coastalroses · 4 months
jesussss i like her so much😭😭😭
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hogwartsfirebolt · 3 months
the game’s the game
“What was going through your mind when you spotted the Snitch?”
Two camera shutters go off like lighting, but Draco doesn’t blink. It’s almost the end of the season, and he’s done a press conference every week. He’s used to them.
“Fucking finally,” he answers, and the journalists all laugh. They think he’s joking, and he can already imagine the articles they’ll publish tomorrow pronouncing him cheeky and funny, but he means it wholeheartedly. Six hours in the sky, drenched all the way through his pants in rainwater, and facing the very best player in the league? He had half a mind to jump off his broom if only to have the game end somehow.
“This is the second time you face PU and well, Harry Potter, this season,” says another reporter, a young, pretty woman with her hair pinned up and a reverent tone when she speaks Potter’s name. Like everyone. “Are you expecting to encounter him at this year’s Cup? And if so, how does that make you feel?”
Draco breathes out hard through his nose. Across the room from him, sitting at his own table against the wall opposite, Potter’s doing his own press conference. He’s wearing a hat backwards, the light blue of his team hoodie contrasting with his golden-warm skin tone. He has a hand to his chin, rubbing his short beard in thought at some question he’s being asked. Probably about just how sweet it had been to snatch that Snitch right from under Draco’s nose. He’s earnest and so gorgeous Draco can’t stand the sight of him.
“The game is the game,” Harry’s voice carries, clear and chesty, deeply masculine as he says his favorite little quote that means absolutely nothing and that fans have been yelling and tattooing on their bodies the whole season. “We don’t take any victory for granted. Coach has been running us to the ground, she won’t stop until we have that trophy in Puddlemere, and we’re doing our best to make her proud.”
“Oh, I’m certain we’ll face them at the Cup,” is what Draco answers at last. “Honestly? I think no other team comes even close. We’ll face them, and then we’ll bring the Cup home to Appleby. As Potter himself likes to say, the game is the game.”
All the cameras around him go off, the sound of Quick-Quills scrabbling and the reporters’ scandalized gasps at his use of Potter’s quote. He grins, puts his olive green Arrows cap on and stands to leave. He needs a fucking shower.
Later on, he’s sprawled on his hotel room couch, drying his hair with a towel and watching a replay of the game on the enormous television, making mental notes about his own flying, his mistakes, the times he dove too soon or hovered too low. When the screen follows the blue jersey with POTTER 7 emblazoned across the back, he looks closely, trying to spot mistakes but knowing he won’t find any. Potter’s probably the best flier of the century, and Draco loves Quidditch too much to lie to himself about that.
He’s admiring one of Potter’s physics-defying feints when there’s a knock on his door. Immediately, his heart takes up a gallop, and he has to press a hand to the center of his chest with a frown.
“Calm the fuck down, Malfoy,” he mutters. It’s a disproportionate reaction and he’s irritated with himself for it. It’s not as though it’s the first time. Or the tenth.
He pauses the game with a flick of his wand and makes his way to the door, through the archway that separates the TV room from the kitchenette. A quick look at the archway across the suite to make sure the bedroom is as he left it, and he’s at the door, taking a deep breath.
Potter’s grin is huge when Draco opens. He’s foregone all his team outwear, and is now in a familiar, worn leather jacket and a black sweater. His hair is wet, as though he rushed after his shower so he could get here quicker. Draco opens his mouth to say something, but before he figures out what, Harry pushes inside, turns around and presses him against the door, big hands gentle on Draco’s waist. Draco’s heart hasn’t gotten the “this isn’t the first or tenth time this happens,” memo, and is still running a marathon inside his chest, so he says nothing.
There’s a plastic bag in Potter’s hands. Dinner, probably, he usually brings dinner when they meet after a game. His wide smile reveals white teeth, a crooked canine that Draco knows is a baby tooth that never loosened. Round, stylish glasses cover the most intoxicating green eyes Draco has ever seen, and they’re shining with tonight’s victory. And Draco might be — definitely is — the world’s sorest loser, but he’s also the world’s biggest slut for Quidditch excellence, and he has it right here, holding him against his hotel room door.
“The game is the game?” Harry asks, amused, already leaning in, the hand on Draco’s waist moving to wrap the whole way around him and pull him close.
“Just some stupid phrase I’ve heard from a dickhead,” Draco answers, but the words hold the shape of a smile and are uttered right into a kiss there at the end.
It’s always a race at the start. They're both high from the game, still in that mindset, and it’s a competition to see who can undress quicker, who can make the other harder, who can earn the first moan and coax the first orgasm of the night. But after that first one, after Draco’s jaw aches dully and Potter is softening between his legs, everything slows down a little. Potter helps him up and they share the tacos Potter brought, watching the last minutes of the game they played earlier with Draco’s legs up on Potter’s lap, where he’s massaging his knees, his quads, making sure he’s not achy from kneeling for him.
“I really fucked that one up,” Potter comments. His tiny self on the screen just pulled out of an impossible dive at what looks like a 90 degree angle. He sounds earnest, which is the only reason Draco isn’t kicking him right in his beautiful face.
“I hate you so much. Only you would call that a fuck up.”
Potter hums, his massaging hands moving from Draco’s calf to his heel, his thumb pressing into his sole. On the screen, tiny Draco swerves a Bludger aimed to his head, and his teammate Owen is flying to him to make sure he’s alright.
“That guy is so into you,” Potter points out.
“I know. We fucked all through rookie year.”
Potter turns to look at him so fast it must hurt his neck. Draco raises an eyebrow, confused at the strong reaction.
“I — I don’t know,” Potter says, suddenly sheepish. His hands haven’t stopped moving over Draco’s foot. Potter’s skin is dark, but Draco can still make out the blush spreading across his cheekbones. “Isn’t it weird? He’s a teammate.”
There’s something he’s not saying. It’s evident in the way he bites his bottom lip, in the way he obviously wants to look away but is too ridiculously brave to actually do it. Draco’s heart thumps inside his chest, so hard he’s sure it must be audible to Harry too.
They’ve never named this thing between them. The first time they did it, after the quarter finals one year before, with Potter’s ill advised kiss that ended with them fucking in the showers of the stadium after Potter had wiped the damn dust with Draco on the pitch, they agreed to keep it quiet, and that was the last they discussed of it. It’s going on fourteen months since then, and they’ve done it at least once a month, when the league brings them to nearby towns, and sometimes when it doesn’t and they take a quick midnight Portkey to each other to blow off some steam.
Draco had never in his life been as well-fucked as he’s been this past year, and he definitely doesn’t want to lose it. Potter’s always been honest and open with him, vocal in bed about how much he wants him, filthy in his occasional text messages when they’re apart, but he’s never given any indication that he wants anything other than exactly what they have.
“It’s not weird,” Draco says slowly, unsure of what to think of this exchange. “We stopped a while ago. I was clear that I didn’t want — that I’d rather we stayed friends and teammates, without any complications.”
“Right,” Potter says. He sounds relieved, and Draco feels like he’s three steps behind the conversation they’re having. He’s about to ask, but Potter’s fingers on his calf smooth over an old knot and he groans instead, letting his head fall back onto the couch cushion.
“That feels great,” he says, and Potter repeats the motion.
“Yeah. I think you pulled it when you made that X turn.”
The turn he made to try to beat him to the Snitch, he doesn’t say. How he had enough awareness to know Draco attempted it while diving for the Snitch himself is beyond comprehension, but Draco has long accepted that Potter is simply insane about the game. He notices everything, considers everything, takes every risk. If he weren’t a player himself, Draco knows he would be following Puddlemere and Harry wherever they played for the entire season, wearing a pale blue jersey with the number 7 on it.
“Probably,” Draco says, closing his eyes and groaning again when Harry keeps pressing the same point. After a moment, he feels something softer brushing his calf, and opens his eyes to find Harry bent over his leg, kissing a path up towards his knee. He can’t help the embarrassing little sound he makes, and Harry’s laugh is a puff against his skin as he keeps moving up, breath warm on the wet trail of his kisses up Draco’s thigh. In the background, the presenters are going crazy over a feint Harry pulled, the sound of the audience carrying all through the stadium and out of the TV speakers.
Harry has made his way high up and is kissing Draco’s birthmark, a brown, apple-sized beauty mark an inch below his groin when he lifts his head to ask, “Why didn’t you want to?”
Draco can’t believe he’s using his mouth to speak at that moment. He licks his lips, trying to make sense of the question.
“What? What are you even — ?” He tries to sit up a little, but Harry moves over him instead so they’re eye-level without Draco having to move at all.
“With Caddell. Why didn’t you want to keep seeing him?”
“Owen? Why the fuck are we talking about —,” Draco lets his head drop down onto the cushions again, a sigh punched out of him. Harry takes pity and leans forward to kiss him, lips soft over Draco’s, knowing exactly how to coax his kisses out of him the way he likes best.
“I just want to know,” Harry whispers against his lips. He’s breathless just from touching Draco, from rubbing his legs, from kissing him. Fuck, this is insane.
“I like him, but it wasn’t very exciting.” Draco says. He closes his eyes as Harry begins to kiss down his neck, and tries to really think about it, because he’s not even sure himself. “I wasn’t willing to risk our teamwork when what we had wasn’t even that … electric. I don’t know. This sounds insane.”
Harry shakes his head, his beard rubbing against Draco’s collarbone. “It doesn’t. I get it.” He bites on the delicate skin connecting neck and shoulder, licks a path down his chest. “I get electric.”
“Fuck yes you do,” Draco says, nonsensical, but he feels he can’t be blamed when Harry is brushing his lips over his nipples, broad hands moving around Draco’s body to secure a grip over his ass.
“Is this?” Harry asks, mouth nearing the V of Draco’s hips, the edge of the trail of hair leading to his crotch. “Electric?”
Draco swears, fingers running through Harry’s hair and finding a grip, hard. “If you don’t put your mouth on me right now I swear I — yes.”
He spreads his thighs to accommodate Harry between them, one hand gripping Harry’s hair and the other curled around the cushion over his head. It is electric, the way Harry knows exactly which buttons to push, sliding a finger inside him while keeping him on his tongue. He’s a prodigy in this too, the star player who knows every move in the playbook that is Draco’s body.
It feels like no time at all, no effort at all before Harry is pulling back, dragging Draco closer by the waist and working himself inside. The feel of it, the sound of them together, the look into Harry’s open gaze, his sweat dripping onto Draco’s chest and his hands underneath Draco’s back, holding him, pulling him onto him, have Draco nearing release almost too fast for his liking, but the night is young and it’s been so long that he lets himself go, a cord snapping in his core, eyes open as he watches Harry watch him come apart.
“Come on,” he says once he’s come down, lifting his hips, shifting his weight onto his shoulders. “Show me what you got, Potter.”
Harry groans and leans forward, kisses Draco’s jaw and his neck, and drives his hips faster. Draco wraps his arms around Harry’s back, moves with him as much as he can in the tight embrace, and remains close as Harry meets his own peak and tumbles down the edge.
They lie together for a couple minutes afterwards, panting into each other’s skins, basking in the afterglow.
“Some pro-athletes. We have the stamina of two eighteen year old virgins,” Draco mutters into Harry’s hair after a while, and feels Harry’s chest rumble with his laughter. The room is cast in the warm glow of the foot-lamp that stands beside the sofa they just fucked in, exactly like two eighteen year old virgins having the chance to touch for the first time in their lives.
Harry always goes boneless and slow after a good lay, so Draco eases him off his body with tenderness, a gentle hand to Harry’s chest, followed by a kiss.
“Let's go to bed, yeah?” He whispers.
Harry groans. “I don’t want to move.”
“That’s too bad, because I’m exhausted and I’m going to bed. Some idiot drove me to the ground on the pitch today.”
He stands up and shakes out his legs, testing the soreness of his muscles. There’ll be an ache tomorrow, but nothing he can’t handle.
Despite his complaint, Harry is already standing up too, coming up behind Draco, a hand finding its way to the flat of his belly, his forehead on Draco’s shoulder as though he can’t bear not to touch him for even a second.
“Bed it is,” he declares against the skin of Draco’s shoulder, sounding halfway asleep already. Draco huffs a laugh and pulls him towards the bedroom, pausing at the kitchenette to grab two glasses of water that he watches Harry drink in three gulps, a couple drops sliding down the sides of his mouth, into his beard and down his neck, his Adam’s apple bobbing.
“What?” He asks when he catches Draco watching him, and Draco shakes his head and pulls him to bed. He’s so handsome it’s genuinely upsetting sometimes. Draco thinks he’d throw a tantrum about it daily if it weren’t for the fact that he gets to touch him.
They try their best, but they don’t manage a second round before their eyes fall shut, tucked into each other like two hands cupped under a stream of water, tumbling into a satisfied, exhausted sleep.
Harry wakes him with a kiss before daybreak, the last of the night chilling the room and puckering Draco’s skin.
“Do you have to go already?” Draco asks, one eye still closed and a hand curled possessively around Harry’s bicep, not entirely on purpose.
Harry shakes his head, kisses him again with a gentleness that is meant to go nowhere but extend this kiss, warm and sweet.
“I thought we could talk.”
Draco is nodding before fully grasping the meaning, but even once he does he’s not tempted to back away. Must be the night, still cocooning them, must be Harry’s arms around him that are making him brave, but he’s not nervous anymore, not now that he’s remembered what they’re like, together.
“It is electric,” he says, suspecting that’s what Harry wants to talk about. “It’s always electric with you.”
The smile blooms slowly, lighting up Harry’s face from within, his beautiful eyes, unhidden this early in the morning, his glasses still on the bedside table. Harry sits up a little, clears his throat. It seems like he’s been gearing up for this, he’s squaring his shoulders the way he does before trying a dangerous feint, before performing a play that will have Draco biting dust. This insane, wonder of an athlete. Draco forces himself to shake the last of the sleep away, to focus on him, on what he wants to say.
“I know that … so many of us want you,” Harry starts. “On your team, on mine, the whole league, actually. But I —”
He looks like he’s stating an absolute truth, like he has irrefutable proof, and Draco is taken aback. He knows some of the guys find him attractive, but that’s not the same as being wanted. He shakes his head. “What? Where did you get that?”
“I’ve talked about it with the guys, but that’s not the point,” he adds hurriedly when he sees his eyes widen. Draco hasn’t said a word to anyone, not out of shame, but out of sureness that they were sneaking around, that they were making it a point to hide. Apparently, he was wrong. Harry continues, “What I want to say is … I know we’ve not agreed on anything, that you’re free to want others, be with whoever you want to be with. I thought that you knew where I stood, that if you weren’t saying anything it was because you didn’t want the same thing I did, but it’s been brought to my attention that if I’ve not made an honest offer, I can’t assume you’re saying no.”
