a baby. Not just anyone's baby, but BRUCE'S baby. And sure, he wasn't the one to fuck the baby into Tim's sweet little pussy, but the DNA tests won't be able to differentiate that. As far as most anyone knows, Bruce will be this baby's father (they keep that on the down low tho, ofc, bc they don't want to face actual legal trouble) on a purely biological level
He tries so hard not to give in to his lust for Tim, but it's harder and harder with each passing day, watching Tim fill out, his tits fatten up and his curves become more pronounced, his body softening from pregnancy and motherhood. He caves when Tim is practically begging to be fucked, so horny from the pregnancy and the months he spent getting fucked by multiverse travelers (they shut that doorway down pretty quick so Tim hasn't been gangbanged in way too long). So Bruce agrees, but only bc he's helping his pregnant son, not wanting to stress him out
It's a one and done deal. Or so Bruce tries to convince himself. But then they're fucking once a week, twice a week, once a day, once in the morning and again at night. It becomes a habit, an addiction, a routine. Tim loves it and Bruce does too, tho he tries to deny it
By the end of the pregnancy, when Bruce fucks Tim into labor, Bruce has finally come to the realization that he can't quit this, can't quit Tim and his sweet, tight, baby making pussy. So he doesn't. Two months postpartum, Bruce is holding Tim down in bed, pussy up in the air and his face pressed into the mattress to muffle his cries of pleasure as Bruce fucks him deeply
"you're such a little slut, Tim" Bruce says, voice seemingly unaffected from the fucking as he pounds into Tim with a wet slap on every thrust. "It won't be long before you're pregnant again, getting big and heavy with a baby. But who knows who you'll have slept with by then? You got lucky with your first baby, OUR baby. It will be so humiliating, so shameful when people see how often you open your legs for anyone and pop out whatever babies result from it" Tim cums hard on his cock and Bruce holds back on cumming for now, wanting to fuck another orgasm out of Tim
"it only makes sense that I be the one to knock you up again. And again, and again, and again. Bc even tho you'll still be a whore, a little baby making machine, at least all of your kids will have the same two parents" with that he finally cums deep inside of Tim, and yes, they do end up pregnant again
Tim doesn't stay Robin for long, no no, he's never between pregnancies long enough to get cleared for training by his doctor let alone going on actual patrol. But Tim and Bruce find that they like it that way, Tim perpetually pregnant with more and more of Bruce's babies, filling the Manor with little footsteps and giggling voices
And if Bruce opens the multiverse portal during Tim's pregnancies so he can be properly satisfied like the little slut he is? Well, so long as Bruce is the one to knock Tim up, he doesn't mind much at all
😍😍😍😍😍😍 bruce trying to take care of tim and all his needs!!!!! the way that he ultimatly gives into his desires because being greeted by the sight of tim pregnant with his baby just slowly eroded away at his resolve. bruce also has to deal with the knowledge that tim is absolutely attracted to him. that he was willing to fuck multiple versions of bruce whose morality were much grayer than his so that they would give into their desires to fuck tim. even when they're all gone tim's desire doesn't waver the slightest bit and so bruce is tortured by the sound of tim fucking himself on a toy (and where did he get that??? did one of the bruces give it to him) while whining for bruce. tim grows rounder with his baby and bruce can no longer halt the mutual attraction he feels for tim who wants so badly to be fucked because being full of bruce's baby have made him sooo horny 🥺🥺🥺🥺!!!
just tim being so unashamed in his attraction and bruce ultimately letting the floodgates open and finally fucking tim.
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jaozendry · 1 year
"Why would you do this to yourself?"
Pairing: Robby Keene x GN!Reader
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Type: Angst
Warnings: drinking, self-harm, blood, knives, mild-swearing
Summary: Robby finds you in a pitiful state after your breakup and tries to make you feel better.
"Y/N? What happened here?" Robby asks, opening the door to your mess of an apartment.
It's been two weeks since the two of you broke up. Since then, you've been drinking to try to forget it, and... self-harming to go through the pain. Robby went to go live with his father in the meanwhile and left the apartment to you. Little did he know, leaving you all by yourself might've been the worst mistake of his life.
Robby comes back to your apartment to check up on you since he's still paying for the bills. Deep inside, he's not just here for your half of rent: he wants to see you. He misses you, he still loves you but he won't admit it. Letting out his feelings through words has never been his strong suit. He's worried about you.
