creekfiend · 2 years
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Before I played this game I saw a post on here like "I'm so sad you can't romance Kim" and I was like wait really you can't??? I thought it was kind of part of the game and not just Shipping
And now I am like what are u talking about comma dude [gestures at screenshot] I JUST GOT +2 ON A 'SHOUT TO WARN KIM ABOUT THE GUN' roll because he LOVES ME SO MUCH
Eta: I just got to the part where u set the graffiti on fire and Kim is like "that's hot". This is a man who has been successfully romanced I rest my case
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hhhhleb · 2 months
Hey there! I’m a super fan of all your comics and drawings of MK
And I’m obsessed with little!Jake AU
But I was wondering how does Jake reacts to S&M relationship with Layla? What does he think about the fact that Marc was married to her?
I know he knows her but does he think she has cooties or something? Haha
Cause as a little kid it can go either way or he is absolutely disgusted by girls or he harvest an innocent little crush (more admiration than anything else really) and would probably get jealous of M&S getting her attention and not him(?)
Theorising but I’d think Layla after the initial shock of him being a kid would see him as someone to protect and would definitely bake breakfast and try to approach him and he’d act shy around her(?)
That’s my thoughts let me know if they are accurate or not!
Keep up the amazing work!
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Hello!! I'm so so so sorry it took me so long to answer :( Thank u very much!! Jake's absolutely okay with S&M relationship with Layla! Although he would be glad if they finally made some solid shedule for their fronting time 'cause he doesn't want to ruin their dates by his appearence,, And he thinks that Marc was incredibly lucky to marry a woman like her("how this tonto even have found her, she's so cool*stars in eyes*")
I think if Jake has a crush on her it's only in the way you described it- only about admiration. She represents a hero he wants to be so he's kinda eager for her approvment(like in the last pannel here). And as I wrote in tags here(steven's sarcastic voice in my head:a good place to put some lore in, innit? so, no one could ever find it..) Layla is somewhat the ideal person for all three of them. Ideal in sense like someone you dream about/of, someone you've been waiting for all your life, someone you were created for. Even before they met in person, S&J had this vague idea in their mind of someone like her(thanks to Marc's immense, unlimited love for her). so Jake in his games often fantasized about this beatiful, soft but at the same time super powerful woman who would be his best friend and best superhero partner ever.('oh these wings out of metal..wonder what the cemical composition is, so light but at the same time so sharp and solid.")
About breakfast thing YES YES AND YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES need to remember this one and make a comics someday! I think i wrote here that she would be something like a teacher of life for him? mentor maybe. Like an honest and forward woman she is she would be straight about his cruel behaviour and would try to teach him how to do better. In future Steven and she definitely would find a good psychologist(?) for him, 'cause, u know, they're responsible adults.
So your thoughts are quite accurate! Hope these little sketches are a fair payment for your long wait,,
ps Jake found out that Layla knows how to drive a motorbike. he's quite fascinated about it, so he bought her a book with pictures of all motorcycle models that ever existed:)
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lanaevyssmoved · 7 months
Baldur's Gate 3 Companion!Tav Ask List
What if your Tav was a recruitable companion, instead of the main character? (contains major spoilers for the game, and for some dark urge runs as well)
Where can your Tav be recruited?  Are they first encountered on the Nautiloid, or in the Nautiloid crash region?  Or are they not recruitable until a later act?
afhiri would be recruited in the crashed nautiloid near the dying mindflayer!! you'd find her looking around at the floor for her flute, they'd be rushing about back and fourth but not actually grabbing at or moving things around to see if it's under anything - just lots of staring and hoping it'll suddenly pop out, they'd also be yelling out "where are you? where did you go?!" "pspspspsp come out!!!" and other various things fdlfdkgdg yes yes there's a mindflayer about but there's more IMPORTANT THINGS .. when recruiting them you can be like "so that mindflayer over there" and afhiri will let you know they hadn't even noticed it <3
Do the other companions have special comments or reactions upon recruiting your Tav?
scene.. afhiri is still obsessively looking for her flute. its almost like u didnt just recruit them
gale: "well they're certainly.. enthusiastic. we best keep an eye on them else we may lose them... hm." accepting he's about to become a babysitter
shadowheart: "are you sure it's wise to bring them along? they'll be more of a hinderance than a help." literally does not want afhiri here
astarion: "wonderful, you've recruited an actual clown! at least we'll have some on road entertainment." completely sarcastic btw... also doesn't want afhiri here
lae'zel: "chk, if nothing else they will be decent cannon fodder in the battles to come." ALSO doesn't want afhiri here.. fuck man
wyll: "what a delight afhiri is, it's good to have someone around who can find the joy in things despite our predicament." happie :)
karlach: also looking around for the flute now. been dragged into it
Does your Tav have any comments or advice when you recruit other companions?
@ gale: "oh my god he came out of a rock!!!!!!!" eyeing him up intensely.. "A CLOWN!!!!!!!!!!" proceeds to lose her shit
@ shadowheart: "she's quite pretty, isn't she? i like her toy! i wonder if she'll let me play with it too" ^_^
@ astarion: eyes him up and down "i think i've seen him before...." never mentions this again and if u ask them about it they're like huh??
@ lae'zel: doesn't really have anything to say.. "lae'zel looks pretty cool" with a big smile :D
@ karlach: "it would have been a crime to kill someone so hot..." nods sagely. misses the literal irony in her statement
What sort of general actions raise or lower their approval?
in general afhiri is super easy-going and befriends people who don't even like them.. ^_^ so losing approval will be harder but that doesn't mean raising is super easy! afhiri is just very nice to people in general!
helping tieflings
helping the poor, the downtrodden and lower class
being disrespectful to authority figures!
making jokes and doing silly things (includes lying)
performing! (you gain a lil bit of approval on performing even if you're bad)
siding with the goblins (this is the largest approval hit)
hurting + killing animals
not taking new opportunities (refusing to do quests, attacking enemies before letting them talk, etc)
being a stick in the mud with a pole up ur ass!! have some fun!!
scolding her for her antics or otherwise talking down to her
you can honestly view afhiri's approval as similiar to sera from dai if you're aware of her general likes and dislikes !!!
Are there any instances where your Tav can permanently leave the party, depending on player character actions?
no, but afhiri really won't like you killing the tieflings. they don't really give a shit about the druids but heavily empathises with the tieflings and this is the literal only time you can make afhiri genuinely angry at you. it's super easy to convince afhiri to calm down and stay however, and you can even gain the lost approval again depending on how you approach her at the party!!! (manipulation goes a long way <3)
Do they have any secrets that can be revealed?  What are the prerequisites for this secret coming to light?
afhiri doesn't necessarily have secrets, but you CAN learn that the afhiri you know is essentially a persona. it requires maximum approval and very specific dialogue choices - afhiri will reveal to you that they're running from themselves and they don't plan on stopping. if you try to encourage afhiri to accept who they are and stop running, you'll take a large approval hit and afhiri will cut the conversation short and you'll take small approval hits if you ever try to bring it up again ^_^
Do they have their own personal quest that spans the course of the game?  Can it take different branching paths depending on the choices the Player Character makes?
they do but not in a typical sense.
act 1: getting afhiri a flute, once you do this you'll unlock new bardic abilities for gameplay and combat! afhiri will also be seen playing the flute in camp ^_^ you can only pursue afhiri's romance once a flute has been gotten.. other instruments don't work !
act 2: you will get a sweet scene where afhiri tells you she's written a song about you and wants to perform !! afhiri will sing and dance and play their flute for you and the song will be from a selection of pre-made ones based on various decisions made in act 1! at the end of the performance you'll be given options that allow you to continue or end the romance ^_^
act 3: you've forced afhiri to return to where she's running from :) afhiri will, if your approval is high enough, mention her family. you Cannot visit, but if you encourage afhiri to pop in to see them they will Without you. if you ask afhiri how it went they'll be super dismissive and just say it was fine with a smile, afhiri won't say more even if you press the issue. it won't be satisfying and will likely get "i wish they did more with this" "did they cut visiting her family?" "that was pretty shit"
though there is some stuff that kind of counts if you keep reading ^_^
What do they say when the Player Character asks them to stay in camp?  How about when the Player Character asks them to come adventuring again?
stay: the biggest wet eyes and pout you have ever seen. you are going to make the clown cry. their bottom lip is wobbling. oh my god. if you confirm they are indeed staying they snap out of it immediately revealing it was a manipulation and just sulks like FINE
come: THIS PROVOKES PURE JOY!!!! afhiri is bouncing and resisting grabbing you (where their hands instinctively go to grab changes if ur romancing!) biggest smile ever. gonna play their absolute best for you u will NOT regret this!!!!!
Does your Tav have any escalating conflicts with one of the other companions, like Lae’zel and Shadowheart’s knife-fight?
no but afhiri will have escalating flirts :).....
Are there any unique NPCs associated with your Tav that can show up during the course of the game?
hehe.. yeah <3 candor
candor will appear and if you agree, will join as a camp companion! (ideally they'd both be companions but that isn't what this is ABOUT) you get a scene in each act where afhiri and candor interact with each other and you can chime in with your thoughts!!
act 1: they meet again for the first time since tadpole, afhiri jumps into candors arms and they have .. a moment. that feels invasive to watch. this is a scene that makes you think afhiri is Not available for romance ^_^ afhiri asks you to allow candor to come with you!
act 2: you accidentally walk in on them talking quietly by themselves. afhiri is resting her head on candors arm and it has its hand on her leg... another moment where you think afhiri isn't actually available.. extra drama if you're romancing afhiri !! this is the moment where you can ask about them, you learn about afhiri being poly, you're given the option to end the romance if you're not comfortable.
act 3: takes place after afhiri's act 3 quest, meaning you need that approval to see this! afhiri and candor are having a heart to heart about being back in the city and about afhiri's wild magic!! this is when candor confesses to afhiri that it's been protecting afhiri from wild magic for longer than originally thought. you can chime in, side with afhiri, who is upset specifically because she believes candor could have done more, befriended her sooner, helped her with her loneliness and troubled childhood, or side with candor, who believes it wasn't its place to interfere and only chose to eventually interfere because it felt it had to for afhiri's continued survival - it wasn't required sooner because afhiri wasn't in danger despite the hard life they were living. you also have the opportunity to not get involved, either by not taking a side and seeing BOTH their points, or by walking away.
in order to see afhiri's TRUE FULL QUEST!! u need to bring candor as a camp companion :) fuck everyone who refused candor to join. especially if they did it out of possessive jealousy of afhiri!!!!!!! PUNISHMENT!!!!!!! (yeah. gamers wouldn't like me)
Are there any moments in the game that trigger unique dialogue for your character? (Like Gale’s anecdote about the barfight after you save the goblin prisoner) 
the first time you perform ^_^ so it requires you to either be a bard, get the instrument proficiency feat, or just play a random instrument you find very badly! so it's pretty missable!
no matter what, even if you're bad, afhiri gets excited and wants to play with you!! you also gain approval ^_^
Story Specific
How does your Tav advise the player character when it comes to the Dream Visitor?
afhiri has no advice :) it was just a dream man idk. did you eat something funky
How do they advise the player character on Raphael?
raphael looks like a rich snob with too much money so afhiri DOES NOT LIKE. so afhiri will, not really getting what's going on, not want you to take the deal on the fact that he looks like a prick they should rob instead
How do they react to Astarion biting the Player Character?
afhiri, not knowing or understanding what a vampire is, "did you at least ask for consent"
How do they react to the Player Character letting Abdirak whip them?
head tilt of curiousity and naivity until there's blood and you're screaming and then they're looking around like what the fu
How do they react to the Player Character taking their first tadpole power?
afhiri will think it's kinda icky but won't comment beyond that!
Will they stay with the Player Character regardless of siding with the goblins or the tieflings, or is it possible for them to leave the party permanently?
they'll stay!
What can they be found doing at the tiefling/goblin party?
performing! afhiri will be playing her flute in her idle animation ^_^
Do they have comments on who the Player Character chooses to spend the night with? 
i'm gonna say no because i highly doubt afhiri fucking noticed or fucking cares. like if you approach afhiri and you're like HEY.... DID SMTH NASTY LAST NIGHT WITH WHATS ER FACE. yeah afhiri's interested now... but in general afhiri is not shoving nose where nose is not wanted. act 1 too early for afhiri to be a prying bitch
Do they have unique dialogue if the Player Character lets them die when they steal the Blood of Lathander?
probably smth really dumb like. "well that was bright!!!! anyway hi :D"
How do they react if the PC licks the dead spider in the Gauntlet of Shar?
"did it taste good? can i lick it?" you're both dead on the ground
What do they say if the PC tries to force them to go up on stage with Dribbles the Clown?
this is the best moment of afhiri's life. feels kinda nervous because oh my god, oh my god, it's DRIBBLES!!! this is their moment. their moment to prove themselves. FINALLY! FINALLY THEY CAN SHOW DRIBBLES THEY ARE THE BEST CLOWN!!!!! afhiri is PUMPED. this moment is EVERYTHING. this is the afhiri's nightsong moment, afhiri's ritual.. you get the point
Is it possible for your Tav to be kidnapped and replaced by Orin?  How is Orin's deception revealed?  How do they react to the PC rescuing them in the Temple of Bhaal?
afhiri cannot be kidnapped because afhiri would simply dodge orin. u cannot kidnap a circus weirdo. however i could have some insane thoughts about orin ATTEMPTING it and giving up with frustration :)
How do they react to the PC either allowing Astarion to ascend or convincing him to spare the 7000 spawn?
afhiri does not grasp what this means. afhiri cannot visualise 7000 souls as 7000 living breathing people - except they're not they're uh. dead. anyway. afhiri can't do it. so will afhiri react? no. very like "huh?" and no one will take the time to explain . gale might explain later at camp. then its "huh..." and u got nothing else cuz THEY CANNOT VISUALISE IT ......
How does Tav react to the PC becoming a mind flayer?  Can they offer to become one themselves?  Does their reaction change if they’re romanced? 
afhiri would give a very chill oh that's cool!! that's pretty sick!!! ohhhhhh !!!! awesome !!!!!! type of reaction. would not offer however because afhiri don't understand what the fuck goin on thinks ur doing it just for funsies. cuz u wanna. ^_^ romance would get no other reaction beyond maybe a line about being curious how u kiss each other now and also what those tentacles do
How do they react when the Dark Urge first reveals their amnesia and murderous thoughts to them?
afhiri don't rly know what amnesia is. once u explain its very oh..... okay..... F. reaction. emotionally stunted and unavoidable gamer reaction. murderous thoughts? very haha and then what. afhiri doesn't take this Seriously.
How do they react to the Dark Urge killing Alfira?
see this will make afhiri very sad because ALFIRA BARD FRIEND. WEARING A FUNNY JESTER OUTFIT. ALFIRA :HANDSHAKE: AFHIRI!!!!!! so afhiri would be sad to find out alfira is dead but likely would not believe the durge did it because durge is friend :)
If romanced, how do they react to the Dark Urge trying to kill them in Act 2?
i basically just answered this huh. haha and then what :) its so funny how i keep saying afhiri don't take shit srsly. like afhiri would not believe ur actually gonna try and kill them. they're just vibing and think ur being a bit kinky
Is your Tav a romanceable character?  Are there any specific requirements to romancing them?
afhiri is romanceable and without the flute from her act 1 quest the romance is locked out entirely. if you enter act 2 without giving the flute, romance is locked for good!
Does your Tav need to be flirted with to start the romance, or will they approach the PC themselves if approval is high enough?
afhiri needs to be flirted with at least once for her to see you in that light. if you don't keep flirting, afhiri will approach you!
Are they a polyamorous or a monogamous option?
poly!!! if you ask afhiri to be mono it will ONLY work if you didn't recruit candor or you sought to drive a wedge between them, so they never reached a romantic point, however they will STILL be very close and intimate, otherwise afhiri will say no because candor is too important to them.
afhiri will accept poly with every single companion no questions asked ^_^
Do they have a special romance scene at the tiefling/goblin party?
afhiri does!! you approach them and they're all exhausted and tired but immensely happy and in their element because they've been playing and performing the entire party, and you talking to them is giving them a short break. if you ask, afhiri will come to you after the party when they've finished performing and everyone's going to bed!
the scene will be you and afhiri by the water. u sit down and afhiri gives u a private session thats a much more delicate and gentle song just for u . she doesnt sing its just a tune. (note: if u romance her in act 2 she will play this same tune but this time will start singing a song she wrote for u) u then talk a lil bit about the party and everything uve been thru so far. afhiri is pretty useless during it but its used as a way to show the player how disconnected afhiri is. afhiri acts as escapism for the player from the story!
Does the romance have different branching paths, or just one route to take?
it'll have just one path, but micro changes (like small dialogues) based on candor things!
How do they react to the player character breaking up with them, or choosing another character over them?
hmm.. afhiri would ultimately be very chill about it. theyd be sad about the fact you cant hold hands and cuddle at night and kiss and stuff anymore. and theyd ask if you CAN still do that stuff but as friends (offering a fwb alternative!!!!) if you say no theyll be fine but a tiny bit moopy because they had fun with you and liked being close to u. but ur not gonna get no grand statements or tears from afhiri! and would be happy for you if u found love with someone else c:
What questions can Zethino ask the PC about Tav in the Love Test? 
question one: what kind of performer has afhiri always dreamt of being?
available answers: a bard, a clown, something unique and different
something unique and different is the correct answer! no approval changes.
question two: afhiri has left their life behind on nothing but a whim, what is afhiri running from?
available answers: responsibility, their family, dribbles
dribbles is the correct answer and gains approval! if you select responsibility or their family it will also be considered correct but will gain disapproval.
question three: what does afhiri need the most?
available answers: to grow up and act like an adult, freedom, to become the best clown in the world
to become the best clown in the world and freedom are both correct. no approval changes!
If they’re poly, do they have a reaction to the PC engaging in a relationship with Halsin?
down for it. down to be a polycule. down to also date halsin. down for threesomes. down for it all!!!!!!!! afhiri a free spirit baby.
How do they react if the PC has sex with Mizora? The Emperor?  Haarlep?
GET IT!!!!! GET IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! afhiri doesn't really have any concept of like. sleeping with a devil or an incubus is like, realistically a bad idea, so its just. DAMN YOU FUCKED THAT HOT PERSON?? NIIIICEEEE!!!! high fives!!!!! with the emperor its just the same thing. you got laid? fuck yeah. high fives!
Will they join in with the PC and the Drow Twins, or no?
