angeltism · 8 months
if I have nobody to make out with in 13 days I may actually lose my marbles
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dukecollinsbf · 1 month
gulp... darlin hcs... this is kinda long... i use he/they pronouns here. hes a cis dude in my eyes i just type they out of instinct.
hes called julius
mexican-asian! (their dad is mexican, their mom is cambodian. they were born in mexico but moved to washington when their dad got a better job opportunity.)
his dad has a teardrop tattoo and one of those "cut here" tattoos on his neck. he's also blind in one eye
their mom is beautiful but #evil. she always had her nails painted dark red
julius' favourite colour is dark red
he got 4 siblings!! hes the middle.
their older sister was the typical 2000s teen girl. ik yall are envisioning the hairstyle im talking about. she also brags about how she loved leopard print before it got popular.
also shes a kesha lover. now she listens to chappell roan. she IS casual.
as an adult, their younger brother works with animals! their older sister has an online job and their older brother is a mechanic. their younger sister is in college and julius hates her bf. the one sided beef is crazy. theyve never even met in person.
he did boxing as a teen and his little sister used to do dance
ik more of the fandom wants them to have happy childhood BUT NOT ME!!!!!!1
their dad sold their wii for drug money (am i projecting)
their mom is worst than their dad muahahahahah
they had a saint bernard called Pooch growing up and a yappy little chihuahua that his mom loved. that dog also refused to die. like im talking this dog got attacked by a bigger dog and had a tumor and got hit by a car and survived. by the time the dog died it had a leg missing and was blind. the vet bills were crazy
even tho their parents were shitty, they could never bring themselves to hate them even though they wanted to. when either of them would pass out on the couch, he'd cover them with a blanket and clean the living room and kitchen. when his mom would be upset, he'd sit and listen to her even tho she never did the same to him
he doesnt talk to his parents now and he makes jokes about what he went thru to cope, but he wonders if they're doing okay, if they got healed and became better people or if they passed away and they never knew.
the bond they had with their unempowered friend was the same bond asher, david and milo have. his friend was called trevor.
julius was trevors first kiss because trevor complained about feeling like a loser since everyone started dating around their teen years LMFAO
their first concert was a metallica one that they went to with quinn
they worked as a waiter for a while as a teenager and had a work bestie that was like 40
I STOLE THIS HC FROM A FIC IVE READ IF YOU FIND IT PLZ LMK SO I CAN CREDIT!! but they worked in a fighting ring at one point
my own add on to the same hc: during this time, they had a shitty little apartment and the most decorated space was a dresser dedicated to their fish, soda pop. that fish was spoiled as fuck and he cried when soda pop died
he frequented a diner to the point the lady behind the counter knew his order beat for beat
when they were teenagers, asher took inspo from their style. they used to wear those little black wrist bands with the little spikes (do yall know what im talking about) and thats where ashers love for his spiked collar came from
they do not have a single pair of blank socks. they all have some sort of stupid design on them
also ofc, the rubber duck, courtesy of domini.
they hate haircuts
they HATE the grocery store. they get overstimulated and wanna die immediately.
best meal theyve ever made for themselves is mac and cheese. from those little boxes.
aggro bit them one time and theyre still upset over it
TATTED AS FAWK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they have piercings GODDDD THEYRE SO FINE
they also have sharp canines (im bouta bust)
i know yall want asher to have heterochromia but i hc julius has it. HOWEVER! I hc asher has anisocoria (one pupil bigger than the other). they bond over having eye conditions
they also fell out of a tree in the middle of the woods one time and cracked their head open and broke their leg and had to limp home
the first ever scar he got was on his chin when he and his brother were pushing each other around (as brothers do) and julius fell and cut his chin open. its very faded now, but his brother brings it up somtimes
one time, out of boredome, he ran away from his brother at the store
his little sister would hide between clothes in the store and would need to be called for on the intercom
i have more. theyre my fav listener. all my hcs go to them.
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AITA the asshole for trying to convince my roommate to break up with her boyfriend? 
I (24 NB) live in a small apartment with three other roommates; my boyfriend, my best friend, and her boyfriend (all 24). My bestie and her boyfriend have been dating for over 4 years now, and my bf and I have lived with them for 3 of those years. Her boyfriend, who we will call Sean, has been slowly but surely becoming the problem roommate. In the past he was a fairly unobtrusive roommate, as his intense gaming addiction kept him holed up in the office for days at a time. However, as he has started changing his home behavior post grad school, the remaining 3 of us, bestie included, have begun to find him wildly intolerable. Bestie and Sean own 3 cats together, while my bf and I have 1. My cat is 9 months old and definitely the craziest out of the cats. He spends a lot of time roughhousing with their 3 girl cats, and while he has never broken any skin or caused serious injury of any kind, they definitely yowl and express their displeasure when they aren’t in the mood for play fighting. Sean finds this behavior on the part of my cat to be infuriating. He’s even said out loud to me that my cat makes him “irrationally angry”. He’s the only one of us unemployed but refuses to get a job (as if he did, his parents would no longer support him financially). Due to this, he spends the most time at home with the cats out of any of us. When I have seen him react to the cats fighting, he has screamed, thrown things, and beat his fists against the wall or headboard. It gives me a low level of constant anxiety that when I’m not home he is going to physically injure my cat. While he’s never hurt any of the animals before, and he’s very loving with HIS cats, his angry behavior has only escalated over the 8 months I have had my cat. Because of this I’m growing increasingly uncomfortable with having him in the house. While I would swallow my discomfort about his behavior and wait out our lease if he made my bestie happy, their relationship has also taken a downward spiral over the last 2 years. He’s cheated (though only online), forgotten her birthday, forgotten valentines day, refuses to care for her when she’s sick, and argues with her constantly. They have been in couples therapy for about a month now but after therapy they tend not to talk to each other as each therapy session brings up a huge fight. Her current position on the matter is that she hopes he gets a job out of our commuting range so that he could live with his parents for a while and not bother us anymore; she doesn’t want him in the house and they haven’t slept in the same bed for months. However, she refuses to break up with him because she doesn’t want to fight for custody of their 3 cats. Over the last couple months we discuss her breaking up with him almost daily. My attitude during these conversations has gone from a more sympathetic lean to just constantly flat out telling her that she should break up with him, and that I’m tired of having him in my house. I feel like I may be a total asshole for being so upfront with her about my opinions regarding someone she truly loves and has built a bit of a life with (and Sean has told me that he wants to marry her as soon as they are out of the apartment and he has a job). So AITA for practically begging my roommate to drop her boyfriend? 
What are these acronyms?
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bloggingboutburgers · 14 days
Hi again, it's the crunchy fish stick! (oops, late reply...been busy lol) You and your QPP are really cute and I'm happy for you guys!!
