#ANYWAYS! time to do my law readings now hahaha
desparaic · 2 months
Imagine Rengoku's son traveling to the past pt.2
Rengoku X Fem! Reader
Also in the future, there’s a long pause after red light arc. Hence tengen already retired in Future Son’s timeline. and [spoiler alert] yes we will absolutely ignore the mark curse
read part 1 here.
“Oh, what breathing technique do you use?”
You ask your…. son? kid? dang you never thought you would be able to say that to a teenager this early in your life, especially when you’re not long into the marriage
“Flame breathing!” He says with a proud grin (why this kid so cute you wanna coddle him to death)
“Following your father’s footstep, I see! Did he teach you personally?” You smile, thinking about your husband teaching your son swordsmanship. Ugh the thought of it makes your heart melt.
“Nope. From Grandfather!”
Grandfather??? Like Rengoku’s father??? Your father in law???? The man who can’t even get up and do something else other than drinking and yelling at other people?????
He taught your son flame breathing?????
You are confusion
You ask why didn’t his father teach him instead
“… Anyway! Do you want to spar?”
This kid—
okay, well, clearly he doesn’t want to talk about it. Maybe he’s on bad terms with his father???
But you can’t imagine Kyojuro being a bad father or someone who has a tense relationship with his kids. The last thing he wants to be is to be like his father. You know that. He himself told you that before.
So maybe he’s just in the middle of an argument with his father??? Like… a really long one…
yeah that could be it
So you decide to spar with him (you don’t have anything else to do anyway other than walking around the nearby village)
you kick his butt
It feels refreshing and fun. not because you’re beating your future child.
You never have this feeling sparring with anyone before. It’s cute. You’re experiencing a mother-son time except…. you ain’t a mother yet… but you are— will??? idk
In the middle of sparring (how many rounds has it been??), Kyojuro appears with a big grin, before it fades and he tilts his head confusedly.
Hooo boy
Both of you whip your head to see him
Bless your husband, he isn’t even phased that there’s a rando lookin like he’s his clone
BUT YOU HECKAAA EXCITED, about to tell Kyojuro that he’s—
You see your (future) son’s conflicted face contorted to anger, then calm. “Ah. I’ll take my leave right now. I’m thirsty.”
He leaves just like that.
You’re confused
has future you ever taught him manners
Is… Was the argument that bad????
Poor Kyojuro is so confused, looking at the boy leaving.
“Who was that young fellow?”
You explain that that’s his son
His face shows a split second of surprise before it immediately switches to excitement
(he doesn’t even ask how that’s possible like ok)
Yes, yes you just told him that of course you know lol
But you’re so confused as to why your son would just leave like that. You honestly expect him to be just as excited to see his dad like he did with you
and so
the chaos and conflicts and confusion and everything related ensues
Practically everyone knows your future son is here
They’re dying to meet him
Uzui is proud of what he has become. Man’s flamboyant. can even take a hard pat on his back! (he nearly died)
Mitsuri is so excited!!! She keeps giving him sakura mochi and all other snacks and talks to him a lot!!! Sees him as her lil bro ngl (tho technically it should be nephew)
Shinobu too is very sweet towards him and tells him he’s welcome anytime to the Butterfly Estate to just have tea and chat (every time they interact your son’s face turns tomato red. does he have a school boy crush????)
Tomioka is just happy the boy talks to him often
its cute. you can tell he admires the water hashira a lot
Sanemi scoffs and thinks he still has a long way until he is strong
like who tf think does this kid think he is
but he supposes the kid has potential
Obanai acknowledges him and greets him even though he scares your son sometimes
Gyomei. Cats. lots of pats. lots of fluff. nuff said
Muichiro always forgets his name
Tanjiro is super shocked but is happy to get along with Rengoku’s future son!! Nezuko takes a liking to him immediately and warms up to him (Zenitsu seething rn)
surprisingly inosuke oddly silent around him at first…. before he inevitably challenges him to a fight
The son ofc know who they all are (he still does not like young Zenitsu)
Also, he nearly spilled Tanjiro and Kanao’s future relationship oops ig at the present they aint tgt yet 🤷‍♂️
They all think he’s great!
But… there is one thing for sure
And what confuses them the most
is that he absolutely hates the mention of his father
Whenever someone brings up the fact he looks just like Rengoku or they compare the father and son, boy gets real upset and angry
Like??? huh???
You’d thinking a kid would be proud to have someone like Rengoku as their father
Apparently not
Kyojuro catches on to this.
I mean, its hard not to tell that every time he approaches the boy, he just pretends the hashira never exist
Kyojuro kinda concerned and worried
And frankly, he’s kinda sad too.
He wants to spend his time with his future son before who knows when he’ll return back to his time!
Eventually, Rengoku catches him a place where the kid can’t escape easily
He asks the kid what is wrong and what is really going on
Dang… it really hurt seeing your own kid (even though technically not yet) glaring at you like that
The kid only grumbles excuses and that’s it
Kyojuro gently tries to push him to open up
Really wants to know what’s going on poor man please give him a break
“I can tell you don’t like to converse with me… why is that? I would love to get to know my own son!”
Rengoku Kyojuro would never expect that sentence would completely make his own future kid snap.
“Son??? Hah. Sure.”
The??? Audacity???
My man Kyojuro isn’t even phased (again, bless his patient heart) he’s just confused
What does that mean?
“Did… I do something…?”
“Something???? Something…?????” the boy clenched his jaw, “Don’t act like you care.”
… But he does tho.
At this point the flame hashira just wants to know what he did wrong to make him so mad
“Oh, you really wanna know what you did?” He says in such a bitter tone. Whatever Kyojuro did, he musta pissed him reeaaal off.
“… Fine. Not like it’ll change anyway considering how easily you threw us away.”
“You hurt Mother. You left her when she needed you the most. You left us! Because you think your job is better than this little family!”
“I’m… I’m sorry, I don’t und-“
“When she needed you the most, you just up and left her! Just like that! What do you think I’ll feel about that, huh?”
Kyojuro… did that? He can’t even fathom leaving you for a split second! What was future him thinking?
“You left Mother! When I was still… When she was still pregnant and needed you… You chose to go on a mission instead of being there for her!”
“Do you know how much my mother begged you not to go? How she endlessly express her worries and concerns, even though she never doubted you before??���
“Do you know how much it hurt her when you promised her nothing will happen, only for some crow to announce that you died in a fight with an Upper Moon, a fight you could’ve avoided! A FIGHT THAT YOU SO SELFISHLY WENT ON AND JUST DIED?!”
Hold on…
Hang on—
I was supposed to finish this all in one post, but I reached the limit… Gonna post part 3 soon
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writingpracticetime · 10 months
Did you have any thoughts, story-wise, on what Sandy herself thinks of all this and what her circumstances are? There are of course the inferences that can be made from that letter she got sent (and more specifically that it was turned over unopened) but is/was she in the public eye? Is she kept under close observation in case Constructor/Architect tries to approach her directly, and so on?
Oh I absolutely do have story thoughts about Sandy's opinions on everything. But the trouble with Sandy is--
Excerpts from recordings of meetings between the Architect and various associates.
--and, sorry, remind me why we care?
We need to try to anticipate the general public objections to this. We won't be able to avoid them, not when we're going to be breaking so many laws. But we can at least anticipate them and get our own narrative out in advance. 
I don't think you get the question. We're villains. Why are we tiptoeing around "public objections?"
Because, this is ultimately for the public. We need to try and get out the word about how people are asking for our help, so people know we're responding to their needs. Besides, we can’t accomplish anything for the public without the public. Like Sandy said.
My--nevermind. Anyway, as I said, let me try to figure things out with Lethe for a minute.
Alright, alright. I needed to head out anyway, just call me when you have an idea of what shit you want me to spread online.
(Shuffling, people leaving and closing the door behind them.) 
So you should have a better idea of what people are going to say to all of this. (Pause) Lethe?
Sandy...? Cassandra White?
You know her?! (Pause) Wait, then--what does she think about me now? Has she--
Oh, u-uh no, sorry. I haven't--I never met her, never stood close enough to read her mind certainly. I-I wouldn't know what she thinks about you.
I just... heard a lot about her.
...Funny. Not many people have.
Yeaaaaah, um.
Blog post by Edward Katzenberger, journalist. Later removed and found on wayback.archive.org.
So, my long term followers all know about my hilariously derailed profile of Constructor assigned shortly before the stadium incident. I’ve kept you all abreast of the many, many delays related to high security super prisons and then my subject running off to start a supervillain career. Because of course, the second I get assigned this extremely exciting personality piece, Constructor becomes completely unreachable.
Alright, well, you might not believe me, but Constructor's manager/agent turned out to be even harder to reach.
At the time, I decided to take the "Frank Sinatra Has a Cold" approach and paint a portrait of Constructor based on the testimonies of coworkers, friends and family. I then found out that I could get testimonies from construction workers and urban planners about what the hero was like to work with (largely positive, if saddened by the recent turn of events) but nothing on what this incredibly beloved figure was like as a friend or family member.
The one thing I kept hearing from everyone was "Cassandra White would know more. The two of them seemed really close."
Now there was a problem: I couldn't find out who the fuck Cassandra White was.
You got a--Oh, sorry. Working on something right now?
Not work. I'm just-- (sounds of paper, flipping and folding it as Bonfire gets close) Just writing something.
Just scrawling out some thoughts, I guess.
Mm. (Quiet) What are you both looking at me for?!
What was that about?
What was what about??
Something about the writing...?
Nothing! Nothing about the writing. I was just, I was making a noise. Thinking about something else, hahaha.
.....What is it?
Nothing! ... Lethe.
I'm sorry! Don't be mad at me!
I'm not mad! That was just--that was private.
What was private?
(After a pause) ...I was just writing to Sandy again.
(Irritated, sizzling noise) Ah, right. Sandy.
See! This is why I didn't want to tell you.
I don't see why you couldn't--
Leaving! I'm leaving!
It turns out Cassandra White was Constructor’s agent. I try to look her up online and? Nothing. No facebook profile, no personal website, not even a LinkedIn. 
