upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Andy Herrera x DeLuca! sister reader. Carina brings her sister to the firehouse and they both secretly fall for each other. Then one day Andy gets hurt on the job and after she is released from the hospital she goes and confesses her feelings to the reader. After secretly dating for about six months the two are caught kissing by both Maya and Carina who both freak out but are happy for the two. Fluffy and angsty, please?
All you need is love
Summary: Meeting your best friend’s girlfriend’s sister.
Pairing: Andy Herrera x DeLuca!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1494
a/n: can we talk about how underrated Andy is in her own show??
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Looking around the downstairs of the firehouse, Y/N has an impressed look on her face as she nods. “Your girlfriend is the captain of this place?” She peeks into the barn where the firetrucks are located, letting out a small ooh sound.
“Yes.” Carina laughs, her brows raised as she stares at her younger sister. “You like it?”
“Yeah, it’s cool.” She shrugs, trying to seem nonchalant, but Carina knows her sister.
Grabbing her arm, Carina starts leading her upstairs. “Let’s go, they’re cooking dinner and we’re joining them.”
Y/N gasps. “Is this one of those situations where your girlfriend tries to make a good impression on me, because you won’t date someone who doesn’t get along with me?” The words come out quickly, at times stumbling over them.
“It totally is.”
With a sigh, Carina rolls her eyes. It is that kind of situation. She just doesn’t want to feed Y/N’s ego by letting her know how valuable her opinion is to her. But she knows.
When they walk into the kitchen, Y/N notices Carina’s girlfriend stiffing a pot, having seen a picture of her, but she isn’t the one who takes her attention. A brunette setting the table is. It’s like she can’t take her eyes off of her.
“Carina!” Maya exclaims when she notices them. “You’re here early.” She turns off the stove and walks over to the two, wiping her palms to her pants first.
“Our shift ended early.” Carina kisses her before pulling her near Y/N. “This is Y/N, my sister. This is Maya, my girlfriend.”
“Hi!” Smiling, Y/N shakes Maya’s hand. “Nice to finally meet the famous Captain Maya Bishop. Carina talks about you all the time. Maya is so hot. Maya is so muscular. Look at this picture of h-”
“Y/N!” Carina slaps the back of her head. Giggling, she steps away from Carina’s reach, rubbing the spot she got slapped on. “Behave.”
She rolls her eyes. Maya looks between the two, not sure how she should react to the two sisters. “Uh, it’s great to meet you too.” She points behind her, where the rest of the team is, introducing everyone to Y/N. They all wave and smile, saying their his, but Andy walks up to them.
“Hi!” She shakes Y/N’s hand. “You’re doctor too?” Andy looks at the white doctor’s coat she is wearing.
“Yes, I didn’t want to be the family disappointment by not becoming a doctor.” Carina glares at her, but Y/N ignores her. “I’m in general.”
The two stand a little bit too close to each other for someone who just met each other, but the others pay no mind to it. They just finish cooking the food and gather around the table, immeasurable bombarding Y/N with questions.
She answers to them to the best of her ability, though most of her attention is on Andy.
Humming quietly to herself, Y/N looks through the patient files on the tablet. She keeps glancing at her phone, frowning when there’s no new notifications. Her and Andy have been texting nonstop ever since they met, but now, Andy hasn’t answered to her in hours. Usually it doesn’t take her that long even if she’s working.
With a sigh, Y/N pockets her phone and sets the tablet down to a table. She has a surgery in half an hour, but until then there’s really nothing to do.
She turns towards the sound, her brows furrowing once she notices Andy walking towards her. “What are you doing here?” She meets her halfway. “Did something happen?”
“There was an accident during a call, but I-“
“Are you okay?” Y/N’s eyes start going up and down Andy’s body, looking for any significant injuries. She has a bandaid near her eye, but nothing else catches her attention.
“I’m okay. I wanted to see y-“
Y/N interrupts her once again, “are you sure? Did you already see someone? I can page someone over.” She takes out her pager, but Andy grabs her hands.
“Y/N, I’m okay. I wanted to see you, because I need to tell you something.” Nodding, Y/N stays quiet, giving her the space to talk. “I have feelings for you,” she starts, her voice quieter now, “and I would really like to take you out on a date.”
A big smile appears on Y/N’s face. “That’d be nice.”
“Okay, great.” Andy nods, smiling too. They look like two lovesick fools in the middle of the hospital hallway. “I’ll pick you up today at eight?” She raises one of her brows. “Wear something casual.”
“Got it.” Grabbing the tablet again, Y/N starts backing up slowly. “I have a surgery to go to, but I’ll see you today.”
Andy waves with a grin before walking away, feeling victorious.
Knocking on the door frame, Y/N walks into the locker room. “Hi, mi cara.” She smiles when Andy turns around.
“Hey,” she walks over to her and grabs her hand, pulling her deeper into the room to kiss her, “I am so happy to see you here.” Andy grins, moving them towards the rest room.
Y/N giggles. “I’m happy to be here,” she kicks the door closed once they’re inside the room, “the others have already gone home?”
“Yeah,” she kisses her, “we have all the time we need.” Pulling away momentarily, Andy pulls the doctor’s coat off of Y/N. “You look incredibly hot in your scrubs.” She eyes her body up and down.
“Even when I’m all hot and sweaty?”
“Even then.”
Rolling her eyes, Y/N pushes Andy to sit down on the bed before getting on top of her, draping her arms over her shoulders. “You look very hot in your work clothes too.” She mumbles, going back to kissing her.
Andy grabs the sides of her waist so she wouldn’t fall. Y/N’s hands are about to go down to the hem of Andy’s shirt, but the sound of the door opening interrupts them.
Their heads snap towards the now open door, where Maya and Carina are standing, both shocked to see them together.
“Carina!” Y/N struggles to get up from Andy’s lap. “What- what are you doing here?” Andy stands up as well, her eyes wide. Truth to be told, she’s kind of scared of the Italian, especially now that she walked in on them making out.
“What am I doing here? What are you doing?” Her hands start moving in the air. “Since when have you two been together?”
They glance at each other. “Like, six months.”
“Wh-“ Carina groans, throwing her hands in the air while mumbling in Italian, which makes Y/N scrunch up her face. “Six months and you didn’t think to tell me?”
Y/N shrugs, “sorry, there was never really a right time, so, you know,” she glances at Andy, trying to come up with some kind of explanation, “it just never came up.”
Carina has her arms crossed over her chest and her face is in a deadpan look. Maya has a tightlipped smile on her face, “well, I’m happy for you two.” She turns to look at Carina, her brows raised.
With a sigh, Carina walks over to hug Y/N and Andy. “I’m happy too, but you are supposed to tell me things.” She points at Y/N once she has backed away from them, giving Maya room to hug them both.
“I’m not ten anymore.” Y/N smiles, holding Andy’s hand.
“You’re still younger.”
She sighs, but nods, there’s no use to fighting Carina. “We were about to go out to eat, do you want to join us? Or did we interrupt something?” Maya smirks, looking at the jacket still laying on the ground.
“Maya!” Carina looks at her with wide eyes. “That’s my sister.”
“Oh, shut up, you had a study on orgasms.” Y/N picks up her jacket and puts it on. “We’ll join you, but I think we have to change first.” She looks at Maya and Carina’s nice, fancy clothes before turning to her and Andy’s work clothes that they’re still wearing.
“We’ll wait for you in the car,” Maya states while they step out of the room, “don’t take too long!” The door closes.
Andy turns to Y/N. “That’s one way for them to find out.” Laughing, she grabs Y/N’s hips. “I’m guessing you’re borrowing some of my clothes?” She mumbles and smiles when Y/N nods. “I love to see you in my clothes.”
“Don’t start anything now.” Y/N raises her brows, pulling away from Andy to go to her locker and grab some of her extra clothes from there.
“After dinner?”
“Definitely.” She kisses Andy and winks at her, before going to the bathroom to change her clothes, leaving Andy to the locker room with a grin.
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lilpotatjj · 3 months
All right guys and guuurls. I'm back And I don't know HOW to start. I'm obsessed with station 19 since season 1 and was thinking to start writing ff's for Andy, my all time favorit sweetheard. Now I need to know what u guys prefer! My fav ship will still be Surrera but others are welcome as well
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donnydamakkk · 9 months
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࿏━━━━━━ ◦ FICS with OCS ◦ ━━━━━━࿏
nothing yet.
࿏━━━━━━ ◦ FICS with CHARACTERS ◦ ━━━━━━࿏
nothing yet.
࿏━━━━━━ ◦ FICS with READER ◦ ━━━━━━࿏
[VARIOUS] various
short fics with reader rather than an oc
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greynatomy · 10 months
Hi, Captain
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Maya Bishop x Fem!Reader
First Maya Bishop Fic!
I got this idea from a tiktok I saw yesterday, and immediately thought of writing this.
Let me know what you think!
Maya and Andy arrived at an apartment building in the city. They were driving around in the aid car and were the closest to the location, so they were assigned to the case. They walked in to the lobby, walking up to the front desk.
“Hi, we got a non-emergency call at this location. Do you know who called?” Andy asked, looking around for anyone who could’ve needed help.
“That would be me.” You said, rolling your wheelchair closer to the two.
“Hey. I’m Captain Bishop and that’s Lieutenant Herrera. What seems to be the problem.”