Honestly I reached out to begin with cause at the time there was this online friend who I wasn't sure if I was squishing or crushing on or not at the time (he felt similarly, but without the squish part) and we agreed to give it some time to see if we should try dating or just leave it as is...and I felt like I should research because of that to find out if a) maybe I'm arospec, b) maybe we should QPR, c) is it really that difficult to be long distance.... After an evening of research and some thinking afterwards, it turns out that I feel aroflux! (and if you feel aroflux then that means you are one, like with everything else) Soooooo we had a conversation and now we've been dating for almost a month despite being half the world apart/having a 10 hr gap (funny how that's kinda similar to you and your QPP lol) and it's nice
He's allocishet (is that actually offensive?? I still don't know ^^;) but it felt great that he actually listened to my idea of "should we QPR" (even though we didn't go with that) and he didn't mind that I'm aroflux and yeah, it was a good feeling. Hopefully we won't miss each other too much cause we're both kinda busy people and also unable to travel for some years...though I guess ping spree-ing (spamming) each other on Discord in our spare time helps lol
Ummm idk if it's okay to be prattling on so much with technically irrelevant stuff ^^; but it felt right to share. Tbh I feel like that other anon who said sex was like donuts to them, but for me it's romance--it's good and fun, enjoyable when it happens, but I could see myself living my life without it just fine. (though I've only been in an online situationship that ended badly before, until recently with my now-bf...) I think the idea that being without a romantic partner for life or being a forever virgin is the worst thing ever to happen...I think people who have that idea and mindset stuck in their heads are kind of silly tbh--there's so much to life outside of romance or sex! (I'm sure you know that fully well too lol, this is me agreeing) Although I'd like to try kissing and other romantic gestures or maaaaaybe sex in the future, they don't seem like goals to me atm--is this something allos could think too?
Now that I've started "the thoughts" and prattling, I think I could talk even more but I should stop now lol
Hope you feel awesome--cause both you and your work/comics are awesome--and this is the crunchy fish stick signing off for now because she has a tendency to go on too long!
(one last thought: QPRs are like super customizable t-shirts?? how's that take?)
Aaaaaaa hello!! Thank you so so much for sending news and sharing your experience, this was super heartwarming to read TwT I'm so glad it turned out well for you guys and I wish you the absolute best!! And good luck with the distance too! Though hey, if you're giving it a try it means you're confident you can deal with it, so I have faith in you guys^^ May you be happy and vibe the way you want to vibe!
(Also I quite like that take! My godson when I explained my QPR to him also used the word "customized" to sum it up in his own words, so that definitely resonates with my experience as well)
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 months
What did you have for dinner tonight? Nothing yet, but I'm getting Applebee's takeout soon.
If you were given a million dollars, what would you spend it on? I'd have to do the important shit like pay off my debt as well as both my parents' and brother's debts. I'd buy a house for my parents and I and one for my brother and his bf. I'd furnish and decorate and all that, too. Traveling, for sure.
Have you ever cried in front of your parents over a boyfriend or girlfriend? No.
What does your bedroom smell like right now? I don't really smell anything.
Have you ever shaved off your eyebrow before? No. I've definitely over plucked when I was younger lol.
Do you want to have a boy or girl whenever you have kids? I don't want children.
Your pregnant with twins: What do you name them? I'm not having kids. I can't even get pregnant if I wanted to, which is good cause I don't wanna.
Describe your outfit. Jeggings and a gray tee with two skeleton hands making a heart in the upper left corner.
What gigabyte is your memory card? I don't have a memory card.
What brand is your digital camera? I don't have a digital camera. I just use my phone.
When was the last time you hung out with your best friend? My two best friends I met online a couple years ago and we haven't met up in person yet cause they both live in different states than me across the country. We message each other everyday on Facebook messenger and text sometimes, too. And leave a lot of voice memos.
What is a movie you're waiting to see? I haven't really seen or heard about new movies lately, like what's even coming out?
Who was the last person to cook something for you? My mom.
Do you ever sit and think what if about something? Oh, all the time. About a lot of things. It's an awful game to play.
If so, what is it? Like I said, a lot of things.
What’s on tv right now? Something on the ID channel.
Do you ever stop and smell the roses? I need to. I'm always so wrapped up with my own shit and stuck in my own head and I need to appreciate more.
Where do you download music from? I haven't downloaded music in over a decade. I've been using Spotify for years.
How many channels do you have on your tv? I have no idea. A lot.
What are you most scared of? My loved ones passing away. I regularly get panic thoughts about someone suddenly dying. I have had this problem since I was a small child. <<< That's my top fear. I've experienced losing my maternal grandparents and that was incredibly hard as well as losing two dogs.
If you were given a chance to bring someone back to life, who would you choose? My grandma. But see, that's a complex question cause as much as I miss her and wish she were here, I wouldn't want her to come back and be in the same situation as before health wise. And she was in so much pain toward the end. I wouldn't want her to come back and experience that again.
Do you talk to any of your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend? No.
If so, which one? ^^^^
What is your mom doing right now? She's watching Tiktoks.
Are you currently listening to music? No.
What is the weather like right now? It's currently 70 F.
Do you like new music or older music? A variety of both from various genres and artists.
If you could make a law, what would kind of law would you make? I don't know.
What was the last video game you played? The last new Mario game that came out. I can't remember what it's called.
What is currently going on in the room you're in right now? I'm watching YouTube and eating peanut butter M&M's, my mom is watching Tiktoks, and my doggo is laying down.
Do you know where your best friend is? At their homes.
Who was the last person to comment you on Facebook? Her name is Danae.
What is your display picture of on Facebook? A selfie.
Do you ever sit and think about the past? All the damn time. My mind lives there.
If you could relive any moment in time: what would it be? My childhood.
Are you a talker or a listener? Definitely more of a listener.
What is one food you will not eat? Seafood.
Do you eat anything now that you never used to eat? Hmm. I don't think so.
Have you ever kissed the same sex? No.
When does school start this year? I've been done with school for awhile.
Do you ever shout for absolutely no reason? Uh, no.
Have you stuck with your new years resolution? I stopped making those a longggg time ago. I never stuck to them anyway.
Do you need to lose any weight right now? Nooo. I need to gain some weight.
What is something you want right now? To not be hot and be able to get some sleep soon.
Do you hate when you see teachers in stores? I haven't had that happen in very long time. It was always weird though the times it has happened. Like an animal out in the wild lmao. When I was a kid, I used to think the teachers lived there.
What always puts a smile on your face? Hm.
Where can I find you on a Saturday night? At home in bed like everyday.
What is the best thing about Sundays? Nothing. It's just another day for me. <<<
What is your music provider (itunes, windows media player)? Spotify. Windows media player omg is that still a thing? I've had Mac computers since 2009.
How many songs do you have? A shit ton.
When was the last time you had a period? I really don't get one anymore, like just some spotting sometimes. I still get the awful symptoms, though, so that's shitty.