That has to be odd for someone who works in PR, right?
I do a little searching to find the agents of other superheroes. I contacted one, and got an interview. I've lost the thread of trying to piece together Constructor's life but I'm curious dammit. I mention the issue I've had with finding her anywhere. He nods his head while I explain the wild goose chase I've been on.
"Well, White is a whole other ballgame," he says. "She took her privacy seriously, and I'm also pretty sure she scrubbed a lot of her history. She was meticulous about records--knowing names in media, tech, and various public archives who could help you scrub a dumb tweet before it snowballed into a PR crisis for your client."
"You can get rid of internet records?"
"Well, not easily. And not after people realize they're important, that's for sure," he said. "I once told her things on the internet are forever. She said, 'No. If people pay attention, then they're forever. But if no one cares in the first place, then it never existed at all.'"
"So there was a process she used to make sure people's images stayed clean," I said, "And she used the same process to make herself a ghost?"
"I imagine so. I mean, she's retired from being an agent and has her fingers in all sorts of other pies these days. Businesses, investments, politics. Plus, I imagine becoming a billionaire or whatever has made her priorities shift."
Billionaire. I think I almost choked on my coffee. "You can become a billionaire from being a PR agent?"
"You can't," he said. "But White did."
--nd now that we got that patched up, this is the part where you tell my why the fuck the police caught you anyway.
Uhh... Dunno. Not sure how they found me.
Where did they track you down?
Um... I'm not feeling up for this conversation right now.
It was that new square in York XIV that looks like a Whole Foods staged a violent invasion.
....okay, is there a reason you decided to be wandering alone around in an area with shit ton of white moms ready to call the police on your ass?
....Yeah, I was alone because I thought everyone here would tell me not to go. (Sigh) Look, I'm not gonna–
(poking head in) The Whole Foods place? Oy, isn't that where that old chick you're stalking has a house?
I'm not--I was delivering a letter.
 ....wait a minute, I remember this. "Sandy" right? Your mom? The one who turned you into the FBI?
She's not my mom. (Pause) And no, she turned in my letter--which she would have to, if she was being monitored. I thought if I--
Wasn't she also a racist? Wasn't that a whole fight you had with Bonfire?
(Judgmental) You act all woke and then you go and try to be friends a racist who lives in the Whole Foods district.
She's not a--That's not what the fight--this is why I went alone!
This conversation afforded me with a lot of more information which I am saving for a piece on the lives of superhero PR agents, which I am now utterly fascinated by. Regarding Cassandra White, the other significant info it afforded me was that Cassandra White does in fact have a twitter account that I missed in my earlier search.
I looked into it. It's the most inoffensive twitter account I've ever seen. It feels like it was generated on a factory belt. There is a headshot of an older white woman--Cassandra White herself, it seems--as the profile pic. She tweets very rarely herself, and instead seems to mostly retweet news updates and positive platitudes or quotes from historical figures. The tweets she does make are all of an extremely inoffensive liberal variety, with the spiciest being one gentle snipe at the Republican party.
There is one other hint of her personality on this twitter. It’s an unexpected photo from inside her home, one with a quick caption that says she regularly uses a whiteboard to write out her resolutions and thoughts, and that she finds the process to clarify her goals and values. 
It reads:
Alright, alright. We can talk more about this tomorrow but for now tell them no more death matches and any blood feuds need to be put on hold when they enter this fortress.
(Grunts) Pussy move.
I don't care if it's a pussy move.
Ahem--what if I made the point that you're being culturally insensitive by imposing your mainstream standards of civility on a subculture of people, villains, who have their own values in how they deal with conflict, and--
I know you bet on the fights and you're not changing my mind.
No fun. (sigh) Lethe, I TOLD you not to snitch on me!
I didn't!
Anyway, we can figure out a more long term solution for dealing with serious vendettas but for now--I'm tired. I have something else I need to work on. Tell them not to kill each other.
What are you writing that's more important than a potential deathmatch, anyway?
Nothing. Just-- (Shuffling of papers) leave me to it for tonight. I don't want to set a precedent where I rush over every time someone wants to kill someone else, because given the personalities here that would mean never having any time.
(Grumbling and footsteps as people shuffle out, followed by writing noises.)
What? (Pause) You know what I'm doing.
The last time you tried to deliver something….
I'll send someone else to deliver it.
(More scribbling. Deep breath.)
I lied. I read her mind. She doesn't care about you.
(Writing stops. After a slight pause, there is the sound of paper crinkling and Lethe gasps and steps back.)
Don’t be mad at me!
(Deep, strained breath) I’m not mad. You're just wrong.
I could literally read her mind!
Okay, you're not wrong.  You're lying.
What? I'm not!
(Fuming) You think I'm an idiot just because I haven't been calling you out on it? Everyone here knows you lie about what your powers show you whenever it suits your purposes.
(Wobbly) I--I don't have a reason to lie about this!
You don't have a reason that I know. But you are such a fucking liar. No one in the fortress trusts a thing you say, and you know it. 
Th-that's not--That's not relevant! Oh my god, you're literally never going to even consider this, a-are you? That she was just using you for the cut of your paycheck, making her fortune...
I'm not going to re-evaluate a decade long perception of a loved one based on the words of a known liar, Lethe. Get out.
(Rumbling, cracking of the floor.)
I said get out!
The twitter account confirms she exists and nothing else. I couldn't tell you what the woman thinks about anything. On a website people use to blast their opinions to the world at all hours, this one seems specifically built to deny the existence of any individual opinions or personality. 
I scrolled all the way back to the time period during which Constructor would have had the big public meltdown at the stadium. I used the wayback machine to see if there were any deleted tweets, just in case she said anything in a fit of frustration or grief and deleted it.
But during the time where she would have been watching Constructor's breakdown, a time when everyone in the world had something to say about what Constructor had done--nothing.
Cassandra White, Constructor's closest person, had nothing to say about them at all.
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
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Ruby: “Okay, so then we got on top of the train right? ‘Cause there’s no way we could leave the Grimm fighting to the train’s defenses and just those 2 huntsmen!”
Weiss: “Especially because, well, let’s just say they didn’t exactly inspire confidence when we first met them. And then their performance only confirmed our suspicions.”
Ruby: “Yeah, they weren’t too good, but we did awesome!  The things attacking the train were manticores and Sphinxes; a whole pack or swarm or. . . Penny what’s the correct term?”
Penny: “As they are flying Grimm, it would usually be considered a flock.”
Ruby: “A whole flock of them! I had never fought them before! Their huge fangs were so cool! They were. . . Just like this:”
Ruby, before Weiss can realize what she’s doing and stop her, puts chop sticks in her mouth
Ruby: “Like this: RAWR! I read they can go through a foot of steel!”
Weiss: “Ruby! We’ve all fought them before now and we’re in public! Where are your manners?”
Winter: “Hahaha. . . Weiss, you said that it was a pain to get Ruby through your Grimm studies class. She seems rather interested in them.”
Weiss: “Her interest is directly correlated to how cool it looks. Just try to get her to learn boarbatusk herding behavior.”
Penny: “Really that’s actually a rather fascinating thing!”
Ruby: Anyway back to the story! So: At first we could handle them pretty easy; I cut the first one down and in half with one swipe after it went past Yang and Blake!”
Weiss: “After which you decided was the perfect time to pose and taunt the Grimm. So I had to save your butt when one came from behind you.”
Ruby: “Hehe. . . I knew no matter what I would be fine because you were there! You always save me, all of us actually! Everyone owes you so much!”
Weiss: “Oh she’s exaggerating. We all always help each other when we can. . . You saved me right after that remember? There was a tunnel coming, and we were running back to the hatch, when I was hit by a fireball from one of the Grimm.”
Ruby: “And I grabbed you by the wrist and petal bursted you into the train! The red and blue spiral we made was so cool!”
Penny: “If you saved each other then it seems like you’re even one to one!”
Ruby: “Maybe if it was only that! But Weiss saved us all, and me specifically, a lot later too! Like when we were still on the train a fireball took out the tracks and Weiss’s glyphs made it so we didn’t crash as hard! She probably saved us all!”
Weiss: “I didn’t help that much; we still crashed.”
Winter: “A full train? That’s very powerful for your glyphs Weiss. I’m impressed.”
Weiss: “It was only a few empty cars because we had already detached most of it.”
Winter: “Still my point stands.”
Ruby: “And later when we were fighting Cordovian and her mech, sorry about the whole. . . All of that by the way,”
Winter: “You did what you had to. And anyway. . . And. . . Let’s say there’s a reason that woman is stationed where she is.”
Penny: “Even if you all collectively broke 137 laws and ordinances, which would result in almost assured life imprisonment if it was ever prosecuted.”
Weiss: “How very comforting.”
Ruby: “So anyway when she tried to blast us the canon on that thing, Weiss put up a rock wall and saved us from getting blasted!”
Winter: “Thats a rather high degree excessive force.”
Penny: “And against regulations for use of that machine.”
Weiss: “Thats what we were saying! Except the regulations part. But Ruby; before that you saved all of us from the apathy, terrible things by the way, they drain you like one of Father’s self promotion parties, with your eyes. And you almost stopped the leviathan.”
Ruby: “Sure, but against Cordovian she saved me from falling twice! And it was only with your lancer that I was able to do that! Admit it Weiss: you’re a life saver. Literally.”
Weiss: “Well, I cant exactly let you get hurt if I can avoid it, can I? I like all of us, but especially you too much.”
Ruby: “And I’ll always be thankful.”
Penny: “When we fought Cinder, Winter and I saved each other too!”
Ruby: “Ooo! Tell us! We haven’t heard enough about your fight!”
Weiss: “Yes, please do.”
Penny: “So when I was with Fria and. . . She was passing on. . . Cinder has gotten back inside because Fria wasn’t making a wall of cold anymore! She sent her Grimm arm towards us but Winter jump in and cut it off just in time!”
Winter: “And that’s how I got into the fight that almost, and would have, killed me you two not showed up; because by that time my aura was already broken. . . From when Penny saved me earlier. . .”