He finds you on the bathroom floor, bleeding profusely from the wrist. "Holy shit, Y/N! You okay?!" he asks, rushing towards you. "What happened?!" he asks again, stopping the bleeding with a towel. He notices the knife you used on the counter, obviously bloodied. "We talked about this..." he tells you, sighing. "I'm sorry." you sob while Robby cleans your wound to heal it. "Don't be sorry." he sighs, searching for plasters in the curtains. "Why would you do this to yourself?" he asks you, healing the cut. You remain silent while he shakes his head.
"Can you stand?" he asks, reaching out his hand. You nod in agreement. "Come on, let's sit you down." You struggle to stand, much to his surprise. "You were drinking again..." he tells you, taking your hand and helping you up.
The both of you head to the living room. Robby had to help you out a lot, given your pitiful condition. You were struggling to walk properly, which made his heart skip a beat. He thought you were going to fall at any moment and worsen your condition.
While you sit down on the couch with a pillow, Robby takes the empty bottles of alcohol on the table to throw them out, as well as the unopened ones in the fridge. "What are you doing?" you ask him, barely able to pronounce a word. "Taking away your drinks. It's bad for you; look in the mirror right now." he explains, putting the bottles in a plastic bag. "You're not my dad-" He interrupts you: "There's no discussing it." he snaps. He immediately calms down and sighs. "Sorry."
He sits down next to you on the couch, holding your hand. "Talk to me." You can see the sincerity and concern in his beautiful eyes. "Is it because of the breakup?" he asks while tears dwell up in your eyes. "Yeah." you reply, your voice breaking. "I just... miss you." His grasp on your hand tightens firmly. "I know." he adds, crying softly as well. "But... I'm still not ready to commit to a relationship. I'm sorry. I just have a lot on my mind." he explains. "I know, it's fine."
His voice starts breaking. "No, I know it's not. You're drinking yourself to an early grave and cutting yourself until you bleed out. It's not fine, Y/N." You look at him with teary eyes, realizing he still cares. "I never stopped caring about you, even after the breakup. You're still precious to me... you always will be, Y/N. You helped me at my lowest, let me help you." He wipes away the tears from your eyes. "Thanks, Robby." He caresses your face softly. "I don't want you to end up like my dad because of me. Drinking your life away, being drunk all the time, just being sad and pathetic." he says, earning a little laugh from you. "He got better now, you can too." he adds, kissing your forehead.
"Let me get you something to eat." he says, standing up and going through your fridge. "Here, you had some pizza in your fridge. Also water." he says, smiling. You giggle. "Thanks." you reply softly. He sits down next to you once more and eats with you. He sighs out of relief.
"I still love you, Y/N. And I still care about you."
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rowretro · 4 months
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WARNINGS: none I know of, sensitive themes, possibly dying babies? if ykwim
✧tag list✧:@chlorinecake @nikisdubblchococake @enhypensccstarlight @sunghoonsbeautymark @strawbsj @who-tf-soddhi (pls tell me if i'm missing any tags)
5 years had passed since the incident. Riki sighed, Kyle standing directly in front of him, Riki played with his hair, a small pout on his lips, not wanting to let go of the little boy, though he has to go to school. "Kyle... when you go to school... make sure you listen to the teacher" Riki warned as the boy grinned "I won't listen~" he cooed as Riki frowned "Don't cause any trouble" he sternly added, but the little boy giggled "I will cause lots of trouble" Kyle smiled as Riki sighed, bending down to the 5 year old's height.
"Daddy's going to miss you littlun... but it's ok because I 'll be happy knowing you're having fun on your first day at school" Riki added with a smile, making sure the sound proof headphones were safely in his school bag. "Kywe will miss daddy too" the baby added, barely being able to pronounce his words properly, which made him sound extremely adorable.
With a final hug, the tiny boy ran inside the school building, immediately being met with more kids his age, and smiley, sweet teachers. Riki randomly started crying when he saw the boy go in, and Heeseung laughed at him. "Please even Y/n wouldn't cry over something like this" He teased as Riki smacked his shoulder "Speaking of y/n... we need to go visit her..." Riki trailed off, his face showing just how troubled he was feeling..
