imogenkol · 10 months
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cheating a little bit again because I have writers block and I’m trying to remedy that by reworking old writing (and also trying to refresh my love for said old writing) so hopefully ya’ll enjoy my two favorite werewolf siblings
Jayde waited in the rain for as long as she could before the beckoning warmth of the twenty-four hour diner across the street became too tempting to resist. It was worth the risk of getting recognized. All she wanted was to not be soaked to the bone like a sad mutt chained to the doghouse. And some damn coffee.
The dark, clouded sky gradually turned gray with an oncoming sunrise. Jayde sipped on the bitter liquid from the warm mug in her hands and stared out of the window beside her, watching the endless streaks of raindrops as they raced down the lightly fogged glass. Finally, she spotted a familiar pickup truck pull into the parking lot. Something bulky lay strapped in the bed, a blue tarp shielding it from the weather.
Skye stepped out of the truck once she parked. She was a fair bit shorter than her older sister with mossy green eyes instead of dark blue, but besides that, the two were unmistakable as siblings. They shared the same blonde hair and facial structure, though Jayde always thought Skye resembled their mother more. Or perhaps she secretly favored the idea of inheriting their father’s features. While they were similar in base appearance, the sisters differed in personality. Skye walked lightly, almost with a skip in her step, to mirror her bubbly attitude. She almost always had a small, arrogant smirk on her face like she understood a joke that everybody else didn’t. Most of the time she did.
She wore that exact smirk as she slid into the booth across from Jayde. “So, spill.”
“I got my ass beat, alright?” Jayde recalled in annoyance. “Wound up on lockdown in the local hospital, but I got out.”
“On your own…?” Skye clearly sensed that she left out important information.
Jayde sighed. For whatever reason, she didn’t want her to know about Nadya. Maybe because she knew her little sister would mercilessly make fun of her for it. “No, I had help.”
A waitress came by to offer Skye a menu and some coffee, which she eagerly accepted with a sarcastic comment about a bear doing its business in the woods that went over the poor old woman’s head. Once the now slightly perturbed waitress left, a moment of silence lingered between them until Skye held up her hands. “Well? Don’t leave me hanging.”
“There was a resident at the hospital,” Jayde complied hesitantly. “I convinced her to help me and she took me in while I recovered.”
“There it is,” Skye said triumphantly with a massive grin. Jayde rolled her eyes. “Is that whose scent is all over you? She smells nice, is she pretty, too?”
“None of your business.” She fixed the younger wolf with a warning glare. “Now, can I have my shit?”
“Geez, you’re no fun,” Skye complained.
“Skye, I have had a long couple of weeks,” Jayde told her in a scolding tone. “All I want is enough supplies to be on my way.”
“And where is that this time?” the younger sibling retorted with a sudden seriousness. “Am I gonna get another call in a month asking for more ammo? Or to bail you out of the slammer? Or how about a mental hospital? You haven’t got yourself fucked in one of those yet.”
“For your information,” Jayde started, a snarl nearly escaping her throat. “I’m gonna linger around here for a little while longer.”
Skye’s mossy eyes went wide with shock. “Really. You? The Lodge isn’t good enough, but this city is?”
Jayde was in no mood to have this argument with her for the tenth time. Nothing she could say would make Skye understand her reasons for staying away as long as she has.
“It’s not like that, I have to.”
“Why?” Skye prodded. “I would think you’d want to put as much distance between yourself and here as soon as you can.”
Jayde grinded her teeth. Skye wouldn’t let her deflect. She would also see right through any excuses and become even more pushy for an explanation. “I have to make sure the girl that helped me won’t be in any danger once I’m gone. She broke me out of the hospital and saved my life when everyone was calling me a terrorist. And she did it to protect people, so it’s not gonna sit well with me if something happens to her.”
“She broke you out?” Skye marveled in bewilderment, clearly impressed.
Jayde nodded. “Yes. I’ve been lying low at her place for the past week.”
“Damn, she’s ballsy,” Skye chuckled. “Or just really stupid.”
“That’s what I thought,” Jayde agreed with a small smile. “Trust me, it’s the former.”
“How are you gonna know if she’s safe or not?”