Why do you think the sky is blue? Cause God made it that way.
If you could change the sky to any color, which would you choose? It's so pretty during a sunset when it's various colors. I wish it looked like that everyday throughout the day.
Is there anything wrong with you right now? There always is.
Do you hate when people stare at you? Yes, it's rude and irritating.
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firewoodfigs · 1 year
Hey I'm actually taking you up on the Asian film recommendations. Any genre except outright horror is a go! (:
You've come to the right person (I abhor horror and would never recommend that to anyone)! <3
I will preface this by saying that everyone should watch Fullmetal Alchemist if they haven't already LOL it truly the best anime ever. 10 stars for Arakawa! My second-ranked anime is Naruto, but Kishimoto's depictions of females is laughable at best and downright sexist at worst lmao. I recently binged Spy x Family too, which I really enjoyed!
Off the top of my head, some recommendations I have are:
Ghibli films (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for all tbh, Ghibli never disappoints): Kiki's Delivery Service Whisper of the Heart Howl's Moving Castle Spirited Away Castle in the Sky and the usual suspects :) honorary mention goes to Kimi no na Wa because I was a total wreck on the plane watching that show (and I got to visit the iconic staircase irl that inspired that scene this year, which was a real treat!).
Dramas: 花より男子 Hana Yori Dango (aka Boys Over Flowers; there are also Korean and Taiwanese adaptations of the same) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Goong/Princess Hours (a real Korean classic, also the cast is so attractive) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ King of Baking 🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞 Vagabond (not horror, but there are elements of thriller! the budget for this was insane lmao and it had me so on edge I had to go through the episodes at 1.5x speed hahaha) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Witch at Court ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Business Proposal (had such a fun time bingeing this one with @tsaritsa) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Familiar Wife ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Extraordinary Attorney Woo ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Shooting Stars (the male lead is so my type lmao) ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Little Women (both the movie directed by Greta Gerwig, and the k-drama that came out not too long ago haha!!) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Tearjerkers (includes both films and dramas; this is going to be a long list because this is my ultimate guilty pleasure):
Japanese *1リットルの涙 1 Litre of Tears (warning: the title lives up to its name. make sure tissues are accessible at all times) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Midnight Sun (there is a drama and movie available; the drama lead is played by YUI, who sang FMA's 'Again'!) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Koizora (translates to 'Sky of Love') ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ My Rainy Days ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Korean A Millionaire's First Love ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ No Breathing (my friend and I walked out of the cinema drenched in tears lmao the actors really ate and left no crumbs) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Beethoven's Virus (@nightofnyx8 I feel like you would love this, plus the OST makes me cry every time...) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 200 Pounds Beauty ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Taiwanese 那些年 (Na Xie Nian / Those Bygone Years -- I think the official English title was 'The Apple of my Eye') ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Our Times / 我的少女時代 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
As an aside, the movie adaptation of Rurouni Kenshin was actually stellar and the only film adaptation of anime that I personally deem acceptable (let's not talk about the FMA movies... 😂). Another one that will always hold dear to my heart is Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (Cloud was my very first kid-crush before I even knew what that was lmao).
I'm sure everyone has heard of Everything Everywhere All at Once by now -- that was truly spectacular and wacky, I loved it!
Lowkey obliged to recommend Crazy Rich Asians since it was filmed in my hood, but if I'm being brutally honest this movie was probably a 5/10 at best for my bf and I lol, I personally preferred Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby (10 ⭐️s from me). Speaking of Constance Wu, Fresh Off the Boat was really funny (also available on Disney+ I think)!
Most of these should be available on Netflix, if not Youtube/other random online sources should work (and generally have subtitles as well)! Most if not all of the above have AMAZING OSTs as well :')
Happy watching, dearest! 💕 and of course if anyone has any further recs feel free to drop them :)
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What were your top 10 favorite interactions on Tumblr?
1. When necarion-blog made a version of my long post in real LaTeX:
Let me explain to you some things about College
{\item[{\bf 0} there are no classes
1. This is because everyone in college is secretly a slacker
2. this is not true
3. 0 points}]
2. The first time I talked to one of my non-online friends after reading Floornight. I explained one of the characters to them (it was Arjun), and they asked me "are you saying the character is a nekobo?" and it took a moment for me to realize that, yes, he was a nekobo. It was just a very weird moment
3. Meeting all my internet friends at the same time IRL
4. The NAB chatlog from March 8, 2013
4(a). You know, that one
5. That time my cousin sent me an email expressing confusion about whether the phrase "Prince Namor" referred to a person, and I had to explain that it referred to a character from the Marvel universe. He asked me how that character could be a prince given that he was from the sea, and I had to explain the concept of "title" to him. That was really fun
6. The party where I told a story about how I had licked the ground a lot as a kid because the "ground was a flavor" and a friend told me I should check out "the show with the blue horse" ("My Little Pony")
7. The first time I learned that the person I had a crush on since the summer before 7th grade was "into me" (she gave me a Valentine's Day card at school)
8. My godfather and I had been having a long, frustrating conversation about theology in which he kept bringing up the arguments of William Lane Craig and I kept saying "but there are other Christian philosophers" and he kept saying "I don't know who they are, who are they?" and I mentioned Richard Swinburne (not a Catholic, but an influential Christian philosopher) and asked if that name sounded familiar. He said it didn't, and I said "OK, how about John Hick" and he said "ok, that sounds familiar, it sounds like a drug"
9. Noticing that I could not feel my left hand when I looked at it and my first reaction was to check to see if I was actually in contact with it, and determining that in fact I was (I had gone numb during a nap)
10. The time I took a 10-minute walk and decided that a specific hole in the ground was really cool and decided to document this by creating a Google account and a Google+ account both named "ThePitOfAwesome," of which the only content would be a picture of this hole and a post about how cool it was
10(a). I was about to post to Google+ until I realized that this would make me expose my actual identity to the world and decided it was for the best that I did not do this
10(b). I deleted this Google+ account yesterday because I was worried I would forget about it and later find out I had posted a picture of ThePitOfAwesome to my actual Facebook account
11. I got a new prescription for glasses this year and this morning was the first time I got to wear my new glasses to go outside and when I got up from the dinner table my dad asked if I wanted some water and I said "Yes, I'd like the water" (as opposed to "I'd like water") and my dad's response was "You know, you're talking like someone with glasses on now, it's so obvious" and my mom's response was "Well, duh"
12. When I was 6 or 7, I was playing with my little brother in the living room and I said something was "kind of green" and my dad said "that's just a stupid thing to say, no color is just 'kind of green.' 'Kind of green' doesn't exist" and I remember being really angry and saying something about how I would prove him wrong but realizing that I couldn't, because you couldn't have a color which was 50% green, 50% yellow, etc. The next day he finally caved and said "fine, greenish yellow does exist, whatever"
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gogomeaty · 1 year
the hierophant + death + the tower!