Weiss: “What happened?”
Winter: “Cinder pushes both me and Penny through the walls, so we were fighting in the air. Penny and Cinder can fly of course, so I was using my manticore summon,”
Ruby: “You have a manticore summon!? That’s so cool! Weiss you need to make one!”
Weiss: “SSSSHH!”
Winter: “We tried to double team her; flying at her from two directions. But she was smarter than I had hoped. . . When I was attacking alone she destroyed my summon with her swords, then sent a fireball to destroy my aura.”
Weiss: Gasp
Winter: “I would have assuredly fallen to my death below. . . But instead of following Cinder. . . Penny saved me.”
Penny: “Yet the first thing you did was scold me for it.”
Winter: “I thought we may have just lost everything to Cinder. . . In that case my life really doesn’t matter.”
Penny, putting her hand over Winter’s: “Winter, I said this back then, and I mean it maybe even more now: you’re life does matter. At least to me. And it always will.”
Winter looked at Penny, who’s green eyes stared back. Sometimes she would forget that Penny was technically a machine; because she could see what was behind all of the sensors and cameras
A soul
A soul that really did love her. And one she loved back
Leaning forward, she was reminded yet again how human Penny’s lips were too
Ruby, staring at this adorable display: “. . . Weiss. . . Remember how we said we’d thank each other later, on the train?”
Weiss, a little uncomfortable at her sister making out in front of her: “Y-Yeah, I do. Why-“
Ruby takes a soft hold of Weiss, and looks into her eyes for a second. Before closing hers, and leaning in
The kiss caught Weiss off guard, but after a millisecond she melted in Ruby’s liplock embrace, and returned the favor
After a few moments of being lost in bliss, Ruby pulled back
And Weiss regained her normal senses
Weiss: “RUBY ROSE! What have I told you about making out with me in public!? I explicitly told you not to embarrass me I front of my sister!!”
Ruby: “But you still seemed to enjoy it!”
Weiss: “T-that doesn’t mean anything!”
Winter, having gotten done with her own kiss: “Weiss, calm down, please give the girl a break. It’s just because she loves you. . . And don’t think it should be embarrassing in respect to me: I’m happy you have someone like Ruby.”
Penny: “And Schnees are difficult to resist. One can’t blame her for wanting to kiss a snow angel.”
Ruby: “Yeah exactly! They are really sensational aren’t they Penny?”
Penny: “They are! Perfect in most ways my sensors can measure! We are so lucky to have them!”
Weiss: “I. . . I suppose we might be the lucky ones, aren’t we Winter?”
Winter: “That a couple of frozen women like us found red headed Dolts to melt us, and apparently quite enjoy our company? And that I must say are fairly attractive? I do think we are.”
Ruby: “. . . Penny. . . I just realized something. . . We’re going to be sisters one day!”
Penny: Excited robot noises
Winter: “I’m not sure about that, but still: I guess that means we’ll have to at least save each other until then.”
Weiss: “And we wouldn’t have it any other way.”
(Hope you like this one!)
Artist: Gardavwar
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macawritesupdates · 10 days
Ahh the lessons update was wonderful we finally made it to The Wedding they're married now!! I'm so excited for them! I saw the update and was so excited I almost wanted to I don’t know! Go run screaming around my house and then go roll around the parking lot! Hahaha OK had to borrow some of Yuuji's words to express my excitement it was great to see an update 😄 I first saw it when I woke up in the middle of the night and I couldn't help myself I stayed up reading the whole thing in one go sleep schedule be damned I kept telling myself that it would still be there in the morning but I just couldn't stop reading and can you really blame me this is the wedding chapter the most exciting chapter of all! It was great I loved Sukuna in his beautiful wedding outfit 😍. The way you write Kenjaku is top notch they're so funny here's the world's worst mother in law good luck Sukuna. Really Kenjaku has all the worst traits of a #boymom which is surprising considering they abandoned Yuuji like how are you like this you didn't even raise the kid. Super super funny though. Fuck yeah Uraume made it to the wedding! And Yuuji got to meet his brothers!! Excellent. They were so cute whispering to each other while Kenjaku just went on and on hah. Loved that Kenjaku brought a bunch of guests I'm so glad Yuuji went and made a bunch of new friends I hope he and the girls end up hanging out (in an ideal world he could show them that non sorcerers are actually not awful and help them recover from the awful hateful ideology they were raised under I have a lot of thoughts on how Geto may have loved them but by raising them to see almost all of humanity as inferior to them and also enemies that would hurt them he actually did a lot of psychological harm to them. Like damn I don't think teaching children who have been horribly abused that the world is full of evil people and killing those people is fine to do is going to help them recover from their ptsd if anything it will make it worse those girls would have had a very very hard time healing from their trauma and living good lives if they had survived I could talk more on this but I got to get back to the good stuff). It really was a delightful chapter God Yuuji knowing Sukuna reacts with (minor) violence to love is so cute he knows his man and loves him as the absolute bastard that he is. Also when they kissed a little too long and the audience started to wonder if things were going to get spicy I laughed out loud 😂. Ah I'm commenting on stuff all out of order huh well that's what I get for reading all in one sitting while mildly sleep deprived anyway loved that Sukuna has known Uraume too long to ask their gender that's great also the scene where Yuuji took the knives made the phrase "he must deknife the wife" pop into my head he knew damn well Sukuna was bringing weapons that's great. I'm running low on time and there's still so much I want to comment on 😭 ah I'll have to end this comment here and talk about all the other parts I enjoyed in a later ask until then thank you for writing and sharing with us!! I loved this one so much!!
Ahhh! I'm glad you enjoyed! <3 I always get anxious when I put out new chapters and if people will enjoy it or not ; w ; Glad to see that you liked all the little details! I don't get to write Kenny much, but he is always fun to write just because he's such a classic mad scientist with real threat hidden under a silly guise. Having him and Sukuna about to engage in a plotting war just has me cackling to the chaos that is about to occur!
Yuuji knows Sukuna well. He knows he has weapons on him. He knows he's up to something. He knows how to take care of this horrible curse that lives in his house and must be given enrichment or the world ends XD I am enjoying as things go on, Yuuji is just getting so much better at predicting and reacting to Sukuna XD Thank you again for the kind comment! <3
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double-j · 2 years
17 questions, 17 people
thank you for the tag @antiquitea
nickname: jess
sign: leo, and yes i do have the co-star app. (which today asked me "are you ignorning your sadness?" so that's great). anyway my friend who made me download the app would want me to specify that i am a leo sun, cancer moon, scorpio ascendant.
height: 5'5"
last thing i googled: how to rearrange photos on a tumblr post LOL
song stuck in head: "arabella" by arctic monkeys
number of followers: 217
amount of sleep: usually shoot for 7-8, sometimes 6. i used to be an intense sleeper, like 9-12 hours every night, it was not great. feel much more like a person now, haha
lucky number: 3
dream job: legit i do not wanna work, oops. changed my major 4 times in undergrad (econ, econ&math, computer engineering, film&tv), added a minor because i still wasn't sold on my major (poli sci), then panicked senior year and applied to law school. now i do in fact have two degrees staring at me and don't really want to do anything with either one, but couldn't tell you anything else that i'd rather do either. sometimes think i would maybe go back and do something with film&tv, like editing, but ya never know.
wearing: aerie leggings, savagexfenty ribbed tank, savagexfenty cropped hoodie, claw clip, white ankle socks seemingly from old navy. pretty much your everyday WFH fit for me, though lately i've been subbing the hoodie for a flannel.
movies/books that summarise you: omg hahaha just realizing i was thinking about this one and never changed it okay wow. give me some time and maybe i will think of something cause right now only the most tragic books and movies are coming to me and that’s just not accurate
favourite song: usual go to when asked for all time fave is "sweet child o' mine" by guns 'n roses. a mix of current and long-term faves, courtesy of my spotify wrapped hitting today: "atlantic city" by the band; "mardy bum" by arctic monkeys; "high infidelity" by taylor swift; "vanilla" by flipturn; "still the one" by shania twain; and "julia" by mt. joy.
favourite instrument: drums. have been harassing my husband to let me buy myself/buy me a drum kit.
aesthetic: just took a buzzfeed quiz that told me it's "dark academia" and also "4am at the airportcore." feel like that vaguely fits my personal style, because i typically dress like it's 4am at the airport, and on the rare occasion that i do go out i suppose it's vaguely dark academia? idk.
favorite author: ya girl reads almost exclusively romance novels, okay? so mostly whatever is recommended to me on the kindle app, recently read a ton from natasha knight. my sister is a diehard colleen hoover fan, which i have heard is vvv basic/lame (sorry if she's ur fave), and i've given her one opportunity to convince me. she has me reading november 9, and i cannot get past the first chapter right now.
random fun fact: i mean i feel like i just gave way too much info to every question above, lol, but my go to fun fact in college was always that i still have one of my baby teeth. still do now, as a 27 year old. no adult tooth was ever underneath. luckily it's a molar so not visible from the front, cause it is incredibly short.
no pressure tags: @theharddeck; @fandomxpreferences; @cherrycola27; @imjess-themess; @wildbornsiren; @roosterforme; @3tabbiesandalab; @thesewordsareallihavetogive; @justfandomwritings; @callsignvalley
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Get To Know My Character Tag
Thanks for tagging me, @writingpotato07! :D
I’ll do this for Rusudan from LSOHG:
Relationship status: Currently single. (Will marry Konstantine in book 2, leading to a enemies-to-lovers fake-dating pining-while-married fiasco that could be resolved if they just talked to each other.)
Favourite colour: Red
Favourite food: To answer this I went down a Wikipedia rabbit hole about Georgian and other Caucasian* cuisine. Now I’m hungry and really want to try some of the foods I’ve learnt about, which is impossible because there are exactly zero Georgian restaurants near me. Anyway, Rusudan’s favourite foods are khachapuri and churchkhela.
* Caucasian as in “originating in the Caucasus Mountains and surrounding areas”
Song stuck in her head: An old lullaby her grandmother used to sing to her.
