jabberwockprince · 1 year
Don't mind me casually following the fellas who put this quality hanahaki content on my dash, absolutely thriving right now and thinking about if I made some art myself what it may be like. In the meanwhile simply lamenting the fact that I can't quite imagine Neon J himself struggling with something like this in the nsr era- at best, the potential of being familiar with it from before, but he strikes me as direct enough that he wouldn't let feelings linger long enough to develop.
OH!!! HELLO!! I deffo encourage you to make art and content for it, it's very fun to see what everyone comes up with!!!!
the other day was so fun, all of us going back and forth with really good additions and stuff, so I'd love to discuss this with more ppl <333
I'm not too familiar with Neon J since I focus on 1010 waaaaay more lmfao, but whatever floats your boat!! the fun part about NSR being purposefully vague is that ppl can fill in with their own theories and headcanons!!
like, you could deffo characterize Neon J as someone aware of the disease, but too direct and straightforward to experience it himself in any meaningful way so it just goes under his radar most of the time (heh...........radar......heh). or just straight up forgetting about his experiences with hanahaki before becoming a cyborg and all, if you wanna include that one popular characterization of his memories being all fucked up / not knowing if he's a true person or had fake implanted memories
and he could still get hanahaki disease over feelings he's not aware he's repressing, similar to Eve - maybe it's harder for Neon J to notice that he's growing flowers due to his status as a cyborg? since he lacks a proper mouth, it's not as easy as coughing up a few petals. maybe he confuses the feeling of things growing inside with the feeling of phantom limbs, and he just keeps on unconsciously tackling his feelings properly before they can become a SERIOUS problem. maybe discovering that 1010 has been hiding their own hanahaki from him is the catalyst that makes him realize it could be happening to him, who knows!
or you could also think that he's been struggling with hanahaki and hiding it from everyone as well, which is so fucking hilariously ironic to me
there's also the subject of him being a war veteran and all, if you wanna get more in-depth about hanahaki within the universe instead of just individual characters? like, there's probably some fucked up training to ensure soldiers and shit don't choke up with hanahaki. I VAGUELY remember some concepts from very early fandom days about hanahaki being a thing you could REMOVE from your body, at the cost of never feeling anything ever again - a metaphor for becoming entirely numb and isolated from your own feelings etc, so yeah! go wild!!
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khaire-traveler · 6 months
🔮 Subtle Circe Worship 🪄
Grow your own herbs, especially those you plan to use in magical workings (kitchen related magic may be the most discreet for this)
Take a walk on a sunny day; bask in sunlight
Wear/collect rings or hoop jewelry
Have a candle that reminds you of her (no altar needed)
Keep a picture of her in your wallet
Wear jewelry that reminds you of her
Go for a swim in the ocean; wash your hands in salt water
Visit the beach or the bank of a body of water
Have a pig, dragon, stag, or snake stuffed animal
Have imagery of rings, magic, the beach/islands, winged serpents, various beasts (I'd say whatever animals come to mind with "beats"), or the sun around
Volunteer at an animal shelter
Support environmental preservation, animal sanctuary, or humanitarian organizations
Cook a warm meal for someone in need
Learn to trust your own judgement; trust your instincts
Drink an herbal tea, using the herbs with intention; cook using herbs with intention
Read the Greek Magical Papyri or The Odyssey (you can usually find a PDF; check the Internet Archive)
Bake cakes and pastries, especially with honey; give them to loved ones
Take time to meditate in the sunlight; do this in nature if able
Go outside of your comfort zone; try new things, and take risks
Dedicate time to learning about a new subject or topic
Go out of your way to meet new people or engage with a community
Listen to music that empowers you or that you feel represents you; dance to it!
Play a TTRPG; play D&D (yes, really)
Start a garden; tend to plants
Connect with local nymphs or nature spirits
Stand up for others; stand up for yourself
Learn about the history of witchcraft, especially that of ancient Greece (this ties into the GMP)
Take a self-care bath or shower, especially with herbs
Go camping; take time to appreciate nature
Ground yourself often; practice healthy coping skills; practice emotional regulation skills
Clean your space; keep your environment feeling comfortable, and make it your own
Think outside the box for solutions to problems
Be creative; engage in activities that help you express your creativity
Press flowers; keep dried flowers (preferably for use in later magical workings)
Sit by a fireplace; light a bonfire; allow yourself to focus on the heat and comfort of the flames
Learn non-obvious forms of divination; pyromancy, cartomancy, shufflomancy, carromancy, etc.
Make a list of your personal strengths and pride; focus on how strong and resilient you are; know that you have power, you have strength
Create a sigil or symbol that represents/invokes you and your personal power
This is my list of discreet ways to worship Circe. I may add more later on! For now, I hope this was helpful. Thank you, and take care! 🩷
Link to Subtle Worship Master list
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snailyman · 1 year
surprised that i havent seen any posts about how the rescue base camp is Autism Central
so many of the castaways have fun little quirks and they are Very Normal about their interests, hence why they dropped everything to go to a mystery planet in the hopes of discovering things about their Specific Field Of Study
Outside of just listing every castaway's special interest, specific highlights are:
Bernard - Has a distinct speaking style that implies poor volume control. Seems to not pick up on social cues (entirely unaware that Santi doesn't like him), might be poor at communicating tone himself. Invented a meal-in-a-cup one time, and is also a picky eater, so he probably has sensory issues.
Pitunia - I'm certain that at one point, she only gave me one (1) line (she started telling me more about her Onion Theories later on), telling me to go away so she could study the onion.
Komo - Makes comments about being bad at conversation and making eye contact - her dialogue is written with a pretty flat/monotone tone of voice. Talks a lot about her study of water. Not Even Subtle.
Twyla - Talks about being overwhelmed by the environment. Seems to prefer theory to practical work, mostly because she hates to get dirty.
Kit - Loves to talk about geology!! Uses cute themed terms like "oh pebbles". Needs to be super thorough and exhaustive with his papers, so he submits them a bit slowly... he also frequently apologises for when he starts to infodump :(
François - He wants to be friends with plants.......... the trait of, like, relating to/preferring the company of non-human things......
Sheeba - Is very dedicated when she decides to do something, and seems to be pretty insistent on doing things the way she thinks is correct, sometimes to the point of (self-perceived) pushiness.
Keesh - Infodumps about geology to Kaia. Likes planning and scheduling, and struggles when her plans are disrupted. Enjoys Kaia's company while "quietly working"/not really interacting (parallel play type behaviour).
Chowder - So absorbed in his real-estate work, he rushes into dangerous locales, and works through the entire night, but misses social cues (expected his other workers to have the same work ethic until he was informed otherwise).
