#AU Where Everything Was Fine And Nothing Had To Change That Bad
runninriot · 3 days
inspired by the song Solitude by Black Sabbath, written for @steddiesongfics june song fics
Memories I Have Remind Me Of You
wc: 1999 | rated: T | tags: modern au, friends to lovers to exes to lovers, marriage proposal, dealing with heartbreak and regrets, Steve needs a little push from a stranger to make it right, sad but with a happy ending
The girl is nice. She’s pretty. Big eyes, plush lips, a kind smile, dimples.
Fucking dimples.
Her hair’s long and curly, doesn’t remind Steve of anyone in particular.
It doesn’t.
He does not think about someone else when the warm colour of her brown irises makes him remember.
Steve tries to listen when she talks, tries to laugh when she giggles sweetly, tries not to jerk away when she brushes his hand in a flirty manner but it’s hard to focus when his mind isn’t where it should be.
Did she just ask him a question?
   “You didn’t even listen, huh?”
Steve shakes his head, looks back up at her, tries for an apologetic smile but to his confusion, she doesn’t even seem mad at him for not paying attention.
No, it’s worse.
She’s got that empathic, knowing look in her eyes. Like she can see right through him.
    You’re so easy to read, baby.
He was never good at pretending.
   “I’m not boring you, am I.”
It’s not really a question. The girl knows she’s a good catch, knows she isn’t the problem – Steve is.
   “No, uh. Sorry, I-“
Who is he even trying to fool? No excuse he’s trying to come up with would be good enough because if he looks how he feels, it must be written all over his face. No way to hide the obvious.
I can see it in your eyes, baby. Your eyes always tell the truth.
Steve should’ve known it was a bad idea the moment he saw her picture, noticed the similarities. She instantly reminded him of-
He shouldn’t have agreed to this date.
Not because he doesn’t like her, no. She’s perfect, really. Or she would be.
They matched on a dating app, texted a bit back an forth. She was fun to talk to, made him laugh. And when she asked him if he wanted to meet, he thought that maybe it would help. That maybe this was his sign to finally get his ass back out there. He’d been holed up at home for too long. Sulking, sad, depressed.
Life just hasn’t been the same ever since.
His favourite meal has lost its taste. His favourite songs all sound off-key. Going to his favourite bar just seems like a waste of time - Steve’s life has lost its light, making everything seem dark and grey and dull.
Nothing is right anymore because everything reminds him of Eddie.
And Steve himself is the one to blame for his misery.
   “I-“ Steve hesitates. He doesn’t want to bother her with his mess, didn’t come here to whine about things he can’t change. She didn’t come here to listen to him talk about his goddamn ex for fuck’s sake!
   “What’s wrong?” she asks and Steve knows there’s no point in trying to pretend that everything’s fine when nothing ever is. Not anymore.
   “I’m sorry for being such bad company,” Steve apologises and means it. She deserves better, could’ve gone on a date with someone worth spending her time with.
Someone actually interested in... something. Anything. Whatever it is she’s looking for.
Steve’s not it, that much is clear.
He’s not ready to move on. Maybe he never will be. Because what he had was all he ever wanted, all he ever needed to be happy. Life was good, perfect, before he ruined it all. Let the love of his life slip away because he was too afraid of the what ifs. So he pushed and he fought and he hurt the one that would’ve given him everything.
Now, Steve is just an empty shell of the man he used to be. Because the day Eddie left, he took Steve’s heart and soul with him, left him empty and broken and sad.
So fucking sad.
   “You remind me of my ex.” The words are out before he can swallow them back down.
   “Oh,” she answers, expression neutral. “Bad break-up?”
Steve nods. He doesn’t want to talk about it, doesn’t want to think about the day his whole life fell apart but-
   “It was my fault. He left me because I fucked it up.”
The truth still hurts, even after all those months.
   “What did you do?”
Steve and Eddie had met through a mutual friend, Dustin. It wasn’t quite love at first sight but close to it.
They quickly became friends, started hanging out on weekends, then, soon, even during the week. Spending the evenings after work at each other’s places, cooking dinner together, watching movies, talking.
Steve had never felt so drawn to another person, had never felt so comfortable in someone else’s presence. Eddie was... he was funny, kind, loud and wild. He had all these big dreams about what he wanted to do with his life. Dreams that were so very different from the small-town life Steve had always resigned himself to. Eddie wanted to travel the country, sleep under the stars, wake up next to a lake, follow the wind to wherever it would take him.
He wanted to be free.
But he stayed.
Eddie stayed because when they shared their first kiss in a weak moment of alcohol-fuelled recklessness, they ignited a fire that became too big too fast, making it impossible to smother the flames before they turned into burning desire that took a hold of them both. Scorching its way into their hearts where it settled, warm and bright, making light in every dark corner of their being.
It was the second first kiss that sealed their fate – a sober, slow, and tentative kiss in the low light of the morning sun that wiped away any worries and doubts Steve had when he woke up in Eddie’s arms after a night spent giving into their unspoken feelings as they took each other apart, not thinking about the consequences.
Knowing what it was like to wake up next to each other made it impossible to go back to simply being friends, to stay apart, to not fall in love.
Eddie and Steve were meant to be.
Together, everything felt right.
Eddie willingly put his own dreams aside for Steve who knew he could never repay him for the sacrifices he made just to be with him, tried to thank him every day by showing and telling him how much he loved him. And things were good, perfect.
   “I don’t understand,” she says quietly when Steve takes a moment to breathe away the ache in his heart and the tears threatening to spill, “that sounds like a dream come true. What happened?”
Steve smiles sadly, sighs.
   “Yeah, felt like a dream, too. But the thing with dreams is that no matter how beautiful they are, inevitably you will wake up.”
And a beautiful dream it was. Life was full of love and laughter and happy moments spent together, until Eddie proposed and Steve said No and the world tumbled down.
Because it was in that moment – with Eddie down on one knee, the simple gold ring Steve knew had belonged to Eddie’s uncle held between his thumb and finger as an offer, a promise to be his forever – that Steve realised he couldn’t do this to him. He couldn’t marry Eddie and keep him trapped in a life he never wanted just because Steve was too scared of giving up the safety of his home for a life on the road with no destination ahead and an unforeseeable future.
Steve said no to set him free but even then Eddie kept fighting for him, fucking apologised for putting ‘so much pressure’ on Steve with his question which- was insane because Eddie had done nothing wrong, ever. He had never been anything but wonderful and considerate and perfect. Steve had been the one not willing to compromise, who inadvertently put Eddie in a cage of his own making.
So he pushed and he fought and he hurt Eddie in order to give him back his freedom, thinking, believing he was doing the right thing. It was only when Eddie packed his bags and left that Steve realised he had made the biggest mistake of his life.
The moment Eddie walked out the door without looking back, Steve knew he had lost everything.
   “Where is he now?”
   “Eddie. Where did he go?”
   “I, uh...” Steve shouldn’t know the answer to this but he does. Because Dustin told him. Tells him whenever he gets a call or another letter from Eddie, ignoring the fact that it tears Steve apart every time. Or maybe he does it on purpose, punishing Steve for hurting his friend. And Steve lets him, never complains, always holds back his tears until he’s back in his fortress of solitude, where he can drown in his pain and sorrow.
He deserves to suffer for what he did.
   “He’s in Michigan.”
   “Huh.” She cocks her head, smiles. “It’s been what, 5 months you said? Pretty sure he could’ve gotten a lot further by now.”
   “What do you mean?”
   “For someone who’s always wanted to travel the whole damn country, he didn’t make it that far.”
   “Eddie never made plans on where he wanted to go. Maybe he found a nice place to stay for a while before he lets his heart take him somewhere else.”
   “Staying conveniently close for no reason whatsoever. Got it,” she scoffs.
Steve looks at her with pleading eyes, needs her to stop giving him ideas, can’t allow himself to let hope bloom.
   “He’s free to go wherever he wants.”
   “Maybe what Eddie really wants is for you to tell him to come home.”
Her words hit him hard like a slap across the face, ringing loudly in his ears.
   “What if- What if he doesn’t?”
   “You’ll never know if you don’t try.”
   “You left me.”
It’s not meant as an accusation, sounds like one though. And Steve can see in the way Eddie furrows his brows and tightens his lips, that it wasn’t the right thing to say.
   “You told me to.” Eddie’s answer is short but calm, not filled with anger like Steve expected.
   “I wanted you to stay!”
He knows it isn’t fair because Steve did tell him to leave. What right does he have to want him back, to ask for forgiveness?
   “I didn’t want you to leave but I was scared that you’d wake up one day and realise that being with me isn’t enough. That being in love isn’t worth giving up your dreams. You shouldn’t have to give up your dreams for me! I should’ve gone with you. I love you. I-”
Steve is crying, can’t stop shaking. He’s so angry at himself, feels so powerless and stupid. And Eddie just stands there and stares at him confused like he doesn’t know that Steve would do everything for a second chance.
Just when Steve is about to give up, turns to go because if he stays here any longer, he’ll fall to his knees and make an even bigger fool of himself than he already has, two strong arms wrap around him from behind, keeping him from walking away.
   “Don’t go,” Eddie whispers into his hair, tightens his grip to emphasise his words. “Stay.”
It’s what Steve should’ve said all those months ago, when he said the opposite instead.
Slowly, Steve turns within the arms holding him until he’s facing Eddie again. Eddie, who is so close now, Steve could bring their lips together by only moving in another inch or two. Could kiss away the tears running down Eddie’s cheeks.
   “I can’t live without you, Eddie.”
   “Then let me be with you.”
Their third first kiss is an angry one, rough and desperate. Full of regrets they swallow from each other’s lips, drinking them up to make them go away. To make it better. To make it right.
   “Marry me, Steve.”
The answer comes easy this time - one word, a promise.
Forever, never apart, wherever it'll take them.
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bravewolfvesperia · 4 months
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/ a real actual baby angel.............
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proxycrit · 4 months
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Elesa climbs to celestial tower to ring the bell. Emmet, stuck in between the distortion world, finds his way home.
Part 1/ Part 2
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The conductor falls, down, down, down.
“What’s my name?” He calls to the abyss in terror (what is terror?)
He’s a singular being, right? (That’s not right. He’s one of a pair.)
The abyss gazes back. It has no answers to give, in its multitude.
Not to someone that’s so, so alone.
Somewhere else, one Elesa of Nimbasa rings the Celestial Tower’s Bell, over and over. Her companion, Chandelure, keeps watch.
Nothing happens.
Elesa’s stomach sinks. The reverberations of Celestial Tower’s brass bell mocks her in its echo. The vibrations of it’s distortion only makes the tears she tries to hold at bay worse.
In the blur of her failure, she sees chandelure’s flames suddenly die. Part of her panics.
The rest of her is apathetic and numb.
What’s the point? It didn’t work. Elesa closes her eyes. Tries to swallow, and fails. She’s so tired. She’s so, so tired. The deal with Azelf, the media storm she’s weathered, the constraints of her job, the almost loss of chandelure-
Emmet has been gone for three months. Ingo has been gone even longer.
They have gone where she can’t follow.
Elesa, the ghost whispers in her head. Elesa shakes her head in denial. She doesn’t want to plan right now. She wants to curl into herself, and disappear, just for a bit.
“I can’t do this,” she croaks. The sob in the back of her throat bubbles outwards. She wants Zebrstika. She wants Skyla. She wants her friends.
The paliphet Azelf forced her forward. It permeates her thoughts, drowning out logical thought.
(Too much willpower, and it will become an obsession, Azelf had warned her once in Ingo’s voice. And then, in Emmet’s voice: And when you fail, it willll break you. And finally, in her own voice: you will not have a choice but to move forward, with this curse.
I accept, elesa and told it back in the lake.)
I’m so tired, Elesa thinks now, two months later.
But she keeps moving forward. The bell rings again as Elesa strikes it, with all the hurt and rage and longing forced by her own hand into her soul-
-And that’s when chandelure screams, and there is a terrible rolling crack, and Elesa feels the sudden lurch in her gut as she looks up, her apathy torn into shreds as-
The sky tears open in a fractal wave.
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Elesa gapes.
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She can not comprehend the sudden black webbing across the sky. In the distance, sirens suddenly start wailing as people stop to perceive the impossible.
But Elesa does not care, because in that moment, the wrench in her gut is so great she almost staggers off the platform. Chandelure is by her side in an instant, her glass body a warm comfort to the sudden chill, because-
Something white is falling.
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Elesa’s doesn’t know what she yells. But the tug in her chest feels like the beat of a drum, and she is helpless to the melody that calls for action.
Azelf’s blessed takes a leaping step forward, off the building. Chandelure lets out a panicked chime and the warmth of psychic cradles Elesa as she reaches out, arms outstretched, falling and flying and-
And Emmet, sparking with white electricity, reaches back.
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AU’s Salvaging the Ship of Theseus! Everybody has a Bad Time. (Emmet and Eelektross go to Hisui and learn about the joys of the distortion world. Elesa hunts legends and makes bad deals. Ingo babysits some sneaslets.)
Backstory and explanation:
Prior this scene, Emmet was travelling Hisui with Eelektross before he falls through a mirror and becomes lost in the distortion world for a month. Elesa and Chandelure, meanwhile, refuse to give up on their remaining friend. (Ingo’s fine! He’s in Hisui right now trying to get fired so he can go searching for his memories. Eelektross is… less fine. We will Worry about That Later.)
Disclaimers: Everything’s a work in progress and subject to change!
Part 2!
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 5 months
the babbit masterpost
HELLO welcome to the Babbit's Blog masterpost!!! On this post you'll find some fun facts about yours allegedly (me <33), some ref's for my different 'sona's, and a couple links to my fics and whatnot! Are you ready? No?? Excellent neither am i let's do this
Meet the Babbits!: the self-inserts/personas
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the first ref is for my general/most commonly used persona, Babbit! They aren't really an anthro/furry as much as they are a humanoid with the head of a rabbit. I like to think of this one as the 'me' that's in my head- the purest form of my thoughts and feelings, but not the solid real-life me. The second ref is my self-insert persona, Rabbit, the one i picture using most often when i'm reading a fic or imagining a self-insert scenario lol. This one is like the me that people see and meet and speak to in real actual life, if that makes sense. It's the way I come across to people and all of the things I wish I could iron out of my crumpled up real-self <3 The third is a much more specific 'sona, Hazel, who started off as a FNaF:SB animatronic self-insert. She does have a backstory and lore now, which i think makes her more of an OC than a self-insert, but a lot of her is still me and a lot of what she experiences in her backstory is from my life/instills the same feelings that were taken away from things that happened to me, so I think she kinda counts enough to put a ref for her here sdkjfsdhfj (Why the different names?: makes things a little easier, and they hold meaning to me symbolically, I guess!)