“Oh, wow. They sent the big bosses. Uh, well sorry for calling, I just didn’t know what to do, but I just got back from a trip and the elevator is out of order and as you can see, stairs isn’t an option for me alone.”
“What floor are you on ma’am?”
“Just call me Y/N, no need to be formal, and it’s a long way up. I’m on the twenty-eighth floor.”
“Then you can just call me Maya.” She turns to look at Andy. “How do you wanna do this?”
“One of us can carry her and the other carries the chair?”
“Would you be comfortable with one of us carrying you?”
“As long as I get to my floor then I’d be fine with it.”
Now here you are, on the tenth floor, Maya carrying you on your back, Andy following behind with your chair.
“How are you doing Captain? Still going strong?”
“We trained for this, so I’m doing alright for now.”
“What about you back there?” You ask Andy, holding your arm tighter around Maya’s neck to look at Andy.
“I’m doing fine. Your chair is surprisingly very light.”
Eighteen floors later, Maya sets you down in your chair where you roll yourself to your door, the two firefighters following closely behind.
“Welcome to my humble abode. Would you like something to drink? Water, or a sports drink for some electrolytes? I’ll just give you guys both.”
“This is a very cozy place you for here.”
“It is. I’ve only just recently moved in a couple months ago.” Wheeling over to where they stand, looking out the windows, you hand them their drinks. “I can’t thank you both enough.”
“It’s no problem at all. But how are you gonna get back down?” Andy downs all her water.
“Don’t worry, they’ll have it done by tomorrow night. I have nowhere else to go before then.”
“We have to go, but it was great meeting you.”
“It was great meeting you too, Captain.”
Rolling your chair to the front of Station 19, you ring the doorbell. Seconds later, the door opens to a male firefighter.
“Hi, how can I help you?”
“Good morning. I was just wondering if Lieutenant Herrera and Captain Bishop are here?”
“Can I know what you need them for?”
“They helped me out yesterday with getting up to my apartment, so I thought I’d thank them properly with some homemade goodies.” You at, pointing to your lap that had one big box and two smaller boxes.
“They’re currently out in a call, but should be back soon. Why don’t you come in and wait inside.”
He holds the door open so you can roll yourself inside.
“Oh! This box here on the bottom is actually for all the firefighters. I didn’t wanna bring some goodies and leave everyone else out. Could you grab the Mr…”
He grabs the bottom box when you lift the other two off.
“Uh, Montgomery. But just call me Travis.”
“Okay, Travis. You can call me Y/N.”
“I’ll just bring this upstairs and be right back.”
Maya and the rest of the team file out of the fire truck, taking their heavy gear off, each doing their own thing. As she walks towards her office, she sees someone familiar.
“Y/N! What a surprise. What are you doing here?”
“Hi, Captain—”
“—Maya, please.” She interrupts you.
“Well, Maya, I just wanted to stop by to thank you and Andy properly. I’ve just—”
“Hey! Who’s this?” You’re interrupted once again, this time by the whole team walking in.
“Y/N! Hi.”
“Hi, Andy. I was just telling Maya I wanted to thank you both for yesterday and made some baked goodies.” You said, handing them a box each. “There’s a bigger box of them for the rest of the team that Travis brought upstairs.”
“Baked goodies?” Vic asked very excitedly, running up the stairs, other on her tow. “You’re the best!” She yelled out, followed by other ‘thank you’s’ from the team.
“Thank you Y/N.” Andy followed the others.
You and Maya were now left alone downstairs.
“Would you join me in my office? I’d like to ask you something.”
“Lead the way.”
Holding the door open, she lets you enter first, closing it behind her.
“I don’t know if this is unprofessional since I am currently on the job, but I wanted to know if you’d like to go on a date with me sometime? Hopefully tonight?” After not hearing an answer right away, Maya grew nervous. “Or, not. It- it’s okay, probably a stupid idea…”
As she’s nervously rambling, she doesn’t notice you staring amusingly at her with a smile. Deciding to put her out of her misery, you interrupt her.
“Maya!” She looks at you with wide eyes. “I would love to go on a date with you.”
“Great!” She clears her throat. “Uh, cool, cool, cool. That’s awesome. I’ll text you.” She opens her office door going out, then opening the front firehouse door, you following after her. “I will text you.”
“You would need my number for that.” You smirked.
“Right! Right. Uh, here.” She hands you her phone, hands a little shaky. “Could you put your number in. Thanks.”
Handing her phone back to her. “I’ll see you later Captain.” You said with a teasing smile, exiting the station to your car.
“See you later indeed.”
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slvt4em1lyprenti2s · 1 year
Originally posted on my Wattpad @MayaBishop_is_myWife
Relationship: Andy Herrera x fem!reader
Word count: 1k
Andy POV:
I dragged my body out of the driver's seat and slumped down into a chair in the beanery, I've been at the Station so long that the B shift people are  here already. I sigh and decide it's probably time to leave. I had been doing back to back calls in the Aid car today with Vic, I guess people just decided that today was the day they were going to get hurt or something.
I begin my journey home before I remember I was supposed to pick up y/n/n from the hospital  after work. She's my girlfriend and a bad-ass orthopedic surgeon at Grey-Sloan. I start the car and drive to the hospital.
Amelia - "Oh hey! Andy, over here!"
Andy - "Hey Amelia, uhm you don't happen to know where y/n is? I told her I'd pick her up but my shift went overtime and I couldn't just leave my vic, I just hope she's not mad. Is she mad? I mean I know I was late bu-"
Amelia -  "Hey slow down, her surgery went over as well, she's not even out of te OR yet so just come sit down in the attending's lounge and wait for her."
Andy - "Oh thank god, okay yeah let's go."
I walked with Amelia to the attending's lounge but before I can even open the door I hear a voice I know all too well -(Taylor's version) (10 minute version)-. Amelia clearly hears her too because she just tells me to go. I speed walk down the corridor and turn the corner and see my exhausted, but ever so gorgeous, girlfriend speaking to some very worried looking parents. 
Y/N - "He will be able to walk again but it's a pretty nasty break and the broken bone severed some nerves so Matthew will need some physiotherapy but, he'll be fine."
Woman - "Oh my goodness, thank you so much!"
Y/n/n told her it was no problem and walked out of the patients room and saw me standing at the end of the hall. A smile that I had grown to adore made it's way across her face. She began to walk towards me as I did the same.
Iwas eager to get to Andy because I have had what feels like the longest day of my life. A kid came into the ER with multiple crush injuries which meant, broken ribs, broken leg, broken arm, which I had to fix all of then, I had to check up on post-op patients and one of their screws had come loose because they tried to walk to the bathroom so I had to fix that as well and then I just got out of a surgery of a guy who snapped his leg in half and had his bone sticking out because he fell off is roof. Dumbass. 
As soon as I reach her I wrap my arms tightly around her waist and bury my head in her chest. She does the same and rests her chin on my head. 
Andy - "Long day?"
Y/N - "Yeah, you?"
Andy - "Very long."
After this exchange of words I reluctantly puled away from her embrace as I had to go update a patient chart and give it to the night nurses. Andy followed me as I did all of this and when I got to the nurses station I started to talk to Meredith because she came over as well. Clearly someone didn't like this very much because she wrapped her arms around my waist from behind and shoved her face into the crook of my neck and started whispering to me that she wanted to go home.
Meredith - "Okay well, Derek is waiting for me in the daycare with Zola and Bailey and by the looks of it I'm keeping a very tired firefighter from going home so, I'll let you guys be. See you tomorrow y/n/n."
Y/N - "Yeah, see you tomorrow Mer."
I put the chart on the side and slipped my hand into Andy's as I walked to the lift (elevator). 
Time skip
We got home and ordered pizza since neither of us could be bothered to cook and sat on the sofa, all cuddled up in each other's embrace eating pizza. We were watching some trashy tv show, just whatever was on really. I began to feel my eyelids get heavy and Andy noticed this too because she said
Andy - "Okay I think it's time to go to bed."
Y/N - "Agreed."
I was taken completely by surprise when Andy stood up just before I was about to and picked me up. I clung onto her like a koala and shoved my head in her neck.
Y/N - "You know just because I'm tired doesn't mean I can't walk." I say barely above a whisper
Andy - "Well, I don't think that applies in this situation considering you can't even lift your head from my neck."
I hummed in agreement and just snuggled even further into my girlfriend. 
Once we got into our bedroom she carried my straight through to the bathroom and we did our night-time routines before heading to bed.
Andy had finished after me so I was already under the cover and near enough asleep when she came in. Not a word needed to be shared between us when I reached out my arms to her, she knew what it meant. 
Andy POV: 
I clambered into bed next to y/n/n and pulled her into me. Her head was in my chest and her leg was draped over mine. This time of the day was my favourite, it was clam. Just us two, it was lik nothing else in the world mattered at that moment. I had my girl in my arms and that's all I cared about.
Y/N - "I love you."
I silently aw at her sleepy voice and kiss her head.
Andy - "I love you too."
Just seconds after I said it I heard little snores coming from the woman in my embrace. I then let myself drift off forgetting all the stress of the day and just enjoying the now. 
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redhairedwolfwitch · 2 years
Grey's Anatomy & Station 19 Masterlist
a/n: i think this is all my grey's and station 19 series' up to date, i feel like something is missing but idk what...