Molly - Uses personal language that doesn't have an obvious meaning (describes things as POPping a lot), makes "weird" content but doesn't get why it's perceived that way. Seems to follow trends without entirely understanding them.
Beaux - Super dedicated to acting. Needs real life experience to fully get into a role - maybe either a perfectionism thing (he needs to get every detail right), or that he struggles to imagine things.
Grace - Speaks in her own whimsical way. Mentions not doing well with noisy environments. Much prefers to be in her own environment in space.
Horatio - I dunno it's just vibes.
Bonus ADHD haver Kaia - spaces out frequently, forgets tasks and struggles to work on things long-term, has poor impulse control, struggles with planning ahead and with studying more complex subjects.
i wonder what else other players might have picked up on :)
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tainbocuailnge · 2 years
vincent van gogh’s sister willemina exchanged letters with her brother until his death, though her side of the correspondence has been lost and the contents of her letters can only be extrapolated from vincent’s responses. in one of vincent’s letters to her he responds to her expressing a desire to become a writer and gives his review on the piece she wrote called “planten & den regen” (plants and the rain). vincent’s response to planten & den regen is the only remaining record of willemina’s writings and his interpretation of the piece is that it’s about the potential for growth inherent in everything even if it doesn’t come to fruition, and the providence of higher powers. he also tells her not to worry about needing an education to become a writer, falling in love and living a full life would serve her far better on that front. (source on the letter)
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after her brothers vincent and theo as well as her father all died in close succession, willemina’s own mental health slowly deteriorated and eventually she was taken into a psychiatric institution. surviving patient records describe her as often sitting completely motionless in her chair for hours on end, alternated with violent outbursts and strong hallucinations. although she occasionally attempted suicide, her caretakers kept her from succeeding and she ultimately died of old age. (source, in dutch)
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both the plants in the rain and the chair are referenced in van gogh’s noble phantasm animation. it’s very particular imagery that has no direct relation to vincent or clytie, the plant in the rain alone could be taken to refer to clytie being a water nymph that turned into a plant but the chair makes it too specific to be about anyone else. vincent’s interpretation of willemina’s writing also aligns with the function of her noble phantasm, namely to make foreigner servants achieve their full potential in accordance with the providence of the foreign gods. the van gogh part of her saint graph isn’t just vincent.
this is kind of event spoilers for na at this point i suppose (boo just read fantranslations like the rest of us if you’re following me you knew about her components already anyway) but it’s pretty obvious the whole time that she’s not really vincent and neither did the foreign god that cobbled her together directly use the person vincent. she barely refers to herself as vincent, if at all, it’s pretty much always just van gogh as far as I remember. they took the base of clytie’s body and then grafted the misery, the reputation of the name van gogh onto her. vincent was just a depressed and unsuccessful painter in life, it’s only posthumously that he ended up getting held up as some kind of patron saint of mentally ill artists. armchair psychologists turned to figuring out what was wrong with willemina as a way to figure out what was wrong with vincent all to figure out how it connected to his art. the foreign god didn’t want “vincent” it wanted "the van gogh that went mad”, “the madness at the root of van gogh’s art” to function as their evil apotheosis catalyst and there was more than one source of that. obviously she’s neither vincent or willemina. she’s not even really clytie. but she’s made of what they’ve been made to represent so the name van gogh is hers to use if she wants it.
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felixstudios · 5 months
Headcannons for the playground Managers on a rainy day?
Random Corporate Clash Headcanons, Playground Managers on a Rainy Day Edition
🧠He doesn't even know it's raining
🧠Stays in the basement playing video games all day and scrolling Reddit
🧠Bro hasn't gone outside in years probably
Derrick Man
🛢️Scoffs about the weather and clearly hates it
🛢️In a sour mood the whole day
🛢️Spends as much time indoors as possible and wears a very good raincoat and/or uses an umbrella outisde
⛈️She started the rain {probably}
⛈️Will feel bad about it at first, but after a while she gives up with controlling it and just jumps in the puddles
⛈️Spends most of the day outside
⛈️Clearly likes the rain
Land Acquisition Architect
🚦He likes the rain in the sense that plants are watered {saves water bill on the land he needs to look all nice} and ground becomes soft and easy to break
🚦Takes advantage of the cooler weather to get TONS of work done outside, too
🚦Overall has a super productive day. He doesn't care much for how rain actually feels, but he LOOOOOOVES what it means for his wallet
Witch Hunter
🔱He'll find somewhere indoors or try to find some way to shelter himself from the rain so he can keep using his fire powers
🔱A lot of his stuff probably gets ruined with water damage
Public Relations Representative
🧱Rain? Oh, I re-re-remember rain- I- rain!
🧱Toon-Toons, would you be-be-be kind- would- outside to-to- en-en-enough to let m-me outside to see-see it?
🧱N-no? But it's been-been-been-been-
🥪Feels extra lazy
🥪Will probably fall asleep a LOT during the day since the sound of rain is very comforting to him
🥪Makes someone carry an umbrella for him wherever he goes because he's too lazy to hold it himself
Major Player
🎹His performance of the day will probably be a little quieter and softer. I mean, not by much since that's not exactly his style, but he'll try!
🎹Lots of rain protection if he goes outside because he doesn't wanna rust. Gotta stay looking young!
🎹Tries his best to stay indoors all day. He REALLY doesn't wanna rust his 'pretty face' or whatever
🌑Rain? Nah, that doesn't happen here. It's hail.
🌑He loves the weather. Absolutely thrives in it. Productivity at Mozzarella Styx Pizzeria increases by 10% that day
🌑 Satellite Investors are prone to wandering around on the streets, ESPECIALLY if the weather gets harsher. They also thrive in the weather
Chainsaw Consultant
🪚Finds the sounds of rain relaxing
🪚Productivity increases by 23% today. The Chairman is now looking into creating a rain simulation of some kind around his office
🪚Is especially quiet because he's listening to the rain
👟He CLAIMS not to care about "a little rain," but it's pretty obvious he hates it
👟SUPPOSEDLY doesn't care about it messing up his hair since he "still looks good no matter what," but when he gets to work he spends an hour fixing it in a mirror
👟ALLEGEDLY he won't care about the equipment he left outside getting a little gross looking since it's waterproof and still works, but the same afternoon he has brand new equipment...
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yuliasolsystem · 1 year
Behold my craziest theory about the Plants in manga.
Everything below is not my take on the actual canon, but rather just a fun theory I came up with based on some plot holes.