Last thing she googled: Google doesn’t exist in the setting, but if she had access to it she’d probably google AO3 and spend ages reading fanfic.
Time: 10:56 P.M.
Dream trip: Back to her home village. Which is destroyed, so she can never go back.
Last thing she read: A report on a politician’s antics.
Last book she enjoyed reading: A murder mystery. It gave her ideas, unfortunately 😬
Favourite thing to cook/bake: Carrot cake. (This exists in the setting simply because I like it.)
Favourite craft to do in her free time: Sewing in general and embroidery in particular.
Most niche dislike: Silk. She hates the texture.
Opinion on circuses: Isn’t a fan. She prefers funfairs/amusement parks.
Does she have any sense of direction?: HAHAHA no. Her terrible navigation skills regularly break the laws of geography and physics. According to my notes she once set out for fantasy Portugal and ended up in fantasy Korea. No one, not even Rusudan, knows how she managed that.
Tagging @weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables, @talesfromaurea, @caligraphyzev, @whimsyqueen, @starlitpage, and anyone else who wants to do this! :D
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atopearth · 2 years
Ken ga Kimi Part 1 - Common Route
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Okay, curiosity got to me and I'm embarking on a very difficult journey! Basically, I'm playing Ken ga Kimi with my crappy Chinese lmao, and limited Japanese listening skills. I said it would be good for practising my Chinese but dang, I'm going to die with names etc haha. I have to write them down so I can refer to them loll. I'm learning stuff already though! I never realised what samurai was in Chinese. Reminds me of the days when I thought 火雞 was fire chicken, and I was like what is that new species of chicken??? And then I realised it was a turkey lmaoo. From what it seems to be showing, guess Tokugawa Iemitsu is evil🤔
Anyway, so Japan has two worlds? One (current world?) where humans, youkai and ogres (maybe better to just refer to them as oni) or something, this is the world that lives continuously in cycles, and there’s a continuous night world where time does not stop and is where the gods live? It's interesting to think there are five paths that connect the two together. Hmm it's interesting to think about a war between humans and oni (because there was a famine) where the humans actually won and kinda made a law that oni can't use katana anymore. Ooh this is the start of the Edo Shogunate~ But yeah anyway, at the same time since Japan was getting stuff like cannons etc, katana were starting to become a thing of the old days. However, due to the increasing amount of ronin, I guess they decided that samurai titles can stay I think, just so they'll stop complaining about the ban on katana? Anyway, the sword tournament sounds fun lol. Oooh, the winner can ask for anything they want. Mmm, they also get crowned as the "first sword", but I assume it means the ultimate sword or something, and they get one of the the legendary(?) five swords created by famous blacksmiths (assuming the sword "accepts" them and they can use it). And the ability to kill youkai? How interesting. Anyway I need to write down the names of these swords lmao. So, if they get chosen by the sword, a mark will appear on them after they receive the power to kill youkai with the gods' powers since it seems like the mark allows them to receive the gods or their powers into the swords or something.
Tsuzuramaru is much more adorable than I thought he would be. His appearance makes him look like such a cold guy but he's so funny to be starving to the point that he stole dango to eat that was an offering, and now he's planning to go to the sword tournament, and he's going to find whatever job he can get at Edo for living expenses. He seems like a good boy, even though he ran away from home haha. I really like Kei! He's pretty cool! Hmm, I guess he's some sort of patrolling officer that isn't officially employed by the shogunate but rather something more like a neighbourhood watch? He's really too nice to help out Saburouza to pay back 10 ryou so they won't take his daughter away. Regardless of how crappy it was of him to try and buy that paper to give him status as a samurai or whatever, the fact that something like that exists to be sold is a problem in itself. Btw I'm planning to do Kei's route first🥲 I wonder what kind of suspicious well-paying job will Kei end up doing, it seems like Kinshirou cares about Kei so hopefully the recruiter he introduces to him isn't terrible.. I've been reading a summary someone wrote of the story to know what the names of the characters are in Japanese hahaha! Also helps to see if I missed anything😆 So..the white hair dude is called Kuroba Saneaki and the girl(?) hovering around him is called Habakitsuki? Ohhh Habakitsuki is the "god" that dwells in the sword or whatever! I wonder why he wants to find his final resting place, does he hate himself for killing people? Sunpu seems like a painful place for him, since he considers it the place where he first cut an innocent person down. Hmm so Kuroba will be at this Tokugawa wedding parade as one of the escorting bodyguards I assume, and there's this Tatsukage guy (who is very pretty!) who is also trying to find a fake bride for the parade and I guess have her carry one of the five swords (Juzumaru) to maybe take it to Sunpu safely without people knowing hopefully? Hmm lazy hot red hair dude Enishi isn't my type, but I guess he seems interesting. Is Sakyou an oni? He looks scarily hot though😏 Suzukake on the other hand seems pretty cute. He has such nice friends watching over him.
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Ooh the heroine (Kayo) has finally appeared! Interesting that she looks the same as the lady getting married, so they want Kayo to act as the fake bride so they can protect the lady. It's really nice to see how protective Kayo's father is over her and how adamantly he refused the samurai guys considering how powerful they must be. Kayo trains with the naginata! That's cool! It's sad to know that her family has debts and it's a part of the reason why she's hesitating to reject the offer since the payment they'll give will help out their restaurant and the debt. It was inevitable for Kayo to join the wedding parade as the fake bride considering their lack of options and how much she cares about the people around her. It must have been tough for her father to accept that. I'm glad he could at least give her a handmade protective charm from her late mother to carry with her. Ooh are all the LIs part of the guards who will protect her? Suzukake and Tsuzuramaru together are so cute lol. Omggg Kayo in princess clothes is so pretty!!! I love it!! Hmmm, if they're transporting the Juzumaru sword alongside Kayo the fake princess, I'm surprised they got a bunch of randoms aka the LIs as bodyguards, but I guess they want to be inconspicuous? But then isn't it suspicious to have someone as important as the princess be protected by a bunch of randoms?
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Ooh, Tsuzuramaru knows battoujutsu and doesn't believe in killing. Will he be like my favourite Rurouni Kenshin? Hahaha. Kei's first impressions in the game were great, but dang does he sound insufferable when introducing himself to the heroine. I wish she could use her naginata to smack him. Lol at Suzukake calling Saneaki an uncle🤣 Oooh Suzukake is well-versed in medical treatment, he seems like a kind boy so it suits him~ The female ninja is Hanzo?! Ooh~~~ Aww, the merchant they saved rents books to others and wants to help commoners acquire more knowledge and have the chance to read books, it's such a great dream! I like him hahaha. Kei seems to like fighting🤔 Lmao at Suzukake saying he kicks people flying when he's asleep and tells them to dodge🤣 Not surprised Suzukake can see Habakitsuki, but yeah omg it's kinda funny how initially Suzukake was probably the one I was least interested in, but in terms of personality, I have to say I like him the most haha. Wouldn't it be so funny if Kayo fell in love with Hanzo out of everyone haha! Hanzo is so considerate, like I know she does it because any effects to Kayo's health could cause the mission to be jeopardised, but it's still sweet to see how thoughtful she is in preparing stuff like rice porridge for her because she has no appetite, and then lighting some white sandalwood or something so she can relax and sleep better. I love the banter between the guys, they're so funny, and lol Kei always ruins their fun but I can understand why he's so sick of them playing around all the time haha. I love how Tsuzuramaru sat down and shared the mochi with Kayo and even suggested Hayato (his messenger crow) to deliver a letter from her to her father so that she can at least tell him she's safe. I think that was very sweet and I'm glad she can finally feel a bit more comfort in regards to her father.
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Kayo being scared of the howling wolves and being alone was pretty understandable. It's difficult to be in her situation especially since she's always lived a normal life with her father, so it must feel really alienating. Even though Kei sounds harsh, I thought it was really cute how he pet her head to reassure her, and he listened to her worries. It was so sweet how she fell asleep on his shoulder listening to him talk. Aww, Tsuzuramaru waking up early just to apologise to Kayo and Hanzo for going into Kayo's room without permission was so endearing, he's such a serious guy. Considering how impatient Kei is all the time, it's nice to see his perspective (when you choose him to fight, it's like Pokemon lmaoo), especially seeing how concerned he is about bandits attacking them, and how if they kidnapped Kayo, she would definitely be sold to a brothel. When you think of stuff like that, you can see why Kei gets annoyed at how chill the others are talking about the food specialties of the region haha. 
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Lolll if you pick Enishi to help you when the horse goes crazy, he literally sends the guards flying or something and they fall on his feet🤣 He really chooses to do things in the most dramatic way lol. Honestly, after Sakyo threateningly told Kayo to get herself together before they passed the checkpoint, I definitely don't want to choose him unless I have to lol. I know Enishi only really cares about Juzumaru but his care for it means he'll take care of Kayo well as long as she holds it. But dang when Kei said women should just shut up when he was arguing with Suzukake about whether Kayo should stay on the horse or not since the horse's hooves were hurting and she wanted to ease its' pain. I know Kei cares for Kayo but he really needs to pick better words loll. Anyway, both Suzukake and Kei's perspectives were understandable. For Suzukake who has lived around animals his whole life listening to them and understanding them, he obviously will treat them like himself, like humans because that's how they are to him. Whereas for Kei, his perspective is very "normal", back in the day, it was normal for people to just "replace" their horses at towns etc if the horses were to fall over and die from exhaustion etc, and obviously they must prioritise the safety of the princess above all, so Suzukake and them caring about the well-being of the horse would feel more "abnormal" tbh haha, but Kayo is a nice girl so she's going to walk. It's sad to see Asakura be so distraught about Tadanaga's death that even when some suspicious shaman lady with Marebito (some sort of god with varying beliefs depending on the region?) beliefs says that with the power of the Marebito, they can revive Tadanaga, he basically accepts it and hopes that it will come true because he thinks that Tadanaga is much more suitable than Iemitsu as a shogun.