Draco’s heart is hammering inside his chest, inside his throat. He doesn’t want to jump to conclusions, but if he’s right, it seems Harry is saying …
“I don’t want this to be a once a month thing. I want to bring you home, I want you to meet my family, and I want the guys to know that I’m saying no to all the people they set me up with because I’m taken and completely uninterested in anyone else. Are you … is that something you want, too? I know you might have better offers, but I – ”
The covers crinkle under Draco’s knees as he sits up, throws a leg over Harry’s body so he can fully sit on his lap and brings him forward by the neck.
“You beautiful idiot. What could be a better offer? Why would I care about any other offers when I have the best one right here?”
They’re kissing, and Harry’s gasping, and Draco’s frenzied heart pounds against his sternum. He nods into the kiss, feels dizzy with how much he wants what’s being offered. Fuck. There’s nothing he wants more.
Harry pulls back a little, whispers: “Does this mean we’re — ?”
“Yes, fuck. It’s — The game’s the game.”
“What — That doesn’t make any sense.”
“Shut up. It’s your quote.”
Then they’re laughing into a new kiss, and it’s not the first, or even the tenth time they’re together like this, but Draco’s heart still goes crazy for this man, for his unlimited talent, his openness, his electric company. Quarter finals are coming up, then semis, then they might meet again on the pitch and Draco might lose and throw a strop and want to tear the hair out of his head over the beautiful Quidditch Harry plays, and then they’ll get to go home and celebrate a victory. No matter who takes the trophy. That’ll be the game.
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saiidahyunie · 5 months
g!p minatozaki sana x reader ; smut
synopsis: taking the term ‘sex drive’ to a whole different meaning.
wc: 1.7k 
warnings: no plot, just smut ; cursing ; voyeurism ; public sex kinda? ; creampie kink?? ; praise ; filthy filthy filthy ;)))))
a/n: first time writing/experimenting with g!p sooooooooo i'm curious to see how this is received :-D
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sana and you were heading up to momo’s place for her birthday party. 
the big catch was that momo wanted to have her birthday up in the mountains, so she and the rest of the girls planned out a whole airbnb to stay at a cabin for the weekend. 
you insisted sana to leave that thursday night, but sana had a last minute work situation come up so the drive had to be done the next day. 
once on the road, the trip would take about two hours to get to the cabin. you wanted to drive so that sana could relax after staying up, but she was willing to be in the driver's seat. 
you guys were halfway there as you sat in the car, looking out the window of the rows of trees that went for miles on end. you then set your eyes on sana at her attire—she looked like she just got out of the gym, wearing a sleek black sports bra under her track jacket paired with simple grey sweats. she looked too good as your eyes trail down her breasts to her perfectly sculpted abs. 
you also notice a small tent perking up in her pants as you bite your lip at the thought of her dick wanting to be let out. so without a second thought, you let your impulsive plan in motion. 
“sanaaaaaaa.” you complain, “are we there yet?” 
sana softly chuckles at your whiny little kid antics as she peers over the touchscreen to see the gps. 
“we’ve got about forty-five minutes y/n, so just sit tight a little longer for me yeah?” she asks you as she puts one hand on the wheel and her other hand on her thigh. 
“wanna do something to pass the time?” 
“baby, i’m driving here, we can't.” 
“you do know the car can be self-driven right?” you tsked out at her immediate refusal, knitting your brows together. 
“yeah, and what about it?” 
you swipe up on the touchscreen, tapping on a few panels as you set the car to self-driving mode. while you were doing that with your right hand, your left hand found its way to sana’s dick, brushing it lightly against the clothed fabric of her sweats.  
sana is left confused as you give a devilish smirk, continuing to feel up sana get harder and harder though her pants. 
“y/n, what if we get into an accident?” 
you shift your hands as you continue to move your hands around her body, rubbing up her dick and abs, gripping the waistband slightly down before stopping. 
“i don’t see any cars around, do you?” 
sana looks at the car mirrors, realizing that you were right as she leans back deeper into the seat. you take your hands off of sana’s body as she whines out cutely, the car continuing to roll down the road at a comfortable speed. 
“what’s wrong babe?” you coo as you take off your oversized sweater, revealing that you were wearing a black compression shirt that made your boobs look slightly bigger as sana inhaled sharply at the sight of you. 
“n-nothing.” sana replies with a soft groan as she rubs herself through her sweatpants, cheeks flushing pink as she fondles her boob with her other hand. 
“you want me to help with that?” eyeing the visible tent that was making sana super uncomfortable as sana continues to pump her dick up, hand clearly in her sweatpants as you smiled at her state.
“please y/n, i need you.” 
you hummed out in delight as you crashed your lips with sana, smiling against her face as she let out a needy moan, her hands cupping your body as you slipped your hand through sana’s pants, palming her dick as you continued to stroke her length. 
the slow pace was agonizing for sana as you felt her tip leak with a bit of precum through her boxers, lifting her hips up from the seat to fuck your hand, gasping out as you watch your girlfriend tried to get herself off. 
you abruptly pull your hand away from sana’s pants as sana was annoyed again, shaking her whole body as a complaint as you shut her up with another kiss. 
“you want more than my hand do ya?” you ask, pulling away from sana’s face slightly as she whimpered at your teasing. 
“fuck, yes please y/n, i need you now.” 
you kiss her cheek as you help sana take off her pants and boxers, her dick springing out in full length as you take off your pants. sana notices that you weren’t wearing any panties at all during this trip as her brain started to connect the dots together. 
“so you planned this, didn't you?” sana asks you as you lather up your pussy with your spit, rubbing your clit as sana jerks the tip of her cock. 
“when you look this good, how could i resist.” 
you then shift yourself over to sana’s seat, hovering over her hips as you lower yourself slowly, letting sana’s tip across your folds as you gasp out at the pleasurable moment. 
“fuckkkk baby. you’re gonna feel so good inside me.” you groan out as you rubbed her tip for a few seconds longer, letting sana’s length fill you up, lightly bouncing on the top half of her dick as you take more and more of her as you lowered yourself down.  
sana throws her head back against the headrest, covering her mouth with her wrist as she feels her dick take up all of you painfully slow. 
“feel good sana?”
“it’s amazing how you take me so well baby, i love it.” 
sana then repositions herself slightly as you start to bounce on her dick at a steady pace, moans leaving your mouth as sana’s pupils dilate the sight of you riding her, cock sliding in and out of your pussy as your juices slick up her member. sana loves how you lose yourself in ecstasy, the sounds of your ass slapping her hips filling up the car as it continues to stay on course with the road.
“so big sana, fuck.”
sana tries to restrain much as she could, legs straightening out the more you fuck yourself on your her dick. working yourself to the bone as you ride out your much needed horniness. sana then clutches her hands under your ass, allowing you to get in a better crouching position as you let her thrust in you deeper, her tip puncturing your cervix as you lean down over to kiss her.
your legs move themselves flat on the seat as sana pulls you against her, arms clutching your back as she increases her pace tenfold. 
“god sana please, don’t stop-“ you groan against her ear, “fuck my brains out like i know you could.” 
sana growls lowly as she grabs your hips, her thighs slapping against your pussy as you yelp out in excitement. 
“shit y/n, you’d do anything to get fucked by me even if it’s anywhere.” sana mumbles as she nips at your neck, adding onto the stimulus as you feel like putty on top of sana. 
the heavy breathing is in sync, the moans are at the same matching octave, it’s near perfect you and sama completely forget that you’re fucking in a moving car. the high was almost there, sana just needed an extra push as you felt the pressure coil in your stomach and cervix. 
“yes yes yes y/n- fuck you feel so fucking good.” 
“mhm? you like when you get to fuck me like this baby? this pussy is all yours.” you murmur as sana falls limp for a second, allowing you to impale yourself with her cock as her eyes flutter shut, completely lost on cloud nine as you let gravity do its work with your bouncing ass. 
sana groans out again, gritting her teeth as she lightly thrusts into you again, letting you do most of the motion as she holds both of your hands for more stability. 
“you’re so good for me sana, look at me.” 
sana locks eyes with you, realizing that she was getting close to releasing. 
“ngh, baby ‘m so close shit-” 
“wanna cum in this pussy so badly? no one else gets to fuck you like this but me.” 
“keep going baby, yes just like that mmph-” 
sana then pulls you closer again on top of her, growling as she starts to thrust inside you insanely fast. your cries were growing louder as your pace starts to bottom out. 
“fuck fuck fuck y/n ‘m gonna cum i-” 
you slam your hips down, sana helping as your walls contract around her cock. you grip her shoulders as sana’s cum fills your pussy up, cock pulsing as she curses out lowly. 
it was so blissful, but you grind on her cock a little bit longer, sana’s body shuddering as a few more spurts from her cock coats your walls before coming to a complete standstill. 
you collapse on top of sana finally, letting your body relax as she rubs your back. fingers weaving through your hair as you lay light kisses on her neck, not wanting to move as you and her were clearly spent after fucking each other dumb.
“i love your cum inside me…” you mumble out as you and sana’s breath return to somewhat normal, giving her another quick peck lifting yourself off of sana’s cock, a few drops of her cum dripping out of your pussy and onto her stomach. sana still not moving as she just looks at you with half lidded eyes whilst lying down on the seat. 
“you look so pretty for me like that.” you say to sana as you lean towards her for a lazy kiss, a grin cracking through sana’s face as she places her hand on your cheek.
“you’re such a sex addict y/n.” sana smirks as she watches you pull away, “my dick can’t keep up with your sudden waves of being horny so be glad i was able to last this long for you.” 
plopping back on the passenger seat as the car was still moving at a stable speed, you swipe on the touchscreen while sana readjusted her seat to a proper driving position. you check the eta to the cabin as you put your pants back on, sana’s hand rubbing your thigh as you look at her with genuine curiosity. 
“we still have about twenty minutes before we reach the cabin. wanna pull over so you can fuck my ass some more?” 
“i’m soooooo gonna get you back for fucking me while in a moving car.” 
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scoutswritingcorner · 1 month
Gala Night
PolyVees x GN!Reader
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TW:Valentino. I do not condone his actions at all.
You quickly moved out of the way as a secretary rushed past you holding the phone to your ear as you tried to listen to what Valentino was saying, “Carino~ You wouldn’t mind going to see Velvette before you grab the limo? She has something waiting for you.” He purred through the phone as you tried to rush to the now closing elevator. “Son of a- those bastards.” You hissed out looking around, guess you’ll be running up twenty flights of stairs then wait 5 minutes for the next elevator, “Yes, go see Velvette and then go pick up the limo.” You repeated back to the Overlord who happily hummed before he had to abruptly hang up as he yelled at someone.
You opened the door towards the stairs and growled, Velvette was gonna be pissed at you for being so late but so be it. You started your ascent up the staircase, putting your phone back in your pocket and ignoring how it buzzed with texts from multiple people. Of course, Vox had called you in on the day of one of hell’s special occasions. The Overlords Gala. Where Overlords throughout the whole 7 rings of Hell get together at Lucifer’s palace. You had the day off originally but Valentino got a little mad and killed off the other chauffeur that drove them around that morning so everything was an hour behind, you were still in your pajamas and had barely grabbed your wallet and phone for the day.
It took a few more moments until you were on the twentieth floor, busting through the door and quickly running down the hall towards Velvette’s Fashion Department ignoring the looks of models and random demons in the hallways. As you walked in still out of breath and practically wheezing for breath you could hear Velvette yelling at some poor model before she moved them away. Janette whispering something to her before she whipped her head towards you, “Where the fuck have you been?” She asked storming over as you stood tall, “Running up twenty flights of stairs,” you replied before she rolled her eyes and pulled you towards the podium. Velvette’s eyes stuck to your outfit like glue before her glare darkened and her frown deepened. “What the fuck are you wearing?” She growled out as you looked down at the ‘Voxtech’ shirt and pajama pants you took from the gift basket (one of many) that Vox sent over to your apartment.
“..my pajamas.” You slowly replied before she scoffed and flicked her wrist as your pajamas disappeared and you were fitted in your normal outfit but the subtle difference was it had the V’s logo embroidered on the chest pocket as if they were planning to show you off and you weren’t just gonna drop them off and then go busy yourself with whatever you could find. Velvette walked over and fixed the jacket from looking lopsided, “Don’t run down those fucking stairs. You’ll tear something or fall and we don’t have time to fix another fucking mess.” She said before reaching up to brush your hair back, “Yes ma’am, no running down the stairs.” You repeated watching as a smile replaced the sneer on her lips. She patted your arms and waved you off to go do whatever else you needed to do. 
It didn’t take you long to get down the flight of stairs and down to the parking lot where Vox kept the limo and other cars you were asked to drive. Quickly showing your ID to the scanner on the door, Vox was really careful about everything. Even one small misprint on your ID would send him an alert that someone was breaking in, you walked into the large garage and looked around seeing the limo sitting near the back of the garage. You walked towards it to make sure everything was okay.
It wasn’t until an hour later as you were making sure the inside of the Limo was cleaned and restocked for the three of them that Vox had called you to tell you that they were about to leave. You got situated and drove the limo to the front of the tower ignoring how demons gathered around to see the Vee’s before they left for the Gala. But bodyguards had blocked the crowds as you rushed to the other side and opened the doors for the three Overlords, who looked like they stole a piece of Heaven with their matching outfits. You were not drooling over your bosses, focus. This is a big night and you’d rather not have a bullet in your head before the night is over. Keep your mind from drifting.
The drive was silent and long, only a few times did Valentino bother you which was weird but you didn’t pay attention to it much. As you pulled to a stop at a redlight, you softly tapped on the steering wheel as your eyes drifted around. You were liable to fall asleep if the silence continued like this, it wouldn’t hurt to play some music while they weren’t paying attention to you, maybe it’d get them to relax a bit too..even if they didn’t hear it due to the partition window. You turned the radio on, turning it down so it wouldn’t be too loud for them to hear as you started to drive down the road once more.
It was another few minutes before you drove past the giant golden gates, you felt weird about being around such a place. Especially since this had to be the first Gala in years after The King’s absence, you felt..unworthy of being in such a place. As you pulled to a stop in front of the palace doors, you parked the car and moved to open the door for all three of them. Valentino was first to exit, then followed by Velvette and finally Vox exited the Limo, his arm slinging around your shoulders. “Are you ready for a fun night?” He asked pulling you closer to his form as cameras flashed all around you. You blinked once..twice before it hit you..Vox was talking to you. “W-What?” You asked looking up at his screen seeing his smile grow wide at the question as he closed the limo door with his foot, his arm moving comfortably around your waist.
If you were anyone else there would be a sure chance he would’ve killed you right there for questioning him. But you weren’t anyone else, you were the Vee’s chauffeur. You were under their protection and you weren’t bound by any soul contract, you had free reign to do whatever you wanted. “The party~ You’re our guest~” Valentino cut in gently grabbing your chin and making you look towards him, oh boy the rumors will be running on for days now. You just whispered a soft ‘oh’ before looking away at Velvette who winked at you. 