Okay, so listen: people in Trigan didn't just become incapable of obtaining food and energy naturally, without the Plants. They're probably genetically altered in such a way that they are unable to use food and energy that doesn't come from the Plants.
That's why they don't use solar panels on the No Man Land, even though it would seem like an obvious solution. And that's why the townsfolk in Chapter 47 all died out in a few days.
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Soldiers speculated that it could have been up to two months after the city was cut off from the world.
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But in such a period of time, the Ark would have time to fly over the horizon and it was seen on the fifth day of the soldiers' stay in this area. And the day before, that is on the fourth day, there were still people alive in the town and they still had the strength to make riots.
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But on the 7th day, when soldiers reached the town, there was no one alive (except for one man).
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"Exposure" in the original was "burns" ( implying sunburns). That is, people not only managed to die of hunger and thirst before the Ark had time to disappear beyond the horizon, but sunburns also were mentioned among the causes of death. So, the Plants not only provided food and water, but also somehow protected against solar radiation, which is probably why there are so few suntanned people on the NML.
This means that the bodies of the humans in Trigan are completely changed and die in a matter of days without a Plant presence anywhere near them and without consuming food containing Plant biomass (since even the cannibals in that town didn't survive). They are literally completely dependent on the Plants, just as the Plants are dependent on the life support terminals they are connected to.
And we also have mutated humans and humans with Plant-like abilities, like Elendira, who can create matter from nothing (her nails literally appear in her suitcase out of nowhere, they are neither stored in it nor teleported from somewhere else by some device)
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and Legato, who can manipulate electricity and take control of other people's bodies, which is reminiscent of Knives' ability to control the merged being. When Knives "connected" to Domina with a thin feeler, it looked very similar to Legato's technique.
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(It's not impossible, however, that Knives intentionally copied Legato's trick. )
What's my point? You know, there's this trope in horror stories: an alien ship/meteorite falls from the sky and infects the land and living things all around so that people, who lived there, become unable to live outside the ship/meteorite radiation zone or eat normal food. And they, these people, gradually turning into aliens or mutants. So, what if the same thing happens in Trigan, it's just that in this universe humans, unlike in all these movies and stories, didn't avoid the " impact zone", but rather took the alien DNA and spread it all over the Earth. So Trigun humans are no longer 100% humans, but part of the Plants' biosystem, which is why dependent Plants forgave them so easily and don't really mind to be "used".
This could also be related to the presence of ghosts, which can be both human's (like Conrad and Wolfwood) and independent's (like Tessla). The existence of ghosts is not revealed to public, most likely so that people won't find out that after death they will spend eternity in a gloomy black void.
What are independent plants for then? Most likely they are some sort of walking weapons. From the conversations of the Earthlings we can conclude that Knives is not the only aggressive independent (he was just the strongest of the known ones) and that independents on Earth have their abilities blocked for humans' safety ( so most likely all independents have weapons built into their bodies).
What's the need for weapons against humans if the dependent plants don't mind their position and "humans" are in some sense part of them? Maybe to regulate their numbers, or to stimulate their reproduction and further mutation, maybe the Plants need not humans but their souls (ghosts), or maybe independents are something like immune cells that get rid of improperly developing body cells.
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bestworstcase · 10 months
I'm now imagining the second half of Cinder's backstory - the meeting Cinder and presumably Summer portion of it. And trying to think which of the more family music osts/what shot parallels could be used to drive home that yeah Salem at some point just slotted Cinder in as a daughter in her heart if post that reveal to the audience.
Though in general I'm also thinking how Salem essentially emotionally adopting Cinder would be a good play on the idea of a fairy god mother role - Cinderella mistaking intentions even when they're turning to her favor because trauma and abuse, miscommunication because Salem is unfathomably ancient/"fairy", and sidesteps by Cinder already (lethally) leaving the step family the whole "leaving someone in an abusive situation is a terrible move"... Also a good want versus need lead in for Cinder.
one thing about the cinderella allusion is—while i do often say ‘fairy godmother’ for simplicity—my sense is that cinder’s story hews more to the grimm brothers version of the story wherein the magical benefactor is a white bird which comes to her aid when she visits a hazel tree planted over the grave of her mother. (ie, a reincarnation of her mother.)
rwby flags the relevant imagery in ‘until the end’ (“the tears that you shed will find a tree to water”)—which is ozma’s song, but salient to the cinderella narrative because cinderella’s father provides the hazel twig which cinderella plants and waters with her tears until it grows into a tree. specifically, cinderella’s mother dies in autumn, her father marries again in the spring and allows the stepmother and her daughters to abuse cinderella. at some point after her effective removal from the family is complete, the father goes to a fair and each of the three daughters requests a certain gift: beautiful dresses for one stepsister, jewels for the other, and cinderella asks for “the first twig that brushes against your hat on your way home.” the hazel twig knocks his hat off while he travels through a thicket. 
so… in rwby the cinderella narrative is nested into the ozlem conflict in a very particular way; the hazel tree over the grave of her mother grows from a symbol of her father’s complicit indifference to her abuse and is fed by the intensity of cinderella’s anguish. the point of cinderella asking for the twig that brushes your hat is not to illustrate any virtue in cinderella; she is not humble, she is not temperate, she is acutely and painfully aware that she is an inconvenience in her father’s eyes, an unwelcome reminder of the past he would like to ignore. 
slavery was abolished after the great war. ozpin raised atlas to serve as a shining example of his ideals. cinder grew up enslaved, surrounded by atlesians who politely ignored the obvious abuse happening in that hotel. as cinderella turns to the spirit of her dead mother for aid, cinder turns to salem. “throw gold and silver down to me” -> “you will have the power i promised you”—in this version of the story, cinderella knows she can seek help from her mother’s tree and asks for the specific things she needs every time, and the bird also intervenes to protect her from her stepfamily’s deception when the prince calls on the house. 
(conversely of course, the bird can only do so much to help her because it’s a bird; her mother is dead and cannot take care of her as she did in life. likewise, salem lacks the power to effect change by any means other than violence because she’s been cast out of civilization completely.)
it all clicks together pretty intuitively. although summer rose is an interesting player too in that where the madame, the sisters, and rhodes were straightforwardly iterations of the evil stepfamily + indifferent father i think summer is likely to be the ‘good’ stepmother in relation to the cinderella narrative; ruby and yang are the ‘evil’ stepsisters (in that ruby harmed cinder and cinder is effectively told not to retaliate) but summer rejected ozma’s cause to join salem’s instead and is by extension aligned with cinder against her own daughters, even if cinder doesn’t perceive it that way. so that will be an interesting thread to watch, i think. what happens if the stepmother also needed to escape?
that the central relic involved in this facet of the narrative is a crown is not coincidental, i think. the prince is cinderella’s liberation; the crown is the relic of choice. it tracks.