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Ooh, so if people call for Marebito to come to this world, then the boundary between this world and the underworld will disappear and this world will be flooded with youkai? Loll I didn't expect Suzukake to be a troublemaker and try to pull Enishi's sword out. Hanzo is definitely the best!! Kayo didn't even say it and she already knew that Kayo was exhausted from being "Hisahime" and needed some alone time to walk around outside to kinda recharge herself. Gahhh, I really want to like Kei but he's so insufferable that even I feel like I can't breathe with him there because he's so exhausting lol. Kayo got permission from Hanzo and them to be alone for a bit and he's still so obstinate about it, like yeah I get it that he needs the money to help those people etc, but he really needs to give some consideration to Kayo if he really wants to protect her properly, like geez. I'm sure Hanzo is secretly guarding her anyway because I doubt they'd ever let Kayo truly be alone considering how important she is and how important Juzumaru is. At least Kayo is understanding and mature enough to apologise to Kei since she knows that their job is to protect her etc, but he should apologise to her too! I still can't remember everyone's names in Chinese so I didn't even realise I chose Sakyo to guard Kayo at night this time hahaha. He seems much more gentle than last time though, so I'm glad.
Lmao, I love all the stories accompanying the name of each of these mountain ranges or paths lolll. Especially the one where it's apparently so long that if you were carrying rice, your sweat and body heat would end up cooking the rice climbing up it loll. The bandits are oni/ogres?🧐 I'm glad everyone made it safely🥲 Kei is a tsundere and Enishi is the tsundere translator hahahah, I love how Enishi told Kayo that Kei only told her to hurry up and go sleep etc because he was concerned about her health and not because he thought she would be a bother to them. Saneaki is definitely strong but it sounds so ominous saying saving Nanae ended up causing huge problems in the future, now I'm scared😭 Otherwise, Saneaki was cool. Ooh so whoever's route you're on, they'll be the leader of the group and Kayo's bodyguard🧐 Kei is still pretty rough around the edges, but it is cute how he tells her to eat more and then piles up rice for her so she'll have enough energy for tomorrow haha. I'm glad Kei realised he was just about to leave the injured and scared Kayo alone and chase after Shiguragi (the oni guy who got his horn chopped by Saneaki) when he should be prioritising Kayo's safety.
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I didn't expect the journey to end by the start of Chapter 8! I'm so not used to Kayo in normal clothing lol! I think I'll miss it more than she does haha! Awww, Kei accompanying Kayo around town looking for souvenirs and then her accompanying him to the shrine was cute. Omg lmao, I thought a demon was attacking Kayo when she said she couldn't move, but her hair was just stuck on a branch because of the wind lol! Awww Kei is so sweet! It was kinda weird he wanted to go to a shrine but he actually wanted to go because he wanted Kayo to drink the water there since it brings good health and happiness. He didn't go there just because he heard the water tasted good lmao🤣 Okayy, I didn't expect Nanae to be the future wife of Tsuzumi, the guy who won the competition and will receive Juzumaru. However, he's planning to go to protect Choushichirou because he hates Iemitsu for cornering his brother to suicide and so he's decided to fight for Tadanaga... Awww Choushichirou is so cute!! Anyway, I guess it is kinda funny and ironic how Kayo and them went through much difficulty bringing Juzumaru to Sunpu and now Tsuzumi is taking it back to Edo with Choushichirou and the others.
And we're done with the common route! Overall, I really enjoyed the common route! I think it was really fun seeing all the different LIs and their personalities, and it's pretty fun to have them all on a journey together. Honestly, like Kayo, I miss that atmosphere already because I think it was really fun in its own way to see them banter about random stuff and food lol. I think the fights were also pretty cool, they're not detailed or anything but I enjoyed the different ways the LIs fight, and the different weapons they have. I also think it's interesting to see oni and humans, and how oni have been banned from using katana and stuff. I think the world is pretty interesting and I like that. As for the romance options, for now, I'd say my favourite is Saneaki and the rest are okay haha. I'm personally more interested in their stories and the plot rather than the romance so we'll see how everything goes! On to Kei's route!
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omniscientfish · 3 months
tw!! Talk of suicide and self harm! If you aren’t comfortable with that then look away! Please and thank you!!
Oh and this isn’t like a real post so you don’t have to read this. I just need somewhere to vent and I can’t write it in an actual book because people will read. No joke that’s happened multiple times. remember kids, lie.
basically, if teachers or authority figures can hear, then don’t say shit. We were talking about intrusive (or impulsive i don’t freaking know) thoughts and I started talking about how sometimes I wanted to stab myself. The others nodded and some agreed. My close friends knew that I struggle with self harm but we all do in our toxic little friend group. Anyway, the lady in the room overheard that and told, let’s say… Mr. T. Mr. T brought me to his room later and asked what I had meant by wanting to stab myself. Apparently my drama classes paid off and he believed I was just talking about intrusive thoughts. Which I guess I sort of was. No lie is believable without some truth to it. (Oh also he almost started crying which made me really guilty cuz I’m really close with him) anyway, he said ok and I went on with my day. Except at the end of the day when I was going home he did, “oh and I emailed you mom” shit. So of course I read the email and it literally said I wasn’t self harming just that I was saying my intrusive thoughts out loud! Wtf! I do get to some extent telling the parents if their kid is actually self harming. BUT I WASNT. SO WHY EMAIL HOME?! I get it’s for legal reasons but why make that a law in the first place. Oh you kid was talking about self harming themselves but doesn’t actually have any motivation to do so. That’s so stupid. Um anyway, at like eight or something I came downstairs to ask my dad for something idk I can’t remember and he brings up the email. So now we have to have an awkward fucking talk and I have to put those acting classes to good use. So he believed (technically I’m not lying??? Sort of?? Idk. Like the stuff I was talking about was like fully roping my arm apart and stabbing the muscles in my arm into chunks. Which I don’t want to actually do I just have weird thoughts) oh also my dog destroyed a wig to one of my oldest dolls in my collection. I’ve also had this doll the longest. She was the first one I collected so now she has to be bald. (She’s bald! She’s bald and. She’s torturing people with hair!) AND I GOT MY FUCKING PERIOD HAHAHA FUCK MY LIFE
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french-unknown · 8 months
HII!! I just read your halloween w/ law writing, I was actually expecting something sweet and innocent, like law and his sister enjoying a Halloween festival or something 😭😭 NOW IM TEARING UP i was NOT prepared for the amount of angst in that 🤧
you wrote the situation so well (if that makes sense?) i loved how you wrote everything, even it made me sad 😢 i’m not too much a fan of horror, but you described everything so well, I’m in love with it. I’m still grieving though! Especially with the extra sad ending, Law’s backstory has me crying myself to sleep :((
anyways, sorry for my rambling 🙇‍♀️ i just loved everything about it even though its not what i was expecting HAHAHA
Hi ! ヾ(^∇^)
Indeed, I admit that there is a big gap between your expectations and what I wrote! We're quite far from a fun family Halloween party... (´-ω-`)
In any case, I'm really happy that you liked it so much! Especially if it's a genre you didn't expect and that you're not particularly a fan of! It's true that even I hesitated to do the ending. Just to write this one-shot, I rewatched the episode about the Flevance Massacre several times and I didn't sleep that well afterwards! (╥﹏╥)
Thank you very much for your message, you have no idea how much it made me happy! o(>ω<;)o
Thanks again!
P.S: Given that I like to cry like a baby in front of angsty stories, I must admit that I am quite proud to have succeeded in making you cry... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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measuringbliss · 8 months
Spider-Man Read-Through 033: 'Twas the Season (ASM 165-166, What If 1)
In this issue...
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A dinosaur. And the Lizard! Brittany S. Pierce would be... very gleeful.
However, we also get great development for Peter, MJ and Flash and THAT's at least worth something.
And also...
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Spidey accidentally runs into a secret SHIELD building and chases a dinosaur, but misses him.
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Gorgeous panels. Meanwhile, at the Connors's...
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Stegron! How I missed you, my dear Stegron! (Said no one ever.)
MEANWHILE! In the street!
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I think they should kiss. They should kiss to make MJ jealous. THEY SHOULD SOOOO DO THAT. And I should write it. Should I? I should!
At E.S.U., we get more development concerning Jameson and his mysterious scientist. Turns out Dr Madison doesn't hold much against Spidey, but she doesn't like how he's above law. So she's kinda me when I was playing Persona 5.
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Gorgeous page! Once again with the wind and the leaves, like just before the Gwen clone plot kickstarted!
I like that they finally discuss what they are, it's been a long time coming. They think about doing a break...
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That's a fun way to break the scene!
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Peak comedy.
Meanwhile, Stegron's having the time of his life.
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Anyway, stuff happens, and...
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Just because I love the purple pants doesn't mean I have to enjoy this plot.
Given that the two issues mention preparing for Christmas several times, I can only assume Peter's birthday is in December.
Anyway, Spidey reassures Mrs Connors, and Dr Madison meets up with Jameson.
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Slay. I also really love her outfit.
Anyway, she uncovers a Spider-Slayer... Oh, Jameson, how many times have you tried, now? He never learns his lessons!
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Do I sense a Gloria/Randy romance? Why not, especially if that means we get to see more of them!
So anyway, we're on full Christmas mode, right there. How soul crushing it must be for Peter to say he won't be able to spend Christmas with his friends! I was going to say family, but Aunt May hasn't been mentioned in a while (thankfully, let her be in lesbians with Anna). You can just feel how bitter Peter is.
And Harry and Liz announce they're going to marry! Oh, uh. Okay. I guess it was very quick in these times, and publication-wise, it has been a while, but dear Lord, they're quick! I guess it makes sense, with how romantic they were, last batch. MJ's surely gonna feel more stressed about that, now...
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Anyway. One really cool thing in the battle is that the Lizard takes the time to save Connors' child. I love those moments!
Spidey gets there, makes Connors human again, then goes off to fight Stegron.
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We do get great shots, but I'm really not into all of this.
Connors successfully reverses the Dinosaur Revival Beam, and they return to bones. It's nice to see Connors actively help Spidey!
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What a dumbass.