There goes your plans to go to that diner downtown and eat dinner for cheap.
Taglist: @aboyscriminalrecord cause I know you thrive on the Vees.
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thevestigeofvanillaan · 7 months
nerdy!kyle x popular!reader.
content: female reader, smut, "y/n", talking through snaps (snapchat, partial)
pervy nerdy kyle🤝slutty popular y/n
ive been inspired by @bro-flov-ski (go follow!) so here's this..
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you had him in a choke hold. he couldn't breathe in your presence. as you walked past him in the hallways with your little skirt hiking up, your coy smile, and eye contact; he held his breath.
kyle let out a big sigh when you turned the corner, stan asks "dude why don't you just ask her out? you guys snap all the time and she clearly has a thing for you."
"are you crazy?" kyle looks at stan with wide eyes. "someone like me could never be with someone like her. she probably likes some jock or something." his phone buzzes and he's excited at the noise, quickly checking it and smiling when he sees your name on the screen.
"don't look at me like that, we only snap because that's what girls do." kyle shoves stan in the shoulder before walking into chemistry.
he was shocked to see that you moved your seat next to where he'd been sitting. you sat so pretty, your thighs looking so plump for him and your breasts so close to slipping out of the tight shirt youre wearing. he almost instantly felt hard at the sight of you, on your phone not even recognizing his perv ass staring at you as he made his way to his seat.
you look up in surprise when you hear the chair being pulled next to you. "oh, hey kyle didn't see you there." you smile pretty at him, resting your chin in the palm of your hand as you stare at him with a face full of lust.
"hi y/n." he mumbles briefly, taking a seat.
the bulge in his pants was too obvious, he knew that. you thought it was so cute though, that he couldn't help himself around you. it even turned you on a little.
in front of your whole class, he was rock hard at the mere sight of you. how cute, covering himself with his jacket. "what do you have to hide, ky?" you giggle.
he looks at you with a nervous expression and you only laugh harder. he was so precious. you crossed your legs and used the one higher to graze his leg with it. you watch him avoiding your gaze, refusing to look at you, looking at anything but. you watched as he bit his lip and sat up.
poor thing was probably so desperate for you then. "im sorry, that must be so hard for you.." you say quietly as you rub his leg with your foot, going higher up with each graze.
you could hear his breath hitch and his lips quiver slightly and decided that was enough teasing.. for now.
later that day when you were home you decided kyle had you on delivered for too long and sent him a more.. bold snap of you.
you were in a tank top and panties and decided to take a mirror picture for him. you added a caption saying "wydd".
he responded quickly once you'd double snapped him. although, he took a minute to respond. must have been looking at the picture for an extra minute, you figured.
you were surprised to see his snap being a mirror picture of himself, shirtless in gray sweatpants which make it easy to see the imprint in his pants. it was captioned "thinking about you".
that was the boldest thing you'd seen him do. turned on by this, you respond with a picture of you with your tongue out. captioning it "yeah? what kind of thoughts? dirty ones?".
again, quickly responding. it was a picture of him with his tongue out too. captioned "would it be weird if i was?".
"it'd be hot" you respond. "what kind of dirty stuff are you thinking about kyle?".
"idk.. fucking you?😂" (unironically using the laughing emoji is such a nerdy kyle thing btw).
"felt so bad for you in chem today, wish i could have helped you with that.."
"oh yeah?" the snap was a picture of him and you could tell he was doing things off camera.
so naughty of him, but it was so hot to you. this nerdy boy being so desperate and hard for you.
you send a picture of you cupping one of your breasts through your thin tank top. "yeah ;)."
"maybe you could help me next time?" he replied about two minutes later after having you on opened. must've been looking at the picture pumping his cock, so desperate for you.
the truth was that you were desperate for him too.. teasing yourself wishing it was his fingers instead of yours. you couldn't get off to the fact that he wasn't the one touching you, you needed him, bad.
the next day was a friday and school went on as usual until chemistry when you saw kyle again.
when you saw him already sitting down as you walked into the classroom suddenly the air felt thicker. you wanted him but you had to keep your cool.
sitting right next to him, he stares. blatantly staring directly at you with a cocky grin. you'd never seen him like that before.
"hey." you say trying to sound casual.
he chuckles softly, still smirking at you while shaking his head slowly, looking down "hi.".
oh his laugh. his little breathy chuckle. it was so attractive.
"wanna hang out after school?" you asked. what was the worst that could happen? it's a friday and you wanted to see if those texts would go through in person..
his eyes dart to yours and he looks serious before he laughs softly. "naughty girl, aren't you?".
"what? no!" you shake your head and laugh. "i mean only if you.." you make eyecontact again and both laugh and look away awkwardly.
"don't be afraid now," he starts to play with one of the bracelets he was wearing. "i won't bite you unless you want me to."
you laugh and cover your smile and the teacher begins the class finally.
the time after school rolls around and you decide to text kyle when you got home. "still down to hang out?"
he responds quickly. "yeah, my place?" he says.
"sure," you send. "can i head over now?"
when you got there you knocked on the door and a couple seconds later there was kyle standing at the door, inviting you inside to his home.
making casual conversation as he leads you to his room, your pinkie interlinked with his.
"yeah" he responds and sends his address and you drive over to his house which isn't that far from yours.
you giggle as you sit on his bed next to him, as close as you could be. his thigh against yours.
"so what do you wanna do?" he laughs almost awkwardly. he was so handsome as you were looking into his eyes. his beautiful eyes which spoke to yours.
you laugh at what you were about to say. "i think you know what i wanna do.." you smile down and use your pinkie to draw pictures on his knee.
"oh do i?" he smirks.
"mhmm.." you mumble and your faces get closer when you slowly move to straddle him, him guiding your hips to the right place as you slowly begin to grind against him. you could feel his hot breath against your open lips and your eyes flutter shut as your lips make contact with kyle's.
they meet again but with more passion and for longer this time and both of your breathing gets heavier. your grinding becomes more synchronized and everything becomes unreal.
his hands traveled your body, trying to memorize every curve before tapping your thigh softly. "can i?" he asks, playing with the hem of your shirt and you nod into his neck with a hum, still grinding against him.
he takes your shirt off and you lift your arms so he could do so easier, quickly moving your hands to either side of his face before kissing him passionately.
he hums into your mouth in pleasure of his cock being dry humped, especially by you.
this felt like a dream.
"please.." you mumble quietly into his ear. "ill be a good girl, need you so bad, ky.." your hands caress his chest and his head falls back before he nods with a soft chuckle.
"okay, okay.. it's okay baby. im not going anywhere, okay?" he hushes you, holding your hips to slow you down so he can give you what you want. "you want my cock?"
you nod. you wanted it so bad. you were so wet already he didn't even need to do anything to prepare you.
he helped you take off your skirt after you got off him and he laid you down on his bed gently, placing a pillow behind your head and upper back to ensure that you're comfortable.
unzipping his pants and taking out his cock and teasing his own tip with his thumb as you watched intently. mumbling as you rub your thighs together, he rubs them and gently moves them apart. "hey, hey.. it's okay. you ready?"
"mhm.. please, ky." you practically whine and he lines his cock up with your entrance before slowly sliding in.
"fuckk.. you're being such a good girl for me, huh? that's it doll, just like that f'me.." he groans before he whimpers softly when his whole length is inside of you. his whimpers.. they were addicting.
you whine at his noises and the feeling of him stretching you out so good with his fat cock..
"you okay?" he asks, moving a chunk of hair put of the way of your eyes so you could look into his eyes. "look at me, doll." immediately you look up into his pretty eyes. "you ready for me?"
you nod.
"no, no baby. you gotta tell me you're ready.."
"mm ready ky.. please." and he thrusts hard into you, making you gasp and moan loud. he laughs and continues thrusting into you at a pretty fast pace, groaning at the feeling of your tight wet walls clenching around him.
wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer to you, scratching at his bare back, definitely leaving red scratch marks but you hadn't cared. not when he was making you feel so good..
his voice, the things he was saying, the situation, him.. it was all so much and it got you so close so fast.
him too. he was ready to crack so soon. but he wouldn't cum before you would..
fucking hard into you as you moan out his name in pleasure. "fuck!– ky, im gonna—."
"you are?"
"mmmhmmm.." you can't help it, you were so close.
"fuck baby me too.. where–" you cut him off.
"in me please ky i need you to fill me up so bad i need you.."
and with that both of you were reaching your climaxes together.. loud moans and heavy breathing filling the whole room before almost silence falls apart from the breathing.
he laughs when you two make eye contact and you smile. "what?"
"nothing.." he laughs again.
"no! what?" you giggle and sit up, backing away from him.
"nothing! i just never thought i would have ever done that with you.." he responds.
you couldn't help but smile at him.. "me either.."
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starieq · 2 months
“Lovin her seems tiring..” Part 2
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Taggies/ warnings; Pro!HeroKats, cheating, fingering, creampie, blowjob, ridding, cumming, squirting, swearing, mention of sex toys, dirty talk, titty fuck, drinking, drunk messaging, dry humping.
part 3!
After that crazy call with your boss, you went right into making reservations so you don’t get yelled at the next week of work. 
Wait. Is his girlfriend coming? Should you call and ask? Would he be mad? Do you reserve two rooms? One for you, and one for him? Of course you would! Why wouldn’t you? Don’t make this weird y/n.
You had a lot of what if’s. But, you wanted to be brave and call your hot headed hot boss. 
ring, ring, ring.
“The hell ya want now? Thought i made myself fuckin clear.” He grumbles into the phone.
“U-uh,” you stutter. “S-so, is uhm, Kira coming like she usually d-does, or..-“ 
“No. Just make two rooms. One for you and me.”
“Okay! Thank you for letting me know. B-but i do have a question Mr. Dynamight.” 
“Lay it on me.” He says calmly? Wow, you’ve never heard him so calm before. 
“So, why I’m I coming..?” You ask a little scared.
“Need ya to come with me cause you’re my damn assistant and you should do as I say. See ya next week y/n.”
He hangs up. God, his voice was so sexy. You couldn’t get enough of it. At least his bitch of a “girlfriend” isn’t coming. 
You go to work the next week after your short weekend. You get packed to go to Tokyo, and you plan to maybe go to Tokyo Disneyland since it’s not like your gonna be on patrol with him, right? 
You make your way to the bus station to get to the Dynamight agency. It was snowing and a horrible day to wear a white high waist mini skirt with a cute flower cardigan. At least you have a snow jacket and shoes in the office. 
You pay for your ticket and get on the bus. The bus station was pretty packed, you cant be late today. You decided to go on your phone to see the news, until you get a text from your boss.
:Dynamight🧡💥: I need ya to get to the fuckin office now. Go to my office when you’re here.
:y/n: sorry! Bus station is a little full today. I’ll get there as fast as I can! :D
You see the Dynamight agency and run out the bus as fast as you could. You knew Bakugo was a hot head and the last person you wanna piss off. It was kinda hard to run in the thick snow with uggs on, but you couldn’t care less. You NEEDED to get to your boss. 
You open the large doors and greeted the front lady that at gives you little candies. 
“Thank you Mrs. Hellen!” You wave goodbye and pop the candy in your mouth. You get to the elevator and press floor 8. As you get on, you notice you have a big whole in your tights. Fuck. Those were new too! Damnit. 
You gracefully walk to Bakugo’s office and hear grunting on the other side of the door.
You knock on the door and you hear Bakugo startle and race to get up. You’re not sure what he was doing, but your little dirty mind thinks something else. 
“What-“ he looks down at you. “Get in here,” He pulls your wrist inside his office. 
“Good morning to you too, Mr. Dynamight.” You give him a warm smile and he falls back on his chair. 
You notice his face is a little red and his cheeks are slightly puffed. You couldn’t help but also noticed a bulge in his hero cargo pants. 
“Ay, eyes up here sweetheart.” He says with a a smug smirk.
“O-oh sorry. I was just thinking about my uh, hole in my tights.” You said. Nice save, you think to yourself.
“Uh huh.” He says turning his chair so the back faces you.
“So Mr. Dynamight-“
“We’re leaving tonight, did ya pack your shit?” You noticed he clenched his jaw when he span his chair to face you again.
“Yeah.. uhm, are you going to pick me up or-“
“Yeah. Text me your address when I leave.” 
“Ok.. thank you for your time.” You spin on your heel to leave. You opened the door and took slow steps. 
Well, guess you should start working.
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blackreaderfics · 8 months
🎃Wildcard | Jason Todd x Reader🎃
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↳ Pairing : TitansDCverse!Jason Todd x Virgin!Reader
↳ Rating : E (18+ minors dni‼️)
↳ Summary : A round of Cards Against Humanity gets a little wild during “Game Night” at Titans Tower
↳ W.C : ~3.4k
↳ A/N : welcome to spooky season. this is my first ever fic for kinktober🧡👻 idk if this is controversial buuut I love that actor’s portrayal of Jason🫣
↳ Tags + Warnings: dubcon elements, oral (male receiving), face-fucking, orgy, stripping, degradation (“slut”), coercion, alcohol consumption (beer), teabagging, bullyish!jason x shyish!reader, reader wears glasses, reader is a virgin, jason is kinda a dickhead lol, side characters (rachel, rose, gar, and conner) are there, for sake of convenience they’re all 21+
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“Oh come on,” Jason groaned exasperatedly as you set your glasses on the coffee table. “Glasses don’t fucking count!”
After a successful mission and saving the world for the hundredth time, the Titans decided to unwind in the best way they knew how: a night in with board games and beer.
As usual, Jason had tried to make the games a little bit more exciting by adding a “fun twist”. Jenga became a drinking game; drink if you make the tower fall. Uno had become “draw or dare”, you could choose to draw four cards or get off scot-free by doing a dare. 
The “grownups” of the team—Dick, Kory, Hank, and Dawn— had excused themselves to do “grownup things” leaving you and the remaining group of young adults in the living room. Currently, you were now in the middle of another particularly heated game of Cards Against Humanity, the interesting twist being the person with the best card could choose for someone to strip an article of clothing.
Jason had been targeting you the whole night; teasing you for the baggy clothes you always wore. Purposely, just to annoy him, you’d only taken off your accessories and your zip-up hoodie.
Admittedly the clothes you wore didn’t really fit you right. You’d opted to wear oversized sweaters over fitted shirts, and unflattering pants over a more hip-hugging and slimming fit. Before you became a Titan, you were shyer than you were now. It had only been recently when you started to come out of your shell and get closer to your teammates. 
“Be for real. Glasses do so count!” You retorted. You had all but discarded your outer layers and were now left in pants and a tank top. You could take up a few turns with your socks and shoes if you needed to.
“Why do you guys wear so many layers?” Gar piped up. All he had on were his boxers and a single sock. Conner, who was sitting next to him, was equally fucked, only, with no socks as a buffer.