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panlight · 11 months
(Part 1) I kind of wish the people in charge of the movies had taken creative liberty and allowed them to keep their hair long and wear actual clothes. It was uncomfortable to see them shirtless and cold while other actors were properly dressed for the colder weather. I also heard that some of the Native actors from the first movie quit because they refused to cut their hair. It makes me sad that a group who already have limited opportunities in acting were limited even further.
I don't know why Meyer decided to include that their hair gets transferred onto their wolf form and they had to cut it so their long fur didn't drag and get tangled in everything. I have never considered the hair/fur in any other werewolf media I've consumed. I also wouldn't have questioned it if their clothes magically reappeared on them when they transformed back, just like in H20: Just Add Water, but I understand her reasoning. The movies still should have taken creative liberties.
Oh, totally agree! The hair = fur thing was something SM made up and didn't really have any actual effect on the story. It could (and should) have been left out.
My guess is that SM was ignorant of the cultural value of hair in many Indigenous communities and in her head it was a way to mark this obvious 'change' when they phased. Even outside of Indigenous cultural practices, changing hair is often related to big changes in peoples lives. It can be cut or styled a certain way in some cultures as a symbol of grief; in other cultures people wear or cover their hair differently if they are married; and sometimes a person just wants to shed their old identity and start fresh and so they cut or dye their hair. That may have been what SM was going for: they cut their hair and join Sam's 'gang' and it's a stark, visual symbol of the big change they went through. Then she made up the long hair = long fur thing as an excuse, accidentally face-planting into a whole lot of uncomfortable connotations about forced assimilation and stripping people of their cultural identity, things that Indigenous communities have been subjected to in real life. It's not necessary, it's insensitive to actual Indigenous practices and peoples, and when real-life people are asked to cut their hair for a part in a movie, it passes from 'yikes shouldn't appropriate cultures for your werewolves, lady' into actively harming real people by asking them to sacrifice something important to them for a job. And again it's like . . . just not central to the story at all. Could be easily changed or left out. Sam or Embry or Jacob having long hair in the movies would not have changed the plot, it would have only changed the (problematic) visual uniformity she was going for.
And the lack of clothes too is pretty icky, it just reeks of 'hot sexy half-naked Native men' stereotypes, but she also wrote them as teenage boys who just LOOK like they are in their mid-20s. And there are plenty of ways to solve the clothes issue even if you didn't want to be like "idk it's magic." In the books for example don't they tie their paints to their legs before they phase? Or stash clothes around the forest or whatever so there's always some old t-shirt and shorts nearby for who ever needs to borrow?
I do like how there are scenes in the movies, especially the Breaking Dawn movies, where they just said 'forget that' and have the shapeshifter characters all fully and warmly dressed:
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slymanner · 1 year
can we all agree that fern in this universe 100% has a room full of flowers plants and anything nature related and everytime she has to leave her house for work she goes to nurture all the plant's with love and kisses and all the water possible to each plant like they're her own children.
and she pursues this hobby because she love's it but also her dream's of her being this sorta grassy and green person kinda,,,hit close to home? even tho to her it's obvious the dream isn't about her home or anything, and the dream's are sorta messed up but,,,they feel,,important so she get's these pretty and very vibrant plant's so she feels closer to that dream self of her, like this was suppose to be her the whole time but this version of her made her pursue this new hobby even harder then she was before and it feels sorta nice and,,,right.
Pov ur fern about to leave ur home but u realize ur lil plant children need ur attention for a lil bit longer before u go-
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kaycode1999 · 27 days
Matchups?! I've never had one done, but I love LMK and I got hooked reading your posts!! I hope it's okay that I'm on anon, this is so cool and your analyses have been fun to read ✌️
- Okay, so, I'm kind of a frantic person when I'm not focused (so, always), but in emergencies I'm the one who takes the lead if everyone else is panicking. I've been called intimidating/straightforward, but I'm actually a terrified deer in the headlights of life, I just fake it well. I have anxiety and ADHD but I'm working hard on it! I'm much better at showing love through actions rather than words. I mean, I'm fine with giving words of advice or making the situation lighter with a joke... but genuinely comforting people is hard! I'm sure I'm introverted - I love people, but they wear me out and I prefer to observe. I'd much rather nap in a quiet garden or walk to 7/11 at 3a.m. than go to a convention or a busy store.
- I use they/them and I'm pan. I'm 5'11, I dress sporty-casual (black joggers, sneakers, tank top, hoodie, basically); I need to be able to move! The two things I really love are my rainbowy friendship bracelet from my bestie and my dark orange backpack full of useful things (bandaids or extra bus tickets or mints or five tangled pairs of headphones). The bag's very worn out, but from love, so it's fine.
- For hobbies I watch cartoons (of course), doodle, play piano, do yoga, paint/spraypaint, meditate, try to keep my pilea plant alive, babysit my baby cousin (it's fun!) & their cat, and play video games.
- I don't think I know my type, which is GOOD because I want you to read me to filth here -- I'll cherish whoever you pair me with!!! Wait, is that everything?! Did I do it right?! Thank you very much if you choose to do mine, this is fun and I hope you're having fun too!
- 🐹
Thank you so much, I’m glad you've enjoyed the other ones I've done😊 I mostly do these just based on how the personalities work together, so I hope you like this one too.
I match you with
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our sweet gentle giant Sandy
This is probably obvious but he will definitely have calming tea for you at least once a day or as he sees you need it
He’s a level headed self assured guy so he’s isn’t intimidated or put off by your demeanor
He’ll help you with any difficulties related to your ADHD and as far as anxiety he has a calming presence
He seems like someone who’s love language is based more around actions than words anyway so that works out well
He lives on the water so if you need some time away from people you can just head out to an area where no one is around and just chill, maybe get some Sun on the deck or maybe some fishing
He appreciates that you are so prepared, he tends to be like the dad friend or more protective so the fact that you are so prepared makes you like the mom friend so honestly it makes sense
He does basically all of the same hobbies as you so you can do that stuff together which is fun
He’s actually really good with kids so your cousin will love hanging out with both of you ( And he’s a cat guy so of course he loves their cat too)
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lennsart · 4 months
Okay The Dark™ has intrigued me, enlighten me my friend ~
Ooooh so this one is a bit harder to talk about because it is in my wips, but it's not really a story ! It kind of gathers all of my ideas around Dark Link and how I present him in my fics. It's a lot of vibes, and some things that I thought way too much about njfenjejnejez
So here's the gist of it :
- Dark Link isn't one specific Link's shadow. I like the headcanon that he is Time's, but here, he is more of a dark reflection of the Hero's Spirit as a whole.