Art and Fire - Andy Herrera x DeLuca!Sister!Reader, Past Amelia Shepherd x DeLuca!Reader - Painting Fires (1), Canvases are Hard to Burn (2) Painted Fires Burn Brightly (3) Photograph of A World on Fire (4)
The Rebellious Daughter - Leah Murphy x Montgomery!Shepherd!Daughter!Reader - Part 1, Part 2
Let Me Down Slowly - Jo Wilson x Reader
Doctor Y/n - Intern Year, Residency 1-25, Residency 26-38, Ortho Fellowship, Special Episode, Attending Orthopedic Surgeon
Baby Shepherd Series - Jo Wilson x Shepherd!Reader
Plastics Fellow (Part 1), (Part 2) - Amelia Shepherd x Fem!Reader
Lucy Fields x Robbins!Sister!Reader Fic
To The Grave - Heather Brooks x Fem!Reader
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blackhill2245 · 1 month
Request information
I thought I would start taking requests, so here's who I'll write for and what I will write. I've ever written requests before, so just DM me and I'll try get to it as fast as I can.
Natasha romanoff
Wanda maximoff
Pepper potts
Carol danvers
Maria hill
Greys anatomy
Amelia sheperd
Addison montgomery
Kai bartley
Carina deluca
Callie torres
Arizona Robbins
Station 19
Maya bishop
Andy Herrera
Chris Alonso
What I will write
I'll write most stuff, just not smut, male or non binary reader, because I would get confused. I might decline your requests, but I will always tell you why, and we can work something out.
I love writing trios, for example
Amelia x kia x fem reader.
I don't write for male charecters, they can be friends and all that just not romantic.
I'll do family pairings and kid/teen reader.
I might take other people's on the shows/movies listed above.
I can't wait to start with requests and hope you all enjoy.
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wlw-lesbianimagines · 6 years
If you ever watch station19 can you write a fic involving Andy Herrera and fem reader
sorry honey, that show hasn’t come out in Australia yet x
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upat4amwiththemoon · 9 months
Hiii! Can I please request a fluffy Andy Herrera x reader of just two idiots being in love? She deserves so much more love and i’m glad i found your account!
My heart belongs to you
Summary: Just two women in love.
Pairing: Andy Herrera x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 515
a/n: andy deserves everything <3
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Andy is sitting at the captain’s office, reading through a binder with all the necessary information. She has probably read through it a thousand times already, having spent so much time at the station, but she wants to be sure now that she officially got the title of captain of Station 19.
However, she can’t seem to concentrate, as someone’s eyes are stuck to her face. “You’re staring.” She mumbles, trying to sound annoyed, but she can’t hide the smile growing to her lips.
“I’m just so proud of my girlfriend.” Y/N gushes with a wide smile. She’s sitting opposite of Andy, her legs resting on top of the table.
Shaking her head, Andy closes the binder and sets it down, meeting Y/N’s gaze. They smile, staring at each other in silence, until Y/N starts giggling. “My girlfriend is the captain!” She stands up, holding her arms in the air as she celebrates.
Andy laughs. In truth, she is just as excited as Y/N is, even though she hasn’t really grasped the whole situation yet. They weren’t able to properly celebrate when Andy found out she’d be the captain, so all the happiness has been piling up.
Shimmying over to Andy, Y/N leans her hands to the side’s of the chair, so her face is right by her girlfriend. “You are the captain.” She whispers. “This has always been your station, but now it’s official.” Her bottom lip is under her teeth as she grins. “I’m so proud of you.”
Andy sets her hands on Y/N’s cheeks. She pulls her close, kissing her softly. They’re smiling as their lips mold together, moving in sync.
Y/N sits down to Andy’s lap. It’s bit of a struggle to fit her legs because of the armrests, but she manages. It’s not the tightest fit they has made work. “I love you.” Y/N leans her forehead against Andy’s. Her eyes are closed as she breathes in and out slowly, enjoying the warmth of being so close to her.
“I love you more.” Andy’s eyes map out Y/N’s features. She has never seen something as beautiful.
“Hmm,” she shakes her head with a giggle, “I don’t think so.”
Andy pinches Y/N’s thigh, making her open her eyes with a yelp. “I’m the captain,” Andy smirks as her hands move to Y/N’s hip, “what I say goes.”
Raising her brows, Y/N looks up at the roof, her cheeks getting warm. Obviously she has always found her girlfriend incredibly attractive, especially after she comes home, wearing her firefighter uniform. But now that she has a new sense of authority, her attractiveness level has somehow gone through the roof.
She starts laughing at Y/N’s expression, wrapping her arms around her waist and setting her forehead on Y/N’s shoulder. “Lets go home and cuddle.” Andy mumbles, tiredness hitting her.
“Yeah.” Y/N places a kiss on top of Andy’s head before standing up, and helping her up as well. They gather all their things, leaving the station hand in hand.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Being a new firefighter at station 19 and immediately having both Maya and Carina fall for her but she is very interested in Andy. She and Andy secretly get together. After six months of dating and countless amounts of flirting from the two starts to aggravate andy and the reader. One day Andy just snaps and kisses her in front of them. The other two are upset but end up getting over it. Fluffy and angsty please?
Summary: Secrets weigh you down.
Pairing: Andy Herrera x female!reader, Marina
Warnings: none
Word count: 1216
a/n: Andy Herrera deserves to be the captain of Station 19 <3
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Giggling can be heard in the kitchen. Andy and Y/N are cooking together while the other firefighters are working on different tasks. They clicked quickly when Y/N arrived to Station 19 two months ago. She worked as a firefighter before moving to Seattle, but she still hasn’t ranked up to lieutenant, it wasn’t that important to her.
But it is incredibly important to Andy. She wants to become a captain one day, which is why when they started dating a few weeks back, they decided to stay quiet about it.
“Y/N!” Carina exclaims as she and Maya walk into the kitchen, making Andy frown instantly. The couple have been making moves on Y/N, which bothered her, but she knows she has to let it go so they wouldn’t be exposed. “How have you been?”
“Hey, Carina.” She smiles politely. “I’ve been great actually.”
“Seriously great, you should’ve seen her on call last week, incredibly hot.” Maya comments, the last part coming out as a playful whisper.
Y/N giggles and shakes her bead, putting a tray of food into the oven. ”It wasn’t that amazing.” She raises her brows, looking at smirking Maya.
“Oh, I’m sure it was.” Carina comments. She had heard everything about the specific call from Maya.
Andy rolls her eyes. She’s stirring the pot in front of her, out of the conversation, but still hearing all the compliments the couple are throwing in Y/N’s way. Inside her head, she’s mocking every single thing coming out of their mouths.
“I’m very glad that you moved here. I’ve grown very appreciative of watching you work.” Maya says with a certain glint in her eyes.
Carina leans against the counter. “It’s the uniform.”
“Oh, I kn-“
“Could everyone not cooking leave the kitchen, please?” Andy finally speaks up with quite a loud voice, clearly showing her annoyance. Y/N giver her a look, but she ignores it. “We are trying to cook here for everyone and you are being very distracting.”
Maya and Carina glance at each other, but decide to leave the floor so they wouldn’t annoy Andy even more. However, they can’t help but compliment Y/N one last time before doing so.
”Andy…” Y/N turns to look at her, though she just continues cooking normally.
“They were being annoying.” She reasons, turning the stove off.
Sighing, Y/N lays her chin on Andy’s shoulder. “I know. But you can’t yell at them.”
“I did not yell at them.” She turns around and puts her hands on Y/N’s hips. “I just don’t like watching them being like that with you, especially knowing I can’t do anything. And it all feels like it’s my fault.”
“It’s not your fault.” Y/N assures, putting her hands on Andy’s cheeks. “You’re ambitious when it comes to work, I love that. And sadly us being together could jeopardize you getting a promotion, which is why we do this.”
“I know, I know.” Andy groans. She squeezes her hips lightly with a frown on her face. “One day I’m going to trip Maya when she goes down the stairs.” She mumbles quietly, kind of hoping Y/N wouldn’t hear her, but she does, and she gets a disapproving look. “I wouldn’t make her fall! Just stumble a bit.”
“She’s your captain.” Y/N pulls away from her hold and goes to check on the food in the oven, having to bend slightly when doing so.
Andy stares at her. She leans against the counter and smirks. “You do look amazing in the uniform.”
“Shut up!”
A dirty rag flies to her direction, which she luckily dodges while laughing.
With her foot tapping the ground rapidly, Andy listens to the others talk. The whole team, plus Miranda and Carina, are eating dinner together. Which means she is stuck on listening to Maya and Carina try to woo her girlfriend, and after months of constant flirting, she’s getting more than annoyed. They just aren’t getting the hint.
Y/N continues to politely smile and nod as they flirt with her, at times laughing awkwardly. She holds onto Andy’s hand that’s gripping her thigh quite tightly under the table.
Sometimes Victoria and Travis glance at each other with knowing looks when they see either Carina or Maya staring at Y/N, which somehow infuriates Andy even more. Others are noticing the advances they’re making and they aren’t caring that Maya is the captain.
“Are you free this weekend?” Carina asks.
“Uhm,” she has a date night with Andy, “not really.” Y/N smiles slightly.
“Well, if your plans change, you could come over.”
Andy slams her fork to the table. “No, she can’t!” Her voice is loud and strained. Y/N turns to look at her with wide eyes, she tries to shake her head lightly to make Andy stop, but it goes unnoticed.