ABSOLUTELY!!!!!!!!!!!!! AFHIRI IS DOWN!!!!!!!!!! u have got the most giddy tiefling right behind you, going 'eeeeee' with excitement, bouncing up and down looking at you with large pleady eyes CAN WE PLEASE? CAN WE PLEEASSE??? I REALLY WANT TO!!!!!!! if tav says no you bet ur ass afhiri is hanging around there like hehe can i anyway
What are Tav’s plans for the future?  Do they propose to the PC, or is marriage not something they’re interested in?
afhiri is an independent soul .. doesn't wanna get married ... doesnt rlly wanna move in either.. being with afhiri longterm is accepting uve got a partner whos adventurous and wants to explore and see the world and meet new people!!! now afhiri WILL settle down after years together because afhiri will lowkey become commited with you without labels - if YOU involve labels thats just gonna push afhiri away. so just be patient with her.. like a stray cat who sleeps in ur house and eats ur food. one day they'll just stay if you're patient with them!!!!!! also being with afhiri is accepting her free spirited nature... afhiri is gonna date and sleep with other people, AND YOURE ALLOWED TOO!!, so afhiri long term is not for anyone who wants the domestic monogamous life
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stevenssticks · 11 months
Walk with me yall.....
Virgin Dave Mustaine *Feral Screaming*
Baby so horny and desperate barely holding himself back from pouncing in his First lover when they decide to get sticky with It as reader thought that mutual masturbation/sucking him off for the First time and letting him put in Just the tip would be enough to help him cool down but boy oh boy, Dave couldn't wait to get to feel what's like to fuck a real pussy after beating his cock so many times with those porn magazines thinking about his sweetheart so he begs and pleads to his Darling
Him being a nasty, perverted dirty talker naturally, all eager to shove himself as deep as he Can even If It makes him feel overwhelmed and on the verge of crying because no matter How much his sensible Dick Hurts, he loves How warm and wet it feels around him, and when he notices the little bulge whenever he slid in and her juices running down her thighs, making a mess where their bodies connected, she Can almost see his eyes Rolling back as he shivers and trembles while Cumming harder than he ever had before letting out noises that she never expected to see a Man doing
Poor reader, she is in for a long First night because no matter How many times he seems to cum, he Just can't get enough of the feeling
HOLY FUCK IM WALKING WITH YOU. I AM MOST DEFINITELY WALKING WITH YOU WHAT THE FUCK. i might have to turn this into a full one shot bc mmmghhnmmmmmmmmmmm this is making me feel so many things.
for one: giving him his first blow job would be out of this world. he loves loves loves your mouth. wants to cum in it, fuck it. and he does just that. he’d beg you for it, asking “please please please can i fuck your throat? want it so bad. mouth feels so good.!” and ofc you pull off him for a sec to hesitantly say okay, and as soon as your mouth is back on him he’s grabbing your hair and fucking deep in your throat, letting out a wail bc bby boy is so overwhelmed at the feeling of your warm mouth. he’s cumming down your throat so fast and he’s so embarrassed about it he gets all blushy and shy<<333
OH OH AND giving him a pussy job and just rubbing your cunt over his dick but not actually putting it in. him whining and begging and rutting into you like he’s in heat asking “please. just the tip. i’ll be good i swear. please??” and you ofc cannot say no to a face like that and pleads like those. he gets you on your back and as soon as he presses the tip in he’s GONE. his eyes flutter close and his mouth drops open and he can’t even get a noise out with how good it feels. he’s gotten his taste, and now he wants more. he starts begging again and oh you’re giving in too. it feels so good to have him inside you already. you breathe out a little, punched out noise of approval and he’s slamming into you.
he’s so fucking horny and has been lusting for you since the day he met you and now it’s happening and he’s so overwhelmed with the feeling of it all. he literally would wrap his arms around you in a bear hug and start humping into you bc he doesn’t even wanna pull out at all. he’d be whining and moaning in ur ear telling you “feel so good. your pussy feels so good. fuck, i’m gonna cum inside you. needa cum in you. fuck fuck fuck” and you’re just holding him trying to ground yourself as he ruts into you.
the poor boy damn near howls when he cums, and even after that he can’t stop. he looks between your legs to where you’re connected to see a ring of his and your cum at the base of his dick and he’s already hard again. he’s so fucked out and overstimulated and it fucking hurts, but he’s still flipping you into every position he can and he doesn’t. stop. cumming. at one point he even crawls up the bed to lean over your face and have your throat again and you can taste his cum and yours on your lips and it’s so heady. he’d be so obsessed with getting you all messy and seeing spit run down your chin and hearing you choke on him. him letting out little “thank you”’s in between moans<3333
yeah… i’m gonna need to make this into a full story. keep an eye out for that and anon whoever you are BLESS YOUR SOUL.
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bambi-kinos · 2 years
George excerpt from the McLennon server
@rookghosty​ has very kindly given me permission to repost our conversation regarding George Harrison and John Lennon re: their relationship during the 1970s, George’s frustration with the obnoxious Lennon-McCartney diva double act, and eventually how Paul ended up being more key to the Beatles than anyone realized (even Paul himself.) Since this is from the McLennon server the Paul bias is built in and of course we couldn’t really help but go back to the shipping well, but this was a good conversation about John and George all the same. Hope you guys enjoy.
Once again I have restructured the order of our conversation for better coherency due to Discord’s “reply” feature making it hard to follow if you’re not in the program itself.
RookGhosty — 06/25/2022 So I've just starting listening to the AKOM podcast and I'm absolutely LOVING it!! On their part 2 of diving into How Do You Sleep? they talk about George and his relationship with the song, and therefore John and Paul in the 70s
I loved their analysis so much, the gist of it is that George kind of resented the Lennon-McCartney partnership, but not really John or Paul on their own
I've always felt bad for George in a way, because he just wanted to make some cool music and with his cool friends but had to deal with John and Paul's massive cosmic obsession with each other in between. Like imagining that as a musician myself... bro
Leggy Maddingway — 06/25/2022 yeah...it placed him in this really awful position
like he wants to make music with his friends and he loves them but you can only disappear so many times whenever john walks into the room before you start resenting the hell out of it
he just didnt have a lot of great options at that point.
RookGhosty — 06/25/2022 For real. Obviously I know all the bugs loved each other very much, but he just clearly was not appreciated by them as an artist as much as they appreciated each other.
Leggy Maddingway — 06/25/2022 he just couldn't take it...not when he had other musicians going "hey you're really great, y'know?"
RookGhosty — 06/25/2022 By playing on Imagine tho, George kind of sided with John on the whole John vs. Paul feud, which I think was so damaging for his relationship with Paul. The narrative is usually because "bossy Paul restricts George more and John is more sympathetic", but I don't really buy that cause John could be really dismissive and cruel to him (like the scene in Get Back with his reaction to I Me Mine struck me as really shit)
Leggy Maddingway — 06/25/2022 nodnod
RookGhosty — 06/25/2022 And even in the Lennon Remembers interview John slags him and his music off in a way that is,, unneeded to say the least.
George is repaid by John for siding with him by John later saying that he used to follow him around Liverpool like a puppy
Idk I'm just going off a bit 😭 I love John as much as anyone else but I love George so much too and this particular instance makes me mad to think about
Leggy Maddingway — 06/25/2022 i dont blame u at all, its really crummy
RookGhosty — 06/25/2022 But I think AKOM is right is saying that the reason George relished working on that song and did so many takes of his solo (which does go really hard), is because he was probably more motivated to do it because it was a wrench in  Lennon-McCartney rather than because he hated Paul specifically so much more than John. Like "finally! They are not up each other's asses for 5 seconds!"
Leggy Maddingway — 06/25/2022 to be fair I think George knew John was just kind of....like that and he was ready to take it from him. despite his protests otherwise i also believe that George hero worshipped John until the end and wanted his approval so he didn't really want to rock that boat because he knew there was a significant danger of John burning that bridge forever especially since he was with Yoko and she brought out John's narcissistic qualities to the max. so if George wanted to stay in contact with John (and he did up until a point, I think George finally cut him off a bit once John slagged off Dylan and John reacted so weirdly to George not talking about John in his autobiography) then he couldn't really afford to hold John accountable for that stuff.
whereas with Paul its more personal but also more secure. he trusted Paul more emotionally I think though maybe he didn't like that quality about himself. The upside of having Paul as your big brother is that Paul will forgive you no matter what and George relied on that more than he really wanted to admit IMO.
the thing about the "Imagine" phase is that was when John (and George but especially John) was still in the sowing phase of the sowing/reaping tweet:
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I haven't listened to AKOM so I can't comment tooo much on their take but ultimately it sounds right to me? Like George just wanted to stick it to this partnership that had taken over and kind of ruined his life for the last few years.
RookGhosty — 06/25/2022 So true, he wanted his approval so bad but it just sucked so much for him. There's that meeting between John and George that May Pang talked about, I'm not sure if it's in her book, where George goes completely off on him and rips his glasses off his face, and John stays quiet. But one line he says is "I did everything you asked me to!" Which is just :( heartbreaking...
Leggy Maddingway — 06/25/2022 the thing that I don't think anyone really realized -- except maybe John, and Ringo but Ringo isn't the type to point it out -- is that the Beatles thing was totally contingent on Paul. Once he was done, it was over. John relied on Paul to keep the thing together from the start. I'm not saying that it wasn't a four way relationship, it totally was, but it was always dependent on Paul holding his shit together and de facto everyone else. If Paul wasn't in the picture than the Beatles would never be a thing and we saw that in the 70s. Paul looked at the shitshow of Klein and how the other three treated him during the break up and the fact that he had to sue them to get away from them and he said "no fanks love" and he ran off with Linda and got to be happy with her and have his own successful band.
I've reblogged some posts recently about George in the 70s and he was under the impression that the Beatles were going to come back together once "things got sorted out" -- like he had been talking to people about how they would do it and he wanted them to tour again, that was as late as 1976? I think?
but the thing is that "HDYS" and everything else that happened in 1969 and 1970 just really fucking destroyed Paul and I don't think anyone really realized just how much for a very long time. So I can easily imagine George playing on the Imagine album and HDYS thinking "This is going to own Paul but he'll get over it because he always does and then we'll sort our shit out and then we'll be the Beatles again. It might take a few years but we'll get there."
but that's not what happened. Paul was hurt very deeply by all that -- and it's not that George and John and Ringo weren't justified but it really did skewer the possibility of the Beatles ever getting back together because Paul just couldn't do it again.
so its all just kind of a shitshow, where you have these egotistical people who don't understand how much they're hurting each other or how much they actually need each other to make this thing work.
and the thing is that's not George's fault, it's not his job to put up with McLennon fuckery and he did the right thing for himself, I think. but its also just really sad.
a lot of it comes down to the fact that John and Paul hurt each other, themselves, and the people around them and it lead to a lot of horrible ricochets.
if they hadn't been up each other's asses like that all the time or if they had just been more careful with themselves and the people around them then a lot of things could have turned out differently.
RookGhosty — 06/25/2022 Paul was completely right for being fucked up by that song, it nearly singlehandedly ruined his critical perception as an artist. He is a king for rejecting that bs
Leggy Maddingway — 06/25/2022 (Paul did so many things wrong but I still respect the fuck out of him for looking at his life's work in the Beatles and going "I can just write more songs" and then lighting the whole thing on fire. King shit, I wish I was that cold.)
RookGhosty — 06/25/2022 I think you hit the nail on the head. They mention it in AKOM too, how basically everyone working on that song had been pursuing Paul / wanting something from him in some way for years (John obvsly, Yoko with her John Cage shit. Allen Klein, Phil Spector, etc.) Like Paul was the one laying the golden eggs, and everyone wanted a piece of him. When he was like "fuck off" they all just went like "lol he is so lame and he isn't a real artist, he makes muzak, we never liked him anyway." Then you get the narrative where John just tolerated Paul for... over a decade... and he felt so free without him. Yeah, no one believes that for a second.
Leggy Maddingway — 06/25/2022 I think that's the difference between George's relationship with Paul and his relationship with John.... Paul pushed back on attempts to disrespect him but he was also willing to forgive so that made it safer to badmouth him in the press if George felt like it. Whereas Yoko-era John couldn't shrug it off and he wasn't thick skinned the way he used to be, so he couldn't take the ego drubbing that George could hand out. So in the end George had to swallow a lot of disrespect from John before he found his personal limit with him.
its just kind of the perils of being John Lennon's friend I guess and then having to decide whether you're in for the ride or not. I don't know too much about that time period for George and John so I wonder if George found out that it's actually kind of hard to be John's friend if Paul isn't there to run interference or soak his outbursts.
Leggy Maddingway — 06/25/2022 John without Paul was a lot of John Lennon, all at once, and I think for many people that just ended up being too much to take.
RookGhosty — 06/25/2022 Real, it's just all so sad to me, this time period of their history. I love all these lads so much.
RookGhosty — 06/25/2022 Yeah, thinking about it ended up making me angry at John. He kind of got forgiven by people a lot of times for shit that was, not so easily forgivable. I really think HDYS is one of the most damaging and shitty things he did, and the fact that Paul still continued to have a relationship with him afterwards is a testament to his endless patience with him
At the same time, the way John talks in interviews around that time, he seems like he didn't expect there to be any consequences?? Like he was acting like he was baiting a response from Paul, he actively wanted that call-and-response game, not to end their relationship. It seems like he was really oblivious to what he was actually doing, especially being influenced by Yoko, Allen, and Phil ("who all sort of love me"... BRUH) constantly egging him on to do it. That was his circle at the time and no one told him "hey this kind of sucks maybe you should stop"
He was really gullible and easily manipulated honestly, I think Paul knew that and that's why he forgave him for that
Leggy Maddingway — 06/25/2022 precisely. and even if there was...well...he's a Beatle, he doesn't have to put up with it if he doesn't want to....
Yeah, John's problem was always that he never learned cause/effect. He was always stunned when someone thumped him in response for something he said or did.
Leggy Maddingway — 06/25/2022 I think on some level Paul knows it was John's psychic damage batting him around like a mouse being tortured by a cat. he knew there was something wrong with John, it's just that it was the 1960s/1970s, they were still only 5-10 years removed from lobotomies and straight jackets. mental health help didn't exist and no one knew that it was something that they could ask for and receive even if it did. Paul knew something was wrong and I think part of the 1967-1969 stuff was Paul panicking because he knew that John needed help but he had no idea what to do about it. So he tried to fix it the only way he knew how and that had always worked for him: more work.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: John needed a lithium prescription. But no one knew about it, that information was intentionally gate kept by medical providers and John might not have accepted it anyway.
The other thing is, Paul is alo deeply attracted to personalities like John's. Volatile people, sometimes unstable people, people with emotional baggage but try to stay strong regardless. Which flared up during his relationship with his second wife Heather Mills. Paul just likes Those Sorts of People. but Paul is also a weirdo. the impression I get is that George just didn't know what to do with John after a certain point and that's because Paul was always willing to put things behind him and George didn't know how to do that. George wasn't that much of a weirdo and was definitely heavily weighted towards the Normie end of the scale.
Like, George held on to things, thats why so many of his songs are about "getting over it" "letting go" "that was fun but now its done." Like he didn't write those songs just because, he wrote them because he couldn't let go even though he thought he should. So if john slags him off about I Me Mine then George can't go "you're a cunt :)" and kiss him like Paul can. because he was "the normal one."
And the thing is that's not a bad thing! I hope George didn't internalize guilt over that. It's not a bad thing to look at someone like John and go "get out of my life forever, right now." In fact if more people had done that than John might have stood a better chance because the fact that people pitied him so much and kept giving him more chances is partially what fucked him up.
RookGhosty — 06/25/2022 This is so true, I wish more people had stood up to John, I think he would have learned how to get better faster. His relationships with Paul and Yoko are so interesting to me, because whereas Paul kind of kept his John-ness in check by being his foil, Yoko enabled him in more ways because she was more similar. At least that's how I see it
RookGhosty — 06/25/2022 Literally so true. I've said joking a few times that George was the most normal person in The Beatles. The McLennon fuckery is so insane. I love them to death and back, but they were insane
Leggy Maddingway — 06/25/2022 absolutely
George completely did the right thing in standing up for himself, no reason for him to take that.
RookGhosty — 06/25/2022 I think he was justified in keeping John out of his book. Without context, it seems cruel, but after knowing everything now I'm like "yeah man I would have done that too"
Leggy Maddingway — 06/25/2022 he knew it would cut John to the quick and he wanted that at the time, though I don't know enough to say why. I know he and John had a falling out because John was jealous about Bob Dylan having such a big piece of George's life post-Beatles but I don't know how the timelines match up on that.
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Good Morning, Mr. Fairfield
Good Morning, Mr. Fairfield: A Dead by Daylight One Shot
Pairing: Dwight Fairfield x (GN) Reader
Contents: Loads and loads of Fluff, followed by total Smut, NSFW
Content Warnings + Specifics: Long Story/Post (4,831 words); Mentions of anxiety; Dwight's really sad in some of this; Mentions of loneliness; Dwight being self conscious about his body/appearance; Mutual pining; A couple of flashbacks; Dwight's never even been kissed before; Virgin Dwight; Dwight's first kiss; Dwight's first blowjob/hummer
Summary: You and Dwight are friends from work, but you've gotten close with him and even hang out with him on weekends. Sometimes even sleeping over at each other's places. After getting approval for a Friday off to spend a long weekend with you at the end of your staycation, the boss calls him in, anyway. In his disappointment, he makes a mistake that turns a really bad morning into being the happiest he's ever been in his life.
A/N: I decided to just post it all at once instead of doing it in parts xD. I couldn't really decide where to cut it and it didn't make sense to me to do that the more I looked it over. Anyways, I'm so in love with this man. Can you imagine Dwight having major feelings for you, and telling him you love him, and how happy that would make him??? And I've been obsessed with the idea of him getting a bj for the first time and how fucking precious he'd be and the sounds he'd make and... Anyway, I wrote it lol. Really tho, someone rescue me, I wanna hold him so bad >.<
You and Dwight are snuggled up together, asleep on his bed, having drifted off to the movie you had been watching the night before. This happens a lot. At first, Dwight had been nervous about it, but now? He loves that the first thing he sees is you in the morning when you stay over. Or how you both wake up sometimes to find that you’d wrapped your arms around him in your sleep. You were embarrassed the first time, but he told you it was fine. Actually, it was kind of nice. And when you agreed, it made him happy… Even if you are just friends... *
He’s not really sure when he began to fall for you, but he thinks it was around the first time you had come to visit him. He had always thought you were pretty cool, but when you had been the only person that showed up to his birthday get-together, that meant a lot to him. Especially since you were the one he was most hoping would show up. He really liked your conversations and you were the person he interacted with most in a friendly way, not just as coworkers.