“Because we play idiotic games like this,” Rachel remarked dryly while drawing an extra card from the pile.
You and Rachel were the only ones currently safe from any unnecessary exposure. Rachel did wear a lot of layers, and despite having lost multiple rounds, still looked very much clothed. Rose sat far off on the kitchen counter with a bowl of cereal looking on with about as much judgment as a girl with one working eye could. 
“You know, offer still stands. You can still join us, Rose,” Jason addressed the grey-haired, eye-patch-wearing girl without looking up from the cards in his hands.
“Hard pass. I’d rather watch you losers get destroyed.” She then unceremoniously returned to munching on her cornflakes.
Your gaze settled on Jason who’d shed his leather jacket and still remained in a plain black tee and jeans. He was unfairly attractive in the most basic of clothes. And though you hated his playground jibes and dirty humor, you couldn’t help but develop a little bit of a crush on the messy-haired boy. When his eyes caught yours, you could see the wheels in his brain practically turning as his smirk grew wider.
“How about…” He started slowly, “Boys versus girls. If you guys win, then we’ll get naked. If we win, you guys get naked.”
Of course he would suggest that, you thought to yourself glumly. The thought of showing your naked body to your crush didn’t excite you, it only made you more nervous.
“You’re just saying that ‘cuz you’re losing,” you said, masking your anxiety with a chug of your beer, “Conner’s literally only got his underwear left.” 
Conner, hearing his name, suddenly perked up. “For the record, I have x-ray vision. I can already see everything anywa—” Gar nudged him in the ribs to keep him from talking.
Jason shook his head. “It’s no fun if we already know who’s gonna win. Let’s vote on it then. Who here agrees to a wildcard match?” He raised his hand, and predictably the two other boys followed suit. “And who wants to play the way we’ve been playing; the boring virgin Y/N way?” He taunted cheekily.
You felt your cheeks warm again. He was never letting you live down the fact that you had confessed you were still a virgin during a past game of “Never Have I Ever”. You raised your hand and looked around for support. “Rachel,” you hissed desperately when you found she had not raised her hand. 
“Seriously? They suck at this game. It’s not like they’re gonna suddenly win out of nowhere," Rachel whispered back.
“In that case, I’ll play too,” Rose hopped off the counter and plopped on the couch next to you. 
“So nice of you to finally join us,” Jason crooned. “I’ll let you do the honors.” He passed her the deck he’d been shuffling for her to deal and sat back. 
After Rose had dealt all the cards, you looked at your hand. The deck you were playing with was a custom-made deck that Dick had ordered to round out the Tower’s impressive board game collection.
As a collective, you all pooled in ideas resulting in a deck of cards ranging from the peculiar to the mundane; from “taking shots off Nightwing’s ass”; to “Batman’s Worst Nightmare”; to names of each of your superhero aliases including all of the Justice League. For some reason, however, all the cards in your current hand were names.
“Make me laugh,” Rose ordered primly as she set down her card and folded her arms in expectation. It read: 
“If I could fuck anyone right now, I would fuck ______”
“Damn,” Rachel sounded impressed, “that’s certainly one way to start a round.”
Gar immediately threw his card down, followed by Rachel, then Jason. Only Conner and you were left.
“Time’s ticking Y/N,” Jason tapped a nonexistent watch on his wrist. Usually you would fire a comeback at him, but this time you could only frown as you chose your safest option and slid it tentatively over to the pile in the middle. 
“Time’s up, Conner,” Rose said as she gathered the cards. He passed it over face down, obviously not very happy about his choice. 
“Okay, we have a ‘Wonder Woman’,  a ‘Poison Ivy’….” She glanced around the room to see if anyone would give themselves away. “A ‘Robin’—wait...” She barked out a laugh. “I can’t not address this. I pick this one. Who fucking put down Robin?”
The room erupted into fits of laughter rivaling a high school classroom as they watched you sigh and bashfully raise your hand. 
“Oh, would you now?” Jason raised a curious eyebrow at you. 
“I-in my defense, there’s more than one Robin,” you sputtered pitifully before he could tease you further. You watched him stand up and begin to raise his shirt, giving you an eyeful of v-line and toned midriff. “W-what are you doing! I didn’t pick you!” 
Despite being only in a tank top, you felt yourself getting hot. Gar and Conner had equally toned bodies, but they weren’t affecting you the way Jason had been. Just to spite you, he kept his eyes on yours as he raised his shirt as suggestively as possible, bringing it up over his head and tossing it in a pile on his leather jacket.
“Just giving the person who wants to ‘fuck me right now’ a little preview.” He said, smile smug like he was doing charity for letting you see his 6-pack. 
Yea, real fucking Mother Theresa.
“Well, too bad I can barely see it.” You waved a hand in front of your face, “No glasses remember?”
“Come sit on my lap, mama, I’ll give you a closer look.” Jason plopped back on the sofa, abs flexing as he reclined with his legs spread wide, inviting you to sit with a pat on his thigh and a wicked smirk to match.
“Ugh, gross,” Rose made a face but appeared to be humored by Jason’s antics. 
“Anyway,” you interrupted desperately trying to change the subject. “Since I won, technically that means the girls won too. Rules are rules.” 
You had barely even finished your sentence when the boys immediately moved to take off their clothes. Your mouth went dry as they sat nonchalantly before you now, cocks resting against their stomachs.
In any other situation, you’d probably find this extremely inappropriate. They were your teammates. Sure, you lived together and had walked in on the occasional member changing or just getting out of the shower, but you were a bit buzzed off of the booze already, and this was different— you couldn’t help but stare.
“So uh…what now?” Gar’s nervous laugh broke the silence and everyone turned towards him; he blushed under the newfound attention.
“New game?” Conner suggested. He appeared to be just as clueless as Gar but with less of the blushing.
Rose looked over at you and Rachel for guidance, but seeing as neither of you knew how to react, the grey-haired girl merely shrugged back at the boys. “I’m down.”
“Ok, new game,” Jason agreed. “If you can make all of us cum in 10 minutes then the girls can get TV remote control privileges for the rest of the year.”
“All of you including Conner?” You asked brow raised, “He’s a super, that’s not fair.”
“What? It’s not like he has ‘super cum control’ too.”
“Actually, yea I—”
“Don’t answer that,” Jason cut in, annoyed. “Ok fine, I’ll give a handicap. If you can make one of us cum in 5 minutes untouched then the TV’s all yours.”
“Do you think we’re stupid, Todd?” Rachel narrowed her eyes at him. 
“Well…” He paused and tapped a finger to his chin to consider Rachel’s rhetorical question, flinching playfully when she raised her fist to jab in his direction. “Ok ok, but 5 minutes is a long time!”
“I meant the untouched part.”
“Your handicap is you can’t touch us, and our handicap is Logan.” He jabbed a thumb to gesture at Gar who looked like he was meditating to calm himself down. “He’ll probably reach the big ‘O’ before he reaches nirvana.”
“Deal, but if it’s gonna be like that then let’s raise the stakes a little.” Rose countered. “Not just remote control privileges. We get control privileges. Over you guys. If we win, you have to do whatever we say for the rest of the year.”
Jason fished his phone out from the pocket of his jacket and set the timer for 5 minutes. “And if we win, the same for us too.” He started the timer and sat back.
You, Rachel, and Rose made a beeline for Gar, who’d still had his eyes squeezed closed in the middle of the sofa.
“Fuckin’ hell, I should’ve known you’d try ‘n cheat,” Jason grumbled and stopped the timer. “No double or triple-teaming. One to one only and I get to choose the pairs.”
“And why should you be the one to choose that?” You turned toward him, trying (and failing) not to look at his dick. It was long and thick, with a slight curve and a pretty pink color at the tip.
“‘Cuz you wanna fuck me so bad,” he simpered, an impish grin playing on his lips.
“Oh god,” You rolled your eyes.
“Let him choose,” Rose challenged unfazed at Jason’s constant goalpost moving. “Whatever strategy he thinks he has isn’t gonna work.”
Jason ignored her and carried on with making the pairs. “Rachel and Conner, Rose and Gar.” He pointed directly at you, “You and me.”
Upon his directions, the three of you moved to stand in front of your now-designated partners. Finally satisfied, Jason set the timer again and pressed start. Almost immediately Rachel and Rose set to work on their mission, stripping their clothes down to their underwear. You tentatively followed suit, shimmying out of your jeans and kicking them aside. Jason eyed you, fully reclined in his seat with his hands comfortably behind his head. 
“Well, this is gonna be easier than I thought,” He yawned, looking as nonchalant as ever. 
“I doubt your porn-addled brain has ever seen a real woman before, Jason.” The taunts you directed at him should’ve sounded more confident, but instead were dulled by your nervous fidgeting at the hem of your shirt. 
This was the first time you’d ever been half-naked in front of a boy. And not just any boy, but a boy you liked. But the way he always seemed to tease you and make sexually insensitive jokes at your expense made you anxious. It wasn’t overt bullying, but the little comments he would sneak here and there were beginning to eat at you. If you showed him any more of your body, would he make fun of you even more?
“Trust me, I’ve seen plenty,” He assured, “But how ‘bout you jog my memory and demonstrate?” His gaze moved down your chest and back up to your eyes, daring you to take it off. 
You fidgeted again under his stare, feeling a sensation growing in the pit of your stomach. It was a mix of anxiety, embarrassment, and something else you could quite place. When you glanced over to the other pairs, Rachel had already taken her top off and Rose was in the middle of a strip tease. 
“Four minutes,” Jason announced, with a bored expression. 
Feeling a sense of urgency, you pulled off your tank top, exposing your lacy bra. When his dick twitched, both your eyes shifted to the hardening situation in his lap. You could see him fighting the urge to touch himself now, and that gave you a burst of confidence. 
Rachel and Rose were now in between Gar and Conner’s legs, not touching them, but teasing them by blowing hot air on their cocks. You followed suit, with only three minutes left you had to do something. After all, forfeiting your will to the whims of three boys with raging hormones didn’t seem like a fun idea, especially since you knew how playfully vindictive they could get. They’d probably try and make you human furniture or whatever other sick and twisted thing they could think of. You shuddered at the thought of the kind of torture they could come up with.
You sank to your knees and sat between Jason’s legs. You watched him involuntarily swallow and sit up straighter, pulling his hands down from his head to steady himself and clutch at the couch cushion beneath him. 
“Three minutes,” Jason glanced at his phone, but he wasn’t as confident as he was before. If anything, he seemed much more distracted by your presence at his feet.
Satisfied with his change in demeanor, you only smiled at him, fluttering your lashes at him as you brought your mouth closer to his balls. You opened your mouth and exhaled softly.
He hastily brought a hand to his cock—beads of precum already spilling from its tip—and made minute motions with the pad of his thumb to calm himself down. His chest raised with shallow breaths as he looked down at you now, eyes heavily lidded with lust and wanting. 
“Fuck it—” He hissed and without warning, reached his other hand around the back of your head, pushing your nose into his balls as he began to jerk off. Your eyes widened, taken by surprise at his sudden actions.
From where you were kneeling you could already see Rachel and Rose giving their partners full-on blowjobs, completely forgetting the game they had agreed to earlier. The sensation in your stomach moved down to your clothed sex, and you could feel a tingling sensation as he rubbed your face obscenely against his balls, moaning with need.
“Open your mouth —oh fuck— please.” His voice sounded strangled as he held you at the base of his cock, masturbating desperately to chase his release.
You obliged his request, opening up and taking his balls into your mouth, looking up at him as you felt his grip on the nape of your neck tighten. He was clearly getting off from the sight of you beneath him, massaging thoroughly with the flat of your tongue. He brought your head back and, with his other hand, held his cock by the base. 
He groaned again when he saw your lips now glossy with spit. “Open f’me again, baby?” he asked despite the fact that the tip of his cock was already being pressed to your lips. Your cheeks warmed as he let out a moaning “fuuuck” when you opened your mouth again to allow him inside. He pushed your head down deeper to take all of him in, and your eyes began to water as the tip of his cock grazed the back of your throat. 
“You don’t know how fucking pretty you look with my cock in your mouth, Y/N,” he murmured, releasing the pressure off your head for you to catch your breath. He let out a short laugh as if your gasping for air was funny to him.
“Had no idea you were such a fucking slut under all those clothes. How’re you a virgin when you’re takin’ my cock this good, hm?” His voice was gentle and soft but borderline condescending as he spoke. 
Jason brushed away a tear from your eye and leaned over to bring you into an open-mouthed and sloppy kiss, tasting himself on your tongue. A string of saliva connected at both of your lips when you separated. 
“Gonna fuck that pretty little mouth of yours. Keep it open,” He instructed. Within seconds he was guiding your head back on his cock, bucking up into your mouth and against your throat. You made a garbled sound, which only seemed to make him thrust harder. 
“Oh fu— that’s so fuckin’ good, baby keep doin’ that,” he moaned, though you weren’t doing much except letting your head loll up and down like a brainless doll with the support of his hand at the back of your neck. 
The living room was now filled with the pleasured moans of the three boys and the gagging ‘gluck gluck’ sounds of the three girls as each of them fucked into your mouths, getting off on the lewdly slick sounds of their cocks pistoning in and out in a relentless rhythm. Your mouths became just another hole for them to fuck.
“Shit—” His hips stuttered; he was close. He brought both hands to your head pushing it down so your nose pressed against his base. “You know how to swallow right, baby?” He grunted. 
You couldn’t respond with words readily—your nose was plugged and his cock clogged your windpipe— instead, your throat closed over his tip, as if a Pavlovian response to his question. He groaned and not shortly after, you felt his hot cum shooting down your throat. 
When his softening cock finally left your mouth, you swallowed his sticky release as best as you could with your punished throat. He swiped some of the cum the had dribbled down your lips with his thumb and pushed it past your lips, making you suck it. 
“You’re so fucking hot,” he said breathlessly as he watched you suck his thumb, mesmerized by the way your eyes locked on him. A loud moan from Gar interrupted, making both you and Jason tear your eyes off each other. The green-haired boy was currently stroking his cum onto Rose’s waiting tongue. About a minute later, Conner came too. 
It was only then that you realized that Jason had come the fastest; faster than the “handicap” he’d claimed Gar to be.
“So…I’m guessing that means we won?” Rachel had already started pulling her clothes back on. Since she started dressing, everyone else mundanely followed suit. 
Jason tugged his jeans back on, “Sure. Fine. Whatever, we’re all yours for the next three months,” he sounded less than enthused but still took the time to find your discarded tank top and jeans and toss them over to you as well.
Rose threw her shirt back on and adjusted her eyepatch. “Girls, what are we thinking? Anything we want our new servants to do for us?”
“Hmm…” You tapped your chin in mock thought, giving Jason a sly look that could give one of his own cheeky smirks a run for its money. “Oh, I‘ve got a few ideas.”