The table is quiet and everyone is staring at her with perplexed looks. “Herrera.” Maya starts. “Is everything okay?”
“Everything is not okay, because you two,” her finger moves between Maya and Carina, “just won’t stop.”
”Won’t stop what?”
She points at Y/N with wide eyes. “All the- the flirting and you’re so hot in your uniform. We all wear the same uniform!” She groans and throws her hands in the air. Feeling like everyone is looking at her like crazy, she decides to just come out with it. Andy grabs both sides of Y/N’s head with her hands and pulls her into a kiss.
Y/N hums in surprise at the contact, but goes along with it, kissing her back. It feels good to finally have the secret out. All the close calls and staying away from each other were starting to get tired.
Andy pulls away and instantly turns to look at Carina and Maya. “We’re dating, please stop flirting with her.” They both nod, still quite surprised by the outburst. “Thank you.” She grabs Y/N’s hand and pulls her to the locker room, so they could have some privacy.
“That was..something.” She looks at Andy with raised brows.
“I’m sorry.” Andy sighs and sits down to the bench. “I was just so tired of them.”
”It’s okay.” Y/N starts giggling as she sits next to Andy. She isn’t sure if she even should be laughing, but it all just seems hilarious at the moment. Andy scoffs at her, but starts laughing as well.
The laughing gets cut off by Maya and Carina coming into the room with frowns on their faces. They stop in front of the pair. “We just wanted to come here and apologize.” Maya states, looking at Carina who nods.
“We never ever wanted to make you uncomfortable.” Carina adds.
Y/N smiles, accepting the apology. She elbows Andy’s side when she stays quiet. “It’s fine,” she says with an exaggerated sigh, “just don’t flirt with her anymore.”
“We won’t.” Maya chuckles. “Now come on and finish eating you two. I don’t want to see any kind of inappropriate stuff during work hours.” It’s incredibly how her voice turns to the captain voice with a snap of her fingers.
“Copy that, captain.” Y/N grins as they walk back to the dinner table, this time holding each others hands.
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lilpotatjj · 3 months
AN: Well here we go, after seeing my poll it's pretty clear that it will be an Andy x Fem!Reader Story. If you still have any other wishes, just ask, requests are open. This story will contain longer Chapters and also many many more. 18+ will be markt in wich you can jump if you don't wanna read it. More fluffy, cute and tense chapter will come.
WARNING: nothing just the fluff that starts slowly <3
Wordcount: 1205
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♡Chapter 1♡
Congratulations Herrera… you will be captain of Station 19! ……
2 weeks later
………-Engine Company 19, Ladder Company 19, Aid Car 19 und Emergency Medical Services Response Unit 19 in E Madison St.-
"GO! GO! GO! 19! We are now dealing with a 5th grade emergency call! Bishop and Sullivan Aid Car! Montgomery and Hughes you're driving E19! Warren and Ruiz EMS19! Probie you're coming with me! Move!" Andy yelled and everyone was ready.
You nod resolutely and when you arrive at the address you can see the immense smoke despite the darkness.
"Oh shit….", Andy looks shocked as a picture of devastation becomes clear.
"Damn….that's a crane that's tipped over!" Vic gets out and looks around.
"Captain, there's fire everywhere, we have to contain it!" said Travis, looking tense.
"Can't you see the debris everywhere? And there are still injured people everywhere. Station 88 is also on the scene…we definitely need more support here!" Sullivan right in the mood looking at Andy, who realises the burden of this distress call, trying to orientate herself.
"Ok guys! Bishop and Sullivan check on all the survivors and get them to safety!" Andy yells.
"Captain I can help with the injured!" Warren looks at her seriously and Andy nods after a few seconds of consideration. She organises the remaining people and always passes on the situation report to the battalion chief.
"Captain!" With a leap you knock Andy over and the next thing you hear is a massive noise, close beside you as a large section of the crane has melted due to the heat and almost toppled onto Andy. Completely distraught, Andy looks at you, realising that she could have died here and now, you both stand up and Andy's breathing quickens. A loud beeping prevents her from hearing you.
"Captain! hey captain come to you!" you shout at her and grab her by the shoulders "breathe!"
Her first call as captain and then such a big one. Andy looks you in the eye.
"That's good, just breathe," you try to reassure her.
"Hey Andy, is everything ok?" Sullivan comes in to check if everything is ok. She just looks at him briefly and focusses on you again, then nods and takes her walkie talkie. "All units, we need reinforcements here, now!" Back in reality, she gives all the information to chief Ross and then looks at you.
"Contain the fire with the others, but keep your distance!" You nod at Andy's words and set off straight away, but you can clearly feel Andy's gaze on your neck as you leave.
The mission lasted a whole 40 hours and on the way back to the station everyone was simply exhausted. Andy leant back, lost in thoughts, looking out of the window.
"hey….good job Captain," Maya tries to cheer her up, the mood is too depressed after everything that has happened, but Andy simply ignores her. Images of the mission flash before her face in an endless loop and she can't relax which is also not unnoticed by you.
Back at the station, everyone literally falls into bed, only Andy is still in the captain's office finalising the report. She pauses for a moment as everything comes back to her. As captain, she is responsible for everyone. Tears well up in her eyes and she catches her breath, completely exhausted, when Sullivan suddenly comes in at the same time.
"tough first mission captain", he comes to her and sits down at her table.
"tch…" she closes her eyes and smiles. "How did you get through your first day as captain?" She looks at him for help.
"I just pulled it off, Andy, you've worked long and hard for this position. You're a born leader," he takes her hand, causing her to look at it thoughtfully.
"I was almost flattened by a crane today," she pulls his hand away from Sullivan. "Y/N saved me…. a new recruit," she huffs, almost embarrassed.
You were just about to open the door, but you hear her last words and pause with your hand on the door handle.
"The situation was also confusing, it's the first time I've ever seen a case like this involving a crane. Everyone was overwhelmed. You did your best and for the new recruit, it was an immediate experience.", Sullivan stands up and smiles.
You knock and slowly open the door. "Please allow me to come in Captain!" Andy looks at you and lets her eyes wander demandingly to Robert, who understood and left the office.
"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Andy looks at you questioningly.
"I wanted to ask if you're okay, Captain…" you look at her carefully, her look completely tired. She stands up and leans against her table with her hands in her pockets, her eyes on you. "yeah....Thanks for asking, but I should ask you that. For your first shift here, it's probably difficult to process at first.
"Well, I've already experienced a lot, but the fact that I have to save the captain on my first day here is really crazy," you smile, but the words hit Andy harder than expected. She closes her eyes and takes a sharp breath.
"good job, probie…but you should go sleep now", she smiled unexpected softly.
A tinge of red spreads across your cheeks, which she doesn't know came from her smile, not her praise. "ok…
good night, captain", you turn back to your bunk and lay down, looking at the ceiling of the room smiling.
A new morning after the team finally got some more sleep, you are the first one awake and already making breakfast at the Beanery. Travis was the first to arrive. "hey well…your effort yesterday wasn't bad, well done probie" a peaceful smile from him, he helps you making breakfast when Andy joins you.
“Good morning,” came Andy quietly and formally. Travis looks between the two of you and was about to say something when Vic joins him. "heeeey, good morning!", she dances as she takes coffee and then suddenly looks back and forth between Andy and you. A simple silence between both of you and Vic then looks at Travis, almost looking for help, who just shrugs his shoulders and also sips coffee.
You remain silent and put the last things for breakfast on the table, sit down and drink coffee.
“thanks, looks good,” Vic grabs something and stuffs it straight into her mouth while Andy sits down right across from you. You concentrate on your coffee and have to swallow hard, but you are immediately pulled out of your thoughts when the rest of the group joins you. Andy looks briefly into your eyes, but her gaze is completely electric, she just suddenly gets up and leaves the Beanery with her coffee and goes to her office.
"Um…ok?", Vic watches her go, followed by the others except you.
“Surely the call is still in her bones,” said Sullivan and then looks at you quietly, which you don’t notice.
Andy stands with her back against her door, closes it and looks into the room, completely lost in thoughts, with a questioning look. "I swear…." She jumps at the sudden knock on her door, turns around and opens it….
who is the person behind the door? Next chapter will show it, also containing more fluffy moments between Reader and Andy
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Victoria Hughes falls for the reader and becomes a stammering mess in front of her. The rest of station 19 finds this adorable and gets them together. A year or so later the team helps Vic pull off an epic proposal. Pure fluff please?
A mess of a human
Summary: The words leave right out of her mind.
Pairing: Victoria Hughes x female!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1952
a/n: why hasn’t Station 19 been renewed for 7th season yet🤨
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“Who is that?” Victoria taps Andy’s arm with one hand and points towards a woman talking with Carina.
Andy glances towards their way, “one of Carina’s doctor friends, she’s helping us with the clinic. Y/N Y/L/N, I think, why?” She turns to look at Vic, who is fully immersed with Y/N.
“No reason.” She whispers.
Y/N is holding a box of supplies brought from the hospital. Carina asked her to help out when the idea of a clinic at the fire station started, and of course she had to say yes. Helping people is the reason she became a doctor.
“Where should I bring these?” She takes a better grip of the box. It’s full of latex gloves and sheets for the examination chairs.
Humming, Carina looks around the barn. All the fire trucks have been taken out for the preparation of the clinic. “Take them to Victoria and Andy,” she points towards the two, who quickly look away when they notice this, “they’ll help you out.”