Content!: Here's a short list of my various fics that will get updated as I create more! (it was, in reality, not fine.): FNaF Sun/Moon x Reader fanfic, gender neutral, for general audiences, fluff-fest, idiots to lovers "You're the new tech/repairman at the Fazbear Mega Pizzaplex, unfortunately. Your first task? To make the Daycare Attendant into two separate animatronics. It's an amazing opportunity, really, and there is nothing you love more than getting a chance to really work with such tech! The only bad part is that you don't know how to tell anyone that you just might be in over your head. (You are extremely in over your head.)" After Everything Was Fixed (but you were still broken): AU FNaF Sun/Moon x (Animatronic) Reader, gender neutral, read with caution, angst, harm to sentient robots, traumatized main character, hurt/comfort slow burn, romance slow burn "The virus was gone. Everyone was fixed. You had been put back together. It's a time for a new beginning, to do things right this time, to wash away the past and paint a better future. Their memories of the infection had- mercifully- been taken away from them. Yours had not. He doesn't understand why you try to avoid him. Even if you could tell him, you're not sure you would. You want to be his friend, but it's difficult; every time you see him, you remember the hundreds of times he killed you." A fic where you are a repairman-themed STAFFbot, taking place post-virus. In the past, Moon, infected by the virus, took delight in attacking and dismantling the reader during the night. Now, in the present, you find yourself burdened by the memories of the past while everyone around you has no recollection of the events. It gets more complicated as Sun and Moon, both now cleared of the virus, grow curious of you. This fic will follow a series of arcs, presently on arc one. For anyone curious, feel free to send an ask about the arcs in 'After Everything Was Fixed'! The Sun, the Moon, and the Blazing Comet (title subject to change): AU FNaF Sun/Moon/Eclipse x Reader, gender neutral, teen and up audiences, travel/journey, betrayal, hurt/comfort slowburn, reconciling, themes of breaking the mold, found family (TBA) Hold My Broken Hands (title subject to change): AU FNaF Sun/Moon x Reader, gender neutral, mature audiences, dark romance, dark comedy, severe bodily harm, mutilation, murder, obsessive behavior, possessive behavior, lovesick (TBA)
My AU's!: i'm going to make a Babbit-AUs-Masterpost and then put the link here i swear, i just have so many im sorry jdfhsjdfhs (like more than twenty)
Fandoms!: I enjoy, have been in, made or make content for: Pokemon Undertale FNaF Creepypasta (YEAH I KNOW LET ME LIVE OKAY) My Little Pony (I KNOW OKAY LEAVE ME ALONE) Steven Universe Star Trek Warrior Cats i'm sure theres more but i just forgot everything i have ever liked wheeeeeze
Whomst the hell?: HI I'm Rabbit! Or Bones! Or Babbit! Or Avarice/Ava, if you want to go for a more legitimate-sounding name. I'm 24 years old, prefer to use they/them pronouns, and so, so incredibly ace. I've been drawing as long as I've had the ability to hold a pen, writing since I was in grade school, and being a plague to the ones around me since the beginning of time! If you've seen my art, its probably from the absolute mountain of fluffy-wuffy love-dovey (y/n) x Sundrop/Moondrop/Eclipse doodles I've been sharing for several years now sdfjhsdj. If you've heard of my fics, it was probably the one I made just for fun that's now turned into an actual fanfiction that I enjoy writing, the silly-lovey-fluff incarnate (it was, in reality, not fine.) !
Likes n Dislikes!: I'm a sucker for sap, fluff, and lots and lots of love-dovey bullshit! I also like stories about finding oneself and monsters being befriended or loved. I like space, aliens, robots, the odd and strange, injecting humanity into things not human, monsters, creatures, animals, the fae, concepts of spirits and karma and the afterlife, and more! I dislike 'fanservice', most anime tbh LOL it's not personal I just don't enjoy it im srry, FLY BABIES i know they have an actual name but i hate that word too pls just dont i will scream, sexually aggressive/forceful content/characters, being made to feel small, dumb, or trapped,
Other!: I have a pretty high gross-out tolerance! I also have a pretty high 'wow that's messed up huh' tolerance, in that sometimes I will just say stuff that's super grim or dark or messed up and not realize it lmao. I am full of random facts and anecdotes, especially weird or gross ones! sometimes i get on tangents that can go for actual hours so pls forgive that lol
bonus persona: crybaby
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
Cᵣᵤₑₗ Wₒᵣₗd
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭. 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐭 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐮𝐩 𝐚𝐬 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧, 𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐚𝐬 𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐤 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐚𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬, 𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐧'𝐭. 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐬, 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦. 𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐞 𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ᴍɪɢᴜᴇʟ ᴏ'ʜᴀʀᴀ x ᴡɪꜰᴇ! ᴠᴇɴᴏᴍ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Tw: Death of a child, murder, gun/gunshot wounds, depression, emotional, mentions of gore? nudity.
A/N: I based this off the AU where Bruce's parents are Batman and The Joker.
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The whole time you had been crying, begging that your baby was okay, you were still covered in her blood. You didn't bother to clean yourself, all you cared about was your daughter. When the doctors came to tell you both the news, you has absolutely lose it. You begged and screamed that they must be another thing that they could of done but no, Gabriella had died.
During the funeral, the whole time you had been hovering over the little casket, crying and begging that she'd come back. It hurt your husband seen you in this state, he hated seen you in such pain and distress. That night you didn't sleep in yours and Miguel's bedroom, you slept in your daughter's room, wishing and hoping that this was only a bad room and that your Gabriella would be in bed with you, but the next morning, she wasn't there, she was really gone.
For the last couple weeks not everything went back to normal, that night something had died inside of you, no longer did you smile or were happy ever. You were basically in your own world, forgetting that your husband was still in the picture, you loved him, you really did, but it was hard to look at him sometimes, every time you looked at your husband, you saw your little Gabriella, she looked a lot like her father. It hurt.
You went about your day, you woke up early or sometimes you didn't sleep at all. You did chores and everything that needed to get done in the house, then you'd do and hide in your daughter's room. You didn't do nothing in the room, but just lay in bed while hugging her soccer jersey, her scent was still on her clothes, it made you cry, you must have looked pathetic, but you didn't care.
This worried Miguel, you were getting worse instead of better, he knew that people mourned differently, but this was getting out of hand. He noticed a lot of unhealthy changes in you, he needed to help you. For a while he himself had also isolated himself, but now you needed him. That night he decided to talk to you, about taking you to go talk to a therapist, but you refused, you told him that you were fine and didn't need help, this lead to an argument. You both had began screaming at each other. Miguel had warned you that if you didn't go willing to the therapist, then he'll put you in a psych ward by force, when you heard those words, you got scared and basically ran out the door, scared that he might lock you up and claim you as crazy. He didn't mean for this to happen, he only wanted to help.
Miguel had thought you went for a walk for some fresh air, but those minutes became to hours, then those long hours turned into days. He had filed a missing person report to the police. While the police did their part, so did Miguel. He did everything in his power as Spider-Man to find you, but nothing, you had basically disappeared from thin air. He did not stop, no matter how long it would take, he was going to find you.
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Years passed. Miguel has not found you yet, it killed him. He didn't know if you were alright, with good people, or if you were even alive. He remembers your screams, those same screamed haunted him at night. That night of the murder haunted him. Every time he closes his eyes, he sees you, holding the dying body of yours and his daughter, begging for her to keep her eye open. He remembers when you both rushed to the hospital screaming for help, when the doctors and nurses came to your help, you begged them to let go with them, in case your daughter needed her mama. he hopped that you were alive and well.
That wasn't the only thing he was worried about, some vigilante by the name of Venom had appeared. She was terrorizing the city and killing criminals from the streets, leaving some disturbing stuff that he felt disgusted to even mention behind to warn other criminals. He tried so hard to figure out who it was, but it was impossible, he had no clue on who could it possibly had been. Some people may find her acts heroic, but what she was doing was wrong, he was a vigilante himself, but he had limits. Someone needed to stop her before she does worse things.
Miguel was out on patrol, looking for any kind of danger or if anyone needed some help from Spider-Man, he was about to call it a night, but he hard screaming coming from an ally. So he decided to go check it out. The screaming got louder, he must have got closer, then he heard this kind of snarl and a demonic yet feminine voice. "Scums like you shouldn't be alive! You all should die!" she hiss at the man, who was pressed up against the wall, with her tight grip on his neck.
"Let him go Venom!" Miguel yelled towards the female, then the disguised woman looked at him, making her growl and gripping harder on the man's neck. "Why should you care to what happened to this low life! Him and every other criminal deserves to die!" she hissed towards the Spider-Man, she was about to snap the guy's neck. But Miguel had launched himself towards her, causing her to drop the guy, in which he ran away as fast as possible.
Then they both began to fight, they threw punches, kicks and threw each other around the ally. This went on for hours. "Just quit Venom!" Miguel yelled towards the woman, who was ready to throw another punch at him. "No! I will never stop! Until every criminal on the street is dead! They have to pay for what they had done!" she hissed, throwing herself back at Miguel, hitting him square n the jaw. Causing Miguel to hiss and get a hold of her wrist at in attempt to get her to stop.
"You think by killing them things will get better?!" he asked, while trying to restrain her but he couldn't, she manage to get away from him. "Yes, they took the most precious thing to me" she said, stopping her movements. "In this very ally, they killed my daughter!" she hissed, he could tell that she was in pain. He also couldn't help but notice the ally was the same exact ally where the murder of his daughter happened. But when the woman said the thing about her daughter, was what made Miguel freeze in his tracks.
"My daughter was shot here, and died in the hospital... they never found the guy that did it.." she said in tears. Miguel could see the tears streaming down her white wide eyes. "My daughter was my everything, she was the light of my life, but now she is gone.. and it's because of people like those scums that I do what I do.. so that no other mother had to go through what I did.." she admitted. No, it couldn't possibly be her. "I will do everything in my power to get every criminal off the street, even if that means killing them" she said.
The woman then brushed off her tears. "I'll have to kill you too, since you tend to get in my way!" she hissed as she lounged at him. This time Miguel had a trick up his sleeve. As soon as the woman got close to him, he manage to get a hold of her shoulder, then with his free hand, he got a needle shot which contained the venom from his fangs and injected the serum in her neck. Causing her to go weak. "What did you.." she wasn't able to finish her sentence. She then slumped forward towards him, losing conciseness.
Miguel then got a hold of the unconscious woman, he noticed how the black ink like skin of her began to disappear from her body. Revealing that she was naked underneath her 'suit'. Sadly he didn't have anything to cover her body, instead he used his big arms to hide her body. Then the black ink had dissolved off her face, revealing to be his one and only wife. The woman that he had been searching for, you looked so peaceful with your eyes closed as if you were sleeping. He sighed as he held your body close to him, pulling you into a tight embrace and tears forming in his eyes, glad that he had found you.
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Taglist: @sorryi-mtrash, @call-me-nev
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angelpassing-by · 4 months
Characters: Zhongli, Diluc. Genre: angst, comfort. Your boyfriend realises over time you're in a bad mental space and comforts you after you open up. Modern AU. Tw: self harm, not graphic mention of injuries and self harm scars, depression episodes. A/N: English is not my first language. A bit rambly and incoherent, I'm afraid-
ZHONGLI ִ  ֗- - - - - - - - ꔫ - - - - - - - - ִ  ۫ 
You hadn't really been feeling yourself lately. Things happened around you as if they were filtered by a distorted glass. Words had a static sound behind them, and even silence felt somehow too heavy.
You laid still most of the time, waiting for the time to pass by, one, two, five hours and counting. Without the soft humming of your partner the air on the appartment felt constricting. The couch wasn't even that comfortable, but you didn't have the energy to get up.
it took some time for the ex-archon to pick up on your behaviour, all in all, as an inmortal being, he was used to stillness. Plus, it definetly didn't help that you weren't normally very energetic either.
"Honey, are you feeling fine?"
That had been a particularly difficult day as you were forced out of your home by your friends. They laughed and joked and you felt so, so out of place through the entire time. You couldn't help but feel inadequate. You weren't as funny as them, or as pretty, or smart or kind. You just couldn't figure out how to reach to them, and in your poor state of mind, everything you could think about was how little you gave to them.
"Yes, just kind of tired, don't worry." You lied, slowly getting up and heading to the kitchen for a glass of water.
"Are you sure, you have been a bit down lately." He trailed behind you but his words seemed to vanish on thin air, or maybe be swallowed by too-thick air.
You couldn't be bothered to respond, why would you? Things changed around you, you could do nothing. Words were spoken, but life just continued after all, long and miserable. And you, you were just watching from the sidelines.
"Do you want to go somewhere? Or maybe just order takeout and watch something." Your boyfriend was getting anxious, he knew nothing about human beings.
Maybe you were sick.
"I'm fine. I'll go to bed early though so don't bother." You talked drily, where were the endearing nicknames or the shy smiles? Zhongli couldn't help but wonder.
You went to bed early without saying goodnight and were still fast asleep when he got up for work. Well, actually, you had prentended to be sleeping, feeling the sweet goodnight kiss on your temple and the squeeze on your hand when he left.
You felt like a terrible partner, avoiding your significant other. In truth, you were scared, what if he dind't seem real? What if he suddenly had the realisation that you were nothing but a bystander in everyone's life?
That night, the scene repeated, but instead of confronting you, Zhongli simply asked in a gentle manner "Can I hug you, my dear?"
That caught you by surprise and you absentmidedly nodded, still convinced that he wouldn't dare to touch you. But he did, wrapping you in big, warm arms and securing you to his chest, the fabric of his expensive suit rubbing against your cheek.
In that precise moment, time froze, the glass cage that had been keeping you isolated for weeks shattering. The thrumming of his heart against your ear, clearer than any sound you'd heard as of lately. His hands on your back felt so real, so genuine. You dind't even noticed that you were talking, softly wispering as he rubbed your back in circular motions.
"You're real."
DILUC ִ  ֗ - - - - - - - - ꔫ - - - - - - - - ִ  ۫ 
That was one of the only times when you could actually feel like yourself. When the pressure on your chest was lifted and the stream of tears clouded that little skeptical voice inside your mind.
"Are you even real?"
"Do you exists if no one looks at you?"
"Everything would be fine if you were gone."
The steady pulse hammering your head as the heavy droplets of crimson slide across your marred skin somehow gave you peace. And you felt horrible for it. Horrible for relapsing and falling again for old vices. Horrible for lying to your boyfriend. Horrible because everything was fine, yet you still felt distant from it all.
The tender scars across your arms itched as you tugged on your long sleeves, always paranoid that they would to slip down, just enough to reveal a trail of swollen skin and distorted lines. The anxiety making you space out from whatever your boyfriend was talking at that moment. Truthfully, you had no energy left to hear some story about drunkards or the mysterious Dark Night.
" - and of course, Charles just had to do it, you know?" Diluc, immersed in his monologue as he was, had unconsciously approached you, a shoulder brushing against you own.
You made an uncomfortable noise when he pulled you closer but aside from a hurt look, he let it slide and proceed to ask about your day. Pretty uneventful, you still managed to pull a believable performance sprinkling some exaggerations and white lies into your tale.