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©️ blackreaderfics // dividers by cafekitsune & poison-aesthetics
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maxknightley · 3 months
Which Touhou Girls Can You Plausibly Read As Butch? A Comprehensive Overview
Earlier on Tumblr I saw a post complaining that someone called Hecatia Lapislazuli from Touhou Project butch. This is Hecatia Lapislazuli:
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Obviously, like most Touhou characters, she is in fact quite feminine - she just shops at Hell Hot Topic. But it got me thinking: In a series like Touhou, with a cast overwhelmingly defined by feminine (if rowdy) ladies, how many characters could you say are 'butch' without sounding like a complete doofus or significantly redesigning them to fit your headcanon?
I'll be using four main criteria to judge characters' butchness. In real life, of course, butchness is a multivalent and extremely personal thing, but I'm talking about funny cartoon women from a video game here, so I'm willing to be a little reductive.
These criteria, in order of descending importance, are:
FASHION. In a series where goddamn near everyone is in either a dress or a skirt, the mere act of Wearing A Dress Shirt can be enough to make a powerful statement. Hats may also play a role here, given how many Touhou characters have gay little hats.
HAIRSTYLE. Short hair is not the be-all and end-all of butchness. I, myself, am Decidedly Butch even though I've been growing out my hair since college. But the length and styling of the hair are still a valuable indicator of how someone thinks of themself and wants to be seen.
'TUDE. Could this character be accurately described as "kind of a frat boy?" How do they speak to others? Do they just kind of seem like a character who ought to be butch, regardless of their looks? Do they even lift?
COMEDY FACTOR. Self-explanatory. This will probably only come into play if I run into a weird edge case.
I'll also emphasize that we're grading on a curve here - butchness is being assessed relative to the characters who do not appear on this list. Nobody in this series has a buzzcut, you know what I mean?
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Fujiwara no Mokou. The girl wears a dress shirt, fucking suspenders, and trousers. Not shorts, actual full-length pants. She's also in a perpetual love-hate mutual-murder situationship with Princess Kaguya, who is femme as all fuck. Obviously you don't have to be butch to date a femme - I'm just saying it feels Fitting given their whole deal.
Yuugi Hoshiguma. Most of the time, her fashion sense is actually quite feminine - but her look in the most recent chapter of Cheating Detective Satori, with the one exposed shoulder and the sarashi and all that, significantly alters the balance. Her hair actually reads as more masc to me when she keeps it long and unruly - when she puts it up in a ponytail, she ends up looking very kempt, even elegant. The deciding factor here is 'Tude: Her sheer levels of butch swag are off the fucking charts. (Still, I wouldn't blame someone for arguing she should be knocked down a tier - especially since I'd argue the Comedy Factor works in reverse here. She's way funnier if she doesn't think of herself as butch in the slightest.)
Minamitsu Murasa. In his original appearance I'd argue that Murasa is in "Reasonable" tier - maybe even as low as "Kind of a Stretch." But her big gay Jotaro jacket in Sunken Fossil World, combined with the emphasis on the weightiness and solidity of his trademark anchor, put her over the top. One of the only Touhou girls I consider worthy of being He/Himmed.
Shinmyoumaru Sukuna. The other He/Him-worthy Touhou girl. Very short, slightly messy hair; wears a kimono, not a dress; inheritor of Issun-Boshi's legacy; wears fucking dinnerware as a hat. Why do you want to be Big so badly, huh? So you can pick up women more easily? So you can carry your awful wife through the upside-down threshold of your upside-down bedroom?
Raiko Horikawa. For the longest time I thought her skirt was a pair of shorts because I straight up could not parse it as anything else. Even now I'm like "that can't possibly be a skirt, ZUN just drew it weird. She has to be wearing a full two-piece suit." Skirt aside, her jacket/dress shirt/necktie are still undeniable, as is her short hair. Also, she is a taiko drum given life, and I feel like taiko and timpanis are naturally butch. Maybe if she was a tambourine or a set of bongos I'd rank her lower?
Momoyo Himemushi. Rough-talking miner. Wears a dress shirt, leaves the top button(?) undone. Tromps around a big weird cave with no shoes or socks on. Wears bows and bangles basically everywhere but in her messy, tangled hair. Also, maybe I'm stereotyping here, but I just can't picture a centipede as being femme.
Wriggle Nightbug. The dress shirt, cape, and puffy shorts all paint a vivid picture, but I just feel like I don't have a strong enough opinion on Wriggle as a character to put her in the top tier. In other words, she's got plenty of points for Fashion and quite a few for Hairstyle, but I just don't think the 'Tude is sufficient for me.
Reisen Udongein Inaba. The skirts are a strike against her, but her whole "dress shirt + necktie + sometimes suit jacket" thing makes a big difference, especially given that we're grading on a curve. Her rumpled ears and (particularly in Inaba of the Moon, Inaba of the Earth) pathetic demeanor go a long way towards giving her a vibe somewhere between "overworked salaryman" and "Detective Columbo."
Aya Shameimaru. All you need to know about Aya is that her "human reporter" disguise looks like This:
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Mononobe no Futo. Butch, but in a really weird, circuitous way, imo. Like. She's sort of wearing a dress, but it's sort of a robe - the contrast of the hemline with her big flowy sleeves makes it hard to pin down - and her outfit quite notably has tassels rather than any kind of frills. I don't know what the hell is up with her hat but it's definitely not femme by any stretch of the imagination. Then thou hast the wayes in which she speaketh all "faux-olde-timey," even though nobody else in the setting does that... she transferred her soul into a plate, but she also throws plates around as weapons... It's like she's constantly putting on a performance that only she truly understands. It's like she reverse-engineered "masculine womanhood" by hanging out with a bunch of queens and doing kind of the same thing but kind of the inverse. The more I think about Futo the more I think she's entirely on her own wavelength, but I think "Reasonable" tier is a... uh, reasonable... approximation for the sake of this post.
Sagume Kishin. She dresses like if Bill Nye were a woman, and I think that cuts to the heart of it - she reminds me of a professor who you're not ever sure is gay, but you kind of pick up on a vibe, and near the end of the semester she offhandedly refers to "her partner" and you're like HOLY SHIT I KNEW IT. I went back and forth between putting her in "Reasonable" and "Kind of a Stretch"; ultimately, the Comedy Factor decided it because I couldn't stop thinking about a scenario where she says she's a woman, accidentally upends her whole understanding of gender in the process, and ends up taking testosterone while still ID'ing as a lesbian. I don't actually know if her powers would work that way and I don't care.
Eiki Shiki. I don't have a lot to go on, here, because she hasn't had many official appearances and seems to spend most of her time lecturing people or tormenting sinners. Her uniform(?)/apothecary outfit(??) is pretty snazzy; combined with the hat, it gives her a vaguely "military officer" look to me. We'll call her "butch pending further investigation," which I think she would agree is the correct course of action.
Sekibanki. She's here partially because of the cape, and partially because being sandwiched between Wakasagihime and Kagerou makes her look way more masc by contrast. I know what I said.
Ringo. It's pretty much just the hat and the pants, though - as a butch woman who Loves Eating - I am also inclined to project my own experiences onto her.
Aunn Komano. She reads as more "tomboyish" than outright "butch" to me, what with her whole puppy-dog vibe, but at the same time... she's very much wearing shorts and the kind of goofy-looking button-up shirt that is central to my own wardrobe and the wardrobe of other butches in my life. I'm willing to count her.
Takane Yamashiro. A living testament to the power of small character design choices. I would never in a million years call Nitori butch, even with her gay little hat and all the pouches on her outfit - she just looks like a girl scout. Takane, though? Takane, with her little hair swoopy, and the fucking suitcase slung over her back, and her camo-print dress? I mean - ultimately it is still a dress, which is why I can't justify scoring her higher, but she's definitely chewing tobacco and riding around on an ATV on weekends.
Chiyari Tenkaijin. If she's butch, it's not really because she's trying to be butch, it's just because being femme seems too expensive and time-consuming. She's got better things to do (drink blood all day). Still, I think an argument could be made.
Renko Usami. ZUN is kind of inconsistent with how he draws her hat - sometimes it's more of a porkpie/fedora type thing, other times it's round-topped and looks a bit like Koishi's hat. To me, this is a crucial distinction. In a more general sense, I feel like Renko's outfit gets a little less plausibly-masc with each passing album, which says a lot about our society. Or her society, anyway, since she lives in the future. Still, the capelets and bowties...
Rinnosuke Morichika. I think it would be really funny if the only significant male character in Touhou wasn't actually even a dude. I'm not aware of any real textual support for this interpretation, though.
Shou Toramaru. Pretty much only on here because of the hair and because I think there's a certain je ne sais quoi to her whole deal of "she's not a real tiger, she's the idea of a tiger that pre-Meiji Japanese people came up with from secondhand accounts."
Seija Kijin. Not even remotely butch by any stretch of the imagination... But if she did consider herself butch, isn't that exactly what she'd want you to think?
Cirno. "Tomboyish" is not the same thing as "butch," to me, especially if you exclusively wear dresses. Also, I'm not sure Cirno even knows what a lesbian is.
Saki Kurokoma. Not actually butch, just a horse girl. (And a horsegirl.)
Mike Goutokuji. Can't tell if she's wearing a skirt or shorts. She's got short hair, sure, but the whole "matching bell collar and wristbands that also have bells attached" thing makes her look more like a Very Online Trans Woman who just figured herself out and hasn't started hormones or bought any new clothes yet.
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bosinclairsgff · 10 months
Slasher's reacting to their s/o on their period
Yeahhhhh I just felt like writing about it because I am in fact on my period, anywho! Enjoy :)
Includes: Bo Sinclair, Corey Cunningham, Patrick Bateman and The Grabber
Warnings: Mention of kidnap, implied nudity and just some of them being mean..
Bo Sinclair
Bo woke up to you saying his name and shaking him softly. You had just started your period and you had bled through your underwear onto the sheets. At first, he was a little annoyed that it had gotten on the sheets but then he looked at how bad you felt and calmed down.
He would still be an asshole, but he would be a nicer asshole.
I think he would offer taking a shower with you to help wash you off so you would feel better.
If you asked him to buy pads, he would say yes but REALLY complain about it and be a bit pissed off. When he gets to the store and sees how many different types there are he gets STRESSED. He would grab you a random one and hope it's the right one.
If you asked him to buy tampons he would make some weird joke about using them. He would buy them for you though, still annoyed. Again he wouldn't know if there is a right size to get or what. So just be thankful for whatever you get.
Corey Cunningham
Corey had taken you out for a ride and you guys were having so much fun. But when the ride as over and you stood up to get off, he noticed a small blood stain on your pants. You were so embarrassed, but he assured you it was totally fine, that its normal and nothing to be embarrassed about. He gave would give you his jacket to wear around your waist.
He would be so sweet about it and would buy you all the chocolate in the world.
Corey would run you a nice bath then when you got out, he would cuddle and watch your favorite movie.
If you asked him to grab you pads, he would say yes but internally panic. He wouldn't know which brand to buy, or if it had to be a certain size. I think you'd get a text of a picture of the isle asking you to tell him which one to buy. Same thing with tampons.
Patrick Bateman
You were sitting in his bed just talking about your day when you stood up to use the bathroom. Once you got up, he sees blood on your panties and on the sheets. He. Was. Pissed. Patrick would defently yell at you for getting blood on his sheets. He would say something like "don't you know when you're going to start your period? You should be prepared. You have made such a fucking mess".
He would make you take a shower while he changed the sheets. Then he would ask if you even had the things you need.
He would you out and grab you whatever you choose to you and be really mad about it.
When he gets back to the apartment he would toss the pads in the bathroom and not say a word to you for the rest of the night.
The Grabber
He's not used to being around people who have periods so he would be so awkward.
One morning while giving you your breakfast he noticed you weren't eating, and you looked like you were in discomfort. He would ask once wrong and shyly you told him you had started your period. He would freeze. The Grabber hadn't even planned to keep you for this long so now that you had started your period, he had no idea what to do.
He would ask you if you needed anything or if you could just stuff toilet paper in your panties and that would do. When you explained it's better to have pads or tampons, he tried to not cringe while talking about it. This stuff made him so uncomfortable.
The Grabber would tell you he would be back in 30 minutes, and he was going to get you pads. Of course, he had no idea what to buy.
One of the older ladies working their noticed how long he had been standing there staring at all the pads. So, she helped him get what she thought would be best. His face was bright red the whole time talking to her.
Once he gets home, he would go downstairs with a few wet paper towels so you could clean up the best you could. No, he would not give you privacy and would watch you.
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svmjaeyvn · 4 months
love maze, s.jy.
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chapter four pairing: jake x afab!reader word count: tbd (series)
add yourself to the taglist here!
genre: college!au, mutual friends, fake dating, smut.
synopsis: an unfortunate encounter, drunken mistakes, and a sort of (definitely) stalker leads jake sim ‘dating’ his best friend’s childhood crush.
or, your life gets intertwined with a rich boy’s in attempt to not get sued by his crazy personal fangirl and like with all good cliches, sex overcomplicates things.
contents: smut, sort of strangers to fuck buddies to lovers pipeline, childhood best friend!jay, mentions of best friend! yunjin, curly haired & mixed reader, uni!au, rich nepo baby!jake, enha frat boys, lots of kissing, fake dating turning into fwb real quick, totally way too into it for it to be fake early on, big booty reader that’s jake’s obsessed with, partying and alcohol use, slight violence, he fell first and harder trope, stem bf & writer gf, (kinda overly) possessive jake, some angst to spice things up, daddy issues, hyper independent reader who struggles with her feelings, fluff and happy ending!!
a/n: hello~ i’ve never been a tumblr girly but i have went through my w*ttpad era back in 2018 so bare with me y’all. this will be a series but not that long (i hope) so pls look forward to it. warning tags will be placed before each “chapter” to specify what to expect. pls pls reblog and interact, i’d love to have feedback and see what your thoughts are. okay! yay, for now enjoy and thank you sm :D
MDNI, 18+
tap below to continue
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previous masterlist next
word count: 2.9k
warnings: alcohol, partying(what’s new), hints of needy jake, reader being a tease, established desire, highly suggestive themes
a/n: YEAHHH GET INTO IT moving it along now
"I GO HOME for three days and you suddenly have a new life?" Yunjin gapes, hands on her hips as you had just finished explaining the whole story in what happened between you and Jake. From the beginning of the creep at the store, which she was throughly upset that you didn't call her considering she didn't even get laid that night, to the agreement the two of you came up with yesterday.
You were in the process of getting ready, Jake having texted you earlier in the day asking if you were free. After talking over everything, coming up with a story down to the smallest details, and finding a middle ground in how this would work, Jake suggested at least once a week you two would go on a 'date.' In reality it was just hanging out, time to get to know each other better and have the ability to be comfortable with how you'd act in public from then on.