- This idea is kind of weird (and hard to grasp), but he's both younger and older than every hero. He started to exist recently, but he kind of exists outside of time and space's borders. He has witnessed every hero's quest and knows where his predecessors failed.
- He can change his appearance to look like the heroes, and also to look like a "dark version" of them. And when he does that, depending on who's face he's wearing, he has fun lil powers !
I'm not a 100% sure for these powers, because some of them aren't really related to the hero... Some of them are there as a placeholder until I have a better idea (unless I don't dskkskdkdskds)
But for now, here's what I have :
Four : clones (like Shadow Link do in some of his battles, but also in reference to the Four Sword of course)
Sky : lightnings (like Demise & Sky during the final battle)
Hyrule : puppetering, as in taking control of his adversary for a little time (not really a reference, but since Hyrule has the most magic out of them all I wanted Dark Link to take his face for something a little overpowered lmao)
Legend : mind diving (kind of a reference to Link's awakening in that you spend a lot of time in Legend's head ? I'm not sure about this one)
Twilight : portals, like teleportation (like the way you warp in game)
And for the last four ones, elemental magic
Wind : wind power (it seemed obvious, also one of Wind's power in game)
Warriors : fire (because war -> violence -> fire, but also Volga)
Wild : water (kind of a reference to the shrine of resurrection and Mipha's powers, but also very much a placeholder)
Time : earth/plants ? (because Kokiri forest ? Definitely a placeholder)
I know it would be criminal to not give Time, well, time-based powers, but it felt weird to have only three element out of four ? But also maybe earth would fit Wild more. I have to think about it, up until now when I tried to write fights I avoided using these powers at all fgjkjfdkfdkf
And now that I'm laying this down, I see that I had a pretty good theme of using the villain's powers in game and I just... Kind of dropped it ? Like Demise, Shadow, Volga, and then Time's here with plants lmao
I have to think more about it ! But as you can see, the goal is to have Dark Link be the worst threat every heroes have faced.
- One thing that I like to use is the fact that Dark Link is "fueled" by negative feelings. The more tension there is within the Chain, the more powerful he is.
In the dreaded "Bitch are u okay" wip that I talked about earlier, he more specifically feeds off of "the hatred of a hero for a hero/the hero's spirit". Which means, if two Links hate each other, that's nice for him, but if someone hates themselves, that's perfect as well !
And, as I put it in my notes and made myself snort re-reading them, "he can be nerfed by the power of ✨therapy✨". Which means, if the heroes are honest with each other and a good team, he'll be less powerful. But he knows that and they don't :0 so he'll try to turn them against each other !
- Last but not least, I referred to him as "he" in all this post for clarity, but in most of my wips he has pronouns 💅!
Mostly 'it', sometimes 'they' and sometimes 'he' !
Basically, I used him when I need a powerful antagonist, for fights but also in fics that are more centered around feelings and stuff ! He is both an amalgamation of the worst things in LoZ's bad guys, and occasionally, a (not really well hidden) representation of mental illness.
It's been a while since I've written anything with those ideas though, but seeing them written down makes me want a Dark Link come back in my stories lmao
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sburbian-sage · 5 months
Native Witch of Breath here, also been a Witch of Might and Witch of Void, though currently a Heir of Hope. I gotta say, I personally put a lot of stock in familiar theory! I just don't think it applies to every Witch in every session, and the was that cherub was doing it was pretty crazy.
It can be part of the progression of a cryptical class, I think. Witches can be hard to understand, so they in turn get something that's usually not even the same species, or thinks very differently to them, that *they* have to deal with not being able to understand. (Not sure if Mages have an equivalent? Maybe they do and it's just not as obvious.)
It also ties into the whole "Witches usually prototype something terrible" thing. Often the sprite actually is the familiar- a familiar doesn't need to stay with you the entire game, just long enough for the game to try and get the point across.
My first session, I prototyped my pet bird that died. It was a very touching reunion, but it was SO eager to leave, and I had to keep convincing it to stay, until I eventually realized that sprites leaving was part of the game, and that as a Breath player I shouldn't be restricting something's freedom anyway, even if it was to much of a birdbrain to really explain itself.
In the session I was a Witch of Might, it was admittedly a little more metaphorical. I was going out of my skull trying to understand the "Might is water" thing, and so I took the glitch FAQ's advice, and went to stare at an ocean.
And then after doing that for an hour I lost it because I was under a lot of stress in general and this was the last straw and blew up the beach (bombkind FTW). But after I was done, I saw all the water, pooling in the craters I left, flowing together to join the whole, and suddenly something clicked. After that point, it was really hard to conceptualize water as NOT being alive, an ever-present being in the vapor around me, that I had to learn how to ask for help. Like how the water could only pool once I made the craters for it, I needed to figure out that same kinda stuff for other situations.
...And than as the Witch of Void, I didn't have one. Which, I guess makes sense, but I HAVE heard of Void Witches that do have a familiar, so whatever.
So yeah, I guess I don't have any solid proof here, I get that any of these things could have happened to any player- but my point is, it's how Witches RELATE to these things, that's different. Every player has a sprite that leaves them, but a Witch may find that it's oddly related to their aspect. Every player has to figure out their aspect and listen to it's whisperings, but as a Witch I practically saw it as another player in it's own right. And then sometimes maybe it just doesn't happen, I dunno.
Finally, I think this is a stretch, but it might even be part of why Witches get that weird crazy boost to gardening? Plants are also living things that are different from you, so a plant could be your familiar, and it would be bad if it died or never got planted before it could fulfill it's role?
Very interesting. Or because you discussed plants, intreesting.
If I'm interpreting this correctly, it seems like Familiar Theory doesn't relate to an actual game construct, so much as it refers to a sort of (para)psychological event, not unlike the Third Man Factor. It's not that Witch players somehow gain access to special pets when that's normally impossible, it's that the cryptical nature of Witches is isolating, being deliberately obtuse and interacting with the game in such a manner that no other player could relate to the Witch even if it wasn't mechanically penalized. So the Witch, in a way, conceptualizes a companion or other meaningful relationship who they can relate to (alleviating the isolation) and who communicates with them or otherwise imparts meaning in an obtuse, nonobvious, or cryptic manner (acting as a Witch to the Witch, as you said, or perhaps being a Class-analogue of the normally Aspect-oriented Whispers).