Tarot questions
the hierophant: do you believe in ghosts?
I do belive in them but i never had any paranormal experience like happening to me. But i have a somewhat funny story from when I was in middle school.
This may sound crazy or not too much really now thinking about it but my middle school best friend used to "see" ghost and she always told me what they were doing, I knew their names and everything like if the 6 of them were real people I could only knew from her. It was like this for 3/4 years so my other friend who also knew about them and me became friends with the ghosts and now like i know it was probably all made up from her but i really have appreciation of the 6 of them jsjsksjsjka, specifically the little boy who "collected" pesetas for me and now whenever I see the pesetas it remind me of him.
Also the ghosts supposedly used to follow my other friend and me when we went home, we made plans for who would go with who and everything lmao. But what is funny is one time two of them went back home with me and I went to the kitchen but when i came back to my room everything was messed up and the window suddenly was open and it leave me very like "???" but then i remember about the ghosts and i was like "ah yeah" and continue with my day like if nothing happened jsjssjsks. I don't talk with said friend anymore and at this day i don't know what was all that but like i said I had appreciation for the ghosts so i like to think they were real....
probablemente eran amigos que se hizo por tanto trauma o qué se yo pero taba chiquillo y le creí x literalmente a veces las conversaciones solo trataban sobre ellos y lo que estaban haciendo mientras estábamos en clases, ya en prepa casi no los mencionaba así que no sé /shrugs
death: what are three things you want to do before you die?
☆ I know it is probably so corny and typical, but having a bf or gf in real life because I want to know what it feels to be in a relationship; a good and healthy relationship. Because I have had bfs before online and I don't have anything against online dating I like it and if the opportunity presents again i would not though of it too much but those relationships were not good at all so yeah.
A good and healthy relationship would be the first thing.
☆ Then it would be traveling to somewhere outside México and not USA, I want to go beyond that but I don't know exactly to where, probably Greece or Spain to meet the family I have there idk.
☆ And for the last thing would be doing all the thing I have never done before because of fear or shyness like cosplaying or singing like seriously in front of my family on a special event or something, i probably have more but i don't have anything in mind rn sorry jsjsk.
the tower: favorite colors to wear?
I wear black almost like 24/7 but i also love green (i only have one green outfit) and I want to have browns outfits but i haven't found anything ☹️
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junebbugs · 1 month
〔 Sat. ≈ Aug.24; 〕
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When I was in 7th and 8th grade, I had the BEST art teacher (at least, for me personally). She literally never made us do anything. We could come to her class and do whatever, including being on your phone for the entire class if thats what you wanted, which I would do sometimes if I was having an off day. It was a problem for some people ofc, those who didnt actually care about art and just took the class to talk to their friends and browse on their phones every day, never creating any art or learning anything.
But for me it was perfect. I loved drawing, had a passion for it. This gave me a dedicated time to create along with any art supplies I wanted/needed! I studied what I wanted to, on my own. My art improved SO MUCH in that time. I went from squiggly blob-people that werent much better than a stick figure, to having an actual artstyle of my own, improving greatly on my anatomy, posing, shading, lighting... purely from my own natural motivation amd independent study. It was great, I was so happy with myself and still motivated to improve!!
Then I hit high school, and got the complete opposite for a teacher. She had us doing stupid art projects I couldnt care less about, half of which seemed like random crafts you would have elementary schoolers do. It was such a drastic change after the years before, and so many other things were going on in my life at the time as well. I lost my only friend because she moved away. I was struggling with an ED that was only getting worse. I had issues with my bf and we ended up breaking up. My mom was having major mental health issues starting a few years before. I was already dealing with depression and SH for years before that point.
That art class was just the last straw for me. Some things happened, and I managed to talk my parents into putting me in homeschool. (For a second time actually, but the first time is a different story for a different day.) I easily managed to just stop doing the online schoolwork because my parents generally dont know how to parent properly, so... thats how I ended up dropping out of school.
Idk. I saw a post on twitter/X that reminded me of all this and I wanted to share... if you read all this, thank you for taking the time to hear a small snippet of my story. 💚
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〔 1:49am 〕
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Cupid - OP81
Fem!British Olympic Archer! Reader x Oscar Piastri This is a part of my F1 x Olympics series! My main Masterlist is here And my F1 x Olympics Masterlist is here Hope you enjoy it! 🧡
All pics are from Pinterest
(If you saw this when my phone glitched last night and posted it while it was not even half done, no you didn't. I didn't even notice until I got the notification someone liked it. I have never deleted something so fast in my life 😭😭)
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liked by teamgb, olympics, oscarpiastri and 329,348 others
y/n_archery Had a nice week of weather for a change and got to go back home and shoot in the field for a while. (We don’t talk about slide 3, I’m still annoyed, they were new arrows as well) Ft. new bow after my previous one died recently, rip Legolas you will be missed :(
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username1 Not the robin hood with the new arrows I would be so devastated 😭😭
username2 Rip Legolas, we will all miss you 🪦
username3 Her old bow was called Legolas? username4 @ username3 Yes and it's so iconic
username5 Oscar Piastri what are you doing here?
username6 Babe he’s been here longer than most of us. He’s followed her since 2020 when she was going insane in lockdown. username7 @ username6 During that Prema video with Logan when they were in F3, Osc went on about how funny he thought Y/n was and how relatable she was.
teamgb 😉
y/n_archery 😉 username8 Queen I can't wait to see how you do in Paris! username9 I sense a y/n and team GB medal hope in the near future at Paris username10 @ username9 Yessss let's hope so
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liked by landonorris, mclaren, y/n_archery and 1029374 others
oscarpiastri Good weekend overall at Spa, got good points secured for the team at a circuit that many drivers enjoy racing at. Hopefully more points in the years to come the next time we race at Spa.