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At least, this is a great page! It's actually excellent. It's a saving grace, we shall say.
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Time for the first What If issue! What if Spidey joined the Fantastic Four?
The issue starts with The Watcher introducing the idea, just like he introduced the last issue of the Phoenix Saga.
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He's supposed to be, like, 15.
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It's fun to see this remade. This issue's obviously partly an excuse to redraw their fateful meeting, but with a different artist, given that it replays a lot of the same beats.
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That's nice to see!
The Fantastic Four raise issues, but one is given more weight--the fact that Spidey keeps his identity secret.
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...He doesn't look like a wallflower with this artstyle, hahaha. Next, Peter recounts his history and retcons himself as a beautiful hunk and not as the nerd he most definitely was.
Anyway, the FF present their newest member at a press conference and...
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That's actually very interesting! The Chameleon ends up not doing anything. Instead, the Vulture takes his place!
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That's sad.
Later, the Invisible Girl gets jealous of Spidey, who's on an adventure with their teammates while she stays behind and watches over them. And while they're on a dangerous mission, she gets seduced by Namor (the Submariner). This is to retell an early adventure of the FF.
This is nice, but not that interesting to me once it really goes into the FF retelling.
Next time: More of Spectacular Spider-Man! I'm curious to see that.
0 notes
louebel · 8 months
This is an anon bc hell I'm not exposing myself. :D (But know I'm out there and that I appreciate you very much!!) Anyway this is a really random appreciation anon.
LOOK I've just started watching one piece, I'm around episode 60 just as the crew sets foot on the Grand Line, I have no fucking idea who Trafalgar Law is outside of like appearance wise I'm trying not to spoil myself but whoever it is–
I really don't know what it is about him, but he checks all the checkmarks for me. I have no idea what he does, what he stands for, or any sort of context for your fics (at least for now) but the Babygirl title is universal and I know how to recognise one (i hope?? idk fam).
This is the nth time I'm joining a fandom solely for the fanfics holy hell idk what you did but you've altered my brain chemistry a little and I don't know how to process this. Cause this feels like a start of a life changing journey??? I was just trying to get on with life in piece peace and now I'm trapped in a long game-changing side quest??? I could have been studying and socialising and achieving stuff irl but NOOO monkey brain has decided to hyperfocus on this specific thing with 1000+ episodes.
...So yes. I've joined simp nation. Another poor soul converted (that really couldn't be happier).
Anyway that's all I hope the mini rant doesn't sound weird or like I'm trying to fit in somewhere I don't belong. Ah, whatever, no take backs. I do have to say your writing is very chef's kiss though I'll tell you that. We love to see it, fanfic writers universally are doing god's work. Pls make sure to take care of and be kind to yourself on our behalf.
Much love <3333
oh you sweet and innocent nonnie, you just found a new drug... you're NEVER going to be the same again. WELCOME!! maybe one day you won't feel as shy!! you don't sound weird at all, nor is it a problem you read stuff even if you're at the beginning! (i did the same LOL, be careful of spoilers though!! not just in my blog but others too — unless they don't bother you, that's fine 💪) i could rant about one piece for hours HAHAHA it's so good! unironically i hated it before i watched it and look at me now LMAO it's one of my comfort shows!! and law is definitely a babygirl yes he's so. so. so. my tiny little man. he's so small and he. yeah you got it right he's babygirl, blorbo, he's a pookie a, a, a, he. one piece is a life-changing journey but it's a good one :) and thank you for the compliments TuT i think law is the one character i can easily write since i analyzed him and read a lot of things about him (the novel is great too, you could read it in the future!) so. i hope i'm writing him right HAHA. i was actually writing an analysis before but idk if it's something people are interested in lolol. but thank you again, i hope you're also doing well <3
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eunicexxx · 10 months
Remember the guy I talked about in my past blog post? The guy who knew the meaning of my name?
Fine, I will admit now. I have a crush on him. Well, just a happy crush. You get it. But I chose not to drop his name so I have something to keep for myself for now. But if you're reading this and you know me personally, well you will probably know by now who I am talking about. So please do me a favor and just ssshhh. Thank you.
So yesterday, while I was in front speaking to the youths, I saw him. Well, I see him all the time but yesterday was different. He was looking at me, with a big smile plastered on his face. Not his usual sarcastic smile, but a sincere smile. And his eyes, omg his eyes--glistening eyes. I like it so much. I thank the Lord I didn't melt. Lol.
After the service, I went inside the office. He was there making coffee. I asked if I can have some, and he told me he would make me a cup. Plain black without sugar just the way I like. Ofc, I took a photo of it to commemorate the moment. Lol.
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I jokingly told him na nag-bless ako kay mama niya because I am not sure maybe one day she'll be my mother-in-law. Hahahaha! I remember Mama telling me that he gave her and papa two siopao free of charge. Hahaha kyut.
But again, just a happy crush. Let me because I haven't had a crush for the longest time. Hahaha! And I miss that giddy feeling every time you will see your crush or every time he will talk to you or every time he will just do something and it will effortlessly make you kilig.
Anyway, it's a 0% chance that he'll be able to read this. But hey, if you ever get to read this, please mag-move on ka na! Char.
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tender-rosiey · 2 years
Can I request baking headcanons with Nanami, Gojo, Itadori, and Megumi?
❥ Baking with JJK characters
Includes Gojo, Nanami; Itadori, and Megumi
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ᴀ/ɴ: ily and this request is amazing also no proofreading cause it’s 2am 👩‍🦲
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Mistake of your life time like don’t be fooled by how cool he is in the gif
I am serious
One of the laws of the universe is to not let this man near the kitchen and I don’t care if he says he is the best at everything he tries
Gojo wanted to try something domestic with you considering he doesn’t have the chance to spend a lot of time with you
Hence why he is gonna make the best out of his free time
So what’s better than baking? Baking with your lover who you adore so much
Man only cared about the lover part really, he was planning on letting you do all the work while he just annoys you like the menace he is
But guess what?
He is baking because he got challenged and “the great gojo never backs down from a challenge”
Famous last words HAHA
Okay now let’s get a bit fluffy
He actually tries, surprisingly and it’s pretty cute ignoring the crazy amount of sugar he puts, I am surprised he didn’t get diabetes or cavities my god
He plays around a lot though like finish the freaking cake then get the other type cake sheesh
Is the type of guy to put whipped cream on your nose and your cheeks then kisses them off
But then, he gets bored
God knows why
But the problem isn’t the boredom, the problem how he solves said boredom
𝐒𝐢𝐫 𝐆𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐚 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
Well guess what
It wasn’t
Food fights never end well, there has to be a lost soul in the process 😔✊
But he starts it anyways because screw everyone
It ends up very fun though
Smack him— or at least try to
He deserves it
T r u s t M e
Helps you in cleaning but only after you give him lots of affection and losing a bet because nothing is for free
Thanks for the reality check gojo
8/10-ing his toothbrush looking self
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Nanami is quite the organized man, and as we can see in most of his actions: said organization applies to all things he does to the best of his ability
So the recipe is to be followed step by step, no more no less
But he won’t mind adding a little more sugar or decreasing it a bit if you like it either way
To put it simply, baking with nanami is domestic love and acts at its best
I feel like he would be the one to just gently press a kiss to the side of your head when he walks by you in the kitchen
He also doesn’t reprimand you whenever you make a mistake or mess something up, instead opting for a more favorable way to deal with such mistakes
If you broke the egg, getting its shell in the dough, he would just take it from your hand politely and tell you “How about you go cut the fruit instead?”
And if you injure yourself then you won’t continue the baking, sorry but he is trying to spend time with you without having to worry about you
Injuring yourself with a knife DOESNT fall under the “no need to worry” category
PRO TIP: Make him read the recipe out loud
It would be like an audio book and a very good one at that
And if you fall asleep with him around then…you lucky bi—
10/10 would do again
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We have gotten the understanding that yuji can cook if not fully then to a respectable extent
So I will be freely abusing this here
Consequently, baking with him is not peaceful nor chaotic, rather soft chaotic
Soft chaotic such as imitating conversations and throwing little comments here or there to fill up the silence when needed
“Y/N, what do you call a pig that does karate?”
“What do you call it, yūji?”
“pfft— wait give me a moment… it’s a PORK CHOP BWAHAHAHAA!”
“Get out, your speaking privileges have been provoked.”
In general, he is really fun to be around; messing up anything is just another reason for a shared laugh
Also, I am pretty convinced he would record you guys baking to save it as a memory and acts like it’s a cooking/baking show
“Today’s chef is y/n!”
“Your mom’s gay.”
b👏a 👏c 👏k👏 👏h 👏u 👏g 👏s👏
And tickling your neck with his nose
He is so fluffy I am gonna die
9/10 mwuah mwuah stan yūji
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Very quiet and occasional small conversations here and there
I don’t see him choosing to cook unless you beg or ask him to and for like a really long time
To the point he feels like it’s a necessity so he agrees and here we are 🎉 hooray toot toot
The kitchen is generally filled with a comforting silence, save for the sound of the utensils and dough being beaten
He would also randomly start small conversations
“Yes, ‘gumi?”
“Thank you.”
“Huh? For what exactly?”
Crap ton of appreciation from both sides to both sides and woe is me the lady who’s alone
Aside from these conversations, it’s generally quiet as we have mentioned but the one you need fell
meet the megumi -> mess with the megumi -> observe the reactions of the megumi -> proceed to step five you are his lover -> miss with his ass sweetheart
Like we said, mess with him and put a bit of whip cream on his cheek or eyebrows
“You kind of look like gojo-sensei.”
“I am absolutely dont.”