“I had her get a burner phone to call me if she needs help. That’s why I have to stay in the area until this blows over, I don’t want to be too late. Which reminds me, I need your phone.” Jayde held out her hand.
She scowled at her suspiciously. “Why mine?”
“‘Cause yours is the number I put in hers.” She motioned for her to surrender it. “You haven’t gotten any other calls besides me, right?”
“Why’d you give her my number?” Skye asked incredulously.
“Because mine’s gone, genius.”
“Then buy a new one, dumbass.”
Jayde sighed in exasperation. “It was easier to give her your number, now cough it up.”
Skye groaned dramatically and fished her phone out of one of her pockets. “Here.”
Jayde deftly caught the bright pink cellphone as her menace of a sister suddenly tossed it at her head and snickered at her disappointment. Supernatural reflexes had very little to do with the save, she had years of practice anticipating Skye’s antics. When Jayde looked down and saw the cheap Hello Kitty sticker stuck on the back, she glanced back up quizzically. “Really?”
She shrugged. “I went to a couple hospitals looking for you. They don’t exactly keep the kid stickers locked up.”
Jayde made a noise of displeasure. “I would’ve preferred a Finding Nemo one.”
“Then get your own damn burner and steal whatever sticker you want the next time you inevitably end up in a hospital again,” Skye bit back.
“I owe you. Happy?”
“My favorite words to hear,” she replied with a bright smile and took a sip of coffee. “So what did you tell her?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, with everything the nurse did for you, she must’ve been curious. What did you come up with as a cover?”
That brought up another explanation Jayde dreaded. Might as well get this over with, she thought as she chewed on the inside of her cheek for a moment before shrugging. “I told her the truth.”
Another charged moment of silence fell over the two siblings as Skye completely froze with the mug to her lips. She blinked a couple of times, then shook her head like she came out of a trance. “I’m sorry, you told her the truth about what?”
“About me. What I am.” The admission made Jayde cringe.
Skye’s expression turned blank, and she slowly set the mug down. “I know you mean you told her you’re bisexual and not that you’re a werewolf, right? Because admitting that you’d be down to clown with a hot nurse is way more believable. Telling a random human that you’re a werewolf is a new level of crazy that you wouldn’t even dream of. Right? ”
“First, she’s not a nurse. Secondly, she deserved to know,” was all Jayde could think to say as a defense.
“So it is the mental hospital for you next.”
“Skye –”
“You are the last person I expected to be that stupid, Jayde.”
The older wolf leaned forward in her seat and poked the surface of the table. “I did not make that choice lightly. Nadya put her entire life on the line for me without any thought for repayment. It was only natural that she had questions, and she was too smart for my shitty excuses. She would’ve figured it out herself if I hadn’t told her.”
Skye didn’t look convinced. “And how do you know she won’t tell anyone?”
“She’s not like that,” Jayde insisted.
“You’re willing to bet everything on that. On a human you’ve known for a few days,” her sister stated more than asked.
Jayde patted a couple of her jacket pockets before she remembered which one she put the small polaroid in. She pulled it out and dropped it on the table in front of Skye. The younger wolf picked it up and studied it with disinterest until she flipped it around and saw the note Nadya wrote on the back. She glanced up at her sister curiously.
“She’s a photographer,” Jayde explained. “When I told her I liked that picture, she gave it to me.”
Skye sat in silent contemplation for about a minute as she stared at the photo in her hands with pursed lips. Eventually, she gave a nod, and Jayde felt relieved that her sister finally accepted what she was certain of. Her eyes met Jayde’s and brightened with that mischievous smirk again. “It’s not just the picture you like, is it?”
Jayde raised a brow. “Excuse me?”
“Hot nurse saves your life, offers you a roof, gives you a gift before you go,” she held up the polaroid, flipping it between her fingers like a coin, “and you tell her the truth, give her a phone to call you, and stay in the city you almost got gunned down in to make sure she’s safe. Sounds like you have a crush.”
At first, Jayde felt offended by her assumption, but then her face quickly flushed with embarrassment. Is it that obvious? she thought before anything else, which threw her for a loop. Jayde knew she felt attraction towards the human, but it hadn’t even occurred to her that what she experienced might be a crush. Children get crushes for fuck’s sake, but apparently so do full grown werewolves who have to fight for their lives every single day.