P.s Love you Cupid, thanks for being there to support me even if it was over a facetime. ❤️❤️❤️
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username14 Oscar….OSCAR! WHO IS THAT?!
username15 Kindly what in the fuck?
username16 @ username15 Do you perhaps mean WHO in the fuck?
username17 Congrats on the great drive this weekend Osc!
mclaren Well done Oscar, brilliant points for the team! 🧡
liked by oscarpiastri ❤️
username18 Not Oscar soft launching his gf after being promoted to P2 because of George’s disqualification.
username19 @ username18 I feel so bad for George though he drove so well.
landonorris 👏 well done mate
liked by oscarpiastri ❤️
username20 His little message to his gf is adorable
username21 I want someone to write me little love notes in his posts the way Oscar Piastri does
username22 @ username21 The standards have officially been raised for all relationships
y/n_archery Great weekend Oscar! Have a lovely summer break and keep racing like a star! 🧡🧡🧡
liked by oscarpiastri ❤️
username23 Oscar x Y/n when? username24 @ username23 Girlie in this case delulu is not the solulu. Osc already has a gf let's not make it uncomfortable for them now. They've followed each other for a while, they're friends.
y/n_archery has added to their story
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oscarpiastri replied to your story
I love you too Cupid 🧡🧡🧡
Love you more Osc 🧡🧡🧡
username25 replied to your story
Girlie did you just soft launch a man?!
username26 replied to your story
When did this man appear?
username27 replied to your story
Orange hearts for someone special? Like say…a certain Mclaren driver…
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y/n_archery has added to their story
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caption - Missing my bf while I’m in Paris so here’s a photo of him being adorable. I guess you could say he’s very ‘Polite Cat’ sometimes.
oscarpiastri replied to your story
I miss you too, and I think people might figure out that we’re dating quite quickly now. 🧡🧡🧡
Yes I think they might, not many people I interact with frequently online are called polite cat. Love you 🧡 I’ve got to do some practice before my event 
Go get that gold
Thanks Osc, I’ll do my best!
Wouldn’t expect anything less. Talk later?
Yeah of course
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liked by landonorris, y/n_archery, teamgb and 1914859 others
oscarpiastri I am beyond proud of Y/n, my amazing girlfriend (yes the secret is out), for taking a gold medal in the women’s individual competition for Team GB in Archery. 
It is an honour to spend every day knowing you are by my side cheering me on when I race and so getting to post a congrats on an olympic gold medal post is one of the best feelings because it means I get to support and cheer you on for being so amazing at what you do.
I love you so much and you deserve so many congratulations more than I can give you in a post. I miss you while you’re away in Paris but you’re doing great things and you’ll always be my Cupid. 🧡🧡🧡
P.s I guess I will never be able to fend off the ‘Polite Cat’ allegations. I fear they will haunt me forever.
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landonorris Congrats on the Gold Y/n looking forward to seeing you in the Mclaren garage more often!
liked by oscarpiastri and y/n_archery❤️
username46 She won Gold!!! That’s amazing! Well done Y/n!!
username47 Oscar is adorable when he’s talking about her. They are so sweet together!
liked by y/n_archery ❤️
y/n_archery Thank you so much Osc. I guess naming my bow Katniss worked. The wound of losing Legolas is still fresh however 🪦 rip my child fly high hope you’re having fun shooting at targets or whatever it is bows do in heaven
username48 Y/n’s naming skills are elite when it comes to her bows. Also ‘hope you’re having fun shooting at targets or whatever it is bows do in heaven’ 😭
username49 @ username48 Yesssss I know, OGs remember Hawkeye. He was the first…rip Hawkeye we will never forget you.
username50 His smile when he’s around her. My heart is melting
mclaren Can’t wait to see Y/n in the garage after the Summer break. (This is a threat Oscar. She had better be there)
liked by y/n_archery ❤️
y/n_archery Looking forward to it already. See you in Zandvoort? mclaren @ y/n_archery It’s a date. 😘 y/n_archery @ mclaren 😘 oscarpiastri Um excuse me? username51 Not Y/n flirting with the Mclaren admin in Oscar’s comment section username52 Plot twist they’re the actual ones who are dating and Oscar x Y/n is the coverup.
liked by y/n_archery and mclaren❤️
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant, teamgb and 509827 others
y/n_archery I understand that, without my agreement Oscar Piastri (@ oscarpiastri) has put out an Instagram post late this afternoon saying that we are dating. This is true and I LOVE YOU SO SO SO MUCH 🧡🧡🧡
However, to make up for the fact that this would have been a sappy love post, I enlisted the help of Logan Sargeant (@ logansargeant), my darling boyfriend’s best friend, to find some of the most iconic and relatable pictures of Oscar (the last one is me every second of the day). Thank you Logan, you are now my favourite.
Jokes mostly aside, I could not ask for a better partner in life right now. Osc I love you so much and I hope that we continue to share milestones and happy memories together for the rest of our lives. I love you 🧡🧡🧡
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logansargeant You’re welcome Y/n it was a pleasure plotting Oscar’s downfall with you
liked by y/n_archery ❤️
oscarpiastri ?????? username53 Oscar is going to be fighting for his life
username54 I think I love them your honour
username55 Best relationship on the grid right now. I love them so much even though I've only had them for a day
oscarpiastri I love you 🧡
liked by y/n_archery ❤️
y/n_archery I love you more oscarpiastri I love you most
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Thank you for reading!
This is a part of - F1 x Olympics Fics Masterlist for that series is found here
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kakaostories3 · 3 months
This post is ALL OVER the place. And it's long. I haven't blogged in a hot one lol
I'm not sure why I've been infrequent with journaling here. It was always a habit for me to let things out on an online diary in some form. Maybe just not having as much free time as I used to, and the free time is being spent watching TV or something. My thoughts are constantly racing. Side note, i missed a first appointment online with a therapist and they're charging me for it. I could sense the bitterness in how they canceled every subsequent appointment they scheduled me for the rest of the year. Lol. It's such bullshit but I'm paying that shit off when I get paid Friday. Anyway~ It's a miracle I manage to get some sleep at night because mentally my mind is all over the place.
I don't know if I ever wrote here that I moved to Mission Valley, but the move is now 100% complete except for a couple of reports to change my address. My new building is such a nice place and the neighbors are so friendly in comparison to my old crappy apartment downtown. Speaking of which - I threw away over half of what I had in that place, donated the large furniture, threw out that old nasty mattress. The corporate overlords charged me a fucking arm/leg though for the move-out fee. Fuck them. I will never rent anything again from UDR, ever. Especially when a ton of units are being rented out as airbnbs. When I had the apartment cleaned I realized how dirty it was including the floors and crown moldings on the floor. I neglected that place for two years. When my joke of a marriage started falling apart - less than a year into it.
My bf moved in with me a few weeks ago and it is the absolute BEST thing to have happened to me all year. Matt is such a sweet person and my life is honestly much better with him by my side. He is such a big help around my new place, financially and with the chores. Laundry is constantly being done, he cooks and cleans. I didn't hesitate to offer him to move in, I just knew he was going to be a good housemate. He is so loving and kind to me, I feel like the only other person who has surpassed this kindness is my mom. I'm so happy and ecstatic lately. Our home is minimal right now but it's the coziest I've ever felt. I'm trying very hard to keep our home clean so that every single spot in this little apartment is a place where either of us and the dog can feel comfortable. I'm more selective in the type of things I buy and push myself to splurge a little more in things that align with my taste in style, rather than settle for cheap shit. I got a big comfy couch from of my best friends in the world and it makes me want to be in the living room forever! We still don't have a bedframe (I ragequit assembling one I bought from Amazon ugh). Gonna probably just buy a dining table - a legit, sturdy one and not a cheap small one like I had before.