Oh how much god loved reminding Riki the pain of losing a loved one, all those death scares. Riki arrived at the hospital, and there through the window, he saw her, sat by the baby incubator, a small pout on her lips as she fell asleep. "She stayed overnight again?..." Heeseung asked as Riki nodded. "She refuses to leave the baby's side... the doctor told us we should be expecting bad news Hee..." Riki trailed off as he tried to hold back the tears that dared to fall.
He wore the necessary protective wear as he stepped into the room, standing just by the baby. Y/n fluttered her eyelashes, having been awaken by the presence beside her. "Riki?... how was Kyle? he went to school right?" she asked as Riki gave her a warm smile "He was so excited about it, didn't even throw a tantrum" Riki said as y/n smiled back at him. "The doctor said we can start talking to the baby..." she added, staring up at Riki with hopeful eyes.
It's been 2 weeks since the babygirl was born, and y/n never even got the chance to hold her. There hasn't been a day she didn't cry. Riki barely ever went in the room, he didn't want to break down before her, wanting to stay strong for her and the baby. He glanced at the small little baby girl, safe in the incubator, how fragile she looked, so innocent and sleeping oh so peacefully, not a care in the world, and no fear for what may happen, he turned to y/n, that same innocence, and hopefulness...
Hesitant, he approached th incubator, his hands in the 2 holes, which already, safely, gloved his hand, which only barely touched the baby. "sweetie..." he trailed off, staring down at the baby, "You may feel comfortable in there my little one, but trust me, out here, you have a better world, way more comfortable, a life of fun, and seeing how you're fighting now, something tells me you will make a pro mob boss in the future" Riki said as y/n frowned at him.
Riki chuckled softly, "Well mommy doesn't want that but its ok. You have a mommy, daddy and an excited brother waiting for you back home sweetheart" Riki said with a smile, pulling his hands out softly, as he went to y/n and Hugged her. "Yeseol..." y/n said, hugging him softly "hmm?" Riki asked, a little confused. "Let's name her Yeseol" y/n said staring up at him as he smiled, hugging him. "That's a pretty name for our pretty girl darling" Riki said with a smile.
TO THOSE OF U WHO LIKE THIS SERIES, Im starting another series quite simillar to this, n yes its a riki one bcoz im crazy over him pls.
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incomescrane · 4 months
random AWII thoughts after finishing Final Draft
or: the ramblings of someone who’s thought about this game way too much. Lore, speculations, and silliness under the cut.
Both endings bug me a bit in terms of how Saga acts towards Alan. Now I’m not going to blame her too much- the stress of what the story is doing to her family is enough to make anyone break, and my girl stays strong in the face of all that. But I do think she was a bit too quick to judge him and assume he wrote those details himself, as opposed to the Dark Place filling them in when she was edited into the story (making up a cause to fit the effect, etc etc).
Following that: Saga is probably critical of Alan because she thinks existing and moving through the Dark Place is as easy for him as it is for her- moreso maybe, since he's been there for 13 years and should be experienced. In reality it's the complete opposite.
Exhibit A: After she's thrown in she experiences the same fragmenting Alan does in the Signal + Writer DLCs, but is able to break out of it easily because she has her Mind Place. She confronts her doubts and insecurities without them manifesting in the Dark Place and actually attacking her in the shape of barrels and tires with annoying physics.
Exhibit B: When she meets Breaker and get the page about Door traversing the Dark Place, Tim mentions he followed the instructions but wasn't able to follow the path, meaning the rules Alan follows actually exist and are not self-imposed. Alan had to write the first draft of Initiation to be able to go through Caldera Street Station and arrive at Parliament Tower. If the story doesn't make sense, reality won't shift. Saga in the meantime is able to will the door to take her where she wants to go, because she is a Door. 
TLDR: Saga’s a superwoman genetically engineered to be able to survive the Dark Place.
Alan’s cheeks look very pinchable. I made this known at every possible opportunity to my friends, who I was streaming the game for.
We are now up to 3 types of people with powers: Parautilitarians (can bind and use OoPs, manifest various effects), Seers (can access and make use of a space they manifest in their minds), and what I’m gonna call Plane shifters (like Door and Ahti, can traverse planes of existence with ease). Granted Ahti might just be a straight up god but who knows, the Remedyverse is complex.
I don’t know if/how Ahti knew the original Tom Zane, but I like to think he calls Alan Tom because he’s friends with the Old Gods, and picked it up from them.