From that day on the exchange repeated a handful of times and finally you felt something change in the air between you two. Diluc became careful when approaching you, choosing to keep his distance, and colder, quite literally. You had grown, over the time you both had been together, accustomed to the heat that he naturally radiated due to his vision but now, with your body hidden under layers and layers of protective fabric, the temperature was unbearable. That coldness had seeped into the atmosphere at your home. With Diluc unable to use his love language in fear that it would make you uncomfortable, the tension built up.
"Did I do anything?" That was the last thing you were expecting that day.
You had slipped into bed quickly after a small dinner and Diluc had promptly followed you to the master bedroom, sitting out of arm reach at the edge of the mattress.
"No!" You voice came louder than you had expected it. "No" You repeated yourself quietly.
"Then why this? Did someone do something to you?" He finally looked at you, deeply into your eyes with a scared expression.
"No, it's got nothing to do with you or anybody else. It's just... too hot."
He smiled awkwardly and tried to joke it off "Am I really that hot that you can't stand being around me?"
But you didn't laugh and his serious face and deep frown reappeared. "Maybe if you didn't wear so many layers -"
And then it happened, it never occurred to you he would ask why. Why? And then you told him. The words pouring out of your mouth without any cohesion or structure. You told him about that part of yourself, the one that didn’t let you live in peace. You told him about that not feeling real that you carried around, about the cuts and how you didn't know how to stop, how to make the urge go away. You rambled until your throat felt sore and your head began pulsating with the familiar thrumming of an imminent headache.
"I know you are not fine, " he paused and moved closer to you "and I doubt there's anything really I can do. But I want - no - I need to help you. I can't stand to see you in pain, I love you too much and you love yourself too little. So please, tell me, what can I do?" His face pleading for something, anything.
Deep red eyes searched for yours before you hesitantly asked, "Can I hold your hand?"
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kitchenisking · 6 months
Sterek Fic Rec
Thrid Night of Chunnuka
It's Been A Long Time by voidnogitsune - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 3,524, sterek)
It’s just after his eighteenth birthday when Stiles comes to him, hot and hard and practically begging. His hands are white-knuckled, gripping the steering wheel too tight and Derek doesn’t have to be a werewolf to know what this is about.
Stiles stumbles out of the jeep, wiping his palms on his jeans and catching Derek’s eye in the moonlight. He flails backwards, like he hadn’t known Derek would be there the entire drive up, and Derek just smirks back at him, watches the way his pale skin catches in the light, watches the way he bites his lips until they are dark-pink.
“D-Derek. Fancy seeing you out here tonight.”
Mine by Nival_Vixen - (Rating: Mature, Words: 1,046, sterek)
Stiles can't quite believe what's happening. Werewolves, he's fine with. Werewolf rules and obligations, their social hierarchy and rankings, whatever, he can deal. But this? This is something completely foreign to him, and he has no idea how to handle it. Not when someone else is hugging Derek - his Derek - like they mean something to each other.
Long Overdue by tangowhiskey - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 5,147, sterek)
Stiles is pregnant with Derek's pups. However, he's now overdue, making him tired and irritable. He wants nothing more than for Derek to have sex with him in the hope that it will induce labour. Derek may or may not love the idea.
Weave Soft Spells Over My Sight by AgnesBlue - (Rating: Mature, Words: 51,424, sterek)
Derek had blossomed steadily over the past year, growing into his ears and turning even more handsome, if that were possible. But instead of going out and melting the panties off the girls, suddenly he was coming to Stiles all bashed in, demanding that he patch him up like Stiles was some freelance nurse. It was a familiar pattern by now. 
AU in which Stiles has been living with the Hales for a few years as their assistant and friend. He needs to deal with Derek, who keeps coming to Stiles with bruises and cuts to be treated, while trying to figure out what the elderly alpha of the Hale pack is up to.
Derek May Or May Not Be A Sugar Daddy by LadyDrace - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 604, sterek)
Derek buys Stiles things, and Stiles is very appreciative. VERY appreciative.
Ironing out the Kinks by astrugglingstoic - (Rating: Explicitly, Words: 3,870, sterek)
The guy’s leaning against the side wall of the club, neither flaunting himself nor trying to blend into the background. He's fiercely beautiful and unforgiving as he turns down the dozenth man and woman to proposition him for a dance or a drink. Stiles must have him.
all i know since yesterday (is everything has changed) by EvanesDust - (Rating: T, Words: 5,005, sterek)
When Derek wakes from a bad dream, he stares up at the cutest guy he's ever met. The scent of home washes over him and he has no idea what it means. But after the guy walks away, all Derek wants is to find him again.
based on the prompt: "I was looking up a guy's info on a college computer. Heard his voice from behind me telling me how to correctly spell his last name. #IGotCaught"
Just My Type by thedevilyousay - (Rating: G, Words: 1,170, sterek)
Laura and her brother are not so patiently waiting in line at the coffee shop one morning when a cute stranger grabs her hand by mistake.
The one where Stiles doesn't pay attention and Laura gets to witness her brother and his new dumb boyfriend's love at first sight.
Like Real People Do by DefNotForWork - (Rating: T, Words: 4,697, sterek)
“We’re going on a date. You and me, romantically,” Stiles said again, imagining the eyebrow magic currently working on Derek’s forehead. “Why would I want to do that?” Derek asked, gracing Stiles with a little inflection, something the man never took for granted. “Because secretly you’re just a pretty girl who wants a date to the ball.”
spoilers by To_fill_the_sea - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 9,896, sterek)
Derek is confronted with a girl who accidentally traveled back in time and it throws him a bit for a loop as certain future events get revealed and he struggles how to handle these revelations.
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OKAY here is the completely nonserious percy jackson npmd au thats been taking up space in my brain for weeks now because it simply needs somewhere to go:
New campers-
Stephanie Lauter:
I'm not overcomplicating this one: Steph is a daughter of Aphrodite
Solomon Lauter saw the hottest woman at some party where he was campaigning, and he’s is nothing if not ‘passionate’ and successful (by design) so it worked out
As far as Steph knows until her teens her mom ran off on her dad when she was a baby, and that’s fine, she doesn't give a shit, she’s never looked into it
Until, when she’s sixteen (because somehow she’s made it this long) Grace Chasity starts a rumor, her dad sends her to Abstinence Camp and the monster in the woods chases her right into camp halfblood
She gets claimed pretty promptly and Is Not A Fan
She’s thinks it’s pretty sexist and conceited and stupid and problematic for a whileeeee and refuses to look into it any more than ‘pink and pretty and misogynistic’ which like, doesn’t go well for her but she’s nothing if not stubborn
She’s fluent in French because of her mom but she doesn’t know that until she gets to camp and is genuinely so pissed off that the one school subject she thought she was good at isn’t even on her own merit
She’s got some vague appearance manipulation stuff, and once she realizes she does she exclusively uses it to change her hair color and make her eyeliner look good
She’s probably like camp way more if she knew about it earlier but the combo of her had having kept it from her and who her mom is and all the stupid games/worship expectations piss her off and she bails on most of the events/training/campfires out of spite
She definitely uses some close up weapon like a dagger or short sword
Grace Chastity:
Grace is a daughter of Ares 
(Her finding this out goes very poorly)
Im ngl i feel like somehow Ares ended up with Mark Chastity, I refuse to examine this thought but i think Mark Chastity had his first gay experience and woke up the next morning with a baby there somehow because Ares thought it would be hilarious and wanted to see what would happen
She gets chased to camp with Steph from Abstinence Camp and is fucking livid, the whole thing is insanely scareligious and ridiculous and everyone there is going to hell and she is so heated that Ares, once again thinking it’s really funny and slightly proud, claims her on the spot
Grace Chastity is out here with her sacreligious two gay dads
She really resents specifically who her dad is because in her head she is made for peace and love and spreading the word of god, she hates the idea of war or violence on principal, so she spends a lot of time at the strawberry fields or Pegusus stables because she does really like the flying horses :)
She refuses to take place in any camp activities or training and all her siblings hate her
At a certain point she’s able to harness a level of odikinesis (enhancing feelings of hatred and war) and it doesn’t go well
Chiron honestly is forcing her to stick around because he’s REALLY so very nervous about how the fuck it would go to have Grace loose on the mortal world right after she finds everything else
Her weapon is an axe
AND THEN we’ve got the established campers-
Peter Spankoffski:
Okay so forgive me for my special little blorbo-fication of my guy but:
Pete’s a son of Nyx
He super fucking shouldn’t be, there aren’t demi-god children of Nyx, just monsters and minor gods, but him and Ted were kind of just… thought experiments? Like she was bored and very curious so she took a really shitty human and had a child with him (Ted) and then, in what Nyx’s head was barely any time at all but in human years was straight up 18 years, has another one (Pete)
Ted raises Pete for a couple years, but children of Nyx in general are just bad omens, and human children of Nyx who probably shouldn’t exist are no exception, so they get hunted down by monsters hard
Ted dies or disappears by the time Pete’s ten or eleven and he ends up at a camp
He’s a year round camper and lives in the hermes cabin because obviously Nyx doesn’t have a cabin (look okay i know that percy fixed that, but that bit of lore where any unclaimed or minor god children live at the hermes cabin is so fucked up and rife with angst and hurt/comfort potential is too much for me to resist so this is a universe where percy jackson does not exist)
His luck is horrible, like it’s a magical demigod ability how horrible his luck is and he’s well on his way to systematically having broken every single one of his bones one by one, they know him so well in the apollo cabin
NO ONE (and I mean NO ONE) likes him and he’s considered a camp wide jinx so he takes one for the team and personally exempts himself from any team events like capture the flag because no one is willing to have him on their side
A lot of newer campers generally assume he’s an Athena kid because he really enjoys learning/strategy/by-the-book stuff because it’s a lot easier than trying to get involved with the more dangerous athletic shit 
Because his mom is the goddess of night he’s very into outer space
His weapon is a bow and arrow, but he’s pretty good with most range weapons/anything that he can calculate aim for 
Ruth Fleming:
Ruth is a daughter of Demeter and she’s pissed about it
Her dad told her about being a demigod a couple years before she went to camp but he didn’t know who her mom was so she got very very into greek mythos and shit and was convinced she was a daughter of Athena or Aphrodite or someone else nine-year-old-girl-cool and was fucking devestated when it was the goddess of farming
Like, she’ll do all the things she’s expected to (helping in the strawberry fields, weeding, etc..) but she’s going to complain about it
She doesn’t even have any cool powers to go with it!!! it’s so unfair >:( 
She’s also involved with the camp’s theater department and is convinced it’s rigged against her because of who her mom is in favor of Apollo and Dionysus kids (in fairness…. it probably is) which is why she’s always stuck on tech 
She’s definitely got a crush of Richie’s dad
She’s a summer only camper for sure, monsters don’t hunt her down for any reason in particular or en mass so she can get away with it and fight off the ones that do, but she does kind of take offense to the fact that even monsters don't want her (even if they’d just kill her) 
Her childhood greek mythology obsession carries over so she knows every dumb little detail about every myth and will bring it up unprompted
Her main weapon is just a celestial bronze sword but i feel like when she first got to camp at 12 she bribed a child of Iris to change the color of it so it looks like… rose gold lmao
Richie Lipschitz:
Richie is a son of Dionysus
And sure, okay, I know what you're thinking: that doesn’t really fit…?
But to that I say oh boy it does, just not for Richie
For his twin brother Trevor however– 
Richie is kind of like the black sheep of his cabin, not that there is many of them, because his brother is perfectly cookie cutter what a Dionysis kid should be (he’s a theater kid, he throws good parties, he’s generally popular) and Richie is not
They both started camp at probably 10-ish, a little earlier than traditional because there were two of them which drew more monsters
His eyes are violet though which he thinks is very cool so he dyes his hair purple to match them
He sorta-kinda has chlorokinesis, specifically for grape and strawberry vines, which a. he also thinks is very cool, and b. he uses as an excuse to get out of training so he can hang out with Ruth
He's also really good at swimming and trying to work up the courage to ask his dad if he'd possibly be able to grant him the ability to turn into a dolphin but just like... only when he wanted tot and he could turn back
He really wishes his was an Apollo kid (though, obviously he’d never say that out loud) because of the artistic stuff, so he sort of just tries to gaslight everyone that because his dad is the god of the Arts that includes physical art like drawing so obviously that’s why he’s good at it
He’s a summer-only camper too but for the dumbest reason; their parents gave the twins a choice, but Trevor wanted to be able to go back to school to do school plays and Richie can’t watch anime at camp so they chose summer only
His weapon is just a normal sword but he’s campaigning to get a child of Hephaestus to make him a Katana
(They’re all three kind of outcasts in terms of their own godly parents, because Ruth and Richie don’t really fit the mold of ‘normal child of [blank]’ and Pete’s kind of just generally disliked because of his parentage, so they all sort of came together as friends out of necessity but now they’re just actually buddies and they hang out)
anyway who knows if ill do anything with this but its FUN and id love to talk about it forever they're just little demigod losers I love them
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rafeandonlyrafe · 5 months
girliest girly girl
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words: 800
warnings: trans!reader (mtf), brief transphobia (hate comment), gender dysphoria, established relationship, soft!rafe, social media au briefly at the end featuring my shitty photoshop (face claim: hunter schafer)
“what's that look on your face for princess?” rafe tsks, instantly recognizing that something isn't right, ready to beat the shit out of anyone who could have caused you feeling down.
“it's nothing.” you shake your head, curls flopping as you do, having just done your hair, hoping it would help.
“lie.” rafe calls out, always one to see through your bullshit, never able to hide your feelings around him.
“fine.” you sigh as rafe takes a seat on the couch next to you, his hand coming to rub over your knee, exposed by your shorts.
“i just… i got a mean comment on my instagram post. calling me a dude. it's made me feel really dysphoric.” you admit softly. you don't talk to rafe a lot about being trans, mainly because it doesn't affect your relationship a lot. you transitioned fully before even meeting rafe, and had such a nonchalant response to you telling him you weren't sure he understood at first.
“ah, shit baby.” rafe sighs, struggling with the internal battle of making you feel good versus finding who left the comment and breaking their thumbs for typing out something so vile they knew would hurt you. ultimately, the pout on your face makes him put his anger away. “what can i do to help pretty girl?
“i don't know.” you admit with a sigh. “just kinda wanna… wanna do something to distract myself i guess.”
“i see you did your hair.” rafe comments. you usually keep your hair straight, only curling it on special occasions because it takes forever with how thick and long your hair is.
“and your makeup is beautiful.” makeup you did do every day, finding it helped with your gender dysphoria and was the final step to making you feel like you.
“thanks rafey.” you smile gently, already starting to feel better just from being in his presence.
“why don't we go shopping and out to eat?” he offers. 
“i would really like that.” you admit. getting out of the house will probably help as well, not giving you the opportunity to sit and scroll on your phone, negative feelings just building up inside of you.
you finish getting ready to go, putting on a pair of heels that you don’t usually go for, especially since you would be doing a lot of walking since you’re going to be shopping, but they always made you feel good.