He had been on the verge of tears as he received text after text from coworkers --the only people he really knew-- all cancelling the night of the get-together. Some never sent a message at all. He didn’t want to make it a party, you see, because if he made a big deal about it and nobody showed up, he’d be sad. But he hadn’t thought that the size of the party, or what he called it, didn’t matter.
He was alone. Again. Just like always. And the feeling of loneliness was so great that he almost didn’t look at his phone when it buzzed again.
Through his tears, as he started to sniffle, he looked at the screen to see a text from you, the last person on the list that hadn’t contacted him yet, after he had come to grips with the fact that the others weren’t going to. As he was preparing himself for his last bit of hope to be crushed, he opened the text.
8:04 PM: Hey Dwight! Im running late but I should be there in 10. Im sorry I didnt text u sooner 🙁 I tried but my service was iffy. I hope my gift makes up for it lol!
He wiped his eyes and read the message a few more times. You were on the way? You even got him a gift? He choked back a sob as his heart leapt that he wasn’t going to be alone on his birthday, after all!
He rushed to the bathroom to wash his face so he wouldn’t look like a mess when you got there, and nearly tripped on his way to answer the buzzer to let you up to his apartment a few minutes later. When he opened the door to greet you, you stood there with a giant teddy bear. It had glasses on and large, expressive eyes.
“I-I hope you like it,” you had said sheepishly, before even greeting him. “I don’t know, I saw it and it reminded me of you, so I thought you should have him… But I have another gift and a card in my bookbag.” You motioned with your head to the bag on your back, hanging on one shoulder.
He smiled brightly at you and said, “No- I mean, yeah! I like it a lot. I can see the resemblance.”
Then the two of you spent the night laughing, talking, eating pizza and popcorn, and watching the movie you had brought as your second gift. Office Space. You had said to him once that he should see it and that he’d love it. He didn’t say anything, but he was flustered that you had remembered such a small conversation with him from months ago.
He couldn’t believe how annoyed you got that nobody else showed up, and that they all cancelled last minute on him like that, and how you shook your head as you scrolled through all the messages he had received when he handed you his phone. It made him feel like you actually cared and weren’t just showing up to be nice.
After that night, the two of you started to hang out more. You grabbed lunch together at work sometimes. After a while, you’d even stay over his place some weekends, or he at yours. When he started to realize he had feelings for you, though, he felt a crushing sense of despair, like it was a foregone conclusion that you didn’t feel the same. He’d been there a few times before, and he wasn’t going to ruin this friendship he cherished so much by making you feel awkward around him. So he kept his feelings to himself.
Sometimes he thinks about it and realizes he probably had feelings for you before then, but all those fears subconsciously prevented him from figuring that out until he couldn’t deny it anymore... *
Dwight begins to stir as he hears his phone chime. At first he’s confused because he hadn’t set an alarm the night before. As he feels around his nightstand for his glasses and wakes up a little more, he realizes that it’s not his alarm. It's a text. Multiple texts. From your boss. On his Friday off that he had gotten approved so he could have a long weekend with you at the end of your vacation time.
5:48 AM: We need you to come in today Dwight.
5:50 AM: Your department is way behind on the paperwork we need to file by Monday.
5:55 AM: Be here by usual time.
He holds his phone up, the light reflecting off of his glasses. He doesn’t move for a moment. All that goes through his mind is his deep disappointment. He had been looking forward to hanging out with you today, especially after a particularly difficult work week. In fact, this long weekend was the thing that helped him get through all the bullshit this week had given him.
He slowly gets out of bed, trying not to disturb you. He wonders what to do. You’re in a different department that didn’t have anything to do with this specific project, so you wouldn’t be called in, too. Besides, you never told anyone but him that you were having a staycation. Which means that he’d be leaving you alone at his place all day. He resigns himself to the idea of writing you a note explaining where he is and telling you that it’s OK if you want to head home and try to hang out again the next available weekend.
I’ll do that after I shower, he thinks sadly, not wanting to start looking around for pen and paper in the dark and wake you. At least he has an en suite, though it had always seemed laughable to Dwight to call it that since his apartment was far from nice and that seemed like a “rich” word to him. Still, he was able to slip in without making much noise.
His thoughts race from one depressing thing to another as he makes his way to the shower. He quietly closes and locks the door behind him before undressing to prevent you from accidentally walking in on him. Even the thought of that makes him turn beet red. But he’s broken out of that thought the moment he turns the shower on and gets hit with a blast of cold water. He covers his mouth to keep from yelping.
It’s only after he steps out of the shower and wraps his towel around him that he realizes he forgot to grab a set of clothes to change into while being lost in thought. His heart pounds and his anxiety spikes. He considers putting his sleep clothes back on for a second, but decides that he can’t because they’ve been on the floor this whole time and that would make taking a shower a moot point. He shakily unlocks the door and turns the knob as slow as he can, silently pleading with you to stay asleep.
He hasn’t so much as been shirtless around anyone since high school, in the locker room with the other boys trying out for the football team. Even then, he felt uncomfortable. Dwight has always lacked confidence in most everything. But his appearance, his body, was always one of the things he was most self-conscious about. He had always been the scrawny kid with the big nose and the bigger glasses. It was partly why he had learned to become invisible in the first place. It was also a big reason why he was so timid about pursuing any romantic feelings he had had for anyone in the past, but for you especially.
The idea of you seeing him basically naked except for his towel makes it difficult for him to breathe. He takes a few seconds to try to calm down as he stands in front of his dresser, fearing his trembling hands will rattle the drawer enough to wake you. He begins to slowly open the drawer.
“Hey, Dwight, what are you doing up so early?” he hears you say sleepily and yawning from the bed behind him.
He freezes in place a moment. He knows he’s going to have to turn around to face you and answer you. He feels his face and his ears get hot and knows that he’s turning red. He closes his eyes tight to brace himself, and then turns around.
“The, uh… The boss sent me a message. He needs me to go in today,” he replies, looking anywhere but at you and praying that you didn’t detect the quivering in his voice.
You sit up, confused. “But they approved your day off three weeks ago?”
He still can’t look at you, but he’s in disbelief that you’re carrying on a normal conversation.
“Um, yeah, but the, uh… My department didn’t finish what we have to do by, by Monday, so…”
By now, you’ve woken up enough to recognize that Dwight sounds more nervous than usual. The room is too dark for your sleepy eyes, so you turn on the light on the nightstand next to you. When you look back at him, you understand.
You see him standing in front of his dresser, holding onto the towel wrapped around his waist like he’ll die if he lets go. His other hand nervously rubs the opposite arm like he’s trying to shield himself. His face is practically scarlet with embarrassment. His eyes are transfixed to a spot on the floor.
All you want to do in this moment is hold him. Be close to him. Press yourself against him. Kiss him, and tell him it’s OK... *
Unlike Dwight and his feelings for you, you knew the exact moment you began to fall for him.
You had always liked him well enough. He was one of the only people at the office that you enjoyed talking to. You had thought to invite him to tag along with you and your friends to some activity or another a couple of times, but he seemed shy and you weren’t sure if crowds were really his thing.
As you spoke to each other more frequently at work, you began to notice that you’d light up every time you saw him. You even found yourself taking the long way to your desk once or twice just to pass his station and say good morning to him. It took you some time to admit to yourself that you had developed a crush on him, but once you did, you weren’t sure how to proceed. Or if you should proceed with anything more than how things had been between you.
When he invited you to his place for his birthday, you were thrilled. You told him you wouldn’t miss it. And you were glad to see that he was putting himself out there like that. You went to shop for a gift and you saw this really cute giant teddy bear that reminded you of him. You hugged it to see how soft it was, and thought, I wonder if Dwight’s hugs are this nice?
That thought lingered with you as you gift wrapped the movie before heading over to his place. You wondered if he was the kind of person who gave hello or good-bye hugs, imagining his arms around you. You were hoping so.
Then, when you got to his place, you didn’t say anything, but you noticed his eyes were a bit puffy. When you found out that nobody else showed up, or would show up, you realized that he might have been crying before you got there. Your heart broke. You were so angry at everyone for doing that to this sweet man at the last minute.
Sitting together and watching the movie, you couldn’t help but look over at him as he laughed. Seeing him so happy made you happy. It was then, noticing every detail of his face, from his endearing smile to how his nose would scrunch up when he laughed, that you had first felt the strong urge to hold him. To kiss him.
This wasn’t just a crush anymore. You were in love.
When you started sleeping over his place, and woke up with your arms wrapped around him that first time, your heart pounded in embarrassment. You were so apologetic. But when he told you that it was nice, and not to worry about it, sometimes you would do it on purpose if you woke up during the night. Every time, on purpose or not, he’d wake up and smile at you before reaching for his glasses. And you’d try so hard to hide that his contented smile made you melt.
You had it bad for Dwight. But you worked together. And everyone knew you both were friends. If you said anything and he didn’t feel the same, then everyone would know that something was wrong, and you weren’t sure you could handle the whispers on top of a broken heart... *
Before you know it, you’re out of bed and walking towards him. He looks up at you with wide eyes as you approach.
“W-what are you doing?” he asks, backing up against the dresser as though he thought it would put distance between you both.
You stop just in front of him and look into his eyes. You have no idea what’s come over you, but this feels right.
“Dwight, is it OK if I kiss you?”
He’s sure he didn’t hear you right. “What?”
You smile softly at him. “I asked if it was OK if I kiss you?”
He says nothing, he only nods his head. His skin bumps as you place your hands on either side of his face and press your lips to his. He moans softly as your kiss deepens and you run one of your hands through his still-wet hair.
You pull away from the kiss and whisper, “Did you like that? Was that OK?”
“Yeah,” he says, also in a whisper. “Was I OK?”
Since you’d been friends for a while now, you knew that he had never been with anyone before, and not even been kissed. He was bound to be worried about any new experiences.
“That was perfect. You’re perfect, Dwight.”
“I am?” he asks in disbelief of what is happening right now, of the love he sees in your eyes as you look at him.
You nod. “Yeah… I mean, look at you!”
His gaze falls to the floor again, self-conscious. However, they dart right back up to meet yours when he hears your next question.
“May I touch you?”
His heart pounds so much that he thinks you might be able to hear it. He’s never been more nervous in his life, but he so desperately wants you to.
“Um, y-yeah, but… How?” he asks, his voice shaky again.
You softly kiss his lips again and whisper, “I’m just going to move my hands to your chest, and we'll go from there. OK? If you want me to stop at any point, tell me to stop. As bad as I want you, I’m more concerned with how you feel, OK?”
For the first time since you woke up, he smiles at you. It’s a small, unsure smile, like he’s afraid this is some kind of joke, but he so badly wants to be happy about all of this.
“You want me?” he asks, a little breathless.
You nod. “Dwight, do you really not know how much I love you?”
His body relaxes just a bit. His shoulders aren’t as tense. He moves the hand that had been on his arm to your cheek and kisses you. It’s the most affectionate kiss you’ve ever had. This man is so sincere that it makes you feel like your heart will burst.
When he finally pulls away from you, you see that he has tears in his eyes, but he’s smiling brighter.
“I love you, too. I always wanted to tell you, but I was so scared you wouldn’t want to be around me anymore…” he says in a rambling sort of way.
“Baby, I’m not going anywhere,” you say as you slowly begin to move your hands from the back of his neck, to his shoulders, then to his chest. You rest them there with your palms flat, feeling how fast his heart is beating.
“This OK so far?” you ask, checking in.
“Yeah,” he says.
You continue moving your hands over his body, your light touch giving him goosebumps and making him shiver as they rest at his sides. This time, you seek a silent confirmation, only looking at him and nodding. When he nods back that he’s OK, your hands move to his back, and after he stops pressing himself against the dresser to allow you some room, you slide your hands over the towel and onto his ass.
“Oh,” he says softly, and you can see him beginning to turn pink again as he chuckles, a little embarrassed.
You lean in and kiss him again as you give his ass a gentle squeeze. With your lips still planted on his, you can’t help but smile as he giggles into your kiss.
He’s so adorable! How did I get this lucky? you think to yourself as you pull away from the kiss and look at him for a moment, keeping your hands in place. You look him up and down, wanting him so badly that you can feel your body practically ache. You wish he could just stay with you, wrapped up in each other all day. You’ve never been angrier at your boss than in this moment.
You place a soft kiss on his jaw as you move just one of your hands and hook your finger into the towel, bringing it to the front, where he’s been clutching it.
Reflexively, he gasps and holds a little tighter onto the towel. He berates himself in his head immediately for being so skittish. He wants you, too. Just as badly. He’s just scared. He’s scared that you’ll laugh at him. He’s scared that he won’t be enough for you. He’s scared that you’ll be disappointed in him, if not once you see all of him, then when you finally get him into bed. Having never been with anyone before, and already being so self-conscious otherwise, he has a moment of panic that maybe this is a mistake? Maybe you deserve better?
You see every bit of his anxiety in his expression. You feel bad, thinking you maybe tried too much too soon. Removing your hands from him entirely and backing away a few steps to give him some space, you say, “I’m sorry. It’s fine if that was too much, we don’t have to do anything else. We can go at your pace.”
He sighs. “No, I… That was OK. I’m just really nervous. I just don’t want to let you down.”
“Dwight, you could never. You hear me? Even just thinking about the sounds you might make is turning me on right now. No matter what, I promise you, I’m still going to want you. I’m still going to love you and want to be with you.”
Again, his body relaxes a bit. Slowly, he moves his hand away from the towel and places both of his palms on the edge of the dresser behind him, fingers forward. The towel is still folded into itself, keeping it in place. He looks up at you, still nervous, but with almost pleading eyes.
“May I?” you ask, making sure this was the invitation you thought it was.
He nods, closing his eyes for a second before looking back at you. He watches your every move as you slowly close the space between you again. He trembles slightly from his nerves as your hands move to undo the towel and it drops to the floor. He knows he’s bright red again in the face as he watches you intently for any sign of dissatisfaction, or worse, amusement as you look at him completely. Instead, he sees that same loving look in your eyes from before.
You were right. He's perfect in your eyes. It makes you sad that he had been so scared.
“Um, is-is everything alright? Am-am I alright?” Dwight finally said after more time had passed in silence than he was comfortable with.
You snap out of your thoughts and look him in the eye. “Oh! Yes, I’m sorry… You’re just…”
Had he misread a look of pity as being loving? He braces himself.
“You’re just so beautiful, Dwight. More beautiful than I ever imagined.”
He smiles again and catches his breath. Though he inhales sharply once you place your hands on his hips and lock eyes with him, a playful smile on your face.
“May I continue?” you ask.
“Y-yeah,” he says, wide-eyed and heart pounding.
Slowly, unbearably so, you trail your fingertips down his leg, keeping your other hand in place on his hip. You feel like you might just die from the look he’s giving you. You can still see the anxiety behind his eyes, but there’s a neediness there, too. You notice that he’s getting hard from the anticipation alone, and the silent pleading you see in his expression is enough to make you practically ache for him. So much that you can’t help the moan that escapes you as you finally cup his balls and stroke them lightly with your thumb, causing him to gasp and moan, himself.
His eyes shut tight and his grip on the dresser behind him gets stronger. You smile as he makes little “hm” and “ah” and “oh” sounds as you tease him.
“Is this good?” you ask, still grinning and knowing damn well that he’s melting at your touch.
“Uh--mmmf--uh-huh… Ah,” is all you hear from him.
He gasps again when you kiss his jawline and begin to trail kisses down his neck. To his shoulder, then his chest, pausing only a moment to flick both of his nipples with your tongue and making you very excited to learn how sensitive they are when he moans a little louder and arches his back a bit. You practically giggle before continuing down his abdomen, to his belly, until you’re on your knees in front of him. You finally take your other hand off of his hip to grab the towel on the floor and fold it as best you can with one hand, shifting to put it under your knees for support.
“Um -- Oh-mmm -- w-what are you -- hm -- what are you doing?” he asks, his eyes still shut and his head now tilted downwards towards you. His voice is soft and sweet. But you can hear the hope in there that he failed to hide, too. He knows exactly what you’re doing, and he’s as desperate and eager for you to start as you are.
You’re not simply "angry" with your boss anymore. No. Thinking about how you and Dwight could be spending the day, you hate this asshole even more for calling him in.
“I think you know,” you say with a laugh, smiling even bigger when his face turns pink again, further betraying his desperation and almost unbearable desire. “But just in case,” you continue, trailing your free hand up his leg and resting it on his ass with another playful little squeeze, “if you’re not into it, tell me to stop.”
He tries to say, “OK,” but his brain goes to static when you move your hand from his balls to his now rock hard dick, giving him just a couple of slow, gentle strokes. All that comes out is, “O-kAAAAAH! Oh, god…”
That’s nothing compared to when you finally begin to use your mouth on him, your hand remaining on his shaft as a guide. You lick your lips before pressing them against the tip for a soft kiss. You can feel him already beginning to shake, and his knees buckle just slightly when you move your tongue down his shaft, then back to the tip and repeat on the other side, shifting it underneath as you bring it back up the second time and lick upwards at the head.
He cuts you off before you ask him how he’s doing this time, knowing you’re about to and being unable to take any more teasing. “Please keep going,” he begs breathlessly and sounding like he might cry if you don’t.
Your lips are back on him, now taking the tip into your mouth and playing with it for a moment with your tongue, lapping up the precum that had begun to drip out of him. You slide onto him as much as you can, massaging him with your tongue and guiding him in and out with your hand, occasionally humming and moaning for added sensation.
His knuckles are white from how hard his grip has become on the dresser. His eyes are shut tighter than before. He’s trying not to moan too loudly, but he can’t help it. He’s trying to stop his knees from buckling again because his trembling has gotten worse in how amazing this feels. He’s focusing whatever brain power he has that isn’t locked on what’s happening to stop his body from involuntarily thrusting for more contact. But the man positively unravels when you move your hand from his ass to play with his balls again, using the hand on his dick to make an “O” shape against your lips. Your hand and mouth begin stroking him in unison and your moaning becomes more consistent.
“Oh my g-- Oh… OH! AH!!!”
His head snaps back and he calls out your name. The noises he makes are a mixture of moans and sobs. He tries to tell you he’s going to cum (a little too late, but you don’t mind) but he’s so lost in his orgasm that he can’t form words anymore. He feels like he might collapse as he spills into your mouth. Whatever embarrassment he might have had before dissipates in his rapture. He gives one last little “ah” as you slide him out with a soft pop.
You swallow and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand before planting soft kisses on his body again, working your way back up and using the dresser to help you stand again. Each kiss makes him shiver, his whole body feeling tingles. Of course, you pause at his nipples again, this time giving each a little more attention and making him laugh in between moans. But you make your way back up to his neck, and back to his jawline before sucking on his earlobe a moment.
“How do you feel,” you whisper, sending another shiver through his body.