Work is going great lately. I've been thinking of applying to another unit since it's been SO damn busy at my current unit. I get drained after each shift and working a few days in a row takes a lot out of me. When I was getting used to my birth control pill my mood was absolutely terrible and I felt bad because it showed at work. These past few months have been much better though!
This is my sign to blog more often. This was a big ass post.
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Wibta if I refuse to talk to an alter in a system because I had a weird experience with them?
This is something that happened somewhat recently.
So for background, I (16nb) have been dating my boyfriend (17m) for about two years now, we were introduced by a close friend of mine during covid and got together sometime during the pandemic. Now, my boyfriend is a system, he found out about a year to a year and a half ago (this was during the pandemic, and my sense of time is wonky at the best of times.) Now, this doesn't change anything about him. I still love him just as much and I accept him and have zero problems with this.
The only reason it's relevant is because a couple days ago me, him, and another friend of ours (17f) went to a mini con type of thing, the day was great! Nothing went wrong at all we all had fun. But at the end we were all chatting and someone else was fronting at the time (I'll just call them A) and A isn't... The nicest person to be around? In source they're evil, and I know that source doesn't define an alter and not to judge them based on that, I don't! Just to be clear. But they've always been kinda snappy towards... Everyone, but I didn't think much of it because some people are just like that, y'know.
Another important piece of information is that most of the time me and my boyfriend talk online, we don't go to the same school or work the same job or anything like that so we use discord to talk most of the time, so it's been a few weeks since I've last seen him in person and A had only just formed about a week prior to this (or had just started interacting with others at least.) So, I was talking and I made a little joking comment about someone from A's source that they... I don't think like is the word, more of are slightly obsessed with? I didn't think anything wrong with it (a mix of I've joked about this before while they've been in the front room w/ my bf or even with them in front in call and they never said anything, it was pretty late, and my medicine that keeps me up was starting to wear off which made me tired and my filter drops a lot when I'm tired.) Anyway, I didn't think anything was wrong with it until they grabbed my shoulder super tightly.
I think they might have threatened me but I have not only an extremely low pain tolerance but I just do not remember Anything but the basics of what happened when I get scared or frightened like that (I just do not deal well with being touched without permission and especially grabbed and it sets off my anxiety a Lot.) Luckily nothing else happened, our other friend intervened and A was dragged out of front, my boyfriend was worried for me but I did just shrug it off because we had fun and it was ending so I didn't want to risk the rest of the night being spoiled by me being a little nervous.
I was fine at the end, there wasn't even a bruise or anything.
But, here's where I'm worried I might be the asshole, I get sort of nervous at the idea of talking to A again, and to my knowledge they've been "jailed" in the headspace. But I do get super nervous at the idea of it, and it may just be my anxiety talking but I don't want to seem rude for not talking or interacting with my boyfriend or the rest of his system just because there's someone else that's fronting or co-fronting who I had one bad experience with.
What are these acronyms?
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loveyourlovelysoul · 6 months
So all of my friends asked cornered me and asked me why I don't talk with them
I told them they ignore me and that it is mutual
I also told them that they give me mixed signals
It didn't go well
There was some other girl that just saw everything, she is in our class
I told them that I didn't talk much bc they talk about topics that I don't know
And I think I had written in my previous ask that I was closer with one girl bc we traveled together last year
But she didn't support me, in fact she attacked more than the others.
She and the others said, we talk about everything, our day and our bfs[I don't have one, to start with] and you just don't talk and you are being mysterious, we don't want anyone mysterious
I feel like this drama was unnecessary. I told them that I don't require them to talk about everything and that anyone has the right to say whatever they want to. Bc they multiple times said that they talk about everything and that I don't. And that I ignored them yesterday. Yes, I did, and I said you guys ignored me too. And it was like that.
But I got mad bc that girl I traveled with, we had talked so much for a year, and today she said ,, don't know anything about you". It was all bullshit. After that I talked with them more and now I'm going home. With them, it feels like every day is different.
They said if you don't enjoy us just tell us and I said if I didn't enjoy hanging out with you I wouldn't (not in class, about hanging out outside of school)
Idk they all just played blind and evil.
I even said, I talk but you ignore me. Bc before this I said something to one girl about the topic she was talking and she just nodded her head. I told this to them and they didn't say anything specific about it, just repeatedly out don't talk"
I am sorry but I feel like I cannot help you any further now: I have already said what I could say about this situation. I understand you're still mad and hurt after this last event and that you need to vent and probably have nowhere else to go than here, but except suggesting you to focus back on you and not on them (despite it's very hard), grounding and then processing your feelings and what wounds they may be re-opening (if it's the case, Idk), I cannot tell you what else to do (maybe it's my past speaking here, but I feel like you need something from me even if you haven't openly expressed it). Try journaling, working on your emotions through writing. The only thing I could add is that having a friendship shouldn't be stressing, and that it's weird that all this is happening now all of a sudden but yk, everything could be: there's only one way to try and find the reasons. And also, communicating should be done with peace and curiosity, and not through letting our insecurities make us sound harsh or accusing (this from all sides -I reblogged a post about this a couple of hours ago or so, maybe it can help you also in expressing what you need in your relationships)
It'll prolly sound to you like I'm letting you down and I am very sorry, but that's not what my boundaries are about: I am a nobody online and for as much I try to help y'all, I cannot outrun my limits or judge people/situations I don't know (btw no, you didn't write about the trip but that's unimportant anyway: it's not important what I know or don't about your life or what I think, but how you try to process your emotions and decide what's better for you from an objective space of mind. How you see yourself and the situation: we're the best judges the moment we try to let our emotions out of it).
Best of lucks, take care<3
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janeaustenprotagonist · 8 months
"and he said "it's supposed to be fun turning 21"
the annual birthday breakdown.
you hear all these people talking about what if you talked to 14 year old you, what would they say? well 14 year old me would be disappointed in us. 14 year old me would wonder why I haven't gone to the golden globes, or emmys, or tonys. 14 year old me would ask why we didn't get into college for opera and why we didn't get into the program. they'd ask why I'm in a wheelchair bc we're perfectly "able bodied." they'd ask why I'm sick bc we're "not sick." they'd ask why were not famous yet. they'd ask why we haven't been successful yet. they'd ask why am I considering alternative career routes bc "there can't be any backup plans, then you won't make it." they'd ask why I'm not living in New York. they'd ask why I don't have an agent. they'd ask why is all the sides and scripts and sheet music just collecting dust. they'd ask why I failed to live out our dream.
my mother came to me the other day and asked what I wanted to do for my 21st birthday. I said I didn't know I wasn't really thinking about it. she said I was "too old" for these silly birthday breakdowns. I see birthdays as a time to reflect on the past year and years prior, to see if I succeeded in everything I wanted to experience. every. single. year. I fail to meet those expectations. every single year, I fail myself. every single year I fail.
this year I thought it would be different, for some asinine reason. I'm not entirely sure why I thought I'd be okay this year, why I wouldn't breakdown this year. my birthday is sunday. happy fucking birthday to me. I'm turning the exciting age of 21. everyone is always excited for 21, it's the age you can legally drink and purchase some... other stuff as well. but I can't drink. my liver decided to try to commit s@/cide in december. so all of the quote on quote "fun" I can have on my birthday is completely ripped out from under me.
here's a fun little timeline of my birthdays
9-15: dad wasn't there
16: dad was there, but barely. got sushi and to see wicked.