Speaking of Ahti, the last time he and Alan meet, Alan takes care to pronounce his name properly. The interactions between those two get me every time cause they show the softer side of Alan still there even after all the Dark Place’s torture.
No seriously, look at his DBD model and tell me you don’t just want to squish his little face.
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Zane in Room 665 doing the exact same dance as Scratch from AWAN, to the exact same music, cannot be a coincidence.
After Alice supposedly offed herself, Barry was left to pick up the pieces and empty out her apartment- that’s why we see the Blessed company boxes there.
Speaking of which: I need an Alan-Barry reunion yesterday. Or an Alan-Jesse team up to deal with Chester Bless and break my boy Barry out of his cult. Control 2 when?
If the Clicker is an OoP then the Angel Lamp might also be one. Heck they might be two bits of the same OoP. Is there a plug somewhere out there that also has a power? Or a lampshade?
After years of references to Campbell’s monomyth, from AWI, to the lyrics to Sankarin Tango, to AWII, the moment Alan calls himself the master of many worlds broke me to tears. Like hell yeah Alan, you go babygirl, you deserve it!!!
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fritz-federleicht · 2 years
fuk u lol/Corpse Husband x reader
summary: Corpse wants you to sing a line for one of his new songs.
warnings: fluff
words: 902
"Hey babe, I need you for a second."
"I'll be right there." You get up from the couch and walk into Corpse Stream/Studio room.
You open the door and walk in. "What do you need me for?" Corpse turns around on his swivel chair. "You know I'm working on a new song. I just recorded it and I thought your voice would be a good fit." Obviously he doesn't feel the need to give you any more details.
"But you know I can't sing." Of course you can. Everything that comes out of your mouth sounds good. You just have to speak something. That's all it is." Corpse holds out his hand.
"All right. What do you want me to say?" You give him your hand. With it, he pulls you onto his lap.
You feel his warm breath on your neck, "I've been looking everywhere for you." Already one kiss lands on your neck. The second on the back of your head.
You agree with him with a nod.
"Okay babe, you need to speak into that." He points to the microphone in front of you. "And then please say with a lot of love I've been looking everywhere for you."  You can literally see him laughing even as you sit there with your back against his chest. The vibration gives you butterflies. He tightens his grip around your waist a little as you lean forward slightly to be closer to the mic.
"Are you ready?" ,,Yes" ,,And go." You pronounce the words as you normally would.
"So I have a lot of different options. Could you maybe say the same thing a few more times in different forms? So once maybe higher..." he doesn't get any further because you interrupt him. "You don't have to explain it to me. I just do it...the way I think."
Now you squeak the words more. Corpse squeezed you a little tighter for a moment. "Don't do that." You say lovingly. "Otherwise I won't be able to say your sentence properly." "But you are so cute when you try to concentrate." With these words he pulls you even closer to his chest.
He gives you several kisses on your head. Then he hints you to stand up. So you do. He turns you around and pulls you by your hips onto his lap. You take his head in your hands and give him a passionate kiss on the lips.
He returns it immediately and presses you tightly against him. "Can you play me what you have recorded so far?" Sure." He comes a little closer to you as he leans forward to reach the mouse. Already you hear his deep voice that you love so much. You look at Corpse in the meantime. He turns his head to you and looks you in love in the eyes. Then he puts his hand to your cheek.
"You are so sweet." And he gives you a kiss on your right cheek. "I am so thankful that I have you." The next kiss on the left cheek. "I hope for you that you will be happy with me, because I will never let you go again...But if you are not happy with me, I don't want to stop you from finding someone else. I just want you to be happy." Does he contradict himself. Corpse could always get sad for no real reason. Just the idea of you not being happy with him and leaving him makes him sad.
"Corpse, you know I'm happy with you. How can I not be? I have never received so much love from anyone!"
He looks at you with tears in his eyes. "You are such a wonderful person. You're the only one to love."
A little time passes in which we just look at each other. You remember that Corpse wanted to play you some recordings. "Now I wasn't paying attention to your recorded song!"
Corpse leans forward a bit more in your direction and turns on the music again. And again you hear the deep voice that you love so much.
After the song is over, Corpse asks you what you think of the song.
"It's great. All your songs are fantastic! "Thanks... but you make it sound even better!"
You blush and turn your head away from him. "Hey," his fingers touch your chin and turn it towards him. "Look at me." You look up at him. "Take this one compliment, will you?"