If anything, this seems somewhat comparable to the various SBURB mental disorders. Not to imply that you're a repeated sufferer of mental delusions, mind, only that it's a special psychological phenomenon that could only really be understood in the context of SBURB. Not to mention that the mental disorders are all deleterious in nature (hence "disorder"), while Familiar Theory seems mostly positive.
Emphasis on mostly, because as we know the Cherub Witch of Hope is off her rocker. With all of this in mind though, I wonder if it's possible to "diagnose" her, in a way. She called her brother "a beast to be tamed", said that "controlling him was [her] only hope", and that he was her "reward" for making it through the session. She's not currently a Witch of Hope, I think, that's her Native Title and I don't know what she is currently (her brother's Native Title is unknown but he's currently a Mage of Rage). A fair amount of this boils down to her believing that her brother is innately evil or destructive (even though he seems pretty pleasant), but how much of this relates to Familiar Theory? "Reward" implies a certain amount of possessiveness, less like she's the student and he's the teacher, more like she's the owner and he's the pet. As far as "Familiar Theory as the Third Man Factor" goes, SBURB is already stressful, and a duo session would be doubly stressful at least. Especially because only one "side" is active at a time, halving the rate at which progress is made, and depriving an already loney Witch of anyone she could possibly talk to. I think I have two theories now.
Theory #1 is that she underwent a sort of stress meltdown in her first session, and underwent "Familiar Theory" towards her brother as a coping mechanism. She ascribes negative intention to him, and felt like she was their only chance at survival, with him as a malicious millstone. As an active harbinger of complexification, wielding rejection, she began putting up a facade of saccharine disposition, and adopted a drive to sublimate her alter ego. A strengthening of willpower that let her fully embody active Hope, pushing against the odds and rejecting any undesired outcomes, including those of an unsuccessful session, and her brother achieving dominance (or equilibrium). Of course, abusers derive power from mistreating others, so she isn't letting her "Familiar" go unless she can be forced to. This theory accounts for everything, of course. His needing to be tamed (malicious intentions ascribed), controlling him is her only hope (internalizing rejection), her reward (someone she has power over), and the material conditions for a Witch to seek a Familiar.
Theory #2, of course, is that she isn't even understanding Familiar Theory correctly, and is instead interpreting it uber-literally. This theory accounts for her being a skeevy weirdo with a loose grip on reality, because she is the Cherub Pet Gal.
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msclaritea · 8 months
Check out Jojo Mehta, founder of Stop Ecoside Now, actually talking with a straight face, about punishing people for farming. Another one wants people to adjust to Artificial Intelligence Food. All of this shite and very, very likely, billionaire-backed studies, slanted against independent food production. This is all coming from the same plague, that JUST unleashed Paganistic beliefs about Gender and sprayed the whole planet with those dangerous beliefs: the World Economic Forum. Davos. Israel. I will remind people that besides being a shady pervert, Bill Gates ' father was a lawyer for the MOSSAD.
"I call bullshit. I think this "story" is about corporate influence, control, and the continuing war on freedom, privacy, autonomy, self sufficiency and entrepreneurship. Homegrown food is just one of the examples of things that lunatics like Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates, hate." Twitter
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Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Hello, Nice to Meet Control You
Hello, Nice to Meet Control You: Introduction
Control. Control of others in one form or another has pervaded human history. Control has been exercised by individuals and groups over other individuals and groups. Thank you captain obvious.
This is a cursory look at various forms of control exercised over people. Both actual and possible forms are discussed. I do not pretend to be knowledgeable in the subject and are simply writing my thoughts. The footnotes and end notes are similar to references that I remember reading but not the actual reference. But I assume you know how to use a search engine. Also any typos and misspellings are due to my new gaming keyboard (not really but I need something to blame for my inability to type). Also I am using Libre Office to write this document and it has some issues with footnotes and endnotes or I just can’t use it as well as I use MS Word.
Humans have basic needs which are food, water, livelihood, and shelter. Control any one of these and you control the person. A newer and more effective route for control of others is media. Each of these topics will be discussed in turn. Additionally, the secondary means for controlling these needs will be examined.
I am not an expert in any field related to the topics nor am I any sort of revolutionary for pointing out these areas of control. I am exactly the opposite by discussing them I bring them to light so that they aren’t a problem.
The topics in this document are quickly developing. It may be obsolete before it is finished. I am not a writer. I am more verbally oriented.
Hello, Nice to Meet Control You: Food
We all eat food, all 8 billion of us. Think about that 8 billion people to feed. Most people do not realize that food distribution centers in major cities only have about three days of supply. The food supply is an attack surface for anyone wanting to control a populace. We have seen how easily the supply, among non-food things like TP, is disrupted by the Covid “pandemic”. As an example, the price of eggs rose to $5 per dozen from about $1.30.
This leads me to believe the food supply is a very frail and effective attack surface. Certainly anyone wishing to control a populations only need control the food supply chain.
The first obvious link in the food supply chain is production. Control how much food is produced and any condition from plentiful to famine can be realized. We have seen the direct attack on farmers using the specter of climate change. First in the Netherlands1 and subsequently in Germany2. The US isn’t safe from the assault on food as several animal rights and climate activist organizations have used climate change to to bolster their cause3. Claims of animal farming as being harmful to the environment is aiding the development of plant based “meat” produced in factories. This removes the production from a method that anyone could employ to one that is controlled completely by industry. The control of production is then complete once the end of animal farming is accomplished4. It is interesting that some of the very rich are buying farmland. I assume it is to provide raw materials to the food factories. Next stop distribution.
The dress rehearsal called the Covid-19 epidemic caused major disruptions in distribution of food and other comsumable products produced out side the US5. The most notable shortage was of paper products such as toilet paper. While it is true there were major supply chain issues the ultimate cause was a demand fueled by fear of shortage. In this way shortages are self fulfilling prophecies.
Controlling the food supply is a way to control the population. You can’t protest or fight back if you’re starving. Such bad behavior will be yield no food whereas good behavior will be rewarded with just enough to keep you alive.
Grow some of your own food.
Eat nutritionally dense food if it is available. So that you require less food.
Source your food locally.
Counter-counter Measures
It will be made illegal to grow your own food. The argument will be the small farms produce too much greenhouse gases. Now we all know this is silly as home gardens do not require the burning of thousands of gallons of diesel fuel. You will also be accused of being selfish and an enemy of society. And someone named Greta will come to your house and punch you in the nuts (just checking to see if you’re actually reading this).