“Okay.” With a smile, Y/N starts walking towards them. “Hey, where should I bring this box?”
“I can take it.” Andy grabs it out of Y/N’s hands and sets it down to a table near them. “Thanks for helping out.”
“Of course. I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“Andy.” She smiles.
The two turn to look at Victoria, waiting for her to introduce herself. “Uh, right, yes, hey, I’m Vic. Well Victoria actually, but you know, most people call me Vic.” She rambles on with a short laugh, rubbing the back of her neck. Her face has suddenly gotten warm and her hands clammy. She wipes her palms to her pants.
“Nice to meet you two.”
They move on from the mess that was Victoria’s introduction, to her luck. She doesn’t know what came over her. Suddenly it felt like she forgot how to function like a human being. She’s yelling at herself inside her head for embarrassing herself like that.
“The clinic is a really great idea, I’m sure it’ll help out a lot of people.”
“Yes!” Victoria almost shouts, snapping Y/N and Andy’s attention to her. She clears her throat. “It is- yes, a good idea. And we’re so grateful to have doctors…like you, helping us out with it. So great.”
Y/N nods slowly. “Of course, I love to help out.”
“Yeah.” Victoria’s eyes are wide as she stares at her. “Well,” she points at the box, “I better go put that away.” Picking up the box, she speed walks away, ignoring Andy who is following right behind her.
“What was that?” Andy asks as they arrive to the supply room. Victoria starts putting the supplies to their own places in the shelf, shaking her head while doing it. She has a mortified look on her face. “Vic?”
“I don’t know!” She throws her hands in the air. “I don’t know what that was. My brain just froze up.”
A small grin grows on Andy’s face as she stares at her. “You like her.”
“I just met her.”
“Well, you think she is attractive.” Rolling her eyes, Andy starts organizing the supplies with her. “That’s adorable.”
“No, that was absolutely horrible.” She glares at Andy, who just starts laughing by herself.
The next day comes by and the clinic opens for the first time. Every fire fighter and the few doctors who decided to volunteer are full of anticipation as they wait for their first patient to arrive. Victoria is standing by the door between the barn and the lobby of the station, her eyes moving through the whole space.
“Waiting for someone?” Andy comes up behind her, making her flinch. “A doctor perhaps?”
“No.” She crosses her arms her chest, taking few steps away from Andy.
Humming, Andy nods slowly. She leans against the door frame. “Maya told me she’s running a bit late.” Victoria turns to look at her with her brows scrunched up. “Just saying.” She mumbles with a smirk before walking away.
She sighs, walking over to Travis to wait with him. They organize supplies that have already been organized to look busy.
”Hey, Vic!”
Victoria turns around quickly, almost making a metallic tray fall from a table. “Y/N!” She takes hold of the tray, stopping it from clanging around. “Hi! You- you’re here.” Laughing, she rubs the back of her neck.
“I’m here.” Y/N giggles.
Travis’ attention instantly shifts to them. His eyes are wide as he stares at Victoria’s mannerisms around Y/N.
“Has there been patients yet?” Y/N looks around the clinic, happy with the outcome.
“Uhh, no, not yet.” Shaking her head, she has a tight lipped smile on her face. “Thank you for volunteering, it’s great to have you around. As a doctor!” She adds the last part quickly. “It is great to have doctors around. To help us, with..with this.”
Stepping next to Victoria, Travis takes control of the conversation. “Hi, I’m Travis.” He shakes Y/N’s head. “You’re Carina’s friend, right? Y/N Y/L/N?”
“Yes! It’s nice to meet you.” She has a wide smile on her face. Finally, the first patient walks into the clinic. “First visitor,” she smiles, “guess I better go help out.”
Before she can walk away, Travis grabs her arm. “No, no, Gibson is going to him. We are all going to Joe’s after our shift, would you like to join us?” Victoria turns to look at him with wide eyes.
“Sure, that sounds fun.” Another doctor calls for her. She gives the two a smile, “I have to go, but I’ll see you later,” and leaves.
“We aren’t going to Joe’s after out shift?” She whispers once Y/N is out of reach.
Travis smirks. “Now we are.”
Everyone is excited once Y/N walks into the bar. Travis and Andy, who both saw how affected Victoria was by her presence, decided they’d help the two get together, getting everyone else on the team to help.
“Over here!” Andy shouts, waving her hand in the air. Y/N walks over to them, sitting next to Victoria, the seat that was left empty on purpose. “We already ordered you a drink.”
“Thank you, and thanks for inviting me.“
“Of course!” Travis smiles, his smile is wide and full of mischief, but to Y/N it looks like a normal smile. “We like to have you around, especially Vic.” He throws his arm around Victoria’s shoulders, shaking her whole body.
She chokes on her drink, getting a concerned look fro Y/N. “No!” Victoria coughs, putting her drink down. Then she starts panicking. “I mean yes! Of course I like having you around,” she laughs, “but like the normal amount. The same amount as everyone else here.”
“I like being around you too.” She states, which makes Victoria smile.
“Oh no!” Maya exclaims loudly, looking at her phone. “I need to go home, Carina texted me that there’s a family emergency.” She stands up, though the doesn’t look worried at all.
Y/N frowns. She’s pretty sure Carina is still working. Andy stands up with her, “and I’m her ride, so I guess I have to go too. I’m so sorry.” The two leave the bar.
Suddenly Jack has to leave and Dean with him, then Ben says Miranda just texted him, although his phone is in Y/N’s lime of sight and it didn’t light up even once. And very soon after that Travis has to go home too, leaving Victoria and Y/N to the bar alone.
Victoria has a glare on her face. “They planned this.” She mumbles, dropping her head onto her hands.
“You think?” Y/N giggles, sipping her drink.
“I’m so sorry.”
“Is there a reason why they planned this?” Her voice is questioning, but the look on her face shows she has an idea what’s going on.
Pressing her eyes shut, Victoria groans. Of course she knows why this happened. Rubbing her face, she lifts her head to look at Y/N. “Yes. I-“ she sighs, “my brain shuts down anytime I’m near you, because I think you’re very beautiful, and I think I caught feelings the moment my eyes met yours.”
Y/N smiles, her cheeks turning warm for a change. She looks down to hide it. “That’s good to hear, because I feel the exact same way.” Smiling, Victoria grabs her hand. Maybe it wasn’t so bad to embarras yourself once in a while.
“Are you sure this is going to work?” Victoria asks, making Travis groan. The question has left her mouth at least ten times during the last hour and he is starting to get annoyed.
“It will, Vic! Stop worrying.”
“I am proposing to my girlfriend, of course I’m worried!”
Taping down the last piece of paper to the fire truck’s aide, Travis sighs and turns to take hold of Victoria’s shoulders. “You are proposing your girlfriend who you love dearly, and who loves you. She won’t say no.” He looks deep into her eyes. “Stop worrying.”
“Stop worrying.” She mumbles, wiping her palms to her pants. Looking at the truck, she smiles. It looks great.
Andy walks into the room. “Okay, everyone! The trucks are ready to go,” she looks at Victoria, “are you ready?”
“Yeah, I’m ready, lets go.” They all cram into one of the fire trucks B-shift let them lend.
Andy drives the truck near the ambulance bay, out of sight for anyone who is by the door. Victoria is the only one who gets out, one of her hands is in the pocket of her work pants. She’s gripping the small box tightly.
She smiles as Carina and Y/N walk outside, the latter with a confused expression on her face. “Hey,” she smiles back at her, “is something wrong? Is there an ambulance coming?” Y/N tries to look over to the entrance of the bay, but Carina pulls her backwards, being part of the plan.
“No!” Victoria walks closer to her. “Everything is okay. I, uhm, just had something to tell you.”
Glancing at widely smiling Carina, Y/N furrows her brows. “Okay.”
“We’ve been together for over a year,” Victoria starts, taking a shaky breath, words are still hard to come by around Y/N, “and I love you so much. I’m so glad I met you, even though I made a fool out of myself.” She laughs. “I feel like I’m doing the same thing right now.”
Y/N tilts her head with a smile. Her eyes are starting to get teary eyes the longer Victoria talks.
“And,” she clears her throat, giving a signal to the truck, “I’d love to wake up everyday next to you and make a fool of myself for the rest of our lives.” The truck’s siren turns on as it starts moving towards them.
Y/N gasps when Victoria drops down to one knee and pulls out the ring box. The other firefighters jump out of the truck once it’s right behind her. There’s a large banner on the side of it that says Will you marry me Y/N?
With a teary laugh, Y/N starts nodding. “Yes, yes, of course!” She jogs to Victoria and jumps into her arms, the others cheering by the sidelines. Some other doctors have come outside when hearing the commotion. “I love you so much.”
The two kiss before Victoria slips the ring to Y/N’s ring finger. She giggles. “You’re my fiancee.” She states, feeling ecstatic.
“I’m your fiancee!”
The others come to them with wide smiles, hugging them both, which ultimately leads into a big group hug.
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lilpotatjj · 3 months
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Congratulation... Captain?
Andy x Fem!Reader
AN: next chapter will contain smut
Chapter 3
"19!Line up in the barn!" A strict voice calls. The team lines up, all in a row, so that everyone is facing each other and Andy walks imposingly through the centre of the row. "We currently hold the record for speed and thoroughness! We want to keep it that way." She walks slowly past each individual, checking their equipment, state of health and attitude. Jack watches the scene from above without anyone noticing and smiles. He is almost healthy again for work after falling on the ground.