“That… That was amazing. I-I just can’t believe…” He trails off and gets quiet a moment. You’re kissing his neck so lovingly, but his anxiety begins to return and he can’t shake the feeling. He’s never been this lucky, and he’s never fallen this hard for someone before.
“This is real, right?” he finally asks. His voice sounds like he might cry. It breaks your heart.
“Dwight,” you say, now looking him in the eye and not raising your voice much louder than whispering, “yes, it’s real. I love you.”
He wraps his arms around you tightly and kisses your cheek.
“You should probably go get cleaned up… Again,” you say, laughing.
“Just a couple more minutes,” Dwight replies, still holding you.
“You can have me for much longer than that when you get back later.”
He smiles. “I’d like that very much.”
He really is adorable. How did you get this lucky?
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come-on-shitty-boys · 4 years
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//general dating headcannons//
Characters: Daishou Suguru/ Kita Shinsuke/ Yamaguchi Tadashi
Warnings: i don’t think any??
Word Count: 2K (~650 a piece)
Notes: i am soft for kita shinsuke. that is all.
Daishou Suguru
He’s a top tier boyfriend and no one is allowed to tell me otherwise
He is a first-class WEENIE for his s/o and would genuinely do anything for them
But noooo y’all hate him smh
Daishou is the kind of person who puts every important date of your relationship in his phone.  He is never missing your anniversary or your birthday or any other important relationship dates.  
He’s a good morning/good night texter too.  I know that everyone thinks he’s an asshole, but after being broken up with for focusing too much on a club, he doesn’t want you to feel like he only cares about volleyball.  If he’s going to be busy for a few hours, he’s going to tell you so you don’t think he’s just flat out ignoring you
I promise, he will let you do anything to him if you just ask.  Want to try to curl his hair?  Cool, just please don’t burn him.  You want to pluck his eyebrows?  Go ahead.  He doesn’t mind.  Did you see this really cute nail design that you want to try? Suguru already has his hand held out towards you so you can practice.
He’s not telling anyone that he does all of this so willingly though.  He has to maintain some essence of coolness
Literally the whole volleyball team knows that he’s a total simp, so idk who the hell he thinks he’s hiding it from
His love language is quality time, so as long as he’s with you, he’s perfectly content.  Daishou will happily just sit next to you for hours, sending each other memes or stupid tiktoks.
When it comes to actually going out on dates, he’s really simple.  He likes picnics in the park or taking hikes or going stargazing.  It feels very intimate to him and allows a certain degree of vulnerability that can’t be found anywhere else.
You guys went stargazing on your first date and he brought you flowers and the two of you shared snacks it was all very cute and there was no way that you weren’t going to go on a second date with him
Speaking of flowers-
One time you made him mad over something really stupid and he brought you some flowers as a partial apology for him being overdramatic, but the card just said “fuck you” in really pretty lettering, but there was a really small, “but also, I love you” on the other side.
The two of you pick up random hobbies together?  For no other reason than the two of you spend an awful lot of time just sitting at each other's house?  So, you decided to do something other than just sit on your phones for h o u r s
You’ve made those giant arm-knitted blankets together.  One time, you tried to make soap, but it didn’t smell good so that hobby got scrapped.  You’ve tried to learn how to roller skate together, but Daishou almost broke his arm so you thought maybe something less dangerous like puzzles.  But, those got old really fast.
Please for the love of god run your hand over his arms.  He will be putty in your hands.  He loves it so much.
Better yet?  Put your hands on his biceps when he kisses you and he’s a happy boy.  His arms are the feature that he’s most proud of, so knowing that you like them too is a big boost to his ego.
He has two main nicknames for you smh.  When he’s teasing or just being a little shit, he calls you sweetheart.  If he actually wants to be affectionate, Daishou calls you babygirl.
He’ll pull you into his lap and pepper your face in kisses while telling you, “I love you, babygirl, you know that?”
If you call him ‘Sugu’ or just ‘ru’ he may actually die right there.   It just plucks something in his heart that sends him to cloud-9.  
Suguru really is a fantastic boyfriend who just wants you to be happy ;-; He wants you to smile and laugh and be comfortable around him, because he’s here for the long-haul.  When Daishou falls in love, he falls hard
Kita Shinsuke
An absolute sweetheart
He’s going to take care of you so good
Kita for sure walked straight up to you and asked you on a date.  He gave zero fucks.  Nerves?  Kita has never heard of them before. If you reject him, you reject him.  It’s not like it’s the end of the world.
You met his grandmother really early into the relationship because she’s really important to Kita, so he needed to know that she approved of you before fully committing to a relationship with you.
But, I promise, she loves you and now that Kita is finally dating someone, she’s going to pester him about wedding plans once he comes home from your date.  She doesn’t care that this is only the second date.  She wants to see her grandson married.
Kita genuinely loves domestic life?  Please please please come over and cook with him.  If you offer to help him with the dishes, he may propose right there.  Okay not literally but you know what i mean.  Come over on Saturdays for laundry and gardening.
I should mention that dating Kita isn’t always chores and housework, but even when it is, it really doesn’t feel like it?  The two of you joke around, definitely throwing dirt at one another while you’re pulling weeds in the garden or flicking water at him while doing the dishes.  
He’s an “acts of service” kind of person.  Little things like having your favorite snacks in the cabinets for when you come over or turning the heat up before you get there so it’ll be warm because he knows you get gold. You left your math binder at his house once, so he took the time to put all of the loose papers where he knew you would’ve wanted them.
If you’re a person who gets periods, he has pads and extra painkillers stocked in the bathroom cabinet.
Please note that Kita has zero shame in buying you period products.  You need tampons?  Okay.  What size and what brand?  Do you want anything else?  He can get some snacks while he’s at the store too.  You can say no and he’s going to pick up a package of pizza rolls anyway.  He knows you well enough that you’ll say no, but only tell him that you're hungry the minute he gets home.  He’s played this game before.  He knows. 
It makes his grandmother so proud, seeing him love and care so wholeheartedly for another person that isn’t related to him.  She just knows that he’ll make an excellent husband to you one day
She cares about you just as much as he does.  Kita mentioned that you weren’t feeling well once, and she packed up a bunch of leftovers and some tea for him to take over to you, pretty much telling him not to come back until you were feeling well again.
Kita doesn’t beat around the bush, so if he has something he wants to tell you, he’s just going to say it.  Communication is really important to him and he believes that it’s the key to a healthy and happy relationship.
But, because of this, it took him a while to say I love you.  He didn’t want to just say it, you know?  He wanted to genuinely mean it. He believes that that phrase gets tossed around too easily. So, it was a few months before he actually said it, but you knew that he was serious when he did.
He likes to kiss the top of your head.  If you’re tall, he enjoys kisses to your temple just as much.
I 10/10 recommend a Kita.  He would love you wholeheartedly and, don’t tell his grandmother, he really does want to spend the rest of his life with you.
Yamaguchi Tadashi
Another absolute sweetheart of a boyfriend oml
But, I promise that you’re probably going to have to make the first move if you want anything to come from this.  
He’s just so shy and nervous when talking to people that he finds cute ;-;
Although, there is a chance that Tsukishima told him to get over himself and just ask you out.  
“It’s not that big of a deal.  If they say no, you move on.” 
Shut up, Tsukki.
Yamaguchi really likes to hold your hand.  It’s really grounding for him, so if he’s ever starting to get panicked, he’ll reach for your hand.
Before every game, he has to hold your hand and he’ll squeeze it three times before he has to go.  So, if he starts to panic during the game, he has a fresh memory of the feeling of your hand in his.
Yamaguchi lets you wear his jacket during games ;-;  He didn’t even think about it as something to show you off as his, he was just worried that you might get chilly in the stands, so he offered for you to take it.
But, now he’s obsessed with how cute you look with his jacket around your shoulders that he’s letting you hold onto it whenever he gets the opportunity.  
Study dates study dates study dates
The two of you will either go to a cafe or a library and claim a table and just hang out and do homework together.  If you’re struggling with something, he’ll walk you through it.  He moved his chair close to yours so that your knees just barely brushed against one another.  
He loves to bring you little gifts.  If he sees something in a shop that reminds him of you or if he thinks you might like it, he’ll buy it and give it to you the next time he sees you.
He usually doesn’t like nicknames?  He'd rather just be called by his actual name, but something about you calling him ‘dashi’ just feels right and he really likes it.
Tadashi has a lot of insecurities, especially in the start of your relationship with him.  He doesn’t understand why you’re so willing to be with him?? He’s just a bundle of nerves and he’s convinced that you could do so much better than him, but yet you still stay with him?  
It took him a really long time to get comfortable with the idea of being in a relationship and realize that you weren’t going to just dump him because you really got to know him, but when he does get comfortable, it’s like he’s a totally new person.  His nervous laughter actually becomes more full and free and he smiles a lot wider.  He isn’t afraid to tease you and he’s a lot more open about his emotions.
Tsukki is the first one to really notice just how good you are for Yamaguchi.  Tadashi isn’t super open with anyone but him, at least, until you came along and gave Tadashi another person that he could connect with and feel comfortable around.
Tadashi loves it when you play with the hair at the base of his neck.  It feels so comforting and he would love to just fall asleep right there with your fingers in his hair.  Everytime you play with his hair, his head immediately goes to your shoulder and he’ll wrap his arms around your midsection and tell you that he loves you.
You will never go a day without Tadashi telling you that he loves you and that you’re absolutely incredible.  He finds something to compliment you on every single day because he just wants you to know that you’re loved and, while yes, he does find you absolutely beautiful, sometimes it’s nice to be complimented on things other than physical appearance and that’s where Yamaguchi really shines.
{Taglist: @moncymonce @nicka-nell @celosiiaa @lovinnoya  and my fellow daishou suguru simp @kuronekomama​}
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quidfree · 2 years
Hello Im the hp anon I'm sorry my message made you uncomfortable I didnt mean to i understand your feelings about hp and being in the fandom again im sorry xoxo
I cant remember if it was you who liked lord of the rings but if it was you maybe legolas and aragon seeing each other again years after lotr. If it wasn't you dont worry about it or even if u do like lotr but don't feel like doing it its okay please continue and have a good day
hi anon dont worry abt it at all your message was very nice i just wanted to explain my position on hp stuff in general nothing to do w you :)
i do love lotr well remembered ! my high fantasy is a bit rusty so im wary of writing in tolkien voice but i will give you my general thoughts on them post canon below and hope that you vibe with it. sorry this is so late i forgot it was in my drafts 
this isnt prompt specific but i want to say i love that the movies have legolas keep jumping people who even raise an eyebrow at the shaggy unwashed dude whos apparently gondor’s promised king bc iirc canonically they are not really friends pre fellowship and at most have like met once or twice after aragorn tracks gollum to mirkwood or something. legolas is just very ride or die for people ig?? tracks with his threatening the riders of rohirrim later. we love movie characterisation. really went in on the ‘besties w a heart shaped locket of their initials’ vibe.
also the fact that aragorn and legolas are both royalty avoiding courtly duties in hilariously similar yet distinct ways. like yes they are both on a mission for the greater good so its not like theyre irresponsible leaders (and legolas’ father approved his going) but up until moria legolas is fully like ooh roadtrip with humans and dwarves and shit. fun. while aragorn is brooding immensely about the shadow of responsibility creeping closer to him daily. its just funny to me. legolas is so young in elf time.
after mordor falls i totally believe legolas and aragorn keep in close contact tho. like yes they are busy what with legolas skipping off home to report that he survived the fall of evil and also made some new friends or whatever and aragorn trying to rebuild the ruins of gondor but also i think they probably exchange heartfelt letters across middle earth and legolas visits often. esp in early years bc gotta keep track of those hobbits and their very short little lives. legolas loves inventing Elf Songs ™ off the top of his head that are just odes to his fav human. aragorn not so secretly also loves elvish poetry so he appreciates it.
also this goes for all surviving fellowship members but legolas def has a place of honour in gondor w increasingly dramatic titles & whenever he comes by aragorn will spend his nights with him walking the top walls of minas tirith talking philosophy and history and counsel. legolas is a prince too of course. sometimes they go for fun hikes bc they’re both roamers. no one else thinks it’s fun when the king and his elf bff decide to trek across countries on foot but they enjoy it. (arwen very reasonably prefers horseback and sometimes if he’s coming too they let gimli pretend he’s keeping her company when he’s sick of keeping up with their long legs.)
at certain points legolas is busy wandering for a while and the next time he’s over he has to meet aragorn and arwen’s kids. i think he’d be so obsessed w the concept. like gimli would be the best uncle easily but legolas would be like Woooowww omg little freak children i love them. aragorn look. omg it can talk. cool. he def teaches them mirkwood elvish slang and songs to balance out the rivendell influence. aragorn and arwen both find it funny but lowkey arwen sometimes gossips w him abt it because like . yeah half-human babies Are weird. even hers. at least one of their sons is reciprocally obsessed w legolas and spends his infancy viciously pulling at his hair. eowyn finds this very funny as the other token blonde often in gondor.
i refuse to go into angst so i’m not going to talk abt fellowship deaths but i think legolas stays on middle earth longer than he would have liked to help arwen cope after aragorn bc he is Equally Devastated. esp after the kids go. their last goodbye before legolas and gimli leave at the grey havens will have lasted a very long and sad time i think. very weepy on all sides. but she gets it. legolas can’t lose his last close friend to death.
in a modern human au aragorn n legolas r annoying hiking obsessives & post each other on their stories so much you’d assume they’re dating. legolas fights trolls on aragorn’s socials daily despite aragorn’s attempts to convince him he could not care less. they have matching tattoos of like, constellations on their ankles. aragorn is the only person who can memorise legolas’ ever-changing and very weird coffee orders.
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bbugyu · 3 years
hi ily can u pls write on mingyu’s personality? HEHEHE perhaps focusing on how he is when he’s interested in someone 🧍🏻‍♀️
this is a transparent ploy to get gyucheol poly spoilers but i will indulge u anyways.
LETS BEGIN with the fact that he is an enfj, which means he skews more extroverted. i think this shows most in the way he interacts with carats (like holy shit i have never seen a flirtier man in my life) but it’s also clear when he goes on variety shows. there’s definitely a reason that they send him and seungkwan a lot, and it’s because he has no problem inserting himself into conversations when he has something to say. he also is almost always locked and loaded with a response to any question that could be asked of him. he’s confident. he knows his shit and he’s fine with expressing it, but when he doesn’t know something, he’s super straight up about it. he’ll immediately admit it instead of pretending he knows things he doesn’t. he’s also very empathetic, warm, and encouraging. some negatives? self sacrificing. approval seeking. sensitive and indecisive.
so let’s relate this to his silly lil crushes.
because he is so obsessed with approval, he would probably do anything to get your attention. he would ask about your favorite songs and why you like them and then he would search for the commonalities are so he can find songs that he think you would like. if you say you like a certain type of food he would immediately learn how to cook it. if you mention offhandedly one time that you like this one painting, he would research the artist extensively and find out everything about them, then if he finds out they have a piece at an exhibit near by he would ask you out on a gallery date and be super offended when you don’t even recognize the artist’s style. he would be like. “haha didn’t you say you liked that one piece by this guy?” and you would be like “oh yeah you’re right that’s cool” and then move on and he would be like SWEATING like OH MY GOD WHY DON’T THEY LOVE IT WHAT DID I DO WRONG THIS IS ALL WRONG
he’s so confident until he realizes he doesn’t actually know what’s going on in your head. he THINKS he can read your mind, and as soon as it becomes painfully obvious that he can’t, he panics. he just wants to make you happy, but how is he supposed to do that if he doesn’t know what makes you happy???? so ofc. he asks. he’s not one to shy away from those kinds of things. he’ll panic over it for a day or so, but will address it the next time he sees you. he has no qualms being straight up, like. what do you want to do? where do you want to go? what are your interests? what are your hobbies? he would ask in earnest and listen as closely as he can and engage when he has something to input. he’s easily excitable, though, so he would definitely interrupt. he doesn’t know how to not DJSFHDSKFJ and he gets distracted kind of easily... 
he’s a big picture kinda guy and loses details kinda easily. he is so focused on making you his mine that he will forget when your birthday is and ask you like four times in two weeks because he’s just! there’s too many things going on in that brain! he’s trying to plan the perfect dinner party to introduce you to his friends and completely forgets that you asked him to pick him up at work. it makes him seem a little aloof, but in reality it’s because he just has too much going on he can’t keep it all straight in his mind. i think as he gets older, he’s gonna become a checklist kind of person KDFJSHKJ 
he is definitely the guy that encourages you to follow your dreams. he thinks the world of you and will pour all of his adoration into making sure that you feel the same way about yourself. so many compliments. big on skinship. he’s constantly hugging you, as long as you’re comfortable with it. he’s walking you home on your first date and he smiles so big if you hook your arm through his. i think the way he feels about public skinship is really nice, because it’s never braggy, but he loves that you’re comfortable enough to make that aspect of your relationship public. like, he enjoys knowing that you’re okay with being perceived by others as a couple. that makes him really happy. strokes his ego a lil bit hehe
mingyu is so honest. he really doesn’t know how to lie. like, he can get by in situations like don’t like lmfao, but if it was about something serious?? it wouldn’t even cross his mind to lie about something, i don’t think. he’s not a trickster. he teases, but never about anything that he thinks you’re actually insecure about. if he sees that he struck a chord, he immediately apologizes. i think his confidence roots from past self esteem issues, so he’s definitely understands insecurity, but he’s grown past it. and GOD think of the bear hugs you would get if you started crying over something. not even necessarily if it was because of something he said, but just in general. he would hold you so close and he’s definitely the kind of dude to rest his cheek on your head as he’s hugging you, rubbing your back UGHHH
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Okay okay i know i said the last request was the last request buuuuut🥺🥺🥺❤❤😳 like...... first of all i am obsessed with that series u tagged me in! Omw i am halfway through and grinning like a fool! Freaken eeeeep😳❤❤❤☺☺ Nemo darling u made my sparkle friday not only sparkle but shine!❤❤❤🌈🥺🥺 and that lil theo fic u released ❤❤❤❤🌈😳😳 Freaken swoooooons❤❤☺ hehehe like omw😳😳😳 anyways! Looks like i got carried away☺ //debates whether to carry on with original plan or not🤔🤔
Hehehe yolo here we go
Could i pretty please with sprinkles ontop
Request a fic featuring Theo van Gogh
The fics ive read have inspired
An ask i hope will transpire
Hehe okay ill stop lolol darling nemo could i pretty please request a lil fic with my darling theo❤☺ reciting some poetry hehehe i love how they just glanced over this in his route but like omw how freaken sweet and cute❤❤❤😳😳😳😳😳😳😳☺🥺 prefect man i swear!❤❤❤😳🥺
Love u lots dear! Hope u are taking care of yourself! Folding all the origami! Taking plenty of breaks and eating all the candy hehehe🥺❤❤🍨🍨🍨🍨🍨
DUTCH POETRY? Dutch poetry. I’m glad that you liked the series! I haven’t been able to sit down yet and read it, but the synopsis was really promising! 🥺🥺🥺
Hahaha, Theo would love you for the poetry! (●♡∀♡) And I adore you for always leaving me nice messages and giving me inspiration! (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
Stay sparkly Zeta-dearest and I shall take all the rest I need knowing that I can be at peace with a darling like you around! (*^3^)/~♡
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire
Character: Theodor(k)us van Gogh
Prompt: Will I ever stop calling Theo, Theodorkus? Never. But the poem here is called ‘Zie je ik hou van je’ by Herman Gorter who was part of a literary/arts revolution in the Netherlands back around the time that Theo would have been alive. I like to think that Ikevamp’s Theo would approve of the man. 