“my beautiful girlfriend.” rafe smiles, making sure to use a lot of gender affirming words whenever you get feeling like this.
“thank you baby.” you feel your face blush as he laces your fingers together, walking you towards the car. he helps you up into the truck with it being so tall and your heels making you wobbly.
“where to first? sephora?” rafe questions, and you realize that he must be able to see through everything to how bad you were feeling if he’s willingly offering to take you to sephora.
“yeah and then i thought maybe we could go to lulu? they released a new color of my favorite skirt and i really wanna get it.”
“anything for you darling.” rafe says, reaching over to squeeze your thigh.
“i hate to bring it back up, but how are you feeling now?” rafe asks as you lay back on the bed, tired from the long day of shopping.
“totally fine now. i swear i walk into zara and feel like the girliest girly girl.” you giggle. 
“look at you in all pink, of course you’re a girly girl.” rafe rolls his eyes, changing his shirt into a more comfortable tee before crawling into bed next to you.
“oh shush.” you swat at his chest before he pulls you into him, tangling your legs together. 
rafe smiles at having you pressed against him, taking your hand in his as he plays with the rings stacked on your fingers. “look at your nails baby, even they are pink and sparkly.” he chuckles. “you should get blue for me next time.” “i can get a little letter r charm too.” you mumble, burrowing your face into rafes chest, knowing your nail girl is so talented and able to pull off any look you ask.
“holy shit, they do that?” rafes eyebrows raise, thinking he’s going to make incorporating his letter or name in all of your nails a rule from now on.
“mhm. i could get gems, pearls, anything.” you shrug, scratching your nails over the back of his hand.
“i learn so much being with you.” rafe says honestly.
“i learn so much being with you too, just most of it is about golf or sports.” you scrunch your nose up.
“golf is a sport!” rafe immediately argues, making you roll your eyes. “we are not doing this again!”
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taglist: @winterrrnight @bejeweledreverie @drewstarkeyslut @forstarkey @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld @emma77645 @wearemadeofstardust0
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What's your fanfic fantasy? part 4
Chapter Contents.
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6 // Part 7 // Part 8 // Part 9 // Part 10 // Part 11 // Part 12 // Part 13 // Part 14 //
Chapter summary: chan helps you fulfil a fantasy of sensual sex with a stranger.
Premise: OFC + Chan + Jisung 18+ fanfic. This is an AU story about Chan bringing your fantasies to life... but what happens when boyfriends Chan and Han fall in love with you?
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Content Warnings: nudity, anonymous sexual encounter, blindfolds, anal fingering, blow job, angst, p in v unprotected sex.
You look out to the ocean from your balcony window. You're trying to calm your nerves and simultaneously build up the courage to go downstairs to make yourself some breakfast.
Why oh why did you send Chan that message last night? Admittedly, it was a very impulsive thing to do, and in hindsight you should have thought it through a bit more.
You hadn’t even considered what Chan might have thought. What if he doesn’t feel comfortable approaching a band member and saying “Hey do you wanna fuck y/n - and oh yeah, she won’t know it’s you?" Maybe he doesn’t want to make it look like you sleep around (not that that is even a bad thing)? Or what if none of them want to do it.
Oh my God. What if none of them want to fuck you? You shake your head. Get a grip.
Eventually, your hunger becomes too much and you head downstairs to the kitchen.
The kitchen is one of those gorgeous gourmet ones you see on Pinterest, and looks out onto a large living area that has enormous sliding doors, which opens out onto the ocean. It’s an absolutely gorgeous space, perfect for a creative getaway.
You hope that no one will be in there since you had waited well past what would be considered “breakfast” time to make your way down.
You tentatively peek your head in, and to your relief no one is there. Thank fuck. You survey the kitchen counter to see what you should eat, and see a cloche covering a plate with a note on top.
“Please eat me!”
You lift the covering to find fresh brownies underneath. Felix must have arrived. Felix isn’t in the band but he manages their tech. Plus he’s known the guys forever, and he makes the best brownies.
“Hey there.” you turn, startled, your mouth stuffed full of brownie.
It’s Jisung.
“You look good with your mouth full.” He teases and raises an eyebrow.
You manage to swallow your mouthful and stick your tongue out at him.
“Oh you want something else in you mouth do you?” he chuckles. “Actually, y/n. You’re not avoiding us this morning are you?” his tone turns serious. “You didn’t come down for breakfast.”
You shake your head “I was just tired.” you reply. He doesn’t believe you. You can see it in his face.
“You are… you’re okay with what happened yesterday then?” He looks at you intensely.
“Yes. Yes. Yesterday was fucking incredible.” you assure him, truthfully. It was incredible, but it’s the aftermath that has you confused. Confused about your feelings, your desires, about Chan and Jisung, and what they might be feeling.
“But?” he pushes.
“But nothing.” you respond more hastily than you intended.
He leans in “You weren’t freaked out when Chan fucked me were you?” he whispers.
Your breath hitches and your core aches at his words. “No! Everything is fine.” you reiterate.
Jisung nods. “Okay.” He seems reassured enough for now. “So, what about this blindfold thingy?” He changes the subject.
Your eyes widen. Of course Jisung would know about your message to Chan, but it doesn’t make you any less embarrassed.
“What did Chan say?” you ask with too much enthusiasm.
“He said-” Jisung begins.
“Jisung, y/n.” Chan is standing at the door, wearing grey sweats and loose t-shirt, but you can’t help picturing him shirtless and thrusting into Jisung. Oh God. You steady yourself.
“Hey babe!” Jisung skips over to him and plants a sloppy kiss on his cheek.
Chan ushers you both over to the couch where he and Jisung sit across from you and you sit there nervously playing with the fabric of your shorts. You feel like you're about to be scolded by two parents.
“So y/n. I suppose we owe you an explanation?” begins Chan.
You shake your head. “Not really - ”
“We do. You see Jisung and I…” Chan pauses. “We're together. In a relationship. Boyfriends.” He continues matter of fact. Jisung squeezes Chan’s thigh and smiles at him. Jisung is so fucking in love, you can see it on his face. Why hadn’t you noticed this sooner?
“Okay.” you nod.
“Only the band members know.” adds Jisung, and you catch his smile falter ever so slightly.
“Well, that’s wonderful that you are both together. And I am glad that you are okay with me knowing.” You're genuinely happy for them.
Chan’s expression turns serious, pained even. “We also need to know if you have any concerns about yesterday? If we need to do anything...Fix anything?”
You can’t stop thinking about yesterday. You couldn’t stop thinking about it last night when you were alone in your bed. Jisung had certainly succeeded in his mission, and now you really can’t get him out of your head.
“Yesterday was great. I thought we all had a good time? Didn’t we?” You're really worried that they regret it.
“Oh y/n, we did! Didn’t we Chan? Y/n you were so- ” Chan raises his hand to cut Jisung off. “Jisung, calm yourself or you are gonna get yourself horny again, and I don’t have the energy.”
Jisung’s phone beeps. “Shit, it’s Binnie. I’ve got a training session with him. Leg day.” He gets up to leave and Chan gives him a love tap on the way past.
“Hey! Don’t touch my butt!” he cries, “Unless you’re going to fuck me!” he adds as he bounds out of the room. Chan smirks and you hide a giggle.
It’s just you and Chan now. The room is silent.
“So," Chan scratches his head and grins nervously. “You want to talk about this blindfold fantasy?”
Later… (a/n: some of you may recognise the following scenario as a standalone oneshot, but this where I wrote it originally. I apologise in advance if that makes this installment underwhelming. the chapter ends a little differently to the oneshot too.)
You walk down the dimly lit hallway towards one of the unused bedrooms. You've decided this scenario will take place in a space that no one is using, to really maximize the mysteriousness of it.
Butterflies are going absolutely crazy in your stomach, and you tug your satin robe tighter around you trying to settle them down. You feel very sexy and feminine wearing nothing but the robe. The cream floral print against a gold background makes you feel like a queen.
You approach the designated door and knock.
“Come in.” Chan calls from within the room.
You swallow hard and push open the door.
You're immediately taken aback. The room is stunning. The décor is dark and moody, with the walls painted a dark grey blue, and the furniture looks as though it’s antique. Paintings of abstract naked women are hung around the room.
There are various stained-glass lamps, emanating a seductive glow, and there is music playing low in the background. It sounds like French music. A woman’s voice seductively fills the room.
Then there’s the bed. Huge, King sized, so plush and high set. Chan is laying propped up against the dark timber headboard, he almost looks lost leaning amongst the generous number of over sized plush pillows. He’s wearing black tracksuit pants and a muscle tee. It looks out of place in such a sensually styled room.
“What do you think?” Chan gestures around the room.
“Th-this,” you stammer. “It’s amazing Chan.” You move towards the bed, stretching out your hand to touch the dark green quilt. It’s luxurious on your fingertips. You run your hand along the fabric as you move closer to the head of the bed. Someone’s going to fuck you on this.
You perch on the side of the bed facing away from Chan. Your feet barely reach the floor, and you notice the black blindfold laid out neatly on the bedside table. Next to it is a bottle of coconut oil.
“How are you feeling? Are you okay?” Chan reaches out to touch your hand that’s resting beside you on the bed.
You inhale deeply and then slowly release your breath. How are you feeling?  It’s a mixture of feelings really. You're so very nervous. That, you already know. But, you're also… excited. The idea of what’s about to happen is truly thrilling to you. You hope Chan doesn’t think you're too much. You don’t want him to judge you.
You turn to him. “You don’t think badly of me do you?” you ask him.
He looks surprised and squeezes your hand. “Of course I don’t think badly of you, babygirl.” He gazes deep into your eyes. “I just want to make you happy, and to feel good.” He sits up. “Y/n. I was worried you think badly of me! I was worried I might’ve pushed into something you didn’t really want to do.”
You shake your head profusely. “No! I loved yesterday.” you assure him. You sigh. “You seem so confident, and sure of things… you’ve got yourself sexually figured out and not ashamed of it. I feel like I don’t know anything about myself. I never imagine in a million years I would be living out a fantasy like this…I would normally be too ashamed to ever voice such a desire.” You say shrilly.
He laughs and goes quiet. “Well Jisung thinks I’m ashamed, ashamed of him, and that’s why we haven’t come out.” He sighs, a pained look in his eyes, “But it’s not that at all. I’m not ashamed of him… it’s just the world isn’t a very accepting place. I don’t want Jisung to get hurt.”
You reach up and cup his face. “This is why I love you. You are just too caring. We all love you for it.”
Chan smiles and then his focus switches like a light switch. “We gotta get you ready!” He practically jumps off the bed and moves around to the side of the bed you're sitting on. He takes your hand and you slide off the bed.
You'd already discussed the details of how you were going to do this, covering safe words and safe gestures, what positions you are going to be in, and these had been relayed to whoever was going to be participating.
You stand in front of Chan facing away from him. There is tension in the air. Your breath feels wobbly. He steps closer to you and you can feel his breath on your neck and a pang in your chest. You really wish he’d kiss you. He slowly reaches around, careful not to touch you too much, Why doesn’t he want to touch you? and pulls at your robe’s tie belt.
It comes loose easily and allows your robe to fall open. Chan delicately pulls it off your shoulders letting it drop to the floor. You were now standing completely naked in front of Chan, and only Chan.
He had seen you naked only just a day ago, but that was in the throws of lust. It wasn’t planned. This feels more intimate and you're feeling self conscious. He hasn’t been this close to your naked body. Goosebumps form on your skin. It isn’t cold in the room, Chan had thought of that too and had made the room a comfortable temperature. He’s so fucking considerate. You smile to yourself.
You close your eyes in a bid to compose yourself. Fuck. You're really doing this.
Chan takes your hand again and grabs the blindfold in the other. He steadies you as you climb onto the bed where he resumes the position of laying down but propped up against a pillow and headboard. He directs you to sit between his legs facing away from him, and carefully places the blindfold over your eyes and securing it at the back of your head. Your senses immediately heighten. This feels so erotic.
“Lean back on me.” He whispers as he guides you to lean back onto his fully clothed body. You can feel his hard, toned muscles flexing underneath you, and his breathing is strained. Is he nervous? You can feel an erection beginning to dig into your back. Is this turning him on?
You imagine what this must look like, your exposed, naked body with Chan’s strong legs on either side of yours. You don’t know what to do with your hands so you rest them on your stomach. You don’t know where Chan’s arms and hands are, only that they aren’t touching you. You wish he’d wraps his arms around you. You wish he’d caress your body.
For a moment you try to imagine what it would be like if he did touch you. The sensation of him squeezing your breasts, pinching a nipple, sliding his hands over your body. Then you remember why you're here. For a mystery fuck. A small moan escapes you. Did he hear you?
Chan nuzzles his face into your neck, resting his chin on your left shoulder. It’s the closest he’s been to you. “You already imagining a stranger inside you, hmm?” he whispers. You whimper. His voice turns you on beyond belief.
You don’t have chance to answer because there is a knock on the door. You suck in a breath. This is actually happening.
“Come in.” Chan calls out. You hear the door creak open and then close.
“Are you ready to begin?” Chan whispers in your ear.
“Mmm hmm, yes.” you reply.
“Good, because I think you are going to really enjoy this.”
He takes hold of your hands and places them on the bed either side of your body, using his hands to hold them down out of the way so you can’t go ahead and touch your anonymous lover. You had requested this. It makes you feel like you're being forcefully held in place, although you know you can change things if you want.
You feel the mattress dip slightly. Someone is climbing onto the bed near your feet. Who can it be? Is it Changbin? Or could it be Minho? Felix? Could it be Jisung?
A hand touches your ankle. You shudder, then very slowly and delicately it makes it way up to the side of your knee. Their touch is light and feathery. You swallow.
Then you feel a mouth, a moist, plush mouth just above your knee. You think he is about to take the kisses up your leg, but instead takes his kisses back down, making his way down to your ankle. It feels so sensual. Who do these lips belong to?
Chan releases your arms for just a moment so he can lift your legs over each of his legs, which are spread out wide on the bed. Then he goes back to gently pinning your hands to the mattress.
You sense the other man moving closer and a mouth reappears on your skin. This time it’s your inner right thigh. He drags his tongue from inside your leg near your knee all the way up your inner thigh, sending tingles through your body, but he stops before he gets anywhere near your pussy. He does this again, and then mirrors the action with your other leg.
His hands try to push your legs a little wider and Chan assists by moving his own legs wider, forcing your legs to part just a little more. You are ready, wide open for whatever you're about to receive.
The touching stops, but you can feel him kneeling in front of you. Your chest is rising and falling rapidly in anticipation.
You're pleasantly startled when you feel a warm liquid landing on your breasts. The oil, Chan must have warmed it up somehow in preparation. You moan at the sensation of the oil dripping down around and between your breasts. You suck a breath in a sharp breath when you feel a pair of hands cupping your breasts, then squeezing and massaging the flesh in slow, but firm circles.