You nod your head. "Let's get on with the song now." You nod and record a few more sentences in different pitches while Corpse watches you admiringly all the time.
The recording is done. "Thank you princess. It was an honor to have worked with you." "Me too."
You get up from Corpse's lap. "I'm making noodles today, is that okay?" Corpse nods. Just as you're about to turn around, Corpse forms a kissing mouth with his mouth, closing his eyes.
You walk up to him, lean forward to him, put your hands on his cheeks and kiss him overly passionately. "Here you go, dearest." You turn around and leave.
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nofoundboy · 2 years
Okie, first of all: Trigger Warning - Mention of Eating Disorder!
You sure? Okie! Don't worry, I won't go much into detail about it!
I was wondering if you are willing to write about Thomas Hewitt with a S/O who is undereating due to stress and they are becoming increasingly thinner? They also struggle to fall sleep, specially when Tommy is working late
Thank you! <3
I'm so sorry for the delay. I have a big block 😔
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Tw: eating disorders, stress, insomnio
It started in small portions.
You dared not arouse Hoyt's anger or Luda Mae's worry, so you disguised it by putting your portions as part of Thomas's meal, for it was never too much to give him strength.
Sometimes you skipped meals with the excuse that you had to help with the many duties in the Hewitt household. If any intruders arrived, no one thought too much about it.
Thomas didn't notice your weight loss right away, but you did look pale with those pronounced dark circles under your eyes. Many times he would run into you, your eyes staring at him as he came into the room after a hard day's work, when you were supposed to be sleeping.
He would quickly shake his head as he turned off the light and shed his clothes as quickly as possible to lie down next to you, wrap you in his arms and make sure you slept.
For your sake, you pretended to do so until finally, hours later, sleep came.
Your appearance became more and more like that of one who, without a doubt, does not eat enough.
You were exhausted all the time, your pallor was evident to everyone's eyes, as well as the lack of strength to perform the simplest tasks.
In a quiet moment when Thomas was finally able to rest, as he laid you down next to him, he timidly ran his hands over your hips, feeling your bones, something that was not possible before. He paid the attention that tiredness did not allow him, and examined your face observing your faded countenance.
His eyes showed the terrible concern he now felt for you, regretting not having paid attention earlier.
"It's all right, Tommy, I just need to get more rest" you would try to play it down, but Thomas would insist on being present every time mealtime came around, watching to make sure you ate enough.
He would ask Luda Mae to send you to bed early and make sure you had tea beforehand to help you fall asleep.
It would be a difficult recovery process, as you had been doing it for quite some time already, however, Thomas would go out of his way to help you get back to health, and would even find a way for him to sleep properly as well to set an example for you.
You are the most important thing to him, so he will be on you for a while, until your health is restored.
He expects to let you know at all times that you are his priority, that he loves you and is always looking out for your best, even when things in the Hewitt household are difficult, he will be there for you.
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candy616 · 7 months
I don't get why peeps just can't ignore content they dislike rather than making the time to voice to someone why they dislike it😭 I enjoy your blog v much🫶🏼
If you don't mind me asking, what voice generator do you use because wow those audios sound SO accurate! Keep doing you and creating to your heart's content!!
Thank you so much for your kind words!🙏💖💖 I can understand people's concerns about AI, a lot of creators hate AI and it's understandable. 😔 But I always use it carefully and make sure not to hurt anyone with it.
About the generator… I wanted to tag my posts more properly, but I got messy like always, and didn't tag all the tools like I intended to, sorry.
Ok, so here we go:
A Voice Model
First, you need to choose a voice you would like to use. You can find a voice model on weights.gg or on the Discord channel
You can train your own voice model, if you didn't find the one you need or if the existing one is not good for you. The only working Notebook on Google Colab to train your model is RVC v2 Disconnected Here is the guide for it.
(I still have no idea of how to restart the training if something went wrong and the process stopped/disconnected, sorry. Also, remember that Google will ask you if you are still there and will give you a captcha to solve in a few hours, and if you'll not react to it quickly, the process will be stopped, so don't go too far from your PC and check on the process from time to time).
a tip to remember: if your dataset audio is under 10 min = 100-200 epochs. Over 10 min = 200-300 epochs. I do 500-600 if my audio is 15+ minutes, but it can overtrain the model.