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That Theo was a lover of poetry was no secret other than it being an underrated fact. The framework of literature, he had called it, for it was poetry that spoke a thousand thoughts in a single word, and painted the pictures with even less. It was poetry in its earliest forms that brought forth the writers' hand and and nurtured an artists’ soul. And with the new development coming from his homeland, with the new thought developing that moved away from the old purpose of religion, Theo was all the more eager to follow and support. 
And his favourites were, as you had guessed, romantic ones. Those that described love to him, for Theo had so much of it to give. Though he hid it well, teasing with that mocking smile of his and his little endearments hidden and translated into insulting names. It made you all the more eager to ask him for a recital. For serenading he was unlikely to do, but reciting was just a question away, a request from you to him. 
When you asked Theo for a love poem the man had hesitated little, his hands clasping around your face as he pulled you closer. A twinge of mischief could be read in his face. But there was affection mostly when he held you in his gaze, thumbs running over your cheekbones as if he was about to pinch, smiling wider at the flush that built up underneath his fingers. 
[Zie je ik hou van je, (See I love you)
ik vin’ je zo lief en zo licht - (I find you so dear and so bright -)
je ogen zijn zo vol licht, (your eyes are so full of light,)
ik hou van je, ik hou van je. (I love you, I love you.)]
The words were straightforward, though still a little foreign in your ears. But it was the tone in which he whispered these words that told all of what you should know and understand about how he felt. His cool blue eyes were warm, shimmering in all what he held for you, never allowing you to escape his gaze. And as he continued he leaned in, reciting the next passage as his lips fluttered over your nose, your lips and then to your hair, in that order, the words fluttering after; 
[En je neus en je mond en je haar (And your nose and your mouth and your hair)
en je ogen en je hals waar (and your eyes and your neck where)
je kraagje zit en je oor (your collar is and your ear)
met je haar er voor. (covered by your hair.]
Your eyes were not forgotten before Theo's head dipped and he parted his lips, fangs grazing over your neck. It earned a strangled noise from you whose body responded to the promise of pleasure if he just sunk in his teeth. He didn't bite, however. Instead he moved over to your ear and kissed its shell. Deft fingers followed as he pulled out a strand of your hair and kissed that as well before returning to the spot beneath your ear, mumbling the words that belonged to the poem. 
You didn't need a serenade, or even a translation to know what the Dutchman said or felt. Not when Theo was carving every word into your skin, every move of his lips and hush of whisper followed with another fervent kiss. A confession of his love on repeat was what followed as he captured you in his arms, not intending to depart from you, or the couch on which you sat. 
[Zie je ik wou graag zijn (See I wish to be)
jou, maar het kan niet zijn, (you, but cannot be)
het licht is om je, je bent (the light surrounds you, you are)
nu toch wat je eenmaal bent. (who you are meant to be)]
[O ja, ik hou van je, (Oh yes, I love you)
ik hou zo vrees'lijk van je, (I love you so much)
ik wou het helemaal zeggen - (I wish I could say is all -)
Maar ik kan het toch niet zeggen. (but I cannot say it)]
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natandacat · 2 years
Can u fill the bingo sheet for Kim Kitsuragi and Jonathan Harker? :3c
Omg Kim Kitsuragi my beloved my favorite man ever tysm
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Ok so starting with the hearts because I love him:
They are sooo cool looking: self explanatory. Design of all times. The pants. The jacket. The glasses. The cigarette???? Hello Kim I would actually be gay in the other direction just for you
If they were real I would marry them: see above. Also our values match and it would be an honor
They've never done anything wrong in their life ever: I have so many thoughts and emotions about the way he navigates his job in the police, about his moral journey through the system and the way he handles both his identity within that constraint and his moral beliefs. Despite everything I believe he manages to remain ethical to the best of his abilities, and i find this inspiring. The way he quietly enables Harry is not in my opinion a moral failing; while he never intervenes, part of his apparent inaction is rooted in both a willingness to let Harry prove himself (which is remarkable given the state we find him in) and a carefully honed sense of survival -which is best exemplified when Harry does morally reprehensible things (which i havent witnessed much since i refuse to chose the fascist options). In the rare cases where I've seen it, his quietness (which protects his precarious status within the police force) always carries judgment, and we see Harry having the option to adjust to that judgment and change for the better.
They're like a blorbo to me: at any given time I am wondering if Kim would approve of my actions
They're deeper than they seem: well idk if anyone thinks he's shallow, but he def turned out to be deeper than I expected (which was also because I never thought the game would be THAT well written)
I like them enough to project my own issues onto them: ahah no Kim don't navigate a system in which you are made complicit of your own oppression while desperately trying to be a force of good
I'm mentally ill about them: self explanatory
They work better as a dynamic (?): Kim would be A+ alone but his role as Harry's (and the player's) moral compass and loyal partner (simultaneously!!!) is truly what reveals the most depth in him imo
Ok after that im afraid my good friend jonathan will not get as many thoughts because I am tragically behind on his emails I don't even know how he's doing rn I hope he's OK
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Not as deep as they seem: I might change my mind but jonathan feels more like a vessel type character -I can project myself into him but so far im not getting a terribly tangible identity from him, which is fine esp in this kind of story, he's just not a fictional character i would become obsessed with
I want to carry them in a handbag like a tiny dog: I'm shoplifting/smuggling him away from dracula's castle
Free space: I just find him very funny im sorry. Rich English boy so blinded by his classism and xenophobia that he heeds NO warnings. Im sorry but if he dies he will have deserved it a little bit
I don't really have much to say about them: again my opinion may change as I advance in the story, but so far he makes me feel more things about myself than about him if that makes sense
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bopbopstyles · 4 years
3. More Than a Song
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Y/N promised herself she would never date a musician. It was her one rule–her only rule, actually–when it came to dating. But then, Harry Styles rolled into her life and asked her to break it, just this once. And this is what happened.
a/n: prepare for ANGST! and dunkirk premiere harry aka one of his best looks ever :) also thank u to @havethetimeofyourstyles for making my line breaks bc i’m inept at making things xoxo
pls reblog to spread the word about only exception! 🥰
“Baby,” Harry said, turning to her from where he stood in his closet. “Can you help me with my collar? I can’t get it.”
Y/N set down her phone—she was ready first, which wasn’t surprising considering it took Harry ages to get ready, partially because he kept getting distracted with her. He’d touch her, run his hands all over her, ask if he could get her out of her lingerie, and she’d have to remind him that she’d barely even had it on and they had an important event. “Sure.”
Harry looked dashing—he always did. After much debate, they had decided on a simple white silk short-sleeved button down and a pair of flared black pants, cool enough for May in LA, but still perfectly Harry. Y/N had painted his nails last night a pastel purple while they had watched a documentary about sheep—which Harry had selected—and the color popped against the neutrals of the rest of the outfit. Shoes were still up in the air, but Y/N was trying to get him to wear the yellow loafers he’d gotten recently, the ones she was so obsessed with she was considering stealing for herself.
Somehow Harry always managed to mess up his collars before big nights, the nerves probably getting to him. Y/N smoothed the material on his shoulders to relax him before popping up his collar and folding it back down crisply. “There you go.” In the mirror in front of Harry, her eyes trailed down his body, from his sweet curls she had labored over styling in the bathroom, to the recently tailored pants he wore. She wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed, a smile dancing onto Harry’s face at the action. “Nervous, bubs?”
He turned his head and pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “Bit. More for you to hear it than anyone else.”
The honesty of his statement brought butterflies to her tummy. Harry had been in and out of meetings for the past few months getting together the release of his debut album and putting the final touches on it, but at no point had he let her hear it. She suspected it was because he was scared she’d hate it, but when she asked her dad about it, he told her to think about it as his journal. His journal of a past that Y/N hadn’t been a part of. That had made Y/N understand a bit better, the prospect of being nervous of what she’d think of him more the worry than a worry of what she’d think of the music. So she nuzzled her nose into his shoulder, careful not to get lipstick on the fabric, and told him, “I’m going to love it. It’ll be perfect, just like you.”
Harry’s arms wrapped backwards so he could hold her to him and they stood there, holding one another, basking in each other’s presence before everyone else arrived. It had been a busy couple months for them to start a relationship—Y/N was swamped at work, her boss having left so she had to take on extra work, and Harry was releasing his album, Dunkirk was coming out in the summer, and his tour started in the fall. It was a lot to say the least, and Y/N tried not to think about it too often because she’d get all in her head and ignore Harry’s texts for hours until he called her and asked her if she wanted gummy worms or Hershey’s for movie night. Then, she’d remind herself that they were doing good—really good, even. Better than other relationships that she had been in for this long. Usually this was when she got bored, but with Harry she kept falling for him more and more every day they spent with each other.
He was like a drug, and she was addicted.
“We should head down,” Y/N said, brushing back from him. “Wear the yellow ones, yeah?”
He mumbled something under his breath about her being bossy and coming for Lambert’s job and she snorted, leaving him in the walk-in closet to straighten himself out. Her phone in her hand, she slipped on her heels, a summer sandal with a platform so her feet didn’t hurt, the perfect compliment to her flowing sundress she’d selected for the release party. When Harry had seen it he’d promptly asked if she could take it off so he could ravish her, so she decided it was a good choice. It emphasized her curves in a way that made her feel confident and she’d pinned her hair over one shoulder, the earrings Harry had gotten her for their three-month anniversary on display.
Re-emerging, Harry rolled his eyes over her body and she gave him a soft smile at the way his eyes screamed with desire. “See something you like?”
“Fuck yes,” he cursed. “Can’t wait to have you all to myself later.” Hands in hers, he pressed a searing kiss to her lips, the kind that made her toes curl, before pulling back. “C’mon, Azoff is yelling at me over text about being late to my own party.”
“It’s literally downstairs,” she pointed out. “He’s just mad he can’t embarrass you in front of your friends.”
Harry laughed, arm tucked around her waist as they descended the stairs of his house. He’d bought it at the end of February, a birthday gift to himself, and Y/N had thought to herself at the time that it wasn’t about her, it was about him. But it was kind of hard whenever he had her help him pick out all the furniture, making sure she approved of the colors he painted the walls and the patio furniture.
Downstairs, the party was in full force. Harry hadn’t invited too many people, mostly the same crowd as his birthday. Since it was at his house, he was hesitant to give the address out to too many people, but ultimately he wanted to be able to do whatever the fuck he wanted to celebrate, no paps around. Also, it was hot and he had a pool, so he had told everyone to bring a swimsuit just in case they wanted to take a dip. Y/N had persuaded him to keep it simple and they’d ordered pizza from his favorite place and she made some a ton of margaritas for everyone to help themselves to. Jeff was left in charge of the door when Harry was late finishing getting dressed, and she could tell that he had done a fine job. The tunes were going, people were drinking, and everyone seemed happy. He had even put the album countdown that Y/N had spent two hours making that morning on the TV.
“Stay close to me, please?” Harry asked her, bending his head to whisper in her ear when they reached the group.
Y/N nodded, and Harry began happily talking to Jeff. Y/N started up a conversation with another one of the Full Stop employees who had come who she’d met at a brunch a few weeks ago, plucking some details from her brain about her boyfriend to check-in about. Then, a familiar face flashed in the crowd. “Hanna!”
Harry had suggested the idea of inviting her best friends to the party and Y/N had leapt at the idea. The prospect of having her two favorite people be there with her to celebrate her boyfriend was her idea of a perfect night. Hanna’s red hair popped up, her smile giddy from seeing Y/N. Cutting through the crowd, she quickly made it to Y/N, who wrapped her best friend up in a tight hug.
“I’m so happy you’re here,” she said. “Find it okay?”
Hanna nodded. “Security at the gate did not want to let me in though. Jamie is on his way—Cole called while he was walking out the door.” Jamie and Cole had been together for years and Y/N decided the first time she met Cole that there wasn’t anyone better for Jamie, and Jamie seemed to agree. “How are you?”
“Amazing,” Y/N replied and she truly was. She felt like she was on cloud nine right now, the energy bouncing off of Harry absorbing into every one of her pores. “Excited to finally hear it.”
“You should be.” Hanna leaned over and tapped Harry on the shoulder.
His attention shifted from some work-related conversation with Jeff quickly over to his girlfriend’s best friend. “Oh, hello Hanna,” he said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thank you so much for coming.”
“No place I’d rather be,” Hanna replied. “Now can I steal Y/N?”
Harry’s eyes lingered on Y/N, but he gave her a warm smile. “‘Course.”
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Y/N followed her best friend out onto the patio, giving hugs and saying hello to the friends of Harry’s she’d met during the past few months of them being together. Harry watched her with awe at how well she had fit into his life, she’d succeeded faster than any other girl he’d ever dated. The tidbits of information she remembered and the way she made an effort to be present in the conversations, her deep knowledge of music and the industry coming in handy. He loved having a girl at her side who knew what all of his team did without him having to explain it to her. It was small, but it made a difference to him.
“H,” Mitch said, pulling his gaze from his girlfriend back to the conversation he’d been having with Mitch, Adam, and Sarah. “You good?”
“Yeah,” he replied, taking a sip of the margaritas Y/N had made for the party. She’d slaved over them all day while he was on calls and doing interviews and he appreciated it so much. He reminded himself to tell her later when he had her alone and could tell her properly.
Sarah smiled at him knowingly. “He’s just looking at Y/N, as usual.”
Mitch and Adam chuckled, but Harry frowned. “Am I not allowed to look at my girl?”
“You are,” Adam said, “just be careful, mate. You told us about the rule, remember?”
The Rule. The goddamn rule that controlled this relationship more than he felt like he did, sometimes. He didn’t know how much Y/N thought about it at this point in their relationship, but then again it was still technically pretty early in the grand scheme of things. But for him, it was a constant reminder than their time together was fleeting, that at any point she might want to leave him, his lifestyle too hard. And it’s not that he blamed her. He just hated that it was a possibility. “I know.”
“How’s it going?” Adam pressed. Harry had been distant these past few weeks, holing himself up in the house with Y/N every chance he got when they weren’t rehearsing and he wasn’t on a call. It was hectic and he knew that his friends worried about him.
Harry took another sip of his margarita, eyes finding Y/N out on the patio laughing with Hanna, hair blowing in the wind. “Been good. She seems really happy,” he continued at the sight of her smile. “Bit nervous about tonight, if I’m being honest though.” He’d told Y/N the same thing, but the pit in his stomach still lingered. She had said she was excited, but he didn’t know how she would react to him releasing an album full of songs about his exes and flings.
They all got it though. “About which song?”
“All of ‘em,” he said nervously, and it was true. Y/N came into his life after the album was done, the idea of adding a song about her impossible. Even though he could’ve written dozens—he already had, the voice memos on his phone to prove it. Sometimes he’d sneak away to the bathroom while she slept to sing something that popped into his head, and the few that he’d shown the band they liked. It was all material for the next album, they told him. Some of them had even become full-fledged songs after a few hours locked in his office, but he hadn’t shared them yet. They still felt too raw.
Sarah reached out a hand and squeezed Harry’s shoulder. “She’ll get it, H. Her dad’s a musician, you know? If there was anyone who would understand, it would be her.”
And she was probably right. But there was a feeling in his gut that Harry couldn’t shake—that tonight wouldn’t end well for them. He’d felt it when he had woken up this morning and no matter how many time he kissed Y/N to make it go away, it lingered and it was making his brain go wild.
He hoped it was just the nerves.
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The night passed quickly. There were speeches, a cake, Jeff pulled out a bottle of champagne, and Y/N had rejoined Harry at his side for the most part. And at this party, there was no question as to who she was—to everyone she was “Y/N, my girlfriend,” and Harry loved it. Particularly the look on her face that she would get every once in a while when her eyes caught his. He didn’t know what to call it, but he just knew that he felt the same way.
Before he knew it, it was 11:59 and everyone had gathered in the living room. The TV had the countdown on that Y/N had designed, the album cover with the numerical countdown over it, another bottle of champagne in Harry’s hand, ready to pop. Y/N stood a few people away from him, watching him with that look in her eyes that she’d been giving him all night that made him weak in the knees and made him curious what she would do to him when they were upstairs. He knew why Y/N was keeping her distance right now—she had mentioned it once before when they were curled up in bed after Harry asked her to be put down as a co-host for the party, that this success was his and his alone. That she was here at the end and she wanted it to be all his. She was here to support him and give him kisses after, but it was all his.
“10, 9, 8.” This was it. It was Harry’s debut album, his first solo record. It was weird for the rest of the guys to not be here when an album dropped. Usually, they were all standing together with bottles of champagne, ready to celebrate with one another.
“7, 6, 5, 4.” And Harry didn’t know which one was worse and which was better. Maybe they were both equally as wonderful, because he had other friends here to stand by his side. Jeff, Sarah, Mitch, Adam. James, floating around somewhere. His mum and sister tried to be here but Gemma got sick and Anna wanted to stay behind to take care of her.  
“3, 2,” He had Y/N. He had Y/N’s excited expression, her wide eyes and flushed cheeks, the look of pride on her face that he treasured.
“1!” But this was his, his success, his win. With the first notes of the album playing in the room, he popped the bottle of champagne and with the bubbles running down the side of the bottle, he took a long swig.
Cheers went up around him, his best friends celebrating his biggest success of his career thus far, one he’d fought long and hard for. One he was immensely proud of and he hoped he would always look back on fondly. And the sound of his album blaring in his house’s sound system—the sound of Meet Me in the Hallway, it brought him to tears.
“Aww, man,” Adam brought him into a hug, patting Harry softly on his back. “Y/N! Come here!”
Y/N was there in an instant, wrapping Harry up in her arms, his head falling onto her shoulder, sobs wracking his body as they stood there. He didn’t even care that his friends were all there witnessing him crying into his girlfriend’s shoulder, he was just so overwhelmed.