"Apparently," You snort, swiping one last application of lip gloss onto your lips. Puckering them before letting out a small sigh, decidedly put in enough effort for the mock date. "Good?"
Yunjin glances over your outfit. The denim jeans sat nicely on your hips, low rise exposing a good portion of your stomach along with the white baby tee, a brown oversized jacket on top with white shoes to compliment. The outfit was casual but cute enough to show some effort, showing off enough skin that emphasized your curves but also comfortable.
"You're hot," She nods, a wink added to the effect. Watching as you bent over to retie your shoe lace, a loud gasp left Yunjin's lips before her laughter filled the air. "You're trying to get laid aren't you!" Pointing toward the thin string-like material that poked out as you bent due to the low waistband of the pants, the brown thong you wore was exposed and something you didn't particularly wear without good reason.
Quickly standing up straight, a sheepish smile made way onto your lips, shrugging slightly. "Maybe, mind as well have fun with this, right?"
"Sure, fucking your already fake boyfriend sounds like a great idea that won't lead to any problems," Yunjin nods, voice dripping with sarcasm.
You smile, turning back around just as your phone pings. "Glad we agree," You nod, collecting your things as Jake was now waiting outside for you to head down, Yunjin rolling her eyes as she bids you goodbye with a playful slap to your ass as you walked past.
"Text me how it goes!"
JAKE HAD A hard time focusing. Maybe it was the colorful lights that blinked in every direction, or the loud buzz of other people who played along the rows and rows of arcade games, or maybe it was the fact that he got the perfect view of your ass in those tiny little jeans every time you remotely leaned over. He thought he was imagining things the first time you bent over, trying to convince himself that you hadn't been bold enough to wear a thin g-string in those already low pants that exposed the definition of your waist and the two dimples on your lower back.
Surely it wasn't planned, wearing a thin little thong under tight pants that left little to the imagination with how utterly perfectly perky your ass seemed squeezed in them. But it was, definitely was because although he hasn't worn one himself, he assumed having a string up your ass all day wasn't something you willingly did, knowing well enough it was for the view not your comfort.
It took everything in him to tear his eyes away every time you glanced back, though his continued slip ups caused you to grow rather amused. Feeling how his eyes practically bore into your back, you began to have fun with it. Whether it consisted of teasing him with the sway of your hips as you walked or ensuring to wiggle around more than usual when you bent over to place the tokens in the slots of the machines.
The current game the two of you played consisted of basketball, playing on the two player option to go against one another, rushing to beat the others score of how many baskets made in the 90 second period. Jake finished before you, having started a few seconds prior and he smiled seeing the 72 on his scoreboard while yours was slowly trickling up from a mere 48.
Just as he was about to comment on his obvious win, he took note of the two who lingered off the side, seemingly waiting for their turn at the game. Presumably within your age range, the two men stood patiently, one occupied by his phone but the other had his eyes set on you in specific.
From the way his eyes traveled up your body, slow without a care for how bluntly obvious it was to see him checking you out, Jake felt oddly in disbelief at how shameless his actions were. The loud buzz indicated the end of your round, the score finalized at a 54 as you turned around with a small huff.
"Cheater," You tut, your competitive nature beginning to show its colors as you turn to Jake who was now a mere few inches apart.
Quirking a brow, he points to his scoreboard, the big 72 in bold letters along with WINNER flashing after it. "Face it baby, I'm just better,"
You blink, slightly surprised by the sudden pet name while Jake leans in suspiciously closer than before. One of his arms snaked behind your waist, hand resting low on your back and the heat of his fingers against your exposed skin caused a chill to run up your spine.
"Don't be cocky, you're just taller so it's easier for you," You defend with a roll of your eyes, turning away from his gaze that made you want to squirm away. You could feel the sudden shift in his demeanor, one that you wanted to see but it also made you nervous.
Without a word, Jake shamelessly leaned closer. His lips pressed to the corner of your mouth, lingering there for a moment just missing your lips before he pulls away, moving to whisper in your ear. "Your little outfits catching eyes sweetheart,"
He had a smile on his features, a seemingly fond look thrown your way but you could see the hint of something other by his eyes. Glancing around for a moment, attempting to confirm what he was referencing, it wasn't until your turned your head momentarily did you see. From the corner of your eye, you could see the two who stood still waiting, one in particular unable to take his eyes off you no matter how shameless he seemed.
"Is that a problem?" You counter, voice just as quiet as his as you peer back to Jake. This time, the smirk that fell upon his features definitely wasn't in good nature, feeling as his hand slightly squeezed your hip at the words.
"Not at all, I have a hot girlfriend," Jake shrugs, his amusement dripping through his words. "As long as I'm the only one that gets to touch you, they can look all they want,"
Finding yourself at a loss for words, you shake your head at his comment. Breaking the tension that began to linger through the air, you loop your arm around his own and begin to lead the way towards another game in the opposite direction. Jake merely laughs, allowing for you to pull him along without comment.
"Didn't take you as the possessive type," Finally finding your voice as you pulled him along to a less busy area in the building, you stop at one of the claw machines.
"Didn't like the way he was looking at you," He shrugs, pulling two coins from his pocket and inserting them to begin the game. Now focused on the rather weird chick looking stuffed animal that sat at the top of the pile, Jake's tongue was poked out slightly at the corner of his mouth as he concentrated.
You watched, waiting for him to drop the claw before speaking. "Still possessive," You snicker, the stuffed animal being picked up for a few seconds before falling out of the metal grasp. Still, it fell significantly closer to the exit shoot and Jake began his second attempt that the coins bought him.
He merely hums back at your words, redoing his attempt and waiting patiently to watch as the claw picked up and dragged the chick toward the shoot, it falling down in success causing a small smile to fall upon his lips. Bending down to pull it out, Jake takes a glance over it before holding it out to you.
"Well, like it or not, you're mine for the next few months," He reminds. You half heartedly nod at his words, far too engrossed by your newest stuffed animal and picking off a piece of extra fluff around its eye. The baby chick looked rather awkward, far too round and compressed but it made you smile, happy with the weird looking stuffy that'll be added to the rest on your bed.
"I'm fake yours," You finally respond while he raises a brow.
Taking a note of how excited you got over a mediocre claw machine prize, Jake sighs at your words. "No one else knows that, so as far as I'm concerned, you're mine to make it known,"
You smile at his words, a sort of guilty pleasure in knowing just how much he intended to keep you by his side even if it were an unpleasant trait outside of anything fiction. With a small hum, you lace your fingers through his own, pulling him along.
"Careful Jake, someone might think you actually like me,"
                  "TRY NOT TO let her do a replay of last week, yeah?" Jay spoke rather loudly, leaned close to the couple after spotting them heading for the kitchen. You had been dragged along to the frat house after a call interrupted your date. Allegedly, Bianca had made an appearance to the party, running around making scenes in attempt to find where Jake was hiding out after avoiding her all week.
Heeseung had made it clear that he either needed to come home and kick her out himself, or he'd be throwing her in the pool if she came up to him again cockblocking the girl he was trying to talk up for the night. Thus Jake proposed your first real act in your relationship, something that you were slightly reluctant to but also couldn't pass up the opportunity of seeing Bianca lose her shit over you attached to his hip without room for her to do anything this time.
It didn't surprise you that there was yet another party going on at the house, the boys notorious for being the main party frat on campus. What did surprise you though, was the fact that Jake willingly chose to take you on a date rather than attend.
You rolled your eyes at Jay's comment, shoving his shoulder causing Jake to let out a laugh beside you. His arm was draped over your shoulders, keeping your body close to his own while his other hand sported a red solo cup, yet another jungle juice made by Sunghoon who knew what he was doing this time around. Meanwhile you held a spiked cup of pineapple juice and tequila, keeping the alcohol minimal and pacing yourself.
"Go away," You huff, shooing Jay away with the wave of your hand. Raising a brow, he takes a glance over the two of you momentarily.
"Don't be weird," Is all he says, the comment thrown to Jake who seemingly understood, shrugging halfheartedly but agreed with a nod. With a small sigh, Jay's hand reaches up to ruffle your hair and quick to pull away as you swatted the air. "Bye teeny, don't fight anyone!"
"He's annoying," You mumble, turning back to Jake who hummed in response.
"He cares," He says softly, taking a sip from his cup while you click your tongue.
"Yeah? Too much then," Glancing around, the dim lights that flashed throughout the house provided minimal visibility, mostly shadows of bodies rather than seeing faces. "How long is this public appearance supposed to last before I can head home?" Truthfully, the thought of your bed seemed ten times more appealing than the stuffy kitchen you stood in. Partially sure that you had seen a girl running by about to hurl, the sight solidified your belief of partying sporadically, it gets old fast every week in your opinion.
"You wanna go home?" Jake began to feel around for his keys but only to pause realizing the cup filled with a concoction of alcohols may have not been the best idea.
"Not now," You shake your head. "I can always call an uber later, or have Yunjin pick me up... or even stay with Jay I guess,"
“What, you don’t want to stay with your boyfriend?” Jake teases, leaning closer causing you to roll your eyes. Slightly pushing his face away with the palm of your hand, small giggles began to fall from both your lips and mixing together in a little world of your own that seemed far away from anyone else in the room. “I’m hurt, truly you should be wanting to spend the night with me.”
“I don’t think that would be a good idea,” You hum. Pushing away the few out of place strands of hair that fell onto Jake’s forehead, his eyes glinted at the suggestive tone while his hands sat comfortably on your hips. Moving to your tippy toes, you leaned up to whisper directly in Jake’s ear, the words and your warm breath that fanned against his neck causing a shiver to run up his spine. “We wouldn’t be getting much sleep,”
“You know, I think I’m actually getting a little tired right now,” Jake says quickly, you pulling away enough to make eye contact, his pupils visibly dilated at the thoughts running through his head. “I think we should head up early, could be a good bonding experience,” The cheeky smile that played at his lips didn’t go unnoticed while he squeezed your hip, one of his hands trailing down dangerously low just above the curve of your ass, lingering there without any intention of moving back up.
“I don’t remember that being a part of the contract,” You tease while Jake shakes his head. Maybe it was the low lighting of the party, or maybe it was the more than obvious way he had been looking to you all night that made you so comfortable to entertain the thought. Well that and the fact that Jake was admittedly hot, you had always had the tiniest attraction towards him the few times you met in the past. Plus, there had to be some truth to the rumors that clouded his name, most girls deeming him as some of the best they ever had and you couldn’t help but want to figure it out for yourself.
“Exactly, that means there’s no rules against it, right?” Jake persists. No longer hiding his growing desperation, you were sure he’d kneel down and beg if you asked. “C’mon baby, it’s a good thing you know, for couples to be intimate n stuff,”
“I feel like I’m gonna have to keep reminding you that this is fake,” You snicker, seemingly nonchalant but you took a long sip from Jake’s cup, attempting for some liquid courage to calm your rapid heartbeat.
“We can be whatever you want us to be,” He agrees, hand cupping your face, tilting up your chin up as he placed a light lingering kiss to your bottom lip. “There’s a reason you wore those tight little pants and if not me, you’re out of luck in having someone else take them off cause of your rules,”
A small hum left your lips, your bottom lip tucked between your teeth which caused Jake to look away, finding something else to focus on to push away the thoughts of what your pretty mouth would look like around him instead. Immediately regretting it, your attention was caught by the string of curses that he mumbled under his breath.
Frowning your brows, your head turns to see the culprit of his sudden change in mood. Feeling the same sentiment as you see the faux blonde who looked more than annoyed when your eyes locked, you had to resist the urge to act childishly and flip her off.
Suddenly turning toward Jake, you grab hold of his hand. Raising a brow at your change in heart, he allows you to pull him toward the stairs. “If I would’ve known you had a possession thing too I would’ve said she got here way earlier,” He smiles, visibly pleased at the turn of events and switching to lead the way to his room.
“I’m proving a point,” You huff back while Jake lets out a laugh at your words. Following his lead with no hint of hesitation, you ensure to send a sickeningly sweet smile toward Bianca who seemed to be on the verge of losing her poise.
You had to admit, following Jake up to his room and seeing the look of envy from so many faces boosted your ego in more ways than one. This is gonna be a long night.
my tags!! @slutforsjy @jaklvbub @whowantshota @addictedtohobi
( pls make sure your settings make you applicable to tag)
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yourlocalstranger123 · 10 months
Head empty.....sub brat kafka and sub good girl himeko
Kafka is the brat in the relationship who always shows off for you and always finds new ways to push your buttons
"What if i don't?"
"Was i not supposed to wear this today.....my bad~"
"Then why don't you come and make me"
So its no surprise when she goes from brat to whining puppy when you have her pinned under you and getting fucked stupid with a vibrator up her ass and your hands around her throat you'd think she'd learn her lesson only to do it again the next day
"is that ah~ all you've got AGH! FUCK ME DADDY/MOMMY I'LL BE GOOD JUST GO HARDER!!!"
"That's right spank me nice and rough AH~ put me in my fucking place AH~ make my ass red~ AH~ I just came from being spanked~ waves her ass teasingly I'm such a bad girl~
"i-im sorry daddy/mommy~ Ah~ i can't cum anymore~"
Meanwhile himeko is an absolute sweetheart and good girl always follows orders, wears what you tell her too wear (even goes commando if you tell her to but she demands cuddles as payment)
"Can i wear this today, i bought it for you in mind"
"Do you want me to give you a massage baby? you look tense"
"This skirt is a little short....okay but only for you"
She's so cute when you fuck her, letting out gasps and small whines at every kiss along her neck, teasing her nipples with your tounge and teeth just to make her squirm, the way she cutely begs you to eat her out everytime before you fuck her because she loves being overstimulated by your cock/strap, whimpering and moaning while calling you daddy/mommy the whole time and saying how good you make her feel desperate to be praised by you~
"Ah~ yes like thaaah~ Daddy/Mommy"
"Your tounge is so deep~ mmmm~ please put your cock/strap in Ah~ fuck me till i cry"
"Does daddy/mommy like when i ride your fat cock/strap Ah~ i take it nice and deep cause I'm a good girl, please call me a good girl again~"
And when you have both of them in bed it's unreal these two beautiful women begging you to fuck them till they break while you plow Kafka's insides and punish her himeko is right there riding your fingers while kissing your neck and encouraging you as she watches the bratty stellaron hunter get pounded by their shared lover
"Oh yeah daddy/mommy fuck her nice and hard mmmmm~ kisses your neck before slapping Kafka's breasts making her moan break that little brat then break me~
"Watching you pound himeko from behind oooh what's wrong himeko didn't you want daddy/mommy to break you like they did me~ leans back opens her legs now be a good girl and put that mouth to use daddy/mommy loves watching you work AH~ good girl~"
You don't know how you got these beautiful women to love you but your definitely not complaining
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Im....speechless, LIKE WOW. I love this though.