17: my aunt died a week prior, so my birthday sucked. I had to stay at my other aunt's house and it really fucking sucked.
18: I tried to turn things around by planning a little online birthday party for myself playing online cards against humanity with a few of my best friends and my (now ex) fiancé. but surprise surprise, everyone except one bailed on my birthday INCLUDING MY EX FIANCÉ who claimed to need to "write an essay," but words whispered he was actually cheating on me with the umpteenth girl.
19: had classes the day of my birthday and my (now ex) gf ignored me the whole day and then a week TO THE DAY after my birthday I was diagnosed with RARE BRAIN CANCER and LOST THE ABILITY TO WALK DUE TO SMALL NERVE NEUROPATHY.
20: my uncle died a week before my birthday (SAME DAY AS MY AUNT), all my extended family came to live with us. my (now ex) bf broke up with me a WEEK BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY. through. a. fucking. text. a couple of my friends took me out for the day and we made a day of it and I got a build a bear which I love but fuckola.
now, 21. I once referred to a year an "unwanted visitor," but I believe this age is even less wanted than the year. I now have a lovely partner who dotes over me and makes me feel like I am a goddess, I have friends who love me and make me feel wanted. and I'm on antidepressants. I'm happy, I really am and it's shocking to read after this long of a post. but as you can see, I struggle with my birthday. I struggle with it immensely. my partner was trying to plan something for my birthday but shit kept getting in the way and of course now he can't get off work. he already made plans with me for the first day he has off but fuck.
I feel like everything always falls apart around my birthday. people begin fighting. others become severely depressed. it's that last push of winter before the spring flowers break ground.
I always feel as if I never truly celebrate my birthday. others celebrate it, but not me. it's an out of body experience. I don't feel real or to exist in this realm on that day. I feel incredibly empty on that day. I try to look happy and try to look excited, play the part for the camera. it's difficult to hide the ripped up quick, and scabs scarring from being picked. the waterworks welling in my eyes, one blow and it'll drown us all. I hate my birthday.
maybe if I took it as something it's not like most. maybe if I took it as something fun rather than a day to reflect. maybe if I took it as a day to relax rather than sobbing into a journal at 2am.
I'm not sure how much therapy it's going to take for me to like my birthday again, especially since I never have liked it.
I don't know how to tell my partner that I wish he wasn't so excited for my birthday. it's such a hard day for me. I've never had anyone excited about my birthday and it's hard for me to see that. he said I am "special and deserve to be treated as such." I've never had anyone say that to me. I don't know how to tell him that I'm struggling with this day. this stupid day we celebrate being alive another year. I wish it wasn't such a big deal. I know I have a lot to celebrate but I don't like celebrating it. other holidays? yes I love celebrating. but not my birthday. I don't know how to look my partner in the eye and say I don't want to celebrate my birthday. I think that might break his heart. all I want is to rot in bed, with him and not think about impending doom for a moment.
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gifsbysimplysonia · 8 months
In March 2023, I was tagged by @dirtytomatoedwrites HERE and again, sorry! If you wanna participate, consider yourself tagged...
slow burn or love at first sight // it honestly depends on the day / my mood. Often times, Love at First Sight DOES NOT hit for me cuz my annoying brain is like "that's unrealistic." But there are some days / moods where I start reading it - and maybe it's the way it's written or maybe it's just my hormones that day - but I'm like "No this is good and I want this." Also me being an impatient person, slow burn can often be TORTUROUS, however, if the story keeps me hooked? I will stick with it and then the pay off is SO so sweet.
fake dating or secret dating // For sure I'm about fake dating cuz there's something about secret dating that feels "dishonest" to my brain. And maybe that's cuz I'm a new Anakin Skywalker girlie and I feel like him having to hide his love contributed to his downfall lol but I'm at a phase in my life where I try to keep it 100 with folks. So if you OR I feel like we can't tell people about a RELATIONSHIP? Nah, no thanks.
enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers // Again, depends on the day. There's something SO incredibly sweet and endearing to me about BFs to Lovers; there's an intimacy that can't be duplicated in other relationships because a Best Friend is someone who knows you the way nobody else does. But Enemies to Lovers HITS for me, and I saw a meme somewhere online that says, "You enjoy Enemies to Lovers because the thought of someone seeing you at your worst and still wanting you is the ultimate" and I was like I FEEL VERY ATTACKED!!! These 2 tropes are INCREDIBLY SIMILAR to me in that I feel like it's a person who gets to know you at your best AND worst times and they still want you and BOTH of those are SO attractive to me for that very reason.
oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence // Again, I'm an impatient person so there's an immediate payoff to me with Only One Bed. Even if it's not erotic / smutty in nature? I SO ADORE the idea of laying in the dark with someone and having an intimate conversation. For me, it's way easier to talk to someone when I don't have to look them in the face / when I don't feel them looking at me.
hurt-comfort or amnesia // So I'm not too huge on either of these cuz ANGST IS NOT MY BAG. And I feel like that is abundant in both of these, but if I HAD to choose, I would take Hurt-Comfort cuz in MY brain, it's someone patching someone else's wounds. Or someone HOLDING the other after something bothers that person. Even that scene from High Fidelity when his ex just lost her father and ASKS him to have sex with her because she just wants to feel something other than the grief and sorrow. So yeah, Hurt Comfort for me.
fantasy au or modern au // I think I'd normally take a Modern AU, but late last year, I started writing a Fantasy/Medieval AU even though I know NOTHING about the genre and I'm just into, like, that vibe RIGHT NOW.
mutual pining or domestic bliss // Both of these have their appeal. Mutual pining is great because 2 people are going through the SAME THING ... FOR EACH OTHER!!! And it's just a matter of time before they stumble onto it and get their HEA. Domestic Bliss, though, is something I don't see enough of and also love. This idea always brings to mind couples like Bob & Linda Belcher or Gomez & Morticia Addams. Let's see more people IN LOVE that actually LOVE being with each other and doing the work to make the relationship work / be enjoyable.
canon-compliant or fix-it // Most canon upsets the eff outta me, so I'm always gonna praise and be a fan of folks who do the work to fix what canon broke lol no question
reincarnation or character death // sooooooooooooo I don't think I've ever read a Reincarnation fic. And I don't like angst so I don't like Character Death so I can't choose either one of these.