“You okay, bubs?” Y/N asked, petting the back of his head softly.
“It’s a lot,” he replied softly, trying to find the words. “Happy. But also just…”
Her hands ran up and down his back, rubbing circles. “I know, baby. You don’t need to explain, okay?”
Harry didn’t reply, just tried to find his breath and stop the tears that were welling in his eyes. And when he did, he lifted his head and his lips met Y/N’s, the sound of whoops and cat-calls breaking out around them. The middle finger that Harry raised to them all did nothing to stifle them either. “Thank you,” he said into her hair when they broke.
The feeling of her lips on his neck, a soft kiss, brought him to his knees. “Always.”
And Harry hoped it was true.
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While the rest of the party swirled around her—dancing had broke out, James had started making themed drinks, his favorite being the Sign of the Times one—Y/N sat right in front of the speaker, listening to every word of the album. It was her first time hearing it and she knew Harry would probably play it for her later, but she wanted to hear it now. She wanted to hear his pride and joy, the thing that had him beaming and laughing with his friends, belting out the lyrics with Mitch and Adam in a conga line that was worming its way through the room.
And what she heard broke her heart in so many ways.
Y/N knew that music, and much of art, stemmed from pain and hurt. A good amount of it was also about love, but the songs that were some of the rawest, the ones that hit home for most people, were the ones about our darkest moments. Harry’s album was full of them. Heartbreak, heartache, regrets, addiction to people and things. It was chock full of every one of his deepest darkest secrets, especially the women who he had loved before he met her. There was a part of her that knew that he would tell her in his own time about the stories of some of these women—he had mentioned a few when she’d asked about them—and that she didn’t need to push, but there was this disgusting, self-sabotaging part of her that wanted to know every sordid detail, even though she knew it would hurt her.
This was one of the many reasons she had always told herself she would never date a musician, but more importantly that she would never fall for one. Because their relationship, their joys and pitfalls, heartache and brightest moments, it was all fodder for a song, an album, a career. It wasn’t the artist’s fault, that’s how it worked, but that didn’t make it any easier to be the person they were writing about.
Was that all she was? Another girl for Harry to write a song about?
She wanted to be happy for him, to be glowing and beaming for him, but the part of her that she hated, the part that conjured the worst possible parts of people, it was crawling out of her head. It was twisting Harry and she knew it, but that didn’t mean she didn’t believe it.
The album only lasted 40 minutes, but in those 40 minutes the party died down. People had jumped in the pool while Y/N sat by the speaker, they had finished their drinks, they had said their goodbyes, the object of the event passed. Hanna and Jamie came over and gave her hugs, concerned looks on their faces, and told her to call them if she needed anything. When she looked up, the last notes of From the Dining Table fading, it was just her left.
A light from the patio twinkled and she could see the water rippling under the moonlight. Harry.
She left the stereo silent, not cuing up another playlist, and tugged off her shoes, then her dress. Following the pull of the man who had written such a beautiful, heartbreaking, hopeful record, she walked to the patio.
“There you are.” He was floating on his back in just his boxers, which didn’t surprise Y/N in the slightest. The fairy lights they had strung up together were dim in the nighttime darkness, but just bright enough so she could see Harry and all his beauty. “Look bloody gorgeous, love.”
Y/N tucked her hair into a loose bun at the nape of her neck, knotting the hair so it stayed. “Finished the album,” she said, walking to the water’s edge.
“Yeah?” Harry swam over to her, leaning his head on her thighs that rested on the concrete that lined the pool. “What’d you think?”
She couldn’t help the heartbroken smile that graced her features, because she was too tired to lie to him. Exhausted from trying to pretend that she didn’t think about the fact that he could leave her at any moment, that the insecurities of who she was and who he was didn’t catch up to her sometimes. His fingertips brushed at her cheeks and Y/N realized she was crying.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” He hoisted himself out of the water and hooked one of his legs around her waist, pulling her into his wet skin. It was cold against the night air, but somehow Harry was still warm to her.
“I don’t know how to say this,” she said slowly, struggling to find her words.
Fingers drifted up and down her back. “Just do your best.”
She tried not to think about the fact that she was crying on his album release day, that they were having this conversation now. One that sat in the back of her mind when she was alone and Harry couldn’t banish it. “The album is beautiful, Harry,” she started, “but it’s about a past that I wasn’t a part of.” Harry was quiet, but his arms didn’t move from their place around her, so she forged on. “I know that artists write from their experience, and that this album was done before I met you, but there’s this part of me, this horrible part that I utterly despise, that is jealous of them. The women who you wrote about. And the fact that it’s them that you’re going to sing about on stage every night. Does that make sense?”
The brush of his chin against her spine showed her that yes, he understood.
“And,” she continued, voice breaking, “I can’t stop thinking about the fact that maybe I’m going to be a song.”
“Of course you’re going to be a song,” Harry said, his voice soft and sweet.
He didn’t get it. To him, being a song was an honor, but to her, it was a threat almost. “No—it’s that I’m going to be only a song.”
The man next to her didn’t say a word. The chirp of the crickets stretched between their bodies, which were still close on the concrete floor, not a muscle moved.
“I don’t want to only be a song.” Y/N’s voice was hoarse, sobs wracking her body she didn’t expect, didn’t want. She couldn’t have this conversation if she was crying, but she couldn’t hold them in either. It was her biggest fear, the one that festered below all of the others, threatening to consume the relationship she had with a man she was falling for. And falling was the only way to describe it—without any support, a free fall that was utterly terrifying but also blissful peaceful.
Suddenly, his fingers swept across her neck, brushing against her sensitive skin. “Y/N,” he whispered, “you could never be just a song. You’re—you’re like the stars and the moon to me. In that room I could always feel you, wherever you were, and I didn’t want to be anywhere where you weren’t. And maybe this is too fast and too soon, but what I feel for you, fuck Y/N how can you not see how much you are to me?”
He pulled her head so she faced him, his eyes teary to match her own. “Do you hear me? You’re so much more than a song. You’re an album. You’re my life’s work, my masterpiece, a symphony. A song can’t contain how I feel for you, it’s just a piece of a billion I could write.”
Soft as a feather, his lips pressed to her cheeks and then up and across her forehead, over her eyelids, barely leaving a mark but a searing fire in his wake that shook Y/N’s core. “And Y/N, you’re better than a song. You’re my life. You’re here, you’re real, you’re with me. Y/N, you will never be just a song to me. You never could be. Not to me.”
Y/N rested her forehead against his, inhaling his cologne and exhaling her feelings for him. He managed to rip down all her defenses, the ones she had spent years building up, and it was frightening. But then she looked at him, the way he smiled at her, the way he kissed her, the way he said her name, and it wasn’t quite as scary. She hoped he could feel how much she cared for him in the way she kissed him, their tears blending into one as they scrambled for each other. Lips breaking and meeting, desperate for more and more and more. Her fingers gripped the back of his head, holding him to her, wanting to have his whole body imprinted on hers.
“Y/N,” he breathed, “you heard me? You understand?”
“Yes,” she replied softly, “I hear you.” She brushed her fingers through his hair gently, curling the wet strands back. “You may need to remind me sometimes.”
“Always,” he whispered, catching her kiss with his own, tugging her into him, arms around her body in a vice grip.
She lost herself in Harry, him an ocean and her a boat lost at sea. Maybe it was their conversation or the night or the alcohol flowing through their veins, but it felt different. The way he kissed her felt heavier, her moans a prayer, his fingers on his back a weight she never wanted lifted. Her legs wrapped around his waist so she was firmly in his lap, arms thrown over his shoulders, their bare bodies except for their underwear pressed against each other without a molecule of air between them.
His lips drew a line across the top of her shoulder, a fire building in her belly as his fingers fumbled with the clasp of her bra. It was a light pink she’d worn just for him and when he nudged at the strap with his nose, letting it slip from her shoulders, she didn’t care that he could barely see it. She’d show him tomorrow morning. He pulled the fabric away and bent his head, licking at one of her nipples and then the other, gasps falling from her mouth like poetry. Without meaning to, her hips rolled over his cock, the thin fabric of their underwear doing nothing to keep the heat of her center from touching his sensitive skin.
He moaned her name, the sound muffled against her neck as he sucked a love bite into the spot that made her keen every time he nipped into it. She rocked again on him, his fingers digging into her skin so hard it would leave marks tomorrow but she didn’t care. In fact, she wanted to have his marks on her tomorrow, she wanted to show the world that she wasn’t just a song, she was his, she was his girlfriend and she made him feel this way.
Hands on skin, he pressed her down onto the concrete so she was lying down, her ankles tucked around his hips, anchoring her to him. When his hips bucked into hers, she let out a sharp cry, the angle brushing her clit perfectly. “Right there?” He mumbled, nipping and tugging on her nipple, laving a circle that left her squirming against the concrete.
“Off,” she whispered, tugging at his boxers with her hands. “Wanna feel you.” With his help, they shimmied off his boxers without too much difficulty and Y/N let out a sigh of relief when she could feel his cock brush against her covered folds. Reaching a hand down, she brushed the pad of her thumb across his tip, a pained hiss flying from Harry’s throat. He was sensitive and Y/N loved it.
They didn’t have a condom, but she didn’t care. She’d been on birth control for years and she knew Harry hadn’t slept with anyone else since she found her way into his life. Plus, she needed him—she wanted to feel him, raw and bare inside of her.
They were going to have sex on the concrete next to his pool, but she didn’t care. They had had sex before and they would have sex again. She just needed him in a desperate, crawling way. When he nudged at her underwear she pressed into him, letting him pull them down her legs without a second thought.
“Condom,” Harry mumbled as she chased after his lips, open mouthed and heavy.
“It’s okay,” she said, fingers digging into his shoulder blades. “Want you like this.”
Harry’s head dropped to the space between her neck and shoulder, the groan that filled the air unlike anything she had heard before. “Gonna ruin me,” he whispered, brushing his cock against her folds. Y/N whimpered at the sensation, her fingers begging him for more, for anything she would give him. When his fingers brushed her clit, his name tumbled from her lips without abandon.
“Harry, please,” she panted, fingers deep in his hair.
That was all it took. She was so wet from the foreplay and just him that he didn’t even need to stretch her out. Her mouth fell open as he pushed inside, a mewl landing on his lips as he kissed her. Slowly, he pulled out and then back in, both of them groaning from the sensation of him being bare inside her. He felt impossibly close, every ridge and edge of him pressing against her in the most perfect way. She didn’t know if she could use condoms again, because holding Harry to her chest, arms around his shoulders as he fucked slowly, deeply, into her, her able to feel every inch of her, it was bliss on a new level. A sensation she didn’t know she was missing with him.
Her ankles hitched higher on his hips and when he pushed back in he hit a new angle, a groan ripping from his throat that set her on fire. “Can I go faster?” He said with a grunt. “I—I don’t know how much—“
“Yes,” she whimpered at his words.
He didn’t wait. He drew back and into her, pistoning his hips at a pace she couldn’t even describe, hitting that spot deep inside of her that made her eyes roll back over and over. How he managed to do that she didn’t know, but he deserved an award. Fingers grabbing at his skin in desperation for something to hold her together, Y/N gasped and exhaled his name, a plea and a beg and a prayer all in one. Her back hurt from the concrete but she didn’t care, she just wanted to finish, to feel him release deep inside of her.
Then he thumbed over her clit and she arched up, back leaving the concrete as the fire deep within her threatened to bubble over. When he start brushing circles there, Y/N gripped his shoulders like they would keep her anchored to Earth, her body possibly transcending. Harry bent his head and sucked a love bite on her breast, the puncture of skin forcing her head back, unable to keep it together.
“You close?” He asked, littering her chest with kisses, “Please tell me you are, I can’t, I can’t hold on…”
She mumbled a yes as he drove deep inside of her, swiveling his hips in a brutal way that left her hands squeezing his butt cheeks to get him to do it again. When he did, she swore she saw stars. “Gonna come,” she said, eyes searching for his lips in the low lighting. “Kiss?”
Without hesitation, he kissed her, open mouthed and dirty and sloppy and perfect. She wanted every rough-edged and sweet part of him, every kiss and press of his body against hers. “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N,” he chanted as he pressed into her again and again, her body drawing tighter and tighter. Then, he pinched her clit and she came, the ball in her tummy unravelling, hips bucking up against him as she rode out her high. Her eyes stayed trained on him as she did, not wanting to miss his face when he came inside of her.
His hips stuttered, release unloading inside of her in ropes that left him cursing like a sailor. Hair wet and sweaty, sticking to his forehead, and irises blown out, he looked beautiful. She held him close until his body settled, shaking as he came down from his high, forehead resting on the swell of her breasts.
Slowly, he rolled off of her, tugging her body into his so she wasn’t on the cold concrete anymore. He was fiery hot and it kept her warm in the cold air. “Can we never use a rubber again?” He asked softly, and she giggled, hiding her face in his neck.
“Don’t see any reason to,” she replied and he hummed with joy. Tucking her hands under her chin, she looked at him with a smile. “Congrats on your album, baby.”
He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear tenderly. “I’m so happy I shared today with you.” She kissed him softly and let him hold her close, not wanting to move even to go to bed because it meant leaving his grasp. And as much as her head told her that it wasn’t forever, she couldn’t help but hope it would be.
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It had been four days since Harry had texted her. Five since he called her. Six since they FaceTimed.
He was in London for the press junket for Dunkirk and Y/N was supposed to fly out for the July 13th premiere—it was decided a month ago, the tickets booked and her time off from work already approved. But as the days stretched on and the silence grew longer, she couldn’t help but wonder if something was wrong. If she had done something wrong.
It wasn’t the first time he had been away from LA. They had a conversation about how they were going to handle distance when he travelled back in April, before the album came out and he had to fly around and do press for two weeks. That time, though, he handled it well—he called every night before she went to bed if he could, if not, he sent a long voice memo that she listened to when she woke up. They texted all day, him sending photos from dressing rooms and backstage at talk shows, even FaceTiming her so she could meet the stars he shared the nights with.
But this time was different. Since he left he had texted her just a handful of times and it was when he was at his mom’s house visiting home before press started. And then once press kicked into gear, he was gone, her texts ignored, calls not returned. She was trying not to seem desperate, but with the more time that passed the more anxious she got. It wasn’t how this was supposed to go, this wasn’t what they’d agreed on. He knew her fears, the dark thoughts that crowded in when she spent too much time worrying about their relationship, and yet he wasn’t taking the actions that helped her calm down. Even though she knew it wasn’t his responsibility to take care of her brain, it helped to know he thought about her, at the very least.
The morning before her flight was supposed to leave, she called Hanna in a panic. Her suitcases laid open on her bed, clothes scattered around her, tears streaming down her face. She had tried to call Harry again to confirm her arrival plans, only to be met with his voicemail, again.
Hi, you’ve reached Harry. I’ll give you a call back when I can!
Somehow, the sound of his voice made it worse.
“Han,” she choked out when her friend picked up, “I don’t know what to do.”
“Did he not answer?” Hanna had been counseling her through the whole thing, helping her stay calm and sane, as much as possible at least. From Y/N’s lack of response, just more sobs, Hanna knew immediately. “That prick.”
Y/N wiped a tear from her eye and looked at the ticket in her hand. Harry had forced her to accept his offer of first-class, booking her flight through his agent and everything. “Does he even want me there? Should I not go?”
Hanna was quiet, thoughts rolling through her head. “No,” she finally said. “You should go. Even if it’s just to talk to him in person. You deserve to hear it face-to-face, not by him ghosting you.”
“Even if that means I end up in London and he breaks up with me?”
“Yes,” Hanna replied softly. “But I really, really hope that is not what’s happening.”
At first it had been that he was busy, that he would text when he had time, but it had been six days. Now, both Y/N and Hanna were increasingly worried that it meant the end of their relationship and Y/N was simply not ready for that possibility. She had let Harry in—he had begged her to let him in—and he was going to end things like this? When things got hard with the distance he just…cut her out? “Can you take me to the airport?” Y/N asked, sniffling. “If you don’t I don’t think I’ll be able to force myself to go.”
“Was already planning on it,” Hanna replied. “I’ll bring snacks for the flight.”
“Love you,” Y/N told her. Hanna was her one constant, who knew Y/N better than she knew herself.
“Love you more. Now go finish packing and call me if you need me, okay?”
Y/N told her okay and hung up, her gaze shifting to her suitcase. If he was going to break up with her, then she was going to look so magnificent he would regret every second of it.
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Eleven hours in the air meant plenty of time to run over her entire relationship with Harry. She had sat curled up in her seat scrolling through her camera roll and listening to Bon Iver, which was the sappiest thing possible and she didn’t care. Y/N didn’t want to break up with him and the photos and the texts and the memories proved it. Her time with Harry had been so beautifully bright, his presence in her life making so much better, from her confidence to her knowledge to her music taste. And she cared about him in a way she hadn’t let herself do—ever.
She had texted Jeff before she took off, telling him she couldn’t get a hold of Harry and asking where she should go when she landed. He replied with Harry’s Hampstead address and the door code, saying there was a key waiting for her, hidden in the garden, an apology on Harry’s behalf for how busy he had been. The words meant nothing, though, to Y/N. If Harry wanted to apologize he would have to do it in person, not through Jeff.
It was eleven by the time her Uber pulled up to Harry’s house and she thanked the driver as he tugged her luggage from the boot. She waited until he pulled away before she typed in the gate code, not wanting to reveal Harry’s security to anyone—she have been mad at him, but she still didn’t want anything happening to him. The door unlocked for her and she slid inside, shutting it quickly behind her. Pulling her suitcase behind her, she walked up the path, searching for the garden statue Jeff had told her the key was hiding under. When she found it, her fingers ran across the ridges as she made her way to the front door.
His house in LA was warm, it was the Harry she knew. But this house felt colder, the design modern, his personal affects not as visible. Although to his credit, he hadn’t been here for more than a few days in months. A few photos of Anne and Gemma were scattered through the front hall, some framed photos of his time in One Direction nestled between them.
“Harry?” She knew he wasn’t there, but the idea of walking into his house without checking felt too uncomfortable for her. She locked the door tightly behind her, typing in the security code Jeff had sent before re-arming it.
Y/N took her time exploring his house. She perused the main spaces, testing out the couches and peeking at his bookcases, studying the art lining the walls. Then she made her way upstairs to the bedrooms, running her fingers along the edges of his One Direction album plaques that lined the walls of his office, the ones from his debut still resting on the floor waiting to be hung. She found the guest bedrooms with ease and she spent a good five minutes standing on the landing deciding if she should go into his bedroom or set herself up in a guest one.