Another scenario; Kafka being a brat once again, but this time, she drags good girl himeko into her troubles! Himeko wants to be your good girl so badly but you haven't fucked her for a whole month :(.
While you were in your office, doing some papers and reports until you got a notification. Seems it's from Kafka. Wonder what she sended you? You see a video of Himeko slightly shivering, slightly sobbing onto Kafka shoulders as they both ride a dilido.
Hearing Himeko saying light sorry's as Kafka said; "see you at home darling~♡"
And when you finally get home, as your jacket slightly slipping off, hair ruffled and panting when you opened the door. You put the jacket down, locking the door as you went to the bedroom. Hearing moans, and some whining.
A sight greets you of himeko begging for forgiveness, as Kafka shudders in excitement of what you'll do. (Oops. Got a little too far but love this and the art!)
I might use your art, so can I? I
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penaltyboxboxbox · 5 months
any genderbend headcanons you would like to share 👀????
YEAH....YEAH I DO....theyre all pretty random and non specific but if you want to hear me ramble about my girl drivers here u go
Charles: she's a non conventional fashion girlie...........she likes to dress quite femininely and and gets a lot of fashion based brand deals so she is often pairing skirts and such with her sportswear and it sometimes looks a bit silly. a lot of her fits are like...is it a fit or is she just really pretty and wearing designer lol. the skirt i drew her in is what I THINK would be her version of the quali pants, it's this knit skirt from gucci 💁‍♂️
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Carlos: she is like two steps away from being a high bun lesbian. still keeps her FEM VIBES mostly because of family pressure. but the second she gets put in a dress its all a little . hm. youre a masc arent you.
Pierre: happy to be the paddock baddie like....she embraces it fully. she got a boob job and doesnt care if people know. constantly hints at being bisexual on instagram but will never confirm.
Esteban: the girl who had the most major glow up............and who has also had a bob her whole gd life. literally lives in a lulu jacket and yoga pants like its her uniform. she and pierre had the most toxic codependent girl friendship of all time. she's soooo so so tall and always got mad growing up because none of the boys liked her cause she was taller than them and got teased about it....still tall as fuck
Lance: my tall and beautiful wife...every few months she chops her bangs too short and everyone cries until they grow out again. she hates having hair in her eyes.... hates dresses and heels since she always sits with her legs out...gotta be comfy duh..
Fernando: milflonso............she was an it girl in her youth and then got divorced and came out as a lesbian and became an irresistible masc
George: the preppiest girl you can imagine she will never cut her hair AND she will wear a skort. extreme complex about being a tall girl.
Lewis: ultimate fashionista like she gets it....changes her hair a lot more than boy lewis....extremely in denial lesbian who dates the gayest men imaginable
Yuki: shes a hey mamas lesbian. she flirts so hard with pierre from like eye level with her huge boobs. kind of a fuckboy she swears she'll treat you rightttt come on babyyyy
Daniel: used to be such a hotgirl such a coolgirl like in her younger days she had long long hair and dressed sexy and was all about pushing this like....im a hot girl but im also so cool and just like the boys 😜 (she was overcompensating for something) but after she leaves redbull she like cuts off all her hair and slowly starts mascing the fuck out as she gets older.....now shes just straight up soft butch and everyone knows she kisses girls
Max: grew up forced to have the worst bowlcut in the world and never got to be very girly or anything so when she grew up she finally let her hair grow long and never cuts it. has barely any personal style and still cannot walk in heels tho.
Checo: arguably the one who cleans up the best like shes the one with the makeover montage everyone is so used to seeing her in red bull gear and a ponytail every damn day the second she puts on an outfit everyones like HELLO?????
Valtteri: used to be permanently in the low pony tail and attempting to dress acceptably business casual woman enough for things but after she left merc just embraced being a butch. has the same mullet as guy val. hallelujah
Guanyu: suuuuuch a fashion girl and absolutely rules instagram and weibo..........always doing photoshoots and stuff. experiments with cute hairstyles a lot, but always keeps her bangs ☝️
Alex: used to be super plain like wore big hoodies and just left her hair long and straight and hanging there until one day she got the chop+undercut going on.......now shes well aware shes everyones ideal boyfriend if he were a girlfriend.
Logan: my florida girl......my natural blonde with her little ponytail.....when she was growing up her parents definitely put her shirts like this
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Lando: she is a racing driver as much as she is an influencer.............people discourse about if shes fanservicing like every 2 seconds. girl gamer and proud.
Oscar: she lives in gym clothes. nike pros or leggings every day with the most boring shirt. never does her hair or wears makeup
KMag: best mom everrrrrrr 🫶
Nico: she talks openly about how men are very intimidated by her. she is indeed kind of scary.
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resi4skz · 1 month
Title: Starstruck (pt2)
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Pairings: idol!Chan x fem!Reader
Warnings: smut, bike s*x
Part 1 , Part 3
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"Right in here, please," I say as I put a checkmark on the list of things to put away before closing the bakery. "I need everything to go smoothly as possible on Monday."
"Why are you so snappy?"
I turn, giving Luna a confused look. "I'm not snappy."
"Uh huh," she rolls her eyes as she took off her apron. "Let's go before you start hyperventilating about seeing their fanmeet in about," she glances at her wrist watch, "3 hours."
"I don't know what to wear."
"Alright. Let's go."
"Where we going?"
We arrived at the venue an hour earlier and we showed the tickets to the vendor. "Ah, right this way please." He leads us to a different enterance and I glance at the back, seeing others standing in line with merch.
"Ma'am, these are VIIP tickets. It gives you access to backstage."
"Okay. He's definitely going in the good books," Luna says smiling.
"Jeez, how much do you think he spent of these tickets?"
"Honestly? Probably a lot, but who knows?" She shrugs her shoulders. "Maybe he got them knowing you were coming."
Fuck. How do you expect to me to act after knowing this information?
We walk around the staff and stand just right to the main stage. The butterflies in my stomach right now is nothing compared to what it would've been watching them from the front. This was their 4th fanmeet and I couldn't have been more happier for them. They have achieved so much in the past 6 years.
"Okay, wow. This is awesome," Luna says, her eyes shining with excitement.
"Are you sure I'm wearing the right clothes?"
"Yes, now stop fussing over it!"
She made me wear a black corset with black skirt, boots and a leather jacket. My hair was down in loose curls. Okay, maybe she does have some taste.
"Hey, you made it."
I turn around and I'm again blown away by he man in front of me. He was wearing a blue coat and pants with white shirt underneath, topped with black boots. And his hair was styled in a wavy look. And damn, he looked good. "I hope no one gave you trouble coming inside?"
"Uh, no. Everything went smoothly," I replied. I felt a poke on my arm. "Ah, right. This is my best friend, Luna."
"Oh, hi Luna. Nice to meet you."
"Yeah," she waves nervously at him. I roll my eyes. Why did I even bring her with me?
Then more guys appear behind him. Oh my god. It's them. Leeknow, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, and I.N. The whole gang is here. Holy cannolli. This isn't real life.
"Alright, we gotta go. It's time for us to go on the stage," Chan states. For a second, I felt his eyes trail over me, my attire but he turned around and walked away with the group. I blinked, asking myself what happened.
But he turned around and walked straight to me. He takes my hand and says, "I'll see you later?"
I nod.
He smiles, his dimples on display. He leans in, placing a chaste kiss on my cheek. "See you later, babygirl," he says, winking at me before sprinting back.
"Did he just....kiss you on the cheek? Wait. Am I dreaming?" Luna pinches her arm and hisses in pain. "Definitely not dreaming. Holy shit."
Holy shit was right.
Because their fanmeet was a success. They played small games, did dance challenges, did a lot of performances and by the end of it all, they were still happy and energetic. I don't think I've ever seen them be this happy before.
And their performances? Just wow. And with Chan in a sleeveless top? Those arms made me weak in the knees. "Stop drooling."
I sigh, feeling those butterflies again. "Luna, I'm not drooling."
"Is it me or is he only looking at you?"
"Who?" I asked as I follow the direction she pointed at. He's smiling, but his eyes show something else, something desperate as he looks at me. He disappears in the back rooms, probably to change and freshen up.
"Okay. You have my permission," Luna nods.
"Permission?" I blinked at her.
"To get thoroughly fucked by h-oompf."
I cover her mouth with my hand. "Are you insane?!"
She pries my hand off. "Do you not want to? You do know who he is, even as the biker tiktok dude."
"I knew I shouldn't have told you that."
"Hey, I would've found out either way. But the question still remains."
"Which is?"
"Do you like him? Enough to take you, sweep you off your feet?"
"I mean yeah, but-"
"Oh. Here he comes."
He walks over, wearing all black. Very similar clothing to mine. "Ready?"
"Uh, are we leaving?"
"Yes. You and me. I wanna take you for a ride."
I look at Luna then back at him. I feel her hand on my back, giving me a little push. He grabs my hand, intertwining it with his own as we walk away, sprint more like, away from the book. "Wait. What about the res-" He stops, turns around and cups my face, he takes advantage of my surprised expression and swoops in for a kiss. When he pulls away, he smiles down at me before grabbing my hand again and walking outside.
What just happened?
The roar of the engine filled the night air as I zoomed down the empty road, the darkness engulfing me like a comforting shroud. The pair of gloves hands around my waist felt more comfortable than riding my bike alone. Her hands were small but god, did they feel good against me.
My headlights cut through the blackness ahead, illuminating the twisting road as it disappeared into the distance. The cool night air whipped against my helmet, the only sound besides the thundering of the engine. I was going to the place I had found a few weeks ago, where I could be this tiktok personality I made for myself.
I felt her arms tightened around me. Maybe she wasn't used to bike rides? Flashes of streetlights and neon signs painted the surroundings in streaks of light, blurring past in a colorful whirlwind. The occasional silhouette of a building or tree flashed by, casting eerie shadows in my path.
As I leaned into the curves, the sensation of speed combined with the solitude of the empty road created a thrilling sense of freedom. But with her behind me, it was more than freedom. I had been waiting for this day. I wanted to see her again because when I dropped her off at her place the other day, all I wanted to do was rip off that dress she wore.
It was then I knew that I was fucked. 100% fully fucked.
The city lights glimmered in the distance, a distant beacon guiding us on our journey through the night. In that moment, it was just me, my bike, Y/N and the open road stretching out before us—an endless expanse of possibility and adventure.
As I take a turn, I felt her hands wandering. Any lower, it would be dangerous territory. I grab her hand and squeeze. A warning. But as I speed off into the highway, her hands slide down low. Lower. Until they've reached their destination.
The little minx.
Through my tight jeans, she uses her hands to grab my clothed dick and gives it a rub. Fuck. My hand tightens as I try to maintain my hormones at bay level till we were at the destination.
5 minutes.
She gives it another rub and I almost crash. This is going to be harder than I thought.
4 minutes.
I swerve into the left lane, as the traffic was faster and I wanted nothing more to reach the location faster than I had originally planned.
3 minutes.
I groan as her hands slide up and down a bit quicker. I grip her hand, stopping it.
2 minutes.
Reaching around my back, I find her ass cheek and gives it squeeze. Hard. I feel her jerk towards my back.
1 minute.
Taking a left turn, I see the familiar abandoned cliff as her hand reaches down again. I curse as I increase the speed of my bike. I need to get there faster.
30 seconds.
Slowing down the bike, I, very gently, park the bike.
15 seconds.
Turning off the ignition, I wait till she's off the bike. Then I climb off, unbuckle the clasp of my helmet before taking it off as she also takes her helmet off.
5 seconds.
I stare at her till she's composed herself. Then I'm on her.
I don't get time to breathe as he's on me within seconds, our helmets long forgotten on the ground. Lips and teeth clashing as his hands slide around my back, giving it a slight push towards him. I felt his hardness on my lower tummy. "Wait," I lightly push him away. "I need to breathe."
His delicious mouth travels down to my jaw and neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses. "Mmm, Channie," I moan as he sucks and bites a spot on my neck.
"You little minx," he breathes against my mouth. His hands travels to my hair and grabs a bunch before yanking on it lightly making my head tilt up a bit. "Do you have any idea what you do to me?"
"I may know on some leve-, ah," I let out a yelp when he yanks on my hair.
"Brat." He growls, attacking my neck with wet kisses and biting the delicate skin. "I had to tell the boys I was going for my nightly rides," he gives a long sniff before coming up. "But they don't know I was going with you."
I'm then hoisted up on the bike as he settles himself between my legs and kisses me again. His kisses are desperate and dominating. I reach for his jeans when his hands grab my arm. "Nuh uh, baby." He makes me stand and spins me around. "I need to be inside you."
"But, ah!" I moan as his palm makes contact with my right ass cheek as he bends me over.
He wastes no time and removes my black panties from under my skirt. "Damn. You're perfect." I hear something ripping which I think was a condom wrapper.
And then, in one swift motion, he snaps his hips into me. My eyes roll back in my head as I groan at his girth, feeling the stretch. "Fuck," I groan. I've imagined this moment in my delusional mind but this was beyond my dreams. "How are you this big?"
"Fuck, you're so tight," he moans as he pulls out completely before snapping his hips against me. "This cunt was made for me, fuck you feel so good."
He gradually picks up speed as his hand travel around my waist towards my throbbing clit. The only sound you could hear was our heavy breathing, into the darkness surrounding us. I felt the tight knot in my lower belly ready to burst. "Chan, please."
"Fuck, yes!" He grunts, now slamming into me. "You're close, aren't you? You gonna cum? You gonna cum for me?"
I nod my head. "Yes!"
His fingers rubs my clit and I see stars in front of my eyes as my climax hits me the hardest, my legs shaking but he doesn't stop. "Oh, fuck. Fuck, you're gonna make me cum. I'm gonna cum." His hips ram into me a few more times before he stills, spilling his seed into the rubber.
We stay like that for a few minutes, catching our breaths. He finally pulls out and I groan at the odd feeling. I try to move but my legs refused to budge. "Uhm."
I hear him zipping up his jeans. "You okay?"
"I can't move."
"My legs."
He softly chuckles as he walks over and grabs both my arms, lifting me up. I shriek. "Put me down!"
"Hold still!"
He turns me around and puts me on the bike with my legs hanging over. Placing his hands on the lower part of my legs, he gently starts massging them. "Good?"
"Hmm," I savour the feeling coming back to my legs. "You should've started with this first."
"Oh, really?"
The nerve of this guy, showing me his dimples. "I'm a sucker for massages."
"Noted," he says as he comes up, face to face. "Say, what are you doing next weekend?"
"Why, you wanna take me a on a date?"
"Yeah. Is that a problem?"
"Well, considering how this date went, I might agree to it."
"Brat," he pecks my lips before he picks up the helmets and hands me mine. "You're more than welcome to feel me up again once we're on the road."