His hands slide easily over your oiled skin, and you squeal slightly when he squeezes your nipples. You imagine Changbin before you and that it’s his hands pinching your nipples. But you don’t believe it’s actually him. Changbin is a guitarist, with callused fingers. These hands a soft and smooth. That leaves Jisung, Minho and Felix.
As the pinches and flicks become more aggressive you can’t help but arch your back and rock your hips at the sensation.
Chan shushes you. “We need to stay still and take it, remember what we agreed to?” That’s right, part of this was you needed to stay as still as possible, it was all part of being restrained. You compose yourself and stop moving. It’s so difficult but you're determined to play the part properly.
“Good girl.” Chan growls low. Good girl? You love those words.
More warm oil is applied to your stomach. There is so much that it coats your entire abdomen and runs down towards your pussy, and trickles down between your folds. You feel bad for the bedding, it’s probably going to be a mess.
It feels so fucking sexy with your body being this slick and slippery. You feel like a goddess being cherished and adored, yet at the same time you feel like a dirty whore who doesn’t care who fucks her.
You wait for the hands to return to your body, anticipating them all over your stomach and you moan and pant with the need to be touched now. You are so desperate and on the verge of begging.
“Pl-please… please touch me.” you say.
“He wants you to call him ‘Sir’." Chan whispers.
“Please touch me again… Sir.” you pant.
You release a long low moan as he pours the oil at the top of your pussy now. It runs down through your lips and onto your asshole. You wriggle with pleasure and frustration. Chan squeezes your hand, a reminder that you need to stay still. You don’t know where his hands will land next and the anticipation is pure agony.
The stranger lifts your legs up bending them so your knees are up near your chest. Chan releases one of my hands to grip under your knee to help pin it against your chest, whilst the other man pins your other leg.
The heel of a hand presses firmly against your clit and begins to move in circular motions, much like they did with your breasts. It provides a grinding sensation that shoots pleasure deep inside of your core.
“Fuck that feels so good… Sir.” you whimper as his hand swirls and presses on you for what feels like and eternity.
He then drags two fingers beginning at your clit all the way down to your ass, dragging the oil and your own slickness all the way down. Your pussy clenches as his fingers pass by your entrance, not stopping to explore.
He presses a finger to your asshole.
“Aaaah!!” you gasp at the sensation of the pressure.
He massages his finger against your rim, and you know you're going to open up easily for him. You're so aroused and so slick from the oil that it doesn’t take much for the tip of his finger to breech the entrance. You grip the sheets with your hands as his finger slips in slowly. Deeper, deeper, all the way in.
“You’re being so good for him.” Chan’s words of praise in your ear make your melt around the stranger’s finger and it isn't long until you're ready for more.
“Sir… please.. I need… can you put in another finger?”
He slowly removes his finger and you feel two fingers at your hole now. He pushes them in, going ever so slowly. It’s a stretch but he’s moving slowly enough that you're adjusting along the way, making the stretch feel achingly good. He must be experienced at this sort of thing. He knows exactly what to do.
You reach up and wrap an arm around Chan’s neck. He whispers words of encouragement in your ear.
The volume of your moans and whimpers grow so loud now that it’s drowning out the sound of the French woman’s singing. The man moves his fingers in and and out of your ass maintaining a relentlessly slow pace. The burning sensation with every drag of his fingers makes your cry out in pleasure.
“Faster… harder… Sir I need… more.” you whimper.
He quickly builds up the pace. Chan brings his hand to your neck, wrapping it around your throat and squeezing slightly but not enough to cut off the air. Then he brings his thumb up to your lips. You open your mouth allowing him to slip his thumb inside. You pull at the hair on the back of his head and he pushes his thumb further into your mouth. The other man continues to fuck your ass with his fingers.
A mouth lands on your pussy. His tongue swirls around and through your lips. The tip of his tongue slides inside of you. Chan starts to fuck your mouth with his thumb, pushing it deep inside roughly. You want him to ruin you.
You're practically screaming from the glorious agony, your senses are on overload.
Chan removes his thumb. “Is this okay?” he checks in with you.
“Yes… But… I want his cock now.” you pout.
“Ahhh yes, I bet you do. Let’s sort you out huh?”
The fingers inside your ass are removed and you feel the man shift his position.
His thighs press against the underside of yours. Then…you feel the tip of a cock. He pushes it against your entrance. You make a pathetic whiny sound. Your body is begging for him to push his cock in.
Moments pass and nothing happens. What is happening? A sense of panic makes it’s way into your body. Has he changed his mind?
Another moment passes.
“He wants to know if we can take the blindfold off?” Chan asks.
You pause. He hasn’t changed his mind. You quickly try to decide what to do. Whoever it is wants you to be right there with him, making this moment together. Not him fucking fucking, but you fucking each other.
“Okay.” you say shakily. Your breath quickens at the thought of coming face to face with the man who has been pleasuring you so amazingly.
Chan takes over holding both your legs up, and two hands come to rest on the sides of your blindfold, the tip of his cock slips into you slightly as he leans in towards you, giving you a tease of what’s to come. You can’t wait until he is all the way inside.
Your blindfold slides off but your vision is blurry. You blink to adjust your eyes and the man before you becomes clear.
He is looking at you expectantly, nervously, like you might run away at the sight of him.
You reach up and cup his face. His cheeks are flushed and lips pink and swollen. He isn’t even being the one fucked right now but he looks like he is.
“Hey.” you say with a dazed smile.
“Hey.” He replies. “Is this okay…do you want to keep…”
You wrap an arm around his waist and pull him down on top of you. His hands reach around to your ass, lifting your hips up and pushes himself all the way inside of you.
Minho is finally free to make noises now and he makes long low moans as he rocks his hips into you. He looks down between the two of you to watch his cock glide in and out.
You still have one arm wrapped around Chan’s neck, your other explores Minho’s body. His toned body undulates like some sort of exotic python. He’s even more skilled with his cock than with those magic fingers. He brings his mouth down onto yours mirroring his tongue with his thrusts. He is such a skilled, diligent lover.
You melt together as his long, languid thrusts become deeper and you are being pressed against Chan’s hard cock.
Without warning, Minho pulls out of you and flips you over in one fluid move so you're on all fours.
You look down and see Chan’s hard erection inside his sweats.
You're about to reach for it when you're dragged away further down the bed by Minho. You look into Chan’s eyes longingly as you're being pulled out of reach while he just stares back at you. You want to please him so badly.
Minho pushes his cock back inside you, causing you to cry out. Pleasure washes over you, mixing with the angst of yearning for Chan.
He slides his thumb over your asshole and presses it inside. “Ahhh.. Yes, Minho.” you cry.
He pushes it in all the way and rests his palm and fingers on your tail bone. His grip is perfect to rock you on an off his cock. You love feeling so filled up, and you're about to come any minute.
Chan looks fucked out, like he’s on another planet. His engorged, swollen red cock is now out of his pants and in his hand but he’s not doing anything with it. He’s just holding it absentmindedly. His eyes are glazed over as he stares at you.
Minho must notice him too. “Kitten?” he asks. “Do you want to help Chan out? Make him come?”
Oh fuck yes! You look at Chan eagerly. You're practically salivating.
“Come over here Chan. It’s okay.” Minho encourages Chan over, but doesn’t move.
“Before I come.” He adds hoping that will spur him on.
Chan, as if possessed, gets up onto his knees and crawls his way towards you. Once he is close enough he offers you the head of his cock. You eagerly take hold of it with one hand and guide him into your mouth. Chan whimpers at your touch. You lick your tongue along his shaft and over the tip before taking him deep into your mouth.
“Oh fuck!” Chan whines high pitched.
“Y/n, don’t use your hands. Make him work for it.” Minho growls as he fucks you from behind.
You do as you're told and release your grip but keeping him in your warm, wet mouth.
Something in Chan snaps. He grabs the back of your head and starts plunging his cock into your mouth relentlessly. He tangles his fingers in your hair as he fucks your face without restraint. You gag. It’s hard to take him and your eyes water.
You look up at him to find him staring at you while he fucks your face. Having Chan using you like this while Minho pounds you from behind and fingering your ass is all to much. You cry out around Chan’s cock as your legs shake and your cunt clenches around Minho. Your arms and legs buckle underneath you, but Minho is there to hold you steady. He wraps and arm underneath you, keeping you in position. He pulls out of you painting your back in his cum.
Chan growls and moans, and pulls his cock out to massage his release into your waiting mouth and tongue. There is so much. He leans back onto his heels, shaking as he watches you swallow every drop. He looks horrified and startled. Oh shit, have you done something wrong?
Chan quickly gets off the bed and pulls up his sweats. “Fuck y/n. I'm so sorry.” He says flustered.
“I’ll get the towels.” Minho announces and hops off the bed.
“Chan?” you whimper. He doesn’t seem to hear you. You can tell he's freaking out. “Chan!” you repeat, “I need you to hold me.”
Chan looks down at you, as though he is scared. What's going through his mind? Cautiously, he edges closer to the bed and sits beside you. You're still in an all fours position waiting to have your back wiped, but you kneel up to let Chan wrap his arms around you. You nuzzle into his chest. Why is he so upset with you?
You feel him relax against you and he strokes your hair. “I shouldn’t have done that to you.” He whispers over and over. You don’t understand. You fucking loved that he did that to you.
Minho returns to wipe you down and to remove the excess coconut oil that had made its way to the strangest places.
Suddenly, Chan gets up and turns down the bed, gesturing for you to hop in. Then he goes around the other side and offers that side to Minho.
You and Minho look at each other. This seems like really odd behaviour, but you oblige and both get into bed as directed, even though this wasn’t part of the arrangement. You don’t say a word as you watch Chan slip his shirt back on and leave the room.
Next Chapter: you role play with Minho and learn more about the man on his mind.
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candlewaxandp0lar0ids · 7 months
Masterlist || candlewaxandp0lar0ids
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How to Leave Comments on Fanfiction (Advice Post)
★ Namjoon
↳ Lazy Day // fluff. domestic!AU, established relationship. 549 words
★ Jin
↳ Don't Go Baking My Heart // fluff. bakery!AU, strangers to lovers. 14.7k.
You fall in love with Kim Seokjin’s bakery after wandering into it to take advantage of the post-Valentine’s Day discount on the chocolates. Maybe it’s the owner’s bad jokes, maybe it’s the other regulars, maybe it’s the delicious pastries. Or maybe there’s something more that keeps you coming back to that shop.
★ J-Hope
↳ For the First Time (What's Past is Past) // fluff, light angst, smut. neighbors!AU, strangers to lovers. 15.7k
After your eight years relationship comes to a brutal end, you don’t really see yourself getting back into dating — ever, probably. And then, your new neighbor who has the most beautiful smile you’ve ever seen needs to borrow a corkscrew, and you don’t realize it just yet, but your resolve doesn’t stand a chance.
★ Jimin
↳ Fly to my room // fluff. college!AU. 1k
↳ good for you // PWP, smut. friends with benefits!AU. 2.9k
★ Jungkook
↳ I Don't Like a Gold Rush // fluff. college!AU, strangers to lovers. 17.3k
Jungkook is the golden boy, an excellent student, the star of you college’s football team. Rumor has it, there’s simply nothing he can’t do. The same cannot be said about you, but you’ve never had an issue with that. You’re happy with your small group of friends and your lack of talent in sports. And then, Jin befriends Jungkook, and you find yourself spending a lot of time with him. Before you know it, you’ve taken an interest in him — and you’re sure you shouldn’t. There’s no way this can end well for you… right?
↳ if i can never give you peace // series. angst, eventual smut. mafia!AU, hybrid!AU, enemies to lovers, slow burn. in progress.
It starts like quite a few stories do, in your world. Girl meets boy, who happens to be a hybrid, girl buys him at an auction where hybrids are sold, boy falls in love with her, girl gets bored of him. Then it’s not so typical anymore, when the boy ends up forced into illegal fighting rings, until he makes a wrong move and the girl’s father decides he needs to be killed. Where does that leave you? Well, you’re the one who handled Jungkook’s fight and generally organized his life, and, when the girl’s father, your boss and mafia leader, tells you he wants him ‘put down’, you’re the one who has to get it done. Except, instead, you let him escape, and everything turns out fine. Until he comes back.
0 · 1 · 2 · 3 · 4 · 5 · Interlude · 6 · 7 · 8 · 9 ·
★ Bang Chan
↳ all your friends are so cool, you go out every night // smut. college!AU, friends with benefits!AU, jealousy. 5k.
↳ hoodie season // tooth-rotting fluff. established relationship AU. 1.4k.
★ Lee Know
↳ when he sees me // smut, fluff, angst. neighbors!AU. 13.3k. in progress.
Interacting with others has never been easy for you, whether it is talking to them or, worse, flirting with them. As a result, relationships, but also any form of sexual interactions have always eluded you. You had no reason to think that was going to change anytime soon. And then your hot neighbor’s cat shows up in your apartment, and you think that things just might change. Even if it’s only on one front.
↳ kinda wanna throw my phone across the room // fluff. college!AU, coffee shop!AU, strangers to lovers, jealousy. 4.9k
★ Changbin
↳ wanna be you so bad // angst? college!AU, academic rivals!AU, jealousy. 4.3k
★ Hyunjin
↳ you're so gorgeous it makes me so mad // PWP, smut. college!AU, established relationship. 4.4k
↳ comparison is killing me slowly // hurt/comfort, smut. college!AU, established relationship, jealousy. 5.2k. same couple as you're so gorgeous it makes me so mad.
★ Han
↳ i'm so sick of myself // fluff, angst. college!AU, friends to lovers. 4.2k
↳ something's waiting now to pounce // angst, light horror, thriller. high school!AU, slasher!AU, friends to lovers. 6.3k.
★ Felix
↳ felix navidad // fluff, angst. christmas evel!au, strangers to lovers. 16.4k
You keep seeing Felix around. First he falls in your courtyard on Christmas Eve, then you see him hiding chocolate eggs in a park, and then he appears on the staircase behind your apartment, in the middle of the night. It’s unusual, and you have no idea what it means. What you do know, though, is that you’re absolutely fascinated by him, who he is, and the light and joy he seems to bring with him everywhere he goes. Even if you have no idea who or what he is, all that you want is to find out more — and get to spend a little more time with him.
↳ rather be anyone else // angst. college!AU, friends to lovers, jealousy. 3.7k
↳ wouldn't you like to see something strange? // angst, suggestive. urban fantasy, roommates!AU. 4k.
★ Seungmin
↳ i think i think too much // fluff, suggestive. college!AU, established relationship, jealousy. 3.7k
↳ everybody make a scene // fluff, angst (both light). coworkers!AU, convenience store!AU, friends to lovers. 4k
★ I.N.