Andy walks past you, stops for a moment and looks you in the eye.
"Excelente como siempre". (Excellent as always) You immediately look down at the floor and Andy moves on. "90 minute workout, now! 19!" Andy shouts.
"19!!!" Everyone joins in and gets to work.
Andy also trains, going through the ranks to make sure everyone reaches their full potential.
"Looks good" She comes over to you and smiles. Fancy a round of training together?"
"sure" Andy lies down and you support her knees "if you can do 30 without hesitation I'll buy you a drink in Joe's bar" You grin confidently, but you don't miss Andy's raised eyebrows. She starts right away, looking deep into your eyes, which makes your cheeks unconsciously glisten red.
After 25, she continues, but has to pant a lot more.
"I hope you can handle a lot," Andy stands up with a broad grin, discreetly out of breath and drinks some of her water.
"30…not bad" you smile as you unconsciously look at her for a long time then go into the changing room to change and take a shower. As you stand in the shower, Andy stops in front of the closed door, already showered and with her back to the door, looking up thoughtfully as she is distracted by Vic. "Is Y/N doing well? Is she fit?"
Andy goes to her locker and changes. "Yes, She's fine." As soon as everyone had finished, the first call came. You go into Car L19 together with Andy.
"so what exactly did the woman mean? A cat rummaging through her garbage in her garden?" You look outside in amusement and stifle a laugh.
"Well, maybe it's a wolf in sheep's clothing." You both have to laugh and when you arrive, the woman is already standing in front of the house.
"Dios mío, está en el jardín e incluso tiene bebés. Hay que llevarlos al refugio de animales". ("Oh my goodness, she's in the garden and even has babies. They need to be taken to the shelter!)
"ok ok, nos ocuparemos de ello" (ok ok, we'll take care of it)," Andy tries to reassure her and looks into the garden. "Fetch the cage, she says she even has kittens." You try not to let on and nod, get the cage and you both go into the garden.
"dónde se supone que está exactamente?" (where exactly is she supposed to be?) Andy asks and the woman points to some undergrowth behind the composter. As Andy approaches it, she makes a huge leap backwards, when suddenly the supposed "cat" hisses at Andy. She scrambles backwards on her butt to get some distance. You look at her in complete irritation and try to understand what is happening.
"that's…a…a…raccoon! Un condenado mapache! (damn racoon)… A fucking full-grown raccoon!" Andy freaks out completely and tries to get her breathing under control. You approach him and put the cage down. "Well, you're a sweet mama." You grab the raccoon and her kids and put them in the cage.
The two of you on the way back, absolute dead silence interrupted by your sudden laughter. "A raccoon?" Andy can't help but grin and join in with your laughter. "yup…raccoons…" Andy looks at you and can't take her eyes off you, but she notices and stops, her expression more serious, and looks out the window as she whispers. "Tu risa suena tan dulce" (your laugh sounds so sweet)
Your laughter becomes softer and you swallow, finnaly ariving at the barn.
"I'll finish the protocol then…" Andy was just about to leave when you stopped her. "Friday…we're both free. Don't you want to go for a drink?" You look at her expectantly, Andy smiles and turns around "sure" She wanted to leave when Jack suddenly comes over. “What nice ladys do we have here?” He looks at you charmingly but you just look surprised.
"well settled?" he asks you
"um…yeah, Jack right?" Andy watches slightly annoyed. "I heard you like to drink, would you like to go out with me?" He grins and before you can say anything, Andy steps in. "Ok Jack, that's enough for now, you're still on sick leave, go home!" You don't even get to say anything. "That's good Captain, it suits you Andy." He winks at her, Andy goes into her office and Jack cheekily follows her. "um…ok?" your look completely confused.
When he gets to the office, Andy is frustrated and starts to write the protocol when Jack just walks in. "Andy you've been through this before, you know the rules!" Jack tries to talk to her. "I don't know what you're talking about." Andy doesn't look at him and writes on the paper.
"If you start a relationship with her it will not only affect you but especially Y/N." Jack continues.
“Do you think I don’t know that!?” Andy throws her pen down on the page and places her hands on her forehead. "god, I don't know what's going on either….I'm done…I didn't want a relationship for…the rest of my life" a hint of seriousness can be heard. "I…I don't want this, I won't allow it. We'll just go drinking and I'll lock my feelings in the basement…" she says ironically and sits down again after walking back and forth in the room several times.
"This won't work in the long run and you know that…your feelings will eat you up…until you…have the feeling…" he comes too close and whispers in Andy's ear "that you won't be without her, for a second longer…You will touch her or feel her lips…" However, he provokes her and Andy pushes him away. "Get out Jack…go rest until you can get back to work!"
Jack leaves the office all confident while Andy kicks her desk. "Damn…"
In the evening when everyone is at the Beanery to eat, you stand at the fridge to get some orange juice. Andy looks at you but tries to avoid your gaze.
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"Is everything ok Captain?" you look at her worriedly and Andy tries to act calm. “You can talk if you want,” you whisper.
"Oh, preferiría besarte de nuevo…" (Oh I'd much rather kiss you again) Robert looks at Andy in surprise.
“Qué estás esperando, hazlo?” (What are you waiting for? Go ahead) suddenly all eyes are on you including Andy's. "woow Y/N you speak Spanish? Nice to know that too" Vic jokes. “Then let’s share, what’s it about?” Travis leans with a big goofy smile forward on the kitchen island, as Andy stares at you in disbelief, with the conscience that you must have understood everything else she said too.
You were about to continue in Spanish but Andy stops you because you don't know that Robert also understands Spanish. "well…..ok I'll go to the office and take care of some documents." She goes into the office completely distraught and you call after her.
“Still writing at this time?” Warren looks irritated and Travis shrugs his shoulders. "That's what it's like when you're captain," said Vic, sipping her tea.
“You should go after her and sort this out,” Robert said quietly as he walks past you. You look strained and finally go to her, without knocking you go into the office. "Andy we need to talk…"
"Why does everyone want to talk to me today?" Andy doesn't look at you.
"Because maybe you're the captain?" you smile and approach the table. "Andy, I don't know what that is between us but you can't tell me that you don't feel anything for me…"
"I'm a captain and you're a recruit, weren't you paying attention in the academy?" she says sarcastically. "You remember the kiss…" you are silent for a moment. "There was something before, I-" Andy suddenly stands up and slams her hands on the table to support herself. "It will never be anything…the rules forbid it and I will not jeopardize my or your rank!" Andy's words sound sad and frustrated. "I'm not interested in a higher rank… I just want to try out what's behind it. Nobody has to know…" you explain.
"tch……" Andy snorts.
"So you're telling me you don't feel anything for me?" You come closer to her, grab her hand and place it on your chest, directly on your heart. "I..I…" Andy's breathing quickens, lost in the feelings she takes a big step back, against the wall and looks at the floor, the blush on her face. "You have no idea how frustrating it is, it repeats again and it wasn't planned at all!" she looks at you desperately. "Then don't resist it…I want it too…" you get closer and closer to her and are directly in front of her.
"Andy….." you whisper to her and feel Andy's way too fast breathing on your lips as she suddenly turns you around and pins you against the wall. The tension is almost unbearable and makes it difficult not to give in to all the sweet and tense feelings. "That…that's not gonna happen…" She lets both arms fall to the side of you and looks at the floor. "go…"
You hang your head in sadness and disappointment, but then look at her seriously. "I don't believe you…" with these words you walk out of the office.
It's Friday and you haven't forgotten the date with Andy, although you haven't talked about it anymore. Hoping that she'll show up, you order a beer. The doorbell rings and Andy shows up with Vic and Travis. They walk forward to you and Travis and Vic greet you.
“heeeey Y/N heard you’re spending us some beer today?” Vic pats you on the back and laughs happily. They order beer and you look at Andy who only gives you a quick glance.
"well then! cheers!" Travis holds up his beer and you all toast. The evening is quiet and fun when suddenly Vic and Travis get a call to move out. "Well then guys…I don't even have 2 beers…it's a shame"Travis said. They break away and only you and Andy stay behind. She takes a sip from the bottle, now the 4th, and then looks at you without saying anything. Your gaze doesn't leave hers and your heart literally jumps out of your chest. "say…….in your head I'm already lying naked in your bed and we're doing it all night." Andy smiles and takes a last sip from her bottle, puts money on the counter, grabs your hand and pulls you out of Joe's Bar.
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lilpotatjj · 3 months
Requests are open for any station 19 fanfictions. Oneshots, fluff or smut. What you want. Every ship is allowed also
x fem!reader, reader!
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lilpotatjj · 3 months
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Congratulation... Captain?
AN: Chapter 2 from my long story about Andy and you. No warnings...just a little kiss
Andy x Fem!Reader
Chapter 2
She needs to look up to look into deep brown eyes. "Sullivan… What do you want?"
"Good morning to you too Captain?" his typical questioning look examines her. “Can I come in and talk to you for a moment?”
Andy opens the door so he can come in. “Something important, Lieutenant?” Robert immediately notices her subtly annoyed manner, which is why he folds his arms as he leans against the wall. “You still seem a little confused, is it because of the call 2 Days ago?