Doug Williamson Blogspot
4Interesting that no one is complaining about Mark Zuckerberg’s herd. He feeds his cattle beer.Yet fermentation produces a lot of CO2. https://nypost.com/2024/01/11/news/mark-zuckerberg-to-raise-cows-on-beer-and-macadamia-nuts-on-hawaii-ranch/
The Netherlands will be the center for global food innovation with the Global Coordinating Secretariat (GCS)
On January 27, 2021, the Government of the Netherlands, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and several public and private sector partners launched Food Innovation Hubs at the Davos Agenda 2021 meeting. The Food Innovation Hubs will be a key multistakeholder platform that will leverage technology and broader innovations to strengthen local innovation ecosystems for food systems transformation. Supported by multi-year funding from the Government of Netherlands, the initiative will feature a Global Coordinating Secretariat (GCS) based in the Netherlands.
https://investinholland.com/news/the-netherlands-and-the-world-economic-forum-launch-food-innovation-hubs-initiative/The Netherlands and the World Economic Forum Launch Food Innovation Hubs Initiative
“Global food insecurity has been rising again. This stresses the need to redesign how we produce and consume food. The Netherlands is committed to forming partnerships that will catalyze the innovations that are needed to address the food system challenges. I am therefore proud to announce that the Netherlands will host the Global Coordinating Secretariat of the Food Innovation Hubs,” said Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of the Netherlands.
With the arrival of the GCS, the Netherlands will leverage its innovation-driven economy to help advance global food security. Boasting an extensive ecosystem of companies and knowledge institutions in agrifood, horticulture, breeding, high-tech and ICT, the Dutch are ideally positioned to play a leading role in shaping our planet’s food system.
The Food Innovation Hubs will be a flagship initiative of WEF’s Food Action Alliance leading to the UN Food Systems Summit 2021, and beyond. The role of the GCS will be to coordinate the efforts of the regional Hubs as well as align with global processes and initiatives such as the UN Food Systems Summit.
Global center for food innovation comes to the Netherlands
The Food Innovation Hubs initiative places the Netherlands at the center of global food innovation and sustainability. Located in Wageningen at the heart of the Dutch agrifood ecosystem, the GCS will direct the further development of global regional Food Innovation Hubs from the Netherlands. The work of these regional Hubs is already underway, with more than 20 organizations leading the initiative across Africa, ASEAN, Colombia, India and the European hub in Foodvalley Wageningen. Oost NL, a regional partner in the Invest in Holland Network, will support the GCS in starting this work.
“Food sustains life and is at the heart of our planet. But if we are to feed 10 billion people by 2050 within planetary boundaries, the way the world produces and consumes food needs to change. Innovation is critical in enabling this systemic transformation,” said Dominic Waughray, Managing Director of WEF.
“As progress is accelerated towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals, the World Economic Forum is committed to supporting collective action and promoting country led agendas through the Food Innovation Hubs in this pivotal year for food systems,” added Waughray.
With country-led approaches, the Hubs will drive both high-end and low-cost grassroots and other innovations that could have scalable impact, as well as innovations encompassing supply chains, partnerships and business models that can enable systemic change.
Source: World Economic Forum
28 January 2021
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edoro · 8 months
angdiirn ask game: 5, 11, 20, 30!!
5. for the spellcasters, what's their favourite spell? so Angdiirn IS a druid, however, prior to getting illithidnapped and ending up on this fucked up little apocalypse-averting buddy roadtrip, it was not in any way, shape, or form a fighter - all of its magic is your average druid stuff like growing and shaping plants, healing, creating water or food, and talking to or turning into animals
in the game, i end up using moonbeam and wall of fire a lot
in-character, Angdiirn's favorite and most-used spell would almost certainly be wildshape. since it never really learned to fight, it does most of its fighting in wildshape, because you don't need any skill to turn into a giant fucking creature and hit people with your massive claws
outside of fighting, its preferred shape is the badger. it likes being underground! you can take the drow out of the Underdark but you can never take the Underdark out of the drow
for fights, it prefers the owlbear
11. what are their best skills? arcana, history, sleight-of-hand? deception and performance are two of its best! both of these are due to its background of having been raised in a Menzoberranzan brothel - it knows how to lie and it knows how to put on a show, although after 20 years of living in a burrow in the mountains with only a nearby circle of druids and the occasional ranger, hiker, or hunter for company, they're both a bit rusty.
20. does your tav have a best friend in the party? what's their dynamic like?
on a personal level, it's most friendly with Karlach, Astarion, and Halsin. Karlach and Astarion are both members of the "years and years of slavery and horrific abuse" club (so is Halsin, but Angdiirn doesn't find that out until later) so the three of them can all relate to each other a lot.
i made Angdiirn specifically to romance Astarion, so they have a lot in common in terms of their trauma, and initially what they both appreciate most about each other is the fact that they're both survivors. Angdiirn isn't as frightened and desperate as Astarion is at the beginning of the game, but it still very much has its own ruthlessly practical streak and will do what needs to be done to keep itself and the people it most cares about safe, and it recognizes that same will to survive in Astarion as well.
(also, it likes when he's a cunt. you can take the drow out of Menzoberranzan, but -)
it really appreciates Karlach's straightforward, no-nonsense nature as well as her overall zest for life. along with being a survivor, she's a very passionate person, and just generally fun to be around. she's easy to talk to and let its hair down around.
Angdiirn is very young for an elf, and while it often comes across as more mature than it is (mostly because it's fairly quiet and tends to play mediator a lot), it has a silly side and Karlach is someone who brings that out and makes it feel like it can just play around - she's pretty much the only woman in the camp it isn't scared of, although it still tends to defer to her and gets tense and jumpy if she starts shouting or gets mad.
it has the world's most painfully obvious puppy crush on Halsin basically from the moment it lays eyes on him, and ends up following him around like a little duckling from the moment they leave the grove.
it admires him intensely - he's so old and wise and strong and powerful and such a practiced druid - it wants to impress him and learn from him and perhaps be cradled gently against his bosom
it's wary of Lae'zel and Shadowheart, because mean opinionated women scare it (you can probably imagine why), but it also appreciates Lae'zel's take-charge attitude and spent quite a while trying to just let her be in charge of everything at first before it gave up.
it distrusts Shadowheart primarily because Shar reminds it way too much of Lolth, but it warms up to her and is very glad to guide her away from her evil fucked up cult, even if they're probably never going to be friends.
it finds Wyll extremely charming but also, honestly, worries about him. he's a refreshingly kind and generous person, far better a person than Angdiirn knows itself to be, and it frankly thinks that he needs to be a bit more of a bastard for his own good. he's clever and good and righteous and it can see the way he uses himself up and burns himself out, and it thinks that's just a waste of his life.