↳ all i see are girls too good to be true // fluff, light angst. college!AU, idiots to lovers, jealousy. 3.9k
↳ take a chance and roll the dice // fluff. coworkers!AU, bar!AU. 3.7k
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97linelover · 1 month
please please please please please write jeonghan fwb angst where jeonghan is still very much in love with his ex 😭
it will always be her - Joon Jeonghan
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18+ / mdi
summary: You finally thought you found your soulmate, but you never had a chance in the first place right?
content: Break UP AU, mentions of cheating , ex lovers, fight, angst, crying
wc: 1.2K
a/n: it´s my birthday week so I´m gonna post this a little early.. thank you for suggesting, I hope you like it :)
2 years and 3 months, that's exactly the time you've dated Jeonghan. You both recently moved in together, he asked you to move in after you spend nearly everyday with him. Ever since you two were unstoppable, you were sure that he would be the man you will marry.
Jeonghan was your first love, he made you experience things you never felt before. But within the last three weeks he had changed.
He was distant, he barely talked about his day and he barely asked about yours, and that wasn't like him.
Jeonghan always asked about you, he always listened to every detail. You tried to ignore the stinging feeling, but you don't know for how long you can ignore it.
You were just cooking some food when the door opened. „I'm home,” he announced. „Hi, Hannie” you said happily, „I made your Favorite, Quattro cheese pasta." It always reminded him of your first Holiday to Italy.
He looked up „I ate after work, didn't I tell you?" You furrowed your eyebrows „no you did not; I spent so much time in here” you whispered.
„I'm sorry, I'll tell you the next time" he walked past you. „How was your day?" you followed him “good, it was a long exhausting day, I'll got to bed right away"
He did not want to tell you, alright.
„Goodnight then” you whispered and walked back to the kitchen packing the food into some boxes for tomorrow.
But the next time he forgot your lunch date was when you were celebrating your new job position. You went to bed alone this time.
You saw the invite at the table for his annual Christmas party, he had bought you a dress for it and just told you to be ready at eight. When he came to pick you up, he was already dressed in his suit, he looked handsome like always, Jeonghan was beautiful.
You always thought he could be in the cover of fashion magazines.
„The dress fits," he stated, and you nodded „thanks, it's beautiful" You smiled and kissed him softly. „Let's go," he walked in front of you, and you tried to follow his steps, but the heels are making it pretty hard.
The party was in full bloom when you arrived „Hello Y/N you look lovely tonight" Mr. Choi said, Jeonghan´s boss. You always liked the elderly man, his wife always gave Jeonghan sweet treats for you. 
„Thank you  Mr.Choi, you don't look to bad yourself" you smiled charmingly „you know how to charm a old man" he laughed, and you shrugged it off “only the truth"
You did notice that Jeonghan´s gaze was on someone else, and you followed it. There she was, in the most beautiful emerald green colored dress.. You needed to look twice but now you are sure.
Ko Hyerin. Jeonghan´s ex fiancé.
You felt the breath getting knocked out your lungs.
„You did not tell me she would be here" you whispered, and Jeonghan looked at you „She transferred back here from Japan" he said with a sad smile.
„Temporary?” you asked with a quivering voice „No, she bought a house here, she will stay for good now" you nodded taking his hand „let's dance?" you wanted to cheer the mood „no I don't feel like it right now love" he pecked your cheek.
With soft affection, everything seemed fine, but you knew.. Nothing will be fine from now on. 
„Hannie" a high-pitched voice interrupted you two „Hyerin" he said soft, and you had this weird feeling once again. „Oh you must be Y/N" she smiled at you „Hello" you said trying to sound confident, but she felt the weird undertone you had.
„Oh Hannie, I've gone to the restaurant we've been to last week; I told my mother about it and now she really wants to try" her hand landed on his  arm and he chuckled at her "And she asked about you; we should go together , you me and momma" she suggested with a gasp and you felt your heart clench. 
Without them noticing you rushed out of the door, you sat down on the bench feeling some tears running down your cheek, you did not think about the possibility that his ex fiancé will come back. 
And you did not think that Jeonghan would talk to her again, she broke his heart, she chose her happiness over his and you glued his broken pieces together just so that he broke yours. 
You don't know for how long you�� were sitting there but when you began to shiver you looked for Jeonghan, you found him dancing with her. The embarrassment you felt at this moment was not describable; he chose her once again. 
You stepped through the crowd "Jeonghan" you said with a shaky voice, and he looked at you "Y/N" you saw a flash of concern on his face "can we please go home? I'm not feeling well" you whispered and he nodded "yes sure, let me just get the coats" He walked away, and you looked at her, and she just blinked her eyelashes at you. 
She knew exactly what she was doing and she enjoyed it. 
When you got into his car you both did not say a word, it was not until you reached home that he broke the silence "I think we should break up" he said calmly, and you blinked at him "what?" Your voice was barely a whisper. 
"Maybe we moved to fast.. Since we moved in together I don't feel the same anymore" he was dead serious "no jeonghan" you said with tears in your eyes "Don't blame it on moving in; it's about her right?" you sniffed and his eyes widened. 
"Don't play dumb Jeonghan, I saw you tonight, I saw how you treated her, I saw the love in your eyes" your sobs grew louder. 
"Y/N I did not plan this" His voice got weaker, and you laughed at that. "I never had a chance, did I?" You walked inside the bedroom, grabbing the black suitcase. "I thought I fixed what she destroyed but god I was dumb" You stuffed some things into the suitcase, and Jeonghan watched you. 
"It's not fair I know, I thought I was over her but, I wanted to marry her" he played around with his tie. 
"You're so fucking right; it's not fair to be treated like a gap filler.. Yoon Jeonghan I thought I know you.. but I was wrong" you grabbed your bag "Did you hook up with her?" you whispered, and you saw how his expression changed from guilt to shame. 
"You disgusting piece of shit" you spat and slapped his cheek so that the noise must've woken all the neighbors up. 
"I DO NOT DESERVE THIS" you sobbed, and rushed past him "you played me, god how could I trust someone like you" you turned around "I wish you two only the best, but believe me she will leave again, because remember that she left you once she will do it twice. You lost something so good" with that you carried the suitcase downstairs. 
And when you reached the home of your best friend, you just fell sobbing to the floor "GET ME OUT OF THIS DRESS" you screamed, and you felt your best friend sobbing with you. 
"I did not deserve this," you whispered to her "shhh, he's not worth it, you're way to good for that" she kissed your head softly "You should sleep a bit, and tomorrow me and Cheol will get your things" She smiled softly at you, and you nodded. 
You lost the man you thought was your future. 
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stxrvel · 9 months
gym time
summary: you didn't expect to meet someone like Bucky Barnes when you decided to enter the gym, especially since his looks and words were anything but friendly.
pairing: au!bucky barnes x f!reader
words: +1k
warning: uhm, descriptions of bucky working out? some bad words. also i suck at summaries but what i was trying to say is that bucky is very suggestive here, and there will be suggestive conversations iykwim. this chapter doesn't contain too much of that but still minors do not interact!!!!
note: hi guys! um, i dont know what to say. being honest idk why i wrote this when i dont know if i'll ever be able to continue it, i think it was for the joy or fun in it and maybe trying to test new things? i kind of wrote the draft for a second part but i dont think i want this one to be a series, i wanted to see it like a drabble but i got carried away and now there are too many words. but what i do know now is that i will be pleased to write drabbles in a scenario like this, like in this universe or au. if you guys liked this (which i hope so) would you mind sending me what would you like to see next? only time will tell how good i'm doing but i hope i can at least entertain you a little. anyway, looking forward to your opinions and i really hope you like this one! since it's my first time writing in this kind of genre :'(
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You were at the gym. It had been barely a week since you had started with the goal of creating a routine in your life, because work was consuming you from the inside out. Coming home no longer felt like it used to, when you still had the fever of being independent and being able to get yourself everything you wanted. Adult life really was a mud puddle compared to what we always thought as kids.
So… yeah, you decided to join the gym closest to your apartment to try to change your bad procrastination habits a bit. Maybe now that you were paying for it with your own money you'd feel more like going, just for the sake of not making the money go to waste. But, hey, it was something.
During that week everything had been relatively fine. You hadn't had any problems with anyone, no awkward comments and you had gotten some workout partners to take turns lifting weights or running on the treadmills with at the same time.
It was honestly becoming your favorite place to be after work.
And, well, of course, there was him.
The man you shared end-to-end glances with at the gym. He never came close, always kept his space, unless he had to use some machine near where you were.
He looked like a decent man… and definitely sexy. But you didn't dare get close even though it seemed to be the only thing the two of you wanted to do. The furtive glances weren't even accidental anymore, you both sought each other out through the masses of air as if it was second nature to you. And that upset you too much because it hadn't been too many days, how could you feel so passionate and heated just sharing glances with a stranger? Within what you didn't know there might be something you didn't like, even.
Anyway, you had to avert your gaze each time before it became too much, but it always seemed like it wasn't enough for the people around you not to notice.
“Why don't you just go talk to him?” Veronica spoke in front of you, waiting for Erika to leave the press to start her series.
You were on the treadmill finishing your routine that day and that man was on the other side of the gym, lifting weights like they were nothing. You had watched him for so long without embarrassment that you had almost memorized every line of his massive arms. And your partners that day had definitely noticed.
“I don't think it's appropriate,” was all you could think of.
Erika snorted, lowering her legs as she put down the weights. “She's afraid the sexual tension surrounding them will suffocate her.”
“Erika!” you scowled at her. “Stop talking nonsense.”
“I'm of the same opinion as Veronica, you should just go talk to him. If it turns out his personality isn't as sexy as his body, you're not going to lose anything and you're going to gain a lot.”
Veronica, who had already settled into the press after Erika cleaned the chair, nodded animatedly at her partner's words.
You turned your head to look at him again, just as his strong hands released the weight that bounced to the floor. You saw him shake his arms slightly and move his shoulders in circles, releasing the tension a little at a time. Even in the distance you could make out as if he were right beside you the line of his veins running around his arms and the-
“Look at her, she's drooling already.”
You clicked your tongue and Erika only shared a chuckle with Veronica. You decided to focus solely on getting the treadmill over with quickly so you could get through that day.
You came out of the shower with an incredible freshness dancing in your body. In the bathrooms the atmosphere was always a little cooler than in the center of the gym, so the time after the bath was one of your favorites. Veronica and Erika had already left, they had said goodbye before you entered the shower. They always left at seven o'clock at night, but you preferred to stay a little longer and enjoy the showers you paid for because you didn't have much to do at home when you got there.
With the towel over your right shoulder you walked towards the lockers to get your training bag and other belongings. You thought for a moment about leaving a few things from your bag since there would be a zumba class early tomorrow morning and maybe you were getting a little interested in going, when you heard some footsteps close to where you were.
There shouldn't have been too many people left in the gym at that time because closing time was at 8:00 p.m., so someone else must have gotten out of the shower to get their belongings just like you.
You decided to leave a few things in the locker for the next day's class, encouraging you a little more to leave the house a little earlier. Anyway, you knew Veronica would be there so you wouldn't be alone.
You pulled out the bag with the things you were going to take with you and closed the locker. You turned around to leave, when you finally realized who else had come in after you.
It was him. It was that man.
You had never met him in the evenings. He always left before seven o'clock so you never had the chance to meet him alone until that moment, when you stopped dead in front of him, your sneakers grinding against the floor as if you had braked violently at fifty kilometers per hour.
Your locker was all the way in the left corner of that room and it looked like his was a few spaces away from yours in the same direction, closer to the door.
His gaze lifted in your direction at the sound of your shoes and you had to squeeze your bag strap tightly over your shoulder, eating your embarrassment fiercely.
“Hey,” he spoke first and his voice was nothing like you had imagined.
It was incredibly better. His baritone tone, somewhat raspy and light, sounded like he didn't have a care in the world. The way he slightly curved his lips sent an electric sensation throughout your body. He had given you that smile before, but at that proximity it was a whole new experience. It seemed like your body began to vibrate on another frequency.
“How did you like the gym?”
The man turned back to you, closing his locker almost at the same time and leaning his shoulder against it in the most smooth way you'd ever seen, handling his body with a confidence that almost made you feel intimidated.
“You're new here, aren't you?”
“Ah, yes,” you nodded slightly, again feeling that embarrassment make its way from your throat. “I've really liked the gym, I've felt very comfortable thankfully. And the monthly plans are very good, affordable.”
The man nodded attentively at your words, as you tried to keep your composure under his sharp gaze.
“I'm Bucky,” he suddenly introduced himself, stepping a little closer to where you stood.
“I'm Y/N,” you kept your voice steady as you raised your hand to meet his that had just extended in front of you at a safe distance. “A pleasure.”
“The pleasure's all mine,” Bucky gave your hand a good shake, causing things in your body that you were too embarrassed to admit. You didn't know if your cheeks could get flushed, but at that moment you felt like they looked cartoonish, vibrant red and hot. “And I'm glad to hear you're comfortable. I do my best to make my clients happy.”
Even though you felt spellbound under the piercing fierceness of those blue eyes, your ears were still working enough to allow your head to process what you'd heard.
“You're the owner?”
Bucky nodded and you wanted to hide your head in a hole for a moment.
So you'd been eye-fucking the owner of the gym? Hell, now that you thought about it more clearly, it could even be that this man was older than you, much older.
Oh no, the things you had to go through for not being a little more prudent. Good thing that embarrassing moment would only be in your head.
“And now that you know, you can drop any complaints or recommendations directly to me, if you want.”
You let out a short laugh, trying to cut through the awkwardness you felt inside as you realized the situation you were in.
“Sure, yeah, anything I need to tell you I'll do it personally.”
“Also if you want me to change something… give you something or do something, you can tell me.”
“Sure,” you nodded quickly, starting to move around him to get closer to the exit. Bucky wouldn't take his eyes off you. “Now I know I'm counting on you for anything…. From the gym, that is.”
Your awkward laugh died under his intense but amused gaze. Was he enjoying it?
“And you can talk to me, if you want too,” Bucky continued speaking as you completely surrounded him and now found yourself in the position he had been before, “not just watching me from afar.”
You were sure the blood had left your face by this time. Your level of embarrassment had gone over the edge and in that instant you didn't know how to do anything but look at him as if he had caught you in the middle of a crime. You tightened the strap of your bag while holding your breath as you noticed him moving a little closer towards you.
“It's not that it bothers me, don't go thinking that. It's just that… I'd like to get to know you a little more if that's possible.”
“Uhm…” you mumbled with a dry mouth, the reflection of the light in his blue eyes much clearer against the short distance between the two of you. You passed saliva with difficulty, shaking your head to answer him, “Yeah, sure. I'd like to know you too.”
You watched out of the corner of your eye as he nodded at your words, not making a move to get any closer. If that five-foot distance alone already felt like you were suffocating, you didn't want to imagine what it would be like to have him standing to the side or behind you explaining how to do some exercise even though you already knew how to do them all…
“See you then, doll.”
He walked around you, walking away from that conversation and that tension like it was nothing, like a bomb hadn't just exploded in front of you. You couldn't even say anything goodbye to him, you didn't know in that instant how to move your mouth.