"Um…probably? Listen Robert…I still have..-" Andy is scurrying through some protocols but Sullivan suddenly puts his hand on them to stop Andy.
"It's been over a year since the divorce, I hope you're looking forward. I plan on marrying Chief Ross." Andy unconsciously looks up at him in annoyance and surprise.
"Todas las cosas buenas vienen de tres en tres….huh…" (All good things come in threes), Andy speaks clearly unimpressed.
"Hablas en serio, Andy?" (Are you serious?), Sullivan looks at her blankly. "You have to say that…" Sullivan huffs.
Now Andy looks at him pretty pissed. "Qué!? ok enought…go! Out of my office!"
"Andy I..-"..
"you are dismissed, now Lieutenant Sullivan!"
With a disappointed face he leaves the office, slamming the door.
"uuurgh" she growls to herself and puts her face in her hand, the other on her hip. The Team who finished breakfast, including you, heard almost the entire discussion.
“Is there something going on between the two of them?” you look at the Team questioningly.
"It was more like…they were married and have been divorced for over a year," Travis says, shaking his head.
"But…wasn't Captain Herrera still a lieutenant and subordinate to Sullivan, who was captain?"
"I still don't understand why they got married so quickly." Vic shrugs her shoulders.
"They were happy, it just didn't worked anymore." Warren speaks in a calm voice to mediate and change the subject. "come with probie, the hoses need to be cleaned"
Your gaze wanders to Andy in the office, but when she suddenly looks at you and stares directly into your eyes, you jump and quickly follow Warren, while Andy looks after you in confusion.
When you get to the barn, you clean the hoses, completely lost in thought. //well…despite her low rank, the captain now was dating the captain at the past…even married.// The rest of the day was pretty quiet, only a few calls were received and so everyone was able to get some rest.
At least 8 weeks passed and you have slowly but surely settled into the station. Everyone on the team genuinely supports you and Andy is slowly but surely coming to terms with her position as captain. Winter has arrived and things are also rather quiet between Andy and Sullivan. Both are focused on their work.
In the last few weeks it's just been staring. Andy knows the rules. In order not to risk anything, she tries to avoid anything conspicuous towards you and nothing more than a sweet smile happens between you.
-Aid Car19, L19, EMS19-
"Ok guys! Montgomery and Warren Aid Car, Hughes and Bishop L19! Y/N, you're coming with me! According to the interim situation report, there are several hikers who got separated and some drivers who can't get out of the snow. Act quickly and precisely. In this cold weather you all need every single bit of energy you can save!
"Always go in a team of two, never alone! If you get lost here, any rescue might come too late…". Everyone gets into their vehicles, including you and me into the EMS of the 19.
"This is my first time in the snow" you drive along the snow path in the city, it's difficult to see anything.
"Then pay attention and learn today. It will take all of your concentration." Andy looks at you and changes her gaze to the white snowy world outside.
"Captain, we were able to save the first drivers, now we'll keep looking!" Travis said.
"copy", Andy looks out the window more and more worried. "Stop here, we'll continue here on foot. Make sure we stay together and one step at a time!" Andy looks at you seriously
"understood!" You walk together along a narrow path for almost 2 hours.
"They must have passed here. They set up flags to mark them." Andy points to the small flags and the moment she approaches one flag she steps on loose ice that is hidden under the snow which breaks off and Andy literally falls backwards in slow motion before your eyes and slides down a high cliff. "Captain!!" you immediately look carefully and think about what to do. "Help…I have to get help!". You pick up the walkie talkie.
"Y/N at station 19, I need support immediately! The captain has fal-en o-f a c-i-f! I repe-d! Ca-t-in---fa---c--"
You look at your walkie talkie and shake it. "do you copy!?" Without an answer, you slowly look down in despair and see Andy lying quietly in the snow. "Come on…" You collect all the flags at the edge of the abyss to mark the spot. You also look for gasoline in one of the abandoned cars, which luckily one of the vehicles had in the trunk. "Ok…Captain!" However, you call without an answer and try to climb down the slope without any climbing gear.
You slowly come down a few steps, slide down the last few meters and immediately run to Andy.
"Captain! hey do you hear me!? wake up!" When you turn around, you see a small bloody head injury. Covered by a hidden stone under all the snow. With a hand on her neck you feel her pulse, which is there, but Andy is slowly cooling down from the cold. "Captain Herrera…please…wake up!" you pull her closer to you to warm her. "Andy…wake up…please…" She slowly wakes up and looks at you confused. "what…what happened!?" Andy slowly sits up and holds her injured head.
"You fell down a cliff and because that wasn't enough you hurt your head, you have to stay awake otherwise you might not wake up again." Andy looks at your gas and is now shaking more than noticeably.
"We have to build a fire. We need firewood." Andy stands up slowly, but immediately falls over again.
"I'm going to collect something, there's enough lying around here. The petrol will make it burn faster" you get up and collect a good amount of wood as quickly as possible and then put it together to form a fire pit. "Use just a little gas…we have to be economical in case we're stuck here for a long time." The words shock you more than they should and you look at Andy in surprise. "I tried to reach our people via radio…but I don't know if it reached our station.
Andy's whole body is shaking like never before. "w…we will die he..-"- "Nobody dies here today!" Despair spreads through you, but Andy looks at you demandingly. "We'll be saved here…we just have to hold on for a while…" Andy can hardly speak anymore because of the cold. "Come here…we should cuddle as close to each other as possible to warm each other up." Andy looks at you completely cold and you don't hesitate and sit down next to Andy, who puts her arms around you.
It's like you can hear her heartbeat, it only makes your cheeks blush even more, just like Andy's. "Feeling better?" Andy tries to smile. "my first snow call and I almost die…what a day…"
"I told you that no one would die here today…say that again and I'll stop your mouth." Andy looks at you half present. "If you die I-" you can't get any further because of Andy's lips resting on yours. It's a gentle kiss, making the blush shoot completely from your fingers to your face. "A…Andy…you hit your head" You look at her softly, whispering quietly.
"Wait…." you get up and hear a helicopter nearby. "the gasoline!" You grab the gasoline and pour almost all of it onto the wood, causing a large amount of black smoke to rise.
"I told you we wouldn't die here today!" Andy gets up and suddenly vomits. "Captain! Your head…" You can just catch her as she collapses again.The helicopter recognizes the signal and the team from Station 19 finally reaches you. Andy is taken to the hospital as quickly as possible and treated there, just like you.
After 3 days of absence, Andy finally wakes up. "hey…oh god finally! Doctor Shepperd! She's awake!" Amelia comes in immediately and looks at the values, checks her eyes and smiles. "Very good, you're out of the woods for now." Andy looks at you. "What exactly happened?" You exchange worried looks with Amelia.
"Memory loss can occur, but it shouldn't be very serious." Amelia checks some more data and then leaves the room.
"Captain…get well again quickly" You look at her with a gentle smile but Andy ignores your look. “Of course” you go off to work, not noticing Andy watching you go, completely lost in thought and touching her lips.
next chapter will comming <3
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slvt4em1lyprenti2s · 1 year
Captain Bishop
Originally posted on my Wattpad @MayaBishop_is_myWife
Relationship: Maya Bishop x fem!reader Fluff
Word count: 2.6k
Y/N POV:  I feel my nerves going wild as I walk through the doors of Station 19. I used to work at Station 10 but, I got offered a position here for what reason i'm still unsure but, who says no to a job at the 19? I am really excited because I've heard so many stories about these guys and they're basically famous in the firefighter world.
I look around for a second before seeing someone walking my way.  Andy - "Hey can I help you?" she said with a warm smile.  Y/N - "Yeah, un I'm your transfer from Station 10." Andy - "Oh yeah y/l/n (your last name) right?" Y/N - "Yeah that's me." Andy - "Okay great, uhm I'll go get Captain Bishop to give you the run down." Y/N - "Okay thank you." Andy - "Oh, I'm Andrea Herrera by the way, but call me Andy."  She extended her hand for me to shake and I took it. Y/N - "Okay Andy." She gave me a smile and turned towards a door that I assume leads to the Captain's office, considering it had 'Captain Bishop' plastered across the front I would think I'm right, and she knocked on the door opened it and said Andy - "Hey Bishop the new girl's here"  Maya - "Send her in."
I walk in and sitting behind the desk is probably the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen, and I've seen many in my time. Her piercing blue eyes stared at me her beautiful blonde hair slicked back into a ponytail and a smile on her lips, wow. I sit down on one of the chairs on the opposite side of the desk and wait for her to say something. She speaks up as soon as I sit down. Maya - "Hey, so I'm Captain Maya Bishop, I don't really care if you call me Maya, or Bishop or Captain, like I really don't care but there are a few ground rules here so.." She explains all the rules about the Station like not taking other people things, or food out of the fridge for that matter, or when you're on Aid Car you don't go on calls no matter how big, you stay on your task, and most of all don't be rude or cruel to the others. She told me they're like family and family have each others back which I though was really sweet. Maya - "So now that that's over and done with, let's give you a tour of the place."
She began to lead me round the Station, showed me the locker area, changing rooms, inventory rooms, bedroom type things and so on.