She settled on a guest bedroom. If he was going to break things off, she didn’t want to know what his bed felt like or smell his clothes or take a shower in his bathroom.
Instead, she showered in the guest bath, washing off the plane smell that lingered on her body. She dressed in shorts and a tank top, letting her hair air dry since she would have to just re-style it for the premiere later. Jeff hadn’t told her what time Harry would be back and she was ravenous, so she wandered downstairs to fix herself some lunch. To fill the silence in the house she turned on The 1975, playing the music from her laptop she had open on the counter as she cooked some pasta she had found in the cabinet. As she ate at his dining table, she tried not to think about the fact that this could be the last time she was in a space of Harry’s. The last time she sat on things he had picked out, the last time she rooted through his fridge, past his obnoxious green juices and leftovers since he hated eating out if he didn’t have to. Her fingers brushed at her eyes, trying to stop the tears that threatened to fall down her cheeks.
Reaching down for her fork to take another bite, she suddenly heard the lock click in the front door and the security system begin to beep.
He was home.
She slid her bowl away from her and turned to look at the doorway, waiting to see his face for the first time in over a week. And when he appeared, she couldn’t the return the stretched across his face at the sight of her in his house. He looked the same and somehow that was worse. In a nice shirt from interviews this morning, his hair slightly tossed from running his fingers through it, the sheen on his upper lip from the heat outside. He looked like her Harry, but she didn’t know if he was hers anymore.
“Y/N!” His voice rebounded off the walls, filling her heart with a kind of hope that was crushing.
“Hi,” was all she could muster before looking back down at her pasta. An anger rose in her, replacing the hurt that had lingered for so many days. How could he pretend like everything was okay? How could he smile at her like he hadn’t been ignoring her for days, too busy to even check and see how her flight was?
His footsteps were heavy on the hardwood floors as he made his way over to her. “Baby? What is it?”
“Do you want to break up?” She asked, her question hard compared to his kind, gentle, tentative tone.
“What?” Harry dropped into the seat caddy-corner to the chair she sat in. “What are you talking about?”
She pushed away her bowl and looked him dead in the eye. “I haven’t heard from you in days, Harry. Days. I flew halfway across the world for you and you couldn’t even manage to check-in to see if I was alive?”
He flinched at her words, eyes dropping to the table they sat at. “I’m sorry,” he whispered, words barely audible above her heart beating a mile a minute, pulsing with anger.
“That’s not going to cut it,” she told him, standing up and taking her bowl to the sink. “You fucking ghosted me like I was a girl you’d just met. We’re about to celebrate six months together. And you know what this shit does to me.”
And he did. She could see in his eyes that he knew he was in the wrong, and yet he was quiet. “I was busy.”
“So was I! But I still found two seconds to text you asking how it was going, I found fifteen minutes before bed to call you, and I kept trying even though you couldn’t even manage to reply to me. You’re not that busy, Harry.”
He stood too, walking over to where she stood in his kitchen so that he was a few paces away from her. “I was in and out of interviews from morning to night and when I wasn’t, I was with the cast who I haven’t seen in almost a year. And when I wasn’t doing that Jeff was harassing me about tour details or I was sleeping. I’m sorry if my schedule didn’t allow me to talk to you at every second of the day, Y/N, but this is a huge moment for me and I had to focus on that.” His words were measured, but she could feel the tension rising between them, words unsaid bubbling over.
“And your career is more important than our relationship.” She nodded sarcastically, wiping her wet palms on the dish towel and turning to face him. “Got it, heard loud and clear.”
“Fuck—you know it’s not!” His hand ran through his locks and down his face, struggling to get a handle on his breathing.
“Harry,” she said, trying not to yell, “I’m not going to force you to stay in a relationship that you don’t want to put the time in for. But you know exactly what I need from you—I have been very clear. You know my fears and my insecurities, and you know what triggers them. We had a plan for how to deal with this, and you completely disregarded it!” Her voice rose at the end, the fact that he couldn’t even meet her eyes pushing all of her buttons. “Fucking look at me when I talk to you!”
His eyes met hers and she didn’t see the Harry she knew, the Harry who cared for her, the soft, gentle man. Instead, she saw someone who was pissed off and hurt and grasping at straws. “I can’t dance around your fears every moment of the day,” he said, voice spitting anger. “And I’m sorry if that breaks one of your rules,” the word hitting her in the face, “but you’re going to have to get over it because I can’t spend every second of the day wondering if something I did or said has made you think I don’t care about you! You should know that I don’t want to hurt you, that of course I want to be with you!”
“Well, how am I supposed to know if you don’t tell me!” His words stabbed her right where it hurt, hitting her fears right in the heart.
Harry turned, his body facing the counter, fingers gripping the edge of the marble. He sucked in breath after breath trying to calm himself down and Y/N tried to find it within herself to have sympathy for him, but she just…couldn’t. She was so pissed off at him she couldn’t think straight.
“I’m not some girl waiting around for Harry Styles to come home, begging him to never leave me,” Y/N said. She was done. She was done with this fight, with him expecting her to be someone she wasn’t. “I’m me and I’m waiting for Harry, the person I care for so deeply it hurts—you are held to the same standards as every other guy, no matter how busy your schedule is. I should not be expected to fit into your schedule all the time. It goes both ways and you operated this week as if it was entirely my job to stay in touch with you. And I am not going to stay in a relationship like that.”
Harry’s head whipped to hers, eyes boring straight into her. “Are you saying you want to break up?”
Y/N tried to keep her head high, tried to hold back the tears. “If you’re going to do this when you’re on tour, I’m done. You know what I want—it’s the same thing I wanted from this relationship the moment I met you. You’re the only one who seems to think things have changed.” And with that, she stormed out of the room, which was probably petty but she didn’t care. She was so mad at him for his actions and his words that she couldn’t stand to be in the same room as him.
Harry didn’t follow her.
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At 1 o’clock, a knock came on her door.
“If you still want to come, we have to leave for the premiere in an hour. It’s up to you.” And with that, he walked away, not even waiting for her to open the door.
She sat on the bed, considering her options. Did she go and support him anyway, pretend everything was fine? Or did she stay here—or maybe find a hotel—and leave him alone for the premiere?
He had told her how nervous he was about this. This was his first time on a movie red carpet as an actor and he was freaking out about it before he left, a ball of anxiety that she had to carefully untangle. The thought of him being up there alone pained her, despite how his hurtful words lingered in her head. That she had to get over it as if it was that simple.
The red dress she had bought for the premiere hung in the bathroom where she had left it while she showered so the wrinkles would leave the fabric. It was beautiful—a tiered taffeta skirt that cinched in at the waist, a caged bodice showing off her shoulders. When she had tried it on she had felt beautiful, powerful, as if she could take on anything and everything. She had spent a ton of money on the dress and she didn’t want to waste it.
So she got up, turning on BANKS and set about her hair and makeup in the bathroom, praising Hanna for teaching her how to do her makeup in college. She painted her lips red, in the shade that she adored wearing, and twisted up her hair into a chignon that emphasized her neck. Running her fingers along the skin she remembered when Harry had kissed it, but the love bite he had left behind was long healed. Was she asking too much of him? She wondered as she looked at herself in the mirror. Was he right, were her fears stifling him?
Then she remembered what Hanna had told her. That he wasn’t anyone different from other guys she had dated, and what she was asking from him wasn’t out of left field. Any guy she would date she would except to check in with her when he was traveling and Harry was no different, no matter what his job was.
Harry was waiting downstairs for her, probably having heard her rummaging around in the closet. When he heard her heels on the stairs, he looked up and his eyesight on her skin burned because he looked gorgeous. Maybe this was a horrible idea, she thought as she made her way towards him. She would have to touch him all night, look at him in his tailored suit, gaze into his green eyes as they were photographed on the red carpet.
“You look beautiful,” he said, words gravelly in his throat.
She stopped a few paces away from him. “Thanks.”
He fiddled with his keys, the silence stretching between them. “Thank you for coming with me. I know you have no reason to, but having you there…It means a lot.”
Instead of replying, because she didn’t have words for him, she just nodded. Because she did have a reason—even though she was mad at him, she still cared for him. Despite not wanting to, she still craved him giving her a kiss on the cheek as they walked out the door.
The drive to the red carpet was quiet, the radio playing softly in the background the only sound. They sat on either side of the backseat, Y/N staring out the window while Harry fiddled with his phone. She hadn’t been to London since she was 18 for her graduation present from her mom, and the city held warm memories for her. She wondered if that would change after today.
When they pulled up, an anxiety Y/N didn’t know she was holding started building, the sight of the photographers and the screams from the fans barricaded in. With all that had been happening, she had somehow forgotten what going to the premiere meant for her. Her eyes fell to Harry who was staring at her, trying to gauge her reaction. She had never done this before and he knew that.
“I’ll be with you the whole time,” he said, trying to calm her fears. “Promise.” It helped. At least she wouldn’t be completely alone. “Ready?” He stretched out a hand to her and she took it, letting him help her from the car.
The second her feet hit the pavement, the screams got louder. Fans with signs and their phones outstretched on either side of the wide red carpet, the word DUNKIRK in large white letters closest to the entrance to the theater. Harry’s hand gripped her as she stood, thankful for his body to help her keep balanced.
“Just smile as best you can,” he whispered in her ear as the car pulled away behind them. “And if your eyes start hurting from the flashes, just look at me, okay?”
Y/N nodded, and with his hand in hers, fingers entertained, they made their way down the carpet. He stopped a few times to take photos with fans and sign cards, but all that time he never strayed too far from Y/N’s side. With his arm securely wrapped around her waist, they stood for photos, Y/N trying to stand up as straight as she could and smile sweetly. Harry was a pro at this, a smile practiced for years, but she didn’t have the same experience. She was just a regular person who didn’t know which side was her bad side and had her eyes closed in half her photos.
The cameramen screamed questions at them, about their relationship, if they were married. They’d never quite publicly announced their relationship, Harry preferring to keep his private life private, so this was the first time they’d ever even publicly been out as a couple. And for it to be like this…Y/N hated it. She wanted to stand there and be utterly infatuated with Harry like she usually was, but this time her spine was rimrod straight, trying to keep her emotions in check. It was awkward, the way he tentatively touched her body, not wanting to overstep but also wanting to present the aura of normalcy.
Then they took a few steps and rotated to another set of cameras and Y/N understood what Harry had meant about her eyes hurting from the flashes. She turned her head to him and he found her eyes, giving her a wide smile meant just for her. Without thinking about it, her hand pressed to his suit right over his heart, the soft material of his suit jacket butter under her fingers. Then, he leaned in and pressed a kiss to her cheek, softly and sweetly and to most it wouldn’t have meant much. But to Y/N, it was the first time he had kissed her since she’d seen him. And the feeling of his lips on her skin lingered, a tingle moving through her body. Her hand gripped his back a little tighter and he just kept smiling at her, utterly entranced by her eyes.
Their bodies had betrayed them. To anyone who looked, they would have seen perfectly fine, not that they had been fighting only two hours ago. But they knew the reality, and this moment, their bodies close together and emotions running through them without being able to stop it, it made it clear that neither of them wanted to break up. They would just have to find a way to move through it.
@smokeinherperfume @afire-hes @harryinsweatersandbandanas @marinalima3 @havethetimeofyourstyles @ursogoldenshan @inmygardensuit @marinalima3 @amaridon @harrys-watermelons @dontgiveupthedayjob @cronias13 @apples2019 @laula843 @afterstylesmadeit  @kait-brin @harrys-watermelons @groovybaybee @clumsywithlove93 @1142590m @erin0717 @ketchuplukehemmo​ 
Would you like to know when I update The Only Exception? Let me know here!
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alwaysmychoices · 3 years
Since many are doing this and i love ethan and charlie.....
Here it goess...
1. Will charlie surpass ethan and take over the diagnostic team?
2. Will ethan write a second book?
3. Do they get married? If yes how does he propose?
4. Do they have kids? If yes how many and their names?
5. Do they stay in boston or move out after some years..?
6. Will charlie write a book of her own?
7. Ethan's relationship with Charlie's parents?
8. Backstory on charlie's friends? I mean where do u think they will settle and whom do they get married to/be in relationship with?
9. Will u write any series after WAW if yes i have request please write a series where the met before edenbrook(no pressure tho..)
10. Do u think charlie ,ethan and landry will ever meet again? I mean u wrote a hc....but still i am asking if they meet what do u think would have happened?
11. Will raf and charlie be friends again?.
Sorry this is so long.....
Hopu u will answer soon♥️😘
Lots of love
Ahh, I love this! I realized that this is an old ask that I missed (I'm so sorry!), but I hope you don't mind me answering anyway. Some of these will come up in the series, so I might be a little vague to avoid spoilers. But I want to say thank you so much for sending this because it's so cool that someone enjoys my series enough to have these questions and ask them!
1. Could she? 100%. Will she? No. As she progresses in career, she'll take on a leadership role, but I don't see her ever taking on the role above Ethan as much as sharing the role as equals. I see them shifting the power dynamic to be more collaborative rather than just changing titles. However, Ethan is very insistent that Charlie receive credit for her accomplishments, and he always distinguishes that she earned them on her own, not because of her association with the team or him. While she may not become the head of the Diagnostics Team, she could easily become the head of the department (even if she and Ethan spend years trading it back and forth when they realize the amount of paperwork involved).
2. When life calms down, Ethan will certainly write another book. He's completing lots of research and has much to share. This time around, though, he won't be nearly as obsessive about completing it. He'll take his time and be less concerned with his success. After all, he has things he cares about more now.
3. Yes, and we might just see some it... As for how Ethan proposes, he can be surprisingly sentimental.
4. Yes! Lori and Daniel. They went back and forth on the names for a long time, particularly because they weren't sure if it would be too painful to remember their losses. Ultimately, they decided it was a perfect way to honor their fallen friends, and they opted to call them variations of their names to maintain their individuality.
5. They talk about moving - sometimes to Rhode Island or North Carolina to be near family, sometimes to somewhere totally different like California or Miami. When Charlie's friends started moving away to start their lives, the conversations got more serious. But ultimately, this is their team, their hospital, and their home. However, if Bloom keeps Edenbrook, then they're bolting as soon as Charlie finishes her residency.
6. Charlie will write a book, but it will be much later in her career than when Ethan wrote his. Without the same ego driving her (and the lack of a personal life leaving lots of free time), she doesn't need to write it as early. She'll write it when she's older, more established, and more comfortable with her research. In the meantime, she'll contribute to journals as she can, and more than once, a handsome intern will cite her work to her as a way to flirt (much to Ethan's horror and Charlie's amusement).
7. Right now, Ethan fears Charlie's family, and that will continue for some time, for no reason other than his own anxiety. Both of Charlie's parents like and approve of Ethan, so given time, he'll relax. Even though he's most intimidated by Charlie's father, he will ironically become the closest to Samuel Greene. Soon, they'll take to shared holidays with Ethan's father, and once Ethan and Charlie have children, they'll make an effort to include her parents.
8. This is such a good question! I wrote a little bit about this in “Five Years Since You Left Boston,” but after reading OH3, I’ve changed a little.  I’ll make another post about it & think it here because I love this question so much. 
9. Yes! I actually have a notebook where I keep all my writing ideas (idk why but it makes me feel very aesthetic to write them out on paper and I like having them in one place), and I have a few ideas. One is the one you suggested where they met before Edenbrook, kinda based off a HC I wrote. Another is one set during OH1 where Ethan becomes the primary guardian of Dolores’s baby, and because MC feels attached, they kind of become co-parents. The last idea would probably be a shorter series but would be set off the idea I posted the other day about them being divorced, hating each other, and coming back together for work. I’d love to hear what you guys think about that/if you have preferences!
10. They’ll definitely meet Landry again! Boston is a big city, but the medical community isn’t as large. I have a feeling that they’ll run into him fairly often but ignore him as much as possible. If they were to meet again and actually engage (unlike the HC), they would be polite, and a lot would be left unsaid on all sides. Landry still wants to impress Ethan - so much so that he wouldn’t express how much he judges them for their relationship or how much he envies Charlie. Ethan hates Landry more than Charlie does, so if anyone will be impolite, it’ll be Ethan (and he’s also the only one who can get away with it). Ethan would enjoy reminding Landry that Charlie triumphed over him, and he would savor the casual rudeness of getting even.
11. 100%! Raf and Charlie are on their way to being very close. After their talk in  “Making Amends,” I’d consider them already friends - even if it is a bit strained. But as they’re healing and settling back into life, they’ll lean on each other and become closer in the process. In the latest chapter of WaW (”Retirement Talks”), this was kind of implied, but we’ll see more of their friendship in upcoming chapters. 
Don’t apologize for this being long! Thank you so much for these questions (and I’m sorry I took so long to get to them). I love hearing from you guys, and it is so exciting that you guys care enough to have questions. 
If you have any more, asks are open!
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neighborhood-goblin · 3 years
Lmao remember that COF College AU
Finally decided majors and details for some of the characters I plan to include XD
My first time using a cut lol
Business Major 
Cassian absolutely wants him to inherit the family business
Tris isn’t so thrilled by that
Sev and him are roommates
Neither of them can cook anything other than ramen or pizza rolls
Sometimes they order pizza
Disaster bi on so many levels
Went to one GSA club meeting but then noped right back into the closet
Not out to Cassian or most of his friends yet
The only person who knows is Sev
Has a brown tabby cat named Rex
lmao going back through there’s like nothing here
they def got longer as they went on
Linguistics, Interpretation, and Translation Major
(In HOF she is really interested in the Pyrean language and lore so I thought it fit)
Was homeless for a while
Ran away as soon as she graduated high school
(She couldn’t be around Val any longer)
Applied for a lot of scholarships and was able to gather enough money to attend college
Roommates with Sparrow
Helps Sparrow get to her classes sometimes
Elliot, Riella, and Kade come over to their dorm a lot
Elliot cooks for them
Probs gonna be bi and genderfluid in this au
Has a calico cat named Xephyra 
Phyrie for short 
Is a part of the GSA club
The GSA club consists of Anders, Elliot, Sparrow, and Kade
Fine Arts Major
Is really good at drawing but also likes painting and sculpting, too
Roommates with Tristan
Would rather die than ask Tris to get something off of a high shelf for him
He’s 5′3″ (160.02 cm)
Def petite
Tris put a whiteboard on the fridge to write shopping lists on but now they both just use it to write notes to each other
“Saw u staring at Nyk earlier HMMMMMM”
“stfu like you weren’t ogling that dude she was with”
Disaster gay but everyone just assumes he’s straight like ????