For a moment you felt so foolish for allowing yourself to show yourself in such a vulnerable way in front of a man… but, at the same time, so much had happened since the last time you had actively flirted with one of them (even though what you had done at that moment had been spitting words). You'd barely had a taste to remember what the adrenaline, excitement and anticipation of having a truly fun night was like… that you didn't plan on letting go.
Bucky had thrown you that rope and you were sure you were going to take it.
a/n: thank you for reading!! <3
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the-boy-meets-evil · 1 year
along for the ride | lee seokmin (dk)
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pairing: lee seokmin (dk) x f.reader genre: idol!au (kind of?), smut rating: explicit, minors DNI warning: swearing, drinking, hoshi is a shithead (yes, that's a warning), honestly this is mostly just smut with a little bit of background smut warnings: thigh riding, fingering (f receiving), oral (m receiving), multiple orgasms, unprotected sex (don't do this), vaginal sex, they were drinking but it's not drunk sex, dk calls reader baby word count: 4140 (don't @ me) summary: you say yes to a vacation with the new group you're working with. what else are you going to say yes to? a/n: i really don't know what to tell you. this was supposed to be a drabble for a request that @playmetheclassics sent and here we are. thank you so much to @here4btsfics for being a wonderful beta reader and to @classicscreations for the banner (even though i wouldn't let her beta). i hope you like this, indigo! and please be gentle, it's my first seventeen fic
a/n 2: a second part is in the works so stay tuned 💕
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You knew a lot of things before you agreed to come on this trip. You knew that you needed a break, knew it was an all-expenses paid trip with little (if any) work, and knew it was a chance to get to know the people you were going to be working with better. 
So you quickly agreed. Who would say ‘no’ to running away to the sun during the coldest parts of winter? Certainly not you. There were definitely moments when you looked back and questioned your decision-making skills. This wasn’t going to be one of them.
Until it was.
Because there were things you didn’t know, too. You didn’t know how everything changed without eyes everywhere. Didn’t know how much more relaxed everyone got when they were truly alone. Didn’t know that you didn’t actually know much at all about these people that you worked with.
You certainly didn’t know much about Lee Seokmin. 
Previous interactions with him had been brief, usually. There wasn’t much reason for you to be hanging around him. Despite that, you knew him to be someone that was kind, caring, and generally always had a smile on his face. In the grand scheme of what you knew, he seemed relatively tame, innocuous even. Certainly not an obvious walking problem like Kim Mingyu, who you had been careful around so far.
And it was all fine, until you saw Seokmin sitting on the side of the pool in a bathing suit and realized just how thick his thighs were. Then you weren’t really sure what to do or where you could go that was safe. So you sought out the one person that you genuinely considered a friend and nothing more. There was one person among this group that you genuinely connected with. He had been an instant friend. You figured you would be safe with him.
“Are you hiding from Mingyu again? Because honestly, you’re gonna have to get over that,” Soonyoung said, more mocking than disapproving.
“No, I am not hiding from Mingyu. I haven’t hidden from him,” you hissed back.
“Mhmm,” Soonyoung hummed. 
“Can’t I just want to hang out with you?” you asked and rolled your eyes at him.
“‘Course you can,” Soonyoung said easily. 
Soonyoung seemed a little distracted and you figured it was okay to sneak a look back over to where Seokmin sat. He was laughing and trying to drag Minghao into something, an impressive accomplishment if he managed it.
“Ahhh, right year, wrong person,” Soonyoung chuckled. Apparently, he wasn’t distracted and you played right into his hand. When you looked over at him, his eyes were on Seokmin.
“It’s nothing,” you said, brushed any thoughts off immediately. “I just guess I didn’t know you guys that well before this.”
“It’s only the first day,” Soonyoung commented and that gave you pause.
You shook it off quickly. “Exactly, it’s the first day. I’m just getting used to everyone.”
“You’re used to me,” he said and you were worried for a second he meant it as a bad thing. If the smirk on his face was anything to go by, he was just causing problems on purpose. Again.
“You don’t count,” you said.
“Wow, rude, I’m a person too,” Soonyoung whined.
“I know you are,” you said patiently.
“And I’m hot too,” he added. Your eyebrows shot up at that.
“No, I’m not falling for that. Because if I agree that you’re hot, which you know you are, you’re going to ask me who else is hot since you said you were hot too,” you said and watched his smile fade.
“You’re no fun.” he pouted.
Crisis averted, at least for the time being.
Thankfully, the rest of the day was pretty easy and you were able to enjoy time with Soonyoung as well as some of the others. Although he made little comments, it wasn’t obvious what he was talking about. And that really was par for the course with him anyway. When you walked around thinking you were a tiger (that wasn’t all for the cameras, apparently), people took what you said with a grain of salt.
Dinner was a chaotic affair at best. With so many people, you had to spread out over several tables. It was easier that way for you too because it gave you a chance to have more personal conversations. You were fine in big groups, usually, but with so many people there often wasn’t room to get a word in. Especially when they knew each other so well and you were still brand new.
You sat down at the only two-person table, figuring Soonyoung or maybe Chan would sit with you. They had been the easiest to be around so far given they were the two you’d spent the most time with prior to the vacation. Easy. It would all be so easy.
“Are you saving this for someone?” 
The voice caught you off guard, mid-bite, and you wanted to curse at yourself for not paying more attention. Seokmin was standing before you, all smiles as he held his plate. Soonyoung was right over his shoulder and for a moment, you thought you might be saved. Seokmin followed your gaze and saw his friend.
“Oh, were you coming to sit here?” Seokmin asked, friendly as always.
“No, no, it’s all yours. I was going to sit with Jun and Jihoon,” Soonyoung said with a clap on the younger man’s back.
Yes, Soonyoung was one of the people that you knew best. So really, you should’ve seen that coming. You’d never met anyone else that got so much pleasure out of causing problems on purpose. Not that sitting with Seokmin was a problem. It obviously wasn’t and you hoped your face remained neutral while you internally spiraled. 
Dinner was easier than it should’ve been. Sitting at a table like this, it was much easier to just focus on what Seokmin was saying rather than any thoughts you had earlier. Not surprisingly, he had a lot to say and just as much that he wanted to ask you. He listened intently as you shared things that you thought were boring, insisted they weren’t, and smiled the whole time.
Maybe Soonyoung actually was good for something, not that you would ever tell him that. His head was already big enough. But you were also much more comfortable now and maybe he deserved a small thanks.
The warm feelings toward Soonyoung lasted until the next morning when he asked you to meet him in the gym to work out. You should have known something was off. Even though you had wanted to keep up with your gym schedule on vacation, Soonyoung had whined about it before leaving. Then, there was a sudden request and you were still thankful from the night before, and you didn’t think much about it.
Another mistake.
You walked into the small gym to find Seokmin and Chan working out with Soonyoung nowhere to be found. And okay, yeah, all those thoughts were definitely still there. Chan, being the sweetest human, asked if you were looking for someone and then laughed. Apparently, your friend was still sleeping. 
Soonyoung - 2, you - 0. 
That was how the next several days went. It was like a game to Soonyoung, just to get you to admit something that you didn’t want to because he knew it already. And because you were stubborn. He was doing this for his own enjoyment and you weren’t going to keep indulging him. So he’d wave the white flag, sometimes multiple times, lull you into a false sense of security, and then force you into a situation with Seokmin that was making it harder and harder to act normal.
“Okay, okay, okay,” you finally said and threw your hands up for good measure.
“What?” Soonyoung’s face was pure delight.
“Yes, you complete and total pain in the ass, I think someone here is hot. I mean, you’re all hot, but yes, there’s someone I’m struggling around,” you said softly.
“Mhm, and who is that someone?” Soonyoung pressed.
“Do I really have to say it?” you asked. You knew your cheeks flushed under Soonyoung’s gaze.
“No, of course not,” Soonyoung said and you exhaled. “We can just keep playing these games.”
“I knew you were doing all this on purpose, you fucking demon,” you hissed at him.
“Give me a name and it’ll stop,” Soonyoung responded, not even acknowledging that you were right. 
“Fine,” you shot back. “It’s Seokmin. Happy?”
“Ecstatic,” Soonyoung said.
Apparently not playing games just meant that he wasn’t going to keep trying to fabricate situations for you to end up alone with Seokmin. It did not extend to actual games, which he had on the schedule for that night. He was dying to play drinking games, or so he said, and he dragged anyone he could convince along with him. Some of them looked strong-armed and you wondered why he had left the rest alone. “I didn’t force anyone,” Soonyoung protested. “Did too,” you fired back.
“Please, you wanted to play,” Soonyoung said.
“What about Jihoon? Why’s he safe?” 
“Because that man could end me with a single look, I don’t fuck with that.”
Fair, honestly. Everyone’s secrets came out when they were drinking and you tried to observe more than anything. You didn’t want to reveal too much, that was the key. And the key to doing that was making sure you stayed clear of being truly drunk. Soonyoung, on the other hand, as the designated host, ended up pretty drunk. It was cute and you spent most of the game laughing so hard you were near tears. Until a couple of the guys announced it was time to call it and head off to bed, for Soonyoung most of all.
People filtered out until it was just you and Seokmin left in the living area. Unlike every other time, though, it was comfortable. Easy, even. A sort of silence settled around you and you soaked it in, not eager to break it.
“Are you having fun?” Seokmin asked after a few minutes.
“Yeah, it’s been really great to get to know you all better,” you answered.
“I’ve been, well I’ve been noticing we wind up together a lot,” Seokmin said and you looked over at him.
Was this going to be venturing out of easy again? That was the last thing you wanted. “Oh, yeah. I guess we have.”
“Sometimes I feel like Soonyoung has been setting me up,” Seokmin confessed.
It was the perfect opening to admit that you knew that’s exactly what your darling Soonyoung had done. The drinks made it seem like a good idea. “Why would you think that?”
You chickened out anyway. But as you felt dumb, Seokmin rubbed his hand along the back of his neck like he was embarrassed. Did he know? Was he about to let you down easily?
“Ah, well it’s kind of embarrassing? But I told him I wanted to get to know you better and was having trouble,” Seokmin admitted.
“What?” It was all you could blurt out.
“Yeah, I know, it was dumb…” Seokmin stumbled.
“No, no, it’s not. I will literally kill him though,” you said and Seokmin looked defeated.
“That’s, uh, a little drastic,” Seokmin said.
“No, oh my god, I’m so sorry,” you rambled. “It’s just…I thought he was doing it because he knew I thought you were hot and the whole time…we could’ve avoided all this.”
“You think I’m hot?” The question fell out of Seokmin’s mouth like he couldn’t believe it.
“Um, have you looked in a mirror lately?” 
“I…can I kiss you?” Despite your confession, his question was still unsure. You had both been drinking, sure, but you weren’t drunk.
All you had to do was nod and he closed the space between you on the couch, took your face in his hands, and kissed you hard. Like he really had been waiting to do it. Like maybe Soonyoung had done both of you a favor in pushing you together over the past several days. Even though it would’ve been a lot easier without the games.
But it was a weird angle, sitting next to each other, so you repositioned into his lap, enjoying sitting on top of the thighs you’d been dreaming about. Seokmin slid his hands up your thighs and around to your ass, holding you in place against him. Your skin burned under this touch. His lips were steady against yours, confident. 
You couldn’t remember kissing someone and feeling this much. How had you completely missed this side of Seokmin when you were considering who to be careful around?
You couldn’t take it anymore, needed to feel him against you even a little. When you broke off the kiss, he looked confused. All you’d done was kiss him but his hair was messy from your hands running through it and his lips were swollen. You pulled your shorts down so you could get back into his lap only in your underwear and t-shirt. 
And it was a lot. 
Everywhere your bodies met felt like it was on fire. He looked confident, nothing like the carefree and smiling person you had seen up until this point. Seokmin watched the way goosebumps erupted on your skin as he ran his hands along your bare thighs. Carefully, he repositioned you so that you were straddling one thigh, which was probably more comfortable and maybe meant that this wouldn’t be too rushed. Neither of you seemed to want to rush despite being out in a common area. 
You really couldn’t take it and you started to slowly roll your hips against his thigh. The muscles tensed underneath you and it only made you move a little faster. His hands felt like they were everywhere. They moved from your thighs around to squeeze your ass and up your sides under your shirt. It made you shiver with how he switched between gentle and firm. He sure knew how to drive you crazy.
Your hips continued to roll against his thigh and the friction of the fabric was doing more for you than it should have been. You let out a moan that Seokmin immediately caught with his lips. One of his hands returned to your ass to keep your hips moving against his thigh. The other found the back of your neck to hold you against his lips. Not that you’d want to be anywhere else. 
When you couldn’t take it anymore, you moved a hand down between you and started to rub your clit through your underwear. Seokmin’s hand moved from your ass immediately and pulled your hand away, gentle but firm. Like he was in control. You wanted to break the kiss to question why he pulled your hand away, but his hand on the back of your neck stayed firm. A second later, you felt his own long fingers moving your underwear to the side and taking over for your finger.
“Fuck,” you groaned against his lips. He still wouldn’t let you break the kiss.
This wasn’t something you had ever really done before. You hadn’t ever gotten off on someone’s thigh like this, but here you were. His finger rubbed circles over your clit and you rocked your hips against his thigh faster, chasing a high that you hadn’t expected. 
Seokmin finally broke your kiss and moved his mouth along your jaw and over to your ear. He nipped at your skin and smiled at the string of moans and encouragement that slipped from your lips. His fingers never broke their rhythm as he kissed whichever part of your skin that his lips could reach. 
“Please, I don’t think I can…I’m gonna,” you muttered, so close to a release.
“Come for me,” Seokmin whispered into your ear. 
It was all you needed to let go and his finger guided you through your release. Your breaths fell heavy as you came down, still straddled over his thigh. Without another word, he lifted his fingers to his mouth to suck them clean. And then he pulled you in again, kissing you deeply. 
Fuck, this man was hot.
You looked down at the space between you and saw the wet spot on his shorts. You had been so caught up in the moment that you hadn’t even registered that he was still dressed. 
“Seokmin, I’m so sorry,” you started and he shook his head, eyes still filled with desire.
“Do I seem like I’m complaining?” He was all confidence now, and it made you shiver.
“Well, no,” you said and he smiled. Not his usual smile. Something much less like sunshine.
You adjusted in his lap and brushed against his cock, already hard in his pants, which earned a groan from him. You were still so sensitive but you couldn’t stop yourself from rolling your hips again. Seokmin threw his head back and bit on his knuckle to muffle some of the moaning.
“Come on, we’re going to my bedroom,” he said.
There was no room for disagreement or debate and fuck, why was that so hot? He helped you get your balance so you could climb off of him and grabbed your shorts when he stood up. Part of you wondered if this was a good call. Then again, you’d already made a mess of his shorts, so there wasn’t much use in turning back now.
With so many people, you didn’t realize how he had gotten his own room and were very appreciative when he led you back to what seemed to be the most secluded part of the main building. It was a little late to even think about that, though, since you had just gotten off on his thigh in the common area.