The last place of the list was the beanery because that's when I'd meet everyone. We walked in while the team were eating their breakfast and chatting amongst themselves. Maya - "And this is the beanery the best place in the Station in my opinion."  The crew chuckled and murmured in agreement with her before realising she was giving me a tour. Jack - "Oh hey, you're the transfer from 10 aren't you?" Y/N - "Yeah I am, I'm y/n y/l/n by the way." Jack - "Jack Gibson." Vic - "Victoria Hughes, but everyone calls me vic." Travis - "Travis Montgomery." Dean - "Dean Miller." Andy - "I already told you my name so don't expect another introduction." Everyone laughed at her antics and then invited me and Maya to sit down.
The first minute was awkward but after the ice broke a bit it felt like we'd all been friends our entire lives. I sat next to Maya and to say I was a little nervous would be a massive understatement. I mean, who wouldn't be nervous, she's literally perfect but, she's my captain, she's Captain Bishop and I can't have feeling like that towards my Captain so I just tried to push those thoughts to the back of my mind while we were talking with everyone which surprisingly worked.
Time skip
By this point we were all just doing mind numbing chores like checking the hoses and stocking the rigs when the klaxon rang out.  Klaxon - "Aid Car 19 respond, Apartment fire Maine Street" We all rushed to get our gear on and got in the trucks. Andy was driving, I was in the back and Maya was in the front with Andy. Me and Maya had to stick together today because I'm new and she's the Captain or something like that. I didn't really understand I mean it's not like I'm a rookie I just transferred but whatever, I get to spend the entire shift with Maya, I'm not complaining. Andy slows down and comes to a stop outside a 5 story apartment building with a raging fire on the 3rd floor that was ripping its way through the building. Maya - "Okay people listen up! Herrera, Gibson go get the hoses set up and ready for use, Montgomery, Miller, Hughes start evac in the building get everyone out of there!"  She was so hot when giving orders. Oh my god. I've got to stop thinking like that.  Maya - "y/l/n, you're with me. We're doing a sweep of the building, look for structural damage that could cause harm or poses a threat to our team or possible vics inside and close any and every fire door in that place to help get this beast under control you got it?" Y/N - "Got it Captain." Maya - "Good, okay come on people let's roll."  She yelled that last part out to everyone.
We put on our masks and hooked up our oxygen tanks and set off into the building, the first floor was completely untouched by the fire and only a very small amount of smoke was coming through the vents and a lot of people were already waiting there for evacuation. The same can't be said for the second floor though. The fire had already ripped through the walls and smoke was heavy. It was really fast spreading too, we were dealing with a big one.
As we are making our way through I hear a creaking noise and head to check it out, the fire has spread to the support beams, the building is officially extremely unstable. I radio in my findings and tell Maya. Maya - "Okay, damn. We're gunna have to work a lot quicker than what we though. I've swept the whole of my side are you done?"  Y/N - "Yep, no vics and fire doors are closed." Maya - "Okay good, we're heading up onto the floor that the fire started on so please be careful while we're up there okay?" Y/N - "I will be, same goes for you okay?" Maya - "Yeah don't worry your pretty little head about me." I chuckled and followed behind her as we walked to the stairwell. She had an unfamiliar softness in her tone when she told me to be careful, it wasn't the kind of careful you'd say to anyone or in like a 'you're my friend so I care about you' way, I don't know it was just different. But, I need to put that aside because we have bigger problems right now.
As soon as we open the door to the 3rd floor a wave of heat washes over us, making the pair of us step back a bit.  Maya - "Wow, you got your fire extinguisher?"  Y/N - "Yep, you got yours?" Maya - "Yeah, don't be shy to use it okay? This is a big one and I don't  want you getting injured." Y/N - "Same goes for you Maya, don't try to be a hero, put yourself first."  She smiled before walking in and telling me to take the right side and she'll take the left. 
It had been about 20 minutes since we parted ways and I had just shut the last door and finished my sweep. I looked around and there was no sign of Maya anywhere.  Over radio -  Y/N - "Captain you there?" ~ static Y/N - "Captain Bishop?" ~ static Y/N - "Maya, I need an update." ~ static
Shit. I quickly switch channels and say I'm not getting a response from Maya so I'm going to look for her.  Over radio -  Jack - "Do not go in there alone, wait for backup. That's an order from your lieutenant y/l/n." Y/N - "Gibson! I need to go in it's been over 20 minutes since we split off to sweep so who knows how long she's been down," I say in anger, "I'm going on whether you like it or not." Jack - "Hey! Y/l/n don't you da-"
I switched back to the channel me and Maya were using and tried radioing her again. Still no response. I begin to trace her steps looking at hallways with closed fire doors, which she's obviously not down because she'd close the doors as she comes out so she doesn't block herself in, and finally I see one that's completely open all the way down apart from one, right at the end of the corridor.
As I make my way down I hear that dreaded beep. It was Maya's PASS device. Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. I quietly mumble to myself as I pick up the pace and follow the sound.
I come to a room and see a collapsed, actually I don't even know what that is but Maya's under it so right now it doesn't matter what it is. I manoeuvre around it and pull up one side that snaps off and i throw it in the other direction. I pull up piece after piece until I finally see her red hard hat sticking out. I don't exactly know what came over me, probably adrenaline but after seeing that I placed my hands under that slab and lift it off her in one big motion. 
I immediately crouch down and check her pulse, stable and strong. Good. As I'm doing this a piece of wall collapses right next to us. So that's what it was. Because of this Maya begins to stir as I try to give her my oxygen mask. Maya - "What happened- hey no no no, you need that." Y/N - "and? so do you, you were crushed by a wall." As I said this another massive flame went up opposite us. Maya - "Y/n listen to me, leave me here, get out now." Y/N - "No way, I'm not leaving you behind, nothing you can say will make me change my mind." Maya - "Y/n pleas-" I cut her off before she can say anything else by licking her up bridal style and I begin walking out of the building. At that point back up had arrived and we're just arriving on the 3rd floor as I was carrying Maya out.  Jack - "I told you not to go in alone!" Y/N - "Yeah well, when your Captain's PASS device is going off and she's being crushed by a wall in a burning building, there isn't really any time to wait for back up Gibson." He sighs and agrees as we walk out. Andy and Jack had handed off the hoses to Vic and Travis and Dean was helping patch people up so, they finished our sweep while I carried Maya out the building. 
As soon as we got outside I took her mask of so she could breath and then took off my own. I walked over to the rig and set her down on a stretcher. She had slipped unconscious again at this point. I put the oxygen mask over her and checked her vitals.  Dean - "Hey, what happened? I heard some commotion on the radio." Y/N - "A wall collapsed on her so I had to get her out but so far from what I can tell from the work up she has no crush injury's and her vitals are stable so she would be just fine." Dean - "That's good, and thank you for saving her y/n. Means a lot and, is a very good first impression." I chuckle and say no problem. My attention is them drawn back to the stunning blonde woman i front of me as she begins to stir.  Maya - "Hey, what happened? Am I okay? I mean I'm not in any pain so I assume I'm okay." Y/N - "Yeah surprisingly you're completely fine, you must be the chosen one or something because when most people have a wall collapse on them they sustain some form of crush injury's but you? None." Maya - "It's because I'm just so awesome and intimidating that the wall was too scared to hurt me." Y/N - "Oh really?" Maya - "Yeah, mhm." I started giggling at her antics "What? You don't think I'm intimidating?" Y/N - "Well... I mean, a smile like yours doesn't exactly scream 'I'm scary be afraid of me!' to be completely honest with you."  Maya - "What's that supposed to mean? You think I've got a nice smile? Because if so then I think your smile is stunning just for the record" Y/N - "I think you've got a beautiful smile. I think you're beautiful."  Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink with this comment and she looked down. Maya - "Thanks, oh and thanks for saving my life as well." Y/N - "All in a days work." Maya - "Oh my god that is so corny!" I laugh at her comment and her smile just widens at me. Maya - "What can I do to repay you?" Y/N - "Now you sound corny, but in all honesty, you don't have to give me anything. It's not like I was just gunna leave you." Maya - "I know what I can do." Y/N - "Oh yeah, and what's that gunna be?" I ask teasingly. She grabs my hand and gets off the stretcher and drags me into the rig. Maya - "Come closer." I take a step closer to her and her other and finds it's way to my hips while the other still clutches my hand. She's a few center meters taller than me so I have to look up at her, her shining blue eyes that are usually so hard to read are now filled with love and care. I blush and look down. She brings a finger to my chin and makes me look up at her. Maya - "Hey, don't look away. Then I won't get to see your pretty face and, I won't get to give you your payment." Y/N - "Which is?" I ask completely clueless as to what's about to happen. She takes one look at me and her eyes flick down to my lips before she leans in. I was shocked at first and didn't respond but after snapping back to reality I kissed her back. Our mouths glided against  each other as if we'd done it a million times before. Her soft lips felt like heaven on mine. She ran her tongue across my bottom lip asking for access with I happily granted. My hand made its way up into her hair as her hand that was on my hips gravitated towards my waist. I pulled away to catch my breath. Y/N - "You know that was probably the best payment ever." Maya - "Really? Well you'll love the next part back at my house tonight, and tomorrow night at Joe's when I take you out." Y/N - "Oh really?" Maya - "Yep, so what do you say?" She seemed nervous. I made the Maya Bishop nervous? Wow. Y/N - "I would love to, especially the first part." She laughed and gave me a peck on the lips and let go of me. Maya - "I'll see you after the shift then." I said bye and watched her leave to go help patch up some vics.
How had I gotten so lucky?
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