Just like always, her sister knew her too well.
“Even if you were right, it doesn’t matter.” Jayde shrugged in an effort to seem nonchalant. “I’ll never see her again.”
Skye wagged an eyebrow. “Or maybe she’ll call you.”
Jayde rolled her eyes at her for the millionth time that morning. “I didn’t give her the phone to keep in touch. It’s for an emergency only, and she knows that.”
“Maybe an ‘emergency’ will happen.” Jayde’s whole body tensed as she sensed one of her little sister’s bits coming. Skye continued, using a high-pitched voice as she dramatically fanned herself. “Oh, Jayde, some trenchcoated goons have been lurking outside my house trying to sell me a new vacuum cleaner! Please, save me! You’re my only hope!”
Jayde scowled at her. “You think you’re so funny.”
“Come on!” Skye urged. “There’s gotta be some small part of you that’s hoping she’ll call.”
“No,” she said firmly, though Skye was partially right. A huge part of Jayde hoped that she would see Nadya again one day, just not under dire circumstances. But another part of her knew that was the only way she’d get to see her again.
“Fine,” Skye said, clearly not convinced, and handed the polaroid back.
Jayde took a few moments to stare at the photo fondly. She flipped it over to look at the note on the back and ran her fingertips over the letters Nadya wrote. Then she carefully returned it to the pocket it came from.
“You want some breakfast?” she asked Skye, ignoring the knowing grin on her face.
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lakemichigans · 1 year
also on the topic of detroit become human..... he fucked that old man
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darkwingsnark · 1 year
I know this is the depression talking, but sometimes I legit feel like people don’t care for me outside of the work I do. It might be because I’m stressed out from the fact I’ve been taking so long to work on the next chapter of MIM-- health and been too tired from taking care of kids being the reason. But lately I’ve been trying to talk about the fic with people, share tidbits to try and pump my energy up beyond the physical fatigue, but it feels like I get radio silence. Could be my fault on timing, but it’s been happening for a while now so my anxiety can’t help but go ‘oh, guess I took too long and peeps have moved on’.
Eh, it won’t stop me from working. But let me tell ya, I’m feelin’ it now Mr. Krabs.
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dont-loose-ur-head · 8 months
are ya feelin it now mr krabs
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princessofclowns · 1 year
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Are ya feelin' it now, Mr. Krabs Pantamimal?
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tawnyisacolor · 2 years
TGIMF and i’ll be in my happy place in two weeks because ya girl ain’t feelin it mr. krabs
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the-crafty-unicorn · 4 months
God you are NOT feelin' it now are ya Mr. Krabs- I mean Crafty?
"I just want to relax. >:("
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somethingg-red · 7 months
y'all ever feel like multiple kins at once. no? well here, try mine. [gives you soldier tf2 and alastor hh.] are ya feelin it now mr krabs
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sylvansleuth · 3 years
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do you feel it??
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faultfindingfirebot · 2 years
another kinda OOC question:
Do you think the sigma 17 force is in kahoots with the decepticons? is that why griffin rock is never harmed? is that why we have a *flying* autobot? 👀
Yes, Steve Blum is remarkably talented and one of my favorite voice actors.
No, I don’t….
Griffin Rock is never touched because Optimus Prime knows how to keep it secret, keep it safe. (With the obvious exception of Bumblebee…)
Blades flies because Dani is a pilot.
Did you know that Silas from TFP and Mr. Krabs from Sp.ongeBob have the same voice actor?
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pistolslinger · 3 years
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bi-rezi · 5 years
god. just. FUCK!!! like. as if it wasnt bad enough to just be constantly stressed anxious depressed and like... full of dread all the time now i have to feel like shit too!!!
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twitblr · 4 years
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Are ya feelin' it now Mr Krabs? (OC) (x)
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“Ya feelin lucky mr krabs?” /hj
listening to your own voice should be a form of torture
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cherrytrixster · 7 years
Me: *is sad* it's fine, it'll pass
Days later
Me: surely soon
Me: Well this is who I am now I guess
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demomansuggests · 4 years
are ya feelin it mr krabs
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