Overall very nice and comfy and entertaining and chef’s kiss
9.5/10 😌✨
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-2 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15s-notebook @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown @shrynkk @simplyxsinned @beautiful-is-boring @bakugossanity @izukus-gf @irethepotato @thekaylahub @fiona782
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or your guardian will be my spouse
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shijiujun · 3 years
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Okay I’ve decided to do a single rec after I finish one novel hahaha because if I wait to get around to it all it’ll never happen! Anyway because @sarah-yyy​​ has been reading it and I’ve gotten a lot of asks/replies on this, I’m just going to do one huge list for one of my faves so everyone knows what’s going on and where to find things XD
- Part of Min’s ‘Why You Should Read’ Series -
This is set in a historical setting where men can marry other men, but it’s usually reserved for sons who were not borne by the official main first wife of the patriarch of the family, i.e. a son born by a concubine in a family may be forced to marry a man to keep him from being able to become the next family’s patriarch for example. This is because any family’s next leader needs to be able to have children with a wife who married in as a zheng shi (lawful wife), and not a ce shi (second wife) or any other concubines/mistresses etc. Most of these men who marry other men have to take them as their zheng shi and lawful spouse in a sense, and the same goes for the royal family.
The story starts with third prince Jing Shao, who was forced to marry Mu Han Zhang, a Marquis’ second son, by the Empress and Emperor, thereby officially and effectively cutting him out of the race for the throne. He’s mocked by the public as everyone knows what this means, and for the next 10 years, he neglects Mu Han Zhang, blaming him for his predicament, and deliberately showers his three other concubines with affection in front of him, but 10 years later, when Jing Shao is accused of treason, everyone leaves him except for Mu Han Zhang. They are chased to the edge of the cliff by soldiers, and Mu Han Zhang dies in his arms having taken an arrow meant for him earlier, and Jing Shao jumps off the cliff with his dead body, and promises that if there’s a next life, he will do everything Han Zhang says, and love him.
He wakes up immediately on the night of his marriage with Han Zhang, and realizes that he’s been given a second chance to make everything right. Han Zhang is definitely afraid of him, humiliated and angry when he first wakes up after how rough Jing Shao was with him earlier on their wedding night, and he has no memories of their past life. Jing Shao then sets to SHOWER HAN ZHANG with affection, love and basically everything, because he realized that this is the only person who stayed by his side until the end, and then he falls in love with Han Zhang properly this time, and also deals with every single person who maligned and schemed against him in his previous life, with Han Zhang by his side.
Novel (Online) | Novel (Print) - Not Available | Novel Translations | Manhua (You’ll have to download the KuaiKan app, the chapters are currently all free)
1. 景韶 Jing Shao - 3rd Prince and is the first out of his three other brothers to be given a title 成王 (cheng wang). He’s referred to as 王爷, and also 小勺 (xiao shao) by Han Zhang. Went out on his first war when he was 14, and was thus given a title before any of his brothers. He’s known for being a merciless, cold and fierce army general/commander, but this was before his second life with Han Zhang, where he puts on like his doting mode and is basically a dumbass XD who listens to Han Zhang with a lot of trust, which is cool and all.
He marries Han Zhang when he’s 19, and in his first life he was very reluctant and resistant, and neglected Han Zhang for 10 years, until he was charged with treason and hunted down. 
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In his first life he wanted to snatch the throne, even from his blood-related brother Jing Chen, but more out of spite than anything else because he felt he was dealt an unfair hand by having to marry Han Zhang. Not only that, but Jing Shao is not his father’s favourite son, and he always felt that the emperor was biased against him. Anyway, a huge accumulation of daddy and anger issues, which is fair.
When he realizes that Han Zhang died for him, he decides he will be good to Han Zhang if they are reborn in their next life.
2. 慕含章 Mu Han Zhang - The 2nd son of Marquis Bei Hou’s, born to a concubine. He’s called by his 表字 which is 君清 (jun qing) by Jing Shao. Official First Wife Bei Wei Hou-furen and her son (who is in line to inherit the Marquis title from his father) has bullied him all his life, and wanted to push him into greater desperation by marrying him to Jing Shao, knowing he will suffer at the hands of the supposed merciless/heartless wangye. He has a weak body because of an accident when he was younger, and in his first life he was really sick after being neglected for 10 years, and knowing this in their second life, Jing Shao does everything he can to take care of him.
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He is incredibly smart, has a brain for business and sales, and is also very good at handling people, especially scheming ones. He aids Jing Shao in the beginning of their second life, and then Jing Chen later as well, as both brothers begin to fight to put Jing Chen on the throne, against the 1st and 4th Princes. Is an incredibly good tactician in war as well.
3. 景琛 Jing Chen - 2nd Prince, Jing Shao’s blood related older brother who is handsome af too. His title, given later in the novel, is 睿王 (rui wang). He was misunderstood by Jing Shao in the first life as Jing Shao thought it was his brother who led to him marrying Han Zhang, and because he’s not very good at expressing himself and shows his concern to Jing Shao by nagging at him, Jing Shao always thought he hated him. In their second life, Jing Shao already knows that Jing Chen loves him and did a lot for him in his first life, and so trusts his brother and supports him right off the bat, because Jing Chen is indeed the most suited person for the throne.
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He has a wife and a concubine, 3 sons and 2 daughters at this point. He ends up helping Jing Shao a lot, and when he realizes that Han Zhang is way more adept at politics and the whole scheming thing than Jing Shao is, he begins trusting Han Zhang a lot more as well! There’s a surprise with Jing Chen hahaha which I loveee and could see, but wasn’t sure until they confirmed it in the last few chapters AHAHAHAHA.
Other Notable Characters:
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1. Song Ling Xin (Second Wife) on the left, and two other concubines on the right
They’re pretty much vying for Jing Shao’s attention, but at this point apparently he hasn’t slept with any of them before. Song Ling Xin is the daughter of the Military Department’s Head Song An, and Jing Shao married her initially out of interest. The right most concubine (I forgot her name oops) was a gift given to him by his oldest brother, the 1st Prince. The two of them played a huge role in Jing Shao’s downfall back in his first life, and so in his second life, he especially detests Song Ling Xin. Plus the three of them keep bullying Han Zhang in the beginning, but thankfully Jing Shao is like: “Anything my Jun Qing wants”. They don’t stay around for long either, watch as Jing Shao gets rid of them like he’s swatting flies.
2. Xiao Yuan & Zhou Da-Ge
This is another male couple who’s been married for 7-8 years if I recall. Xiao Yuan is one of Jing Shao’s important allies and friends in the second life, because in Jing Shao’s first life, this was one of the only young officials in court who spoke up for him when the accusations of treason came about. Zhou Da-Ge is his husband, who is a cook running a restaurant in the city. Whenever Zhou Da-Ge bullies Xiao Yuan in bed a little too much, Xiao Yuan punishes him by making him wear colourful clothes out (pink, bright yellow, purple, etc.) and thus he has a reputation for being eccentric and a weirdo, but oh well, all for love.
3. Gu Huai Qing
One of Jing Shao and Jing Chen’s most powerful allies, and he becomes blood-sworn brothers with Jing Shao without realizing who he is. Later he takes a liking to Jing Chen.
(Will update with photos when they come out, but they’re a bit further into the story so we won’t have them for a few months yet ahahaha)
Amazing Scenes:
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Jing Shao & Han Zhang first looks in the manhua
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Jing Shao being THAT clingy husband and helping Han Zhang to wear his clothes properly so cute!!!!!
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Han Zhang and Jing Shao in their first lives (10 years later), about to die, sad and then Jing Shao jumps down the cliff with Han Zhang’s corpse, regretful cuz he a dumb bij
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Jing Shao unable to resist kissing Han Zhang’s cheek, realizes what he’s doing, and gets embarrassed LMAOOOO 没出息!!!!!!! (This is different from the novel, because in the novel Jing Shao just kisses and is done with that, the embarrassment part is drawn in only in the manhua hahaha)
Other Things I Like in the Novel:
Jing Shao is like, he does a 180 entirely and he is very cognisant of all his faults and what he did wrong previously, and how badly he treated Han Zhang, so he legit forces his brain to go “I will listen to Jun Qing from now on” and he really sticks to it!
Loves kissing and teasing Han Zhang, but doesn’t force him into bed after their wedding night, and instead goes to Xiao Yuan and asks for tips on how to make his partner feel less scared about sex
The both of them end up with a pet tiger?!! That’s called Xiao Huang (little yellow) LMAO
They nap together a lot which I love <3333
Jing Shao knows he’s bullied at home, so when they go back to the Marquis Bei Hou manor, he holds Han Zhang’s hand in front of everyone to let them know Han Zhang has someone to back him up
Brings Han Zhang to war because he “cannot concentrate if Jun Qing isn’t with me at all times” - and asks for special permission to do so
Han Zhang notes that since he married Jing Shao, as the ‘wife’ he is supposed to serve Jing Shao, but it’s always Jing Shao serving him - Getting water for him, bringing him to baths, putting clothes on for him, putting food in his plate if it tastes nice, massaging his back and waist etc. - and best is he doesn’t have to deal with any in-laws?!! HAHAHA
Jing Shao gets revenge on those who hurt Han Zhang when he was younger for him, and the outcome is pretty hilarious but well-deserved
EPILOGUES are cute af!!!!
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saintobio · 2 years
Hi Saint,
I’m new to your blog and just finished reading your SN and now I’m done with SY’s latest chapter😁 As a corporate slave who works in Business related to Fashion I’m really impressed on how you write and present those scenarios. I need to remind myself that I am reading a fan fic haha
A friend of mine who recommended your work said you even have a document presented in one of your chapter that she choked on her tea while reading since she didn’t expect it and it’s her first time reading a fanfic with this detail hahaha she’s been bugging me to read it and now that I finally have time, I need to finish it right away and now I regret reading the sequel since I’d be checking tumblr every now and then if there’s a new chapter🥲 May I know if you also work in the same field? I’m sorry if you already answered this before.
Anyway I really enjoyed reading and please be safe and take care😘
i’m in corporate advertising :) completely different from my college degree sigh but yay, i’m glad my fashion research did justice! 😭 it’s a bit complex so i had a really had a hard time understanding the work setup in the fashion industry.
also, thank u for giving sn/sy a shot!! please extend my gratitude to ur friend as well <3 that chapter (sn18 i think) with the court scene was written after i watched law school so i was inspired 😹 i like getting into detail when i’m in inspired. i actually hate writing modern au the most, so adding all these details keep me motivated bc i don’t have much world-building to do.