Ok, you have your model, now you need to decide what you want to do with it.
If you want to create a MESSAGE:
You need Mangio-RVC-Fork installed on your PC.
2. Crate your text. Write a text with a pronounced accent of your character like:
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You can ask ChatGPT to became your redactor, correct all the mistakes and add a thick accent. (For example, a thick Southern drawl for Graves, a thick Scottish accent for Soap, a thick Manchester accent for Ghost etc.)
3. Then you go to 11Labs and generate the body of your message with their models. I use Clyde for both Graves and Soap (yes, he is American, but we already have a text with accent so it's ok). 11Labs has a lot of different models, so you can listen to them and choose the one you think would be the best. Then you just generate the message. Don't put all the text at the same time if it's big. You may have to regenerate same text over and over again so it would give you the best pronunciation. Please note that you only have 10k tokens a month. Use it wisely. Or consider to subscribe. Or use multiple Google accounts.🙈
4. When you are happy with the message, you go to RVC and make the character of your choice to say it with your voice model.
5. Then you just put all the parts of the message together with something like Audacity or other audio/video redactor of your choice.
And that's pretty much all. You can find a lot of guides for all the tools I mentioned on YT. Just search for the resent ones, because everything changes very quickly.
Hope it was at least a bit helpful?? If you have any questions please ask away. If you can't find a good guide, let me know, I'll find the best one for ya.
P.S. If you want to create AI COVERS, you also need Ultimate Vocal Remover (please find a guide on YT or ask me, I'll find one for ya).
Or you can use just this only tool Replay (But you won't be able to fix or edit the cover. I use it just for test usually.)
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My brain has the consistency of jelly, runs on less energy than light bulb, it's full of error's and it's so easy to manipulate and control that even cats and baby's can do it
My lungs like oxigen which causes oxidation and it's one of the 3 things necessary to burn shit up
My bones are weird as a concept and are also constantly wet and depending on the medicine I took throughout my life they might not even be white anymore
My muscles are basically masoquists and are pretty dammed inefficient in holding something for long periods of time
Our extremities are weirdly long for our size and I don't like that
Our blood is red,that's pretty fucking weird, and it's a liquid made to transport gases which sounds dumb and inefficient, like, why not send them as a gas directly?
Organs are also weird, weird and incredible specialized lumps of meat not properly attached to the rest of the body and some of them almost look like they are sentient in the way they regenerate if cut and we can also live without most of them
The function of a heart could be replaced with a hand constantly squishing it and I don't like that
Fingers are weird in a similar way to limbs but multiple times worse and they have too many bones and muscles
Tongues. I don't think I need to go into detail with this one
Hair and nails are basically dead/inanimate matter that grows out of holes on our skin and that creeps me out a lot
Skin is kinda alright but it has pores ( I won't talk about pores) and it's not properly attached either which is weird.
Belly button. It scares me and creeps me out because it feels like it will open up at any moment. No more will be said
Feets look weird. Thats it, they are fine
Eyes are balls of extremely specialized meat that can detect light of all things but only some of it and ours are pretty bad in the animal kingdom
Butts: humans have the biggest butts of the animal kingdom thanks to our bipedal way of walking. I like them 👍
Boobs are Okey and I like them but the nipples (especially male nipples) make me uncomfortable
Ears look funny but that's it. Being able to detect the vibrations of the air sounds useless but it's pretty neat
Thigh's. I like them. Wanna bite them.
Teeth. I don't like them but they let me bite stuff so they get a pass
Neck's are weird, why do we need to separe our heads from our torso? Its feels like a weak point (and It is one). Wanna bite them too
Hormone's and shit like that is weird, I don't want some inanimate molecule to have any sort of control over me whatsoever and it feels like someone needs to teach them about consent
Puberty is also a wild concept and I don't know about any other species that has one as pronounced as humans. Why aren't we born as adults directly? Seems more effective (and it's still less weird than marsupials)
Saliva is technically an acid I think and that's pretty neat because I can also spit it out of my body if needed. I want you to take that as a warning and a threat
Cells are weird. I don't like that I can be divided into parts that small. I want infinite density so that I can't be divided into components, because that's weird
That's it I think. Those are my thoughts about the human body.
Now go drink water, because even if our bodies are weird we still need them and should appreciate these weird, meat, carbon-based, maquines that house our consciousness
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