After his parents died he bounced around a few foster homes but was adopted by a doctor named Hestia when he was fifteen
He loves his mama and visits her on weekends
The food he brings back to the dorm is the only good stuff he and Tris ever eat
Knows Kade but only a little
All of my modern Sev hcs still apply
Veterinary Medicine Major
Shares the same major as Sparrow and they’re decent friends
He helps Sparrow get to the classes they share when Nyk can’t
Loves animals and is planning to adopt a doggie soon
Roommates with Elliot and Riella
He lived in a really crappy place before he became friends with Riella
The sibs invited him to move in with them (Kade also obviously helps with rent)
Became good friends with Nyk and he and the sibs spend a lot of time at her/his dorm
Used to shadow Hestia at the clinic (before he decided he wanted to be a vet and not a people doctor) and she gushed all the time about her son 
He met Sev and def thinks Sev is adorable 
Has also seen Sev around campus but hasn’t worked up the courage to talk to him yet
Demi and gay
Is a part of the GSA club
Thinks Anders is funny
Almost no one agrees
Culinary Arts Major
Idk it just came to me and I was like “might as well”
Cooks for Riella, Kade, Nyk, and Sparrow regularly
Has a golden retriever named Jax
Jax is crazy
He gets the zoomies
Jax is usually wary of strangers but he’s warmed up to Riella, Kade, Nyk, and is close with Sparrow
Attends GSA
Regularly tells Anders where he can shove his musical numbers and snide comments
Roommates with Riella and Kade
Took online classes until Riella graduated so they could move together
Met Kade through Riella
Can’t handle spicy food and is appalled by the fact that Kade, Riella, and Sparrow are all fueled by eating the spiciest things possible
Refuses to eat anything with pepper on it, but keeps a shaker for his friends and sister
Nyk and him bond over being unable to tolerate anything hotter than a hot tamale candy
Likes driving
Owns a minivan
It’s unclear as to why he needs a minivan he just has one
He named it Elliot jr. as a joke once but now no one lets him forget it
Is super ultimate BFFs with Sparrow
Helps her around campus when Nyk and Kade can’t
Veterinary Medicine Major
Nyk, Kade, and Elliot help her around campus (still blind and thriving)
Owns a parrot named Chirp and guide dog that everyone is 95% sure is just a wolf that Sparrow illegally bought a service animal vest for
No one knows the name of the dog
Sparrow claims that Chirp can talk but only does it in front of her
Sometimes Elliot will also claim that he’s heard Chirp talk but no one can tell if he’s telling the truth or not (He’s not even sure at this point)
Lesbian ace and is highkey dating Riella 
Elliot pretends it annoys him but secretly he’s thrilled because he adores the both of them (he’d never reveal this but Sparrow knows anyway)
Attends GSA
Brings her animals
Chirp usually just sits on her shoulder, and the dog at her feet
Has super unruly hair
Only a select few are permitted to touch it: Elliot, Riella, and Nyk
Nyk will braid it sometimes, but Sparrow usually likes to have it free 
Roommates with Nyk
Nyk decorated their room super cute, fairylights strung all around it and polaroids on the walls (though I guess she can’t see them rip)
Nyk loves Sparrow’s animals, and the animals get a long great with Phyrie (except for one time that Phyrie attacked Chirp but that doesn’t happen anymore)
Dance Major
Not much is known about Riella but I just thought this’d be a cool major for her
idk she gives off ballerina vibes for some reason
Sapphic and dating Sparrow
Roommates with Elliot and Kade
All three of them share a bookshelf and love talking about books
They also play video games a lot together
Minecraft is not a competition but do not play with the three of them they will win
They share an ACNH island on the switch they pooled money for
Loves having her hair in french braids
Nyk usually braids it for her before classes
Ig Nyk just braids everyone’s hair smh
Wears rompers everywhere
Met Kade when a creepy dude approached her on her way to a class and Kade pretended to know her to get her away from the creepy dude
He started walking her to that class just in case and they became friends
Performing Arts Major
Super dramatic and way into theater
Has been out of the closet for years as genderqueer and pan (Prefers he/him pronouns; he’s used them all his life and he’s used to them)
Goes to GSA club and loves telling obnoxious stories
Has hinted at being in a relationship but no one knows who it is, and the club tries to find out sometimes (It’s Latham)
Grew up with Latham and they started dating when they were seventeen
Latham isn’t out of the closet yet, so he asked Anders to keep it a secret
Anders doesn’t mind at all, he’s just happy to be with the boy he loves :)
Was a part of marching band in high school, and still practices his trumpet in his free time
Regularly texts everyone a gross amount of emojis 
Latham and him moved in together when they graduated and started going to college
Latham does all the cooking
The last time Anders attempted to cook anything, the pan caught on fire (the cooking pan not Anders) (XDDD) (I think I’m hilarious) 
He’s not allowed to cook anymore
They each have their own beds but usually sleep in the same one when they don’t have guests (they are both huge cuddlers) (Anders is the little spoon)
Has a pet snake because he lives to be extra (It’s a ball python)
(I can’t remember what Anders’ phoenix is named so the snake is nameless for now)
Pre-Law Studies Major
Wants to become a lawyer
Absolutely talks crap about everyone he knows with Anders
Identifies as queer but is closeted
His family are all very religious and anti-LGBTQ+ so he’s scared to come out to them
The only person who knows is Anders
His father in particular scares him
His dad really doesn’t approve of Latham being ‘friends’ with Anders, ever since Anders came out publicly
Is decent at cooking (nowhere near as good as Elliot)
Doesn’t have a lot of friends
Kind of knows Tristan and Elliot but not really
Has a Pomeranian named Xane
He’s obsessed w/ little dogs 
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cloveroctobers · 3 years
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IG info/bio: @/niceguyroasti | 175k followers | Just here for a bit of fun 🤹🏽‍♂️! They don’t call me the brown handstand king for nuthin, mate 🎪🤸🏽‍♂️
(23) 25 (26) years old
From Wolverhampton, England
Before you ask...no he’s never met Liam Payne but Rohan’s sure he’s a great lad. (He was asked this question in one of his lives, he secretly thinks it was talia from one of her secret burner stan accounts lol) He’s got a nice tune with a boogie w da hoodie that he likes??
Anyways...he’s of Pakistani heritage
His mother used to work for a printing press company until she along with 15 other employees were laid off back in Sargodha
She was out of work for months becoming a stay at home mom (which his father initially wanted) 
While his father continued in ironwork
They uprooted their family to the uk two years later after Rohan’s father also got laid off
Rohan was about 7 years old when they moved to Wolverhampton
he picked up on the English language faster than his parents
Always a quick learner
He has two younger brothers
Who are really his cousins/friends of the family that his parents brought home from Pakistan after their parents passed in a tragic accident
he was eleven years old when he met them at the airport and was super excited to have sibs! & even encouraged his mom to let him buy them something they would like sort of like a ice breaker which they seemed to appreciate 😭
His parents wanted him to major in software engineering or any form of engineering really but that quickly became a “hell no” vs “hell yeah” after those courses started to rot his brain?
So what does he do? He decides he’s gonna major in psychology instead!
That seems more of his speed? Kinda? As long as he’s not dealing with that hardware shit then that’s cool with him tbh
Psych held more of his interest since he doesn’t have a issue with the whole science aspect tied into it but it’s deff lengthy and can be draining sometimes too
He doesn’t psychoanalyze everything like our girl marisol does
marisol will be like “hmm...you’re distributing narcissistic behavior based on your superego more than your ego ya know?”
but Rohan will either think it or think nothing of it and just continue to go with the flow lol. He’s that kinda guy
Why was he majoring in this in the first place? Just to say he had the degree in something maybe?
He’s 50/50 thinking he’ll just get the degree he’s halfway there but he really wants to be part of the circus
And now has circus themed tatts that he’s proud of thank u
Always had the obsession with all that comes with the circus, he had his paternal grandfather to thank for that
His grandfather used to juggle along with other forms of entertainment but mostly juggling on the street back in Pakistan to earn $ since there were a lack of jobs
The atmosphere there also was what got him into doing handstands cause why tf not
You can absolutely guess that the acrobats, trapeze acts, and tightrope entertainers are his favorites to watch
His parents just assumed it was a hobby of his and never took him serious even tho he openly said growing up that’s something he would like to do in life
He now understands the purpose of “freak shows” even tho he can honestly say those parts of the circus used to terrify him until he learned that not everyone is the same and there should be no shame in that
He will train on the side until he finishes his degree to make his parents happy but he knows he truly belongs in the circus and that’s where he will be someday whether his parents approve or not— after all this is his life
Lives on campus and is currently looking for a flat off campus to share with a roommate or two (he thought about asking jake & Tim but decided against it FOR NOW)
Mostly had temporary and odd jobs to get by each semester, has not had a steady job due to fully being a full-time student
He’s tried to be a full time student and full time employee (working as a package delivery man) just to burn himself out and never attempted to be a part time employee. It was not something he could handle sorry
His mother spoils him...he’s a bit of a mama’s boy
When it comes to relationships, it never seems to be what he thinks it is? One moment things are going great then the next he’s in the friend zone so he’s never quite sure where he stands with his significant others?
Which is why he thinks it’s safe to always start off in the friend zone or unintentionally puts those who have interest in him in the friend zone because that’s what’s comfortable to him
however if he’s really into you & you’re showing that you’re into him but it’s causal dating or whatever u want to call it? & you up and decide to pick the other over him catching him off guard he’s gonna be in his feelings about it 100% ex.) how he picked erikah over mc the 2nd time around and felt some type of way when erikah hopped on reeses dck
he wants communication even if it’s hard
and he wants someone to love unconditionally and for them to love him back
Definitely likes to sweep his loves off their feet
Especially when he’s kissing! The whole dipping you while you kiss, hand on the small of your back, or hands gripping your waist while he’s pressed up against you. Probably likes to bend you over things or have you pressed up against objects as well—Sign me tf up
I feel like he’s always warm and his hands are surprisingly soft with how many handstands he does in a damn day
He purchases hand moisturizing gloves
can always hold his own weight
enjoys core exercises
Will carry you on his back or his shoulders if you need to see better at festivals/concerts
He’s sexually fluid
It’s canon/hinted that something went on between him & jake when mc walked in that we missed by a few seconds or even a minute but I do think he’s attracted/was to jake and it’s canon that jake is bi bby
Plus he got excited when mc suggested that he’d date jake if jake doesn’t find someone in the villa so BOOM 🤗
Always active as a kid trying to do flips and shit likes he’s doing parkour much like Bobby ending up with bruises, scrapes, and surprisingly no broken bones? Well maybe scratch that last bit out...He did crack his head open a little bit once giving his mother a heart attack but his mother doesn’t dare speak of it — haram!
Loves his sleeveless shirts and silver thick chains
Keeps a five o’clock shadow + might grow a little stubble here and there, feels like it’s part of his signature look
Won’t grow a full beard due to the racism/prejudice he witnessed his father, grandfather, uncles, and cousins go thru!
Will spend coin on some aftershave, none of that cheap shit when it comes to that! Sorry he takes pride in his facial area
probably went thru a mild case of cystic acne when puberty hit & had some insecure moments when it comes to his appearance & still has moments where it’ll hit even tho he beat it thanks to some remedies but tries his best not to let it get to him
He knows how to manage his $ but can splurge every now and then but will never showcase what he has — that’s v corny to him to be overly flashy. He’s looking at y’all @/leggy @/jasper/@/miles
Doesn’t take high quality photos of himself, it’s always zoomed in or extra zoomed in photos—yup he’s got that type of feed
Regrets putting mc in the friend zone & wishes he put more effort in making things work with erikah
But slowly learned to be happy that she’s with Reese even if he wasn’t at first. He really thought there could have been something for him & erikah
he secretly thinks their “relationship” is superficial & based off of shallowness and lust. What else do they have? Nothing that he could have given her but what’s the point in being bitter over this?
Reese is a shit stirrer that thinks he can get anything he wants because of the way he looks & if he knows outside info that he can use again you, he WILL
& erikah? He doesn’t know where her head is at majority of the time. She likes to throw rocks then acts like she didn’t mean to do it but why do it in the first place if you didn’t mean to? + she seems to lose interest fast if they don’t fit her standards besides their physical appearance...yeah Rohan caught all of that
So did she even genuinely like him or want to besides what he brought to the table physically? Who knows
He just thinks people deserve their chance at happiness and he possibly could have had it if he wasn’t standing in his own way...and he absolutely won’t stand in anyone else’s way if they don’t see potential happiness with him
He’s cool with cherry but deep down he knew there wouldn’t be anything long term between him & her after some time. She’s a beautiful/hot girl but she wasn’t his type + he didn’t like how she portrayed herself in the villa even tho she claims there was more than what meets the eye when it comes to her
she proved that to him which she didn’t HAVE to!!! outside of the house and they actually remained friends unlike the now growing distance he has with erikah
I cannoned that him and Hannah give it a go. I think they’d be cute together? She told him from the moment they met at a festival that they were now dating after they ended up holding hands but he didn’t take her seriously since she was a little drunk?
She messaged him two days later asking him when they were going on their date and that was enough for him to give it a go
They only lasted for a couple of months since they outgrew each other slowly but surely. ‘Not all things are temporary,’ he had to remind himself
It was no bad blood thankfully and they continued to be friends with him wishing her well on her new relationship with Carl. He was genuinely happy for her as he always was for his friends
Cannot cook for shit but makes the best coffee with cinnamon & cardamom
once tried to make Aloo Chaat but with a twist! With the use of Potato Skins instead! for a family dinner party and his mum almost sent him home due to the insults his father spewed at rohan trying to fool them all that it was his wife who prepared such a thing
It is evident that his father only enjoys his wife’s cooking
he still makes it for himself when he’s starving despite what his father thinks
Is fluent in Urdu, English came second
Never ashamed of his culture although his father thinks he is...
His fav shows are misfits + the IT crowd and he is currently watching & enjoying truth seekers + mr. selfridge since Tim recommended it to him ofc
his fav American show is the challenge
when asked what his fav American movie is, he got dragged since ppl assumed it would be the greatest showman but he can’t take all the singing...musicals aren’t his thing sorry
But he’ll bust out a rap only if Tim & jake are around, he rarely does it alone
Even looked into producing music for fun but never took THAT seriously
closest with jake & Tim, doesn’t have much of a relationship with the other lads 🤷🏽‍♀️ but there’s no real beef with anyone he knows how to let shit go
But you’ll never catch him having a chat with Reese or following him back on ig. What they had to say to each other was already said and done so?
If erikah agrees to get engaged to Reese, he’s happy for her but cordial to him
if she doesn’t end up with Reese, he’ll be her shoulder to lean on if she needs it
his love language is physical touch with a splash of acts of service
Commonly sleeps curled up, his mum says he was like that in the womb as well—(same dude)
He’s probably a good 5’9 - 5’7 on bad days
Is he a Pisces? Idk
His signature cologne is probably Antaeus by Chanel which is described to have notes of: lemon, lime, coriander and sage w. A blend of thyme, basil and rose
Loves black pepper, specifically garlic, onion, black pepper, and sea salt all mixed together
has a vitiligo spot on the right side of his lower spine that is commonly covered with the waistband of whatever bottoms he has on
has a pogo stick
Wants to go skydiving next, has gone bungee jumping—which was such a adrenaline rush!!!
probably knows a few tips on how to survive in the wild or if the apocalypse hits...you can never be too sure
If he ever gets a pet he might get something like: Satanic Leaf tailed Gecko, Kinkajou, or a Pac-Man frog. He likes being different okay
he actually enjoyed season 3 despite the negative remarks made about it. It was “different” basically drama free which was a shocker knowing how production likes to take things take a shot every time ro explains his decisions/opinions as such lol
BUT he won’t go as far to say he liked it better than his season yet he did enjoy keeping up with it. He def has a crush on iona, aj, vieve, Camilo & tai
Yasmin actually joined one of his lives, which he doesn’t do too often but he couldn’t sleep one night and thought he’d give it a go. She’s quite nice & quiet but he ultimately felt calm around her + they bonded over bohemian lifestyle & his love for the circus + a little about their cultures
Long term goals? He doesn’t have a set timeline of when he wants everything to happen because pressure is not fun
but he wants to be in love and loved back, wants to be married, wants to have kids, wants to try out the circus for awhile and if that doesn’t work out he can always fall back on his psych degree—he just wants to be happy and share that with someone, that’s one of the biggest adventures he can possibly have
His anthem = Blxst, “No Love Lost”
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purble-turble · 3 years
Concept: Crossover between roleswapped traffic light trio and canon traffic light trio. Either one because the idea of MK and Mei's horror at seeing version of themselves who are the children pf DBK and Red's reaction to a version of himself who is either the Monkie Kid or wielding the Dragon Sword is both hilarious and angsty to me.
Yeah some of them would definitely have more dramatic reactions than others. Like you said, Classic MK is probably horrified to see a demon version of himself in Demon MK and the fact that he’s the son of DBK is just the icing on this terrible terrible cake. On the other hand, Demon MK probably thinks that seeing himself as the Monkie Kid is actually super cool... he would never to admit to this of course (it’s super obvious that he’s fawning over Classic MK tho and everyone can see it.)
Classic Mei is actually kind of into Demon Mei even though she’s technically evil. She’s also super strong and fierce and confident and Mei digs it. I mean, she’s not really loving that this Mei wants to take over the world, but maybe she can work on that... Demon Mei isn’t super interested in Classic Mei. She’s very goal oriented and doesn’t really want to deal with this excitable green version of her who is friends with her sworn enemy the Monkie Kid.
Classic Red Son HATES the Monkie Kid and Dragon versions of himself. He’ll tell himself that it’s because their weird and stupid and he hates the idea of seeing himself being a good-two-shoes hero.. but actually, and he may not even realize, it’s because he doesn’t like being presented with any other version of reality where he’s not under his parents thumbs and is actually happy, as if there was a possibility that he could be strong on his own without their help and didn’t need their approval. But nope. He’s not gonna cop to that, he just doesn’t like them because they’re stupid :U Meanwhile Dragon Red thinks Red Son is kind of pathetic and wouldn’t give him the time of day. He thinks that Red Son being so obsessed with getting his parents approval is ridiculous because it’s clear to everyone who sees them that they don’t care about him enough to give that affection he wants to him..... it does bother him a bit when he thinks a bit more about it and considers the relationship he has with his own parents and their clan. Is he that obsessed with pleasing his family and just happened to get lucky that they treat him well and actually care? ....hmm. He’ll have to consider this further and he hates that. Monkie Kid Red is also not a fan of Red Son but also feels more sorry for him than anything. MK Red has friends and a family who care about him and yeah he runs himself ragged to try and make them happy but at least they appreciate how hard he works. Seems like this Red Son does the same thing but doesn’t get that affirmation.
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