Once the door was shut, and locked for good measure, Seokmin pulled you against his body and captured your lips in yet another kiss. How did they just keep building and getting more intense? That didn’t seem like it should be possible and yet it was. His fingers trailed along your skin at the hem of your shirt before he pulled it up and over your head. 
While the kiss was broken, your hand snaked down to palm him over his shorts and found he was already hard. Was that just from getting you off on his thigh? And you wanted to tease him, wanted to continue running your hand along him without giving him enough.
But you couldn’t. All you wanted was for him to feel as good as you had. You dropped to your knees and pulled both his shorts and briefs with you. You thumbed over the tip of his cock, spread the precum already there along the tip. When you looked up at him, you found he was watching you and so you licked a careful strip up the underside of his length. His eyes fluttered closed for a second. 
You experimented and took more of him into your mouth slowly. He groaned when your mouth moved back to his head and you swirled your tongue around the tip. His hand twitched like it wanted to hold you in place but he wasn’t sure if that was okay. It wasn’t like there had been time to talk about any of it. So instead, you grabbed his hand and put it on the back of your head. His eyes found yours and even from your knees you could see his pupils were blown. Like he couldn’t believe what was happening. Not that you could either. 
His hips bucked into your mouth and you hollowed out your cheeks as you sucked. You put your hands on his thighs as you bobbed, felt the muscles there tense under your touch. And you couldn’t help but run your nails down them. The shiver you earned in response was all the motivation you needed to keep going.
Until he stopped you suddenly and you looked up at him. He pulled you to your feet and kissed you hard. With his hand on your lower back, he molded your body against him as if any space would kill him. Something about him being so in control fucked with your mind. Made you a needy, whiny mess. You were sure he could’ve asked for anything and you would’ve agreed.
“I really need to fuck you,” he murmured against your lips.
“Fuck,” you whined in response.
He pulled away and you knew you looked disappointed. Your lips chased his for a second. “Condom?”
“I wasn’t exactly planning on this happening,” you responded with a light chuckle.
“Shit,” he said. His breaths were shallow.
“I’m clean and I have an IUD if you want…” you started and his eyes snapped to yours.
“You sure?” he asked.
“Yes,” you breathed out and his lips were on yours again.
Strong arms traveled down your body and gripped under your ass. You gasped into Seokmin’s mouth when he lifted you and moved the two of you to the bed. Another thing you hadn’t realized about this man. Everything he did caught you off guard. And you should’ve been prepared by that point, but how could you be?
The two of you settled on the bed and your knees pressed into the mattress on either side of him. His hand trailed down your body and he let his fingers skim your folds. You were wet for him again and stifled a moan when two of his fingers entered you. Just a couple pumps and he pulled his fingers out again to grip his cock. You sat up so that he could line himself up against your entrance.
Seokmin let you adjust and you took him in slowly. As soon as you had all of him inside of you, he sighed. Told you how good you felt clenching around him. Told you how much he liked stretching you out. Told you a lot of things as you started to slowly roll your hips. The pace was slow and you knew it needed to be faster. But there was something really nice about having a moment of control. Something nice about watching him. Something nice getting him to beg.
“Please,” he whined.
And so you gave in. You rolled your hips faster, dug your nails into his shoulders, enjoyed his finger tips digging into the skin at your hips. Every sensation added to the next and only made you want more. More of him, more of this feeling, more everything.
As if he couldn’t help himself, his hips bucked up into you. When you let out a string of expletives, he took it as permission to do it again. His hips bucked up into you in rhythm and it was almost more than you could take. You were sensitive from your first orgasm but he felt so good. The pace quickened again as he thrusted his hips up into you. He was so deep and it was so much. You reached your hand down between your bodies to rub your clit. But he knocked your hand away and kissed you hard. A second later, his hand was on your clit.
It was all too much. His thrusts started to falter and you knew he was close. You adjusted so that you could make up for him faltering, rolled your hips as hard and fast as you could manage. Chased the high for both of you.
Seokmin swore and released into you. His thumb on your clit had you cumming right after him and you both rode it out together. You moved slower on him as he thrust into a final few times. You stilled on top of him and his lips found yours again, hands moved to tangle in your hair. 
This time the kiss was soft, almost like a first real kiss. It was so, so gentle and so filled with care. So at odds with everything that had just happened between the two of you. It was like being wrapped up in a blanket on a cold day, warm and familiar. You had a thought that you could kiss him like that again. That you actually wanted to.
But you needed to pull away. You needed to get off of his lap and you both needed to get cleaned up. Those were some dangerous thoughts and you didn’t really need to be having them. 
If only his face wasn’t all care and affection when you pulled away. If only he didn’t offer to go get some washcloths to help you clean up. If only he didn’t offer you his clothes to sleep in. If only he didn’t ask you to cuddle in bed with him that night. If only he didn’t look so cute when you agreed.
If only, right?
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i hope you all enjoyed that! please let me know your thoughts ❤️
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theficpusher · 10 days
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Caution to the Wind
Wrecker x Fem!Reader
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Summary: For her birthday, Omega asks you and Wrecker to ride the roller coaster with her at the fair.
Pairing: Wrecker x Fem!Reader
Characters: Wrecker, Omega, Hunter, Echo, Crosshair, Tech
Tags & Warnings: modern!AU, family fluff, roller coaster, anxiety, fear of heights, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 2k
Author's Note: Two fics in one weekend 😱 I think I broke a record 😂 Even though it's shorter than most of my one-shots, rest assured, this idea was predetermined at the beginning and didn't come from my panic that I only have a week left to finish my bingo card 😅 I love the Bad Batch and their characters, but inspiration is a very fickle thing. As always, please enjoy 💚
@clonexreaderbingo Square: Wrecker
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It's a beautiful summer day, and as you walk through the crowds of people your senses are filled with the smells of funnel cakes and fried oreos, and the sounds of kids screaming on the fast, colorful, rides at the midway. Today is Omega's birthday, and to celebrate she wanted to spend the day at the local fair with her brothers. Their girlfriends were also allowed to come, making for a fun family day for everyone. It's been forever since you've gone to a fair, so you're also excited.
Omega sits atop Hunter's shoulders and points out everything she wants to do, eat, and ride. Tech keeps a running list of what she says so they don't forget something, including the firework show at the end. Echo is in charge of the map to make sure they take the most efficient path. Crosshair isn't much of a fairgoer, but he would never pass up an opportunity to wipe the floor with the dads at the fair games and win Omega the biggest stuffed animal available.
Then there's you and Wrecker. He's just as excited as Omega to enjoy the fair, but what he's most excited about is the food. Fair food is the best. There's nothing quite like deep fried candy bars and cheap corndogs smothered in ketchup and mustard. You're not sure where he keeps packing it away, but you had to stop after the fried pickles and take a break. You sit down on a bench to rest for a minute, when Wrecker walks over carrying a massive red and blue slushy.
Your eyes widen. "Please tell me that's not for me."
Wrecker laughs. "It's for both of us."
"Oh, thank God," you breathe in relief. You rub your stomach when you feel it gurgle.
"Not feelin' well?" Wrecker asks as he sits down and rubs your back.
"Just ate too much," you answer. "I'll be fine in a bit."
"Guess I'll have to drink this myself then," Wrecker says.
"Knock yourself out," you chuckle.
You continue to relax on the bench under the shade of a tree while you wait for your stomach to settle. It's the middle of the day, and the sun is beating down hard and hot. Everyone is taking a break now around the same bench, making sure to hydrate so the fun can continue without issue. You also end up taking a few sips of that slushy. Omega becomes restless as she plucks pieces of grass impatiently while sitting on the ground waiting to have fun again.
"Can we go now?" Omega asks while tugging on Hunter's pant leg.
"Ten more minutes," Hunter says as he leans against the tree and looks down at Omega.
Omega flops onto her back and groans. "The fair will be closed in ten minutes."
"Actually, the fair will close in approximately eight hours," Tech adds.
 "See?" Echo says as he pats Omega's leg. "Plenty of time to enjoy the rest of the fair."
Omega sits up and rolls her eyes.
"So," you begin, while trying to change the subject, "what's next on the list?"
"Hmm," Omega thinks. "The rides! Definitely the rides."
"Are you sure you don't want to save those until it gets dark?" Echo asks. "The lights on the rides are pretty at night."
Omega pouts.
"Let the kid go on the rides," Crosshair argues. "We've got the wristbands, so we can always come back after it gets dark."
Omega's face lights up and she tugs harder on Hunter's pant leg. "Hunter, please? Can we go now? I want to go on the rides."
Hunter sighs.
"Aw, c'mon, Hunter," Wrecker says. "It's the kid's birthday."
Hunter glances at Echo and Echo shrugs. "Fine. Let's go."
"Yes!" Omega exclaims as she jumps up from the ground.
You smile at her excitement, and stretch your arms above your head as you get up from the bench. You definitely feel more rested, and your stomach has settled since you sat down and stopped eating food. You're not sure about going on any of the rides though. You love the fair as long as you stay on the ground. You mostly enjoy the little shops, stands, music, food, and the animals, but not the rides. They make your stomach queasy, but mostly, you're afraid of heights.
However, for Omega's birthday, you will play along for as much as you can, even if you stay behind to hold everyone's belongings while they go on the rides. Someone has to do it, so it might as well be you. The first ride Omega chooses is an easy one, the carousel. Now that's a ride you can handle, and everyone can still carry their belongings onto the ride. It's not too fast and not too high, just perfect for someone like you, and possibly the only ride you'll go on.
After the carousel, the group hops from one ride to the next. Your plan of staying back and holding everyone's belongings is working out very well, and so far, no one has questioned it. Wrecker knows your apprehension towards rides and fear of heights, so he doesn't have to ask. Even through his own fear of heights, he still goes on the rides with Omega and everyone else. You admire him for working through his fear, for his little sister's sake, and wish you could too.
After a couple more hours of rides, the sun starts sinking lower in the sky and the heat of the day passes, with a slight breeze blowing in from the east. You thought that Omega would be tired by now from all of the walking and rides, but no, she is still moving like she was this morning. You don't know where she gets all of the energy from, but you now understand why Hunter is so tired all of the time. Keeping up with that ball of energy must be exhausting for him.
Just as you think you'll be leaving the midway to get more snacks and drinks before the firework show, Omega pulls everyone to one last ride. The roller coaster. You look up at the colossal giant of twisting metal and lose your breath as a cart of screaming people flies by across from you. That's one big nope from you. You are happy to just stay on the ground and let everyone else fly down that hill to their deaths. You take a seat on the bench by the line and try to relax.
"C'mon," Omega says as she pulls on your hand. "We're going on the roller coaster!"
You instinctively shrink down further onto the bench. "Oh, no, Omega. I can't."
"Please?" she pleads. "I want us all to go."
"Really, I–"
"It's for the kids' birthday," Crosshair interrupts. "If I have to put up with it, so do you."
"I don't like roller coasters," you explain. "They're way too high and scary."
"The probability of getting hurt on a roller coaster is one in one hundred and seventy million," Tech adds. "You will be fine by my calculation."
Echo elbows Tech and gives him a look. "Really?"
Tech pushes his glasses up. "My calculations are never wrong."
"Guys, please," you say. "I'm really afraid of heights. I can't do it."
"Wrecker is afraid of heights," Hunter notes, "and he's gone on everything."
"Well, maybe my fear of heights and his fear of heights are different," you argue.
"Mesh'la," Wrecker says as he sits on the bench next to you. "If you sit next to me, you know I won't let anything bad happen to you."
"Just this once," Wrecker insists. "For Omega."
You sigh and look into Wrecker's soulful eyes. "Promise nothing will happen?"
"Promise," Wrecker says with a comforting smile.
You take a deep breath and exhale slowly. "Okay, let's go before I change my mind."
"Yes!" Omega exclaims. "Roller coaster here we come!"
The wait in line for the roller coaster is rather short, so you don't get a lot of time to overthink your absolutely horrible decision. You're not sure how you let them talk you into it, but here you are, stepping into the car of a roller coaster and regretting every second of it. You chose a car in the middle of the roller coaster, because both being in the front or the back is terrifying, then Wrecker squeezes in after you. He pulls the safety bar down and drapes his arm over your shoulder.
"Wreck," you say with a shaky voice. "I don't think I can do this."
"Just hold onto me," Wrecker says. "I gotcha."
You clamp your hands onto Wrecker's arm as best you can and squeeze your eyes shut. You want to get off, but the ride hasn't even started yet. You can hear Omega in one of the cars in front of you giggling in anticipation, while you, on the other hand, are hyperventilating and hanging on for dear life. Every terrifying possibility and horrific outcome races through your mind all at once and you wonder if you should have written a will before you let yourself get on the ride.
It's too late now. You feel the car jerk beneath you and the chain clanking as it pulls the line of cars down the track and towards the first hill. Every muscle in your body is tense and you don't dare to open your eyes, but you still feel it. You feel it moving beneath you along the track and your anxiety grows when your body leans back against the hard seat as the coaster is pulled up the first hill. Every alarm bell in your head is going off, warning you that you won't survive the drop.
Then it stops, and for a moment you let yourself relax, thinking you must be at the top of the hill. Of course, where else could you be? The anticipation of what's to come overwhelms your already tense body and you steal a peek, but instantly regret it. You're up, high up, very high up, and the only way down is to let the coaster take you there, but you don't want it to move. You feel sick and you hold onto Wrecker's arm even tighter, wondering if he feels the same way.
Before you can get the answer, you're careening down the hill at top speed. The rushing wind blows your hair wildly as your stomach enters your throat as the feeling of weightlessness takes over. But before you can pass out, your weight returns, pushing your butt back down into the seat. Now that your breath is back, you can finally scream. You scream for dear life, and you're pretty sure Wrecker is having as much of a horrible time as you are, but he stays strong for you.
Thankfully, the ride comes to a stop back at the station. The safety bars release, but you've got one solid grip on the bar and another on Wrecker's arms, refusing to let go, even though the ride is over. Your body has clamped down and you're stuck. You won't even open your eyes. Even if you try to move, you know your legs will be wobbly and you'll probably fall over, or at the least look ridiculous trying to exit the ride. Then you feel two strong arms lifting you out of the seat.
"I've got you," Wrecker soothes. "You're okay."
"Am I alive?" you ask with a shaky voice, eyes still squeezed shut.
"I think so," Wrecker says, then pinches your arm.
"Ow!" you yell and open your eyes.
"Yup," Wrecker says. "Alive and well."
You can't help but laugh. "Thanks."
Wrecker smiles and gives you a soft kiss on the forehead, which you lean into to help soothe your shot nerves.
"C'mon, guys!" Omega calls. "We're gonna miss the firework show!"
"Can you handle that?" Wrecker asks.
You sigh as your body begins to relax. "As long as I get to stay on the ground I can."
"Can do," Wrecker smiles, then drops your legs so you can stand.
"Actually, can you carry me?" you ask with big doe eyes. "I'm so tired and my legs feel like jelly."
"Always," Wrecker says, then picks you back up and follows after the rest of the group.
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