My cheeks heat, my blush making its permanent stay on my entire face. "Wha....I wasn't feeling you up!"
"Uh huh," he says wearing his helmet and grins turning his head towards me. "And I didn't give you the best sex of your life just now."
I narrow my eyes at him as I hop off to let him sit first. As he turns on the ignition, I climb on behind him. He grabs my hands and places them around his waist. And the we were off, into the same darkness that surrounded us mere minutes ago.
Who knew I would be startstruck by the guy I watched on my laptop and phone was interested in me? And the biker dude? Oh man. If only the world knew what we just did.....
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A/N: wtf did I just write 💀
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bigboysfalldeep · 1 year
life in blue - posession
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Officer Petersen is on a high in life.
Everything is going perfectly fine. He's started to build his own home a little further out of town for him and his soon-to-be wife, a beautiful young woman. They met years ago, and since then, Petersen has been sure she's the one. Today, his captain called him in to talk about a possible promotion. That would mean more days off, more money, and more time for his family.
Now, he's celebrating with his partner, Officer Clarke, whom he has known for nearly 5 years. It was way after midnight, and the two men had already emptied a dozen beers when the urge to go to the toilet got worse and worse. Petersen excuses himself, walks through the nearly empty pub, and closes the door behind him. Standing there, he unbuttons his pants and releases himself. He lets out a low moan in relief, closing his eyes for a second.
He hears someone enter the room as well, but the footsteps stop right behind him. When Petersen opens his eyes again, he turns around to see a young man looking at him with a coy smile.
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"I'm done here, boy." Petersen says, pulling up his pants, thinking that guy is waiting for him to finish, but somehow he acts even weirder. The young man is wearing a black leather jacket, a white shirt, and tight leather pants with a huge tent forming inside them. The officer, slightly drunk, lets his eyes wander all over the man's body while he just stares at him, smirking.
"I've been looking for you, officer." He says suddenly, with a low, warm voice. Petersen frowns, confused, but somehow he feels relaxed. "Looking for me? Why?" He growls, trying to walk past him to wash his hands, but the man stops him by placing one hand firmly on his chest. "What is your problem?" Petersen pushes the man, who doesn't even flinch. Instead, he eyes the cops whole body, up and down, before their eyes meet again. "My problem?" he says, his voice getting even smoother somehow. "I..need you." The man bites his lower lip teasingly.
"Fuck off, fag." Petersen scoffs angrily and pushes right past him to wash his hands. Looking into the mirror, he notices that man still standing there, looking right into his eyes. Right then, they start to flicker, getting brighter and brighter. "The fuck is that." The officer says, truly unable to resist those beautiful eyes. "Beautiful, aren't they?" The man says, and without breaking eye contact, he locks the door next to him.
"What are you doing?" Petersen asks angrily, turning around. For a moment, he snaps out of this trance, but the man easily calms him down by placing a firm hand on his chest once more. "Relax. It's just meant to be the two of us." The man strokes Petersen's chest firmly, and at first, he takes a step back. He's much bigger than that guy, and he's not letting a man touch him like that.
"Im a cop; youre in big trouble if you dont let me go." The officer says it angrily, trying his best to sound as intimidating as possible. The man, however, just chuckles. "Oh, I know who you are, officer." He smiles teasingly and shrugs. "That's why I want you." Petersen shakes his head. He has enough of this bullshit, so he approaches the guy, trying to shove him away to leave that room and that pub altogether.
Somehow, that man anticipated that, and instead of letting him be pushed around, he grabs the cop's neck with one hand while pushing him against the wall. He's much stronger than he looks, and he easily pins the bulky officer to the cold brick wall. "Not so fast." He grins, his eyes now flickering again. "You're not going anywhere." Petersen fights back, but there is no use. "Let me go, now." He grunts as the man holds him with one arm against the neck and his other hand now on the officer's big chest again. "You can't leave just yet. The guy grins. "There is nothing for you to go back to anyway." The man chuckles again while stroking Petersen firmly with his hand. "Fuck you, I will not let you grope me." He channels his inner strength and manages to get off the wall for a mere second before his assailant pushes him back even harder. "So strong, eh?" He grunts now, too. "This will be fun." The man uses his arm to choke Petersen slightly, but more importantly, he holds the man's head in place to force eye contact.
Instantly, the man's eyes seemingly shine brightly, like a multicolored spiral that twists and turns. The officer fights, but he grows weaker by the second. Something inside him is drawn to this beautiful display, and his focus shifts to those flickering eyes. "Good boy, relax." The man says this, weakening his grip. Petersen's body slowly reacts as well, with his limbs going numb. "What are you doing?" He mutters under his breath, causing the man to smile again. "Preparing you for your new life" The guy smirks, letting his hand run freely all over the cop's massive chest. "I have a life." He grunts, still fighting, even though it's futile.
"That life isn't meant for you. Your whole purpose is to serve. To serve me, your true master." The man's strokes get more and more intense, and in combination with those alluring eyes, Petersen calms down. "Serve you?" He asks as he starts to rest his back against the wall. "Yes. Sounds good, doesn't it?" The man removes his arm completely, enjoying the sight of this beefy man slowly going under. "It doessss." Petersen smiles weakly, still watching those spinning eyes.
"You don't need that fancy house or that wife of yours." The man frowns now, narrowing his eyes slightly. He looks disgusted, even thinking about that possible life. "I dont...need...." The officer opens his mouth, and when the man leans into him, their faces are now just inches apart. "The only thing you want and need is me." He smiles again; this time, he strokes the cop's body with both of his hands, one on his chest and the other now firmly on the officer's tenting cock.
"Enjoying that?" He chuckles, rubbing the palm of his hand against Petersen's bulging cock. The officer's face softens; he raises his eyebrows, opens his mouth, and a soft, long moan escapes his lips. "Good boy. Were nearly done." The man makes sure to not break eye contact now, while he easily finds the officer's most sensitive spots. Stroking his pecs, his hard nipples, and down to his abs, he feels the cop growing bigger and harder inside his firm embrace. "Officer, can you hear me?" He says that then, and Petersen nods slowly. "Yes." The man tilts his head and smirks. "You need to grow even harder. Harder than ever before. I want you to put your whole focus on the tip of your cock. Understood?" Instantly, without any delay, the cop does as he is told. His expression hardens, just like all of his muscles. His whole body is edging him on to become bigger. As he concentrates more and more, the man can't help but touch Petersen. His huge biceps test the limits of fabric by pressing against the uniform shirt, as does his heavy chest. "Good boy." The man smirks, running both of his hands across the chest and back towards the massive bulge still forming inside the uniform pants. Enjoying the feeling of his master touching him, Petersen starts to drool heavily, his soft moans filling the bathroom.
"So big, huh?" The man bites his lip again, feeling his own throbbing dick through his leather pants. "Now. When I tell you to, you will cum, like you have never done before. And once you're done, you will be mine, following all of my commands. Understood?" Petersen nods painfully as the urge to release himself gets bigger and bigger, just like his already leaking cock.
The man lifts his head, watching the officer struggle heavily, before he grabs Petersen's thick cock, firmly jerking him off through his wet pants. "Now."
At this word, the officer's cock erupts again and again, shooting one massive load after another right into his uniform. His dick pulsates, vibrates, and twitches rapidly, in unison with the man's hand. The cops eyes unfocus before they roll back into his skull, his whole body being overwhelmed by pain and pleasure running through it. Moaning again and again, the man giggles, touching himself at the sight of this bulky man shaking uncontrollably. He drops to his knees, and his master steadies him easily, lifting his chin gently.
"Can you hear me?" The man raises his voice slightly, and Peterson nods, his body still twitching with his cock staining his entire pants. "Yes, master." The officer says, his voice dull, his eyes vacant, and his body hard as a rock. 
"Good." The man strokes his cheek with one hand, while the other is on his own bulging cock. "Now, before we go, I want you to help me. Suck me off, boy." He grabs himself firmly, and immediately Petersen leans into the man's crotch, unbuttons his leather pants, and pulls them down. The man's already wet, erect cock jumps into the cop's face, who eagerly swallows it. He must have sucked cock before, the way he knows how to please a man.
Steadying himself against the wall, the man lets out a low guttural moan when somebody knocks on the door. "Petersen, are you alright?" It is his partner, Clarke, who is looking for him. Annoyed, the man pulls at Petersen's hair to make him stop. "5 more minutes." The man mouths.
"Give me 5 minutes." He says it in a monotone voice, and at first, Clarke doesn't respond. Then he sighs. "Fine. "I'm going to piss myself soon; hurry up." They hear him leave, and as soon as the man lets go of the hair, Petersen sucks him off again.
It doesn't take long for the man to cum straight into the officer's mouth, who gladly takes multiple shots, before he orders him to get up. "Can you hear me, Officer?" He says this, straightening the man's uniform and stroking him at the same time. "Yes sir." The cop says
"You won't go home tonight. Instead, you will come to my place, your new home." He smirks, raising a piece of paper to put it in the man's pocket. With one last look at his new toy, he unlocks the door. "Don't be late." With that, he leaves the room unseen, and after tonight, Petersen will vanish without a trace.
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iheartgavi · 11 months
Teammate’s little sister
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Summary: Julian’s little sister visits her older brother at training.
parings. gavi x actress! fem! reader!
.a/n.I hope you like this! and Ik ppl voted for jealousy,jealousy but I decided to change the WHOLE thing and I think your guys will like it more then the original one I was planning to do! part 2?
“julian you keep looking at your phone what’s up?” ferran said as everyone was kicking the ball around in a circle, it was pedri,gavi,ferran,julian,alej,ansu who were all in a group circle.
“sorry I’m just checking how far my sister is from the training site” julian said as he put away his phone “you have a sister?”pedri said.
“yea she’s my little sister” he replied as he passed the ball to ansu “she came to barcelona from la?” ale said “no she just came back from mexico she went to go visit but she’s going to have to stay In madrid,spain for some work” as everyone nodded and smiling.
“do you have a picture you can show us?”ansu said as julián took out his phone from his pocket to go to your Instagram showing them your recent photos.
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Liked by julian_araujo,pesopluma,iambeckyg and 109,926 others
ynaraujo: my last day here :(
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julian_araujo: Mi pequeña❤️
ynaraujo: te amo hermano❤️
iambeckyg: next time invite me bich🙄
User: she so fine Istg
fan: mexican girls 😍
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“wait your sister is yn araujo? like the actress?” pedri asked in disbelieve as everyone else was waiting for a answer from Julián.
“yea she is” julian chuckled as ansu said “your sister is hot as fuck” wich ale agreed “ hey hey hey my sister is off limits” julian said seriously as the boys all looked at each other’s giving glances at gavi because before julian joined gavi admitted his celebrity crush to them.
“you should be saying that to gavi” pedri whispered hoping julian didn’t hear but he did and looked at gavi.
gavi was mentally cursing at them but before julian could say something to gavi you walked in wearing a old mexico team jersey that was cropped and fit perfectly with over the waist black pants with a leather jacket and you finish it off with a old LV bag
you ranover to hug julián wich caused him to turn around and see you “hermanitaa” he said as his eyes popped and picked you up as he hugged you.
when your moment was done ansu spoke up and said “aren’t you going to introduce us to your sister”as he smirked to Julián causing him to roll his eyes and you to giggle.
when Gavi heard you giggle at ansu he was burning with jealousy even though you weren’t dating.
“you must be ansu? my brother talks about you”you said with a smiled “you talk about me?” ansu said as he put his hand on his heart looking at Julián who just rolled his eyes.
“I’m ferran” “and hi I’m pedri,and this is gavi!” pedri said and pulling gavi forward.
“h-h-hi I’m gavi” he said with a blush on his face you smiled about to say something before julian interrupted you by grabbing you in the arm saying “okay guys we have to get going but I’ll see you guys tomorrow!” as he pulled you away from them.
“i don’t know why he pulled her away so fast before she could say anything” gavi exclaimed to the guys as the all sat down on a bench listening to the young boys problem.
“he’s probably just a overprotective brother,you have to understand if I was him I would act the same way” ferran said.
Julián walked pass them saying bye before Gavi decided to speak up “julián why wouldn’t you let me talk to your sister?” he questioned.
Julián sighed and said “look gavi I know you and I know that all it takes is a smile and making my sister fall for you for your personality,but I’m sorry i don’t want you with my sister or near my sister!”
“Why not!” gavi said getting mad “because gavi,don’t you see your caught up in so many rumors saying “your with some girl in Sevilla” “you had girls over in your villa” and I don’t want your crazy fans girls to attack and bring down my sister!…my sister doesn’t need that in her life and I don’t want her to go through that so I’m sorry for trying to protect her!” julián said getting angry” storming out.
everyone was shocked at julián he never acted like that “gavi…”pedri said gavi just shook his head leaving to the changing room…
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jellybeanium124 · 16 days
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I need to talk about everyone's outfits here. first of all yayyyy they're color coordinating again just like 2x10 with the black outfits!!! ok from left to right
allison: slaying. simple, yes, but hella cute. love the white chelsea boots and turtleneck.
viktor: bro are you chilly? your jacket looks awesome but maybe you need something a little heavier.
five: fuck. his hair really is long. this is happening. he's wearing a suit. ok whatever.
klaus: OH MY GD HIS HAIR DOESN'T LOOK LIKE SHIT?!?!? IT'S GROWN OUT A LITTLE BIT AND LOOKS DECENT?? AM I GONNA BE ABLE TO LOOK AT MY BOY THIS SEASON WITHOUT CRINGING??? YAY!!! other than that what the fuck. where is the flair??? where is the sluttiness?? I'm sorry but those boots are so not klaus hargreeves. and the jacket is BORINGGGGG. remember his s1 patchwork jacket? the 2x10 vest-no-shirt fit?? in season 1 klaus was wearing skirts and boas and bright colorful tank tops and leather pants that laced up the sides and he was just overall a fucking icon. what happened to you??? who did costuming this season I just wanna talk. he would not fucking dress like that.
diego: babygirl pleaseeee you've been thru this already 😭 why are you wearing your s1 fit y'all're supposed to have grown!!
luther: looks like he stepped out of an LL Bean catalogue.
ben: dressing like a 16yo boy. I can't explain it but his outfit just looks immature. then again he is immature.
lila: showed up 15 minutes late with starbucks. did not get the blue and black outfit memo. does not want to be there. wants to go back to sleep. the sweatpants with the uggs and puffy pink jacket are a helluva look. I think it's hilarious to see her in this outfit but she better slay again. I'm not as mad about seeing her not looking like herself, unlike klaus, because it really genuinely looks like she just woke up and didn't have time to get dressed before the abandoned parking lot hargreeves family meeting. but she better not be dressing like this the whole time!!
in conclusion let 👏 them 👏 slay 👏 and I miss them 😭 tua s4 please don't suck please please please please please!!
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