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sidespart · 3 years
For the fic title thing: Make Up Your Mind/Catch Me I’m Falling
Make Up Your Mind (this seriously got away from me and became basically a whole string of conscious fic whoops)
Logince, Bakery/coffeeshop AU Mutual Pining/ Not-Actually-Unrequited love, + loceit friendship
So Janus owns a Bakery (struggling to think of a snake/lie based bread pun for the name but ehh). He is the head only baker and sends most of his time in the basement kitchen blasting the phantom of the opera soundtrack and kneading dough. 
Logan is his childhood friend. Janus hired him as cashier after Logan dropped out of collage but then he never left and is now basically manager/ accountant/ hbic of this whole operation.
So one night as Janus is leaving he’s casually like: ‘oh by the way, a couple are coming by tomorrow for a wedding cake consultation’
And Logan blocks the door and is like: ‘Janus. We don’t do wedding cakes. We don’t even do cake. You only make weird artisanal bread. it took me 6 months and 8 powerpoint presentations to convince you to sell banana loaf’
Jan, his eye enormous: ‘but Logan, you should have heard this guy on the phone. They only want to use LGBTQ businesses for their wedding, they want to support the community that’s supported them for so long. He spoke so passionately and eloquently about why it just had to be us I couldn't say no’
Logan, his eyes not enormous: did you tell this man we make wedding cakes just to make the phone conversation end?
Janus: I was going to miss the murder, she wrote marathon, Logan 
So Jan manages to escape, and Logan rolls his eyes but like. This is nowhere near the worst ‘cleaning up after Janus lied to get out of a situation and made everything more complicated for no goddamm reason’ incident that he has had to deal with during the course of their friendship so, whatever: he can tell the couple there was a miscommunication when they show up in the morning. 
Next day, the guys arrive. Virgil, who barley introduces himself and then stays hunched in his hoodie not speaking for the whole meeting, and Roman. 
Roman does not have a problem speaking. Roman has lots of ideas.
Roman has a binder. 
Somehow in the course of this conversation Logan goes from ‘we don’t make wedding cakes’ to ‘I’LL SHOW YOU, WE’LL MAKE THE BEST GODDAMM WEDDING CAKE THIS TOWN HAS EVER SEEN’
Maybe it was the passion of Romans argument. Maybe it was the slightly disdainful look on his face when he looked round the shop. Maybe it was the ridiculous amount of money he was prepared to pay (see: Janus insists on only making specific, weird bread as to why the shop’s always on the brink of collapse). Maybe it was the power of the binder (Logan is like 80% sure Roman hit him with the binder at one point). Maybe its just Logan hasn't had a full blown passionate argument like that since high school debate club and the rush of adrenaline made him dumb.
Whatever the reason - they’re now fully committed to making this 6 tier, purple and blue, Disney inspired, multiflavoured wedding cake
(Janus, who skipped out on the meeting because he is Like That: But Logan....we don’t make wedding cakes...this was really irresponsible of you...
 Logan: I know where you sleep. I could kill you at any time) 
Which would be doable (the weddings a while off, and Logan is ready to RESEARCH) except Roman keeps. Coming. Back. 
With new ideas. And tweaks. And suggestions. All of them seemingly designed to make the cake less structurally sound. 
Basically every time he comes in they end up having a blazing row, first about Romans inability to make up his mind about the cake and then about...literally everything. One time they spent 25 minuets arguing about whether or not Shakespeare wrote all of his plays, which somehow turns into ‘who was the best host of blues clues?’ which then turned  into ‘how would nationalised healthcare best be implemented?’ (the loudest arguments were during the blues clues section).Logan had even fewer customers then normal that day.
(Logan: I hate that guy so much! He shows up at 2pm every day and now my blood pressure has started going up at 1.55pm in anticipation of the fight! He’s causing me actual medical distress because he’s so stupid!
Janus:...you’ve memorised some guys schedule and your heart starts racing whenever you see him?
Logan: yes! because he is my enemy!
Janus: mmKay.)
ANYway, one day Roman turns up and is like: Can’t fight today. Need caffeine. Must Study. and sequesters himself on one of their two rinky dink tables and starts pulling enormous textbooks out of his bag. Turns out Roman is in law school, he’s back home for the whole summer to help with wedding prep and has been neglecting his summer reading. He wants to be an environmental lawyer and, ideally, singly handily prosecute every oil company and give a speech at the UN whilst wearing an immaculately fitted Italian suit. 
Logan has a panicked moment of OH NO HE’S SMART (he doesn't need an oh no he’s hot moment because Roman’s been hot the whole time). Very carefully he does not think about how upset hearing Roman mention the wedding again made him feel, and then shares a bit about his own anxiety during college which led to him dropping out.
Roman says degree or no degree its obvious Logan is one of the smartest, most capable people Romans ever met.
Cue: blushing, stammering, Logan standing up to quickly and knocking half a pot of coffee over etc etc all that good fluff. 
And after that their conversations are less confrontational (although they still debate like. everything.) and more friendly.
They have one (1) more conversation about the wedding wherein Roman apologises for being so stressed and snappy over all the preparation stuff but he just wants everything to be perfect for Virgil. (Logan, awkwardly: you must love him a lot. Roman, himbo-ly: Yeah!) aaand then Logan changes the subject to the best rhyming structure because Romans big sappy grin is making his heart do awful twisty things-
And eventually, Roman asks Logan to go out with him outside the bakery.
Logan: hahaha this is friendship, we are great friends, we are going out as friends. I am not going on a date with a man with a fiancé because that would be the actions of a crazy person.
 So they go on their date. It’s amazing. Roman leans in for a kiss at the end and Logan is delighted!
And then devastated.
He pushes Roman away, yells some creative insult (malodorous centurion?) and flees. Spends the next week basically hiding in the kitchen area, refusing to see any customers and working on the wedding cake.
(which is looking perfect by the way)
So after a week of Logan moping round the kitchen Janus finally blocks the door to stop him leaving and demand he tells him what the hell is wrong. And after a few minuets of filibustering Logan ends up telling him everything.
“In any case, the very fact that he is the kind of man who would cheat on his fiancé means he’s not the kind of man I thought he was. Therefore any alleged feelings I may have developed towards him would now be null and void” says Logan, looking like the worlds sadist accountant
Janus: So...wait. You’re saying wedding cake guy and hot lawyer guy are the same person?
(Logan: you need to come out of the basement more often Janus: YOU need to tell me what’s going on in your life more often. (they have had this conversation many times in the past))
So Janus sincerely tells Logan he’s sorry...and that he’s even more sorry that he needs him to help him deliver the cake to the venue tomorrow.
(this thing is way to big for one person to carry and there’s no way Jan would trust any of their occasional teenage cover staff to do this and ‘we’ll go round the back and you wont have to see anyone anyway comon Lo’ you basically built this monstrosity you should see it home)
So, reluctantly, Logan goes. And they go round the back as promised, and get this enormous cake settled, and then get told to wait there one sec cus one of the grooms is going to come sign for it and before Logan can throw himself out of the widow (get OFF me Janus we’re on the ground floor it’s FINE)  from behind them they hear squeeing.
There’s a curly haired dude in a pastel blue linen suit who Logan has never seen before in his life looking at the cake and cooing over ‘all the little details! its perfect! oh Virgil is going to love this! You know he was so embarrassed about asking for a Disney themed cake he had to ask Roman to go with him to -”
“Who ARE you?”
The man blinked at Logan, who realised dimly that he still had one foot up on the windowsill and slowly returned it to the floor. 
“I’m Patton” said Patton.
“And I’m Janus” said Janus, removing his arms from where they’d still been clamped around Logan’s waist and stepping smoothly towards Patton, clipboard held aloft “A pleasure to meet you, if you could just sign here...”
“BUT-” Patton paused, hand still raised to accept the clipboard, and looked over again at Logan who found himself mumbling:  “but - but the groom is supposed to sign for it?”
And Patton just smiled at him looking a bit bemused and goes ‘I am the groom? And who are you kiddo?”
Logan says he’s Logan. Patton suddenly looks a whole lot less friendly. 
“Oh.” says Patton. “You.”
And since Logan’s mind is currently refusing to take in the information in front of him Janus is the one who ends up stepping in between them and going “so just for 100% transparency - you are Patton. 
“and today you are marrying the love of your life: Virgil?”
“And are either of you, at any point today, also planning on marrying one Roman Sanders, caffeine addict and terrible communicator?”
And Paton burst out laughing and says “ROMAN? Virgil’s big brother Roman? He’s my best man but I don’t think we’re planning to take it any further...”. And because Patton is apparently much quicker on the emotional uptake than Logan he gives him a vey soft, if slightly exasperated, look and says:
“Roman - who again, is my future brother-in-law- is helping set up in the main hall.”
And Logan likes to think he said thank you before he took off fucking RUNNING through the building but he can’t be sure.
So he gets to the hall, where a load of people are setting out chairs, putting up flowers etc,  and skids to a stop at one end of the aisle. Shouts: “ROMAN.” (Roman and Virgil, who were standing at the other end arguing over a flower arrangements, both look up) “YOU’RE NOT MARRYING YOUR BROTHER.”
“um.” Says Roman “No?”
Explanations are given. Virgil, who is a lot more talkative now that he’s not on 7th wedding appointment of the day burn out, is ready to physically fight Logan for breaking his brothers heart. And then once he understands the full story is ready to kill both of them for being such dumbasses.
Roman: But I s2g I told the guy on the phone that it was the groom and best man coming??? Logan: Yeah he might have lied and said you were a couple for a joke, or he may have just straight up not listened to you. Either way, he is just Like That.
Anyway it all ends fluffily, Patton and Virgil get married. Roman cries. Logan and Jan hang around for the wedding. Roman and Logan hold hands throughout the speeches and dance during the reception. Roman has to go back to law school soon but they agree to call each other every day at 2pm to catch up and argue. 
Janus gets off with the moustachioed DJ. 
And Roman and Logan get another chance at their first kiss.
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