it wants to just tell him to spend less of himself for the sake of everyone else and to stop trying to make up for whatever imagined wrongs he thinks he needs to atone for, but it also knows he won't want to hear it.
it is VERY unimpressed with Ulder Ravenguard. it may have muttered "beginning to think we should have let you drown" loud enough for Wyll to hear accidentally and only felt a little bit bad about how upset it made him.
it's also very unimpressed with Mizora and pretty disturbed by the unwillingly flirtatious overtones of her relationship with Wyll. definitely brings up bad memories and makes it very worried for him. honestly she's on the list of people that it wants to bite with 100% real jaw power right below Cazador.
i don't think it knows what to make of Gale - he's a very educated man, whereas it was never even taught to read (rentboys don't need to be literate, they need to be pretty and good at sex and smalltalk), so i think that he intimidates it and it worries that he'll find it ignorant and oafish. (its Int score is like... 7...) it doesn't really know what to talk about with him, although it enjoys listening to him talk, and similarly to Wyll, the more it learns about his whole deal with Mystra, the more it thinks he could and should do better
30. who's their favourite animal companion at camp?
Angdiirn would never play favorites
it's a close tie between the owlbear cub (he's just a little BABY he needs PARENTS) and Grub (Angdiirn, too, is a nervous cat)
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urwendii · 11 months
Out of context – disjointed writing – out of chronological order snippet of the reboot of All The Fire Bright 2.0 (silm version). I'm not doing so well emotionally, so I needed to write about smol Amarëa being a cutie and protective uncle Ossë 🥺. Roughly taking place not long after Melkor fleeing Valinor and before the Darkening.
"Hey kiddo."
The words had barely left Ossë that the small ball of hyper fire that was his niece catapulted herself in his arms with a loud 'Uncle Ossë!!' blasted in his mind. With a chuckle, he hoisted her on his shoulders, adjusting his fana to prevent immediate toasting from the tiny fire Maia. Amarëa was as adorable as a child of Arien could be, yet as weirdly intense as her father — or most likely still unable to fully grasp the entire range of her nature.
Case in point, the nearly incoherent string of abstract thoughts rushing through his mind that was — for now — Amarëa's way of communication.
From it, he picked how happy she was to see him, her excitement at being promised to spend the next day visiting Tirion with Uncle Eön (this, Ossë could not relate), an undercurrent of loneliness that was the unfortunate consequences of his brother's terrible career choice, and what felt like a mix of child's imagination regarding the pretend life of her frog plush toy.
"Happy to see you too little spark."
Amarëa's eäla brightened in affection, her small hands tugging at the pale blue strands of his hair as she wordlessly babbled about how Yavanna had shown her various type of plants early that day.
He plopped on the grass where Arien sat, a small smile tugging at her lips at her daughter's actions.
Plucking the tiny Maia off his shoulders to hand her back to her mother, Ossë then gave her a questioning look.
"You got Eönwë on kid watch duties tomorrow?"
Arien chuckled, fingers combing through the wild locks of the rather uncooperative child on her lap.
"More or less. I'm going to be with Ilmarë and Nilmírëa all day, and Yavanna will be busy at the Māchananaškad with the rest of the Aratar."
Ossë made a non-committal noise, aware of the topic discussed, the strife of the Noldor. In his opinion they should care more about trying to find where had Melkor run to, there was anxiety spiking in the back of his mind, some awareness that the Vala had not simply gone back to Angband — no, Ossë knew Melkor well, and the fact Mairon had gone as well was not a good sign for them all.
Amarëa made a displeased huff when Arien tried to braid her hair tighter.
"Is Manwë aware you are using his Herald to run your errands?"
"Since our dear King found necessary to pry into my private life with invasive questions regarding my daughter, I have decided to spare him with such obvious superfluous information." Arien replied with sarcasm and Ossë cackled.
Arien had Eönwë wrapped around her little finger, and Tilion, and possibly Catalma, Oryalda, Olórin and most of the households of Yavanna and Vána. Even some of the Aulendil from what Uinen told him.
That is until Mairon fuck it up for the second time. Ossë had not really decided what to do with his brother yet, but one thing was certain, if Mairon publicly retook his place as Melkor's Lieutenant, things would grow more complicated. Ossë did not trust himself to go near Angband — for he knew without a doubt it was where Mairon currently was — not without fearing a relapse on his part at any rate, so for now he stewed in anger and swore that the minute Melkor would show any interest toward Mairon's kid he would raise hell on waters.
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smtsmtblablabla · 2 years
Just because I haven't seen anything like this yet
Fate X Pjo AU
( not really a AU, I'll just share wich cabins I think they would be in)
Bloom: Hephaestus Cabin. Not just because of her fire powers, but also because she shows a very big interest in vintage stuff, in the first episode we can even see her sort of fixing a lamp? And also because she is very smart, a very common trait between a inventor God's kids. Having the main character being a demigod of a not sooo famous God is also nice.
Sky: Zeus cabin. I considered Athena's cabin too, but I think our golden boy is more fitting in the king of gods lineage. I think that it not only fits his story as a whole, but he sometimes reminded me of Jason, so... yeah Zeus cabin for him.
Aisha: Poseidon. Another one I considered putting in the Athena one, but for me her connection with the water is more prominent than her need to be the smartest one. How she relaxes while swimming, how despite being the most level headed she's a very explosive person too. A calm sea capable of great storms.
Stella: Apollo. The girl searching for perfection being the daughter of the God most related to perfection itself? It can't get better than this. Also her ligth powers that are so connected to her story and personality. Also, I personally think she is a ray of sunshine when she allows herself to be.
Terra and Flora: Demeter. Do I need to say more? Like, where else would I put those plant loving girls? Their sweetness and empathy only make this decision more obvious. Sam is there too.
Musa: Aphrodite. It only makes sense. Her connection whith emotions are a power fitting for a love goddess daughter and it also makes sense with her story. A girl expected to never be in a fight wanting nothing but prove everyone else wrong? Very cabin 10 of her.
Riven: Hermes. I almost put him in the Ares cabin but now I feel like it would have been a mistake. This boy's intelligence is bigger than his need for a fight and I don't see him as someone who thrives in violence and war. He has a witty personality, street smarts and how can we forget he is a "proper delinquent "? Hermes cabin all over.
Beatrix: Zeus. Lightning powers? Power hunger? A very troubled mind? A Zeus kid trough and trough.
Dane: I decided that he is one of the kids who are yet to be chosen, partially because i just couldn't fit him anywhere, partially because i think it suits him.
Kat: Artemis hunter.
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