one-shot or multi-chapter // Either or lol It just has to be characters I care about and a storyline that intrigues me. I will hang in on the longest fics ever if I am hooked into it, but I also love being able to start and finish something in a shorter amount of time. Applause to everyone who writes either one of these cuz they both provide the dopamine
kid fic or road trip fic // I actually cannot STAND the "accidental pregnancy" trope at this point in my life so I'm gonna go with Road Trip on this one. There are some REALLY CUTE and fluffy stories I have enjoyed when a toddler or pre-teen kid is involved and they are a conduit to help bring 2 people together, but I have such mixed feelings about a child being involved in a new relationship.
arranged marriage or accidental marriage // Accidental marriage can be fun, and always brings up the "woke up in Vegas married to my rival/enemy" trope. And that's Enemies to Lovers, so, my jam. BUT something about an Arranged Marriage and 2 people who perhaps (not always) have a duty to fulfill but get to know each other and fall in love? *swoons* LOVE that. So many of us have a preconceived notion about how romance SHOULD be or OUGHT to be, but to go through this established tradition, more than likely against your will, only to come out the other side blessed because it led you to something you weren't planning on? LOVE IT!
high school romance or middle-aged romance // I'm in my 40s, y'all, so this is a no brainer. Having just discovered writers in the last 3 or 4 years who actually write over 40 / silver fox romance was such an accident but a blessing in disguise. I like to know that there are people out there who don't think of us as "old" or "too old" for love / sex / romance. I NEVER see it here on Tumblr, so thank GAWD for the book authors I've found (love you, L.B. Dunbar) who let me know it's not too late.
time travel or isolated together // These are both good. There's a Hallmark movie that I saw that got me kind of hooked on the Time Travel trope. I like costumes and the change in language a lot. But if 2 folks are caught in a snowstorm and cabin deep in the woods? Meaning they are forced to probably talk and get to know each other and HEY, we have stuff in common? HEY, you're kind of adorable when you're not annoying? Oh yeah.
neighbors or roommates // Can do either or. Roommates is slightly more appealing because MOST of the time, it's a more intimate situation if it's a Roommate cuz they see how you live (provided it's not some weird "i only ever see them come and go at night"). But Neighbors can be someone noticing you get home from work real late every night and you've had some conversations on the stairs where you revealed that you forget to eat most nights so your neighbor leaves you Chinese take out, that favorite dish that you said to them ONCE you love. So yeah :)
sci-fi au or magic au // I'm not sure I've read either one of these but I tend to lean more towards Magic versus Sci Fi. I'm a Lord of the Rings and Star Wars gal which to me lend to Magic (I know SW should probably be classified as Sci Fi but to me, the Force is magic so lol)
body swap or gender bend // I haven't read either of these so I don't have a preferece
angst or crack // I can't stand angst most of the time and I don't think I've ever read a crack fic lol
apocalyptic or mundane // Anyone who can make beauty out of the mundane is a hero to me. It's something I aspire to for sure. Kevin Smith's Jersey movies are some of my favorites because of the focus on dialogue and what people are saying to each other and how they say it. That to me is something "mundane." But I'll take a lazy Saturday in bed drinking tea and eating pizza whilst laughing and arguing over some apocalyptic situation any day.
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ivanshogun · 2 years
A Friend's Trust Part (1/3)
“Yo dud, uhm.... you free today? Can we meet up.. I just need something :v”
My phone rang, seeing the message kinda surprised me. It's from a friend of mine, although we don't really talk that much, she's still the kind of friend that would talk to me on hours on end. I just can't ignore her or she might actually commit suicide, she's a sad and depressed girl. She's always been complaining about life, her lovelife specifically, she's getting ignored by her boyfriend. Well I'm just a friend to comfort her.
“Hmm I'm free so why not. Anyway what do you need? Your message is kinda sus”  I replied
“Lmao amogus, don't worry I just need something, I'm gonna tell you about It after meeting up”  I sighed as I read, I'll just go I guess.
She sent a picture, a picture of her and an emoji to block her face off,sitting on a Park bench, the place is quite familiar place, a park I once visited when I was a child. She sent Another message;
“I'll be waiting even if it'd take hours. Just be sure to go here :>” another photo were sent, this time a photo of her with nothing to block her face except that it's blurry, she's still at the same place. I don't to make her wait so I immediately took a bath. I'm nervous, I've never met any friend that I met online, I'm usually aloof and doesn't socialize that much irl. It took me roughly one hour to arrive at the place, surely she's still waiting. Walking around, I don't know if I'd find her, maybe its just a prank. “Hey!! ████!!” a girl waved her hand over the distance, wait is that really her? She's way more beautiful than the photos, well her photos were always blurred. Walking towards me, I can see her smile, she's quite cheerful than I expected. With her short skirt and a casual tops, it fits with her Petite body, oh hell what am I saying. “Shall we get going then?” she clinged to my arm, like we were someone close to each other, not to mention she already have a bf. “Hey hey, where are we going?” I asked. “Just go with me okay” she smiled while she holds my hand, her soft hand made me comfortable and I just followed her. We ended up on a Fast food chain, ordering food without my consent, well she's the one who paid. Is this some kind of date. She forced me to eat with her and not letting me leave. “So Shane what do you really need?” I asked as I sip down on a smoothie. She started to sob before she speaks, “My boyfriend dumped me” she cries as slams her cup on the table. So basically she just needed comfort, then why did I even had to meet up with her?
“After all those years, 8 fucking years of relationship and he would just end it all. I did everything I can, gave him gifts yet he didn't even gave me the love that I wanted, not even a single kiss or hug from him. He ignored me for 9 fucking months and he'd just show up and say that we're breaking up? Goddamnit, I thought he's going to be the one for me but I was wrong.” she cried out Loud, the other customers looked at us, they might misunderstood it that I made her cry. Pulling out my handkerchief to wipe her tears, I started to hug her, it's the best thing I could do as a friend. “Hey don't cry now, it's alright, you'll find another guy that'd suit your needs, that'll equally love you as much as you do.” I pat her head as she slowly  calmed down, ah fuck now my shirt is wet from her tears and snot. “Thank you,████” she sniffed for the last time. “Is your home nearby? I'm gonna take you home now” I said. “Yeah, it's near here” she said as she rubbed her eyes and held my hand. Walking down the street, she just won't let go of my hand. I bet she's really sad about everything. Dropping by at her house, I decided to leave. “Thank you for today, and please don't do anything to harm yourself, Shane” I said as I open the door. “Im gonna go home too, it's getting late” I added but before I could even exit the door, she hugged me from behind and stopped me. “Can you stay here for a little while” she said as she slowly starts to cry. “Okay, Alright. If that'd be good for you” I said as I pat her head. I closed the door as the sun slowly sets, it's just little while to comfort a friend of mine.
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